
Feylin #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Have you guys ever noticed that most atheists that you meet are a hell lot more depressed then agnostic or religious people? LOL. They have nothing to look toward in life, and nothing to turn to.

Also since I'm making a thread about atheists anyways, why are Atheists so obsessed over the ideal of nothing? They defend their "cause" to no end, and as much as any other religious person.

They too have a religion, except their religion is based around worshipping nothing. Say it isn't a religion, but Atheism posses most points involved with religion except the god part, they merely celebrate nothing as their "god" figure.

Spartanfe2 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

the Bible will never be debunked, and let me give you one little story to prove it. You know the thing that we landed on the moon with? You remember the circular feet on the bottom of the landing gear? Ok, here's what they were for. The scientists at NASA designed those because the moon's surface has accumulated dust on its surface since almost after its existence. The scientists realized that if they landed the lunar whatever on the moon without these special "landing pads" that the ship would sink into the billions of years of moon dust they figured would be on the moon because of the billions of years that supposedly happened because of evolution. However, when the ship landed, only about six inches of moon dust was present on the surface, not 6-12 feet or more that they were expecting. Even using their own data, they figured the amount present could have only been about 6000years worth of moon dust, but out of those 6000 or so years, one day was missing. A Christian working at NASA remembered something he had read in his Bible earlier that week. The passage being referred to talks about a battle that the Israelites were going into, and God told Joshua, the Israelite's leader at the time, that as long as it was sunlight, He would give them power to win the battle. So Joshua asked God to hold the sun in the sky, and God agreed. God held the sun in the sky long enough for the Israelites to win, which was the span of one extra day. Given this story explains the missing day, the facts line up and the Bible is true and will NEVER be debunked.

Cron-Z #fundie #homophobia forums.gametrailers.com

Homesexuality remains to be a bombination before God, and if this Country allows same-sex marriages in the future then our Country is going to fall. Homesexuals+Marriage=Adopting children. Mostly all homosexuals aren't Christians due to non-acceptance, and their 'ways, children at young ages(more likely to be adopted) would feel that their homosexual guardians 'ways' are acceptable, and they would obviously become homosexual themselves. Our homosexual population is increasing in America and if same-sex marriages are legalized in all states, the next generation of children would be damned.

Rikitatsu #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[The topic is titled: The moon was Split?!... Eyewitnesses, Scientific facts....
OP's post is 100% pure crazy, highly recommended reading]

In conclusion, these arguments must be enough for any mind to be convinced of the possibility that the splitting of the moon occurred; now out of many evidences of its occurrence, we shall mention only six which have the strength of a six-fold consensus:

• The Companions of the Prophet, who were all men of justice and truthfulness, concurred upon its occurrence.

• All of the exacting interpreters of the Qur’an have agreed that the verse, The moon split indicates to the splitting of the moon with a gesture of Muhammad’s fingers, upon him be peace and blessings.

• All the truthful Traditionists narrated this incident through various authentic channels of transmission.

• All the men of truth and sainthood, men of inspiration and spiritual discovery have borne testimony to the occurrence of this incident.

• All the foremost theologians whose way differ greatly from each other and all the learned scholars have nevertheless agreed in their confirmation of this event.

• The Community of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, who, as established by an authentic Prophetic tradition, never agree on an error, have accepted on its occurrence.

These six evidences are as clear as the sun to prove the splitting of the moon.

sand-12 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

You don't get it, do you? When the next big swathe of religious violence starts happening it won't be the religious people who are doing it, it'll be the aethiests. Aethiesm is turning into what christianity was hundreds of years ago; an intolerant faith that has to break down or sideline anyone who won't convert to its beliefs. At the current rate I'd say it'll be about ten years before we start seeing laws introduced to remove the rights of religious organisations, and twenty years before we start seeing aethiest violence against priests and members of christian organisations.

RigJob #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

It's easy, much like the fairytale for children where the princess kisses the frog and *poof*, he becomes a prince, evolution is a similar fairytale for adults who like doing wicked things that go against what God wills and desires: primordial ooze(mud)turning into an astronaut over time. Neat thing about evolution and creationism.. both start out from the earth with dust/dirt/mud, except evolution has a twist so people feel empowered with knowledge.

Love or Evol. -- notice anything?

