
David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It's easy to get caught off guard by the gays. You're walking uprightly and doing good; but their mind is in the gutter continually. So when gays approach a God-fearing Christian, that believer may not know what to say to them at the moment. I've learned to just tell them kindly that God says homosexuality is a sin. You don't have to be negative. Be honest and tell them that you don't swing that way. If they become upset or belligerent, just say “I really have to go” and leave. Sometimes homosexuals will box you into a corner and force you to either accept their gay lifestyle or tell them that it's a sin in God's eyes. I am proud to say that I am 100%, bonafied, nonrefundable, HOMOPHOBIC!!!

Admittedly I feel awkward, nervous, uncomfortable and strange when a person announces to me, or even hints that they are, HOMOSEXUAL. I don't hate you if you are queer, but I am glad that I feel VERY uncomfortable around gays. That's how God wants us to feel. Something is very wrong with a person who feels comfortable around God-haters, rebels, perverts and wicked heathens. Homosexuality is the lowest you can go in life morally. I know that people think murder or adultery is worse, but they're really not. Homosexuality requires a total rejection of God's will for your life, a complete subversion of the human soul, a direction that is almost impossible to break free from once you start down that path of sexual degeneracy.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Here's another blasphemous atheist website that recently appeared on the internet...


That's a fair question... why doesn't God heal amputees? Is it because God is "imaginary" as the above atheist website claims? In fact, they've put together a video on YouTube presenting their argument against God's existence...


So why doesn't God heal amputees? The truth is that the Word of God never promised such healing for the lame.

Biblically, amputees are referred to as the "lame." In Luke 7:22 Jesus said... "Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached." Jesus healed amputees, making the lame to walk, the blind to see, and the deaf to hear; BUT, apart from the miracles of the New Testament, there are NO recorded evidences of amputees being divinely healed.


God is a prayer answering God, or else He wouldn't have asked us to pray (Philippians 4:6; 1st Thessalonians 5:17; 1st Peter 5:7). James 5:14,15 clearly tell us that God will heal the sick in response to the prayer of faith; BUT, James didn't say anything about healing for the lame, blind, or deaf. Many Christians today have wonderful testimonies of God's wondrous power that has healed them. However, it is abundantly clear that God doesn't heal amputees today, which would diminish the works which Christ did while upon the earth. Jesus spoke like no other man, and performed miracles like no other man, because He is the Son of God. Fake healers, such as Benny Hinn, never heal an amputee! In fact, there are no legitimate healers today, they're all fake! It's always a woman with a headache, or a man with pain in his leg, i.e., something non-verifiable. It's a proven scam that's been going on for ages, and people continue to fall for it.

The ONLY "Great Physician" is Jesus Christ, and He performed His miracles to prove His deity (John 15:24,25). Biblical healing today comes through faith; BUT, we must realize that it is NOT God's will to heal everyone, and amputees shouldn't expect any healing until the Lord's return. Amen! Every Christian who is suffering pain today... the deaf, dumb, blind, and crippled... will be forever healed by Christ's omnipotent power when he returns at the Rapture!

david j.stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is no law which requires a wife to obey her lawful husband, and so our society is filled with delinquent mothers without a man in the home because of divorce. Many women are becoming lesbians because they cannot relate to men anymore. Feminism has lobotomized them. All across the U.S. millions of young women in their early 20's with multiple children are looking for a husband. American women have become cantankerous nowadays, belligerent, difficult to live with because of feminist indoctrination which makes them oversensitive, intolerant and ultra-paranoid concerning their “rights.” The U.S. military is turning society's little girls into killers on the battlefield. It's a shame. Meanwhile America is dying for a lack of godly mothers and fathers. Public schools teach children their ABC's and 123's so they can work in a factory the rest of their life. A college degree means nothing these days if you expect to get a decent paying job with it. Whereas only 4% of people had a university degree in 1900, about 70% of people have college degrees in 2013... so what's the use of having a college degree if everybody has one? They are becoming worthless!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com


Obelisks are erect phallic (penis) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Ra. The four sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet in width, which is equal to 666 inches each side. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. THIS IS THE EXACT RATIO OF KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S GOLDEN IMAGE! (which was 90 x 9 feet, a 10-to-1 ratio). The new grand PHALLUS (obelisk) symbol representing the sinister power of the global Illuminati elite is the ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER, replacing the old World Trade Center in New York. The new architectural wonder is exactly 1,776 feet tall, featuring The Great Pyramid in it's design. This evidences that the satanic plot for World Government has existed for millenniums and is perpetrating from generation-to-generation by occult organizations.

Truly, I hope I'm not the only Christian who has a problem with a giant erect male penis being the symbol of our nation! That is so perverted! Philippians 2:15, “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” The erect male phallus is an ancient occult symbol of satanic power and strength. Is this the Luciferian ruling elite's way of mocking us as they debase, humiliate, rape and dehumanize us? It's no coincidence that the Washington Monument was erected 6,666 inches tall. It's 66.6 inches wide! It has Satan's markings all over it! Luciferians have hi-jacked our nation, and they are in the process of setting up a police state that will rival World War II fascist Germany under Adolf Hitler. Just wait until American's guns are confiscated. It will happen! 1936 Spain (“The people found themselves helpless... forced to register & surrender arms!”).

The Illuminati launched their 1775 plot for World Government the next year in 1,776 during the Revolutionary War. The rebels no sooner broke away from England, establishing their own 13 colonies here in America, but then tried to also overthrow Canada in The War of 1812. The Canadians weren't so easy to defeat, and the Illuminati were instead defeated and pushed back into the U.S. by Canada! The United States was founded by Freemasons, with the primary intent of one day achieving World Government (aka, a New World Order). U.S. President George Washington was a high-level Freemason, as were 8 of the 56 signers of The Declaration Of Independence.

david j.stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The dictionary defines "modest" as: "Not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance." The Greek word for "modest" means "of good behavior." You will one day be in horror to realize how many rapes, wife beatings and sexually perverted sins you caused because of the sinful desires you stirred in men's hearts. We see these whores in society today, with their bodies immodestly exposed, and they know exactly what they're doing. And it's wicked, dirty-rotten sin! Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28 that you don't have to actually commit fornication to BE GUILTY in God's eyes. Societies' immodestly dressed women are GUILTY in every sense! It's not just innocent fun, it's wickedness.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Silly women would rather live in a lesbian relationship because they've developed a phobia of being around an touch, rugged and decisive man. Homosexuality is more of a mental and spiritual problem, then it is physical (Romans 1:24-32 teaches this). Men fail to thank and glorify God in their hearts long before they become homosexuals. This usually happens during the adolescent years and is finalized by adulthood. Rachael Maddow says that she knew she was a hardcore lesbian at age 17. If you sincerely believe that you're gay, then you are called to a life of celibacy by God.

The Bible teaches in 2nd Timothy 3:6 that evil men and seducers are easily able to creep into silly women's homes, leading them into sexual immorality. There is nothing more dangerous in today's sicko society that a wicked woman who sits at home watching wicked television dirty Soap Operas, feminist programming on shows like THE VIEW, and filthy sitcoms all day and night. No wonder such women attempt to seduce the mailman, salesman or anyone who comes into her presence and she thinks he's cute. No wonder many are turning to lesbianism to find fulfillment in life.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible teaches for Christians (including women) to abstain from FLESHLY LUSTS which WAR AGAINST THE SOUL. Alex Jones attempts to diminish the seriousness of the evils of Rock music. Rock music arouses fleshly lusts. That is the nature of Rock music, as well as modern Rock-Country, Pop and other fleshly forms of music which magnify the beat and the rhythm. The statistics evidence the truth. Over 53,000,000 American women have had abortions over the past 39-years since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Worldly music no doubt played a big role in influencing tens-of-millions of unwanted pregnancies. The improper, promiscuous, immodesty of miniskirts and pants on women in the 1960's—and the sexual revolution in general, financed by the CIA and Gloria Steinem—were the fulfillment of Communist agendas at work to subvert and destroy America's family values. Satan has succeeded in his plans and goals to steal, kill and destroy!

