
Adil Khan #psycho #sexist telegraph.co.uk

A member of the Rochdale gang who raped and groomed girls as young as 13 has said he should not be deported because he had not committed “that big a crime”.

Adil Khan, 51, and fellow gang member, Qari Rauf, 52, are fighting deportation by the Home Office, where they would be sent to Pakistan following convictions for serious sexual offences against young girls.

Khan, speaking through a translator, told an immigration tribunal hearing on Tuesday: "We are not that big a criminal. We have not committed that big a crime. I'm innocent. I'm not committing any crime. The journalists made us out to be big criminals."

Khan, Rauf and two other men were among nine Asian men convicted of sex offences in the northern town against vulnerable girls in 2012.

From early 2008, girls as young as 12 were groomed with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in the rooms above kebab shops. Police said that as many as 47 girls were groomed as part of the gang's activities.

Khan was sentenced to eight years in 2012 after being convicted of trafficking a child for sexual exploitation, but was released on licence four years later.

He also fathered a child with one of his victims, who was 13 years old. The two men were four of the gang with dual UK-Pakistani citizenship, and could therefore be stripped of their citizenship and deported, after Theresa May ruled it would be “conducive to the public good” for the men to leave the UK.

Julie Bindel #transphobia telegraph.co.uk

Misognyistic trans activists have suffered a huge defeat
Women did not fight for single-sex hospital wards based on “gender identity”. Thank goodness the NHS is finally waking up to this

Finally, the NHS is putting women’s safety first. Steve Barclay, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, is set to announce proposals that would see trans women banned from female wards, and ensure people have intimate care provided by doctors of their own sex.

It is nothing short of a disgrace that trans activists managed to reverse the female-only policy in the first place.
Following our successful feminist campaign for women-only wards decades ago, things progressed as they should have, with the safety and dignity of the patients paramount. Had men’s rights activists at the time protested against single-sex facilities, demanding the “right” to access our space, they would have immediately been identified as suspect, and we all would have ascribed an ulterior motive to their demands. It would have been plain to see that these demands were about easy access to vulnerable females.
Why, then, did the NHS so readily capitulate to trans activists claiming that some men are “really” women, based on an inner feeling, without considering the obvious risks such a scheme would pose? That bad men might make use of well-intentioned ideas should surely have occurred to someone.
The fact that this policy is at last changing shows that the NHS might just be starting to realise the significance of biology. In doing so, it needs to sort out its language. Feminists like me did not fight for single-sex prisons, hospital wards, rape crisis centres, bathrooms and changing rooms, so that we could share a “gender identity”. We did so because of the tsunami of sexual violence women and girls endure at the hands of men – sexual violence based on biological reality, not gender identity.
Trans ideology, and the capture of so many of our institutions, has led to an almost complete destruction of the rights women won, following hard, hostile battles, to keep ourselves safe from predatory, opportunistic sex offenders.

Jordan Peterson #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack #transphobia #wingnut telegraph.co.uk

We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, far-Left ideology

The medical profession is crumbling in response to radical transgender activists

The Hippocratic Oath has been replaced by a delusion: a belief that can be summarised as ‘by blocking the puberty of children, and then surgically altering them, we are only restoring what is theirs by right. A child’s feelings are the final arbiters of their reproductive destiny, and any attempt to contest their gender identity risks increasing their proclivity for suicide’.

Lies. Lies. Lies. Then butchery.

Psychologists have also surrendered to this groupthink.

These guidelines first read like a manual of indoctrination written by Marxist ideologues, and second like a document designed to undermine and destroy the practice of therapy itself.

I don’t understand this radical postmodern definition of gender, one that rests on a person’s “deeply felt” or “inherent sense” of being one sex over another, regardless of biology.

Psychologically it is indisputably the case that a non-trivial proportion of males have a feminine temperament (which essentially means that they experience higher levels of negative emotions such as anxiety and the analogs of pain – grief, frustration, disappointment, depression) and are more agreeable (compassionate/polite) than typical males, and equally true that a non-trivial proportion of females have a masculine temperament. But this does not change how, objectively, professionals should measure a person’s gender.

Psychologists are also now adopting the simple-minded and anything-but-revolutionary doctrine of “intersectionality” without question.

And, by the way: it will definitely be the case that a disproportionate number of children “freed” from their gender confusion would have grown up to be physically intact and fully functional gay adults. Need I point out that this unpalatable fact makes a mockery of any claim that the extended alphabet world of the LGBTQ+ coterie constitutes a homogeneous and unified “community.”

We have crossed the line from ideological possession to active malevolence – and we are multiplying our sin by attributing our appalling actions to “compassion”. Heaven help us. Truly.

Annie Jacobsen #ufo #conspiracy telegraph.co.uk

Roswell 'was Soviet plot to create US panic'
Devotees of science fiction have been convinced for decades that an alien spacecraft crashed in the desert of New Mexico – and that the American government covered up the recovery of extraterrestrial bodies.

The so-called Roswell Incident of 1947 spawned conspiracy theories by the score.

But now, sadly for UFO spotters, a new book offers an entirely man-made – and some would say even more bizarre – explanation, featuring two of the greatest villains of 20th century history: the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and the infamous Nazi “Angel of Death” Dr Joseph Mengele.

During a powerful storm in July, 1947, an object crashed near a rancher’s home in Roswell, New Mexico.

Roswell army air base initially said that a “flying disc” had come down, but hours later, as government scientists arrived in the area, it was stated instead that a weather balloon had crashed.

The incident went largely unreported until books and documentaries in the 1970s made allegations of alien life forms.

Area 51, the new book by Annie Jacobsen, is based on interviews with scientists and engineers who worked in Area 51, the top secret test base in the Nevada desert.

It dismisses the alien story and puts forward the theory that Stalin was inspired by Orson Wells’s famous radio adaptation of the HG Wells novel War of the Worlds, which provoked hysteria across America when broadcast in 1938. According to the book, the plot started after the Soviet Union seized from Germany at the end of the war the jet-propelled, single wing Horton Ho 229 – a fighter said to be the forerunner of the modern B2 stealth bomber.

This is where Mengele enters the story. The Nazi doctor, who experimented on prisoners in Auschwitz and fled to South America after the war, was supposedly enlisted to create a crew of “grotesque, child-size aviators” in return for a eugenics laboratory.

The book says that the plane was filled with “alien-like” children, aged 12 or 13, who Stalin wanted to land in America and cause hysteria similar to the 1938 broadcast. But, the plane, remotely piloted by another aircraft, crashed and the Americans hushed up the incident.

Jacobsen’s source, a retired engineer from the former defence company EG&G, which handled the US government’s most sensitive projects, said he was put on to the Roswell project in Area 51 in 1978.

Miss Jacobsen writes: “They found bodies alongside the crashed craft. These were not aliens. Nor were they consenting airmen. They were human guinea pigs. Unusually petite for pilots, they appeared to be children. Each was under five feet tall.

“They were grotesquely deformed, but each in the same manner as the others. They had unusually large heads and abnormally shaped oversize eyes.”

Two were supposedly found “comatose but still alive”.

The EG&G engineers were told “that seeing the bodies would be a shocking and disturbing experience”.

Perhaps not surprisingly, a spokesman for the US Air Force said: “We have not yet read this book so we are not able to make a comment on it.”

Mark Colborne #racist #wingnut #psycho telegraph.co.uk

A ginger-haired right wing fanatic wanted to kill Princes Charles in the hope that flame haired Prince Harry would become king, a court heard.

Mark Colborne, 37, wanted to “put a bullet in Charles’ head” using a sniper rifle “for the Aryan people”.

Loner Colborne is accused of planning a cyanide attack on ethnic minorities because he felt “belittled” by being white and having ginger hair.

But he also discussed killing the heir to the throne in a notebook seized from his house, the Old Bailey heard.

In it, he wrote: “I don't want to be a serial killer. I'm more of an Anders Breivik (the Norwegian mass killer). I have left potential targets open.

"I was waiting for an opportunity to kill one of them. LET it be Prince Charles which would be good."

He added: "Take up a good position and put a bullet in Charles's head.

"He is protected but not too protected. I would sacrifice my life for that one shot. Kill Charles and William and Harry become king. Kill the tyrants."

