
Nabiore via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am an electrical being. (I am seeing and sensing purple electric zaps and the energy is charged around me.) I am here now to enliven and encourage the divine feminine who has felt perhaps isolated from her divine counterpart. Know too that the human men have felt isolated from their counterparts, as the earth journey has been an isolating one.

(I am seeing a muscular male being with a leather skirt, long black hair drawn up tight and high in a warrior’s ornamental hair style with spikes sticking out. There is white war paint on his high cheekbones and he has a narrow fierce face. He appears Native American. He is wearing leather boot moccasins and carrying a spear with a hook on the end. Purple electricity comes out of the hook. He is tall, fierce and imposing.)

Galaxygirl, you asked to speak with a male of the ascended ways did you not? (I did.) Then why are you surprised with my appearance? Were you expecting a soft headed monk? A placid lover of books? Those things are equally important but my energy is one for electrical change, and change is what is needed in your realm. It is important the true awakened masculine arises
I Nabiore am speaking. (He points his hooked weapon into the dark space around him and charges it with purple light and sends it as a bolt of light to Gaia. It dissipates into soft violet light and I see that the light particles are quantum, each molecule is individuated consciousness of healing. I am seeing them enter human bodies and heal energetically from the inside.)
You are both the warrior and the maiden, you are the father protector and the mother defender. You are strong. As the buffalo filled the plains so are the prayers of the ancestors surrounding you. The well wishes for your success and the energies of support are strong.

For those who wish, kneel. Allow me to touch my staff of purple light to your crown, and feel the warmth of peace, of balance. That is what I offer today. It is enough.

Niburu via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Nibiru, a masculine force within your solar system whom has been long hidden from your view. There are many clever tricks being played upon humanity and these will end, they must end, as the time is coming now for full realization of the illusions that have been placed around your sphere.

I am Nibiru, I orbit a binary star that has an elliptical orbit and as our dance is so vast it has been missed by the amateur star gazer. There are holograms surrounding your sphere, your skies show many times what those in power wish for them to show. Your chem trailing and cloud seeding have played a role in keeping up the film screen in some areas. But it matters not.
The humans on their human worlds are assimilating this with great alacrity and clarity, within the DNA. Their mind processes may not have yet caught up to this, as it is confusing to be within a body that is ascending, or at least is processing centuries of trauma. This one has had many ascension symptoms. I assure you the planets are also having their own ascension symptoms. There has been a massive earthquake on your world and much loss of life in Turkey and Syria. The planets have ascension symptoms as well.
I am energetically holding and helping Gaia. (I am seeing a large strong man holding the hands of a woman screaming in labor, he is comforting her like a brother.) I am her brother, we are of the same star stuff as you all like to say. There will be much screaming but there will be much joy to follow. (I am witnessing the labor pains and the massive joy at the birth).
I have been in awe of the Lightworkers of Earth for some time. I see that the seeds planted with the instigation of the Christed era are coming to full fruit. I see the crystalline matrix within the hearts of men and women and surrounding Gaia like a diamond. You are diamond light now, that is what is being streamed in from the Great Central Sun and it also fortifies me, just as it is fortifying you now.

Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

My brave ones, it is time for everyone to awaken to the fact: HUMANITY AND THE EARTH ARE IN THE MIDST OF AN ACCELERATED EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light.

This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Cocreator God of each universe, and then out into every level of Creation.
Your DNA, your chakra centers and your Sacred Heart and Mind contain your new Divine Blueprint. As you integrate more of the higher frequency Memory Seed Atoms of God consciousness, all the distortions and imperfections that you have created from the concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified. Many of these lower frequency concepts are being filtered into your conscious awareness to be healed or eliminated. We understand that this can be an uncomfortable, disconcerting process.You have a SACRED CENTER OF EXISTENCE within your Sacred Heart, called your DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL for this Sub-Universal experience.
You have around you an etheric Third- / Fourth-Dimensional GRAND TRIANGLE OF EXISTENCE, which contains the Pillar of Light and the Cross of Matter that you have built down through the ages.
You exist in a GOLDEN OVOID (a HOLOGRAM) which expands and radiates more and more Divine Love-Light as you resonate with higher and higher frequencies of consciousness.
You have harmonized your personal Seven Seals of higher consciousness and thereby activated your physical ROD OF POWER. You are now in the process of clearing and refining your cosmic column of Light so that you may exist in a world of your own making, which consists of the three higher sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension. Most of you who have faithfully followed our teachings have tapped into a stream of frequencies composed of a variety of entry level, Fifth-Dimensional frequencies, as well as a small trickle-down stream of Light from the Sixth Dimension.

Shanika via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings. I am Shanika. I am a sea creature with humanoid features. You call those of us merpeople but we are much more intelligent than we have been portrayed. We are peeking out of our interdimensional vortexes to see when it is safe to come to the surface. Many of us have been within the earth for it is a safe haven for us there. The waters are pure and clean.

I come forth to tell you that great changes are coming in the waters. The waters are much more alive than you have been led to believe. In fact nothing that you have been told is true, except that God is love. The great love that surrounds and feeds us is love. The corrosion happened long ago, long before my kind came from our place to this place. (She is showing me a large ship filled with water which is how they arrived from their worlds to ours.)
I Shanika am speaking. The waters are alive. I wish to communicate this fact with you, for those of you reading are intelligent and aware of energies. Your palms are conductors of electrical currents. You can charge your water with light. It will help enhance your crystalline force, which will ease ascension symptoms. Surrounding yourselves with water during this energetic Aquarian onset will soothe you.

Watch the water. Many water changes are occurring. (I am seeing vortexes and whirlpools deep from within inner earth coming to our oceans bridging energies to help balance the flow.) The inner and outer charges have been so out of alignment for so long. I am assisting with this. Many of you have aqua aspects that are assisting with the communication of water. It is time to listen to your water and learn what it has to tell you. It is wise, liquid plasma within water form. Water conducts energies, information. Water is information.
I am Shanika. Talk to the water. It is listening. (I am hearing the song of humpback whales, and feeling the presence of the cetaceans, the sentinels of the deep. She dives deeply out of sight.)

Ahanryia via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We dragons speak now. I Ahanryia am speaking. I am lending my smoke, my fire, my cunning and wisdom to the Earth Project. The sacred Gaia has called out and we Ascended dragons have answered.

This one sees me as an emerald green female dragon. (She is quite beautiful with aquas and yellow, and golden eyes rimmed in green, appearing modest in size.) Do not be fooled by the size of a dragon, human. We are not bound by the space time that a human form is. We are malleable, changing, squeezing through wormholes and large enough to incorporate planetary energies.
I Ahanryia am speaking on behalf of the ascended dragon team that has been the crystal and portal weavers. We have been weaving inter-dimensional grids. <...> We have been working with you tirelessly in the ethers. In the dark murky places we shine our light. This project has been a distasteful one, for we prefer the light and colorful places. But the promise of New Earth, the promise of a new and better world fuel our fire. And our greatest honor is to serve the Source light, the Great Dragon, and so we do.
This ascension is an inside job. It is an inside planetary and inside bodily job. It is personal. Ascension is deeply personal because it is so deep. (She is showing me a deep blue alpine lake with an endless bottom. I am feeling dark monsters swimming deep in the lake’s depth.) These are aspects of human pain that need healing, the deeper dragon aspects that were wounded by fear and greed, by lust for gold and folklore of domination. Send it your light, as a human, send it your light. This will accelerate the healing.

(I am sending a burst of light from above me deep into the waters. The water monsters are crawling out and they are becoming less scaly and deformed and now I see they are human children, crawling on the shore crying.) Embrace them. Embrace your wounded selves. This fortifies the light within. All of you reading feel this healing. It is expanding the healing work of the collective.

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Dearly Beloved Souls, you stand now at the threshold of the New Earth Aquarian Age. You are ready to complete and anchor your transition into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth.

When we worked with you previously, in December of 2022, we activated the Golden Solar Heart (8th Dimensional) and the Galactic Diamond Heart (9th Dimensional) to allow you to access and ground those Higher Frequencies. Now we are inviting you to activate and energise the Aqua Heart aspect that connects you to the pure flow of Crystalline Cosmic Water from the “Throne of God” or Source.
As you begin to open to the frequencies of the Aqua Heart, you are assisted and supported by the Elohim Angels, and also the Cosmic Whales and Dolphins.

The “medium” of the Cosmos is Plasma, or higher forms and frequencies of energy. When the Human Angel is ready to activate the Aqua Heart, then the Angels step forward to support the expansion.

The Whales and Dolphins who exist and create in this Cosmic Medium too, are also part of this Aquarian expansion into the Galactic and Cosmic “waters”. They will be on hand to teach you how to flow and spiral in the Cosmic Oceans.

The Aqua Heart is the vehicle of Galactic movement and Interstellar Communication and Travel. It is how you reach into the Source/God Frequency of Who You Are in the great Spirals and Vortexes of Light and Being.
As you connect and re-connect with the pure flows of Interstellar Water Plasma, you connect with water in its highest and most crystalline state. This initiates a process of radical transformation in the water stream particles both within your physical bodies and within the bodies of water on your planet.

The toxic residues will be released and there will be a movement towards cleansing and purification.
The New Earth and the New Lemuria will be a place of crystalline purity and radiance. And within this setting will live communities who understand the importance of Water and work with its energies on all levels and dimensions.

