
VentAnger #wingnut deviantart.com

I do love how leftwingers block you immediately after losing a debate on the facts.
It really just proves that we're not dealing with intellectual, thinking mature adults.
We're just dealing with immature little mental-children who have never experienced the "trauma" of being proven wrong.
Thanks again theMuesLee

Rodegas #wingnut #racist deviantart.com


Obviously no one could have foreseen such outcome...

(Made by someone from ČR I just translated it.)

Video:Resident of Calais speaks. This is the death of civilization. (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKAQX74yRyc)
(I remember when we had similar problem in Slovakia with gypsies, western europe condemn us, funny how thing can turn.)

If EU would really wanted to help, for same amount of money they would secure / take care for 10 times more people right there in nearest safe zone/ country.
Instead of resetling just a small portion of them to the most expensive countries in Europe!

For example Cost of living in Denmark is 90% higher than in Slovakia Cost of living in Norway is 121.06% higher than in Slovakia and so on.
Like, One-way Ticket (Local Transport) is 6 times more expensive so what are they doing? 1000 euros in EU is not much, but it is a lot in Africa.

"Europe has lost its will to live as Europe," said Mideast expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar to Ynet. "It is gathered into museums, into history. If the leaders will not put an end to immigration, we will soon be hearing the death throes of the continent as we know it."

Drogin1 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(Image: scene from the film of 1984 with the imagine of the Hannibal Lecter looking party official with the LGBTQ flag over his face and Winsten being tortured
LGBTQ flaged covered Party Official: How many genders are there winsten?
Winsten: two
LGBTQ flaged covered Party Official: If the party says there is not 2 but 70 genders how many are there?
Winsten: Still two you asswipe)

A parody of the book and film George Orwells 1984 I suggest you read 1984 as well as brave new world, Both very good warnings for mankind.

Anyways hope you enjoy this poke at sjwism and the hate group known as the LGBTQ

Drogin1 #crackpot #wingnut deviantart.com

****** Result for Image/Page 1 ******
three principles party of america
Nationalism:the United States shall come first before any other nation and no
other union shall make her laws
Democorcy:the U.S shall puge it self of its totalitarian laws and her government
will be reformed
the People's livelihood: the government shall serve the people first not the bankers
nor the corporations and the american people shall enjoy a age of true capitalism
one with out corporatism or socialism robbing the people of its wealth

a fictional political party in the united states based of the KMT the Three Peoples Principles Party of America is anti globalist anti banker anti socialist and anti corporate, as well as being a ally to the yellow vest movement of America and other political organizations that share the same goal of restoring America

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

First off, if you've contributed to BLM read who you're supporting...


full details in the link, here's the tl;dr

Joseph Resenbaum (dead) - registered sex offender, crime involving a minor

Anthony Huber (dead) - criminal history, charges of battery, repeat domestic abuse

Gaige Grosskreutz (alive, crippled arm) - criminal record including armed intoxication, wishes he killed the guy

Kyle Rittenhouse (shooter, alive) - was seen cleaning graffiti just a couple days prior

So yeah, to all of you who donated funds to BLM ... you probably helped post bail to criminals, wife beaters, and child molesters.

You should be touching yourself tonight in honor of how you've made such a positive difference in the world.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Until the "mostly peaceful" group stops resorting to mob violence...

Gonna remind everyone that terrorists bully and intimidate others into conformity of their ideals. Ya know: cause terror to spread the message? Pretty sure that's what these roaming packs of wild dogs in the streets are doing.

Novuso #wingnut deviantart.com

To all the school kids going on strike for climate change:
- You are the first generation to have required air conditioning in every classroom.
- You want TV in every room and your classes are all computerized
- You spend all day in night on electronic devices
- More than ever you don't walk or ride bikes to school arrive in caravans of private cars
- You are the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and replace perfectly good expensive luxury items to stay "trendy."
- Your entertainment comes from electronic devices
- Tell your teachers to switch off the air con.
- Walk to school
- Switch off your devices and read a book
- Eat less manufactured and processed food
- Learn to think for yourself and not blindly accept the words of others

I know I am asking too much from Generation lazy shits.

Shawntheimmortal942 and Zheyno #racist #wingnut #psycho deviantart.com

Because the left keeps blocking him or keep demonizing him by gas lighting people into thinking “If Trump gets the national guard on these cites then he really is a Nazi and is censoring our free speech!” Or some shit. Now I do agree that Trump should get the national guard to mow these rioters down but I also admit that this is a good move for Trump since it’s opening people’s eyes that these democratic cites are shit holes and they shouldn’t vote for these “progressive” crazies. I’m more leaning on getting the national guard(Which more people in Seattle wanted Trump to do to get CHAZ out. I think 70%) but it’s kinda like rubbing your dog’s nose in the shit they did in the house. It’s like the sanctuary cities these crazies keep endorsing(which are illegal), if crime rises in these democratic cites because they keep letting in so many illegal immigrants or letting these riots happen then the people have no else to blame but themselves, the crazies in power and the virtue signaling crazies who demanded open borders or the riots to keep going. Hopefully these crazies get voted out but the left is the very definition of insanity.

Trump should stop simping for the Left’s approval and rule with a iron fist, until the republic is back to normalcy. If the left is crazy like you say, then they should be locked up into mental institutions and not given legitimately. You cannot treat them as not an enemy when they are allowing the nation and its history to be destroyed.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

You can’t continue to demonize the police but then ask why they aren’t they on your side while you constantly throw them under the bus for things that only a handful of bad cops have done but no, you had to blame all of the police and now you have destroyed businesses, burnt down buildings and more crime while you fucks sit in your goddamn ivory towers! AOC and every other crazy out there want nothing to do with these “protesters” because the minute you step in their street...they call the police! Also it’s dumbasses like AOC that kill me when she talks about “defunding the police” but never once is she gonna talk about an alternative if there are no cops or not enough cops. What are you gonna do? You already want to take people’s guns away especially from law abiding citizens so you just want anarchy? And you wonder why I keep saying that crazies are the reason that Trump keeps winning! So keep on demonizing the police, keep on showing your ACAB bullshit because the minute that the cops are gone...you’re fucked Because these rioters HATE THE RICH! Who do you think they’re gonna go after next, you stupid fucks!? You can go on and on about being a “democratic socialist“ while building IKEA furniture on your live streams and bitching about farting cows. I swear if this election doesn’t end with the map turning almost completely red like Regan did in 1984 then that is something that needs a fucking investigation because there no way anyone could possibly vote for Biden or want any of these crazies in power. Do you really want more riots and these crazies saying “it’s just summer of love” while crime rises? Is your Trump derangement syndrome that bad?