In another note, he said: "The first chance I would get with a rifle if he crosses my path is to murder Prince Charles."

Colborne also ranted about the killers of black teenager Stephen Lawrence as they were sent to jail, prosecutor Annabel Darlow QC said.

In one entry dated 20 May 2012 he said: “I want to perform strategic coordinated different attacks on the systems tyrants and tyrants in and around the septic island.”

The following year he wrote about finding information about building “nerve gases which are as deadly as small-yield nukes”.

Colborne added: “'I'm stuck between committing mass destruction using a weapon of mass destruction and just targeting tyrants.

“I have often wanted to smear on toxin on their door handles that in time seeps through their skin and kills them but doing it to more than one neighbour would arouse suspicion.”

Colborne fantasised about transforming from a ginger-haired victim into a military terrorist, the court heard.

He wrote in his diary on 28 April 2013: "I want my legacy to say that I fought a one man war against the capitalist regime.

"I want them to see my transition from poor red-haired victimised minority that is constantly walked over to a fully transformed military terrorist striking at the hearts of the bigoted tyrannical rulers and of course the dark-haired, dark-eyes Caucasian race.

"I will be heard through terror."

The court had heard how Colborne, who suffered from depression and agoraphobia, trawled the Internet for explosives and poisons.

He went on to acquire chemicals over the Internet forming the essential ingredients for the deadly poison cyanide as well as stockpiling dust masks, metal filter funnels, plastic syringes and latex gloves, jurors were told.

But in June last year, his half brother Kevin Colborne alerted police after he uncovered the chemicals and papers detailing Colborne's racial hatred stashed amid the clutter of his room at the family home in Southampton in June last year.

The prosecutor said Colborne had a "troubled" childhood and saw himself as marginalised because he was a white, ginger-haired male.

Colborne denies preparing terrorist acts.

The trial continues.

Ismail Berdiyev and Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin #sexist #fundie #psycho telegraph.co.uk

Two prominent religious leaders in Russia have provoked outrage after suggesting female genital mutilation could help reduce sexual promiscuity.

The scandal erupted on Wednesday when Vsevolod Chaplin, a former spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church, rushed to the defence of Ismail Berdiyev, a senior Muslim cleric from Dagestan who said “all women” should be subjected to the practice to eliminate sexual depravity.

Mr Berdiyev, chairman of the Coordination Centre of North Caucasus Muslims, made the controversial comments when asked to comment on a report into the practice published earlier this week.

“All women should be circumcised so there would be no debauchery on earth, so that sexuality is minimised,” Mr Berdiyev, a prominent figure in Dagestan, told a correspondent from Interfax, a Russian news agency.

“The Almighty created woman to bear and raise children,” he added. “[Circumcision] would not affect that. Women would not stop giving birth. But there would be less promiscuity.”

He went on to clarify that although Islam does not prescribe the practice, “it is necessary to reduce female sexuality. If it was done to all women, it would be very good.”

Mr Berdiyev was commenting on a recent study that found female genital mutilation is common in remote mountain villages in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region in Russia’s north Caucasus.

Research by the Russian Justice Initiative, an NGO, found that in areas where the practice continues female genital mutilation tends to be carried out on girls up to three years old, without anaesthetic and often in unsanitary conditions.

The researchers said most cases they came across involved removal, or part-removal, of the clitoris and labia.

Archpriest Chaplin, one of the most prominent Orthodox priests in Russia, rushed to the mufti’s defence after outraged headlines splashed across Russian media and social networks.

“What feminist howling!” he wrote in a Facebook post defending the right of minorities to preserve religious traditions.

“Circumcising all women probably isn’t necessary. Orthodox women don’t need it because they are not promiscuous,” he wrote.

“Of course God created women to bear and raise children. Feminism is a lie of the 20th century,” he added.

Brigitte Bardot #racist telegraph.co.uk

Brigitte Bardot is facing prosecution for inciting racial hatred after calling the people of the French Indian Ocean island of Réunion “degenerate savages”.

The 84-year-old film star turned animal rights activist lashed out at the islanders in an open letter to the local authorities, accusing them of mistreating livestock and pets.

“The natives have kept their savage genes,” wrote Bardot, who has been convicted five times of similar offences, mostly for Islamophobic comments.

Amaury de Saint-Quentin, the Prefect of Réunion, referred her latest outburst to the public prosecutor on Wednesday, saying it “included insulting and racist terms... likely to constitute an offence”.

In her letter, Bardot condemned Réunion’s Hindus for sacrificing goats. The island’s population is of mixed African, Asian and European origin.

A longtime supporter of Marine Le Pen’s far-right party, the National Rally, formerly known as the National Front, the former actress described Réunion as a “demonic isle”, accusing its people of cruelty to dogs and cats.

She claimed that worshippers who took part in “Indian Tamil festivals... decapitate goats, then throw their entrails into the sea, which attracts sharks.”

A series of shark attacks on swimmers has been reported in recent years.

Bardot, who became famous as the star of the 1956 film “And God Created Woman”, referred to “the cannibalism of past centuries” and described the Réunionnais as “a degenerate population still immersed in barbaric ancestral traditions”.

Some Tamil islanders sacrifice goats and chickens during a religious festival, a practice that critics say should be banned.


Bardot is a friend of Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen’s father and the founder of her party. He has been convicted several times of inciting racial hatred and violence

El Al and unnamed haredi plane passengers #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Israel’s national airline El Al can no longer ask female passengers to move seats if an ultra-Orthodox man objects to sitting next to a woman, a Jerusalem court has ruled.

The landmark decision came in response to a lawsuit by Renee Rabinowitz, an 83-year-old Holocaust survivor, who sued the airline after she was asked to move seats to avoid offending an ultra-Orthodox man.

Ms Rabinowitz was sitting in business class on a flight from the US to Israel when a flight attendant asked her to change seats because the religious man in the next seat did not want to sit next to her.

The incident was just one in a long string of cases where deeply religious men have caused commotion on journeys to and from Israel. Several recent flights from the US and UK have been delayed because of their protests.


“Under absolutely no circumstances can a crew member ask a passenger to move from their designated seat because the adjacent passenger doesn’t wasn’t to sit next to them due to their gender,” wrote Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Judge Dana Cohen-Lekah.

As part of a settlement El Al agreed to tell staff they could no longer heed the protests of ultra-Orthodox men who did not want to sit next to women.

The court awarded Ms Rabinowtiz 6,500 shekels (£1,448) but the retired lawyer said she had brought the case on principle, not because of money.

“[The judge] realised it’s a matter of El Al changing its policy, which they have been ordered to do,” she told the New York Times.

Various academics and Tom O’Carroll #homophobia telegraph.co.uk

"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children — Normal males are aroused by children.” Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again. The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.

Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.” Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds. Another attendee, and enthusiastic participant from the floor, was one Tom O’Carroll, a multiple child sex offender, long-time campaigner for the legalisation of sex with children and former head of the Paedophile Information Exchange. “Wonderful!” he wrote on his blog afterwards. “It was a rare few days when I could feel relatively popular!” Last week, after the conviction of Rolf Harris, the report into Jimmy Savile and claims of an establishment cover-up to protect a sex-offending minister in Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet, Britain went into a convulsion of anxiety about child abuse in the Eighties. But unnoticed amid the furore is a much more current threat: attempts, right now, in parts of the academic establishment to push the boundaries on the acceptability of child sex.

A key factor in what happened all those decades ago in the dressing rooms of the BBC, the wards of the NHS and, allegedly, the corridors of power was not just institutional failings or establishment “conspiracies”, but a climate of far greater intellectual tolerance of practices that horrify today. With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. Many liberals, of course, saw through PIE’s cynical rhetoric of “child lib”. But to others on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary to be swept away – and some of the most important backing came from academia.

In 1981, a respectable publisher, Batsford, published Perspectives on Paedophilia, edited by Brian Taylor, a sociology lecturer at Sussex University, to challenge what Dr Taylor’s introduction called the “prejudice” against child sex. Disturbingly, the book was aimed at “social workers, community workers, probation officers and child care workers”. The public, wrote Dr Taylor, “generally thinks of paedophiles as sick or evil men who lurk around school playgrounds in the hope of attempting unspecified beastliness with unsuspecting innocent children”. That, he reassured readers, was merely a “stereotype”, both “inaccurate and unhelpful”, which flew in the face of the “empirical realities of paedophile behaviour”. Why, most adult-child sexual relationships occurred in the family!

