Donald Trump

Donald Trump #fundie

President Trump stumps in support for Roy Moore

Rallying supporters at a venue just 20 miles away from the Alabama border, President Trump sought to discredit one of the women accusing Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct in calling on Alabama voters to vote for the Moore in the upcoming special election.

"How many people here are from the great state of Alabama?" Trump asked the audience about an hour into his remarks at an event by the president's re-election campaign.

"Did you see what happened today? Do you know the yearbook? Did you see that? There was a little mistake made. She started writing things in the yearbook. Oh, what are we going to do? Gloria Allred, any time you see her you know something's going wrong," the president said, referring to the lawyer for Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson.

Nelson is one of one eight women who have come forward with accusations of sexual misconduct against Moore and has brought forward a yearbook from 1977 which she says Moore signed prior to allegedly assaulting her. Moore has denied it’s his handwriting in the yearbook, and his supporters have further sought to discredit her story, noting differences in some of the handwriting on the inscription.

Nelson told ABC News Friday that she wrote a note under the inscription she says is Moore's inscription.“I had wrote under it where it happened at,” she said, but maintained that Moore "wrote the note and signed his name.”

The president, who has endorsed Moore in the election despite the multiple sexual misconduct allegations that have been leveled against him, said Friday night that the Republican Party can't afford to lose a vote in the Senate, where Republicans maintain a slim 2-vote majority.

"We cannot afford lose a seat in the very, very close United States senate. We can't afford it, folks. We can't," Trump said. "We can't afford to have a liberal Democrat who is completely controlled by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. We can't do it."

He went on to say, "So get out and vote for Roy Moore."

The White House maintains that the president remains concerned about the allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against Moore but say that Moore's denials should also be taken under consideration.

President Trump's remarks on Moore Friday night was the first time he has touted the candidate in a political campaign setting, but the president has previously made supportive statements about Moore's candidacy -- tweeting on Friday morning "VOTE ROY MOORE!"

Donald J. Trump ?
LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already. The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE!
2:06 AM - Dec 9, 2017

sharaleigh23 #fundie

(Commenting on a TV interview with Dr. Bandy X. Lee and an article posted about the book she edited "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President": "Another shrink breaks ethics rules by diagnosing Trump secondhand as insane" Boldface mine:

I am not sure how it works, but I know it is different if a psychiatrist analyzes someone without seeing them than just an ordinary person because they are not supposed to judge without analysis. But I didn't see the entire thing, just a clip. If he said this was just his opinion and not professional, maybe that would be ok. If he is speaking as the station's professional, then maybe it could be a problem. I doubt anything comes of it.

Trump's brain goes so fast that they can't keep up with him. Also they are really afraid now because his poll numbers are going up as people are happy he is keeping promises and economy is doing well. They made a huge mistake not letting some of the democrats in toss up areas vote for tax cuts. Also they made a mistake saying it was Armageddon because 90% of the people will get more money on their paychecks and will see the democrats are big fat liars.

Then the border. They are in a bind because most ppl want at least a partial border where it is conducive and needed. They keep saying most do not want to but that is not true and that is one of the main reasons Trump was elected. Usually it is the republicans that do not message well, but now we are seeing democrats who have boxed themselves in.

One more these people trashing Trump and his mental ability realize they are also attacking we who voted for him? They are even saying Trump voters are stupid. Way to get votes. Lol


Vox Day #fundie

[When imported industrial goods are immediately thrown into the void]

I have already proved that free trade is totally incompatible with nationalism, national sovereignty, and the future survival of the nation due to the labor mobility required by it. Now I will prove that even complete autarky would, in the present circumstances, be of material benefit to the United States economy.

First, what passes for the macroeconomic facts, courtesy of the BEA:

Q4 2017 GDP was $19,386.2 billion.
Net exports were $2,420.7 billion
Net imports were $3,020.8 billion

Now, let us accept the free trade advocates' standard argumentum ad absurdum and suppose that Donald Trump actually does shut down all international trade going forward. Let us suppose that China, Japan, and the EU all retaliate with 100-percent tariffs and refuse to sell into the world's most profitable consumer market. What does this mean in statistical terms?

It means the US economy loses $2.4 trillion in exports and gains $3.0 trillion in imports. Remember, GDP is calculated by the following formula: C+I+G+(x-m). So, this much-feared trade war, at its theoretical worst, would result in the instantaneous growth of the US economy from $19,386.2 billion to $19,986.3 billion GDP.

That is three percent annual growth, which is faster economic growth than the USA has enjoyed since the 1990s. In other words, the very worst scenario that the free traders can envision actually guarantees a bigger and better economy growing faster than the USA has seen for more than 20 years. And given the fact that US manufacturing prices are more expensive, the actual GDP growth will probably be in excess of that.

Illuminati Watchdog #fundie

How Donald Trump Figures into the Illuminati's 2016 Election Plans
Every week since the Donald has filed, we've heard stronger and more incendiary comments against immigrants, war heroes, and women; yet predicted consequences continue to elude the controversial candidate. In fact, the opposite is happening. Mr. Trump continues to gain support. His poll numbers are rising faster than a souffle on steroids, and his popularity knows no bounds leaving us here at IW to ponder what all of this means.

Initially, we thought that Hillary Clinton would capture the electorate. She's an established Illuminati candidate and a conspirator for both 9/11s (World Trade Center and Benghazi. For more, see our article). Her campaign logo also indicates this connection with the arrow flying through the two vertical lines of the "H" which more closely resembles a plane flying into two towers than a letter. Given the imagery and her past, we figured she was an obvious favorite by the secret order.

Then Trump entered, which came out of nowhere. And what makes this so perplexing is that he is a senior Illuminati member. He's one of the guys who pulls the strings from the shadows. Now, he's shaking up the political scene by offsetting the establishment candidates. What could the purpose of all this be?

One theory is that he has run afoul of the secret order and is "going rogue" to show what he can do. This would explain his unusual campaign strategies and the media's relentless pursuit to assassinate his character. He's so familiar with standard political brainwash that he knows how to break through it and get a message across. Maybe, he had a falling out with the Bilderbergs or wanted to go with an alternate plan for introducing the NWO. Regardless of the reason, he could become a real spoiler if elected.

Another idea is that he is the Illuminati's main choice and is intended to usher in Armageddon. This would fit with his aggressive personality and jingoistic foreign policy. Instead of diplomacy, the Donald would negotiate with smart bombs and tactical nuclear missiles, exactly what's needed to end the old order and begin the new. Can you imagine Hillary dropping the nukes and ordering legions of tanks into endless war? We don't think so either.

A third possibility is that Trump is merely a shadow for the order's "real" candidate, and given how much press he's getting, this is also a viable explanation. There are currently 17 Republican presidential hopefuls, more than we've ever seen. One of them will become the nominee and maybe win the general election. Trump's bombastic campaign may be little more than a screen for someone like Jeb Bush or Rand Paul to cement his allegiance with the Illuminati honchos.

As of now, we can't say for certain what Donald Trump's true purpose is. We can certainly say that he is grade A entertainment, which is likely intended to draw in the masses for obvious brainwashing. Hopefully, we'll have a better idea as the Iowa caucuses draw nearer and the Republican primary field shows some more definition. Until then, we'll be watching.

Louis Stuart #fundie

What Would Happen If Hillary Clinton Wins?

