
plumbcrazy7 #fundie mediamatters.org

plumbcrazy7 • a minute ago

For one thing this is owned by George Soros with that said the Agenda is a world Government and everyone getting a chip and their hand or forehead! A world with out Christians! This is What the God of Heaven and Earth say about this subject!

Romans 1:26-2:1

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For
their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to
nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and
were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless
acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their
error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them
up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled
with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are
full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips,
slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of
evil, disobedient to parents, ...

NoDragQueensInGovernment #fundie mediamatters.org

NoDragQueensinGovernment • in a few seconds

Drag Queens have no business in the armed forces. The only place these confused males should be tolerated is in a gay parade. They are awkward and scary for some adults and they truly scare children. Allowing a dude in high heels, stockings and makeup to flaunt around in the military is ridiculous nonsense and I'm very happy Trump put a dead stop to this insanity

NoDragQueensinGovernment • in a few seconds

Since when has it been an "American" staple of having cross dressing drag queens, males who think they are women in soldiers uniforms? Absolutely never. It's always the actual unAmericans, trying to lecture us about what is American. You are enemies of America, there is nothing "American" about you left wing extremists, you are all allied with and support anti American maliciousness.

NoDragQueensinGovernment Messed are the Bleak • a few seconds ago

Drag queen weirdos have been banned, and plenty more disgusting left wing degeneracy will be undone through Trump's 8 years. Get used to groveling and whining on a left wing extremist website, because we aren't stopping, we are barely even warmed up.

NoDragQueensinGovernment Messed are the Bleak • in a few seconds

You are the triggered snowflakes, we are the ones triggering you weak enemies and stomping you when you are down.

NoDragQueensinGovernment Messed are the Bleak • a few seconds ago

And you say that, while hiding in a safespace behind pixels... Easy, when the threat of an enemy such as myself who has every intention of opening up your throat from ear to ear in a real encounter, isn't quite there.

"James" and his various sockpuppets #fundie mediamatters.org

So disgusting "James" was back on MMfA. Here're today's gems of wingnuttery.

• a few seconds ago

Obama niggér B747 • a minute ago

Your kind wishes GOP shot & killed.

Phil Montag, democrat was happy Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot at a congressional baseball game practice and wished the Louisiana Republican was dead. How many of your kind celebrated with him?

Obama niggér Indy • in a few seconds

What, still not good enough. Keep in mind, 90% of the time here is disrespecting his Eminence Trump.

Look at it in one of 2 ways.

Folks do it, coz they want it back


Since they do it, it must be ok.

Obama niggér B747 • a few seconds ago

I hate everyone.

Why do your kind hate gays?

bama niggér waggs03 • a few seconds ago

Because you suck trånny nigger cøck, thats why


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Obama niggér Obama niggér • in a few seconds


Obama niggér StratRat • a few seconds ago

Do you suck off that cat?

Obama niggér • a minute ago

< < Michelle Obama

Michelle, please plow me in the ass with your ebola ridden trånny niggér cøck.

- Obama -

Obama niggér dld • a few seconds ago

So no real reason, except for your filthy degenerate diseased depraved sense of pig liberal logic

Obama niggér • in a few seconds

MMMM, liberals, who wants me to puke in your ass?

Afterwards I will ass fuck you.

Obama niggér GOPvsUSA3 • a few seconds ago

He had aids, was a liberal, had a trånny niggér fake cøck hanging out of his ass

Red Rose • 3 minutes ago

03272017: Three Oklahoma kids, future liberals, thinking other folks property belongs to them, killed with an AR15.

Gotta love this. And we got away with killing your kind, AGAIN!

Red Rose BigBearcatBill • 10 minutes ago

Funny your kind think Bill is clean since he shoved cigars up a lil girl.

Your kind

Captain Freedom • 12 minutes ago

Liberals are OK with OJ Simpson being released into the public, after he has proven to not be reformed or repentant, by stealing cookies in prison and smirking about it

Red Rose solon • 17 minutes ago

You are nothing but a whiny cum laden queer.

Red Rose Finnibar87 • 17 minutes ago

And our dogs got blow jobs from you

Red Rose • 4 minutes ago

California liberal, Matthew Warner, convicted of fucking then murdering his 3 week year
old daughter. Just as the filthy degenerate depraved diseased pig liberals blame an entire state on the actions of one, the same must be done here. Maybe Matthew wanted the baby aborted, decided the baby needed raped, couldn’t wait for an illegal to do, so he did it.

Liberals, anything degenerate will do.

Red Rose • 7 minutes ago


Red Rose • a minute ago

Nemias Garcia-Velasco, illegal alien, deported 7 times, drunk driving, kills father of three.

Thank you liberals for giving aid & comfort to illegal’s in sanctuary cities.

Liberals, anything degenerate will do.

ed Rose TMax01 • 9 minutes ago

So you suck cøck on school play grounds?

Red Rose JimWolf359 • a few seconds ago

Democrat State Senator Kevin de Leon calls democrats morally repugnant.

Democrat congress woman Corrine Brown faces fraud charges which could land her in prison for 300 years. Out of $800,000.00 she collected for its charity, only $2,400.00 was spent on charities. The rest she spent on its own filthy degenerate depraved disgusting pig liberal self.

Liberals, anything degenerate will do.

Red Rose • a few seconds ago

Dan Grilo, worked for both Hillary & Obama attacks Carryn Owens, widower of slain seal
William Ryan Owens, calling her an idiot. Your typical filthy degenerate depraved diseased disgusting mentally ill pig liberal.

Red Rose • 2 minutes ago

Rachel Anne Dolezal, a filthy degenerate depraved diseased pig liberal to pretended to be black to get a job at the NACCP, has changed its name to Amare Nkechi Diallo. Which means filthy degenerate trånny nigger in African.

What is wrong with filthy degenerate liberals these days?

Red Rose • a few seconds ago

Baltimore liberal Judge Nicole Taylor releases 18 year old man, after being arrested three times since January 1st for gun & drugs charges. This filthy liberal places no value on American lives as do the rest of liberals dont. It placed restrictions on this 18 year old male nigger, like 1am curfew, etc, etc, but did not think of protecting its fellow Americans from this thug. A day after this nigger was released it was running away from cops with a gun and in his hand. Justifiably the cop shot this thug three times dispatching him into the lap of God. What is wrong with filthy liberals, they give aid & comfort to illegal’s who kill their fellow Americans, now they are releasing thugs from jail to give them another
chance to kill us.

