
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Like Bob Dylan and Huey Lewis, who openly admit selling their souls to the Devil for worldly success, so do Amy Grant and others sell out by recording with heathen companies. Sparrow Records (shown on Amy's website at the bottom of all her 30 albums for sale) was acquired by EMI Group in the 1990's. EMI owns over 70 music companies! The EMI Christian Music Group is a division of the EMI Group, which also produce records for Pink Floyd, Katy Perry, Smashing Pumpkins, Grand Funk Railroad, Avalon, Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, The Beatles, Snoop Dog, Toby Mac, and hundreds of other heathen groups (over 1500 total). It's really sickening if you realize what's going on. EMI Group is a heathen music production company out to make a buck, period.

They created their so-called Christian Music Group as part of their marketing strategy, and not because they love Christ nor care about getting anybody saved. The same parent company that sells Amy Grant's music sells Pink Floyd and Iron Maiden too. It's like a porno store in the rear with a Christian bookstore in the front, all operated by the same organization, trying to make money. There's nothing Christian about any of this garbage, not even the fake “Christian” label they slap across it. It's all a deception of the Devil, a “division” of the Godless parent company. As the saying goes, “The Apple never falls far from the tree” or “Birds of a feather flock together.” 1st Corinthians 10:21, “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.”

The idea of a heathen greedy music company starting a so-called “Christian” music sub-company to market a different group of society is nauseating to say the least. Now you know why the gospel is never preached at any of their CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) concerts. They're no more Christian than Ozzy Osbourne. EMI sells Katy Perry's records, a little tramp whore who lays with her legs open in her immoral video Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.). She sings about streaking in the park, getting drunk, having sex with a boy, and wanting to do it all again to her parents. Such destructive music is deliberately being targeted at teens today by scum Communists, God haters and Luciferian occultists to ruin them. It was Vladimir Lenin who said, “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.”

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Consider the 1984 demonic film by occultist, Stephen King, titled Children Of The Corn. The film depicts a small rural town in which the children murder all their parents. Children quote Bible verses frequently, mocking God and blaspheming the Bible. One man is crucified in the corn field, as a scarecrow, mocking Jesus who died for our sins. The children often mention “sin” as they kill the parents and adults, shouting “praise God” throughout the sicko film. The murderous children often claim to be seeking and doing “God's will.”

Clearly, Stephen King in reality is a very twisted and sick individual, controlled by Satan. The movie is evil to the core, a total mockery of Christianity. Stephen King hates God and the Bible. In one sensual scene, two naked teenagers are shown having sexual intercourse while 6-8 year old children watch and are visibly excited from what they see. This movie is still popular on television today, even being remade in 2009. The original low-budget $800,000 film has made Stephen King nearly $15,000,000 in box-office profits and continues to generate evil profits. The clear intent of the film is to destroy people's faith in Christianity, portraying Bible-believing preachers as sick-minded fanatics who promote hatred, killing and mayhem with the Bible. The wicked world hates Bible-believing preachers!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Sometimes I like to hear the King James Bible while sleeping. I usually fall off to sleep from the soothing voice (not good if driving). But it's important that the voice agrees with you or you might have nightmares or not be able to sleep. Not everyone can sleep while there is background sound. Sometimes I can't either. I recommend trying what works for you. I don't always play the Bible while sleeping. Truthfully, sometimes I get tired of hearing Alexander Scourby's voice because I listen to it so much. I guess that's a good thing. I give it a rest for a few days and then listen again. I'm going to get the King James Bible by James Earl Jones (and another gentleman too) and that'll provide some diversity in sounds. I love Alexander Scourby, but I've heard him hundreds of times.

The human mind is incredibly powerful. Hollywood and television are continually putting garbage and subliminal thoughts into people's minds. Honestly, I'm not sure if the human brain discerns or benefits from hearing the Bible while sleeping, but I'm confident it does. The volume is important. You don't want the volume loud enough to wake you up or keep you from sleeping, but I like to set it where I can at least understand what is being said, so I can listen attentively while falling off to sleep.

The human mind is extremely impressionable, which is why satanists have put all sorts of demonic influences in television, movies, on our dollars bill, and music today. It's an occultists fiesta! If the human brain can grasp messages played backwards in songs, then I'm thinking there's a better than likely chance that the human brain can grasp what's been said while sleeping.

david j. stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Arab cultures put America to shame. Americans have no right to cast condemnation upon the way Muslim women are required to cover up, wear clothes, be modest and go to jail for being lewd in public. That's the way God wants it! The insanity of Americans thinks that liberated women should be able to dress whorish, behave lewd and cause lasciviousness in society. No woman has a right to dress lewd. I sick and tired of hearing feminist women bash men, demonizing masculine authority. The wicked world HATES the Bible, particular the authority of the Bible, which is God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

American women flaunt their 95% naked bodies shamefully and shamelessly. I saw a Cheerios cereal commercial the other day, which begins with a women zipping up her pants. It's sickening! Greedy corporate advertisers have mastered human psychology and learned long ago that sexually suggestive advertisements greatly boost sales and profits. Most of the commercials on television these days have some type of sexual suggestiveness to them. It's deliberate, on purpose, manipulative and incredible evil. Such wickedness is not tolerated, nor even allowed, in Arab cultures. The criminals behind the New World Order fully understand that immorality is the fastest way to achieve a New World Order, that is, a new order of civilization with centralized world government. Due to the sin-nature of mankind there will always be problems in culture, but the disgusting low which Americans have adopted is a hundred times worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.

Although I despise the demonic false religion of Islam, at the same time I have tremendous respect for Arab women who are submissive and obedient to their husbands. The false idea that all Arab women are forced into servitude by overbearing and cruel husbands is pure American delusion. The American media looks for extreme cases in uncommon Islam groups to demonize the entire Arab culture, which is typical deception from the lying American newsmedia. The American newsmedia is going to burn in Hell for their rejection of Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

So if you asked me to guess who will be our next U.S. President in 2016, I say “Hillary, the Devil in disguise!” I just don't see Donald Trump (whose promising the impossible) winning, but who knows? I'd like to see millions of American jobs overseas come back home. I'd like to see a big wall built along the border. My better sense tells me these things will NEVER happen, because it would be counter-productive to the New World Order. And really, a big wall is a farce, because where there's a will there's a way. Illegals will still find a way in, and the corrupt federal government today will help them find it.

And may I say, there's always the chance that we'll see another 9/11 type False Flag Terror Attack in the United States, and President Obama will declare Marshall Law to remain in office. Or Trump may be assassinated (which Alex Jones has claimed). One way or another, Hillary and Obama, and the Luciferian elite WANT YOUR GUNS!!! The only way to get American's guns is to carry out another False Flag Terror Attack, like the massive state of Connecticut, Sandy Hook Shooting, fraud (no children died, not a single one). Sandy Hook Massacre: Obama Officials Confirm That It Was A Drill And NO CHILDREN DIED!!! Research online and you'll be shocked at the preponderance of evidence showing that the whole thing was staged. Professional actors were used, handsomely paid off. U.S. President Obama Cries Like Hollywood Actor Over Non-Existent Sandy Hook Shootings! It was a big hoax! Millions Of Dollars Were Donated To The 'United Way' For Non-Existent Sandyhook Victims! Why did the Illuminati do that? The reason is obvious, that is, it was a cleverly devised plot to confiscate American's guns. Mr. Obama even faked some tears for the victims (which thousands of Hollywood actors do on que every day for a salary). Little-by-little, inch-by-inch, the liberals, kooks and Communists are taking away American citizen's guns, to disarm us entirely. People are so indifferent and foolish, willing to surrender their guns so that only the tyrannical government has weapons!!! Sandyhook was a Massive Fraud!!! Hitler knew the benefit of confiscating guns...

