Religious fundie of the year: Hausawa Filin Hockey upper-Sharia court, Inspector Aminu Yargoje, Idris Ibrahim and unnamed rioters: "A Nigerian Sharia court in Kano sentenced a 22-year-old gospel singer to death by hanging for alleged blasphemy in a song the singer wrote and circulated on WhatsApp."
Wingnut of the year: Donald Trump
Moonbat of the year: Adunaiii: "From my point of view, even a sentence in a DPRK prison holds greater meaning and brings greater happiness than any 'free' life outside Juche Korea."
Conspiracy theorist of the year: Andrew Anglin: "Are the Dangers of Heterosexual STDs Massively Exaggerated to Prevent White Reproduction?"
Ableist of the year: ♡ CRIMEA RIVER ♡ (targeted): "Disabled people should be taking this month instead to thank all of US for putting up with their useless, crippled asses."
Racist of the year: Anonymous: "Do Allied WWII soldiers deserve our respect?"
Sexist of the year: goydivision: "A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl."
Mammon-worshipper of the year: Krana Rajan, Parvathi and Kumaresan: "Kalakkad police have nabbed three persons, including a tantrik (black magician), for allegedly attempting to offer human sacrifice to retrieve buried treasure."
Psycho of the year: Raye Johnson: "Experience: I paid to have my daughter kidnapped"
Homophobe/Transphobe of the year: Smokety: "They should be persecuted on the spot. Kill them"
Pedo of the year: Lolimon: “Up until 5 years old no actual penetration would be allowed (including anal), but little girls under 5 could give blowjobs and get their tiny little pussies rubbed.”
COVIDiot quote of the year: Anonymous: "Flatten the curve is an elite joke and it refers to the population curve, not the curve of the virus."
Funniest quote: David J. Stewart (1): "I'm not some religious nut, I'm a normal person."
Jack Chick Memorial Award for worst artist: Aubrey Huff: Image depicts a stick figure man lying on his back in a reclining chair while three stick figure women surround him. The first woman is fanning him, the second women is holding a bunch of grapes, and the third women is grabbing the man’s left foot.
One-liner of the year: Dr Mahathir Mohamad: “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past”
Magnetic crank award: Based Frog: “Oppression of Most People is Actually Good”
Website of the year:
Quote submitter of the year: @Why?
Troll of the year: @NoLockdowns
Commenter of the year: @Passerby