Donald Trump

Robert Spencer #fundie

Barack Obama has excoriated those who would restrict the entry of Muslim migrants as religious bigots. Donald Trump has been reviled as a new Hitler for daring to suggest that there should be a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration until adequate vetting procedures can be devised. Even conservative commentators have in response called for a ban on "Islamists," rather than Muslims, blithely ignoring the salient fact that there is no reliable way to distinguish the one from the other.

And so as Christmas 2015 comes and goes, and 2016 dawns, nothing is much more certain - given the wholesale self-imposed blindness and willful ignorance of our leaders and opinion-makers on both the Left and Right - than that we will become victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home. To see exactly what form will that take in the coming years and decades, we need only look around the world during this Christmas season: Somalia, Brunei, and Tajikistan have banned Christmas celebrations as "un-Islamic," and Indonesia plans to deploy 150,000 security personnel to make sure that Islamic jihadists don't target Christians in jihad mass murder plots as they celebrate Christmas. We don't hear very much about Christmas in Iraq this year: there are hardly any Christians left there to celebrate it.

But surely none of that can happen here, right? Someone will stop it. Someone will do something. Christmas celebrations banned in the U.S. to avoid offending Muslim sensibilities? Inconceivable! Christmas celebrations threatened with Muslim violence, not because they drew Muhammad or otherwise offended Muslim sensibilities, but simply for the fact of being Christian celebrations? It could never happen here! Christians driven out, or forcibly converted to Islam, or killed? That sort of thing only happens over there. Not in America. The refugees (refugees like the Paris jihadis), they will all be vetted moderates (just like Tashfeen Malik). Anyone who thinks anything could go wrong is a racist, bigoted Islamophobe.

Of course. Someone will do something, right? Someone, somewhere, sometime, will have the courage to brave the smears of "racism" and "bigotry" and "Islamophobia" that are certain to come his or her way, and put a stop to all of this before it gets of hand, right? Of course someone will. America is forever. America can't be destroyed. You will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home? Nonsense. Don't be racist. Don't be xenophobic. Everything is going to be all right. Let's just eradicate all this right-wing extremism, and everything will be fine, and we will all march together into a bright, beautiful multicultural future. Just like in Mosul. Just like in Somalia, and Tajikistan, and Brunei.

Roy Moore #fundie

Roy Moore today announced he is resigning from his position as the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court to run for the United States Senate.

"I'll stand for the rights and liberties of the people," Moore announced to cheering supporters and to reporters gathered at the State Capitol.

"My position has always been God first, family then country," Moore said. "I share the vision of President Donald Trump to make America great again," Moore said.

He later added, "Before we can make America great again, we've got to make America good again."

Moore said a key to making that happen is making sure the federal government stays within constitutional bounds.

"We've got to understand that getting back to the Constitution, getting back to its restraints, are what we need in this country to make it great again."

Moore said he has submitted his papers to resign from the state Supreme Court, a position he was suspended from for the remainder of his term.

Gov. Kay Ivey appointed Lyn Stuart chief justice. Stuart had served as acting chief justice since Moore's suspension. Ivey will now be able to appoint a new associate justice to give Alabama's highest court its full nine members.

Justice Tom Parker said today he will seek the chief justice seat in the 2018 primary election.

"Alabama is a conservative state. We revere the Constitution and the Rule of Law. And I believe our courts are the battleground for our God-given rights as free people," Parker said. "Please pray with me as I take this step, and thank you for standing with me as I continue to stand for the God-given principles that remain the foundation of the freedoms we cherish as Alabamians."

The Individual (a.k.a: Reptilian Dimension) #conspiracy

The extreme left communist’s (Jesuit trained) are working with radical Islamists linked to ISIS to shut down Donald Trump rallies

The Jesuit New World Order are using the same tactics all over the world to ensure an Islamic invasion of Europe and the US. The Jesuit’s train extreme left wing communists to aid and abet destructive Islamic immigration into the West, so the Jesuit’s can use Islam to destroy Protestant nations and implement a one world government and religion. When a right wing political candidate or group arises to challenge Islamic immigration or leftist policies, the extreme left rises against them with violence and destruction. These left wing groups are often working with radical Muslim’s with links to ISIS. The recent protests against Donald Trump involved left wing communists who work directly for Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton, and it also involved radical Muslim’s who have links to ISIS. This is the political group Donald Trump is essentially fighting against, he is fighting against; Jesuit (Greg Galuzzo)/Saul Alinsky trained communists and radical Muslims who flirt with ISIS. If Bernie Sanders or Hilary Clinton gets elected, America will begin to become radicalized by Islam and the left will collapse its borders even more.

In the UK the extreme left wing and government funded group called UAF (United Against Fascism) attacks anyone who criticizes Islam. The UAF actually gave the Muslim who beheaded a UK soldier (Lee Rigby) on the street a platform to speak on at their protests. These are the same type of left wing Islamic linked groups that are protesting at Donald Trump rallies. Donald Trump was recently attacked by a protester who can be seen on various online videos posing with a machine gun behind an ISIS flag. Donald Trump is America’s last defense against an engineered Islamic invasion, and against the Jesuit Order who are seeking to destroy the country from within by funding and training the extreme left.

The Jesuit Order are an occult Luciferian group who took over the Roman Catholic church centuries ago, and they now use the Vatican and various secret societies, to take over the world and create a one world government and religion. The Jesuit Order are using Islam to destroy Protestant Christian culture in Europe and they plan to do the same in the United States. The Jesuit Order control Islam through the Jesuit controlled Vatican Knights of the Golden Fleece (Saudi Royals are Knights of the Golden Fleece) and various other secret societies. According to former Jesuit of the fourth vow, Alberto Rivera, the Vatican created Islam to destroy Bible based Protestant Christianity in the Middle East. The Jesuit Order seem to be pro Islamic and pro left wing progressive, and they are creating a leftest progressive doctrine within the Vatican to accommodate Islam. The Jesuit Order may create a one world religion which includes radical Islam, so they can use Sharia law to murder anyone who doesn’t submit to their rule. The Jesuit Pope has made various statements over the years which include justifying violence by radical Muslims, and he has also stated that all religions are different paths to God (contrary to the Holy Bible). The Jesuit Order trained President Obama in communist and Islamic tactics through a Jesuit called Greg Galuzzo at the Gamaliel foundation. It is the communists and radical Islamist’s that are now taking over the governments of the world for the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit Order wish to have a communist/Islamic/liberal Vatican one world religion and government under the United Nations. Many radical Islamic leaders are controlled by the Jesuit Order or are Jesuit’s themselves in accordance with the Jesuit oath. The Jesuit oath requires the Jesuit to take over organized religion through infiltration and spying. The Jesuits also control the United Nations through the Knights of Malta who have permanent observer status on the security council.

Donald Trump #fundie

In a speech at the U.S.S. Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, on Monday, Trump referenced the use by ISIS of social media as a recruitment tool. He recommended a discussion with Bill Gates to shut off parts of the Internet.

"We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

Donald Trump #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact,.....

.....there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!

Donald Trump #fundie

We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me). They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!

Tim and Bill Jackson #fundie

Two brothers who support President Donald Trump argued over the weekend that the president was right to place a ban on travel from seven majority-Muslim countries because Jesus Christ is “the reason this country is here and safe today.”

In an interview with NPR that was published on Sunday, brothers Tim and Bill Jackson of Elizabethtown, New York called on Americans to give the president a chance.

“You know, I mean, everybody [is saying] he’s signed this, he’s signed that,” Tim opined. “It’s only been a week.”

“I’m sick of people who just stand by,” brother Bill agreed. “Now that someone’s gone in there and stirred the waters up, boy them Democrats are pissed. They’re trying to come up with every way they can to push him down.”

The brothers also linked Trump’s travel ban directly to Christianity.

“I feel that if a Muslim woman wants to move into this country, she needs to leave her towel home,” Bill explained. “Because the reason this country is here and safe today is because of Jesus Christ.”

He continued: “We were one nation under God. The Muslims are into Allah. They can’t live there [in their home countries] anymore because of all the turmoil and unrest. Here we still have somewhat peace. So if you’re going to come here to enjoy this peace, follow our rules and be one nation under God. Or stay home. I’m not making you change your religion, or whatever you want to call it, your belief. But if you want this, what we want, then you got to do what we’re doing to get it.”

Bill also disagreed with the notion that the Constitution gives Americans the right to worship the god of their choice.

“That is something I believe that has come along with political correctness and all this other garbage,” he insisted.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

In Capitalism a man gets to keep what he honestly earns. This is Biblical. Our text verse from Ecclesiastes contains the wisdom of Solomon. Solomon said that it's good for a man to work hard, and then to be able to enjoy the rewards of his labour. But what we have here in the United States today is economic banking fraud. The Federal Reserve Banking System since 1913 is a big fraud, a cruel hoax perpetrated upon all American citizens!!! If a man desires to buy a home, he must become a slave to the banks, entering into a 30 to 40 years mortgage agreement. A $350,000 home will cost the average American an additional $500,000 in tax interest to pay for the home, over the next 40 years. THAT'S INSANE!!! This is criminal, highway, robbery!!! Capitalism didn't do this to Americans... the criminal Wall Street banks did, the Federal Reserve Banks did, and our own treasonous government did... They did all this evil, worse than death, to every American citizen.

This is why I get all bent out of shape, when I discover that President Donald Trump is filling the “SWAMP” in Washington DC (you know... the “SWAMP” that Mr. Trump promised “drain” once elected). Trump has already broken numerous campaign promises. He promised to have Hillary Clinton arrested for her growing list of crimes and allegedly crimes. Sadly, once elected, President Trump changed his mind and admitted that his rhetoric toward Hillary was all just a big show, for the benefit of the public, just to get elected. Trump said he isn't going to prosecute Hillary. A liar is a liar!!! Trump has already made himself a liar.

Much worse than Trump abandoning his prosecution of Hillary, is Trump's decision to fill Washington's “SWAMP” with two-headed creatures from the Goldman Sachs septic tank on Wall Street, overflowing with bottom-dweller creatures of all type!!!

In Communism, the government forces the “haves” to support the “have-nots” (i.e., wealth is transferred from the rich to the poor through social handout programs). Communism never works in the long run, because it is dishonest, unbiblical and discourages personal ambition). Socialism is the road to Communism. Democracy is not freedom; but rather, is majority rule (which overrides individual liberty).

Film Maker Michael Moore did an excellent job making a 2009 documentary called, CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY (bless his soul). If you care about people at all, you'll get angry watching the film, as you see greedy and dishonest Wall Street banksters trick people through predatory lending schemes, and then send thugs to evict them onto the street from their homes. In many cases people were evicted out of homes and property that were generationally had belonged to the family. The banks are masters of financial deception, whereas the average American like me knows very little, and nothing of all the regulations that can hurt you, costing you everything you've ever worked for.

, and then have the police throw those victims out onto the street helpless to defend themselves against the powers of the government

Capitalism cannot work in a rigged financial system like in the United States, where we have a funny money system (fiat money) based upon fraud. The fractional-reserve banking system (aka, federal reserve) is fraud, plain and simple. The federal reserve is privately owned, which in itself is a total violation of the U.S. Constitution, giving the private banks control over our entire nation. President Woodrow Wilson was a traitor to his own country and an evil man who sold his soul to the banking cartel for pleasures and wealth. Shame on Wilson!

Donald Trump #fundie

On Lindsay Lohan:

In an appearance on Stern's show in December 2004, Trump initiated a conversation about actress Lindsay Lohan, who was 18 at the time.

"What do you think of Lindsay Lohan?" Trump asked Stern.

"I think she's hot," responded Stern.

"There's something there right?" Trump said. "But you have to like freckles. I've seen a, you know, close up of her chest and a lot of freckles. Are you into freckles?"

"I'm not into freckles, but the red hair thing I like. I like her on the cover of Entertainment Weekly," said Stern.

"Now does the father wreck, does that bother you a little bit?" Trump asked later in the conversation.

"Howard feels that the father being a wreck is a good thing," interjected co-host Robin Quivers.

"Oh yeah, because first of all, if the father's a wreck like the way he is--" Stern said.

"Right," said Trump.

"Can you imagine the sex with this troubled teen?" said Stern.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Trump said. "She's probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they're always the best in bed?"

