
christdependant #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Just wondering what the general opinion was on killing animals, whether it be for food, self-defence, hunting etc..]

After Adam & Eve's fall, God immediately clothed them in animal skins. That was a type of what He would do by clothing us in His Son's righteousness when we call upon His Name for salvation, applying His atoning blood to cover our sins.
An animal had to die to cover the flesh of fallen Adam & Eve. Death entered the world when Adam & Eve disobeyed God, and animals came under the death sentence at that same time.
It was after the Noahic flood that animals also became food for people to eat with God's blessing.

Eddie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

['See for an overview <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult</a>. See how easy it is for people to believe something totally irrational? We have the benefit of knowledge to be able see how amusing how these Cargo Cults seem.']

"The two are totally different, people believe in Jesus because 1) He really did exist 2) His words, His teachings were/ are real - we have them in the Bible 3) He really performed many miracles 4) He really did rise again after He was executed and was seen & witnessed by 500 people after His death 5) He really was/is the Son of God.

Cargo cults are based on false premises & local magik (believing idols will conjure up more supplies washing up on shore) Christianity is based on truths, they are totally opposite, if you can't see that you are blind......

Pure Christianity (believing & following Jesus) is not a cult because there is no form of mind-control, brain-washing, control by an organization or deception involved. In fact if you really look at it - living in the secular world with the secular media people are saturated with is more closely related to being a cult!

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[After a long list of "atheists contradictions and lies"]

But again, that's what happens when people tell a lie. The have to tell subsequent lies to explain the first lie until they finally contradict the first lie. And this statement by an atheist has finally contradicted the first lie that God doesn't exist: (Quote)You don't seem to get the notion that the absence of something is a valid form of proof. PLEASE make an effort to understand.(Quote)

Therefore, according to atheists, then the absence of proof for God is a valid form of proof for God's existence. It's good that you can admit it yourselves.

mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Let the people decide for themselves and quit turning science into a communist enterprise in order to advance your stupidnatural god. Your communist tactics of pushing evolution on people and calling them dumb and not accepting of medicinal treatments is all part of your communist tactics to spread your religion founded by using science.

Science is not interested in investigating your stupidnatural god anymore. Pack up shop and go home.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The truth is;

1) the sun gives light by day
2) The moon and stars give light by night and mark days, months, seasons, and years
3) The earth is less than 10,000 years old
4) Man rules over the animals
5) Each species breeds its own kind
6) The bible even describes the first male and female
7) The genealogy of man can be traced back to Adam

Here are the lies:

1) Apes breed humans
2) The earth is 4.5 billion years old
3) There is no cause-effect, even though scientists base their mathematical formulas and theories on cause-effect through voluminous explanations
4) The ancestors of the Jews weren't Adam, cain, Seth, and David, but other people instead, even though they don't know which people
5) That there are accounts of our vine-swinging ancestors from ancient peoples
6) That Dinosaurs roamed the earth for millions of years before man came then suddenly died before there were any witnesses to them.

That just shows that denying God takes tremendous effort which means that unbelievers make a deliberate attempt at doing so which is demonstrated by the voluminous explanations of evolutionists trying to prove that apes bred human beings.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Mythology is often referred to as imaginary gods or imaginary animals that walked the earth and is generally thought of as beliefs that people had in the past because humans are under the erroneous asumption that we're smarter today than people in the past. But they overlook the fact that people in the past also thought the same thing about their intelligence and people in the future will always prove current thinking wrong again. So the biggest myth of all is that there are no myths in current society. Here are just a few of them:

1) Dinosaurs
2) Apes breeding humans
3) the Big Bang
4) the ice age

None of the above were ever witnessed by anyone in history any more than the gods were witnessed or pink unicorns were.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I'm not talking about a simple power outage. I'm talking about enriched plutonium which comes from the conversion of uranium into WMD. It is considered the most dangerous substance known to man and absolutely will shut off the electricity present in planes. All any terrorist has to do is drop large quantities of plutonium from airplanes onto American soil and it will render electricity completely useless. And the chain reaction that will occur from the US shutting down will be global. We Americans have had the capacity to do that to our enemies for years. I had erroneoulsy thought that atheists knew that since they claim to know so much about our universe.