Red Rose • a minute ago

Nancy Piglosi & Elijah Cum in my ear, going on about scapegoat. Piglosi, “Do you know what a scapegoat is? It’s a goat, that we filthy liberals & fucked in the ass Democrats, cum & shit on, and fuck in the asshøle. Then we grease ourselves up, smear lipstick
on our åsses, and chase it down. And at the stroke of midnight, we eat it, while fisting ourselves.

Later, they apologized for letting out trade secrets.

Social Commentary Through Smut Award

"James" A sock puppet troll #fundie mediamatters.org

4 minutes ago

Two liberals, a woman, and a sissy man, were getting ready to fuck at the local elementary schools play ground on a Wednesday, during the kids play time, so the kids could watch.
An alien ship landed, two aliens came out, a male & a female, the two filthy degenerate depraved pig liberals instantly asked them if they wanted to swap.

The degenerate liberals tried pairing off with the same sex aliens, the aliens wanted no part of this, so they fucked the traditional American way, man with women.

The woman went off with the male alien, the alien pulled his pants down, showing the women his impressive genitals. The women said she was used to a 6 by 6 version, like on an elephant. The alien said no problem, and turned his right ear, and his cøck grew in length, then he turned his left ear, and the diameter increased. Then they fucked.
When they were done, the aliens went back on their ship, and they were gone.

The man asked his wife how did it go, she replied it was like fucking my dad and three brothers at the same time.

When his wife asked the sissy husband how it went, he replied, 'Not well, she kept pulling at my ears', so I gave up and ate shit from the aliens asshøle.

"James" A sock puppet troll #fundie mediamatters.org

(On a discussion about Sean Hannity's meltdown over the ACA repeal failing. "James" appeared and began giving up these gems of wingnuttery:)

• a few seconds ago

Illegal alien, Apolinar Altamirano, killed, American, Grant Ronnebeck, 21, over 2 packs of cigarettes. Altamirano had an extensive criminal record.

Thank you liberals, anything degenerate will do. Another fellow American brutally murdered, you have blood on your hands. More liberal material, so you can fist yourself into orgåsm.


Nicolas Embertson, liberal teenage thief who thought others folks property belonged to him, was shot by correct thinker David Pettersen & killed. Mr. Pettersen only got 90 days in jail for killing the filthy degenerate depraved diseased disgusting pig liberal.


That pic your kind are talking about, was my brother & his wife. They work at the McMudro scientific research station at the south pole. Your kind aren't welcome there.


Sissy boy cum laden queer you are, maybe after your two dads are done with you, astro might want to bottom you. Make sure you lick your shit from his cøck afterwards.

What your kind calls sex


And afterwards your kind licked them clean, sucked off their dogs, and fisted each other trying to get off. Since your kind are diseased & depraved, normal sex doesn't do it any more.

Michael Savage #fundie mediamatters.org

MICHAEL SAVAGE (HOST): Should the government regulate Twitter, Facebook, and the other sites that are being used to communicate by the rats in dirty headscarves who are killing our children? What would you do to stop this? Should Islam immediately be banned from prisons? Well, you can't ban Islam. Isn't it just like Christianity, and Judaism, and Buddhism? No, no it is not.


Ariana Grande gave another concert in Manchester and raised money for -- I don't know what the money was for. Is that a way to fight Islamism? Having another concert? Is that the answer? Of course that's not the answer.

Well, what is the answer? Well, one London politician, one politician from England said we have to put them in camps immediately, and of course CNN wouldn't go for that. British politician says suspected terrorists should be put in camps. Now that will get all of the good liberals in New York very frightened. Nigel Farage, the former UK Independence Party leader, UKIP, said “Britain has been so weak on border control and clamping down on radicalization that World War II-style internment camps may be the answer.” I said the same thing a few weeks ago.


Now, I said the same thing last week. Why are we going soft on Islamists when they're going hard on the West? I'm asking you a question. How much longer are we going to tolerate them killing us and killing our children? The answer is, a very long time, because America is a weak nation, it has been poisoned by many, many different sources.

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy mediamatters.org

CARLSON (HOST): People have faith on the left that voter fraud never happens. It’s a myth, they’ll tell you, something that was cooked up by right-wingers in order to take people’s civil rights away. Democrats believe this so strongly, or pretend they do, that many will argue strenuously against taking any steps to protect against voter fraud because, again, it doesn't even exist. Well someone finally decided to check on that question. An audit just released by North Carolina's bipartisan Board of Elections found that of 4.8 million votes cast in that state, at least 508 appear to be fraudulent, mostly in the form of convicted felons voting illegally. Dozens more voted despite not being citizens. Others voted twice. A handful were caught impersonating other people. Now that's 508 votes, doesn't sound like a lot until you remember that major elections have turned on fewer votes than that. In Florida, for example, in 2000, had the same level of voter fraud as North Carolina taken place, it would be about 800 hundred votes, proportionally. George W. Bush won that state and the presidency, you’ll remember, by 537 votes. So it does matter, which Democrats probably know in the first place, hence their position on it. [Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, 4/25/17]

Nick Fuentes #conspiracy mediamatters.org

The First Amendment was not written for Muslims, by the way. It wasn't written for a barbaric ideology that wanted to come over and kill us. It was written for Calvinists. It was written for Lutherans and Catholics, not for Salafists, not for Wahabists, not for the Saudi royal family. Don't think the founders had that one in mind. And it also was intended for citizens, not for immigrants. If the First Amendment protected everyone's right to have their religion and express it in every country, we'd have our police in the Congo or in Uganda fighting against the Lord's Resistance Army. And you never hear that side of the story on the mainstream media, and why not? Why don't we hear about it? Why do none of our elected officials talk about this or like this? They know it's true. Why don't we hear about in the mainstream media? We don't hear about it on Fox News, by the way, either. And why not?

Who runs the media? Globalists. Time to kill the globalists. I don't want to not watch CNN. I don't want CNN to go out of business. I don't want CNN to be more honest. I want people that run CNN to be arrested and deported or hanged because this is deliberate. This is not an accident. It's not, “Oh, you know journalists have a liberal bias because they're educated, and educated people tend to be” -- none of that. It is malicious intent. There is a design, there is an agenda here. And the people behind CNN that are pushing outright lies, and you see the people who try and expose the truth are cut off so obviously. They get their mics cut off, and they say, “Oh whoops, we've lost the signal. Technical difficulties.”