Stern responded, "Because they're looking for love, they're looking for positive affirmation, they're looking for a father figure who will love them and tell them they're wonderful and they'll never be enough. No matter how many times you tell them they're beautiful, no matter how many times you tell them you love them they want to suck it up more. They would drain you like a vampire until your head caved in if they could get more love."

A representative for Lohan told CNN in an email, "Right now, Lindsay is choosing to focus on the positive things happening in her life and has decided to disregard the comments made about her by Presidential nominee Donald Trump. She is focusing on helping children around the world in need and that's where her passion is."

Trump continued in the interview, "Well I have a friend Howard who's actually like a great Playboy, I mean, I don't say this about men, this guy does very well. He runs silent, runs deep as they say, like a submarine. He will only look for a crazy woman. He says, 'Donald, Donald, please, please, I only want the crazy women.'"

"They're desperate," adds Stern.

"What is this guy all about," said Trump. "But for some reason, what I said is true. It's just unbelievable. You don't want to be with them for long term, but for the short term there's nothing like it."

Donald Trump #racist

As Durbin explained how deal would impact ppl from Haiti, Trump said, "Haiti? Why do we want people from Haiti here?" Then they got Africa. 'Why do we want these people from all these shithole countries here? We should have more people from places like Norway."

Mike King #conspiracy

Those of you who have had some degree of understanding about the New World Order -- that fiendishly clever conspiratorial movement to slowly bring about a super-centralized one-world dictatorship -- have no doubt experienced the frustration of trying to convince family and friends that A: You are not "crazy," and B: The trans-generational monster plot to take down America is real and not even that well-concealed any more. The torment that comes with seeing the world as it really is, while the willfully blind ridicule you, is a terrible burden that we "conspiracy theorists" ™ have always had to bear, in spite of the world's stupidity and hostility. After all, "He who dares not offend cannot be honest." (Thomas Paine).

But what if one of the 20th Century's best known and most trusted news media "rock stars" was to confirm, on camera, the validity of our nutty "conspiracy theory" ™. And what if an equally famous woman, the First Lady of the United States at the time, who came damn near close to becoming our 45th President, then congratulated that same man for his honest remarks while expressing full agreement with his totalitarian world government scheme? Would the doubters still be laughing? Try using this piece on them, and let us know what kind of reaction you get.

The logo of Cronkite's CBS depicts the same all-seeing eye as the logo for the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New World Order for the Ages) found on the back of a $1 dollar bill.


CBS propaganda had dubbed the legendary anchorman "the most trusted man in America” and the people believed it. From those early 1962 days of TV News (when there were only three networks and no cable stations) through 1981, Cronkite's carefully cultivated marketing image as a grandfatherly sage was unquestioned. In those naive pre-Internet, pre-talk radio days, "Uncle Walter's" leftist propaganda was difficult for amateurs to detect -- but it was always there.

In 1999, Cronkite, who was by then retired, appeared at a United Nations room to accept the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award from the openly pro-world government World Federalists Association. He told those assembled, including First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (watching by video feed), that he had always believed in world government but could not say so openly because of his position as CBS Anchorman.

Some excerpts, coupled with editorial analysis:

Cronkite: I am greatly honored to receive this award for two reasons: first, I believe as Norman Cousins did that the first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world; second, I feel sentimental about this award and this organization because half a century ago Norman offered me a job as spokesman and Washington lobbyist for the World Federalist organization, which was then in its infancy.

Analysis: Norman Cousins was a Jewish-American journalist, author, professor and tireless activist for world government. The fact that Cousins offered young Walter a job with the World Federalists a "half century ago" confirms that Cronkite was always a Globalist-Socialist, if not a full blown "McCarthy-era" communist.

Cronkite: For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible to achieve. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience.

Analysis: Nonsense! Cronkite's reporting was always heavily slanted leftward. It was harder to notice in those days because the viewing public had few alternatives to compare with.

Cronkite: Now, however, my circumstances are considerably different. I am in a position to speak my mind. And by God I'm gonna do it! (loud applause)

Analysis: You see, now that the retired old man has got nothing to lose, he can finally and completely drop his mask of "objectivity."

Cronkite: Those of us who are living today can influence the future of civilization. We can influence whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether through a monumental educational and political effort we will achieve a world of peace under a system of law ...

Analysis: A "monumental educational and political effort." -- Cronkite is talking about mass brainwashing, beginning in grade school, such as is now the case with the Global Warming ™ / Climate Chamnge ™ hoax to usher in world taxation.

Cronkite: ... where individual violators of that law are brought to justice.

Analysis: An "individual violator" is any foreign government that dares to defy the New World Order. The term "brought to justice" means that the "violator" is to be killed.

Cronkite: For how many thousands of years now have we humans been what we insist on calling "civilized"? And yet, in total contradiction, we also persist in the savage belief that we must occasionally, at least, settle our arguments by killing one another.

Analysis: Classic projection tactic. It is the warmongering "one worlders" who have, directly or indirectly, engineered just about every major conflict of the past two centuries! (Read: "Planet Rothschild")

1. "Peace...Peace ...Peace" -- the phony mantra of Globalists like Norman Cousins.

2. The "Planet Rothschild" two-volume set blows the cover off of this monster plot to turn humanity into a global bee-hive of raceless alienated tax and debt slaves.

Cronkite: While we spend much of our time and a great deal of our treasure in preparing for war, we see no comparable effort in establishing peace.

Analysis: Here is the "inside joke." -- In the Globalist code language, "peace" ™ is defined as the absence of resistance to the Globalists. When all nations finally and unconditionally surrender to the New World Order (a global EU), then and only then will the Globalists finally stop their endless bombings, sanctions, bribing, blackmailing, coups, assassinations, "color revolutions," wars, and proxy wars against the "violators" -- thus bringing about "world peace." See the trick?

Cronkite: It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. ... We Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That's going to be to many a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith and a lot of persuasion for them to come along with us on this necessity. ... But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen.

Analysis: Cronkite leaves no doubt. He and his ilk seek the end of America (and all nations) and the emergence of all powerful one-world-super-state to be erected behind the phony platitudinous facades of "federalism" and "democracy" ™ and "peace" ™ and "human rights" ™. And if they don't get it done "peacefully," they will have no choice but to unleash an "eventual catastrophic world conflict." (World War III)

Cronkite: Today we must develop federal structures on a global level. We need a system of enforceable world law --a democratic federal world government. ... Today the notion of unlimited national sovereignty means international anarchy. We must replace the anarchic law of force with a civilized force of law.

Translation: National sovereignty = chaos and anarchy. Nations = bad. World Government = good.

Cronkite: Ours is never going to be perfect world, nor a world without disagreement and occasional violence. But it will be a world where the majority of national leaders will consistently abide by the rule of world law, if we have our way, and those who won't will be dealt with effectively and with due process by the structures of that same world law.

Translation: Those who dare to defy our New World Order will be "dealt with" (Hussein of Iraq, Chavez of Venezuela, Qaddafi of Libya, Lil' Kim of North Korea, Assad of Syria, Putin of Russia et al.)

Cronkite: Consider... the possibility of a more representative and democratic system of decision making at the U.N. This should include both revision of the veto in the Security Council and adoption of a weighted voting system for the General Assembly. The World Federalists have endorsed Richard Hudson's Binding Triad proposal.

Analysis: By removing the veto of Security Council members (US, UK, France, China, Russia) each of the major powers will be powerless before the General Assembly's mob rule -- a mob directly controlled by the top Globalist mobsters who will have by then discarded "hit man" America like a used-up lemon.

Cronkite: George Soros, in his recent book "The Crisis of Global Capitalism," has given serious attention to this concept which would be based upon not only one-nation-one-vote but also on population and contributions to the U.N. budget.

Analysis: There it is!!! Mafia journalist Cronkite and George Soros (a "capo" of the Rothschild gang) dream of a "one-nation-one-vote" system in which hundreds of Turd World mini-gangster states get to rob the "evil rich White people" of America and Europe blind while flooding the West with their dirt-poor and criminal elements -- all done "democratically," of course. (rolling eyes sarcastically) Mind you, this was stated 20 years before the Soros-funded immigration invasion that we are witnessing today!

For nearly 40 years, the notorious billionaire George Soros has been pumping hundreds of millions of dollars in radical leftist causes, Globalist political campaigns worldwide, and world government groups. Gangsters like Soros make and promote men like Cronkite.

Cronkite: Resolutions adopted by majorities in each of these areas would be binding, enforceable law.

Analysis: "Binding, enforceable law" means that no power on earth, including the de-balled USA of the future, will ever be able to rebel against the New World Order. And that is why "liberals" are so obsessed with disarming all those millions of American "good ol' boys" who might find world government to be "a bitter pill to swallow." And you thought "gun control" was about "saving children." Ha!

Cronkite: Within the powers given to it in the Charter, the U.N. could then deal with matters of reliable financing,

Analysis: "Reliable financing" means a system of world taxation. That's what the Climate Change ™ hoax and its proposed "solution" of imposing "carbon taxes" on "wealthy nations" is really all about.

Cronkite: ... a standing U.N. peace force, development, the environment ....

Translation: Cronkite envisions a multi-ethnic global goon squad enforcing tax collection and compliance with the world system.

Cronkite: ... and human rights.

Analysis: More code language. When Globalists speak of "human right," ™, they are referring to the "rights" of their paid trouble-makers within any "violator" nation to subvert that particular government. When the target government is forced to crack down on the CIA-NGO backed agitators, saboteurs, terrorists and subversives, the Globalist media, led by the New York Slimes, will immediately accuse that nation of "human rights violations" and call for sanctions, bombing, war etc.

Cronkite: As with the American rejection of the League of Nations after World War I, our failure to live up to our obligations to the U.N. is led by a handful of willful senators who choose to pursue their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our nation's conscience. They pander to and are supported by the Christian Coalition and the rest of the religious right wing.

Analysis: In order to avoid the sound logical and moral arguments against One World Government, Cronkite is setting up the straw-man of the goofy televangelist Pat Robertson.

Cronkite: Their leader, Pat Robertson, ....

Analysis: I didn't know that Pat Robertson was "our leader," -- did "youse guys" (New Jerseyese for the plural of you) know that?

Cronkite: ... has written that we should have a world government but only when the messiah arrives. "Attempts for world order before that time must be work of the Devil." -- Well, join me, I am glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.

Analysis: Given the freaky fascination with the occult that many of these elites have been known to dabble in, Cronkite's shout-out to Satan might very well have been literal. Indeed, Cronkite was, for many years, the voice of Molech the Owl for the creepy-as-all-heck "Cremation of Care" ceremony at the secretive annual gatherings at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California. (here).

Cronkite: The only way we who believe in the vision of a democratic world federal government can effectively overcome this reactionary movement is to organize a strong educational counteroffensive stretching from the most publicly visible people in all fields to the humblest individuals in every community.

Translation: We still have got a lot of brainwashing to do before the American people will accept the New World Order as a good thing.

Now, here's the kicker. After Commie Cronkite wrapped up his open call for treason and full NWO "democratic" takeover, First Lady, future US Senator, future Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential nominee Killary Rotten Clinton appeared on the big screen to congratulate "the most trusted man in America" on his treason award.


"Good evening and congratulations, Walter, on receiving the World Federalist Association's Global Governance Award. For more than a generation in America, it wasn't the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was the news. Every night at 6 o'clock, we listened as you explained the complex events of the day. ... You became a trusted member of my family and the families across America. For decades, you told us "the way it is," but tonight, we honor you for fighting for the way it could be. .. So thank you, Walter. Thank you for inspiring all of us to build a more peaceful and just world. We are still listening to your every word. And with your continuing leadership, we can sail across these un-navigated seas into the 21st Century, and there is no better captain that I can imagine than you."

Cronkite and Clinton --- "the most trusted man in America" and the neurotic hag who, were it not for Donald Trump, almost became "the first woman President" -- just a couple of meaningless and non-influential "conspiracy theorists" ™, eh? Believe it, there are plenty more big names who think just like them. Actually, the entire PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is on board with the America-busting New World Order, or at least afraid of bucking "the tide of history."

Now, as much as the pro-Globalist prostitutes of the Piranha Press, Hollyweird, Corporate America (and Europe) and Academia all love Killary and Walter (who died in 2009), that's as much as they hate Trump and Putin. So why do the "great and the good" of the bought-and-paid-for pseudo-intelligentsia all hate on Trump and Putin so much? Read the quotes below, and the world situation will begin to make more sense to you.