“To conquer a nation you must first disarm the citizens. Nothing drives the people harder than the sudden fear of death.” —WWII Germany dictator, Adolf Hitler

I'd like to think that in some way I helped cost Jeb Bush the election, by boldly proclaiming that I believed he would win. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter, because the Illuminati could put anyone in office, just so long as he or she does exactly as they are told to do, and they have exceptional people skills to deceive the public.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The circle with a point in the middle is an important freemason and illuminati symbol representing fertility. The point symbolizes the male principle impregnating the female, symbolized by the circle. Here it can be found just before the name of the Portuguese version of "The Independent".

St Peter's square with obelisk. In the middle of the Vatican's St Peter's square an obelisk has been placed. Seen from above the square represents a dot in a circle, thus doubling the fertility symbolism while the segmented circle also refers to the zodiac. Never mind that astrology is outlawed by the Catholic church... The obelisk was originally brought to Rome by Caligula in the 1st century AD, but it was Pope Sixtus V who had it resurrected in this particularly symbolic way in the 16th century.

Major Masonic symbol. The square represents the male impregnating the female, which is represented by the square. The G stands for "the big architect".

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The entire idea of women pursuing independent careers is unbiblical according to 1st Timothy 5:14-15. It's not a sin per se for ladies to pursue a career, IF becoming a wife and mother is your primary goal in life. For obvious reasons, the two agendas greatly conflict with each other. In fact, there is a conspiracy at work (and this should make you angry) which has been very successful in hindering American women from having big families, by getting them into the workforce. Please read, The Engineering Of The American Woman (or, the Communist Plot Against Mothers).

Big Christian families are the most dangerous threat to the New World Order. Why do you think we have weird Hollywood, hellivision, the sicko music industry, the lying newsmedia, the hellish video games, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, false religion, and all the subversive things in American culture today?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Men think differently than women. Whereas a man goes directly into a particular store, buys what he needs and then leaves; a woman will visit a dozen stores, look around and compare products for hours before purchasing anything. Men speak man, and women speak woman, and the Lord Jesus is the only interpreter.

Feminism is rebellion against God-ordained masculine authority. God intended for women to fulfil a SUBMISSIVE ROLE in the marriage, home and church. God created man to do work, and then God created the woman to help her man as he does that work. Notice that the Bible doesn't specify the woman's role in society, because the world has always been wicked (1st John 5:19). God wrote the Bible to believers, the saints, not to the wicked, except for the plan of salvation. If a person refuses to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, then they'll never have the Holy Spirit and cannot understand spiritual things according to 1st Corinthians 2:14. What should be very obvious to the honest person is that along with the rebellion of American women—so also is lesbianism increasing, and the exploitation of underaged teen girls by television executives, and abortion, and divorce, remarriage, violence against men and a host of other related evils. On Valentine's Day 2013, a woman in Skokie, Illinois got angry at her boyfriend and bit his tongue off!

I could write volumes of books about the evils of what's happening today in American society regarding feminism and rebellion. As women are becoming masculine, men are having to take steroids to look abnormally masculine in order to differentiate between the sexes. There's nothing more repulsive than a rugged, tough, bossy woman. Women cops are something to laugh at, really.

david j. stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Beware of False Prophet, David Icke

The Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the god of this evil world. If you don't understand this, then you will never grasp the truth behind the workings of the New World Order. There are many scholars and researchers today who are being misled into UFO's, aliens, Reptilians and shape-shifting, and all sorts of weird and bizarre claims.

As with the Freemasons, all false religions, and other deceivers, David Icke presents strikingly accurate information about the inside workings of the Illuminati; while simultaneously discrediting his work with bizarre teachings of reptilians that shape-shift into human form and control the world. It is such rhetoric that leads me to firmly believe that David Icke is an Illuminati plant, without a doubt, intended to generate mass confusion, uncertainty and to discredit other honest researchers who are trying to expose the occult for the evil it is.

David Icke teaches some very bizarre things. Mr. Icke is a Bible-hating, Christ-denying, unbeliever who has extensive knowledge about the workings of the occult and the New World Order; but he is blinded by Satan to the truth of God's Word. As with most intellects, Icke is educating himself into Hell, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2nd Timothy 3:7).

Remember, the Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the god of this world; but the Bible also goes on to teach that Satan's purpose is to BLIND THE MINDS of them which believe not, to hinder them from coming to Jesus Christ for salvation. Romans 1:16 proclaims that it is THE GOSPEL that is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. False prophets deny this power (2nd Timothy 3:5) and teach some other way. David Icke, as seen in the above photo, is quoted as saying that infinite love is the only truth. No, the Word of God is truth, every single Word from Genesis to Revelation! John 17:17 proclaims that God's Word is THE TRUTH! In John 6:63, Jesus said that His Words are Truth. In John 14:6, Jesus professed to be THE TRUTH! Amen and amen! David Icke is a false prophet!

David Icke is being used by Satan to blind the minds of unbelievers even further. 2nd Corinthians 4:4, “In whom the god of this world hath BLINDED THE MINDS of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” David Icke attacks Biblical Christianity as being fraudulent, demonizing Christian fundamentalists.

My honest opinion is that David Icke is exploiting information for his own personal gain. I think he's a part of the New World Order myself. No one could believe the bizarre things that Icke prorogates, having no evidence to support his ludicrous claims. Reptilians? Lizards? Aliens among us? From the constellation Draco? It's all a mockery of the truth of God's Word, intended to mislead and deceive the naive and gullible. Icke has traveled the world, mentoring his worldwide followers from all walks of life (no pun intended), who take his teachings VERY seriously, buying his books and having made him a very wealthy person. But, as human psychology proves, people by nature must believe something, and those who reject the Scriptures are vulnerable to end up believing anything.

As Christians, we believe that the Bible is God's Word. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only begotten Son of God. We do not believe in reptilians, nor shape-shifting aliens having taken over our planet. Do you see what Icke is doing? He is confusing people. I've heard him in interviews weave in and out of truth, tossing in Biblical terms, such as demons; but then he adds utter nonsense and blasphemous teachings, showing that he is a deceiver in these Last Days. David Icke is a dangerous false prophet!

David Icke adheres to a New Age system of beliefs, born in 1952 and from New England. Icke has described himself as “the son of God,” and a “channel for the Christ spirit.” These are New Age ideas. Although every born-again believer has the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9); Christians don't deny the Bible as being God's Word as David Icke does.

In The Biggest Secret (1999), pages 19-25, David Icke introduced the idea of the “Reptoid Hypothesis.” He identifies the Brotherhood as originating from reptilians from the constellation Draco, who walk on two legs and appear human, and who live in tunnels and caverns inside the earth. Icke claims they are the same race of gods known as the Anunnaki in the Babylonian creation myth, Enûma Eliš.

A LOT of naive people are listening to Mr. Icke, and are being led farther away from the God of the Bible. The only reptilian lizards are in Icke's mind. I have heard David Icke applying Biblical demons to his theories; but it is NOT Biblical Christianity that Icke believes, he is simply trying to adjust the Bible to fit his false beliefs. I pray to God that David Icke would become a born-again Christian and truly expose Satan's New World

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If I could give parents one bit of advice, it would be to enroll your children into a Christian school. Enough cannot be said about the important of providing a Christian environment for your child to develop spiritually, emotionally and physically. Notice that I placed spiritual first. Most parents are more interested in a good sport's program than they are daily chapel and Bible reading.

Your child would be better off attending school in the converted basement of a Baptist church than in a nice big building with adequate labs and a gymnasium of a public school. Nothing will destroy your child faster (next to a divorce) than placing them into a public school where heathen influences surround them. This is especially true in Junior High and High school.