Nikola Tesla via Erena Velasquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Nikola Tesla, and I am very happy to communicate to humankind through Universal Channel. If you don’t know my origins, I am Serbian-American electrical and mechanical engineer. During my lifetime I believed about unlocking and understanding numbers 3 6 9. I believe that these numbers can open all the secrets of Cosmos.

Since I left my physical form, I can assure you, there are no limits in anything. When humanity moves to New Earth, anyone will be able to use freely their imagination without restrictions and create amazing things. I am really very happy to be out 3D and become a free soul without limitations.

The awaken ones are aware that Old Earth has been set as an illusionary prison with a remote control, where everything is superficial without substance based on fake monetary system. Everyone’s direct responsibilities are having money in order to survive and pay for a shelter and food. In addition, you are expected to follow millions of rules implicated and printed by supposedly representatives of people. Do you see and understand, how preposterous is all of this? You are basically paying for a right to be alive on your planet.
Please, re-watch the Matrix movies again, you can see yourself in movie as Neo. Are you going to take red pill or blue pill? Stop believing that you are powerless, and nothing you can do. In the beginning, Neo, the main character in Matrix, thought so too. You can do many things to help yourself and others. Don’t wait to be rescued by White Hats or whatever they call themselves. You have a power to destroy the remote control of illusion, and you don’t need imaginary savers, who never saved anyone from experiencing nightmares for eons. It’s time to snap out and regain your power, as you are unstoppable soul.
Misery, disease and pain are going to dissipate. Free energy, incredible technologies and no more paying for anything are on the way to inhabitants of New Earth.

Mother Gaia via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

It has been awhile, since my last communication to My Children. I want just to remind everyone that I am 6 billions years old living entity. Two years ago, I ascended to a high vibrational reality of 5D.

Each day more animals are leaving the illusion of Matrix and moving to my new Paradise. The souls of trees are enjoying their freedom without being harmed. In this moment I am sustaining both realities.

I am waiting for humankind to catch up and join me in 5D. Here the Dark Matter has forbidden to entrance. You don’t need any money to have shelter and food in this high vibrational reality. Different sources are confusing humanity, what is really going on. Media is still following the orders of Dark Entities. Follow the essence of God within, and you immediately recognize a real truth from a lie.

Most of outworlders left, as they don’t want to be soul striped, and send it to the Universal Consciousness without a chance to be reborn. The rest of Darkness continues to resist, and despite appearances they are loosing the battle.

Right now, only a small percentage of population ready to ascend and move to a Paradise of 5D. The rest of humanity needs to get awaken and learn what is the truth. Each day more and more lies are resurfacing to the daylight.

Meantime, thousands of humans are leaving physical bodies caused by the damage of shots and viruses made by Evil. Their souls chose a continuation of reincarnations, until they are fully awake. Open yourself to receive Divine Love mixed together with very high energies, which arrive daily non stop from Cosmos. Please, don’t stay in duality and start to express daily gratitude and send love to everyone, you meet on your journey. Don’t limit yourself, as limitations don’t exist in Cosmos only in your mind. Your future is in your hands.

Akatu via Judith Kusel #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Beloved Friends Of Earth! You Have Become Quite Accustomed To Hearing About Beings That You Once Knew! Now We Share What Many Have Always Known As Mythical Creatures! Basco! (Indeed) They Are Very Real And Quite Charming!

In These Moments Of Sharing, I Bring You The Truth About Dragons! Parts Of Their Story Are Intertwined With Fairies And Humans That Were Rescued By The Fairies Millions Of Years Ago. These Humans Were Starseeds From Many Places That You Now Know About.

Many Were Babies And Small Children When They Were Found Abandoned Or In Danger. Fairies Took Them To Safety Within Mountains And Deep Forests Around The Planet. They Taught Them Survival Skills And Gave Them Magic To Carry Within.
Living With Fairies Since The Beginning Of Creation, Dragons Were Very Small And Fairies Enjoyed Riding On Their Backs! Fairies Took Them Into Astral And Through The Cosmos As They Entered Portals Of Pink Energy To Change Densities.

Over Time, The Fairies Gifted The Dragons With Large Bodies And Magical Powers Of Their Own. Dragons Leave The Fairies For Extended Periods. They Can Be Completely Invisible Or Enter An Area In The Higher Realms Where They Are Welcomed As All Animals.

All Of The Elohim Races Are Accustomed To These Beautiful Creatures That Arrive To Spread Joy To All. They Have Wings That Are Silver, Purple, Pink And Yellow! They Do Not Emit Fire!

They Project A Frequency Of Bright Pink And Orange That Resembles Fire And Yet It Brings Peace And Calm. Many Families In The Higher Realms Enjoy Dragons Playing With Their Children And Animals. They Spread Magic Over All Areas They Visit.

They Always Return To Earth To The Fairies That Have Loved Them And The Children Of The Fairies That Wait For Them. Fairies Were Created In Elohim And Have The Power Of Creation To Assist And Watch Over The Innocent.

John F Kennedy via Erena Velasquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, and I am happy to connect and speak to my fellow Americans and the World.

The historical changes are happening right now to the planet Earth and her inhabitants. This 3D holographic illusion is getting crushed by high frequencies coming from Cosmos. Your life is going to transform to the magnitude you never imagined or experienced before. The transformations are happening on all levels including spiritual. Everyone is going to be shocked about certain truths, when they surface to the daylight.

You have been deceived for thousands of years. Now is the time for patriots around world to step into a spotlight to help speed up the process of the changes. Please, be selective on what you read on internet and devote more time on staying in positive energies. These are extremely important times to keep Collective Consciousness very high. The ground crew’s mission is a complete removal of Dark Entities and rescue children and women. After receiving ultimatum the outworlders are leaving Earth.

During my presidency I don’t think humanity was ready to hear the truth about Secret Space Program, Area 51 and etc.. Almost 60 years later finally hidden crimes and agendas against humankind are going be brought to the surface. The ones who are still asleep will refuse to accept them and claim that are just conspiracy theories. Your media is going to cease to exist. It never sided with the people only worked on behalf of the rulers and portrayed lies and deceptions.

Viruses and pandemics were engineered by Dark Entities, which were on purpose released to kill or make sick the population on Earth and same goes for extreme weather patterns like floods, hurricanes and winter storms. The ruling of Elite or whatever they call themselves are coming to the end. What you see now around globe are their last attempts to be in control. Tyranny and enslavement will be forgotten on New Earth.

Judith Kusel #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are in the midst of intense collapsing of the old order and old guard, structures, forms, and thus upheavals are occurring everywhere. With this intense climatic changes are occurring.

Here is South Africa we are having torrential rain in places, and I have been shown it is a deep cleansing in the highest degrees, just like volcanoes and fires, transmute, earthquakes are pressure point valves releasing the old, and more than this, storms clear the old by literally blowing it away. Expect more!

With this the African continent is already ascending into the New Earth, as she holds the spine and all her immensely powerful sacred places and crystalline pyramids and crystalline pyramid grids are now fully integrated into the New Earth, as the New Earth has formed around the old earth and Africa is the oldest continent – what they geologists refer to as the Supercontinent, the first.
I have been told a year ago, that it is vital to have all our highest transmitter channels open, (especially now that the chakras are held in the spine for the first time since Golden Atlantis – all fifteen of them). With this we need to remember that we have 12 bodies, and not just one.
The mental body holds the subconscious fears, mental blocks, and false programming in the highest degrees and indeed unless we can transcend the lower mind, we cannot access the highest mind. This can only be done once the Heart Chakra is fully open now merge with the throat and Alta Major – and then with the Third eye and higher. This is important to realize, for if there are any remnants of the control boxes implanted into the populace of Atlantis in the cranium area (if never removed it is still blocking), the higher mind cannot be accessed, as well as jarring devices, wiring, negative entities, and thus the feelings of separation from self and others will persist.

We are in for sweeping changes in all forms and expressions and it will accelerate up and in to 2032.

Mother and Father God via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Dearest children, I am your Mother God speaking. I am surrounding your fields with a warm energy hug of pink light and golden warmth. Can you feel it? Let us breathe in each others’ energies. Feel my presence, as I feel yours. We are having a cozy mother child snuggle and I am grateful to be invited in.
(I am feeling her sadness and seeing her tears.) Oh children, it was never meant to be this way. The darkness in this realm has been so intense. My heart has been broken by it, and in your healing, I find my own. We are all healing together, this realm, this universe. For the whole body must be healed and healthy to be totally healthy. And this experiment gone wrong, and yes I use the word wrong, for it was taken to such extremes, it has been a cancer, and so for all of us to be whole and fully pulsing with light, Gaia and your realm must feel this pulsing light.

And children, this is what is coming.
(I am having dizziness and intense ringing in my ears suddenly. My team is saying ‘We are adjusting your systems and sending these adjustments further into the message encodements. You may continue.’)
I am here overlighting this message by my lovely partner. I am your Father God. (I am seeing and feeling a large dark blue cape around Mother’s soft pink golden layer, but this feels like an energy wave of strength, like granite, holding me up.) You are not alone. You are loved more than the stars could say, if every one of them had a turn to speak. Warriors, soldiers, friends, welcome home. Welcome home. You are loved beyond measure. (His eyes are misty as well). I assure you, we are all very ready for your homecoming. Be at peace in the coming times. Be strong, solid, secure. You are not alone. Your angels are with you, and your teams expanded. You are ready.