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Yeah! How dare the NYPD side with Trump!? They should be watching cities burn down by BLM and ANTIFA, watching people getting killed by BLM and ANTIFA while geting defunded with a big smile on their faces! Why is the left getting so much hate? They did EVERYTHING right, right? Right!? The left has officially turned into an abusive husband or wife that beats their spouse, America or cops, while claiming “it’s for their own good or they do it out of love” and now the left is expecting America to just cry on TV and say “YOU DON’T KNOW THE LEFT! I CAN CHANGE THEM! I LOOOOOOVE THEM!” Or is this a one sided BDSM thing? Stop being a Christian Grey, you fucking psychos!

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

2016 = DNC hadn't even finished their election, and all their braindead followers were promising that Trump would be impeached if elected because he would undoubtedly do something to merit it.

Turns out that was their insurance policy. A coup by means of legal technicalities. And it failed.


2020 = DNC is rallying its insurance policy (2 of them)

- first is Voter Fraud ... but that's falling apart

- Second is ANTIFA, and their cockpuppet BLM ... brute force violence

How this going to play out ...

The DNC will fail horribly during the election. They're losing ground every day.

So ... in comes the insurance policy: Biden's Youth.

All those riots and burning cities caused by limpdick lifefailure shitheads we're seeing right now? That's just a preview. ANTIFA's gonna launch a full scale war once Trump gets back into office. I mean, we had riots last time around ... we're gonna see more ... a lot more.

Only difference is that by the time November comes around, those DNC backed anarchists are going to come to a quick realization that personal firearms have been selling by the thousands every day ... despite all the efforts by democrat lawmakers to make it illegal. On top of that, Trump's probably going to authorize military force the moment ANTIFA strikes first ...

and the only tears that will be shed for the anarchist corpses will be from CNN News Anchors and Hollywood Celebrities.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

First off, if you've contributed to BLM read who you're supporting...


full details in the link, here's the tl;dr

Joseph Resenbaum (dead) - registered sex offender, crime involving a minor

Anthony Huber (dead) - criminal history, charges of battery, repeat domestic abuse

Gaige Grosskreutz (alive, crippled arm) - criminal record including armed intoxication, wishes he killed the guy

Kyle Rittenhouse (shooter, alive) - was seen cleaning graffiti just a couple days prior

So yeah, to all of you who donated funds to BLM ... you probably helped post bail to criminals, wife beaters, and child molesters.

You should be touching yourself tonight in honor of how you've made such a positive difference in the world.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

"mostly peaceful" as easily close to a million dollars of property is destroyed in a neighborhood by BLM arsonists

Again, this is where I'm laughing mockingly at all the NPCs who just 5 years ago were touching themselves about how aware they were of the world and how they were free thinkers.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(Neo-Nazi Shawntheimmortal is again fixating on Don Lemon. The man’s married, dude!)

Donny-boy looks like his head is about to explode! XD It’s taking so much of his being to not lash out and you know he started beating his pillow when he got home. He threw the bait out and got SLAPPED! Also when she said “we should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks” I love the emphasis she does on “Right source” and the look on Don lemon’s face is PRICELESS! See!? Even the guy’s mother thinks you’re full of shit! That might not have been intended as a slap against CNN but the look on Lemon-man‘s face Oooooooooh! Think of her not bashing Trump as a knife to Donny’s arm and her saying to get the details from the RIGHT SOURCE is just twiiiiiiisting it! Gotta love it! Again, I’m sure she didn’t mean it that way but it’s funny to think it was so let me dream!

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

So you can riot all you want and Chicago is really prepared for all these rioters despite you defunding them and you’re “for the cause“...but you don’t want these “protesters” at your front door? Lori Lightfoot is at least being honest for how much of a piece of shit she is and it’s so funny how democrats want to support rioters and shit all over the police but they don’t want these “protesters“ anywhere near their homes? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I think Razorfists right when he said there’s a civil war in the left, you have the moderates vs the crazies or the crazies vs the crazies because when they’re not bullshit shitting about Trump they’re kicking their own asses! How is that the left has turned into such a fucking circus?

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Here we have Sabrina Belcher

(A horrible edit of a mug shot)

She's a mayoral candidate for the city of Sumter. Err ... was a mayoral candidate. She's been fined $10,000 and landed some jail time.

You see, she was basically livestreaming her campaign while outside and got mugged. So the police and ambulance responded and all that jazz ... then police investigated and uncovered that she had worked with her assailants to stage the whole thing in an effort to gain publicity/sympathy/votes.

So that penalty was for pissing away tax payer resources and screwing with the medical emergency responders, a charge she's plead guilty to. Her buddies have also been charged with conspiracy.

Not kidding, she staged some violence, lied about it, and was caught. This sort of shit happens. In case you forgot, there was that 2bit deadend rapper who screwed up an attempt to make it look like he was mugged by MAGA. ... unfortunately there's a metric shit ton of children crying wolf nowadays. Seems like goldfish brains don't want to remember that.

The only thing that's a joke about this article is the hasty photo edit of her.

She's actually uglier IRL.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

When parents try to tell their coming of age kid, a frequent rebuttal is "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN MY SHOES" and then the kid storms off into his bedroom in a fit of undefined spoiled rage ... likely to listen to some shitty music and sob about how alone he is.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, and most of the time the parents are just thinking "that kid is a piece of shit, but I love 'em. Wish I knew how they could just see the bigger picture."


k, so


Imagine you're trying to talk to someone about politics, and then they use the phrase "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU HAVEN'T LIVED IT."


That person is sounding exactly like a damned teenager who needs to learn how to keep their hormones and feelings in check.


Difference here is that you don't actually love the person. So your sentiment is simply "that person is a piece of shit. I wish he'd just pull his damned head out of his ass for one minute and realize how idiotic and self contradictory he's being."

