
Patrick O'Carroll #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie henrymakow.com


Even Adolf Hitler had to follow his orders from the CHABAD. The Zionist House of Rothschild is one of the four most powerful entities in the world and it controls the world banking and finance system. It is part of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (which essentially comprises the English monarchy, City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).

The CHABAD controls most puppeticians in the West, including US, CA, EU, GB, regions now all completely under the thumb of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal and its WEF lackeys. There is just no way that any British prime-minister or US president might NOT be under the total control of the CHABAD. Each puppetician is blackmailed in advance of being placed in front of any "leadership" microphone or camera; and this blackmail is done by all the usual suspects in Mossad, MI6, BND, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) etc.

The beast of the sea (Rev 13:1) is GLOBALISM, whereas the beast of the land (Rev 13:11) is the scourge and sin of ZIONISM, whose aim is to install the Antichrist in Jerusalem while using Jewish "victimhood" as a front, and using as a human shield the six-million Jews of modern Israel, and it seems OBVIOUS they intend to torch those six-million Jews in Armageddon as a human-sacrifice to their godhead Satan so as to "galvanize" the Antichrist ("Moshiach") into coming to Earth to grant them the Talmudic "new" world order.

Satanic forces are also said to seek the final destruction of the USA on 27 Aug 2025, when it is 13,000 weeks old.

But the big problem today is that many are growing increasingly uncomfortable with general assumptions that the "winner" will be the one who shoots first, possibly tending to make WW3 a foregone conclusion.

Patrick O'Carroll #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

Many great historians, such Professor Carroll Quigley, Professor Antony Sutton, and Fritz Springmeier, proved beyond all doubt that WW2 WAS THE SINGLE MOST CONTROLLED "CONFLICT" IN HUMAN HISTORY. And Switzerland played a key role in that rigged "conflict".
One of the top tasks that the "Illuminati" assigned to Allen Welsh Dulles was to oversee the theft of bullion, art and other loot from NSDAP-occupied countries and regions, which the NSDAP plundered for their "Illuminati" bosses. The final transfer stage for the swag was the 20 km trip from Lörrach-Baden in Germany to the BIS headquarters at CentralPlatz 2, Basel, Switzerland, where NSDAP officials passed it to their "Illuminati" bosses, who then conveyed it to storage points in Switzerland, London and NYC. Most of the profits and gains the "Illuminati" bloodlines wrought from WW2 were bunkered in NYC because Pax Americana was about to start in 1945.
The "Illuminati" granted Hitler, and most of the NSDAP, their freedom in gratitude for having totally smashed Germany on their behalf and for helping them to perpetrate the German Holocaust in which the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided 39 million German Christian Civilians in 1914-55. CIA insider John Lear revealed that Hitler, who was a very enthusiastic Zionist, died in 1968 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.

The main train-station in Bern still has a SECRET PLATFORM (Platform 11 not accessible to the public) that has always been used to load and unload bullion, diamonds and other loot that the "Illuminati" still store in massive deep-underground facilities in the Swiss Alps, notably in the cantons Bern, Valais, and Grisons-Graubünden. By a "terrific" "coincidence", Davos, St Moritz, and Klosters are all located in Grisons-Graubünden. The INFORMATION DESK at Bern station will confirm that Platform 11 exists but that it is "not used for normal train services".

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

For every (Conservative. black) Jesse Lee Peterson, there are 100 "youths" looting a local Walgreens store or Amazon truck. The ones that aren't looting are getting high, playing the Knockout Game, and voting for Democrats to give them more free stuff.

For every Chaya Raichik (Libs of Tik Tok) or Alice Fluegel, there are 100 pink-haired communists pushing degeneracy in their classrooms and poisoning the minds of children. The ones that aren't grooming children are reading romance novels, salivating over celebrities, and sleeping with the enemy.

By a show of numbers alone, white men are all that's left. And while we welcome and embrace everyone who is on the same side as we are, the sad fact remains that we will have to bear the brunt of the work alone. The struggles and sacrifices required to save the nation are on our shoulders, because no one else is up to the task. No one else is going to do it.
Step one is to unplug from a corrupt society. That means disassociating oneself from every person, place, or thing that has contributed to the downfall and moral rot of the country. It means cancelling movies, music, television, sports, junk food, fast food, all of it. It means pulling your children out of school and homeschooling them. It means saying no to pornography, dating sites, Las Vegas, and all of the trash and degeneracy that has descended upon our once great nation.
If you're a white man who's not up to the task; that's not willing to kill your television, eliminate all processed food from your diet, and purge pornography from your life, that's okay. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero. Only get out of the way of those who are. Stuff your face with pizza, watch your football and porn, and let the men do the fighting. You can stay behind with the women and babies, and jerk off while watching the Super Bowl.
What do you say, white man?

Are you up to it?

The fate of America rests in your hands.

Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

In the name of the globalist religion, its adherents demand that all citizens behave in accordance with the morality of the New World Order, accepting uncritically - and with an attitude of devout submission to religious authority -the doctrine defined ex-cathedra by the Davos Sanhedrin.
For this reason, it is not allowed to contest the psycho-pandemic, criticize the management of the vaccination campaign, argue the groundlessness of climate alarms, oppose the evidence of NATO's provocation of the Russian Federation with the Ukrainian crisis, ask for investigations into Hunter Biden's laptop or the electoral fraud that prevented President Trump from remaining in the White House, or refuse to stand by as children are corrupted with LGBTQ obscenities.

Vaccination ... represented a sort of "baptism" in the globalist faith, the initiation into worship. The high priests of this religion have even reached the point of theorizing human sacrifice by means of abortion and euthanasia: a sacrifice required by the common good, so as not to overpopulate the planet, burden public health, or be a burden on social security. Even the mutilations to which those who profess gender doctrine are subjected and the deprivation of reproductive faculties induced by homosexuality are nothing more than forms of sacrifice and immolation of oneself: of one's body, one's health, including life itself.
Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body,and considered public enemies; they must be re-educated by force, both through an incessant hammering of the media and also through the imposition of a social stigma and truly extortive forms of consent, starting with the "informed" consent of submitting against their will to the vaccination obligation which is anticipated moreover in detail in the programmatic points of the 2030 Agenda.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I'm relaying it to show you how far down the rabbit hole I've gone on this subject. My research also led me to the correlation between UFO abductions and demonic possession. Today I believe that most UFOs are literally transports from hell.

By that I mean they are powered and flown by devils and demons. Have you ever noticed how closely sketches of ETs resemble demons? Have you ever noticed how many "alien abductees" describe their experience as demonic and their captors as looking like demons?

What is their purpose? That I do not know. Perhaps their intent is to steer humanity away from God. Perhaps they are a manifestation of the "signs and wonders" of the end times. We are told in Mathew 24:24 that the devil "shall show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

My reason for broaching this topic is the rise of UFO sightings and stories appearing in the MSM lately. Have you noticed that? Why the sudden surge and why now? Could we be in the beginning stages of a fake alien invasion?

Think about it: If they could con almost the entire world into fearing a simple coronavirus, how hard would it be to fake an alien invasion?
If someone had suggested a fake alien invasion two years ago, I would have told them that despite my low opinion of the intelligence level of the average American, even I wouldn't think they're that stupid. But that was two years. Today I believe many, if not most, Americans are that stupid. I believe millions of people would fall for such an outlandish scheme.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. If we're not seeing the early stages of a fake invasion, then perhaps my research into the demonic aspect of UFOs is playing out. As a nation and as a world, we've sunk so far down into sin and satanism, that perhaps these recent sightings are merely a manifestation of that. The more we engage in sin, the more these transports from hell make themselves visible. That's even scarier than a fake invasion.

Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

There have been many accusations against the Jews throughout history.

Over time, a pattern has developed: the Talmud's citation that "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed" (Abodah Zara 26b) seems to be the playbook.

Accusations against the Jews throughout history include sacrificing Gentile children and drinking their blood, poisoning Christian wells, and preying on Gentiles through human weakness by running the pornography, prostitution, and gambling empires.

Jews have been kicked out of Christian countries over 100 times. Is there something going on here?

Could this just be coincidental? Or are the Jews following their playbook The Talmud?

If we look at three instances where mass death of millions of Christians occurred, and blamed on the Jews, we might be able to see a larger pattern develop. Of course, it would be more correct to classify the perpetrators as "Satanic Jews" or "Elite Jews", as not all Jews were in on this, but for simplicity's sake I will just refer to them as "Jews".
The facts are, however, that about 40% of the European population was wiped out by the Black Plague (poisoned wells) in these few short years from 1347-1350 and Jews suffered minimal damage to their own walled-off communities.
Finally, in a redux of the 1918 "Spanish Flu" playbook, the mass vaccination of billions of people against the so-called "Covid-19" virus occurred in 2021. Where are the death tolls highest? In white Christian countries once again. There is a pattern developing here, and it is consistent with what the Jews have traditionally done: target white Christian countries to kill off the people through deception.
It seems to me there is a reason why the descendants of European Christians are targeted. And that reason is that The Bible is true. Jesus said that the Jews are of their father, Satan. And Satan's henchmen are following their script, the Talmud.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

As one wag said, "Why would a man buy a used car instead of a new one?"