Having said that, Alex of all people should fully understand the Communist agenda behind the Rock music industry. The Beatles were known Communist sympathizers, evidenced by their song... BACK IN THE U.S.S.R.! Communist dictator, Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) said, “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.” Ninety-five percent of today's youth in America have grown up without hearing the Word of God (so they have no faith, Romans 10:17). They are wicked and immoral, rebellious youths devoid of morals—and they are 100% on the side of anarchy and overthrow of government! Why do you think Homeland Security just purchased 450,000,000 blunt-tipped bullets. Dr. Jack Hyles has a tremendous sermon on the issue, Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Only eight people were saved from the flood. EIGHT PEOPLE! Noah and his wife, and their three sons and wives. So NO ONE was saved when the flood came. I can't help but believe that when the Rapture happens, it will almost be a non-event to the world. I doubt if it will even cause a ripple in the news. Do you think a bunch of unsaved people are going to care if a few thousand people are missing? This lost world thinks that Roman Catholics are Christians and will be raptured, but they won't be. Catholics are not saved, because they errantly trust in the sacraments of the Catholic Church to save them, and good works. Ephesians 2:8-9 plainly teach that words cannot saved. Salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ Who died, was buried and rose again three days later for our justification.

Consider the mysterious crop circles phenomena which has been appearing all around the world in recent years. No one can explain them. No one knows where they come from. Yet, no one really cares either. I think this type of indifferent attitude will be present at the time of the Rapture (which could occur at any time). I think the Rapture will happen virtually unnoticed by the world.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is no accountability in America, until someone gets hurt, and then the greedy lawyers and judges want to prosecute the wrong people for every dollar they can.

For example: Young girls and women walk around only wearing skimpy underwear. I heard about a whore walking down the street wearing fishnet and nothing more (totally exposed). A cop saw her and crashed into the car in front of him. The cop started to blame the man he ran into, but a neighbour in another car who witnessed the accident told the cop to shut up, because the cop had been watching the slut instead of the road. Honestly, that police man ought to be able to go arrest that slutty woman for public indecency, but he cannot, because the laws protect rotten tramps like her. When women take their clothes off in public, sins and crimes are eventually going to happen, it's inevitable. A woman who advertises her body doesn't deserve to be raped, but she is certainly asking to be raped, and she may get what she is provoking. Any women who doesn't understand what I am saying is either very naive, a complete idiot, or a godless rebel headed for judgment from God. Sensual clothing provokes lust from men.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Led Zeppelin is notorious for Satanism and backward masking. Guitarist Jimmy Page reveres Aleister Crowley, a sick, demonic-possessed, degenerate, who sacrificed children, stole from others and worshipping Lucifer. The self-proclaimed “World's Most Wicked Man” ate the feces of women during bizarre sexual acts involving Luciferian worship and Satanism. Crowley was a bi-sexual, drug-addict, alcoholic and pedophile. Jimmy Page bought Crowley's castle when he died. Page opened an occult bookstore in Europe.

If Alex wants to get into the poetic meaning of Stairway To Heaven, he'd better reverse the song because there's some blatant praises of Satan when played backwards. Backward masking is real, very real, and it is a very effective way of planting subliminal messages into the listener's mind without even knowing it. Here's another classic example of Backward Masking on the song 'KID'S OF THE FUTURE' by THE JONAS BROTHERS. Aleister Crowley invented Backward Masking as part of Luciferian worship. Crowley performed all sorts of psychological experiments messing with the mind. He'd often write messages backwards on mirrors that appeared as normal when viewed in the mirror.

Crowley taught to walk backwards, think backwards, talk backwards, et cetera as part of demon worship. This is why many albums covers appear in reverse such as The Police (666 is backwards), Prince (Prince is upside down with 666 on top), and Blue Oyster Cult (notice the word mirrors reversed in the car mirror). These are but three examples of hundreds of occult imagery in the music industry. You'd be shocked if you knew the depths of Satan behind the entire music industry. Led Zeppelin never had a major “hit” on the Billboard charts, but ruled the airwaves and the arenas. Led Zeppelin has become a cultural icon in America.

Proof that the backward messages from rock bands like Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath are from satanic magic is not only in the fact that they openly promote sin to their fans, but also that the religion of Satanism teaches backward tenants. Satanist leader Aleister Crowley gives instructions to the satanist in his teachings to:

". . .train himself to think BACKWARDS. . .
(a) Let him learn to write BACKWARDS. . .
(b) Let him learn to walk BACKWARDS. . .
(c) Let him. . . listen to phonograph records REVERSED
(d) Let him practise speaking BACKWARDS. . .
(e) Let him learn to read BACKWARDS. . ."

(Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory And Practice)

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. the possible rebuilding of the Buddhas of Bamiyan]

It's bad enough that the US government is wasting unbelievable amounts of money on nonsense (like the $600,000 spent to study the sex-habits of squirrels). Now you've got idiots who want to spend $60,000,000 to erect two humongous Buddha statues in Afghanistan (174 and 125 feet tall). Here's the article below. Has the world gone nuts?

What is wrong with the world? Has everyone gone nuts? I mean, there's little children dying over in Afghanistan (you know, the country we supposedly liberated from the evil Taliban). How could anyone in their right mind justify spending money on Buddha statues instead of feeding the children? People's priorities are all wrong! The misappropriation and waste of tax-payer money is appalling. I pay taxes. I don't want my money being used for garbage like squirrel studies! Here's a link to The Pork Page, loaded with government waste projects. Also, read Money Down The Drain.

It's pathetic. While one in four children are dying by age five in destitute war-stricken Afghanistan, some morons are wanting to restore their Buddha statues. It's just beyond common sense and sanity. Truly, much of today's world has lost it's mind. It's sickening to realize that we live in a nation like the United States where you can legally murder your child through an abortion, but face imprisonment for killing an American eagle. Save the eagles! Murder the children and sell their body parts! On and on, truly there is a devil.

May I briefly say...I am a born-again Christian, but not religious. I detest religion. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and have built this website (www.Jesus-is-Savior.com) for Him. It goes without saying that the world is fast becoming a large insane asylum. Without Jesus Christ, people can become heartless monsters.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hollywood in particular is obsessed with pedophilia, which is a common theme in numerous of producer Clint Eastwood's movies. At some point in Eastwood's movies, the viewer's mind is taken to the issue of child molesting, such as in his film, “The Hereafter.” In the film, “Mystic River,” Eastwood's film portrays a Catholic priest as a psychotic ruthless child molester (a pederast). The movie centers around this dark theme until the end. What's with Hollywood's infatuation with raping and sodomizing underaged children?

It's not just Mr. Eastwood. In Tom Hanks' movies, “Forrest Gump” and “The Green Mile,” there are themes of child rape in both films. Ironically, Hollywood is a hotbed (no pun intended) of adultery, fornication, homosexuality and child abuse.

In real life, Hollywood is a Devil's playground, ground zero in the United States for child molesting, particular by film producers.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I believe that brother Hyles will receive a martyr's crown in Heaven, I really do. What he endured in the last 10 years of his life was worse than death. Dr. Hyles truly paid a dear price for his stand for the truth. He sacrificed so much in order to try to save a nation from itself. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of Pastor Hyles' enemies for all the money in the world. They are so foolish (and they know exactly what they are doing).

Dr. Hyles is NOT responsible for what others have done, nor is he wrong for defending those who maintain their innocence. Especially when there has NOT been sufficient evidence to rightfully convict them.