Step Three: PROFIT!!! Award

ArtilleryVoodoo #conspiracy deviantart.com

The media are infected with a disease that needs to be cured. They are the voice of the deep state and pushing the big pharma agenda, and only allowing their narrative to be heard. I think they are trying to force a cashless society upon us and mandatory vaccinations that will make them trillions and gain total control and power over us...and im not the only one who thinks this

TheMarineArtist #wingnut deviantart.com

How can you desecrate the “don’t tread on me“ slogan of the patriots who fought the British for our independence. this BLM doghsit Is a Marxist scam that launders and steals money for the Democrats. How can you put don’t tread on me, which symbolizes America, with the Marxist fist that symbolizes communism and reverse racism against white people

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

You are so literally brainwashed & indoctrinated. By your logic cars can't kill people because people died before there were cars.

Both Africa and India have suffered the worst of what Bill & Linda have forced on the world. CDC, FDA & WHO now all ADMIT THEY HAVE ZERO EVIDENCE OF DOUBLE BLIND, SALINE PLACEBO TESTING. Vaxxxines have NEVER ONCE BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY BY STANDARDS GOING BACK OVER 70 YEARS.

empathicdesign #homophobia deviantart.com

Imagine living in a world where if someone wanted to have "Pride" recognition, it would mean being some kind of "Phobe". Yah.
The fact that heterosexuality is not being celebrated should be a damn good reason to be concerned.
LGB? You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us straight folk. Yeah. Show some appreciation.

The snowflakes that attack us that endorse Straight Pride, call US snowflakes. Yeah. We are the snowflakes.
Apparently, we are attention seekers. Imagine that. In addition to that, we get labeled as LGBTphobes and what not. Yeah. That's TOTALLY not making about you.. ;)

Let's be honest, the naysayers, the ones getting butthurt over this are being triggered for no, real, reason.
Straight Pride is the REAL Pride, as there's nothing to celebrate about being gay. Nothing.

Nothing says phobic like attacking another because it's deemed a threat to their own pride. Snowflake in a nutshell. :-D

EmpathicDesign #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

And all of the T's in LGBT know it's true.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals have (without issue) embraced their biological sex.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals have real love for themselves.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals do not suffer 'Gender Dysphoria'

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not bothered by 'Social Gender Norms'

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not discriminated on the grounds of not having personally applied pronouns used.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals do worry about expressing a 'Gendered Identity'.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not delusional and suffering from mental illness.


LoginTrap #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

BS. SJWs are the ones accusing everyone in pedophilia. Ask Epstein.
And they are fucking puritanical and denounced everything achieved by progressives ever since sexual revolution.
Now we have two sides of the extreme with nothing in between. You either get puritanical SJWs or puritanical Evangelicals.
Both reject science and batshit insane. Meanwhile nature doesn't care and puberty still hits around 12 years old and so the girl have menstruation which means ability to get pregnant and to give birth. And boys can spill their semen and impregnate the girl. :D

Also sexual education for ya tweens:

There is no "god" (and priests fuck children).
There is no "virginity" (some girls simply never have hymen, others may lose it by pure accident before they even know, besides - its just thin skin and also can stretch)
Also its not somewhere deep - if tampon or penis got inside - the hymen is not a problem anymore. By the way - tampons do go inside when the girl have menstruation, although for young girls pads recommended (mostly cause conservatives love "virgins"). Scary tales about painful defloration actually a ruse. Puritans simply obsessed with sexual abstinence. That been said - for pleasurable sex girl must be happy and aroused, otherwise she won't be wet, so it could be unpleasant.

No, sexual abstinence doesn't help. In fact it creates autistic young generation scared of any relationships. Through puberty both sexes must develop libido (sexual feelings) and crucial communication skills to be able to have any sexual life later on. People never achieve anything instantly - they learn and accumulate experience!
Puritanical idea that at 18th birthday sheltered kid suddenly turn into an adult is BS. Teens develop sexuality all the way and no one shall prevent them from this, sexually repressed teen will have many psychological problems in future adult life (see - incels).

"Pulling out" doesn't work as contraception aka birth control (that is prevention of pregnancy)
The only reliable way to avoid unnecessary pregnancy and possible STD (bad sickness which you get if someone whom you fuck has it) is to use condoms (yes, when doing oral sex - too, no, you can't get pregnant this way, but you can get STD). Birth control pills helps against pregnancy too, but not against STDs. Abortion is not good, but unneeded kid would be much worse. So don't be dumb.
And make love, not war!

Fucking is good if done right. (Carry your condoms with you, yes, even if you a girl - guys always forget that, never fuck without them!)
If pussy isn't wet - she's not aroused and there is no pleasure. So make it wet by gently playing with her clit! (its that little spot under the skin hood where her pussy lips close at the top) What are you doing?! I said - gently! It helps to play with each other first (hugging-touching-feeling-kissing) that's the best way to make girl wet too! Better do it with someone whom you like, whom you trust, and who are less likely to have STD.
Slut shaming is a ruse of old fat women jealous to young sexy girls.
Incels are assholes.

Partying and drinking is good...but drunk girl easy prey for assholes. Be careful! Oh, don't do drugs. Do not smoke weed either...oh, well. At least do not smoke too much! (Smoking is bad, m'kay?)
Hey, guy - do not rape! Young girls are easy anyway!

Finally - watch Swedish educational film "Pubertet" (Puberty) Its for teens but retarded Murrica censored it on youtube so search on torrents.

ShadyWalt #wingnut deviantart.com

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my gun and freedom of speech. :)

What about you, Jordan?

Says you live in Ireland on your profile, so I guess I ultimately don't blame you for
your anti-American negativity. You micks are a bunch of fucking miserable people. I know, because I
got some of that in my blood. By the way, one island, one Ireland. Anything else is cuckoldry.

(I don't need to be intellectual when your initial comment is just "Americans are bad". :D)

You can kindly fuck off now.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

You're undoubtedly fleeing the state because their economy tanked and the taxes are too high.

That's because of the leftist politicians running the show.



If it didn't work in the state you're leaving, it won't work in the state you're heading to.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

I think I significant portion of leftist literalism (i.e. inability to see anything beyond written definition: literal meaning) stems from their own egotistical insecurities.

