
Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

Question for evolutionists: If you are so sure that humans are animals, then why don't you call your local Department of Motor Vehicles and ask them if animals can obtain driver's licenses? We know what they are going to say, don't we?

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

* Atheists use circular logic to "disprove" the existence of God. That is, they presuppose that God does not exist and then argue that all proofs for the existence of God must be flawed because He does not exist. Christians can use presuppositional apologetics to break the circle of the atheists' circular reasoning.

* Muslims also use circular logic to defend the Qur'an. They argue that the Qur'an is true because it is the Word of Allah, that it is the Word of Allah because it says so, and that we can rely on it because it is true. This is completely different from why the Bible is true.

* Evolutionists will claim that a fossil is millions of years old because that is the date given by radiometric dating; then state that it is reliable because they "know" that the fossil is millions of years old due to the strata in which it was found; additionally because the radiometric dating methods agree with each other, and date correctly materials which were historically dated by humans.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: the lack of knowledgeable scholars working on the Conservative Bible Project]

The Greek and Hebrew languages are well understood and readily available to any internet user. In this electronic age a laptop and a browser are superior to (and fast than) the finest Greek/Hebrew scholar. Some may wince at that observation, but it's the same reason that sales of the Encyclopedia Britannica declined and Borders has gone bankrupt.

The real challenge to a Bible translation today is the ever-changing English language into which the Greek/Hebrew must be translated. English terms like "peace be with you" are constantly changing their meaning and a good translation has to have enough political savvy to react to liberal and atheistic biases that creep into language. See liberal creep!

The objection to the Conservative Bible Project is like saying an engineer should not try to build a bridge unless he first becomes a master in trigonometry. That objection doesn't work, because the trigonometry is well-understood and modern challenges in building a good bridge have little to do with sine and cosine functions.

The CBP stacks up favorably against any academic translation out there. You can pick a few verses, and so will I, and I bet CBP is better.

[Emphasis added]

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Discussing special relativity, one user argues that the speed of light is constant, because otherwise the light-year would not be a consistently defined unit of distance.]

Empirical data suggest that the speed of light has changed over time, and as recently as 1/6th of the universe's lifetime.

You comments, like "distances were measured in ... light-years, and that only makes sense if the speed is constant," is a political statement, not a scientific one. Likewise for stating that "finding a variable c would now violate so much physics ...." Is this what university science has become - ignoring the data to preserve the reputation of some current and past professors?

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Public schools in the United States are liberal and atheistic government institutions that employ 3 million people and spend $411.5 billion annually at a cost of $10,770 per student. Spoken prayer, the Ten Commandments, and sharing of faith are expressly forbidden in public schools' classrooms during school hours, and teaching of morality is implicitly disfavored. Homosexual indoctrination is common as early as elementary school in more liberal states. The failures of underperforming public schools are paradigm of socialism, along with landfills and the Canadian healthcare system.

The "Too Batshit for Conservapedia Award"

AngusT #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Anders Behring Breivik is a Norwegian, widely blamed for the deaths of at least 93 people in Norway on July 22, 2011. Michael Savage and others have pointed out that it is very unlikely that this is the case, however, as the official story from the Socialistic government doesn't add up, convincing many that this is a false flag operation and actually the work of Muslim terrorists. Evidence for this includes a Muslim terrorist organization claiming credit, the unlikelihood of two separate attacks in two distant areas being carried out by one person on the same day, the fact that this attack has all the hallmarks of Muslim terrorists, and the fact that Christian conservatives never do this sort of thing. Many see this as a set up, possibly to be used as an excuse to crack down on Christianity and conservatism in one of the world's most liberal countries. More mysterious is why they would work so hard to defend the Muslims who are probably responsible for these atrocities. It is likely that, in the leftist style of Neville Chamberlain, they are trying to appease terrorists by exonerating them from blame, in the vain hope they will not repeat such unspeakable acts.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Teenage atheism is the lack of religion in peoples of the ages 13-19. A great number of teenage people are atheist because of a lack of teachings about God from parents, which many in past generations enjoyed. Another factor may be peer pressure, as modern society has become largely secular and teenage people who profess religion (especially Christianity) are ridiculed, and in cases, bullied. Yet another factor may be the teaching of evolution as fact in public schools.

Public schools used to teach scripturally-sound moral values, such as a good work ethic, quite frequently. These teachings are largely absent in modern public schools.