Also, let me say that just because a jury convicts a man does not necessarily means he is guilty. Kangaroo courts do exist. A talented prosecutor can sway a jury easily. Remember, they found Jesus guilty.

As an example, look at the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The man who allegedly shot King has been rotting in a cell for the past 40 years. Though convicted in a court of law, King's own family believes and proclaims the innocence of the man accused and behind bars. There was NO PROOF. That man should have never been convicted, nor imprisoned. Their are tens-of-thousands of such cases, based solely upon circumstantial evidence. Is it any wonder why 6,000,000 Americans are rotting behind bars in this country? Although the United States represents less than 5% of the world's population, over 25% of the people incarcerated around the world are housed in the American prison system. Land of the Free? I think not!

Dr. Hyles gave away everything he owned. Anyone who implies that pastor Hyles gave money to anybody for improprietous reasons is distorting the truth. The truth is that Dr. Hyles gave away millions-of-dollars to other people. Brother Hyles was good to his staff, just as ANY good employer would be kind to his or her employees. Pastor Hyles lived in a normal house, owned no car, and ate at McDonalds like any true American does. He was my kind of guy, what we call “real people.” Brother Hyles was real people.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Brother Hyles boldly defends his family and friends publicly in this transparent 1989 sermon titled, “Weathering The Storm!” (in which he says that he was falsely accused of no less than 13 affairs with different women). If Brother Hyles said that he is innocent, and there is no solid evidence to the contrary, then it is a very wicked thing not to 100% believe him! 1st Timothy 5:19, “Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.” Notice that the Holy Bible requires “witnesses,” not critics nor allegations, but WITNESSES! If Brother Hyles enemies had any witnesses, we'd know about them! They have NONE! A critic or disgruntled family or former church member is not a witness.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

You can read Ralph A. Epperson's excellent eye-opening 3:59 hour Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, which explains in detail how the New World Order is being formed and it's beginnings...

AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY (presentation by prolific author & researcher Ralph A. Epperson). Epperson goes into detail about how the seal for Benjamin Franklin's The Order Of Quest was used for the symbol (seal) of our nation. Epperson also quotes and explains numerous statements from Manly P. Hall's works. This official government seal has been on the back of every U.S. one-dollar bill since the 1930's. Occultists love to place occult symbols in plain view, mocking the ignorance of the common man, boasting at their exploits as their private orgies and drunken parties; relishing as overlords over a dumbed-down, comatose, society of drug-crazed, out of control, high on prescription drugs, confused, dead-eyed form drinking fluoride for years, et cetera.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

Illegal immigrants are here to stay, bringing down real wages because most of them work for much less than minimum wage. They can't even speak English and have no intentions of learning our language. This is the New America and it stinks. I'm all for legal immigration, but illegals ought to be exported.

Go figure... the Godless U.S. Supreme Court upheld lifetime prison sentences for first time American drug users, but they allow illegals to flood into our country and bankrupt our nations hospital's, cities and taxpayers. Nothing is done about it. Who do the Supreme Court injustices work for anyway, Mexico?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Public schools and public sewers are the same. Your child has one shot at life, don't blow it for them by putting them in a heathen environment that's going to confuse them, put sexual peer pressure on them. Teen girls are tempted to dress sexy by the heathen world, which is not permitted in a decent Christian school. If you put your child into a public school system, she'll come home one day looking like a vampire with heavy mascara and high heels. She'll look like a slut, because that's how girls dress in ALL public schools. Your son will have a long finger-nail, because that's what the druggies do to snort cocaine. If he's not doing illegal drugs (or stealing your prescription drugs), he'll do it just to fit in with the other punks. Your son will be listening to Eminem and other rap crap that's saturates public schools today. It's your fault mom and dad, because you put your child into that toilet bowl of society. Public schools are cesspools of iniquity.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Are You Hateful Enough?

The unsaved world discourages hatred in all forms, but the Bible teaches that there is a good form of hatred—hatred against evil. In fact, God commands it in Psalm 97:10, "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil." Sadly, most professed Christians today don't hate evil like they should. Hatred is a strong word and every Christian should have a strong feeling of dislike against evil that makes us want to do something about it.


Our love for Jesus Christ is easily measured by the intensity of our hatred for sin and evil. Most people take sin lightly nowadays. It means nothing for a professed Christian woman these days to put on a miniskirt or wear a low-cut blouse. These are the sinful clothing styles of the world. 1st Timothy 2:9 and other Scriptures teach that a Christian lady ought to dress modestly as an expression of her chastity and virtuous behavior.

Hollywood female celebrities dress like sleazy-trash, whores and bimbos. I'm not trying to be unkind, I'm being moral. It is a shameful disgrace the sinful way in which American women dress immodestly nowadays, wearing tight blouses, exposing their thighs, causing men to lust in adulterous thoughts, which is adultery (Matthew 5:28). To such whorish women, it's game, a thrill a tease. They will answer to God. God tells women to dress in "modest apparel." Christian ladies ought to hate immodest clothing. Dressing seductively in public is sinful. Women and girls ought to dress in modest clothing. This is what God says in the Bible. It's rare nowadays to find women who adhere to strict Christian dress codes. Ladies ought to wear dresses. We live in a sicko society that is trying to turn teenage girls into whores. Walt Disney makes teenage girls look like whores by moral standards 50-years ago. America has lost it's respect for God, morality, the marriage, decency and Christianity. Now we've got a Muslim U.S. President who despises Christianity and won't even salute the U.S. flag during the national anthem. Sad.

Everybody hates something. A lot of people hate the Bible. A lot of people hate Christianity. A lot of people hate a righteous person. What we ought to hate is evil. Hatred against sin is good. The unsaved world will always demonize Bible-believing Christians who hate sin. The Devil has successfully built a false religion today, that encompasses many denominations who have been taught that any form of hatred is bad. This is simply not true. God commands us as His children to HATE EVIL. That means we should hate drunkenness, fornication, whorish clothing, homosexuality, government theft and violations of the U.S. Constitution. We ought to hate lying and false advertising and cruelty to animals. We ought to hate the heathen public school system, CPS who thinks they own our children and the evil sin of divorce. We ought to hate indifference and false religion. We ought to hate movies that curse in God's name, songs and books that diminish, attack and belittle the Bible. It's seems that every movie made today has to have someone cursing in God's name. Someone told me that they like the Sylvester Stallone movie, First Blood; yet God's name is taken in vain no less than 10 times throughout the movie. The movie is evil, of the Devil and dishonors God. I hate any movie that takes God's name in vain. God created us, feeds us, gives us the health and life we enjoy, and then people go around making movies that insult God, curse in his name in anger and show utter disrespect for the Lord. No wonder America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. We ought to hate when anyone takes God's precious and holy name in vain.

The Jews have some crazy little thing they do, spelling God as G_d, claiming that is their way of respecting God. Yet, in total hypocrisy, they opening reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They are effectively atheists, because they reject Jesus as God in the flesh (John 1:1-3.14; John 10:33; I Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8; John 14:1-6). We should hate the false religion of Judaism, which denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and teaches in their Talmud that it's ok for priests to molest 3-year old girls. Why doesn't Jack Chick ever expose the Jew's false religion instead of attacking the Muslims for everything. The Muslims weren't the masterminds behind 911. We ought to hate the New World Order, which aims to destroy Christianity, eliminate true American freedom (i.e., out Bill of Rights) and bring to fruition a Communist Police State to smash resistance from Christians, patriots and those who defend the U.S. Constitution. It's frightening how insane many people get when you hand them a badge, a gun and give them authority over the common man. Then stuff like this happens. There's a million punks running around America nowadays, called police, including she-men women who belong at home baking cookies, who don't care about your Bill of Rights. They just want to smash you, take your kids and force you to comply with the New World Order's Communist agendas. You're now guilty until proven innocent. You don't have to be proven guilty to go to prison nowadays, the jury simply needs to "think" you're guilty and you're a goner. And they call that justice.

