You make these public displays of murder and torture to frighten people into compliance. Accusations of “adultery” are merely a convenient front to hold up as a shield, a false image of righteousness to disguise your real intentions. It’s easy to pretend a woman speaking her mind unbidden is actually trying to seduce a man, easy to threaten that any “unclaimed” woman without a chaperone trying to run the basic errands needed to survive is free game and again any interaction “must” be sexually motivated, easy to halve any threat of dissent by turning one half of the population into the slaves of the other, free to be killed at leisure as a “warning” to the rest because ANYTHING can be twisted into a perfectly “moral” justification which slowly increases dependency on the other half of the population whose abuse is then incentivized.
It’s easy to do this, just as it was easy to call any congregation of Muslims a potential threat. Any Arab a spy. Any business a front for criminal activity. Generations of families living peacefully, abiding all laws including those unreasonably instated with scrutiny and punishment beyond the limits of sense a long game to Jihad innocence not proven even upon death. Any dissent a proclamation of hostility.
Just like it’s become fucking tiresome to hear everyone and their dog be accused of “grooming” by a collection of sex offenders who hide behind religion and the sanctity of their masculinity and portray themselves as a moral baseline that must be lived up to and protected at all costs… except when it comes to practicing what they preach.
Your God and your Prophet forbade images of themselves because they wanted it to be difficult to hide your evil intentions behind them. So you make do with bullshit claims of adultry, bullshit claims of sexual predation, bullshit morals and bullshit purity that do not hold against scrutiny, do not hold within your own faith, and make a mockery of every false claim of righteousness you wear as a disguise. You have made an Idol of your cause, and you force your people to bend to it - not Allah - on pain of death. The truth is clear to me, you need a threat to compel your falsehoods. Your people are frightened, you kill them in the streets, they starve, they are denied educations, they are only allowed to know “truth” as you define it and you define it however suits your hold to power. That is not a life the righteous are promised, that is a sustained attempt to break the collective will the righteous pray for delivery from.
Do you truly believe in your God? That Allah is all seeing and all knowing? Do you feel the eyes on you? Do you feel the weight of your transgressions? Are you blind to them, would you prefer to believe that you have been made blind to them as divine punishment for your own arrogance? Or do you know full well and hope hiding behind the idol you have made and hope it conceals you from even your own Judge. Or maybe, just maybe, your words are as empty to you as they are to me and in the nihilistic void the faith you wear as a cloak failed to fill you chose self-interest and whatever evil elevates you. You should have chosen humanity instead.