Rapture Ready

INTHELORDSNAME #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Watch out for the Rapture of the Saints on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!

The Rapture occurring on Christmas Day has always been a strong possibility for a few Years now.

Since the Rapture hasn't happened yet it's important, more than ever, that we continue to watch and pray throughout this Christmas Season!

On Christmas Day this Year there just happens to be a Full Moon! The last time there was a full moon on Christmas Day was 38 Years ago in 1977!!!

Now check out the following dream:

I was at my home town and I saw up in the sky an object that looks like another moon closing in on our moon. It seemed as if they were going to collide. I was the first one to see this. Then I showed others. The Holy Spirit then reminded me that when I begin to see that object (the other moon) getting near to our moon it will be the next day when fire will fall from the sky and towns will be destroyed. It was a sign of the end of the world and Jesus return.

I was panicked because of how sudden it came about
I then began telling everyone including my neighbor, my mum and brother that the end will be tomorrow.

Then I frantically asked someone "WHAT DATE IS TOMORROW?"

Then someone said to me "TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS DAY".

Then I saw my mum was making Christmas preparations, getting ready food and sorrel wine. I even saw her stirring the
sorrel in a huge pot like she usually does on Christmas eve!

I then asked her to skip Christmas celebration this year
because the Lord is coming she then seemed doubtful of the fact. When I tried to tell one of my neighbors I was speaking with all my effort but she could not hear me for some reason.

I later saw one of my school mates, then I called her and told her that THE END IS HERE and she did not believe at first. But when I showed her the moon about to be struck by the "other moon" and started quoting scripture to her
she believed and gave herself to Christ right there and then
because the scriptures were being fulfilled in front of her eyes, then we started thinking of how wonderful heaven must be.

I also was telling one of my close friends that he should trust in the Lord for everything because I know that I would soon be gone, but he did not believe me. I was also trying to call one of my friends to tell her that the end was tomorrow, but i could not remember all her cell number

Scriptural confirmations:

Joel 2:30
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25
Rev 8:12
Amos 8:9

Patreesha #fundie rr-bb.com

We had been concerned about our much-loved dog being cared for when we leave in the Rapture. Bailey was only seven and in good health when he just upped and died on us the other morning. He died quickly and peacefully with the family surrounding him, but when we started questioning why it happened (as we all do, even though it all ends with "blessed be the name of the Lord"), we remembered the rapture connection. Suddenly we felt like the rapture was going to be very soon and God was sparing us the worry.

It just seems weird that we've been praying for Bailey to have a long and healthy life and then he just drops dead!! Could be the devil just making us miserable, but God could've spared him, so since we believe it's God's will that he died, we don't want to get another dog. Hopefully and just maybe, we'll see Bailey again someday!! But, hmmm, get ready everyone!!

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

The supremacy of Christianity over all other faiths is not based on arrogance. It is simply based on facts. If your house were to catch on fire, what do you think would be superior at extinguishing the flames--water or gasoline? They are both liquids, but one is obviously better suited to quench the fire.

God has plainly said that Christianity is superior to all other faiths. There is no coming together for the sake of love and understanding.

Rapture Ready #fundie rr-bb.com

[Crapture Ready creates a brand new sub-forum for the "Gog/Magog" prophecy]

The Coming War of Gog and Magog. Ezekiel 38 through 39 tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations that surround it. As we read the headlines in the newspapers, and witness the conflict in the Middle East, it's not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago, could be fulfilled in our lifetime.

(site administrator) #fundie libertytothecaptives.net

[Criticizing Rapture Ready for being a tool of Satan]

How does gambling, playing occult computer games, keeping silent while Jesus Christ is blasphemed, listening to rock music, defending President Bush's occult affiliations, drinking alcohol, participating in coarse, unclean conversation and unholy jesting and engaging in all kinds of worldliness make a Christian "rapture ready"? It doesn't.

Todd Strandberg's Rapture Ready Ready Message Board, which consistently conditions Christians to partake of these and other sins, has an agenda to make it certain that Christians are not rapture ready. Their stated agenda is the opposite of their actual purpose as evidenced by their message board content. Much worldly and anti-Christian content is backed or ignored by the administration. Either way, the kingdom of God is being undermined, rather than advanced through the individuals who run this message board.

Relativism is the theme of the Rapture Ready Message Board: how a Christian feels while he is participating in behavior that violates biblical principles determines whether it is right or wrong. If he feels comfortable gambling, then he may gamble. If he feels comfortable drinking, then he may drink, if he feels comfortable playing occult computer games or typically sinful movies then he indulges, etc. As long as things don't get out of hand, conforming-to-the-world is promoted as being harmless and rather enjoyable. This is called giving place to the devil, and the Rapture Ready administrators and backers offer plenty of rationalizations to "help" the Christian justify getting off and staying off the narrow way that leads to life.

Dave #fundie answers.yahoo.com

Christians i got a question for you all about the rapture...?
we all know there is a strong debate about whether there is going to be a pre-trib rapture (like in the left behind series) a mid-trib rapture, or a post-trib rapture....

but i heard an idea that is quite new to me that i never thought of from my youth pastor the other day, and wanted to get you opinion on it...

his idea is that as every side can site verses that their view on the rapture is correct that all 3 views are right, and there will be 3 raptures and each one taking those that are faithful to him leaving everyone else who isn't yet ready to become the bride of christ on earth a little longer to mature spiritually to the point jesus wants them to be.. as the Church is supposed to be the bride of Christ, and would you mary a baby? since that is what it would be in the case of Jesus looking at the state of the Church now as most people who call themselves christians still have a lot of matureing to do.

so think it makes sense if there were multiple raptures?

