
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Among the several million illegals that have invaded our country in just two years are terrorists, robbers, rapists, murderers, cartelists, child molesters, and other lawbreakers.

The Biden Regime has abdicated its duty to stop this invasion - brave governors MUST.

We shouldn't need the approval of the Biden Regime to deport illegals out of Arizona.

All we should need is a governor with the courage to do so.

That's why I've introduced the "Empowering States to Deport Illegal Aliens Act". Read it below:

@DrPaulGosar the governors are paid by the same jews as Biden's cabinet. They're not going to do anything either.

@DrPaulGosar Per state and federal constitutions all of you are in violation of TREASON and yall know it. Every law, every pay raise, illegal immigration, and basically everything all you corrupt piles of shit do is against the law of the land....we "elected" you clowns and I can't wait for the day you all face God's judgement which is coming soon upon his return! I don't see you not taking a pay raise...all guilty...yall could do something but nope keep the corruption rolling!


I truly believe there are far more illegal aliens in the country than anyone realizes. Dems and their open border policy are destroying America.

@DrPaulGosar perhaps we should just exercise our constitutional rights and dissolve the government. clean up the mess ourselves

@DrPaulGosar Doc, while I agree with the sentiment where is this bill really going to go??? Into the trash cause the republican party doesn't have the numbers.. or unfortunately the BACKBONE yet, but is it not the states rights to do this anyway? Isn't the federal government suppose to answer to the states and they to the people of the state they represent??? When did we forget who really has the power in this country? Thoughts?!?

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Biden Regime refuses to secure our border. As a direct result, deadly fentanyl flooding into our country from Mexico took the lives of over 100,000 Americans last year.

Never forget the lives that have been lost because of their malfeasance.

@DrPaulGosar We’re aware. What has the Republican Party done about it other than remain complicit in it?

What are you republicans plan to do about it?
Complain and grift off of it til kingdom come.


What have the Republicans done. Never forget the white jobs lost to illegal browns that the Republicans want to make legal here. White kids going without because of brown skins. They absorb fuel and food etc that could be better used on white people


@jake69b4u @DrPaulGosar

@DrPaulGosar Reasons our rulers like mass turd world immigration:
1. Cheap labor, pushed wages down
2. Generates votes for the regime
3. Creates discord and a lack of unity within the populace, the same as tyrants in ancient Greece would import and create mixed polities to maintain their rule

@DrPaulGosar one world government
One world currency
One world forced religion
Coming to a city near you.

Revelation 13

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
America must be put FIRST again.


@DrPaulGosar White people are sick of being erased.

@DrPaulGosar Call out the Jew and stick up for Whites and THEN you have our support.

@DrPaulGosar I am sicker of the Jews destroying it with their open borders policy, homosexuality, trannies, pornography, child sacrifice, etc.

@DrPaulGosar A special tax should be levied on whoever is found to be in support of this--AND the illegal invasion! You voted for it, you buy it!

@DrPaulGosar it's the Jews. If you go to the root, all signs lead to Judeaism

@Joyjoythedestroyer @DrPaulGosar Yes, but it is also Satan. The Jews would have no power in Christian America if “Christians” would have really been Christians and followed Jesus Christ who called the followers of the traditions of men, aka the Talmud, the devil’s children. Instead they let these people have power over our money, our government, our corporations, our media and our schools. No wonder America is being destroyed, so-called “Christians” let the devil’s children control everything even remotely important in this nation. Until and unless this is rectified America will continue to be destroyed. Already it is probably too late for this nation to survive.

@DrPaulGosar America, a soup of non-White alien invaders who leech off of and ruin everything White people created.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

The Anti-White Defamation League (@AWDL) will be as large or small as you make it.

It has an immense amount of potential, but it cannot reach that potential without you guys in the pro-White community.

The Anti-White Defamation League is a legitimate and legal entity, and it has serious aims of taking legal action against the ongoing war against White people in the media, universities, and government.

We are the Anti-White Defamation League.
You can learn more about us a http://AWDL.us
There you can also donate to help get this ad aired on major media outlets.
Please feel free to download and repost this video.
Thank you.

@AWDL @Nature_and_Race What exactly are three mamzers, a jew, a negro and a ??? going to do for me?

@YahEternal @Nature_and_Race that is a panel of professional internet liberals, not the AWDL. The use of that clip was meant to convey that even e-celeb libs can't ignore the rise in anti-White hatred.

@Nature_and_Race @AWDL

Blackwashing White culture …is a hate crime…

Struggle sessions for White school children where they are accused for things that happened (or not)
hundreds of years before their birth… is a hate crime

Affirming less qualified students of color before qualified motivated White student is a hate crime

Diversity hiring less qualified people with no other merits than melanin content … is a hate crime…

Don’t accept hate and resentment for yourself or your kids … you where not put on this earth to be a parent or an ATM machine for low achieving POCs

They must learn to sink or swimm… like the rest of us
The infantile notion that they are owed stuff they don’t work for and they are entitled to stuff you work for …is a dead end… they must build their own Wakanda… you can’t do it for them…

If you don’t give away wealth to POCs they hate you and think you have stolen it from them…
If you DO give away your hard earned wealth to POCs
They hate you “White savior” complex and think that if you give something away… you must have stolen it from them in the first place… and they will loot and burn to they get the rest…

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

"Nazis" are literally the only people on this planet who are trying to end the radical Liberal extremism that's overtaken Western Civilization.

We're the only ones trying to end the homosexual campaign to sexualize and sexually mutilate our children.

We're the only ones trying to end the Marxist/Bolshevik Antifa-BLM war on White people.

You may not like this fact, but your emotions don't change the fact that it IS a fact: the "Nazis" are the good guys.

@Nature_and_Race Nazis stopped their children from getting their genitals mutilated by satanic demons. Nazis built safer and more homogenous communities. Nazi’s turned their degenerate government around from marxist genderfluid broke hyperinflation, into a traditional, robust, rich, homogenous community. I’m not seeing anything wrong here, and in fact, I want what they had.

@Nature_and_Race NSDAP also turned a bankrupt and destroyed nation into a super power that was able to fight head to head against two of the most powerful regimes on earth all at the same time. And they weren't far from winning.

@Nature_and_Race ANTIFA are Nazis, that double flag symbol they have is an original NAZI symbol. No body with a brain attached buys this shit with you attempting to garner support for your left wing radical agenda and I pray for those that do. If you are a real person and you actually believe this than you know nothing about the top of the NAZI pyramid. NAZIs are controlled by the Zionists. WW2 was one giant cluster fuck of false flags and lies.


"ohhh emmm geee I h8 nazi scum!!!"

"But you hate tranny crap for kids, right? And you like the idea of a strong family, in which one parent - ideally, the father - can be the breadwinner while the other nurtures the children? And you like the idea of being independent of foreign influences on our political and societal structure, right? And you like.... (ad nauseum)"

"yeah, those things all sound good... why do you ask?"

"Well, there was this one movement in recent history that supported all sorts of things like that..."

@Nature_and_Race Damn dude. I must be a nazi, b/c I'm sick of groomers abusing children.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerJoin me in prayer
to end abortion in

@RealMarjorieGreene I just had a epiphany as I stopped scrolling to contemplate the lefts come back as to there argument about the world and over population and how abortion is good.

Instead of killing babies.

Save the unborn

Execute Treasonous Traitors and spys
Execute the murders on death row
Execute the Pedophiles
Execute Evil

This will bring balance back.

@RealMarjorieGreene Black lives matter, white lives matter, how about the UNBORN LIVES MATTER?

@RealMarjorieGreene At the moment of conception; a soul of God has been born. May parents start to educate their children to respect each other and to be disciplined. Children should be taught to wait for marriage. This will also protect them from unwanted pregnancies as well as deadly pathogens such as hepatitis, herpes, aids. Keep your children spiritually healthy. Teach them to follow God's commandments. Be persistent with them as they grow up and do not send them to public schools where they are being exposed to the social ills of our society. Their neurons are not developed and that is why God created parents. God bless America, and protect Americans from foreign abortionists who believe sucking a soul out of a babies womb is culturally acceptable practice. These guys should do no harm, ever.