When a child is sent to a hellhole public school system, they are placed in an environment of temptation and wickedness. The other heathen teens will ruin your child's attitude. You cannot expect to teach your children about God and the Bible at home, and then send them to a worldly school where the teen boys want to have sex with your daughter (and that's what television and society teaches them). Your son will be seduced by worldly whores in a public school.

david j. stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Although there are many phony Christians, and ungodly preachers (and the Bible condemns them all - 2nd Peter 2:1-3), it is God-fearing people who are the most kindest, forgiving and generous people on earth. Who are the murderous Communists? That's right, they are atheists. Who are the mass-murderers? That's right, they are atheists. Although Adolf Hitler claimed to be a Christian, he clearly was not. Hitler was associated with the satanic Roman Catholic religion, as well as the occult. Remember, the Bible warns that Satan and his ministers are actors, falsely appearing as righteous ministers and Christ Himself (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15; Matthew 7:15). God is a holy God and wherever you find good in this world you'll find God. Granted, many people have been murdered in the name of religion, but that just evidences the spiritual war that exists between Satan and God.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Many people (including Christians) find the occult nature of the New World Order difficult to grasp, because they have never taken the first step to learn the truth; therefore, things like what I'm about to share with you is so freakish that they can't deal with its reality. The Illuminati love to hide things in plain sight. As the saying goes, “You can't see the forest for the trees.” Symbolism and occult imagery are subconsciously perceived, but on a conscious level they will not be seen. After the 911 attacks, a memorial was built at ground zero. Watch the following video and you'll see the all-seeing Eye of Horus being formed. The Illuminati not only killed our family and friends in the 911 attacks, but they mock us, sticking it in our faces (same video below).

The culprits who blew up the Trade Towers buildings were not extremist Muslims; but rather, the people who own and control The Council On Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati elite. If the preceding video isn't convincing enough, then read the following article . . .

The best place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!

The saddest thing is that most Christians I talk too couldn't care less. That is apostasy! Any preacher who is only concerned about building his church, and has no interest in knowing and exposing the truth of what's going on in the world, is not right with God. Our very freedoms are under attack! If the New Testament Church doesn't rise up against the Communist evils taking over America, then future generations won't be permitted to preach the Bible publicly, and will be forced to hire homosexuals, and "whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service" (John 16:2).

Although ultimately we will not stop the New World Order, we can fight Communism to preserve our freedoms for as long as possible (Psalm 94:16). Wake up, wake up, wake up!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I viewed the Atheist Debate YouTube video, where Brian Sapient and Kelly O'Connor debate with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. Kelly and Brian are shameful members of the so-called “Rational Response Squad” (RRS). I think they would be better called the “IRrational Response Squad.” Kelly sounds like she's ready to break down in tears, clearly shaken trying to disprove the God of the universe. I felt sorry for Brian and Kelly as I watched the debate, considering their lame arguments, woeful lack of Bible knowledge, and blind hatred for God. The Holy Bible plainly teaches that everyone can see God if they want to, because the universe around us clearly witnesses of God's goodness and unsearchable greatness:

Romans 1:20-21, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”

Atheists are a bunch of smart-alecky naysayers who relentlessly place God on trial. They totally reject the Holy Bible, which by it's very existence proves it's divine Author. Approximately 40 writers, who spanned 1,500 years, who lived in different nations, and spoke different languages, were used as pens by one Author (God) to write 66 manuscripts which all meld together into one perfectly harmonizing book. The Bible contains 31% prophecy! The Quran has none!

Kelly mentions ceremonial laws, attempting to use them to disregard God's moral laws. She calls Ray Comfort's beliefs on Creation “obsolete”! Sadly, as Kelly spews her adultish unbelief, you can hear innocent impressionable children laughing at God in the background. Kindly, I wouldn't want to be in Kelly's and Brian's shoes on Judgment Day for corrupting children!

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger jesus-is-savior.com

I was recently thinking about the cow, as I ate a delicious homemade burger. Here's a great recipe for Hellmann's burgers. They're so good, I don't even use ketchup or mustard. As I ate my burger, I thought about how God made cows to feed a lot of people. This animal has short legs and a big meaty body, to feed a lot of hungry people. Evolution couldn't do that! God is so good!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Do you know what the definition of “occult” is?

OCCULT: Become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished.

I hate to say it, but it needs to be said: Most churches operate more like occult organizations than they do local New Testament churches. Church members all across America think they only go to church to “worship” God. Show me that in the Bible! We are supposed to worship God at all times. Americas churches have fallen into the lie of the Devil that we shouldn't FORCE our beliefs upon other people. This is simply not rational. Folks, people are going to Hell to burn forever. Did you know that on average every day 313,000 people die! Do the math. Divide 8 billion (earth's population) people by 365 (days in a year) times 70 (average lifespan). The answer is 313,111 people will die per day on average. What if you were breathing your last breath on earth? Would you want someone to feel like they ought not force their beliefs on you? I'll bet David Bowie wishes someone would have forced their Christian beliefs on him, making him listen. Mr. Bowie is in Hell.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

U.S. Presidents are no longer elected, but appointed. Albeit, the hidden powers that be have to make the public still think the slaves are in control, hence, Jeb Bush quitting. All the powers that be need to do to get their man (or lesbian woman) in office, is to have the puppet mainstream newsmedia, religious right, and Hollywood promote and idolize a certain candidate. The fact that the newsmedia hasn't been plugging Jeb Bush at all is clear evidence that the Illuminati never intended for him to win in the first place. I had thought they were going to plug him after the primaries, but now it is clear they never intended for him to win. The money spent didn't come out of Jeb Bush's pocket. The CIA likely funds all that.

The newsmedia are really pushing Donald Trump, and he seems a sure win, doesn't it?

The last time a Democratic U.S. President followed a two-term Democrat like Barack Obama was in the year 1836! This is why I am skeptical about Hillary Clinton winning the election (although I know the Illuminati would love to see her in The White House again). Remember, Hillary becoming U.S. President effectively puts Bill Clinton (the Mena drug kingpin) back into The White House! What a sick thought! Hillary is establishment (an insider), and a criminal at large, so the powers that be can't lose either way. If they get Hillary into office, they maintain control. If Cruz wins, his wife is a Wall Street insider. Donald Trump won't get elected unless he is a Clinton operative and secretly sworn to the agendas of the architects of the New World Order. Kennedy tried to do away with the Federal Reserve System. Kennedy warned a California college class about a secret society takeover of The White House. Ten days later Kennedy was dead with flowers on his grave. The Wall Street secret police, aka, the CIA, assassinated him.

Donald trump won't return foreign jobs to America as he is promising. That would drastically strip U.S. corporations of profits, having to pay much higher American salaries. That's why I knew Congressman Rand Paul was full of bologna when he announced his run for U.S. President. He promised to bring foreign jobs home and use the money to repair the dilapidated inner cities of America. That sounds like a fictitious fairytale. Trump sounds too good to be true. Donald Trump is interesting. I love how he carries himself, a man's man kind of guy. He's already won the hearts of the religious right. I like that he's a businessman, not a Hollywood moviestar like Ronald Reagan, or a draft dodger like Bill Clinton. I have to admit, I like Trump myself. However, Mr. Trump (like Rand Paul) is making the same kind of unrealistic promises that any thinking American has to doubt. Yes, changes are possible, but not when Freemasons and Wall Street criminals control The White House and the federal government. Trump is personal friends and golfing buddies with the Clintons, and the Clintons are criminals above the law. Remember, Mr. Obama was super popular and nearly everyone loved him too, but look at how he has betrayed the American people and done extensive damage to our nation, bringing in Communism, same-sex marriage, racking-up massive national debt, and doing everything to confiscate our guns (so that we cannot defend ourselves and enforce our Bill Of Rights). Trump, if he wins, may turn out to be another Arnold Schwarzenegger, who betrayed the voters and citizens of California, bankrupting the state. I am mainly leery of Donald Trump because he is receiving full support from the mainstream newsmedia, which speaks volumes.