Christian Clarity Review #fundie christianclarityreview.wpblogs.com

[Is Rapture Ready too frivolous for you? Try this.]

There is no free will. It is not a case of “can I use my will this way or that?” or “am I within the bounds of the rules to do this or that with my free will?” There is no free will to use at all. Joseph was blessed of God to be visited by God and God was in Him as Word and Spirit through Abraham.

Therefore, whether the Romanists liar likes it or not, God wrestled against Himself exactly as man would wrestle with his own children in play. and exactly as God killed Himself through the means of the Romans on the request of the Jews at His express counsel to save His people from His Own wrath: in absolute lack of the free will of man.

Minori #fundie rr-bb.com

One of those websites had a bunch of quotes from "Christians" with a thread for commenting and rating system. I'm really disgusted by what a lot of these so-called "Christians" write.

People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that. It's getting harder and harder to be taken seriously. I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready.

itsme #fundie answers.yahoo.com

The rapture and tribulation will happen this year, so get ready!

Is it the end of the world? Earthquakes and volcanoes are increasing each year! World War 3 is about to start! Economic collapse is coming this year! It happens every 7 years as the bible predicts. 2001 7% stock market collapse and 911 attack! 2008 Worldwide crash and 777 point stock market collapse! 2015 is next for a total economic collapse! The bible predicts a seven-year tribulation of hell on earth! The antichrist and false prophet will be ruling the world! Electricity will be turned off. There will be famine and total collapse of society! Jesus will rapture (remove) His people from the earth before the 7-year tribulation starts this year! Ask Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior and read the bible daily to get raptured!

Godrulzunivrs #fundie abcnews.go.com

Hello all - For another view on why there will be no PRE - Tribulation rapture, visit the web site www.wake-up.com . The ICE age was created because of a asteroid ( or two ) hitting the earth when Dino's lived here. More are forthcoming, just a matter of time. Meteor showers 1st, then a asteroid on land, then one in the sea, then Darkness. What will the people of the earth do? Create a one world government to appease God! They will agree God is angry and will make sin-less laws ( like we all ready don't have a billion of them ) This government is called Babylon in God's Word, because of the confusion of so many different religions claiming to know what God wants as worship. People will join this "false" gov. to receive food and medical, to survive, instead of living by FAITH in God. Anyway-- check out the web site, there's also a FREE book if you want it. May you all seek for the truth in God's Word! ~ Gail

booklover #fundie rr-bb.com

[Check out the irony in this one, from Rapture Ready]

I visited Haiti in 1984, and when I was there a missionary told us you couldn't understand the Haitian mindset without understanding voodoo. Someone who practices voodoo is always seeing signs everywhere--a world full of omens. I had no personal experience with voodoo while there except for 1 weird occurrence. I was in a store and a person there was visibly spooked by my blue eyes. (I guess that would fall into the omen thing).

Scilent #fundie rr-bb.com

I read an article today on the Rapture Ready website entitled "The State of Things" by Darinda Sherbert.

After reading it, I'm more convinced now more than ever, that all the vitriol, hatred for Christ and Christians, the national (and international) nose-dive into homosexuality and transgender issues (all of which seem to be getting the nod of approval through most of the population) is God letting the sin and depravity to flower in this country and in others, to be both a sign to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, that Christ returning for His church is extremely near and also to make the country/world truly RIPE for judgement.

This short article is also worth taking a look at: http://www.prophecydepotministries.n...nt-of-america/

I absolutely cannot see how the current state of things can go on much longer. I know you can't judge the whole world on what America is doing, but we're a very prominent country on this planet, and we set an awful example to the world with our current policies and practices. Then throw in the percarious nature of the situation Israel is in, with Iran working towards the bomb, and surrounded by enemies. It's got to be very close. We all here on Rapture Ready forums know that we're in the season for His return... but I just feel it in my bones that we're so close it's almost palpable.

Keep looking up!

And I've prayed to God that even though I don't know your real names on this website, I still want to meet each and every one of you when we reach our ultimate destination!

Sola Awolaja #fundie rapturewatcher.wordpress.com

Glorious Rapture: Are We Really Fanatical? Dedicated Rapture watchers are regarded as “Rapture fanatics” by scoffers and unbelievers. To them, we are filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm about glorious rapture. They are always mocking our rapture blessed hope. They regard rapture as a “fairy tale” or fantasy. Whether people believe it or not, the rapture is at the door! Whether people believe it or not, Jesus Christ will appear in the sky for the glorious rapture suddenly! The blessed hope of Rapture watchers can’t be suppressed by opinions of mortal men. Our immortal God (Jesus Christ) is coming to take us to heavenly New Jerusalem on rapture day. This is our blessed hope. Scoffers have been mocking Rapture watchers for over 2,000 years! Raptured or left behind? People must decide now! Time is running out!!! Rapture day is inevitable!

Rapture: Are Rapture Watchers Scare Mongers? To scoffers, dedicated Rapture watchers are alarmists and scare mongers. They are wrong! Rapture day is a prophetic reality! Whether people believe it or not, rapture day is at the door! Whether scoffers believe it or not, Jesus Christ is coming for the glorious rapture. Whether doubters believe it or not, the apocalyptic Antichrist and False Prophet are already in our midst. However, they are still pretending as “men of global peace.” Revelation 13 will become fulfilled after the inevitable rapture. The Restrainer (Holy Spirit) will leave the earth with raptured saints on rapture day. This will enable the satanic New World Order (NWO) to become a reality. Holy Spirit is still presently restraining NWO. After rapture, Antichrist and False Prophet will commence their evil end time agenda. They will be empowered by Satan. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip: 666) will be enforced worldwide (Revelation 13:16-18). Rapture watchers, be ready always for rapture.