Although I predicted a Donald Trump victory last fall, and my confidence in this outcome is higher now than ever, we must still prepare for the worst. As he himself mentions in The Art of the Deal, “prepare for the downsides and the upsides will take care of themselves.” A Hillary Clinton victory is still a big possibility and still the favored outcome on paper. We must therefore manage our expectations. If the worst were to happen, how bad would it be, and what can be done to survive and thrive?

While a Hillary Clinton presidency represents several unmitigated disasters that must be avoided at all costs, there are still, in my opinion at least, a few surprising silver linings that enterprising men can take advantage of, as disaster has always provided opportunities to those who saw them.


Whoever wins this election will be the most unpopular person ever elected President. This will make it very difficult for that person to govern. However, unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has no charisma. The result will be a regime that is deeply unpopular and distrusted, and will remain that way.

While Donald Trump may be able to use his powers of persuasion effectively, Hillary Clinton has no such powers. The media will certainly be on her side, but the media is already overwhelmingly distrusted and declining in influence rapidly. The proof is in the money. “Journalists” barely sell books, and Hillary Clinton couldn’t even sell 3,000 in its launch week. For a presidential candidate of a major party with a united establishment behind her, this is utterly embarrassing.

Time and again, the pattern has been: the more the public sees of Hillary, the more it dislikes her. Truthfully, there’s no better symbol to discredit the establishment than Hillary Clinton, whose incompetence, corruption, and lack of charisma and persuasive abilities will be symbolic of its moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

As people look for alternatives, whether in politics or in their personal lives, opportunities will open, and there’s no better symbol to stage a contrast with than Hillary Clinton (a face is always the best thing to attach a thought to, as per Scott Adams, and her face is guaranteed to generate strong emotions).

Supreme Court

Regardless of how unpopular she is, Hillary Clinton, if elected, could end up filling two or three vacancies if some older liberal justices decide to time their retirement for the occasion. This will likely permanently realign the court and make it a rubber stamp for any “social justice” endeavor that the regressive left wants to pass.

“Social Justice” Culture Will Get Worse

Men, especially on college campuses, will have to take special heed. It may become necessary to record all interactions with women if, as seems possible, the “misogyny” pilot program underway in the UK expands. This is especially so if “misogyny” becomes paired with the increasingly nebulous concept of “harassment” (all words engineered to shut down critical thinking and operate on confirmation bias).

Black Lives Matter will increase in power. Violence against dissenters will become more open and encouraged through selective enforcement. Islam will continue to demographically expand through accelerated “refugee” resettlement. More terrorist attacks in the US and Europe are certain, and the creep of Islam in mainstream culture will accelerate.

Decrees mandating the increased presence of “social justice” related initiatives in college, at the workplace, and in your neighborhood could well be passed. It’s possible that cuckolding culture will take off, with media blitzes about how “progressive” and “not sexist” it is. What better way to control your “toxic masculinity” (and to promote female desires at the expense of men)?

EyesWideOpen111 #conspiracy

[Strange Details Behind PRINCE Blood Sacrifice to Baal!! THEY KILLED HIM]

Please note: I do not make any money off of my channel in any way. An ad was placed by RT on this video because I used a clip from RT Ruptly. This video is not profiting from Prince's death. I believe that is very wrong. The video is meant to discuss the parallels of Prince's death on the third day that the arch of triumph was erected in London (April-19-April 21).

The arch of triumph was introduced in London on April 19th (Prince died 1 day before Passover starts). The first night, it was lit up in blood red color. Simultaneously, the Empire State Building was also lit up in blood red color to "celebrate Donald Trump's New York Primary Victory" or so they claimed. Remember, last August the Empire State had a giant image of Kali, the dark mother, beamed onto the side of it.

Prince's death takes place on the third day that the arch of triumph stands in London. There is another prince that is coming into the world, and his beast will receive a deadly head wound, but will come back from the dead. I believe the principalities used Prince to mock the passover of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, who is the passover lamb. They did this as a blood sacrifice.

Blood sacrifices to Baal are not new and have been done for years. Hollywood worships Baal and many celebrities sell their souls to him for fame and fortune. Unfortunately, once the careers of these individuals is over, as it was for Prince, they are sacrificed. This is a part of selling your soul.

patrice12345 #fundie

The Democrats have a problem. A bad one.

I am going to go ahead and say that Donald J. Trump almost certainly will be President of the United States. Not that anyone should stop campaigning, convincing other people, and getting their ass down to the voting booth on BOTH elections. Regardless - after Super Tuesday, I think we will see the party solidify around Donald J. Trump.

Not if but when Donald J. Trump wins the general election and becomes President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be put in jail. Obamacare will be dismantled. And a lot of people from the Obama Administration will most likely be under investigation for abuse of power after abuse of power which has characterized the Administration for the past eight years. The Democrats are looking at a total, complete reversal of most of the "progress" they have made over the past decade. And Obama's name will forever be tarnished by an Donald J. Trump Administration which does not shy away from the political warfare which would ensue from opening investigations on Obama. All that, coupled with Supreme Court nominations, will CRUSH the Democrats' agenda, and set them back DECADES.

If we see an economic crisis in the last few days of Obama's presidency (which is looking at least somewhat likely,) these losses will be further compounded by an impoverished electorate who has been robbed to the point of desperation by the Fed, Treasury, SEC, and FTC under Obama. Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for the middle class, and when piled on their gross abuses of power, I think Donald J. Trump will WRECK the Democratic Party and put them on the defensive in the 2018 midterms. We could see a Republican hegemony in the Federal Government which lasts a generation, depending on the success of the Republicans with Trump at the helm. Not that I have any respect for the Republican Party, but they are the only group of people who can pull us out of this shit and back our Nation away from the cliff the Democrats have been pushing us towards the edge of for years. And Donald J. Trump will whip their pork spending asses into shape.

Reddit, please, for the love of Christ, help us elect this man to the Presidency. We desperately need to bring the current Administration to justice, to signal to all future Presidents that using the Federal Government as a weapon against your political enemies will never be allowed or forgiven in our great Nation.





Bruce #conspiracy

Being a senior Illuminati member in the music sector, Beyonce likely had a say when someone needed to be sacrificed in order to bring Donald Trump back into the fold, and she also likely endorsed Prince's selection. She saw an opportunity and that's to seize the title of greatest Super Bowl Halftime icon. It's simple, she knows that she cannot beat the 2007 performance, so she will steal its elements and mix them with her own. Watch for a tremendous tribute to Prince where Beyonce integrates her music with his style and tops it all off with her own rendition of Purple Rain. Such a halftime performance will give her the boost that she needs to make her legendary, and don't forget the symbolism. Gratuitous eyes, triangles, and Ancient Egyptian symbols will run rampant.

This is definitely what Beyonce has in mind. By helping to select an Illuminati sacrifice, she can further her own status within the order and do it while appearing classy. Crowds of brainwashed sheep will talk about her Prince tribute for years, increasing her popularity. She knows that she is the artist to do it. Being the most famous African American pop star of this generation makes her the perfect candidate. It's also a move that will push her past her other Super Bowl rival, Katy Perry.

That's how it's done within the Illuminati. It's not all one big happy family. The members do a fine job of besting one another to advance. Unless they're a part of one the most powerful bloodlines, they get to take part in the unceasing rat race for advancement. You see it in politics as well. Once the Illuminati has approved of a few worthy candidates, its senior members sit back and let them fight it out. The same goes for the entertainment industry. As long as the winner subscribes to their vision, they don't really care who it is. That's why Prince was ultimately selected for sacrifice. Donald Trump had gone rogue and needed to come back. To assure him that the Illuminati was sincere, someone had to be given up, and it could have been anyone. Somehow, Beyonce must have used her influence to sway the order to choose Prince. She had the most to gain. The Super Bowl Halftime shows tell us all.

