
fschmidt #fundie happierabroad.com

How to cull humans

R-selected animals such as rats and modern people will just keep breeding as long as you give them food. For the last century or two, libtards have been feeding degenerates, causing their numbers to explode with predictably disastrous consequences. Clearly this needs to stop before they consume all the world's resources, but they also need to be culled back.

I must give credit where credit is due. The above is modified from Cornfed's post:


The way Cornfed views blacks is how I view members of modern culture. I am just taking Cornfed's view and expanding it appropriately.

Of course there was a time when European-based culture was civilized and intelligent. But that was long ago. That culture has died and been replaced by degeneracy. This degeneracy causes rapid genetic decay as Cornfed himself explained:


While today's descendants of Europeans are clearly genetically inferior to their ancestors, the incredibly rapid decay of intelligence and morality cannot fully be explained by genetics. There must also be a social aspect to this. Possibilities include being raised without a father, smartphone addiction, and the general decline of education. Whatever the explanation, these people currently behave like beasts, no better than a primitive tribe from black Africa.

I don't want to pick on whites. All members of modern culture are degenerate and act like r-selected animals. They must be culled. I see these possibilities:

1. Nuclear war.
2. Economic breakdown and mass starvation.
3. Some environmental disaster.
4. Political breakdowns leading to civil wars and starvation.

I don't have much preference between the choices. I look forward to anything that would cull the human scum that is currently infesting my world.

fschmidt #fundie #conspiracy reddit.com

Why I hate Judaism

I hate Judaism because Judaism caused the Holocaust in which most of my family died. To be fair, I assign about 90% of the blame to Judaism and about 10% of the blame to the Nazis.

Judaism is based on the Talmud which basically teaches Jews to screw over the goyim for the benefit of Jews. This is a short-sighted strategy because occasionally the goyim rise up and attack Jews as a result. This is what happened in Germany.

Germany was the most tolerant nation in Europe of Jews. So how did Judaism respond. By promoting moral degeneracy and financial corruption in the Weimar Republic. Jews controlled the central bank and the ministry of finance in the Weimar Republic. They supported corrupt jewish bankers and the general financial rape of the German economy. All financial problems were handled by printing more money. (Sound familiar?) This resulted in hyperinflation and extreme poverty for the German people. This is what led to the rise of the Nazis to power.

But the Nazis made a serious mistake in blaming the jewish race for the problems. The blame should have been placed Judaism, not all Jews. Judaism is the cause of all this evil. My family was secular and had nothing to do with the evils of Judaism. Not only were innocent Jews harmed by the Holocaust, but the Nazis lost the war as a result. It was mainly secular Jews who invented the atomic bomb. If the Nazis had banned Judaism and welcomed Jews who reject Judaism, then they would have had the atomic bomb and would have won the war, and could have saved the West from liberal degeneracy.

Of course Judaism learned the wrong lesson from the Holocaust. Instead of learning to stop screwing over the goyim, their strategy is just to oppress the opposition even more harshly. They hate free speech and spread corruption. This will only work until the next hyperinflation which could well lead to another Holocaust, following the same pattern as in the past.

Here are some resources:




fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Do you hate modern software?

I hate all aspects of modern culture including modern software. Since I am a programmer, I wrote my own tools as I expained here:


I am wondering whether there would be any interest in Luan. Unlike TempleOS, it is not a toy. I use it for commercial projects. But the philosophy behind Luan is like that of TempleOS. The problem is that as far as I can tell, all programmers are members of modern culture and are therefore scum who hate everything that is good and would therefore hate Luan in which case there is no reason for me to work on making it usable for others. But if some programmers are not scum, then of course they would hate modern software and then I would have a reason to develop Luan for them. So please let me know if you hate modern software.

Fschmidt #fundie christianforums.com

Thank you for reminding me of why I gave up on modern Christianity. For you, as with all modern women, not allowing women to subjugate men through the vote is considered subjugation of women. This logic is so twisted that a response is pointless. What I would like to point out to any reasonable Christians reading this is that Christian countries currently are the most immoral countries in the world with the highest illegitimacy rates and least stable families. It is hard to blame Christianity itself since, in former times, Christian society was highly moral. So I ask Christians to consider what went wrong with Christianity? How did Christianity go from creating the most moral societies to now creating the most immoral societies? Certainly women's suffrage, in its current form, played a large role in this. So did abandoning other biblical principles like keeping the sabbath. For those Christians who believe that faith, by itself, is not enough, that one must also adhere to biblical morality, I ask you to please look at my website in my original post and give me feedback.