How many drivers has it had, or the damage done?

Western women are at a tipping point. Our satanist society teaches them that it is chic and empowering to be promiscuous. Onlyfans has two million "content creators."
College girls have "sugar daddies." Thousands are having their breasts removed as they transition.

Young women today don't realize they are victims of a depopulation agenda masterminded by the same people who brought you the COVID hoax and deadly vaccines. The goal is to forestall marriage and family formation.

For example, women are naturally hypergamous. They want husbands who are of higher status, who are confident leaders. Our society elevates women to higher status than men, either through idealization of sex, or discrimination. Men have been undermined psychologically. This undermines heterosexual union. Men have lost the confidence to approach and win a woman.
Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. This exchange of power-for-love defines femininity. This is how two people become one.

Of course she must first find a man able to prove his trustworthiness through a long process of courtship.

Most women are defined by their reproductive services. When they are no longer fertile, they are less attractive to men. This is why men still want women who have consecrated their sexuality for their husbands and families. Women are the heart and soul of a family. They are cherished because they sacrifice themselves for husband and children.

Sexual intercourse is based on an exchange of power-- female surrender and male possession. When a man "makes love" to a woman, he is showing his appreciation for giving herself to him.

In contrast, a man has no reason to give pleasure to a stranger. He simply takes his own.

Intercourse symbolizes the permanent marital bond.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. His wanted to conquer the USSR in a "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.

Churchill's backers, the Masonic Jewish-owned Bank of England set Hitler up as a means to control Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany once and for all. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands and slaughter natural elites who might interfere with world government.

The bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. Hitler probably saw himself as a British ally or even an agent. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."
The ultimate "ugly secret" is that the USSR was a creation of British Freemasonry, financed by the Bank of England. They may have lost control of Stalin and created Hitler to menace him. But the British would never abandon Stalin. Russian Communism was one half of their NWO Hegelian dialectic. We see it today in the form of arbitrary state power, repression, censorship and indoctrination. Nazism was also a dry-run for the New World Order but it was their Plan "B"

The real point is that history is a hoax, contrived by cabalist central bankers, to advance world tyranny. They empower Satanists, perverts, and misfits to create war and mayhem. For example, chaos relieved Winston Churchill's chronic depression.

These perverts and monsters are our leaders. Subverted by a Luciferian Jewish cult, Cabalism, the moral bankruptcy of Western society is masked by material prosperity but this cannot last. Thus, they are erecting a police state while the intelligentsia and masses can still be bought with their own credit.

Mike Stone #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I used to enjoy listening to Bruce Springsteen's music. Then I found out he donates money to leftist causes and actually campaigned for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Now I can't listen to a single note he sings without feeling sick to my stomach.

The same with John Mellencamp, who used his music to help Bernie Sanders, an admitted communist, run for president in 2016. This is the guy who wrote "The Authority Song." Now he wants all of us to kowtow to the very authority he once rebelled against. I can't stand listening to his music anymore either.

Springsteen and Mellencamp aren't exceptions. Every musician you can think of turned out to be a commie puke.

It's the same with actors. Tom Cruise - commie puke. Johnny Depp - commie puke. Brad Pitt - commie puke in a dress. They all support leftist causes, they all shilled the virus hoax, they all towed the party line.

Outside of James Woods and that Hercules guy, neither of whom can get a job today, there isn't a single actor who hasn't turned out to be a flaming leftist commie puke.
Teachers and professors used to be respected. Today, they're at the forefront of pushing woke liberalism, trannyism, and every other degenerate and disgusting plank of the Communist Party. No one has any respect for them anymore, nor should they. Anyone sending their children off to be indoctrinated by these commie pukes needs to have their head examined.

Police officers used to be respected. But the last three years have shown them to be nothing more than commie puke enforcers of corrupt and illegitimate governments, arresting people for not wearing a mask. In some cases, forcibly injecting them with poison and/or locking them up in camps, while not lifting a finger to stop or arrest any of the BLM rioters looting and burning down businesses.

Every hero you used to have, every person and profession you used to respect - they all turned out to be commie pukes. So what are you going to do about it?

Mike Stone #wingnut #transphobia #quack #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Are you disgusted with the whole human race?
All of the people you thought were brave turned out to be cowards. All of the people you thought were smart, turned out to be mindless dolts. All of your childhood heroes, be they sports stars, musical artists, or actors turned out to be commie pukes.
Have you been cut off, shut out, and put aside by others for not buying into the almost three-year-old virus hoax?

Did a promising or potential romance go belly up when they learned you weren't jabbed?

Were you denied entry, refused service, or told to leave for not wearing a mask or not showing proof of "vaccination"?

Were you fired from your job for not taking an unsafe and untested fake vaccine?

Have you been held hostage by your own family; not allowed to attend family gatherings or see your own grandchildren until you knuckled under?
A friend of mine "died suddenly" last week. He was double-jabbed and boosted and a truth denier. Like all truth deniers, he fawned over celebrities and believed everything he saw on television or read in a newspaper, no matter how outlandish.

There was numerous times when I'd tell him something that went against his belief system and he'd smile and shake his head, but if someone on television or an authority figure told him the exact same thing, then it was gospel.
Parents force-jabbing their children and sending them to an early grave. Other parents force mutilating their children, turning little boys into girls, and little girls into boys, and no one is held accountable. In fact, the brain-dead masses believe it's normal.
I put a sign on the inside of my door so I would see it everyday before I stepped outside. The sign said: Everyone you see today is deranged.

I needed that sign to remind myself of the mass lunacy I was stepping into every time I left the house. Today that sign is more relevant than ever. If you're not disgusted with practically everyone you meet in life, you're probably brain dead too.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

In May 1939, the passenger liner "St. Louis" carrying 900 German Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana. The liner lingered near the coast of Florida but FDR refused to let it dock. Reluctantly, the ship returned to Europe where the refugees were divided among four Allied countries, of which three were soon overrun.

The image of unwanted Jews was seared into the collective Jewish psyche. It argued the necessity of a homeland in Israel as insurance against antisemitism. Millions of Jews devoted their money and lives to wresting Israel from its rightful owners and building "a Jewish sanctuary" there. Millions of non-Jews were recruited to this cause.

A book, "The Holocaust Conspiracy" (1989) shows how Allied and neutral governments ensured that most Jews would remain in Europe and would die.
In this book, Perl argues that the Jewish holocaust was part of an international conspiracy. But of course, he didn't understand that the perpetrators were "the Illuminati," the highest rung of Freemasonry empowered by the world central banking cartel. Their goal is to create a world government tyranny dedicated to Lucifer with its capital in Jerusalem.

Holocaust means "burned offering." By what logic can we call this genocide a "sacrifice"? By Illuminati logic of course! They sacrificed Jews to hoodwink the world into establishing a Masonic state in Israel. The design of the Israeli Supreme Court is proof that this is exactly what has transpired. Modern Israel was Masonic from its conception.
As the New World Order becomes more onerous, and the position of Americans more perilous, the Illuminati (i.e. Cabalists, Freemasons) may be happy to use ordinary Jews as their scapegoats once again. After all, we never hear about Freemasons, and Zionists did it before.

In conclusion, the holocaust was used to trick Jews into establishing Israel. It also gave Jews a moral impunity, where some think they have a right to kill non-Jews.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia henrymakow.com

Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult where God is replaced by his "Chosen People," led by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel.

A documentary Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas (2017) brought home how the West has been inducted into this satanic cult (Cabalism). Many popular Christmas songs were written by Jewish songwriters and are really Jewish. These include Dreaming of a White Christmas, Silver Bells and Let it Snow. Through banker control of the mass media, Cabalist Jews have removed Christ from Christmas and replaced him with snow and material consumption.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, written by a Jew. Robert May was inspired by how Jews were ostracized because of their big noses.
Santa plays the role of God, choosing Rudolph to lead the other reindeers.
Cabalist Judaism involves abandoning absolute standards and imposing a false reality that advances Jewish banker interests instead. Through their control of the mass media and suppression of the truth, they have converted most people to "Judaism." We are satanically possessed. We are all Jews now.

What do Cabalists believe? Just ask, what do you and I believe? They are our common values. We are materialists. There is nothing beyond matter, no Moral Order, no God and no soul to hear God speaking to us. We believe in buying-low-and-selling-high. We believe that after money, sex is the best thing in life and the more partners the better.

We believe in despoiling pre-puberty children with "sex education" and gender dysphoria. We pursue social causes like migration and civil rights if they can be used to weaken our perceived rivals. We believe in Greater Israel and endless wars against her perceived enemies, no matter how many people are killed or maimed.

Freemasons are known as "Jewes." These traitors and imposters are our leaders. They run the world for the bankers. They create mental reality. They program us. We are all "Jewes" to some extent.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

I am an ethnic Jew and believe that most Jews would find this statement abhorrent. However, it is the agenda of the Jewish leadership who are at the forefront of Communism, a Masonic Jewish central banker monopoly over EVERYTHING. This is behind the gratuitous war in Ukraine, UN AGENDA 21, climate change, the scamdemic, lockdowns, the toxic "vaccines," the election steal, destruction of family (gender dysphoria), race (migration, miscegenation) censorship and the promotion of Satanism in general. Presented as "progressive," their real purpose is destruction of Western (Christian) civilization. You have been brainwashed, distracted and degraded so you do not see this BIG picture.