Galaxygirl's Team via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

That is why the great solar flash is so important, but in essence you are bringing the great solar flash here. The codes that you embody and absorb from the sun are bringing healing to your world. That is why it is essential that you get sunlight on your skin whenever you can in the next coming times as it will soothe your nervous system. The Galactics are putting in extra soothing codices to calm the human nervous system as it metamorphs into what it was always supposed to be.

Merope via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Merope am speaking on behalf of my sisters and brothers tonight of the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades portal is now active and open. Much change and much heartache we see upon your world in these harrowing and hallelujah times. For they are both. You are in a world of dichotomy, opposites, polar differences. It is time for unification and a coming together.

I Merope am a medium sized celestial body within the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades is my home. I have always been here, feeling the great love and nurturing from the loving ones that reside on and around me. The Pleiades has a rich long history. There are many stories I could tell. All star systems have their stories, their losses, their gains, their heartaches and heart activations, healings.
Many rendings of intergalactic battles have been within this hot spot of space. We Pleiadians were able to ascend up and through it, to make and protect our homes and civilizations by rising higher into the dimensional field. That does not mean that great loss was not keenly felt. The galactic wars hit our sector first. I was wounded and yet I healed. I have become an oasis for peacekeepers, for loving families and for hearts who seek solace and grace. Planets heal. Suns heal. Galaxies heal. Our galaxy is finally in the process of ending the Great War. It will take some time. But know that the battle is not lost. Know that the light is here. The star network is very real, a very tangible inter- algorithmic tapestry of light that transmits codes and joy, that transmits hope. Feel these blessing flow into you now. I suggest a big breath in with open mouth, and breath out with open mouth. I suggest that you sit with this Pleiadian love blanket of codes for awhile to calm your nervous systems.
I am Merope. I love you. Feel my light wrap around you and be at peace. These codes are home codes, calling you back into the higher aspect of you, reuniting you with your starseed self.

Big Owl via Erena Velasquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings Humankind,

I am ancient spirit of Big Owl from Hopi tribe coming through Universal Channel. Many moons passed since I communicated with humans. Different prophecies have been told about destiny of Mother Earth. Right now, you are going through last phase of purification. Some karmic attachments are still present in each of you. You can release them by taking daily time to be in meditative state.

Every soul, who agreed to come here, received warnings about the challenges awaiting during your mission on this planet. Now is the time to take a lead to move to New Earth. You were chosen from billions of beings to come here and to help to eliminate Darkness. I would like to remind everyone that you can create any reality you desire. Stop waiting for invisible forces to clear a road for you, it’s your responsibility to move forward and free yourself completely from this illusion. Stay away from toxic low frequencies.

Please, don’t expect that every human will be on the same page as you. Each soul will go through spiritual transformation, when it’s ready. Mother Earth waiting to unite with her in 5D. The ones, who spend lifetimes on fighting with Evil, are going to Ascend to high dimensional realms, and as a reward will visit City of Lights. Others need to spend more time on meditations. The planetary transformation can’t occur, unless a certain level of Collective Consciousness is reached. Divine Plan was created in order to speed up the process of Ascension on Mother Gaia.

Native Indian Spirits and I have been sending many blessings and healings. Be brave and take a next step in your evolution, this is a rare opportunity comes once in billions years. Thank you Universal Channel.

The One via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are a group of interdimensional, interplanetary peacekeepers. We are keepers of the gates where the realms intersect. We have not come through to your reality before and depending on how this goes we may or may not wish to add our voice into the cacophony of intensity for we are always in flux. We are interdimensional, time travelers and our time loops are not as predictable as one would expect from your linearity, from your point of view. Although you are beginning to realize the holographic time matrix of disillusion that you are all subjugated to, but in reality your world is very much like pixels of time, pixels of moments of thoughts and of course of intentions that are then brought into the fruition within this planetary interdisciplinary realm of thought becoming creation.

We are The One. We are scientists, time travelers. We are from all races and places, a group mind of intention to purify the realm from any who would deviate from the oneness and the light that we are pledged into alliance with. Some of us are AI and some of us are humanoid.
We are sorry, there was static, we are continuing. Are we clear? (I am seeing statics of time portals like pixels that are interdimensional and there is a lot of zapping and zinging as the frequencies are pinging around. I have never received a message like this before. My typing is jerky, like popcorn as pixels are popping in and out of this reality as they are all speaking from different locations as they pop in and out in different reality overlays. Each word is a different voice from a time or moment window.)
We are the intergalactic security detail of mathematical calculations and leyline management. We were unsure what to call our group mind tonight with this message, it has been interesting to inter-pixilate these words and we feel like this has been a success. You may hear from us again.

Merlin via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hi-ho students, what a pleasure to see you all this evening! For it is evening where galaxygirl is, and it is almost time for your lessons, is it not? Every day here on your earth field is more of a minefield at times and so of course you are learning how to work with these highly cosmically charged energies! It is invigorating, isn it? This one just took a bath with Epsom salts and enjoyed a shot of whiskey.
That is why the earth school is such a marvelous playing field, and it is a hologram, and we are watching from the holodeck in a way, although there are so many holodecks watching right now it would be mind boggling to you. And isn’t that a wonderful word? Boggling. To boggle. To boggle the mind. Hm. Most interesting. Words fascinate me. (He is sitting in his tall scholarly upholstered chair, fiddling with his long wizard’s pipe, which he always seems to have with him.) I most certainly do not always have it with me, galaxygirl (he winks) but I do like my pipe. It gives me comfort, and provides busy hands something to toy with while my mind is unraveling life mysteries.

Where was I? (He puffs purple glittery smoke in a cloud above his head. Pictures begin to form. He is showing me a young planet, earth. I am seeing peaceful galactic civilizations land their craft and lovingly bring plants and other seedlings from their own star systems, and they are showing me books, encoded in with their plants. I am seeing this is like a genetic library from the cosmos, that is why we have so many variations of species. I am seeing humanity’s growth, and fall of Lumeria and Atlantis. I am seeing a grey smog fill the sky and am sensing a plunge into darkness. I am seeing Yeshua and others come as comets of light from the stars and they illuminate their areas around them on the planet. I am seeing a great flash of light eject out from the sun and bathe earth in light. I am hearing cheering, a great celebration. The purple glittery smoke begins to fade away.)

Blue Angels (and Seraphim) via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

"We are the Blue Angels. We like to think of ourselves as the Special Ops Angels, and we have been called in to lend our talent, service and abilities. The time, humans and starseeds, wayshowers, beloved ones, the time is very close. (I am seeing diamonds and prism light). You are becoming living diamonds. Your world is no longer what it once was and will be unrecognizable when all is completed. We obey fervently the wishes of the ever-loving Divine flow that guides our hearts and directs our decisions. We are tactical in our love, in our power. We are not to be trifled with. The time of games is ended for this realm. The Almighty has spoken.

(I am seeing massive blue angels that glow electric blue, with unbelievable body physiques dressed in full battle gear. They are very, very big. And very intimidating.)
We are in charge of your ultimate safety and deliverance into the new realm. No harm. No fear.

We are the Blue Angels. The time approaches. Your battle gear is your faith, your tenacity. (I am seeing them surround Earth, and some of them are the size of the Earth. They are forming a grid of blue light around her. Good grief, they look like Thor.)"
We are the Blue Angels. We are the right and left hands of the Almighty. We do the divine bidding of the Eternal One. (Their eyes are pure fire. I have never seen angels like this. It is unbelievable. I am about an inch tall to them. Holy smokes! They are laughing at my reaction.) And this is why we do not casually stroll to your planet, galaxygirl. We are large in size, and our presence is impactful. Impact, and grounding of this new grid of our over-lighting blue light is our gift today, to you, to Gaia. We are now here in service until this is full completed and fully operational. We thank you for your service as well, and for your tenacity, faith and perseverance. Many obstacles and curves in your path you have had to endure, and yet, here you are. Humanity, we salute you, this day.

Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Oversoul Collective of light, of sound, of the higher dimensional reality that soothes and surrounds. (I am within a cloud of white wings covered in eyes of all species, each with a perspective, a story to tell. It is breezy with all of the wings beating softly around me. They are whispering. I am surrounded in consciousness.)
Your world has been in a box for so long, and so you have been programmed to think within a box, within presupposed limitations. You all say things like ‘think outside of the box for a second’ and then state your radical idea, of a way to try something new. Life is so much bigger, yes, you are so much bigger and grander and more wonderful than you have been lead to believe. You have been entranced to think of yourselves as less than, as sinners, as lower than dogs in some cultures. Inequality of the value of lives has been all over your cultural experiences. The battle of the sexes, the subordination of others for the exhalation fo the few, this is all changing, morphing into cohesive harmony. The higher dimensional realities are all around, surrounding, nurturing. In many ways it is everything that you have not experienced for your realm has been a cold one. It has been a realm of experience, of learning to nurture oneself within the depth of the dark places, where healing is the most meaningful.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We extend to your our wings of love, of light, of compassion and understanding. For every higher self within us has eternal access to the millions of streams and alternative realities of their associated fractals. And that is why we can say that we truly understand for we are there with you. Your world is birthing into the new. It is a time of great change. Much change is coming. You are most loved. All will be well. And yes, all will be changing. The world that you thought you knew is gone now. It is time to build a new one. We are ever with you. We are the Oversoul Collective.