Rapture Is A Reality!!! Indeed, rapture day is inevitable. Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly! Numerous signs and events worldwide indicates that rapture day is imminent. Therefore, we must be perpetually ready for glorious rapture. We should remain as dedicated Rapture watchers and soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious rapture is a reality and our blessed hope. Jesus Christ gave us this blessed assurance: “Because you have kept my command to endure, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (tribulation) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.”(Revelation 3:10). We will be among the raptured saints by God’s grace. We will walk on heavenly golden streets and dwell in our glorious mansions forever. Raptured saint or tribulation saint? “Raptured” in glory or “martyred” in pain? Raptured or left behind? Decide wisely!!!

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

Where did Cain get his wife?

Adam was the first man (1 Cor. 15:45) and Eve is the mother of all living (Gen. 3:20). Genesis 5:4 tells us that Adam and Eve had both sons and daughters besides Cain, Abel and Seth. So Cain married one of his sisters.

"Now wait a minute," someone might say, "doesn't the Bible forbid brothers and sisters to marry?" Yes it does, but that law came many, many years later (in Lev. 18-20). During the time of Cain it was okay to marry siblings. Here's why:

Our genes have mistakes in them. When people who aren't related have children, their offspring inherit different bad genes. But when relatives have children, there is a much greater chance that the children will inherit the same bad genes, resulting in an increased likelihood that they will have birth defects.

But before the fall of man, Adam and Eve had no bad genes (Gen. 1:31). After the fall, Cain and his brothers and sisters had bad genes, but not many. As time went on, the amount of bad genes humans were carrying had increased to the point at which God had to forbid relatives from marrying and having children.

Rondaben #fundie rr-bb.com

Personally, I think that there are no 'aliens', only demonic deception.

Picture this...

A Massive war begins in the Middle east. Nuclear armed nations square off in a fight to the death in an attempt to destroy Israel. God intervenes and destroys the invaders (Gog and Magog).

God raptures his church.

Satan, thwarted in this attempt to destroy Israel, counters with "aliens". They send out a message to all people...

"We have returned in this time of your greatest need. 3 million years ago we planted your predecessors here on Earth. We have watched as you have evolved to the point where you are ready to assume your place in the universe. Those who were among you whom were instigating wars and repressing you with religious shackles are now gone--removed--to allow you to realize your full potential of peace without the impediments of hatred and bigotry. They who would attribute your powers to mythological 'gods' are gone, and you will now be able to see that the only true gods are those that YOU are. you were born for this moment. you were born to be Gods...."

and the deception begins...

Katy-Anne #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

I mean, this is why when the rapture happens everybody will be geared up for all the stupid reasons people come up with for what happened, because they are used to fantasy. Fantasy is a trap of the devil and he's getting everyone ready by getting their minds so in tune with fantasy and science fiction so that he can explain away anything to do with God at the time of the rapture, give other explanations that will sound reasonable because people are so used to the fantasty mindset that they just accept it.

Ruth #fundie raptureforums.com

I posted this before at Rapture News under my previous onscreen name of Morgan. But thought I would post it again for any new member who may not have read it before. I wrote it one day about 2 years ago and still reflect back on it often. It is an insight that has helped me a great deal and pray it will help others.

Are You a Decoy?

Some days it seems as though I should never have left the warmth of my bed. Everything seems to go wrong - from

1. dropping my freshly filled favorite coffee cup on my keyboard first thing in the morning -
2. to my computer taking four times as long to process every command as usual
3. and a client calling every five minutes to see if I have that report done yet -
4. To the phone ringing and hearing from every friend whom hasn't called me in 6 months and chose this moment to pick up the phone and want to 'catch up'
5. to every telemarketer in the world calling in between
6. to having everyone I have faxed a report to that day tell me they never received it

At some point - I realize I am under attack. These are not coincidences. And the choice is made - to give in and give up and have that temper tantrum I so justly deserve and therefore be ready to tear off the head of the next person I talk to -

or realize that I am on the front lines taking the hits from the enemy and since he is not omnipresent - if he is messing with me - then that means there is a brother or sister in the Lord who is having a good day and recuperating from a day they need to be able to witness to someone for the Lord.

So, I wave the white flag and accept my assignment as decoy and smile. For, while the enemy was thinking I would destroy my witness and lose my joy - he was wasting his time and another soul was saved somewhere down the street by someone who was not under attack.

I am a decoy in the army of God - reporting for duty!

dougl #fundie abovetopsecret.com

The Rapture is Only Days Away

My name is Doug and first I will tell you a little about myself. I am 45 years old, disabled with AIDS which I got at 19 and I became a Christian 16 years ago. My parents are not Christians. When I was in 4th grade, I received around 9 dreams which were of my future and the future of the world. Most of the dreams were personal in nature and all have come true. An example of one of the personal dreams: I was in an antique store and it had several rooms which I walked through, the store was like walking in someone's house except it was filled with all kinds of antiques. I won't go into detail. When I was in my 30's, I walked into the same store. In 4th grade, I didn't know what an antique was, let alone why anyone would want to buy them.

