
Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Liberal charity is an oxymoron because liberals give to charity at much lower rates than conservatives. Instead, liberals attempt to replace charity with government power and control.

Several liberal belief systems are particularly uncharitable. No atheists build hospitals and there is no meaningful public charity work performed by homosexual groups. Feminists are also notoriously uncharitable.

Several liberal-promoted charities, such as Susan G. Komen, even send donated funds to anti-life groups like Planned Parenthood affiliates that promote abortion.

Note that there are some services for which government cannot replace private charity, in a free society. Blood donations are an example of something that government can never provide. But as liberals increase the size of government and squeeze charity out of culture, all forms of charity, including ones that government cannot provide, decline.

Adam #fundie conservapedia.com

I agree that certain books should be banned. Censorship already exists for the most extreme obscene and terrorist material in libraries. You've got to ask why are standards of morality being constantly eroded? I'm not saying Harry Potter books are going to corrupt a child, but at the least it will desensitize an impressionable mind to the occult. The progessive liberalisation of media is a dangerous road to go down. The effects of desensitivation to sex and violence are all to obvious in declining values and increasing crime (in the UK). I can't see the government doing anything, so I guess self censorship is the answer for those who still care. Free speech and human rights are wonderful, but what about the right to walk down the street without getting verbal abuse or being attacked! Regards, Adam

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

By a landslide 10-5 vote, "Texas education board backs conservative curriculum." It tosses out liberal lies like overuse of the word "democratic" and myths about America being founded on "religious freedom." [Emphasis added]

Ed Poor #fundie conservapedia.com

Not sure what you mean. People have been saying for years that Orwell wasn't talking about Communism in either of his best-selling novels Animal Farm or 1984. But that has always sounded to me about as credible as gay rights activists saying that they're "not trying to destroy traditional marriage".

Communists lie, as part of their strategy. We Christians are "handicapped" by our need to tell the truth. Communists lie so they can get away with murder.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Maquissar, it's not that complicated. The percentage of excellent athletes who are in traditional relationships or marriages is very high. The percentage of those misled by the homosexual agenda who then break athletic records is very low. Impose the latter on a country and expect to produce athletes who are not as competitive with other nations that don't impose the misguided value system.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: whether humor existed before the arrival of Christianity]

To one with an open mind, your vulgar "examples" tend to reinforce the basic observation: (real) humor was lacking before Christianity. Crudeness or vulgarity or mockery is not true humor, and Greek "comedies" were not attempts at humor in today's sense.

If you had evidence of writings about humor itself, or books of humor, or truly comedic performances, or anything remotely similar to quality humor today, then that could help your argument. But the above examples, if they are the best you have, simply underscore the insight in this essay.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Man is not the descendant of monkey is a true statement that liberal academia refuses to adhere to. They falsely prefer to interpret man through an evolution stage, beast to man. In addition, they wrongly assert biology as proof of 'Mankind from beast' nonsense. They cling to the dishonest notions developed by Charles Darwin.

The Bible has great insight into who Man really is.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Medical professionals emphasize that they do not know what causes mental illness.[8] Accordingly, they cannot rule out that liberal indoctrination is a contributing factor.

Teaching children to accept and believe things that are demonstrably false cannot help mental health. Included in this category are the liberal teachings in school that:

* Lying about the truth, causing belief in falsehoods or encouraging conduct disorders[9]
* There are no real differences between boys and girls.
* Humans are just another type of animal.
* All there is is what you see (with or without special equipment, such as microscopes or telescopes).
* Conversely, that an unproven 'unconscious' excuses evil actions.
* Self-inflicted death (i.e. suicide) can somehow be good.
* Denying self-defense, mentally and physically.
* Denying the ability to control sexual desires (such as homosexuality & lesbianism); promoting lifestyles that lead to mental illness.
* Insisting on an illogical and unjustified "wall of separation of church and state"; When classroom prayer would promote mental stability.
* Encouraging dependence on state welfare services rather than taking responsibility for ones own actions. Dependency is a major cause of depression.
* Socialistic theories based upon materialism encourage nihilism and depresion.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

["And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to speak of many things
Laying wait for him, and seeking to catch something out of his mouth, that they might accuse him." -Luke 11:53-54, KJV]

Proposed Conservative Translation:

As Jesus told them off, the scribes and Pharisees furiously interrogated Him about everything,
plotting and seeking to quote Him for a politically incorrect remark to use against Him.