Did I mention that the Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating U.S. Presidential elections?!!! It would seem likely that Donald Trump is being used in a elaborate ploy to divide and conquer Americans!

Whoever is appointed as our next U.S. Commander-and-thief, God is still on His throne and is in ultimate sovereign control.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The PROBLEM in America is not capitalism; but rather, Communism subversion which took over nation over a century ago, but the average person is to woefully ignorant to know it. T\The treasonous Federal Reserve Act of 1913 doomed our economy from the moment it was signed. The international banking cartel caused World War I, The Great Depression, World War II, and is still causing world conflicts today. They make profits during war, so of course they start them! They have multiple purposes in their plots.

The first thing that the criminal banksters did after getting their cash cow in 1913 was start World War I in 1917 to milk it bigtime. The war not only made the offshore bankers filthy rich (borrowing Americans into massive debt), but it also took everyone's mind off of the criminality behind how the Federal Reserve Act started. Anytime that the Zionists fear getting caught, they cause false flag terror attacks to make headlines. World War I produced the League Of Nations, which Congress rejected. So the banksters caused World War II and now they have their United Nations. What brute Nazism and Communist (two legs both marching toward World Conquest) couldn't achieve, stealth trade agreements and Communist subversion through the Civil Rights Movement has.

David J. Stewart #homophobia #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuals can't defend themselves within an intellectual argument, because it is so obvious and blatant that they are WRONG. So instead they spread misinformation and false allegations of ignorance and hatred. Since when is standing for morality hatred? Is it hatred to stand against racial discrimination? No, of course not! Is it hatred to stand against voter fraud? No, of course not! So why should homosexuals be allowed to hurt children and society? Teaching children that it's ok for two boys to fall in love, get married and have sex is harmful to them in every way. Homosexuality is a sick practice.

Homosexuality is dangerous. I heard a surgeon talk about a man whose gay lover shoved a dildo into his rectum and punctured his intestines. The doctor said it took them one month to remove all the fecal contamination from his intestines before they could even do the surgery to repair his damaged intestines. And those idiots at GLSEN are teaching teens how to FIST-SEX each other in public schools. Isn't that sad and tragic? These freaks are teaching this garbage to kids!!! Homosexuality is not normal. By very nature of the wicked practice of homosexuality requires the use of bizarre sex toys, implements, and weird sexual behavior. They are freaks, kooks and weirdoes. The state of Mississippi outlaws the sale of sex toys, because they still believe in good old-fashioned marriage. Once upon a time people used to be normal. Nowadays there's all sorts of enhancement drugs, implements, toys, breast implants, machines, et cetera.

A man in the Navy told me about a female Navy officer who was lonely without her husband. She ordered a plastic blow-up doll and the box broke open for several people to see. She was embarrassed to say the least. Now they've removed the prohibition for the military to have sex with animals in the NDAA bills that President Obama signed December 31, 2011. This world has gone insane!!!

david j. stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Jesus may have had short hair, but He also had a beard. Let us be realistic about small issues such as beards. There is no moral principal hear as with a woman wearing pants. A woman wearing pants promotes unholy lusts in men's hearts. This is why it is very sinful for a woman to dress immodestly. Many women are apathetic concerning this evil. Even some Christian women have not matured in this area of proper dress. A woman who wears provocative clothing HURTS other men spiritually. She makes it much more difficult for them to live right. It is a moral issue. However, a beard is not going to tempt someone else to sin (maybe to throw something at you and call you ugly, but that's about it). Seriously, we need to let go of this idea that people should conform to "a certain look."

When I was in Bible college years ago, I met a few characters. I usually wore an all white dress shirt to chapel, but every so often I'd wear an all black dress shirt just to be different. When I did, I was the only guy wearing an all black shirt out of hundreds of guys in all white shirts. I felt out of place but I didn't let it bother me because I knew that God looks at the heart, not at the color of my shirt. And by the way, unsaved people don't care what color shirt you are wearing either. If you love people with God's love, they'll likely eventually allow you to share the gospel with them. I wanted to be different, so I wore a dark shirt. Do you what some guy said to me? He came up to me and said "You are not right with God for wearing that black shirt!" I thought he was kidding, but he was very serious. He told me I wasn't right with God because I was wearing a black shirt. I'm not kidding. He even called me "a rebel." Do you see how immature we can be if we're not careful? I didn't think bad of him then nor do I now. I'm sure now that he's older he has since matured. How silly when we judge people simply because they're not exactly like us. There was no rule at the college requiring white shirts. He judged me because I wasn't "conforming" to what he thought I should be. May we all learn our lesson.

Just because a man wears a beard doesn't mean he's not a fundamental Baptist. London's greatest preacher ever, Charles Spurgeon, wore a big beard (and smoked a big cigar). Dwight L. Moody wore a beard. I'm not justifying great men's weaknesses. I'm simply saying that we need to be real careful about ostracizing people in the name of Biblical "separation" simply because they wear a beard or don't wear their hair at quite the length we think it should conform to. I play a pedal steel guitar. I've played it now for fifteen years. I love the country and Hawaiian sounds of the steel guitar. I loathe the lousy so-called country "music" heard on the radio today. I like instrumentals with no words. I realize that most country music is nothing more than a three minute soap opera. Do you know what you get if you play a country song backwards? You get your wife back, your home back, your job back, your car back and your dog back. Just as with the piano, the steel guitar can be used to play ANY type of music. I don't play in a band. I never would because I'm a Christian who loves the Lord. I could never use my God-given talents for the promotion and sale of alcohol. So I play at home for my family to hear (those poor souls). Actually, they seem to really like it when I play the guitar. There is no music this side of heaven to me any more beautiful than the pedal steel guitar. However, I know that some Christians would consider the Pedal Steel Guitar only as a "honky-tonk" instrument played in bars. It surely is not.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Dr. Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptists' Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, was chosen by the CFR elite for promotion after he proved to the Illuminati his base loyalty in two very key areas: (1) Zionism; and (2) Environmentalism. Richard Land, supposedly a religious conservative, strangely is a globalist associate of Jim Wallis, liberal darling and head of the Masonic-oriented Sojourners group.

Land is also an ardent Zionist and is joint backer with Falwell, Hagee, Vines and others, of Jewish and Israeli racist Supremacism. He is the evangelicals' leading point man on environmentalism. Land essentially teaches that Jesus died on the cross to save Mother Earth and to save human souls. Land says that the Great Commission includes the preaching of environmentalism just as much as it does the traditional John 3:16 message.

The Illuminists love it when their Mother Earth Gospel is promoted by a neocon backer and Zionist advocate, Richard Land, who sits at the helm of power in the 16-million strong Baptist empire. At this time, Dr. Land, like some others whom the CFR has recruited, still preaches Jesus. But over time, it is expected that he and the SBC will moderate these exclusivist views to accommodate the new and approved CFR spiritual model of Unity and Diversity, a model that holds that Jesus is only one of many religious ways.

The Illuminati's CFR elite, with help from global servants like Warren and Land, has crafted a new gospel, a Global Spirituality. The new versions of the Bible are now quickly incorporating this new gospel message into their latest printings. Rick Warren uses quotes from these new versions, including the New Century Version and The Message, in his Purpose-Driven books.

David J. Stewart #fundie #kinkshaming #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Perversion is everywhere. The ever-popular Late Night TV shows of David Letterman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and a host of other perverts have led America into ruin. For years Conan O'Brien mocked God, singing gleefully about going to Hell when he dies. Prime-Time television is nothing but sex, sex, sex. Sick CBS Sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory' Is Highest Rated Sex Perversion On Television. Americans are dirty-minded perverts because of the evils of television!!! Walt Disney targets teenagers with sexual immorality, fornication, new morality, the irresponsible Playboy philosophy and feminist indoctrination. Disney's NICKELODEON (Nick) openly promotes lesbianism and homosexuality, featuring effeminate boys giving flowers to other boys.