Another dream I had was 9-11. I saw a plane fly into a highrise building and felt the horror and to my surprise I saw another plane fly into another building. This was when I was in the 4th grade and it was 1972. The horror of it was with me for days and I was 9 years old in 1972.

I have only one dream left that hasn't come to pass. There is no way at this point to prove to you that my dreams have all happened. I can't predict for you a test dream so that you know my dreams are prophetic.

The final dream of my life, I am raptured, taken away by God and joining a crowd of people in the sky where I had to search to find my Grandma.
When I had this dream in 4th grade I was not a Christian and I did not knowing anything about the Rapture. God has given me the opportunity to write this post before this happens.

I believe that the only reason I am writing this is to let everyone know I was not taken by aliens. I think that the government and the world will tell you that all the missing children and the Christians who have the Holy Spirit that have suddenly dissapeared were taken by aliens or maybe they will say it was a solar flare. Do not be surprised if you see lots of black objects in the sky, they are not from another world. They are part of "the devil's plan to confuse you. Everything you need to know is in Revelations, in the Bible. You will be able to become a Christian after the Rapture, I do not know if the Holy Spirit will be here though. Do not accept the mark of the beast.

I believe the Rapture will occur in the next few days. I have been attacked by evil several times this week and I am grateful that I was able to post this message. I will not be posting another message. I have no private agenda associated with this post. I am a happy disabled person who is not trying to write a book or introduce you to a website. This message is of pure intentions and love and I wish no one to be afraid. I want you to be ready and know that Jesus died for you and does not want you to go to Hell. He created Hell for fallen angels not humans. You will be able to accept Christ during the next 7 years.

C. Little #fundie rr-bb.com

Suppose that the AC and his minions are ready and waiting for the rapture. As soon as it is apparent that it's happened, he launches about 1/2 dozen EMP's over the U.S., Europe, and the Far East. Thus completely wiping out all communications around the globe.

The rapture happened, but as far as anyone who is left knows, they just can't locate some of their friends and family, and they just figure it's because they have no way to communicate. The plains and cars all crashed because all the electrical systems went out. There are no widespread reports of people vanishing because there is no way to widely communicate with one another. There's complete chaos, and as soon as some power is restored, just to organize things again, we can give out an ID tag for everyone that will at least allow them to buy some food. We'll just make a mark on your hand or forehead that has this handy barcode in it to facilitate getting by while everything has to be rebuilt. If you told the Katrina refugees they needed this mark to get some food, I doubt you would have gotten any argument, especially if they had no idea of the rapture or the mark, or anything else Biblical.

All the chaos that has just gone on, forces the return of the twelfth Imam, and the long awaited Jewish Messiah, who will make some supernatural appearance. Ta da, I'm here to save the day.

Okay, it's just a wild thought.

Lee Rogers #conspiracy blacklistednews.com

[could also be a fstdt since I found the link at Rapture Ready]

Government terrorists are continuing their dark eugenics agenda of enslavement and death. The New York State Assembly has proposed a bill that would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for any children attending the government’s brainwashing camps. These government brainwashing camps are more commonly referred to by the corporate controlled media as the public school system.

Magus55 #fundie iidb.org

You really don't know much about Roman Catholicism do you? It is the most heretical, unbiblical load of crap there is. Ever been to Rapture Ready? The apologetics topics are 90% of the time about Catholics because of how completely unbiblical they are. The Catechism and the Vatican/Pope take precedence over the Bible. 90% of the Doctrine Catholics follow are based on the Catechism, not the Bible, and they not only have no scriptural support - they have scriptural verses that specifically say what they believe in is wrong and blasphemy. The Catholic church is the biggest disgrace to Christianity there is.

lhaney92 #fundie rr-bb.com

We just finished putting together a left behind box last night. We put a large page on the front of the box, saying to open it immediately upon our sudden disappearance. We are keeping it in our entry way from here on out for 2 reasons:

1. It will be seen by the first person who walks in after the rapture.


2. It makes a great conversation starter about the rapture when people see it!!!!!!!!!

(Oh, and yes, my friends do think I'm an odd duck!)

I also just purchased new checks and they are so cool, they have a pic of the Bible on the front and we had them put: Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready? <a href="http://www.raptureready.com" target="_blank">www.raptureready.com</a> , on them and when they turn the check over to sign for cashing it has Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." printed below the endorse line!

tractsforchrist #fundie rr-bb.com

Actually it was really funny today... I seriously thought the rapture happened... I was sleeping with my lamp on and all the sudden the light got so bright that it was blinding and I rose from my bed slowly and I was like, 'I'm ready Lord!' To my dissapointment... I think it is amazing that we will be the generation that will see it happen before our eyes.

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

When it comes to Christians determining whom will get their vote, many base their decision on the candidate who offers them the greater financial reward. It doesn't matter if a Democrat has a poor record on moral issues. Many believers apparently think nothing of putting their pocket book ahead of their faith.

All disciples of Christ need to realize that some political issues should take priority over all other concerns. If a white supremacist group formed a national political party, it would be foolhardy for people to support that party based upon the fact they like the white supremacists' health care platform.

It was this type of narrow-minded thinking that got Adolf Hitler elected to office. Most citizens of Germany knew full well that the Nazis were brutalizing the Jews, but those citizens were mesmerized by utopian propaganda Hitler and his henchman were preaching.

Because we all will have to give an account of our lives, it is very important to realize the choices we make in the privacy of a voting booth will someday need to be defended before the open throne of God.