Judaism's destructive mission puts all Jews in jeopardy when only a fraction are involved in it. Assimilated Jews like myself must speak out or be blamed for the gruesome consequences. Most Jews, including Israelis, are also suffering from the COVID hoax and are being vaccinated like cattle (goyim.) Only, Satanists (Illuminati) are avoiding the consequences and profiting.

The agenda may be to stoke antisemitism and force American Jews to emigrate to Israel. In any case, Jews must oppose COVID communism, or be the scapegoats for the bankers and Freemasons. Jews are tired of being human shields for Illuminati (Cabalist) Jews and their demonic agenda.


Henry Makow PhD/Larry Romanoff #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Despite two appeals which have gone unanswered, I am still banned from Twitter. This despite E. Michael Jones' return and Musk's pledge of "absolute free speech." I am suppressed because I expose the "divide & conquer" political charade. The Left (Communist, globalist) and the Right (conservative, nationalist) are both Masonic-Jewish factions. Both are controlled by the Rothschild world banking cartel. Both are Cabalist (satanic) Jewish.

The US Conservative false opposition exists to foster division and hide the shocking fact that humanity has been satanically possessed by Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Look what happened to Kanye when he drew attention to Jewish hegemony. The "vaccine" roll out took place under Communist tag team traitor Donald Trump.

Like Trump, Elon Musk is Jewish, part of the faux conservative Zionist wing. He may do some good but he cannot be trusted.

Larry Romanoff writes,

"Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon or Alon is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as "Canadian", which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon's brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk's connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history, Tesla's closet relationship with Israeli tech spanning many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu (at his private residence) on more than one occasion."

But, false opposition is preferable to none at all. So yea Elon Musk! I much prefer the Zionist roadmap to Cabalist Jewish supremacy than the insane Communist one.

Crosseyed Luddite Award

JS #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot henrymakow.com

Almost every aspect of the satanic NWO agenda depends on the smartphone and our voluntary use of it.

Be it the planned Certificate Of Vaccination ID (COVID) (for restricted mobility), central bank digital currencies (to abolish anonymous cash payments), social credit score (for behavioural monitoring), carbon footprint or personal data like driving license, fingerprints, travel documents, digital ID, all the control data is and will be centralized and saved on the smartphone.

The smartphone is THE lynchpin of the erection of the satanic nwo (and lynch they will us if we don't resist). It's the most important and most powerful tool to enslave us as it collects perpetually all of our through phone number personalized data and thoughts to give it to those that want to turn us into remote controlled zombots.

Without everybody carrying around a smartphone, the NWO would be dead by tomorrow and they know that. That's why they want to chip us all as it's hard to get rid of a device inside the body while it's easy to just throw away a smartphone.

A smartphone is not a smartphone it's a Slavephone and only slaves are available 24/7. Life without a smartphone is not only possible and much easier than many people think it is the most effective way to free our minds again and bring down the NWO.
Disclaimer: To be fair, I have an old smartphone which I bought several years ago for job reasons. I use it now elusively for the rare case of online banking as it makes not much of a difference anymore whether I type the numbers on my keyboard at home or at the internet connected service terminal at the bank. Our bank accounts run on the internet anyway. Second purpose is the phone number which I give to those who I don't want to have my landline number. Every two or three days or so I take it out of the metal box where I store it for the sake of radiation and check if anybody left a message on the mailbox.

I miss nothing.

Steve Thomas #conspiracy #wingnut #racist henrymakow.com

The 'Evelyn Rothschild' Facebook page contains a central link directly connecting to the bizarre RAELIAN movement - a sinister New Age cult . The group's website states: "The Raelian Revolution is boldly bringing about a complete paradigm shift on our planet." This cannot be ignored, given its claim that a who's who of the world's elite, including Barack Obama and Tony Blair, are its "friends."

The cult is headed by a man they call RAEL MAITREYA - Maitreya being a Sanskrit word for the anticipated 'new Buddha', or 'enlightened one'. The term has been absorbed within New Age and Theosophy terminology, where it has come to mean; the coming WORLD TEACHER. Others, especially bona fide students of the Bible, from many mainstream, non-cult, religious groups, believe this Maitreya to be a future manifestation of the ANTICHRIST.

1. The known GLOBAL ELITE, (infused with Rothschild and Rockefeller family members, European Dynastic Nobility, Royalty, and Global business leaders, the world's most wealthy, Sultans & Sheiks, media & entertainment stars.)

2. The ILLUMINATI, via the actual name appearing throughout Facebook entries of almost 600 people, from Clinton to Gates etc

3. World FREEMASONRY, via the multiple Masonic Lodge connections running out from this unholy web across the world.
5. A sinister spiritual connection between the groups - the infamous RAELIAN CULT, which looks to 'extra-terrestrial' influences to guide us into 'planetary harmony'. This group incredibly provides us with an almost impossible-to-locate list of the most significant players on the world stage, in all areas of public and private life. And a mutual direct link to the 'GOLDEN DAWN', hosting overt Satanism, Witchcraft, Luciferianism, and Thelema Magick. And the now infamous ANGEL ILLUMINATI.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The movie "War Games" (1983) illustrates how the Illuminati undermined heterosexuals in 39 short years.

In the movie, Matthew Broderick is a computer whiz who accidentally starts a nuclear countdown and races to avert catastrophe. His girlfriend, played by Ally Sheedy is seen in a complementary role, basically helping, encouraging, and admiring him. He is the leader. But her presence informs, validates, and heightens everything he does. It's as though his actions are dedicated to her.

This is the way heterosexuality works. Woman empowers man by entrusting her power to husband. This is how she loves, i.e. by "trusting," by enlisting as First Mate to his Captain.
But what makes a man love a woman in this way? Her sacrifice. By throwing her lot in with his, he includes her in his circle of self-interest. This is how two people become one.
Cabalist Jews and Freemasons are Satanists. They control by degrading and corrupting. Like termites, they eat away at the supporting columns of society. The family is the red blood cell of a healthy society. It provides us with our roles and identity, as well as necessary emotional and material support. It ensures the young are born, loved, and raised properly, and the aged are taken care of. Our family is our link in the chain of eternity.

They went after the women, who they deemed fickle, vain, and feeble-minded.
Western feminists, you've forfeited your most precious gift for nothing. You're vulgar, a real turn-off. You lack personality, charm, style, substance. You can't love it. You're not even sexy. And soon you won't have youth. You'll have nothing but your job, your dog, and your equally desperate friends.

Western feminists, you've been robbed, betrayed by your society, teachers, and political and cultural leaders; and consequently you've joined their traitorous ranks. You've betrayed your unborn children, your culture, your family and the promise of the future. But worst of all, you've betrayed yourself.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia henrymakow.com

Martin Bormann, who signed
Hitler's paycheck and knew everything about the Nazi war effort, was an Allied spy.

The book "Op JB" (1996) by John Ainsworth-Davis describes how he and Ian Fleming rescued Bormann from the ruins of Berlin in 1945.

James Bond was modeled on Ainsworth-Davis who was an Illuminati sex slave and mass murderer. He may have serviced the gay Winston Churchill and his spymaster Desmond Morton.

This book is the smoking gun that proves the Second World Warwas a charade. While most Nazis were sincere, the movement was sponsored and controlled at the top by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel in order to kill "goyim" on both sides, increase banker wealth and power, destroy Germany, and advance world government. Assimilated Jews were also sacrificed to disguise the Gentile holocaust and to create the Jewish state as HQ of the NWO.
The cover story was that Bormann supposedly would help the Allies retrieve Nazi wartime plunder and return it to its rightful owners. If you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida... Bormann had been an Illuminati British agent all along and was largely responsible for the Nazi defeat. World War Two was a monstrous Rothschild fraud on Germans, Jews, and the human race. The plunder ended up in Illuminati hands.
Like Creighton, we are all pawns in their game. For example, Otto Gunther, Bormann's double, was a POW found in Canada. Bormann's records were altered to fit Gunther so when his dead body was found, people believed it was Hitler's Deputy.

The commandos accompanying Bormann on his escape had no idea of his identity. Many were Jewish "freedom fighters." What an irony!

Great nations, England, the United States, Germany, France are all Illuminati pawns. What good is a democracy when the Illuminati Order owns the politicians and controls information?

Think of the millions who died in World War Two, all to destroy and degrade mankind so the Illuminati inbreds can own and control everyone.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It Comes Down to Economic Blackmail

Depriving dissenters of their livelihood is a hallmark of Communism and has always been the Communist Jewish MO

"Today, we are joining dozens of other groups to ask advertisers to pause Twitter spending because we are profoundly concerned about antisemitism and hate on the platform. Here's why we're asking advertisers to #StopHateForProfit and #StopToxicTwitter"


Putin called their bluff. The COVID scam turned the lights on. The termites are running scared and asking for "amnesty." A wider Ukraine catastrophe may be inevitable to distract from this colossal scandal.
The ADL Is The Bulwark For The NWO

ADL's Greenblatt openly uses his weight defending against antisemitism and hatred to destroy anyone threatening the New World Order initiatives forcing Silicon Valley to approve his every whim while Governments openly collect data on average citizens as the Social Credit architecture is put into place.