Alex Jones #conspiracy mediamatters.org

I don’t care if the media makes fun of me, I don’t care what they say, whatever. I’m telling you folks, I look out at the crowds I see the people they are possessed by something. I don’t know what it is -- most of the planet believes in demons and possession for a reason, in fact every culture does. Because it’s not them. Something’s coming in. Something’s been overlaid, and it’s a sickness and it’s spreading and the television is the vector. It’s how they’re getting through at people. It’s a mind trick. They put them into a subconscious hypnosis; they admit that’s what the television flicker rate, through the lights, all of it. And then they superimpose something until they get your free will through incrementalism to turn yourself over to it. And then it’s like an intergalactic virus that then causes the individual to shut down, become a poisonous creature, who begins attacking everything around them. It’s a wavelength.

David Duke #fundie mediamatters.org

The only seat that she should be taking is not in the Oval Office, but maybe in an electric chair if Clinton got justice for her treason against America, literally admitting -- she admitted herself that she supports a state, a radical jihadist radical Islamic state that’s been sponsoring terrorism all over the world and has led directly to the rise of ISIS and the destruction of many Americans and Europeans and of course hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East. I mean it’s just absolutely amazing. She has basically admitted that she’s a traitor to America and if she truly had justice by law she’d be facing capital punishment in this country for what she’s done.

Sean Hannity #fundie mediamatters.org

I have an offer for the president. I will charter a plane for you and your family. I will make sure it's as big a plane as Air Force One, what you have grownaccustom to, in other words. Taxpayer-funded plane. I don’t know where I’m going to get it. Maybe I'll ask Trump if I can charter his plane for Obama. I will charter Donald Trump's plane if he'll let me, and I will charter it to the country of your choice. You want to go to Canada? I'll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I'll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I'll put the finest food, caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation, you can't come back.

Rush Limbaugh #fundie mediamatters.org

You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.

Alex Jones #fundie mediamatters.org

I'm never a lesser of two evils person, but with Hillary, there's not even the same universe. She is an abject, psychopathic, demon from Hell that as soon as she gets into power is going to try to destroy the planet. I'm sure of that, and people around her say she's so dark now, and so evil, and so possessed that they are having nightmares, they're freaking out. Folks let me just tell you something, and if media wants to go with this, that's fine. There are dozens of videos and photos of Obama having flies land on him, indoors, at all times of year, and he'll be next to a hundred people and no one has flies on them. Hillary, reportedly, I mean, I was told by people around her that they think she's demon-possessed, okay? I'm just going to go ahead and say it, okay?

They said that they're scared. That's why when I see her when kids are by her, I actually get scared myself, with a child -- with that big rubber face and that -- I mean this woman is dangerous, ladies and gentleman. I'm telling you, she is a demon. This is Biblical. She's going to launch a nuclear war. The Russians are scared of her.


Imagine how bad she smells, man? I'm told her and Obama, just stink, stink, stink, stink. You can't wash that evil off, man. Told there's a rotten smell around Hillary. I'm not kidding, people say, they say -- folks, I've been told this by high up folks. They say listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur. I never said this because the media will go crazy with it, but I've talked to people that are in protective details, they're scared of her. And they say listen, she's a frickin' demon and she stinks and so does Obama. I go, like what? Sulfur. They smell like Hell.

Ann Coulter #fundie mediamatters.org

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): It's about the economy. It's about raising taxes, cutting taxes. It's about energy independence or dependence. It's about repealing Obamacare, not repealing it. It's about impacting this country for generations with our Supreme Court. It's about saying radical Islam or not. It's about gambling with Americans’ lives or vetting refugees like Trump wants to do. It's about border security for national security purposes and the economy. It's about our military. It's about our role in the world. It's about education. There are deep and there are significant and profound differences between these two people, and Hillary doesn't want to talk about the economy. Hillary doesn't want to talk about her foreign policy because she's failed. So the only thing she's got left is Donald Trump said 22 years ago blah blah blah blah blah.

ANN COULTER: Right. And it's pretty spin gruel when this latest one, the Hispanic mattress girl, Alicia Machado. Now today she's saying, "Oh I'm not talking about Trump anymore." Their big heroine of the --

HANNITY: Last debate.

COULTER: Yes, of what a brute Donald Trump is. You know the father, she has an anchor baby in this country. So that's fantastic. The father is a drug lord. She was the accused getaway car driver in Venezuela of her boyfriend who shot up his brother-in-law's funeral. And a federal judge went on TV, national TV. in Venezuela and said that she had threatened to kill him. That's the poster child for our immigration policy. They looked and they looked, they've had a year. What are we going to bring in? We need you know the most sympathetic case and that's the one they come up with. It's Alicia Machado. The new Hispanic mattress girl. She was just made a citizen in August.

HANNITY: What do you mean by mattress girl? What does that mean? What does that mean?

COULTER: Oh, remember the whole hysteria over mattress girl at Columbia? I just mean she's – it's like an It Girl, except it's mattress girl.

HANNITY: Oh good grief. I am not responsible if this is obscene in some way and I don't even know what you're referring -- I'm just asking?

COULTER: Have you been in a coma for the last two years? There was that woman doing an art project walking around with a mattress on her back, and the whole thing turned out to be fake.

Rush Limbaugh #racist mediamatters.org

Ohio doesn't count anyway. The New York Times just told us it's no longer a bellwether. Hillary's pulled out of there, The New York Times is not a factor, [Frank] Luntz, you need to close up shop there. Ohio doesn't matter anymore. The people of Ohio -- and you know why? Because Ohio's too white. That's right my friend, too many white middle-class people live in Ohio. There aren't enough Black Lives Matter people there, there arent enough illegal immigrants, there aren't enough ex-cons that need the permission to vote. There's not a good left-wing cross section of America. There are too many decent, hard-working, middle-class people in Ohio to appeal to the Democrat Party, so The New York Times told us it's no longer a bellwether.

Alex Jones #fundie mediamatters.org

(In reaction to Hillary Clinton's recent illness.))

