
Anonymous Coward 80273444 #conspiracy #quack #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

New Theory: The Vax Is To Kill Off As Many People As Possible Before The Coming Earth Changes
Notice how the corona virus bullshit started a few months after the china lake earthquake in california?

Three gorges dam is going to break, california and the west coast are going to go.

Yellowstone is going to go.

Remember the solar eclipse of 2017? the one that is coming in 2024, when the paths of the two are combined, make a large X over the yellowstone caldera.

Remember those leaked military maps of most of the world being under water sometime during the mid 2020s? Those came out in what, 2004? Maybe earlier

Two Anonymous Cowards #sexist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #80915822)
Unless men can convince their wives/girlfriends to stop voting Democrat, Republican office holders will go extinct.

Women will vote liberal no matter how bad things get because they do not possess the logic needed to understand the correlation between Democrats and destruction.

(Anonymous Coward #78600034)
Our older generations were wise to allow only males to vote. They knew females are easily tricked into voting for total frauds and traitors. My apologies to the ladies, but this is true for the majority of you!

2026-7 and Nancy Lieder #ufo #magick #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

Zetatalk Confirms Tibetan Monk's prediction of Niburu passage to trigger Pole Shift! Last Weeks in 2026!

All New ZT!!!

Hi Nancy & Zeta's

Why are the Zeta's giving specific dates of the pole shift now? We know from all the past Zeta advice that the date is not to be known by mankind, yet we've had several confirmations lately. The Tibet Monk who was correct in predicting 2026 at the time of writing. Kojima seemed to give diagrams that confirm it would actually be 2024 after that original newsletter. Now in this week's newsletter, Zeta's again confirming in 2026 the last weeks will commence & Kojima's new depiction confirming that. Are you trying to prompt more of mankind to wake up or is it something else? Thank you for your hard work & dedication!

poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/zetatalk-newsletter-as-of-m​ay-9-2021?xg_source=activity [submitter’s note: Link non-functional]

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/28/2021: "We, the Zetas, are asked almost daily when the hour of the Pole Shift will arrive, and always respond with the same admonition – the date is not to be known. This was an admonition Jesus gave too, that none shall know the date of his return. What then is to be made of a Buddhist Master’s text, stating in no uncertain terms the likely date of the Pole Shift as 2026? This was correct when written, almost a century ago, but the celestial clock has many forces to consider and the passage can speed up or slow down, depending upon many factors."

"Ultimately, in 2026, the Last Weeks will commence. Nibiru (X10) has been drawn closer to the Sun. Earth follows and is thus drawn closer to the Sun by 30 million miles. It is within 14 million miles of Nibiru. But per the Zetas, the two dozen major moons of Nibiru, those equivalent to our Earth Moon, stay within 5 million miles of Nibiru. Trash and debris, and the minor moons of Nibiru, continue to sling toward the Earth. The hour of the Pole Shift is upon the hapless Earth. In the meantime, there will be an increasingly violent wobble, a looming Venus and Dark Twin, and a deluge of Petrol."

Anonymous Coward #80683656 #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

[Re: WATCH: Stephen Colbert labels Trump supporters a 'death cult' for refusing vaccines]

The real death cult are leftist in America who decided to throw in with the Chinese communists, thinking that after they take over that they will be awarded more privilege, power, and status, when really these types will be put up against a wall and shot by the very people for which they sold out and betrayed their country. That's the real death cult right there. If their friends the Chicoms don't get rid of them, the American patriots will. They are screwed either way, as they are the ones who really chose death, for what, 30 pieces of silver?

Anonymous Coward #46411733 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pizzagate "Kill Room" found
Ever since I heard about pizzagate, it's haunted me. The thought that children are being sacrificed, are in cages, and are being trafficked is horrific and disgusting. How in the hell have we as a society ignored the ridiculous proof we saw about James Alefantis and Comet Pizza? In the WikiLeaks email leak, one of the emails had the podesta brothers talking about how great the night was and that one of them was still in the torture chamber aka kill room. The YouTube video link I will give was uploaded 2 days ago and shows that the kill room was actually part of the Pegasus museum a few doors down. I watched another video about an hour ago where a YouTuber was getting close about Pegasus and contacted James Alefantis about it. James responded that if he posted the video about Pegasus, his mother wife and child would all be killed. I believe his name is Ryan O'Neal or close to that. Anyway, here is the link about the kill room.https://www.godlikeproductions.com/external?https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2Fp74tjBgHBgw

These people should not be able to walk down the street anymore. What they are doing is not okay!