I could write a book on all the evils and sins which born-again Christians should hate, but that is not necessary. You have a Bible and I hope you read it.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11]

Engine debris found at the Pentagon. This seems to be a part of a jet engine. However, it's way too small for a Boeing 757 engine, but typically has the size of a missile engine... Oh, and why did they use a missile? Well, for its precision of course!

Pratt & Whitney Turbofan Engine similar to Boeing's. The engines used by the Boeing 757 are similar to the Pratt and Whitney Turbofan engine seen in this picture, and have almost the same dimensions, being over two meters in diameter, more than twice the diameter of the engine shown in the previous pic.

Wreckage with US flag. A piece of wreckage with a US flag drawn on it. It's unclear from what type of vehicle this wreckage could have come. By the way, lest we forget: we're supposed to believe practically the entire plane was burned to ashes, including metal, synthetic materials (often very fire resistant), etc... which only burn to ashes at extremely high temperatures. Yet "miraculously", the DNA material was found of 63 out of 64 passengers, even though such material is the most likely to have been destroyed the first at such high temperatures!!

Fake pics of trauma victims. It is certain that these pics are fake. For the full story see this amazing and thorough photoanalysis by Jack White. Question: if the Pentagon was indeed attacked by some foreign "terrorists", then why was it necessary to make fake pics like these?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A recent TV episode of Untold Stories Of The ER (Emergency room) told the true account of a big, burly, tough, man who came into the emergency room with a 4" vibrator unit stuck up his rectum. The batteries were still going. The man was so embarrassed that he refused to sign anything or provide insurance information to the hospital. So he paid around $12,000 cash for medical help. What is the world becoming? There is something perverted and wrong about sex toys. God didn't intend for married couples to get into that kind of junk in my opinion. One perversion usually leads to another.

Another man in the news, a homosexual, had a so-called gay-lover shove a plastic male organ up his rectum (I'm trying to be discreet here). The man's intestines ruptured and he needed surgery to repair the damage. Unfortunately for the man, the fecal contaminating in his body required extensive care and prolonged medical treatment, delaying his surgery for a month. It's no coincidence that along with the fraudulent and perverted sex education program in public schools, that adults today are sex-perverts. Just like the fraudulent War On Drugs, intended as a means of increasing drug trafficking and protecting the evil racket; so also was sex-education started as a means of perverting children's lives, removing all innocence from youth and even handing them free condemns in full expectation of them committing fornication. Philadelphia Schools Install 22 Condom Dispensers To Combat Epidemic of Teens With STD's. Instead of teaching proper courtship, they teach immoral dating (whoring around).

Do you think it is mere coincidence that all these immoral agendas are being pushed on our children? Not on your life. It was Communist monster Vladimir Lenin who said that the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. And so it is today in America. Youth who are devoid of morals don't oppose criminals in government, they support them. Joseph Stalin was a murderous killer, a monster, who from 1920-1950 murdered an estimated 60,000,000 innocent people. And yet the Russian people loved Stalin up until the very end of his life. All the lying propaganda worked. It's the same in America today. In a frightening repeat of history, present Barack Obama shares striking similarities with Joseph Stalin, primarily that of LYING CONTINUALLY TO THE PEOPLE.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

My point is simple... If your husband wants his cereal in a certain bowl or wants you to wear a certain dress in public... JUST DO IT! If your husband wants you to rinse his glass for 15 seconds or asks you to roll his socks into a ball... JUST DO IT! If your husband wants more grain in his meals... JUST DO IT! If your husband doesn't like the smell of certain foods when you cook them... then DON'T DO IT! If your husband wants you to put the twist back onto the loaf of bread... then JUST DO IT! If your husband wants the toilet seat up at all times... then JUST DO IT! It may not seem fair to you but it is YOUR JOB ladies to HELP your husband. If you don't like what I'm saying, then get mad at God (Genesis 3:16). If you don't believe the Bible, then you might as well stop reading because you'll never please God (Hebrews 11:6). God hates feminism, which is usurpation of authority that rightfully belongs to the man.

You are to be His HELP MEET!

Why rock the boat? Why be stubborn and aggravate your husband? You are his HELP MEET! Do you want to be happy as a wife, I mean really happy? Then you do everything you can do please your husband and make him happy. But you ask, "What about me?" What about you? You were created to please God (Revelation 4:11). God is pleased when we obey Him. A wife is commanded by God to obey her husband (1st Peter 3:6). To submit is to obey. Most women today refuse to submit to their own husbands. It is a shame and a sin. The divorce rate has skyrocketed because of feminism, which has brainwashed women into believing that they shouldn't have to center their lives around a man. I heard a single woman say, "I'm never getting married, I'm not going to wait on no man hand and foot." I think she would be wise never to get married because she'll be divorced faster than kids eat ice cream (and they eat fast let me tell you).

If this article makes you angry, then you need to get right with God. A woman is to obey her husband. If you want to be a career woman, then you are in violation of 1st Timothy 5:14-15...

"I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan."

A woman's place is in the home, not behind an office desk. American women are known around the world for their feministic and rebellious traits. If this angers you, you are proof of this fact. I am not condemning anyone, I am just saying that it is time for wives to start obeying their husbands again, weather he loves you or not.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Teens have all the wrong heroes these days. Why can't Taylor Swift be moral? Why does she have to be lewd and sexually promiscuous? I'll tell you why, because she'd never make it if she did. The sinful world would reject here immediately. Moral girls are teased, called POLLYANNA, and no record company will promote them. Many people have the warped mindset that showing a little skin never hurt anybody; but king David would disagree with that. David saw naked Bathsheba on the roof bathing and he had to have her. David commit adultery, got her pregnant, and then murdered her husband.

Even the fake so-called Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry is immoral. They are “SENSUAL, HAVING NOT THE SPIRIT” (Jude 1:19). Swift's 2009 MTV video, FEARLESS, came straight out of the pits of Hell. No wonder America is such a cesspool of iniquity and sexual perversion today. Swift is wearing a skimpy mini-skirt, deliberately bending over in front of the camera, shaking her butt wildly, gyrating sensually to the music. The fans are going nuts screaming for more. The word "sensual" doesn't adequately describe the degree of sexual promiscuity and depravity of Swift's behavior. Taylor Swift's shameful dancing and gyrations can be called nothing less than total sexual depravity.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hillary says she and Bill Clinton read Bible stories to Chelsea. Too bad they never actually obeyed any of it. Bill Clinton's political legacy is one of adultery, blasphemy, lying, fraud, stealing, being a con man, a rapist, whoremonger, draft dodger and criminal. Hillary is just as bad, a lesbian, manipulator, respecter of persons, liar, and deceiver of the American people. Hillary symbolizes everything that is wrong with American women today.

Hillary Clinton is a Devil in disguise. She claims to have “friends who are rabbis.” She knows some religious lingo, enough to dupe naive religious people. She claims to have grown up in Sunday School in a religious home. I can't help but wonder if they attended the Church of Satan. Of course, Hillary loves the book of Esther, praising Zionist Jews (which have no connection with Esther). She mentions “The Lord” (she must mean Satan) and calls the Satanic Catholic pope, “his holiness the Pope.” Clearly, Hillary is a massive religious fraud, promoting all religions. Satan comes to his victims as a sheep in wolf's clothing, and so does Miss Clinton!!! (Matthew 7:15).

