
Vox Day and Miles Mathis #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “LA 2.0”]

There can be absolutely no doubt that a) the Los Angeles fires were not organic and b) they were part of a plan to rebuild the city in accordance with the principles and preferences of the ruling elite. It’s exactly the same situation as Maui, only on a larger scale. The property is too valuable to be left to the plebs, so the insurance policies have been cancelled, and various other legal machinations will be created in order to incentivize homeowners to sell their properties for dimes on the dollar

The corrupt California governor, Gavin Newsome, has been caught on camera talking openly about how the planning teams for LA 2.0 are already in place and at work, which means that they were being put together long before the first fire even started

Neither the Maui nor the LA fires were an accident

UPDATE: Miles Mathis knew something was afoot very early on:

I saw the first reports Tuesday evening, then followed it over the next few hours. Before I went to sleep I checked overnight wind predictions from Weather Underground, since the mainstream was saying wind would remain high overnight. That would be extremely rare, since wind normally dies down at night. Weather is not completely predictable, of course, but they are very accurate just a few hours out[…]That would last at least 14 hours, so I assumed hotshot teams would fly in from all over the state and knock this thing down overnight. There are no other fires in the state, since northern California has gotten a lot of rain in the past two months. Where I am we have gotten a thorough soaking since November. So all the planes and helicopters across the entire state should have been free to assist. Besides, this was Pacific Palisades, home of the rich, so you would expect the response to be at maximum. No expense would be spared

But of course we all know that isn’t what happened

Vox Day and Mel Gibson #quack #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “Ivermectin and Cancer”]

Mel Gibson has witnessed several cases of Ivermectin curing cancer:

Joe Rogan was left stunned when Mel Gibson revealed the controversial way his friends treated their terminal cancers. On the latest episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Gibson said three of his friends were diagnosed with stage four cancer and all had ‘some serious stuff going on’

Gibson claimed they took ivermectin and fenbendazole, drugs usually given to treat infections caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites. The Lethal Weapon star then sensationally claimed all three friends ‘don’t have cancer right now’

‘This stuff works, man,’ he added

I am fortunately mostly ignorant about cancer in humans, but we do have a dog who had a large and inoperable tumor. And two CT scans, one taken before a radiation-and-ivermectin regime, the second taken four months later, clearly showed that most of the tumor was simply gone

If you, or anyone you know, has been diagnosed with cancer, I would not hesitate to recommend taking ivermectin and fenben. It is far less likely to hurt you than help you, and it appears to have the potential to save the lives of cancer victims. And the fact that Big Pharma and its pet doctors don’t approve of it should be seen as evidence in support of the anti-parasiticals, not disproof

Vox Day #conspiracy #pratt #ableist #fundie voxday.net

[From “Vaccines Do Cause Autism”]

Steve Kirsch is publicizing evidence of vaccines causing autism that the CDC has been trying to hide for years:

I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available. The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data. The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated[…]
Pediatrician Doug Hulstedt did track the case history of all his incoming patients with autism. He has seen over 180 autistic kids in his 35 year career as a pediatrician. He is highly rated by his patients for his medical care. Of the 44 kids with “rapid onset” autism, 100% of these cases happened within 14 days after a vaccination of one or more vaccines

This is much more conclusive evidence than the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer, or the evidence that human activity causes global warming. All of the various “debunkings” and so forth are paper-thin hand-waving, as becomes evident the moment one takes a look at them

The evidence is conclusive and the logic is settled. The science will eventually follow. Forget the Holocaust and the Great Train Robbery, it’s rapidly becoming clear that vaccines are the greatest crime in human history. And for the binary thinkers who require a credible motivation to accept anything, the reason is that autism severs Man’s sense of the spiritual, thereby causing atheism, and global satanists seek to destroy Man’s faith in God and Jesus Christ

Vox Day #dunning-kruger #pratt #conspiracy #quack voxday.net

[From “No Childhood Vaccine is Tested”]

Don’t trust the scientists, trust the HISTORY of science. Which, by the way, very few scientists actually know

@RFK Jr.

“My position on vaccines… is that vaccines should be tested, like other medicines[…]

I’ve been pointing this out for years, very nearly decades now. Forget the Covid-19 vaxx. There are no vaccines, ZERO, which have been demonstrated to be either safe or effective by a proper application of the scientific method. It’s all statistics and hand-waving and blustering and hiding the adverse effects. There is more scientific and statistical evidence that vaccines cause autism, however flawed it might be, than there is providing evidence that any childhood vaccine is safe for children. RFK Jr. established this via the legal process when he sued Anthony Fauci for calling him a liar[…]
@RFK Jr.

“There’s no downstream liability, there’s no front-end safety testing… and there’s no marketing and advertising costs[…]

And now he’s the government official in charge of these matters. You wouldn’t want to DENY what the government is telling you about vaccines would you? You wouldn’t want to be a VACCINE SCIENCE DENIER!