Tesla Steinmetz #dunning-kruger #racist godlikeproductions.com

Space-Time "Curvature" induced by "Mass"

Has a greater load of steaming horse-shit EVAH been foisted off on Humanity?

"Space" is a privation - a lack of matter.

"Time" is a CONCEPT.

How can a privation be melded with a concept, and then be somehow "curved" by the presence of "Mass" (whatever that is - we still have no idea)?

Oh, wait! The fucking MATH works out, so we're good!

[second post]
The whole point of the fraudulent Zi0-neest, Einstein's, Theory of Relativity, was to rubbish the work of Michelson and Morley.

Hence the ridiculous band-aid known as the Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction.

Plenty of true Natural Scientists called out Einstein for his absurd BS, at the time.

However, the powah of Z-ism shut them down.

Physics has been is a dark cul-de-sac, since then, when the (((Math Men))) took over.

christian #fundie #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Trump was not identified in Revelation 17 as 7 Kings all that have and are going into destruction?
This calls for a mind with wisdom.

The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings.

Five have fallen:
1. Jimmy Carter
2. Ronald Reagan
3. George Bush Sr.
4. Bill Clinton
5. GW Bush

6.ONE IS- Barack Obama
7. Joe Biden-The other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while.

The beast who once was-Barack Obama and now is not, is an eighth king.

He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.
Revelation 17:

A new poll has revealed that many Americans believe the man Joe Biden in charge is only in charge of doing what he’s told. The poll — conducted by the Trafalgar Group from June 23 to June 25

On November 4, 2008, after a campaign that lasted nearly two years, Americans elected Illinois senator Barack Obama their 44th president.

Friday, March 20, 2015
Monday, June 6, 2016
Result: 444 days

On the North Pole the Sun will become totally eclipsed as it comes into view. The total solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 is unique

Obama Confirms He Is 444 In Bible Prophecy..

555-Sodom and multiple number fives
Multiple number fives (555) are involved in Abraham's negotiations with God to save the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He starts bargaining by requesting the cities be saved if fifty righteous folks are found in them (Genesis 18:24). He then proposes to Jesus, in the form of a man, that they be spared if only forty-five (TRUMP WAS THE 45TH PRESIDENT), five less than fifty, are found.

Perhaps there will be five lacking from the fifty righteous. Will You destroy all the city for lack of five? (Genesis 18:28).

46- JOE BIDEN-666
Revelation 12:12 2Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.

Swingline #homophobia #quack #pratt godlikeproductions.com

I'm just going to say it: LGBTQ = Mental Disorder

Truly, it is the opposite of everything in the natural environment according to science.

o If you believe in evolution, then it would die out.

o If you believe in a God, then God said it is wrong and it should die out.

Male and Female, of any species, have specific parts to create the next generation to continue.

Butterfly girl #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Do you believe Covid...just happened to come along in time for the needed mail in ballots? 605,000 dead Americans..

Think about it
Democrats killed 605,000 Americans to win an election
Not sure how high up the order came.. globalists working with China? Hussain?
We should be furious

And dont tell me it was all coincidence

I am not that brain dead


Your ancestors were not this dumb
They did this to us on purpose
To win an election
Why are we not out in the streets?

Anonymous Coward #76157531 #wingnut #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

[Re: NPR Declaration of Independence is 'a document with flaws and deeply ingrained hypocrisies' and racist slurs]

document wasn't flawed, people ignore the wisdom of our superior founders*

the savage indians have a smaller brain, lower iq(around 88 compre to 103 avg whitey), more primitive behaviors and savage tendencies(scalping loving bastards).

and the founders were well aware of women's true nature/purpose, they are purely emotional beings incapable of rational thought and logical decision making and have no business deciding important matters.