When the Devil came to Jesus, he came misquoting the Scriptures, taking them out of context to pervert the truth, in order to harm the Savior, but thankfully he failed. Hillary and others like her in the bogus political realm, come to us misquoting the Holy Scriptures, fitting their agendas into the Bible, twisting the truth to deceive the simple. Presidential prayer breakfasts are as phony as can be! It's all recited from prewritten scripts. John Kerry is a sex-perverted Mormon. Barack Obama is a follower of Islam. George W. Bush is a fake Southern Baptist. Hillary is a phony Methodist. In Satan's New World Order, everyone is welcomed except born-again Christians who refuse to accept false religions. Christianity is exclusive, i.e., you go to Heaven through Jesus or you burn in Hell. Judaism is a Satanic religion! Islam is a Satanic religion! Mormonism is a Satanic religion!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Nudity is a sin, whether male or female; but especially for the females since men are sexually aroused by sight. No women or girl should ever strip naked for any reason in public. Beaches are some of the most wicked places in the world.

Hawaii and other warm tourist destinations are spiritually dangerous places because of nudity. Women wear skimpy bathing suits that reveal 100% of their body. You can see their buttocks clear through the bikini. Many of them expose their teats, because there's no bra padding. Perhaps you say, “Boy, you have a dirty mind.” No, I have a man's mind. And you're an idiot if you disagree with the Bible. God is a holy God. Holiness is moral perfection. Public nudity is immoral and causes lust, fornication, adultery and all manner of sexual sins. Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.” Modest dress is important to God and ought to be important to you. If it's not, get your wicked heart right with God!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

CPS is an official government kidnapping ring for wealthy, scumbag and high-powered pedophiles . . .

Senator Nancy Schafer Murdered by the New World Order for Exposing CPS Pedophile Ring (CPS case workers are often guilty of fraud. Their whole goal is to terminate the parental rights. Literally, orders are placed by pedophile elite for the type of child they want to purchase and abuse. Walter Mondale started child confiscation and Bill Clinton expanded upon it, enabling the $12,000,000,000 a year lucrative sale of children through corrupt Child Protection Services, which Senator Nancy Shafer explains on The Alex Jones Show. Absolutely no attempt is made by CPS to restore the family unit. Instead, CPS workers for cash often take the child, even removing a baby from its mother's breast, and the child is NEVER SEEN AGAIN!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I guarantee you ladies that if you go to ANY "professional" doctor (i.e., a psychiatrist) for your inability to clean your house... you'll never be diagnosed with LAZINESS. Modern doctors are trained to put you on some type of drug, bill you and then give you another appointment... next! We'll I'm telling you that many of you are just plain lazy and need to start helping your husband. I realize that some women have legitimate physical/mental conditions that hinder their ability to function properly, but I believe that far too often the medical profession makes excuses for a person's lack of character. No doctor will ever tell you that you lack character. You'll instead be diagnosed with depression, hormone imbalance, regressive anger, post-traumatic stress, anything but the truth. You need to do some soul-searching if you're husband is often getting upset with you. Are you doing your job in the marriage? What is the root of your problem? Is it really him? Many of the women ending up in psychiatrist's offices are there because they refuse to accept their role in life as a "help meet" (Genesis 2:18). A "help meet" lives to please her husband, and thus pleases God.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Evolutionists view mankind (humanity) as having evolved biologically from the same life source as the animal, plant and insect kingdom. Therefore they don't consider it improper, sinful, nor even questionable to create new cross-species monsters in a lab.

We're not talking about interbreeding horses with zebras within the same species. We're talking about combining spiders with goats in a lab at a genetic level. This is unthinkable! Only God in Heaven knows what type of hideous monstrosities are secretly being created right now in private companies and university labs around the world. The global elite own islands all around the world. The Island of Dr. Moreau is no longer science-fiction, but a horrifying reality!

Mad scientists are now creating human embryos for the sole purpose of harvesting organs for transplant. By genetically-modifying the embryo even 1%, the poor creature has no legal rights because they are not considered a human being anymore. Can you imagine? If an embryo is created by combining animal with human DNA, the creature is at the total mercy of cruel mad scientists who think they are God. What right does any geneticist have to tamper with life, let alone human life? God is the Giver of all life. Scientists can't really create life, all they can do is tamper with God's creation.

Granted, if you are dying of a failing liver or kidney, would you consent to the death of another human being to survive (to receive an organ transplant)? How about a wife or child? Would you consent to forced harvesting of a Chinese prisoner's organ to save your child's life. Most people would! What about an American prisoner? The organs of Chinese prisoners have been forcibly harvested since the technology became available.

So the reality of growing humans in private corporations for the purpose of harvesting organs is here. Can you imagine a big warehouse containing ten thousand animal-human embryos being grown in sealed compartments (99% human beings with no rights). They will be grown until age 4 or 5 likely to harvest their organs.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Federal Reserve banking system is a massive fraud, and has been since its inception in 1913. The scam is generational, pillaging each generation as slaves on the market, stealing men's homes, forcing them to work a lifetime just to die broke, et cetera. It's a modern form of servitude. As long as the newsmedia keeps convincing us that we are the free world, we buy into it. Stalin said the same thing to his followers, calling them “free.” Indeed, they were all slaves, and many found out when they chose not to go along anymore, ending up in a Siberian workcamp as a prisoner to starve, rot and die. The now forming corrupt government under Homeland Security will make Stalin's regime look like Sunday School teacher convention. Stalin was notorious for lying, saying one thing while doing another. President Obama, true to Stalin's nature, has done the same thing repeatedly since taking office in 2004. People go by what they see and hear, not by what actually happens. That's why people laugh and look at you like you're crazy when you try to teach them about the New World Order; while the very money in their bill-fold mocks their woeful ignorance, displaying over 100 occult symbols on every U.S. one dollar bill. IN YOUR FACE AMERICA!!!

Nearly everything is a deceiving lie these days... from religion to what the newsmedia tells you. Most of what we hear is intended to lead us astray and fill our minds with misinformation. The goal is to prevent us from learning the truth. You'll find the truth hidden in movies, mocking the woefully ignorant public. People have a tendency to believe the lies spoon-fed to them by the lying newsmedia, while not believing the 100% truth right in front of their faces in a Hollywood movie. It's the most bizarre phenomena I've ever seen. People see the truth in movies and don't get it. Yet, they buy into every lie that the media throws at them. It's unbelievable!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I saw a 48-minutes documentary on TV about a guy that went to Russia to find his dream bride. He married her within two days of meeting her. Most women in foreign nations just want a one way ticket out of poverty by marrying an American husband. They want the good life in America, not interested in being a homemaker or wife. They said it was true love at first sight. When they married and moved to America, she wanted to do her own thing. The man wanted a wife to spend time with him, but she wanted to go places shopping with her friends. He wanted a wife, but she wanted an independent life.

The tragic end was that the husband beat his wife up and the cops killed him when he resisted arrest. She didn't love him at all. She only married him to live in America. It was in the news recently that the rate of singles, people living alone, has been steadily increasing in America for decades. Feminism is to blame! People have become intolerable of each other, particularly because women are ultra-sensitive about THEIR RIGHTS. Men want a wife in their life, but women want a life without being a wife. Pursuing a career is directly against God's plan for a woman's life (1st Timothy 5:14-15). Women belong at home, barefoot and having babies, working in the kitchen.

I heard a woman say that women should always pursue a career so that they will not be dependent upon a man to take care of them. She said that women should be able to support themselves if a husband dies or divorces. The problem with her unrealistic reasoning is that there's no way for a young woman to pursue an education without forfeiting motherhood. What woman is going to earn a college degree, going into debt for $100,000 for a school loan, and then become a mother. It's not realistic. Women who graduate college work careers. Who will take care of the children? Day care? strangers? Your parents? Feminists talk insane! Being a mother is a full-time job. There's no way that you can go to school, pay off a loan, work and properly raise children. Who's going to watch the children? God's way is the only logical way that makes sense and works. Women don't belong in the workplace. Call me old fashioned,, a chauvinist or whatever you'd like, God wrote 1st Timothy 5:14, not me.