Associated with teenage atheism are rebellion, free love, drug use and other staples of liberalism. Often, teenage atheists are adopting these principles in rebellion.

Conservapedia #wingnut conservapedia.com

[Conservapedia article on bigotry (which is apparently a mostly liberal value)]
[Turn off irony meters, then read the first and third paragraph back to back]

Bigotry is common among atheists, elitists, liberals, Muslims and homosexuals towards critics of their ideologies...

It is typical to see liberals refer to their opponents as racists, fascists, Nazis, rednecks, fanatics, or any number of more profane slurs.

Bigotry can also be evidently seen when people refer to others who disagree with them as bigots or intolerant, and this is a severe form of hypocrisy because it excuses their accountability by blaming someone else.

Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

Have you ever noticed that atheists are constantly criticizing the God of the Bible, but they seem to never criticize the devil. Shockofgod made this observation and he said that people often are reluctant to criticize their fathers. I think this observation is true.

Ed Poor #homophobia conservapedia.com

Gay deceiver

Typical "gay" deceptions include lying about the Homosexual agenda. Proponents of "gay marriage" say that they have no plans to stop preachers from condemning homosexual acts from the pulpit, or forcing schoolchildren to learn that homosexuality is normal. But both of these are lies. In fact, the main purpose of same-sex marriage legislation is not to get rights like next of kin privileges for unconscious hospital patients (which are easily conveyed by power of attorney). Rather it is precisely and mainly to give homosexuals greater immunity to criticism than claimed by Jews or blacks.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Sudden Jihad Syndrome is a term coined by Daniel Pipes to describe Muslims that suddenly or unexpectedly turn against civilized, Western society and engage in acts of terror. Pipes has argued that due to this phenomenon all Muslims must be considered potential terrorists.

Examples include:
- John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo, the so-called Washington snipers. John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim convert, but some people allege that his motivations may not have been religious.
- Ali Hassan Abu Kamal, a Palestinian school teacher who engaged in a shooting rampage on top of the Empire State Building. He killed one and wounded six before taking his own life.
- Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an American Muslim born in Tehran who ran over students at the University of North Carolina to punish the United States. Taheri-azar was the first terrorist to be explicitly called an example of Sudden Jihad Syndrome by Daniel Pipes.
- Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar who shot up a movie theater in Baltimore.
- Rashid Baz, a Lebanese can driver living in New York City who shot at a van full of Orthodox Jews. In a burst of political correctness, the FBI initially refused to label this act a terrorist act.
- Sulejman Talovic, a Bosnian Muslim, opened fire in a Salt Lake City mall, killing five poeple before being shot dead by police.

In another example of bias in Wikipedia, Wikipedia has refused to allow any article on this topic and even refused to let an editor work on a draft for a rewrite of the article.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[In Conservapedia's article on Sets, Application section]

Another striking example is the how traditional marriage provides a greater set than otherwise: the union of A = {a, b, c, d} and B = {a, b, c, e} is merely {a, b, c, d, e}, while the union of M (man) = {a, b, c, d} and W (woman) = {e, f, g, h} is {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, which is a broader and more diverse set.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: 'Christian' being a secularized term]

Right. I don't even think early Christians called themselves "Christian". Most church names (e.g., "Church of Christ") don't use that term either. It's a diluted term preferred more by atheists.

Ditto for the secularization of the term "flood", which is obviously reminiscent of the Great Flood. "Flood-waters" is a particularly silly secularization - does anyone think it might be anything other than water in natural disasters?

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

[Conservapedia's examples of anti-Christian/anti-American "Secularized Language", excerpts of some of the stupidest ones; supposed originals on left, "secularized" ones on the right.]

Godspeed | Be good
All Hallow's Eve | Halloween
Resurrection Sunday | Easter
Thanksgiving | Turkey Day
God bless you, Bless you | Gesundheit
Jesus! | Gee whiz!
Abomination | Mistake
Abortion | Birth control
Anti-Christian bigotry | Separation of church and state
Anti-life | Pro-choice
Founders | Dead White Men
Heathen | Multicultural
Heavenly | Beautiful
Heresy | Scientific theory
Mankind | Humankind
Possessed | Crazy
Pro-abortion | Pro-choice
Sex before marriage | Liberated
Sin | Crime
Soul | Spirit
With child | Pregnant
Christian Name | Given Name

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

For most of the 20th century, scientists typically believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life, despite the lack of any reference to it in the Bible. After spending many billions of dollars looking for such life, and investigating countless reports of UFOs, no such life has been found.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: Washington's Birthday being called 'President's Day' as an example of "secularized language"]

Washington was a prominent Christian whose habit of praying and appealing to God for assistance is well-known. He was a kind of saint, and the downplaying of his (indisputable) significance is due to his Christianity. If he had been an atheist then you'd see the opposite effect.