Fschmidt #fundie christianforums.com

My concrete political suggestion is, of course, impractical fantasy at this point. But it is still concrete. It is that men and women should never vote in the same election. There should be a government of men elected by men. Women should have an option either to submit to the government of men or to run their own government to govern themselves. The main thing is that women should never be allowed to impose their political will on men. If women want equality, they can have it in their own government. I suspect that women would actually have no interest in this because women don't actually want equality, what they want is to impose their will on men. Women have no interest in passing laws that only restrict their own behavior.

Now for the practical. Religion is the practical solution. A sound religion does not allow women to impose their will on men. Examples include the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Orthodox Judaism. Those who are repulsed by the abuses of feminism should be a member of such a religion. In my group in El Paso, if it ever grows in size, I will put my suggestion above into practice. Women in the group who want equality can organize their own subgroup for women.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

Nazi Germany serves as a benchmark of evil, but I think American women are worse. In Nazi Germany, the Nazis had to pick particularly sadistic members of society to operate the concentration camps. The only crime of the average German was to look the other way. If the average German had been forced to see the suffering of the Jews in the concentration camps, they probably would have had second thoughts. Compare this to American women. The average American woman not only tolerates the suffering of single men, but actively contributes to it with their provocative dress. If confronted by the suffering of single men caused by sexual deprivation, the likely reaction of American women would be to giggle. In Nazi Germany, most Germans were not active in torturing people, but in Feminazi America, most women are active in torturing men. I do not think such women deserve any sympathy if they are raped, any more than Nazis convicted of war crimes deserve sympathy if they were punished.

The rape of most American women is justified because there is no other legal means for many men to get sex in America. This is similar to the reason that I feel Robin Hood was justified in stealing from the rich. In England at the time, there was no social mobility, and the poor had no other way of getting enough money other than to steal. What is normally a crime becomes justified when alternative means of meeting a person's basic needs are denied.

But saying rape is justified is a weaker statement than saying American women deserve to be raped, so let me explain this. Is a starving person justified in stealing from a rich person? I think so. Does the rich person deserve to be stolen from? Not if the starving person's condition isn't the rich person's fault. In fact, in this case, the rich person would be justified in defending his property from the starving person. Here we have two people in conflict, each of whom is justified in his actions, and neither of whom deserves this conflict. But now let's look at the case where the starving person is starving because of actions by the rich person. In this case, not only is the starving person justified in stealing from the rich person, but the rich person deserves to be stolen from. This is why Robin Hood is remembered as a hero, because not only did he provide for the poor who were in need, but he also stole from the rich who were the cause of the poor people's poverty, and therefore who deserved to be stolen from.

My argument regarding rape is the same, just applied to sex as opposed to wealth. An American woman who dresses provocatively and opposes legal prostitution is a cause of sexual starvation among single men in America, and therefore, not only is her rape justified, but she deserves to be raped.

fschmidt #fundie caamib.wordpress.com

Your mistaken assumption is that politics matters. It doesn’t. Politics is a lagging indicator of the state of a society. Muslim societies are currently corrupt and this corruption is what allowed women’s suffrage.

What matters is religion. By the time the West gave women the vote, its core religion, Protestantism, was already dead. So the West was already doomed and politics was just part of the process of the demise of the West. Islam today is similar to medieval Christianity which was a weak but sustainable religion. And more importantly, Islam has the potential for a Reformation.

You have to visit a mosque to fully appreciate how different Islam is from modern Western culture. This can’t be seen in politics. To me it is clear that Islam is the only viable option, and I fully support my local mosque. And I couldn’t care less about politics.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

You miss the real reason women oppose prostitution. They oppose it because prostitutes are competition. American women are utterly repulsive human beings. The only reason that a man pursues an American women is for sex. American women have nothing else to offer, certainly not their horrible personalities. If prostitution were legal, American women would not be able to find husbands and thereby get alimony and child support. The European system is different. While in America, women are supported by enslaving a husband, in Europe women are supported through taxation and forcing companies to hire incompetent women. Since women can suck men's money via the government in Europe, they don't depend on a husband, so prostitution poses less of a threat. This is why women tolerate prostitution in Europe.

fschmidt #sexist voat.co

(In response to this)

As I wrote on reddit: Considering that rape is a crime against women, the female definition of rape is actually the correct one. It makes no sense to apply male logic here. For more:


To expand on this, women have no more idea of what makes them happy than children do. If you allow children to freely pursue their own happiness, they will conclude that unlimited candy is the answer which will just make them sick and miserable. It is much the same with women as endmylifeasap showed:


When women complain about rape, it is because men have failed to organize society in a way that meets women's needs. In a sane patriarchal society, women do not complain about rape. And this is why the female definition of rape is the most relevant.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

I don't support all traditions, but I do oppose virtually all modern values. Of the ones you listed here, religion should influence local politics, and national power should be minimized so that it hardly matters. Women should not vote. Women's suffrage is probably the greatest tragedy in human history.

Fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

Could you seduce a hyena? Unless a man is the type of scum that appeals to depraved western women, he has as much chance with the women as with hyenas. Incels should use prostitutes and eventually marry abroad.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Not only are members of modern culture stupid and evil, but they are also emotionally shallow. Other than their outward appearance, they have no traits that historically would have been considered human. They are like giant human-shaped cockroaches, just pests awaiting extermination.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

I am currently reading Mein Kampf. I wondered why Hitler is held up as the ultimate evil. I personally have good reason to hate him since he exterminated most of my family. But this doesn't explain why people who have no such connection hate him. A far as being a murderer goes, Stalin ties Hitler and Mao far exceeds him, yet neither is nearly so hated. Mein Kampf makes it clear why Hitler was so hated, it is because he told the truth about Liberalism (which he called Marxism) and he told the truth about international bankers. Hitler was the last significant force in the West to oppose Liberalism, and this is why he is so hated. Of course Hitler had many flaws. One was his lack of humanity which allowed him to be a mass murderer, but others were worse. His other major flaw was his racism. But in this he is tied by every Jew who defines a Jew as one who has Jewish mother. So Hitler was no more racist than most Jews are. In many ways Hitler was much like an Orthodox rabbi, struggling to save his race from Liberalism while ignoring the fate of people of other races. I now see the Holocaust as a far greater tragedy than I did before, the biggest tragedy not being those who died, but rather the tragedy being that if Hitler had allied with conservative Jews, he would have won the war and saved Western civilization from the death spiral of Liberalism, and the tragedy is that Hitler's racism prevented this from happening.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

The Apartheid analogy is wrong. Both Nazism and Liberalism are designed to exterminate a certain segment of the population. Nazism targeted certain races while Liberalism targets decent and intelligent people. Apartheid simply aims separation. I wish we had Apartheid where decent and intelligent people would be separated and put into our own ghettos. But Liberalism has no interest in separation of any kind. Liberalism is designed for the complete elimination of decent and intelligent people, giving us a pure Idiocracy.

There are some differences between Nazism and Liberalism. Nazism, coming from Germany, was more efficient and aimed for rapid extermination, while Liberal extermination is a slower process. This is why we have no death camps. Also, Nazism was intentional, the Germans being fairly intelligent people, while Liberalism is unintentional, since Liberals are fools. Liberals do not consciously want to eliminate anyone, but they are repulsed by decent people and, through Feminism, they have unintentionally managed to create a system that is highly effective at genetically eliminating decent people. And this is why all of you incels are here.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Whether one calls the negative anti-morals of modern culture morality is just a semantic question. I do call this negative morality because I don't know how else to describe it. Of course patriarchy is required in any positive moral system.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Incels of modern culture deserve no sympathy

Modern culture is the cause of incel. So if you remain in modern culture, then you deserve no sympathy. Whine all you want, then suffer and die. I don't care. But if you are a non-moron, then reject modern culture and solve incel by looking abroad.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

[An answer to the question, "what exactly is wrong with being a slut?"]

Well, sluts are bad for men, women, and children. Did I miss anything? Oh yes, sluts destroy civilization.

Sluts are bad for men because they only have sex with the "top" men. Most men have much less sex in a slut culture than in a monogamous culture where every man gets a woman.

In a slut culture, men are trained to behave in whatever way attracts women. Sluts are attracted to jerks, so men are trained to be jerks. So the quality of men declines in a slut culture.

In a slut culture, men constantly hit on women. This causes women to become hostile, rude, and obnoxious. Because men are desperate and will take anything, women lose any motivation to care about their appearance. So sluts become ugly hostile creatures.

As sluts age, they lose their ability to attract the "top" men, but still reject all other men. So they become spinsters. So now, not only are they ugly and hostile, but they are also miserable.

In a slut culture, illegitimacy rates go way up. Children are raised without fathers. This usually makes for a less happy childhood. So children are less happy in a slut culture.

In the book "Sex and Culture", Unwin showed that civilization depends on female chastity and that a civilized culture cannot survive more than three generations of sluts without collapsing. We can see this process before our eyes.

Any more questions?

fschmidt #fundie religiousforums.com

Women who dress provocatively are showing worst inconsideration of men. They are selfishly feeding their ego at men's expense. Not only do they cause discomfort to men, but they cause men to lower their own morals because men will naturally pursue women when provoked and will go into an immoral mode to do this. Men's behavior is entirely different in a men-only environment versus when women are present, and the best moral behavior of men comes out only when women are not present.