All end-time minded Christians should know that at some point freedom and liberty will be surrendered to a global government.

The Bible tells us the God of this world is the devil. The influence of Satan is the reason 90 percent of the press and Hollywood elite are liberals who vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. The one-minded eagerness of the left to influence the electoral process should act as a warning sign to the conservative base of this nation.

You can be a perfectionist and find a hundred things wrong with the Republicans. It is serious error to try compare a floundering friend to a deadly enemy.

Human government never will be able to solve the world's problems. There never will be true peace until the Prince of Peace establishes His Millennial Kingdom. That understood, until the Lord Jesus comes for His Church in the rapture -- presuming both major political parties in America continue to hold to their present party lines -- it is the view of Rapture Ready that Republican values are America's best political option.

I'mready #fundie rr-bb.com

Jim, I definitely feel like a stanger in a world I don't belong in. I ran out of all my 'Why Lord's' about 20 years ago. I am still learning to Trust Him each day.
In another thread in this forum "Where is US in All This" most of the comments there were how that the US is not mentioned in Prophecy and that 'something' drastic would have to happen ie. the Rapture - Nukes - Earthquake or some event that would turn the USA in to a non-player in End Time events. I believe that God, in His Mercy will allow some Major event in The United States that will get peoples attention (knock them off the fence) seperate sheep from goats - you know get some Ready for the Rapture. No matter what - this world IS passing away - it will all be burned up it is all wood, hay and stuble - Only that which is done for Christ will Last .

Until it Happens we always have the Blessed Hope.

Sethola #fundie rr-bb.com

[A Rapture Ready poster speculating about what duties they will have in heaven post-rapture.]

think about it...we're gathered around His Throne Jerusalem, decked out in our new glorified bodies, worshiping, singing, dancing...flying around(?)

then our King Yeshua calls out a few saints in the temple and says.."you, you and you; there is a woman about to be decieved in x location! Take my gospel to her and take care of those decieving spirits aswell! then SHOOOO we take off and appear saying "We are the children of the Most High! The King of Heaven and Earth, Yeshua has sent us to you with the Knowledge of His Saving Grace!" then the other Saints take their Swords and blast those decieving spirits back to the Abyss.

there's my story. how do y'all see us operating in the Kingdom? just imagine! share your thoughts!

Ruth #fundie raptureforums.com

Are you a Decoy?


I posted this before at Rapture News under my previous onscreen name of Morgan. But thought I would post it again for any new member who may not have read it before. I wrote it one day about 2 years ago and still reflect back on it often. It is an insight that has helped me a great deal and pray it will help others.

Are You a Decoy?

Some days it seems as though I should never have left the warmth of my bed. Everything seems to go wrong - from

1. dropping my freshly filled favorite coffee cup on my keyboard first thing in the morning -
2. to my computer taking four times as long to process every command as usual
3. and a client calling every five minutes to see if I have that report done yet -
4. To the phone ringing and hearing from every friend whom hasn't called me in 6 months and chose this moment to pick up the phone and want to 'catch up'
5. to every telemarketer in the world calling in between
6. to having everyone I have faxed a report to that day tell me they never received it

At some point - I realize I am under attack. These are not coincidences. And the choice is made - to give in and give up and have that temper tantrum I so justly deserve and therefore be ready to tear off the head of the next person I talk to -

or realize that I am on the front lines taking the hits from the enemy and since he is not omnipresent - if he is messing with me - then that means there is a brother or sister in the Lord who is having a good day and recuperating from a day they need to be able to witness to someone for the Lord.

So, I wave the white flag and accept my assignment as decoy and smile. For, while the enemy was thinking I would destroy my witness and lose my joy - he was wasting his time and another soul was saved somewhere down the street by someone who was not under attack.

I am a decoy in the army of God - reporting for duty!

lyngraphics #fundie rr-bb.com

I have had an uneasy feeling the last several years, kind of an impending doom thing. I was always checking out survivalists websites and keeping food in stock, etc. (Some of this was after our area went crazy and had the biggest evacuation in history during Hurricane Rita-we stayed home) I even printed out much of the ready.gov info off their website. Even though I was saved when I was 12, I still wasn't clear about the rapture.
Then I started researching the rapture more and realized that this is what I was waiting for, and I had nothing to worry about as I would not be here for most of the disasters awaiting the world. Now I am excited!!! I am still prepared, since we live in very uncertain times, but I am not as scared, because I know where we will end up. I don't understand the Christians who say they are not 'ready' for the rapture! How can you not be ready to meet our Maker??? I can't wait!

mocha #fundie rr-bb.com

i find it hard to focus on school. my grades have slipped unfortunately but i really dont see much of a point anymore. I wanted to be an architect but im not sure if i'll be on this earth long enough to graduate HS anymore, which doesnt bother me much considerign i'd be graduating life in a way :P...i think that i probably need to get my act together and still do well in school but its extremely difficult when all these things are going on around me, all i want to do is go home and sit down in front of the comp and read rapture ready into the wee hours of the morning while reading my bible.

personally, i dont think i have a need for planning that far into the future given my stance on the end times which i cant say here because it would be date setting (i think, oh well), but for me i dont see a point, i know it would make me look stupid if none of the things that i think are going to happen happen and i end up living to be an old man, but even in that scenario i put my trust and my faith in God and i know he'll pull me through whatever challenges i encounter.

Basically no, i dont think we need long-term planning at this stage, maybe long term for other people, as a guide, but not for christians.

cocoapea9052, rapturemenow09 #fundie rr-bb.com

Hi RR,

I know many discussions have taken place about various excuses that will be offered to explain our disappearances. Form Aliens/UFO's to terrorists to plagues, etc.