They CRAVE to be taken seriously.

In their mind, to be taken seriously is a way to command power and respect.

But when you have to INVENT injustice just to have something to be taken seriously over - like boycotting a game because of a single cosmetic option victory pose - ... it's unlikely sane people will listen. ... ergo they have to shut off their own brains in order to avoid questioning their own motives and muster enough charisma to sell this bullshit in order to gain power through respect.

Shut off your brain long enough?
It don't turn back on.

At that point the leftist becomes a literalist: incapable of independent creative thought beyond the literal definition angs what other people tell them.

Rvbomally #fundie #psycho #racist deviantart.com

The theocratic factions won out in the American Union after the Revolution, and for the longest time, America saw itself as the "shining city upon a hill," to separate itself from the "Sodoms across the seas." Christian fundamentalism was the order of the day, and while the government never resorted to killing those that they saw as "sinful," such as non-Christians and homosexuals, they were relegated to second-class citizens and sent to ghettoes. The regime saved its lethal force to political opponents of the regime, which were quickly and quietly disposed of in sweatshops intended to keep America isolated.

Rvbomally #psycho #wingnut #racist #fundie deviantart.com

The year 2016 was a year of major shifts in politics, and the beginning of the end of the old order. The United Kingdom left the European Union, prompting the Netherlands and France to petition for their own exits. Against all odds, Donald Trump won the Republican nomination and then the presidency. He was unfortunate enough to have to deal with another recession - this time Chinese in origin - within a hundred days of his implementing extreme tariffs against Chinese goods. The beleaguered Chinese Communist Party decided to put the blame on the Americans, escalating tensions in the South China Sea, on the Korean Peninsula, and even against Russia. This policy proved unwise, as Trump was unwilling to back down and responded to provocation with more provocation. Before long, events escalated out of control, and by late 2017 the world was at war.

Russia and America joined forces against China, while the Americans turned a blind eye to the Polish-Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Belarus. Russo-American forces made great advances in China, but the desperate Chinese government retaliated by using its nuclear arsenal. The Russians and Americans responded with overwhelming force. Only a few Chinese missiles hit their targets, most of which were against foreign armies on Chinese soil, while the Americans and Russians devastated China in return (although the exchange remained limited). In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia - already abandoned by the Trump government - invaded Syria and Iraq to prevent the Russians and Iranians from gaining total hegemony. The Saudis were roundly defeated.

The global economy collapsed in the aftermath. The American government temporarily lost control as they scrambled to reorganize in Philadelphia. Trump's controversial and disastrous policies were widely unpopular; the nuclear attack on America was icing on the cake. State governments declared that they would not follow Trump any longer, Texas and California chief among them. With much of the American military destroyed in China, the federal government relied on loyal militias, some of which had their own agenda and used the civil war to carve out their own states. The federals secured the South against the neo-Confederates, but lost Texas to evangelicals, the West and New England to libertarian militias, and the Northwest to once-loyal white supremacist militias who saw Trump as too soft on the "racial question." Trump himself did away with the old government and, as his most ardent supporters wanted, proclaimed himself Emperor of the American Empire. In Russia, Putin did the same.

NATO and the European Union collapsed, and civil wars broke out across the European continent. Britain closed itself from the world, while nationalist and far-right organizations saw weakness in continental governments and began an armed uprising. The far left and Islamist groups retaliated, officially on behalf of the government, but fighting the government and one another just as often. Russia, seeing an opportunity to expand their influence, backed these groups and attempted to conquer the old Warsaw Pact. However, they were rebuffed by the Visegrad alliance, which became a close-knit alliance in the face of Russian invasion. The Russians were thrown out of Eastern Europe, while European nationalists secured their victory by using nuclear weapons they claimed to have acquired from old NATO bases (some evidence points to Russian involvement). In the wake of their victory, the nationalists exercised brutal reprisals against their enemies, real and perceived.

The Chinese Communist Party did not survive World War III. Years of warlordism followed the nuclear attack, as did starvation and disease. The Chinese population plummeted. However, the gender imbalance in the country continued despite the deaths of many young men in the war, and indeed got worse after the strikes against Chinese cities. Uniting many desperate, angry young men was the idea of a new, patriarchal Chinese empire, where they could form the ruling class and thus could pick as many women as they could. Influenced by the Western "manosphere," this movement became popular among many young men, thus allowing it to overpower its opponents and claim power. The Chinese also invaded their neighbors, explicitly to take their women; while successful in Mongolia and Korea, the Chinese were defeated in Vietnam, putting an end to their expansion and forcing the Chinese to lick their wounds and rebuild.

By 2042, the world has stabilized. The Russians and Indians are the most powerful societies on Earth, although the standard is not very high. The fighting in Europe and Asia has died down definitively, and the new orders are going strong. Most countries focus on rebuilding, particularly those devastated by WWIII. Poverty is widespread, protectionism is commonplace and global trade has collapsed, and much of the African and Asian continents are suffering from a wave of famine. Technology has stagnated since the 2020s, and few advancements have been made since; the American Empire is reinvestigating the EM drive, but little progress has been made. However, the Japanese have been successful at alternative reproduction, but the technology is taking a while to catch on elsewhere.

New religious movements have become popular, particularly the Cult of Kek and the Redpill Church. The Cult of Kek, arising out of an online meme, believes that through the use of "meme magic" - the constant repetition of something online - the ancient Egyptian god Kek will alter reality to suit their needs. The Cult has become popular simply because the events of the 21st century - known as "The Happening" among the Cult's members - were almost exactly what people online "memed" into existence, thus proving the religion correct. The Cult of Kek has many sects and forms, but most are loyal to the current alt-right new order and seek to further it.

The Redpill Church is one that arose out of certain portions of the online "Manosphere," and gained widespread acceptance in the aftermath of WWIII, particularly after the rise of the Chinese Empire. Teaching that women are biologically "hypergamous" - that is, almost parasitic upon men - the Redpill Church seeks to facilitate the final destruction of "gynocentric" society. This is facilitated through teaching by Redpill monks, who travel the world to preach the message. As with all religions, the Redpill Church is divided. Some sects believe that their goal is to enforce the current "patriarchy," while others believe that even the rise of the traditionalist regimes in the wake of WWIII is not enough, and others still want to do away with the need for women entirely through the use of artificial wombs.