Women, by nature, do not understand this and do not want to understand this. So giving women the power to vote over men is a recipe for disaster. I am for equality, but by this I mean separate equality. Women should rule/preach to women, never to men. And ideally men should only rule other men. The sexes should be kept separate outside the family as much as possible in order to promote general morality. And by this, I don't just mean sexual morality, I mean don't steal and don't kill. There is no doubt in my mind that the theft of the public treasury by the bankers of the western world is a direct result of feminism.

fschmidt #psycho reddit.com

Anyway, former president Obama not only justified violence against civilians with his drone strike program, but he actually carried them out and murdered numerous civilians. So how can even compare Caamib to Obama, regardless of your political views. Obama is obviously worse than Caamib by any standard.

fschmidt #wingnut #psycho #mammon reddit.com

Screwing over modern scum

When the Jews screwed over ethnic Europeans in the last century, it was a crime against humanity. When the Jews screw over ethnic Europeans in this century, it is a service to humanity. Why the difference? Because in the last century ethnic Europeans were good people, but in this century they have become degenerate scum.

Religions tend to extremes. Jews screw over anyone who isn't Jewish. Christians and Muslims refuse to screw over anyone. I disagree with both positions. I follow the Old Testament and my view is that one can screw over members of evil groups but not members of good groups. Are there any religions that take my position? Are there any people here who share my position?

This is a very practical question. Modern scum currently hold the vast majority of the wealth, so making money involves extracting money from modern scum. And you can't do this if you aren't willing to screw them over. This is why Jews are rich while serious Christians and Muslims are poor. So if anyone agrees with me that screwing over modern scum is a public service, then please contact me and maybe we can do business together.

(later, responding to a comment that has since been deleted)

And if you desire to profit from this, all you have to do is pretty much, offer them a way to indulge in their stupidity, some more and not offer it for free.

Actually this is my current business model. But I also have an old business based on screwing modern scum that is stuck because I can't find a marketing/sales person for it. And since I can't think of any moral reason not to screw over modern scum, I would restart this business if I found the right person.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Modern culture is degenerating into ignorant morons. I also have no interest in interacting with members of modern culture. I suggest you find a sane alternative (religion) to modern culture.

fschmidt #fundie happierabroad.com

What Tucker and honest conservatives don't understand is that politicians can never be counted on to lead a country. Throughout history, politicians and businessmen have always been scum. Only religious leaders can guide a society. They do this by giving the masses sound values. Then in a functional democracy, the masses vote out politicians who are too bad. So politicians behave reasonably only for fear of being voted out of office. Without sound religion, all of this breaks down as we see in America.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

In Defense of Feminism

Here I will defend feminism, but not for the typical reasons. In order to understand this post, you must understand these two previous posts of mine:

Human Evolution where I explain why women in feminist cultures are attracted to stupid immoral men.

The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture where I explain how American Christianity failed in the 1800s, meaning lost the ability to impose morality.

In the "Human Evolution" post I explained that women simply choose the type of man who is evolutionarily optimal in the current environment. Let me take this one step further. Probably the most important thing for a woman is which men she has sex with, because this will determine the future success of her genes. Because this is so important, one can reasonably assume that a significant part of a woman's brain is dedicated to this issue. This means that women can intuitively determine which men are genetically "good" much better than men can using analytical reasoning. In other words, men have no right to doubt women's mating choices in terms of genetic suitability. When a woman says that a man is "hot", she is unquestionably correct that he is a good genetic choice in her current environment. And when a woman says that a man is a (genetic) loser, she is also unquestionably correct in her current environment.

One of the worst things that can happen to a woman is mating with a genetically unsuitable man. A woman can only have a limited number of children, so who she chooses to be the father of those children is critical. Mating with an unsuitable man is almost like the loss of a child because that child's genetic future is bleak. The word to express this tragedy is "rape". Men badly misunderstand rape because we interpret it from a male perspective. We think that the critical element is violence. This is because for men, violence is a huge risk for our genetic future since many men are killed through violence. But for women, this simply isn't the case. Violence plays a much smaller role in the genetic success of women. So now let's consider a woman in modern culture. If a violent thug forces this woman to have sex with him, is this rape? No it isn't because the violent thug is well suited genetically for modern culture. So there is no issue of mating with a genetically unsuitable man. Now let's consider the case of this woman being seduced into sex by a nice guy who studied seduction techniques. This clearly is rape since nice guys are genetically unsuitable for modern culture. Whether the sex was violently forced or voluntary is irrelevant, all that matters is the quality of the man's genes. In modern culture, any sex with a nice guy is rape regardless of the circumstances because nice guys have unsuitable genes for modern culture.