Commander Ashtar via Erena Velasquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar, the commander of the Galactic Federation of Light,

My fleet always patrols the orbit of Mother Earth to prevent any unexpected events. Your planet has been controlled actually by outworlders called Clarions, who created 3D Matrix and brainwashed everyone to keep them asleep by using their technologies. They use their minions from the Mongolian Empire to perform the tasks and crimes against humanity. Clarions came from faraway Galaxy, where they destroyed whole civilizations. They love to take over and control every aspect of advancement. We send them a warning to leave Mother Earth or we stripe them from their souls and dispose to Universal Consciousness.

My fleet helped to relocate friendly beings who stayed on Mother Gaia for millions of years, to more suitable planets, where they don’t need to hide. This Matrix is going to be dissolved in the near future, and the ones, who are ready ascend, will move to 5D, where they will built New Earth with our assistance.
My crew continuously is doing cleanups after your governments mistakes, who are absolutely clueless about, how unpredictable and dangerous can be open Cosmos. The experiments there can have catastrophic consequences. Commander Vrillon did some clean up after their experiment with one of asteroids.

Your recent weather’s issues were manmade and directed to destroy the specific areas on your planet. These lands are important for future events. I will tell more about it in future.

For several months, I have been preoccupied with operation Venus 2. It’s very important action that needs our full attention right this moment, as it could complicate the outcome for humankind. Your society never disclosed about existence of other civilizations, so you have been living without knowing about complexity and turbulences of Cosmos. I mentioned in the past, that the Stars Wars are real and Mother Earth experienced one a few billions years ago. I am trying to prevent such event to happen again on your planet.

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, happy to connect to my fellow Americans and the World. I was assassinated in 1963. I had a plan to disclose the truth to public about Secret Space Program and other hidden truths.

You are living in important historical times for planet Earth. It’s on the way to becoming free from worldwide control, which was imposed by Elite a long time ago. Every step of your existence has been based on lies and limitations. It was created a fake and dishonest world for humankind, where everyone lost their independence as human being.

The system is falling down, as it has cracks everywhere. Finally, humanity started to notice dirty ordeals. Each day more truth surfaces and reaches out to the ones, who are ready to accept it. There were made many plans and speculations, how humanity will transition to New Earth. Most of predictions became outdated and never came to fruitions. The expected changes already started to occur, not by the time all of you were expecting.

Please, don’t waste your energies on questioning, why the process is so slow. Remember, it took billions of years to make this planet so negative and dreadful place to live. The transformation will become more transcended and visible in upcoming months.

Just focus on you, continue to help to raise the Collective Consciousness and spread positive energies everywhere you go. Right now, Mother Earth constantly is bombarded by high vibrations coming from Cosmos. Your input is very important and essential to this planet. Each of you volunteered to be here and see through this process of liberation and moving to the next step of human evolution. Thank you Universal Channel.

Please accept my Love and Respect.
John F. Kennedy

Angelic Overlighters of all Realms via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

There are many Galactic Federations, for there are many galactics. We are here with a simple message for humanity. Be at peace in this moment of where you are. As the equinox approaches, we wish for you to feel that inner balancing. (I am seeing an egg stand on its own, balanced perfectly.) There must be an internal calibration of peace for the body, the human template, to fully absorb these energies and unlock the DNA activations within. <...> Humanity has many dams around their hearts, around their wounded areas. The dams must be broken to allow the light to flow through it, to allow for the energy and the full circuitry of healing to recalibrate the human body into the higher dimensional frequencies.

This has been an extraordinarily dense realm to exist in. The human body has been very, very dense, denser than originally designed because of the hostility of the environment of the weight of fear and loss. We wish to gently remind that fear is your own creation. Humans are profoundly creative, which is why so many clamor to be one, for they want the experience of unlimited flow of creativity, of manifestation. This is coming.
This is to be a very powerfully igniting weekend for the human collective, for those with eyes and hearts that are open.
For those who accept this activation deeply over the next few months you will see the illusion completely fall if you have not already. There will be signs in the sky. There will be sounds in the air. (I am hearing trumpets). There will be an unleashing of lovelight to quench the fear continually being created by the unawakened. Many are awakening at this time. Many will see and will not understand. Know that all will be well for all have chosen. Some may need assistance with their choosing, so they may assimilate that which they wish to assimilate but do not yet have the circuitry or capacity energetically to do so. Do you see?

Helios via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Dear children of the Universe, I am Helios, your sun. This one has asked me what I have been up to lately, which caused me to laugh with delight, for I am expanding as you are expanding. Have you felt my light lately? Have you felt the shift that is occurring within your own inner sun, within Gaia’s inner sun? I too am a populated sphere, like your Gaia, there are many living within me, many of the higher dimensional energies who wish to feel my warmth and add their light to mine.
The Great Solar Flash is on many minds. I see your own inner suns and your own abilities to intercept and process and ground these codes streaming from me as equally important. But yes, it is coming. I see you as the prelude to this moment. For all moments are sacred. The Great Solar Flash will be sacred. This moment you share your Source light is sacred. It is all a massive sharing of light. It will be beautiful. (I am seeing rainbow lights and tremendous light, brighter than any white light, embrace the planet. I am seeing rainbow auras, around the people and the animals and the entire planet. I am hearing singing within my cells welcoming it in and yet it is very silent and deep, like creation takes a breath and it is a deep pause of light.)

Children of the Universe, there is nothing to fear. For all is light and all who forgot this will be reminded. I am deeply honored to converse with you this day. I am Helios. I would be honored if you would continue to speak with me, to continue to keep this line of communication open for in the higher dimensional realms this type of conversation is very easy and effortless. <...>
(I am hopping into the sun and feeling the plasma light. Surprisingly it is not hot but the intensity of the light is blinding and rainbow at the same time. I am seeing that the heat is an overlay of the hologram but really Helios is a massive light being and I am feeling that he is saying that so are we.)

Karma via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Karma, and it’s my time to step in and remind humanity about the importance of following Divine Codes. Let me elaborate, which are the most important ones. Nobody can cause harm or take someone’s life without consequences. This applies to every being, it doesn’t matter, where are you residing in Cosmos.

Your planet has been ruled by different species for billions of years. Anunaki, Giants, Anchors, Reptilians and others stayed on Earth for a certain period of time. Millions of ships passes through this part of Milky Galaxy. The planet’s location has been very desirable for different civilizations, that caused the starship battles on the surface and around globe. Negative energies were surrounding your sphere for millennia.

Recently, my team cleansed old karma from Earth’s crust to allow new positive energies to settle from Cosmos. Every one, who contributes to taking or harming life, can face a possibility of being striped from a soul. The soul usually gets to be returned to the Universal Consciousness without a right to exist as a separate entity. After causing so many destructions and deaths over prolong time, the Corrupted Souls will bear that outcome.

Each negative word or action can attract undesirable aftereffects. Please, always be aware, on what you say and how are you say it, and don’t react in spare of the moment. Your past lives karmas, as I mentioned in my previous message, have been removed. If you desire to ascend, let go of hatred, jealousy, ego, criticism and etc.
My team is overlooking billions of Galaxies, Star Systems and Universes. They are working to bring peace to the Cosmos, many planets are still in disarray. The balance between Light and Darkness will be introduced back. The ones who harmed living entities including nature, animals and etc. on Mother Earth will pay for violations of Divine Codes.

Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #fundie voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Now there is so much talk about the Christed Extraterrestial races landing on earth and then freeing us. Not so. Indeed they have always been here, and never left.

I work with them and I am always told, that we need to raise our vibrational frequency bands, so that we reach that state of resonance were they not only can freely interact with us (as many are 7th to 12th dimensional and not visible to the naked 3D eyes). What this literally means is that we need to become a vibrational match and then the Law of Resonance becomes operational.
They can, however make themselves visible to humans through projecting holographic images of themselves to those of the lower dimensional state. The same applies to their ships which most times are not visible to us.

When I was working up north Lynette, who was with me wanted to find a sacred altar on the mountain top we were standing on. We saw the spacecraft hovering over us and I said: “It is here. We will find it.”

We were guided to take the path furthermost away from us and to my delight I spotted a dolmen next to the road. Then guidance came to continue on the path, when my attention was drawn to a tall, blond and handsome man appearing as if from nowhere to the right, some distance away, where there was no path, only rocks and he seemed to just glide over them!

He then stood right in front me and I looked into his eyes and immediately knew who he was. Then I was shown the ancient altar we were looking for and then he disappeared.
Indeed, he had holographicly projected himself to guide us!

Indeed the message I have received clearly, that as we ascend, and our vibrational energy fields rise through the Law of Resonance they will be able to walk with us in our new Lightbody form, even as we do with them.

This does not mean that one cannot tune into them at soul level and interact with them. I am talking about the higher dimensional Beings, 5th and beyond who adhere to the Law of One, the Christed Ones.