The perspectives of most, though not all, the contributors, appeared strongly pro-paedophile. At least two were members of PIE and at least one, Peter Righton, (who was, incredibly, director of education at the National Institute for Social Work) was later convicted of child sex crimes. But from the viewpoint of today, the fascinating thing about Perspectives on Paedophilia is that at least two of its contributors are still academically active and influential. Ken Plummer is emeritus professor of sociology at Essex University, where he has an office and teaches courses, the most recent scheduled for last month. “The isolation, secrecy, guilt and anguish of many paedophiles,” he wrote in Perspectives on Paedophilia, “are not intrinsic to the phenomen[on] but are derived from the extreme social repression placed on minorities —

“Paedophiles are told they are the seducers and rapists of children; they know their experiences are often loving and tender ones. They are told that children are pure and innocent, devoid of sexuality; they know both from their own experiences of childhood and from the children they meet that this is not the case.” As recently as 2012, Prof Plummer published on his personal blog a chapter he wrote in another book, Male Intergenerational Intimacy, in 1991. “As homosexuality has become slightly less open to sustained moral panic, the new pariah of 'child molester’ has become the latest folk devil,” he wrote. “Many adult paedophiles say that boys actively seek out sex partners — 'childhood’ itself is not a biological given but an historically produced social object.”

Prof Plummer confirmed to The Sunday Telegraph that he had been a member of PIE in order to “facilitate” his research. He said: “I would never want any of my work to be used as a rationale for doing 'bad things’ – and I regard all coercive, abusive, exploitative sexuality as a 'bad thing’. I am sorry if it has impacted anyone negatively this way, or if it has encouraged this.” However, he did not answer when asked if he still held the views he expressed in the Eighties and Nineties. A spokesman for Essex University claimed Prof Plummer’s work “did not express support for paedophilia” and cited the university’s charter which gave academic staff “freedom within the law to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions without placing themselves in jeopardy”.

Graham Powell is one of the country’s most distinguished psychologists, a past president of the British Psychological Society and a current provider of psychology support services to the Serious Organised Crime Agency, the National Crime Squad, the Metropolitan Police, Kent Police, Essex Police and the Internet Watch Foundation. In Perspectives on Paedophilia, however, he co-authored a chapter which stated: “In the public mind, paedophile attention is generally assumed to be traumatic and to have lasting and wholly deleterious consequences for the victim. The evidence that we have considered here does not support this view — we need to ask not why are the effects of paedophile action so large, but why so small.”

The chapter does admit that there were “methodological problems” with the studies the authors relied on which “leave our conclusions somewhat muted”. Dr Powell told The Sunday Telegraph last week that “what I wrote was completely wrong and it is a matter of deep regret that it could in any way have made things more difficult [for victims]”. He said: “The literature [scientific evidence] was so poor in 1981, people just didn’t realise what was going on. There was a lack of understanding at the academic level.” Dr Powell said he had never been a member of PIE.

In other academic quarters, with rather fewer excuses, that lack of understanding appears to be reasserting itself. The Cambridge University conference, on July 4-5 last year, was about the classification of sexuality in the DSM, a standard international psychiatric manual used by the police and courts. After a fierce battle in the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which produces it, a proposal to include hebephilia as a disorder in the new edition of the manual has been defeated. The proposal arose because puberty in children has started ever earlier in recent decades and as a result, it was argued, the current definition of paedophilia – pre-pubertal sexual attraction – missed out too many young people. Ray Blanchard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, who led the APA’s working group on the subject, said that unless some other way was found of encompassing hebephilia in the new manual, that was “tantamount to stating that the APA’s official position is that the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal”.

Prof Blanchard was in turn criticised by a speaker at the Cambridge conference, Patrick Singy, of Union College, New York, who said hebephilia would be abused as a diagnosis to detain sex offenders as “mentally ill” under US “sexually violent predator” laws even after they had completed their sentences. But perhaps the most controversial presentation of all was by Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Doshisha University in Japan, who stated in a presentation on the “prevalence of paedophilia” that the “majority of men are probably paedophiles and hebephiles” and that “paedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males”. O’Carroll, the former PIE leader, was thrilled, and described on his blog how he joined Prof Tromovitch and a colleague for drinks after the conference. “The conversation flowed most agreeably, along with the drinks and the beautiful River Cam,” he said.

It’s fair to say the Tromovitch view does not represent majority academic opinion. It’s likely, too, that some of the academic protests against the “stigmatisation” of paedophiles are as much a backlash against the harshness of sex offender laws as anything else. Finally, of course, academic inquiry is supposed to question conventional wisdom and to deal rigorously with the evidence, whether or not the conclusions it leads you to are popular. Even so, there really is now no shortage of evidence about the harm done by child abuse. In the latest frenzy about the crimes of the past, it’s worth watching whether we could, in the future, go back to the intellectual climate which allowed them.

Asghar Bukhari #conspiracy telegraph.co.uk

A founding member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK urged people to share his bizarre Facebook post about a shoe that went missing while he slept.

However, while the post was indeed shared, hundreds of times, Asghar Bukhari did not get the response he might have intended.

Within hours, the hashtag #Mossadstolemyshoe was trending on Twitter, in a reference to the Israeli counter terrorism unit. However, Mr Bukhari claimed the fact that he was being mocked amounted to “intimidation of Muslim speakers” – for which he blamed Zionists.

He posted his original message on Facebook on Friday along with an image of a boy wearing just one shoe. It was headlined: “Are Zionists trying to intimidate me?”

Mr Bukhari wrote: “Someone came into my home yesterday, while I was asleep. I don’t know how they got in, but they didn't break in - the only thing they took was one shoe.”

The campaigner claimed “they left one shoe behind to let me know someone had been there". He added: “Of course I can't prove anything and that’s part of the intimidation. The game is simple - to make me feel vulnerable in my own home.”

He went on to write: “It is not the first time I have heard this happening. I have had another Muslim leader call me a year or so ago, in tears - she told me they had been coming into her house and re-arranging things - just to let her know they had been there.”

He suggested: “Share this widely, for if it is happening to me, I am sure it happening to many, many others who have not exposed it.”

RICHTHOFEN #conspiracy telegraph.co.uk

[Story that most workers in the financial sector in the City of London would vote for the UK to remain in the EU]

If that is their view, I suggest that they seek urgent psychiatric help. We know - look at the evidence - that the EUSSR won't tolerate any form of fair commercial competitiveness - ask Google, inter alia, look at the details of TTIP (if you know what that is) and they would strip the City of its edge and relocate it to Germany, before you can say Euro, this being all part of their strategy to break up the UK via their agent, the poison dwarf of Scotland, plus a fair smattering of Europhile Quislings within parliament, into a number of federal states all governed from Brussels - those city workers really need to look at what is actually happening and wake up before it is too late - Bonuses? Under the EUSSR? Don't make me laugh! - they are as marxist as they come and many of them still smart over having been 'defeated', if you can call it that, in two world wars. Merkel(former East German Communist uniformed party activist) and her henchmen are still smouldering, determined to bring us down, one way or another - and it is already abundantly clear what their first choice plan is, for anybody who cares to take the trouble to study the facts

UP #fundie telegraph.co.uk

(This happened in 2014)

A bitter single man has sabotaged Valentine’s Day for film-loving couples in Shanghai by deliberately booking every other seat at one of the city’s cinemas to stop them sitting together. Couples who had hoped to celebrate February 14 by cuddling up in front of a special evening screening of “Beijing Love Story” found their plans thwarted. In a bid to show his intense displeasure at the happiness of others, the unnamed man, who split up with his girlfriend last year, bought tickets to ensure there were no two seats together, encouraging other singletons to do the same.

Other love-starved online activists started deliberately booking all of the odd-numbered seats in one theatre at the Xintiandi cinema complex thus rendering it impossible for couples to find seats together. The man, known only by the initials “UP”, had singlehandedly attempted to reserve every other seat in the cinema over the internet and - when that failed - at the cinema’s box office.