"What kind of saint was George Washington?"

The kind that wins wars. There have been other examples. Have you heard of Joan of Arc?

"So which churches DO recognize Washington as a saint or other type of sacred being?"

Perhaps the church of Satan does, or perhaps atheists simply dislike Washington. Wouldn't that be enough to explain the misnaming of the holiday as described in this entry?
Atheistic bias, like other forms of bias, seeks to downplay and minimize Christianity. Washington was a leading, accomplished Christian. Lincoln far less so, other presidents even lesser still, and the office of president not Christian at all. An atheistic bias pushes language from the Christian recognition to the more atheistic substitute.

Philip J. Rayment #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: implicit incest in creationist account of early human history]

It seems that you want to make this "incest" out to be something bad. You think that the fact that it is incest should be noted in the article, but I've never disagreed with mentioning that it occurred, but object to putting it in a way that suggests that there was something wrong with it. Even just the use of the word "incest", although technically correct, is problematic because of the connotations surrounding the term. As far as putting in bits that aren't in the account is concerned, I previously pointed out that you were doing that anyway. The bits that explain that incest wasn't a problem come directly from what you want to do—applying logic to the accounts, but unlike you, I don't come with the presupposition that they are mythological stories that therefore must have problems.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

A major liberal falsehood of the mid-20th century was that intelligent life in outer space must exist, and that America should spend billions looking for it. This falsehood had political overtones in favor of nuclear disarmament, globalism, environmentalism, government spending and atheism. Political and Atheist leaders who supported research into extraterrestrial life, or were strong advocates that intelligent life must exist in outer space were:

Jimmy Carter
Adolf Hitler
Carl Sagan

Belief in ET's is as strong among atheists and materialists as the belief in angels and departed saints by religious believers.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheist bullying is a problem in many public schools, where student populations are becoming increasingly atheist or non-religious and are less likely to keep their lack of faith out of school discourse. Atheist students are commonly engaging in persecution of Christian students, encouraged by the out-spoken nature of the growing number of adherents of New Atheism, such as Richard Dawkins.

In serious cases, atheist bullying has lead to Christian students being pulled out of public schools to undergo home-schooling or private tuition, as their academic life has become intolerable.

Many school shootings are thought to be related to atheist bullying. The most infamous, the Columbine shooting, was partly perpetrated by an atheist.

It is feared that the rising number of militant atheist students will lead to more frequent - and deadly - school shootings in the future.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Quantum tunneling is the ability of particles to move through energy barriers even though ostensibly impossible based on traditional laws of mechanical physics. This was not discovered by scientists until the 20th century.

Jesus proved this was possible in John 20:26, when he appeared before the Apostles in a closed room with completely shut doors.

Aschlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge - Observation of the Wave Function]

The second chapter of the Gospel of John describes the conversion of water into wine by Jesus at a wedding reception. John 2:9 states: "When the host of the wedding feast tasted the water, it had been made into wine." This passage implies that the drink was not wine until it had been tasted, or observed. Possibly, the drink was a superposition of the state of wine and the state of water until it was observed as wine.

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Attention atheists: Please get a life!
More evidence that atheists quite often tend to be white, unmarried, socially challenged nerds! An atheists' meeting was organized in the United States concerning the future direction of the atheist movement and 370 people attended. The New York Times described the attendees as "The largely white and male crowd — imagine a Star Trek convention, but older..."[1] For more information, please see Atheism appears to be significantly less appealing to women
Atheists, please consider the advice that William Shatner gave to Trekkies in a comedy skit: Get a life! VIDEO

For more information, please see: Attention atheists: Please get a life!