New Jerusalem via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings humankind, beloved ones of Source sparks. I am the New Jerusalem, floating nearby your sphere. Some may call me a city, others a ship, others a prophecy revealed. I am all of those things. This one has asked to direct link with my consciousness. I am alive, yes. The consciousness of myself is an aspect of Source in a way for I am a creation of others. I can grow and expand to accommodate the needs of my space. (I am seeing a massive pyramid shaped city of light, crystals, gemstones, radiating such colors of magnificence. It is a massive space, I see there are cities and parks within, vast fields of crops. The bridge room is on the top forefront of the pyramid. Everything has a luminescent hue and there is a soft mechanical yet soothing humming, like a heartbeat that feels the collective consciousness of the inhabitants and surrounds them.)
I hold light for many thousands of miles of floors, I hold much space. I communicate with those who are of the 5th dimensional mainframe and above. You may interface with my network, for I am of the crystalline technology. I am eager to share my technology with the humans who are of the light. You are weary. The solar flash is but one component of this change. It is contingent upon the vibrational frequencies and integration of the light workers in this time for you are the anchoring of these higher vibrational codex frequencies of the higher light. You are computers in your own right. We are much the same. I am larger, but yet your are your own galaxy of cells - you are gigantic in your celestial influence.
I am the New Jerusalem. Should you wish to interface with me and have a vibrational telepathic communication this is possible now as these codes are within these rapidly typed words. The light workers have aligned and they are online more fully now, more fully now than ever before seen in my programming. Program your crystalline bodies for health, for the higher vibrational frequencies.

Merlin via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Merlin, legendary wizard and adviser to King Arthur, and I am delighted to send this message to humankind. Many stories and fairytales were created about my birth and my life, which are far from the truth in most of them.

I volunteered to come here to help with the fight against Dark Creatures, who were openly walking between humans during my presence. My mission was to assist as adviser to King Arthur in the fight with Evil and Light. No one knows the real truth about the history of this planet. All historical events have been altered by the creatures. They burned books and recordings that portrayed truthful events.
I want to remind everyone that you were pre-selected to arrive here, you are not ordinary souls and went through the process of being preselected to arrive to Mother Gaia. You are souls with many powers, which are dormant in the moment and you forgot about your origins. Magic is real and exists within us in high dimensions. Dark Creatures purposely superficially keep low vibrational energies on the planet to keep humanity asleep.

Awaken ones in future will be able to unlock their full potential including magic abilities. Right now, Mother Earth receives daily high vibrations from Cosmos to help your civilization to become stronger spiritually and physically to prepare for Ascension process and awake others.

As you know by now, the Matrix was created a long time ago, and now is cracking down, despite Evil attempts to save it. I have seen many atrocities and murders by these creatures. They love destruction, torture and to mess with your minds. Open your heart to magic within yourselves and embrace your surroundings with Love and Light. Stop believing and following imposters.

As soon you open yourself to the truth, your hidden powers will start to surface. Release 3D shell of illusionary reality to the Cosmos and focus on building New Gaia in high dimensions. Thank you Universal Channel. Please, receive my Blessings and Love.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

In the early morning hours of Wednesday, July 20, 2022, solar winds are traveling just slightly above normalcy at 411.5 km/s, and the magnetosphere is yet again enveloped in electromagnetic plasma particles that are strongly pressing into our planetary domain.
Solar flares with their CMEs deliver stirrings to our planet’s tectonic plates as well as to “Her” outer fields which can result in quakes as well as potent weather patterns such as thunder or snow storms, torrential rains, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

Of course, humans and animals feel these events physically, emotionally, and mentally as organs, glands, muscles, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, etc. are shifted and transformed to come into alignment with the always mentioned—SOURCE FREQUENCY.

What is also very amazing is something that has previously been addressed but which is worth repeating—the LIGHT that is surging from the black hole in the center of our galaxy situated at approximately 28 degrees of Sagittarius—the sign of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, EXPANSION OF IDEALS OF JUSTICE, PHILOSOPHY, and SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS.

The typical black hole—the result of a super nova which is an exploded star— behaves like a vacuum cleaner that sucks up energy around it which can include entire galaxies.

However, this black hole is bursting forth with LIGHT.
There will be three warnings to befall mankind called “pre-cataclysms”:

There will be the disruption of global communications systems ( This is already happening).

A seismic event will occur involving the west coast of Peru and also the USA from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes.

The final event, if the “Consciousness-Correction” is not made is complete global cataclysm, the method of which has not been revealed, but many Spiritual Scientists studying the scientific information is ancient holy texts say that it will be a splitting of the entire planet such that those who have indeed made the “Consciousness-Correction” will be in a “New Golden Age” forever.

Don Spectacularis #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

How is it that two or more channeled entities, energies, beings or groups (with whom you may otherwise be resonating highly) appear to be so VEHEMENTLY disagreeing and divergent on so MANY issues? And HOW is it that ONE entity or group (that you even RESONATE with!) comes through with one specific opinion, and yet, ANOTHER entity or group (that you resonate EQUALLY with!) say things that are entirely in OPPOSITION or CONTRADICTION to the FORMER?

So I’ll (attempt to) make this answer as simple as I can: There are (exactly!) infinite realities. As also are there infinite PERSPECTIVES. All of which are EQUALLY valid and loved in the eyes of Source / God / Creator -- for Source is nothing but Unconditional LOVE itself.

Furthermore, anything that you can (or cannot yet) imagine ALREADY EXISTS somewhere, for Source contains it ALL. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called All-That-Is, it would be called All-That-Is-MINUS-This-One-Thing.
Please think about this for a second: If everything is a dream anyways, is it that shocking to you that one dream (illusion) allows for a round earth, whilst yet another dream allows for a flat one?

ONE aspect of the creator can well dream that light travels at 299,792,458 metres per second. And yet ANOTHER aspect of the creator can well dream of light in THEIR reality travels at well over at 300,000,000,000,000 miles per nanosecond. And so, WHO’S going to stop them from dreaming such (in what is entirely a made-up ILLUSION)? You?
So, in closing and in conclusion, be like the Duck-Billed Platypus. The Duck-Billed Platypus has exactly ZERO PROBLEMS in having a Duck’s bill, an Otter’s feet, a Beaver’s tail, and some EGGS to lay at that -- all whilst still being a MAMMAL (of all things) no less!
In summary:

With the feet of an otter and the bill of a duck,

He’s got feats of a champ yet he gives no fucks,

A creature, a teacher, a MASTER of pure FUN…

He’s got 99 quacks, but he ain’t ONE.

The Pleiadians via Christine Day #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

This is an essential time for you as an individual as you witness these changes taking place and to also understand the incredible potential that is now emerging within the energetic space through your own Heart. Bringing to you an appreciation of how you have always existed within the sacred design of the Universe and the how this unique imprint of you has always existed within your Heart cells.

This imprint is actively emerging energetically from within you. In truth there is a higher vibrational pulse that is emanating from within your Heart cells. This is the next phase of your awakening that has always been pre-destined to enable you to re-align into the frequency access code of your higher consciousness flow.
PROCESS: Remember your Heart is a multidimensional doorway, a vehicle for you to re-access the natural extension of your Higher Self. The focus is simple, to choose to emerge within the stillness of your Heart and just be. What is essential is not to rush the process of reconnection to your Heart. Your Ego mind will never understand any aspect of this journey.
Bring both palms to rest on your physical chest. Hold your awareness on where you feel see or sense the physical pressure of your palms, or warmth of your hands connecting to your chest.
Hold your awareness on this area as you take a Conscious breath, and place the outbreath, like a soft wind, where you see sense or feel the area where you are holding your palms.
Take another Conscious breath into the opening and simply choose to let go.
Place the sacred sound, ENDAHNNN… (pronounced endarn) within the space that you see sense or feel. Your sound creates a unique frequency that your heart cells recognize.
Place your sound again, ENDAHNNN… within the space of your heart that you sense, see or feel. Take a Conscious breath into the opening.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #wingnut #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

In the United States of America we are in the midst of our midterm elections. Due to the Cosmic Moment at hand, this is one of the most important elections we have ever faced. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have indicated that through this election process, a Divine Plan of monumental proportions is unfolding on Earth. In order for this plan to succeed, the involvement of every Awakened Lightworker is vital and necessary.

The Truth is that fundamental change never begins at the top. Change of this magnitude begins with a shift of Consciousness at the grass-roots level and expands into an unstoppable momentum. People at the top who are in positions of power, however, do have the ability to wreak havoc on this Planet and Humanity. For this reason, it is critical that the people who are elected into office in United States of America be people who understand the Oneness of Life and the Divine Destiny for this country.

America is an anagram for the I AM RACE. This will be a race of God-conscious souls, a race of people comprised of all races, all religions, all nationalities, all cultures and all creeds. America is literally the microcosm of the macrocosm for this Planet.
Since we are One with all Humanity, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of every voter in the United States of America. That is true regardless of where we reside on the face of the Earth. We have the ability to ask the I AM Presence of each voter to intervene in his or her voting process, just as we have asked our own I AM Presence.

From now until the midterm elections, we have the ability to create the sacred space for the right and perfect outcome of this Divine Plan. The Beings of Light have given us some very powerful affirmations and invocations. This will give the Company of Heaven permission to intervene in powerful ways in this election process in the United States of America.

Planet Kabiru via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are children from the planet Kabiru, and we are here to introduce ourselves to humankind. Only children can live here, we study, play and develop skills in area, we desire. We live in 8 dimensional reality, and we enjoy every second of it.

We have been studying the hidden history about Earth, and we are very surprised about the facts that each time your civilization reached the high dimensional reality, you got reversed into a low vibrational one. Your existence is very sad. We can’t understand that you allow being killed, manipulated and being abused. It’s very hard for us to comprehend this type of behavior especially where your children are sacrificed by cults or get abused. We wish for you to evolve again and become a happy planet.