CK #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

While the Twitter drama has been highly entertaining to watch, many people are wondering what, if anything, will change under the new management?

Will Trump come back? (he already said NO).

Frog marching the existing top management and firing 75% of the company is also awe inspiring to those who were mistreated by the 24 year old woke content Stasi.
Time to retool for the next phase and none of those people are needed because it's "mission accomplished" in the UK (WEF PM installed), USA (puppet Joe installed) and now Brazil, but the Brazilians seem to have seen enough of the movie to understand that they need to actually take action, we'll see how that goes.

Twitter 2.0's goal will be authenticating all human beings, starting with an $8 per month fee, . Elon will sell a lot of these accounts if you need one to board and airplane or keep your bank account. You'll presumably get connected some how to the Starlink satellite fleet, as well.

So what is really changing at Twitter? The ownership isn't changing all that much.

Elon owns more, but some of the old shareholders are coming along for Twitter version 2.0.

As we have demonstrated, Elon is a key part of the public facing Deep State (aka The Cult - link to ) Twitter co-founder JACK DORSEY held shares worth roughly $1 billion after Musk closed the deal.

He rolled his Twitter shares into newly private company, becoming one of its largest shareholders.

And crypto-jew 9/11 participants Saudi Arabia stayed in the deal, too.

You could say the Satanist Cult still owns Twitter. And then there is the matter of content moderation. The hopium has been flowing, as the downtrodden have hinged their hopes of account reinstatement on every Elon-Tweet™ with promises of "in two weeks" (why is it always two weeks?).

If there is one thing readers of this site understand, this is what happens when you hand over the content moderation to the ADL.

In other words, "The new boss is the same as the old boss."

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I left Canada for Mexico in December 2020 just before the unvaccinated were denied their freedom to travel by plane.

I returned in June 2022 planning to sell my house and return to Mexico permanently.

I quickly realized that, although brain-dead, (politics, media, schools-universities, churches) the country was still alive and kicking. Free enterprise is resilient.

During the dark days of the COVID hoax, I had given up on my homeland but on returning I realized the meaning of home. This is my home. I have lived here practically all of my 72 years. I have always been a Canadian nationalist and did my PHD in Canadian literature. I belong here.

I am not going to let a Communist dictator, Fidel Castro's son, steal my country from me. I belong here. He doesn't.

I was here before him. I reported his birth on the front page of the Ottawa Journal Dec 26, 1971.

I have fought for this country all of my life, and I intend to go down fighting.

I am an assimilated Jew. That means I put the human race, and my country first.

I am a fish out of water in Mexico.
The things I don't like are obvious. I feel unwelcome as a white person. (Yes, I identify as white.) Throughout the West, globalist Jews are replacing people of European origin. I hate that the globalists are flooding the West with single young male migrants who one day could constitute a military occupation force.

Whites are already missing from TV, TV commercials and political power. I resent that the mass media has abandoned its responsibility to uphold the public interest and report the facts objectively. It has gone over to spewing propaganda. I hate that Canadian docilely accepted all the woke bullshit and feminism but the tide is turning. The globalists are going to be defeated and I am going to celebrate the victory for nationalism.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Men have been programmed to believe that sex and "love" are the key to happiness. We need a woman's love to develop as men. We need to sexually satisfy a woman to prove our masculinity.

We are programmed to seek feminine approval when our own approval is all that matters.

We are programmed to idealize flawed and often stupid women instead of real ideals: Truth, Justice, Love, Beauty and Goodness.
Western society is a satanic (((Cabalist))) sex cult. Women have become sexual commodities. (((Communism))) has always viewed them as sexual utilities. If feminism were really pro-women, it would have promoted marriage and condemned promiscuity. Most women seek the life-long loyalty and love of a good man, their husband.

Anyway, I've been there, done that. I have satisfied a few women countless times and I have been satisfied as well. I've matured in the prescribed way. I discovered the lie by living it.

But I wish I had found a shortcut and downgraded the role of women and sex to its real level of importance, say from 75% to 25%.

The satanist media has given young women a delusional sense of entitlement. Our mental programmers present them as demi-gods.

Just like prostitutes, many young women are no longer attractive to men. Men find modesty, innocence, style, intelligence, and femininity attractive.

Moreover, I sense that fewer and fewer women are even capable of loving a man. Their hearts have been poisoned by satanist social engineering.
Am I bitter? Yes. I am bitter for all the ways my culture has lied to me. Here, I blame Illuminist brainwashing that elevates sexual "relationships" to the negation of everything else. And I blame myself for falling for this garbage.

The average man spends 75% of his energy on it. It's a great motivator for many men. And yes, I realize it's hormonal.

But we cannot let this biological and social programming ruin our lives. Many men are ruined by divorce. Many women are gold diggers.

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Every time you watch a movie, television show, or streaming service your mind is being manipulated and molded by an unseen hand.
Are you familiar with the term "channeling"?

It's a word used by mystics and psychics.
Now what happens when you turn on the television? You turn the knob or press the remote to a specific "channel." You then invite whatever is on that channel into your home and into your mind. The use of the word "channel" as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally "channeling" unseen energy and influence into your life.

Are you familiar with the term "programming"?
The bottom line is White people, and particularly White men, are being programmed to accept their replacement. To accept it, to see it as inevitable, and to acquiesce their new position on the bottom of the totem pole. Sadly enough, it's working.
What about White women, you ask? They're even worse. The majority of women, and in particular White women, will believe whatever society tells them to believe. They've been brainwashed into believing that White is out and non-White is in; that being a wife and mother is boring, but being a whore or slut is cool and financially rewarding. They've been programmed to reject and loathe their White brothers - the very men who risked their lives for centuries to save White women and who have given White women everything they have.
Fat, dumb Americans would rather subjugate themselves to those who despise them, rather submit to mental slavery, rather allow themselves to be beaten and killed than experience the temporary discomfort of giving up the boob tube.

Thank God they don't make up the entirety of the White race. There are still White men, and a handful of White women, with balls; men and women with courage, fortitude, and vision working tirelessly to get us out of the mess we're in. Sadly, they are few in number. Are you one of them?

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

What is Donald Trump's place in the big picture?

Trump is a Freemason and probably a crypto Jew. He is surrounded by Jews. The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) goal is the reduction of the human race (goyim) to the status of domestic animals serving them.

The Illuminati advance this agenda through mind control (mass media, education) and war. They can't subjugate humanity alone; they need the goyim to destroy each other.

Thus, they have developed a tag team to promote war. On the one hand, we have the Communist Jews ("globalists") who attack the goyim by undermining their national, religious (moral), racial and family (gender) identity.

On the other hand, are the Fascists, Nazis or Zionist ("nationalist") Jews, who seem to defend the goyim from this onslaught. Trump won the election by appealing to the latter demography.

From a different angle, we have a conflict between philo-Semitic Masonic Jews (Communists) and "anti-Semitic" Masonic Jews (Fascists, Nazis, Zionists.) While claiming to defend Jews, Zionism uses anti-Semitism (and false flag terror) to coerce Jews into serving their megalomaniacal agenda.
What does "tomorrow's world" look like? If present trends continue, the Northern hemisphere will be a pile of radioactive ruins. Putin, like Stalin, is a nationalist. I see Russia China and Iran facing the "Zionist" West.

Communism is a monopoly of power, money and culture by the cabalist central bankers. This monopoly requires the dissolution of "all collective forces except our own." (Protocols of Zion, 16.4) As I said, these collective forces are race, religion, nation and family (gender.) Hence we have a conflict between Communism and Nationalism, which appears to be backed by Zionism. The question is, can we trust our defender?

Trump has answered this question. Zionism can quickly pivot to embrace the goals of Communism (war) because they are both cut from the same Masonic cloth and ultimately stand for the same thing. Masonic Jewish central bank tyranny.

Edward Menez #racist #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Bible states over 30 times that the Earth does not move. Now, under the heliocentric model, the sun was at the center of the universe and the Earth spun around it.

I discovered through experimentation and extensive study that we have been lied to about so many things, one of which is the place we live and our importance on it. I believe we are created in God's image, and everything was created by God. I no longer believe in evolution, the Big Bang Theory, and other modern lies.

Satan is the "Great Deceiver," after all. My life has changed completely and I have
come back to God in the past 7 years, when I had been a big sinner until that point.

From 1513-1533 two earth-shattering events took place: the Protestant Reformation, and the Pope's acceptance of Nicholas Copernicus's heliocentric model of cosmology (that the earth revolves around the sun). Were they coincidental, or was the Catholic Church intentionally being dismantled from within?

From 1513-1521 Pope Leo X reigned, and from 1523-1534 Pope Clement VII reigned, which covers this 20-year time period. Both Popes were from the de'Medici family, a BANKING family, and outed as crypto-Jews by Miles Mathis (though being "bankers" was obvious). Both Popes were officially cousins, but were in fact raised as brothers as Leo X's father, Lorenzo the Magnificent, brought up both Popes under the same household as brothers after Clement VII's father was murdered just before his birth.