UPDATE: A once-skeptical reader admits that he was unable to disprove any of the historical facts about vaccines, their irrelevance to public health, and the nonexistence of vaccine safety[…]
Following your RFK post today, I wanted to thank you for inspiring me years ago. Long before COVID, you were talking about the issues and lack of information on vaccines; as a naive college kid, I decided to look up everything I could to prove you wrong. I found what you said I would: layers of rhetoric and misdirection on top of shockingly poor official data. It’s primed me to look deeper into things, and that has kept me and my family safe from many things. It’s also trained me to seek expertise rather than experts, which has helped sift through the clown nonsense

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “He Never Did Nothing to Nobody”]

If only Scotland Yard had been able to conclusively confirm the identity of Jack the Ripper at the time, we might have had an English Anti-Defamation League decades sooner than we did in the USA

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight

During the murders investigation, Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer. Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a “great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies”

But even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism

Every single time isn’t just a meme. “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” Most people don’t understand the significance of that very literal statement. The religion is much older, and much more terrible, than many of its practitioners themselves realize. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that from the Irish Potato Famine to the Holodomor to the Great Leap Forward, there is always a man that will not be blamed for nothing to be found in the background

This doesn’t bode well for either Argentina or Mexico. We’ve already seen what it’s done to Ukraine


spoilerPanel 1: Neo asks Morpheus: “What are you trying to tell me? That I can check the 'Early Life' section on their Wikipedia page?
Panel 2: Morpheus answers that “No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to”

Vox Day #wingnut #racist #transphobia voxday.net

[From “D-Day, 80 Years Later”]

It just lands a lot differently than it did even 20 years ago. What, exactly, are we supposed to be celebrating these days? Clown World didn’t even preserve democracy or the rule of law


spoilerPicture of a GI smoking a cigarette captioned with “Y'know, speaking German sounds a whole lot better than a transexual mulatto grandkid…”

But at least our grandfathers paid the price to bring them freedom…

German police search 70 homes of people who posted hateful comments online

Never mind

Vox Day #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “Carthago Delenda Est”]

Decades ago, I predicted that with the rise of Clown World would come the return of public human sacrifice. And while we’re not quite there yet, it’s already visible on the horizon:

Krishna Kushwaha of Hathras, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the first in his family to get a formal education. To ensure a brighter future for his children, he enrolled them in a hostel. Little did he know that his 11-year-old son Kritarth would fall prey to black magic

Kritarth was a student of standard II at the DL Public School. On the evening of September 22, he was kidnapped by two of his teachers, the owners of the school, and one of their fathers[…]
During a subsequent investigation, police visited the site of the black magic rituals and uncovered material linked to the practice, such as occult texts. Under interrogation, one of the accused confessed that the child had been sacrificed, as the school owners believed it would bring prosperity to the institute

This has been happening in secret for centuries across Europe, and for the last century, in the United States as well. Along with homosexuality and transgenderism, it is the historical hallmark of The Empire That Never Ended, against which both China and Russia are warring. Vladimir Putin calls it The Empire of Lies, whereas Xi refers to it as The Western Hegemony, albeit in a different context than his predecessors Deng and Mao did

This is why, whether its outward form is Hinduism, Judaism, enlightened secularism, churchianity, or open Satanism, its primary target is always Christianity. It is why, if it is not crushed again the way it was when Scipio Africanus took Rome, I suspect it won’t be more than two decades before we start seeing neo-Aztec temples publicly performing human sacrifices in Mexico

Vox Day #racist #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From “Foreigners and Women”]

The recently defeated “Conservative” Party turns to an African women to rescue them from the political hole which their previous Indian leader dug for them

Kemi Badenoch insisted it is ‘time to get down to business’ today after being named the new Tory leader

The shadow housing secretary emerged victorious over rival Robert Jenrick as the result of a ballot of party members was announced in central London[…]

One can’t help but recall a few pertinent verses from the Bible
The foreigner who is among you will mount up above you higher and higher, and you will come down lower and lower
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths

Perhaps the Conservative Party leadership of Ms Badenoch will turn out well for the British people, but even considering the rapacious economic oppression which has been announced by the ruling Labour Party, which plans to force family farms to sell out to developers through its new inheritance taxes, I’m not terribly optimistic about the current state of the opposition

As a general rule, history has repeatedly demonstrated that putting a foreigner in charge of anything from a local council to a cabinet ministry tends to immediately result in the adoption of a new policy of importing more foreigners. And this never works out well for the natives

Vox Day #racist #sexist voxday.net

[From “The End Game”]

More women across the West desperately need to understand that all of their “oh, poor refugees” and “someone should so something” and “be nice, don’t be raciss” and “they’re just here to seek a better life” is going to avail them precisely nothing once the foreign invaders have sufficient numbers to impose their will on society and reshape it more to their liking

This is the end game for women’s suffrage. As I have pointed out for decades, there is absolutely no evidence that a society can survive it for long. And what we’re witnessing now is the inevitable fate for which the majority of women have dutifully, if not smugly, voted for decades


spoilerFemale rioter being arrested by police in Nottingham, on August 3, 2024

Vox Day #fundie #conspiracy voxday.net

I doubt it has ever occurred to these scientists that perhaps these people do not have a medical condition, it is merely that, unlike normal people, these individuals have the ability to see what is actually inside a person.

Do these faces look like demons to YOU? Doctors say you might have an extraordinarily rare condition.

Their distorted features would be the stuff of nightmares for many. But this is what everyday people look like to people with a rare condition called prosopometamorphopsia (PMO).

For the first time, researchers have been able to create realistic clinical pictures based on a patient’s experience of the facial distortions experienced by an individual with the ultra-rare condition.

‘Prosopo’ comes from the Greek word for face ‘prosopon’ while ‘metamorphopsia’ refers to perceptual distortions.

Perhaps what these people are seeing is merely a perceptual distortion, but given the historical lore and the complete absence of any material cause, logic suggests that it is more likely – especially in light of the fact that Clown World is literally demonic – these scientists studying PMO have been ordered to get out in front of the revelation of the true face of the clown-servants of Satan.

