10. As many as need to be. Immigration has actually been going down in recent years. But if someone needs to flee their home country they should be allowed in, no questions.
9. They are not applied equally even if they supposedly apply to everyone.
8. Because Affirmative Action is correcting issues that took place before and still take place today. Without it, places would discriminate against marginalized populations.
7. Right wing myths about ObamaCare are not the basis for a serious question.
6. Because they’re not “unborn babies”. They’re clumps of cells. Conscious life begins at birth. But I suppose if you are so opposed to abortion you WOULD support comprehensive infant care programs, childcare packages and stimuluses, like the actual moral conservatives from say Germany who may not approve of abortion but DO give some of the most comprehensive care available for the children out there.
5. Because the growth of a few companies and stocks does not represent the overall health of the economy. Regulation and methods are needed in order to prevent a bubble from forming. Still waiting on the wealth to trickle down. Which by the way is the biggest bullshit idea since “sewing seeds” was invented by the prosperity gospel idiots..
4. I would not say so - I mean, cutting regulations and spending over and over has the exact same results; enriching the wealthy and making everyone else poorer.
3. Because criminals do not emerge from the AEther. Criminals WERE law abiding citizens.
2. You are a fucking idiot.
1. Obama was great because he advanced LGBT rights, ended the recession, led us through tough times, gave the order to kill Bin Laden, and helped knock Gaddafi over. Bush was an absolute clown, a pawn of his neoconservative masters, inoffensive now due to his interests firmly being in “make pretty paintings”. Due to having no say and no real capacity for governance, Bush could not lead us in times of strife and randomly hit Iraq with a dart. Notably however Bush DID reject Islamophobia and tried to make the message not all Muslims were like the terrorists, and was miles better than the monstrosity we just kicked out of office.