Zachary K Hubbard #conspiracy

Joel Shanahan, Golden Donna DJ, & "survivor of Oakland warehouse fire hoax +Chicago Fire, Golden State Warriors & Donald Trump

I now have zero doubts this was a staged hoax. No one is dead.

The "survivor", the "fire crotch", "Joel the DJ", from "Golden Donna", tells me all I need to know. The fact that he is reported to be age '33' is just a cherry on the top.

In case you have somehow missed my posts on Dolly Parton, the staged fire in Tennessee and the burnt Bible page from the Book of Joel, please read below:

Please be sure to check the reader comments for more on Billy Joel and his song 'We Didn't Start the Fire':'t_Start_the_Fire

Joel = 42; Freemason = 42; Zionism = 42; NBA Finals = 42; Stephen = 42

As for the reference to 'Golden Dawn', it connects to the DJ's full name, Joel Shanahan.

Keep in mind, I have been pointing out the parallels to these fires with Donald Trump, the 45th President 'elect'. Donald Trump is preaching the message of fascism and police state, which is very similar to the message of the political movement Golden Dawn, in Greece.

Now, more on the GOLDEN State Warriors.

Joel Shanahan = 108; Golden State Warriors = 108; Chicago Fire was 10/8/1871

Speaking of Chicago, we just saw them break the 108-year curse.
Geometry = 108; Major League = 108

Also, has I pointed out in my last post, this is the worst fire in Golden State since 1991, the year Golden Dawn became recognized as a political party.

Aangirfan #conspiracy



The 29 January 2017 attack in Quebec came after days of protests in America over Trump's 'Muslim ban' executive order.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that refugees and Muslim immigrants are welcome in Canada.

What might the government of Quebec know about inside-jobs?

Quebec's Premier Philippe Couillard will lead an economic mission to Israel in the spring of 2017, becoming the first Quebec premier to head an official visit to the country.

Couillard made the announcement "during the annual cocktail for members of the National Assembly held at the legislature by the Quebec branch of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), with Federation CJA and the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee, on Nov. 30."

Couillard spoke of the long and important contribution of the Jewish community to Quebec. “Your history is that of Quebec’s, and the history of Quebec is your history.”

Couillard described Israel as "the only democratic state in that troubled region.

"Israel and Quebec have much in common and together we must reinforce the ties that unite us," he said.

Is the terror attack in Quebec linked to mind control?

The Allan Memorial Institute is located in Montreal in Quebec.

The Institute is known for its role in the CIA's Project MKUltra, an initiative to develop drug-induced mind control.

MKUltra experimentation was undertaken by its founding director Donald Ewen Cameron.

Sires Orb #conspiracy

The illuminati is real. They are taking over the world they work for the devil. If you guys read the last chapter in the Bible , then watch the simpsons and notice how the world is becoming you will notice the truth behind the government. They know what's going on. How they have Donald trump as president 16 years ago then 16 years later Donald trump is president because they are time traveling. Pay attention people. You're letting you're kids watch shows on Disney channel, boomerang ,nickelodeon etc they are brand washing you're kids even YOU. take this in too just to throw it out there. look up the REAL reason how celebrities die. Look up the real reason KANYE WEST ended up in the hospital? also this, Chris brown isn't the real Chris brown.?

Franklin Graham #wingnut

This is a sad day for America. Our politics in this country has hit a new low. Nancy Pelosi and her followers in Congress have weaponized the impeachment process. After two years of the Russia collusion hoax, now they’ve turned to this. In my opinion, asking another country to investigate corruption is a good thing—not a bad thing. This is just another attempt to tarnish and embarrass the President before the next election. We have so many problems in this nation that need to be addressed. Instead the Democrats are fixated on only one thing—removing President Donald J. Trump from office. Pray for President Trump today, for God to give him wisdom, protection, and guide each and every step he takes. I pray that he and Melania will sense the presence of the Lord through this unjust inquisition.

micktravis1968 #fundie

Meanwhile, in the real world, the general public can see perfectly well that: a) Donald Trump represents a right-wing populist insurgency that is the inevitable consequence of the wholesale selling-out of the people by the liberal and social-democratic left, such that Trump now conceivably represents a credible lesser evil than Mrs Clinton. b) Israel is a vicious racist state that makes apartheid South Africa look like Disneyland; criticism of Israel and Zionism is a progressive duty, and has nothing whatsoever to do with anti-Semitism. c) Vladimir Putin is a sensible, pragmatic leader - who, thankfully, has a much cooler head and clearer worldview than the nut-cases running Western policy in Washington and Westminster. d) Jeremy Corbyn is a nice, mild-mannered, ethically-committed gentleman who, whatever one thinks of his policies, goes about politics in a far more dignified way than the pro-corporate Cameronite/Blairite clique and their stenographers in the mainstream media. e) The European Union is a corrupt undemocratic organisation whose main roles are to facilitate the continued US economic/political domination of Europe, maintain the transfer of wealth from the people of Europe to the pockets of European big business leaders, and preserve a vast, useless, parasitic bureaucracy whose chief purpose is to provide career politicians like the Kinnocks with highly paid jobs for life.

Phil Robertson #fundie

Phil Robertson: If Donald Trump Loses, I'll Go Into Hiding

Today on “Breitbart News Daily,” reality TV star and conservative activist Phil Robertson spoke with radio host Stephen Bannon and Citizens United president David Bossie about the Republican National Convention, and Robertson urged listeners to rally behind Donald Trump.

The Duck Dynasty patriarch said that evangelicals must turn out and vote because they are facing “spiritual warfare” from “the depraved bunch, this political correct crowd” that is “of the Evil One.”

Robertson, an early supporter of Ted Cruz, said that Trump’s former rivals, including Cruz, must rally behind the business mogul, warning that “the alternative” to a Trump presidency is “depravity” and “moral bankruptcy.”

After falsely claiming that Democratic delegates “booed God” at their 2012 convention, Robertson said that a Democratic victory in November would cause him to go into hiding: “If the Republicans and the evangelicals do not get off their posteriors and vote, I think I’m going to head back to the woods and hide out.”

pixelpusher #fundie

I agree, Krauthammer even has succumbed to the brain rot, I was a little goggle-eyed when I saw that headline this morning. He's always been fairly steady and logical in my experience. Said it before, but all this "highly illogical" (insert :spock here) behavior and response just screams spiritual attack to me. Like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour... and he must be reaching for the tums about now...

Maybe The Donald was like a match to a bottle rocket, maybe that's why the Lord let him defeat Hillary. Go on and light this thing off, to expose the darkness in the swamp. They don't like it, so they are pulling down the shades with lies and fake news and pure deception and rebellion, which is as witchcraft. If Hillary had won, it would have been business as usual in the swampy lands. Instead, Trump is shaking everything up, re-mix. Showing who's on what side of the line.

I dunno, random thoughts there, but it is stunning to see happening.

I'm gonna be praying more for this administration.

Truth Forever #fundie

Is 0bama $ATAN?

MANY have said so in the last 10yrs.

What are your thoughts?

"It" is fighting again$t President Donald Trump, with all "it's" might.

Prayers can fight back.

Do it TODAY.







John Nygaard #racist

A Dell Rapids, South Dakota firefighter was relieved of his duties after a social media post where he encouraged reinstituting slavery.