Trump: “We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and America security above all else. That will be the foundation of every single decision I will make.”

“America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration,”

Putin: "What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within....I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today's world. "

Putin and Trump certainly sound like "violators" who need to be "dealt with" -- eh Walter? If you still think the New World Order is just "paranoid conspiracy theory," then there is little else that can be done to enlighten you --- short of an economic calamity and/or World War III with Russia and China (which kingpin George Soros had already strongly hinted at (here)). But if you are intrigued by this subject and would like to learn more, then please have a look at "Planet Rothschild" (also linked below). Your world-view will never be the same.

Supporters of Donald Trump #racist

Any reporter covering presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump knows they risk wading into the cesspool that is his online fanbase. Being trolled by members of the Make America Great Again team is just another part of the job description of a political reporter in 2016.

But his recent promotion, and subsequent defense, of an anti-Semitic image has underscored the particular kind of harassment that Jewish journalists ? and non-Jews who happen to have vaguely Jewish-sounding names ? have faced. He may deny that the image, which featured Hillary Clinton’s face next to a Star of David and a pile of money, had anti-Semitic undertones, but behavior from some of his supporters seems to suggest otherwise. The Twitter feed that Trump social media editor Dan Scavino sourced the graphic from had previously posted pictures of swastikas and other racist imagery.


In May, HuffPost Senior Editor Sam Stein was told, “I hope someone throws you in a wood-chipper feet first. You lying propaganda spreading liberal jewish sack of shit.”

One person replied to foreign affairs reporter Jessica Schulberg’s story on Trump’s neo-Nazi fans by saying:

If you are going to attack Nazis, at least state their position clearly. If Holocaust Denial is so “abhorrent” why don’t you state the facts that these people trumpet? Oh, because then people would wake up to your Jewish lies.

Reporters outside of HuffPost have also experienced this kind of rampant anti-Semitism. After writer Julia Ioffe profiled Trump’s wife Melania for GQ, she received threats of physical violence, as well as phone calls from someone playing Adolf Hitler speeches and images of her face photoshopped onto Holocaust victims.

Ioffe filed a police report on the abuse. After receiving death threats to her personal Facebook account from Trump supporters, Forward’s Bethany Mandel bought a gun.

David J. Stewart #fundie

How does your favorite singer or movie actor measure up to the Word of God? Here's a partial list of entertainers who are pulling on the same rope as the Devil...

Adriana Sklenarikova
Ali Landry
Alicia Keys
Alyssa Milano
Angela Lindvall
Angelina Jolie
Anna Kournikova
Anna Paquin
Ashley Judd
Avril Lavigne
Backstreet Boys
Ben Affleck
Beyonce Knowles
Brad Pitt
Britney Spears
Cameron Diaz
Caprice Bourret
Carmen Electra
Carrie-Anne Moss
Charlize Theron
Christina Aguilera
Christina Ricci
Christy Turlington
Cindy Crawford
Claudia Schiffer
Conan O'Brien
Daisy Fuentes
Daniela Pestova
Demi Moore
Donald Trump
Denise Richards
Drew Barrymore
Eliza Dushku
Elizabeth Hurley
Elsa Benitez
Estella Warren
Faith Hill
Famke Janssen
Frank Sinatra
Gabrielle Reece
Gabrielle Union
Gena Lee Nolin
Gene Simmons
Gillian Anderson
Gisele Bundchen
Gwen Stefani
Gwyneth Paltrow
Halle Berry
Heidi Klum
Howard Stern
Jaime Pressly
James King
Jay Leno
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Jenny McCarthy
Jeri Ryan
Jessica Alba
Jessica Simpson
Johnny Depp
Julia Roberts
Julia Stiles
Kate Hudson
Katherine Heigl
Keanu Reeves
Kelly Hu
Keri Russell
Kid Rock
Kim Bassinger
Kirsten Dunst
Kylie Minogue
Laetitia Casta
LeAnn Rimes
Leelee Sobieski
Liv Tyler
Lucy Lawless
Lucy Liu
Mandy Moore
Mariah Carey
Matt Damon
Mena Suvari
Michael Jackson
Michelle Branch
Michelle Trachtenberg
Minnie Driver
Monica Bellucci
Nadja Auermann
Nancy Sinatra
Naomi Campbell
Nicole Kidman
Orlando Bloom
Ozzy Osbourne
Pamela Anderson
Paris Hilton
Reba McEntire
Sharon Stone
Toni Braxton
Victoria Silvstedt
Viggo Mortensen
Virginie Ledoyen
Vivica A Fox
Yamila Diaz
Patricia Arquette
Rachael Leigh Cook
Rebecca Gayheart
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Reese Witherspoon
Rena Mero (Sable)
Renee Zellweger
Ricky Martin
Salma Hayek
Sandra Bullock
Shania Twain
Sophie Marceau
Sung Hi Lee
Thandie Newton
Tiny Turner
Tom Cruise

Do their tight clothing and sensual gyrations express the love of God or the works of the devil? Do the lyrics in their songs glorify God or sex and sensuality? Does the way they dress make you sing praises to God or think about sex? They are all of the devil and you know it. Some singers come right out and praise Satan. This world is fast going over a moral waterfall. The New World Order is here. The microchips are already here and WILL be implanted into every human being at some point in the future. Those who resist will be punished. Christians and patriots will be arrested, persecuted and even executed.

Sorcha Faal #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy

Trump Clone War Socialist British Massacre Victory Joined By Doomsday Plane Flight When Empire Strikes Back

A disquieting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin wishing Prime Minister Boris Johnson “good health and success” after this British populist leader led his conservative forces yesterday to their historic “bloodbath massacre defeat” of socialist-globalist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his demented leftist followers—a battlefield victory so profound it sent a “catastrophic warning” clear across the Atlantic Ocean to leftist Democrats in America on the grim fate that awaits them in the 2020 election, states it was more than fitting that top socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden was in California yesterday viewing this bloodbath massacre defeat, where he declared Prime Minister Johnson is President Donald Trump’s “clone”, at the same exact time obsessed Star Wars fans in California with sleeping bags and a portable movie projector have started camping outside Hollywood's Chinese Theatre, more than a week before the next installment of this movie blockbuster begins playing—the comparisons of which between this futuristic science fiction movie franchise depicting freedom loving peoples rebelling against an evil space empire and present day reality are becoming harder to ignore—most particularly because this socialist-globalist election battlefield massacre masterminded by Trump-clone Boris Johnson occurred on the 11th anniversary date of 13 December 2008 when top climate change religious figure Al Gore warned the North Pole would be completely melted and free of ice by 2013—an important fact to note as within hours of Prime Minister Johnson achieving his historic victory yesterday, the “evil empire” European Union threatened to slam the United States with crippling climate change tariffs—a threat quickly responded to by President Trump ordering his nation’s feared Doomsday plane to begin nuclear war exercise flights—a Doomsday plane sure to be placed under the command of the new Space Force military command the US Congress just gave money and authority to Trump to create this week—which comes during the same week veteran NASA astronaut Michael Collins posted a shocking Tweet hinting at alien life and its being reported the US Navy is covering up new technology—advanced space technology further alluded to this past week by retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast stating that “fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour”—which one knows would be developed at the highly secretive Area 51 base where its been revealed all of its visitors now have to wear “Foogles” to severely limit their vision when moving about. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Paula White #fundie

Paula White, a prosperity gospel preacher with close ties to President Donald Trump, is calling on followers to send her donations of up to one month’s salary. Those who don’t pay up could face “consequences” from God as he demands the dough as a “first fruits” offering.

“The reason is God lays claim to all firsts,” White wrote on her website. “So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God.”

In this case, the “firsts” are money, which “supernaturally unlocks amazing opportunity, blessing, favor and divine order for your life.”

White, who is chairwoman of Trump’s evangelical advisory committee, claims she contributes a month’s pay every year as a “seed,” which according to prosperity gospel is supposed to grow into riches and other blessings. She’s also calling on others to contribute their own firsts, in the form of wages for a day, week or entire month:

When you honor this principle it provides the foundation and structure for God’s blessings and promises in your life, it unlocks deep dimensions of spiritual truths that literally transform your life! When you apply this everything comes in divine alignment for His plan and promises for you. When you don’t honor it, whether through ignorance or direct disobedience there are consequences.

While White said these firsts “belong to God and God alone,” she wants them sent to her in the form of offerings to her ministries.

White delivered a prayer at Trump’s inauguration, where she called on God to give the president “the confidence to lead us in justice and righteousness, and the compassion to yield to our better angels.”

Mack Major #fundie

Interesting thing about Jezebel: Jezebel always surrounds herself with EUNUCHS. A eunuch is a man who has been castrated so that his main focus can be on guarding his queen.

I can't help but notice as I watch this US election cycle play out in the news media how Hillary (who represents that Jezebelian spirit) has her own eunuchs too. They're not hard to spot. They're mostly a bunch of effeminate male news commentators who will not say one negative thing in the media about Hillary; nor will they allow anyone else to.

Their focus is on Donald Trump's alleged mistreatment of women. And that's the ONLY news story these guys will entertain; so much to the point where it's obvious they've sold themselves to be Hillary's eunuchs. They won't even avail themselves to ask her about those missing emails!

With all these real issues left sitting untouched on the table: Benghazi, those missing emails, the Wiki leaks, the money that was funneled through her and Bill's foundation sent to help rebuild Haiti that went to their American friends and cronies instead of to the Haitian people first, the economy, NAFTA, the mass incarceration of African-American men under draconian drug laws set in place by Bill Clinton (with Hillary's standing right by his side) - I really don't care what Donald Trump did with his hands back in '05.

That's nothing compared to what Hillary's hands did when she was deleting those 33,000 missing emails!

Check her resume: she's in full support of gay marriage and partial birth abortion: another trait of the late great Jezebel. Jezebel was named in honor of the god Bel (also spelled Baal); whose worship was conducted via gay sex rituals, orgies and the sacrifice of little babies.

Seems like nothing's changed much in how this spirit operates.

Interesting thing about Jezebel's eunuchs in the biblical story: they were the very ones who ended up tossing her out into the streets. That's a warning for Jezzy not to rely too heavily on her eunuchs to do her dirty work for her. Them eunuchs ain't loyal! Because when Jehu shows up: watch out! They'll switch sides at the drop of a dime!

Speaking of Jehu: he's described in the Bible as a rugged, sometimes uncouth type of guy. Pure alpha male type. When he drove through the streets in his chariot, folks knew to get out the way. He drove like a furious madman on a mission.

And it was THIS sort of man that God Himself raised up to bring about the ultimate end of Jezebel's reign, and to put an end to the house of her husband Ahab.

God always raises up an alpha male to deal with a Jezebel. That's the only type of man anointed by God to do so!

Let that one marinate. *Read about Jezebel, Jehu and her end in 2 Kings chapter 9.

Arizona GOP #fundie

Police may be given power to arrest anyone involved in a peaceful demonstration that is merely suspected of turning violent.

Republican senators in Arizona voted for SB1142 this week, which proposes expanding the state’s racketeering laws to also include rioting.

It will permit police to arrest people who are at least involved in planning a protest.

“Wouldn’t you rather stop a riot before it starts?” asked former police officer and Senator John Kavanagh during the debate, according to the Capitol Times.

“Do you really want to wait until people are injuring each other, throwing Molotov cocktails, picking up barricades and smashing them through businesses in downtown Phoenix?

“You now have a situation where you have full-time, almost professional agent-provocateurs that attempt to create public disorder.

“A lot of them are ideologues, some of them are anarchists. But this stuff is all planned.”

Fellow Republican Senator Sylvia Allen added: “I have been heartsick with what’s been going on in our country, what young people are being encouraged to do.”

Americans have recently protested after a Los Angeles police officer fired his gun while surrounded by teenagers.

Police also made arrests when 75 demonstrators refused to leave a Dakota Access pipeline protest camp.

Many of the 230 protesters arrested during Donald Trump’s inauguration last month, some who faced charges of felony rioting, claimed they had done nothing wrong.

Democrats in Arizona accused their rival politicians of trying to stifle First Amendment rights, and pointed out there were already laws criminalising actual rioting.

Senator Steve Farley said: “[It] will have a chilling effect on anybody, right or left, who wants to protest something the government has done.”

Republicans voted by 17 to the Democrats' 13 in favour of the bill on Wednesday.

It will now go to the House of Representatives for approval.