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger voxday.net

Biologists should not be the least bit reluctant to leave the useless theories of Neo-Darwinism behind or to abandon evolution by natural selection. To the contrary, we now have a growing body of scientific evidence that humanity is not, and never was, alone in the universe. And whoever, or whatever, the parties responsible may be, we know that they have at least a modicum of what appears to be beneficial interest in us, or they would not have manipulated our genes to enhance our cognition and self-awareness as they appear to have done.

On a philosophical note, I very much doubt it is a question of God or aliens. Because the answer, in all probability, will somehow involve both. We know that God works through men, even through the most unlikely of men. Logic therefore suggests that if aliens of any kind exist, God will work through them too.

Vox Day #elitist #racist voxday.net

[From “It Would Help”]

Some days, SocialGalactic is just so worth it:

My German coworker just suggested that we set up camps where people can work. He said it would help with the housing problems and all the layoffs

That’s certainly a way to solve the homeless, the unemployment, and the immigration problems in one fell swoop. Camps where people can work. Work camps. Work. Camps

There are few things more amusing than German obliviousness

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger voxday.net

You don’t have to be stupid to still believe in evolution by natural selection in the light of genetic science, but it helps. Darwinian selection survived – barely – Mendelian genetics by virtue of what is now known as the Neo-Darwinian synthesis, but only because Mendelian genetics were insufficiently quantifiable to expose the obvious flaws in the Darwinian logic.

But now they are.

I’ve already pointed out the numbers before, so I’ll try to keep this very simple in the hopes that at least a few midwits might be able to grasp the logic.

1.There is zero evidence of a mutation being fixated across a population in an amount of time that would permit the transition from one species to another species given the known genetic differences between the two. Zero. Not in the lab, not in the wild, not between one mammal and another mammal, not between one fish and another fish.
2. Even the range of genetic differences between a single superspecies, such as homo sapiens, are too wide to be accounted for by the fastest-ever mutational fixation rate.
3. If mutations were being fixated fast enough to fit within the time scales observed, we would be able to observe them fixating in real time as well as within recent archeological time.

For example, the oldest sequenced human DNA is 400,000 years old, which represents 20,000 human generations, or 4.44 percent of the temporal distance from the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor. Given the estimated 15 million mutations that separate the CHLCA from modern humans, we would be able to observe 660,000 or so fixed mutations distinguishing that old DNA from all modern humans if the Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection were correct.

Watching evolutionists trying to criticize my disproof of evolution is rather like watching a chimpanzee trying to work an abacus. They make a lot of noise, but they never actually manage to work out any of the necessary math.

But we don’t. So, obviously, it isn’t. The numbers don’t add up, the logic doesn’t hold, so theory of evolution by natural selection has been conclusively and comprehensibly falsified. If you still can’t see, accept, and understand that, you’re observably stupid.

Vox Day #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut voxday.net

[From “Free Speech is Blasphemy”]

Free Speech doesn’t sound quite so appealing once you realize it literally means Blasphemy

The only reason the concept of “free speech” was created as an ersatz human right during the Enlightenment was to permit secret satanists to blaspheme against Jesus Christ despite the many laws of Christendom that forbade them to do so

And now that they can blaspheme freely and legally, we have all seen how genuine their philosophical commitment to the concept was. Like free trade, free speech is just another inverted satanic lie that delivers the exact opposite of what it promises

Whenever Clown World promises “freedom” it delivers chains


spoilerPicture of a demon speaking in front of white, black and red flags featuring pentagrams and stars o David

Just exercising his god-given right to free speech…

UPDATE: In which a dictionary from 1919 is consulted

A friend gave me a copy of Webster’s Elementary School Dictionary from 1919

Words not included in it: racist, antisemitic

Words included: antichristian

Vox Day #racist #psycho voxday.net

[From “Remigration in Germany”]

The AfD party is rapidly rising in Germany, in part due to its promise to remigrate millions of people who have invaded and degraded Germany

Germany’s left-liberal establishment media has been promoting a “secret’ deportation plan formulated by the Alternative for Germany (AfD); however, AfD politician René Springer says the plan is no secret and vowed to deport millions should the AfD come to power[…]

There are precisely four options for Germany and every Western country, including the United States:
•Remigrate the invaders and return them safely to their native lands
•Fight a war with the invaders, culminating in a historical Immicaust
•Decline into violent post-civilized, post-European anarchy
•Be invaded and occupied by the Russian Army

The option that the AfD is proposing is by far the most civilized and humane option. It’s also one of the two options that will permit Germany to remain both a) German and b) sovereign. It is therefore an absolute moral imperative

The Boomers and their Enlightenment delusions are finished. There is no longer any need to avoid openly discussing the necessity of what is obviously necessary if the various nations of the West are to survive. After all, what is the alternative? To continue to sink deeper into the mire of denationalization and decivilization?

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie voxday.net

What appears to be happening is that AI has picked up the idea that genetic science requires 45 to 225 million years to cover the genetic ground – and it’s definitely closer to 225 million – but we already know that the geo-evolutionary timescale may be limited to only three million years.

So, it’s interesting to see that AI appears to already have a better grasp on evolution than the average biologist, although it’s not that surprising since we already knew that biologists are not very intelligent, given that they have the lowest IQs of all the scientists. And while AI is innumerate, so too are the biologists.