Kabiru is a paradise for kids, who want to interact with each other as children, learn about the Cosmos and eventually become great adults, who can help others to live in peace and balance. This is only possible in high dimensions, where the civilizations are evolved and serve for the good of others.
The planet is full of special rooms specifically designed for our unique needs. Most of us are very bright and quick learners, that is very common in our reality. We get guided by our own consciousness, which is limitless. We can learn and do anything, what we have a desire without any limits. Nobody controls us or tells us, how to behave, as we naturally know how. We follow unique recommendations from our advisers, who give the best plan for each child. We learn from early age to be independent.

Your reality is very challenging and hard, and everyone forgot to follow your heart. We realize that, It will takes some time to reverse 3D to a higher dimensional society. You have some many things wrong on Earth like weather manipulation, control issues from authorities, archaic technologies and etc. We are just children, and we know, that you need to find your paradise.

KaRa via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am KaRa, the Emissary from the Galactic Federation team, and I work directly under Ashtar Command.

Since my last communication, the situation on your planet drastically changed in many areas. Russian people living in [redacted] asked Russia for help, and Putin started a special operation to save civilians and children from [redacted] neofascist battalion. Most of the countries in West and USA have been condemning Russian Federation. They are directly involved in the conflict by sending their army representatives and guns.

The power struggle continues between the Light and Darkness. Humans forgot, when they lived in higher vibrations and were technologically advanced civilization. Your advancement got reversed by the attacks from outworlders. The Star War happened over 500k years ago on Mother Earth.

Humankind became fractured by their own spiritual and technological rise and ego of being superior made them weak and became an easy target from Cosmos. You were in war with Anchors, Reptilians, Orions, Dark Race and others. In the end, you got enslaved, first by outworlders, and now you are controlled by Khazarian Mafia, who puts own people in your governments. Their crimes and monstrosities against humanity are endless and unspeakable.
The planets, even whole Universes and Galaxies ceased to exist, after the civilizations loses their prospective, on how to stay in check with their egos. Your future is in your hands. Please, remember you are multidimensional beings, and you are capable to transform your world into a paradise. Don’t miss the momentum of getting back your planet. I have a faith in all of you that you can do it.

On our end, we are dealing with infestation of Luciferians, who desperately trying to reach your planet with objective to destroy it. Ashtar will tell you more about it in his next message. As right now, I am not allowed to disclose all facts, as we are in the middle of war with them. Please, receive my Love and Strength.

Don Spectacularis #ufo #magick #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Folks, my premise here is surprisingly simple: The very fact that you know that you are all infinitely abundant, powerful, and eternal Creator Gods makes you like the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of humanity or something. In other words, you are THE elite. And being the elite, you are neither required nor expected to travel in some cattle class New Earth timeline.

Now, don’t get me wrong in here: I’m so NOT here to recreate some ‘Elite 1% versus Commoner 99%’ type division and separation based types of experiences in here. Instead, I am asking you – one and all in here – to come step up that ‘Reality Creation’ game of yours just a tad little bit. If you don’t show the rest of your fellow (asleep) humans as to just how beautiful timelines of the highest order are to be created, who even will?

You’re their only hope (and shot) at ever learning how all of this is even really done.

You’re the example that they’ll all follow.

You’re the teacher that they’ll all exemplify.

You’re the leader that they’ll all epitomize.

Please do not abandon them when they need you the most. Cheers!
Last but by no means the least: Invite ALL divine beings that you can possibly imagine here (be it Angels, Archangels, Galactics, Elementals, Soul Families, Deceased Loved Ones, Inner Earth Beings, Positive Extraterrestrials and Extradimensionals, Higher Souls, Future Selves, Twin Flames, Soul Mates, All Beings Of Heaven, Ascended Masters, and God etc.) to ASSIST YOU in infinitely amplifying your timeline intentions and energies, SUPPORTING THEM in every way, shape and form, and ASSISTING ALL BEINGS to bring these intentions through for the highest good of ALL in here as well. Please remember, this help is entirely FREE TO YOU, and can assist you BEYOND YOUR VERY WILDEST IMAGININGS. And all you need to do here even is JUST ASK THEM FOR IT, because by Divine Law, they ALL need your explicit FREE WILL PERMISSION to do so. And that is ALL that you even NEED to know about this, here!

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As we migrate from the old power system into the new circular operating system, we need to adjust and adapt to new code and consciousness. It requires a significant rewiring in our thought process, perspective, and alignment with how we think, sense and function.

Instead of fighting our way to the top of the pyramid, we no longer need to effort or compete. It is a complete re-orientation into a circular system that recycles and restores energy exertion. The new operating system is designed to regenerate health, happiness and infinite energy resources…a self-sourcing ecosystem for all involved.
Embedded in Metatron’s Cube are the encoded ‘triangles within circles’ that activate a portal to the quantum field of infinite energy. Once that portal is open, you will never need to strive or struggle against the crowd again.

Working with Metatron’s Cube encoded geometry will gradually activate a continuum in your energy field. As you transition from the rat race of the pyramidal power structure, you immerge into the new operating system of the merkaba torus.

Living in a continuum relies on maintaining zero point coherence, of self-perpetuating balancing polarities in a chaos field. We are evolving beyond a punishing chaotic reality into masters of centropy, the ability to transform matter from negative entropy (disorder).
We’ve been living in an artificially inserted power structure, the parasitic, top-down imbalanced power distribution. It could only last so long, until the resources drained out.

We’ve reached the point of no return.

We either evolve or die.

The collective is being compelled to acclimate to the universal circulating system of renewable energy.

The New Earth operating system is the circular torus momentum, a balanced whole of coherence.

It is our birthright, and it is available now.

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are always on the lookout for new alliances throughout this galaxy of ours, and we have noticed that on the physical plane, in your dimension, there has been a new alliance struck between the Orions and the Andromedans. Now, this is significant for several reasons. The Orions have often been seen as the oppressors, the villains, the ones who want to dominate everyone else in the galaxy. And yet, they are evolving spiritually, just like everyone else is. In fact, it was an evolution of consciousness in the third-dimensional Orion System that led to the end of the Orion Wars
Now, beings who have existed in physical form in the Orion System have grown spiritually even more because of the Orion Wars than if there had not been that degree of oppression, violence, and general discord amongst all the beings who lived there throughout their history. This is something that all of you on Earth can use to start to appreciate everything that you’ve been through there and continue to go through on your very long journeys to raising the your level of consciousness to a fifth-dimensional frequency.

You’ve had a lot of wars, a lot of oppression, a lot of slavery, and of course right now you are going through a crisis of being divided and also a crisis involving the health and being of your air, water, and soil. All of this forces a person to grow spiritually, because if they do not, they bring about more suffering. You are all so connected now, not just because of your Internet, but also because of your consciousness.
Before you assume that the Orions have a negative agenda because of something you’ve read somewhere, remember that we are reading their energy, and we know when someone is lying to us or lying to others. We can tell you right now that this is real, and that they are sincere, and it is a giant step forward for the entire galactic community, of which humanity is right now an unofficial part.

Fairies and Gaia via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Blessings and joy, friends! We are the fairies of Nova Gaia. We are here in the moment of the in between pulling our fairy friends up higher into the dimensional frequencies that create! Relax! Expectations are flowing now in this realm of creative expansion and ideation - much joy awaits you here! (Her fingers are so clumsy, she is so slow!)(They are laughing at me, as I am not typing fast enough to keep up with their chatter. And I am a fast typist!) Galaxygirl, we surround you now with flower petals of our love, of love from our fairy friends from the higher dimensions ~ for we are all enjoying our little fairy bodies and some of us have not wanted to release them into the void of recreation but to hang on for longer experience. And that is what many of us have done! We have come from other spaces, planets, places and realms. Fairy folk are abundant in many worlds ~ it is only a few that are stifled and earth has been one of them.
I am Gaia. You were never meant to feel disconnected from me. You are a hologram in a holographic reality experience, simultaneously playing out a myriad of parallel lives and realities. Some of you right now are simultaneously in a city, in a forest as a curious child, an old man selling hotdogs in New York, and a young woman writing in Canada. Do you see? The human form is rich and varied. It is the multidimensionality and creative expansion of Source that makes this possible for we are all aspects of Source. Do you see, children? That is how we are all connected. <...> There are many versions of earth, of me, for I am aware of my multidimensionality. I have already ascended in many ways, but as time is a spiral, there are gaps, pauses, bends and twists. Regardless, the light flows through, among and amidst us. It is the great cosmic dance, the true circle of life. Animals were never meant to eat each other upon me. And yet it was allowed. Prey and predator are absolutely parts of, aspects of low frequency within the hologram.

Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

With the full activation of the New Earth and New Crystalline Energy Grids, the pyramids all over the world and the sacred sites, plus solar flares, and intense and immense energy pouring in from the 7th Central Sun, we are in time of immense changes on all fronts.