* Submitter’s note: GLP locates this anonymous poster to Sweden.

Anonymous Coward #31302805 #crackpot #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

A World Of Fools

All religions are BS. What is God? Which God is real? Why?

All modern science theories are BS. See Common Scientific Lies

1. Atoms are formed from electrons waving or orbiting or clouding around a tiny nucleus and contain 99.999999% empty space.

This is a simple lie. Such atoms cannot make up solid or in-compressible matters, such as diamond and water.

2. The sun is a fusion reactor, constantly radiate light and heat energy into space around it.

This is a lie. Energy must co-existing with matter. Space contains no energy, no light, no heat, no force, no field, no wave, no photon. There is no fusion reaction at all. The sun is just a hot mass. The more atoms attract together the higher temperature the mass has. Bigger stars are hotter. The sun only radiate energy to matters around it, such as earth and moon. Energy cannot radiate into empty space, otherwise, a vacuum metal container can replace all cooling systems.

3. The universe is formed some billion years ago and will end in some billion years.

Stupid lie. According to proven physics laws, matter and energy are conserved, cannot be created or destroyed, the universe must be self-existing and immortal existing. The big bang theory is a big fart from retard physicists.

4. Solar wind constantly blow out from the sun, those charged electrons and protons hit earth atmosphere to produce polar lights.

Lies. No mass, no particle can escape the sun's gravity. If solar wind is real, where are all the electrons and protons in the wind go from the past? Vanished into space is impossible, fall on planets is impossible, otherwise, earth atmosphere hydrogen ppm will keep increasing. If solar wind is real, then its direction is sun-earth, impossible to produce swirling polar lights. Polar lights are produced from westward circling sunlight energy in the atmosphere.

5. In electromagnetism, current flows back and forth in an antenna can produce electromagnetic waves.

Obvious lie. Current only flows back and forth in a closed circuit not a terminal, such as antenna. Power lines have high current flow but where is the EM wave? EM wave does not exist, a misinterpretation of electrostatic wave in the medium/air.

6. Black hole and gravity wave are real, scientists won Nobel Prize.

Evil lies. Black hole does not exist. The only black hole is between lying physicists dumb legs. Gravity wave is existing within the mass, such as earthquake wave. There is nothing existing in vacuum space, no light, no photon, no EM wave, no force, no field, no spacetime ripples, no curvature, no radiation, no solar wind, no Van Allen Belts, no black hole, no neutron star, no big bang, no space expending. All lies.

7. Tide is caused by sun's and moon's gravity.

Obvious lie. Scientists say gravity is not a force but the curvature of spacetime. What exactly is spacetime? What exactly is the curvature of spacetime? How does it cause tide?
Tide is absolutely not causing by gravity. Gravity is perpendicular to sea level, impossible to move water horizontally. Simple fact.
All sea waters on earth are accelerating to the center at 9.8 m/ss, not accelerating to the sun or moon. To be exactly, westward circling sunlight energy in the ocean and atmosphere causing tide, atmospheric wind, and earth magnetic force/so called magnetic field

A lot more, I am so tired to list them.

Religion and science are the evilest thing on earth. People use them to scam $ and fame. Scientist all do. Fusion, space mission, space telescope, black hole, gravity wave are all lies.

Particle accelerator their evil asses. There is no particle. If electron is particle waving clouding around a particle called nucleus, how can current in a circuit be instantaneous? If current in a circuit is not instantaneous, how can alternating current work?

Anonymous Cowards #67288235 and #6655394 #conspiracy #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #67288235)
Britney [Spears] can't hid that man body

it's a dude

look at that man body!



(Anonymous Coward #6655394)
Leave Britney alone!

She's been controlled since a kid. Total MK Ultra victim.

When they are done with her they'll get rid of her easy peasy. Blame it on a downhill slide of drugs, booze, erratic behavior, whatever.

The bipolar diagnosis is a scam - a means to keep her on drugs and controllable.

Her Handlers don't let her near a computer let she learns a bit about herself and the truth of her enslavement.

Anonymous Coward #78276968 #wingnut #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump is in control of the MILITARY

Control was attempted to be transferred per protocol, but protocol requires that the request is made on the executive side and granted on the military side.