[Emphasis added]

But as usual, you haven't thought things through at all and are speaking from ignorance again.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Oh, sweet irony is a wonderful thing]
One of the first things that atheists have to learn is that beliefs don't determine reality. Thus, claiming that hell doesn't exist because one doesn't believe it exists is like a criminal sentenced to death saying; "judge I don't believe in the electric chair."

IrishFarmer #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

A change in allele frequencies is definately NOT evolution. What that kind of change does is allow you to breed all different kinds of dogs. But you'll never end up with anything except a dog. If you really want to prove me wrong, then reference me to a dog breeder that's bred anything except a dog. They all have the same basic body plan, and they aren't about to change into anything new. In fact, the more you selectively breed a type, the worse off it is. Dogs are more susceptible to diseases, they have body deformations (which in some cases is kind of cute, but my dog has to blow snot out of its face every five seconds because its face is flat).

What you want is for NEW genes to be pushed into the gene pool. Simply reshuffling existing alleles isn't going to help. Try it with a deck of cards. Keep reshuffling the deck and dealing hands of three. You can get all sorts of different combinations, but eventually you run out of unique combinations, unless you can throw in a card that's never been seen.

Martycbt16 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[On proving the existence of god and not believing science]

if you were a child and you were in a room with a radiator and some one told you that the radiator is hot and do not touch it. They then proceded to show you graphs and testimonies of people who have touched the radiator and can indeed testify that the thing is hot and it burns. This convinces you and you beleive that the thing is hot. When left alone you decide to see if it is really true and reach out and touch it an in the process, receive a blister because of the heat. Now into the room comes a heating engineer who pulles out his own literature and sits down with you and proceeds to show you tat the radiator is not hot but cold. Now althogh he is an expert in the field and is more well informed in this science than anyone else, you know no matter what he says, you will not beleive him because you KNOW the radiator is hot. You have passd from head knowledge to experience. No lets say you never toched the radiator, the "expert" would have convinced you that the radiator is cold because he is smarter than whoever told you it was warm. Christianity is the same, if you are talked into it, someone smarter than the person who talked you in, can talk you out. True beleivers are born into it, they have touched the radiator if you like. You my freind just had it in your head, not in your heart, you never reached out and touched or else you would still be there.

Trinidad and Tobago #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

What you are asking me to believe is simply insane. Here are the facts of this case:

Foley was a homosexual.
Foley was a pedophile.
Foley was being covered up by the democrats.
Foley was ousted by a REPUBLICAN(Dennis Hasert)

How many homosexuals are republicans? How about pedophiles? How many republican scandals are being covered up by democrats? How many republicans are betrayed by other republicans? The answer to all these questions are Zero. Foley was a democrat operative, no doubt sent in to provide a "Black eye" to the party he was misrepresenting. However the facts are on the table, he was a Democrat. Why do you think the democrats are under attack now? Because he supported a pedophile just because he was in their party.

The democrats have had a long time in putting operatives under "false" aliases and then later pretend to be a victim. Richard Nixon and Watergate. And let us not forget Clinton and Gerry Studds.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org


So for this reason, I have no more interest in conversing with atheists here until they understand basic concepts like those above. Nor am I interested in playing verbal volleyball. But since that's the only thing atheists understand, I'll leave you to do that all by yourselves.


So either way, since lies and fantasies aren't real, then neither is evolution. But it's pointless to converse with people whose beliefs are based on lying. And since lies aren't the truth, then we have made our case against evolution. So I have no more desire to listen to people who pass on nothing but lies. That's a complete waste of my time.


So since you don't listen to us nor can you see your own contradictions, then it's futile to argue with atheists. Since we Christians have lived both with and without the Holy Spirit, we can see which one is better. But since atheists don't understand that either, then it's another waste of time trying to explain it to you. That's like claiming that a student in arithmetic knows better than a professor of mathematics about math. Therefore, unless you open your minds, you will keep them bolted shut and have to find out for yourselves the hard way what the price for rejecting God will be. God knows you don't listen to us.


It is obvious then that most evolutionists aren't interested in being honest, just rebelling against Christians, and so far, they're not doing a very good job of it because evasions and attacks don't prove their case. So for now, I'll leave you to your contradictions and evasions. They waste the time of others and more importantly, they waste your time because they bring you no closer to the truth.