TV is waxing worse-and-worse each season. The Women's Entertainment (We) channel has produced a new sleazy show titled, “Pregnant And Dating,” featuring pregnant women who are whoring around. The sicko program uses the slogan, “Taking control.” What a joke... taking control? These are irresponsible women who couldn't keep their clothes on in the first place! They were reckless committing sexual immorality. They were reckless for unintentionally getting pregnant. Taking control? I don't think so! It's bad enough that they're pregnant by another man to whom they're not married, but now they're dating other men before even having the baby. It's a little too late to “take control” of their life after they're pregnant, the father of the child is gone and now they're already dating strangers. America is a society of whores and whoremongers!

Television and the evil people who are featured in these evil films make a total mockery of Biblical morality. They laugh and joke about dating while pregnant like it's a big joke. Ha! Ha! Ha! Well God is not amused. God is not laughing! How far will the vile television networks go to boost ratings?

Abortion is the consequence of shameless (or I should say 'shameful') adultery and fornication, which are epidemic all across America. Woe unto America!!! We are a nation of reckless adulterers, vile homosexuals, lustful sex-perverts and cold-blooded murderers!!! There was a respectable time in America when a woman who was pregnant out-of-wedlock was embarrassed and ashamed; but nowadays loose women boast on national TV that they're “Pregnant And Dating.”

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Let me say that I firmly believe Jesus had short hair on top of His head. I do not believe Jesus looked like a hippie. I've read Dr. Jack Hyles great book titled "Jesus Had Short Hair." I agree 100%. The custom of Jesus' day was short hair. Jesus never took a Nazarite vow. I believe Jesus was a strong man, a carpenter without power tools. Jesus was no wimp. Peter was a rugged man and would not have followed Jesus if He were not a great man. I believe that Jesus had the utmost respect of those whom He did business with. People like honest people, who work hard and don't play games. Jesus said what He meant and meant what He said.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The 911 attacks were an incredibly, sophisticated, orchestrated, and engineered plan to have been mere renegades who stole some jets. The attacks were executed with exactness. Such a strategic elaborate mission of this nature could have never been realized without having access to U.S. defense security protocol and help by people in the U.S. intelligence community. It should not come as a surprise that war games were used as a cover for the real attacks, but the games were never announced.

Bush administration created false intelligence reports showing Saddam Hussein was in possession of WMD’s and, committed every imaginable crime to justify invading Iraq. If this wasn't bad enough, these same criminals are now writing books trying to cover each other’s ass. With all these books out, it resembles a circular firing squad, where no one takes responsibility.

In my opinion, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Gonzalez, should be tried by International Criminal Court for War Crimes, Treason, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and Terrorism. 9/11 was a fucking crime, Iraq war was a crime and like all criminals that commit crimes, they should pay consequences but, because the United States has the most corrupt legal system of any civilized nation Bush, Cheney, Rice Gonzalez have got away with murder!

I plead with you whoever you may be to research the preponderance of evidence indicting the Bush Administration and the Council On Foreign Relations in the 9/11 attacks. They didn't just know, they made it happen!!! They are expect liars. The mainstream newsmedia sport themselves in hiring paid professional liars. America is a land of liars! Judges, lawyers, politicians, corporate executives, Federal Reserve bankers, mainstream news media... all liars!!!

That's the truth!

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho jesus-is-savior.com

Every Christian should have a healthy hate life. This nonsense circulating in churches today about love, cooperation and unity that doesn't hate sin, false religion and the works of the Devil is demonic. You can't truly love anything without hating that which is harmful to what you love.

The wicked people in this world who live in unrepentant sin against God refuse to accept this truth. God hates evil and commands all believers to hate evil. Wicked and unreasonable people attempt to REDEFINE God by corrupting the Bible and twisting the truth (Romans 1:25). This is why so many corrupt Bibles have been marketed over the past few decades.

A good example is the Godless New Oxford Annotated Bible which was recently published. This work of darkness was written by pro-homosexuals; in it they REMOVE all Biblical passages condemning Sodomy to make it acceptable to the homosexual community. It is wicked! God hates a false witness that speaketh lies (Proverb 6:19). God is a Holy God and His love NEVER condones or permits our sin! It was God's love that sent Jesus Christ into the world to pay for our sins. Apart from the redeeming work of Christ upon the cross, mankind would have been doomed to Hell forever. Thanks be to God for His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ! Oh listen friend, it's Jesus or Hell!

Concerning God, you'll find the word "hate" several times more than the word "love" throughout the Bible. Yes God loves, but He hates wickedness and idolatry. Proverbs 6:16-19 teaches that God hates lying, a proud look, hands that shed innocent blood, a false witness that telleth lies, feet that are quick to mischief and he that soweth discord amongst brethren (gossip is the best way to do that). God hates gossip, whether true or false, because gossip destroys lives and causes MUCH emotional pain.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Reagan (and frequent visitor to the Bohemian Grove before he was president) took his inaugural oath to presidency facing the Washington Monument, the occult obelisk! That was on January 20, 1981. This picture was taken as President Ronald Reagan took his Inaugural oath on January 20, 1981. Reagan startled the occult world by taking his oath of office from the West Wing of the Capitol, and not the East Wing as all his predecessors had done. When President Reagan decided to become the first U.S. President to take his oath from the West Wing of the Capitol, he faced the obelisk , as you can see. This fact meant that he was sending the strongest possible signal to fellow Illuminists the world over that, after 205 years of pursuing the goal of establishing the New World Order -- the plan was entering its final phase.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Why does the Illuminati go to so much effort to hide messages in plain site, and communicate through esoteric symbols, and if we—the general public—don't even understand what we're looking at, then what's the harm anyway? What we don't know won't hurt us, right? Actually, no, that's wrong, there's are masses of empirical research that proves we process all these symbols and messages. Every single one is processed on a subconscious level.

You see, our conscious mind, which is always busy trying to make meaningful sense of everything we see and hear is limited as to how much it can process (as too much information would result in overload). However, our subconscious mind is constantly collecting and storing all information, especially that which our conscious mind is unable to process immediately. The word “subliminal” is defined as “existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness. And subliminal messages are specifically designed to influence our mental processes and behavior.

Our society is shaped by our morals and beliefs, and our morals and beliefs are influenced by what we watch read and hear. What has become acceptable in society today and not given a second thought, would have been rated 18 or triple “XXX” twenty years ago. With a subtle, but steady, decline in our standards of sex and violence presented by the mass media in our music, movies and video games, there is little that shocks or offends us anymore as we are so desensitized.

It's a wonder how much exposure to depraved lyrics and images it takes until we feel a sense of moral conviction stimulated within our hearts. Our subconscience is being constantly bombarded from all angles with images of sex, violence and occult themes and practices. It is through our subconscious state that we are able to absorb all information without resistance as our brains are in a passive mode and more susceptible.

There have been many experiments that demonstrate just how susceptible our subconscious state is, and that prove that what we absorb into our subconscience affects our attitudes and behavior. All of the sex perversion, violence, creepiness, filth and evil on television, music, movies, magazines, advertisements and everywhere in American culture these days is intended to lead us away from God and toward Hell's destruction. The Devil hates God and is determined to “DEVOUR.” 1st Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Only God knows the depth of wickedness that goes on behind the making of movies. Many movies are birthed in witchcraft ceremonies, séances, and are demonic sacrifices to Satan. The movies are offerings, leading the viewer to subconsciously participate in demonic sacrifices; in such movies as, THE GOLDEN COMPASS (which praises children being possessed by demons). HARRY POTTER is the granddaddy sinister movie series of all, leading children into witchcraft of all sorts, confusing them about God and THE TRUTH.