There is an extremely detailed MILREG on how it is to be done, and the steps necessary to transfer operational control of the military. If there is any question of the mental competency of the incoming administration, the JCOS, by majority vote can defer or reject the request.

Mental competency is only one parameter...legitimacy of the civil election is another. Similar to temporary authority granted by most legislatures to state governors, JCOS can defer in 30 day increments thus avoiding a constitutional crisis.

That has been what is going on, in 30 day increments.

By Trump's order, the imposter in chief and his mindless lackey were refused transport on AF1 and AF2. They resorted to green screen subterfuge long enough to dry lease and mimic paint up some surplus Boeings with AF1 livery, but there is nothing inside except bare accommodations.

On July 20th, the six months of aggregate deferment will be used up...and the JCOS will formally reject the transfer to the imposter in chief and military control will revert to the rightful President. The USSC will confirm and the Biden Administration arrested.

Anonymous Coward #74482325 #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Red Cross say that anyone who has received their covid-19 vaccination cannot donate convalescent plasma to help other covid-19 patients in hospitals. That plasma is made up of antibodies from people who have recovered from the virus, but the vaccine wipes out the antibodies making the convalescent plasma ineffective:






The National Cancer Institute definition of a cytokine storm is "a severe immune reaction in which the body releases too many cytokines into the body destroying the body






Hive Mind Games #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo godlikeproductions.com

The War Between Stellar Kingdoms and Electromagnetic Hive Minds

The sun tries to shine, but they block out and ecclipse the light (limit spectrum intake from greater universe)

Stay inside under florescent and LED lights to become accustom to that frequency instead...

Devote life energy to the hive mind system(s), rely on the power grid - become further removed from Nature and under control of electromagnetic vibration

Money mind games - feeding silicon devices stemmed from Roswell - much loosh and attention

This is how slow burn planetary / human species takeover works

They rape the Earth and humanity through their human pawns, control systems, religious programming and various forms of 'blood offerings'

Humanity is crucified upon the crossing between material and spirit

Extend arms to shine your heart - priesthood inverted this into dark human sacrifice ritual atop their occult symbol of the cross (containment)

A dark curse is upon humanity

Anonymous Coward #57977784 #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

The no masks prove shedding is real

Why else would they give so much control away, they already know the freedom loving patriots who would never get vaccine are already not wearing a mask and won’t start wearing masks all of a sudden.. so now they have created an environment where no one will be wearing a mask, so whatever they want transmitting will be daily transmitting without any barrier whatsoever.. they are trying to kill us not the vaccinated.. why would you want to kill the sheep and leave the patriots alive who are armed to their teeth... this is not good

Anonymous Coward #72703472 #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

Why are GLPers still acting like viruses are a real thing?

I see all these panicked, fear-laden posts about the extreme dangers of Covid...

Like, what?

Ya'll still hangin out on the short bus?

We've covered this here.

Covid ain't real and viruses ain't real.

Virology is as stupid and fictional and bogus as homeopathy.

It's a pseudoscience.

They're studying real shit -- a soup of dead cells, broken pieces of RNA -- and creating a fake 'problem' out of it, and claiming all these little pieces of RNA correlate to 'viruses', none of which they can prove exist at all.

Of course there's plenty of disease, but none of it is 'viruses' it's other stuff.

Polio, for example, is totally fake, and the polio vaccine actually makes people sick.

As for the 'cold' virus, 'Common cold' and flu, well, we've ALL had it at one time or another... so what the fuck is it?

Prob the body ridding itself of toxins, and probably Vitamin D deficiency.

I can't totally explain it, but sometimes I think it's also a mental thing.

Humans are so goddamn stupid, fear alone will make 'em sick, so does suggestion and the nocebo effect.

Oh, and ever since I learned all this, I've never felt better.

2020 taught some of us, paying attention, a lot and really opened our minds. We learned all this virus shit is total garbage, just fear-mongering for more $$$s.

amazednotdazed #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #quack godlikeproductions.com


Think about it. His history says so. His connections say so. His experience says so. His investments and ties to monetary from both a research, vaccine and administration hierarchy and control perspective by even disobeying the US government for his own agenda under Obama regime. He is connected to the Wuhan lab and other places that have broken or relaxed protocol and been involved in other things that have resulted in infertility and death. All the test animals died during COVID vaccine trials, yet this was never reported by him, our governments or the media. He loves to be in front of the camera and it feeds his ego?