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The first operation described in the Bible was the removal of a rib from Adam, which was performed by first putting Adam into an unconscious, "deep sleep-like trance."[2] This was the equivalent of anesthesia -- thousands of years before anesthesia was developed by William Mortan in 1846. Had scientists been more openminded about Genesis 2:21, they may have discovered anesthesia far sooner, and saved many more lives.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

[in a list of alleged counterexamples to an old earth]

6.The number of natural, pure-bred bred dogs declines over time as dogs naturally crossbreed; a short period of time is suggested by the fact that there are over 100 different natural, pure breeds of dog thriving today.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Obviously many people refuse to read the Bible and thus miss out on the benefit of its foreknowledge. Had scientists carefully studied the walking on water with an open mind, then it may not have taken 1900 years before they recognized the existence of wave-particle duality. Ditto for many other phenomena.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The second chapter of the Gospel of John describes the conversion of water into wine by Jesus at a wedding reception. Intuitively one would expect the conversion to occur before anyone tasted the drink. But under quantum mechanics, it is not until observation that matter acquires a definite state. John 2:9 describes this precisely as required by quantum mechanics, and the KJV misses this subtle issue of timing in the conversion.

Conservapedia #sexist conservapedia.com

By the 1970s, however, liberals had changed the meaning to represent people who favored abortion and identical roles or quotas for women in the military and in society as a whole.

Specifically, a modern feminist tends to:

* believe that there are no meaningful differences between men and women (The most significant belief underlying contemporary feminism is that there are no sex differences; therefore advocacy for equal rights must be extended to advocacy for equal results or outcomes.)
* oppose chivalry and even feign insult at harmless displays of it (see battle between the sexes)
* view traditional marriage as unacceptably patriarchal
* detest women who are happy in traditional roles, such as housewives,[4] and especially dislike those who defend such roles
* shirk traditional gender activities, like baking[5]
* support affirmative action for women
* prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do[6][7]
* seek women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines
* refuse to take her husband's last name when marrying[8]
* distort historical focus onto female figures, often overshadowing important events (Eg: Henry VIII's wives take precedence in common knowledge to his actual reign.)
* object to being addressed as "ma'am," or feminine nicknames such as "sweetheart" or "honey";[9] object to other female-only names, such as "temptress"

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

"GatesOfDawn" (what a ridiculous user name!), you lost credibility when you claimed that conservatives could add the truth on Wikipedia. It's like trying to reason with a lynch mob. Wikipedians do not tolerate truthful edits on politically sensitive issues.

Unfortunately, I doubt you have a clue about "modern science" and you have this backwards: it's liberals who just passed a hate crimes bill that criminalizes opinion, and it's liberals who censor prayer in public school. Conservatives believe in free speech.

Open your mind a bit, please, for your own sake. Godspeed.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

You still won't admit that the vast majority of inventions have been American? Look, you have free will to deny basic facts, but your denial is astounding....

If you were genuinely interested in logic, then you'd spend some time reading or translating the Bible, the most logical book of all. But I suspect you're more interested in trying to reject the Bible than giving it equal time in your activities. Am I right?

["I'm Plymouth Brethren, rejecting the bible isn't in my "Modus Operandi"]

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheist doctor: I think it is time we ended your life now.

Patient: Doctor, I have no health insurance. If I die now, I will never be able to pay you back.

Atheist doctor: Well, upon further deliberation, I think you should fight this condition with every fibre of your being. And if I were you, I would also call my friends and family and ask if they would loan me some money.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Essay: Quantifying Vulnerability to Atheism

We quantify intelligence, health, athletic skills and even musical talent. But more important than those, especially for teenagers, is the vulnerability to atheism. A simply test can quantify one's vulnerability to atheism:

1. Do you frame arguments in terms of what is best for you, as opposed to others?
2. Do you spend more time thinking about yourself than volunteering for others?
3. Do you deny equal time to the Bible?
4. Do you oppose allowing classroom prayer even when everyone in the classroom wants to pray together?
5. Do you think atheists have achieved more intellectually than non-atheists?
(add more)

If your score (or the score of a loved one) is "yes" on more than half of the questions, then you (or a loved one) is highly vulnerable to atheism. Beware of the depression and anxiety that typically follows.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

...inventors and doctors and engineers don't typically even bother learning relativity. Should I repeat that? Complain to engineering departments and medical schools if you think that should change. Nothing useful has even been designed or built using relativity. If you want to look and look and look for a counterexample then you'll be wasting your time. I'm not going to waste mine. This is my final reply on this topic for now. Do something logical, such as editing the Bible, and after benefiting from that experience we can revisit this issue in a month or so

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Dancing is a popular form of celebration and partying by all ethnicities. But why is Barack Obama rarely seen dancing, or even allowing and attending dancing. Perhaps I've missed it (please let me know if I have). I know, there was one highly staged politically correct dance with Ellen DeGeneris as Obama was catering to her audience. But where's the rest?