Atheists admit they have no clue what the truth is. So why should we listen to them? The answer is that we shouldn't listen to people who are confused about what is right and wrong, true or false, and what is real and what isn't real. One cannot learn from people who are that confused, least of all people who claim that something is true just because they say so even though their beliefs can't be documented by any outside reality.


But the beliefs of atheists not only can't be established by any facts, but their contradictions are endless and bizarre. It does no good to try to have a rational conversation with people who are this confused about what's true and what's false.


So I won't be spending much time arguing with you because you're not interested in understanding the bible. I'll post a few posts here and there in case there's even one person who has a genuine curiosity about God, not just seeing if he can outsmart him. Of course that won't happen...


It does no good to present any more evidence to people who deny it. That's like people presenting evidence that Caesar existed and me denying it. There's no way to reach people whose eyes are that blinded.


Since atheists here resist finding God no matter how much they contradict themselves to do it, then who am I to stop them? I'm going on to forums where people have open minds and open hearts and aren't foolish enough to do everything in their power to make sure they have everlasting death. I'll pop back in from time to time to see if anyone understands what his soul is, before he can even begin to care about it. But I'm not holding my breath.

Trinidad & tobago #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Look, this really doesn't surprise me after finding out the truth about the whole Foley scandal. We've seen this kind of behavior before from their party (*), we know what they're capable of. Lord knows that Clinton was an embarrassment to their party, and so was Gerry Studds. Heck, he was even elected again after his scandal. But it looks like they've learned their lesson after these two mistakes, and forced Foley to resign.

Foley was just the beginning. I predict that within the next few weeks we will see more ousted democrats because of their deviant behavior. The American people will not tolerate it, nor do our children deserve this kind of half-handed leadership. We can do better. The question now is, do we allow these injustices to continue happening? We know of the dangers of homosexuality and liberalism, but why do we keep electing these people in the hopes that we will get something different? This is just one more reason why I support homosexuals be registered to the sex offenders list...yet they continue to get special treatment and avoid the hassles that other known sexual deviants have to go through.

My heart goes out to Dennis Hasert. He should be awarded for the courage it took to oust Foley. But whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. He ousted a pedophile and just because that pedophile happened to be a democrat, we see them all flocking to Foley's defense. Demanding that Hasert resign.

[* Foley is a Republican, not a Democrat]

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So...are you looking for explanations that make sense or don't make sense? God's explanation always agrees with reality whereas human explanations always disagree with reality. For example, meteors are composed of ice and solid particles which means that the explanation that God created life out of water is much more plausible than the "big bang" coming from heat when the temperatures are way below zero up in space.

Trinidad & Tobago #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

fsdt is a communist cesspoll of far left liberals and other satanic worshipping people who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth. You can address my points here, but submiting my ideas to that fascist website does nothing more than raise a white flag of "I surrender, because I refuse to address the content of what you said". Please, take off your fantasy helmet for just a few moments and look over what I have said.

Trinidad & Tobago #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I think im speaking for most of us here when I say I am tired of living in a country that promotes sin and a satanic lifestyle. I was not born a christian only to have some godless person try to instill their beliefs on me or my family. Something needs to change. If we are to win the war on terror then we need to get everyone on the right side. Why dont we see any Christification camps? Children should be taught the Truth of Christ at a young age so that they cannot grow up believing in satan...

I understand why Bush has been divinely inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ, because only he understands the perils that our country and Christian Citizens of the United States face on a daily basis. The inherit threat of the mohammedons must cease, and we must be able to live our lives without fear of being killed in the name of Satan(allah). I think we need to have Christification camps open up through the country, requiring mandatory attendance for people who chose to believe in false religions. This is a real threat we are facing and we need to take it very seriously...

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

After debating Satan for several months I’ve come to some conclusions. And my conclusions come with a heavy heart. I have always believed in a world where the good guys win and the bad guys lose. I’ve always believed that good will prevail over evil.