Both the husband and his wife were wrong for mistreating each other, but the underlying issue was that the woman married to escape Russia, not to be anyone's wife. She said that he wanted her to be his property and she wasn't his property. I have news for you ladies, YOU ARE your husband's property!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Generally speaking, we are a drug-oriented society. We are always looking for a single drug or a pill that will cure or control the condition. This is also true in regard to cancer. Although drugs may be effective in controlling the symptoms, no drug or pill will be found to cure cancer.

In fact, the outward symptoms of any health problem is nothing but the body’s manifestation of its own defense and remedial effort to correct the adverse condition and restore health. A tumor is nothing but the body’s effort to isolate the affected cells in order to protect the rest of the organism and extend life. Therefore, the effective cure for any health problem can be accomplished by the body’s own extensive healing mechanism. We are equipped with a marvelous healing system, more effective than any healing system devised by man. This built-in healing system is capable of correcting any condition of ill health if given the proper conditions. Consequently, the first principle of biological medicine is to create conditions most conducive to stimulate and activate the body’s immune system.

But we should also realize that there can be divine intervention for healing in our lives. The age of miracles and healing is not past. God can heal and does still heal today. “Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases,” (Psalm 103:2, 3). It is difficult to enjoy life if we are in constant pain and God would like us to be healthy. The apostle John was inspired to write, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (III John 2). God does expect us to do what we can for ourselves. Also, God has given us a variety of principles for healthful living — not the least of which is the list of clean and unclean foods recorded in Leviticus 11.

Physical healing should be distinguished from divine, miraculous, supernatural healing. If a sick person asks for healing, then God will make his decision regarding whether, when, why, and how to heal. God may heal now to show mercy, to express love, to encourage the spiritually weak, to reinforce faith, or as a witness of the gospel. To get the big picture, we must keep in mind that this physical life is temporary and we are going to die sooner or later. Therefore, it is vitally important to remember that one’s ultimate reward is neither determined nor affected by whether he was or was not healed during his physical lifetime.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

To divorce one's spouse is a sin. If committing adultery is grounds for divorce, then Matthew 5:28 gives every wife Biblical grounds to divorce, because EVERY man has lusted. Jesus said that lust is equivalent to adultery. Many people are grasping for theological straws, looking for reasons to justify doing what they have already decided to do... DIVORCE! That's the same sin as Eve in the Garden of Eden. She had already decided to sin by eating the fruit, but she needed justification in her own mind. So she reasoned that the fruit was good for food, pleasant to look upon and would make her wise. Every woman does the same thing when it comes to the sin of divorce—she rationalized, looking for justification for what she has already decided to do.

We live in a selfish generation of liars and quitters. And may I say to you women who do file for divorce, you are commanded to remain single for the rest of your husband's life. 1st Corinthians 7:10-11, “And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.” Just because you're husband cheats on you doesn't give you a Biblical right to divorce, any more than it would give him a right to dump you if you cheated on him.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The pharmaceutical industry has become a multi-billion dollar SCAM! There's so much money being made from the sale of these drugs that the public is being misled as to their dangers. Lawsuit after lawsuit has been filed because of the wrongful deaths associated with many of these drugs. I am NOT against drugs being used as medicine, not at all. I AM against people being FORCED to take drugs, especially the drugs which posses possible dangerous side-effects.

Recently, multitudes of military personnel were court-martialed for refuse to receive an Anthrax vaccination. This is wrong and unconstitutional. An alarming amount of people who do receive the Anthrax vaccinations have uncounted SEVERE negative reactions to the drug. I would rather be court-martialed than end up disabled or dead. Do we have rights anymore?

My employer pressured me to receive a Hepatitis B vaccinations (3 shots only good for five years). I said no way! Why? For a very good reason! I read all the possible negative side-effects (so many I laughed when I read them). I read the odds of my contracting Hepatitis B versus my odds of suffering the numerous unpleasant side-effects of the drug. My odds of suffering from the side-effects were far more likely than my chances of catching the Hepatitis. I said forget it, rightfully so. I am NOT against vaccinations or drugs as medicines, I am against their misuse by the greedy pharmaceutical industry (drugs, drugs and more drugs). My daughter is NOT a guinea pig. Remember, the Ethosuximide that our daughter was prescribed when she was only 6-years old was removed from the market because of several lawsuits. It is no longer used in the United States! What's to say that Depakote won't be removed tomorrow or next year?

I had learned about a "homeopathic" doctor from an older gentleman at work. A homeopathic doctor avoids using unsafe drugs as medicine. They specialize in natural remedies. Any good doctor will tell you that the best defense against disease is a healthy immune system. Homeopathic remedies are deliberately suppressed in society today, because the greedy drug companies can't monopolize the market with some proprietary new drug.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I received an e-mail from a teenager who wanted my opinion about a class he was considering taking in high school. The course was a psychology class. His mother really wanted him to take the class. He said he thought the class might be interesting, but wasn't sure of it was ok Biblically to participate in the class. I e-mailed him back and advised him NOT to take the class unless the Bible was going to be the source textbook. I explained to him that the class would be based upon humanism and worldly philosophies, NOT upon the Word of God. It's never ok to allow our young people to be brainwashed by the devil.

It's ok for a young man to go to trade school to learn a skill, but going to a heathen university is wrong because his mind WILL be influenced by worldly philosophies.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

As with many sincere observers who are woefully ignorant about history, Pope Francis blames “free market” (Capitalism) for poverty and the imbalance of wealth in the world. The problem has never been free market, God forbid. In fact, it's the exact opposite, that is, tampering with free markets, that is at the root of the problem. Capitalism is delicate and absolutely cannot work nor thrive in a dishonest, controlled and crooked system of funny money, deindustrialization, illegal immigration and over-taxation.

America's economy is 100% controlled by a sinister private banking cartel. The criminal Federal Reserve (fractional reserve) banking fraud began at Jekyll Island, Georgia (listen | download MP3) and became law in 1913. The U.S. has been in deep doo doo ever since. America's paper money isn't worth the paper it's printed on (and that's a fact!). U.S. President Richard Nixon finally took the U.S. dollar 100% off the gold standard and today the dollar is literally worthless! Don't blame capitalism, blame the gangster Banksters! The Zionist/Wall Street controlled U.S. newsmedia won't dare expose these criminals, because they own the media!!! The synagogue of Satan is alive and well in the world today, owning America lock, stock and barrel. The average person can't handle the truth because it requires steps, a process, to strip away a lifetime of brainwashing from the lying newsmedia, bogus secular education and false religious indoctrination. It took me several years to wake up myself. I could give you a hundred examples.

Many well-meaning people see greedy company CEO's and heartless rich people hording all the world's wealth for themselves. So the logical solution would seem to forcefully take away some of their wealth and give it to the poor and less fortunately people of this world. The latter is exactly what Socialism and Communism does. The problem is not wealthy people; but rather, wealth gotten by tyranny, criminal activities and massive fraud. Capitalism is NOT a bad thing. Contrary to what most people think, the U.S. is not a truly free-market economy. For every success story there are ten homeless people living on the streets.

The average American has no clue that they're already enslaved. Why do people have to work 30 to 40 years to pay for a home? It was planned that way. The banksters don't want to break Americans, because then it's game over. Instead, they give Americans just enough to keep them satisfied, but never enough to become financially free. The plan is to keep Americans working as an ox plowing a field until the day they die, keeping Wall Street wealthy. In fact, The Henry Kissinger Report 2004 conspires to Lure American women into the workplace to hinder them from having children. The average woman will never know that her own government conspires against her to keep her childless, broke and single. There are agendas at work in America equal to Communist China! INSANE ALERT! China, Cuba, Russia And Saudi Arabia Appointed To Advise United Nations On Human Rights! This just shows the true Communist colors of the UN, which was created by the demonic Council On Foreign Relations (the visible organization of the Illuminati and New World Order). Truth is stranger than fiction!