Yes, I’ve been containing a Cheshire Cat grin all day long. My dad, we were out at the lake with the kids when this news came in. [Infowars reporter] Lee Ann [McAdoo] was texting me, so was [Infowars reporter Joe] Biggs. I went and saw the video. And I went, “Yeah! Yeah!” I was just like, just literally just in ecstasy. And my dad said, “that is horrible, celebrating over that sick woman even though I hate her too.” And I went, “no, this is a devastating victory against the enemy and more of the avalanche of them being discredited and the hand of God is upon this.” And it’s only going to get better the more good people take action. That’s why evil always fears us and does everything they can to try to contain us throughout history and suppress us because they’re scared of us. Look at these hunchbacked demons. They’re nothing.

Pro-Whites #racist mediamatters.org

Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans

Any sane person could see that MASS 3rd world immigration + FORCED assimilation is targeted at EVERY & ONLY White countries, and it is DELIBERATELY singling out white kids & forcing them into conditions that destroy their race, ethnicities, cultures, and their future.

That's called GENOCIDE under international law

Guy McClung #fundie mediamatters.org

OK-Let's go with "common sense restrictions" on a constitutional right. Makes sense, right? Who could be against "common sense"? No commonsensical person could object to "common sense" restrictions on personal liberty, could they? Nope - unless it is a sacred "right" that the left, the liberals, the democrats, and martxists and the communists say is, drum roll please, ABSOLUTE. And the written 2nd Amendment personal right o bear arms is NOT an Absolute right. But for the liberals, democrats, etc, there is an ABSOLUTE right-the court-created "right" to abortion. Common sense for everything else, but no common sense re efforts to common sensically protect women undegoing abortions. Oh, yes, the Gun Ban Set, want to "make sense": they simply want "common sense" restrictions on a fundamental right expressly listed in the Bill Of Rights from the founding of the country - a right that makes it possible for individuals to get together and get rid of a tyrant [it is NOT the right to hunt and protect one's home, although that is included]. And it was this 2nd Amendment right to bear arms that made it possible in the south post-civil war for blacks to have guns to protect them from the KKK. But what happens when we ask for commons sense restrictions on the court-created "right to abortion?" Oh no, that right is sacrosanct and absolute-tell parents that their 14 year old daughter is being taken by a Planned Parenthood thug for a secret abortion via "judicial bypass" - No way! Have the usual laws and regulations in place which common sense demands for the protection of a mother during an abortion just like any other surgical procedure? No way! Have all statutory rapes reported, including those of which Planned Parenthood becomes aware every day? No way, my body, my self. Have Planned Parenthood businesses save the evidence of the statutory rapes-the DNA of the babies-DNA which could later lead to the fathers rather than the state having to pay for the abortions and/or for child support if there are further rapes? No way! And the Democrat party - which tugs at our heartstrings for "common sense" re guns? Their platform makes it clear - they will "oppose" any and all restrictions on the absolute right to abortion. Common sense for the goose is not common sense for the gander. The KKK has morphed into the DDD [democrat death dealers] and Margaret Sanger is laughing in hell that there have been only about 4500 lynchings in all US history, but Planned Parenthood and its cohorts are killing about 12,000 minority babies a week in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. And Hillary who celebrates abortion says under her regime there will be no restrictions of this ABSOLUTE right. Guy McClung, San Antonio

Jeffrey Lord #fundie mediamatters.org

JOHN BERMAN (HOST): We just heard it. The sound stopped right there. Jeffrey, you heard him say "how many times can I disavow David Duke?"

JEFFREY LORD: Margaret mentioned Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan ran for governor of California, the press tried keep trying to get him to renounce the John Birch Society. And finally Reagan's answer was, "I am not endorsing them. They are endorsing me. I have nothing to do with them." He didn't play the game in other words. Donald Trump isn't playing the game, although he certainly denounced him. I mean, David Duke is a hardcore leftist. He's an anti-Semite. Yes, Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a function of the left. It was the military arm of the Democratic Party. Hello? Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. David Duke is an anti-Semite, for heaven's sakes. This is ridiculous.

MARGARET HOOVER: When William F. Buckley was starting the conservative movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the John Birch Society did the same thing. They were trying to be part of the conservative movement and what William F. Buckley said is, "no, you have to stand for something. You have to have principles." He said "you are not going to be part of this movement." Where is the moral courage on behalf of Donald Trump, who aspires to be the leader of the free world, to say on some level at some point we do not need the voice and the support of bigotry?

LORD: Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a leftist group.

HOOVER: It is a hate group, Dave. It is a hate group, Jeffrey Lord.

LORD: It is a leftist group.

HOOVER: I don't care what side they're on. They are on for hate, they are on the side of hate. They are on the side of murder. They are on the side of blood on their hands. This is not -- to blame them on the left. This is a scourge on humanity, this is a scourge on American politics. And to suggest that it is part of the Democratic Party is missing the point. And your guy would not denounce them yesterday. And that is bad for America and it is bad for the Republican Party.

BERMAN: Go ahead, Jeffrey.

LORD: Margaret, it is a racist hate group from the left. And that counts. That is important to understand. It is not conservative. It has nothing to do with conservatism. All of these Klan members who have been elected to Congress and U.S. Senate and governorships over the years, supporting Franklin Roosevelt because they like Social Security. Let's get our history straight.


This is why -- this is exactly the kind of thing why people are voting for Donald Trump. Because they think the media is making something out of nothing. Nothing. This is crazy.

Michael Berry #fundie mediamatters.org

(The page is full of horrible comments from Berry. These are just the worst ones)

During Berry's September 21 broadcast, he brought up the murder of Tyjuan Poindexter, a 14-year-old bystander who was shot and killed. Berry mocked the child's name, saying, "Tyjuan Poindexter. Ha ha. Tyjuan Poindexter was standing outside with some friends when some people drove by and opened fire. Young Mister Poindexter was shot in the head and died at the scene. He won't have to live with that name anymore." Berry continued to mock gun violence victims, saying of another fatal shooting: "Most people dove under cars. Not the fat ones. But Mr. Lewis was left exposed to fire and took several bullets in the chest. He died about two hours later at the hospital."