The self-described “nerd” used his computer to recruit a group of likeminded online accomplices, setting up a crowd-funding site that was used to pool resources and, eventually, book the tickets. Once their mission had been successfully accomplished, “UP” posted an online message, taunting those whose evening he had ruined. “Want to see a movie on Valentine’s Day? Sorry, you’ll have to sit separately,” he reportedly bragged on an online forum. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Give us singles a chance.”

In an interview with the Shanghai Morning Post, “UP” attempted to defuse the potential fury of frustrated boyfriends who had seen their chances of a popcorn-flavoured back-row snog snuffed out by his dastardly plot. “I hope all lovers understand this is just a small joke,” he told The Shanghai Morning Post. In an online post, one Chinese micro-blogger suggested the cinema saboteur of Shanghai had been looking for love in all the wrong places. “It’s no wonder he can’t find girlfriend when he spends all his time doing this,” they wrote.

Arthur/Ahmad Wagner #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Far-right AfD member converted to Islam in protest at acceptance of gay marriage in the church

A politician from the nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) who shocked colleagues by converting to Islam says he did so because he was unhappy with the church’s acceptance of gay marriage.

Arthur Wagner made headlines around the world last week after it emerged that he had become a Muslim.

The AfD, which last year became the first nationalist party to win seats in the German parliament since the sixties, campaigns on an openly anti-Muslim platform. One of its elections slogans was “Islam has no place in Germany.”

But to the dismay of party colleagues, Mr Wagner now says he wants to remain in the party and build bridges with between German Muslims and mainstream society.

The 48-year-old, who has changed his name to Ahmad, initially refused to comment when his conversion became public last week.

But he came forward in an interview to explain his decision in an interview with Bild newspaper.

“One of the reasons was the way the church has changed, which I don’t understand any more,” Mr Wagner, who was previously a devout Christian and member of his local Protestant church said.

“It’s their attitudes to the AfD, to gay marriage,” he said. He also said he was unhappy that Protestant pastors had taken part in a gay rights parade in Berlin. “With children there! That’s just not right,” he said.

A German citizen of Russian heritage, Mr Wagner said he decided to convert to Islam as long ago as 2015, during a visit to the Russian city of Ufa, home to a large Muslim Tatar community.

Remarkably, that means he was campaigning for the AfD’s anti-Muslim message for several years after deciding to become a Muslim.

He converted last October but kept it secret at first because he didn’t know what to say to his party colleagues.

He says he has received threatening letters since his conversion became public. “I get letters telling me to get out of Germany before I start making bombs,” he said.

He resigned as deputy leader of a local AfD chapter in his home state of Brandenburg but says he wants to remain in the party.

“I learned he’d become Muslim in the newspaper. I’m really disappointed,” Kai Berger, the head of the local party chapter said. “A lot of our members expect him to leave the AfD, but unfortunately we can’t expel him.”

Unnamed 'tradis' in the Saint Cyr Military High School #sexist telegraph.co.uk

France's defence minister has promised to exclude male students at its top military academy who female colleagues have accused of sexual harassment and “extreme misogyny”.

Florence Parly pledged ”zero tolerance" following allegations that a group of up to 60 male students forced out young women attending a preparatory school for the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr.


Her announcement came a month after Libération, the French daily newspaper, published allegations of daily intimidation of females, who endured having their doors were kicked in at night to prevent them sleeping, defecation in front of their dormitories, threats of physical harm and internet postings avowing “death to the fat”.

It quoted a letter sent to President Emmanuel Macron by a female student denouncing the presence of fraternities of ultra-nationalist young men known as "tradis", or traditionalists.

She said that around 60 male recruits out of the 230 at the centre were "willing to do anything" to force her and other female students to drop out.

"I'm ashamed for having wanted to join an army that isn't ready to receive women. I've learnt that having a vagina ruins a career, a vocation, a life," she wrote.

The report also quoted a number of former female students who said that the alleged persecution eventually led them to leave their military training, while homophobic and extreme right-wing behaviour was widespread.

However, Libération said that the punishments failed to tackle the problem at root as only two students faced a potential period of exclusion, one of whom had reportedly dropped out of the school to avoid any damage to his military record.

Les Brigandes #fundie telegraph.co.uk

A far-Right masked female singing group has brought discord to a formerly tranquil southern French village whose only previous claim to fame was its sparkling mineral water.

Les Brigandes perform songs that target Muslims, Jews, journalists, gays, Jesuits, freemasons, politicians and Pope Francis. The band has male backing musicians and moved into La Salvetat-sur-Agout in 2015. They live in a commune of about 30 people, according to village residents.

An online petition against the group has gathered nearly 1,500 signatures, more than the population of the village, which has only 1,100 residents. Christophe Pourprix, who launched the petition, and another villager, Thierry Canals, have started legal action against the group for allegedly threatening to assault them.

“When they sing one of their songs, I Am a Fascist, they perform a Nazi salute and appear with Kalashnikov rifles instead of guitars,” Mr Canals, 60, told The Telegraph. “They’ve opened a shop selling neo-Nazi tracts, the writings of Jean-Marie Le Pen [founder of the Front National] and Mein Kampf.”

Videos by the group, said to be well known in far-Right circles, have been viewed millions of times on YouTube.

Its female singers generally appear in short skirts and Zorro-style masks. They sometimes don fake pig’s heads to poke fun of Muslims and Jews, villagers said.

“They’re against Arabs, blacks and anyone who isn’t white,” said Mr Canals, an ex-soldier who ran a local restaurant until last year. “Another of their songs, Foutez le Camp, is supposed to be a message to minorities to leave the country.”

“Lots of visitors come to their property and we often see cars with German or Swiss number plates parked there,” Mr Canals said.

Attempts to contact Les Brigandes went unanswered. They refused to answer the questions of a reporter for Le Parisien newspaper who went to their home.

The mayor, Thibault Estadieu, has reportedly urged residents to be tolerant of the group, which has performed for free at a local retirement home and takes part in community activities. Mr Estadieu was not immediately available to comment.

Nasreen Khan #racist telegraph.co.uk

Serious concerns have been raised over Labour's shortlisting of a councillor who has been accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

The Party was plunged into a fresh anti-Semitism row after it emerged that Nasreen Khan claimed that Jews “have reaped the rewards of playing victims” and that there are “worse people than Hitler in this world”.

Miss Khan, a former member of George Galloway’s Respect Party, has been selected for a shortlist of candidates to stand in a safe Labour council seat in Bradford at next year’s local elections. A final decision is expected to be made on Friday.

She said her comments, which were made on Facebook in 2012, were “inappropriate and unacceptable”.

Writing under a video titled “The Palestine you need to know”, she said: “It’s such a shame that the history teachers in our school never taught us this but they are the first to start brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world?”

When questioned about the comment, she had added: “No, I’m not a Nazi, I’m an ordinary British Muslim that had an opinion and put it across. We have worse people than Hitler in this world now."

When she faced further online criticism she said: “Stop beating a dead horse. The Jews have reaped the rewards of playing victims. Enough is enough!”

Christian Schools Trust, Accelerated Christian Education, and unnamed faith schools #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Creationism is still taught in dozens of faith schools despite Government threats to withdraw their funding, the Telegraph can disclose. Last August Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said schools found teaching creationism as scientific fact would not be eligible for any money from the taxpayer. Yet a series of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests show that 54 private schools are still being funded by local authorities, while continuing to teach that the Earth began with Adam and Eve.

Only 14 of the 91 schools teaching creationism have had their funding withdrawn, an investigation by the British Humanist Association revealed. The campaign group also found that some faith schools' science departments were teaching pupils to identify what happened on each of the days of the creation. The curriculum of one group of religious schools reads: "Creation stories give a holistic image of the origins of the earth, plants, animals and human beings." In another, it says that 'The Darwinian mechanism delivers clarifying power within a certain range of phenomena, but it is rooted in reductionist thinking and Victorian ethics and young people need to emerge from school with a clear sense of its limits.'

Separately, the Christian Schools Trust's current guidance to their schools says: "Young children within the schools would learn from the start of their schooling that they are created beings, that they are very valuable to God and that they are made in His image. "They would be taught that He is the Creator of all things, including all living things, and that He has designed this Earth to be their home. They would also learn that creation was originally good but that it is now flawed as a consequence of sin introduced into the human race by Adam and Eve." The BHA investigation also found five schools under the US firm Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) are also teaching creationism as science.