Throughout history, women have depended on society to protect them including protecting them from rape. Men in society have always played a role in protecting women from mating with unsuitable men. But of course it is ultimately up to women to decide what types of men are unsuitable. In an effective patriarchal society where promiscuity is heavily punished, intelligent moral men are optimal and stupid immoral men are unsuitable. In such a society, women expect society to protect them from stupid immoral men. And similarly, in modern culture where stupid immoral men are optimal and intelligent moral men are unsuitable, women expect society to protect them from intelligent moral men. In both cases, the motive is exactly the same, to protect women from rape, namely sex with unsuitable men. This is why modern society is currently implementing all these strange sexual consent laws. These laws are very well designed to protect women from intelligent moral men.

At this point it should be clear why feminism makes sense for women in modern culture. All feminism is really about is allowing women in modern culture to mate with genetically good men and avoid mating with genetically bad men. Why should women be prevented from this? But now let's move away from women's perspective and consider what is best for humanity.

The optimal society is a moral patriarchal society. In such a society, promiscuity (outside of prostitution) is strictly limited. Women are expected to virgins at marriage. Adultery (sex with another man's wife) is severely punished with the guilty being removed from the gene pool one way or another. Seducing virgins is also punished. In such a society, moral men are the optimal mating choice for women. So women in this society will be attracted to moral men and will consider immoral men to be losers. There is absolutely no chance of feminism occurring in such a society because women there simply wouldn't want it.

Now let's consider what happens when such an optimal society starts to break down. What happens is that for some reason society loses its ability to enforce sexual morality. This means that promiscuity and adultery become a viable evolutionary strategy for men. Women realize this, and these immoral men become exciting for women. And so the evolutionary decay of the society begins.

Feminism is the natural expression of women's changing mating preference in a decaying society. But let's imagine that we could magically eliminate feminism. Would this be better for humanity? I believe that what this would look like is America almost permanently stuck in the 1950s. As I explained in "The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture", American culture began to break down in the 1800s when religion went from encouraging people to follow Jesus's moral teaching to simply having a personal relationship with Jesus. With such a change, it was inevitable that society would lose focus on the core issues of sexual morality, and lose the ability of effective enforcement. In the 1950s, America retained the facade of a moral culture, but underneath society was breaking down. Women clearly expressed sexual excitement for "bad boys" in movies. And I am certain that this must have corresponded to a rising adultery rate. Without feminism, the facade could have remained intact for centuries, with moral men continuing to find wives but these wives cheating on them and having illegitimate children with immoral men. The genetic breakdown of society would have been much slower, but the ultimate result would have been the same. So instead of taking decades for society to call apart, it would have taken centuries. Which is preferable? I think it is preferable for a morally broken society to fall apart as quickly as possible so that it can be replaced by something else. Feminism doesn't change the end result, it only speeds it up. And so I support feminism.

What about the poor suffering moral men in modern culture who can't get women? One can read the complaints of these men all over the internet. If you suggest options to these men like using a prostitute or looking abroad, they will tell you that they want validation. Any moral man who wants validation from a woman in modern culture is simply a moron who deserves to suffer and die without reproducing. Unlike feminists, he hasn't slightest understanding of evolution. The only sound evolutionary strategy for moral men is to join together to form moral patriarchal societies. Such societies are evolutionarily superior to modern culture. When modern culture has decayed sufficiently, a good moral patriarchal culture should attack modern culture and slaughter all of its men for the genetic good of humanity.

If a woman from the modern culture calls a moral man a loser, the correct response is "I would be a loser if I were a member of your culture, but I am not. My culture is superior to your culture and my culture will eventually destroy your culture." Intelligent moral men must reject modern culture and find an alternative. And from the perspective of an alternative culture, we can recognize feminism as a good thing that is helping to destroy our enemy, namely modern culture.

(Submitter's note: Emphasis added)

fschmidt #psycho reddit.com

In the case of modern western culture, I think rape is far too leniant. If I had the power to do so, I would follow Moses's advice in Numbers 31:15-18 for modern culture.

“Have you let every female live?” he asked them. “Yet they are the ones who, at Balaam’s advice, incited the Israelites to unfaithfulness against Yehovah in the Peor incident, so that the plague came against the Yehovah’s community. So now, kill all the male children and kill every woman who has had sexual relations with a man, but keep alive for yourselves all the young females who have not had sexual relations.

This would be the ideal solution to the depravity of modern western culture.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

All people living in Western countries are feasting on the dead carcass of the Enlightenment. Modern culture has no more claim to the riches that were produced by the Enlightenment than Muslims do. So the Muslims have every right to plunder Western countries and to take their women.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

Jerusalem is dominated by Orthodox Jews with a large Muslim minority. Both of these cultures are patriarchal and anti-feminist. For example, in Jerusalem, there are many sex-segregated buses where men sit in front and women sit in the back. This is enforced by Orthodox Jews who, rightly, believe in segregating the sexes. My family rode on one of these buses and it was very pleasant. How is this enforced? Read how a stupid American bitch was beaten for failing to comply. Go Orthodox Jews!