John Nygaard reportedly posted several racist posts on Facebook that sparked outrage from Dell Rapids residents, according to KSFY.

“You’re a public servant and you’re putting stuff like that on Facebook, that’s not good,” said Dell Rapids resident, William Dezee.

Many people in the nearly 4,000 person town were shocked the comments came from someone tasked with coming to their aid in emergencies.

“There’s enough problems going on, we don’t need racial slurs or people wearing masks or saying something that’s what 160 years old, leave it alone. That’s the way it should be,” Dezee continued

The comment was in response to a photo of a former Kansas State University student named Paige Shoemaker, who went viral last week when she posted a photo of herself and another white friend wearing a L’Oréal clay facial mask. The mask made it appear as though she was in blackface and her caption read, “Feels good to finally be a n*gga.” Shoemaker was expelled and posted an apology and explanation of the incident, but Nygaard used it as an opportunity to speak his mind about race and his support for Donald Trump.

Dell Rapids Fire Rescue issued a statement on their Facebook page announcing that they had terminated Nygaard.

“John is no longer a member of our volunteer organization. Dell Rapids fire would like to apologize on behalf of our former member for his insensitive and narrow-minded comments on Facebook. This is something we take very seriously and this type of thinking will not be tolerated by our members.”

Nygaard has removed all identifying information from his Facebook page.

A screen capture of Nygaard’s comments are below:


David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #wingnut

At the writing of the following article, homosexuality was thankfully still a punishable crime in 72 countries...

Unfortunately, that is quickly changing due to international pressure from leaders like President Donald Trump...

We will see much more escalation of the sin of homosexuality in all its vile disgusting forms in the years ahead, if the Lord tarries. We are increasingly seeing effeminate male sissies and masculine female dykes everywhere in public today. It is repulsive!

Do you know what is the saddest thing of all, and grieves the great heart of God? I believe it is that many of the churches in America are indifferent toward sin, many even embracing the LGBTQ agenda! They are indifferent toward the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions, that pervert the Gospel and errantly redefine what it means to repent. Why Would Someone Who Truly Loves Jesus Christ, Support Corrupt Bibles That Reduce Him? The apostate Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has fallen prey to heretics like Rick Warren, Steven Furtick, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Beth Moore, as well as leftist political agendas. The SBC is today only a shell of its former self and has become an arena for apostates and false teachers to thrive in. God's curse in upon the SBC! In addition, the Satanic SBC published their own new Bible revision in 2017, called the “Christian Standard Bible” (CSB) that is GENDER-INCLUSIVE! To Hell with the Southern Baptist Convention and their 15,000,000 apostate members!!! God hates sin and is 100% against the LGBTQ community!!!

Donald Trump #conspiracy

.....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!

Liz Crokin #conspiracy

Liz Crokin, a right-wing “journalist” who has dedicated her career to exposing the supposed fact that leading government, entertainment and business leaders are involved in a massive satanic pedophile cult, posted a video on the Liberty One TV network earlier this week in which she asserted that a sex tape featuring Hillary Clinton will soon be released and will prove once and for all that the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory is true.

Citing an article from Newsweek about a Russian internet troll who claimed to have worked for a propaganda agency that produced a fake Clinton sex tape that was designed to be released during the 2016 election in order to help Donald Trump, Crokin insisted that a real Clinton sex tape does exist and that the Newsweek article was just an effort to condition people to dismiss it as fake once it is released.

Asserting that it was no coincidence that Newsweek posted this article since the magazine is an arm of the “deep state” and employs known pedophiles, Crokin said that a genuine sex tape featuring Clinton, her top aide Huma Abedin and an underage girl was discovered by authorities when they seized the laptop owned by Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner.

Crokin claimed that there were so many videos featuring high-level political figures doing horrible things to children found on Weiner’s laptop that when NYPD officers watched them, “it made grown men cry.”

It is only a matter of time before all of these files are released, Crokin said, “and if and when this happen, let me tell you, no one will be able to deny that Pizzagate isn’t real. Nobody will be able to deny that the likes of the Clintons and John Podesta and many, many politicians and many members of Congress are involved in the satanic rape and torture of kids.”

Chris Hedges #conspiracy

Sanders squandered his most important historical moment. He had a chance, one chance, to take the energy, anger and momentum, walk out the doors of the Wells Fargo Center and into the streets to help build a third-party movement. His call to his delegates to face “reality” and support Clinton was an insulting repudiation of the reality his supporters, mostly young men and young women, had overcome by lifting him from an obscure candidate polling at 12 percent into a serious contender for the nomination. Sanders not only sold out his base, he mocked it. This was a spiritual wound, not a political one. For this he must ask forgiveness.

Whatever resistance happens will happen without him. Whatever political revolution happens will happen without him. Whatever hope we have for a sustainable future will happen without him. Sanders, who once lifted up the yearnings of millions, has become an impediment to change. He took his 30 pieces of silver and joined with a bankrupt liberal establishment on behalf of a candidate who is a tool of Wall Street, a proponent of endless war and an enemy of the working class.


To reduce the political debate, as Sanders and others are doing, to political personalities is political infantilism. We have undergone a corporate coup. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will not reverse this coup. They, like Barack Obama, know where the centers of power lie. They serve these centers of power.

Change will come when we have the tenacity, as many Sanders delegates did, to refuse to cooperate, to say no, to no longer participate in the political charade. Change will come when we begin acts of sustained mass civil disobedience. Change will come when the fear the corporate state uses to paralyze us is used by us to paralyze the corporate state.

The Russian writer Alexander Herzen, speaking a century ago to a group of anarchists about how to overthrow the czar, reminded his listeners that it was not their job to save a dying system but to replace it: “We think we are the doctors. We are the disease.”

We are here not to reform the system. We are here to overthrow it. And that is the only possibility left to restore our democracy and save our planet. If we fail in this task, if this system of corporate capitalism and globalization is not dismantled, we are doomed. And this is the reality no one wants to speak about.

Carl Paladino #racist

Carl Paladino, who co-chaired Donald Trump’s New York campaign, is refusing to back down from derogatory and racist comments he made on his 2017 “wish list,” including the hope that President Barack Obama dies from mad cow disease, and Michelle Obama “returns to being a male” and lives with a gorilla in an African cave.

“Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford,” the Buffalo School Board member wrote of what he would “most like to happen in 2017.”

“[Obama] dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her,” he added.

As for what Paladino would “most like to see go in 2017,” the prominent developer responded, “Michelle Obama.”

“I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla,” he wrote.

Paladino told The Buffalo News he “of course” made the comments. “Tell them all to go f*ck themselves,” he said of inquiring news editors. “Tell that Rod Watson I made that comment just for him,” he added. Watson is a black editor and columnist for The News.

Paladino, who recently asked the Buffalo school district to hang photos of Donald Trump in public schools throughout the county, channeled the president-elect, lamenting PC culture.

“Yeah, I’m not politically correct,” he told The News. “They asked what I want and I told them.”

Benjamin Netanyahu #conspiracy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says a UN call to end illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land is "shameful".

He stressed that Israel would not abide by Friday's vote at the 15-member UN Security Council.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman said the resolution was a "big blow to Israeli policy".

The document was passed after the US refused to veto it, breaking with long-standing American practice.

Washington has traditionally sheltered Israel from condemnatory resolutions.

The Egyptian-drafted resolution had been withdrawn after Israel has asked US President-elect Donald Trump to intervene, but it was proposed again by Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela.