Whether you believe in Protestantism, Catholicism, or some other religion, the fact is that Leo X allowed Martin Luther (a Jew) to fragment Christianity, which had until then consisted of the Catholic Church; and whether you believe in a geocentric or heliocentric model of the universe, the fact is that Pope Clement VII accepted Copernicus's theory of a heliocentric model of the universe for the first time, which went against all prior and Biblical belief in a geocentric model.

Mike Stone #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #elitist henrymakow.com

Back in February, I ruminated on why the virus hoax was suddenly being dropped.

At that time, literally billions of people around the world had bought into the hoax and we were ready for full Australia-style concentration camps.

Fat, dumb Americans would have went right along; no one would have lifted a finger to stop it. And then, seemingly out of the blue, it all stopped.

My theory was that the virus hoax was being dropped in order to bring in a bigger and more important hoax.
That sealed it. The virus hoax was swapped out for war with Russia. We can thank Putin for saving us all. At least for now. He's the only person in the world standing up to the NWO.

The events unfolding today are almost identical to the way World War II started. Eerily similar you could call it.

As for the dwindling remnants of the virus hoax, we all know now that it was a complete and utter fraud. Anyone who told you differently, anyone who told you it was a real thing or worse, a Chinese or Russian bio-weapon, is a despicable liar and should never be trusted or listened to again on any subject for any reason. No exceptions.

Anyone who wore a mask over the last three years at any time and for any reason other than buying food is a fool, a coward, and a traitor to their country and should never be trusted or listened to again for any reason.

Anyone who urged or advised you to take the jab, whether your doctor, your employer, your best friend, or your favorite political personality, should be dropped like a hot potato and never trusted or listened to again for any reason.

Anyone you know who refuses to face the truth today, who continues to live life as if everything were back to "normal," is a blithering idiot who should never be trusted or listened to ever again.

It's amazing how these events have exposed the hoaxers as the cockroaches they are.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia henrymakow.com

We've reached the point in TV where the hero is a deviant, misfit
or weirdo. We cheer as he makes the world conform to him.

Where have we seen this before? The modern alienated anti-hero is the Luciferian JEW
at war with God (the Moral Order,) nature and society. "Modernism" is Jewish Satanism
i.e. Cabalism, a solipsism where they redefine reality according to their perversions and self interest. Sick is healthy.

Is it any surprise that Hollywood is dominated by Jews and homosexuals?
What Jews and gays have in common is that they are outsiders, many of whom feel unjustly persecuted and think their perversion & dysfunction should the norm.

Most of my fellow Jews don't know that Judaism is a Luciferian cult, a rebellion against God. Cabalist (Illuminati) Jewish leaders wish to supplant God and redefine reality according to their perversity and self-interest. This is the New World Order.
In the 1950's, they had to rebuild, so the Illuminati gave us healthy values. "In 1950's television, the man of the house was king of his castle. Was it an illusion to begin with?" Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. My Three Sons.

Was it an illusion? I don't think so. Some things are hard-wired. Most men want to rule their own roost. That doesn't mean we want to lord it over anyone. But every successful organization is a hierarchy and that applies to families as well. Only a monster has two heads. The division of labor made a lot of sense. If you want a man to shoulder responsibility for a family, he has to lead it. It must be his creation.

There was no moral ambiguity in the 1950's Westerns. Good versus evil. Gunsmoke. The Lone Ranger. Have Gun Will Travel. Men were men. They put their lives on the line to build a just society. Women supported and loved them for it. Then, almost by clockwork, having set up this target, the Illuminati got to work destroying it. Birth control allowed women to be sexually independent. Why not be financially independent too?

Mansplaining Award

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Let this old guy spell it out for you ladies because you are too young and gullible to figure it out yourselves.

You menstruate every month. You were designed to have children and raise them to be responsible citizens. You were designed to nurture husband and children.

In exchange, you will be cherished. Having a family ensures you will be loved and looked after until you die.

Contrary to what the media tells you, you will not be loved for your looks, personality, career or talent.

You will be loved for what you do for your family. People love people who love them.

Love isn't free. It must be earned.

Beauty fades with age but love just gets stronger.

Sex for sex's sake is a cheap facsimile of sex as an expression of love. It's no better than masturbating.

You've been brainwashed to believe your value consists in your sex appeal.

You have been brainwashed to eschew marriage and have anonymous sex because the satanists who control practically everything don't want you to have families.

They are trying to depopulate the world and destroy the institution of nuclear family. This way people will be dependent on them.

You have been duped!

Deprived of their natural function, young women are lost, twisting in the wind, road kill.

Put away the make-up.

Beauty comes from within.

From the soul.

Your true measure is the loving qualities of a wife and mother.

Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

So how simple would it be for today's Ashkenazi Jews to take such a <"23andMe"> test en masse to determine their percentage of Semitic heritage, and thus verify their claim on Israel?

Well, that's been done already, and it's not surprising we haven't heard much about these studies.

Dr. Areilla Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, conducted the first comprehensive DNA study of Israelis and Palestinians in 2001. She concluded that Ashkenazi Jews were of Mongolian 40% and Turkish 40% genome.

There was no Semitic blood connecting them to the original Middle Eastern Hebrews of 4,000 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical territory. Jews were found to be more closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab neighbors.
We've seen a lot of this lately, this "up is down" and "black is white" reversal of the truth from the Ashkenazi Jew-owned media and governments: men can have babies, vaccines protect your health, and farming is killing us.

Ever since 9/11, I decided to take the philosophy of just thinking the opposite of what the media tells me. When the media said the Muslims carried out the 9/11 attacks, I just replaced the word Muslims with their mortal enemies, the Ashkenazi Jews. I also started to realize that this tactic of reversing the truth goes back way further than I imagined.

They tell us people of European descent shipped the slaves over to North America from Africa: no, it was primarily Ashkenazi Jews who did that. They tell us the Jesuits were Catholics: no, Ignatius Loyola was a Marrano, or "crypto-Jew". So was Christopher Columbus.
My prediction: when people finally see through the way that the Ashkenazi Jews claimed Israel on false pretenses, they will shift out of the Middle East back towards their original homeland--the country currently known as Ukraine. The 2022 Russian-Ukrainian war has been planned for quite a while for just that reason.

Arcy #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #ufo henrymakow.com

The Seven Degrees of Being Red Pilled

Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called "experts". Sheeple are at this degree.

1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective.

2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials. Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.

3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.

4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts and a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. (Those who control the money supply control the world. The Illuminati create fiat currency out of "thin air" as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!) The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite "bloodline" families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF. The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are "useful idiots".
6th-degree: Many "conspiracy theories" (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.

7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? There are 3 options:

Lucifer leads the cabal. The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice.
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.
Higher degrees may exist as well. But I'll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

When I got this email Monday, I was slightly unnerved. It was a reminder that banks can wipe you out any time they want.

They weren't going to post my balance any more. But rest assured, the money is still there and they will continue to charge fees.

What was the purpose of this? I didn't ask. I closed the account.

While waiting to pick up my bank draft, I browsed through the three brochures on display.

One showed a black guy. Another an inter-racial marriage, and a third showed a mixed race family.

Banks are Rothschild franchises, much like McDonald restaurants are McDonald franchises. McDonald's product is a hamburger. The banks' product is Cabalist fairy dust, produced out of thin air and charged to our national credit cards, finagled by the world central banking cartel.

We know the Rothschilds' plans for humanity. That's why banks promote migration, miscegenation and gender dysphoria.

The Rothschilds' WEF is also behind the COVID hoax, vaccine passports and toxic gene therapy disguised as "vaccines."

Yes, we trust our "money" to people who want to eliminate our personal freedom, health, property and destroy our sexual, racial and national identity.


Blacks make up 3.5% of the Canadian population but are grossly over represented in all bank and other advertising.

First the Masonic Jewish bankers replace whites in advertising, then in the country at large.

Whites can be forgiven for thinking that, as customers, they are not welcome.

I don't blame Blacks or any other people for wanting to make a better life for themselves. My parents came to Canada in 1950 for that reason.

I do blame Rothschild shills for using these people to undermine racial cohesion in order to destroy national identity and divide and conquer.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Do you believe that crisis reveals character?

If so, how would you judge the character of your family, friends, and co-workers over the last two years?

Did they recognize the virus hoax for what it was - a hoax?

Did they spit in the eye of the airlines and all of the other hoax and jab-pushing corporations by refusing to fly, by refusing to buy their products and services, by refusing to watch their Hollywood filth?

Or did they make zero sacrifices in a time of war - as my family and friends did - and continue to patronize and financially support the very people and corporations that want to see them dead, buried, and replaced?
All of my life I've been witness to idiotic behavior. Never, in all that time, have I seen such utterly stupid, cowardly, and treasonous behavior as I have these last two years. My faith and respect for the human race has literally plummeted to zero. It would be below zero, if that were possible.

For over two years, almost everyone on earth has, without any evidence, believed in the existence of a virtually non-existent virus. They refused to face facts, refused to apply any type of common sense or logic. As a result, they have submitted to the worst type of treasonous behavior imaginable.
The virus hoax is no different. Try talking logic to people. Try stirring their interest in the millions who were injured, crippled, and killed by the hoax pushers and no one will respond to you. They have no interest in the topic. They want to visit Disneyland and Las Vegas. They want to watch porn, Hollywood movies, and Netflix. They want life to go back to "normal," never realizing that their version of normal is a life headed straight for hell.