In describing violence in Chicago during a July 13 broadcast, Berry referred to the list of murder victims as the "butcher bill." Berry went on to mock the names of victims and ask his audience to guess where each victim -- including a 12-year-old boy -- was physically shot, joking, "There's so many parts upon which you can be shot." In one instance, Berry mocked 19-year-old murder victim Pierre Dobyne by saying, "His last words reportedly were laughing at someone for approaching him in a minivan. That's not true, but it would be good wouldn't it? 'Oh man, tell me I'm not about to be gunned down by some dudes in a minivan. What kind of self-respecting gang steals a minivan to come kill me in?'" Berry ended the segment by saying, "A 23-year-old man was wounded when a dark-colored car drove by and shot the victim in the -- face! He got a facial. Yeah. Huh huh huh. No, his name was not [inaudible]. No, that's a serious facial right there, yeah."


During a July 27 broadcast, Berry reported on the shooting death of 17-year-old Donnell Morrison and said, "We have gone from Billy the Kid to Donnell the Dealer. Now, we don't know that Donnell was a dealer, but we don't know that Billy was a kid either." Berry also found it funny that victims in a car were hit by gunfire from the sidewalk, saying, "Interesting twist on a drive-by. This time the victims were the ones driving. [Laughs] We got hit by a drive-by, or maybe you could call that a 'walk-by.' Both men were shot multiple times and were pronounced dead at the scene."


During an August 10 broadcast, Berry congratulated Chicago on reports that there had been 290 murders in the city so far that year. After exclaiming, "Way to go Chicago!" Berry clapped and rang a bell in mock celebration. While reading a report of one shooting, Berry said, "Do you know what you call someone who shoots somebody right there? A hip pointer. See he pointed at the -- yeah -- see what I did there?" A hip pointer is a name for a common sports injury. Berry also said of a multiple gunshot victim, "He felt the the burn, but Bernie Sanders wasn't speaking."


During a September 8 broadcast, Berry noted the high level of violence of the past weekend by saying, "Eight shooting deaths in a single day was the biggest since 2003. Way to go Chicago, you black lives matters dumb asses." Berry continued, "Chicago has seen a 15 percent increase in the homicide rate, because -- all together now -- black lives matter, apparently more so when lying face down in a pool of blood in the streets of Chicago at the hands of a black man."

Lynne Meadows #fundie mediamatters.org

There have been no cures for ANYTHING using fetal tissue. If there has been, then prove it. That's so ironic that you talk about Human suffering. Do you think the babies that are killed may have suffered? Even just a little?? Have you ever watched an ultrasound of a 8 week old baby? They have a heart, they have a brain, they feel pain. They wince when poked, so lets talk about that HUMAN suffering? Are you so blind that you don't see that we are killing one human being to donate it's body parts for research to try to save another? Humm, sounds awfully familiar, as in Germany during the Holocaust when Hitler did experiments on the Jews to establish a superior race. Remember that? Everyone at the time turned their heads just like you are doing. People can be given information in a way it may look okay, when it's not. PP has been doing this for years, so tell me what diseases have been cured from this practice? Another lie from PP! And, how are the videos misleading? The day the first "edited" video came out, the full version was also released. You can watch it. It is what it is. Planned Parenthood themselves did not deny ANYTHING in the videos. All the President of PP said was that the "tone" was not what PP represents. No denial, so why are you denying it? Have you watched any of the videos?? And, YES, I am very proud, not of myself, but of the fact that people are seeing abortion for what it is. It's human life extermination for the baby, and the Mother if she has a conscience, will for the rest of her life live with the fact that a baby she grew inside of her, she let someone kill because it was inconvenient. That is the top reason for abortion. So you ask am I happy? Yes I am happy that it's stopped. I'm happy that fetal tissue donation has stopped!! Absolutely. Pro abortion people have really been brainwashed into thinking this is okay! Where is your humanity and compassion?? What happened to the argument that a fetus is just a clump of cells?? If that is so, how is a "clump of cells" now so important?? How is it that the precious little baby is important enough to you to be used for so called research, but not important enough to allow it to be born. It is NOT part of the Mother. It lives within the Mother's Body, but has it's separate DNA, heart, liver (as PP says is so valuable), it's own heart, brains and is it's own person. Please really think about what you are defending and do some research on what happens during an abortion, and with the medical knowledge we have now, Roe V Wade it outdated and needs to be reversed. We know so much more about babies in utero now, that we can see what happens to them. I have no hidden agenda other than the trying to save the lives of these babies.

Jawan Terrell #racist mediamatters.org

You're a Jew...that says it all. The same perpetrators of false Holocaust history. The same moneygrabbing thieves. The same idiots who go around acting "moral" in America, but trouncing on people not like them in Israel. As a Jew, you are probably lower than the queer. The biggest crooks and creators of false revisionist history that there is. The only time I'm excited about hearing a Jew mentioned is when someone in Palestine blows up a bus full of them.

Morgan Brittany #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Conservative columnist Morgan Brittany thinks the recent unrest in Baltimore may be a "set-up" and that President Obama might "have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections" if the police officers charged in Freddie Gray's death are acquitted.

In her new column for conspiracy website WND, Brittany announces that "something is not right" and speculates, "I don't think the chaos in Baltimore 'just happened'; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society."

Brittany laments that Obama "was supposed to be the one to unite all Americans and heal the divide, but instead, he did everything he could to turn the heat up and make sure the divide became wider." According to Brittany, the president has "inserted himself into every controversy that had a racial component" and "always took the side of the African-American." Following news of Gray's death, Brittany argues, "The leaders of chaos rushed to take advantage of that situation and all hell broke loose."

After suggesting that charges filed against police officers allegedly involved in Gray's death are an "overreach," Brittany pondered whether Obama would react to potential acquittals by imposing martial law, an idea she grants is "maybe" crazy:

So she and all of the people involved in making that decision have possibly created an even bigger problem. If indeed after all of the evidence and testimony is given in this case and the officers are acquitted, what then? I predict at that point the lid will blow off, and we will have another Rodney King situation.

From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections.

Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? "One Nation under God" - we need Him now more than ever.

Last year, Brittany speculated in a column that the Obama administration may have been orchestrating Ebola and other crises in order to declare martial law and seize people's guns.

Brittany's column shares today's WND opinion page with a column from newly-announced presidential candidate Ben Carson, which warns of the dangers of an EMP attack. The day he announced his candidacy, Carson published a WND piece pitching readers on what he will "accomplish as president."

