Prussian Society of America

Prussian Society of America #psycho #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "In coming days/weeks, Pragmatism, Politeness, Diplomacy and Professionalism will be revealed as the farce it truly is."]

All of these etiquette behaviors are Jewish/Commercial Mind Programming which are used to disguise thievery, corruption and other nefarious activities even by the most Innocent seeming governments, Officials and diplomats[…]
The German Nation [at least under Prussia] may be the only form of governance on Earth, even under the Monarchy, where Barbarian Nations found us to be the most loathsome and blunt, rude, bullying, outrageous, reckless beasts and yet cannot comprehend how we at the same time manage the Height of Discipline and Order[…]
For many centuries of our history, the objective has always been to demoralize and break down German will to make us forget our legacy of being a Nation of the most valuable and unique people on Earth[…]
In days of German Glory and Supremacy, Barbarian Nations walk on eggshells in the presence of a German, should a lie ever be discovered[…]
The future of the world, whatever survives of it as it does may mean a hypnotized approach to the outside world in dealing with Germany on any level, but they must be at our mercy whether they like it or not, whether they respect us or not, if they want to be left alone by us

Even the most stoic leaders of state have a breaking point, as we have seen that reached with Putin and Lavrov, we see it erupting in countries like India and Pakistan. The Chinese are the most stoic and indifferent[…]
The more a Nation is Sovereign and wholly owned by its people with the best ruling, instead of vested money lowers and third parties, the easier we warm up

The curse of the Swastika reigns over every Nation on earth at this time

Russians now taste what they and the Polish And others did in launching their aggressive and pervasive Hate Campaign against Germany

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

Prussian Society of America #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger

[From "Only 2% of Americans have value, and about 8-15% of Europeans have value, Depending on the Country"]

As I’ve stated repeatedly, after true assessments of these Western Nations, the United States has some of the most worthless people in the world, and that Europe does not fare a whole lot better

These numbers are based on critical analysis of the population based on all kinds of factors and what is known about the quality of such populations including their DNA and genetic quality, assuming they are still of good racial stock

These factors do not account for anything to do with personal net worth or basing quality on the basis of poverty

In Germany, it’s roughly 11%
Before WW1, Germany had well over 50% value in the population, and while I cannot assess this information accurately, about 80-90% of the German population may have had value and viability

This should show you just how rapidly the West has decayed from the onset of the last century, between the arrival of Bolshevism and Two World Wars, and all kinds of technological advances
In America, there still exists well over 60 Million White Inhabitants who never have been born, due to Abortions

Unlike European countries, however, America has never had a majority of valuable population even from the earliest Colonial Days

As time presses on and the West deteriorates further, I believe that more and more people will take this message seriously and come to recognize just how real and wide the implications and reality of it are

The easiest way to detect if someone is worthless without even knowing them, is they constantly lick their lips for no reason as a nervous tic

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "The New Prussia must become Intolerant and view the Outside World as “Alien” and “Barbarian” In contrast to Prussia – Germany"]

Prussia, having basically been the inheritor and rival of the former Greco-Roman World, has formerly risen to its place of being the Primary Defender and Spirit of Europe
While the Greeks and Romans have previously established the designations of Non-Greeks and Non-Romans respectively as “Barbarian Peoples / Nations”, the German Nation has not as rapidly adopted this designation
Some of this, is likely in part to our former pride of “Tolerance”
While all other Nations may be considered “Barbarian” in our worldview, it does not necessarily mean that we specifically treat them across the board as “Barbarian”

But, a Barbarian Nation is legally defined and also a spiritual platform of which we identify ourselves over Nations we consider, at least inferior in some respect or another
The Modern World no longer accepts the usage of these terms, such as “Barbarian”[…]Modern Europe might be too Modern for its own good to be adaptive as much as we like to our Old Ways
With the return of Prussia, means the great legacy of the world we once had will come back, including all the great forms of ways we used to speak which have been long lost after the 1800’s had passed
A Barbarian Nation must know and respect its place in the World Pecking Order. And the Barbarian Nation must recognize that a Happy Germany is also the means for a Happiness of their Nation

The French know this, the English know this, even the Polish know it
Modern Germans who refuse to accept these measures[…]need to get out of our way at once

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho

[From "Barbarians are Intellectually, Emotionally and Spiritually Inferior"]

The Barbarian is always daft and inferior in his faculties[…]compared to Every German

At no time should a German ever assume that Peoples of a Barbarian Nation have equal or similar types of sentiment and cognitive reflexes as do Germans

Just as no other Nation strives for the highest sense of Idealism and Morality, at the same given time no other Nation Hates like the German Nation Hates
Look at all[…]other Researchers involved who debate, intellectualize and try to psychoanalyze Germans, especially what type of business we had taken care of in the 20th century
Germans playing music and celebrating while exterminating trash!?!? Nobody can explain our delight!
No other Nation will ever share the highest level of contempt and lasting hatred that we do against all of our enemies, particularly the main tribe which is the greatest danger above all else
Just as much as this reactionary response of Hatred in the Barbarians entered them, so too it could exit, as they are always quick to make exceptions for the so-called “good ones”. How many English and Normans proudly make friends with Kosher Mafia!?
I trust only a fellow German first, and the Arab second for his hatred of the Kosher Mafia

But even most Arabs these days are weak and hypocritical in their approach to the JQ, because their Islamic religion brainwashes them to accept these people as “brothers”
Democratic Nations are even less reliable in their Hatred

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #ableist

[From "Video showing the ridiculousness of 2023 Autistic Neurosis Of Germans On Nazi Germany"]

Do Germans Talk About World War II? What Do They Teach About the Holocaust? | Feli from Germany

This is exactly what we are “dealing” with, from over 70 Years of the Allies Brainwashing Germans about our History

Could one possibly promote self-hatred to any greater degree!?