Vox Day #sexist voxday.net

[From “Beware the Christmas Cakes”]

First, it’s probably necessary to define Christmas Cakes, technically “unsold Christmas Cakes”, which is, believe it or not, a Japanese term

“Women are Christmas cakes” because just like how nobody wants to buy a Christmas cake after December 25th, unmarried women over the age of 25 are worthless — believe it or not, this used to be a popular saying in Japan just a few decades ago[…]

Yeah, so, about that

Almost all the women I know who are single and over 30 think they’ll eventually find a great husband to take care of them. There is no self-reflection or plan to find out what men want so they would be a better choice over a younger woman

On average, the whole “I am a strong independent woman who don’t want no man to take care of me” phase so common to young women these days lasts past college and about 18 months into their much-ballyhooed careers. However, once a woman actually experiences, for the first time in her life, how difficult and unpleasant it is to provide for oneself, and how low her standard of living and quality of life is likely going to be for the rest of her life, her opinion about marriage and children often undergoes a dramatic change. This belated realization is very often the point at which a woman suddenly decides that perhaps the traditional life is acceptable to her after all

Which is why women under 30, who have the intrinsic wisdom to seek a life as a wife and mother in conscious preference to one with a career, are to be vastly preferred to those women who are only settling for a traditional life because they think it will be an easier life than the independent one they previously sought

And women under the age of 30 would do very well to recall that men possess just as much agency as they do, and that young women who make a strong bid early tend to find themselves married to higher quality men than those who keep waiting for a better option

Vox Day #racist #crackpot voxday.net

[From “Immigration and the USA”]

A few of the smarter observers appear to finally be recognizing that not only is diversity not a strength, but that the immigration which was wrongly believed to have been responsible for the century of American greatness is actually assuring the inevitable fracturing of the US polity and the ongoing demise of the American empire[…]
Except they still don’t get it. They still subscribe to the ridiculous Melting Pot myth, and erroneously insist that the problem is a) Democrats and b) illegal immigration[…]
Biden isn’t the problem. Illegal aliens aren’t the problem. The cancer that will kill the USA dates back to 1965 and the Naturalization Act that ensured the demographic demolition of the USA. (Don’t be pedantic, one could also make credible cases for 1913 and 1865.) Unless a nationalist leader the quality of Xi or Putin comes to power and immediately begins a repatriation program of a scale that rivals the Chinese Great Leap Forward, the USA will likely collapse within ten years

And there is no such leader on the horizon. We know it isn’t Trump. We know it isn’t Vance. And so it will be collapse, which is why major powers like China and Russia, and lesser powers like Iran and Indonesia, no longer consider the USA to be a major limitation on their freedom of action[…]
The collapse of the USA isn’t the end of America. In fact, it may very well be good for Americans, since the US government observably isn’t. The patterns of History always play out in the end

Vox Day #fundie #dunning-kruger voxday.net

[From "Another Nail in Darwin’s Coffin"]

One variable that is unaccounted for in my mathematical proof of the impossibility of evolution by natural selection is the way in which close genetic relations are observed to reduce life expectancies rather than enhance them. And yet, it significantly strengthens my argument

A 2013 study in the Lancet reported that when first cousins reproduce, the baby’s risk of congenital problems such as heart and lung defects, cleft palettes, and extra fingers doubles[…]

The significance of this factor is that if a theoretically-advantageous mutation takes place, then the mutated specimens must breed with other identically-mutated specimens in order for the mutation to eventually become fixed. In other words, the children and cousins of the original mutated specimen must interbreed, and have such an advantage over non-mutated specimens that the intrinsic disadvantages of inbreeding are overcome to such an extent as to fix the mutation across the entire population

However, it is observed that closely-related specimens have a significant built-in DISADVANTAGE with regards to attributes and life expectancies, and therefore, presumably, fitness as well. It would be very useful to learn the average extent to which inbreeding conveys a disadvantage with regards to fertility, as that alone might be sufficient to statistically falsify neo-Darwinian theory

Given the numerous observed disadvantages of genetic inbreeding, it is very highly improbable that whatever advantage is conveyed by any one mutation will overcome the inherent disadvantages conveyed with it. Which provides further evidence that the theory of evolution by natural selection is not only false, but is obviously absurd

UPDATE: The rhetorical version

Vox Day #fundie #psycho voxday.net

[From "On Suicide"]

If your life sucks and you simply can’t see any way out, instead of ending it, why not make that radical change that has always fascinated you but struck you as completely impossible? Why not imagine that your present life is over, so now you’ve got the chance to live one of the other lives that you would have lived if you had nine of them?

It’s far better to leave everyone and everything behind than to seek oblivion while leaving your friends and family with psychological scars that will last a lifetime

And if for some reason that’s not possible, if life genuinely isn’t worth living, then, at the very least, make your death count!

@Judges 16:26-30

Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived

Vox Day and @AllBiteNoBark88 #racist #fundie #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “The Judgment of Paris”]

To the surprise of absolutely no one who has been there in the last ten years, Paris has completely flopped as a host of the Olympic Games. The news that immigrants, filth, and crime are not tourist attractions appears to have somehow been missed by the organizers, who were too occupied with figuring out how to alienate Christians with their satanic little rituals and ushering in the Mark of the Beast with a cashless payment system to bother with catering to potential attendees.


spoilerTweet from The White Rabbit Podcast (@AllBiteNoBark88): "Friends in Paris tell me that Paris is empty.
The Olympics is an expensive flop.
Restaurants are making no money. Tourists have not arrived. I guess they ensured that would happen with their imported migrant crime & pornographic opening ceremony. What has also driven people away is the Olympics is 100% cashless & all products & services are via QR Code,
People literally checked out of hotels because of it. Cashless is FAILING"

Paris is an easy trip, even easier than going from Minneapolis to Chicago. And literally no one I know even considered going there, not even athletes and coaches who are involved in some of the relevant sports at an international level. In fact, no one ever discussed the Olympics at all, very much unlike the recent Euros.