In the past, ACE has allegedly used the Loch Ness monster to discredit evolutionary theories, according to the BHA. Its content reads: "Some scientists speculate that Noah took small or baby dinosaurs on the Ark. Are dinosaurs still alive today? With some recent photographs and testimonies of those who claimed to have seen one, scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. "Have you heard of the 'Loch Ness Monster' in Scotland? 'Nessie', for short, has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur."

The group has explicitly discredited evolution in its various textbooks, according to the BHA. Another excerpt reads: "No branch of true science would make these kind of impossible claims without proof. "Because evolutionists do not want to believe the only alternative - that the universe was created by God - they declare evolution is a fact and believe its impossible claims without any scientific proof." Responding to the FOIs, Hackney council said it has informed schools about the rules introduced last August.

However, it added: "The Local Authority has not had correspondence with the schools" on a list of 21 schools the BHA identified as receiving state funding despite not complying with the guidance. Commenting on these latest findings, BHA director of public affairs and campaigns, Pavan Dhaliwal, said: "We congratulated the government last summer when it changed the rules on nursery place funding to this effect. "It is hugely disappointing therefore to discover that creationist schools have continued to receive state funds since the ban on their doing so came into force. "Little seems to have been done to ensure conformity to the new rules and the Department for Education (DfE) urgently needs to address this.

"The funding is administered by local authorities and they do not seem to have the same awareness as the DfE as to which local authorities are implicated by such a ban. "As we have done in the past, we will be doing all we can to raise the issue with relevant officials to ensure that the ban on funding is properly implemented."

Freddy Potts #fundie telegraph.co.uk

An Oxford College has banned the Christian Union from its freshers’ fair on the grounds that it would be “alienating” for students of other religions, and constitute a “micro-aggression”.

The organiser of Balliol’s fair argued Christianity’s historic use as “an excuse for homophobia and certain forms of neo-colonialism” meant that students might feel “unwelcome” in their new college if the Christian Union had a stall.

Freddy Potts, vice-president of Balliol’s Junior Common Room (JCR) committee, said that if a representative from the Christian Union (CU) attended the fair, it could cause "potential harm" to freshers.

Mr Potts, writing on behalf of the JCR's welfare committee, told the CU representative at Balliol, that their "sole concern is that the presence of the CU alone may alienate incoming students”.

In email correspondence, seen by The Daily Telegraph, he went on: “This sort of alienation or micro-aggression is regularly dismissed as not important enough to report, especially when there is little to no indication that other students or committee members may empathise, and inevitably leads to further harm of the already most vulnerable and marginalised groups.

“Historically, Christianity’s influence on many marginalised communities has been damaging in its methods of conversion and rules of practice, and is still used in many places as an excuse for homophobia and certain forms of neo-colonialism."

He said that barring the Christian Union from the fair “may be a way of helping to avoid making any students feel initially unwelcome within Balliol”.

Initially he said the JCR committee wanted the fair to be a “secular space”, explaining that since he "couldn't guarantee every major belief system" would have stalls at the the fair, students from other religions may "suffer" if their faith is not represented.

“Many students, especially students of colour and of other faiths, may already feel alienated and vulnerable in Oxford, a university with a reputation for racism and lack of diversity, and a city with barely any appropriate places of worship for non-Christians," he said.

“Hopefully, as people of faith, you may be able to empathise with this, and we ask you to consider from a place of compassion the potential harm to those freshers who are already severely and harmfully disadvantaged.”

However, Mr Potts - who was part of Balliol’s winning University Challenge team - later conceded that he would allow a “multi-faith” stall at the fair, with information about various university religious societies. Student representatives of the CU were barred from attending in person and distributing leaflets.

The move sparked a backlash among students, with others within the College criticising it as a “violation of free speech”.

The JCR passed a motion on Sunday evening condemning the JCR committees for “barring the participation of specific faith-based organizations”.

The motion said the ban was a "violation of free speech, a violation of religious freedom, and sets dangerous precedents regarding the relationship between specific faiths and religious freedom".

Dr Joanna Williams, a university lecturer and author of Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity, said the decision to ban the Christian Union was “completely bizarre”.

“It is intolerance being exercised in the name of inclusion,” she said. “They are saying: ‘Your religious society is not welcome here’. Essentially they are saying that the Christian Union is not allowed to recruit new members.”

Exclusive Brethren #fundie telegraph.co.uk

As 'Son of Rambow' prepares to wow cinema audiences, Alex Hannaford examines the Plymouth Brethren, the movement whose stringent rules shape the life of the hero. Most of us can recall the thrill of seeing our first action-packed film. For Will Proudlock, the boy hero of the new Garth Jennings movie Son of Rambow, the effect is intensified, as his illicit viewing of a Sylvester Stallone film is his first sight of a moving picture.

Will belongs to a Plymouth Brethren family, and listening to music, watching television or seeing films are all forbidden to members of the reclusive religious sect. Seeing Rambo is therefore a life-changing experience for Will. The Brethren were not in Jennings's original script for the film, set in the 1980s and based on the director's own Essex childhood, and which proved a smash hit at the Sundance Film Festival. But both Jennings and producer Nick Goldsmith knew something was missing.

"It's really hard to show the impact that movies can have on a kid," Jennings says, "but I lived next door to a Plymouth Brethren family for 25 years, and by moving the story next door it captured the qualities we were looking for."

Jennings has not set out to paint a bad picture of the Brethren. "No one is evil in the film, but religion is one of the things that holds this character back. "Although we'd found our plot, it also opened up a can of worms because the Plymouth Brethren is a very secret society. Although I lived next door to them, they kept to themselves and it took a lot of investigation to find out more."

The Plymouth Brethren was started by law student John Nelson Darby in the early 1800s after he broke away from the Anglican Church in Ireland. A gathering in Plymouth, Devon, in 1832, gave the sect its name, but 10 years later, the group itself split into 'Exclusive Brethren' and 'Open Brethren' - the former being much stricter.

A relative of Jennings's taught at an Exclusive Brethren school and the director used him to build a clearer picture of life behind closed Brethren doors. "I found out loads of little details," Jennings says. "The Exclusive Brethren shun pretty much everything that could be a distraction from serving God, including television, film, literature and pop music. They are not whacky, but they do take their beliefs very seriously and follow a strict moral code.

"When I was growing up in the 1980s, video and computers hadn't saturated our lives like they have now. It must be much harder to 'opt out' these days. You'd be constantly battling against the evils the rest of us indulge in.

"There are quite a lot of ex-Brethren, casualties I suppose, families that have been pulled apart. Once you've left that's it: if your family are still in the Brethren you're not allowed contact with them." One example is David (not his real name), 56, who left the Exclusive Brethren in the early 1970s after a new leader began introducing stricter rules. The leader's behaviour also raised alarm bells.

"In my first 10 years the Brethren were a happy group," David says. "Friends and relatives who were non-Brethren were allowed to stay with us and we could eat with them, but in the early 1960s an American named Jim Taylor forced his way to the top and began 'separation'." Separation meant sect members must keep away from anyone who didn't follow the Exclusive teaching.

They weren't allowed to make friends or eat ("break bread") with anyone outside the church. "Suddenly, we had to cut off any contact with our cousins," David continues. "They were dead to us. There was no cinema, no joining in with prayers at regular schools, no going round to friends' houses. It was all to do with the orders of Jim Taylor.

"In 1970, Taylor started sleeping with another sect wife. He claimed he was a pure man, but there was an Exclusive Brethren gathering in Aberdeen and he appeared on stage obviously drunk. After that there was a split in the group." In the following two years, about 8,000 Exclusives left, but a large number remained.

"My wife and I left, but my eldest brother and some uncles and aunts stayed and cut off contact with us," says David. "Taylor effectively radicalised the Brethren. It was always strict, but he made it worse. "My eldest brother rarely talks to me, though we live in the same town. At my father's funeral, last year, he stood 100 yards away from everyone else. If I see him in the street and he's on his own, he'll raise his hand. If his wife is with him, he'll ignore me. I'm just sad for them. They're missing out on so much."

Today, the leader of the Exclusive Brethren is an Australian, Bruce Hales, who inherited the job from his father, John. There are now about 46,000 Exclusive members worldwide. In the early 1990s, questionnaires were sent to 300 former Exclusives around the world, 200 of which were returned completed. Of these, 76 per cent felt a sense of loss in leaving close friends behind. Half were plagued by upsetting memories of their days in the Exclusives.