Shannon Bream #racist mediamatters.org

Fox News anchor and Supreme Court correspondent Shannon Bream reacted to a Paris terror attack by suggesting certain skin tones are more typical of "bad guys" than others.

BREAM: That's my question about these guys. If we know they were speaking unaccented French and they had ski masks on, do we even know what color they were, what the tone of their skin was? I mean, what if they didn't look like typical bad guys? As we define them when we think about terror groups.

gregzimmerman007 #conspiracy mediamatters.org

FACTS FOR LIBERALS: Mama Lois” Anderson: 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans. The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later. They were well known for their work. There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn’t take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking. Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga. All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.

WhiteProblemDotCom #racist mediamatters.org

we challenged ALL of these media outlets to a debate A MONTH AGO

We have had the discussion/debate for 2 weeks in a row now, and they are STILL afraid to show up LMAO

this Saturday will be the THIRD WEEK IN A ROW that they will have backed down


So since the left wing media ADMIT they are WRONG about RACE/IMMIGRATION


Ted Nugent #racist mediamatters.org

[Ted Nugent is interviewed about South Africa.]

The 40,000-acre ranch he manages in South Africa is a particularly sore point. The ranch is used exclusively for bow hunting, Nugent's passion.

"My being there isn't going to affect any political structure," he says. "Besides, apartheid isn't that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal."

"The preponderance of South Africa is a different breed of man," Nugent says. "I mean that with no disrespect. I say that with great respect. I love them because I'm one of them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their butts with their hands. And when I kill an antelope for 'em, their preference is the gut pile. That's what they fucking want to eat, the intestines. These are different people. You give 'em toothpaste, they fucking eat it...I hope they don't become civilized. They're way ahead of the game."

. . . .

Nugent sometimes talks and sings about women as if they were sexual toys. His conversations are peppered with the word "nigger." He calls his upcoming tour of Japan the "Jap Whack Tour."

"I mean no disrespect. I'm sure the Japanese are wonderful folks...And if I'm with a bunch of guys, we may talk about babes in a certain way...I use the word nigger a lot because I hang around with a lot of niggers, and they use the word nigger, and I tend to use words that communicate...I don't mean to offend. I'm a fun guy, not a sexist or racist."

Trevor Loudon #conspiracy mediamatters.org

You can't just escape [to the hills] with a few chickens and survive. The bad guys of this planet -- Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, North Korea and their Islamic allies -- are going to come here, folks. The Chinese have every aquifer in the U.S. mapped out. They know that some of them flush out nuclear radiation very quickly, and some of them hold them for a long time. They need to know where they can settle their people. The Russians have an unreliable army -- too many drunks and Moslems -- but they will nuke the hell out of the continental United States. The big regret of the U.S.S.R. is that they didn't take out the U.S. during the Great Depression -- a former KGB agent told me this -- and this time they have a plan. They will invade Alaska and parts of Canada. Then the Chinese will send their people across the Pacific in wave after wave. Their friends in Latin America will be invited up into the southern United States for looting rights. The left will welcome this, which is why 90 percent of Obama's cuts are to the U.S. military, the only thing keeping the world together.

Jeffrey Kuhner #fundie mediamatters.org

Christians need to engage in peaceful civil disobedience against President Obama’s signature health care law. The reason is simple and macabre: Obamacare enables U.S. taxpayer funds to pay for abortions for members of Congress and their staff. That’s right. Pro-life Christians will be forced to subsidize the slaughter of unborn children.

Devout Christians are obligated to oppose Obamacare — including those who champion social justice and universal health care. Christian teaching is crystal clear: The killing of innocent human life is wrong, a heinous transgression of one of God’s most sacred commandments. Abortion is murder; it is state-sanctioned infanticide. Obamacare is ensnaring Christians in its nefarious web, making them culpable in the killing of unborn babies. Their tax dollars will pay for the abortionist’s knife. Unwitting Christians will have the blood of innocent children on their hands.

This should come as no surprise. Progressivism is at war with traditional Christianity. Liberals seek to create a society without God. Their goal is personal liberation — the destruction of the family, Christian culture and all the other social bonds that act as bulwarks against radical individualism. Abortion clinics are liberalism’s Gulag Archipelago, death camps scattered across the landscape. For liberals, abortion is key to erecting a society without sexual consequences. If a pregnancy is unwanted, liquidate the baby. Secular progressives believe that nothing — including innocent human life — must stand in the way of the sexual revolution. It is genocide masquerading as “choice.”

Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide, more than 50 million unborn babies have been butchered. Hence, abortion has taken more lives than murderous dictators, such as Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin. Liberalism is responsible for more deaths than Nazism or Soviet communism.

Christians must wake up before it’s too late. There is a virulent prejudice still acceptable in America: Christophobia. For decades, liberal elites have sought to purge religion from the public square. Prayer has been banned from schools. The Ten Commandments have been taken down from courthouses. Same-sex “marriage” is becoming encoded in law, overturning marriage between a man and a woman as a sacred, unique institution. Pornography is rampant. The family is breaking down. Our culture is obsessed with sexual promiscuity and moral permissiveness. God and Christians are regularly mocked. Even in the military, Christians are now told to remain in the closet.

Enough is enough. America is a product of English and Christian civilization. Our Founding Fathers were Christian patriots, who understood that individual liberties stem from a higher power. The most important is the right to life. Christians must declare that their allegiance to their faith transcends that of the ideological, secular state. If Obamacare continues to insist that we subsidize abortion, then it’s time for Christians to march on the streets in peaceful opposition. Mr. Obama is not worth the loss of our souls.

Mike Huckabee #fundie mediamatters.org

Well, you know, it's an interesting thing. We ask why there is violence in our schools but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? Because we've made it a place where we don't want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability - that we're not just going to have be accountable to the police if they catch us, but one day we stand before, you know, a holy God in judgment. If we don't believe that, then we don't fear that. And so I sometimes, when people say, why did God let it happen. You know, God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school. But God will be there in the form of a lot people with hugs and with therapy and awhole lot of ways in which he will be involved in the aftermath. Maybe we ought to let him in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up it's all said and done at the back end.