Congresswoman Porno Bitch wants you all to pray for more niggers bloodsucking the treasury.

fuck this stupid cunt🖕

@VanCleef @RealMarjorieGreene that can't be emphasized enough. The overturning of Roe versus Wade will have far more dire consequences than anything good it supposedly will do. The percentage of s*** skin babies being born will skyrocket with our ethnic replacement happening sooner than expected. These tradcons aren't about conserving what's left of the greatness of our society and are just as destructive to our well-being as the Democrats.

various commenters #wingnut gab.com

The F***!?

What a disgusting thing to say.

Her kids deserves better and I hope they never see this.

spoilerBeing a mom is the hardest job
I'll ever have. No one should
be forced to be a parent.

@thelaurenchen No one really is forced to be a parent. Adoption and foster care prove this. Such an attitude reeks of laziness, self-centeredness and narcissism and worse.

@thelaurenchen 98% of abortions are due to personal convenience. Nobody is forcing women to have consensual unprotected sex with one or more partners. The argument boils down to this: you like being sexually immoral, but you don’t like the consequences of those actions, so you murder your children. Pure satanism.

@thelaurenchen They perform the ONE act that was specifically designed to cause procreation, then they're shocked and dismayed when they get pregnant. 🤦‍♂️

@perezoso @thelaurenchen Abortion is Birth control for the LAZY worthless Humans !!!

Some people should probably be sterilized at birth.
Her, for instance.

@thelaurenchen Wearing a mask in her profile picture. Automatic 50 point deduction in IQ points.

@thelaurenchen "No one should be forced to be a parent" -- Except in the infinitesimally small percentage of pregnancies due to rape, NO ONE is FORCED to be a parent. A completely disingenuous skank and typical leftist that promotes irresponsibility and no accountability. FIRST DEGREE MURDER IS NOT HEALTH CARE, you evil scumbag!🔥

@thelaurenchen ... just like no one should be forced to have a DNA altering, myocardial inducing, genocidal Covid-19 shot either.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

California just became the first state in the nation to mandate that all children take mRNA vaccines in order to attend school.

Florida, on the other hand, now recommends against the mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.

Florida follows the science, California does not.

@DrSimoneGold I disagree completely that FL follows the science. If they were following the science they would not recommend that ANYONE take this poison. In fact, they would be rounding up and arresting those still lying about and promoting the death shots.

@Late4theSky @DrSimoneGold Modern republicans are just progressives driving the speed limit

@DrSimoneGold Want to get rich? Start a casket business in CA.

@Doobie1057 @DrSimoneGold the way kids are being taught in CA, maybe its best they dont reproduce anyway.


They've got to de-populate California to make room for the 100 million communist Chinese that will be coming.

@OKAmerika @DrSimoneGold California becomes the first state to announce plans to require student vaccinations – adding the COVID-19 vaccine to list of vaccinations required for school, such as the vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella

@Pink_Ocommie @OKAmerika @DrSimoneGold look on the bright side they love abortions so much they can sterilize and kill there kids too and intelligent people that arent commies will not let there kids be vaccinated and the gene pool will be better for it. I'd rather a generation of leftists communists be wiped out like the dodo bird while right wing stops vaccinationing and does homeschooling and private institutions.

@DrSimoneGold ?? FL recommends males age 18-39 not get it? What about children ages 6months-17 yo? What about them? Imo, no one, absolutely no one person should get any of these. So take that to the bank.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left is panicking over the idea of restoring freedom of speech online.

They attacked Gab, now they attack Elon Musk.

Without total control over the distribution of information, they will lose and they know it.

@DrPaulGosar Woke is just the application of civil rights "harassment" precedents. To restore freedom of speech requires repealing the civil rights act of 1964


who owns the media?

@rippline @DrPaulGosar (🇮🇱'👃'🇮🇱)'' OY VEY, SHUT IT DOWN!


@DrPaulGosar When (((the left))) is no longer able to censor you, will you name the jew?

@RandolfoCalzonian @DrPaulGosar Non-Jew socialists are far more zealous and dedicated to socialism than any church goer I have ever met. Get rid of the Jews and you still have these crazy fuckers so nothing changes.

@Capitalist1776 Jews are behind every problem we have today. They are the ringleaders of communism, anti-Whitism, globalism, racial conflict, perversion, transgenderism, usury, endless war for profit, open borders, dumb-down schools, you name it. Get rid of them and most of our problems will disappear. @DrPaulGosar

@Derrick_L Jews are not a religion. They are a hostile foreign tribe that has taken over the West through murder and deceit. Through usury, they own the money supply, all major corporations, all social media, all Western mainstream media, control the school curriculums and major publishing houses -- and you're blaming the victims. @Capitalist1776 @DrPaulGosar

@Derrick_L @RandolfoCalzonian @Capitalist1776 @DrPaulGosar Simply read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and you will know the details of their "religion".

@DrPaulGosar Come on Paul, we know why people are being attacked, if you name the jew and tell people what they are doing to white America they will silence you.

That is why you never name them.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar It's not anti-Christian. It's antiwhite.

@NoWhiteGuiltClips @DrPaulGosar I am a Christian and I agree. Antiwhites hate White Christians above all, but they hate all Whites and won't stop until every one of us is erased from existence.

@DrPaulGosar ---> Dr. Gosar,

Atheist, racist, marxist junta is more accurate to describe the current "Administration".

RINOs in the Republican party are the silent enemy from within. They aid and abet the junta. RINOs must be defeated in order to at least have an America Last agenda, as opposed to the current America Never agenda.

We also have to stop sending tens of billions of dollars to ISIS Europe aka Ukraine.

Having said that, you are one of the best Members of Congress, and I pray that you succeed 🙏🏼

Thank you for reading.

@Derrick_L @DrPaulGosar ISIS Ukraine??? Hardly! Ukraine (aka Khazaria) is controlled by the kikes, just like virtually every other European nation and the U.S.

@DrPaulGosar America first is just another Jew psyop

@FinlessDolphin @DrPaulGosar the Jew always plays both sides...and the midwit goy always fall for it.

various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com


spoilerDecades ago
when the Bible &
prayer were
banned from
schools many
wondered what
would become of
our society
Now we know.

@SeekUFind no God no God given rights

@SeekUFind What is even worse, when God was kicked out of the churches, for the pastors started preaching fables that they are told to preach over the truth of God's word. Then people wonder why there is so much separation in the church.

Sad how when one shows scriptures that the Holy Spirit is not the restrainer that goes away, exposes 6 fables the churches teach. For without truth, they live in lies and do not have God or Jesus and are not saved.

@SeekUFind It's hard to teach socialism with the Bible in the way!

Society isn't screwed up because of the removal of Christianity. It's screwed up because of what they replaced it with - holocaustianity and jewish secularism.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Blacks commit 60% of the murders in this country.

Blacks make up 24% of the population in poverty.

Whites make up 42% of the population in poverty.

You’ll have to come up with another reason why these people are violent murders other than poverty.

@Apolitical The problem is nigger DNA. Black "people" are subhuman primates, which causes them to behave the way they do. No amount of education or wealth redistribution will ever change this. Sorry cuckservatives, but your mantra of "one race, the HUMAN race!" is a lie.

@brextremist @Apolitical how are we in a world that we even have to explain this to tens of millions of Whites?

Truly the most sophisticated and successful brainwashing operation in history was launched on our people post WW2

@BillyBravo @brextremist @Apolitical let the blacks loose in their neighborhoods. It’s the penultimate redpill having to live among them and experience their true nature. The ones that don’t die from natural selection.

@Apolitical I have it on high authority that jew bankers are the cause of black violence

@Apolitical the single highest correlating factor that predicts violent crime in a given city is how many blacks live there. Higher than any economic factor.


Don't northern blacks commit a lot more violence than southern blacks?

I wonder if that is due to northern blacks having vitamin d deficiency. Blacks need a lot more sun than whites to make the same amount of vitamin d, and they aren't evolved to live in places like New York.


@disavower @Apolitical They are actually the cause of the socioeconomic conditions they live in.

Crime causes poverty.

You can predict economic factors with race as well to some degree.

@Apolitical A frequent guest on Howard Stern in the early days had a theory; “Niggers are animals”
It appears substantiated.


Data from NYC really screams: “it’s the genes & their expression, my nigga!”

various commenters #wingnut gab.com


spoilerLife begins at conception
The simple explanation:
Nothings grows if it is not living



@Kriger1488 @kpeters59 They are working tirelessly to build their New World Zionist Order, an order where they are on top and everyone else is on the bottom. God didn't overthrow the Roman Empire so they're going to build one of their own without God. Everyone will take the mark on their forehead or hand and won't be able participate in the economy without the mark. Those who refuse will be murdered.