A spokesperson for Peebs.net - an information website set up to 'investigate and report the truth behind the Exclusive Brethren' - says: "We've been following Son of Rambow since it was shown at the Sundance Film Festival?— shame no active Exclusive Brethren will be allowed to see the movie." That's one of the reasons why Jennings isn't worried about a potential Brethren backlash. "I don't feel conniving about it, but it is a point. They'll never see it.

"Besides, you could see our film as a statement on the corrupting power of television. I see it as something completely different - that by shutting people off from certain things, you're not really educating them. "While it may be right for some people, it can't be right for everyone and it certainly isn't right for the boy in the film."

Nazim Ali #conspiracy telegraph.co.uk

An Islamist activist has claimed the Grenfell Tower victims “were murdered” by Zionists who fund the Conservative party in an astonishing outburst now being investigated by police.

Nazim Ali, a director of the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), is accused of exploiting the tragedy during an anti-Israel demonstration in the days after the fire.

The Metropolitan Police said it was now investigating allegations of anti-Semitic comments made during the protest.

Mr Ali, who is managing partner of a private health clinic in west London which charges patients up to £150 for a GP consultation, told the rally on June 18: “As we know in Grenfell, many innocents were murdered by Theresa May’s cronies, many of which are supporters of Zionist ideology.”

In video footage posted online, Mr Ali goes on: “Let us not forget that some of the biggest corporations who were supporting the Conservative Party are Zionists. They are responsible for the murder of the people in Grenfell, in those towers in Grenfell, the Zionist supporters of the Tory Party.”

In another heated outburst, he says: “It is the Zionists who give money to the Tory party, to kill people in high rise blocks.... Careful, careful, careful of those rabbis who belong to the Board of Deputies, who have got blood on their hands.”

Richard Merrel #fundie telegraph.co.uk

[Transgender worshippers in the Church of England could be given church services to celebrate their new identity, Telegraph]

Wickedness remains wickedness no matter how you present it, these ones shall not inherit the kingdom of God, unless they repent and turn from their sin. This confirms that the Church of England is not Christian.

I've got some real bad news for anyone who claims to be a Christian and is or supports the sodomites, catamites and lesbians, who supports same sex marriage, who supports the wicked mardi gras parade......that news is this..... YOU are NOT a CHRISTIAN but a reprobate.

[Sorry for not linking to individual comment, I don't know how with the Telegraph]

Catholic Exorcists #fundie telegraph.co.uk

'Emergency' need for exorcists after surge in people dabbling in Satanism and black magic

Exorcists are in urgent demand as a result of a sharp rise in people dabbling in Satanism and the occult, experts from the Catholic Church in Italy and the US said.

Speaking in tongues, levitating and vomiting nails may seem far-fetched to most people, but church experts insist there is a need to recruit more priests as exorcists in order to combat sorcery and black magic.

Valter Cascioli, a psychologist and scientific consultant to the International Association of Exorcists, which is endorsed by the Vatican, described as an “emergency” the lack of priests capable of fighting the forces of evil.

“The lack of exorcists is a real emergency. There is a pastoral emergency as a result of a significant increase in the number of diabolical possessions that exorcist priests are confronting,” he told La Stampa newspaper.

“The number of people who take part in occult and satanic practices, which lead to serious physical, psychological and spiritual damages, is constantly rising.”
Catholic priests claim the internet has fuelled an interest in black magic

Dr Cascioli teaches courses in exorcism at the Pontifical University of Regina Apostolorum, a Vatican-backed university in Rome. “The number of exorcists has increased in recent years, but there are still not enough to deal with a dramatic situation that affects, above all, young people who use the internet a lot.

“There is a broad spread of superstitious practices, and with that a growing number of requests for help from people who are directly or indirectly struck by evil.

“It is dangerous to underestimate a phenomenon that is caused by the direct actions of the devil, but also by a decline in faith and values.”

He called for the establishment of a permanent training college or university where Catholic priests would be taught how to counter the malign influence of the Devil. “There doesn’t exist a training institution at university level. We need an interdisciplinary approach in which science collaborates with religion, and psychiatrists work with demonologists and exorcists.”

He said it was important not to confuse cases of diabolical possession with psychiatric illnesses. Only one per cent of people who claim to have problems with demons have real need of an exorcist, he said.

Father Ildebrando Di Fulvio, the exorcist for the diocese of Frosinone, a town south of Rome, said people possessed by the devil often vomited metal objects and chunks of undigested food and gibbered in archaic languages such as Aramaic, ancient Greek and Latin.

They demonstrated “violent reactions to prayers of liberation and to holy water,” he said.

On the other side of the Atlantic, two of America’s leading exorcists told The Telegraph that keeping up with demand for exorcisms is a constant struggle.

Father Gary Thomas, whose training in Rome was chronicled in the book The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist, and Father Vincent Lampert, whose work has featured on the television show Paranormal Witness, said demonic possessions were the result of an increase in drug and pornography addiction.

They also pointed to a rise in the popularity of "pagan activities", such as using a Ouija board to summon the dead, the failure of the mental health care system, a spiritual void in the lives of Americans and the diminishing authority of the Church.

“We’re gaining all sorts of knowledge, but there’s still that emptiness within us that is being filled with addictive behaviour such as drugs and pornography,” said Father Lampert, of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. “The decline in faith goes hand in hand with the rise in evil.”

Father Thomas, the official exorcist of the diocese of San Jose in northern California, trained in Rome in 2005 after being an ordained priest for 22 years. In the past 10 years, he says he has performed 50 to 60 exorcisms. “I am a full-time pastor and this is a very intense ministry. Almost every free night that I have is taken up with exorcisms,” he said.

Supporters of Jeremy Corbyn #fundie telegraph.co.uk

[Jo Cox MP was murdered in June]

Half of the female shadow cabinet ministers who resigned over Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership have faced death threats or warnings of violent attack, the Telegraph has learned.

Six of the dozen senior women who stepped down in the last month have faced threats of physical attack or violence, while many of the others have received intimidating messages online.

The danger from some threats has been deemed so realistic that police have been called in, while others have installed extra security measures amid growing concerns about their safety from relatives.

One former front-bencher was told she would “get it like Jo Cox did”, another was told to kill herself and a third was warned a queue of people would be outside her home “waiting to rape” her.

The threats have been so concerning that Rosie Winterton, Labour’s Chief Whip, has raised it at a shadow cabinet meeting.

The party’s ruling body has also suspended all normal constituency party meetings until September amid fears of hostility growing during the leadership contest this summer.

There are now calls from moderates to supporters of Jeremy Corbyn - who has also had death threats – to lower the tone of their rhetoric. The Labour leader’s office insists he has consistently spoken out against all forms of abuse.

This newspaper has established that half of the dozen Labour MPs who resigned from Mr Corbyn’s shadow cabinet in the days after the EU referendum have received messages warning of violence.

They range from actual acts of violence – Angela Eagle’s constituency office had a brick thrown through its window – to veiled threats in online messages: one MP was told “I hope you choke”.

Luciana Berger, the former shadow health minister, received an email saying “you are going to get it like Jo Cox did” with a photograph of a knife. She has contacted the police.

Lucy Powell received a message telling her to kill herself after announcing she would leave the frontbench over frustrations with the leadership.

One female MP and former frontbencher who asked not to be named said they had been told a “queue of refugees” would be waiting to rape them at home, while another had a specific threat of violence.

Other women MPs who stepped down said that while they had no threats of violence they received intimidating or bullying messages. Often the messages followed appearances on broadcasts criticising the leadership.

Lilian Greenwood, the former shadow Transport secretary who left last month, told The Telegraph: "The tone of the debate over the future of Labour Party has deteriorated dramatically over the course of the last year.

Unnamed men #fundie telegraph.co.uk

A waitress in a cafe in central Nice has filed a police complaint after she was allegedly assaulted by two men because she refused to “stop serving alcohol” on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan.

The alleged beating in the French Riviera town historically famed for its sun, palm-fringed beach front and quality of life, has prompted a heated political debate over whether the country is increasingly becoming prey to “religious fundamentalism and ghettoised communities”.