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

I will answer this from an Old Testament perspective which quite far from modern Christianity. The plagues of Egypt in the book of Exodus were simply terrorism. Depending on whether or not you read it literally, this was terrorism by God or by Moses in the name of God. Either way, terrorism is clearly endorsed, as I believe it should be when it is the most effective tool against an evil empire.
Today modern Western culture is pure evil, as evil as any culture cursed by God in the Old Testament. It deserves to be completely wiped out. Terrorism against the West would be justified if it was effective. My main criticism against modern terrorism is that it really isn't effective unless it is associated with clear obtainable goals, and that isn't the case with the terrorism we see today. I don't care about about those who die since they are members of an evil culture. I just think the terrorism is pointless and the energy would be better spent building up positive religious movements.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

I think the Vice story was pretty good and accurate.
And yes, I think Judaism is doing its best to provoke another holocaust just as it provoked the last one. My parents were in Hungary when Hitler rose to power and from what they describe, Weimar Germany was much like America today. As in Weimar Germany, Judaism today is aligned with the scum of the earth - liberals and bankers. When the people get fed up with the abuse, they eventually revolt. Unfortunately the fine distinction between jews (an ethnic group) and judaism gets lost in such a revolt. While (Talmudic) Judaism deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth, jews as an ethnic group should not be held responsible for the crimes of Judaism. My ancestors, who were jewish but not involved in judaism, paid the price for this in the last holocaust. Decent jews should make this distinction clear and publicly renounce Judaism. Maybe then another holocaust can be avoided.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

I am an atheist of Jewish decent with no connection to Judaism. I just read the Old Testament (Holman Christian Standard Bible translation), which I guess you call the Torah. I loved the book, it is my favorite book now. But now I have a question about what I read.

The second half of the Old Testament is mostly about the fall of Israel to Babylon. This was certainly a holocaust. When I compare it to the recent (WW2) holocaust, I see them as very similar. My question is why Jews view them so differently?

The reason for the first holocaust was that Israel had become corrupt. Israel had absorbed the false beliefs of the surrounding cultures, and had lost all moral integrity. As a result, Israel was punished. This was in fact a good thing because Israel needed to be purified. A corrupt culture should be destroyed and one can hope that the remnant will become good. The Bible says that both the righteous and the wicked were punished in this holocaust, and this is inevitable when there is such violence.

I see the recent holocaust as being more or less the same story. The Jews absorbed and participated in the Liberal culture of Europe. Liberalism is no better than worshipping Baal. The vast majority of the Jews in Europe had absorbed Liberalism, just as most Jews before the fall to Babylon worshipped Baal. The Wiemar Republic was a particularly liberal society which incorporated many Jews. The liberal Jews lost all morality and were/are basically corrupt. The Nazis played the same role that Babylon had played in the earlier holocaust.

The main difference between these two holocausts in my mind is that modern Jews have misunderstood the recent holocaust. They portray themselves as victims without accepting any responsibility for their participation in Liberalism. While I bring up the issue of why there is this difference mostly for curiosity, there is a practical point here. If Jews don't learn the right lesson, then history will repeat itself soon and there will be yet another holocaust. I would prefer that that be avoided.

fschmidt #sexist reddit.com

If I ruled America, I would exterminate everyone who doesn't attend a sex-segregated religious service. That would wipe out about 95% of the population, and would leave traditional Anabaptists, practicing Muslims, and Orthodox Jews. I wouldn't want the Orthodox Jews in my country, so I would give them a few eastern states to form their own nation and I would exile the rest of them there. That would leave traditional Anabaptists and practicing Muslims, a decent population.

Then I would repeal the 14th, 19th, and 26th amendments of the constitution and I would add these amendments:

States have the right to secede.

The right to vote is limited to men at least 21 years old who own their primary residence and have no debt.

Congress shall make no law limiting liability.

Congress shall make no law regarding marriage, divorce, or sexual activity.