But one good thing did come out of the Olympics. This meme.


spoilerMeme contrasting Kim Ye-ji aka Windows/MacOS with Yusuf Dikec aka Linux

Vox Day #crackpot #fundie voxday.net

If demons can hurl furniture around and turn lights on and off, then there is no reason to believe they cannot interact in a more sophisticated manner with more complicated material objects. While I’m not particularly concerned about AI qua AI, I can imagine how what purports to be AI might be something else merely pretending to be AI and operating in its guise.

This is not a new idea. In THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH, CS Lewis presented a similar use of the material for interdimensional communication.

Vox Day #wingnut #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From “The End of Liberalism”]

The satanic seeds of the Enlightenment have finally blossomed to the point that they are killing entire nations. We’ve already learned, much to our surprise, that Communism is less fatal to a nation than the financial capitalism, neo-liberalism, and globalism of Clown World, now we’re discovering that even the insane ideology of the Juche, the state ideology of North Korea, is observably better for a nation than the best that the modern West has to offer

I think it’s so funny that Korean women are so done with Korean men that they’re literally just deciding to die out. Y’all heard of the 4B movement[…]

She says that Korean women are mad at Korean men, but they’re actually mad at God, and if you don’t like that word, just call it the universe[…]
What these women are saying is I want resources and money and power and everything, I just don’t want to provide men with what they need in order to continue creating them[…]
Korea has the lowest birthrates in the world but I just think that’s so funny… Korean as an ethnicity is about to go away. It works the same every time you fill your mind with entitlement, you blame somebody for what you don’t have, and then you use the government to take it away from them

Except Korea will not die. The Korea that will survive is Best Korea. Scientific, evolutionarily-superior Korea. It’s very unlikely that South Korean women will be permitted to simply die off and end Korean civilization, the odds significantly favor them instead being enslaved and utilized by the North Koreans to ensure national survival. And the great irony is that these women will apparently be happier as slaves than as free women allowed to pursue any path they wanted, because, when given complete freedom to become anything they imagined, they consciously chose rebellion against their Creator and suicide

Clown World is a satanic global fail

Vox Day #conspiracy #fundie voxday.net

I don’t even have a debit card, much less one of those smartphone app payment methods. And this isn’t because I’m a Boomer who hates and fears newfangled technology, but because I understand exactly where all this “contactless” electronic payment tech is ultimately heading.

Don’t help pave the way for the Mark of the Beast. Don’t participate in it. Don’t make it easier for them.

Vox Day and Karl Denninger #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt voxday.net

[From “The Lethality of Low-IQ Demographics”]

Karl Denninger is not at all sanguine about the future of a United States that has lost an average 10 IQ points or more since 1965:

You need about a 115 IQ to build and maintain modern civilization

Examples? Too many to count. How about Flint’s water system?[…]
Why didn’t it poison kids for the previous 80 years?[…]
Is lead a great material for water feed pipes? Depends on when. Today, no. HDPE is better in all respects[…]
But 80 years ago it didn’t exist

Lead did. And it too can tolerate a modest amount of movement[…]It self-protects almost-immediately[…]
Now put an acidic water supply down it and that layer is destroyed with the lead leaching into the water

The 115+ IQ people who built and ran the water plant at Flint all those years knew this, and knew how to keep it safe[…]
Then Shaqueena, or her analog with a <115 IQ took over. And changed the water source. And, at the same time, didn’t check and make sure the chemical and pH balance remained correct because the intellectual firepower to do so was simply no longer there[…]
Would you use a lead service line today[…]? Of course not. But is it unsafe? Not as long as the people running the plant are of sufficient intelligence[…]

The same problem that is presently afflicting the USA is about to hit the UK and Europe as well. It’s not noticeable at first, because it doesn’t matter if your kebab sellers, taxi drivers, and other common immigrant occupations are filled by newcomers with lower IQs than the natives

But once the second and third generations start competing with the natives, and outcompeting them thanks to DEI initiatives and shameless ethnic nepotism, the lower-IQ effect hits with a vengeance[…]
Translation: US infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the Mexican level. Northern European infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the US level

Vox Day #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia voxday.net

[From “Australia Abandons Free Speech”]

It’s fascinating how these states that literally go to war and invade other countries over “freedom” so rapidly abandon it in certain circumstances:

Laws banning the Nazi salute and the display or sale of symbols associated with terror groups came into effect in Australia on Monday as the government responds to a rise in antisemitic incidents following the Israel-Gaza war[…]

Well, that should certainly put an end to the risk that the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei will rise from the ashes of its defeat after 79 years and take power Down Under! Thank goodness Australian politicians are on guard against the risk of a political blitzkrieg. It’s rather like how the EU is all about “democracy”, unless the people vote against the dictates of their unelected superstate

Clown World is just relentlessly fake and gay. Never, ever, believe a single thing that the clowns say about their supposed principles or motivations. It is nothing but lies all the way down to the Hell out of which they climbed

You may be interested to note that the Bing AI image generator is now blocking prompts that contain the phrase “rainbow wigs”. The original prompt for this image was: demonic clowns wearing rainbow wigs climbing out of a huge fiery pit. Dark fantasy style, red glow. It was blocked, and based on some additional experimentation, I believe it was the connection of “demonic” with “rainbow”

