So the space folk gave all this information to Billy Meier and he, what, did nothing with it? The spacers sure picked the wrong one to tell, didn’t they? If they had talked to and convinced climatologists and politicians of climate change back in the 1950s, we likely wouldn’t be dealing with the effects today. If he knew about the 9/11 attack and didn’t alert anyone, or ask the aliens to alert someone in authority, then he/they is complicit in the murder of the 3000 people who died in the attack.
many people don’t know that his clear, daytime UFO photos, films, sound recordings and metal samples have already been authenticated by scientific experts.
So why can’t he or you provide the address of the website containing these things, along with the authentications of scientific experts. Or do you also claim that the conspiracy to suppress the information is so widespread that he can’t get them on the internet, or that the conspiracy removes them as soon as he posts them? Publish them as an e-book, or find a publisher (I’d suggest Llewellyn) who’s willing to fight the conspiracy and get The Truth out there. This is critical to the survival of humanity, for crying out loud. If Meier just sits on this information and complains about the conspiracy, then he obviously doesn’t give a damn about us.
Of course, it could just be like so many conspiracy theories, where the lack of proof is considered verification of the existence of the conspiracy.