It was adopted by 14 votes to zero, with one abstention.

The issue of Jewish settlements is one of the most contentious between Israel and the Palestinians, who see them as an obstacle to peace.

About 500,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel's 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.

Mr Netanyahu said: "Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms.

"At a time when the Security Council does nothing to stop the slaughter of half-a-million people in Syria, it disgracefully gangs up on the one true democracy in the Middle East, Israel, and calls the Western Wall 'occupied territory'."

Mr Netanyahu said the administration of US President Barack Obama "not only failed to protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN, it colluded with it behind the scenes", and added that he looked forward to working with Mr Trump.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

Thank God Hillary Clinton Didn't Become President!

She's was once Secretary of State, a known lesbian and murderer, which at one time gave her more power than U.S. President.

Many people thought that Hilary was headed for the White House in 2016. We've seen much wickedness in the White House ever since President George H. Bush took office. He got rid of everyone in key positions and hired his own people, who were loyal to the New World Order. The Wall Street gang have hi-jacked The White House! It all began with Jimmy Carter, a total sell-out and a weak President. Bush Sr. was their real foot in the door. Sad to say, Hillary was more of a man than all of them combined, and praise God that she didn't become U.S. President. Criminals have hi-jacked the U.S. government and most citizens are too dumbed-down by the media, and gullible, to see the handwriting on the wall. We're going down as a nation! Please watch, A NATION IN PERIL.

News journalist Glenn Beck had predicted that Hillary would become U.S. President. Beck is a member of the Mormon sex-cult, a satanic religion rooted in the Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah. Truth is stranger than fiction!

The worst doomsday won't be December 21, 2012, it will be the inauguration of the next liberal Democrat President into the White House. The U.S. will continue to have more wicked Presidents. I am fully convinced that the Antichrist may appear as an American President. President Barack Obama wowed the world, having the creepy idolization of the masses, as if he might be the very Antichrist (which he is not). And of course, Mr. Obama was re-elected in 2012. The 2012 Presidential election was determined by the Presidential Electors on December 17, 2012. Talk about a weird coincidence... December 21, 2012 was just 4 days later!!!

Criminals have taken over our government. JFK was assassinated 10 days after warning the public that criminals were plotting to infiltrate the White House to destroy American's freedoms, and so it is today. Bush Sr., then Bill Clinton, then Bush Jr., then Obama, and now Donald Trump are keeping the criminal empire going. Don't fall for Mr. Trump's rhetoric, he is an elite insider, catering to Wall Street's interests. There has been a coup of the U.S. government. President Kennedy tried to warn us. The elite Bilderberg group decides who will be the next U.S. President. All modern U.S. Presidents are chosen, groomed and appointed at elite Bilderberg meetings. They must protect their interests.

The day that a lesbian dyke rules our nation will be the end of our country! Say goodbye to your children, your liberties, your guns, your healthcare, your national sovereignty, and expect to see same-sex marriage legalized by the Godless puppets on the Supreme Court. They're the Supreme Joke! Everything is so corrupt today. Who really controls our nation?

Anthony Senecal #racist

Donald Trump's longtime former butler hates President Barack Obama and thinks he should be killed, according to recent social media rants teeming with profanity and exclamation points.

Anthony Senecal, who worked as Trump's butler for 17 years and was named the in-house historian at the business mogul's Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, has touted his close relationship with his former boss in media interviews. But Senecal feels very differently about the nation's first black president, according to Mother Jones, which posted Thursday his social media rants. Read them here.

Senecal, 84, confirmed the posts to Mother Jones. "I wrote that. I believe that," he said. A spokeswoman for the Trump campaign told Mother Jones Senecal had not worked at Mar-a-Lago "for many years."

One of the Facebook posts reads: "To all my friends on FB, just a short note to you on our pus headed "president" !!!! This character who I refer to as zero (0) should have been taken out by our military and shot as an enemy agent in his first term !!!!! Instead he still remains in office doing every thing he can to gut the America we all know and love !!!!! Now comes Donald J Trump to put an end to the corruption in government !!!! The so called elite, who are nothing but common dog turds from your front lawn are shaking in their boots because there is a new Sheriff coming to town, and the end to their corruption of the American people (YOU) is at hand !!!! I cannot believe that a common murder is even allowed to run (killery clinton) OR that a commie like bernie is a also allowed to also run !!!! Come on America put your big boy pants on---this election you have a choice---GET YOUR ASS OUT AND VOTE !!!! Thank you !!!!"

Senecal's favorite insult seems to be calling Obama "zero" and he has repeatedly suggested the president be put to death. Senecal wrote on April 21, 2015: "Looks like that sleezey bastard zero (O) is trying to out maneuver Congress again, if the truth be known this prick needs to be hung for treason!!!

He wrote on May 23, 2015: "I feel it is time for the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION !!!!! The only way we will change this crooked government is to douche it !!!!! This might be the time with this kenyan fraud in power !!!!! ...[W]ith the last breath I draw I will help rid this America of the scum infested in its government--and if that means dragging that ball less **** head from the white mosque and hanging his scrawny ass from the portico--count me in !!!!!" [Note: We edited out the curse worse. Senecal did not.]

Senecal was unapologetic when asked to explain his heated words. "I cannot stand the bastard," he told Mother Jones. "I don't believe he's an American citizen. I think he's a fraudulent piece of crap that was brought in by the Democrats."

The New York Times profiled Senecal in March, noting the longtime servant, "understands Mr. Trump's sleeping patterns and how he likes his steak." In the article, Senecal described his boss' generosity, such as giving $100 bills to the groundskeepers.

“You’re a Hispanic and you’re in here trimming the trees and everything, and a guy walks up and hands you a hundred dollars,” Senecal told the New York Times. “And they love him, not for that, they just love him.”

Senecal seems certain his former boss will do a better job than Obama. He wrote on June 16, 2015 on Facebook: "Today, my employer and friend Donald J Trump announced he was running for the Office of President of the United States... NO ONE deserves to run for and be elected to this GREAT office, than Mr. Trump. !!!!!"

Mike Adams #fundie

Until Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton and other corrupt democrat operatives are behind bars, America does not have a legitimate federal government

One of the very best reasons to vote for Donald Trump -- and perhaps the most important reason of all -- is because he promises to seek criminal investigations of the most lawless operatives in the Obama / Clinton regime.

Until America "drains the swamp" and wrests the criminal slag out of the halls of power in Washington D.C., we cannot move forward as a nation that claims to respect law. The outrageous lawlessness of the Clintons and the entire democrat establishment must be brought to an end by We the People. If it cannot be brought to an end at the ballot box, I have no doubt that concerned citizens will find other ways to take back their country from the criminals in Washington.

Right now, voting for Donald Trump is the last (and best) hope to prevent America from being seized by a criminal cabal of deep corruption and runaway lawlessness that has infected every institution in our nation, across every branch of government. Should this effort be thwarted by the criminal conspiracy of the Clintons, the media, the FBI, the DOJ and all the other co-conspirators involved in all this, America ceases to become a nation of law and plunges into Third World dictatorship status (with all the obvious ramifications that follow such political corruption).

Beware of the intense, destructive evil that will fester out of a powerful, centralized political establishment which realizes it is ABOVE THE LAW

As Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, the message to all the elite leftist power brokers will be obvious: We can get away with anything! They will realize they can commit any crime they want... and the media will cover up their crimes while the FBI excuses their actions with contorted legal immunities and whitewashed explanations. They will be above the law, and they will know that they control every institution in government, effectively granting themselves absolute power and absolute immunity.