Typical German Logic, entirely “inverted in the wrong direction”. It’s like trying to drive totally backwards and convincing yourself it’s somehow “revolutionary” or “progress”

Imagine, all these works and efforts in the bogus “self-reflection” Germans have been going through, when they only will have to eventually come back to “Ground Zero” to re-learn that all along, everything was actually already done the right way, until the Reich was no more

This is what irritates me so much about what our people can become capable of, because if we become brainwashed in this way, it begins to make the form of “logic” and our mannerisms in the way we think, to become very pervasive and over-the-top in trying to “make right” in the inverse manner like this deluded girl, and this is why the Holocaust is being used to try to forever manipulate our people into living in darkness, or as Ostriches in the sand which keep digging our heads deeper

To actually “glorify” our National Suicide, and make Germany a land for all “Non-Germans”, as if they can now be “German”

Imagine shooting yourself in the foot constantly, and then logically attributing the pain ideologically to the notion that “Pain is weakness leaving the body”

This is exactly how this girl thinks, and unfortunately, the majority of Germans in Germany and elsewhere today. It’s unfucking real

This is also why we must have pervasive control over German development/formation of opinions

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist

[From "Prussia’s Revenge Is Meting Punishment Upon The West"]

Very few will ever understand or connect the very fact that the downfall and punishment of the Entire West, is completely connected to the German Fate[…]
The more hatred and vilification you Western Idiots place upon what we did in both World Wars, the more you will find yourselves lacking in relevance, and that the resentment you possess for us, will be returned to you in the form of the resentment of the Immigrants which occupy your countries.

The rest of the world, will also resent your Nations and everything you stand for[…]
We Germans will never surrender to this reputation you all face, even if we remain as the sole minority of Germans who remain loyal to what we uphold[…]
We will not have mercy[…]despite your pale skin color[…]
Sooner or later, even all the Barbarians of the world will have to one way or another, deal with the sore fate and attributes that the German Nation was righteous and that these World Wars were not just any World War, but were a decisively fought and actual “Holy War”[…]
From the blood that was shed of our German People in these wars, and the misery and horror they experienced, it will all be unleashed upon you with a vengeance and you will be remembered to be the scum that you are[…]
All Non-Germans only like us Germans for what we can do for them, but would prefer to exterminate us and take everything we have and even then call themselves “Germans”[…]
Until this fine hour arrives for when the truth will have total fatal consequences and allow the Earth to erupt in flames, We Germans sit back in comfort and solace with this knowledge, and with the total fact that not only are We Germans Innocent, but more ironically, the War Crimes and Genocide and other Crimes committed against Germans, especially by the allied countries and even powers like Poland and others, will one day have to be addressed

Prussian Society of America #racist #fundie #sexist #wingnut

[From "4 Positive Developments, In Light Of All This Darkness"]

As you are keenly aware, we are often the most cynical, and least optimistic of all people on the planet. We are also hesitant to take note of anything peculiar until it gives us enough reasonable confidence that there is good solid traction at play

Nevertheless, I do wish to state that we have been actively tracking many global developments that are taking place, which occasionally, ARE absolutely in favor and absolutely beneficial to us during these hopeless times
1)Intra-Racial Tensions between various Ethnic groups in America and Europe are increasing** due to Economic issues, State Laws and Policies which are also fragmenting certain classes of these Immigrant groups, including other tensions and competition between Illegal and Legal Immigrants (even if both are scum)[…]
2)More Women are becoming Economically Disenfranchised and being Dismissed from their Jobs, for a whole host of reasons, but also because Women are even finding more clever ways to Embezzle Funds with the companies they work for. The entire Trans-Atlantic Tech Community is firing a lot of Females[…]
3)More and More people in Europe and all around the world, are actually beginning to catch on to just how disturbing, horrific and messed up the United States and the United Kingdom are as Nations. France, also is included on this list with the US and UK[…]We do respect the right of people even Barbarians to exist in their own lands[…]
4)Faith and Belief in Christianity is rapidly collapsing anywhere, along with the notions of using “Prayer” or “Peaceful Resistance”[…]
**Our organization is involved in many activities we do not disclose to the public. Nevertheless, we also actively are engaged with trying to promote Intra-Racial Tensions, and we encourage that you self-reflect and discover your own creative ways to furthering these tensions

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #quack

[From "Video Clips to remind about the Truth about Trump and his Supporters"]

You can boast on and on about Trump being a Christian and Conservative President, but in America’s history, he is also the most Liberal of all Conservative Presidents that the country ever elected into office