RickD #fundie conservapedia.com

Homophobia is a God-given defense mechanism. Nowadays it is routinely termed a "sin" by willful and naive lovers of evil: a category that defines the vast majority of selfish, arrogant, and Godless liberals.

Aschlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[The page is "Do liberal teachings cause mental illness?" A liberal chimes in, blaming the rise in mental illness on junk food.]

I agree that is a problem. However, liberals tend to be fatter that conservatives. What one believes and accepts does affect his ability to keep off the extra pounds. So your observation tends to reinforce the likely correlation.

Ed Poor #fundie conservapedia.com

I don't know why you all keep repeating the eukaryotic bit; I wasn't ignoring you. But you seem to be missing the main point I'm making.

There is more to a person than his human body, and biologists have apparently decided not to study or even acknowledge aspects of human beings which make them entirely distinct from animals. In fact, along with Feuerbach and Lenin they have ideologically chosen to assert that humans evolved naturally from animals; that's why we are animals.

We need not propagate the erroneous assumptions of biologists, or their short-sightedness. Science is more than just physical science. Anthropology and psychology are sciences, and they are by no means required to adhere to liberal, anti-religious positions such as methodological naturalism.

Linneaus is free to put humans where he wants. Meanwhile, God has put us where He wants. Pick a side, my friend.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

ElyseE, newspapers are the most liberal source of information possible, and are written at about the 7th grade level. I hope you get your information from better sources. I get my information from Conservapedia, and the internet at large

JacobB #fundie conservapedia.com

The fact of the matter is, atheists don't build hospitals. If one atheist, out of a million, builds one hospital somewhere, well, it's not atheism doing that, it's that one odd man out. Christians build hospitals as a matter of course. I can name a dozen hospitals that are within ten miles of me. Know what their names are? St. Judes, St. Marys, St. Lukes, St. Francis... are you seeing a pattern here? I don't know any St. Darwin's hospitals near me.

Fun fact: St. Judes in nearby Oakland was built by a convert, who said one day turned to God and said to St. Jude, "Show me the way and I will build a hospital." Difficult to imagine a christian saying, "If I find God didn't exist and the world was a vast meaningless clockwork, I'll build a children's hospital."

AlexC #fundie conservapedia.com

Presumed? I'm sorry, but I've heard too many accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons to take claims of it being innocent seriously. The article reads more like an endorsement than a truthful account. It's clearly been written or edited by someone trying to soften the image of an activity that exposes the young to Satan.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Nothing useful has even been designed or built using relativity. If you want to look and look and look for a counterexample then you'll be wasting your time. I'm not going to waste mine. This is my final reply on this topic for now. Do something logical, such as editing the Bible, and after benefiting from that experience we can revisit this issue in a month or so. [Emphasis added]

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

One of the sharpest divisions in United States politics is over taxpayer-funded abortion, and fetal homicide in general.

By a 7-2 vote the U.S. Supreme Court legalized fetal homicide on demand in 1973 throughout the United States, which invalidated laws in virtually every state prohibiting or limiting abortion.

The highly controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision stated that prohibiting abortion violated a woman's constitutional rights, and that the right to life granted in the constitution was not originally intended to apply to an unborn child.