Russia was not hit hard during WWIII, and while Putin has died, his image lives on as the father of the new Russian century. Tsarina Yekaterina, purported to be Vladimir Putin's daughter, holds the throne, but she has elected to be more of a figurehead and allow the oligarchs to run the country. Nonetheless, Russian authoritarianism has returned in full, based on a strange mix of Imperial and Soviet patriotism. Stalin is now a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, now Russia's state religion. The Islamic minorities remain noisy, but given the sheer brutality of the Third Chechen War, they are wise enough not to start any violence against the government.

America remains shattered, and there are no signs that this will change. Emperor Donald I has perished, and his son, Donald II, has taken the throne, and there are those in the Empire who worry about the future of the monarchy if Donald II does not live up to his father's legacy. Given the major territorial losses suffered during the Second American Civil War, the Trump monarchy's greatest achievement - the Great Wall of America - does not exist within the Empire. The Empire, modeling itself off Rome, is a rather unpleasant absolute monarchy, where any opinion that dissents from the Trumpist line is punishable by imprisonment. The Lion Guard, ironically referred to as the "Trumpstaffel" by its detractors and its supporters, acts as a "private" enforcer of the regime.

Texas remains a democracy, although the only choices are "fundamentalist Christian" and "slightly less fundamentalist Christian." Formed by the evangelical factions of the Republican Party - opposed to Trump even before the civil war - Texas considers itself a shining city on a hill, the last bastion of true Americanism. It does maintain the Great Wall, but it has built walls of its own on its borders with the Empire. The Governor of Texas is all-powerful, with the legislature doing everything he wants. Christianity is the state religion, although Texas is protective of Jews, and atheism and Islam are banned outright.

The libertarian states on the continent - the Pacific States and New England - have formed a defensive alliance. Although starting out as a rag-tag group of states, the necessity of defending themselves from hostile neighbors have vastly increased the size of government, particularly the military. Both governments are now dominated by their militaries, which are the descendants of various militia groups, and are unfriendly to anti-libertarian political expression. However, both states do remain tolerant of foreign cultures - so long as they keep to themselves and participate in the economy - and while they discourage "statism," freedom of expression is still protected. A vast majority of the population is poor, and receive no aid whatsoever from the government.

In the Pacific Northwest, a white nationalist state has established itself. Originally supported by the Federal government, the Northwest Republic broke off and promptly expelled all non-whites and any whites who objected. Due to the major destruction the war and the purges caused to the rich coastal cities, and the pariah status the Northwest Republic has, it is an impoverished state, although it maintains a large military to remain a threat. Modeling itself somewhat off the Third Reich, the Northwest Republic is a single-party state with a single "President" at the top, and is closed off to all non-whites.

In Europe, nationalism reigns supreme, but in varying degrees of intensity. The United Kingdom remains a democracy, albeit an "emergency" one with a UKIP-Tory coalition in perpetual rule. The United Kingdom has taken a policy of "splendid isolation" with regard to the continent, and has expelled portions of its population that the government deemed "dangerous," but there are still some Eastern European and Middle Eastern communities on Great Britain (of course, they are thoroughly Anglicized). The European Brotherhood takes the position of pan-European nationhood, albeit one that respects the different cultures in Europe. The EB is practically a French empire, with a presidential dictatorship. The EB models itself off Rome, but local rights are respected - so long as the localities are European. Christianity is encouraged by the state, Islam is banned, and non-Europeans have been expelled from the country. The EB and the UK, while aligned, do have major differences of opinion on the question of the continued British occupation of northern France. In the East, the Visegrad Union promotes traditional European culture as a counterpoint to the current Russian regime. The Union is heavily Catholic, and even the current Pope is a conservative Pole.

The Nordic Union has taken a different track: the Nordics reject Christianity as a foreign religion, and have turned back to the worship of the Aesir. Believing themselves to be the successors of the old Norse, the Nordics are ashamed of their multicultural past (although they direct most of this at Sweden), and try to make themselves "suffer" to atone for it. This includes the belief in radical self-improvement as a vector for racial improvement as a whole; Nordic education involves a lot of reading esoteric works from men like Julius Evola, and a major focus on physical fitness. Then, there is the Fourth Reich, an openly neo-Nazi state that seeks to conquer Europe and exterminate the Jews. Already, the Reich has crushed all opposition within its borders, and only its isolation and relative weakness prevents it from waging a war of conquest.

Iran was the big winner in the Middle East, successfully defeating the Islamic State, the Kurds and the Saudis, and establishing friendly regimes in Iraq and Syria. Iran remains a Shia theocracy, and is attempting to impose this form of government on secular Iraq and Syria. However, their Russian allies caution them against inflaming religious tensions and possibly sparking another war in the region.

Military regimes returned in Egypt and North Africa after the recession of the Islamist tide. These brutal dictatorships make the Gaddafi regime seem humanitarian in comparison. They extremely anti-Islamic and have attacked mosques suspected of harboring members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-government organizations. The most powerful regime among them is Egypt, which has made a somewhat successful attempt at securing hegemony over the region. The Egyptians have their eyes set on the rest of the Middle East, not out of expansionist desire, but because of what is going on in Arabia.

After the fall of the Islamic State, many of its fighters flooded into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi military, already hammered hard by Iranian and Russian forces, proved incapable of stopping them; indeed, many Saudi units defected. The Saudi monarchy was overthrown, as were the other Gulf monarchies, and a caliphate established to replace them. Ironically, little has changed in Saudi Arabia since the rise of the Islamic Federation, apart from the destruction of "Western" influence in cities such as Dubai, the destruction of "idolatrous artifacts" in Mecca and Medina, and the stricter enforcement of preexisting Islamic law.

South Africa has been placed under white rule, mostly by Europeans fleeing the chaos of the EU. The ANC government collapsed in the wake of WWIII, allowing the Europeans to take control of the cities, ironically with the aid of Russia. Apartheid has come back in full force, as the South African government believes that blacks are inherently incapable of governance. The remnants of the ANC disagree violently, and the South Africans are currently waging a brutal bush war against them.