The Independent has contacted Arizona GOP chairman Jonathan Lines for further comment.

Elvis is King #fundie

"Gay rights are human rights."- Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) is an American loser of elections, who rose to fame as the First Lady and wife to former President Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton. Her main move was a failed push for Crazy Bernie style health care, which failed because the American people were too wise to buy into the notion of government controlled health care. She moved to New York after being First Lady to run for the US Senate, because she knew that she would have lost that bid in her real home state of Arkansas. Clinton ran for President in the 2008 Democratic Presidential primaries, and lost to then-Senator Barack Hussein Obama, who was an unknown community organizer beforehand. Obama offered Clinton the secretary of state position, and she took it, because it was a consolation prize for losing. Her main action as secretary of state was allowing four Americans to die in Benghazi, Libya, because of her liberal lack of moral clarity. As a nominal Baptist, Clinton has no idea about the truths in the Bible. In 2016, she barely was able to fend off a primary challenge in the Democratic Presidential primaries by Crazy Bernie Sanders because the media, DNC, and other agents ensured her weak sauce victory. Clinton was unable to win an election that was rigged in her favor and lost to Republican Donald Trump in the Electoral College. Clinton won the popular vote by over three million votes because of illegal votes in looney liberal California.

Matt Forney #fundie

It looks like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of America’s premier ethnic shakedown organizations, is running low on donations again. This week, they announced the new edition of their “hate group” list, a record of supposed white supremacist, far-right terrorist organizations operating in the United States. Most notably, Return Of Kings has been added to the list as a “male supremacy” organization, alongside men’s rights’ group A Voice For Men:

Also, for the first time, the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate group list: A Voice for Men, based in Houston, and Return of Kings, based in Washington, D.C. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.

This isn’t the first time that ROK publisher Roosh has been targeted by the SPLC: in 2012, he was named in one of the organization’s “Intelligence Reports,” alongside A Voice for Men and my old site In Mala Fide. Roosh later cited the experience as the final push that moved him to the dissident right.

It’s clear that the SPLC is going after AVFM and ROK in an attempt to scare liberal old biddies into giving them more money, because their attack was sloppy and poorly-handled. For example, the SPLC claims that ROK is headquartered in Washington D.C., even though it’s a website with no physical address or full-time employees.

Most hilariously, the SPLC’s dossier on alt right figure Richard Spencer confused him with Robert Spencer, the founder of Jihad Watch, suggesting they outsourced the research to a stupid intern.

Having said this, the SPLC’s attack can’t be handwaved away. Much like the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC’s purpose in naming organizations as “hate groups” or individuals as “extremists” is designed to incite violence against them. Ever since the election of Donald Trump, the left in America has become increasingly violent, and the SPLC’s list is a dog whistle to antifa and other groups with the intent of hurting or possibly killing Roosh and other targeted individuals.

How The Southern Poverty Law Center Fuels Leftist Violence

The SPLC, ADL, and other related organizations like to masquerade as legitimate news organizations who are merely calling attention to violent, anti-government extremists, but this is as far from the truth as possible. In actuality, the SPLC functions as an intelligence-gathering operation for antifa and other violent leftists, compiling dossiers on chosen targets with the implicit message of, “It’s okay to hurt, maim, or kill these people: they’re Nazis/misogynists/homophobes, after all.”

“Hate group” lists compiled by the SPLC have been used by leftist criminals in the past to identify targets for assassination. For example, in 2013, a left-winger committed a mass shooting against the Family Research Council after seeing them named by the SPLC as an “anti-gay” group. More recently, we’ve seen leftists openly going after Republican politicians and public figures, such as the attempted assassination of House Majority Leader Steve Scalise by Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson.

This is not the first time that figures in the dissident right have been targeted in such a way. Last summer, the ADL released a hit list of alt right and alt lite figures such as Mike Cernovich, Richard Spencer, and myself, with the purpose of inciting violence against us. In response, Cernovich and several other alt lite figures launched the #ADLTerror hashtag on Twitter with the intent of bringing attention to the fact that their lives were now in danger.
Lies, Damned Lies, And Lists

Moreover, the SPLC can’t even be consistent with the criteria it uses to evaluate “hate groups.” In response to their attack on A Voice For Men, ex-feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye (creator of the documentary The Red Pill) revealed that in 2016, the SPLC told her that AVFM didn’t fit their criteria for a group since they lacked an “official group policy,” due to the fact that AVFM was just a website and a forum. The SPLC has not yet revealed to Jaye why they changed their policy.

Regardless, it is clear that the international left is ramping up for a broader attack on the dissident right. While the alt right was the focus of much of the left’s ire last year, the movement has been weakened due to systematic deplatforming, failed stunts such as Charlottesville, and personality conflicts between its major leaders. As a result, the left now feels confident in going after sites like Return Of Kings that had previously been out of the line of fire.

Dissident right and alternative media figures should prepare themselves for an onslaught from the globalists in the coming months. With the 2018 midterm elections coming up and the Russia investigation in the U.S. unraveling, the left is looking to strike out at anyone who challenges their power or narrative. As the SPLC’s actions show, they are not above physically hurting or killing their enemies to achieve their goals.

Mike King #conspiracy

Though the Globalist faction of the worldwide PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) has had its knives out for Donald Trump from the very beginning of his campaign, the besieged candidate overcame the odds because another faction, the Likudnik Zionists, hated the Soros Globalist Killary Clinton. We believe that it was Bibi Satanyahu, not Putin, who orchestrated the blistering WikiLeaks campaign that damaged Killary so much. The fact that the evil Zionist billionaire and part owner of the Republican't Party, Sheldon Adelson, said that Trump would be "the best President ever for Israel" (here) adds even more weight to our contention that powerful, ultra-nationalist Zionist forces played a critical role in pulling off the stunning defeat of the Globalist Golden Girl.

Netanyahu, Adelson and Mossad agent Assange got Trump elected. Is Trump stiffing Israel on its expected payoff?

Events of the past few days suggest that the Satanyahu-Adelson Axis of Evil may soon be joining their Globalist counterparts in the "Get Trump" movement.

Headline, from the May 16th Jerusalem Post: Harsh Exchange Between Trump and Netanyahu Teams Days Ahead of Key Israel Visit (here)

Headline, from the May 15th Times of Israel: Adelson Reportedly Furious with Tillerson for Tying Embassy Move to Peace Deal (here)

The men who helped to elect Trump are not happy about comments coming out of the administration regarding Palestinian sovereignty over the Western Wall and the stalled relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem. Nor were they fooled by Trump's pretended misile attack on Syria and pretended threats against North Korea --- both nations being enemies of Israel. If both the Globalist and the Zionist factions of the PRC come after Trump, then expect the warning of Henry Ford to come into play "big league," as Trump likes to say.

From Ford's, The International Jew:

"And if after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of "scandals" and "investigations."

"Scandals" and "investigations" ....hmmmm. You nailed it Mr. Ford! (In his day, Ford was referring to what "they" had done to the nationalist President Warren Harding with their hyped-up "Tea-Pot" scandal).

1 & 2: If these wicked schemers also turn on Trump, then look for FAUX News and the Drudge Retard to follow. 3. Henry Ford's 1920's "International Jew" is a great read! (here) (still on Amazon!)

In fact, Israel may already have begun to punish Trump. This most recent "scandal" involving Trump's alleged disclosure of "classified intelligence" to the Russians has Israel's fingerprints all over it. From the article:

"The bad-news stories slammed into the White House in pitiless succession on Tuesday, leaving President Trump’s battle-scarred West Wing aides staring at their flat screens in glassy-eyed shock.

The disclosure that Mr. Trump divulged classified intelligence to Russian officials that had been provided by Israel was another blow to a besieged White House staff recovering from the mishandled firing of James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director."

The sons-of-bitches aren't content with all the cash and favors that Trump has already bestowed upon Israel. No, they demand total obedience, and if they can't get it from Trump, they'll join the "Impeach Trump" movement and extract their demands from Zionist stooge Mike Pence instead. Watch out Trump! And keep a close watch on that scheming little Jew son-in-law of yours, Jared Kushner. It's quite possible that he is one of the "leakers" feeding all of your dirty laundry to the Piranha Press.

Surrounded by back-patting leakers, snitches and snakes ---- Kushner, Pence, Priebus

MAY 17, 12:15 AM / US EST

Is Zionist Jew and Trump enthusiast Matt Drudge starting to turn?



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that the secret intelligence about ISIS that Trump divulged to the Russians came from Israel.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's pretty irresponsible of Trump of betray our strongest ally like that.

Sugar: Boobuss you frickin' credulouss cretin!! Israel controlss ISIS!!!

Editor: Satanyahu played this one beautifully.

Styx666Official #fundie

Mike Huckabee compared Donald Trump to Winston Churchill.

Churchill the drunken, overrated moron had 300,000+ people burned alive in firebombing raids with the held of bigoted, moronic, socialistic FDR. Don't fucking try and tell me they were morally upright.

Lance Wallnau #fundie

Earlier this week, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a video on Periscope in which he claimed that the mistake in announcing the best picture winner at the Academy Awards last weekend was an example of God making the enemies of President Trump “look foolish.”

“A lot of us don’t watch the Academy Awards because it’s so irritating with the politics,” Wallnau said. “All night they’re bashing Trump, all night they set up this imaginary Donald Trump figure and beat him like a pinata. And then when it comes time for them to do the best picture, they screw it up, they have the wrong envelope. Hollywood evidently knows enough to lecture the president and the rest of the country on what the president’s policy should be, but they don’t know enough to find their own envelopes.”

“All night long they’re beating up on Donald Trump and the headlines the next day [are] how screwed up the Academy Awards was,” Wallnau continued. “I don’t know how long this grace is going to be on Donald Trump but, I’ll tell you what, there’s an anointing on that guy and God literally makes his enemies look foolish.”

Lance Wallnau #fundie

Earlier this month, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau announced that he and his prayer warriors would be “fasting and praying so that the Lord will turn the tables” on those who are working to undermine President Trump. And apparently those prayers are already working, according to Wallnau, based on the statement from Republican Rep. Devin Nunes yesterday that some communications involving members of Trump’s transition team had been “incidentally collected” during legal U.S. government surveillance of foreign targets.

Nunes’ statement, of course, did not corroborate Trump’s claims.

In a video posted on his Facebook page last night, Wallnau misrepresented the facts of the matter while suggesting that it was no coincidence that this information was revealed in the wake of their prayer efforts.

Wallnau said that Trump “has had his legitimacy as a president constantly questioned and harassed by the principalities and powers that are operating through the media and what we call the deep state,” which he said are spreading “fake news” in order to delegitimize the president.

“Interesting,” Wallnau said, “after the fast and after we’ve been praying and after we’ve been talking about the Haman being hung on his own gallows, today news comes out that says that there was indeed an agency-wide sharing of names of individuals that never should have been revealed; who were somehow caught in the net of surveillance that was being done and put into documents that were leaked to the press so as to create the impression that Trump is under investigation and that he’s under surveillance and being wiretapped.”

“When Donald Trump goes and says what he’s reading in the news, he’s accused of being insane,” Wallnau stated. “It’s an interesting kind of witchcraft going on there. It’s just so obvious to me.”

Roosh #fundie

I’ve had a front-row seat in the culture war for over a decade, but I haven’t made any big policy declarations like other movements. Men’s rights activists their “family law reform” platform. The MGTOW group has “legalize prostitution and invent realistic sex bots.” The alt right has “white ethno-state.” The alt lite has “civic nationalism.” When it comes to policy, I’ve been quiet, solely focusing on fostering truth and masculinity. Only now am I ready to make the commitment to a policy platform which nips the essential problem in the bud in a way that other movements do not. We must repeal women’s suffrage, starting with the 19th Amendment in the United States. Once this is accomplished, no other planned or conscious action must be taken to solve nearly all our societal ills.


Today’s problems are all branches of a radical leftist root that has been normalized through feminism, social justice, and socialism. Allowing women to vote has made it effortless to elect leftist politicians who hate the family unit, men, and healthy market competition, while simultaneously weakening society by pushing women into work and giving them generous welfare in the form of handouts to single moms and the able-bodied along with make-work jobs for females in bloated government bureaucracies.