Rush Limbaugh #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Have you heard, this new movie, the Batman movie -- what is it, the Dark Knight Lights Up or something? Whatever the name of it is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises, Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in the Dark Knight Rises is named Bane. B-A-N-E. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran, and around which there's now this make-believe controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time, the release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental, that the name of the really vicious, fire-breathing, four-eyed, whatever-it-is villain in this movie is named Bane?


Anyway, so this evil villain in the new Batman movie is named Bane. And there's now discussion out there as to whether or not this was purposeful, and whether or not it will influence voters. It's going to have a lot of people. This movie, the audience is going to be huge, lot of people are going to see the movie. And it's a lot of brain-dead people, entertainment, the pop culture crowd. And they're going to hear "Bane" in the movie, and they are going to associate Bain. And the thought is that when they start paying attention to the campaign later in the year, and Obama and the Democrats keep talking about Bain, not Bain Capital, but Bain, Romney and Bain, that these people will think back to the Batman movie --"Oh yeah, I know who that is." There are some people who think it will work. There are some people think it will work. Others think -- "You're really underestimating the American people who think that will work."

Glenn Beck #conspiracy mediamatters.org

The entire Mediterranean is on fire. More than that, it's not just the surrounding countries of the Mediterranean. It also spreads up here. You have U.K. and Ireland already with riot in the street. You have Russia with a bombing.

Well, now, let's see -- let's play this through. What do you think happens? These two collide. They quite honestly, they could make us collapse financially.

Just these two colliding. Let alone, if this is on fire as well, our forces there? What do we do?

This is colliding. We're pouring all of our money into here and here and trying to keep things stable. China pushes this direction. Here's China pushes this direction, just says knock it off, guys. These guys are pushing this direction. This is all pushing up into the middle, into the Mediterranean, into Spain.

This becomes a caliphate. This becomes China dominant. This becomes Muslim caliphate.

If they think Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, possibly Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, are now some sort of a Muslim caliphate. If anyone begins to think that is a chance, what happens to the overwhelming radical population of the U.K., of radical Islamists? What happens? Do they just sit around on their hand or do they see an opportunity?

When you take the Marxist and you combine them with the radical from Islam, when you combine those forces, which is exactly -- we'll show you this week -- what is happening here, the whole world starts to implode. Does Russia push across this way? And what do we do?

This is not just happenstance. This is not just poor people mad at rich people. This is coordinated. Tunisia was the beginning.

I think there is a chance that Tunisia is our Archduke Ferdinand moment that I've been telling you about, warning that it would start in some place that wouldn't look like anything, and most of us wouldn't understand it.

He was the guy assassinated in Sarajevo, June 1914. A month later, Austria and Hungary declared war against Serbia and the rest is called World War I. I believe a snowball is being formed, and it is starting to roll.

Glenn Beck #fundie mediamatters.org

Hang on, let me just tell you what I'm thinking. I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out -- is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus -- band -- Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, "Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore," and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, "Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death." And you know, well, I'm not sure.

G. Edward Griffin #conspiracy mediamatters.org

From the very beginning, I was suspicious about this whole HIV story, and I didn't know in the beginning, but it didn't take long after some serious researchers had gotten into it and published their findings, it became obvious to me. You talk about a wacko theory, here it comes. There isn't even such a thing as HIV. HIV virus, standing for virus, doesn't even exist. It's -- think of what those letters stand for.


So, that's what it is. It's an immunodeficiency, but there's no virus. The immunodeficiencies are caused by the treatment, the drugs that they give people to try and treat the AIDS. That's what kills the immune system. And what a shocking thought that is, that people who have an immune deficiency, maybe because of some other factor such as nutritional factors -- maybe -- you know, a lot of drug addicts develop this syndrome. Why? Well, we know that a drug addict traditionally has a terrible diet, and the drugs themselves are destructive of the immune system.


And I'll just say one more thing and then let the real experts take over, is, my understanding is that all these pictures that you can find of the HIV or the virus are artist's renditions. There's never been a photograph, an electron microscope, or anything else that photographed a virus called HIV, mainly because it doesn't exist. It's theorized. It's a theoretical virus.

Glenn Beck #fundie mediamatters.org

[Re. the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.]

We can't see the connections here. Now look, I'm not saying God is, you know, causing earthquakes. Well -- I'm not saying that he -- I'm not not saying that either.

God -- what God does is God's business, I have no idea. But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'. And -- yesterday I got home and I was thinking about all the messages that I could bring in, all the things that I could tell ya, and oh I've got stuff on Hezbollah. Oh, I have stuff on radical Islam in America that'll make your eyes fall out. Or I could just tell you the answer, and the answer is: Buckle up. Buckle up, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Make sure you keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. Because, things are gonna get bumpy and, just a few reminders there at the beginning as this rollercoaster takes off, always a good safety tip: Keep your arms and legs in. Don't do anything stupid, what do you say we follow the big top ten. You can call them Moses' ten commandments, or ten rules of thumb. What do you say we start doing those things? Because the things we are doing really suck and they're not getting better.

finarfin #racist mediamatters.org

["I've read posts where this fool has actually justified slavery.]

August heat, the fact that i "justify" slavery is not wrong in itself. If i am able to properly justify slavery, then slavery has justification! You realize that the term "justification" does not have to have "good" connotations in order to be used? . It is simply justification, whether good or evil!

Slavery is justified by the fact that there was a lot of farmable land in colonial America but there were to few people to farm it. hence the bringing over of slaves. I do not think we brought them here just to be 'mean' to black people.

["He judges entire cultures."]

Is that evil or hateful? I've heard plenty of liberals judge entire cultures saying they were "agrarian," "ingenious," "artistic," "colorful," "interesting," "war-like." These are all judgments, but are they hateful?

[ "Did you read the hoodlum comment about blacks being "tribal"."]

Well, aren't they? I'm just basing this off of observation. Witnessing their stereotypically primitive, animalistic behavior i naturally come to that conclusion.

finarfin #racist mediamatters.org

["The other poster was born in America, into a society that to this day does not recognize him as an equal. While I don't always agree with him, I can understand his anger."]

What?? speak for yourself, but i think we overcompensate in our "recognition" of their equality. Look at black holidays and affirmative action, no sir they aren't equal, but they are unequal in that they favor blacks over whites!

Glenn Beck #fundie mediamatters.org

Because the storm that is coming is not just an American storm, it's a human storm. It's a global storm. And who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American. But we are not prepared to be those people yet. We must go to God boot camp and we can straighten our own lives up so we can help people out in the rest of the world and guide them down the stairs and out of the building, into safety.