The Chinese Empire is still licking its wounds. Draconian laws, akin to those of the Qin, have been scaled back by the most recent set of reforms, after the Chinese government realized that it may cause a revolt. The gender disparity is less of a problem now, although the Chinese still resort to imported sex bots and concubines to keep the powerful and the enforcers of the regime happy. The Chinese have done away with any child policy, seeing that as a vector for disaster, and now the Chinese population is booming. It has now exceeded pre-war levels, and now the issue is the lack of food, territory, and the continuing lack of women. The Chinese look outward for expansion, but have run out of easy targets.

India was a big winner in WWIII, indeed becoming a superpower by the 2030s. This did come at a cost: the famine of the 2020s hit hard, particularly India's poorest, but the fall of China allowed India to restructure its economy among more modern lines. It did so through Chinese-style modernization, and now India is the workshop of the world. India is still suffering from problems, such as the pollution, but now India is extending its influence into Africa with one mission: to take in more resources.

DarkBulb121 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

Highly overreported. Too many Drs & Nurses blowing the whistle. A piece of fruit was tested possitive. A personal friend got tested 3 times, all came back negative, his physician still pronounced C19 & reported as such.

If this bug were bad I'd be dead you pussy. So would my kid. So would my friend's 77 year old dad. So would my personal friend with 3 negatives that his doc still reported as C19.

Start detoxing that piece of swiss cheese you use for a frontal lobe. Diatomaceous earth gets the metals, (buy food grade). Fluoride which is the binding agent that carries lead, strontium, aluminum, mercury, etc. past the brain blood barrier & conveniently deposits them in your now crippled logic center can be detoxed w/ iodine in your diet. Seaweed, kelp & especially shellfish are good sources.

Good luck 85.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

You gotta love it! These people use BLM/ANTIFA’s tactics against them and it’s beautiful! BLM and ANTIFA are on thin fucking glass because like Salty Cracker said, these “progressive“ politicians can go on and on about being ”for the cause” and “on your side” but the minute you come down to their neighborhoods and try to burn it down...don’t be surprised when they turn their backs on ya( it happened in CHAZ/CHOP when you assholes went to the mayor’s front door despite her saying “it wasn’t a riot, it’s summer of love!”)because they are letting you burn these cities down and they expect you to stay on your side but you BLM/ANTIFA fucks keep pushing and pushing and pushing until people start to push back. Now you can say “Well, we’ll vote them out and get true progressives into power!” You obviously don’t know the definition of insanity, huh?

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

These people really want everyone to be on their knees and do what they say...and yet SJWs call other people fascists? Think I’m wrong? Go look up how “progressive“ these people are when Terry Crews spoke out against BLM? Or How they acted when John Boyega trolled Reylos and disney/Star Wars? Yes, we‘re the fascists~not SJWs who demand that people shut up and do what they say without question. “Stop spreading pro-cop propaganda and listen to my anti-cop propaganda! Kill all cops! I’m the sane one here!” Yes, please tell me how CHAZ/CHOP went without cops? Was it the utopia you wanted? More gun violence, rapes, theft, etc! Yeah, these people are on the right side of history by demanding that the police be defunded and run them out of cities. Smart! Keep up that projection, SJWS! Hopefully you all faze through the ground and right into the core. Ahhh~the only screams I can sleep soundly to besides my own~

WoodrowWoodThough #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(submitter note: he's talking about the article "USA worst country in the world to raise a family")

WoodrowWoodThough: You need to share this information with the massive number of immigrants flooding the border. They seemed to have missed the memo.

believeinya: That "flood" of immigrants is in Europe, not in the USA, which gets very little in comparison.

The USA complaints endlessly about the workers they get from Mexico who do the work in the USA that regular US americans wont do.

And the USA complaints like this while net immigration from Mexico is zero.

And the USA builds a border wall while the mexican workers use airplanes to get to the USA.

WoodrowWoodThough: The USA has about 22-30 million illegal aliens, most from Mexico. The population of the USA consists of about 64 million immigrants, not including the illegal aliens.

brendan1903 #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com


The idiocy of the racist far left never changes. Instead of admitting their errors and working to preserve the American republic, 'progressives' have decided that they will continue with their failed policies of welfare statism and other socialist errors slipped in under the guise of fighting 'fascism' or Stalinism. Accusing opponents of conspiracy theories is a tried and true tactic, which keeps the public on Alex Jones and Flat Earth rather than the massive takeback of technology by the Likud Party as revenge for it's defeat by the US Army in WW2.

America's greatest 'allies' - the PRC and 'God's chosen people' occupying Palestine are stealing technology from America and selling it to the US' enemies - UK/Russia and Iran. There is even a website called 'UK Israel Tech Hub' where they reveal that technology and other information is being exchanged between Britain and Israel. Please note that Putin has been receiving military aid from Britain since around 2008 and these weapons were used in the invasion of Ukraine and Georgia.

Leftists claim to care about racism but the filthy Talmud and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians get a clean pass in the regressive playbook. Have they forgotten that Hitler and Mao purged everyone who opposed them after the 'revolution' or do they ignore this to continually focus on the failings of Stalin, Japan, Germany and most recently the USA?

Khruschev's implication that Communism would come to America via small doses of socialism was absolutely correct. The 'social democracts' trying to turn the United States into Scandinavia have no idea on the founding principles of the Republic and seem to ignore the fact that utopianism is incompatible with human nature. Like those who helped the CCP and the National Socialist Worker's Party come to power because they believed that free enterprise and Stalinism had failed them they think that they will somehow take power later on.

The Russian collusion narrative being pushed by the mainstream media is merely a usage of truth to push propaganda. There was indeed some collusion, but it was between the Russian mafiya and its main benefactor Chabad Lubavitch - a racist lunatic cult with connections to the Holocaust and drug dealing instead of the Russian state which is completely controlled by said people and MI6 through their agent Alexander Dugin and members of Trump's campaign team.

Before that mainstream political candidates were working with the Russian lobby for years. Why is that not a issue?

Dugin's book 'Foundations of Geopolitics' is a must read for those seeking to understand the truth about Russia. Putin is merely a front for the biggest scheme for world enslavement since the League of Nations. Britain seeks to dominate the Western nations of Europe and Africa through 'Eurasianism' which is simply put old Soviet era and Churchill-style thinking restructured for the modern world. The People's Republic of China and South Korea will handle Asia and the Americas will be reduced to a series of failed welfare states ala Venezuela.