One explanation is that the Islamic sharia disfavors dancing.

You Fail Logic Forever

I Do Not Think "Logic" Means What He Thinks It Means...

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Here is a growing list of logical contradictions in atheism:

* Atheists say they do not believe that any God or equivalent deity exists, but then are often hostile to Christians, as in censoring classroom prayer even when everyone wants to participate.

* Atheist often state that god does not exist, however there is much biblical evidence (which is infallible) which attests to the opposite conclusion.

* Atheists believe that all truths can be derived via reason and deny the efficacy of revelation

(add more)

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: whether Jesus' instant healing power contradicts the theory of relativity]

Frank, perhaps what you mean is that you don't want the logic of the Bible to be used to evaluate claims by scientists. If so, I completely disagree. And so would Isaac Newton and most great scientists.

As our Conservative Bible Translation project is revealing, Jesus said his works were not miracles, but signs. So any definition of miracle by Hume (who, by the way, leaned toward atheistic rather than Christianity) is not terribly helpful

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Liberal logic is an argument that has logical appeal to a liberal, but is nonsensical. Let's build a list:

* an atheistic culture cannot harm anyone, but saying a prayer in class can cause tremendous harm
* increasing spending by government must reduce poverty (no, dependency increases poverty)
* teaching abstinence must not reduce premarital sex
* widespread ownership of the largely defensive weapon of gun must not reduce crime
* that lack of government programs to rehabilitate criminals must not reduce crime
* that increasing taxes must increase government revenue (no, often people work less)

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The theory of evolution cannot permit any "counterexamples," or examples of things that could not have evolved. As in logic, the existence of merely one counterexample disproves the truth of the rule.

Here are some counterexamples to evolution:

*beautiful autumn foliage, which lacks any plausible evolutionary explanation
*the whale, which has no plausible ancestor (Charles Darwin suggested black bears)
*the eye, which lacks a plausible pathway for incremental evolution
*bloodclotting, which also lacks a plausible pathway for incremental evolution
*Jellyfish in Hawaii, which swarm to the beaches precisely 9 to 10 days after each full moon[1]
*cicada that appear like clockwork every 13 years for some species, and every 17 years for others[2]
*migratory powers of butterflies and birds[3]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: Noah's flood]
Emphasis added

First, there is no logical objection to the biblical account. It cannot be disproved. Let's be clear about that. It may not comport easily with someone's everyday experience 5000 years later, but the same could be said about many other facts in history also. There is simply no logical flaw in the account.

Second, the theory of evolution has even greater difficulties explaining how species survived massive flooding. No one credibly denies that worldwide flooding occurred; even today the world is over 70% covered with water, most remaining inhabitable land is within 100 feet of sea level, and limestone deposits from water are found at all heights. Local, but massive, flooding occurs frequently and widely, with devastating affects. The theory of evolution does not have a more plausible explanation for how species survive this in the long run. [Emphasis added]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

["Andy Schlafly, would you do me the honor of explaining why the Bible is the most logical book written?"]

God created the world, and then man. Man incurred the ultimate offense against God, and that required the ultimate sacrifice to redeem it. God intervenes with miracles from time to time as He likes. This is completely logical. Now everyone has free will to reject this and conjure up any alternative theory they like, but Christianity is the most logical religion and the Bible is the most logical book.

As an example of the illogical view of atheists, they deny the existence of Hell. If anything is logical, it is justice, and Hell is essential to that.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Replying to an article which claims the story where Jesus says, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" is a forgery and shouldn't be in the Bible]

Thanks for your superb analysis, Michael, from which I learned immensely.

For the record, the ideological objection is not to how liberals "twist" this passage, but how the passage itself is written in such a liberal way that it renders its authenticity doubtful. It would be akin to discovering a passage that said something like this: "Jesus then said that government should take from the rich and give to the poor." Historical analysis can prove that to be non-authentic; political analysis can reach the same conclusion more efficiently and with a high degree of certitude.

