
The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are not just your allies and your helpers in this journey that we are all on of ascension, but we are also your co-creators. Everything is happening by co-creation, even your ability to hear from us at all. That is a co-creation in that you have asked, we have answered, and you have aligned. When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. We know that many of you are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but what you must realize is that the same version of us doesn’t exist in every reality.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. You move to another reality that has a different version of the person, the people, the entirety of humanity that you would like to see change.
That’s why multiple realities exist. They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, the galaxy and the universe. This is the reason why we will always lead you back to yourself, to your inner journey, rather than telling you about the one real reality that you’re all truly experiencing together and how to change that. It serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it, and that gives you not only responsibility but also power.

You do have the power to change you all the time. And when you do so, when you change the way you look at something, the way you think about something, the way you respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality. Keep shifting and you’ll find yourself living in a fifth-dimensional world. And that is how it all works.

Judith Kusel #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

In Ancient Times before the mass destruction began and man fought man, there were immense sacred places which were sanctuaries where the sacredness of life and all the energies of life could freely flow.

Heaven and earth were one and the same. The energies were moved via the Crystal Pyramids, the sacred waters, and the crystalline conduits of the elements.

There were men and women who were highly trained in the arts of moving these energy fields, and transmitting the knowledge contained within energy particles, and then nurturing and honoring these sacred places, with special rituals and rites as a constant stream of gratitude and honoring of the Goddess and the Divine.

The Sisterhood held the keys to the serpent energies, and thus they were the Sacred Keepers of the codes and keys.

The Brotherhood were the Alchemists, and the ones who moved the energy itself into the various channels and conduits so that this mass energy would benefit and enhance the lives of all….

Hark ye, o Mankind that those who remember their true soul calling, will now feel themselves moved in many ways.

It will come not through the mass learning and teaching centers, but it will come through the heart, and the heart centered powers within the bodies of those who have to activate their soul’s special assignment in returning the sacred keys and codes.

They are not the ones who rule the lands, and neither the ones who control it. They are known by their innermost hearts and the way that their whole life is one dedication to truth and living this truth and then being that quiet force which changes lives by just being there.

Hark ye, then for such an immense change is happening and it is moving now in wave upon wave.

Move in and allow the spirals of energy to move within you and to move within the activation of the keys and codes.

Let those who are awake, be alert.

This is the hour.

This is the ancient matrix reactivated.

Remember the truth of who and what you are!

White Wolf Chief from Apache Tribe via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am White Wolf chief from Apache tribe, and it’s my turn to speak to My Brothers and Sisters on Terra (Earth). I remember the nights, when the elderly and me were sitting in the circle in a meditative state connecting to our ancestors. During this state we traveled to the Spirit World and learned some wisdom from them.

Our ancestors arrived 14-16 thousands years ago to North America. I loved those peaceful and high vibrational nights. It was a happy time, when the only our concern was hunting and bringing food to the tribe. We also enjoyed longevity. Our life was simple and happy, until dark and deceitful people came on the boats.
Same thing is happening right now for you. The same evil is trying to destroy Terra together with humankind. This time it can’t win, as the power of Light is growing each day more and more stronger. My Brothers and Sisters are getting awake from the illusion. You are realizing that your future is in your hands. You are much stronger, when my tribe was during my lifetime. My ancestors and I, White Wolf, have a strong connection with all of you, and we are sending as collective high vibrational energies to help in this battle.

Everything has a beginning and an ending. The war between Light and Darkness is coming to the end after a long time. Your Terra moved awhile ago into higher dimensional reality, and now it’s your turn to catch up.
The negative emotions come from the mind not from the heart. Your soul speaks only the truth, and it always shares Light with others and never judges or hates anyone. We are here to learn the lessons and to move to higher vibrational reality. It’s soul’s journey, which is very individual for everyone. We can’t speed up anyone in their spiritual growth. Right now, the final phase is taking place in this fight of Good and Evil.

Be proud and happy that you are going to see with your own eyes, the Victory of Light.

Galactic Federation of Light via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings Humankind,

We are the Galactic Federation of Light sending this transmission through Universal Channel. We have been working on dismantling a few left over Reincarnation Machines, and we made a lot of progress by finding their locations. We had also encounter with the Reptilians on Mars as they tried to sneak to your planet. As you can see, we are busy to trying to keep the peace.

All of the events on Earth have been engineered by pure evil. Right now, the Corrupted Souls want to push you to the limit in desperation of survival as the prices are going to continue to skyrocket for daily necessities. Remember, you are multidimensional beings, and you have enough power in you to win. Don’t let fear to control your life.

Your governments don’t have any authorities over humankind unless you allow them to be. You need to unify and start the clean up. Don’t wait, when the rest of population wakes up. Many of them are going to continue to be asleep, and stay in 3D reality. Their evolution is going happen in their timing.

The special forces are dismantling bioweapon labs, nuclear nukes and etc. in Ukraine. These type operations are going to start in different locations worldly. Please, open yourselves to the real truth. Don’t listen anymore to the Fake Media. The one who claims to be the Queen of Canada is imposter, and it’s implanted by the Khazarian mafia. Some of the channelers are also brainwashed and controlled by the Dark Entities.

The Light Warrior’s responsibilities are to put an end of the evil existence on Mother Earth. Please, stop entertaining negative emotions and start living in high energies., which enriching and helping in the transition to a New World. You can’t allow anymore to be exploited by the Darkness. The Dark Entities are exposing themselves each day more and more, and their hidden agendas are coming to the Light.

Stay Positive and Strong
The Galactic Federation of Light

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #racist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God of Gods coming today to talk about the events that are concerning all of you in your reality.

The year of 2022 is a final chapter for humanity in a fight with the Darkness.
The Ukraine has been infested by Khazarian mafia for a very long time. They have their bases underground, which they have been using for human trafficking, drugs and etc. Open your heart and do daily meditation to support the fight of Light. You have seen, what the Darkness has done for the peaceful demonstrations in Canada. These entities are not going to give up, unless you remove them one by one from their positions.

Humanity needs to unify by getting everyone on your side police, military and etc. in your fight against the Corrupted Souls. It’s very important to stay in high vibrations and not to be effected by lies and deceptions. Everyday day more people are waking up and noticing that something is wrong with their reality. The Darkness showed their real colors in Ottawa, and the events there were an eye opening for many.

The Khazarian assaulters were use instead a real police to remove peaceful protesters in Ottawa. Please, don’t get frightened and just trust Divine all that shall pass. You can’t remove these entities without using the special forces, as they will never surrender peacefully. After they are captured, I am going to send their souls to the Universal Consciousness, so they can’t reincarnate anymore and cause any more disturbance anywhere else in the Cosmos.

This is your planet, and it’s your responsibility to take Gaia back from the Darkness and create a new high dimensional reality. This is about saving habitants and the planet, otherwise it will be nobody left, as the Dark Entities are going to kill everybody. The life means nothing to them.

Please, always remember you came from different Star Systems to save this planet, and you done that before. It’s not your first time liberating the realities from the Corrupted Souls.

Alrhoniah and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Alrhoniah step forth. (I am seeing a massive spiky silver dragon that glows.) I speak for the whole of my dragon brothers and sisters tonight. We are ancient, we are wise. We have seen humanity from its birth to its maturity. We have seen many wanderings and misguided steps, many misadventures.
I Alrhoniah am speaking. Alisheryia is my sister by birth, we were hatchings together and have grown older and wiser together. Many of you will be reunited with your dragon selves, your dragon families and it causes a catch in your throat like it does in ours. (I am seeing a tear that becomes steam from his eyes). The time has arrived for you to speak your truth and to shine like the sun.
I Alisheryia am speaking. Thank you, brother. (They touch snoots). I am sending you my blue light. I am covering you with my blue wings. All is about to change. The invasion, the propaganda, the skirmishes of pain and blood on your realm are to end. But this current unfolding - do you see - do you see it is the only way to keep people from complacency? To unite themselves and collectively roar? The time has come to stand, dragon tall. And you are tall. To stand dragon proud. Be proud. Be proud of the Source beings that you are, be proud of your tenacity to make it to this moment. Be assured of your victory and be assured it will not be easy. Be we think you would be disappointed a bit if it was. The dark will not relinquish easily. Just as they ravaged other worlds they are deeply trying to keep their talons deep into Gaia’s flesh. But it is not to be. Gaia has spoken and she will be honored.
We have much hope for you. There is only hope, solid faith, and then the light will come. The light will occur when you are all lit and the tuning fork frequencies of alignment with Source are ready. A great mystery. We dragons are not privy to the inner workings of the Creator’s mind. But we know the Creator’s heart. And we know of the love that surrounds this moment.