This is euphemistically described as 'multi-polarity' to the fools in the alt right and also those following globalresearch and other Anglo-Soviet propaganda sites. Trump's campaign team was filled with Russian spies and was set up to get sanctions lifted. This along with the Seth Rich conspiracy theories and the disinformation known as the Steele dossier is the real 'Russian collusion' - and what every media outlet should be talking about.

Dugin defines any opposition to this neo-imperialism as 'Atlantacism' a veiled insult towards Josef Stalin and his pro American Kuomintang which invaded China to stop the CCP. To get rid of Atlanticism and make the world safe for British colonization again Dugin proposes breaking up the US with identity politics and alienating American allies. Do you get it yet denizens of Irrational Wiki and Snopes, or are you still following your leaders to the slaughter?

The fascists of the far left think they are better than the alt-right Bolsheviks and Wilsonians yet fail to see that they are no different. They think they will create a earthly paradise by censoring and eliminating those whom they don't like yet forget Christ's commandment that 'my kingdom is not of this world'.

To the SJWs who might be reading this, nobody gives a fuck except the banking and financial elite and thugs within the major superpowers who would love to see America go the way of Qing China, the German Empire and pre-1945 Japan so they can exploit the resources of Third World countries easier. Get some real mental health treatment and start attacking the connections between China, Russia and Israel instead of whining and crying like babies when ever you face criticism.

Novuso #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

We have the votes to pass a Constitutional Amendment protecting the sanctity of straight marriage.

Marriage for whole of human civilization stretching back 6000 years was defined as a Union between a MAN and a WOMAN.

A small group of Liberal Judges have artificially legislated against the will of the people. Even the people California voted in 2008 to define marriage as a union between man and woman. The proposal passed 52% (7,001,84) YES and 48% (6,401,482) NO.

In total 31 states passed referendums against gay marriage.


These are the votes in favor of defining marriage as a union between MAN and WOMAN. This is the chart the liberal media does not want you to see. America by and large does NOT support gay marriage.

It is time to take America BACK from the gay mafia who have subverted the democratic process. They passed gay marriage through the courts what they could never pass through the legislature. The popular vote is against them. The silent majority cannot be silenced any more.

Pass a constitutional amendment to define marriage as union between Man and Woman.



darkbulb121 #conspiracy deviantart.com

We see a greater death toll every year from influenza and that's even with C19's massive overreporting, corrupt reporting, comorbidities... Technically the death rate has been on a steady drop for some weeks. Only easily led morons would allow themselves to be convinced that a bandana or any unsealed respirator presents any barrier at all to a virus. Mindless drones.

Do you actually have a point?

Again, I'm the only one I see "doing my part". I've been out the whole time, Unmasked, Unvaxxxed, totaly exposed and, according to you sheep, "risking my life". Risking my very life to develop antibodies and immunity while you Face Diaper Test Pilots all Shelter in Shame & stroke each other thinking you're doing anything at all.

As of today, 20200803 no business has yet successfully denied me: access, product sales or service. I'm working on your immunity for you.

Exatron, you're welcome.

DarkBulb121 #conspiracy deviantart.com

Drone. Look at reality. Masks cannot be responsible for shit. Contagion/quarantine precautions only work, if ever, if 95% of the participating population participate. We not only have less than 50% participation in the United States but we also have massive "violations". Masks don't get credit for shit. N95 does NOT even filter virus we find out. A virus does not come on a 6' leash.

There's literally nothing online that holds water against reality. Go out your front door & breath some real air.

I have not yet worn a mask. I have not yet been denied access, product sales or service by a single business. I live out in what you're hiding from. I'm 56 years old & jogged 13miles & change 4 days ago & 6 yesterday. I clock in around 10:26-10:39/mile in triple digit TX weather. If this virus were bad I'd already be dead. So would my kid working in a nasty UPS hub. He was sick 2-3 times during this. Nobody there ended up dying with a hose down their trach. So would a 77 yo guy I know who actually tested positive and was done with only mild symptoms in 4 days NO MEDS.

This whole time that's 3 high risk cases, only one infection in the highest risk and that guy was back in service in less than a week.

You fear a sock puppet.

Wake up... when you're ready.

MetalShadowOverlord #wingnut deviantart.com

What Earth Day Is Really All About

Well, before we begin, let's all say "Happy Birthday" to Vladimir Lenin! What? You didn't know Earth Day was his birthday? Well, let's get some background on this guy! He, apparently, was a Russian revolutionary and communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917 (aka "Great October Socialist Revolution" or "Red October"). He also headed the Soviet state during its initial years (1917–1924), as it fought to establish control of Russia in the Russian Civil War, worked to create a socialist economic system, was a persuasive orator, and, as a political scientist, his extensive theoretic and philosophical developments of Marxism produced Marxism–Leninism, the pragmatic Russian application of Marxism. (1)

Now that we know a bit about our good friend Lenin, let's talk about the beginnings of Earth Day.

Earth Day was started by founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, a Democratic politician from Wisconsin. The first observation of Earth Day was held in 1970. Approximately 20 million Americans participated. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, Freeway and expressway revolts, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared common values. (2)

Everything seems like rainbows and unicorns...until the famous "Unicorn Killer" is mentioned.

You won't find this man's name on any Earth Day promotional literature, and for good reason. Ira Einhorn, who, allegedly, played an instrumental role in founding Earth Day, is a former American environmentalist activist of the 1960s and 1970s who was the "Master of Ceremonies" during the first Earth Day in 1970. (3) However, the reason activists distance themselves from his is because he is now serving a life sentence, without parole, for his 1977 murder of his girlfriend, Holly Maddux. (4)

Now, isn't it funny how the Left loves to bash the Tea Party Movement by calling it "hateful" and "violent", yet, Earth Day, so far, we've seen two fundamental aspects of Earth Day as clearly negative things: a link to Socialism (because there is no way that it was simply coincidence that this day be on that man's birthday) and a fundamental leader, or member, at least, of the movement is a murderer whom they try to sweep under the rug.