These are evil men, producing wicked films, and I mean “wicked” in the immoral Biblical sense. All of Stephen Hopkins TERMINATOR movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger curse in God's name. Schwarzenegger appears totally naked in many of his movies, including all of the TERMINATOR series. All of the writers are evil and Godless men and women, no doubt bound for the Lake of Fire. No one in Hollywood truly loves Jesus Christ, who curses in His name in movies and blasphemes the Bible. Hollywood curses in God's name as an ongoing attempt to corrupt society, undermine family values, and attack the God of the Bible to please Satan. The movies that make it the biggest are the ones that attack God the most, but do it subtly.

Movies like EPIC MOVIE, are deliberately made (in this case it is based upon the Chronicles of NARNIA) to deceive families into watching it. The movie trailer appears family friendly, but the actual movie uses the derogatory word “bitch” at least 100-times instead of NARNIA's “witch.” It is the worst movie ever produced, intentionally made to lure unsuspecting families by the family-oriented trailer. Hollywood are a bunch of scum!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It makes me so angry that Pastor Kent Hovind has been imprisoned for 10-years for not taking a state license in Florida. One of my favorite authors, Fritz Springmeier said, “When freedom fails, good men go to jail.” If pastor Kent Hovind had bowed to the state government (Nebuchadnezzar's image), then he wouldn't have had to pay any taxes. But because he refused a $50 license the state demanded taxes on his hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in buildings and ministry assets. So they convicted him and the rotten judge said he was a threat to the community for telling the truth about unconstitutional taxation.

Mr. Hovind revoked his Social Security number and fought the system as a man of God. The only reason why the government is getting away with this tyranny is because nearly all Christians have sold-out. I mean Christians have just laid down and totally submitted to the government. They don't care about what really happened on 911, because it wasn't there family member jumping from the 105th floor to escape the inferno.

They smashed Brother Lester Roloff in Corpus Christi like they did Brother Kent Hovind, closing down the Roloff homes and forcing hundreds of boys and girls out onto the streets. Texas didn't care if those kids died on the streets, just so long as Brother Roloff didn't teach them the Word of God. Brother Roloff refused to take a state license because it forbad the Christian home from setting a dress code, and from teaching the children that a divine deity was angry with them over sin. Brother Hovind did the right thing to fight the state. It's all the sell-out preachers across America who are 501c3 licensed who are dooming America to Communism and tyranny which parallels the brutal regimes of Stalin and Hitler.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Hugh Hefner's Playboy magazine has spent the past 60-years familiarizing Americans with adultery, nudity, lewdness and sexual sins, to the point that these woeful evils no longer seem wrong. In 2013, sexual immorality has become so widely prevalent and tolerated in American society that now we're even witnessing homosexuals getting married. The pedophile's favorite, 'Dance Moms' show on TV, features sexy 7 and 8-year-olds!!! This type of sleaze would never have been tolerated a half-century ago. Do you know why the pedophile television executives are putting this type of trash on TV? It's how they're getting homosexuality to become widely accepted mainstream. It's the exact same reason why Playboy was started and promoted. Of course money was the main reason for Hefner, but the Communist powers behind the subversion of America knew that by getting their foot in the door, homosexuals could rise to power in America quickly. If you give the Devil an inch, he'll become a ruler!

By flooding American society with sexual perversion on television, it paves the way for a future nation TOTALLY devoid of morals, and sexual sins will wax worse and worse. You watch, the globalists will try to push chip implants one day for children because of the pedophile kidnapping problem that they're creating now through pervert television programming. That's the globalists formula to always get their way in society... CRISIS + REACTION + SOLUTION. That is, they create the CRISIS, then the public reacts with the help of the controlled newsmedia, and then the same criminals who created the crisis offer their solution to take advantage of the public... to steal, kill and destroy the nation. The globalists create public mass-shootings through CIA mind-control and MK-Ultra projects (shocking stuff) and drugging. Then the mainstream newsmedia leads the public into mass-paranoia about gun safety. So then they take our guns away, by force if necessary (it's coming), even giving citizens IRS tax-credits to voluntarily give-up their fire arms. IDIOTS!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Evolution cannot explain where mankind's sin-nature entered the alleged evolutionary process. Evolutionists teach that men and animals evolved from the same biological life source. If this were true, then why don't animals have sin natures? Why don't animals have a moral conscious? Why don't animals built alters and worship in churches? All people of every nation throughout history have sought God. Even the Wiccan witches have hundreds of pagan gods which they worship. History records primitive cultures sacrificing their children to alligators in worship of their pagan gods. The FACT that mankind by nature NEEDS a supreme power over him is proof that there is a GOD. Where did mankind develop this desperate need for a supreme power to rule over him? How can the evolutionists reconcile man's sinful nature and need for God with evolution? It's clear that evolution cannot this phenomena.

Evolution, even if it were true, does not explain where man's ability to commit evil. How could a simple one-cell living organism "evolve" into an intelligent human being who commits horrible acts of evil? The Bible tells us that sin entered into the world through the sin of Adam... "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Romans 5:12). Now that makes a lot more sense to me than the bogus theory of evolution which offers NO EXPLANATION for man's wickedness. The Bible addresses man's sinfulness and remedy in Christ Jesus. The unsaved world prefers to ignore the reality of sin; yet all their "experts" cannot explain why people do what they do. The Word of God plainly gives us the answer; but the world rejects it because of their love for sin (John 3:20). When John Wayne Gacy was executed (15-years after sodomizing and murdering 33 young boys in Illinois), scientists dissected his brain to search for abnormalities. They found a normal brain. If they had even a basic understanding of the Bible, they would have known that the problem was in his heart... "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Mankind is inherently evil and rotten to the core.

Phil Kidd #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

11 Timothy 2:9 commands the woman to dress in modest apparel. I have personally seen that in a large percentage of churches, the long tongued, rebellious, bobbed-haired, preacher-hating, pants-wearing, liberal-minded women have determined the standard of dress for the church. The cowardly preacher is afraid to cross this group. He knows if he does, these loud-mouthed women will take their weak husbands and go to another church. Sadly, most woman pull their hair, grit their teeth, and even yell back when the preacher deals with modest dress. Some will even get mad just reading this article. I say to you, SHUT UP!

In conclusion, I wish to defend the women of our churches for one reason. The fact that women are taking the leadership in our churches is the result of sorry men that will not get involved and do their part. At least some woman are willing to do something! So, you good-for-nothing, hen-pecked men that have been laughing your way through this article, you need to get off your lazy back-side and do something for God. Your wife runs the home because you are too sorry to run it yourself Lady, when your sorry husband dies, please marry a man next time.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Some of the most wicked places on earth today are health clubs. The music has become so disgusting and sexually graphic. Literally, the lyrics sing about oral sex, lasciviousness, lust, whorishness, fornication, feminism, homosexuality, et cetera. Women dress extremely immodestly and gyrate all over the place. It's not just a temptation for the men, lesbianism is epidemic these days. It's all evil to the core. Anything goes these days.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Why is it the controlled mass media never tells America these savage serial murderers are always homosexuals? Why do CBS, ABC, NBC, and all the others cover-up and consistently paint gays as gentle, loving, caring, and compassionate humanitarians? Is it not because most of the TV and news executives and broadcasters are themselves homosexual, bisexual perverts and weirdoes?