The Keeper of Time/Espavo #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day with great joy to look at you all upon the Earth. When you hold hands in this way, you focus your creative intent to come together to do something is absolutely amazing. Your energy and your light is starting to grow on planet Earth. There’s much coming with this process.
300-Year Time Travelers

This is why many of you came and some have actually transferred back here through time-space. Yes, some 300 years in the future is where you have come from with contracts to bring light to the game unfolding on Earth. Many will want to know what life is like 300 years in the future, yet that was not the intent of their journey. Rather, it was to plant seeds of light in critical places, making the transition to the next higher state easier and with less fear.
Well, dear ones, you made it 300 years back from the future. It was not an easy journey, yet here you are. Oh yes, very few of you recognize that or even know it deep within your heart. Although it resonates as truth, you don’t have all the proof. You like to have scientific evidence, but right now just know that you are in the perfect place at the perfect time. You have avoided World War III, four times in just the last eight years and that alone is profound. Well done, dear ones.

These are grand times on Earth. Your seat has been reserved, waiting for you to return from some 300 years in the future. You made it, dear ones, welcome Home. We greet you in this way and ask you to treat each other with respect. Looking in the eyes of God is not easy, but you do so every time you make eye contact. Nurture one another at every opportunity and hold those doors open for each other. Play well together. I am the Keeper of Time.

Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #god-complex voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Father, Prime Creator, coming through Universal Channel to help to see what really happened on Mother Earth.

The dark ones created a holographic reality, which was imposed on humanity for thousands and thousands of years. The rulers created it to enslave you and keep you living in an illusion, so everybody got stock and was not capable to see that is a false world.
Your planet became like a video game, where all events are preplanned and manipulated. To move from one scene to another scene you were paying your way emotionally and physically. Every celestial being was born with a right to be free, have a shelter and food for free.

The illusionary world made you to believe that you live a real life, which was was built on lies and deceptions. You were living a bad dream, which is going to end soon, and you are going to wake up from it. The Darkness didn’t expect the interventions from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics or me to help to save humankind.

The Negative Entities continuously brainwashed humans and purposely deleted memories from previous lives. They are going to be removed one by one from this planet. This is My Command as the Prime Creator. They are destined to loose their souls for all violations and crimes against humanity.

The powerful energies and assistance from the Masters and Galactics are going to turn around the outcome of the war between Light and Darkness. Their plans of eliminating most of Earth population failed. My Beloved Children are standing up for themselves and their families against tyrannical governments.

You are Me, and I am You. We are all in this together. The illusion is broken, and humankind is moving to the Golden Era. The power of Light right now is shifting the foundation of your planet, and it’s going to dissolve this holographic realm. Mother Earth also assisting in this transition. Your memories, special powers are going to come back, and your bodies transform to handle 5D density.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Message from JFK

Keep On Truckin’!

I truly wish I could find a way to turn off all of the televisions that have the False Mainstream Media playing, especially in the Lightworkers and Patriots’ households! It does no one any good to listen to those boneheads! Most of the celebrity news anchors are not even human…they are either clones or hybrids of dark ancestry. So, please…your lives will be so much less stressed and filled with angst if you make the choice to turn off your televisions (and your phones if it is also conveying dark information)...and you will also find yourself with a LOT of extra time with which you can then do things that actually make you happy! I say YES to Happiness!
I am so very very proud of all our truckers! They are doing a magnanimous deed which will go down in history…our true history. The way that all who are involved in these Freedom Convoys are steadfastly staying peaceful, even during stressful situations which arise with the police, etc, is also wonderful to watch. As I hope you can see now, almost every faction of the government now has its “Light” faction, and it’s “Dark” faction…which means we have come a long way, baby! It is so wonderful when we see some of the police force refusing to arrest its own citizens…and sometimes, even putting down their batons, and joining them! So very wondrous, indeed!

So, I just wanted to stop by briefly to try to lift your spirits a bit…because we are getting closer and closer to the finish line…a line which will set all deceptions straight, and will begin to share the Light of Truth, instead. When you feel happy then you are raising your own energy and vibration levels and those vibrations will emanate out into the world, and will also help to raise the energy levels of those around you, and of the whole collective, in fact.

Michael Love and The Pleiadians #conspiracy #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com










The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are often pleasantly surprised by humanity and the way that you can have these sudden bursts of high-frequency vibrational states of being. We see many of you jumping timelines and going to much better realities in the blink of an eye, because you are willing to do the work that is necessary on yourselves and that enables you to keep up with the energies of ascension, which are energies of transformation. Ascension is not about just taking you to a better place because you’ve been a good person. Ascension is about helping you to transform yourselves from within, which then creates the better place around you. And that’s what you’re doing all the time.
And so, when you surrender to what you’re feeling happening all around you, energies that are supportive of your transformation and of ascension, you can let go of control, you can go with the flow, you can let yourself be taken to the better feeling timeline. It’s easy when you stop trying to figure it out. It’s easy when you let go of the mental gymnastics and all the mental processing, and instead you let yourself feel into what is happening and do the emotional processing and the vibrational activation that you want to experience.

This is how the universe works; it’s quite simple, really. And once you get the hang of it, you can live however you want to live, and go wherever you want to go, and even be whomever you want to be. It just takes a little bit of focus. You have to focus in an appropriate way, because you’re always focusing on something, but you’re not always paying attention to how you feel about what you’re focusing on. When we see people caring more about how they feel, that’s when we see the giant leaps, the sharp left turns, and the huge spikes in the vibration of the overall human collective consciousness. And that is what we like to see, and that is why we keep giving you the instruction manual and then supporting you in all of those endeavors.

Fire Salamanders via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Heat. Fire. Light. Warmth. We are the fire Salamanders of inner Earth, of the hidden places within the Mother. We wait. We sit. We assimilate. We feel the energetic changing deep within the Mother, within the hidden places of dark and thought. The light penetrates our beings fully now. We glow.
We are the Fire Salamanders of light, of change, of transmutation. Our bodies glow. We see your forms glow with excitement when you are in alignment with your highest truth. You were all sent here to do as we do. To glow and absorb the light so you could share it on the surface with the others who are stumbling around in dark rooms. Our rooms are dark but we light them up! You are doing the same on the troubled surface. We say again, cool waters are coming to quench the fires. The divine feminine is rising and the divine masculine is healing. (I am seeing the land mass of Mu rising within the pacific. I am seeing earth changes. I am seeing and feeling the energy of cooling of heated emotions on battle fronts so that no one remembers why they were fighting. I am feeling peace. I am in a deep dark cavern with high walls and these little beings are neon bright glowing all around me, stacked up high along the walls on little stony outcroppings. It is cool and damp. There are drips of cool water from the cave ceiling and when the water touches their skin it sizzles. They are burning with heat and light.)

Humankind, Gaians of old returned, do not fear the changes. You came here to assist with change. You are the change. You are part of this great wave of change. The dark ones …. We send them this light of change and we watch their removal. Mother has decreed. Father has orchestrated. Gaia is responding. Gaia, patient mother, waits no longer. The cosmic alignments are in place. New Earth awaits. Do not be discouraged. See fully. See clearly. See with your heart. Feel the connection all around. Absorb the light and share it with those who have not found it yet.

Michael Love and The Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com









Friday, JanuCrystalline Kingdom via Natalie Glasson #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings and love, we are the collective energy of the Crystalline Kingdom. We are the spirits that exist within the crystals upon the Earth and yet we also exist as a collective energy on the inner planes. We support and are involved in major ascension shifts for the Earth and for all, as we the Crystalline Kingdom are able to exist within all dimensions, which means that it is easy for us to anchor high vibrational light into the Earth. It is our purpose to bring forth, emanate and also amplify the light of the Creator. We bring forth pure vibrations of light that often have intentions or a powerful purpose.

We are aware of the Over Lighting Project. We are aware of the current or river of light that is flowing from the inner planes into all dimensions and especially into the Earth in order to penetrate cells and anchor supreme light, so the truth may activate to further enlighten all. We wish for you to know that the Crystalline Kingdom are supporting this current of light. We are sending into this current of light pure white light from the Crystalline Kingdom, this has a purpose of anchoring into the root chakra of the Earth and also the root chakras of all beings upon the Earth. As this pure, crystalline white light anchors into the root chakras of all, our intention is to support the cleansing of anger. Anger is a powerful energy and emotion. It is needed in the human reality; it is a reaction that is essential and allows you to learn a lot about yourself.
There are many beings upon the Earth holding anger in their root chakras which requires healing and transformation. We the Crystalline Kingdom wish to bring forth our pure white light, which is anchored into the Over Lighting Project, the current of light. This means that when you absorb and call forth the Over Lighting Project you can ask to specifically connect with, ground and embody the Crystalline Light in order to cleanse your root chakra and to cleanse the anger present.