@pedrodtandocjr1 @kpeters59
but there's so much money to be made from killing babies and selling their organa, directly and indirectly

@kpeters59 i chuckle at their “cluster of cells” defense. Everything/ everyone is a cluster of cells. Chemically speaking we are mostly water with a bit carbon.
Now we just have to educate them that the 10’s of thousands of genetic code exchanged at conception and the neurological brain activity is what the scientific explanation of the soul is.
They know they are losing the argument. Imaging has gotten much better since 1970. We just gotta stick with the facts. Ultrasounds have saved lives, when people see what that “cluster” is.
We will never win them all over, but we can win enough of them 1 at a time.
First we win their hearts and minds, then we can get the laws passed. But the laws passed stop nothing until they are convinced abortion is murder.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar this is how the deception of #Zionism works. They instill this false paradigm of reality in which 'the left' is evil but if 'the (present-day) right' takes power, then everything's gonna be OK. 🤡

Except it comes with a caveat. If Republicans take power, you've just surrendered the executive to be governed from Tel Aviv and every single thing will be done by dual citizens to bring about the war with Iran to finally destroy this country which is just awaiting its final knockout blow as it is.

Donald Trump resisted every single last attempt from Zionists to attack Iran; going the distance of carrying out the assassination of one Maj. General Qassem Soleimaini, the conqueror of ISIS -Zionist proxy- in the middle east, but not going total war which they lust for. EVERYBODY KNOWS the dynamics of power once this treasonous 'element' takes over, if and when they do you're finished.

Between #Marxism on the left and Zionism on the right you are caught between the choice to die by a gunshot wound or by poisoning. It's the eternal jewish promise of destruction you can't escape from. 💀☠️

@DrPaulGosar Except by rigging elections. #Fix2020 #DecertifyBiden

@DrPaulGosar by left you really mean jew...right?


Sez the Zionist pawn,

Democrats and Republicans are all run by Jew bankers.

And what are you doing about contolling the controlled narrative?

@DrPaulGosar Without massive vote fraud, the Left would lose almost every election in America.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Saying White lives matter is antisemitic according to jews.

Ask yourself why that is


The ADL is a Terrorist organization

@DarenFromDelaware @Apolitical ADL is a Terrorist Hate Organization.

@Apolitical Being born White is Anti-Semitic!

@Apolitical them Jews can say whatever they want about Christians but they are afraid of you telling the world what they are actually doing. Go home Jews.

@BikingForJesus What home? Israel is the promised land for Christians.

@HerMajestyDeanna2 @BikingForJesus exactly. Jews have no home, they are wretched parasites, invaders in every land they will ever inhabit. They dont belong anywhere, they are alien to the entire world. Their home is in the lake of fire, right alongside with their father the devil.
I have no problem sending them to their true home, but the Jews need to get out of palestine

@Apolitical I finally agree Hitler was probably the good guy

@eatmefu @Apolitical
He was. And the Jews and the Allied governments lied about what happened in the labor camps.


@USAGAGGY63 @Apolitical You nigger-loving liberal cunt. Take your plastic ass south of the border and sell it for pesos.

@Apolitical Sounds to me that the ADL is Anti-White, that's racist.

@reneleea @Apolitical Never use the R word. (Racist is an antiWhite slur)

@StopAntiwhiteism @Apolitical Racists is trigger word for the Racists.

@reneleea @Apolitical That’s where you’re wrong. AntiWhites always say that “only white people can be racist.” They have defined the term academically in that way. In other words, if the antiWhites get their dream and there really is The Last White Man someday, he will be known to the world as The Racist. You better learn and shape up fast.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

White people know they are under attack. They can feel it.

They are being murdered by minorities every day. They are being replaced by minorities through mass immigration. They are discriminated against legally by their government. They are passed over for jobs and promotions. They are told they are privileged and responsible for all the worlds evils. They are told they have no culture.

Race matters and you are under attack for yours


spoilerFrom Rome to Russia, empires have
fallen and yet Jews have persisted.
Why? Because they are racist. It is
precisely for this reason that they have
stigmatized racism in our minds they
know it's the best survival strategy.
Their position in our societies is a
testament to this.

@Apolitical And they have the GOP telling them that some violent negro who hates them is actually their savior.

@Apolitical 10-14% of earths population is white. The true minority. Gimme my reparations !😆🤣😂

@Apolitical They are not "minorities"... we're being invaded by global majorities...if they were minorities they wouldn't be coming here. Whites only make up 10% of the global population.

@Apolitical and yet ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

@whfla @Apolitical I love being White. It's a hard job though.

@Apolitical And everywhere there are more darkies everywhere, milling about talking their strange languages.

Who the fuck invited these people into my country?

It sure wasn't me.

I was never asked.

@hamburgertoday @Apolitical your elitest white brothers wish to replace you because you make piss poor slaves

@clarkmorehouse The Whites are all patsies and sycophants. The engine of global migration from the South to the North is Jews.

No Jews.

No mass immigration.


various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

👱‍♀️ Noble Aryan Woman About White Replacement

What a woman! Give her a like! 👍👍👍

ℹ️ Unfortnately, it seems as if she has disappeared, nobody knows what happened. This video is perfect for family members, friends or acquaintances who have not yet seen the truth. You will have a feel-good moment when watching this noble, Aryan woman, Lauren Rose, speak the truth. Finally, the world is waking up. The Aryan is no longer silent.

It should come as no surprise that Jews are the behind the replacement of Aryans. Both in Europe, North America and in Australia.

🔗 The death of America was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965: https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=50

Red pilling videos in the comment sections of these links

🔗 Jews (1st Archive): https://gab.com/BlackScorpionNationalists/posts/107033325064007306
🔗 Jews (2nd Archive): https://gab.com/BlackScorpionNationalists/posts/107648515577080118
🔗 Jews (3rd Archive): https://gab.com/BlackScorpionNationalists/posts/10819

@BlackScorpionNationalists Know who the real enemy is that promote the hatred of whites.

@BlackScorpionNationalists If this is truth, Its time for all Jews to move to Israel!

@forgottenshirt Yes, we are Zionists. We want all Jews to move there. 😂

@BlackScorpionNationalists Dad because of the border situation . I could not find a white man to try to date. And when I went on a white dating site I was called a racist.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

If you don't acknowledge the correlation between race and behavior, you'll never solve the current decline in society.

spoilerCities aren't dangerous.
Certain neighborhoods aren't
dangerous. The dark of night
isn't dangerous. Certain people
who inhabit them are.

@Nature_and_Race You'll discover evidence of the holocaust before finding a wealthy liberal moving to a predominantly black neighborhood.

@Nature_and_Race You can take the black out of the Savage lands, but you can't take the Savage out of black hands..

Conservatives- "We are all one race"

Also Conservatives... around blacks 👌


@Nature_and_Race We are being attacked by two sub-human races simultaneously, the high I.Q. Neanderthal mongrel jews who have taken over our institutions and their low I.Q. sub-Saharan niggers who are taking over our streets.

@RealAnnyIrish @Nature_and_Race Perfectly stated.

@RealAnnyIrish @Nature_and_Race I've been around many jews though while intelligent, their overall logic is usually flawed, corrupted by their talmudic beliefs which come out if you press the right buttons.

@Nature_and_Race cities don’t kill people, black people kill people.

@Nature_and_Race It's taken me a while to come around to the idea that 'thinking racially' is the correct way to think.

But now I see it's true.

@Nature_and_Race ..and they have been deliberately imported to spook the natives on behalf of the corrupt Control System that wants Whites to be genocided...They Come...They Breed,Rape,Terrorize,Defecate,Leech,Infect and Plunder....We DIE!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Blacks are a biological weapon of mass destruction.

We will never have a safe and peaceful society so long as they live amongst us.

I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.

NOTE: They refer to the black as a "teen", even though he's a legal adult. Why?, because the media ONCE AGAIN is running interference for these primitive subhuman creatures - trying to portray him as some innocent little kid who just made a mistake, instead of the violent savage psychopath that he really is.


@Nature_and_Race Anyone who claims that these subhuman primates are the same as us, and that our only difference is "skin colour", is either incredibly stupid or an enemy trying to deceive you.