People seem to believe he has their best interests at heart but actually know nothing about him? Right now his voice is controlling our economy, protocols,your job, where you can go, what you can buy etc. Continuing these actions feeds his need for control but more importantly he is getting very rich from it. The same as others. Why do we let a non elected official control and direct the country and other parts of the world.

If you know him you realize he is evil.


Eubillicant Complectogram #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo godlikeproductions.com

TPTB (annunaki bloodline controlling earth) REALLY do not want you to figure out the artificial construct (Archon Matrix aka the system)



Humans were not created, they were assimilated.

Nature = Creation
Artificial = Assimilation

Money (Mono Eye) = Currency = Energy = Power

Deity = Worship = Servitude = Compliance

It's figured out now, can't occult it anymore, exposed in light, so we wait for others to naturally ascend to the same metalevel as light is passed from entity to entity.

Poort butthurt dark ones, need some more salt and spice with that butthurt?

Anonymous Coward #74474183 #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Women are for sex and reproduction. Any civilization that believes otherwise is on its way out.

Their moral development stops in early adolescence. See Kohlberg's Studies.

Our gynocentric culture makes women out to be these amazing, limitless beings but reality says otherwise.

They're popping antidepressants like candy because they're fucked in the head.

Vicious Deplorable dollop #racist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

[Actually his signature, which GLP does not display on profile pages. Emphasis original.]
Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen. She's illegally running.

Used by the Founders...
Book I of The Law of Nations, Chapter XIX, § 212 (Joseph Chitty numbering) – “Citizens and natives”
reads: 'The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to
its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in
the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by
the children of the citizens
, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all
their rights.' 1758 Emerich de Vattel

Oh' What the Hell, do I look like I want to die in some nursing home one day...
America must have 4 new Constitutional Amendments...
1. Drug Tests and Mental Evaluations on all politicians and judges randomly five times per year.
2. Term Limits for Federal politicians and judges.
3. Mental and health standards for Supreme Court Justices and retirement age set.
4. A 'Star Chamber' of elected Natural Born Citizens (no attorney's) to ivestigate, try, and prosecute the politicians and government employee's as they see fit.

Mandatory death penalty by public hanging is the merciful sentence for pedos and their associates.

Democrats are a WMD, literally.

Let Justice Be Done Though The Heavens Fall.

Astra Planeta #quack #moonbat godlikeproductions.com

I Was Born Free of the World of Nature, I Have Not and Will Not Poison My Body Temple With any of Big Pharmas Toxins

Everyone everywhere should join me in this pursuit of freedom of oppression.

Don’t let them poison you.

Don’t let them poison your children.

Stand in your human right to be the natural beautiful creature you were created to be.

They don’t own you, you are your own free person, stop living in fear.

We all need to stand together, the old ways are done, the government is no longer valid, they have turned on the people.

Usfighter #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

Possible Vaccine Purpose...Please Hear Me Out...

We are all trying to figure out the purpose of the vaccine. Sterilization? Some form of MKUltra/5G combination, nanotech? I have been brainstorming trying to come up with something that makes sense and have an idea I'd like to run by the forum:

What if one of the functions of the vaccine is going to be used as a remote control mechanism to basically calm the population down at an appointed time. I have felt that something huge is coming - some event that will change everything. It is so frustrating because the air is thick with so much tension that something has to give sooner or later. We are lied to about EVERYTHING. Most on here know this already and those that do not are in for a rude awakening.

What if some event is coming that reveals just how misled we have been and exposes the deception of the powers that be? If you were said powers you would want some method of keeping most at bay. Well most are lining up for the vaxx. The ones that do not will be smaller in number.

Thoughts? I think we can all agree the truth can not be suppressed forever.

Sjah ki Kahn #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt godlikeproductions.com

Render unto Ceasar the nothing that he asks of you

Your money is worth nothing, do not rely on its use.