Thanks to leftism, we have seen the rise of a techno-matriarchy with an agenda of male disempowerment and persecution that transfers resources and soft power from men to women while solidifying hard power among elite globalists who control it all to uphold their own high-level aims. Individual globalists work together as an oligarchy to enact a divide-and-conquer strategy among races and sexes to fund leftist causes, politicians, and NGOs. The group with the most money to influence “democratic” politics and public opinion implants their useful idiots and political puppets to maintain control.

These puppets, whether on the “right” or “left,” have a true center on the left end of the spectrum for the sheer reason that votes from women must be gained. The manosphere cannon has shown that women have special mental faculties that operate almost exclusively on emotion, submission, and social conflict more than logic, dominance, and merit. Western countries have transformed into a national representation of the female psyche.


To appease female voters and their destructive nature of promiscuity and drama, a symptom of which is collectively propelling a book about a woman being brutally dominated by a man (50 Shades Of Grey) to one of the best selling books of all time, society has veered so far to the left that it is crumbling at its base through declining birth rates and collapse of the family unit. Because we have given women suffrage, it has become necessary to gain their votes by promising whatever they want in the moment, including the removal of all gates to the sexual market so they can engage in the great game of “alpha male hunting,” which has led to such unbridled chaos and sterility that we have to import third-world people as these empowered female voters abort nearly 60 million American babies. The demographic crisis the West faces today is primarily due to allowing women to do as they please instead of imposing healthy standards on their behavior and choices. The direct cause of this horror movie is giving women the vote.

I haven’t even touched the surface of the problems we have today that stem from having to appeal to the female vote: lowering of academic standards in universities to allow them to “excel,” promotion of degeneracy in media, invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys, promotion of sex change operations among children, re-defining fat women as “beautiful at any size,” legalization of gay marriage, use of murder (abortion) as birth control, maligning normal masculinity as “toxic masculinity,” and elevation of damaging myths such as “rape culture” and the “wage gap” to foment gender fear and confusion. The culture has degraded because women have been at the forefront of degrading it. Their true nature, once unimpaired by societal limits, embarks on an tragic mission of destruction to recreate reality in a way to make them appear more attractive to high status men, no matter the consequence.

The problems I mentioned above would take thousands of local and Federal laws to address individually, and it would meet intense opposition from globalists who would fund the sort of antifascist protests and Deep State interference that we have seen thwarting Donald Trump. And even if those thousands of laws are passed, there is no guarantee that a renewed leftward push, thanks to ongoing demographic changes, wouldn’t roll them back. Is there a way to solve the problems while being assured that they couldn’t be repealed over the course of several generations? I’ve thought about this dilemma for years, after scratching the surface with previous thought experiments, and can only come to one conclusion: the problems in society can only be solved, and remain solved beyond one generation, by repealing women’s suffrage.


Take away the power of women to vote, and the degradation stops. The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics, would offer no barrier in stopping the return to patriarchal normalcy. Women, helpless at enacting political change, would just whine and nag endlessly, and when they tire themselves out, they’d complete their protest by buying dildos or cats. Consider that no Democratic candidate for President since Jimmy Carter would have likely won if women were not allowed to vote. Upon repeal of women’s suffrage, a new party to the right of Republicans would be created as conservative men seek true conservatism and tradition.

Remove a woman’s right to vote and within just one national election, every single leftist party would be crushed. Within two elections, politicians would speak directly to men and their innate interest for patriarchy, economic success, stable families, and an equitable distribution of females among society. More than half of the candidates running for office would already be more conservative than Donald Trump, who is still liberal on social issues like equality and gay marriage.

Within three elections, the entirely of the liberal platform of the past 50 years would be rolled back, and the only living audience a woman can gain for her political opinions is from her feline friends. Within four elections, the global elite would be forced to retrench while sitting on billions of capital with no direct path of influence except sponsoring color revolutions and coups that can be defeated in the name of patriotic national defense. By then, the power of NGOs, media outlets, and day care universities will have declined. Within five elections, cultural standards would have tamed the sexual marketplace, and birth rates would rise once more as both women and men see the incentive in spending their free time building families instead of endlessly trying to secure a sex partner for the fleeting moment.

Repealing women’s suffrage would also diminish other dissident movements whose solutions can only bring temporary success as long as women have the right to vote. Men will automatically push laws that account for men’s rights. They will automatically regulate the sexual marketplace to make it more fair, diminishing MGTOW. They will automatically regulate immigration and replace it with a policy of natalism, diminishing the alt right. And they will automatically have high standards for citizenship, diminishing the alt lite.

Even the concept of masculinity will be built into the crust of society where only men have a political voice and not women. My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote. There will be no need for counter-cultural movements of men when those in charge of national politics only need to cater to male votes. If women’s suffrage is repealed, the most reviled dissident today would even be able to easily attain political office.


It should be clear to you that women will always use their votes to destroy themselves and their nations, to invite invaders with open legs, to persecute their own men, and to ravage their economies with socialism. Because they don’t operate on logic like men do, you will always have this destructive element within the political ranks of your nation as long as women have the right to vote. Giving them this right was a terrible mistake. I can now claim to have one political dream, and that is to repeal women’s suffrage. I will vote only for politicians who put me closer to realizing this necessary reality. Within my lifetime, I’m certain that at least one country, in an attempt to save itself, will elevate a barbarous and ferocious strongman to fulfill this task, and he will have my full support, because repealing women’s suffrage is the only issue of our day that can single-handedly solve all the others.

Right For The Wrong Reasons Award

Even when he gets it, he doesn't get it.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia

I highly recommend reading three great books by Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959). Although I don't agree with everything that Commander Carr teaches, I agree with 99% of it. ...

Pawns In The Game | Satan: Prince Of This World | The Conspiracy

And don't be deceived, that 30 foot imprisoning wall (resemblant of the creepy Berlin Wall in Germany) being built along the southern U.S. border will keep Americans trapped in the U.S. as much as it keeps illegal aliens out! When our economy collapses and the police state takes full force, Americans will run for their lives, but have nowhere to go! The U.S. will be one giant prison, like the movie Escape From New York. Building a wall now, after tens of millions of illegals are already here in our country, proves that there is a darker agenda behind the wall's existence. Time will tell. To deal with illegal immigration now is like closing the barn door after all the horses are gone! Respectfully, I don't trust President Donald Trump for one second! Respectfully, when Mr. Trump leaves office, likely in 2024, I fully expect our nation's major problems will continue (reckless debt spending, increased homelessness, deindustrialization, rampant violent crime, mainstream homosexuality and further moral decay, social media censorship of conservatives and Christians, more rights for sodomites and increasing persecution for Christians, fewer marriages and more fornication, et cetera).

When we consider the epidemic of government tyranny in America today—the fascist oppressive nature of TSA in the airports (groping travelers for explosives and treating people like guilty criminals), and we consider the 1,954 mile Nazi-style 30 foot wall being built along our southern U.S. border, and we consider the tyrannical nature of state police today who assume everyone is a criminal, and the unconstitutional fascist Patriot Acts, and the oppressive spying of NSA of American citizens, and so much more fascism in our country today—it becomes obvious that a Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State is being put into place. Tyranny is rarely seen except by those who are afflicted by it. Gradually more and more Americans will realize that they are now living in a police state, but by the time enough people wake up it will be too late to do anything about it!

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams (1735-1826)

Secret Servant 007 #conspiracy

Kanye's Psycotic Break >> AI Torture Due to Trump Support or Just Kidnapped and Hospitalized as Infowars Says?

Kanye West has had a psychotic breakdown, right after expressing support for Donald Trump on stage.

He is described as screaming and thinking that people are trying to kill him.

[link to]

Obama has been threatening AI torture against his political enemies, as detailed in this thread from Nov. 21.

Thread: GLOBAL CRISIS EXPOSED >> Obama Threatens AI Torture/ Biowar/ False Flag Terror Attack if Weaponized AI Plans Exposed - INSIDER

Rumors have been circulating on the Rogue / Weaponized AI situation in Hollywood and on Wall Street....

Was this a weaponized AI chatterbot attack to warn Hollywood, and the rest of the world, to keep quiet??

Or was he simply kidnapped and hospitalized, due to his support for Trump, as Alex Jones stated on Infowars Nov. 23: [link to]

The breakdown came right after he expressed support for Trump.

UPDATE: Furthermore, today, Nov. 24, it has been reported that Kanye's condition is far more serious than originally reported. He is hallucinating and is delusional, thinking that people want to kill him.

This would be consistent with AI chatterbot torture.

See the Nov. 24 report on his condition in the Daily Mail:

[link to]

The global intelligence community says that such symptoms are consistent with AI chatterbot torture.

Given what we know of the AI program and very recent threats by Obama to torture his political enemies as he is faced with exposure, it is at least a possibility which should be considered.

German far-left rioteers, Andreas Beuth #fundie

Extra police sent to Hamburg as G20 protest violence escalates
Demonstrators set fire to cars and throw rocks at shop windows in Altona district as world leaders meet in nearby Messehalle

Overnight clashes between anti-capitalist protesters and police continued into the first day of the G20 summit in Hamburg as dozens of cars were set aflame and shop windows smashed around the city while world leaders met at the Messehalle conference centre.

Masked protesters in black clothes used flares to set fire to at least 20 cars and pelted rocks at the windows of banks and smaller shops as they made their way through the Altona district and along the Elbchaussee road along the river at about 7.30 am on Friday morning.

Police forces around Germany dispatched reinforcements to help 15,000 police already deployed to the northern port city for the summit as violence escalated.

On Friday morning, many shops and cafes in the area, including a local Ikea, boarded up their windows in anticipation of further rioting.

Other protest groups marched peacefully through Hamburg’s harbour area and historic centre, blocking access routes for delegates and envoys travelling in and out of the conference centre where leaders including Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel gathered on Friday morning.

Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, was reportedly stopped from attending an event in the G20’s supporting programme by the protests. “Police has not given us security clearance to leave the guest house,” Trump’s spokesperson told German press agency dpa.

A planned visit for leaders’ partners to a climate research centre was scrapped and replaced with a presentation by climate scientists at a luxury Hamburg hotel.

Hamburg police spokesperson Sven Jahn said that a group of around 60 masked protesters attacked three police vehicles with molotov cocktails, and that a flare fired at a police helicopter only narrowly missed its target.

Authorities claimed 160 police officers had been injured. At least 15 people were arrested and dozens more held for questioning. Organisers of Thursday evening’s “Welcome to Hell” march said three protesters had been seriously injured and one person remained in a critical condition, while several others had sustained lighter injuries during the skirmishes.

Andreas Beuth, a lawyer who had co-organised the march at a riverside plaza used for Hamburg’s weekly fish market, accused police of knowingly risked an escalation of the volatile situation in the city with heavy-handed tactics.

Contrary to police claims, Beuth said protesters had complied with orders to remove their masks when hundreds of officers used water cannon and teargas to disperse the crowds. “The escalation was clearly started by the police,” said Beuth at a press conference inside the stadium of local football club FC St Pauli on Friday morning.

A number of journalists working for leftwing German newspapers reported on Friday that their press accreditation had been withdrawn from them without an explanation.

Trump Supporter #racist

Another Donald Trump supporter was caught on video evoking Nazis as he yelled at protesters following a rally in Cleveland on Saturday.

"Go to Auschwitz," the man said to the protesters after raising his arm in an apparent Nazi salute. "Go to fucking Auschwitz."

Kyle Chapman (aka RealBasedStickMan) #fundie

[OP of "AMA - Based Stickman Kyle Chapman here, hows it going The_Donald?"]

My names Kyle Chapman, otherwise known as Based Stickman. I came to fame through my actions at the Battle of Berkeley, March 4 Trump Rally. While I am reluctant to embrace this celebrity, I am more than proud and willing to support my president and help lead the fight against BAMN and Antifa.

Hopefully I will inspire others to do the same.

So with that said, ask me anything!

Verification Pic


Hey I appreciate your support from everyone. It's people like you who are going to turn the tides of Neo-Marxism and usher in a resurgence of a warrior spirit to Western Society and re-institution of our constitutional republic and traditional western values.

Our brethren in Europe, they're struggling right now. Their societies are under vicious attack from Islam, Globalization and Neo-Marxism. Our European Brethren are in a struggle for their very existence. Let's send them our prayers and support their causes wherever we can. People like Farage, Wilders, and Le Pen are leading the fight for the preservation of European civilization. Let's support these brave warriors and saviors of the West.

Thank you all, please follow me on Twitter @BasedStickman_, and on Facebook Based Stickman.

daughtereponymous #conspiracy

I want a ARREST WARRANT out for all ROTHSCHILD'S family & ROCKEFELLER'S family that get money from HAAPR and CERN. You will also?