@Nature_and_Race From a personal perspective, having lived among blacks for 25 years and then moved to an all white community, I can testify this is true. Stating that white communities are less safe when blacks are introduced there is not racist hate speech. It is a fact backed up by crime statistics.


@Nature_and_Race 100% no society with more than 5% blacks as ever survived.

@Nature_and_Race The only Justice I will accept for this man. Make medieval rat executions great again! https://allthatsinteresting.com/rat-torture-method


Bring back lynchings.
Hanged by a foot, dowsed in petrol, matchstick, poof.
Stabbed repeatedly with a hayfork while dying. Fear is the only language these beasts understand.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
You catch the most flak when you're over the target. I wear Biden's attacks on me (when he can say them coherently) as a badge of honor. The anti-Christian Biden Regime will be defeated by God and the America First Movement.

@DrPaulGosar I dare you to say White People. When you say antiChristian, you mean antiwhite. When you say America First, you actually mean stopping White erasure. Say it.

@TrueBonnieBlue Furthermore, have Paul prove his own point by talking about the Jews in the media and federal government.


@DrPaulGosar The Regime is blatantly #AntiWhite.

When are you going to address #AntiWhitism - the greatest moral evil of our age?

The Regime is only anti-Christian because Christianity is the religion of #Westmen.

How is the America First Movement going to succeed in the face of overwhelming #WhiteErasure?

There is no Western civilization without #Westernkind.

@DrPaulGosar The satanic Biden regime is far more than anti-Christian. Satan's role is to destroy all souls at any cost by any means. The indwelling Holy Spirit owns me but all others Satan leads to Hell.

@DrPaulGosar fuck off. Name the jew pussy


You are a Jew pawn.

You are a Zionist, just like all other Republicans.

@RyanMessano1 @DrPaulGosar it's a one-party system masquerading as a two-party system with all roads leading to Zion.

@DrPaulGosar when will you be as brave as Kanye West and name the jew? Without, well, you're just another Matt Walsh.

@bmcbc @DrPaulGosar - Evil can get into anything. Just because Jews are the easiest target to exploit doesn't mean evil isn't clawing its way into everything else... relentlessly!

You're doing evil a favor when you try and trick people into thinking it can only come from ONE source... kinda narrows your shit down.

@DrPaulGosar While they are anti-Christian, they are first and foremost antiWhite. There's a reason they most viciously attack White Christians.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Biden Regime's DOJ has charged 11 pro-life Christians for bravely fighting for a baby's right to live.

That same DOJ refuses to charge abortion groups who vandalized pro-life pregnancy centers or threatened to kill SCOTUS judges.

The Biden Regime is Anti-Christian.


Edit: this screenshot is what happens when COWARDS RUN AWAY FROM FACTS! Block me and run pussies, you faggots got nothing.

@Captain_Raamsley @DrPaulGosar no, they aren't but you are a fascist leftwing idiot.

@DrPaulGosar Not just refuses to charge pro-abort vandals, but refuses to return surveillance video of them actually engaging in vandalism.

@DrPaulGosar More accurately…they are Satanic.


@DrPaulGosar Why do congressmen avoid the fact that the vaccine is a death shot? Is it because you dismiss us as conspiracy theorists, and are so bubbled in the msm narrative?

More like anti American. Your "president" is a child molester, a traitor, and a useful idiot for anyone but us.
What are republicans doing about all of this? Honestly I don't understand why some of you "representatives" post anything on social media. You folks could maybe get off your hands and attempt to stop the communists from wrecking everything.
Marjorie Taylor Green could use some help, from what she posts in here, seems like she's the only one doing any heavy lifting. Maybe you could give her a hand.

@DrPaulGosar Also, anti-American.

@DrPaulGosar, they are anti-everything except evil.

@DrPaulGosar the biden dictatorship is pro crime.

@Forever_Hitler_1488 #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

(Submitters note: profile of gab-user "@Forever_Hitler_1488")

I am a female Canadian National Socialist who will always fight for her Race from those who want to kill us Whites. I am a proud Pagan.

1. I am not a Trump, Biden or Trudeau Supporter
2. I hate niggers, Kikes and faggots
3. I love George Rockwell and Hitler
4. I follow the Laws of National Socialism
5. I block Flat Earthers!



Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar



Life begins at the very moment of conception. Abortion is always premeditated cold blooded murder. A life for an "innocent" life, because God's Holy Laws require, A life for a life. That is what God's Holy Laws are and God Himself NEVER changes.

@DrPaulGosar Ever notice that pro abortion folks have already been born?

@DrPaulGosar Sounds like one of those steps is going to be ending the FBI. Will you fight to do this?

@DrPaulGosar The child is innocent of all the potential acts that created it (brought it to life). Why should the child forfeit its life for any act(s) of the parent(s)?

@DrPaulGosar The child is innocent of all the potential acts that created it (brought it to life). Why should the child forfeit its life for any act(s) of the parent(s)?


@DrPaulGosar don’t let the FBI/KGB hear you say this ! Off to Planned Parenthood jail 😳 sad !

@DrPaulGosar Satanists only like babies for sacrifice. This country is full of Satanists.

@DrPaulGosar ABORTION IS FROM THE JEWS http://judaism.is/abortion.html

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

White people,

If you haven't already, buy a reliable firearm. Take a fighting pistol and/or fighting rifle course with a trained professional. Go to the range at least once a month to practice what you learned in class. Dry-fire practice at home every single day.

Get a quality holster and a light. Carry your firearm whenever you leave your house, FOR WHATEVER REASON.

America has become a warzone. Act accordingly. Don't wait for tragedy to strike before you make significant lifestyle changes. MAKE ALL NECESSARY CHANGES IMMEDIATELY.

Chicago, IL

@Nature_and_Race I would also recommend that you DO NOT post pictures of your weapons on social media and pay in cash. Because the anti-White regime will use what ever means they can to track you down.

@StoppAntiHvitismen @Nature_and_Race Get a 3d printer, and print your frame. Buy the rest of the parts in cash at a local store.

@Nature_and_Race was hoping this was going end up with the nigger shooting himself

@Nature_and_Race If white guys posted videos like this, FBIATFDOJ would be on them like white on rice.

@Nature_and_Race I'm willing to bet the ATF isn't going to be raiding his house any time soon. Too busy threatening white guys who buy solvent traps.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist gab.com

We are the ones you couldn't teach to hate their ancestors.

We are the ones you couldn't teach to hate themselves.

We are the ones you couldn't teach to work against the interests of their children.

We are the ones you couldn't teach to celebrate faggotry and degeneracy.

And we are the ones that are going to teach you a lesson.


@Apophis22 @RealSixMillion Tick, tick, tick. Tock.


@RealSixMillion we are the few, the chosen, the frens.

@Irish_American_Patriot @RealSixMillion and we are the incorruptible purebloods 🤍

@RealSixMillion #WhiteLivesMatter

( @Lord_Timothy_the_Patriot )
@RealSixMillion Then let's bloody get to it then! All this talk and no action. Let's light this candle and get this civil war bloody started already! I've no plans to make it back, but damn it my kids deserve to grow up without fags and tranny trying to rape them, without paying 1/3 of their salary in taxes, etc.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)

@repmtg Never forget, in 2014 the Obama administration orchestrated a coup against the pro Russian government in Ukrane and installed a pro US puppet government. The US owns this war.

@AKomnenos @repmtg The U.S. is an instrument. Our government is a tool. The globalists driving the war don't care one bit who wins or loses. Their preference is no winner. Just a protracted conflict that transfers wealth from the middle class into their control. When this conflict runs its course, their will soon be a new existential threat to humanity breaking out in Burkina Faso or Paraguay or Lichtenstein that will require weekly billion dollar taxpayer infusions.

@AKomnenos @repmtg

@repmtg I'm surprised Lindsay Graham has time to comment on foreign policy with his boyfriend's cock shoved so far up his ass.

@TheElusiveCaliforniaTreeCat It couldn't be that far; Chinese have pretty small ones.

@NamelessHereForevermore @TheElusiveCaliforniaTreeCat if by Chinese you mean jews, then you're correct.

@repmtg how do you not know it's the jews at this point? there is a jew along every step of the way to give ukraine money

@LibertyDankmeme @repmtg cause MTG is a jew herself

@repmtg lindsay graham is disgusting sodomite..lindsay, what facts? the fact you help install zelensky by rigging the election the same way you did in the USA?