Let these video clips be a reminder as to why Trump was just an actor and a Jew puppet the entire time in office, but of course the Right Wingers will always wish to correct you by saying “Oh, but he HAD to do that because the Liberals would do this”[…]
Even if the bastard were just paying Lip Service for his ratings and tolerance in office, it’s still disingenuous and demonstrates how low the Moral Standards are in Americans

Trump Pledged to defend the LGBTQ Community:
Trump: I will protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful rhetoric of radical terrorists

Trump Promoting the COVID Vaccines:
When Trump has told his supporters to get vaccinated

Donald Trump Endorsing the COVID Vaccines:
Donald Trump endorses COVID vaccines at Alabama rally

Trump Capitulates to Mask Wearing:
Trump Signals Strongest Support Yet for Masks

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

[From "Truth about the War Games with Russia becoming more evident to Many"]

The dirty part about this war, is that Putin/Russia cannot be involved in it or use expansionism unless there is a justified reason for it

Whether or not an Individual Country or group of Nations sees a justified reason or not, is irrelevant

Putin is Managed by the Zionists, by the MOSSAD[…]
The Middle Eastern Territories are managed the same, between agreements made between Israel and Russia[…]
Putin also does have SOME legitimate concerns for his Nation and the fact that he wanted to stop the killing of his own Soldiers in the on-going Ukraine situation[…]serves well as a distraction for those who wish to think that he may be a Noble or Righteous Leader

Even if Putin was a True Sovereign Leader of his Nation and there was no Jewish Financial control of Russia, it would be appropriate and expected for any leader to respond to Western Sanctions or what the AZOV Battalion does, regardless[…]
Putin is permitted to mitigate and take advantage of the Weaknesses of America and Western Nations, and the same is true with China since China is also a tool of the Rothscild Dynasty

But if one is to dislike Putin, they should dislike him for the valid reasons, rather than the irrelevant or positive reasons. He is KGB afterall and did espionage work and had many other connections. But he is not a weak leader, the likes of Western Politicians[…]
When I look at Russian History, specifically, and even with the Romanians, I have found these people to have many constant meddlings and connections with Jews, but few who ever recognize or believe that the Jew is an evil creature. I don’t believe you will ever see an Expulsion or Full Pogrom of the Jews from Russia

Even Stalin never did a complete purge of them, a Half Jew himself (occasional, half-Jews expel their own in times of desperation or when a country has been economically bled dry)

Prussian Society of America #elitist

[From "Evolution of German Culture, would require the Repudiation of Insurance"]

Should Germans still “live” in any form, they will eventually come to recognize that Insurance has been nothing but a Fraud

There is an instinct in our people to avoid risk or at least to mitigate risk[…]what we ought to look for is less with the potential of avoiding risks at all costs, but more towards risk management[…]
The long-term Problem with Insurance[…]there is one major hurdle that cannot be swept under the carpet which makes Insurance something that is not sustainable in the long-term

This is true about ALL forms of Insurance and Welfare payments, including Retirement[…]
Insurance eventually becomes self-destructive to a Nation, where people will find themselves inevitibly paying more into it and gaining less benefits, and to where it becomes more engulfing and oppressive, less efficient and not reasonable

Insurance Policies, Welfare and Retirement Benefits, all require new suckers to pay into the funds, to keep expenses going for the older generations who paid into them[…]
True Risk Management, should not always be looked at from the standpoint of having it managed by a Financial Agent or Institution, but by the raw industrious power and prosperous nature that is within the German people itself[…]
Understand that in a truly prosperous society, things like “insurance” are not required, since whatever the case may be due from damage or other means, the abilities to get things resolved would naturally be a lot cheaper[…]
Insurance is unfair, because it requires all those who do not use it[…]to have to pay into the pool for other[…]
We cannot have Insurance Companies living and thriving among us. And their existence should be outlawed by civilzied peoples[…]
Insurance is quick-fix shortcut towards not addressing systemic needs of a society and its advancing population or demands

Prussian Society of America #racist

[From "Race Wars will also mean Intra-Racial Wars"]

The inevitible Race Wars which will break out in America and Europe, will be of epic porportions

America, however is already under a Race War, but it is an undeclared one at this time[…]
It is absolutely imperative that we must take advantage of every opportunity to expose, exploit and even curtail conditions to our favor and interest when it comes to Intra-racial conflicts[…]
This may mean using direct or indirect methods of instigating tensions or conflicts between said races[…]
The Barbarian Races know that their own people are Barbarians[…]
Every Barbarian knows they are inferior, thus they are seeking for any platform of leverage[…]
It is the same reason why their own leaders suppress their own people in their Nations in the style that they do[…]
We must make no effort to leave the stones unturned with the fact that most Hispanic people alive today are not purely Spaniards and many of them have Sephardic Jewish Ancestry

It is advantageous and desirable[…]Latin America upholds to its largest extent as possible, its own policy of Aryan Supremacy in terms of maintaining Pure Spanish or Portuguese Blood[…]
We must make no effort to withold the fact that African-Americans are de facto, “Bolshevized” Elements and that many African-Americans have a few droplets of Jewish ancestry[…]We must utilize every opportunity to even encourage these “Africans” to want to impose pogroms or enslave these “African-Americans”[…]
The American Indian Race[…]is a very complex issue, because for one they are an Oriental Race, but while they are not Jewish, some Tribes were more aggressively violent than others[…]
In Germany, the Welfare State must entirely be shut down[…]It must be entirely eradicated if we are to even begin to give Germany a sporting chance at fighting back against the enemies of the Vaterland

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "New Video: The absurdity of “Non-Germans” Demanding to be Recognized as “Germans”"]

What's the hardest part of life in Germany?