Talk about a wake up call. These last two years have been the most sobering of my life. I now know why God destroyed the world through a flood; why he rained fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The mass of people have shown by their behavior that they are undeserving of Heaven.

Vassilis Kapoulas #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

An alarm has sounded in the West and in NATO as the President of Russia, V. Putin, called an emergency meeting of the State Duma. Information indicates that he is going to officially declare war on Ukraine, which is why Kyiv is laying mines on the border with Belarus.

The data showing new escalation:

+A few hours ago, B. Putin issued a decree by which he grants Russian citizenship to all citizens of Ukraine, and not only from the regions controlled by Moscow, through "fast-track" procedures. It is a move to dissolve and "absorb" the Ukrainian state.
+Russia is continuously attacked with HIMARS in Donbass. Bases in the rear and ammunition depots have been hit.
+Ukraine announced a counterattack with 1 million troops.
+Russian hackers have revealed the involvement of the West and the US in the strikes against Russia.

Drums of war in the Baltic: B. Putin asked for emergency powers - General mobilization plan - Lukashenko talks about using nuclear weapons!
They are preparing for an attack by the Belarusian army.
However, if the Russian Federation is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism at the request of Ukraine, Moscow will declare war on Kiev within 24 hours . After that, Kyiv, Lviv, Dnepr, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov and Nikolaev will be destroyed within 72 hours. The rest of Ukraine will be massively attacked with missiles and bombs, and bridges on the Dnieper, civilian airports and the entire railway infrastructure will be destroyed.

Belarus will cut off all land escape routes to the west of the country and three regiments of S-400s will shoot down all private aircraft attempting to take off from Transcarpathia and the Odesa region.

Until September, Zelensky and his curators from the Washington Regional Committee have time for a soft surrender with the loss of only 30% of the territories, after which the Ukrainian state will be lost forever and legitimized according to the principle of division into three parts under UN control.

Edward Menez #conspiracy #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

Now that we know that is also a lie, as there are still chemtrails all over the western half of the US and yet there is the worst drought there in a millennium, it begins to be clear to us that chemtrails are being sprayed above us for a more, insidious reason.

Bill Gates now claims that we need to "block out the sun" to prevent Global Warming. Bill Gates also claimed the Covid-19 vaccines were used for immunity to that supposed flu-like disease. The truth is that Bill Gates is a liar: both Covid-19 vaccines and chemtrails are being used as slow-kill methods to depopulate the world. Both are poisons used to compromise your immune system.
A contrail from an airplane is water vapor and will disappear entirely within seconds. A chemtrail, however, will linger intact as a long white line for many minutes, and then very slowly form into a hazy cloud-like form which makes a blue sky suddenly grey.

I stated looking up at the sky wherever I went, and soon I could "predict" what the weather would be on any given day based on how many chemtrails I saw that day. I saw that chemtrails didn't make it rain at all--rather, I saw chemtrails dissolve an incoming storm, creating windy weather in its place.

This isn't just happening in the United States. It's happening almost everywhere in the world in a coordinated program of genocide, just like the Covid-19 worldwide collusion. I have been to about 90 countries in my life, at least 70 of them since 2001. In almost every country I traveled to, I intentionally scanned the sky for chemtrails.

In most African countries, there are fewer chemtrails than in heavily-chemtrailed Europe and the United States (What a coincidence! Just like the concentration of Covid vaccines), but there are chemtrails in Africa. They are moderately heavy in Asia (including China), and they exist in almost every country I've visited. There are only two countries where I tried to see chemtrails, but did not see them: Bhutan and North Korea.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

During the darkest days of the covid hoax, I was a political exile in Mexico, unsure if I would ever be able to return to my homeland. Thanks to Vlad Putin, the Satanists have relaxed their scamdemic and I have been reunited with my home, library, diaries and photo albums.

I had written Canada off but that was premature. Sure, politically and culturally, it is on life support, like most of the satanist-infested West, but the economy is still humming. People are resilient and determined to rebuild. Canadians generally are nice people. Like the man in the Home Depot parking lot who volunteered to help me load a heavy toilet into my car.

I realize I love this country where I have lived most of my 72 years. I love the weather, except winter which I will spend in Mexico. I love the Canadian Football League which I have been following since 1960 when Russ Jackson was the QB of my hometown Ottawa Roughriders. I love my friends, the cannabis, the lakes, the albacore tuna and the medium roast coffee. (They don't do medium roast in Mexico.) I like being able to speak the language. I belong here and will fight to help restore this country to what it once was, the best place to live on earth.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

(((Aliens))) Have Abducted Our Women


Western men (and women) should be very angry at Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Masonic lackeys. Like alien invaders, they abducted our women, brainwashing them to become lesbian and frigid. This vicious satanic attack on society by our traitorous "leaders" has been marketed as "women's rights." Feminism is elite social engineering, designed to destabilize and depopulate society, masquerading as grassroots social change.

Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female (worldy) power for male power expressed as love. Instead of surrendering power, feminism taught women to seek power instead of love.

The Power of Sexual Surrender, a 1958 book by female psychiatrist Marie Robinson MD, states that femininity is based on female sacrifice (altruism) and trust in a man. This is the wellspring of love, repaid by husband and children.

Feminism, which is Communist in origin, destroyed this trust and outfitted women with a psychological penis. Power = penis. Both sexes have been neutered. Where women once empowered men, now they emasculate them. Instead of devoted wives and mothers, many women have become sexually frustrated, angry, frigid man-haters. This indoctrination continues in the mass media today.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

As an ethnic Jew, it pains me to say that the essence of Cabalist Judaism
& Organized Jewry is to plunder, enslave & exterminate the goyim
and to establish a Satanic dispensation on earth.

Don't believe me? Communism and Judaism are identical.
Look at the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Do they remind you of Agenda 2030?
No private property. The state will own it all- the state being a proxy for the Jewish central bankers who hold its "debt.". No marriage. No family. No free speech. No free inquiry and education. They want to steal everything, especially your soul. We cannot understand our situation unless we understand this.

Plunder the goyim. Jewish central bank charging interest for credit created out of nothing. Credit crunches and pandemic hoaxes costing trillions in money creation and toxic vaccines. Gratuitous wars.

This is what they are doing in Ukraine and what Putin wants to prevent in Russia.
The Ukraine conflict is the biggest challenge to the New World Order since Hitler.
Hitler was false opposition.

Most Jews are dupes and would deny this, just as most goyim would deny that their "leaders" in every field are cowards, traitors & opportunists who advance this cancer for personal gain. After destroying millions of lives with their covid hoax, they're covering their tracks by starting their third World War.
Disclaimer: Why do I, a Jew, spread this information? Because this is not who I am, nor who my family or Jews I know are. I am the inventor of Scruples, a game based on 1200 moral dilemmas. God is the Moral Order. All human beings have souls capable of hearing the voice of God. Our Duty is to discern Right & Wrong and to Obey. You must be good to feel good.

However, the Masonic Jewish bankers and their Gentile Masonic flunkies are trying to dispossess humanity. It begins by degrading morality and inverting truth and ends in some planetary gulag or nuclear conflagration. I could remain quiet but we were put on earth to serve God.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Let this old guy spell it out of you ladies because you are too young and gullible to figure it out yourselves.

You menstruate every month. You were designed to have children and raise them to be responsible citizens. You were designed to nurture husband and children.

As a result, you will be cherished. Having a family ensures you will be loved and looked after until you die. Contrary to what the media tells you, you will not be loved for your looks, personality or talent. You will be loved for what you do for your family. People love people who love them. Love isn't free. It must be earned.

Beauty fades with age but love just gets stronger.

Sex for sex's sake is a cheap facsimile of sex as an expression of love.

You have been brainwashed to eschew marriage and have anonymous sex because the satanists who control practically everything don't want you to have families. They are trying to depopulate the world and destroy the institution of nuclear family. This way people will be dependent on them.

You are being duped!

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I FEAR, Russia is part of the NWO-Grand Game as anyone else is.
It reminds me of the "Führer", who had been a pawn in the game, like putin is. Both unwillingly, nevertheless both knowing, who those historical forces are, with which they were ready to go "a part of the way, because we both have the same interests, in this very moment" - Hitler and Putin alike will have heard this phrase...
Hitler helped Schneerson, the chief Rabbi of Chabad-Lubawitsch, to flee the European Continent, in 1940; whilst the other other were brought to the work-camps in the east, the Rebbe had free escort and a first class ticket to the US (on the ship he got into trouble with Joseph P.Kennedy*, father to JFK and US-embassador to Great Britain; the Rebbe anathematized Kennedy family then)
Putin, on his side, helped the Chabad-Lubatwitsch cult to conquer
It seems to me, that chabad persuades Putin that he - being their "partner"- cannot fail; overlooking the last years this must have seemed credible to him: Russia got the Crimea back, it has won the war in Syria (and Libya), Turkey, seeking for special relations towards moscow, is no longer a firm NATO-partner.