@repmtg I question the idea that most of Ukraine wants to live under despotic rule with a psychopathic gay grifting oompa loompa at the helm , and he's only there because of a coup , so he's illegitimate also

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Donald J Trump)
On top of the lost "Clinton Hard Drive," there are also tapes from the George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan Administrations which were lost AFTER having been ordered preserved by a Federal Judge. Some hard drives were even "damaged by sloppy handling in the transfer"! The National Archivist actually gave George H.W. Bush "exclusive legal control over all Presidential information." Compare that to how unfairly and illegally the 45th President, me, has been treated!

@realdonaldtrump Let's talk about this and hurricanes, shall we?

@PresidentElectKraken @realdonaldtrump has anyone consider that these chemtrails are causing drought?
They justify they help rain. But are they destroying the atmosphere?

@MonicaTowne @realdonaldtrump These chemtrails, along with Haarp, doppler radar, nexrad, and other devices cause all rain, hail, droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. They are 100 years in on this crime and all weather is now at their bidding. As far as the atmosphere, I don't believe in their so-called "layers" as presented to us by NASA (SATAN t minus) as it is false just like the spinning ball where water is forced down by gravity but a tiny fly can break free and fly. The space between us and the dome is destroyed by their evil. http://geoengineeringwatch.org has tons of information and footage.

@realdonaldtrump I'll care about as much as you did on Jan 6th. #Fuckoffalready


@realdonaldtrump Trump Won 2020

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

Here's an idea: Somebody needs to start vaccine free blood donation centers.

@bradnjones We need to start all new medical systems away from BigGov hands on it . Can’t even trust my own doctor anymore.

@bradnjones Would have to be folks with a high trust factor- and users would have to be jab free. No sheep getting the blood of lions. People also need to be aware that if they have a procedure scheduled, they can bank their own blood in advance.

The only problem is the hospitals would probably destroy it.....like the governments destroying food....

@Lisabemo1 we need new hospitals too

@bradnjones @Lisabemo1 and a new government!

Fuck it. Burn it all down, move all the jabbed lepers to their own colony, and start over from scratch.

@bradnjones I saw somewhere where the Red Cross was mixing contaminated blood when pure blood

@JWoody technically speaking you're not allowed to donate blood if you have had a vaccine that isn't fully authorized (i.e. that is emergency authorized). I've heard that they aren't checking those who've had the COVID vaccine.

@bradnjones @JWoody that’s also a good way for the ‘people in charge’ to find out who is vaccinated and who is not by their blood donation records. Such an evil system in place.

@bradnjones @JWoody they're not checking. They'll just pump you full of clotblood.

@michaelsebastiaan @bradnjones @JWoody Vaxxed blood is visibly different than unvaxxed blood. That’s why they’re cutting all the unvaxxed blood with vaxxed blood. It’s worse than just them not checking. They’re actively mixing it.

@michaelsebastiaan @bradnjones @JWoody Even if they did check, I’m not trusting any of them ever again. If pure blood is more expensive, suddenly their whole supply is pure! How do they know you didn’t get the vax anyway? Can they test your blood for it like they do aids? 🤔

@bradnjones Yes, sooner the better. Surgery patients at the small hospital where I work are turning down ALL blood products rather than risk getting vaccinated blood. This is a life and death decision they are forced to make in the face of unavoidable surgical procedures.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

It's a big first step. Thank you, Governor.

spoilerI just signed SB3 to prevent gender
transition services for minors at
Oklahoma Children's Hospital at OU
This is just the first step.
I am calling on the Legislature to ban all
irreversible gender transition surgeries
and hormone therapies on minors

@sethdillon Great. Step two, start making arrests.

@sethdillon final step is outlawing it for all people. We don’t let schizos dig the illuminati tracking chip out of their heads, so why do we allow “transgenders” to mutilate their genitals?

It should be considered Child Abuse and you should go to prison for at least twenty years for each child you abused.

@sethdillon Just the first step to ban "transition" bodily mutilation for everyone. People with mental illness need a therapist, not a surgeon.

@sethdillon Can we also get the medical licenses of all medical workers participating in 'transistioning' revoked? Let them go to another country and practice what they call 'medicine'.

@sethdillon It just seems eminently reasonable to wait untl kids are at least 21 and can make a really informed consent first...

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gab.com


spoiler96% of Americans
should NOT have
to Adjust their
Morals to
accommodate 4%
of the population

@timrunshismouth. Im so tired of seeing rainbow crap everywhere that I could puke. Children don't need to be exposed to anyone's sexuality - no matter what it is. And let children enjoy exploring life without trying to talk them into getting castrated or cutting off their breasts. The Left is really taking advantage of the most vulnerable. Maybe trying to help kids like being who they are and not trying g to change anything would help.

@timrunshismouth And we sure as HELL should not have to give them access to our children!

@WinyanStazWakien @timrunshismouth I totally agree! Keep them out of our schools!

@timrunshismouth Wood chippers....More wood chippers....

@timrunshismouth I don’t care if 99% are faggots, I will still oppose faggotory ruthlessly

@timrunshismouth It's not even as hard as adjusting our morals, they won't even allow you to simply ignore them!! You do you and I'll do me, including raising my own children!!

@timrunshismouth Apparently you are claiming there is approx. 96% of the people in the United States who are not gay, actually having morals... is that right?
I have to argue that point with you... No one who voted for Biden has even an ounce of morals, and though they may claim to be Christian, they certainly are not true Bible reading and believing Christian if they are voting for democrats who supports abortion, gay rights, transgenderism, evolution, and the rejection of God's WORD...

@timrunshismouth I say the white population should not have to live with the black one

@timrunshismouth I doubt they are 4% and half of them have mental problems and should be institutionalized!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Wanna guess who rules over you?

@Nature_and_Race The headline should rightfully read: "Only jewish schools will be permitted. All other religious schools will be banned"

@Nature_and_Race didn't know sweden was predominatly a jewish country learn something new everyday

@Nature_and_Race So kikes don't fall under all religions?

@Nature_and_Race Tells you who exactly is in charge. Maybe those asylum seekers can destroy those jewish schools. And those jewish kids ALL deserve to die. As do all their parents.

@Nature_and_Race Not even 7 billion goyim can make a law a Jew is obliged to respect.

@Nature_and_Race so not banning religious schools, just Christian schools.

@Nature_and_Race could not be more obvious to some of us but for most others they can't see it

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Since Biden took office, approximately 5 MILLION illegal aliens have crossed our borders according to @FAIRImmigration.

My Protect America First Act would lock the doors to our home and keep us all safe from the Biden-led illegal invasion.

Save America!

@repmtg @FAIRImmigration Call out white erasure and do more to stop it.

@repmtg @FAIRImmigration Ending birthright citizenship is an absolute MUST to control illegal immigration. One of your birth parents MUST be a LEGAL VERIFIABLE US CITIZEN for you to be "born" a US Citizen.

@FedUpWithPCCulture @repmtg @FAIRImmigration that ain't gonna happen. The only reason they allowed Roe versus Wade to be overturned was because the majority of babies being aborted were shitskin savages and they need those creatures to overpopulate the white people. It's all part of Zion's plan.

@repmtg @FAIRImmigration THIS IS WAR


@repmtg @FAIRImmigration PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS THAT HIRE ILLEGAL ALIENS. With no jobs, they will go home.

@repmtg @FAIRImmigration I see nothing that punishes those who hire illegal immigrants giving them the impetus to come in the first place. What are your plans for those who sell out America for cheap labor?


various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

A brown professor can keep their job after calling to “abolish Whitesness.”

A White student will be expelled and get a visit from the FBI for posting an “It’s ok to be White” flyer.

Whites don’t have privilege, we are under attack

@Apolitical here a black publication can call for the genocide of whites and corporate America still gives them millions.

@Apolitical Anyone talking about white privilege should just be laughed off the stage at this point.

It's gonna take that level of contempt.


spoilerWhen you're white but the
cop still gives you a ticket.
"I was told there would
be privileges?"

I love explaining to FBI agents why they should hate jews and niggers.

@PizzaJohns they actually have to regurlarly undergo "deradicalization therapy" because we're always so fkn right about it being the jews and their pet niggers.