Some have pointed to the incongruity of US federal law which deems that the fertilized eggs of any of over 800 species of native birds warrant federal-government protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 while the fertilized egg of a human being is regarded as a disposable mass of tissue.

foxtrot #homophobia conservapedia.com

To me this seems to be a very strange phenomenon, since the homosexual agenda would have you believe that homosexuals are present everywhere. Yet in sports they seem to be lacking. I think there's a few reasons. First off, in sports, you have to be strong-willed to succeed, yet homosexuals were weak-willed enough to succumb to their temptations. Secondly, sports help reaffirm the young athletes with people of the same gender. Boys unconsciously observe how other boys act and model their behavior on this; the same with girls. This is one of the reasons Dr. James Dobson encourages parents to have their children play sports -- it helps discourage the gender dissociation which is one of the causes of homosexuality.[1] In that vein, it's not surprising that the majority of homosexuals in sports come from individual sports, such as tennis, golf, figure skating or diving. In team sports, the players have to be like-minded with the others to form an effective team, so if one of them is having distracting thoughts, the whole team suffers. The homosexuals become a liability for teamwork and either must adopt a straight lifestyle or leave the sport. This is why there are so few homosexual athletes.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheists claim that scientific knowledge has replaced the need for appeals to God to explain the universe. This is easily demonstrated to be false, as countless legendary scientists found it necessary to invoke God to explain First Causes in the universe. Isaac Newton could explain what gravity did but not what caused it, and believed God kept the universe in motion. While Albert Einstein's theistic views were complex, he too could not explain the universe without God, and famously derided chaos in the universe by stating "God does not play dice." Even in the 21st century, no scientific theory attempts to replace appeals to God in explaining the universe's existence.

Indeed, atheists have merely usurped the mantle of "science" to disguise unevidenced assertions. They claim that evolution has been proven as scientific valid, that evolution necessarily proves abiogenesis, and that abiogenesis precludes God and design. The first claim is refuted by numerous theistic scientists, the second is a belief, and the third is a philosophical absurdity. Atheists believe the universe can be explained without recourse to God, but have no actual evidence to back up their assertions.

Conservapedia #sexist conservapedia.com

The vast majority of scientific studies have shown that abortion causes an increase in breast cancer, including 16 out of 17 statistically significant studies. Studies showing that abortion increases breast cancer predate the political controversy. It is undisputed that childbirth protects against breast cancer, and thus early termination of pregnancy must increase the risk of cancer for the mother compared to carrying that same pregnancy to birth. Yet the abortion industry conceals this increased risk, just as the tobacco industry concealed its cancer risk for decades.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[This article seems to about Christian faith, so it should be moved there. It is not really an article about religious faith in general.]

Faith is a Christian concept, and "Christian faith" is a silly redundancy. It would be like saying "Christian Easter."

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

On the Bible, there is no evidence in any of your edits here to support your statement. I've never known an evolutionist who read the Bible. In fact, the main practical significance of the someone believing in evolution seems to be this: he doesn't read the Bible again. I'm happy to be proven wrong.

You list yourself as an "agnostic" here, yet 100% of your edits here have been of an atheistic nature. An agnostic, if fair-minded, should be at least 50% Bible-based and 50% atheistic-based. What percentage of your time do you spend reading a Bible, if I may ask?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

["Why don't we just use the dictionary definition of liberal...?"]

I don't use that definition because it is false. Liberals are people who favor taxpayer-funded abortion, censorship of classroom prayer, and just about anything that is anti-Christian

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

When it comes to the matter of schools and evolution, the primary motive for teaching evolution in schools is to attract students to atheism and/or a naturalistic worldview at a early age and in a way that is not easily challenged by many parents. In other words, teaching evolution puts youngsters on a path towards atheism. The better the student, the more positive the reinforcement, and the more likely this approach will attain its desired effect.

If schoolchildren were permitted to believe (and say) that evolution is less likely than intelligent design, it would contradict the philosophical underpinnings of unguided evolution. This would lead students to question, even to reject, such materialist philosophies as atheism and secular humanism.

