@Peacemonger373 #58804
It IS stupid, but it’s part of the whole “Cult of the Lost Cause” mythology. See, the 14th and 15th amendments were passed with only votes from the Union states (Confederate states had just surrendered, so they didn’t have representatives yet), so in the view of the Confederate states, they’re “illegitimate” because the states never got a chance to reject them (because they were, you know, REBELLING AGAINST THE COUNTRY)…
What you should take from that is that not only is Trump’s new judge a religious wacko, but she’s ALSO a “the South will rise again” Confederacy wacko… And that’s not even getting into her ties to a religious cult that believes women should always be subserviant to men, or her stating in an interview that being a judge is “a step towards my true goal - bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth”…