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This new alliance keeps expanding it includes right now over 200 different civilizations, who want to live in peaceful environments.

Ashtar mentioned in his last message that the Star Wars is not a science fiction, and it’s the truth. For long time many civilizations have been attacked by the Dark Forces and their planets were destroyed or damaged by them. They love wars and destroy advanced and peaceful worlds. If you can see we have own challenges in our realities.

The Mother Earth is going to become a free and independent planet. The high energies pouring and lifting everyone’s spirits and waking up many ones from the long sleep.

The Darkness already lost, and each moment their holographic reality cracking like ice into pieces. I have been observing Mother Earth since my last visit thousands years ago, and I can tell you that these Corrupted Souls are not in charge anymore even it seems like they are.
The Dark Entities can’t stop the rising storm, the humans reach their limit of being pushed, having bare minimum to survive. They have been stealing trillions from humanity and treating them with Draconian Health System. I am very happy to see that your Matrix is collapsing and humankind shifting into a New Earth. It’s long overdue for this liberation.

My daughter is living on your planet, I mentioned previously in my messages. Her mission has been announced to her awhile ago. She is going to represent the Galactic Federation of Light and Planetary InterGalactic Coalition as the Ambassador. Her name announcement will come in Divine Timing, when the most of hidden truths surface into the Light.

Erena Velazquez/“Supreme Father of Fathers” voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God of Gods, and I am coming today through Universal Channel with a new message. This is my third appearance on the request of the Prime Creator.

The Universal Laws have been violated by the Dark Forces on your planet. Lately, they have been enforcing on you their rules such as the tests, shots, regulations and etc. by violating your free will. I am not going to stand anymore, and just observe these events. The Galactic Federation of Light actively is going to start the intervention on your planet in a more visible manner by removing openly the Outworlders and the Controlling Elite from their positions.
The Archons, Orions, Reptilians and other ones are going to be taken to the Central Sun to face their punishment. The Galactics started their intervention in the way to help to liberate your world that humans are going to notice. Recently, too many times the free will has been violated by the Darkness, so I decided to step in. The planet is going to be overflown with high vibrations in order to cleanse all layers from these negative energies, which dominated for thousands of years.

Now, Mother Earth is moving clockwise, the Prime Creator and I corrected her spin, before she was spinning the wrong direction. This change is going to speed up the process of leaving 3D reality. A lot of souls are leaving their physical bodies in this moment, as they are not ready yet, to move to New Era. Don’t be sad, if your loved ones leave you behind. You are going to see them again under better circumstances. This is part of their spiritual development.
The anger, disappointment, sadness and despair are going to be replaced with happiness and laughter. All of the pieces of the puzzle are coming together according to the Divine Plan. Follow the Truth, and leave behind the False Prophets, who operate from the Ego and False Pride by bringing the confusion and lies to the Truth Seekers.

Divine Sophia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Sophia, the feminine Christ consciousness, divine mother to all. I love you dearly. Many of you such has this one and many light workers and channelers, many of you have been in the void, and so you have not felt that you could easily or as easily connect with your loving ascended beings of light. But it is because of the recalibration. You have been within the spaces of the in-between. Much like turning a radio station in between stations there is static, there is misalignment. As you continue to rise inter-dimensionally and in your own inner vibratory frequency, there is an alignment that will make your channeling stronger, your connection stronger, for you will be more coded to the higher dimensional realities of which you are already a key component. You are all key components, key parts, key codes. You are the codes to the safe and Nova Gaia lies within. It is within you. The codes are coming online and the answers lie within.
I am the Divine Sophia, Feminine Christ. I am fully returned to earth. I am lighting up now through my key codes, my precious eyes and ears reading and listening to these words, I am lighting YOU up and we are creating another inter-dimensional cosmic web of glowing light, another tapestry overlay of the Christ. My beloved one. Much like the twin flames are going to be coming together, so am I returning fully to my beloved one, energetically. There are many, many examples of fully embodied male and female Christed coupling. And there will be many more. For I am returned. (I am seeing golden glowing roses falling from the sky and landing in people's hearts drawing them towards their twin flames.) The clock strikes 12. The hour is nigh. All is in divine order. All is perfectly orchestrated. Remember this space of darkness, of safety, of rest. I will meet you here, I will enliven you so that you can face the coming days of change and upheaval. Approach it knowing you are one with me.

Ivo of Vega/Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I have an issue with this whole world. I don't want to even be here but I'm stuck. I tried to fit in and it didn't work. I would prefer to go home but I can't. It seems I'm committed although Ivo has promised to take me back to Vega and show me our house and I can meet my children and grandchildren. That'll be nice.
Ivo: He would have made a suitable choice of partner but you were still going through your awakening process, which yes, did start in childhood. And you had stopped dating by the time you were 30 and this was 10 years later. Besides that, you were trying to go to Sweden to find a Nordic man, because you thought I was there. You thought to find people who looked like you would be a good start, not thinking of course that you are Dutch. The most Nordic looking people on earth are in Sweden. Our language, Elteric, is similar to Swedish in fact. You were looking for me and remembering that much of Tiannia that you felt you were Swedish.

Me: See how confusing awakening for a starseed can be, folks? I've got more stories about trying to remember Ivo. Well, this guy was Italian, not Swedish. I just knew that the right man was a Nordic. I didn't realize he wasn't on earth, though. ...Sven, Var är du? Ulf, Var är du?

I see Swedes and I see Pleaidians. It's the angular high cheekboned faces with the slanted eyes and I see Pleiadians. Look at Melania's eyes, those are Pleiadian eyes. Wow!
Me: So I live in quiet here with my cat. There's no reason to go into drama at all. People need to realize that. Becoming dramatic over a small thing like most dramas are just makes them a lot worse.

Ivo: There is no need for this. Your home life was rife with upset as a child, so you have created the opposite now and are enjoying it. You would have liked to have some friends to have a meal with and perhaps one could play guitar and you could sing but this was not meant to be. Now your time in 4D earth draws to a close.

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am John F. Kennedy, the President of United States, and I am happy to speak today to all of you through the Universal Channel. I want to wish Merry Christmas to everyone, who are celebrating with their families, friends or loved ones.

Almost two years passed since, the Dark Souls released the lab created germs to the atmosphere, and started slashing with each day away your liberties of doing things the way you used to do, without any restrictions like where you want to travel or dine out. Now, it’s the time to reflect about your life, if you are happy, what is next and how much longer you are going to tolerate this nonsense implied on you by the World Governments.
During my lifetime on Earth, a lot of people were quite awake, to block that the Darkness pushed the drugs on the population in Seventies with the purpose to put everyone back to being brainwashed and asleep. Right now, the Dark Entities doing again by letting drugs be accessible by approval of FDA. Please, don’t buy foods with hemp, they are going to effect your thinking. They want to slow down the process of the changeover.

The operation Freedom, which is lead by Alliance, continues to arrest the criminals, who committed the crimes against the people, and rescue women and children from the sex trafficking and being sacrificed by Satanists. Right on, you can’t see with your own eyes yet, it’s purposely done for your safety. Some scenes, which the Special Forces encountered, could brake your heart. The truth will be unveiled in proper timing.

Meantime, let’s go of anger, fear, greed and etc. to move yourselves into high energies.
You are receiving incredible amount of Light and Support from outworlders, who are looking forward to your liberation.
Foresee your own amazing future with incredible adventures like meeting different civilizations, traveling to other Galaxies and etc.

Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I want to let you guys know that I got a message from Ashtar Sheran, while channeling his book, that I may be in trouble here in Canada. I am an active resistor of the government, which is trying to go communist, and we all know what commies do to their resistors. We've known for a while they've been creating “covid resorts” here in Canada, apparently for travelers who need to quarantine for two weeks. They say there's nothing to fear, that's all they're going to use them for. As if! I also know that the Chinese Red Army landed in Canada a couple years ago, and they've been strangely quiet. Ashtar told me that they're using the census responses and checking them against the vaxx records, and if you're in there and not vaxxed, they're going to come to get you and take you to their concentration camps. They're determined to kill us, one way or another, folks. If you won't do the jabb, they'll find another way to get you. Well, I'm not in the census because I refused to fill it out, even having been threatened with a $500 fine. I told them to get off my property. Ivo is watching them to see if they're coming for me, and he's asked me to pack bug out bags and finish packing my house so that he can take me up into his ship if need be. If there's no threat, then it's for nothing but better safe than sorry.
Ivo's got my back and it would be great being on his ship living with him instead of pining for him all the time. I was hoping that my re-introduction to Ivo would be more romantic than this ugly scenario but it is what it is. Canada is not fighting back enough and it's people who are resistors who are going to be targeted.
We'll still be buying the house in 5D and setting up a TV station and a light city, and perhaps a social media site, but this would just be one more step before that happens.