When, in the history of the world, has the concentration of absolute power into the hands of the few ever turned out well for the populace?

It is a vast understatement to remind you that this is the most dangerous time in the entire history of our nation since the American Revolution. Once the democrats realize they have absolute power with zero accountability, there will be death squads to seek out and murder their political opponents. Websites critical of the Clinton regime will be seized and silenced. People who speak out against the regime will find themselves indicted by the IRS, or investigated by the FTC, or arrested by the DEA after drugs are planted in their homes. What the Obama regime has already done to Julian Assange, the Clinton regime will do to Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.

The prisons will be filled with the political enemies of the regime in power... and then to clear out the prisons, the mass murders will begin. Piece by piece, the corrupt democrats will become the Fourth Reich, murdering their political enemies, demanding absolute obedience (P.C. thought control), raising their rhetoric to levels of psychological insanity that haven't been witnessed since the days of Adolf Hitler.

Donald Trump Jr. #fundie

Trump also defended his father for his 2005 comments made on a hot mic, first reported by The Washington Post Friday, where his father bragged about force himself on women and grabbing them by the genitals. Trump Jr. said he's had similar conversations with many people.

"There's sort of the reality of the situation and then there's how the media portrays it again. So I mean, listen I know plenty of people," Trump Jr. said. "I've had conversations like that with plenty of people where people use language off color. They're talking, two guys, amongst themselves. I've seen it time and time again. I think it makes him a human. I think it makes him a normal person not a political robot. He hasn't spent his whole life waiting for this moment to run for the presidency."

"I think most American people just say, you know what, I've probably said those kind of things myself," he added. "So, we're not happy that he said, that's for sure, I get that but I think it means that he's a human being that he's a regular person like everyone else. I think that's what endeared him to the American public."

#1986470 #conspiracy

I must introduce myself. I am an enlightened seer. I belong to a group of enlightened seers who have been watching Obama and Hillary for some time now. I can confirm to you that they are alien souls in human bodies and their ultimate aim is satanic in nature. They wish to create a world where humanity is totally subjugated under their rule, where knowledge of God is made difficult or impossible to obtain.

For the sake of our ouls and our eternal future, Hillary must not be elected. If she is elected it is all over for the human race, on a soul level. The end days will occur as soon as she gets into power. Her endgame is deadly. Hillary and Obama already have in their possession an energy weapon capable of disrupting the links between Humanity and God. The chemtrails we see in the sky are a part of that system. We have seen that the alien demonic New World (dis)Order is creating a "chemical gauze" over Earth, which is part of the electrical system that will be used to cut our links with God. You will be aware, that in the time since these chemtrails started appearing, humanity has gradually been turning away from God and towards sin and evil. If this system is fully activated it is all over. Only God can save us, by His grace.

Thankfully there is a saviour for mankind in the form of Donald Trump, who we have discovered to be a reincarnation of King David. He is a messiah, here to lead us away from the edge of destruction and back to a functioning, pure, Christian nation.

You may not like the way he talks at times, but that is because, like Jesus, he simply tells it as it is. We have seen an ethereal light from him, and we know he is more than a mere human. He will, if we allow him, be the greatest ruler the modern World has ever known. He has already promised to cast those of false demonic religions out of America. This will be the first of many wonderful transformations to come.

Mike King #conspiracy

Damn it! We really hate being right so often!

Subscribers of the almost-daily Anti-New York Times will recall that it was only a few days ago that we warned against the folly and danger of strategically conceding points of argument to evil liars. From our February 28th issue about coal company executives accepting the hoax of "Global Warming" TM and meeting with "Green" groups:

***** FLASHBACK ******

A proverb from your favorite philosopher here at The Anti-New York Times:

"He who allows an evil adversary to frame the debate has already hanged himself."

Never, for the sake of strategic expediency, yield an inch of truth to a pack of liars. Never! To use an analogy from American football, Team Satan will not stop advancing the ball with the "first down" yardage you have so graciously, cowardly and stupidly granted them. No way! They will instead use the easily-gained ground to launch a new set of bold attacks as they "move the chains" again and again and again until they have reached the final destination.

And what is the big "scandal" in the Fake News today? Answer: The innocent conversation between Attorney General (then-Senator) Jeff Sessions and the Russian Ambassador.

And why would such a conversation be considered as grounds for Sessions to resign? Answer: Because the meddling Russians hacked Demonrat computers and fed information that was damaging to Killary Clinscum to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks.

And what evidence is there that the Russians were actually behind these hacks and leaks? Answer: Even Donald Trump now admits it!

Do "youse guys" see what we mean about making concessions to the Sons of Satan? You see, just to shut his enemies up and relieve a bit of the pressure that was being brought to bear against him, Orange Man foolishly abandoned his very strong original position in which he dismissed all accusations against Russia as unsubstantiated. When nibbled at by the Piranha Press for "disrespecting the intelligence community," OM softened his stance by conceding that the Russians were "probably" guilty of hacking into e-mails, but that it didn't matter because Killary would have lost anyway.

"First Down and 10!"

The temporary relief that OM enjoyed by foolishly admitting to Russian meddling was very short-lived. As a direct consequence of that first concession, National Security Advisor Mike Flynn then came under attack for "talking to the Russians" during the transition period and "lying" to the VP snake Mike Pence about it. Flynn was then fired to appease the lynch mob. Another "First Down and 10!"

After tasting Flynn's blood, the Globalist agents in government and the Fake Media had even better field position from which to launch the next wave of attacks in the form of a coming "investigation" from which Sessions has just agreed to "recuse himself" from. Yet another "First Down and 10!" What next? A Special Prosecutor? A "Bipartisan Commission?" TM

Evidently, Trump "strategist" Steve Bannon isn't so clever after all. Or could it be the DC "power couple" of baby-girl Ivanka and her squirrelly Democrat Jew husband Jared that is de-balling "The Donald?" Thanks to OM's softening and Flynn's firing, the debate about Russian meddling is "settled" and cannot be be revisited. Those "yards" are lost forever. The new debate will now center around: "What did he know and when did he know it?" TM. Dadgummit! When will people ever learn to stop making cowardly concessions to the aggressive Left?! That "kinder, gentler" bullshine doesn't work with these demonic creatures.

Had OM stuck to his attack guns and repeated, over and over and over again, "Lies ... Lies ... Lies" and demanded an investigation into the fake intelligence instead -- the storm would have passed and his discredited accusers would have been the ones losing yardage. As it stands now, OM and his team are facing a new wave of attacks from an ever shrinking defensive position "in the shadows of their own goal post" -- with another enemy "First Down and 10" (or is it "first and goal" already?) fast approaching.

1. Communist Congresswomen Maxine Waters has predicted that the Russia Affair will bring Trump down.

2. Senate scoundrels McCain the Insane, UpChuck Schumer, and Sodomite Graham now intend to use this phony "proven" Russia Affair to stage a coup.

3. Soon, there won't be any territory left to defend.

Boobus Americanus 1: The New York Times is calling for Trump's Attorney General to resign for talking with the Russian ambassador while he was a Senator.

Boobus Americanus 2: I don't know if I agree with that position. This obsession with Russian connections is starting to sound like McCarthyism.

Sugar: Boobusss! You sstarted out with an intelligent comment, but then you had to frick it all up by taking a cheap sshot at the great Joe McCarthy. --- %#$&*% @#$%

Editor: Next to the Great One of Germany, Senator Joe is Sugar's favorite. Don't mess with him!