Chadad-Lubawitschers CERTAINLY will have told Putin, that this triumph, this renaissance of Russia, was THANKS TO THEIR POWER Lobby. And there are facts, which PROOF that they have a point there. TRUMP, part of the cult, is ONE of these PROOFS: the POTUS rubber-stamped every step to Putins triumph. He turned a blind eye towards Russia; his opponent on the global chess game was China.
Nevertheless, I am sure, that, if history repeats, and it looks like that it does - then the Juice play a double game. Talmudists and Kabbalists say, that, shortly before the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, Russia will take back Crimea and there wil be peace talks in Turkey. Unfortunately the arrival of the Messiah can only happen in the way of bloodshed: 3rd WW

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Occasionally, I get email saying I must be a liar because all Jews are liars.

I am an ethnic Jew but I have exposed Judaism as a satanic sex cult (Cabalism) masquerading as a religion.

So, I don't identify as a "Jew."

In order of priority, I identify with

1. God (spiritual ideals like Love, Beauty, Justice and Truth)
2. Humanity
3. Christian civilization.
4. Other ethnic (not religious) Jews

I am "good for the Jews." I prove objective honest Jews do exist. We want to assimilate and work for the common good.

I have done "more good for the Jews" than any other Jew alive.

There is only Brother Nathaniel to challenge me.
The tragic political truth is that your corrupt goy ancestors gave our national credit cards to satanist (Masonic) Jewish bankers who maxed them out buying everyone and everything. They bought the mass media and manipulate everyone, Jew and non-Jew alike, with lies like we see in the video.
The issue isn't Jews in general but the Communist minority, a termite infestation who like many non-Jewish Freemasons serve this agenda which is devouring America and the world today. Think WEF, UN, WHO, Climate change, CRT, BLM, Climate change, gender dysphoria, Demonrats etc..

Their age-old strategy is to conflate legitimate resistance to Jewish banker control with Jews in general. Thus they deflect attention from the Masonic Jewish (Satanist) conspiracy (which should be obvious to all by now,) by depicting it as "prejudice."
This is not a racial or religious issue. The Rothschilds installed a faux political class of Gentile Freemasons, traitors, opportunists, criminals and perverts.

The issue is the Communist conspiracy to enslave and dispossess mankind. not racial or religious prejudice.

The issue is God Versus Satan.

Jewish or not, the globalists represent Satan.

Cabalism is Jewish but most Jews, like Gentiles, are clueless, cowardly conformists, not conscious Satanists.

We are all in death struggle with Pure Evil.

Am I "good for the Jews?" Absolutely!

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #sexist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Imagine if all those sappy love songs were hymns celebrating God?
What a different world this would be. Guess who controls the music industry.

Romantic love is a fake religion promoted by Satanists
to substitute love for a flawed and ultimately dull human being
for love of the God within.
All love is really love of God (perfection, bliss.)
All true religion is love (worship, obedience) of God.
Everything else is a satanist diversion.
God is the principle of our moral development.
If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in yourself.

We live in a society that is besotted with beautiful women and sex. This fetish substitutes for religion. Sex and romance are sold as a way of achieving unity with God. The orgasm is the Holy Sacrament. This is Satanism.

The mystification of sex and women (sex Goddess programming) makes men impotent. Men are too weak to approach and enlist women who have been taught to be "strong and independent." E.g. Leslie Gore's "You don't own me" and Linda Ronstadt "Different Drum."

This combination of idealizing women and emasculating men has led to heterosexual breakdown, e.g. Illuminati social engineering. Femininity is based on trading power for male power in the form of love. Real love is based on mutual dependence and trust, not sexual desire.

People scoff when I say Western society is a satanic cult. However, the proof is obvious. The word "God" is banned from mainstream public discourse. In fact, we are repulsed at His mere mention. Our minds shut down. We become angry. We have been brainwashed to hate God and don't even know it.

If I were wrong, God would be on our lips. After all, He is the Creative Intelligence behind life. He has Instructions for us. We should be celebrating Him and discussing His Plan.

We can't mention Him because Cabalist central bankers have their own Plan. They want to be God themselves. Their entertainment is social engineering. This is why we have love songs to vacuous women instead of hymns to God.

Lex Greene #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #ableist henrymakow.com

With great sadness, I have concluded, based on many years of beating my head against the wall with know-nothing know-it-alls, that the vast majority of American citizens are just too stupid to remain free today. Unlike our nations Founders, or our Greatest Generations, current U.S. generations are simply no longer suited for freedom and liberty.

I know, it's politically incorrect to use the term "stupid." But as I explained to my kids, ignorance is the absence of information and knowledge. Stupidity is when you know better but do it anyway!

This doesn't apply to everyone today, just most. But if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it! I won't waste time with the laundry list of examples readily available. If you can't figure this out with just a few key examples, then the shoe does indeed fit.
In a previous column, I discuss how every living American has lived under a steady diet of lies from their government, their entire lives. I referred to it as Death by a Thousand Lies. Because modern Americans have been raised and still live under a constant flood of lies their entire lives, the vast majority find it much easier to buy lies than to find truth, especially in a "cancel culture" where the truth is not allowed to see the light of day.

Fact is a vast majority of Americans have never even read the Charters of Freedom. In fact, most don't even know what the Charters of Freedom are. Most who have read these documents, can't even properly interpret the words that appear in our Charters of Freedom. If they could, they would know better than to fall for the Convention of States scam that has taken in huge sums of money to lead people to a different form of national suicide.
Inescapable Rule #1 for idiots - Nothing on earth is free, nothing!

Rule #2 - In the end, FREE stuff will cost you everything!

To be clear, any nation too stupid to be FREE, won't be!

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

How long is the media going to titillate
us with nipples, "side views" & "bikini figures?"
Is humanity's destiny to be a broken record
droning on for eternity?? Breast obsession is
a symbol of our collective mental enslavement.
Is this what we were created for?

No, it's part of a deliberate program to enslave us. Addict us to sex and they can sell us anything.
There is no "matrix" more onerous than the one that enslaves us to our reproductive instincts and make sexual intercourse the purpose of life.

The Illuminati (Satanic) mass media has addicted us to sex by portraying sexual dissipation as "sexual liberation." This mental deviance is a form of satanic possession.

How many times is the media going to try to titillate us with sex? Is it humanity's destiny to be a broken record droning on for eternity?? Is this what we were created for?

I realize that there is a biological explanation. We are just puppets of powerful procreative instincts. Healthy tits indicate baby feeding capacity.
But folks, enough is enough.
Sex divorced from love is an empty, dehumanizing experience. Breasts become weapons of war, not love. They don't carry the milk of life. They are filled with silicon. Death.

Society's fetishizing of the fertile female is not normal. It is primitive and pagan -- Cabalist Magick, i.e. brainwashing.
The satanists inflated women's self-importance. Seeking their own happiness has not made them happy. Making their husband and children happy did. Why? They LOVED HER BACK!!
In many cultures, breasts aren't sexual at all. For example, women in Mali go around with bare breasts. They're always feeding their babies.

When they were told that Western men are fascinated with breasts, they burst out laughing. They laughed so hard, they fell on the floor. They said, "You mean, men act like babies?" (Carolyn Latteier, Breasts, The Women's Perspective on an American Obsession")

There is something demented about a society obsessed with titties.

Anon #crackpot #quack #magick #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Watch the Water documentary rings alarm bells regarding snakes and their venom used to poison populations.

However, snake venom has been used since ancient times in war and ceremonial rites.

Ancient snake venom practices have evolved into accepted medicinal practices of today and is used in secret bio-warfare. Even our common medical symbol, the caduceus, a staff with two snakes coiled around it, is the official insignia of the United States Medical Corps, Navy Pharmacy Division, and the Public Health Service.

The caduceus is also the magic wand carried by Hermes (the Romans knew him as Mercury), the messenger of the gods. Before the appearance of the caducei in classical Greece, the symbol seems to have existed among the Assyrians, Hittites, and Phoenicians.

The Phoenician caduceus is thought to have been based on a military weapon. Was that weapon snake venom?
in the days of the ancients, the military industrial complex has worked hand-in-hand with the pharmaceutical industry. They have always had their secret rituals/secret labs creating biological warfare for nefarious use.

The Bible referred to this forbidden practice as pharmakeia, which means witchcraft and sorcery and from which we derive our words "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical."
Shakespeare's Macbeth scene of the witches brewing sums up the Christian view of this satanic occult pharmakeia practice from time immemorial.

All Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
First Witch: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
The ghastly ingredients in their cauldron for conjuring up dark forces are reptile poison, fen snake aka the venomous bog snake, and of course your classic baby sacrifice, "the finger of birth-strangled babe" delivered in a ditch by a drab i.e. slovenly woman.

Have witches and sorcerers just exchanged their black robes for white lab coats? There is nothing new under the sun. It's just the age old struggle of good against evil.

Matrix Hacker #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

Q. Are these babies born through surrogate mothers, with the harvested eggs and sperms of these celebrities?
If so, these mothers must be given a lot of money to keep quiet?

Many of the babies are bred by surrogates using harvested eggs and sperm (embryos) of celebrities. Others are bred by the movie stars themselves during filming, post-production, "dating" relationships, "marriages," or prior to filming movies or prior to dating or marrying one another.

In terms of hush money, things are much more complicated than that.