LISTEN TO TRUTH and then answer do you want them ARRESTED for KILLING SO MANY in MAKING WAR on the US WITH WEATHER?

THE FAMILY went TOO FAR they are not GODS nor are THEY above OUR LAWS.


President Donald Trump best WAKE UP and NOT SIDE WITH THEM


CERN must be SHUT DOWN it is OWNED by ROCKEFELLER family.

AMERICANS and PEOPLE of the WORLD money does not make you a god and above mankind's LAWS not to KILL. yes or no

THESE ELITE fear us. They want LESS of US so they can CONTROL us better to SUBMIT to them.
Update 10: WHO controls our MILITARY? ANSWER is SERCO CO. and WHO owns this CO. SERCO? ANSWER is Rothschild family & Royals Prince William.


THEY need to be ARRESTED and brought in for the CRIMES against MANKIND YES OR NO

THIS VIDEO is on SERCO CO and what it does all over the world and IN OUR GOVERNMENT.

SERCO CO even controls OBAMACARE.


USA is now threatened with HAARP. Japan all so THREATENED and IT WAS USED

WORLD LEADERS wake up and TAKE ACTIONS you WE the PEOPLE servants WHO DO YOU SERVE them or US?

ARREST those controlling HAARP and CERN now! NOW or we the people will get new leaders you will be FIRED yes or no

Secret Asshole #fundie

I was always ultra-liberal, exploring my religion, never being fully atheist, but exploring others for a time. I looked at paganism and Wicca even, though that was brief when I read some books. (I have to admit this because I find this hilarious, I very very very briefly considered Islam. Just know this was before 9/11 or any real Islamic Terror attacks or rape riots). I always, ALWAYS argued liberal politics with my family, who are staunchly conservative. I argued with conservatives in college, went on debates, the whole nine. Except it wasn't like today, it was amicable arguments. Where it got intense, but you were still friends, you were still family. That's what I thought being a liberal was. Argue your points, but allow for freedom of thought. I even got offended by Muslim jokes, even after 9/11. I was tolerant and shit.

When it really started to erode was the financial crisis of 2008. My family got FUCKED by it. We avoided foreclosure by the skin of our teeth because of massive job losses, but we've never fully recovered. I got caught up in the hope and the dreams of Barack Obama. 'Yeah, Obama! Take care of that corrupt Wall...Healthcare? Wait, why? What are you doing, you can fix the financial system, help the poor and want a legacy...oh.' When he went balls deep into healthcare instead of helping the economy, the cracks started to appear.

Occupy Wallstreet was when I broke. I couldn't do it anymore. 'Stick it to those big bankers! FUCK EM UP...wait, why are there hippie drums here? Disabled people? What are you talking about the police for? Queer politics...the progressive stack? WHAT THE FUCK WHO CARES, THEY ARE DEGENERATE GAMBLERS AND IN A JUST SOCIETY WE'D HANG THEM FROM LAMPOSTS YOU STUPID FAGGOTS WHAT THE FUCKAREYOUDOING.' Which lead to the Colbert show clip and one of the leaders was a rich white cunt called Ketchup. At first, I actually thought it was the FBI doing COINTELPRO. Seriously, that's not a joke. I literally could not believe the people in charge were this fucking stupid to let them go in front of a camera.

Once I realized that they were that stupid and were rich white cunts who latched on to the most important issue of our time to promote their own fringe ideologies (which would become progressivisim) and force out others, I was fucking done. Hugely fucking done. It got even worse when progressives invaded gaming and started screaming. I was still bitter about 2011 so when the country hadn't recovered and they were screaming about meaningless bullshit, I wanted to beat people with pipes.

I went more and more into shitposting on SA and then even SA got fucking worse, which only pissed off...oh, a huge amount of people. I got really bad there, before it became a core of SJWs. Hellthread I was full on shitpost mode, which I found hilarious at how mad I made the libs. At this point, I hated progressives. They represented the worst of liberals, the excesses which didn't focus on the poor or downtrodden, but on people's skin color or genitals or shit that really didn't matter. After they closed Hellthread for good, pretty much all the shitposters left SA, I went to SASS, found it too specific to SA and came here to shitpost harder.

Nothing will turn you from a liberal to whatever I am like true financial strife and it being ignored so a disabled tranny black queer autistic can speak about wheelchair ramps. I relish every time the progressives lose societal influence, I love seeing them angry and not getting their way, I love to see them get fired and all their businesses to fail. They had the chance to fix one of the most corrupt industries in the world and they cared more about the most superficial traits on people instead. They rejected the foundations of liberalism for their own narcissism and virtue signaling. I want Donald Trump for another 4 years so they continue to go insane and lose influence as people see how fucked their priorities are and what hypocrites they are. Fuck progressives. Fuck all of them.

David J. Stewart #fundie

The blatant criminal takeover of the White House, the forcing of transgendered restrooms and locker-rooms on the American public, and the obvious attack nationwide against Christianity, has compelled the Luciferian elite to put a shill like Donald Trump into the White House in an attempt to avert civil war from angry Americans!!! The illusion of liberty only works as long as it can effectively be maintained. Once the truth is out, the power of the illusion is gone! Trump's primary job is to restore the faith of evangelical churchgoers and conservative Americans in the federal government. This will enable the subversion of America to continue. Shallow Americans will think small and praise Trump for small improvements, while foolishly failing to see the big picture that a New World Order is still advancing. There's not a dime's difference between Globalism and Communism! With Globalization comes poverty to the United States, loss of private property, and the increase of big government to oppress the people! Let's see if President Trump restores American sovereignty!

The Bible teaches for Christians to obey the higher powers, God being the highest (Romans 13:1-10). The rule of law in America only applies to certain citizens. The Clintons are above the law. Did you see how the FBI and NYPD came out exposing Hillary Clinton's sexual exploitation of children, satanism and other crimes before the election, and then they just dropped it all? The CIA and NYPD are controlled by the Illuminati! The CIA and FBI are compromised at the highest offices. The Luciferian powers that be wanted Donald Trump to win! Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world at the highest levels through satanic organizations and occult secret societies. Hillary is untouchable!!! She'll never go to prison! I'd be surprised if she did. Don't think Donald Trump is any better, who made his billions from ungodly gambling casinos, featuring whores, drunkenness and all manner of wickedness. Furthermore, Mr. Trump is NOT a born-again Christian, despite what religious fools claim. I'll believe that Trump is a Christian when he publicly professes his faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy

I am a law-abiding citizen (Romans 13:1-10). As such, I have a right to voice my opinion. Thankfully this is not communist China. The only place that I know of in America where you feel like you are in China or North Korea is in some Independent Baptist Churches, where you are forbidden to speak your opposition to the Devil's modern corrupt Bible versions. One such communist-feeling church is Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, where I was reprimanded for sharing the truth in 2014, and told that I could not return in 2017 three times. I love them, but they don't love me. That is okay, God loves me, and I love them, and if they hold a grudge that is on them. James 5:9, “Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.” I love everyone with God's unconditional love.

Despite what our ungodly U.S. government says, homosexuality is perverse, abnormal, exceedingly sinful, and it ought to be a punishable crime everywhere. Shamefully, President Donald Trump is working to legalize homosexuality worldwide. I absolutely detest the wickedness of the United States (and that includes our Luciferian led Masonic government and wicked people who support such wickedness). As recently as 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states (and it should be). Incredibly, just 53 years later in 2015, our federal government has changed its mind, legalizing same-sex marriage (perversion) nationwide. If that isn't bad enough, now the government wants to impose their wickedness upon the world. I hate the wickedness in our ungodly nation! Who do we think we are as Americans, forcing ourselves (as a fiend rapist would) upon the world? What gives us the right as Americans to decide for the rest of the world what is right or wrong, and then try to force them to comply with our opinions? I cannot think of anything more ungodly, communist, reminiscent of Hitler's Nazi regime, insane and selfish. We have no right to force our immoral sickening behaviour on everyone else. Donald Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing, which I have warned everyone from the very beginning!

Everett Corley #racist

The attorneys for a former Republican candidate for U.S. Congress who is suing to keep a controversial Confederate statue standing near the University of Louisville want to drop him after he called an African-American professor a racial slur on social media, WHAS reports.

Everett Corley, a real estate agent and Donald Trump supporter, is trying to use the courts to stop Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and U of L President James Ramsey from taking down the controversial monument, which sits on city property and is the source of numerous student complaints.

Attorneys representing Corley were troubled by a post on Facebook that shows a dead Confederate soldier and a photograph of UofL professor Ricky Jones.

“Here’s who lost today and here’s Ricky Jones, that damn dirty black ___ who won,” Corley wrote.

WHAS redacted the slur.

It appears Corley has since deleted the post, but in another one, he calls Jones “black Rasputin.”

“The black Rasputin from Atlanta behind all this hatred,” Corley wrote. “I wonder whose paying him? ?#?Save? our Monument! Ricky Jones go away!!”

Jones penned an op-ed in April calling for the statue’s removal.

More than 2,500 people have signed a petition seeking to replace the Confederate statue with a memorial to boxing legend Muhammad Ali.

Johnnie Moore #fundie

Hardly a day goes by without a huge amount of negative media coverage surrounding President Trump. Yet many evangelicals are continuing to back the President. The informal spokesperson for those evangelicals who advise the Trump administration, Rev Johnnie Moore explains why

On my regular visits to Europe, I am often asked about the support of American evangelicals for President Donald Trump. I certainly understand the curiosity given Mr Trump's well-documented reputation prior to his presidency, his unfiltered stream-of-consciousness approach to social media, and his unconventional foreign policy - to put it mildly.

Yet, many American evangelicals are so close to the administration that the President and First Lady invited them to the equivalent of a state dinner last week “celebrating evangelical leadership.” At a certain point during the evening an open microphone prompted nearly two dozen of the dinner’s 100 guests to thank the administration.

Here are some of the reasons why evangelicals said they are grateful for the policies of the Trump administration, even when they are sometimes offended by the President's sensibilities:

1. He prioritises religious freedom
The Obama administration held court over the most significant threats to America's sacrosanct first amendment as have been witnessed in modern, American history. The most egregious example was when the administration attempted to require religious Catholics, including nuns, to provide contraception against their sincerely held religious beliefs.

When the Trump administration began their term, there were more than 50 active lawsuits against the Department of Justice for similar incidences. The Trump administration prioritised religious freedom in domestic and foreign policy by immediately auditing the entire federal government to identify incidences where administration policies violated the first amendment, and they corrected them, including by settling dozens of the active, aforementioned courts cases.

On the international front, the administration began reorienting humanitarian programs to assist persecuted religious minorities which had been overlooked in countries like Iraq by United Nations’ programs, and just a few months ago the State Department hosted a global symposium on international religious freedom that brought together senior government officials from more than 70 countries.

An entire book could be written on the way the Trump administration supports religious freedom, but one of the more recent examples is their use of severe sanctions against Turkey in response to their ongoing and unjust imprisonment of an American pastor, Andrew Brunson.

2. He protects the unborn
Without question, the Trump administration is more obviously pro-life than any previous administration since abortion became legal in the United States, and at a time when public opinion has moved rapidly against abortion, even among Democrats despite the party leaderships’ near-total unwillingness to accommodate pro-life Democrats.

The head of the Susan B. Anthony List, a noted pro-life organisation, didn't initially support candidate Trump but has since come to deem him "the most Pro-life president in American history" because of numerous policies he has introduced.

During the 2016 campaign, many evangelicals were deeply moved by hearing Trump's own story as to why he changed his opinion on abortion and one of the most profound moments of the election was in the final presidential debate when Secretary Clinton startlingly voiced her ongoing support for late-term abortion, despite the grotesque practice being banned by both the US Congress and the United States Supreme Court. Trump has fulfilled his promise to greatly strengthen pro-life policies.

3. He's addressing judicial over-reach
In many ways, the 2016 election was an election not made by Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump but by the sudden death of the reliably conservative Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, putting the long conservative balance of the court in jeopardy.

President Trump's successful appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court as Scalia's replacement represented the fulfillment of his single most important promise to the evangelicals who put him in office.

This week, his second nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, will begin his confirmation process and he is equally regarded as a trusted conservative, whose confirmation could guarantee a conservative Supreme Court for at least a generation. This is another fulfilled promise.