Asians wanting to be recognized as “Germans”. Something that could only be concocted from the Liberal Ideology, since no natural person even born in the Orient would ever even think to be considered “German” when they are Asian

Imagine us Germans going to China, Japan or Korea and telling them we really are of their ethnicities, it just so happens to be that we are from “Germany”

Also as typical outside of Germany, many people even among other White Nations are ignorant to think Red Hair is a native feature of Germanics, when it is not. That’s why red-headed Germans are rare, it is not native to our bloodline except in territories where Celtic settlements existed prior or along-side Germanic Tribes[…]
Freckles, Red Hair and Ultra Pale Skin [Pinkish skin] are Celtic/Jewish Trait, not Nordic ones

This video makes me sick and is nauseating, and any German that still has semblance of honor and despises what is taking place in the Vaterland also would naturally have this same reflex[…]
The Hispanics in the video also illustrate exactly how different Barbarian Peoples are about “follow rules”, compared to how Germans behave[…]
In Purer Eras, these clowns would be viewed for who they truly are, especially as the video thumbnail, such a person would be viewed as someone walking into a store trying to convince others that they are a Helicopter but nobody believes them

Prussian Society of America #sexist #elitist #homophobia #transphobia

[From "Women Behave and Think like Criminals"]

Men, generally are indifferent to other Men, whereas Women are never indifferent to other Women and view every other Women as a potential threat and rival [enemy]

Outside of Criminal Syndicates, or with the excessive need for overcoming Online “Censorship”, Men never use “Code-speak” with other Men or even with Women for that matter

It is Women who are always using Code-speak and hiding their intentions, saying one thing while meaning another

Also, Women make no shame about their attraction and interest towards dating Criminals, while outside of Criminal Syndicates, you would almost never hear of a Man who approves of other Criminals[…]
We must have total determination to break up and smash this society and world order that is determined to maintain the idea and notion that Men are only valued for Money[…]Natural Selection can be restored to its high

Our greatest tragedy today is that the Majority of both Men and Women are directly related to the Majority of Women alive, and not equally towards the pool of Men left in our genetic populations, and the fact that these majority of genetics that are being handed down, come from Filthy, Greedy, Money-hungry, Narcissistic/Psychopathic and Parasitic Pathological Lying types

We can only ultimately seek to bring about their extermination[…]
Women who are dishonest about attraction, also have dishonest sex drives[…]they will engage in deviant sexual behavior, which includes infidelity, experimenting with other Women or Transgender people, even their own Pets (especially Dogs), and that such Women are actually more only interested or turned on by a Man’s Wealth[…]
Women who have dishonest sex drives are also horrible in the bedroom. They are like a chore to deal with and expect the Man to do all the work and drain the Man of his sexual energies in the bedroom, and then drain his wallet

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy

[From "Whites Will Lose To Colored People For This One Specific Reason"]

The only people in the world who are careful and cautious about appearing Pragmatic, Righteous and Lawful are Caucasians

The Jews are using this to destroy Caucasians collectively, by guilt-tripping them through the Nobility of what it means to be Caucasian, and by the perpetual indoctrination of Christianity, and it’s destruction it has laid for over 2000 Years

There are very few Caucasian people left in this world who are willing to stand up as Pariahs against the rest of the world, let alone their own people for the sake of losing their reputations or being humiliated or ostracized for it

And when we look for such people like that, the most common class to find who are willing to be Pariahs are inevitibly the Criminal Classes

We couldn’t care less what other people think of us, let alone the Modern German or European Masses, or the World’s population itself

It should be known that the only Caucasian People which can ever expect to even have a whiff of a chance for survival, are those which are willing to be the most Ruthless, Daring Pariahs amidst the degrading, listless, mundane bourgeoisie and Corporate Drones which live their lives in Auto-Pilot

Even in the best case scenario, Displacement of most European Races is inevitable in some shape or form because of unwillingness to perceive or stand up for the task that must be done to ensure Future survival and relevance. With the exception of Russia, even all the other Slavic Nations will eventually be over-run, it’s only a matter of time[…]
Assuming of course, whomever or whatever remains alive in the case of Nuclear War

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #racist


It is no surprise that Andrew Tate is being “taken down”, however do not be surprised if this is actually nothing more than a Smoke and Mirrors operation and it could actually be staged altogether, just like the so-called “Trump Impeachment”

It’s Kabuki Theater[…]
With Trump’s alleged “Impeachments” and 2020 Election Loss, they had stirred both sides of the population

