Patrick O'Carroll #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie
Even Adolf Hitler had to follow his orders from the CHABAD. The Zionist House of Rothschild is one of the four most powerful entities in the world and it controls the world banking and finance system. It is part of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (which essentially comprises the English monarchy, City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).
The CHABAD controls most puppeticians in the West, including US, CA, EU, GB, regions now all completely under the thumb of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal and its WEF lackeys. There is just no way that any British prime-minister or US president might NOT be under the total control of the CHABAD. Each puppetician is blackmailed in advance of being placed in front of any "leadership" microphone or camera; and this blackmail is done by all the usual suspects in Mossad, MI6, BND, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) etc.
The beast of the sea (Rev 13:1) is GLOBALISM, whereas the beast of the land (Rev 13:11) is the scourge and sin of ZIONISM, whose aim is to install the Antichrist in Jerusalem while using Jewish "victimhood" as a front, and using as a human shield the six-million Jews of modern Israel, and it seems OBVIOUS they intend to torch those six-million Jews in Armageddon as a human-sacrifice to their godhead Satan so as to "galvanize" the Antichrist ("Moshiach") into coming to Earth to grant them the Talmudic "new" world order.
Satanic forces are also said to seek the final destruction of the USA on 27 Aug 2025, when it is 13,000 weeks old.
But the big problem today is that many are growing increasingly uncomfortable with general assumptions that the "winner" will be the one who shoots first, possibly tending to make WW3 a foregone conclusion.