Anyway, thought I would tell you because I keep you up on things.

Galactic Federation of Light via Dancing Dolphin #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The first thing that you may notice when the Ascension Event begins to happen, (if you are on the side of the planet where people are awake and going about their day), is that people will suddenly become quiet. If they are driving a car, they will pull over because their Higher Self is telling them to do so. So, whatever people are doing, they will suddenly stop and be quiet. We account for things such as flying airplanes, people going very fast in cars, trains or ships. We watch over and protect them.

The people on the dark side of the planet will experience this while they are asleep. In this manner, you will dream the experience. Everyone will dream the experience. Honestly, people will dream of some mode of transportation, and they will get off this transportation at the appropriate spot for them.

People will go to the area that feels comfortable to them, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D or higher. When they get there, they will rest for a bit more, they literally are going there in their bodies. They will dream the experience but wake up there in their bodies. You will not feel afraid, you will feel a bit confused but your Angel guides, your Spirit guides and/or your Higher Self will be there to talk you through it.

We give you these examples of what the Ascension Event may look like in your world with the hope that this information will be a comfort to many. We know that there is concern regarding the separation of your family and friends who may end up in a different destination than you. When that happens (because it will happen to many different people), you will not mourn them as if they are dead. You will understand that you went to where you were meant to go, and they did the same. You will feel connected to them, you will still remember them. You will mourn their loss, but not as if they were dead. You will feel comforted. As we stated earlier, your Angel and Spirit Guides and Higher Self will always be with you to provide understanding.

Atlantean Civilization via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings Dear Ones,

We are Atlantean Civilization sending high dimensional waves to humans who are still asleep, to wake them up, and not to miss their chance to participate in Ascension.

Our appearance in this time is not coincidental, we were waiting for this opportunity for a long time. We lived on your planet millions years ago in Atlantis, which sank into the ocean. Many versions of the stories about our existence have been written, Plato was the first one, who mentioned about Atlantis in his writings.

Atlantis was built on island for safety reasons to protect ourselves from outworlders and other entities. We reached the six dimension in our development. We used a lot different type of Crystals, they are alive like you and us. Everything in the Cosmos is alive. We used them to power and protect Atlantis.
The egos can take the best of any society, and one day a catastrophic event took place, our beautiful and full of lights Atlantis sank to the ocean. The Dark Soul Atlanteans purposely destroyed the foundation, which gave support to keep the island above water. Most of the survivors left your planet and found a new home in the Star System, where the sky changes its colors, and we can stay hidden from the unfriendly entities.

So far, no one disclosed correctly the location of Atlantis on your planet, only we and the Universal Truth Keepers know the correct place. For now, it needs to continue to be a secret. The past needs to be the past, it is a reason, why it’s the past. We don’t want that humanity repeat our mistakes by letting the emotions like judgment, anger, jealousy and etc. get the best of your society.

You are the Beacons of Light and need to save your beautiful Gaia. Get united globally to defeat the control of the Darkness and bring a New Era to this part of Milky Galaxy. We believe in your victory and we send our deep Love and Strength to Humankind. Thank you Universal Channel.

Ivo of Vega/Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As I drive around, I have seen blips that turn out to be some of these craft flying around my city. As I drive, I have a ship overhead flown by my Vegan brother, Merton, so I tell him there's a craft there, he sees it in my mind's eye and goes to look for a fourth dimensional vibration. Once I saw the explosion as he blew it up. He has downed several of these ships as well as other reptilian craft. I hear that they're taken out of the craft if they want to be taken hostage but if they don't, well, they die in their craft.

I spoke to a reptilian this summer who said there's a price out on my head because I've killed so many of them.

These things are all over the place, folks. Never mind there are ETs walking around and you can't even see them. It's because your eyes are mind slided. I have seen them in nature, I have seen a beady pair of red eyes staring at me, and I have caught small spiders and astral snakes around my apartment just as I look up or out of the periphery of my eyes.

The other thing I have seen is that there are cities above our cities. I saw an area that looked like a barracks for sleeping and there was a water tower that drained into the river in my city. That explained the smell I was smelling at one point in the river. These barracks, I believe, are just out of our sight frequency and are mind slided from our detecting them, at least most of us, and these I believe are where these ships and others are launched from. Not from the DUMBs as much, but from these overhead cities.

Ivo, can you please tell us what we're looking at here?

Ivo: In fact, my love, this is what it is said to be, a reptilian craft that gases the people of earth into mind control and ultimate submission.

Me: What do these gases target?

Ivo: They target the limbic system in the brain, and the central nervous system.

Ivo: It is the part of the brain that can utilize these frequencies produced by your akashic, your mental body and your emotional body.

Archangelic Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Archangelic Collective. A new cosmic grid has been placed around Gaia for further protection. Many of you are experiencing upgrades in your protection as your intensity of involvement on the spiritual planes deepens further. All of you reading are warriors. Some are warriors for the dark that may be reading, for they have another agenda. We send them light and we send them love and deep compassion from the heart of Creator. Regardless, security protocols are upgraded.
(They are showing me the starry night sky over Bethlehem. They are showing me the Christmas story.) The shepherds were afraid of what they could not understand. The Pleiadian ship in the sky that danced and lead, they could not understand it but they could feel it. They could feel the thrum of excitement, of an elevation of light quotient and vibration around them, creating a sacred space. We wish to have you understand, to feel that you are this same light that awakened the world through Yeshua 2000 years ago. You have this light quotient of Source within you. Your are like the Bethlehem ‘stars’ that are shining very, very brightly on Gaia at this time of what appears to be crushing darkness but that could not be further from the truth. The fact that the darkness is being revealed shows it’s losing. And this is cause to celebrate, not to be in fear.
We are the Archangelic Collective. The clock we were showing this one relates to your inner workings of your inner selves, as you accept more and more of the crystalline codes that are bombarding your planetary sphere, more and more of your inner gears, your understandings, your programs, your inner sight will be upgraded as well. Your entire world is becoming crystalline and those who are of another vibrationary index will not linger. Choose the ascension road that is the highest and best, the most perfect timeline for you to dance with these energies in bliss and union.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Just goes to show you how many people are either wearing body suits and/or are demonics who breed here on the planet in order to infiltrate our race. These people didn't seem malevolent, not like some other demonics who are embodied, but I just left the comment that we don't know who's on this planet and what they're doing.

Think about it: They're trying so hard to get our DNA by abducting us, so why not use different means to achieve the same end: Just become one of us.

Me: Ivo, what would be the explanation for this story? Why would a demonic either marry a human, or why would two demonics get together in human bodies and then have children?
Ivo: My love, you have no idea who you are living with, and for most people on the planet, it is just as well because there would most likely be either mass panic or mass murders.
Ivo: For one thing, humans are on the soul matrix. These beings are not.

Me: So let's say the father and the mother are both demonics? How do they get bodies to live in?

Ivo: They are the offspring of a demonic who is married to a human.
Me: So someone somewhere like in a cloning factory is making bodies that can be utilized by what is really a dead entity?

Ivo: Correct, my love. And we have discussed this: between the embodied reptilians and other extraterrestrial species as well as embodied dead entities, about 40 percent of your population is non human.
Me: Are we going to allow this after GESARA law has been implemented? What about our rights?

Ivo: This planet will be cleaned up of all those who have taken up home here without permission. The hijacking of human DNA in order to create bodies for entities that wish to become soul-oriented again will be stopped. There is a process and there are places where one must appeal for opportunities to redeem themselves. Earth is not that place.

Nova Maxx #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


During The Final Event,
A Day We Cannot In Any Way Expect,
There Will Occur A Solar Flare,
Stronger Than All The Previous,
A Solar Mass Ejection So PowerFul,
The Ones Who Will Be Awakened
Will See An Enormous Mass Of Golden Plasma, a Wave Arriving First At Low Speed, Then Speeding Up As It Gets Closer And Closer.
It Will Engulf The Whole Planet In A Matter Of 10-20 Seconds.

Once The Plasma Will Touch Each Of Us, Everyone Will Have a Unique, UnImaginable Bliss Reunion With The Source, As Everyone Has Been Prepared Individually For Each Of Their Unique And Personal Climaxes.