The Left Wing believed Trump was going to be destroyed[…]
The Right Wing were believing in the QAnon psyops[…]
Even the January 6th event was another great example of Kabuki Theater and Psyop Operations[…]
Trump only has loyalty to Capitalists and especially his Jewish Handlers[…]
The reason for going on about that is because I want you to think about it and relate it to what is going on with Andrew Tate’s sudden takedown, which also makes his Christmas Message he delivered to age “badly” in the eyes of his desperate and hopeful supporters[…]
From a lot of what we’ve been reviewing about Andrew Tate’s take down in Romania, it seems that this is more of a greater operation in having used Andrew Tate as an element and face cover for “Toxic Masculinity”, i.e. that the World Controllers spun him into the figurehead[…]
It also stirs up an element to make Men who do travel abroad to Eastern Europe or other countries to even more so be potentially viewed as “Sex Tourists”, so this effort seems to be aimed at targeting “Target Masculinity”[…]
It may also be playing a discreet role in bringing about the Gender Civil War, because it will only make tensions rise further between Men and Women[…]
Women in the West are also “closing their legs even tighter than ever” these days now as well, as they are seeing the money and freebie pools drying up around them rapidly[…]
Women who have no fear of their Men, are cunning

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Men should be more openly Vocal about their Hatred for Women Around Other Men and Women"]

The more that it is understood openly by the public, the better

For example, I make no effort to hide the fact that I mostly only view Women as sexual objects, as all Men other do

Most of us Men, outside of the Woman’s Beauty and Sexual Body Parts, we actually despise them as a Person or Human Being, they are an annoyance and piece of shit to have to be bothered with for any reason, even to ring up your orders

Women are always inferior usually in what they do, they are unreliable, they are secretive, use code-speak and lie constantly

What is there to really like about them!? DO NOT RESPECT WOMEN

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "The Albanian Question/Problem (Future Article)"]

I am in the process of an entry dedicated to a Race which denies their Slavic Heritage, but also the fact that they remain a Menace and Liability for many European and Western States, but are very cautious in hiding the destruction they do until it’s too late

If you have any questions or topic points you would like to be addressed on this article, please send me an E-mail and I will be sure to feature it in the upcoming release and why Albanians are an untrustworthy race and are not who you think they are, despite their clever antics and machinations when they come to your country

The Albanian Race is prone to corruption and bad decisions as a people, and they are one of the Lowest Empathy Races in the world. The Article will explain their Low Empathy

While Barbarian Races can have High Empathy and still be outright Savages, it will illustrate the difference in character of Albanians since they, like all Slavic peoples, have Low Empathy, but yet why they are also in denial of their Slavic Heritage, at least in Modern Times as far as we know

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming

[From "A Quick Note About Freemasons"]

It should be well established that there is no such thing as a “Former Freemason”. As the saying goes, “Once a Freemason, Always a Freemason”[…]unless of course if someone did some truly dishonorable act[…]even still, that person remains as a liability[…]because the thing is, only ill-witted Men ever join[…]
The same is true for pretty much any other Alphabet Soup Organization that we know so well, including Intel Agencies[…]
There are some generally otherwise well-meaning people who join Freemasonry, but are usually only relegated to becoming only in the First 3 Levels[…]
They end up being proxy agents for the Satanic Energy that comes from the very top of the Pyramid[…]
Only those who have been vetted[…]are permitted above these levels, and even more so to the 32nd and 33rd degrees, and especially the degrees above those[…]
32nd Degrees are pretty much almost up on par with their 33rd Degree Brethren[…]they sure have done many things to win their place[…]Many of them engage in homosexual activities and also sex orgies involving “Wife Swaps”[…]
We here at PSA do not recommend anyone to associate with someone you know who is a Freemason[…]
Even Benjamin Franklin, however, while a staunch defender of Liberty and even making claims about the Jews, was also a Freemason as were many of the other American Founding Fathers. They all were actually Satanic and part of something sinister, if even just for themselves[…]
There is not a “Benevolent Brotherhood[…]All of them are sinister, and all of them are aimed at destruction and subversion of European Aryan Peoples[…]
Only informed members know that they “God” they worship is “Lucifer”, and that Christians also worship that God, which is actually not a real God whatsoever but is a creature which is half-alien and half of Artificial Intelligence design

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Viewing Women In College as Equivalent To Women Who Are Single Mothers"]

It is imperative that Men view Women who are in College as tantamount to Single Mothers, as worthless liabilities who are wasted up and discarded refuse in society

Even once the girl has matriculated into her University Education, she is already sold in and damaged[…]
You would be taking someone on who is a walking “bad deal”, being trained everyday that Men are evil and scum of the earth and being reared to serve Corporate Interests and Agendas

It is like buying a Car that has an oil leak and is a guaranteed money pit and machine that will get run into the ground

When a girl tells you that she is in college, that should immediately be a turn-off in a Man’s mind, and it should also be an immediate indicator that her Father was a pussy and a poor figure in her life, lazy and not attentive because he did not train her in things in life that real matter, namely a Man and raising a family

I have no respect for such fathers or parents in general, and neither should you

Women in general, are bad investments, and they are an investment whether or not you like to view them as that. They are objects, and at most times, there is “nobody at home” in them