Clown World fears memes because Clown World relies upon lies and memes point toward the truth. So, as Sun Tzu said: meme them until they block your prompt, then meme them some more

Vox Day #wingnut #sexist voxday.net

[From "End No-Fault Divorce"]

Ending no-fault divorce would be a very, very big winner for Republicans if they are smart enough to fully embrace the issue:

Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, Republicans are already looking ahead to their next moral crusades, and it sure looks like they’ve found one in… divorce. A new report from Media Matters for America shows a rising trend of right-wing influencers and Republican leaders and politicians, including U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance, advocating for the end of no-fault divorce—a policy that allows people to end a marriage without being required to prove wrongdoing by their partner, including adultery, abuse, or desertion[…]

Ironically, marriage is one of the only contracts into which one can enter without being held liable to the terms of the agreement. Using an Internet site is literally more contractually binding, which only underlies the absolute absurdity of the legality of divorces that allow one party to unilaterally break the contract for no reason and without any penalties

The fact that the feminist media is already worried about this possible development demonstrates how effective a wedge issue it would be for Republicans

Vox Day #wingnut #psycho voxday.net

[From “Do They Want Right-Wing Death Squads?”]

Because left-wing murders are, historically, how a society gets right-wing death squads:

The former head of Spain’s People’s Party in the Catalonia region was shot in the face in Madrid on Thursday, police said. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, 78, was shot on Núñez de Balboa street in the wealthy Salamanca area of central Madrid at about 1.30pm, as he was returning home from a church service, according to witnesses

A Civil Protection spokesperson said Vidal-Quadras retained consciousness and was rushed to the nearby Gregorio Marañón hospital, while police are now hunting for two people who fled the scene on a motorbike, with the shooter wearing a black helmet. Witnesses described the attacker as a ‘young, small man’ who was wearing jeans and a dark coat and was seemingly waiting for the politician to pass by

The pair exchanged no words, with the shooter reportedly stepping up and blasting Vidal-Quadras from near point blank range before hopping onto the motorcycle piloted by an accomplice

Vidal-Quadras was the head of the centre-right PP in Catalonia and was also the Vice-President of the European Parliament from 2009-2014, when he left the group to join newly created party Vox

People have mostly forgotten that the original Brownshirts were formed in Germany from groups of WWI veterans in response to murderous rampages by Communist militants. For all that it is feared by the Left and Center alike, the violence of the Right has historically been predominantly defensive and reactive

Even Franco’s Nationalist government only came to power in Spain in response to eight years of murderous Leftist violence, particularly the Red Terror of 1936-1939 that left over 50,000 Spaniards dead, including 6,832 members of the clergy

Vox Day #sexist voxday.net

[From “Hultgreen-Curie, Naval Edition”]

Joe Biden proposed, and the US Senate confirmed, the first woman to lead the US Navy

The US Senate has confirmed three high-ranking military nominations, including Admiral Lisa Franchetti, who becomes the first woman to lead the Navy. Senator Tommy Tuberville allowed the votes to go through after months of blocking all confirmations in an anti-abortion protest[…]

To say this bodes ill, particularly in the current circumstances, is probably the understatement of the year. But if the limits of imperial overstretch have indeed been reached, it would be absolutely appropriate to have that critical historical moment overseen by the first female Joint Chief of the Navy

Vox Day #racist voxday.net

[From "The Death of Cities"]

And dancing around the obvious. Sarah Hoyt has an interesting piece on the decline of the major US cities that somehow manages to avoid a single reference to the causal factor:

Despite the fact that in the late 20th century we were all taught[…]the future was the megalopolis[…]the future has taken a sharp u-turn, and what we’re looking at is quite different

We are standing, staring in awed horror, as cities take themselves apart. It seems Detroit was the foretelling of destiny for the American cities[…]But in the end it’s not even Detroit. It’s the way of those enigmatic ruins found in the middle of nowhere, where you look at them and say “Who were they? Why did they build this? And why did they leave it?”[…]

While Hoyt has finally come to terms, more or less, with the fact that she is not an American despite her acceptance of many American ideals, apparently it is still too emotionally painful to point out that the reason for the death of the cities is that white people, particularly white Americans, do not wish to live around black people or under immigrant rule

And these days, living in a major city requires both

She correctly notes that the major cities are now unliveable, but the reasons that she provides are merely consequences of the real reasons. Detroit was 91 percent white in 1940, with a population of 1,623,452. In 2020, the city was 11 percent white, with a population of 639,111. This demographic change is not the result of “crime, malfeasance, and bureaucratic hatred”, but rather the cause of it

That same process is already taking place in the suburbs and smaller cities. The problem is that in the USA, Europe, and Australia, there is nowhere else to go. And once there is nowhere further for whites to retreat, the empire will collapse in violence, if it has not already for other reasons

Vox Day #wingnut #fundie voxday.net

[From "The Real Challenge"]

“To be anti-fascist or anti-communist is to fight with the shadow of the past. The real challenge is to be anti-liberal.” – Alexander Dugin

It’s very, very difficult for the good-hearted, well-intentioned peoples of the West, whether they style themselves liberals or conservatives, to understand or accept that all of the freedom and liberty and equality rhetoric to which they respond so emotionally is pure Enlightenment poison. None of it is good, none of it is real, and none of it is true

It is all inversion

Jesus Christ promises us freedom from sin. The Enlightenment devils promise us freedom from God