Soon it will be punishable by death to be:

- White
- Straight
- A white man
- Have right-wing/conservative political viewpoints

This is all coming, and is already here. They just need to do a 9/11 scale domestic false flag to pass Patriot Act 2.0 to justify the Mao style mass killing of all political opposition they are going to do.

@Apolitical But it's not ok to be white!
It's fucking brilliant. I was born into ancestry that built all you see today, all scientific advances and all successful societies. It might be just ok to be black but it's fucking great never looking in the mirror wishing I was from somewhere else. Maybe another time due to the degeneracy of today but not another creed. Proud white beserker Viking of Christian English upbringing.

@Apolitical Can you imagine students trying to set up White student unions on American campuses like black students have for years? Dual standards.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Satanic Temple is filing lawsuits in federal court to protect the right to murder babies in the barbaric practice known as abortion.

We must defeat this evil.

America must become completely PRO-LIFE!

@DrPaulGosar the Synagogue of Satan you say??

@Snickerfritz @DrPaulGosar or democrat party, interchangeable

@Rebekah64 @DrPaulGosar it's a uniparty, my friend. The only thing delineating between them is their time-to-implementation. Today's republican platform is the democrats ten years past.

@Snickerfritz @DrPaulGosar the Church of Satan (or Luciferian Church as I've also heard them called), it's an actual organization that started as a bunch of edgy internet guys mainly focused on showing up the more pushy censoring of other religions (with the Jehovah witnesses being their main adversary) though it appears they've declined since then.

@DrPaulGosar only way to do that is to promote Christianity... and not "Judeo Christianity" but pure un adulterated JESUS SAVES AND IS KING CHRISTIANITY!!!

@OurWorld @DrPaulGosar Jesus will be back soon. Wait patiently for him in the mean time. Take care and stay safe 🌹

@DrPaulGosar Your Jewish constituents agree with the Satanists. I have yet to see you call them out.


spoilerImagine being that upset that babies will live

@DrPaulGosar Per the constitution, the fedgov has no authority to regulate murder, so that power belongs to the states. It looks like some blue states are trying to legalize infanticide, which tells us how evil they are.

@DrPaulGosar that satanic temple belongs to the Jews u stupid

@DrPaulGosar Great now scream to the rooftop how the satanic temple and dems share the same goals.

So, is it OBVIOUS now that Satanists and Dems are one and the same???

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar all you really need is a posse of about 30 guys willing to do what they think is necessary.


@DrPaulGosar You don't need the administrations OK to do most anything in your State. Each State is sovereign within its own borders. Just can't go against the US Constitution which all States bought into a long time ago... (there is nothing about allowing illegals to remain in your States in the US Constitution)

@DrPaulGosar secession?

@DrPaulGosar Why the red states can't combine their resources and put together a law enforcement agency that can deal with this is beyond me . The states have the power over the federal government not the other way around . It's about time those governors in red state started to read thier own constitution and laws that apply to the powers of a state .

@DrPaulGosar Deport them back to where they come from and drop them off instead of the USA

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

The most effective way to talk about race is not IQ statistics or even race and crime.

The most effective way is to show video of how black people act.

Show video of them randomly punching elderly White people. Show video of them swarming and looting convenience stores. Show video of them twerking on cop cars.

These are things that do more to speak to the differences in race than any hard data because it’s shocking to see these people acting in ways they’ve never seen Whites act and never will.

@Apolitical 100% this.

You will do more to wake White people up by showing them a marathon of niggers acting like niggers (demons) then you will with any amount of statistics.

The truth is that even those Whites who want to believe themselves logical are still more driven by emotion than by logic.

Humans are unreasonable creatures, internalize that.

If you try to treat Whites like an AI that will just take in the data unbiasedly and make a logical determination you're not doing us any favors.

We are human and they will react to the vicious savagery and pure evil of the niggers when submersed in it.


Videos of smaller nigglets being mean to White kids is very effective.


iTs NoT aLl Of ThEm

@CharlesPNW @Apolitical

That's why you've got to highlight both.

Videos of individual acts so they viscerally understand, on a gut level, what the consequences are--that the problem isn't just some abstract number.

Data and statistics so they can see, without having to watch 1000s of hours of video, that these aren't just isolated incidents but a fundamental, categorical difference.

@CharlesPNW @Apolitical true but the point is the animals need to be dealt with like the criminals they are. They torture old white women in prison too. Guards are nogs as well and dont care.

They cry racism and get off. Seattle lets black off crimes at 10X the rate of whites to make their #s not look racist.

@Apolitical I do agree but there’s also…

spoilerI don't argue with people anymore. I just call them a Jew and move on

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

Any man claiming to be on the Right, that is disgracing & vilifying White Nationalist women, is either utterly miserable & self sabotaging or here to subvert & disunify. Any nationalist worth their salt understands that we are always better together.

I want a white nationalist wife. How do I find one?

@SurvivingClownWorld you find a girl you like & 'make' one.

@ElfReich hmmm. Interesting. Do you think many women have the ability to shed their liberal brainwashing? It’s often very, very deep.

@ElfReich @SurvivingClownWorld First ask he if she has been blacked. Many women currently in the WN have actually been blacked.

@SurvivingClownWorld @ElfReich

Girls go for guys of higher status.
Status is situational.
Looks matter, 5 seconds determine if you are hot or scum, look confident.

Between the ages of 18-24 they are biologically programed to be brainwashed, hence college education destroys them.

Act accordingly, play dirty, play to win, your children are counting on you to be hot.
(never loose frame)

@ElfReich - Either this guy, or took his pill:

@ElfReich my problem is we need to find MORE White nationalist women.

@indigowavve @ElfReich WN women are made by WN men. My wife came along happily when I gave her a life raising kids instead of making powerpoints.

@ElfReich The split between men and woman is a trait of liberalism and the hypercompetitiveness it brings. Men and woman are complementary to one another, we are intertwined. Rather than fight each other and tear down, we must help one another, lift one another up.

@ElfReich I've never met a white nationalist woman in real life. Most claim to be "conservative" but they're still dumb cunt feminists. I live in the southeast too.

@Redpilled_AF @ElfReich
They’re not the majority but there are a lot of them. More will pop up as anti-white policies become more frequent/noticeable.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Nelson Mandela, the bloodthirsty literal Communist, was the very man who launched the genocide of White South Africans in the 1990's.

But go off, king...

--> https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2013/12/10/putin-calls-nelson-mandela-greatest-humanist-of-our-time-a30346

@Nature_and_Race Don't you understand?! Hitler had Africa corps that made the allies lose their colonies so when Putin says Mandela he secretly means HITLER. He's playing underwater backhanded upside down checkers! Trust the Putin plan goys, I mean guys!

@Nature_and_Race Putin is just a pasty faced Mandela, the same savage Bolshevik instinct a common denominator

@Nature_and_Race putin is not our friend. Just like jew-controlled Mandela wasn't...
They are all globalists... including Putin, and despite him rambling on about "multi-polar world". It is still the same Rothschilds creation supported by globalists. They are trying to create one world order, no matter what the path is.

@Nature_and_Race speaking from South Africa, Nelson Mandela was and always will be a terrorist.

He wasn't a very good one, which is why he was caught and sent to a island cut off from the world.

It was the western media, that made Nelson Mandela a star. His party, under the influence of Russia, used this stardom to good effect.

Other than that, he was just a frontman for the corrupt and kleptocrat comrades in the ANC, who since 1994, have turned South Africa into a failed African state.

@Nature_and_Race Soviet Union supplied and backed black communists all throughout the dark continent, they majorly helped end White rule in Africa. This in turn did nothing but bring pain and misery by turning first world nations into third.

@Nature_and_Race he is also the man that put South Africa on the trajectory to being another sub Saharan African disease, famine, crime, and AIDS infested corrupt third world shithole.

various commenters #wingnut gab.com

Our country wasn’t built on tyranny, it was built on an escape from it.

Tyranny is back, and it’s come in the form of medicine.

We will win the war, again.


@a Dr Simone Gold is a jew. Quote: 'With jews, you lose' says @HandsomeTruth and history proves.

@DrSimoneGold Nuke Israel.

Only medicine? How about the KGB, I mean the new found America’s KGB, the once revered FBI? 🤔

The public school liberal indoctrination has been going on under the radar, until the Covid shutdown. That is the silver lining of that cloud of tyranny. Parents began finding out how their kids are being brainwashed when the “classroom came into the living rooms”.