The only Women who have actual value are ones who do have somebody at home, but almost none of them are that way, so they are just bodies and baby creation machines

All Women who become college educated become bad at sex and also are mentally sterile human beings[…]
It’s all about ego, and getting paid scholarships, and trying to pursue one’s own selfish ambitions, especially in competition against Men, since most Women who enter College already hate Men to begin with anyway

Men should make no hesitation also, in letting a girl who is in college know how unattractive she has become[…]
Women should be shamed for attending University, even if their parents forced them

Prussian Society of America #elitist #dunning-kruger

[From "Sooner or Later, The Automaton Issue Will Become More Evident and Inescapable"]

It doesn’t matter what someone says or who they claim to be a as a person

It doesn’t matter what Laws you Create or Change in your Favor

You cannot recondition Automatons or make any good use out of them, unless they are to be used as the Slaves they are, but the problem to begin with is that they are all Energy suckers

They provide no meaningful existence or purpose, and they use other Humans and live vicariously through them

They are very clever imitators however, which makes them able to be highly convincing towards others

The best way to know that someone is an Automaton or even of a Demonic origin is to look out for that Lip-licking or tongue flopping reflex[…]
In the long run, if you want to keep toxic people out of your life, this is the easiest and most simple method to discover who is one of these monsters, always watch the tongue movement provided they are not eating or drinking food or chewing gum

You will notice more and more everywhere in society, no matter which country you live in, that almost all the Human populations have this unnatural reflex, and you will automatically know that these people are liars and frauds, and are toxic garbage[…]
When you become aware of just how numerous these creatures are, you will become absolutely disgusted by it. You will also see them in your own families or among people you work with

What’s worse, is many Automatons have also come to believe that they can call out “other Automatons” as if they are not one themselves

Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #crackpot #elitist #ableist

[From "People Who Do Not Eat Meat And/Or Have IQ of Less Than 100 are Untermenschen"]

I state this with any lack of hesitancy or any regret, and I wish to give credit where it is due, for I am not the source of who has come to these revelations

According to vast research and activities we a e involved inz we have concluded that Human beings, irrespective of how good of a racial background they come from, that if they do not have a measurable IQ of at least 100 pts irrespective of Emotional Intelligence, and if they do not eat Meat as their primary diet, that such beings q e absolutely incapable and completely impotent of the mental faculties to think for themselves and make their own decisions without being a follower of someone else

As far as the Meat Eating factor in this, all credit is given to someone by the name of Gatis who is known as “Sv3rige” for having given us this revelation

As far as the IQ factor is concerned, in recent months we have become aware of this fact from a Private Intelligence Source and Scientist in Germany, whom I cannot disclose

Therefore, any emotional quality if lacking an IQ factor of 100, renders those emotions absolutely null and void, i.e. completely worthless, since the Intellectual faculties are lacking under 100 to fuel the fire of correct emotional seating and processing in the Human

This revelation completely renders obsolete the previous common understanding that an IQ of 95 points minimum is required to sustain civilization

Stew Peters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

Stew Peters devoted a segment to condemning Germany’s Weimar Republic for tolerating LGBTQ people

“And Weimar[…]was the birthplace of the transgenderism and gay rights movements that have once again reared their ugly heads to plague Western, Christian society,” he declared. “Especially America. All of this was happening with the full blessing of the Weimar government, which was largely controlled by Jews

Peters justified the actions of the Nazis by claiming that Jews “controlled the German court system” and the “German banking system,” and had “unprecedented overrepresentation in Germany’s government.” He also accused the Jewish people of controlling Germany’s communist movement

“Sound familiar?”[…]
Peters said that “Weimar Germany was full of people like” Hirschfeld[…]
[Nazis] promised a return to basic reality and a time of human decency. And so of course, millions of Germans supported them. They were looking to do anything that they could do to take back control of their country to protect themselves and the generations to come”

He boasted that one of the “first remedies that Hitler and the National Socialists had to offer” was the destruction of the Institute for Sexual Research and its entire library

“When it comes down to the old Nazi book burnings[…]it was justified”[…]
“It was awesome. Period. Point blank[…]”
He went on to call for a new round of Nazi-style book burnings[…]
Speaking of World War II, Peters said “horrific things happened” and “lots of people died,” but suggested that Adolf Hitler may have been unfairly maligned as an “evil dictator” who “murdered millions of people”[…]
“Yeah, this is what needed to be done. If you’re going to save a civilization —[…]civilization was dying…The German people were embarrassed to be German[…]Prussian spirit was lost”

Quiñones also praised the Nazis for stamping out other political parties, remarking that “desperate times” called for “desperate measures”

savagesusie #fundie

This is social engineering-—pure Marxism to remove Reason and Natural Instincts from people. The top sodomite elites (satanists) are herding and controlling and literally REMOVING Natural Rights (based only on God-Given Rights and RIGHT REASON and “JUSTICE” (Christian Virtue) if they adhere to our CONSTITUTION (which was removed by the 60s which is unconstitutional. Christ was literally BANNED as they promote Satanism, Marxism and all other “faiths” and religions-—particularly Satanism (earth worship and sodomy rites).