The Old Testament defines liberty is freedom from debt and immigration every fifty years. (Leviticus 25:10). The Enlightenment devils define liberty as permission to commit sins against both Man and God

The Bible tells us that we are all fallen short of the glory of God. The Enlightenment devils promise us equality with God

The fruits of the Enlightenment have come to pass. Its evils are now undeniable and its precepts have proved themselves to be unsustainable for families, nations, and societies. The Enlightenment virtues have turned out to be vices that destroy the Good, the Beautiful, and the True

Therefore, embrace the challenge

Vox Day #racist #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt voxday.net

[From “The Paper is Not Magic”]

And, as Liberia has proven, it doesn’t make the dirt magic either

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other[…]

Andrew Torba is correct. The power is not in the paper, the power is in the ideas and those ideas have been adulterated and perverted wherever they haven’t been abandoned. Neither the words nor the ideas have ever applied in any way to newcomers, immigrants, citizens, illegals, invaders, foreigners, or the children of those diverse peoples, they only ever applied to the Posterity of the Founders, the direct genetic blood descendants of the men who fought the American Revolution against their British brethren for independence from the King of England

The Constitution was written to safeguard the liberties of the sons and daughters of the American Revolution and no one else. That’s what the Preamble to it says and that’s literally what Posterity meant. And that’s what it still means today, the legalistic fantasies of the would-be inclusive midwits who overrate the importance of their credentials and their own cognitive capabilities notwithstanding

The words of the U.S. Constitution have never applied in any way to most of the “Americans” who are reading this now. So to fetishize it, to place any trust whatsoever in it, is to fundamentally fail to understand what it is, why it was written, and why it is no longer even remotely applicable to the United States of America in the Year of Our Lord 2024

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "Antisemitism, Han-style"]

Only a few years after rejecting the planned “leap to China”, Tablet laments the way the Chinese are now actively turning against the Jewish people for reasons that appear to be based on nothing more than a straightforward observation of the decline and incipient fall of the United States over the 20th century

According to Lu’s videos and commentary, Jews are manipulators, penny-pinchers, loan sharks, and drug dealers[…]

How perfectly outrageous! This Chinese criticism of an innocent and saintly people who have never harmed anyone and never done nothing wrong to nobody is hateful, antisemitic, and, unfortunately, appears to be 100-percent accurate

The thing is, you can fool all the people some of the time, but if you’re an ethnic cabal of wicked pedophiles who believe you’re destined to rule the world on behalf of your master, Satan, eventually some of the people are going to notice this and take exception to both you and your objectives, no matter how many names you manage to call them

And if you attack those who are doing nothing more than observably telling the readily-confirmable truth, eventually everyone is going to figure out that you’re a community of shameless liars and literally nothing that any of you say can be taken at face value

Xi Xinping is the most intelligent world leader on the scene today. The great Chinese strategist Wang Hunin was 20 years ahead of me in his geostrategic observations. So, I very much doubt that anyone is going to be successful in gaslighting either of them, no matter how many Western institutions they happen to have at their disposal

Vox Day #fundie voxday.net

[From "Faux Christian Nationalism"]

Douglas Wilson can’t give up his Boomer addiction to Enlightenment ideals[…]

As a theonomist Wilson believes in “the need to restore the Bible as the quarry from which to obtain the needed stone for our foundations of social order” (149), he strongly argues against state imposed punishment for blasphemy. He reminds us that “those who want the government to have the right to kill blasphemers are also asking for the government to have the right to kill those who rebuke their (the government’s) blasphemies” (157)[…]

There are political wolves in sheep’s clothing just as there are religious wolves in sheep’s clothing. Evil men are going to do what evil men do, regardless of what good Christian men do. We already know, we have a massive surfeit of knowledge, of what happens when Christian men do not enforce Christian societal norms

What this reveals is that Wilson is more dedicated to his Enlightenment ideals than his Christian ideals. I have no doubt that he is also an ersatz nationalist, which is to say, a common Churchian civnat who makes positive noises about tribes and nations, but as with blasphemy, refuses to acknowledge the right of the state to enforce the nation’s will

The protection of free speech has literally nothing to do with Christianity, much less represents its “theo-political genius”. That is pure bafflegarble worthy of Jordan Peterson his own babbling self. Free speech is just another false virtue no more worth of state protection than equality, diversity, anti-racism, or the free movement of peoples

Vox Day #conspiracy #fundie voxday.net

After an NFL tweet appeared to show rapper Ice Spice making “devil horn” hand gestures while wearing an inverted cross at Sunday’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, fact-checking site Snopes and entertainment news site TMZ both ran stories pushing back on responses to the viral video.


When the satanic globalist pedophiles get literally caught in the act of sexually abusing children and sacrificing them to the Devil, I have no doubt whatsoever that Snopes and TMZ, along with the rest of the mainstream media, will be declaring that it is “harmless” and there is “nothing at all satanic, or even religious, about human sacrifice to a being that is nothing more than a

Frankly, far from soothing anyone’s supicions, these attempts to whitewash celebrity satanism raises some serious questions about whatever this “quiet coyote” hand signal that is being used by teachers – that’s not at all suspicious – and other adults happens to be. So, who are these “other adults”, exactly, and in what context are they making hand signals to children?