Real value is value. Gold has value, anything you can use or do has value. Give out value, but expect nothing back. Ask for the type of value that you need from others and they might give it to you. They might not.

What belongs to ceasar is what belongs to ceasar and that is his house and his stuff. He does not own me or my fellow Beings and thus cannot demand my mind, body, work or stuff and or nonmaterial valuestuff thing. Money is a nonmaterial valuestuff thing.

MandelaEffect #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex godlikeproductions.com

The Mandela Effect is the greatest thing to ever face humanity and people ignore it, why?

I have mentioned the Mandela Effect to multiple people, quizzing them and they remember things the old way and get it wrong and say no way, and I prove it to them by showing it to them that it changed, and they go wow. And from then on, nothing.

When I first learned about the Mandela Effect I studied it for days and weeks, I tried to find out all the instances I could recall, I asked others if they remembered the same things or different to verify and validate what I had discovered and to also help me stay sane. Surely others remember the same thing?

But when I mention it to others, they get a glazed look on their face and agree with some but I never hear about it from them ever again.

Nobody ever comes to me with a list of Mandela Effects and asks have I heard about this one or that one.

None of them become avid researchers asking for all the ones I know or more.

None of them really bring it up ever again.

I have heard multiple people say that this is the same experience they have had and they are surprised by how few people seem to care about it or acknowledge it.

What do you think the reason is for this?

The first thought is we are living in a simulation and they are NPCs because a real human or entity would care about something like that. It's the biggest or greatest thing to ever face humanity.

There are changes in the Bible now yet none of these church going people are acknowledging them or talking about it or researching it. Why? How is this not discussed more often everywhere?

In my lifetime I have never had anyone come up to me telling me about the Mandela Effect or examples, it seems to always be me telling others and sometimes they already claim to have heard about it.

Is this how you can tell who is real and who is an NPC? By their ability to hold memories outside of the simulation? It's like the hard drive and only some noticed because they are operating outside of that hard drive with an actual memory but NPCs can only operate on that hard drive.

Anonymous Coward #58483529 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

There is Someone on Planet Earth that has AntiMatter in his DNA

- He does not show up on normal electronic radar because his 'body' and 'spirit' are from another dimension

- His whole body and spirit is 'supernatural'

- The Military Elite are trying to weaponize his mind to be a tool to keep millions in chains

- He is 'Chosen' because no one on Earth has a body/spirit like him

- He is NOT Awake right now

- He does not know the full extent of his power

When Will He Step Forward?

And Claim the Powers that God Gave Him

Anonymous Coward #79661706 #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

There is major disagreement in the US military between Flag Officers over the contested election and it's come down to 3 options that appear to be happening around the end of March or April timeline.

Options are:

A. Reinstate Trump immediately due to overwhelming belief that Trump won and was cheated. Add to this the direction the country is currently heading, transgenders in mil plus gender redirection paid for by taxpayers, etc...

B. Do nothing. It's an option but major players in US Mil are not having it and it will lead to full on division within the ranks.

C. Redo the election in a fair and open manner.

Basically Option B is a non-starter according to sources of 107 and Robert David Steele.

This falls in line with the timeline of many sources on GLP stating to watch the late March/April timeframe. Damage to this country is being expedited. The Deep State will gladly sacrifice the economy and the ensuing mayhem rather than go willingly into submission.

Also many sources have said the outright banning of weapons and intrusive background checks leading to confiscation is the Red Line that if crossed will lead to civil disobedience by the Patriots. Both are happening as of the writing of this post. If they pass and become law then open rebellion is likely.

Anonymous Coward #76445131 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If the earth is a globe, why don’t the planets have phases like the moon??

Clearly if the heliocentric model of the universe is correct, all planets should be seen at all times in phases of being lit up by the sun...from waxing to waning...yet you never see that in a telescope, you just see the entire planet lit up. Why is that?

p.s.-I don’t take NASA cgi pictures as evidence...

CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS MAGA! #magick #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com


Anonymous Coward #38548988 #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Get Ready for the FIREWORKS...Mass Arrests Tonight

Here is what's going down:

GLP already figured out two major parts...