To destroy Rationality in children, the schools/TV have to erase Free Will (choice) and destroy Reality, so that “snow is black” (1810). They did this by design by the pseudo-science “Psychology” (Wundt/Pavlov) (APA)——to destroy (program) little children’s moral compass on purpose, to destroy their ability to “think” critically. The whole Prussian system of “kindergarten” was to destroy the Natural Family-—remove children from their true educators/role models-—put them in a system of mass indoctrination (dehumanization) in artificial systems which embed dependency and stupidity (illiterate peers are role models and embed their psychosis—esp. if they have no father and are abused at home).

We used to understand how evil orphanages were-—and now we make it “normal”-—for children to be raised by the State (curricula removed of all Classical Christian curricula which formed the minds of the Founders/up until 1900 when the literacy rate was 97%).

This is to collapse Western Civilization. Destroy America from within-—to destroy Christianity. (Without Virtue, there is no possibility of Freedom/Socrates/Founders).

That which created the Minds of Newton, Galileo and Modern Science—(Free Will and Individualism) destroyed for a collective “mind” which is Fichte’s wet-dream-—happy slaves of the State (obamaphone emasculated “ladies” (no difference bet. males and females—no “mother” and “father” concepts——like in Orwellian novels and Marx’s Manifesto.

You can make “normal” anything to young children—that is why God designed a mother and father to bond and protect the Mind as well as the body so the child is NOT emotionally crippled. You should not sacrifice your 5 year old to the State to program them and make them into emotionally destroyed programmed bots who believe boys are girls and sodomy is a Virtue-—(muslim ethics) — artificial reality (programed (dehumanized bot).

You need to KEEP your children in your HOME/the Natural environment-—for Individualism (Free Will)-—not in front of SCREENS which program into artificial realities, where their brains are FRIED (The destruction of the mapping of the brain, incapable of integration of the Left/Right parts of brain.) Literally retarding the development of the brain.

They have to PRACTICE THINKING==build pathways in the brain by DOING and THINKING FOR THEMSELVES WITH QUIET—NO WHITE NOISE__NO DISTRACTIONS, (no hundreds of kids which elevate stress always) SO THEY BECOME CREATIVE HUMAN BEINGS-—BEING SELF-RELIANT-—USING THEIR OWN BRAIN CELLS—not afraid of “group-think” and not fear disagreeing with the masses (group Bot-(non)-Think).

Having REAL LIFE HUMAN INTERACTIONS, LEARN REAL CLASSICAL HISTORY (tools to “think” with), so their brain and emotions are integrated and can be controlled BY THEMSELVES and they can have a coherent worldview (not the outside/State brain)-—not some TV TUBE which programs irrational desires and vile, evil thoughts (envy/hate).

The “schools”/MSM/Legal System-—all are to control and herd now-—there is no “Justice” in our twisted, evil laws-—and as Cicero stated-—when a law promotes evil, vice and slavery—it will destroy civil society.

That is how these evil Leftists took over-—they destroyed our “Legal” system-—made it a cartel system-—which makes the evil filthy wealthy so they can own all the politicians/judges-—the whole system-—and write the curricula to control the “thinking” (lol) of YOUR children and grandchildren.

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy

The Wright Brothers were 2 "bicycle shop mechanics" turned aeronautical engineers. They are credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight. The brothers were called the "Bishop's Boys" because their father was a "Bishop" in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. He never read the verse in Genesis that says that "spies are despicable" (Genesis 42:31).

The "Bishop's Boys" were 2 British Secret Service agents licensed to ground U.S. and French airplanes.

They were as phony as "Discoverer" Christopher Columbus and "inventor" Thomas Edison.

Unless you are a born genius like Nikola Tesla, invention takes years and years of trial and error.

The Wright brothers reported to 2 men in London: Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell and Patrick Young Alexander. Baden-Baden Powell was "Mr. British Empire" personified and he was the brother of the Boer War Colonel Robert Baden-Powel–founder of the Boy Scouts Movement. He was extremely interested in developing the airplane as an instrument of war for expanding the British Empire.

Baden-Baden Powell was a British officer in the Boer War and he realized the military implications of the airplane.

He was determined to keep French avation grounded at all costs.

In 1902, he dispatched his spy, Patrick Alexander, to Dayton, Ohio, to give the 2 "bicycle shop mechanics" their marching orders!!

Here is an excerpt from an address given by Major Baden-Baden Powell to the British Aeronautical Society on December 4, 1902:

In his address Major Baden-Powell, speaking as a professional soldier, also offered the company his opinion of what the future might hold when a "practical flying machine" was developed at last. He said: "One can scarcely imagine any invention which could have a greater effect on the conduct of warfare ..."
In the audience on that December evening was a curious and remarkable man. His name was Patrick Y. Alexander, a prominent member of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. Patrick Alexander made it his business to investigate personally the latest developments in aeronautics wherever they took place, in any part of the world.
He was so interested by what Major Baden-Powell said about the Wright brothers that he left London, almost upon the instant, and travelled to Dayton, Ohio, in order to interview Wilbur and Orville Wright about their experiments. Such was Alexander's ardour and keenness in the matter that he actually called upon the Wrights in their home in Dayton during a family holiday on Christmas Eve, 1902, only three weeks and one day after Baden-Powell had spoken of their latest achievements in his Presidential Address to the Aeronautical Society in London.
As a result of this singular initiative Alexander was now able to tell his friends in the British Army what the Wright brothers had actually accomplished, and what they planned for the future. (Golin, No Longer An Island, pp. 26-27).