The issue has become increasingly fraught less than a year before presidential elections and just six months after Islamist attacks in Paris killed 130.

The incident took place less than a week before football fans descend on the sun-kissed town for Sunday’s Euro 2016 football match between Poland and Northern Ireland.

The waitress, a French 30-year-old of Tunisian origin, said she was serving drinks at Monday lunch on the terrace of the Vitis Café on Nice’s rue Lamartine, near the rue d’Anglais, when two men started haranguing her, insulting the young woman because she was serving alcoholic beverages to customers.

“I was all alone in the bar when two passers-by suddenly appeared. They pointed to the bottles of alcohol behind the bar, then one of them told me in Arabic: ‘You should be ashamed of yourself serving alcohol in the Ramadan period.’

Ramadan traditionally begins the morning after the sighting of the crescent moon. Marking the divine revelation received by Prophet Mohammed, the month sees Muslim faithful abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex from dawn to dusk.

They break the fast with a meal known as iftar and before dawn have a second opportunity to eat and drink during suhur. The month is followed by the Eid al-Fitr festival.

The waitress said one of the two men then shouted: “If I was God, I would have hung you.”

Unfazed by his threatening behaviour, the waitress shot back: “You’re not God to judge me.”

The men launched into a tirade, calling her a “dirty whore” and left the cafe in a hurry. A few seconds later, however, the venue's CCTV footage reportedly shows the two men turn round abruptly and one of them rush towards her and violently slap the waitress in the face, knocking her to the floor.

“The whole scene was recorded by the security cameras that I transferred to the police,” said the bar’s owner, Nacim.

In shock, the waitress didn’t phone the police straight away and instead contacted the owner.

He persuaded her to file a legal complaint for “voluntary violence”. The two men have reportedly been identified. One of them is known to be an illegal migrant who is a notoriously threatening figure in the district, but both are currently at large.

Boko Haram Militants #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Boko Haram is singling out geography teachers in its campaign of terror against Western education in Nigeria, it has been revealed.

Teachers of the subject have emerged as an unlikely top target for the group because their lessons contradict its bizarre worldview on how the Earth was created.

Boko Haram believes that the Earth is flat rather than spherical, and that rainfall is caused not by evaporation, but by God’s divine will.

As such, geography teachers are ranked alongside Nigerian security chiefs and senior politicians as prime candidates for assassination.

The threats to geographers are outlined in an extensive new report by Human Rights Watch, which lays bare the devastating impact wreaked by Boko Haram on Nigeria's school system.

It says that a total of 600 school staff have been murdered by Boko Haram since 2009, and that 19,000 have quit their jobs due to threats and attacks.

The report is timed to coincide with this Thursday's two year anniversary of Boko Haram's kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok in Borno state in north-east Nigeria. They remain as hostages to this day.

The report says that in Borno, which is Boko Haram's main stronghold, schooling in 22 out of 27 local government areas has been closed down, depriving hundreds of thousands of children of the right to learn.

“In its brutal crusade against Western-style education, Boko Haram is robbing an entire generation of children in northeast Nigeria of their education,” said Mausi Segun, Human Rights Watch’s Nigeria researcher.

The 86-page report, based on interviews with more than 200 teachers, students, parents and school officials, documents numerous attacks on schools by Boko Haram gunmen, some of which ended in abductions and some of which ended in massacres.

It notes: “Boko Haram insurgents have shown particular distaste for certain subjects like geography and science... Teachers of these subjects are targeted."

One such attack took place at the Mafoni Government Day Secondary School in Borno's regional capital, Maiduguri in September, 2012, when gunmen burst in and "set their sights" on the geography teacher, Malam Anjili Mala.

One witness, whose name was withheld, told Human Rights Watch: "I dived for protection, but the gunmen simply rained six bullets into the teacher and calmly walked away. No one else was touched."

The principles of geography and social science contradict of the eccentric teachings of Boko Haram's late founder, Mohammed Yusuf, who was killed by Nigerian police in 2009.

In an interview with the BBC in which he claimed that Western education was contrary to Islam's values, he said: "We believe that rain is a creation of God rather than an evaporation caused by the sun that condenses and becomes rain.”

He also said he rejected Darwinism and the idea that the “world was a sphere”, which he claimed ran “contrary to the teachings of Allah”.

Aysegul Gurbuz #racist telegraph.co.uk

A Labour councillor has been suspended after a series of anti-Semitic tweets were found on her Twitter account.

Aysegul Gurbuz, 20, is the latest name drawn into a row threatening to divide the party following claims of harassment of Jewish students at Oxford University.

Gurbuz represents the High Town ward in Luton after being elected in May 2015. She also sits on a panel supervising Bedfordshire Police.

But messages on her Twitter account, now deleted, suggest strong support for Adolf Hitler who is referred to as "my man Hitler" and the “greatest man in history”.

Another tweet hoped that Iran would use a "nuclear weapon" to "wipe Israel off the map".

Other tweets expressed "disgust" that "Jews are so powerful", and one even stated "Ed Miliband is Jewish. He will never become prime minister of Britain."

One tweet said: "If it wasn't for my man Hitler these Jews would've wiped Palestine years ago. Sorry but it's a fact."

The tweet’s author added "Not hating on Jews btw".

Among the most shocking tweets was one that began: "Jews cannot expect us to sympathise with their history under Hitler."

Gurbuz was also a candidate for Warwick Student Union’s Ethnic Minorities Officer, listing in her manifesto a commitment to “Increase awareness of Holocaust Memorial Day”, as well as serving on the Executive Committee of the Warwick Friends of Palestine Society.

ThereisaGod #fundie telegraph.co.uk

As traditional religions (or some of them) die, we are not left with no religion we are left with the state-imposed cultural Marxism (and its attendant political correctness) that already dominates our society.

The Frankfurt School, a group of Jewish thinkers that dreamed up this system with the purpose of creating global governance under a single central bank, studiously applied the principle of divide-and-rule to every aspect of human affairs. They recommended, amongst other things:

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Anything familiar here?

Islamic extremists #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Two Femen protesters were arrested after baring their breasts at a controversial conference near Paris on the role of Muslim women.

According to Inna Shevchenko, a spokeswoman for the feminist protest group, two fundamentalist preachers were discussing the question of “whether wives should be beaten or not” when the activists, aged 25 and 31, ripped off their Arab-style cloaks and jumped on to the stage on Saturday evening. One had the slogan “No one subjugates me” inked across her torso. The other bore the words “I am my own prophet.”

The protesters, aged 25 and 31, grabbed microphones and shouted feminist slogans in French and Arabic before being roughly bundled off the stage by about 15 men and handed over to police. Video footage of the incident shows a man apparently kicking one of the women.

According to Ms Shevchenko, some of the men shouted “dirty whores” and “kill them”. She thanked the police for protecting the two women, who were taken into custody. They were released after being questioned by prosecutors, who said they would continue investigating what happened. Conference organisers said they would press charges against the activists.

They were not alone in taking exception to the presence of fundamentalist preachers at the event, where shopping and cooking were showcased as appropriate “feminine activities”. One speaker at the conference has reportedly posted calls on social networks for women to veil their faces or risk hellfire and sexual assault in the afterlife.

Nearly 6,000 people signed an online petition against the event.

Twitter posts called for the protesters to be stoned or collectively raped.

On Facebook, the conference organisers urged Muslims to “stand together” and attend the final day of the event on Sunday. They said it was “the victim of an anti-Muslim media frenzy.”

Professor Peter Wadhams #conspiracy telegraph.co.uk

A Cambridge Professor has made the astonishing claim that three scientists investigating the melting of Arctic ice may have been assassinated within the space of a few months.

Professor Peter Wadhams said he feared being labelled a “looney” over his suspicion that the deaths of the scientists were more than just an ‘extraordinary’ coincidence.

But he insisted the trio could have been murdered and hinted that the oil industry or else sinister government forces might be implicated.

The three scientists he identified - Seymour Laxon and Katherine Giles, both climate change scientists at University College London, and Tim Boyd of the Scottish Association for marine Science - all died within the space of a few months in early 2013.

Professor laxon fell down a flight of stairs at a New year’s Eve party at a house in Essex while Dr Giles died when she was in collision with a lorry when cycling to work in London. Dr Boyd is thought to have been struck by lightning while walking in Scotland.