America is a cash cow for the New World Order. The national debt is intended to keep running up higher and higher. Congress WILL continue to raise the debt limit to accommodate the reckless runaway debt-spending. America is being DESTROYED BY DESIGN (free 2 hour video documentary by Alex Jones).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

May I say, the Word of God should decide what is right! The King James Bible tells us what is right. The Devil came to Eve in the Garden of Eden and quoted God's Word to Eve. Satan said, “If you'll just eat of the tree, you'll be as gods knowing good and evil.” So Eve said, “I want to know what's good and what's right, what's bad.” So Eve ate of the tree of the Garden so she could decide for herself what's good and evil.

No one has a right to decide what is good or evil. No preacher has a right to decide what is good or evil. No church has a right, no young person has a right, no feminist has a right, to decide for them self what is good and evil. God has a right to decide what's good and evil.

The Bible says that every man DID RIGHT; but he decided what was right in his own eyes. The abortionists have decided that they are doing the right thing. Planned Parenthood has decided that abortion is right. The U.S. Supreme Court has decided that abortion is right. Over 50,000,000 women in the United States have decided that abortion is right. But God says they are doing evil (Exodus 20:13).

They are all doing what is right in their own eyes. Eve decided it was right to eat the forbidden fruit. The people in the book of Judges decided for themselves what is right. But they were doing evil. God's Law is right!

The gay community has decided that homosexuality is right. Feminists have decided that rebellion is right. Drunkards have decided that booze is right. Communists have decided that tyranny is right. Only God has a right to decide what's good and evil. God says that homosexuality, feminism, drunkenness and Communism are evil.

Catholics have decided that it is right to chant “Hail Mary” and bow to statues. The Vatican has decided that it is right to confess your sins to a wicked priest who is saturated with sins himself. God says that the Catholic religion is straight out of the pits of Hell (Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6-13; Romans 10:3-4; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1st Timothy 4:1-3). These are sincere people who all said, “I will do what is right, but I will decide what is right.” You had better get right with God you sorry rascal, and stop making your own decisions. God decides what is right and wrong!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Fox News are a bunch of deceivers. They have pounded the open borders to make it look like they're against the government; but that's just a smokescreen. It's called “controlled opposition.” That is, they choose what things they'll criticize the present White House administration for; while totally ignoring the major issues. Certainly the open border is a big issue; but not as much as the Federal Reserve Banksters ripping off 23.7 TRILLION taxpayer dollars over the past 2-years (2009-1010).

They won't dare talk about the evils of the ongoing Iraqi war, nor about 911 being a proven inside job, nor about the deliberate selling out of America by the corporations (thus taking all our jobs, homes and pensions away). The newsmedia are hiding the crimes of the global elite; and to no surprise, because they OWN and CONTROL the media.

The thumb-sucking baby public wants Big Daddy to take care of them. Most people are not independent thinkers, and the criminal elite pulling the strings from behind the scenes know it. We are a society of sheeple. This is why government has killed over 200,000,000 innocent people over the past two centuries. Wake up and start listening to alternative newsmedia!

Don't trust the mainstream media, they work for the international banks destroying America and the rest of the world. There is a reason why the Nazis burned books in the street.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Hillary says that abortion should be rare, but statistics show that 92% of women who enter into a Planned Parenthood clinic have an abortion. Who's kidding who? Hillary is a massive fraud! Check this out... Former Planned Herodhood 'Employ Of The Year' Exposes Profit-Driven Abortion Parts Industry. Mothers pay to have their baby murdered, and then the diced-up baby parts are sold for further profit for Planned Parenthood. In July of 2015, Senator Rand Paul called for Hillary Clinton to return the $90,000 in donations from nine Planned Parenthood employees. What a witch!

Hillary Clinton is a danger to your family. If she gets her way, Child Protection Service will take away your child if you demand to retain your parental rights. Hillary's Communist book, “It Takes A Village” is of the Devil, a blueprint for brainwashing children with New World Order propaganda. Now schools and doctors are promoting the vile transgendered agenda on children. In my opinion Hillary is a liar of liars and a massive imposter when she speaks about God and faith. She claims to be a Methodist, one of the most apostate denominations today. Bill and Hillary are puppets for Wall Street, and a front for the Bush crime family.

Here's a YouTube video exposing Hillary (videos are being censored)...


Can you imagine, Hillary Clinton talking about “my faith” and “forgiveness and unconditional love” (Part one of five). Truthfully, Hillary wouldn't know faith in God if it bumped into her. In part two of her speech, Hillary called both George W. Bush and John Kerry “good men of faith.” She would! Faith in Satan maybe. Mr. Kerry is an unsaved Mormon. Mormon openly deny the deity of Jesus Christ. And Mr. Bush Jr. thinks that Islam and Christians worship the same God. That's impossible! Christians believe that God has a biological Son, Jesus; but Muslims teach in the Korah that Allah has no son at all. I wonder if Vince Foster (you know, the guy who was murdered and 40 White Water files all disappeared) would agree with Hillary's claim?

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

14. Teach her to do feminine chores. As is mentioned elsewhere it is better for a girl to do the dishes than the yard, to wash the pots and pans than the car, to clean the bedroom rather than the garage. She should do the duties that she will do when she is married and a successful mother and wife.

Much stress should be placed on the importance of her working hard. It is not feminine to be lazy. In fact, it is quite feminine to work hard. It is not working hard that makes one unfeminine; it is the doing of masculine tasks. Wise is that mother who teaches her daughter that good hard work is feminine and that the work a woman should do should be that of feminine chores.

15. Let her be around feminine women. Teach her to associate with ladies who are feminine. Point them out to her when she is a little girl and tell her they are the ones she should copy and emulate. Let these ladies be those who dress like ladies, talk like ladies, walk with feminine grace, sit with feminine charm. Let these be ladies who are good mothers and who have poise, dedication, chastity, consecration, and spirituality.

16. Let her baby-sit. It should be remembered that someday she will no doubt be a mother. She can prepare herself for this and train for it by caring for little ones while she is a teenager. When a girl gets around thirteen, she should becomes acquainted with taking care of little babies and small children. Her motherly instinct will be developed and nourished. This is very important in preparing her to be a successful and happy mother.

17. Let her care for younger girls in the family. Let her dress them, do their hair, wash their faces, etc. Even a girl seven or eight can care for a little sister. She should be encouraged to do so. This will teach her to fulfill responsibilities, to carry the load in the family circle, to work hard, and to prepare herself for motherhood.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Two lesbians are not a family. Two sodomites are not a family. The perversion of homosexuality is deliberately being promoted across America to break down the traditional family, to produce a generation of revolutionaries who will embrace the coming Antichrist (i.e., the man of sin). The falsehood of Evolution is intended to alienate children from God. The Insane Claims Of The Unscientific World (Evolution is intellectual fraud—a big hoax!!!).

It is unthinkable that the U.S. courts would actually entrust an innocent little child into the hands of two homosexuals as responsible “parents.” We are living in an insane society of God-haters. We hear people nowadays, who say they love God, support the evils of abortion, same-sex marriage, public nudity and all manner of wickedness. They certainly don't love the God of the Holy Bible.

Dolly Parton's famous “Dollywood” in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, has an overtly Christian theme; yet she openly supports LGBT marriages and says everyone has a different “route” to Heaven. What a wicked and foolish woman!!! I am not trying to be unkind, but Dolly is a big public figure (no pun intended). She has a net worth of $500,000,000 and yet she is penniless in eternity. Dolly is everything that a lady ought not be! She has no children, which is where feminism often leads. In God's eyes, she is not a success. Her profession of faith is as fake as her breasts. The INDEPENDENT calls Dolly Parton a “Feminist Heroine.”