People are either born into the Satanic cult or they are not. People who are born into the Satanic cult live by an entirely different set of rules, norms, and customs than the rest of us. I think of our differences in terms of a game of chess. The Satanic cult consists of the "dark side" of humanity and the rest of us comprise the "light side" of humanity. The task and challenge of those born into the "light side" is to wake up to Reality and thwart the plans of the "dark side" to bring a Totalitarian New World Order into fruition.

To be born into the "dark side" means that secrecy, deception, sexual depravity, and Satanic rituals are just a normal part of their way of life. It's hard for us to imagine that such a large number of cult members could be so effectively controlled that more would have divulged 100% of the secrets of the cult by now.

Yet, most if not all people born into the Satanic cult have been subjected to mind control. Certain Satanic rituals are said to be so terrifying and horrific that participants and witnesses must be triggered into alter personalities that were created in their minds as children prior to the ritual so their core personalities don't go crazy.

They are filmed during these rituals. After, they are triggered back into their core personality which creates an amnesic barrier in their minds which causes them to forget that they ever witnessed or participated in these events.

Henry Makow PhD/Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Khazars bought the "Jewish" franchise
in the 8th Century to distinguish themselves
from their Christian and Muslim neighbors.

Ashkenazi Jews (Israelis) have no connection
to the ancient Hebrews. They are Khazars.

The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge
for the Kievan Rus destruction of the Khazar Empire
in 965 AD.

The Russian - Ukrainian war continues this millennia-long hate.
The NWO is a rebirth of the old Khazar empire, extended to the whole planet.

NATO is Khazaria in Drag (literally)

Eduard Hodos was born in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, he was recruited by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson but resigned once he realized that Chabad aimed to destroy the Ukraine. Since then, Hodos has been an outspoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda -- and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine's Orthodox Christian church
In his trilogy called "The Jewish Syndrome," Eduard Hodos explains that we are in the midst of "The Third Khazaria".

The First Khazaria: The Great Khazar Empire (VII-X Centuries);
The Second Khazaria: Bolshevik Rule (1917-end of the 1920's);
The Third Khazaria: The C.I.S. (1991-?)

In the First Khazaria, the native people in the Ukraine were taken over by Jews and converted to Judaism. From this beginning in the 7th to 10th centuries, a battle-line had been drawn with Russia:
In "The Jewish Trilogy" Hudos identfied the origin of this long-festering hatred between the Khazarians and the Russians: "The Great Khazarian Empire existed for several centuries, until the Russian Prince Svyatoslav, "in the 965th year took both their City and their White Temple".
"The Third Power was wiped off the face of the earth, its population scattered in all directions. Most asked for Svyatoslav's protection, while the Jewish elite moved to the Khazar District in Kiev...

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

I was struck by how MASCULINE the Russian game plan is.

The Russians perceived a threat to home and hearth from corrupt Nazi-ridden Ukraine and acted decisively. This is what real men do.

They were ready to confront reality rather than lie about it, as Cabalists do in the West.
Ukraine had crossed their Red Line. Back off or face invasion.

They presented this ultimatum to the West.

Like a hot chick at a night club, the West brushed Putin off.

In masculine fashion, Putin proceeded to wipe out the Ukrainian air force, navy and military, using an armed force less than half of Ukraine's.

Scott Ritter said Russia used sophisticated planning to win battles of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War.

Russia Vs. the West is very much healthy heterosexual males versus sexual misfits: pedophiles, homosexuals and transvestites.

Look at the Western leaders.

Biden is a pedophile. Fidelito and Macron are homosexuals.

In contrast, Putin has banned the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism.

Sexual dysphoria is an aspect of Satanism. It is anti-nature and anti-God.

(I have compassion for homosexuals. It's a developmental disorder. They are victims. As children, they had too much mommy and not enough daddy.)

The West has acted like a woman spurned: Stealing Russia's financial reserves. Blocking trade. Demonizing Putin & Russia.

The Western media pretends Ukraine is winning the war and concocts war crime atrocities.

They have denied illegal bio-weapon research was being performed in Ukraine.

Homosexuals, like Cabalist Jews, have trouble facing reality and telling the truth.

They think they can redefine reality according to their perversions.

A man decides he wants to be a woman? Sure no problem. This is insanity. But overruling nature, and Reality itself is what these psychopaths are all about.

Russians who still have a firm grasp on reality versus the delusional, sexually dysfunctional West.

This war is a Reality Check.

Russia's victory is a decisive victory for humanity.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

It is forbidden to mention the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (1905) without the Disclaimer that, of course, they are a "forgery" of Maurice Joly's "Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" (1864.)

The assumption is that since Protocols appeared some 40 years after Dialogue, it plagiarized the earlier work. But the Protocols actually predated Dialogue and Joly borrowed from it. In other words, far from being an anti-Semitic ruse, the "Protocols of Zion" are authentic.
If your plan for World Domination leaked out, what would you do? Would you admit it? "You got me! My bad!"

No, you'd employ an army of ciphers to convince everyone the document is a hoax motivated by "prejudice" and "anti-Semitism." They have executed this "damage control" perfectly, a measure of their power to deceive even when the ugly truth is made public.
They have colonized our minds first. We cannot name our oppressor for fear of being accused of "antisemitism."

It's as though Black slaves working on cotton plantations were taught it was "racist" or "bigoted" to mention the White slave driver. Since the majority of Jews are ignorant of this plot, and are manipulated like everyone else, racism is a ploy to divert attention from a very dire problem.

The Illuminati (top-rung Masonic Jews and their non-Jewish allies) have distributed some wealth and power to the masses (liberalism, socialism) as a way of securing ultimate power for themselves. According to the Protocols, they will eventually withdraw these benefits once their "invisible government" is invincible. The "war on terror" should be seen in this context.

In my view, "Protocols Deniers" are complicit in this Conspiracy, which is responsible for most human suffering and will lead to a great deal more. As a Jew, I don't want this responsibility on my head, or on other innocent Jews or Masons.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

It's a miracle. Los Angeles, the beachhead of brain-dead liberalism, the most corrupt and ignorantly-run city in the world, has relaxed its mask mandates.

I can actually walk into a store now without getting yelled at and threatened with arrest for not wearing a mask.

I never thought this day would come. I thought we were headed for Australian-style lockdowns and quarantine camps, and maybe we still are.
Why the sudden change in city policy, you ask?

The answer is easy. The same people who have pushed the virus hoax for the last two years have shifted gears and are now pushing for World War III with Russia and China.

That's the thing with hoaxes, you can only push one at a time. The human cattle can't keep their minds on more than one thing, so if you're going to push for World War III, then the virus hoax has to go.
What the hoax pushers are saying is they place a higher priority on pushing globo-homo and pedophilia than they do on enslaving mankind and herding them into quarantine camps. Because that's one of the major reasons behind the Russian invasion: to stop the onslaught of homosexuality and the forced sexualization of children.

Think about that for a moment and two things jump out. The first is that almost everyone operating at the top levels of both the virus hoax and the new "we have to start World War III" hoax is not only obsessed with homosexuality and pedophilia, they're actually enslaved and possessed by it.

Kind of reminds you of the homo-obsessed inhabitants of Sodom, doesn't it?
The Bible says homosexuality is one of four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, and the hoax pushers, by subverting their Mark of the Beast virus hoax agenda to make way for this new hoax are putting their cards on the table. They're telling you, plain as day, that homosexuality, pedophilia and the forced sexualization of children is their number one priority.

W. Lindsay Wheeler #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

We all know that Zelensky is Jewish. Right?

Did you know that 3/4 of his cabinet is Jewish?

Did you know that he has a Jewish Handler?

Golanzo has a tremendous knowledge about the history and goings on in Ukraine.

Do you know that there are pics of John McCain at the Maiden revolt in Ukraine praising the coup?

Do you know that Lindsay Graham was in Ukraine in 2019 praising the Ukrainian push to oust the Russians from the Donbass? ...praising the nationalism of the Ukrainians?

Let me bring to you the BIG picture, the Global Overarching goal that ties this all together. Ask yourself,

Why did we go into Iraq and unseat Saddam Hussein?

Libya and unseat Mohammar Ghaddafi?

And tried to take out Assad in Syria?

What does Russia, Iraq, Libya and Syria have in common?

Dictatorships....Authoritarianism. --Separationism! What is a Dictatorship? A pseudo-Monarchy!

Why is it that George Soros called Xi as a betrayer?

The WHOLE thing is Jewish.

The people who pushed the Iraq War were Neocons--who were what? ---ALL Jewish!

It is the Rich Jews who laid it upon themselves to accomplish the World Republic-and that means EVERYBODY has to have democracy!

Democracy is the vehicle for the Jewish World Republic and their "messiah" to come.

It is about rebuilding the Tower of Babel so one of them sits on top.

This whole thing is a continuation of the modern Republican movement that ended Christendom, Western Civilization of Throne and Altar!

And THAT is why you see this massive propaganda campaign, economic warfare against Russia.

They PURPOSELY started this war to destroy Russia; they want unrest IN Russia to unseat Putin.

Everybody and anybody in Power has a Jewish Handler. Nixon his Kissinger. Bush his Neocons, Trump his Kushner.

It is ALL about destroying Dictatorships and implementing "Democracy."

Democracy is Jewish government!

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