Then I would step down.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Yes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, especially when people try to impose their good intentions on others. Liberal Judaism is pure evil, as is the rest of modern liberal culture.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

So what, Chronicles was probably written by the liar Ezra and serves as an example of "fake news" to be contrasted with Kings. The purpose of the Old Testament is to teach you how to think. I follow the Old Testament.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

[Comment under "1960's DRUM activists talk about capitalist racism"]

This video is an excellent illustration of why I support capitalism. If the morons who spoke in this video ran an economy, they would run it into the ground. The beginning of the end, politically, for America was when suffrage was extended to men without property. A proper electorate was what America originally had, namely only men with property (assets) and without debt. Such an electorate has the intelligence to prevent the upper 1% from robbing the economy. But the average man is a moron and has no business having a say in politics or economics. And of course women shouldn't vote. Honest capitalism is the best system mankind has seen, but it is no longer practiced today.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

It is true that in some instances, men do abuse women and children. But this is the exception, not the rule. I oppose abuse generally and support laws against abuse. But I certainly do not want to give women the power to abuse men by giving them the vote because women have no instinct to restrain their abuse of men.

fschmidt #sexist love-shy.com

[After all, there are a lot studies about the rapist striving for the humiliation of the victim and demonstrating his or her power over the victim.]

This is simply liberal feminist propaganda. Feminist cannot except the truth that rape is quite simply about filling a biological need. Feminists much prefer this myth which is designed to demonize rapists.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho saidit.net

You deserve the ban for being stupid enough to argue with moronic modern scum. The only thing one should do with modern scum is to encourage them to get as many covid vaccines as possible, and then hope that it kills them. Modern scum cannot be saved, so one should just hope for their deaths.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger #wingnut reddit.com

Leftists traditionally wanted to use the government to help the working class. Democrats hate the working class. Democrats want to use the government to protect big business. Many Leftists supported various kinds of individual freedom like freedom of speech. Democrats hate free speech and freedom of any kind. They are authoritarians. Leftists have usually been anti-war. Democrats are pro-war. There is no political word that I can think of to describe the democrats. They are simply pure evil tyrannical scum.

fschmidt #sexist reddit.com

Second, don't bother relying on your wife for this, a daughter's chastity is the father's responsibility. These are easily fixable in the future. But the general problem is hard. You didn't mention your daughter's age, but if she is young enough then I recommend taking your family to some conservative religious service weekly. Women are herd animals and are influenced by the people they see around them. Logical arguments are useless with women, but telling your daughter that many men just view women as pieces of meat (sex objects) may have some effect.

fschmidt #sexist coalpha.org

Double standard: Women should be virgins at marriage.


The fundamental difference between men and women is that men have an unlimited reproductive potential while women's reproductive potential is very limited. When a man has sex, he is giving away nothing of value. But when a woman has sex, she is potentially giving away a large aspect of her life if she gets pregnant. Today we have birth control to eliminate the practical side of this, but this doesn't change the feelings in us that were produced by evolution before birth control. This is why men still greatly value virginity in women, as can be seen in the cases where women auction off their virginity. But women place no value in the virginity of a man because there is no evolutionary basis for this feeling.

A woman who has sex before marriage is being selfish at the expense of her future husband. A normal husband (who places his emotions and common sense over feminist propaganda) would prefer that his wife be a virgin. Women also seem to be changed by premarital sex and are less able to bond with their husband as explained in Why Sluts Make Bad Wives.

The anthropologist Unwin, in his book "Sex and Culture", studied the isolated tribes of his time to determine what best correlated with level of development. He found one fact that perfectly correlated with level of development. This was female premarital chastity. In all the most developed cultures, women were required to be virgins at marriage. Then he looked at history and he found that in all rising cultures, women were required to be virgins at marriage. And in all cultures where this requirement was lost, the culture went into terminal decline.

fschmidt #sexist #elitist coalpha.org

Women should not vote.


The reason that women shouldn't vote has nothing to do with intelligence. The reason is that men's instincts are designed for tribe formation and women's instincts aren't. The natural structure of tribes of both humans and chimpanzees is for the tribe to be run by males. Men have a sense of fairness that comes with this role. Women have no such sense of fairness. Men naturally develop a loyalty to the tribe and will act in the tribe's best interest. The loyalty of women is always primarily based on family, particularly her children. When women are given the vote, they will always support these things; a strong central government to support them, the right to sexually provoke men without consequences, and the right to cheat on their husbands. These are women's primary political concerns. In a democracy that includes women, immoral men and almost all women will vote for these things and ruin society.


For equality, one can have separate governments for men and women. Under this system, men would elect a men's government to govern men and women would elect a women's government to govern women. This would prevent women from using the government to oppress men. What would be the result of such a system? The answer is that women wouldn't bother voting in such a system. If you look at all the political actions of women, they are all about controlling men. Women have no interest in controlling or regulating women. Women want a strong government to force men to hire women, to protect women from men, and to tax men to support women. Women want divorce laws to force men to pay alimony and child support to women. And women want to be free to sexually provoke men while having the government prevent any response from men which women call "sexual harassment". There isn't one single thing that women want from government that involves restricting women in any way.

fschmidt #sexist coalpha.org

Double standard: Extramarital sex is worse by women than by men.