Prof Wadhams said that in the weeks after Prof Laxon’s death he believed he was targeted by a lorry which tried to force him off the road. He reported the incident to the police.

Asked if he thought hitmen might have been behind the deaths, Prof Wadhams, who is Professor of ocean physics at Cambridge University, told The Telegraph: “Yes. I do believe assassins possibly murdered them but I can see that I would be thought of as a looney for believing this.

Rob14 #racist telegraph.co.uk

[On Rachel Dolezal, Caitlyn Jenner and the Charleston shooting]

With AA , Race based quotas and media that panders to the blacks as victim narrative (Trayvon , Brown etc ) and Whites as evil oppressors its somewhat understandable.

By being black she gets access to #BlackPrivilege and can make up for the new sin of being a European by birth. Its twisted and sick but seeing as the same tribe that has orchestrated the genocidal campaign against Europeans pushed the lie that race is a social construct instead of the truth that race is biological fact , they can hardly complain. Jenners still a man, a mutilated one, and she's still White . Race and gender are either objectively real (which they are of course) or they're not(the lie they use to dismantle our society). I'm hoping she sues them for racism.

WRT to the shooting.

Obummble said:
"But let's be clear: at some point we as a country will have to reckon
with the fact that this kind of mass violence doesn't happen in other
advanced countries."

Well it happens in South Africa. Blacks have slaughter tens of thousands of Europeans since the end of Apartheid , using hammers , machetes etc..but lets not talk about that. Guns have saved numerous European families in America from home invasions by non-Europeans , 90% of the victims of racially motivated crime are European, but they have, in practice, no protection under civil rights or hate crime legislation.

Where was Obummble when a black woman used a blow torch to torture and kill that European child...he was silent as he is every time Europeans are murdered by non-Europeans. Instead of taking Americans guns a better option would be to accept the multi-racial experiment has been a disaster for European sand segregate the country. But this isn't about whats best for European Americans it's about disarming them so they can't protect themselves.

Trevor Llangollen #racist telegraph.co.uk

God created all people equally deserving of His love but it is a fact that many majority black countries are a mess e.g. Haiti, Zimbabwe, Congo, Rwanda whereas all majority white countries are fully functioning democracies with full human rights and effective economies. Your very honest essay is what is needed to rebalance the many fibs from political correctness that prevent all people from seeing the world as it really is and then moving from that to do good. I suspect you are very well educated and a converted Christian. A brilliant essay.

colin harrow #racist telegraph.co.uk

“Rachel Dolezal's lie has told us more about white people than black culture.” But then I guess we will soon have plenty more lies told about white people as a result of the dreadful shooting in South Carolina.

An obviously disturbed young man, very similar if not identical to those who, in another geographical zone, volunteer to fight for the butchers of Islamic State, goes on a murderous rampage.

And yet unlike the latter where the whole liberal establishment bends over backwards to deny and disassociate any wider corporate or collective responsibility of Muslims for the atrocities their co-religionists commit, the same liberal establishment will have no hesitation in putting the collective blame on whites generally for the Carolina killings.

Alltaxationistheft #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Fast forward 50 years & the grand Mufti of the United Caliphate of great Britain is making his eve of Ramadan address to the faithful from the Great Mosque in London.
He wants to pay special thanks to the media owners back in the 2010s for the magnificent job they did in keeping the non believers pacified & calm as the faithful moved into every position of power & allowed the sword of Islam to decimate them & bring many to the true religion. He said that if Newspapers such as the Telegraph hadn't been prepared to distort the truth & hide the gradual conquest form the non believers they may well have risen up whilst they were still strong enough so to do.
He urged Muslims to be generous now that the caliphate was secure especially he urged Muslim masters to be merciful to their Kaffir slaves. Whilst accepting the right of believers to do as they liked with their slave property he suggested that no kaffir under the age of seven should be used for bodily pleasures

steviebaby #fundie telegraph.co.uk

All muslims are 'radicalised' (undergo religious brainwashing) as toddlers, and thereafter. This is achieved through parents, extended family members, the local semi illiterate imam, and the immediate community. Muslim ghettos do not spring up by accident - they are designed that way. This keeps the young and not so young trapped in an islamic bubble, immune to western influences.

All muslims are joined at the hip by their common jihad - which is to bring islam to every corner of the world. Some will attempt to achieve this through the bullet and the bomb. Others by conversions, either through marriage or persuasion and will use every tool in their armory - including liberal lashings of Kitman and Taqiyya.

The muslim is now well established at all levels of our daily life - in politics - both at local and national levels, in the media, and in academia. These people have also established more associations and bodies than our Government has, with their main purpose supporting and pushing islam. The muslim uses our freedom and our courts to beat us down, and effectively so. too.

We, the true Brits, are continually told by our 'leaders' that islam is a 'religion of peace', when most of us know this is a blatant lie. We are also told it is only a small minority, when the evidence shows otherwise.

Muslims hold no allegiance to the UK. They have no intention of integrating or assimilating with us and our ways and culture. Their only aim is to bring islam to us - by peaceful means is at all possible, or by the gun if necessary.

Our Government's refusal to accept this fact is endangering our very existence. The sooner our leaders take their heads out of the sand the better. We clearly do not have much time left.

nedley #racist telegraph.co.uk

[On husband of Muslim family that seems to have joined ISIS expressing his grief in public]

I think the men are secretly crying tears of joy that those ugly munters have left them and won't be returning, and that they will now be able to get back to the serious business of rogering some naive white schoolgirls.

WetThrust #racist telegraph.co.uk

You have it wrong. Far from wanting a a slave population of blacks, etc the South Africans bankrupted themselves building up adjacent countries (homelands) with superb infrastructure, airports, universities, harbours, etc in the forlorn hope that they could persuade the black population to move there. Unfortunately, even at the height of Grand Apartheid, blacks from every part of Africa were fighting to gain entrance to South Africa, just as they are now camping at Calais.

finanzier #racist telegraph.co.uk

[On forthcoming EU referendum]

"The mayor of Paris has said she wants to open a migrant welcome centre in the French capital, to help migrants either seek asylum or in “quite a few cases” try to reach Britain".

So, as I have said before , Briton is officially the dumping ground of Europe .

Vote NO and save yourselves from Race Replacement.

Minstrel Boy #fundie telegraph.co.uk

Femnazis require cheap oil to ensure they get to drive about independently and get to the office on time. Must not upset the source. If it could be arranged, they could be sent en masse to Saudi Arabia, starting with Barbara Lerner-Spectre. No chance of that happening. They have a ready made audience of wimps giving them airtime in the West.

Disgruntled_Englishman #fundie #homophobia telegraph.co.uk

[On the Irish referendum approving same sex marriage]

Sad news - but to Christians who believe the the Bible, entirely expected.

This is the time of the homosexuals, a time for them to dance, and rejoice, and gleefully trample upon every Christian precept, every moral value, and every vestige of decency.

It is, in fact, the time foretold by Jesus Christ - when the days of Noah would be seen once again on earth.

It's salutary to remember that in 'the days of Noah' homosexual 'marriage' was sanctioned by society.

This was their crowning iniquity - the final straw that brought upon them the destruction of the flood.

Such a sin has never been seen since that time - not in any society, culture, or civilisation. Ancient societies may have tolerated, even encouraged, homosexual liaisons - but homosexual 'marriage' was never sanctioned by the state - not once, not in any society.

Until now.

Speaking of the conditions that would pertain in the 'last days', Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be before the coming of the Son of man."

Thus He spoke - and thus it is.

There is great hope in these events - if these things have come to pass, then His return cannot be far away.

There is a storm approaching for Christians, a time of persecution that has never been seen before - nothing in history can compare to the terror that will be unleashed upon all who cling to Christ, to His word, and to His promises.

It cannot be stopped - and God forbid that it should be!, for this is the fulfilment of prophecy, and the dark hour before those who are faithful are finally redeemed and taken home.

All Christians can do is pray for the strength to endure, and to cling to promise of a crown of life to those who remain steadfast.

As for the homosexuals - let them laugh, let them caper, let than parade their iniquities without shame and without conscience.

This time is very rapidly approaching when it will be abundantly clear who has chosen wisely or unwisely.