@DrSimoneGold Tyranny never left. Washington DC is not part of The land that was founded 1776 "These United States". Washington DC is a Foreign State, A foreign Territory inside of "These United States". DC is run as a "Democracy" While These United States is a Constitutional Republic. Congress sits on ALL Power in DC. And it's them who are running This Great Nation to Hell. They don't work for the American People, They work for Foreign Interests which we all know. The Nation should secede from DC and Be Free Again. With all the complexity that involves. I have no idea how to get there. But under these circumstances. We The People will not be Free until a Separation from this State occurs.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Our weapons and munitions levels are dangerously low.

Biden is withdrawing our existing military resources and shipping them to Ukraine to fight a war that we have no reason to be in. This madness must end. We should be peacemaking.

@DrPaulGosar Their intent is clear: They are hell bent on destroying America. Treason trials must follow or Republicans will be seen as accomplices by the America People IMHO

@Celestialpilot @DrPaulGosar they were working on destroying America decades ago and by they I'm talking about the Republicans and the Democrats alike as it's a one-party system masquerading as a two-party system.

@DrPaulGosar Biden is disarming America's military and he wants to disarm American citizens because he is preparing us to be invaded by foreign enemies. Why do you think he's been selling out oil reserves while simultaneously laundering billions in Ukraine?

@PaxArias @DrPaulGosar We are not preparing for invasion. We are being invaded!! The photos don’t lie… able bodied young men… NOT VETED … and the young girls being transferred to who knows where, preparing them to be sex slaves?? Is it just a coincidence? I don’t believe so.


Do something Paul…lots of us know exactly what you won’t talk about.

Are you going to stand with Israel?? Or, are you going to honor your oath to the people of this country that voted for you.

Are you going to be a man or a filthy commie stooge for the jews???

@DrPaulGosar our troops are weak and tired, our civilians are communists who cant figure out what gender they are, and our leaders are actively and successfully looting and destroying our nation...we are screwed.

various commenters #wingnut gab.com

@DrPaulGosar Not only does the Ukraine not belong in NATO but neither does my hard earned money. Make the dems hold fundraisers for their pet projects.

@DrPaulGosar I'm no fan of Putin but, on this he's right. There was supposed to be a buffer zone. NATO violated it. Period. NATO et al are responsible for this bullshit. This pisses me off to no end. I've been praying for Putin every night. Please don't nuke us🙏

@mjdigspigs Completely agree. the West have rigged this whole thing out of hatred for Putin. He won't capitulate to the globalist central banks, they want to get rid of him the same way they got rid of Gadaffi.
To people who don't get it: What happened to the 2 Minsk Agreements?
Why was Ukraine allowed to shell and attack the Donbass and Luhansk since 2014?
Why did NATO put bases in Ukraine close to the Russian border despite agreeing not to and despite Putin requesting over and over again that they desist?

@mjdigspigs @DrPaulGosar you're 100% correct. The term of Russia Ukraine separation was Ukraine got the Crimea as long as all nuclear weapons stationed in Ukraine were returned to Russia and that Ukraine remains neutral and joining no military alliances. This is essentially the doing of the European Union and Germany. The European army is in full swing and so any admittance to the euro zone involves future EU army membership. As most nations are in NATO it's essentially a back door into NATO. If Russia attacked Ukraine under the protectorate of the EU then Germany would be obliged to step in, then Russia rightfully attacks supply lines in Germany thus invoking NATO response.
The globalists that already realise their work of 50 years is done dumbing down the population with degenerative sex, free money and housing, recreational drugs and cheap alcohol, know they have a voting mandate every time and are looking at world domination and no country with its own interests getting in the way.

@DrPaulGosar The deep state/Dem leaders/globalists in the USA use Ukraine for their slush fund money and their criminal activities. These people are using the rest of us to protect their interests. [...]

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Donald J Trump)
Herschel Walker is being slandered and maligned by the Fake News Media and obviously, the Democrats. Interestingly, I’ve heard many horrible things about his opponent, Raphael Warnock, things that nobody should be talking about, so we don’t. Herschel has properly denied the charges against him, and I have no doubt he is correct. They are trying to destroy a man who has true greatness in his future, just as he had athletic greatness in his past. It’s very important for our Country and the Great State of Georgia that Herschel Walker wins this Election. With all that Herschel has accomplished, when you come from Georgia, and you see the name Herschel Walker when voting, it will be very hard to resist. Don’t!

@realdonaldtrump u should give him 500 billion dollars and suck his dick king

@Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump we have to vote for the Republican candidate no matter what to stop the Biden agenda… it is just the fact of the matter

@Kelly1959201 @Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump voting doesn't matter

@realdonaldtrump I just don't understand how the republican party's best option in Georgia is a black guy with a gay son who was a democrat most of his life.

Make that make sense to me.

@VonGustav @realdonaldtrump the GOP sucks man. They are probably just elated that a nigger will run for office as a republican.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

We didn’t resist years of propaganda & social pressure just to get jabbed by proxy. #Pureblood 🩸

spoilerSo- this was a first for me. A patient
declined blood transfusion if the
donor had received a covid

@Dissidentsoaps Yeah, people don't really trust the medical "professionals" anymore. And why should we?

How many videos did we see of pharmacists, nurses, and doctors all going full steam ahead on a vaccine which ZERO of them knew the risks. Not to mention the dancing tik tok nurses lol...idiots

@Dissidentsoaps The Red Cross stated that they don’t separate and label the blood from jabbed and non jabbed. This is how they will get us all. We must eliminate the Red Cross and /or have our own supply’s. I have been stocking up on my own blood, make sure it’s refrigerated, have clean IVs and sterile blood bags. Keep your family and communities safe

@ForTheFutureOf14 @Dissidentsoaps Fuck me sideways, never knew that and that's some insidious kikery.

@Adavantium @Dissidentsoaps

The things they do, us loyal and honorable Aryans would never even believe to be true.
If you decide to follow what I do, don’t take more than a pint at a time, 2-3 weeks apart. Just so you know how to be safe. \o

@Dissidentsoaps i would never want blood from vaccinated even if it was to save my life, the blood is tainted.

@KeferenLeHaine @Dissidentsoaps your life wouldn’t even be saved for very long

@Dissidentsoaps Smart move! Shit blood in place of pureblood! No way Jesus!
We really need to get our own Christian hospitals up and running so we can be assured of getting great medical care from our own people who are not part of the Marxist Death Cult!
It is time for our people to once again take control of our futures and not be at the mercy of Commies and Globalists!

@Dissidentsoaps Why the shock?
Nobody in their right mind wants TAINTED BLOOD!

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy gab.com

The fake media is now clutching their pearls about "the possiblity Putin might stage a nuclear dirty bomb attack in a major city and blame it on the West" which tells me the United States is about to stage a nuclear dirty bomb attack in a major city and blame it on Putin

@MrJoePrich All they got to do is make an explosion and say it's nuclear or a dirty bomb, and most people will believe them. The 'instructions' in that NYC Nuclear PSA told them to stay inside away from the windows and listen to media. So many, if not most people will believe whatever they are told even if everything looks (and is) perfectly fine outside...which they won't know cause they were told to stay away from windows so they will.
NYC PSA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zznmdUJbeU8

Just as Poland did before WW2 and what churchill did to start Ww2… brace yourselves.

@ForTheFutureOf14 @MrJoePrich how about this time we don't fight who they want us to and instead tell them to fuck off and fight the war at home. We spill blood fighting the right enemy this time THEM!

@ForTheFutureOf14 @MrJoePrich Yeah, Poland attacked the radio station. Fuck you, faggot.

@Stincil @MrJoePrich

No, you stupid kike.
Poland was killing thousands upon thousands of Germans , after Marshal Józef Piłsudski died in ‘35. When the new, communist leader Kazimierz Bartel took power this only increased. He had no choice but to defend ethnic Germans. A concept you self hating jew lovers could never grasp, and would never understand. Bartel even went as far as making multiple border incursions into Germany, and also drew up a map that brought polands border within miles of Berlin. Look at a current map, it’s the same as Bartel’s.


@ForTheFutureOf14 @MrJoePrich I’m not going to fight for this shit government that hates me. Do you think it would work to say something racist when the person comes to draft me or whatever and they’ll kick me out?

@MrJoePrich 9/11 proved that jews don't care how many goys they have to kill.