A more honest way of teaching about evolution would not be to present it as an unquestionable dogma, but simply to tell pupils what it is, how many scientists of various types believe in it; then to present all the scientific evidence for and against it.

For students who are mature enough to understand the philosophical implications, say, beginning with the upper three grades of high school, educators could explain the ideological links between evolution and various philosophical and political schools of thought: materialism, atheism, eugenics, Nietzsche, etc.

Similar links could be explored for ideas which criticize evolution, such as intelligent design which accepts some aspects of evolution while denying the lack of guidance, and creationism, which begins with the premise that God created everything.

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

The atheist and liberal evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is quoted as saying: "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak ... homophobic, racist, ... capriciously malevolent bully."[2] As far as Conservapedians are aware, the liberal biologist Richard Dawkins has yet to comment on all the diseases associated with homosexuality nor has he commented on the rather portly figures of many in the lesbian community! Perhaps, that is because there are so many diseases associated with homosexuality! Message to Richard Dawkins and his fans: God is good! Richard, perhaps you need to hear it again: God is good! Richard, do you think one of the many reasons why God forbids homosexuality is because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

I didn't see Saving Private Ryan, but I suspect that is liberal also. The quotes and clips I saw from it had the trappings of liberalism: faithless with a kind of dumbed-down "that's all there is to life" approach. Woe is me and my brothers will be my salvation. "At death there's nothing more" is the message, expect (if you're lucky) some spirit of brotherhood.

Tom Hanks is a liberal, big time. Seeing the world through the atheistic eyes of a "retard", with sermonizing about civil rights, was a liberal distortion and fantasy. I'm sure we all know people of low IQs, and they don't think and act like Forrest Gump. For starters, often they have strong religious faith. As I recall from the first half, Gump's perspective was without any genuine expression of faith.

GloriaL #fundie conservapedia.com

This is a conservative encyclopedia. Its job is to decry liberals and their ideas at every turn. By promulgating the idea that Obama may be a Muslim we are being good conservatives, because it helps to turn people off him.

Conservapedia #homophobia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Homosexual recruitment is the active recruitment by homosexuals of youths in primarily heterosexual institutions, seeking to bring them into the homosexual lifestyle. Homosexual recruiters will typically prey on depressed and vulnerable heterosexuals and will "counsel" any troubled heterosexual. The recruiters begin by poisoning the victim's mind with false ideas that paint traditional Christian conservative values in a negative light. The recruiters, utilizing deceit and powerful mind-control techniques, make sure that the victim understands that their problems stem from these values. They then offer a solution: become a homosexual. The recruiters then promise that if the victim becomes a homosexual they will be accepted unconditionally, and all their problems will magically disappear, which is, of course, a lie.

While some have known for many years that this practice occurs, the first real warnings about this came in the 1960's, with the birth of the homosexual movement.

Conservapedia #homophobia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Homosexuality was supported in Nazi Germany, although modern gay rights activists claim that an estimated 100,000 homosexual men were arrested for this crime, of whom approximately 5,000 to 15,000 were interned in concentration camps.

Yet, according to some historians, homosexual men constituted the core of the Nazi Party in Germany. In contrast to the wimpy "swish" homosexual, Nazi homosexuals were ultra-macho or "butch".

Conservapedia #homophobia conservapedia.com

Homosexual bait and switch is a technique used by covert homosexuals in order to convert heterosexuals to homosexuality, or at least, question their heterosexuality. Covert homosexuals will heavily alter their personal appearance in order to disguise their gender. These covert homosexuals will enter "meaningful" relationships with heterosexuals of the same sex without ever disclosing their own true gender. These homosexuals do a convincing job by utilizing deceit and powerful mind-control techniques. Only when the victim thinks they are in love does the covert homosexual reveal their true identity. At this point, the victim is too emotionally attached to the homosexual to leave them, giving the homosexual the upper-hand. Coercion into a counter-fit same-sex marriage is not uncommon. Even victims that somehow escape a homosexual's grasps usually go through withdrawal which causes some to suffer a homosexual relapse.