But the more I debate here, the more I’m begining to realize there’s a wicked undercurrent I’m swimming against. There’s a ferocious enemy lurking below the surface that I cant quite put my finger on. And I’m realizing that I cannot overcome what I do not understand. And it’s not merely a non-belief in God or a happy-go-lucky free-thinker individual that I’m up against..—it’s a much more sinister entity than the innocent disbelief that’s portrayed here.

Unlike Christ, who sacrificed himself for others’ everlasting life, Satan -- like the piece of garbage that he is -- sacrifices other people for everlasting death. And unlike the Bible, which says human beings are made in the image of God, Satan says we are made in the image of of him -- a carnal beast, and our lives should procede according to his particular appetite -- where savagery, murder, rape and death is natural and to be expected and promoted. Meanwhile life and love and worship of God should be eliminated.

How can one debate this mindset? I’m finding that I can’t do it.

And the weird thing is, I’m not at all convinced that Satan actually believes in the sorry theory he so eagerly promotes. He doesn’t necessarily believe in random mutations – he doesn’t have any real faith in Natural Selection – and he doesn’t truly believe in adaptive radiation. (When’s the last time Satan made a post on here PROMOTING the validity of these things?).—.instead these are merely his tools that are being used to decieve and convince others.

Ulimately, Satan believes in anything that will point others away from the notion that God Created the world. Truth is not what his goal is – his goal is deception. And he will use any tool of deception that will steer people away from Christ. He’s obsessed with making people lose their faith because he loves the notion that people will be spending their eternities with him as a melted corpse, scorched inside his torture chamber down in hell. This is why Satan invades so many Christian forums with vigor – simply to throw a wrecking ball into people’s spiritual lives. There is no other explanation!

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Maybe it's just me......but does anyone else have the ability to "sense" Satan in other people?

I meet and talk to alot of people in my business. And it doesn't happen too often -- maybe a couple times per year -- but every once in a while I'll come across someone who just gives me the willies -- an eery feeling -- like there's an evil darkness glaring at me from behind their eyes. And they set off an internal fear that just penetrates my soul -- it's a sensation that tells me to run away because the Devil is residing in them. It makes me very nervous.

And it may not be anything in particular that the person does or says to make me feel this....it's more of just an inner gut feeling. I can almost feel a growl or a groan coming out directed at me.

Of course...then again...I could be crazy.

BaptistFundie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

My drug of choice
...is secular music.

I threw out all of my secular CDs a year ago, and since then I haven't bought a CD that wasn't explicitly Christian. I felt like it was something that I needed to do.

From time to time I get in a blue funk and I try to listen to my Christian CDs...sometimes they make me feel better, but usually they don't. However, when I turn on the radio to a secular station or I play secular songs on the internet, I almost always change my mood.

I asked the Lord about it, and he pointed out to me that some people take drugs to alter their moods...the drugs have side effects and they often cause more problems than they solve, but they take care of the problem that the person wanted them to take care of.

So now it makes sense. Secular music is my drug and when I listen to it (like right now), I'm showing personal defeat.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

["But what is faith, Carico? Is it belief in the bible? That is definitely not what I have found faith to be."]

"It certainly isn't faith in our own imaginations! That's what atheists do. They think that if they believe something then that makes it true."

coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Science admits another lie

It's official -- Pluto is no longer a planet

Must have been a lie


There were only 8 planets.
To science, a vote done by peers determines truth.

How many years before we go to 7 planets?

Good newspaper story from AP


Evolution science is the higher authority to which all science appeals.

All of you that claimed Pluto was a planet, have mislead us.

Change the textbooks.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Why do you suppose that none of any group of ancient people in the world ever talked about their ape ancestors? The history of every group of people is passed along to its descendants by the written or spoken word of their ancestors. So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words, or being completely covered in hair, or what they did for a living, etc.? It's funny how that is absent. But the Jews, the Egyptians, the Chinese, etc. can all talk about their ancestors of ancient times. That's why we have their history. But their ape ancestors are never mentioned by them. Why do you think that is?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The theory of dinosaurs came along in the mid 1800's just before the time Darwin begain imagining the ape scenario. A young scientist envisioned an enormous creature in his mind and set about trying to find it. He was met with much skepticism and no real evidence until he found something that looked like a skull but he wasn't sure. So he set about trying to create a creature from that skull, all the while, his wife believing he was insane, which of course, he was, thus re-inforcing the phrase "mad scientist."