The case of homo serial killer Andrew Cunanan is interesting in that most of Cunanan's victims were themselves gay men. Among the five men he killed in a cross-country spree was wealthy fashion designer Gianni Versace. Time magazine (April 5, 1999) commented that Cunanan was "a gregarious, wildly clever mythomaniac and petty thief in the kinky gay netherworld of alcohol, drugs, prostitution, and sadomasochism." Andrew Cunanan's torrent of death ended in 1997 in Miami Beach with the demon-possessed homosexual taking his own life.

Reliable sources tell us that Andrew Cunanan's rage was triggered when he was horribly abused at a Chicago mansion during a homo-satanic ritual at a gay "masquerade ball." Cunanan, a handsome but confused young man in his 20s, had been used as a sexual gigolo by an inner circle of rich, gay Illuminati adepts—he was passed around and used up like a mildewed sack of potatoes. Gianni Versace, a billionaire who had singer Elton John as one of the frequent live-ins at his luxurious residence, was reputed to be a figure in this inner circle of kinky Illuminist homosexuals.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

NAMBLA are a siI believe in rights too, but NOT for homosexuals to promote their filth. No child should ever be taught that it's “normal” for two men or two women to have sex. It is sickening! The demonic feminist movement has generated millions of lesbians all across America! Feminism! Lesbianism! Abortion! Homosexuality! Demonic Rock-n-Roll music! Adulterous Country music! Legal prostitution! Drug abuse! Alcoholism! Gambling! Pornography! Divorce! Child abuse! How much more of this debauchery will God tolerate? The Family Research Institute provides statistics on the evils of homosexuality. Their website is being systematically banned because they tell the truth about homosexuality. Please read Violence and Homosexuality.

Homosexuality is almost as evil as it gets. The infamous Cheshire, Connecticut, rape and murders of a mother (Jennifer Hawke-Petit) and her two young daughters (Michaela, 11 and Hayley, 17) in 2007, were committed by two thug assailants who both later confessed to authorities of having been sexually abused by homosexuals as youth. Don't you dare tell me that homosexuality is harmless. Evil begets more evil. All homosexuals have pederast (desiring young boys) tendencies. That's why NAMBLA exists (North American Man-Boy Love Association), who are trying to lower the age of consent so that they can sodomize America's sons. Jeffrey Dahmer (16 murders) was a homosexual deviant, as was John Wayne Gacy (33 murders). All 49 known victims were boys and young men.

Parents, teach your children the signs of homosexual behavior and how to protect themselves if lured. I admire Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has signed laws protecting Russia's children from homosexual propaganda and has banned the adoption of children by queers! Amen for that!!! Where's Anita Bryant when we need her more than ever in 2015?

Comparing “civil rights” to “gay rights” is like comparing apples with oranges! The big difference is that everything about homosexuality is IMMORAL, UNNATURAL, and a THREAT to society. The fact that two like sexes CANNOT reproduce is solid evidence that homosexuality is VERY abnormal. No one is born gay, because God doesn't make mistakes. The FACT that two men, or two women, CANNOT bring forth a natural child is irrefutable evidence against them. The very idea of such reprobates of society adopting children is unthinkable. How is a growing child supposed to develop properly when they are missing either a father or a mother?

I would also like to point out a FACT that is purposely avoided by the Godless newsmedia. The Catholic church has been PLAGUED with child-molesting priests; BUT, what the media won't stress is that most of the offenders are homosexuals too! Homosexuality and pedophile are virtually INSEPARABLE! Regardless of what the American Psychiatric Institute or other “experts” may claim, the daily news reports that we keep hearing about are self-evident PROOF!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is hypocritical and unjust that a woman can drag her husband into court for any number of reasons; BUT, a husband cannot legally do anything about a rebellious wife. If a wife refuses to clean the house, care for her children, be honest with the husband, cook dinner, et cetera; what recourse of action is there for a husband? He can’t call the police because there’s no law enforcing a husband’s right to a submissive wife. In fact, a husband who exercises his Biblical authority to rule over his wife is breaking the law. It’s called “Domestic Abuse.” As a consequence of feminism’s evil influence, many unrealistic laws have been enacted in America. Thus, a husband who tracks his wife’s whereabouts is now considered abusive. A husband who shelters his wife from a meddling mother-in-law is considered abusive. A husband who controls the mail is considered abusive. But God said that a husband is to RULE OVER his own wife (Genesis 3:16). As the law stands today throughout the United States, men have been effectively castrated in their marriages and homes. This is evil.

Having said that, it’s not hard to figure out why many fathers refuse to pay alimony and/or child support—It’s because the Court System is extremely unfair and heathen! God hates a false balance in the courts— “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight” (Proverb 11:1). I can understand why a man would refuse to cooperate with an unfair legal system that caters to rebellious wives and irresponsible mothers. A woman receiving alimony can legally “shack up” with another man who has a good job, and there’s nothing her former husband can do about it. So why should her husband support her if she’s living with another man? It is unfair.

Concerning child support, many men refuse to pay a dime, because the money goes to a rebellious wife, who quit her marriage and abandoned her husband. Women file for divorce at TWICE the rate of men in America. Some men support their children because they want to, and I respect that. That is the Biblical thing to do. A man should support his children; however, I can also understand why men get angry and refuse to pay a dime. Such men realize that the government will support the children, and they will not go hungry. Such men protest an unjust Court System that persecutes hardworking husbands and fathers, placing the financial burden upon his shoulder, while the mother (often lazy) shacks-up with a friend or lives with mama.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The truth is out here - - but it won't be for long - - because the government is steadily closing down everyone that is trying to get the real truth out to the people! The government stops books, people, printers, etc. - - and soon they will find a way to stop the truth on the web, as well. They are already working on it.

They are calling it "censorship of pornography to protect our children" ---but that's a cover to really get at the web sites that are trying to warn and wake up the people to the truth! Once they pass a "web censorship law" (and they will), they can label anything they want as "pornography" by the way they will have this law worded! It's all in the PLAN of the government to control YOU and everybody else!

By the way, this also goes against our US Constitution - - - for ANY law passed that is NOT VOTED IN BY THE PEOPLE, is an ILLEGAL law!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Americans were concerned when Operation Garden Plot (which originated in 1968) was exposed in the 1980's, a system of Concentration camps for U.S. citizens. Americans were concerned when Halliburton was given a $385,000,000 contract in 2006 to build Concentration Camps for U.S. citizens. These camps are for political subversives—Patriots, Constitutionalists and God-fearing Christians—who publicly stand firm against the TYRANNY of the New World Order. It's no secret that private foreign mercenaries are already being trained and brought into the United States...

The facility in Hardin Montana is a $27,000,000 privatized, mercenary training center. American citizens are naturally concerned. The American Police Force is likely FOREIGN OWNED, which is why the company refuses to disclose their parent company.

According to Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, The White House has been hijacked by a criminal syndicate, who have been hollowing out the U.S. economy for decades. These are the same people who own and control the Federal Reserve Banks. They are also the owners and controllers of The Council On Foreign Relations. They meet annually at Bilderberg meetings. This is the New World Order gang. William Guy Carr details the origin of this Luciferian group in his timeless book, PAWNS IN THE GAME.

Kennedy warned the public about the inside-plot to overthrow the U.S. government 10-days before he was assassinated...

“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” —President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination!

Now you know why they killed Kennedy. Sadly, most people today are clueless, including Christians, concerning the spiritual wickedness at work to destroy America.

Here is Dr. Henry Makow's definition of the Illuminati . . .

“The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.”
SOURCE: savethemales.ca - Countdown to World War Three

The New World Order is not coming, it is HERE, now! The Beast system is upon us. Nearly everyone is worshipping the Beast. Nearly every company is committed to the Beast system. Most mainstream religions worship the Beast. The music industry worships the Beast. Will you also follow the Beast?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I can spot a transvestite most of the time. They have a certain distinct look about them. They resemble the Rocky Horror Show. It's quite easy to spot a shem (she, him). I tell you, transvestites are some of the most miserable people in the world. I gave one a gospel tract and you could see the contempt and loneliness in her (really a him) soul. Jesus is the last name they want to hear.

