What happened to basic acknowledgment of disability? Homosexuality, by definition, is a reproductive disability. Not an insanity, just a condition that makes reproducing naturally extremely difficult. Whatever else that stems from it, culture, arts, alternative ways of thinking by mixing up masculine and feminine aspects, the scientifically healthy way to look at them is that these exist as a “Coping Culture“, even a very useful one, but that’s the same as ”deaf culture“, or “paralytic culture“, these must exist for disabled groups that are large enough to form a community. They aren’t inferior or superior, to anyone else, they have a disability that they can cope best with by supporting one another.
But what happens when a particular disability becomes reversible?
The Hawaiian leper community became its own distinct thriving culture thanks to the priest Fr Damian, one its members were even proud of. Then, all of a sudden, in the 1940s, they were given wide spectrum antibiotics and told they were no longer restrained to that area, that any who were not too crippled to leave were free to do so. Just keep a carful eye on your numb spots and not to worry anymore about it spreading further.
That was it.
That unique culture was gone in another generation, obsolete.
Thing is, if leprosy was only made curable TODAY , would there be a fringe calling it “cultural genocide“? I have to wonder.
Some might argue that the civilizational ideal would be for everyone to be born cis bisexual with 10% tomboys and tommygirls, thus maximally free for everyone to choose their best lives That they can.
Seems like the most logical goal for a genetically engineered civilization, at least one that values liberty. If several coping cultures die out, let it happen. A Metrosexual subculture from the bi toms can still compensate. Religious people who want orthodox norms can still choose those as well, but they’d definitely be CHOOSING to live as heterosexuals. Others will do the opposite and commit to same sex relationships for various reasons, even though they would still find both attractive.
If the liberal republic ideal has any meaning anymore, than how is that not liberating? If we must make designer babies, why not those babies?