So after many years of gathering different bones, the dinosaur was created. Never mind that there's absolutely no way to know if those bones came from one animal or several animals. All that mattered was creating a fictitious monster out of any bones that were found and passing it aong as the truth so he can get his name in science books. Scientists even admit that some of the skeletons were "missing" so they added other bones from other animals to complete their design. This is not science. It's called; artwork. And it's very creative artwork at that! Some of those creatures are hilarious and any design is possible because there were no witnesses! But unfortunately, it's no different than kids finding sticks in the woods and creating anything they want from them. And most people see that as children's imaginations (which it is), but if those children had letters after their names, then people would claim they were "brilliant, just brilliant." And this is all palentologists do.

Then they assign each creature a name ( and the longer the better to show how intelligent they are but they more accurately describe the size of their egos than any real living creature) and decide which ones were herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. So how can they know what these animals ate? :confused: The answer is that they can't know. They have simply made it up. And all they have to do is use the letters after their names and they can pass anything along as the truth. :)

So these fictitious beasts are in every science book in elementary school and passed along as facts instead of artwork. And people have been so brainwashed to believe them as facts, they can't see the forest through the trees that there's no way to prove them whatsoever. The various bones have all been positioned and glued together to depict the imagination fo the artist. There's no way to tell if these bones were all from the same animal or one animal. Even today, scientists have to extract DNA to see if the bones they find from a dead body all belong to the same person! So the one thing scientists have that is undeniable and that is an imagination. But it's hardly science. Palentologists would make more money working for Steven Spielberg than spending their times on hot deserts. ;)

coadie #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

I have been asked this question. Yes it is many times worse.

I will go to the OT to show you. David sinned.

1. Lust of the eyes with Beer sheba
2. They were at war and he violated his duty
3. Used his power to order her brought to him.
4. He committed adultery
5. Lying to involve Uriah to cover her pregnancy
6. Had Uriah killed in battle front
7. Un repentent till Nathan did an "intervention"

I have just used a heterosexual for an example to prove a homosexual is sinning 5+ times what sin a standard sin is.

Homosexuality begins with lust of the eyes

1. Lust
2. Acting on the urges
3. Reading the bible about it's sin and lying that the bible does NOT speak against it.
4. Becoming a stumbling block for others
A. Pedophilia
B. Gay parades and agenda
C. Doing the abomination
D. Causing the partner to sin
E. Defiling the body
F. Giving oneself over to reprobate mind as bible says
G. Dishonoring your body the temple of God. (If redeemed and saved)
5. Lying about it to others. Calling another to stumble is horrible.
6. Disobeying God's plan for marriage and children.
7. Coveting a person for sex
8. Fornication
9. Based on mortality rates, it is an act that has death as an outcome.
10. There is no way it can be a testimony for Christianity.
11. Honor thy father and thy mother
12. Idolatry.

Yes the hetersexual act of David found it's little way to multiply. His sins led to a multiplyer of wrongs.

Remember the verse, if they hands or whatever offend thee Pluck it out?

I don't see people running around with their ... plucked out.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

It is severely nasty to run around and tell people that the bible is wrong when it calls homosexuality sin.

It is sin for me to have a warning and not share it.

It is another sin, if you come out and call this post Hatred, violence or vomit all of which are on this board.

Evil can not be called good. Repent.

Oroci_Iori #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(Hope, trust, etc. are not faith. There's a reason these words are different.

In the case of going to a doctor, you have good reason to trust what he tells you; he's been to medical school. Faith is belief without reason.)

So what? He's suddenly reliable and trustworthy JUST because of that?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[another logical YEC explanation for stars' being billions of light-years away]

That's because astronomers erroneously assume that the light which the stars reflect is the light from the sun. They then base their calculations on that. But read the 2nd paragraph in Genesis and you'll notice that God created light before he created the sun. So guess which light the stars are reflecting? ;)

J.Sloan #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Yes, let us not let the truth of the Bible get in the way of our apologetic. My good friend, only God can change the heart, so no we do not meet the atheist on their terms. They have already proven themselves not able to properly reason by the very fact that they reject the existence of God.

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