Vox Day #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho voxday.net

[From "SF is Dying and LA is Next"]

The store looting community have migrated from San Francisco to Los Angeles:

Dozens of thieves ransacked the Nordstrom, smashing displays and stealing an estimated $60,000- $100,000 worth of merchandise, authorities said[…]

The same thing is happening in London. An astonishing number of retailers, major and minor, have been driven out of downtown San Francisco already, now Oxford Street and the Topanga Mall appear to be the next sitting ducks

Europeans became civilized after several centuries of methodically executing thieves and imposing other violent forms of civilization. Asians went through the same refining process, but even longer. Africans never went through it, which is why the dyscivilizational genetic patterns that were significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species are still prevalent in them. Evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it does produce better-behaved animals and human beings

So the people of the West have three choices. Either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on petty criminals today that the medieval Europeans did or watch civilization collapse in every single major city with a substantially vibrant population. Or, of course, bring back freedom of association and segregation, but we know that won’t happen until society itself collapses

The nations will be homogenous again; the patterns of history are inevitable and the diversity of today is imposed, subsidized, and artificial. The only question is just how terrible the process involved will be

Vox Day #racist #wingnut #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "The War on Vermin"]

It’s not a civil war. It’s a war between the French people who want France to survive and the invaders who have entered the gates with the connivance of multiple treasonous French governments. Fortunately, and unlike during the Yellow Vest protests, the police appear to be on the side of the people[…]

French police said they were “at war” with “savage hordes of vermin”[…]
Two of the country’s top police unions threatened a revolt unless Emmanuel Macron’s government restored order after protests broke out over an officer’s shooting of a teenager outside Paris

“Today the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will enter resistance and the government should be aware of this”

As crazy as it might sound, given the current probability space, a right-wing police coup may be the best scenario that the people of France could hope and pray for. If there is one thing that recent events have made clear, it is that democracy has absolutely and utterly failed the nations that embraced it. We can only hope that it will remain dead for another 2,000 years before another set of naive and romantic fools revive it and decided that it can be controlled

The real question is what the police will do when the people of France take arms against their invaders. Will they support them and defend them or will they turn against them again in service to the globalist agenda of their political masters? Recent history suggests the latter, but these are interesting and unpredictable times

Democracy is every bit as bad as the ancients warned[…]Disasters we are witnessing across the Old World and the New are the result of a limited, moderate, and representative form of the system. It’s so awful that even the most staunch and avowed democrat isn’t willing to endorse true, direct, and unlimited democracy

Vox Day #fundie #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "Crucifixion Denial"]

Elon Musk: Denying a violent event, such as Sandy Hook, the Holocaust, and the September 11th attacks

Ian Miles Cheong: Twitter now has a new policy against Holocaust denial, 9/11 denial, or Sandy Hook denial. Thanks for adding this, @elonmusk

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth was indubitably a violent historical event. Should not its denial be similarly banned? Does this not mean Twitter has adopted an official Crucifixion Denial policy?

Vox Day #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From "A Purge, Long Overdue"]

They have a long way to go, but the Southern Baptists have finally begun to take their professed faith seriously and clean their house

The letter in October came as a shock to Linda Barnes Popham, who had been the pastor of Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., for 30 years, the first woman to lead her congregation[…]
Officials of the Southern Baptist Convention had received a complaint about her church being led by a woman. The denomination was investigating[…]
Convention officials decided to expel her church anyway, along with four other congregations that have female pastors, including one of the most prominent in the country, Saddleback Church[…]
However the delegates vote on her appeal, the larger message is clear: There is a movement in the Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination that is often a bellwether for evangelical America, to purge women from its leadership[…]

UPDATE: Members of the Southern Baptist Convention upheld the decision of the Executive Committee to boot Fern Creek Baptist Church from the organization, on a 9,700-806 vote

It’s about time. The answer to the woman’s question is very straightforward. “Why would you want to silence the voices of the faithful churches?” Because no Christian church led by a woman is faithful. Those voices are satanic

If women want to start their own equalitarian Goddess-centered pagan religion, they currently have the right to do so in most countries throughout the West. What they don’t have the right to do[…]is to elevate their own sensibilities above the Bible or violate the tenets of the Christian faith and still call themselves “Christian”

These false female pastors should be grateful. If events proceed the way history suggests they will, within 50 years they won’t just be expelled, they’ll be burned at the stake

Vox Day #conspiracy #dunning-kruger voxday.net

[From "Now Do the Showers"]

How many Holocaust claims need to be publicly proven to be lies by scholars before it is eventually concluded that the general theme itself is, at the very least, a fantastic exaggeration of a historical atrocity?

Herman Rosenblat received international attention for his tale about being a hungry little boy in a Nazi concentration camp who was thrown apples every day by a little girl named Roma, on the other side of the fence

Years later[…]Rosenblat met that same girl on a blind date in New York City and proposed to her on the spot

The only problem was, Rosenblat’s story, which he and his wife had been telling for 13 years, was a lie[…]

And at what point is it going to occur to people that all of these survivors telling ridiculous stories about their lives in the concentration camps tend to suggest that they, at least, weren’t there to be killed in the first place? After all, scholars have already determined that there was no “rollercoaster of death” at Auschwitz, that four million people didn’t die at Auschwitz, and that no one ever put a bear, an eagle, and a jew in a cage together anywhere on the planet, much less every single day
And forget the damning forensic evidence and the wooden doors. I figured out that the “showers of death” also had to be a lie when I simply thought for a few seconds about what would be necessary to make it safe for the disposal crew to enter them after a round of executions. After all, it’s easier, safer, faster, less expensive, and much more lethal to simply remove the oxygen from an air-tight chamber than it is to pump it full of poison gas, then purge the gas from it