Only in so-called civilized societies do people seek sex-change surgery. You'll never find such insanity in poorer, primitive cultures where men and women still mate and live together as husband and wife. Sadly, Colorado has become the sex-change capital of the United States, of all places.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Homeland Security is here to destroy America. They work for the international banking cartel. It may sound bizarre and conspiratorial, but if you do your homeowner you'll find that the offshore banksters (primarily the Rothschilds) are Satan's vehicle for building the New World Order. It makes sense that in this wicked world, where Satan is god according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4, that the wealthiest family in the world is carrying out Satan's diabolical plans to achieve World government and finish was was left undone at the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:7-9). This is not an American takeover; but rather, an alien, globalist, criminal takeover in a hellish direction.

Since 1815 the Rothschilds have been in control of international affairs. They have learned to develop a system of full-spectrum dominance, where they fund all the sides of a conflict (sometimes more than two sides). They fund and create a Hitler (which is evidenced by Congressional records), to then wreck Europe so they can offer the solution to go takeover Europe with martial law after it's been destroyed. This is a global, corporate system that is exempt from law, outside of law, with global diplomatic unity. These are the evil scum behind the homosexualization of America!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Shortly after Rahm become mayor of Chicago, a 26-foot statue of a sleazy whore named Marilyn Monroe was erected downtown for tourists to lust upon. This stature is symbolic of the prevalence of sin in Chicago. It's not mere coincidence that the biggest cities are becoming the most immoral. It's always been that way. Even in the days of Abraham and Lot, it was the cities where people congregated that sin was at its worst. The most wicked places in America are its big cities; namely, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Houston, Miami. I couldn't believe that Miami, Florida is now 74% Hispanic and hardly anyone can speak English. They're all illegal immigrants!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Disneyland and Disneyworld are world famous and the pride of America. They are also extremely important programming centers for the Illuminati to create total mind-controlled slaves. Disneyland is also involved with providing a place for rituals, porn and other satanic activities. In terms of deception, Disney movies and Disney Amusement Parks rate as one of the best deceptions. According to deprogrammed ex-Illuminati slaves, the Illuminati in the 1960’s needed to shift their programming away from the military bases, because too much publicity (heat) was shined on the military bases.

Their goal was to have someplace that people from all over the world could come to without raising any suspicions, and a place which would be the perfect cover for many of their criminal activities. You’ll want to read our article on the Controlling of Britney Spears (A Disney mind control victim), Paris Hilton and Madonna here: Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Madonna, what is their real agenda?

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

All we hear about nowadays is how religion throughout the ages has caused wars and suppressed people's rights. Increasingly, children today are being brainwashed to view Christianity as a power-hungry "MAGISTERIUM" (i.e., the evil organization in The Golden Compass), which seeks to suppress the rights of homosexuals, Wiccan witches, Evolutionists, abortionists, feminists and other degenerates of society. The fact is that God's Word, the Bible, condemns these sins. Just as Satan caused Eve to sinfully magnify her restrictions (i.e., the rules God had made), so do God-hating atheists today desire to instill in children a resentment for God's Word which restricts the freedoms of the wicked. Public school children are being taught that Christianity is bigoted and unfair, just as Satan caused Eve to think God was being unfair.

The grave danger of Harry Potter and The Golden Compass is that they cause children to view God as being unfair, in a learning environment where any type of discrimination is considered wrong. The fact of the matter is that God commands us to discriminate in certain cases... "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." Christians are commanded not to associate with any professed Christian who is a drunkard, chases women, lives for money or lives in unrepentant sin. Certainly, Christians are not supposed to associate with unsaved heathens (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17), other than to befriend them with the Gospel as Jesus did. Public school children are being taught that the sin of homosexuality should be accepted; BUT, God says "No." Now you know why homosexuals hate God's Word so much.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It's that simple folks! Women are the wives of today and the mothers of tomorrow. Feminism is destroying America. Increasingly, women are steering away from being mothers and wives, opting for careers instead. Please don't allow feminism to rob you of being a submissive wife and a godly mother. Please don't allow feminism to murder your baby through abortion. Feminism has duped America's women into murdering their own little babies in the name of "liberation."

The "liberation" which Ursula King is promoting is rebellion against God. Dr. King's entire book attacks the Bible, what she calls "traditional theological thinking." The term "theological thinking" implies that the historical doctrines of the Christian faith came by the will of men and not by God. The Bible counters such allegations with the following truth...

"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." -2nd Peter 1:21

The 1611 King James Bible is the Word of God. We received the Bible from the Holy Spirit, not from "theological thinkers" as King would lead people to believe. You see, if you fall into the deceitful thinking of King that Christianity is "changeable," then you will be driven about by every wind of doctrine.

The Word of God CANNOT be changed (Matthew 5:18). God CANNOT be changed (Malachi 3:6). Though wifely obedience may appear only to be an "old-fashioned" tradition, it is so much more...it is obedience to the Word of God!

Again, the "liberation" which King claims is the core of the Christian Gospel does NOT include a liberation from obeying the plain and direct teachings of the Word of God. God said what He meant and meant what He said!

Let me ask you a question..."Is God a male chauvinist?" After all, did not God make the husband the head of the wife (Ephesians 5:23)? Did not Paul asked women to silence themselves in church (2nd Timothy 2:12)? Did God make only males in His image, and then as an after thought make woman (as Archie Bunker suggested) a cheaper cut?

Helen Reddy became so incensed at this attitude that, upon acceptance of the Grammy Award for her record, she proclaimed "I am Woman, I thank God because She made it all possible." That shocked most people in the 1970s, but in 2002, with the advent of a gender-neutral Bible, it does not seem so farfetched anymore.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It's not enough nowadays to hand a Bible to someone and expect them to self-start. People need to be led, which is exactly why Jesus commanded us to TEACH them in Matthew 28:20, "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..." Let us be diligent to teach others to be soulwinners, and to challenge them to contend for the faith. I'll never forget visiting Dr. Roy Thompson's church in Cleveland Ohio, and the big sign in front of their church... "Abortion is Murder!" That's what America needs ... fighting believers! It's because we aren't fighting against sin and the Devil that we are instead fighting amongst ourselves.

It's as easy as leaving a Gospel tract on a restaurant table, or on the shelf in a store. I've trained my kids to bring Gospel tracks with them everywhere we go. We love the Chick tracts, and so do many people. I always wear shirts with pockets, so I have a place to keep my tracts. If you cannot afford to purchase tracts, there are several ministries which provide free Gospel tracts. I would recommend writing your own Gospel tracts (if you are sure the information is Biblically sound). I'd be happy to read over the tract and give you my opinion.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The “social justice” which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

“The New World Order is full of empty platitudes about 'peace,' 'tolerance' and 'human rights.' But in light of the NWO's murderous Communist (and Fascist) pedigree, these platitudes are no more convincing than if Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer uttered them.” —Henry Makow

In 1983, Hollywood moviestar and U.S. President Ronald Reagan (known to his queer pedophile friends in southern California as “Rainbow Ronnie”) signed a bill, making Martin Luther King Jr.'s. birthday a national holiday. That was a sad day in American history, because everything about King is a fraud, just like Reagan. It was Reagan who lifted the ban on astrology (witchcraft) in California. Reagan is also as much to blame for deindustrializing America (sending U.S. jobs to foreign countries) as anyone. Both Ron and Nancy Reagan were infatuated with demonic astrology. Reagan and Billy Graham were initiated into Freemasonry together (a satanic religious cult rooted in Kaballah). This should be an outrage to all Christians. The King Holiday act ought to be repealed!

Martin Luther King was a Red Communist!

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