Homosexuality is not only a sin in God's eyes, it is a threat to every child in our society:

Research purports to reveal 'dark side' of homosexual culture


David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Back in Bible times, women didn't skip town and run to the nearest women's shelter or apostate religious organization for help to ESCAPE from her problems in marriage. It's become an epidemic in America! Just as a thief in the night, many women abandon their husbands, leaving him holding a heavy bag of responsibilities and burdens, and then causing him great financial loss in addition. This is a sore evil in America! Women nationwide have been programmed to seek refuge in shelters when they want to escape the unhappiness in their marriage. These godless organizations often adhere to feminist agendas, showing wives the incentives to divorce, and are one of the primary causes of divorce in America.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Walt Disney has turned teenage girls into glamour model whores. It's just plain wrong to film 13-year old girls with high-heels, lip gloss, professionally done hair, et cetera. The producers bring the hair down in front of the girl's eyes. They dress the girls in seductive miniskirts and position them in provocative angles for the camera. Is it any wonder why American society is falling apart? Can you honestly act stupid and claim you don't know why sex-crimes are sky-rocketing all across America? It's really not that hard to figure out. The Bible calls it lasciviousness (sex addiction). The television has become the sexivison. Everything on television nowadays is sex, sex, sex. Many of the TV shows have a twisted, violent, homosexual, sex-perverted, adulterous, shocking, child-molesting, sex-trafficking, sicko theme to them. And the American public can't get enough of it, they beg for more.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Ku Klux Klan is an occult organization, linked with Freemasonry, which is intended to demonize Americans who still believe in the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Patriotism, the Word of God, and Christianity. A view of the KKK's "Platform" on their website shows that they are against abortion, against homosexuality, against foreign aid for other nations, they want U.S. borders guarded, the public school system overhauled, the Federal Reserve Bank abolished, et cetera. These are all good things, and certainly America needs them to happen; however, the intent of the secret KKK group is to discredit those in America, mainly Christians, who believe such things. The KKK, with their unbiblical hatred for Blacks and Jews, is well-known as a hate group, and despised by most Americans. It couldn't be more obvious to any thinking person, that the KKK is a New World Order organization, whose goal is to demonize Patriots and Christians.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

People choose to go to Hell in their sinful arrogance, wickedness, stiffnecked pride, and unwillingness to repent. Americans have even named one of their biggest cities—SIN CITY! You see, people KNOW that they are sinning against God; YET, they do it anyway in defiance! “Sin” is solely a Biblical term! Since they reject the Word of God, Wiccan witches, secular psychologists, and other pagan groups replace the concept of sin with “karma,” reciprocating evil for evil and good for good. You'll never find the term “sin” in a psychiatrists or psychologists manual. Since they refuse to acknowledge the root causes of man's problems, they cannot truly help anyone.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There won't be any feminists in Heaven, because God won't tolerate that garbage up there. You'll be cleaning toilets and begging for crumbs under the Master's table. Only in the retarded U.S.A. are women put in charge of armies. It is unbiblical for women to lead men in any capacity. In the real world that doesn't work.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Few people realize that the CIA budgets billions-of-dollars to pay high profile figures in the newsmedia and Hollywood, to brainwash and deceive the public. The program was exposed in 1975 as “Operation Mockingbird,” which no doubt still covertly exists. CNN reporter Anderson Cooper worked for the CIA for 2-years and then ended up becoming a newsmedia kingpin. Coincidence? Right! The CIA and Twitter are in bed together. The Spy Society Grid is here! My point is that there is a deliberate attempt by the Luciferian powers which control America from behind the scenes to destroy the traditional family. Such diabolical intentions have been revealed by umpteen high-ranking individuals; such as first head of the World Health Organization (WHO), George Brock Chisholm (1896-1971).

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

In order for the New World Order to succeed, the Old World must be destroyed. Christianity must go. Parental authority must go. National patriotism must go. Individuality must go. Everything that you see unfolding around you in society today is by Luciferian design. There is a diabolical conspiracy to destroy America and organized religion!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Americans often mistreat and dishonour their parents, dumping them into a nursing home and hardly (if ever) visit them. All across the United States elderly parents are withering away, lonely, in some nursing home. Adult children don't hesitate these days to rebuke their parents at the dinner table, showing lack of respect for their feelings, decisions and opinions. IT IS WICKEDNESS!!! I don't care how awful of a parent your mother and father may have been to you while growing up . . . THEY ARE YOUR PARENTS! You honor (value) them!!! I don't care how disrespectful and irritating they may be toward you . . . THEY ARE YOUR MOM AND DAD!!! You love them. You honor them. You care for them. You pray for them. You love them even if they hate you. If your parents hurt you, you don't hurt them back! THEY ARE YOUR PARENTS!!!


There is a woeful spirit of ingratitude that many adult children have for their parents. It doesn't matter how much that you do to help them, it is as if you didn't help them at all. One thing that I've learned in life is that there is only so much you can do to help your adult children. They are each their own person. They must seek the Lord on their own. I've seen preacher's children become atheists. How could that happen? After decades of hearing the Word of God preached, growing up in a preacher's home and a church environment, how could that child grow astray?

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho jesus-is-savior.com

If a child doesn't fear mom and dad, then they won't fear the law nor God and will likely spend eternity in Hell as we read in Proverbs 23:14...

Proverbs 23:14: “Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.”

Salvation begins with the fear of the Lord. If a person doesn't believe in a literal God, nor a literal Hell that burns with fire, nor a literal coming judgment day... then they're not going to come to Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins via the cross upon which Christ died. The Gospel teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose up three days later. If you accept that by faith as payment for your sins, then you are saved eternally.

Increasingly, as America turns her back on God, more people are coming to religion and NOT Christianity. We are living in the most undisciplined, spoiled, bratty generation in the history of humanity. Brats!

Walt Disney teaches children and teens to sass their parents, mouth back and have an attitude. Back in the old times you'd be wondering what hit you if you talked to your parents like that. You'd get slapped up side the head. I'm not saying that's the right way, but that's the way it was back then. The fear of God begins with the fear of parents. Nowadays parents are wrongfully prosecuted for disciplining their children.

I'm not talking about a drunken father who beats his kids in rage, God forbid. I'm talking about kids behaving because they know that if they don't, dad's belt is coming off and you're in for a whipping!!! That fear in the old days made America strong, when Americans obeyed the Bible's command to spare not the rod upon a child. Today kids are turning into Godless homosexuals (and they're ALL Godless, every last one). Homosexuality is a Godless practice, rooted in lust and rebellion against God. To the same degree that Americans accept homosexuals, to that same degree a fearful Police State is going up around us. If men won't fear God, then they will fear men.

Would to God that the Bible were brought back into our schools to drive the MADNESS from children's hearts, so that they won't continue growing up to become INSANE adults!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Many father's and husbands are living in fear these days because of the brutal onslaught by the rigged court system. The system wants divorces (which mean broken families). Once in the court system, the judge and lawyers take complete control. The couple has no say in the outcome. THERE WILL BE A DIVORCE. The judge and lawyers are required by law to follow rules set by the New World Order, which operates from New York city. Judges are evil to the core in today's system.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Hebrew word for “rod” literally means “to branch off” (literally, a stick); and the word “reproof” means “to chasten” (figurative, by words). Did you know that God put that padded area in the back of every child for a reason?

That's right! God padded the buttocks for the purpose of spanking. It is not Biblical to physically abuse any human being, but a good whipping across the buttocks never killed any child. The Bible teaches for parents to spank a child when they do wrong.

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