1) It was Antifa that disrupted the Capitol. Trump already knew their plans, and the Capital Police were directed to let them in. Smart play. Video was posted here already. Operatives also removed hard drives of key criminal actors under cover as house and senate members were spirited out.

2) Pence is playing bad cop, and "conspired" to take control (like rumsfeld on 911 did) by calling in NG. The NG is needed for whats coming.

3) Insurrection act requires a stand down order from President. GLP got this one too.

4) Trump has moved to command center in TEXAS...wonder why there lol.

5) Repubs are using the Capitol "debacle" to stand down...why? so the crime can move forward tonight.

6) Good guys have objected for posterity/historical purposes.

7) Once the final vote/fraud has been completed, the NG is moving in to make arrests.

They are all going down...but people need to stay calm.

Trump has secured his place in history and will be serving a second term with citizen legislature members in the house and senate...just as was envisioned in the Constitution.

History in the making

Atlantis Rising #conspiracy #magick #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

Have the last 3000 years been ONE MASSIVE CONSPIRACY?

Like some of you, I've been balls-deep into conspiracies, esoteric knowledge, True History, etc for years now and I used to think it all began with the JFK assassination but after going down about 30 rabbit holes and downing loads of red pills, I now think that the last 3000 years have been an unbroken process of evil against humanity leading us away and psychically blocking us from the TRUE GOD who created our souls and wants us to live in peace, harmony and prosperity.

It was the flat Earth movement that started to put it all in place as until then all the myriad conspiracies didn't fit together. Whether the world/matrix we live in is flat or a globe or whatever doesn't REALLY matter but it shows how massive the deception is. I had heard about the flat Earth since I was a kid but always thought it was the tiny domain of batty eccentrics, and when the movement went viral a few years back, I just thought it was meta-trolling. But after getting balls-deep into it, I see what it really is about, which is spiritually improving yourself, "vibrating higher" as some call it, becoming LOVE, getting away from all negative shit, negative thinking, negative people, negative diet, politics/ideologies etc.

Anyway, the best video I have seen so far is this one, which is 2 hours long (it has to be). There are loads more great videos on Youtube but I won't bombard you with them.

This video talks about an "Event" that will occur on December 21-25. This is the real, fabled "2012 Apocalypse". Green cosmic energy will be emitted from the North Pole covering the whole world and will change our DNA/souls. We will be told on good old trustworthy TV that it is a nuke and to stay indoors but it isn't. Go outside into that green mist!

It's up to you to get balls-deep into the TOTAL TRUTH!

Anonymous Coward 66172453 #conspiracy #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

The 1000 Year 4th Reich Begins On August 2, 2022 And Will Last Until 3022 - The Final 7 Countdown Starts This August 2nd, 2015
2:22 on the clocktower on the back of the 100 dollar bill and the Skull and Bones number 322 explained.

The Nazi occult elite had a timetable in mind in keeping with occult numerology for the birth of their New World Order - The 4th Reich.


Hitler came to power on August 2, 1934

On August 2, 1934 the 88 year timetable for the installation of the 1000 4th Reich started:

[link to i1056.photobucket.com]

Note that the SS insignia is actually the numbner 88.
1934 plus 88 years brings us to 2022:
[link to i1056.photobucket.com]
Note that the time reads 2:22 (2022)

The 4th Reich is to last 1000 years.
2022 plus 1000 years is 3022:
[link to i1056.photobucket.com]
Note the Skull and Bones secret society number 322 (3022)

The final 7 year countdown begins August 2nd of this year, hence all hell breaking loose for what some call the 7 year tribulation - the final 7 years when the remnant of the plan must be swiftly and mercilessly carried out in order to remain in accordance with the Nazi occult numerology and insure success.

Or so the Nazi's believe...

And to believe what this thread says is true, one must realize that practically all of "conspiracy-land" is a result of these plans, their authors and the slow incremental clickity-click of their machinations.

The Nazi quest for the installation of this 4th Reich never ended, and the entire history of the world since 1934 is a direct result of the slow, methodical and monolithic implementation of these plans.

Three Anonymous Cowards #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward 78489893)
HITLER tried to heal humanity and restart our corrupt system of international bankers.