But what I am wondering-- if the Rapture was to occur right now, is anything already in place for the government to offer an immediate excuse? Do they have some secret plan all ready to roll out? Or, would they be left to scramble something together after weeks and maybe even months have passed with no answers, no one having returned?

Do you think they will start off treating everyone (I know that's a lot of folks) as missing person's? Like in the Left Behind Movie, going around taking reports, interviewing people, etc.? People posting up pics of missing loved ones? Private Investigators working overtime?

Thanks All and God Bless!


With the med. Union of 5 +5 regathering as we speak, the current conditions, the new laws being passed etc, we must assume that the a/c is soemwhere on stage behind the scenes, which means evil already works a bit, so if he can start to delude these various world leaders already, weather it be by promising them kingdoms etc or whatever, one must assume that he has already started to formulate a plan. I personally think it will be Ufos.

BuzzardHut #fundie rr-bb.com

[In a topic about whether or not it is right to teach children religion.]

My boys are 6 and 8
they learn about Jesus, they know about Noah and the flood, they understand sin, they know the bad guys don't like Jesus, they understand that jesus was pinished on the cross for the things they have done wrong, they have told Jesus they are sorry for doing wrong and ask Jesus if they can be in His family, they are not sure about water baptism, they are ready for the rapture, they know Jesus has a mansion prepared for them, they understand they return with Jesus at the second coming on white horses, they hope their 2 dogs will be with them in the millennium, they understand socialism is wrong, they don't want anyone voting for Obama in 2012

we haven't discussed religion yet

SmokinJoe1977 #fundie rr-bb.com

We all know what happened after 9/11, and I can't imagine what kind of horrific scenes willl occur right at the second of the Rapture...

Just about ALL vehicals will crash, power outages, and people will be in chaos. everyone will lose someone in the Rapture, if they are left behind... People need to be ready, get your soul ready. Because, the Rapture is very near...

Closer than we even think, because, we are witnessing Jews returning to their land. Its not going to be a pretty sight when we as christians leave this earth, when Jesus comes to get us.

Look, up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane, no.... Its Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior!

Editors #fundie libertytothecaptives.net

[These guys think that Rapture Ready is too liberal and willing lackeys in the devil's plan for New World Order.]

How does gambling, playing occult computer games, keeping silent while Jesus Christ is blasphemed, listening to rock music, defending President Bush's occult affiliations, drinking alcohol, participating in coarse, unclean conversation and unholy jesting and engaging in all kinds of worldliness make a Christian "rapture ready"? It doesn't.

Todd Strandberg's Rapture Ready Ready Message Board, which consistently conditions Christians to partake of these and other sins, has an agenda to make it certain that Christians are not rapture ready. Their stated agenda is the opposite of their actual agenda as evidenced by their message board content. Much sub or anti-Christian content is backed or ignored by the administration. Either way, the kingdom of God is being undermined, rather than advanced through this message board.

Relativism is the theme of the Rapture Ready Message Board: how a Christian feels while he is participating in behavior that violates biblical principles determines whether it is right or wrong. If he feels comfortable gambling, then he may gamble. If he feels comfortable drinking, then he may drink, if he feels comfortable playing occult computer games then he indulges, etc. As long as things don't get out of hand, conforming-to-the-world is promoted as being harmless and rather enjoyable. This is called giving place to the devil, and the Rapture Ready administrators and backers offer plenty of rationalizations to "help" the Christian justify getting off and staying off the narrow way that leads to life.

JY11 #fundie rr-bb.com

I'm very anxious and I wish the Rapture was yesterday. I've had a couple of "false starts" lately where I've thought I've heard a trumpet blast but alas it was just my imagination fueled by heightened anticipation.

This may seem odd, and may not be the correct thread for this, but over the last several months my 5 senses seem to be more acute than at any point in my life. I can hear noises that are farther away or are quieter than what I would normally hear clearly. My sense of smell has become the most acute. When walking outside, I am enjoying wonderful aromas that I have never smelled before and cannot identify. With outdoor flowers, I can smell them from a greater distance than ever. Keep in mind I am aging, not getting younger!

I and others here in the RR forum have mentioned how cloud formations seem especially unusual this year. In addition to that for me, it seems like the leaves and grass are more vividly green than ever before. In a nutshell, my senses--especially sight, hearing, and smell--have been suddenly sharpened.

My thought process regarding this increased sensory ability is that perhaps the Lord is giving me a preview of coming attractions so to speak. It could be a way of assuring me that He is at the door and that the Rapture is exceedingly close.

So, yes, my bags are packed and I'm ready to go!

StormyLady999 #fundie rr-bb.com

I won't call him my President.

Obama may have been elected president, but he will never be my president. Unfortunately, the only thing I believe is he is exactly where God wants him to be, to maybe hasten the end times. This is only my opinion, but I couldn't believe it when he was elected.

I'm already on Medicare, so I'm not sure what this new health care mess will do with my insurance. I'm a diabetic and haven't taken any insulin or been to the doctor since last June. I just couldn't afford it anymore. I feel fine though.

When I heard what this evil wh Pelosi and ike were up to, I figured when it came time for it to go into effect, they would reject me anyway, saying something like "you are expendable." I've heard so much how they are going to be pushing euthenasia. Anyway, if the Lord calls me home then I'm all for it.