Sis. Ophelia Sue #fundie

1. Do you believe in the Saving Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ? Yes
2. How many years have you been saved? 13, but I say 12 years 12 months because 13 is a unlucky number
3. What is your favorite thing about the KMB Flea Market Ministry? There are new experiences and challenges everyday!
4. If you could wish for anything, what would it be? For Jesus to come back and begin the assault on the unbelievers and the lukewarm churches
5. Pepsi or Coke? Neither, because Coke is owned by the Mormon Church and Pepsi has the Ying and Yang symbol on it and Deut. 7:26 says I am not allowed to bring it into my house
6. What is your favorite color? Dark purple
7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Pistachio
8. What is your sign? Capricorn, just like Jesus
9. If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? Donald Trump (without the eyebrows & hairdo)
10. What are your hobbies? Bowhunting, gun-smithing, welding, wood working, & a one year old son!

Stacey Dash #fundie

Stacey Dash: Black people vote for Democrats because of ’21st century Nazism’

Actress Stacey Dash asserted on Wednesday that President Barack Obama was an “Islamic fascist” and that black voters mostly supported Democrats because of “21st century Nazism.”

During a promotional interview with conservative talk show host Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo, Dash explained that she voted for Obama in 2008 because she felt pressured by the black community.

“We are more divided now that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime,” she insisted. “Because he doesn’t like the country. He’s an Islamic fascist, I believe. He doesn’t like America.”

“They’ve just politicized Islam and turned it into a fascist government.”

But she predicted that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would be more like Ronald Reagan in his governing style.

“But Donald Trump’s going to come along and here comes Ronald Reagan,” she opined. “That’s what’s going to happen.”

Pagliarulo asked Dash to explain why most black voters were Democrats.

“The liberal elites own Hollywood,” she declared. “And Hollywood dictates the culture of the country. So, as long as they do that, they control the narrative. They control the narrative that is fed to the country. The propaganda.”

“It’s like 21st century Nazism,” Dash said. “It’s ridiculous.”

Listen to the audio below from The Joe Pags Show, broadcast June 8, 2016.

Stacey Dash: Obama is an 'Islamic fascist'

Aunty Semite #racist

Now that Trump fired Steve Bannon like the Jews had been telling him, the Jews media may stop attacking the Donald so viciously, having Kathy Griffin hold up a prop of Trump’s severed head, making Trump the butt of the talk show jokes, and so on.

BTW, where did Kathy Griffin get the prop of Donald’s severed head? It must have come from one of the show business/Jews media prop shops. Nobody else makes such things.

Now that Trump has changed his tune about Mideast wars from ending the wars to expanding the wars, attacking Afghanistan again, maybe Democrat attack dogs like Senator Maria Chappelle Nadal will be put back in their cages.

Nadal publicly stated she hopes Trump will be assassinated. Soon after Trump fired Bannon and caved into the Jews demands for more Mideast wars, then Nadal issued a public apology for her statement about the assassination of Trump.

Now that Trump has completely caved in to Zionest demands, the Democrats, Insane McCain, Lesbie Gayham, and the Jews media seem to be using the carrot instead of the stick to manipulate Trump.

The Jews may have Trump completely tamed. I didn’t see the entire Trump speech tonight but during the bits of it that I saw, Trump didn’t use the term “fake news” like Trump often used before Bannon was fired.

The Jews iniciate riots, media smears, and chaos on Trump to reign him in when he bucks or doesn’t go in the direction the Jews want.

The Jews used a “flash crash” of the stock market May 6, 2010 which swung the Dow Jones down 1010 points, most of it within less than an hour.

The 2010 flash crash was used on Congress to make Congress raise the debt ceiling and increase the federal debt for a few trillion dollars more. Congress was voting on the debt limit and budget at the time.

The flash crash pressured Congress to raise the debt ceiling. The Jews media talked about lucrative retirement pensions for congressmen being lost in the crash and then bingo, the vote to raise the debt limit was passed.

Is Trump a goy controlled by blackmail, money, news coverage, traditional Zionist manipulation?

Or, is Trump a devilish crypto Jew, a member of the tribe, who keeps his Jewish ancestry hidden?

I suspect Trump is a goy controlled by traditional Zionist puppet strings. But if Trump is really a Jew, then the Zionists are doing a very convincing job of hiding it.

SamuraiGal #fundie

I don't know how to send this message to the administrator or whoever's in charge of this page. So I thought I'd post it here. This page is open to all members of the public, isn't that right? Including conservatives who voted for our current President, like myself. I'm really bothered when I come to certain pages and they bash our President like the Billy West Page who used to have the words 'Much Loathed Presidential Candidate Donald Trump'. First of all, he is NOT much loathed because he won by a landslide! (yes, he won by a landslide, no Russians were involved, he is popular in the Midwestern states and a LOT of people in my own town voted for him!) Plus he is not President -elect anymore, he is the President! The fact that I can't go into the Saturday Night Live page either because I get offended by what they say is bad too. Not to mention Alec Baldwin did NOT deserve that Emmy.

Please tell the people editing these pages to watch what they say and type. Some people here LIKE our President and DID vote for him and they have a right to be here and not get insulted or offended!

Shad Daley #fundie

At the Impeach Trump March in Chicago 7/2/17. A group of protesters applaud a speech comprised almost entirely of Adolf Hitler quotes given by Shad Daley. This was 20 seconds after saying they need to fight fascism. After the speech, the organizing member of was desperate to get Shad more involved. Another wonderful example of how the left doesn't understand their own hypocrisy and ignorance.

Speech Transcript:
Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation:
I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it's unfair salaries, rights it's unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual... The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property... A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

For there is one thing we must never forget... the majority can never replace the man.

Life is like a mirror, if you frown at it, it frowns back, if you smile it returns the greeting.

Donald Trump seems to think that if you tell a big enough lie, and tell it frequently enough, that it will be believed. It’s not the truth that matters, but victory.

The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others.


Rob Smith #fundie

Hillary I'd classify as a Leninist. Technically speaking, there really is even a subdivision between Leninist and Marxist-Leninist. Hillary appears to have studied closely Lenin's, Leftwing Communism: An Infantile Disease.

Counterpunch magazine documented how Hillary built a vanguard party of a chosen few which is 100% Leninism. Marx made no such reference to vanguardism or the idea of a "permanent revolution."

I wonder where Trump falls in this scheme. What sort of commie is an isolationist-militarist-federalist with ambitions of outerspace-expansionism who ostensibly supports the previously discarded proletariat?

Good question. I had to point out today to the anti-neocon anti-globalists that Trump's Iranian policy is the same as the neocons. But it's how you phrase it. Instead of saying Trump's bowed to the neocons, you have to say the entire neocon movement suddenly woke up and saw the wisdom of Donald Trump.

[Note: Rob Smith is also a Conservapedia editor.]

Donald Trump #racist

(A deleted tweet by Donald Trump that was screencapped before being removed.)

Dwyane Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!

ForgottenNames #racist

SciFi visions of the future are typically either a dystopian view that, to me, appear to be jewish victory scenarios or "Uptopian" visions of a post scarcity enlightenment that, to me, represent a goyish victory.

All jewish machinations and philosophies lead down the road of destruction and sterility. Homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, multiculturalism, communism, capitalism and usury, feminism, etc. These all need to be destroyed, disproven and demonized.