He was on the right track to fixing the worlds problem.

(Anonymous Coward 79509617)
imageWhich is why the Bolshevist Judean bankers declared war on Germany.

(Anonymous Coward 78215030)
imageAs time goes on it becomes more obvious. The bankers run the world.

(Anonymous Coward 78489893)
This thread will soon be wiped from the net. Just good to know that the truth is still out there and they can never silence us.

Anonymous Coward 73756696 #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Joe "Pedo" Biden just called a lid on appearances until THURSDAY! PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! Watch the media SPINNNNNNN!

Hidin' Biden just has LOST the presidential election before all the votes were even cast.....

Poor Demented Fucker and his Meth-head Son will be indicted before the debate ......

Good try, you Democrat FUCKTARDS......

But you should have known better then to rely on Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to try and take down "The Stable Genius!"

Let the weeping, wailing, and knashing of teeth COMMENCE!

Anonymous Coward 78856509 #crackpot #magick godlikeproductions.com

Telepathy is the oldest thing ever

its in fish

its in microbes

its in everything

goes way back

swimmin around eachother, acting in unison and being aware of their surroundings

but yo

get this

im like selectively deaf and all my stuff doesnt always line up

i can speak but not hear your voices for the most part...

it exists in all of us is what im trying to say and in a way would be more shocking for it not to be real given the amount of time it has been accepted by not a mindset but a species as a whole...

Maguyver #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

If the Democrats win, it's one party rule from here on out.

They will grant statehood to DC and vote for Puerto Rico giving them four additional senators.

They will pack the US Supreme Court, turning that into a political institution.

The will eliminate the filibuster, on January 21.

They will eliminate the electoral college disenfranchising all of middle America.

There has been talk of dividing California up into 5 states to 'more equally represent the population.' 10 more senators.

These things have been in print, talked about, even voted on in Congress! It's not a secret or conspiracy talk.

If this election goes blue, the republicans will have NO voice. No way to stop the march to socialism. The march to having the government control your life.

I don't want any part of that. Vote Red and vote early.

How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? Award

If the letter writer is a former Democrat, I am Leviathon.

Deplorable QuantumLove #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Open letter to all Democrats from a Democrat

I'm a registered Independent, and I found this interesting.

This is an open letter to all Democrats from a Democrat. I did not write this, but it needs to be shared...

I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given, SO
let's move on from that...

How about the division of America....
Do you really blame Trump for that?

How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?

How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?

How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?

How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...?
Was THAT when Trump divided America?

(Submitter’s note: Conspiciously absent: Any source for this letter supposedly not written by the poster...)

Uncle Intel calling #ufo godlikeproductions.com

Incoming - Oumuamua was a scout craft - the rest of the hive are on their way
Intel is leaking out of some places, to the effect that the cosmic visitor, Oumuamua - was NOT a natural object, and that shit is about to get real.

Oumuamua was a scout craft - for a whole bunch of marauding, hive-type ETs - who like protein.

Now this is tricky - coz there are two competing factions of ETs already embedded on Earth - one of which is trying to start WW3, the other of which is pushing gold as a central standard currency metal (long story)

But neither the embedded ETs on Earth, nor our other allies in nearby space - are up to being able to stop these nasties from popping by and having a feed.

They are not evil - they are just hungry. Humans farm, kill, store and eat other lifeforms. We are no different.
It is just uncomfortable to realise we ain't the end of the foodchain - either physically or non-physically.

Hopefully most of the swarm will be distracted or deterred, but the scent of so much spare protein is expected to drive them into a feeding frenzy.

CERN is being readied to jump us to another reality version, but the problem they face is that the incoming swarm are in so many multiple future variations - that firing it up could cause us to end up in a worse situation, or, it will destabilize our sun - which is even worse.

I know every keystroke is read by AI, so can I just suggest to you guys that the CERN solution is not actually a solution.

We might just need to call in some favours, lose a few of the herd, and buckle up.

Heck, it might even cause unity amongst humans - something a lot of ETs fear more than the incoming swarm.




Delete after the next scheduled L4 sweep.




And just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any worse ...

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