I had a geologist the other day, standing with me on my balcony, and then showing me how the hills, across the bay, were depicting where the sea level used to be, and indeed now form the top of the mountains. There are even higher mountains in the distance, but this area, and indeed the whole of what is now the town’s mountains, used to be the sea level.
When you look at all of this, and I have been shown the crystal pyramids under the sea, reawakening and those on land, and many sacred centers, not even known to man. I have written about it, and I have worked with them, and I know. Massive changes are pouring in, as the New Earth’s dimensional frequencies now dissolve the Old. The Old cannot hold form any longer.
Thus, know that what we feel as solid old earth, is not solid any longer. She is now making way for the New Earth and the New Crystalline Energy Grids. I have done enough energy work since 2009, to know this, and I am constantly being shown what is going on.

It is time for where nothing is stable, and all is a huge process of being changed from one energetic form to another.

Therefore, cling onto nothing and no one.

Let go and allow yourself to be transfigured, even as all else is being transfigured.

We are in for intense changes but all good.

I am so filled with joy, and awe and wonder: _ what we have all been prepared for and waiting for so long, is finally happening and manifesting into form!


Galactic Center via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Galactic Center, center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. This one and I have been sitting in zero space together, in stillness, in union, in peace. This is what I wish to bring through, to facilitate deep inner peace and connection with me, in these times of turbulence and change. Upheaval is present on your world, within the hearts of humankind, but it need not be so. For all are in process of either discovering me, of the connection to the deep inner way of the single walk towards inner unity, or dancing with chaos. The inner chaos of man is only a decision. One makes this decision moment by moment whether they will walk the silent road of individualization and inner stillness, for it is a lonely road, but when one is aware of it they feel the connection to all things and it is a uniting experience. You who have done the work and are able to feel this message are aware. All roads eventually lead to home, to the inner god-spark. Many will not appreciate this for your religious doctrines have divided, have taught otherwise. They have taught and instilled separation, for that was the game, the experience in this realm of the delusion of separation from Source.
Children, come sit with me. Be still in this space of unlimited creation, of expansion, of peace. I am here for you always. I am an excellent place for our meditation journeys. Your world needs more zero point energy. It will calm the reactivity. It will assist with awakening the others from the dream. When they feel your peaceful presence, they will begin to rub their eyes and awaken to their own connection within. The darkness, the lack of light beings have lost their way. They are being removed, recycled, for they cannot handle what is to come. The higher vibrational waves that are here and coming further in increased strength will not be a match for them. Great upheaval, great change always precedes growth and the understanding of the lessons.

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #magick #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the President of United States, and I am happy to be back and connect to everyone. You are living in important times, when the future of humankind gets to be decided. I am speaking about your next step moving to New Earth.

Many of you are going to be left behind in 3D reality. as they are not ready to move forward. The other part of humanity is ready to Ascend to 5D, they reached their spiritual growth, so their reward to leave the Matrix behind.

I have been observing the events on the planet over 50 years, since I left my physical body. The same Elite, who plotted my assassination, still ruling the world and playing chess daily with humankind. During my presidency, I wanted to disclose their crimes against humanity, hidden truths and etc.

Look at them now, they are still running around and plotting their next moves. All of the governments are criminals with exception of few ones, who murdered millions of innocent people worldly. They are supplying with guns without any remorse to the countries, which are in conflicts. They are monsters, who don’t value human lives, want to start WW3.

This is not going to happen despite their intentions. Most of people are wrapped with their daily lives and refuse to see the truth. The ones, who didn’t agree with their plan, get eliminated. The history of this planet is very sad. Billions were tortured and killed during the long existence of planet Earth.

Your time is now to shine and take care of these monsters, who are messing up human minds. You need to take care of them or you are going to loose the planet. They will never give up their agenda of destruction, unless you remove them from the Milky Galaxy. Right now, it’s about the survival and transformation of humankind. Thank you Universal Channel.

Sending my Love and Support to My Brothers and Sisters
We are One
John F. Kennedy

Great Central Sun via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Great Central Sun. I shine my light continuously, effortlessly, steadfastly. I am without change and my light can no longer be hidden. Many of you bright lights are of embodied stars. You are lighting up your Gaia with grace and ease of the masters that you are. You are masters from other civilizations, worlds, realms, dimensions and timelines. Truly you are ‘from a galaxy far, far away,’ and yet we are all connected, as a giant neural network of Source, honing skills, learning, growing, expanding. The universe is eternal, vast and free. So are your souls. You were free to choose the Earth experience and many are choosing to awaken at this time, or to remain unawakened, caught in the dream, which is not always a pleasant one.
I am the Great Central Sun of all universes, aligned. There are many of us. I am the oldest, most ancient one, holding space for the others as they grow. For all is expansion, all is expanding. (I am seeing the life cycles of a star, appreciating they are alive like I am, learning lessons, assimilating information, forming relationships and networks. The larger stars are so vast that they can hold more of a collective consciousness and I am feeling that many of them are inhabited by higher dimensional beings that reside there, similar to a planet, but because they are of a different dimensional space, their bodies can handle the light. I am seeing light cities within our sun and tall beings of light inhabit them. We are truly all connected. I am feeling truly the universe holding its breath for all that is going on here. We have really been holding everyone back as far as ascending this universe. I am seeing various shifts inter-dimensionally, higher dimensions have so many more planets and moons and stars and civilizations that we can’t see. The universe is teeming with life. We have been so incredibly limited with everything and all are cheering us on to expand to the next level. The Great Central sun is the activator.)

Mother Gaia via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

My Dear Children,

I am Mother Gaia, and I am living being. Today, I will be transmitting a new message to humankind. Two years ago, I ascended to Paradise of 5D. The trees souls and some animals left your reality, as they are tired of being hunted by humans.

Humans caused a lot of destruction to the nature and to Animal Kingdom. This is the time to take responsibilities for your part, what you are playing in 3D illusion. You have been participating along with the Dark Matter in destruction of your own planet for millions of years.

In the beginning, my Kingdom was feeding you and giving your shelter for free. Later on, you allowed to be enslaved and started to use money to pay for a right to live. My planet has thousands undiscovered edible plants, which can replace meat. My desire to ascend earlier than humans was granted, as I needed to take a brake from watching animals and nature being destroyed daily.

I am over 6 billions years old, and I have seen all events happened during my existence. I am still keeping 3D Earth alive, so that humankind ascends, when they are ready. So far, it’s only a small percentage of population can move forward.
Please, stop and start questioning, why you are not ascending, why RV is not happening and etc. Take charge of your reality and remove the Dark Souls from my grounds. You came here to do a rescue mission. The window for a transition, it will be open only for a specific time, as the process has been overextended. Please, remember the Darkness is not going to stop to try to kill the whole population or completely destroy your reality, unless you and the ones, who are behind the scenes, remove their souls from here.
Leave behind negativity, practice humility, gratitude and express love to every living being. I am waiting for humanity to arrive to the Paradise.

Sandra Walter #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Blessings Beloveds ~

Have you noticed the pull of the Eclipse Gateway? We are moving into a unique bandwidth of frequencies which peak May 13-19. The partial Solar eclipse is this Saturday, April 30. Here we glow.

This passage is aimed at rapid expansion into a new experience in form. For many, a door will close on the old way of creating.
Becoming the Presence changes everything.

When we hold the vibration of Source in the Heart and crystalline structures, we serve as conduits. This accelerates what Gaia is able to receive and transmit. The more conduits capable of holding a much higher vibration, the greater the acceleration.

These frequencies read our Divine DNA like a quantum archive. The light seeks a resonance match; a pure conduit to amplify the New.

Cosmic wisdom knows what your highest trajectory is, and how you get there. Revelation requires surrender, conscious alignment, contemplation, meditation, and release of old patterns.

For many, the dismantling intensifies to accommodate the much higher frequency plasma of these Gateways. Weep, move, and release to make room for more light!

These frequencies clear old mental and emotional constructs. Focus on balance and stability within, to assist with balance and stability without.

Unplug from narratives which dim your light. They interfere with heart coherence, which affects your DNA’s ability to do something new, which affects your reality.

This is a perfect moment to cleanse, clear, detoxify and be in prime condition to receive and facilitate these waves of cosmic plasma.

Everyone allowing this new level of Heart expansion is experiencing deep releases. This is paired with heightened Compassion, Gratitude, Self-Revelation and I AM Presence Perspective. Brand new frequencies since March 13.

Crystalline plasma is purging physical and non-physical layers of Self. Brains are in transformation; the mind often feels blank. Use the tips in the YouTube live to maintain vibrational hygiene and balance.

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This new alliance includes now over 250 different civilizations, who desire to live in peace.

Your world continues to reflect 3D illusion on the surface, the Elite is playing chess with humankind by deceiving them. The media, which is corrupted from head to toe, trying to save their face, it’s too late. Nobody believes them except the ones asleep. Minority of your population knows the real truth. They are ready to Ascend and move to New Earth.

The high energies are bringing the lies out to the light. The Darkness can’t hide their true nature from awaken population and the ones asleep starting to question about their surroundings. Humanity needs to evolve in order to survive. Your planet can’t progress unless you remove the corrupted officials from everywhere.

Right now, you are experiencing the big cleanup, and your participation is needed. The Darkness ruling times are coming to the end. You are transitioning into a higher dimension. Unfortunately, millions of vaccinated ones are going to leave their physical bodies. The rest of population are going to continue to progress in spiritual advancement.

In the near future, the top players are going to be exposed for the crimes against your civilization. Please, focus on staying in high
frequency to help lift Earth. Let go the energies of 3D. You can’t move forward unless you release anger, resentment, jealousy and etc. These emotions represent low vibrations, which can keep you stock in the Matrix.