It is plain for anyone to see that both men were working for expansion of the the British Empire.

In December 1903, the Wright brothers brought their disassembled "airplane" and a catapult from their bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio, to Kitty Hawk in North Carolina.

From Dayton, Ohio, to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is a distance of about 680 miles (1,090 km).

A "real plane" would have flown in Ohio, saving them the long arduous trip.

The "plane" was just a glider plagiarized from Chanute and Langley.

Before setting out, the brothers consulted the U.S. Weather Bureau about the area's steady winds and they found out that it was the perfect location for gliding....They also valued the privacy provided by the location, which in the early twentieth century was remote from major population centers.

Supposedly, the first manned flight took place in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on Dec. 17, 1903.

In reality, a catapult launched the "plane," it glided for a few feet for the photograph to be taken, and that was the world's first powered flight!!

No newspaper reporters were present for an independent verification of that epochal event. It never occurred to the 2 bicycle shop mechanics to put WHEELS on their aircraft in order for it to take off as a powered flyer . . . and not as a glider.

In 1904, the brothers hired a patent lawyer named Harry A. Toulmin and asked him to file a patent covering every aspect of manned flight . . . except wheels. All they had to show the lawyer was the phony photograph from Kitty Hawk.

Lawyers can be deadly and they never invented anything to improve the condition of the human race.

One such lawyer was Harry A. Toulmin, who filed the Wright brothers patent in 1904.

Toulmin patented the idea of manned flight to cover almost every aspect of manned flight.

Toulmin also filed the Wright brothers patent in England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, and Belgium:

The application Harry Toulmin filed with the United States Patent Office in March 1904 would set the course of American aviation for the next thirteen years. Rather than simply specify the elements of Wilbur's wing-warping system as a mechanical construction, Toulmin expanded the notion of wing warping to cover any system where the angle of any device at the wing tips varied the "lateral margins" in opposite directions from the angle of wings at the centers. Thus Toulmin altered the patent from seeking exclusivity for a device to seeking exclusivity for an idea, the principle of lateral control itself. If such a patent was granted and ratified by the courts, it would apply to configurations that the Wrights themselves had not employed or even conceived of and so virtually no aircraft could subsequently be flown without licensing by Orville and Wilbur, precisely the breath they were seeking. (Goldstone, Birdmen: The Wright Brothers, Glenn Curtis, and the Battle to Control the Spies, pp. 86-87).

The stage was set for a monumental international legal battle that would delay aviation development in the United States . . . and France.


By 1910, France desperately needed a bomber to reach Berlin!!

By 1910, the French Republic was threatened with invasion by "Kaiser Bill"–the grandson of Queen Victoria. What the French needed was a few bombers to reach Berlin and threaten the Kaiser with retaliation. The Wright brothers patent suit delayed the development of the aerospace industry until after the war started in 1914.

Brazil-born Alberto Santos-Dumont was a naturalized French citizen and a brilliant aviation pioneer.

He was the first person to circle the Eiffel Tower in a dirigible.

In 1906, he flew the Demoiselle over Paris

Louis Blériot was another brilliant French aviation pioneer with so many firsts in his repertoire.

Louis Blériot was another brilliant French aviation pioneer.

He invented the monoplane and he was the first man to cross the English Channel in an airplane.

Unfortunately, his company was also grounded by the Wrights' patent.

Incredibly, the Wrights' patent was also enforced in France:

The preliminary injunctions issued by Judges Hazel and Hand gave the Wright brothers an effective monopoly in the flying-machine business in America for the first six months of 1910. Even when the restraints were removed in June of that year, the Wright patent suits continued to threaten American pilots and aircraft builders. Having forced the Herring-Curtiss Company out of business and placed Glenn Curtiss and other competing aviators in legal jeopardy, the Wrights, through their foreign licensees, launched a direct attack on their European competitors.
Late in 1910, the Compagnie Générale de Navigation Aérienne brought suit against six rival aircraft manufacturers (Blériot, Farman, Esnault-Pelterie, Clément-Bayard, Antoinette, and Santos-Dumont) for infringement on the Wrights' French patents. The case was tried before the Third Civil Tribunal, composed of three judges and a substitute, a state's attorney boasting special technical qualifications. (Crouch, The Bishop's Boys: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright, pp. 415-416).

At the very time that the French Republic was facing her greatest peril, aviation development was stalled in the French courts.

Queen Victoria's grandson would never have invaded France in 1914 if that country had an air force capable of bombing Berlin.

The cowardly Kaiser would have hesitated before starting the war if he knew that his palace in Berlin would be bombed.

According to experts on the pioneer days of aviation, the Wright brothers' lawsuits in the United States and France delayed the development of aviation by at least 5 years in the crucial years before World War I. It was only the defeat of the British-Prussian axis that allowed the aviation industry to soar once more in France and the United States.

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