4. He's advancing criminal justice reform
While not an issue he campaigned in support of, President Trump has become a surprising advocate for criminal justice reform in the United States, a policy concern long advocated for by evangelicals whose passion for prisoners finds its roots in the New Testament itself.

The President’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, came into the White House with his own unrelenting passion for prison reform and has found in the evangelical community a natural and effective ally.

Because of it all, the United States’ Congress is on the verge of passing the first significant reform to America’s widely criticised prison system in over 30 years. The President’s evolution on the issue is largely considered the result of his evangelical advisors as has been the case with the President’s evolution on certain immigration issues, such as providing his support for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States by their parents when they were children.

5. He's addressing the opioid epidemic
The abuse of opioids in the United States is the nation's most significant drug problem, directly or indirectly affecting millions of Americans. The administration has forcefully taken on this addiction crisis, even when it meant taking substantial measures against large American companies despite opposition from the President's own party.

Evangelical pastors, who walk through addiction with members of their congregations, have been on the frontline of this developing crisis for years. The Trump administration has acted with the full force of the federal government, and it has already saved many lives.

6. He's strengthening the family
The administration's widely supported tax cuts, which were passed by the Republican-controlled Congress, under the direction of the President, included the doubling of the standard tax credit given to parents for their children, and the administration is now well on its way to finally introducing to American life a meaningful program to support "paid family leave."

The United States is far behind Europe in these types of social programs, but the Trump administration appears to have found an approach that would be considered fiscally responsible by Republicans even while meeting a long-term policy priority of Democrats.

7. The economy is thriving
The administration's economic policies - from deregulation to workforce development - have resulted in nearly 3 million Americans being taken off of government assisted food programs, over 5 trillion dollars being added the United States' economy, and the lowest ever unemployment numbers among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, young people, and women.

The overall unemployment number is at its lowest since 1969. In 2017, Americans were also more generous than ever before donating at least $410 billion to charity, the highest number on record.

Taking our seat at the table
Those are some of the reasons why President Trump enjoys the highest approval rating any Republican president has ever received from the Republican Party.

Obviously, these highlights only represent part of an always-imperfect picture, but we mustn't deceive ourselves into thinking there aren't logical reasons to support this unconventional president.

Earlier this year, when liberal American Bishop Michael Curry decided to parlay the gift of newfound fame into a candlelit march on the White House just two days after he was entrusted with preaching at the Royal Wedding, I was asked by CNN what I thought of the opinions of Christians like Curry who so ardently oppose the Trump administration.

Here was my answer, "many of them are my friends, too, and we happen to mainly agree on the challenges facing our country and our world. We just sometimes disagree on the solutions."

One might disagree with the merits of the administration’s policies or the by-product of their approach, but one must acknowledge that many reasonable people support the administration’s policies on the basis of facts, not ideology.

As for evangelicals, I’ve personally seen the constructive work of many in our community precisely because we’ve taken our seat at the table, very often serving as the reasonable center building bridges between polarised extremes.

Rev. Johnnie Moore is an author, religious freedom advocate and the founder of The KAIROS Company, one of the world’s leading, boutique public relations consultancies. Moore is often referred to as the informal spokesperson for those evangelicals who advise the Trump administration.

Bruno Buscaroli #fundie #homophobia #sexist #racist #wingnut


Bruno is a young man who used to dismiss red pillers as alarmists. Then he spent a semester in a college campus and became one himself. Now he educates himself through the internet and a library card.

With Donald Trump as president of the United States, it would seem as though traditional beliefs are making a comeback in the West. However, one only needs talk to the average ‘’conservative’’ for a while to realize they’re not as conservative as they think they are. Rather, they’ve accepted and integrated many leftist beliefs into their own worldview. They’ve become nothing more than yesterday’s liberals, and now defend ideas against which their predecessors used to fight. Let’s briefly look at a few examples:

[Picture of Trump Holding the LGBTQ+ Rainbow Flag]
[caption: He’s cool with them]
The very idea of homosexuality used to be socially abhorrent during the early 20th century in the West. If you look at conservative politicians now, however, you’ll find they’re pretty okay with having gays around. We’ve reached a point where modern Western culture has become universally acceptant of homosexuals.

Donald Trump, for instance, ensured he’d do everything in his power to protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful ideologies (might have earned him more voters, but you get the point). Even allowing gays to get married is accepted among conservatives nowadays, and suggesting that it might be a bad idea gets you funny looks at best.

Women in the workplace
[Picture of Women in suits working at a computer]

Encouraging women to study and pursue long term careers damages the family structure by discouraging traditional gender roles. If women are busy working, they can’t focus on being good wives and mothers. Not only that, but it may even cause them to forgo marriage and kids completely.

Despite this, you’ll find almost no one on the mainstream right suggesting women should focus on the home. They believe that doing so would ‘’invite misogyny and sexism’’ or get them compared to ‘’crazy far righters’’. Denial of biological truths does society no favors. The longer the average citizen believes men and women to have the same roles in a family, the more damage will be done.

Sexual marketplace
[Picture of a Half-Naked Man kissing a Half-Naked Woman’s back]

Regulation of the sexual marketplace in the form of marriage and female chastity has long been central to the formation of healthy families in western societies. Without a strong and stable family unit, maintaining civilization becomes impossible. Since promiscuity is the opposite of chastity and monogamy, it naturally runs against family stability.

Characters like James Bond are looked up to as symbols of masculinity and role models for traditional men. While men should aspire to emulate his strong nature and character, emulating his love of casual sex is damaging to society in the long run. Sure, quick and easy sex can be real fun, but let’s not forget sexual liberation is inherently leftist and has done nothing but damage civilization.

Denying the importance of race
[Picture of an Anti-racist Protest]

Often seen as the most taboo of subjects, race gets ignored as much as possible by the mainstream right wing. Science tells us that human ethnic groups have genetic differences, ranging from physical strength to IQ levels. But to even speak about those differences in public is to invite an endless parade of comparisons to Hitler, so conservatives dodge the issue.

Instead, they often preach about civic nationalism, the idea of a nation being more based on its identity than it’s ethnicity. They say that as long as immigrants accept American values of Democracy and hard work, their ethnicity doesn’t matter. Sounds nice in theory, but a nation can’t survive once it’s demographic has been replaced.

You can’t win by defending alone
Conservatives nowadays don’t seem to know what it is they’re conserving. Their claims of standing for a traditional society feel empty when they also advocate for gender and marriage equality. As the culture war against leftists progressed, they slowly lost ground on almost every front. And as their image became demonized by the media, they conceded even further to try and appeal a bit more to the masses. After all, if the general public is okay with two men marrying, it’d make them the bad guys to say there’s something wrong with that.

Fear of being stigmatized makes them unable to push back, so they inevitably become weaker as time goes on. Even worse, the children of conservatives who were born into a watered down version of it don’t even realize it. A cycle forms then, in which the next generation is always more liberal than the next.

Mainstream Conservatives cannot reverse civilization’s decay, only delay it. Movements like Neo-Masculinity, the Alt Right and Alt Christianity lack the presence and member count of Conservatives, but are all better alternatives. Unlike the mainstream right, the dissident right isn’t afraid to push back against leftist narrative. One cannot win by defending alone. No matter how strong a castle’s walls, the stones that form it will crumble if it’s attackers aren’t stopped.

Conservatives are already thinking in the right direction, but haven’t fully taken the red pill. If the West is to survive, it’s imperative that we help these people fully wake up. They’re halfway there already, so hopefully they just need a few more nudges.

Ghost #conspiracy

QAnon Followers Are No Better Than Low IQ Leftists


It’s been a month since the Capitalist Army DOXED QAnon. But since then, QAnon has all of a sudden become “mainstream.” The whole reason we DOXED QAnon was to prevent the mainstream media from making the Right-Wing look like morons. My argument was; if we on the Right accept this QAnon troll, then we are NO BETTER than the lunatic Left.

It didn’t take long for the previous to become a reality. Ever since ignorant and gullible morons showed up in mass to a recent Florida Trump Rally with “QAnon” shirts, signs and other apparel, the mainstream media has had a field-day making the Right-Wing look like complete conspiracy buffoons. MSM is making the Right look like the same simpletons who blindly follow the “dunce from the Bronx” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Which is what we were trying to prevent by outing this Q-Anon ass clown.

But now that so many on the Right believe this troll, its time for those of us on the side of rational truth to shun these naïve, low “IQ” piles of protoplasm. Q-Anon followers have turned the tables, and have us looking like the “crazy side.” If one tries to explain to a Q-follower that this whole thing is a troll, with proof, evidence and facts, they are in complete denial. This is exactly what Leftist do!

Let’s say, the for the sake of argument, that Q-Anon is “real,” and that he’s military intelligence who “tapped” Trump to be POTUS and is giving Trump orders. Then this technically undermines Trump himself, making him look as if he is a puppet of “Q-Anon;” giving credence to the Leftist narrative that Trump “doesn’t know what he’s doing.” It also completely ignores the genuine sacrifices of Trump (life, family, wealth, etc.) to actually run for President. It also undermines genuine soldiers of TRUTH like Julian Assange, who ALWAYS released unaltered facts and information; unlike the linguistically ambiguous rhetoric of QAnon. Even Wikileaks calls QAnon a “Piped Piper” operation.

Its time for those of us who ACTUALLY aided (and put their Freedom at risk for obtaining and/or disseminated information) in the election of Donald Trump in 2016 to call out these simple-minded morons falling for this QAnon garbage. Q-Anon followers are more dangerous to the Right-Wing (politically) than ANY Leftist, for Q-followers are molding the rest of us into a category of crazy that is a HUGE turn-off to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpack (you know, the regular voters).

And from my and the Capitalist Army’s investigations, we genuinely believe that Leftists are behind this QAnon troll. But you can talk and prove this till you’re blue in the face with these Q-followers, and they will still believe this troll no matter what. At this point, Q-followers are no different that the LGBTQ when attempting to legitimize the sexualization of children. Now that I think about it, why is Q-Anon (supposedly against pedophiles, pizzagate, etc.) posting on the notoriously pedophile friendly 8-chan? Really makes you think, huh?


Larry Klayman #fundie

If the drumbeat of verbal attacks, leaks and otherwise destructive assaults on President Donald J. Trump, his family, those around him and their supporters do not soon abate, expect right-wing militias and other reactive vigilantes to spring into action, resulting in a full-fledged civil war, with blood flowing in our neighborhoods and streets.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate wrote this headline: "Alt-Left Hypocrisy & Hate, Liberal Logic & Faux Phobias"

Post some of the funniest memes and gifs showing the hypocrisy of the alt-left and their faux-phobias. Liberal logic posts will suffice as well. I'll start us off:

("Can't say "My body, my choice" when you believe people should be fined for not having health insurance")

("Since the US is such an oppressive country, shouldn't we be warning immigrants not to come here?")

(Title is "Liberal Logic". Two photos follow, one of a man in a KKK outfit which says "mentor" and one of Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali and two others saying "racist")

(Man 1: "Hmmmm. It appears your comic showed a few examples of homophobia but clearly implied that they're bad, then made the point that for a Christian to merely hold a Biblical view of sexuality is not really homophobia at all. Well that's not hate speech. That's just you being a Christian and articulating a biblical worldview."
Man 2: "EXACTLY!"
Man 1: "We don't allow that."

Lady Checkmate:
Alt-Left soldier (LOL):
("The constitution isn't a relevant document right now.")

Oxford Martyrs:
(Picture of Sam Elliott saying "Y'know, if it weren't for double standards, liberals wouldn't have any standards at all.")

Amos Moses:
Linus and Lucy having a conversation.
"Lucy: I am pro-choice!
Linus: Can I choose to smoke?
Lucy: No, it's not good for you.
Linus: Can I choose a large soda?
Lucy: No, it's not good for you.
Linus: Can I choose to own a gun?
Lucy: No, it's not safe for kids.
Linus: Can I choose an incandescent bulb?
Lucy: No, it's not good for the planet.
Linus: Can I choose low-cost coal?
Lucy: No, it's not good for the planet.
Linus: Can I choose to honor God?
Lucy: No, that's offensive.
Linus: So what can I choose?
Lucy: An abortion."

(Rod Serling saying: "Imagine if you will living in a country where it is better to be unemployed and undocumented than it is to be employed and a citizen")

(Sign says "Abortion is systemic racism.