From there we can have a future where true altruism exists. The Donald Trumps of the world can use their great wealth and lifetime of knowledge to advance society without creating welfare traps. Through the concepts of NS truly great men can be chosen to lead. Character is built through struggle. That's why Happy Uncle's book was titled as it was. If we have a population smart enough to understand this and embrace this we can rise above the world of easy answers and easy living.

If not then the point of peak humanity will have been 70 years ago and we are riding the cycle of decline.

Perhaps in 1000 years we'll get to try again if we are smart enough to deactivate our nukes.

R W #conspiracy

We The People DEMAND that the Russian election hacking investigation be dropped. This is a WASTE of taxpayer money and a MASSIVE INSULT to the voters who elected President Donald J. Trump. There is no evidence whatsoever. We The People have HAD IT with this nonsense and this insidious attempt to undermine our vote by the Deep State! STOP THIS INVESTIGATION!

Ted Nugent #fundie

Three key things are going to happen as a result of liberal zombie goons proposing banning so-called “assault weapons.” First, more so-called “assault weapons” and massive quantities of ammunition are going to be sold. Second, the NRA will gain more members.

Lastly, and regrettably, Americans will not be any safer from bug-eyed psychos or religious voodoo scum for the simple and glaring reason that the zombie in chief is focusing all his attention on good Americans exercising their constitutionally guaranteed God-given individual rights instead of stopping the Islamic voodoo devils who keep murdering innocent people in the name of his allah.

Donald Trump is skyrocketing in the polls as many Americans see through the thinly veiled lies, deceit and subterfuge of left-wing ideologues. Mr. Trump knows that Americans are disgusted with liberal politically correct horse dung laws, policies and counterproductive gun restrictions. Mr. Trump knows that more gun control will not make America safer but will only punish and endanger law-abiding citizens.

You want to make America a safer place to live, work and play? If so, ban liberal zombies and their horse dung toxic-

Nathan Deal #racist

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal gave a racist speech to educators in the state on Wednesday night, Fox 5 reports.

Deal was apparently speaking in frustration toward groups who oppose the governor’s proposed Opportunity School District amendment. The amendment seeks to turn “struggling schools around.”

When addressing the audience, Deal said, “The irony of some of the groups who are opposing doing something to help these minority children is beyond my logic,” while referring to the NAACP. He continues, “If you want to advance the state of colored people, start with their children.”

The governor later half-apologized to Fox 5 reporter Dale Russel, saying, “I did not mean to insult anyone, but I was upset.”

Wednesday night’s address wouldn’t be the first time Deal has made racist remarks. He has previously used terminology, such as, “ghetto grandmothers.”

He once said during a panel discussion, “My wife tells me she could look at her 6th grade class and tell you which ones were going to prison and which ones were going to college.”

A believer in Republican nominee Donald Trump’s racist birther movement, Deal once responded to a question about President Obama’s birth certificate with, “I have no idea where he was born.”

Donald Trump #fundie

[On why he opposes same-sex marriage.]

It’s like in golf. A lot of people--I don’t want this to sound trivial--but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive. It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.

Tenniel #racist

Re: Paul Craig Roberts: "Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China"

Not true. The globalist jews (and that's who the "U.S." is in Roberts' essay) did NOT neutralize America's nukes before their takeover of America.

They GRADUALLY/SLOWLY/PIECE BY PIECE took control of the internal fulcrums of power of America. America was defeated by the jews from within. And that, according to Roberts, is what they are now in the process of doing to Russia and China. They can and plan and, maybe, are defeating Russia and China FROM WITHIN -- nukes or no nukes.

Now America may succeed, like the Phoenix, in arising again from America's ashes. Perhaps Donald Trump can help and is helping to get that process started at last.

Ultimately, the ONLY defense against the spreading jewish globalist world tyranny is for America and Europe and Russia and China to throw the jews -- ALL OF THEM EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD -- into a DE-NUKED DE-MILITARIZED Israel or into their own already created, undisputed, non-nuclear non-military country within Russia: the Jewish Autonomous Oblast

And wall them in forever (or until the parasites die out of natural causes -- or are sterilized out of existence).

The only humane Final Solution to the world's Jewish Problem.

That necessary solution needs to be talked about openly. To get that meme out of the closet and into the open ether-sphere and into human consciousness -- so that it can become a realistic long-term global goal.

Nigel Farage #racist

Nigel Farage has told LBC listeners that he believes that American Jews exert disproportionate political power and even appeared to agree with a claim that they have financial control over American politics.

During his regular primetime slot on popular talk radio station LBC, Mr Farage, who is the former leader of the UK Independence Party, discussed with callers whether Russian influence had really aided the election of President Donald Trump.

When a caller named only as Ahmed told Mr Farage that he thought that the pro-Israeli lobby in the United States was no less dangerous than alleged Russian hacking, Mr Farage appeared to agree, and started talking about Jews: “Well the Israeli lobby, you know, that’s a reasonable point Ahmed, because there are about six million Jewish people living in America, so as a percentage it’s quite small, but in terms of influence it’s quite big.”

When Ahmed said that Israel has both the Republicans and Democrats “in their pockets”, Mr Farage responded: “Well in terms of money and influence, yep, they are a very powerful lobby”.

Summarising the call, Mr Farage once again made clear that he believes that a “Jewish lobby” is at work on behalf of a foreign Government, repeating Ahmed’s claim: “Ahmed, new caller from Leyton, I thank you. He makes the point that there are other very powerful foreign lobbies in the United States of America, and the Jewish lobby, with its links with the Israeli Government is one of those strong voices.”

Campaign Against Antisemitism was immediately contacted by listeners, one of whom said that they had contacted an LBC producer after Mr Farage first made the comments about a “Jewish lobby”, only for him to then repeat them again.

It is common for countries to lobby their allies, and Israel is no different, but in Mr Farage’s call with Ahmed, it was not merely alleged that Israel conducts lobbying, but that it is carried out by the entire Jewish population of the United States and that in doing so American politics are subverted. Counting all American Jews as lobbyists with disproportionate, subversive power and both major political parties in their financial grips is the stuff of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Mr Farage should immediately withdraw his deplorable comments and apologise for them, or LBC should relieve him of his duties. We await Mr Farage’s urgent apology and in the meantime we will be asking Ofcom to open an investigation.

Donald Trump #racist

Donald Trump has renewed his call for a ban on Muslims entering America in the wake of the Brussels attacks.

“This all happened because frankly there is no assimilation,” he said on Fox and Friends on Tuesday morning, just hours after the Belgian city was rocked by the blasts. "They don't want laws that we have, they want Sharia Law and you say to yourself, 'At what point? How much of this do you take?'

"What we are doing is allowing thousands and thousands of these people into our country and we are going to have nothing but problems as sure as you are sitting there.”

He added: “Brussels was a beautiful city, a beautiful place with zero crime. And now it's a disaster city. It's a total disaster, and we have to be very careful in the United States, we have to be very careful and very vigilant as to who we allow in this country. "

The attackers have not been identified but Trump linked the acts of terror to Muslim refugees and migrants who have been living in parts of Europe since escaping Syria.

“It's going to get worse and worse. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It will get worse and worse because we are lax and we are foolish -- we can't allow these people, at this point we cannot allow these people to come into our country. I'm sorry," he said. "This is a story that just seems to be more and more happening and it's really not very pretty to watch."

President Obama took a different approach as he spoke about the attacks during a speech in Havana, Cuba on Tuesday morning.

"It is a reminder that the world must unite, we must be together ... in fighting against the scourge of terrorism," he said.

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