However, we're not done yet! There's one more thing that must be brought to the table, and that thing is a little chemical with a long name and many uses (which really seems to anger environmentalists):

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) (5)

Discovered in the 1940s, this chemical was discovered to have could stop epidemics of insect-borne diseases such as typhus. Its lifesaving potential was considered such a boon to mankind that the scientist who discovered it, Paul Mueller, won the Nobel Prize. The chemical would soon surpass all expectations in controlling malaria around the world and go on to save millions of lives. Because of this wonderful gift from the beauty known as science, the disease was almost entirely wiped out in Africa, Europe and places like Taiwan.

So, what's the problem? Well, this is:

For some bizarre reason, the left didn't like the idea of a miracle cure, so Rachel Carson, who helped launch the modern environmental movement and was among many environmentalists who was anti-pesticide, wrote a book called "Silent Spring" in 1964, which stated that DDT would spread far and wide and harm robins' ability to reproduce, as well as some other baseless, unproven statements. The truth is that, not only does DDT not do that, but no studies have ever been able to show that environmental exposure to DDT, even in large quantities, harms human health. It is less dangerous to humans than any number of natural chemicals, including some vitamins and medicines that we consume without a second thought. And when used in small quantities in malaria control, DDT protects people from deadly mosquitoes.

In other words, those against DDT don't have a leg to stand on and might as well just say that they are pro-disease. The benefits of this miracle chemical far exceed any of these ridiculous and unproven risks.

Because of people like Rachel Carson, DDT is gone due to a ban by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and is even banned in Europe. And the result? Malaria is making a comeback in third world countries. As a result, developing countries fear exporting agricultural goods because of the possibility DDT residue on their produce. If residue were discovered, then the offending country would be banned form trading with Europe.

Meanwhile, malaria continues its deadly scourge, with no realistic alternative to fighting it on the scale that DDT can achieve.

As Richard Tren said in USAToday, "The lesson is that we wouldn't have the crisis we do today if we hadn't put feel-good politics ahead of solid science decades ago...This year, let's commit to putting science first. The consequences of not doing so last a very long time."

Earth Day - a day to celebrate socialism, murder, lies and a big smack in the faces of the people who inhabit the planet. Good intention should not come before true science.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

And here I thought I can never be surprised by what BLM does anymore but here we are! Then again BLM is taking black cards away from black people who don‘t support them and now I wait for BLM to make anti-semitism speeches and how Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy. I think the joke about commie-nazis from the Simpsons is about to come true! If I see SJWS waving a rainbow flag with the communist symbol and swastika fused together and then call ME or anyone who disagrees with them ”monsters” then I’m gonna die laughing and that’s not a joke! I will happily die knowing SJWs went full commie-nazi or Marxist-nazi or whatever. They want all white people to die and want all cops to die...all they need is a bad haircut, a bad mustache, a mob of crazies and...wait.

AmericanDreaming #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

This picture was recently featured (uncredited and wildly out of context) on Buzzfeednews, and more correctly (and with credit) by Lalo Dagach on his blog Check it out!

If you think that human rights violations, misogyny, child abuse, honor killing, honor rape, and draconian, barbaric punishments for trivial or imaginary crimes are okay if done by non-whites or non-Westerners because it's their "culture," if you spend more time criticizing and maligning the critics of bad ideas rather than those ideas themselves, if you masochistically and narcissistically attribute the cause of all the world's problems on your own nation, if you victim-blame those slaughtered by terrorists for bringing it on themselves, if you think you know the motives of terrorists and radicals better than they themselves do, if you hold non-Westerners to a lower moral standard, if you smear dissenting voices in minority communities - the minorities within the minorities - as being "uncle Toms," or "native informants," then you aren't a liberal or a progressive, you're a regressive.

The Regressive Left is a subset of the political left, and has considerable overlap with other terms such as the PC left and social justice warriors (SJWs), but it isn't exactly the same thing.

The term "Regressive Left" was coined by Maajid Nawaz, a former radical Islamist who runs the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism think tank that works to de-radicalize Islamists and to liberalize, modernize, and ultimately reform Islam. The amount of resistance, hostility, and impediment that Nawaz and Quilliam have received from those on the left who should be their natural allies is what undoubtedly led to his coining of this term in the early 2010's.

JonFreeman #wingnut #quack deviantart.com

so, some docs went out and said hydrochlo was doing quite well combating the virus.

a few channels relayed the testimonials of these doctors.

Big tech censored said channels, and twitter locked them out over it.


yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that everything's fine.

EmpathicDesign #homophobia deviantart.com

Why it is important that children be raised by opposite sex parents rather than same sex parents:

1. Children can only be procreated by a man and woman; if same sex couples could procreate, this valid point would be invalidated.
2. Whilst not every child has a present mother and father, ever child has a biological mother and father.
3. Children know when a biological parent is missing; which is why it is the common case that children raised by same sex parents seek out their missing parent.
4. Same sex parenting means that one parent is always missing.
5. A same sex parent cannot supplant or provide the missing influence of the missing biological parent.
6. Opposite sex parents provide a full range of unique and important gifts, influences and experiences, where as same sex parents can provide only half.
7. Same sex parenting means children will always, always miss out a full and diverse upbringing unlike their peers who have a mother and father.
8. Single parenting and same sex parenting are contextually the same as there is a missing parent and a stagnation in the influences and raising of the children.
9. Social science affirms that the best outcome for children with the least upbringing issues, the least criminal outcomes, least drugs and best future is a non-combat, married household with their biological mother and father.
.0. Homosexuality is a confirmed mental illness, and the option of leaving a child within the guardianship of two mentally ill individuals always carries a risk of abuse, neglect and death.
.1. Non-biological parents are confirmed as raising their new children differently and inner a lesser manner than their own children.

This is why it's important for children to be raised by their mother and father; and though there are cases of children growing up to becoming good citizen by two same sex parents; however, every child with two same sex parents has another parent, and that parent is the other biological parent.


JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

(A Not Sorry Apology for his racist rants)

I'm having a hard time remembering that I actually like some people and that all of humanity doesn't deserve to die.

I've been letting constant news updates of people just devolving into brainless animals get the better of me. 8\ so, apologies for that shortcoming

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