Imagine, Arriving At The Peak, The Reunion Not Only With The Source, But Also Remembering In A Blink Of An Eye, The Many Thousands, Up To Billions Of Lives – Not Only On Earth – For The Deliverance Of HuMan Kind,
The Intensity Will Be Such That It Will Be A Total Death Experience. [sic] The Pineal Gland Will Secrete A Large Amount Of DMT [the God molecule]. You Will See All And Know All That Will Change You ForEver.

Going Back Into Your Body, You Will Notice That You See with Eyes Closed, Still Feel That Euphoric Bliss Of OneNess. You Will Open Your Eyes And Everything Will Be Changed. Your Body Will Be 2 Feet Taller. Your Skin Will Be Radiating Light With A More Golden Tone.

You Will Be So Light, Weighing Around 10Kg, Able To Jump Many Meters With Ease, Run Faster Then A Horse, Stronger Then A Gorilla.

Your Skin And Whole Body Will Be Practically Indestructible.

With Practice, You Will Easily Levitate, Teleport, Bend Light/Matter, Control Space-Time, And Even Create, Using The Ether, AnyThing You Can Visualize.
Your Blood Will Be Of Plasma Light And Your Organs Will Be Greatly Upgraded. Specifically The Lungs, Which Will Absorb A new Type Of Extremely More Potent Oxygen WHICH Will Give Your Breath The Power Of 144 000.

Each Breath Of Plasma Air Will Feel Like Pure Bliss.

Merlin via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello, students! My, what bright shiny faces, such eager listeners! I am your professor of magic and science, which is really all the same, but I digress. I am Merlin. And I have been asked to prepare a quick lesson today for you, by this one. Many of you are my pupils at night, or have been at least over the eons.
(Merlin sits down and starts to smoke his long twisted wizard’s pipe.) No, I like to refer to this as my teaching tool. (He begins to blow purple sparkly smoke. I love that. I am seeing twinkling stars, planets form, animal shapes birthing from the ground and running along smoky fields.) There was always a beginning, except how can there be a beginning in an infinite universe? That one has stumped me for many a millennia. (He is laughing, his eyes are wrinkled and twinkling).
(Me: Oh Merlin, we are all trying so hard down here, and we are so tired. Can you talk about the physicality of our change from carbon to crystalline?)

Alchemy, my dear. Have you forgot your lessons already? That’s alright. We are simply alchemizing your bodies into a more suitable indestructible higher dimensional form, into the body of a god. Really that’s what is going on. Your cultures have called ‘gods’ extraterrestrials who likely had a higher dimensional form, as you will. Who likely had higher dimensional understandings of the mathematical and scientific formulations, of magnetic propulsion and endothermic converters and on and on - as you will. Because you will be able to hold to vibrate with - yes - the higher dimensional concepts. The Stone Age of Earth will be no longer. And so of course you are tired. Are you taking care of your physical vessel with love and tender care? Are you encoding your own universe of you and filling it with nutrient rich foods and energies? Are you alchemizing your food and water before you partake of their blessings? Simply put you are becoming crystalline but so is Gaia.

Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Seraphim Collective. Your many eyes of your own myriad of experiences are within you. You have more access to these hidden gems of knowledge, of adventure, of healing, of pain, it is all stored within your own marvelous galaxy of DNA that is now twisting and spinning with more light than ever has before. Humanity is being uplifted within this matrix. The death spiral is now the life spiral of light.
(I am seeing and feeling millions of white feathers each with an eye of a different species that are blinking and seeing me, all of me. I feel them embrace me and within me, sweeping, sending light to every part of my memory.)
Being a repository and receptor of this light is the assignment, which all of you are doing in a variety of interesting and exciting ways, just as the Source beings that you are. Others heal through your writing or inspire others with your speaking, others expand through regular meditation or ancient spiritual teachings that are now being revived through the collective expansion of your consciousness which is contributing to the whole. Others create through mathematical formulas that are expanding the humanity’s concept of reality. Quantum physics will soon be understood with more alacrity because it will be revealed further how your universe works and you will understand and remember your contracts and your place within the foray. You will see with understanding your past pains and you will see the reason, the necessity behind those lessons and begin to learn to be thankful for them. This is not an easy assignment but it was most necessary for as Earth fell this entire space quadrant fell into the lower dimensional vortex creating a wormhole and quantum entanglement that could rend the entire multiverse, which is why the entire multiverse has all of their many loving eyes on those who are brave enough and were hand selected to embody. Tremendous help from all of the higher beings of light are at your disposal.

John F. Kennedy for Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy happy to be back and to share my message with humanity. When I was walking between the living, my desire was to expose the hidden truth. The Nesara/Gesara was meant to be announced including the reset of currency, exposure of the Secret Space Program and etc. during my presidency.

It didn’t happen, the controllers assassinated me in 1963. Later on, the second time the announcement of the Nesara/Gesara was supposed to come in the morning of September 11, 2001, we all know what happened that day, the Darkness used their dirty deeds to interrupt the event by destroying the Twin Towers of World Trade Center.
Finally, the humanity is standing up for themselves and putting the fight for their right to choose, what to put into their bodies. The Dark Entities, who are so used to getting their ways, didn’t expect any resistance and thought to eliminate all of you without any big confrontation. Their days of glory are over, and the Judgement Day is coming.

My dear Freedom Fighters, this time they can’t stop the transformation from 3D reality to 5D. Many of us who left Earth, and including me, have been waiting for these upcoming glorious moments for a very long time. The truth keeps spreading despite all of the efforts by the corrupted souls to stop it.

The time lines are perfectly aligned to help with the transition of the planet to a higher dimension. The Divine Plan is in works and no one can’t stop it, what was predestined thousands years ago, the fall of the ones, who love the destruction and to torment of live beings.

Be prepared to accept a new life and let go of the old attachments, and to spread the Love around yourselves. Thank you Universal Channel.

Stay Alert and Don’t Be Fooled by the Fake Truth.
John F. Kennedy

Djwhal Kuhl via Thea Grace Sirius #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Every human soul on Earth is moving from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th Dimension into the 5th and above. Many can survive through the 4th Dimension but others may need your help . It is as if they are asleep so to speak and nothing that you can do or say to them about the current goings on will persuade them that anything is wrong.

In my time as a Tibetan monk on the planet we had to learn to master Patience and I myself had problems with this concept as a young man and initiate in our order. Over time and with much guidance I was able to come to terms with my own impatience and my Dears, so can you with our help.
Gaia is herself moving up from the 3rd Dimension into the 5th Dimension and as a consciousness herself ,she knows exactly who her friends are .She can see through the soul of every human being .There are some darker beings who are pretending to be caring about her planet but she sees through them and will not allow these darker beings on her soil and when the time comes they will leave .

Many are talking about climate change and this is happening but it is not happening the way that many doom mongers like to talk about . You can see these changes happening but Dear Ones do not be concerned ,for the changes that are happening, are making the planet more habitable, not less. You are seeing many more Earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, strong winds and rains, and strange weather patterns .Not all of these are natural and some have been caused by the darker elements. However Gaia is using some of these changing weather patterns to her advantage and in time much of her planet will become more ambient and less volatile.
Darker entities have been on the planet for eons of your time and have caused much of the disease that you know and hear about. They have kept you in their control and in fear of these diseases. The unnatural cures that they have encouraged have kept people from their own soul destiny but this will stop soon.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Look at it this way.....

You're living in a multi-dimensional scenario where you can see all dimensions beneath you, but because you hold your frequency high, you're not affected by them.

I can imagine in Canada there are people being thrown into FEMA camps right now. Am I? No.

Somewhere on earth, there are people being cut off of food supplies because they are anti-vaxx. Am I? No. I hear this is happening in Asia Pacific. They can't go into malls unless they're vaxxed.

There are people whose children are being vaxxed against their will somewhere? Would mine be if I had any? No.

There are so many potentials being enacted right now and depending on how you vibrate, you are either in it or you're unaffected by it.
Ivo: Correct. As you vibrate at a higher frequency you experience the consequences of that frequency, and they are decidedly more pleasant than others lives at lower vibration. The other thing that perhaps you are overlooking is that you have been making higher vibrational choices throughout your lifetime anyway, and so as you came into this time of awareness of the evil, you were already on a higher timeline and had prepared for what was to come now.

For example, let us take Sharon's life.