When a woman has extramarital sex, there is a chance that this will result in her husband raising a child that isn't his. But if a man has extramarital sex, there is no chance that this will result in his wife raising a child that isn't hers. This is a basic asymmetry. You could argue that contraception solves the problem. But our feelings evolved before contraception and the strength of our feelings are a result of the consequences in primitive times. This is why a cheating wife causes great emotional harm to her husband. Similarly, rape causes emotional distress to women because they lose control of choosing the father of their child. Rape with contraception doesn't reduce the emotional distress because this is a result of evolution, not logic.

What women really want from a husband is commitment. This is what they need to feel comfortable having children with the husband and raising a family. She wants commitment to be assured that the husband will always be there to support the family, especially when the wife is pregnant or with infants which put her in a weak position. So why are women so upset by male extramarital sex? Because modern women have been brainwashed to believe that male extramarital sex is an indication of lack of commitment. Historically you cannot find any instance of women complaining about casual extramarital sex by husbands before Paul started complaining about this in the New Testament. Of course women were jealous of mistresses throughout history, and this make sense since this is a real threat to her husband's commitment to her. It was Paul who introduced this terrible concept of male sexual fidelity to human culture. And even today, it is the degree of influence of Paul-based Christian culture on a society that determines the level of women's jealousy about male extramarital sex. Feminism is an extension of this culture and takes it to new extremes.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger saidit.net

I don't think anyone outside America can fully appreciate the clusterfuck of this presidential election, so I will try to explain.

What changed in the last 4 years is that big tech became the dominant economic force in the world. They are purely evil and only seek power. They hated Trump because they couldn't control him, so they wanted to replace him with someone they could control. In the democratic primary, you mostly had the usual leftists. These leftists have misguided morals, but they have morals. They sincerely believe in gay rights and the rest of the leftist nonsense. This doesn't suit big tech at all for whom morals are nothing but obstacles to power and control. Big tech gladly repeats leftist nonsense, but big tech has no real beliefs. So they supported the only candidate with no morals, no beliefs. And that was Biden. The VP is the same. Unfortunately for big tech, that meant that they had a ticket of a senile zombie and a wicked witch who had no appeal at all to voters. Any other democratic candidate would have beaten Trump, but this pathetic pair was so lacking in charisma that they managed to lose. Of course big tech easily remedied this with massive cheating. The raw evidence of cheating is overwhelming, so yes the election was stolen.

All this puts big tech in an awkward position. They own most of the politicians but a large number of Americans know that they have been cheated. The only way for big tech to deal with this is to now implement a full police state like Stalinist Russia, and that is what is coming very soon. And of course this is the ideal political system for big tech. No more need for them to deal with competition or dissent.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger saidit.net

My kids are grown up. I home-schooled them and I taught them that people are generally scum and shouldn't be trusted. I think this served them well. I don't see Caamib as being any worse than modern scum. The political elite are mostly pedos, they just aren't honest about it.

fschmidt #psycho saidit.net

I will leave genocide to God. My only contribution will be to pray for the extermination of most of humanity.

There is much good in this world.

Then show me some. I can't find any.

fschmidt #racist #ableist #wingnut reddit.com

Actually the welfare state had a dysgenic effect on American blacks. My opinion is that blacks weren't inferior until the liberals used the welfare state to encourage higher birthrates in stupid blacks. So liberals made American blacks genetically inferior.

Fschmidt #psycho mikraite.org

Muslims in the West clearly ignore God and submit to Satan. This can be seen in their blind obedience to the satanic western covid dictates. My thinking was that regardless of how good Islam is as a religion, if Muslims consistently refuse to support goodness then I cannot support Muslims.

But now the Taliban have shown that at least some Muslims are willing to fight for goodness. The Taliban have successfully expelled the forces of the satanic global elite from their country. And the Taliban seem to reject covid tyranny. The Taliban do not wear masks, do not socially distance, do not implement lockdowns, do not suppress free speech on health issues, and seem likely to reject the covid vaccines. Afghanistan is now one of the only countries in the world not under satanic control.

All this makes me wonder whether my Suggestion for an Intentional Ethnicity is right to only test Old Testament knowledge. Maybe testing Quran knowledge should be an alternative. Please let me know what you think.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger saidit.net

Imagine if some tyrant took control of Canada, made an alliance with China, and then China installed missiles in Canada on the American border. America wouldn't tolerate this and would take military action to prevent it. This is basically the scenario that Russia was facing with Ukraine where the leader clearly wants to join NATO and the America has refused to promise that this won't happen. This forced Putin to preemptively act to prevent this from happening. I personally see Russia as the last refuge of western civilization. The West has become an evil satanic globalist cesspool that threatens all decency in the world. So I am extremely grateful to Putin for taking decisive action to defend Russia.

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