JD #fundie

Barry Soetoro, better known by pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is a Kenyan national who claimed to be the rightful 44th President of the United States. He is a homosexual atheist liberal sympathetic to Islam and Wicca and he hates Christianity because of the truth and clarity it provides. Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii. He is also known as Bathhouse Barry, due to his affinity for sodomite acts.

Soetoro is "married" to Michael Soetoro, a male transsexual who prefers to go by the name "Michelle." Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii, and provided a fake birth certificate to prove that he is a relentless liar, a fact documented by then-Congressman Joe Wilson.

Soetoro won the 2008 presidential election illegitimately due to his birth in Kenya, and won primarily because of the fact that he ran against milquetoast RINO and pretend war hero John McCain and apostate Mormon and RINO Willard "Mitt" Romney in 2012. Soetoro picked sexual assault perpetrator and general idiot Joe Biden as his running mate to cater to blue collar working class voters.

Soetoro's main accomplishments include the "Affordable" Care Act, which accomplished nothing except raising health insurance premiums through the roof and then throwing more people onto the weak sauce government welfare program Medicaid. Soetoro also nominated two far-left affirmative action picks to the Supreme Court, and he nominated Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State so she could make it to where effeminate sodomites and extremely butch lesbians could lie about their sex on their passports, thus causing all sorts of national security incidents where men identified as women got flagged because of their penises.

Soetoro caused racial tensions to skyrocket in the US, presided over a sluggish economy, threw order out of the window in favor of moral decadence, and his presidency was an illegitimate, illegal, nightmarish farce. His successor, Donald Trump, pledged to undo the damage Soetoro did, but has instead continued down the path to wanton destruction.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy


In 2016, Presidential candidate Hillary Digby Churchill Harriman Clinton was ready for the retirement home . . . and not the White House....No matter how many face lifts you have, you cannot cheat Father Time!

3 times in 2016, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was forced to debate a much, much younger looking "Hillary Clinton."

Hillary's bid for the Presidency should have taken place in 2008, or 2012, at the latest.

By 2016, it was too late, so she used the same experienced doppelgänger that she used in 2000.

November 7, 2016, will long be remembered as a second Battle of New Orleans. Every patriotic American realized that the U.S. victory was nothing short of miraculous, and they saw the unmistakable hand of the Eternal in the total defeat of the "Invincible" British Armada.

That election was also a great fulfillment of Bible prophecy:

The merchants of these things, who became rich by her, will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, crying and wailing and saying: "Woe, woe, to that great city that was dressed in fine linen, purple, and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls! For in one hour such great riches has come to nothing (Apocalypse 18:16-17).

It was a sad day indeed for the fantastically rich Jesuits, but a great day of rejoicing for all true Christians.

In 1941, President Roosevelt appointed Averell Harriman as his "special envoy" to Britain, charged with the task of getting the U.S. involved militarily with Britain against Churchill's cousin Adolf Hitler. In 1938, Roosevelt appointed Joseph P. Kennedy as ambassador to Britain . . . and both men had Presidential ambitions!

The Jesuit Hildabeast who ran for the Presidency in 2016 was the daughter of Averell Harriman, and Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman.

In 1941, Winston Churchill, and his cousin Adolf Hitler, actually brought the couple together during the frequent Luftwaffe air raids over London.

In April 1946, President Truman appointed Harriman ambassador to Britain, and it was then that he renewed his relationship with Pamela Churchill.

When the couple first met in London, Harriman was accompanied by his daughter Kathleen, who provided cover for the lovers. Harriman traveled to London alone in 1946:

Harriman and Pamela resumed their affair immediately, but this time as a devorcée, and Kathleen was no longer around to provide cover. They continued to enjoy Beaverbrook's hospitality in London and at Cherkley, and spent weekends at Great Enton, a country house owned by Harriman's old friend, the American playwright Robert Sherwood. (Smith, Reflected Glory, The Life of Pamela Churchill Harriman, p. 131).

Harriman's job as ambassador only lasted from April to October. He returned to the U.S. and became Secretary of Commerce in the Truman Administration. As cover for her trip to New York to have Harriman's baby, Lord Beaverbrook gave Pamela a job as a newspaper reporter for the Evening Standard. Newspaper reporter has always been a perfect cover for a spy:

Averell returned to the United States at the same time Pamela had planned to start working in New York. She went anyway, always happy to be out of England. In no time, however, it was clear that the two of them in such proximity would never work. Because the business of Commerce was business, Averell was often in New York, The gossip started again (Smith, Reflected Glory, the Life of Pamela Churchill Harriman, p.187).

Billionaire Harriman could certainly provide the very best facilities in New York for the birth of their baby. An elderly British couple named Hugh and Hanna Rodham first took charge of baby Hillary, before handing her over to the Rodhams of Chicago.

"Hillary the Hippie" first made her public appearance on May 31, 1969, when she gave the commencement address at Wellesley College. For the college, that was a total departure from tradition, and it was meant to create a public persona for Hillary as a left wing radical. MI6, and their CIA clone call it "sheep dipping." However, her physical appearance (except for her hair style) did not change much at that time.

Hillary the Hun as President would have been Jezebel on steroids!!

The fascinating story of the Prophet Elijah and his confrontation with Jezebel and her prophets of Baal is told in I Kings 18. The historical account is also an end of the world scenario. Hillary is Jezebel, and her weak-kneed jellyfish "husband" Bill is King Ahab.

The name Jezebel is synonymous with witchcraft, sorcery, corruption, murder and mayhem. Jezebel, along with Cleopatra, were 2 of the most powerful witches in the ancient world.

Hillary in the White House (or her doppelgängers) would have been a combination of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Bloody Mary Tudor, Catherine di Medici, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, Queens Elizabeth and Lilibet, and all the other Jezebels who fought against Christ and his Congregation.

James A. Wilson #fundie

Conserva"pedia is a liberal wiki founded by RINO and Papist Andrew "Andy" Schlafly. Schlafly founded the wiki as a response to what he saw as liberal bias in Wikipedia, but has had no problem with liberal biases of his own.

"Conserva"pedia is known for removing true conservatives from their site if they espouse views that are consistent with the wishy-washy RINO views of Schlafly. The site promotes neocon nonsense, and they believe in further expanding the bloated military budget. They, therefore promote the liberal homosexual agenda through their ringing endorsements for adulterer Donald Trump despite Trump having paid off a porn star regarding an affair they had.

"Conserva"pedia also promotes false religions, such as the Roman Catholic "Church", Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Judaism. They are also soft on Islam and are apologists for the liberal former "president" George W. Bush and soft on Barry Soetoro of Kenya.

While claiming to believe Jesus Christ is Lord, they believe in the fake Jesus the papists and "papist-lite" Protestants believe, i.e. the long haired hippie depiction of Jesus.

JD #fundie

The United States of America (also known as USA, US, or America) is a federal Republic founded upon Judeo-Christian values. Founded in 1776 per the Declaration of Independence, the US fought against the British army for freedom to found a truly Christian nation.

However, as the decline of Western civilization has continued to occur, albeit at a faster rate in Europe, the US has been growing into irrelevance as Communist China and neo-fascist Russia have been taking over as global superpowers. This is due in part to wicked vulgarian Donald Trump assuming the role of 45th "president" right after Barry Soetoro of Kenya usurped the same position right before him. There is also a problem with scantily clad women as strippers, sex workers, and "pop stars" as well as a problem with profanity and obesity that has resulted from a lack of true Independent Fundamentalist Baptist values in the nation.

Due to these factors, the US has gone from a Judeo-Christian conservative nation to a liberal one where men can become women, women can become men, and men can marry men and women can marry women, and any sir her zir kir blir can identify as a fire breathing kitty if they want to. Some can point to Trump being the Antichrist, and they may be correct because those Access Hollywood tapes as well as the fact that Trump was in a softcore porn film show that Americans have gone from the Greatest Generation that were not wimps and fought the war to coddled liberal brats in easy colleges that get gender studies degrees and have to live in their safe spaces due to the mere fact that they had a microaggression due to a lack of a trigger warning due to the fact that a hard working coal miner had the mere audacity to call a "zir kir" "sir."

Also note that Americans owe over $1 trillion in credit card debt. Proverbs 22:7 says "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." In addition, the institution of the Federal Reserve bank and the income tax in 1913 set us up for what happened in 1972 when Nixon entirely disassociated the US dollar with gold, killing what remained of the gold standard after 1913, so that politicians can play games to fund useless endeavors and rack up over $20 trillion in the process.

This shows that due to a lack of Christian morals, where sodomites and transvestites reign supreme, as well as worthless paper money better used to wipe your own derriere, even the greatest and boldest experiments in human history can utterly fail.

RIP USA (1776-2015)

Bruce #conspiracy

The Illuminati is making one of its most overt attempts to determine whether its brainwashing program is working, and that's through Taco Bell's "Belluminati" marketing campaign. The Mexican fast food chain already has a shady history that's shrouded in symbolism. Just take a look at how 666 and an evil eye are crafted into its logo, but none of that compares to what the company is doing now. It's literally telling people to come eat food endorsed by the Illuminati, and the campaign is highly popular. Why the Illuminati is choosing to do this at this point probably has more to do with its wanting to determine how much influence it truly has over the masses following the election of Donald Trump, who continues to defy the order at every turn.

Before we go much further, let's talk about the "Belluminati" logo. Now, conspiracy theorists have been saying for years that the Taco Bell logo has an eye in it, which can be seen at the bell's base. Of course, people and the company have refuted this by saying that it's just a coincidence and that the resemblance of an eye was not intentional. That can't be the case anymore. At the center of the "Belluminati" logo is the eye portion of the Taco Bell logo. This alone verifies that the company is really part of the order. It also confirms what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years.

What's even more sinister is what secret ingredients the Illuminati may be slipping into Taco Bell's food. Local franchise operators have no say in how the food is prepared, which occurs at centrally located plants, and cannot vouch for its actual quality. So there is no way of knowing what actually goes into it. One thing is for certain is that Taco Bell's beef is mixed with some kind of spicy taco mix to give it flavor. We're guessing that's what the Illuminati have tainted. They might even have put nanotechnology in the ingredients. People go there to eat tacos and not realize that they're ingesting nanobots that will latch on to their nervous systems and make them even more susceptible to suggestion. The Illuminati could be doing this to turn everyone into mindless drones or even something similar to zombies. Could the "Belluminati" ad campaign be the vehicle to start this?

The Illuminati has always been hiding in plain sight. It's possible that the senior members just want to see how far they can push it before people commonly accept the order's existence. However, this seems like more of an attempt to do something sinister. When the Illuminati places its stamp on people's food, something sinister is in the works. What's even scarier is that all of this comes on the heels of the reports of UFO fact-finding departments under the Pentagon, which delivers proof that the planet is being visited by aliens. Pyramids and aliens have been consistently present in films and popular culture, and we here at IW have written extensively about them. This latest evidence only goes to prove that the Illuminati is in contact with extra-terrestrial beings and has been for centuries. This leads us to the question of whether the "Belluminati" campaign is being used to implant alien technology into people?

SillySillyBoy #fundie

This is rubbish. The VAST majority of the violence is being directed from the left and towards Trumpers. Anyone who denies that is either lying or relies entirely on heavily biased progressive media.

For today's hysterical attempt to paint Donald Trump as worse than, like, literally Hitler: Newsflash: school children bully each other in playground, this never happen before Trump go nominated.

The bigger issue is the brainwashing of an entire generation to the point where any complaint or criticism about any foreigner is automatically labelled "Hitler/Nazi/Racist" and dismissed as immoral to even talk about.

There is nothing illegitimate about Americans being concerned with millions of illegal immigrants coming into their country from Mexico. Just like there's nothing illegitimate about uncontrolled immigration being a huge issue in the Brexit debate.

You are absolutely right. This is the progressive media propaganda machine at its worse. The thing is, it's game over for them and they don't realise. These words "Nazi", "racist", "xenophobe" are losing their power because they've been overused to silence debate for far too long. Young people are starting to laugh at these terms, starting to make jokes about them just to trigger the neurotic progressive thought police. They've lost control of the Narrative and we are seeing the final desperate throws before the left sinks into despair (or possibly reacts with their traditional mass violence).

Why do the left never include Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot in these lists? The left's 20th century body count is far higher. A recent survey found half of young people in Britain don't recognise Stalin's name, but nearly everyone knows Hitler. That's what decades of the left's complete control over education gives you: redwash.

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