The only reason I feel I'm still here is because of my 18-year-old daughter. Her father died when she was 9. She is still very dependent on me emotionally. I've tried to talk to her about end time events. She knows about the end times. Unfortunately, it makes her sad because she is afraid she won't be able to have children. The way things are going today, I surely wouldn't want to bring children into the world right now. I know she was a gift from the Lord and he has a purpose for everyone, but sometimes I wish I had never had her. Everything is getting so much harder for everyone. It's hard going through all this myself. I can't even imagine what young people her age are feeling.

Sorry to go on so, just needed to get some of my feeling out.

The Lord bless and keep everyone on Rapture Ready.


ag_man #fundie rr-bb.com

Post Rapture (Atheist) Survival Guide

You guys will NEVER believe this!! I posted this thread first on the City-Data religious section of the forum for Atheist and other nonbelievers just a few minutes ago. It is a survival guide for Atheist who have rejected God and will be left behind. It's by Kurt Seland. Not less than 5 minutes after posting it up, it was subsequently deleted (I believe an Atheist reported me) and I received an infraction (temporary ban) from the City-Data forums for copyright infringement!! Wow!! But we all know what the REAL reason was! Here is my thread!

EDIT: Deleted the thread. Wow I just realized the post by Kurt Seland is the same as Rapture Ready's! But still!!

EDIT 2: Wow I have just received YET ANOTHER infraction for the very same thing!! Atheist are the devil-incarnate I swear!!!

DAVEYBOY #fundie rr-bb.com

Today when I came into work I did as I always do, get online and check out the headlines and wait to see what jumps out at me. This is when I hear God speaking to me, when things kind of just jump out at me. I saw 4 or 5 headlines that spoke to me. The first said scientists said that we have done so much CO2 damage to our planet that it is now beyond repair, and that humans have 30 years, tops, before extinction. The next headline said that the US is heading towards no linger being one of the super-powers. Did you catch that? Not THE super-power...ONE of the super-powers. The next headline spoke of Europe is, by 2025, going to be a "hobbled giant". The next headlline said that by 2025, nuclear confrontations were inevitable because of all the "rogue" states having these weapons and also the scarcity of food and water. Then I read about a teen putting his suicide on the 'net on a webcam and people were not horrified but instead threw insults at him. It popped into my mind. This is world is spinning out of control and is more than ready for a "man" to take control of it with his master plan. Now mind you, I know that nothing is out of God's control, but you understand what I mean. Totally spinning out of control, and waiting for someone to step in and rescue it. Until now, I always thought it would be the Rapture that had this world going berserk. Now I see it's already in utter chaos. Man, I really feel that the Antichrist is chomping at the bit...waiting like a tiger to pounce onto the world scene. I know all these things I've spoke of are no new news to all of you, but I really have felt the Holy Spirit saying to me that things are changing!!! And then at times I can't believe these things are really happening. It's alsmost too much to believe that this is really happening.

rapture ready bigots #fundie rr-bb.com

There was a muslim parade going down madison ave in new york city yesterday and all they were screaming as that horrible allahu akbar kefir, over and over and over and pumping their fists and looking very hating.... they all all sorts of police coverage protecting them and people screaming in arabic, totally disgusting, and there were all sorts of palestinian and other flags.... they congregated at madison park and there they continued their diatribe and hate literature handouts and mats strew about with the usual postrating toward mecca.
Crazy times that in this country all you hear is separation of church and state yet this was a totally religious parade backed up by the city government.......
I want to go home.
Wonder what would happen if you applied for a permit to have a Christian parade??
Okay, I'm sure we have a good idea, but I'd like to be a fly on the wall for the meeting...
They are like an ink drop on a clean white shirt. One drop just bleeds across the fabric. Like the churches in Revelation, the U.S. has compromised their first love and allowed the false religions and their followers to be part of our melting pot. We're past the point of any changes until Jesus returns.

A Watcher #fundie rr-bb.com

(Some patch of ground in South California is like 800 degrees, and some of our beloved Rapture Ready posters think it's hell "bubbling up".

Well it is Southern California. If hell was bubbling up I couldn't imagine another place more fitting!

RaptureSaint #fundie

How does gambling, playing occult computer games, keeping silent while Jesus Christ is blasphemed, listening to rock music, defending President Bush's occult affiliations, drinking alcohol, participating in coarse, unclean conversation and unholy jesting and engaging in all kinds of worldliness make a Christian "rapture ready"? It doesn't.

Todd Strandberg's Rapture Ready Ready Message Board, which consistently conditions Christians to partake of these and other sins, has an agenda to make it certain that Christians are not rapture ready. Their stated agenda is the opposite of their actual purpose as evidenced by their message board content. Much worldly and anti-Christian content is backed or ignored by the administration. Either way, the kingdom of God is being undermined, rather than advanced through the individuals who run this message board.

Relativism is the theme of the Rapture Ready Message Board: how a Christian feels while he is participating in behavior that violates biblical principles determines whether it is right or wrong. If he feels comfortable gambling, then he may gamble. If he feels comfortable drinking, then he may drink, if he feels comfortable playing occult computer games or typically sinful movies then he indulges, etc. As long as things don't get out of hand, conforming-to-the-world is promoted as being harmless and rather enjoyable. This is called giving place to the devil, and the Rapture Ready administrators and backers offer plenty of rationalizations to "help" the Christian justify getting off and staying off the narrow way that leads to life.