Me: As we always do. LOL

Ivo: She is working on the internet. She sells books and does personal channelings via the internet. Now, the internet will experience some changes now and in future, but it will not dissolve. It will stay as a service to humanity. The nefarious business transactions being carried out upon it now will be looked into and stopped, because yes, there is pornography and there is child abduction being carried out via the internet. This will be stopped and the internet allowed to carry on, however vibrating at a higher frequency. When it is higher frequency no nefarious activities will be allowed to be conducted through it.

Galactic Federation of Light via Dancing Dolphin #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Crop Circle translation – Galactic Federation of Light

Star Glyph of June 2009 in England

Dear Hu-mans* of Earth,

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine.

We are an enlightened bunch who have, as you have, traversed the many trials of lower density life. Through our dedication to persevering (just has you have), we climbed the ladder of consciousness and were granted travel among the stars. This too has been your journey and it has been fraught with seemingly everlasting death, violence and darkness.

But through it all you have had help from Enlightened Beings who wished to assist, and this assistance was granted. These Beings seeded light where necessary to nudge you on your spiritual evolution. Their delicate guidance over and over and over again throughout your darkest history has been fruitful. Seeds of light were planted, and they bloomed and assisted in spreading light wisdom, love and empathy across the planet. Your society, your kingdom of many races has finally conjoined and gathered in service of the One, in service of love, and has tipped the scales in the favor of the light.

Eagle Eyes via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Eagle Eyes, and I lived over thousand years ago by human count. I want to tell you my story about my people, the White Wolf Tribe, which lived on the land, you call now America. I was born and raised as the daughter of the chief, White Wolf.

My name Eagle Eyes was given to me, because of my sharp vision. We enjoyed our peaceful lives in harmony with surrounding nature. Our ways were not to harm anyone unless, it was necessary, like our men hunted for food. Each time we killed the animal, my tribe did a ritual asking forgiveness for taking a life.

Most of our food came from nature, only a little part from fishing and hunting. My people treasured the gifts was given to us by Mother Nature. We learned from our ancestors the meaning of Love and Gratitude.

The spirituality was part of our life. We sat daily in the circle around the fire making sounds in our native tongue, which connected us to the spirits of our Founding Fathers. We were guided by them to spread Light and Love. Our existence was simple and free. I grew up in a big happy family of the White Wolf Tribe.

There were no split and disagreements between each other. Our shaman was teaching us, on how to travel to other dimensions and connect to the spirits. Yes, we were able to do Astral travels. I seen many unknown and different shape objects passing through our sky, you call them starships. I saw them everyday with my sharp eyes.

The ships flew freely even didn’t hide from us, our presence didn’t cause to them any harm. We lived long and healthy lives, our food and air were clean and natural. I was running with bare feet through our land enjoying each moment.
I came today to remind humankind, what happened to us, it can happen to all of you. You need to learn, how to defend yourselves and be aware of your reality, and be prepared for anything.

The Spirits of My Ancestors express gratitude to this Universal Channel for her courageous stand against the Darkness. Thank you.

The Divine Mother via Linda Dillon #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Reval is the Divine Mother’s Plan? Well, of course it is.

The Mother tells us: “If it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (1) How then could something as extensive as the Reval be occurring and be supported by celestials and masters and not be a part of her Plan?

Divine Mother: This structure of what you think of as re-evaluation … well, it was structured a long, long time ago under my domain, under the auspices particularly of Sanat Kumara and St. Germaine, your star family, star beings on planet and, shall we say, awakened individuals.

The plan was that, when humanity, primarily led by the United States, was ready to truly reach a place of peace, of harmony, and of sharing, these re-evaluations would be put in place and that is why what you think of as the trigger points had to do with the settlements of war, the settlement of conflict.

Whether it was Korea or Vietnam or Iraq, etc., it was to shift … not to strip, not to destroy this or that regime, but to truly bring about, shall we say, a rebalancing and to help with those nations that had been completely decimated, not only physically but morally, emotionally, mentally, to bring things back into balance.

And what has happened is that it has become a political machination. And, might I say, a fantasy machination whereby many are speaking various untruths on all sides.

And [they are] trying to gain and abuse power to manipulate those who in fact would be in a position to reconstruct societies and nations and cities of light and Gaia herself.

And what is also happening is that many are buying into the distractions and the untruths….

And so it has been hijacked, dear One. The attitudes of many involved have been covetous and not just covetous of money, which is egregious and not the purpose of this redesign, but covetous of power to manipulate, not only societies, but people’s minds and hearts

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

To all my beloveds...I am here! I am watching over you all and assisting in our greatest ever “comeback” for Humanity! We are prevailing, I promise you that!

We are going to send the cabal the biggest message ever...we do not back down, we do not cower, we do not waver! We awakened ones are the biggest threat ever to the cabal and their overlords (dark galactics). They know already that they are done...what is going on now is just the “cleanup on Aisle 10!” (smile)
One of the ways that you can truly quiet down all of the outside “noise” that surrounds you daily (so you can do your inner work) is to “uninstall” all of the apps on your computers and phones that are spewing fear and negativity. I will add there are even many Truther and Patriot sites which are not providing positive insights and information. If what you are reading does not make you feel good inside then quit reading it! It is as simple as that!
Many of you who are reading this message are advanced enough in your spiritual understandings as to know that you no longer “need” to follow these types of information being disseminated...you are past that level of need...you understand it all enough by now, so you can now use that time to address other areas of your life.

Now, for those of you who follow this “intel” information, and various videos regarding disclosure, etc because you are so anxious for the tide to turn and you are wanting to do your part in all of it...well, I tell you this now...if you truly want to help all who are working to defeat the cabal so we can usher in our New Golden Era, then focusing on yourself first and foremost, is the most important thing you can do toward achieving that goal...because the increased Light from all of you is the biggest fear of the cabal...they literally cannot live in the Light! Hence, that is why they have been pulling out all the tricks they can to dim your Light...but it is not working!

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are so alone, so lonely, so unique in your understanding and thought system. You, who came to earth to lift the vibration of the planet from its deep entrainment into darkness and negativity, you are now in this world but no longer of this world.
Human souls came to the earthly hologram to experience just this aloneness, this desperate feeling of not being whole, not being good enough.

For the nature of this low frequency plane is that our egos tell us that however skewed our thinking may be, that biased understanding is, in fact correct. And so as each person sees the world in a unique and narrow way.

Brother is set against brother, mother against daughter, son against father. Family values, education, religion, politics, color, national pride and medical belief systems separate each from the other.

It is challenging indeed to be a human being. Only the very bravest souls come to earth to refine their nature, to develop the depths of their souls understanding of the great source, the great electro magnetic power of love that runs the spiritual and material realm by experiencing the opposite of that love.

And you, our dear ones, the saviors of the world, are the bravest of the brave. For this earthly schoolroom had reached such a low and fearsome level of vibration that, without your help it could no longer survive. Mankind were about to become automatons and end the world in a holocaust.
Yes, be of good cheer. Love love love, dear ones. You know who you are, the divine in manifestation in a body, in a communication vehicle. You know what you are, You are a creator and you create as the great creator creates through thought, word and manifestation.

You know how you serve, by the amount of light and love you radiate into the world. And the light and love that emanates from you is saving the world. Challenging time indeed dear friends, but indeed so worth while.

Champagne corks are popping in heaven as your return is being celebrated.

Kryon of the Magnetic Service via Lee Carroll #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning – forever.

Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You’re aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel.

This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish – until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!

I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. “Kryon, what are you talking about. You’ve got to have batteries.” Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time – forever!

Think: If consciousness is energy, then, like all other physical energies, there must be rules or axioms. It becomes predictive science. When you start to figure that out and you understand what those are, you will have some profound answers to some of the greatest mysteries of health: The energy of consciousness is the reason for the placebo effect! Someone takes a sugar-coated pill, and they are told that the pill is going to create a cure – and then it does! How is that possible?

Someone takes a homeopathic tincture, a chemistry that is too small to create a chemical reaction. Yet, it cures! The answer is the energy and the physics of consciousness combined with something called mirror neurons

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Response to Corey Goode's post about brain chipping: “As an ascended human, I am capable of doing many things without the use of my hands - by only using my mind! All people will be able to do this when they reach a high enough frequency. Humans can interface with the crystals in their computers and shut them off, for example, without touching them. I see electricity coming out of my palms and the energy of the breath leaving my nose. Indulging in this kind of technology will only prohibit us from discovering our true reality and the divine abilities of a human. Thus far, technology and industry have been used to keep these gifts from us. That has to stop.”

I love being from Vega, a Vegan consciousness. I love that Ivo has taught me all these things and more!
Ivo: Thank you, my love. The way computers are used out in the galaxy is to ASSIST our excellent minds, not to replace them.