@KennyLiquorbush @MrJoePrich

You may have missed somethings now called "World War One" and "World War Two".

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Kamala Harris, hurricanes do not target people based on the color of their skin.

Hurricanes do not discriminate.

And neither should the federal government giving aid to people suffering from the devastation of Hurricane Ian.

Is your husband’s life worth less bc he’s white?


He is not White, he’s JEWISH.

@repmtg Um, I am pretty sure her Jewish husband doesn’t consider himself to be White.

You shame yourself with your ignorance. He's jewish... not White.

@avengeme and a Freemason

@repmtg It's antiwhitism. She is an antiwhite. Time to start saying so.

@repmtg Kamala Harris's husband is NOT white. He is Jewish!!!!

@repmtg he’s Jewish. Anything but White… and she’s (half) Hindu. They make the most money as a group in USA.

@repmtg her husband is Jewish... so according to Trump antisemitism rules on Federal funding, he would not be discriminated against either 🙄

@repmtg I thought her husband was Jewish. Please don't tell me you think Jews are Whites?

@repmtg "Hurricanes do not discriminate", but unfortunately demoncrat politicians do, all in the name of equity for woke votes!

@repmtg Kamala's husband is NOT White. He's jewish. (And yes, there's a difference).

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Children do not belong to the government, the public school system, or the groomers that have infiltrated them.

Children belong to their parents and children belong to God.

@DrPaulGosar well unfortunately the birth certificate falsely and deceptively turns us into chattel “owned” by Congress ????

Imagine forging contracts with infants, now that takes a very despicable person/ corporation !

Eliminate compulsory public education.

@DrPaulGosar democrats: that makes sense, which is the reason we don't like it.

@DrPaulGosar Take them out of public schools then

@DrPaulGosar sending children to government schools is child abuse.

@DrPaulGosar actually the kids do not belong to the parents thanks to the birth certificate bullshit

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Under Trump, we had a secure border.

Under Biden, we have practically no border.



@DrPaulGosar Trump let them install the NWO - why would we want someone so weak to run this country again

@DrPaulGosar under Trump you had an Israel-first anti-White Platinum Planner, with no intention of having the USA Freedom Act (née Patriot) abolished. How, congressman, does more Trump change any of this?


I will never vote again.

Because both parties support Federally mandated integration.

And then you claim to be against mandates.


@DrPaulGosar under Trump, Whites were still persecuted and becoming a minority in our own homeland. Republicans are like democrats, but slower.

@Scipio-Africanus @DrPaulGosar it's a one-party system masquerading as a two-party system. You don't get "elected" into office unless you make a pledge of loyalty to israel. And by loyalty to Israel that means loyalty to Israel above america.

@DrPaulGosar Where has the Republican Party been? They had plenty of opportunities to secure the border, remove illegals, and ban illegals from jobs and housing--you know, all the basic things that banana republics do to non-citizens. Perhaps we should convince the Republican Party that illegals are white supremacists with assault weapons, that might put a fire under the Republicans to do something.

@DrPaulGosar Not gonna happen the way Republicans are going. Look at the theft in Brazil. Coming to 2022 midterms. I hope you guys have a plan because people are tired of voting when voting gets stolen.

Donald J Trump #wingnut gab.com

A lawsuit was filed today against CNN, the once prestigious news channel that has devolved into a purveyor of disinformation, defamation, and Fake News, at a level which the American Public, and indeed the World, will not even believe is possible. For years I have watched this take place, often in disbelief, but the time has finally come to hold CNN responsible and legally accountable for their willful deception and defamatory statements made about me and both, directly and indirectly, my strong, devoted, and patriotic supporters-People who love the United States of America, but have been treated very unfairly, at so many levels. "The Big Lie" that they constantly refer to is actually "The Big Lie" in reverse. They know that, and it will be proven in Court!

In the coming weeks and months we will also be filing lawsuits against a large number of other Fake News Media Companies for their lies, defamation, and wrongdoing, including as it pertains to "The Big Lie," that they used so often in reference to their disinformation attack on Presidential Election of 2020.

Likewise, we may bring appropriate action against the Unselect Committee of January 6th because, notwithstanding overwhelming evidence, they REFUSED to investigate the massive Presidential Election Fraud which took place, but only investigate and harass the people and Patriots who complained and asked questions about it. The rigging and stealing of our Presidential Election was perhaps The Crime Of The Century, and look at what is happening to our Country now!

The Unselect Committee has refused to acknowledge, as was done by the Biden Inspector General at the Department of Defense, and others, that days ahead of January 6th, I recommended and authorized thousands of troops to be deployed to ensure that that there was peace, safety, and security at the Capitol and throughout the Country. That offer of National Guard was rejected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, D.C.-the law requires their request, they failed to make one, and in turn failed the Country.

I am proud to file today's lawsuit in order to begin the process of standing up to Fake News and the Mainstream Media.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

We warned the vaccines didn't prevent covid. We were right.
We warned the vaccines were causing blood clots. We were right
We warned the vaccines were causing myocarditis. We were right
We warned the vaccines were connected to HIV. We were right.
We warned the vaccines were causing miscarriages. We were right
We warned the vaccines could be traced in breast milk. We were right.

I think it's time people started listening.

@Footdoc we warned the pandemic was fake

@Footdoc 💯
We also warned that vaxxed are 'shedding'.
We also warned they created it in a lab.
We also warned that HCQ and Ivermectin worked.
We also warned there was graphene in it.
We also warned they would use it to control us w 5G.
We also warned they've been planning it for years.

So many warnings.

@Footdoc Shall we discuss shedding? Vaxxers don't want us near them...I certainly don't want them close to me!

@serialsearcher @Footdoc Me, I’d like to see an island for the vaxed, they are the pandemic!
There was never a virus, until the kill shots came out.
‘Yep, there is definitely a man made bio weapon killer virus in those jabs and the sick, dead and disabled are all the proof you need.

@Footdoc add prostate cancer to the list. I know two separate men in their 60s who now have prostate cancer just months after being vaccinated

@Footdoc But you forgot: We were warned that we would be called conspiracy theorist if we warned people about the truth.

@Footdoc This is who was and is behind the scamdemic . Bilderberg, skull and bones men , Council on Foreign relations. They make up 4200 of the world's wealthiest and powerful people on earth. The 7 richest families are Rothchild , Rockefeller , Orsini, Dupont, Carnegie, Bush and UK Royals.Gates, Soros, Clintons, are their henchman .

The Jewish World order-Great-reset Agenda 2030

What do they all have in common. Remember this:

Khazaria is their nationality
Zionsism is their political ideology
Communism is their rule of law
Satanism is their religion

And all roads leads to Rome - the Vatican!!!!!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

As most of you know, I'm openly pro-Hitler.

But I've always maintained the position that I understand if you're not, and I'll never try to convince you to be. So long as you're pro-White, we're brothers/sisters.

But there's this strange clique in our community that claims to be Nationalist / White Nationalist, and yet they're hardcore pro-China. And so pro-China, in fact, that they refuse to allow you to be anti-China.

If they find out you don't support their pro-China agenda, they'll attack you and demonize you, as if you're somehow anti-White. You're not allowed to not be pro-China. It's fucking insane. And it's a serious problem in our community.

@Nature_and_Race Agreed. Though it's not quite the same situation, the same can be said for the strange fixation over Putin.

@freivolk @Nature_and_Race
When I talk to these types.. they make the argument that western whites are too tolerant and stopped containing African behavior. They believe that if the Chinese police the global order they will keep them in check because they aren’t as afraid to be racist. They also hold what they call “post white” beliefs.. meaning if we are going to breed with other races.. Asian peoples would be more desirable than blacks and browns. I kind of get it.. but it’s also kind of defeatist.

@Glassjaw83 @freivolk @Nature_and_Race In my opinion, it's not only utterly defeatist, it's subversive as well.


China is the enemy of pro-White people for many reasons. Simple as.

Russia is no friend of western Whites. Theoretically the pro-White people there could be seen as allies or even cousins but the Russian ZOG is an enemy.

I do think it's good that these enemies are opposing the Western ZOG's but they are still enemies in and of themselves..

Many people cannot view enemy countries in this manor. They think that because these countries oppose the Western ZOG's (to the extent that they actually do oppose them), that they are automatically on the side of pro-Whites. No, they are not.

Plus Nick Fuentes likes Russia & China so of course his sychophants do too..

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