Jesus did not forgive without repentance, yet the Adulteress Story claims He did. Jesus did not comment on capital punishment, yet the Adulteress Story claims He did. Jesus was not permissive about adultery, yet the Adulteress Story He was. Older people are not always wiser than younger ones, yet the Adulteress Story claims they are. And so on

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Evolution syndrome is the tendency of some people to insist compulsively that human evolution from animals must somehow be true, and to spend nearly all of their time pushing that belief on others. It is reflected on the internet by people who devote over 90% of their edits and postings to pushing their belief in evolution and insisting on censoring or demonizing alternative views of the issue. They are particularly against teaching any alternative theories to children in school, sometimes claiming that this will harm children's critical thinking. A childish insistence on last wordism is a common characteristic of evolution syndrome.

Sufferers of evolution syndrome tend to be college students or graduates who wanted to excel in math or physics, but lacked the ability or work ethic to do so. They are frustrated "wannabees" with respect to academic recognition. But they find that liberals will praise their intelligence if they promote evolution. This is analogous to a struggling ball player deceitfully turning to steroids to enhance his performance, and thereby make it to the "Big Leagues."

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The invisible hand of marriage is unseen force of productivity that results from the marriage of a man and woman.[1]

The invisible hand of marriage is more powerful and influential than the "invisible hand" identified by Adam Smith in economics. Indeed, the source of productivity from Smith's invisible hand has been erroneously attributed to purely economic considerations, without properly factoring in the productive force of marriage. Self-interest and greed are not the primary driving forces of the invisible hand, but marriage is.

Key elements of the invisible hand of marriage include:

* the powerful incentive to work for the benefit of someone else who needs your efforts, such as a spouse or child
* the motivation to work for a future that will likely extend beyond one's own life
* the checks and balances against unproductive activity, anxiety, depression and addiction, from the very different perspectives of a man and a woman
* the insights and wisdom that result from complementary outlooks by a man and woman in marriage
* the pushing and prodding, analogous to what a supervisor, coach or sergeant does, that encourages and compels people in marriage to achieve their best
* a division of labor that enables each spouse to work on what he or she does best

(add to or improve this list)

Same-sex marriage

There is no invisible hand of marriage if the spouses have the same gender. Virtually none of the above elements exist in same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is a recipe for unproductive activity, anxiety, depression and addition, with the enormously beneficial checks and balances provided by traditional marriage.


1. ? This concept was first discovered and developed on Conservapedia. When this entry was generated here, a Google search on "invisible hand of marriage" did not find a single reference on the internet: "No results found for 'invisible hand of marriage.'"

Marry A Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

Example Four

Elizabeth was a smart liberal who knew she would be better off marrying a conservative than a liberal like herself. She found one in Stan, a conservative who was a very hard worker and who did not have the luxury of time to develop the social skills that Elizabeth had.

Stan's circle of friends and acquaintances were limited, and he thought all women were liberal. He married Elizabeth thinking that all women were liberal like her.

For the next thirty years Elizabeth censored Stan's conservative comments, interfered with his conservative activities, and caused problems for Stan at every political turn. But Stan thought all women were that way, and rarely complained.

Tragically, Elizabeth became sick and died. Stan then remarried, this time to a conservative woman whom he did not even realize existed. For the rest of his life Stan marveled at how different -- and better -- his life was.

Conservapedia #wingnut #fundie conservapedia.com

[On British politician Nick Clegg]

He is unlikely to become Prime Minister, as the Liberal Democrats are not in a place to win an overall majority. However, in the case of a 'Hung Parliament', he would be very powerful. He could effectively select the Prime Minister, because if he supported Gordon Brown or David Cameron, then they would have an overall majority and become the Prime Minister. This is dangerous because Clegg is an atheist

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[ "I'm in favor of allowing loved ones visit loved ones in the hospital, particularly when they are near death, out of a sense of Christian charity."]

Oh, what a joke that is: "Christian charity" ... by the lawsuit-wielding, never-satisfied homosexual activists??? Every aspect of the homosexual agenda is non-charitable and selfish. [Bold original]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[In a mathematical article about sets]

There is the set of unborn children who were aborted, about which striking conclusions can be drawn. Given the large and diverse number of elements of this set, it would likely include many who could surpass existing athletic and intellectual achievements. Indeed, many of the world records and Nobel Prize achievements recognized today would have been outdone by members of this set.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Abortion shares many similarities to the ideas of Adolf Hitler. Hitler believed in the forced "evolution" of humanity through the death of all those who were not Aryan, most notably including Jews. He viewed non-Aryans as inferior. A common reason for abortion is to kill those who suffer from physical and mental issues, a form of eugenics. This is akin to Hitler's murdering those he considered inferior.

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