The term homosexual bait and switch can also be used to describe other things; such as J.K. Rowling retroactively stating that a popular character, Dumbledore, from the Harry Potter series is homosexual.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheists seek to not only make school sanctioning of religious activity illegal, but to make any profession or personal act of religion illegal in educational institutions. This has had some limited success in the United States, but is state policy in France, where wearing religious clothing or symbols is an expulsion offense. By limiting or removing religious expression in schools, atheists hope to reduce its impact in students' lives and, most importantly, limit opportunities to spread the word. The ultimate expression of this, to which all atheists aspire, was the prohibition of all forms of religious expression in Communist-era Albania (1945-1991).

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Christian philosophers and theologians explain that there are causal links between mass murder and atheism. Atheism, lack belief in God, have the following characteristics that can lend itself to mass murder and can explain why the greatest mass murderers were atheists:

*lack of recognition of an ultimate judge of moral actions and a judge who sets injustice aright in a last judgement, and thus do not recognize the immorality of murder.
*lack of seeing the importance of human beings as images of God and so easily discarding them as merely material things, products of mere chance.
*lack of acknowledging an external standard of moral perfection, thus ending up with self-created standards which can include killing for political survival.
*absence of guidance by divine revelation of the moral law, such as "Thou shalt not kill".
*following an ethic of atheistic evolutionism that is based on the survival and victory of the fittest, which is ultimately a "bloodthirsty ethic", the words of Joseph Ratzinger, that is an ethic that is eager to kill and to maim. This ethic is about conquering others rather than self-conquest.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheists will try to use the following tools in arguments or attempts to defend their atheism:

*fear mongering
*homosexual agenda
*liberal logic
*logical fallacy
*mass media
*political correctness
*professor values
*public education
*Darwinian science
*"sound" reasoning

Jpatt #fundie conservapedia.com

[Debate: Is Obama a Muslim? - Claim: Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one.]

If educated, you pronounce what you have learned. Where did he learn the Muslim use of Pokistan? Occidental teach this? University of Chicago teach this? Does Harvard teach this? Only a Muslim knows the proper way to pronounce so he was taught by Muslims.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheists use biology and religious studies classes to:

1. Instill the idea that man is just another animal
2. Suggest that Christianity is "just another religion," not inspired truth
3. Belittle those who hold viewpoints opposed to evolution, atheism, or liberalism in general
4. Establish that there are no 'absolute' morals, and belittle those who think there are
5. Hide the facts connecting atheism to crime, poor mental health, and suicide

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

In accordance with the evolutionist "gay gene" theory, evolutionists explain the preponderance of gay murders to be an effect of the genetic purpose to promote the deaths of genetically dissimilar individuals (as opposed to promoting the births of genetically similar individuals, i.e. children). If the theory were true, it would explain why homosexuals are more likely to murder. This aspect of the gay gene theory has been suppressed even by those who support it, since it may lead to scientifically supported "homophobia."

<<-David R->> #fundie conservapedia.com

[To the question of being able to see stars millions of lightyears away if the universe is only a few thousand years old. Someone else says that for God to just make it that way would be deceptive]

The theory does not insinuate that God is deceptive. In Genesis, he talks to Abraham about his descendants and how they will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. What if God made the stars like that, not to deceive humans in any way, but to use them for His own purpose, such as using them as a metaphor? (By the way, how is making rays of light any form of deception? How are we being "tricked" by this creation?)

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Winter Solstice, Eid-Mubarak. Whatever your beliefs and whatever your language, may the season find you well. Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.]

Faith is what makes people well. If one instead worships the "Merry Winter Solstice," for example, God help him when the depression and anxiety and addiction and temptation hit.

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