If we can say this to each other: "And with firm reliance on divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" we will then know that God is not on our side, rather we have put our life in shape so we know we will be on God's side.
[Emphasis added]

Ann Coulter #fundie mediamatters.org

Throw in enough words like imagine, perhaps, and might have -- and you've got yourself a scientific theory! How about this: Imagine a giant raccoon passed gas and perhaps the resulting gas might have created the vast variety of life we see on Earth. And if you don't accept the giant raccoon flatulence theory for the origin of life, you must be a fundamentalist Christian nut who believes the Earth is flat. That's basically how the argument for evolution goes.

Jim Quinn #fundie mediamatters.org

On the November 6 broadcast of The War Room with Quinn & Rose, co-host Jim Quinn said: "The only thing that -- the only thing that gay marriage produce -- well, gay marriage doesn't produce anything that the state has an interest in. Gay sex produces AIDS, which the state doesn't have -- or should have an interest in. They should charge homosexuals more for their -- for their health insurance than they charge the rest of us." Quinn made the comment while discussing the passage of a California ballot initiative to amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

G. Gordon Liddy and one of his assclown listeners #racist mediamatters.org

CALLER: I'm ready to go to the concentration camp, that Obama's police force -- he will round me up.

LIDDY: Well --

CALLER: Because I -- I'm a white American.


CALLER: How's the cooking going to be? What will -- what will they serve, at the camp? I'm ready to go. Then they'll alleviate my debt that I have. They'll -- they'll put me in a concentration camp.

LIDDY: Well, I think, probably, there'll be ham hocks and turnip greens.

Michael Savage #fundie mediamatters.org

Now, in the state of California, which leads both for the good and the bad in many ways politically, there's a ballot initiative on homosexual marriage that is more important than you could imagine. It's called Proposition 8, and you must vote "yes" if you're sane. If you're insane, hate the family, hate man and woman, hate your mother and father, hate the Bible, hate the church, and hate the synagogue, of course you're in favor of "no" on Proposition 8, which is where most of the Democrat politicians are, because they are exactly what you think they are.

skettle2000 #fundie mediamatters.org

I have read all of Tolles books many times and his work is amazing - best spirtuality teacher around right now - no doubt about it.

But what scares the hell out of me ( and everybody thinks I'm totally nuts for this ) is that I think Tolle believes the end times are near - especially in his book "The New Earth" where the last sentence is the "Meek Shall Inherit the Earth". Here is where we get kooky. Basically I believe this means the people that are meek are going to inherit an earth ruled by the New World Order, which Obama will lead. The so called False Prophet. I think somehow the rest of the people will go to heaven sometime when Jesus returns. Possibly Palin is 2nd coming.

Anyways here is even where it gets crazier. The religious guy that prayed for Palin to become Governor and who Palin herself credits has said the End times are near and Alaska will become the heaven for Christians when the end times come ! Freak me out or what.

Secondly, and this is nuts, there is this new supercollider that is suppose to find the start of the universe or God's particle. God's particle is something everybody knows exists but nobody has found yet. What else does everybody knows exists but we have not found - GOD. So the finding of this particle may be the finding of GOD and that is it - the end times.

I know it sounds crazy but the pieces are fitting together day by day.

Jill Stanek #fundie mediamatters.org

In an April 9, 2007, posts to her website and the Illinois Review blog, Stanek wrote: "The following, if true, is what abortion and the dehumanization of preborn babies has wrought. It is the most despicable outcome of abortion I have ever seen or reported. Yet, if one is 'pro-choice' and denies that preborn humans are human, there is nothing wrong with this whatsoever. It can't even be considered cannibalism."

She then cited a March 29, 2007, Epoch Times article, which reported: "The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals..."

After a reader questioned the truth of the claims, Stanek wrote: "[A]ccording to Wikipedia, The Epoch Times is an anti-Chinese-government newspaper. Wikipedia compares The Next Magazine, from whence Epoch got its information, to a sensationalist type paper. That said, Wikipedia is accessible by all to skew, including the Chinese government.

And there are good sensationalist news organizations, like Drudge (and even the Enquirer these days), and bad sensationalist rags that boast alien abductions on their front page. But I've read legitimate news stories of the Chinese doing strange things with embryos. So I think this stuff is happening. And that last photo in particular looks real"

Jill Stanek #fundie mediamatters.org

In an March 1, 2007, WorldNetDaily column, during a discussion of a scene in the film The Godfather: Part II in which Al Pacino's character hits his wife after she told him she aborted their child, Stanek wrote: "That spontaneous slap was the reaction of a real man who a woman had just told she aborted his baby. Compare that to the modern day cowardly male response, 'It's your choice. Whatever you decide, I'll support you.' "

Michael Savage #racist mediamatters.org

Savage also stated: "[W]hy was there an asthma epidemic amongst minority children? Because I'll tell you why: The children got extra welfare if they were disabled, and they got extra help in school. It was a money racket. Everyone went in and was told [fake cough], 'When the nurse looks at you, you go [fake cough], "I don't know, the dust got me." ' See, everyone had asthma from the minority community."

Michael Savage Weiner #fundie mediamatters.org

Responding to a caller who said, "I had to explain to my young son why these two men were holding hands the other day," radio host Michael Savage stated, during the June 16 broadcast of The Savage Nation, "You've got to explain to the children ... why God told people this was wrong." He went on to say, "You have to explain this to them in this time of mental rape that's going on. The children's minds are being raped by the homosexual mafia, that's my position. They're raping our children's minds."

... He went on to say of gay marriage, "It's a very important story. The children don't know what to make of it. Children nine, 10 are saying, 'I'm gay.' They don't know what it even means." He added: "It's a giant propaganda machine trying to pervert children"

Michael Savage #fundie #homophobia mediamatters.org

And I want to tell you something, and I'm going to say it to you loud and clear. The radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country. Make no mistake about it. They're all not nice decorators. You better get it through your head before it's too late. They threaten your very survival. They went after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is now caving into the homosexual mafia. They will not stop until they force their agenda down your throats. Gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. They want full and total subjugation of this society to their agenda. Now, if you want that and if you don't think it's a threat -- believe me, that is what's going to occur in this country.

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