The Bible describes the grace that brings salvation. This grace teaches Christians to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. These are the Christians who are actively "looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." (See Titus 2:11-13)

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

It is a noble cause to try to use genetic research to find cures for various illnesses that plague mankind. Unfortunately, the cause of disease can't be found by looking under a microscope.

Because cancer and other forms of deformities are the results of the curse of sin, I believe that scientists are probably wasting their time in trying find cures. In the end, their efforts will either amount to nothing or they will invoke God's wrath.

NateNKayliesMom #fundie rr-bb.com

[Fundies have been going on about the Rapture being imminent.]

I look for it to happen any day. Soon. Even my children, ages 15 & 17 know that the day is fast approaching. They are in school and making plans for their future but at the same time, they will make comments that they honestly don't look to have families of their own here on earth.

I'm just ready. I have never been so ready in my life. I'm tired. I want to go home. This world is out of control and it sickens me.

KingKakashi(LoneWolf1984) #fundie narutomania.com

[I am a Christian and this is complete bullshit...You really need to tell whatever cult you are in to shove it.]

You call yourself a christian. You won't even stand up for a brother in Christ.

Christians like you give us the bad rap. Rapture is coming soon....Are you ready?

Jesus was bold, Peter was bold, Paul was bold, I guess you are not bold to stand up for your faith like I'm doing.

jazzlone #fundie rr-bb.com

(emphasis mine)

I have 2 bumper stickers on the back of my car. One says "Rapture Ready! Is it 2012 yest?!" (I'm ready for the Rapture AND for BO to GO) the other one sayd "Caution: Right Wing Extremists aboard!" Yesterday as I was leaving a mall, my friends in the car behind me. They saw a man take a picture of my bumper sticker (which, I don't know) and he pulled out behind me and followed me for a bit. HE had an anarchy bumper sticker on his car and spikes around his liscense plate. EEEEEEK! When we got to our next destination, the friends to me they were afraid for me, having those bumper stickers on my car. I said, "I DON'T CARE, WHATEVER ANYONE WANTS TO DO TO ME BECAUSE OF THOSE, I DO NOT CARE!" I'm to that point, too - screaming it from the roof-tops - "JESUS IS THE WAY AND YOU BETTER GET ON BOARD SOON!" C'mon brother and sisters, let's boost the numbers of folks saying YES to JESUS, let's work towards the "FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES"!! I cherish this group - and yes, you keep ME SANE, too! PTL!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

My friend, how would you react if you were told today by a doctor that you only had a few months left to live? Would you cry in sadness? Would you tell everyone, no one, or just your family? Would you praise the Lord that you're going home to be with the Lord in Heaven? What would be your response? I know I would be exceedingly glad to learn that I only have a few months to live, knowing that I am going to be with Jesus in Heaven. Goodbye cruel world! I am looking for the glorious appearing of my great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, at the Rapture, but if the Lord tarries His return, then I know assuredly that I will be with the Lord in Heaven before too long. I am ready for the Lord to take me home whenever He decides.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

What is wrong with date-setting?

Because date-setting can cause emotional harm to some people, we do not allow date-setting on the message board. A couple of years back, one participant threatened to kill himself after he thought he'd missed the rapture.

numerous people #fundie rr-bb.com

*Rapture Ready people afraid of the CNN hologram*

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Great. That's the LAST thing we need.
People can't deny this stuff for much longer
It's happening quickly
Won't be much longer
I agree about it being freaky. Everything is really coming together isn't it?
well CNN is doing the hologram thing... looks freaky, but not quite real..

Trance #fundie rr-bb.com

Default The end is near

I cannot help but shake the feeling the end is near. I have some premonitions about other things in the past, and they proved right on the money. I have a very strong gut feeling, that the Trumpet may sound, quite literally, any day now. I just cannot shake that feeling.

I have very good friends who are not true Believers, and I made a last-ditch effort to minister to them, only for them to call me a 'zealot' and a 'nut-bag' for my beliefs that Jesus is coming soon. The funny thing is one of them actually calls herself a 'Messenger', but she herself cannot even accept the Message.

She is very heavily involved in a 'universal church' that actually teaches Jesus Christ is only 'one way' out of many to get to Heaven. They believe in spirit-worship, earth-worship, and self-worship. She believes being a 'good person' is good enough for God, and the 10 Commandments were more of a 'guideline' than Holy Law.

I feel that she will be Saved, but it will take time. Once she sees just how dark it gets, I feel only then will she seek the Light...the Real Light, not the new-age 'enlightenment' she now tries to persue.

Like I said, I believe that our time on this earth is very quickly ending, and I have left my Bible and a book on Prophecies, as well as documents from the main page of Rapture Ready (I actually used an entire cartridge of ink), and placed them in a hidden place in my apartment, with instructions on where they are (I don't want these to fall into the wrong hands)

I highly encourage you to do the same thing for others you know, who may not be saved. God commands us to go to the world and preach the Good News.

Thank you, Rapture Ready for everything. God bless!

Indyted #fundie rr-bb.com

Things have happened rapidly over the last 5-10 years......especially this last year. Why the rush? Why the rapid increase of events? Is it possible that something big is going to happen and happen soon? Is it possible that 'someone' knows that something is going to happen soon and that 'someone' is prince of this world?

Don't get me wrong. I do not believe that the devil knows exactly when the rapture occurs. Only God knows that. But being the accuser of the brethren, the devil has access to God's throne and can see what is going on in Heaven. God may be getting ready to tell Christ and the angels to get into position.

I maybe wrong but with events rapidly increasing as they are, one has to wonder if something is on the horizon.

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