When you think to microchip your body or your brain into a higher functioning state, you are negating your own natural powers because most likely your brain will continue to vibrate at the level of the chip. With technology on your world advancing as quickly as it is, your chip would become outdated in a hurry. This would require some type of new programming to be installed via the internet and your brain would be limited to enacting in any way that the computer chip would have you enact. It would certainly impede your normal functioning because it is not meant to be there and its frequency is too low.

You would be stopped from ascending at all, because a bio-bot cannot ascend, and that is what you would then become – a bio robotic. Our technology is indeed sentient, but it has not undergone an ascension process – it was created using the unified field. Yes, we can utilize the unified field to create sentient technology and even new life if we wish to. However, we do not.

Xylenia via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of one of the many medical bed facilities peppered throughout your time and space. We are calibrating our energies constantly within the medical beds so that we may most appropriately and aptly harmonize the genetics of the ascending human with your currently energetic waves. It is a genomic reset, an improvement, a falling away of the diseases and genetic predispositions and tendencies that have become diseases within the human genome. The medical beds remove those for they are programmed for the higher light and the highest and best outcome. Human beings will be radiant with light, with love, with peace, with clarity. Humanity will come home to the higher dimensional light within their bodies. The medical beds simply reset the individuated human to their optimal genetics. That is all. We have many of these facilities. They are in the cities of light, they are also on some of our ships.

I Xylenia invite you to come and visit, come and see for yourselves. Come and experience a medical bed rejuvenation process. It will feel like home. (I am hearing pleasant humming in my ears. I am seeing Xylenia, a very tall thin humanoid with purple skin and large eyes wearing a long white medical coat. She is gesturing for me to come with her long purple fingers. I am seeing a massive room on a ship filled with thousands of glowing happily humming lavender pods that are living in a way. They are filled with light and soft inside like the most comfortable bed you have ever been in. I hop into one. It is prism, glowing. There are frequencies playing. The soft material underneath me conforms around me so that I am perfectly comfortable and cocooned in light. She smiles and closes the lid and I am in a pod of light, of sound, and of love. I am communicating with the purple pod. It knows me.

Crystalline Human Template via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, beloved ones. We are the Crystalline Human Template. We are forming right under your noses. We are your future template for those who choose to embrace the light. (I am seeing inside the body dancing rainbow prisms as the neurons connect, as the cells communicate. I am feeling more space inside of me, less dense, less heavy. It is like my body is being filled with rainbow light and my forehead starts to throb.) We are the higher consciousness template downloading now into those who are attuned, awakened, aware and enlivened by these higher dimensional frequencies. To the others it will be like a breeze that they cannot feel for they are not sensing the presence of the wind. It is much like that. To those whose eyes are awake and stand on the cliff looking forward into the great chasm of the unknown, of beauty, of promise and hope, they can only feel this wind and meet it with joy. Joy is long coming for the ascending human. The ascended human template will be wired for joy, programmed for joy, for hope, for exploration into the great unknown. You will become galactic citizens in your own right and you will remember your many sojourns into the fore, into the great eternal Now.
We are the Crystalline Human Template. We are connecting now with this crystalline city that we have shown this one. Feel the download into your consciousness activating your DNA crystalline template further. Feel the inner knowing come online. Feel your inner power come online, in full alignment with the light. Lovingly invite your cells to drink in these codes and feel fuller of light than ever before and feel the inner longing be quenched. (I am seeing the waterfall of rainbow light that is in the city bathing the light workers with this rainbow water that sings. I am feeling that this will further unlock more gifts of clairsentience and clairaudience.)

Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God, Creator and etc. This is my second communication to humankind on request of Prime Creator. He asked me to bring to your attention the importance of following the Universal Laws and the truth about the walk-ins. <walk-in souls are new light souls literally replacing original souls>

When ego is in charge instead of the soul, it can let you believe in the false information. The Universal Truth is the most reliable source you can link to, the connection comes from the God within you.

The humankind came to rescue Mother Christa and got stuck here because of 3D Matrix. This is the right time to let go of all the attachments and leave the Matrix as soon as possible. To accomplish this task, you must stay 24 hours in high vibrations above 3D.

Your next step is to Ascend and move to the New Golden Age. In the near future the old Earth is going to dissolve, as at this moment there are two versions of Mother Earth: 5D version and 3D version.

Please aware, the action of taking someone’s life is unacceptable and punishable by the Universal Laws to the extent of loosing the soul. Some of these dark entities killed millions and destroyed whole Galaxies. Prime Creator and I, Supreme Father, both can’t allow for such travesties to continue to happen, so we got involved as having a free will gave too much freedom to the Darkness. The balance between spiritual world and non spiritual needs to be restored.

Regarding the walk-ins, I want to ensure all of you, it’s prohibited for the reason of making disarrays and confusions, and it could cause some unexpected and tragic events. For the safety of physical bodies or host, it is not permitted by the Universal Laws, which are same to every race in the Cosmos.

You don’t need anyone to assist you to win this battle between Light and Darkness. Each soul, who came here to rescue Mother Gaia, carries the essence of God within.

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, and I am happy to connect to humanity today with new information.
Two leaders on your planet are widely discussed and looked at as being positive beings. I don’t need to specify their names, as everyone knows who I am talking about.

One of them, who dearly loves his country, was given a choice to stay on a positive or a negative side, so he chose to be on a positive side. The Second one elected himself and created laws to secure his position of being the President in his country forever. Also, he was forced to choose between the Light and the Darkness, so he chose to cooperate with the Light.
Also, I want to let everyone know that I never said or the Galactic Federation of Light anything about the souls swapping. It’s false information, which was spread by the Dark Entities. You can have only one soul that keeps your physical body alive, and as soon as the soul leaves, the physical body expires.

The theory of coming with the desire to switch physical bodies with other souls is not allowed by the Universal Laws. It would create complete chaos in the Cosmos, and the consciousness would end up being transferred to the Artificial Intelligence by the Dark Ones. You don’t want that to ever happen, AI would destroy billions of civilizations and everything in sight.

There are many fake Ashtars who pretend to be me and spread incorrect information. I only speak through genuine and truth speaking channel. Please, be aware and use your own discernment about floating false data.

Let me share, the latest intel on the event that happened in September 2021 in your world. I am not going to specify the date as it’s already in the past. There were 3 nuclear missiles launched. One was suppose to reach Japan, the second one - Europe and the last one suppose to reach the United States. My fleet destroyed them as soon as they were sent. Your planet almost ceased to exist.

The Arcturians via Natalie Glasson #crackpot #ufo #quack #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We, the Arcturians, have a special activation that we wish to share with you to support a vibrational heightening and advancement of your physical body. It is known as a cellular treatment. On the inner planes, within our civilisation, we have many treatments, many activations, initiations, and all are created from the purest vibration of light, the highest intentions, and the most sacred expressions of the Creator.

For the cellular treatment, we create cells of light. We first scan your own physical being; we scan your soul and all energy bodies of your being. We recognise the vibration you are currently holding. We recognise the vibration of your soul, and we merge these vibrations. Connecting with your current vibration and your soul’s vibration, we merge them and fill them with light. This creates for us a vibrational frequency which is the aspects of your physical body that have been healed and the vibration of your soul. This process is very clean and clear. We do not add any other light, we use the light of your soul to create the cells.

Once we have scanned your being and have determined the vibration of frequency that your soul is and your healed physical being are aligned with. We then access this vibration to recreate cells of light. When you are ready, we come forth, creating a circle around you with many Arcturian Masters of Light. We begin to pour light that is not from our civilisation, it is directly from the Creator through our beings into your being. As we send this energy, we begin to integrate the new cells of light that hold your vibration of a healed and complete body and being, and the highest vibration of your soul. We support these cells in anchoring into your own cells. This process may take time and you may wish to lie down to experience it fully.

Galactic Center via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy.
What is interesting to me as I hold space for all of you myriad souls in this sector, what is interesting to me is how you become so lost in your own stories that you forget the interconnectedness of each other. (I am in a vast empty space, in the center of delightful nothingness, surrounded by clouds of memories along the rim, like a giant energetic donut. I am seeing that one pinprick is a life and threads of light from all over the donut rim are going to it, to help and as that pinprick of light helps another it throws out energetic light threads to assist as well. It is forming a beautiful pulsing web of assistance.)
Your world has been in the throws of fear for so long. (I am hearing a low pulsing sound like a very low drum beat that sounds mechanical and unpleasant.)This is the sound of fear that has been emanating from your world to the cosmos. (I am hearing crystalline tones and sounds, light singing and laughter.) This is what has been playing in other sections of your space. Your galaxy has not been in tune. There have been many pockets of this low fear tone and all that goes with it. It has been like an angry machine trying to consume the surrounding joy. Harmony is to return to your galaxy, to your world, to your space, to your cells. This galaxy is but a cell in the All. I am vast but I am small, much like your human form is small but mighty for all of the trillions of cells - worlds - that it contains. You are the galactic center for your own little galaxy of you. Harmonize yourselves, harmonize your lives, and you will harmonize your world. The reptilians are aware of this, the dark ones are aware, the AI is mechanically aware.
Do not feel the vibration of fear any longer. Send it high tones of vibrations of love of peace and you will elevate it, which will further the energetic split. Send healing to the fear sound that this one keeps hearing.