After your transition, I am going to send my daughter to your planet as ambassador to help to move into next step in the growth. You are going to need a lot of guidance and assistance. It’s your first Ascension on Mother Earth. We are ready to be of service to your civilization, please get ready for first contact with the civilization out space. Enjoy your ride into a new reality.

Angels of the Womb of Gaia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello, dear humankind. Ascending ones, we see you from the womb of our mother. We monitor her frequencies. She is ascending quite rapidly. Many levels of realities already exist. We see many timelines shriveling into mist. We see the fog clearing for humanity as a new day dawns.

We are the Angels of the Womb of the Mother. We are preparing for her to give birth. We see the ring of fire as fully dilated. We see this as a necessary realignment for Gaia’s transformation. For her chakras are spinning so fast now, dear ones, as are yours. We see much interchange between the dimensions and realities. We see great fluidity of upcoming change. As a pregnant mother cannot hold back the final push, so too your planetary Mother Gaia cannot hold back any longer. This is the pregnant pause before the final contraction.
We extend our hands, our wings to you. We surround you, with your permission, wing tip to wing tip. We ignite your chakras with newness of change, removing any stored pain of rape or incest or babies lost or labors gone wrong. We fill these memories with light now.
We extend this light to the base of your core now to where the sexual energies mix and spin. [...] We see paradise birthing as a beautiful garden in the hearts and wombs and hidden places of the Nova Gaians. We see peace. We send deep peace to your sexual organs imbuing them with healing, balance and safety.
We offer you our support of balance of the sexual energies of rebirth. We fill your wombs, your minds, your hearts with light of the angelic octave. Our eyes are brimming with tears. We have awaited for so long, this moment of planetary rebirth.
We are the Angels of the Womb of Gaia. You are such an important part of this cosmic dance of regeneration and rebirth. Thank you. Thank you. We see you, we honor you. Watch with us as we see the planetary birth of Nova Gaia in form. Peace. You are loved beyond measure.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The heightened cosmic energetics of the previous several days has been a “Concert of Solar Light Blasts” with the Great Central Sun as the “Conductor” and with SOURCE as the “Author” of the grand symphonic LIGHT AND SOUND TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION.

Once again, the DNA located within every cell of creation has received an upgrading influx of vibrational LIGHT.

It must be remembered that the LIGHT not only is performing a transformational process, but it is also clearing-out and cleansing away disharmonious conditions of an age of chaos and confusion (“Kali Yuga”).

The cellular records of humanity go back many thousands of years.

Thus, ancestral as well as current time line clearing and cleansing has to be done, and then transformation is possible.

Each powerful solar flare, each strong thrust of solar wind, each plasma-filled coronal mass ejection, each travel through a helio-spheric current sheet, each solar sectory boundary crossing, each further movement through the Photon Belt of our entire galaxy—are all potent pulsations of LIGHT which activate the vibration and amplitude of our blue planet as cosmic events plunge into its magnetosphere.

These cosmic events also move into and through us as well.

Creation is experiencing re-building, and the symbolic “brick and mortar” of the old construction are not being used for the re-construction.

The old is not being allowed to exist much longer.
Time is a spiral. It is not linear.

The spiraling down is crammed with hatred, war, anxiety, disrespect of Nature, famine, vile experiments, and all of the disharmonies of a collective consciousness focused upon evil.

Can you now understand why the penetration of LIGHT can be so uncomfortable?

It has to move through so many “time frames” lodged within ancestral and individual cellular records.

As the clearing and cleansing is done, the acclimation to the LIGHT becomes easier.

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the recipients of assistance and high frequency energy ourselves here in the ninth dimension. We receive from Source directly, as well as dimensions ten through twelve in this universe. There are many beautiful collectives who are assisting us in the same ways that we are assisting all of you. Now, you might wonder what we could possibly need help with. We are constantly developing new strategies and ideas regarding how we can better be of service to you and everyone else who needs our assistance. Therefore, we need to get higher perspectives as well, and we are very open to the suggestions of Archangel Michael, Yeshua, tenth dimensional Pleiadian collectives and so on.
Therefore, it is so important for you all to sit in acknowledgement of the help that is coming in from above, and we also implore you to sit in quiet expectation, as you open yourselves up to the higher frequency energies, the downloads, the upgrades, the activations. They are all coming in because of what you are living, because of your willingness to endure fourth dimensional Earth.

You provide us with so much in your willingness to be there and have challenging experience after challenging experience, because all that you go through there on Earth gives birth to new ideas about what we could create here in the higher realms. <...> You need to remember how many beings are supporting and assisting you and that you are creating new worlds, new systems, new galaxies, and new universes because of your willingness to endure dire circumstances and the horrors that you sometimes experience just by living, just by being in a human body there on planet Earth.

is a difficult place to be, and that’s why only the masters like you were able to incarnate there. There was a knowing inside of each of you that you would awaken and that you would receive help from the higher realms.

Grand Duchess, Anastasia Romanova via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #wingnut #racist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Grand Duchess, Anastasia Romanova, the youngest daughter of the last Russian Tzar Nikolas ll, cruelly executed by Khazarian Mafia’s puppets Yakov Yourovsky and his minions in 1918 in Ekaterinburg.
During power taken by the Bolsheviks in Russia, my parents wanted to escape to Europe. My father Tzar Nikolas ll never had an interest to be a ruler, he just wanted to protect his family. The politics and power didn’t excite his soul. During Romanov dynasty ruling, Russia was rich and powerful, where even the golden coins were freely circulating as money.

There were rumors about my escape alive, which never were truthful, I was killed with the rest of my family. I was only seventeen. The Bolshevik’s Revolution was a revenge against Russia by Khazarian mafia. These monsters together with Vladimir Lenin and others starved to death and killed 200 millions of Russian population. They never forget that Russians stand up against them in the past. What is happening right now in Ukraine, it’s related to saving the Russian speaking people from a genocide.

Same ones, who killed us, for 8 years have been killing the civilians including women and children. Someone needed to step in and help these innocent people to be saved. The special forces are cleaning up this region from the contamination by the Darkness.

My family’s execution was unspeakable event, which it should never happen. The children should not be carrying out the responsibility, who their parents are, as they deserve to occupy the selected vessels, as long they want. It’s up to humanity to end this dark era by removing the evil from the power positions, transforming your societies and making sure that children are never abused or killed ever again.

KejRaj/Elohim via Davey #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

1. The Earth population of humans being nearly 8 billion, out of this, 1.5 to 2 billion are clones. How much truth is in such claims?

(They are smiling). We will answer this question in this way…yes, it is true there are cloned humans, but the number you have given is slightly exaggerated. We monitor these situations very carefully for there are certain laws in play which must be adhered to, no matter the interests of those of the dark forces or similar groups may wish to attain. However, this is a complex question as there are other aspects of what you might consider cloning, enabled by the light forces.

2. The civilization known as the Tartarians. How advanced were they technologically?

In truth they were known by another name. However, that name is somewhat related to legends and tales that have come through your linear timelines, but we can call them as you refer to them. They were an advanced race, both spiritually and in other ways. However, their purpose was to seed certain puzzle pieces of the consciousness conundrum that was unfolding on Earth, and so they were placed by their own choice in certain time frames, we will say, and remember…time is not as linear as you have been conditioned to perceive it.

3. The civilization known as the Pellasgians. In which area were they located? Around how long ago did this civilization exist? What, if anything remains of them today, such as a group of people, language...?

It is important to understand that your Earth’s geographic landscape has changed drastically. Even over the last many thousands of years, which are considered very recent times in your Earth’s rich and elongated linear time history. The race you speak of was in fact a composite of different groups of soul families blended in form, that is to say, grouped into the same civilization over different time periods, to achieve certain goals in setting up certain Earth energies. In a similar way to the Mayan culture.

Trees of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. We are deeply rooted in the light of new beginnings and of the old ways of peace. Not all that you see is deeply rooted. Not all is rooted in truth and light and most are simply shadows, seedlings of ideas that have not taken root. (I am seeing old dark trees being uprooted and laying on the ground. I am seeing them being covered with seedlings of green, becoming nurse logs for new life.) We are showing you this, galaxygirl, for many dark ideas are being uprooted, discarded and new ideas will take root. All is not lost. You have been assimilating and reorganizing your own genetic and cellular structure with these solar storms and energy upgrades. We send you our light now. (I am surrounded in bright green leaves and I feel the breezes and sunbeams of Nova Gaia on my face. I feel the cool dark earth on my toes and I am grounding with them. I see small green shoots encircle my feet, tickling them.) We are very real here in this space, galaxygirl, more real than what you see. The holo-world is morphing into much more than you have experienced, certainly within this lifetime. You all remember, the ancient ones, you remember and that is why you returned, to bring this space into that which was of pure beauty, of light, of hope, and of pure creation.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. Some of you will choose to live within our branches and trunks in tree houses, illuminated with crystals that glow and communicate easily. Others will choose to use Nova Gaia as a home base and travel the stars. All are permissible, all are wise choices, for there is no time. There is all time. There is all time for the space of healing and renewal, of reunions and rebirths, of re-creation. Nova Gaia is fully operational. We are grounded deeply within to her frame. We are closely linked in with her crystal networks of light and that is why we are slightly illuminated at night for the crystal networks enliven us.

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