Goddess Diana via TruD #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

How many times can you recall that we have been told something big is coming? How many times has the prediction actually occurred? How many times has a time or date of the predicted event come and gone with nothing that was predicted coming to fruition? More than likely, the announcement or event failed to occur. So, we have learned to hope for the best, but nothing typically results.

Who is giving us these predictions? White Hats or black hats? Who knows?

Black Hats love to set us up for disappointment, to disillusion us, drop our frequency, and divide us. Once we learn this, we grow wiser. We guard our hearts. But we do this to hold our frequency high and not allow ourselves to be fooled, tricked, or made to look foolish. Always take into account that we each must remain optimistic and high frequency, but don't bet the house on anything we are told unless we know the source of information is legit.

This is our new way of being, always on guard. We are the light holders, the guardians of the light and we remember, we are at war with a vicious enemy who wants to kill us. We must not let their tricks and lies break our spirit. Be practical about what is real and what is not. Look for signs and use your inner discernment, which I know you have developed carefully over time.
Then another year following with rebuilding our world. This is the period of darkness before the dawn. During the next 2 years, we are transforming into a new human species of light warriors. I tell you this so your body is not going through the stress of the ups and downs of disappointments designed to break our spirit. It doesn't help to keep asking, when will this end? It will end when the Black Hats destroy themselves. Don't let them destroy you in the process. It's time to be strong and hunker down, shine your brightest light on the world because we need 80% of humanity to awaken. This is what we need to understand if we are going to survive. We don't need false hope.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: You also live in a death culture, and this is social conditioning as well, my love. The reason you live in a death culture is because the Negative Alien Alliance enjoys your suffering. The third dimension is the only dimension where suffering is permissable, although it is used as a learning tool and is intended to be short lived. The NAA has extended this suffering for you in many ways: by creating wars, by stealing your wealth and creating poverty for you, by altering your religious messages to make you fear God instead of loving Him, they have created an entertainment web of movies that are based on fear and killing, which of course keeps one in an adrenalized state of fear while watching them. They are also highly addictive, so when you continue to watch them, you begin to develop anxiety and other adrenal or endocrine system problems.
Me: It is a battle for your mind. If you are still living life from your ego, you have much work to do because a reptilian ego will not see the fifth dimension. Thoughts of hatred, violence, killing, war... will not get to 5D.

It is easy to determine your soul's thoughts from those of a reptilian's – they are happy, purposeful, caring for others, concerned for the future of humanity. Anything else that does not light up your heart, is mind control.

Social conditioning is the means by which they keep you enslaved, but now you must leave the matrix and stop indulging in your conditioning as much as you possibly can. The more you watch TV, the more you shop at stores for non-essentials, the more you go to work, you are keeping the system that enslaves you empowered.

Ivo: My love, I realize that this is difficult but it can be done piece by piece. Dismantel the matrix and change your life by changing your minds.

King Arthur via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning,

I am King Arthur, and I am honored to speak today to humanity through Universal Channel.

Some historians think that I was a fictional hero, who fought the Saxons at the end of 5th century and in the beginning of 6th century. I was a real person, and like many of you, I volunteered to come to this planet to fight the Darkness.

During my times here, the beasts didn’t hide and were walking among humans. I have been saved on numerous occasions by the great Wizard Merlin. He is the one, who assisted me in my Earthly journey in the fight with the creatures like witches, giants, dragons and others. Not all of the dragons are negative, there are positive ones who protect Earth from the Dark Entities.

Since my early years of life, the humankind learned that magic didn’t exist only in the folklore stories or tales, which is a lie. Magic is a real thing, and many of you don’t know yet, on how to open yourselves to create or receive it.
The undiscovered powers are within everyone. There are no limits in the Cosmos, everything is possible. Just open yourself and let your soul guide you to discover your spiritual gifts. I was fearless and always believed that I am going to win no matter what on the battlefield or in a fight with Dark Creatures.

Please, don’t be afraid to walk into the unknown territory, it’s the only way all of you can win this fight with the Darkness, to become free and unleash your locked up powers. Pick up your ‘’swords’’ and start your fight for your survival and freedom. Nobody is going to win this battle for you, it’s your fight and you don’t have much time left to make your decision on this matter.

The time keeps accelerating and moving really fast, and the Dark Creatures want to continue to be in charge of you and Earth. Please, be fearless and win this battle. Thank you.

Believe in Your Victory
King Arthur

Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones.

You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.

We have given you the means to “beat your enemies with their own weapons” as you could say in your human language.

There’s a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.

Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.

As you become informed your enemy loses power.

This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.

Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.

Share your light with them. Inform them.

We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.
Your task is to do this peacefully.

The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reins, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.

This process is what we call awakening.
This is what is happening to Gaia’s peoples at the moment.
This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.

The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.

The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.

You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.

This is your time.
Do not fear.
We are here with you.

You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.

This is the victory of light over darkness.


We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light

Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Watcher from above. Moccasins on the ground, on the soft earth of the mother. Heaven hears you. All warriors are important in the battle. All have different positions. Some sneak attack. Some lead in front. All fight. You are fighting, mighty warriors. You are fighting and you are strong. You are strong enough for this battle. Many say it is not a battle but a separation. A tearing. As old skins tear and separate, all is exposed underneath. (He is showing me splitting leather pants and a bare bum. He is laughing.) All is exposed. It is not the time for levity but all warriors once in awhile need to laugh. For lightness of heart is the path to healing. Heavy hearts sink like stones under water. Light hearts skip like rocks over a still pond. I feel a heaviness within many reading these words.
I am Chief Eagle Feather. Gaia is morphing. You are are morphing. The great flash approaches. Dance to the beat. Darkness is being illuminated. All is being revealed, in good time and in quick time. (He is dancing with me and I am filled with light and joy. We look into the lake together. It is deep and black.) It is the lake of your past life memories, your portal to the Akash. (We dive in and it is not dark at all, but a vast chasm of memories.) Warriors, you can be afraid of your memories or you can love them. And transmute them. And heal them. Which do you choose? (We dance in the void of the lake and I see I am surrounded by my ancestors, and past versions of me. Chief Eagle Feather and I are in the center of a vast circle, and we dance spilling out light in circles so that the entire lake is light, and beyond is filled with pinpricks of stars of future experience.) Warrior, the light transforms all. You are not alone. I am available for dancing lessons. (He smiles. He bends down and puts ash on my cheeks, my forehead, my shoulders.) The marks of one who has seen the darkness and made peace with it. You are ready.

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Archangel Michael with a message to the Angelic Warrior Group.

We have been notified that the Light Grid is now lower by 40 percent. This is to do with all the fear and negative reaction to Vee programming.

Understand that when you watch the news that what you are viewing is not actually reality. What you are viewing is that which they desire you to create for them, nothing more. Your belief in the news as being true is a large part of the problem. Your belief in the threats of job loss, of forced vaccination, in further lockdowns and the implementation of communism if you continue to comply, will only put you onto the path where these things will happen. They need not do so, it is simply a question of what you fear.
Sharon knows there is nothing to fear because she has faced many of her fears already: poverty, homelessness, unemployment, abuse, loss of her status in society, no food to eat, lovelessness, and more - she has already faced it. And she is happier and calmer now in the face of this Storm because she has been prepared and absolutely knows that when she allows it, she will be looked after. She has a knowing, it is not even faith.

Me: I must live in one of the least affected spots on this planet although I live right next to Quebec, which really is getting plandemically hammered right now.

Michael: Yes, you breeze through your day without fearing because you realize that there is nothing to fear. That if you do fear it, you will attract it. So you fear not.

Me: Yes. Ivo taught me that. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

Michael: And should they require passports for entrance into the grocery store, then what will you do?

Me: Either get my neighbours to get my groceries, find a black market seller, buy online and pick up or there are any number of alternatives. I'm not worried about it.

Michael: Fear is not the true state of the human – love is. Earthlings have learned to fear and you have learned to respond in fear to everything you encounter.

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