AGENTLEMAN #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Unbelief is the parent of all sin because you were not created by God just to be a good person but to love him just like he loves you. If you don't believe in God, you don't respect God, therefore, you're insulting him. That's like saying your real mother is not your real mother.. you're insulting your mother.

Without Faith or Belief, there's no God. That's why unbelief is the parent of all sins.

Komodomitsu #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Well Im glad I scare you, because if you've experienced the things that Ive experienced, like talking face to face with "monsters" from hell, you will not be able to sleep for months. This life is NOT as normal as you think it is. Im still training, and its been over 2 years since I became a serious christian, Im still not used to it, I even sometimes wish it wasnt like this. You think your not effected by these things? Rest assured that there are horrific things that lurk in your very bedroom at night, you think the boogyman was just made up? You think sleep paralysis is what wikipedia says it is? ( a good example because it happens to everyone at least once)

This life is scary, and the only way to escape from it is Jesus, and you all are completely vulnerable, and you dont care.... Your the ones who scare me to be that sure of what you know.... Maybe Im not as brave as I think. Maybe.

MekFelix #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

You're right! Thanks for waking me up. I really shouldn't have said it that way. I don't know what I was thinking. I really should have said it like this:

Mona Lisa is proof of Leonardo Da Vinci. That's common sense.
The Statue of David is proof of Michelangelo. That's common sense.
Falling Water is proof of Frank Lloyd Wright. That's common sense.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is proof of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. That's common sense.
Creation is proof of the Creator. That's common sense.

Anyone that says differently (without some sort of solid evidence), in my opinion, is just being stubborn, or foolish, or both.

Have a nice day

CodeforSyn #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

You are not born gay. Homosexuality is purely a sexual desire, thus making it nothing but a fetish. No different then wanting to have sex with animals or children.

Its a sin because its not natural in the sense of reproduction and was never meet to be. The same with having sex with animals and children before they have the ability to make kids. remember, back before 100 years ago, all through out history, it was considered the norm for girls/kids as young as 12 to get married and have kids. Some countries still practice this.

anal sex is not something that is natural. Things are not suppose to go up there. Gay sex, this is the only option. Or with lesbians, no option at all without sex toys.

incogneato #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

scientifically speaking, atheists are actually the most unhappiest people in the world. atheism correlates to depression, suicide, sexual deviance, and much more. they say they are happy because concsciously they are convincing themselves happiness comes from being free of guilt or judgment or whatever, but subconsciously they are miserable and that is why they preach atheism so much (misery loves company).

regime2008 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

I HIGHLY disagree that homo sexuality is "genetic".......God makes man in his own image......sure ppl are born with certain traits and mutations and that sort, but if God doesn't approve of homosexuality, why would he let you be "born" that way? He doesn't. He gives humans and animals "free will" so its by "choice" If you let a boy be brought up by a single parent (mother), and he is raised around certain variables like having a pink room and playing with dolls, and ALWAYS being close to his mother, will ONLY make him feminine.

Komodomitsu #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Actually demons. These are those inter dimensional entities.

Im actually going to Nigeria soon, this is were alot of these supernatural things happen. Ill gladly take you to show you some of them, but be warned,
theyre very ugly, you wont be able to sleep for a few weeks.
Over there they are quite used to it, alot of witchdoctors.
But in developed countries they lay low, to the point people think theyre fairytales.

MrDavid #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

These are some of the things that sum up the contributing factors that I believe are the main reasons children are murdering others:

1. Our national preoccupation with violence that has saturated all forms of the media which desensitizes human emotions by exposure to so much murder and preoccupation with death.

2. The absence of strong parenting due to the increase of both parents working. Also, the lack of a strong father figure in homes due to divorce rising.

3. Ignorance of Biblical truths that show parents how to deal with problem children. Parents don't recognize that their children need deliverance from demonic influences. This is a spiritual problem and cannot be solved by just therapy or medication alone.

4. Lack of prayer for our youth in our homes and our schools. (Since prayer was removed from our schools in 1962 the rate of crime among our youth has escalated).

5. The influence of cultic and witchcraft practices in our society.

6. The failure of Christians to reach out to the misfits in our society with the gospel.

7. Lack of discipline with a permissive humanistic influence toward children.

8.)Lack of teaching our children standards and absolutes as outlined in the Bible.

9. Lack of regard for human life as demonstrated through abortion, euthanasia and evolutionary teachings of the survival of the fittest.

10. The lack of teaching our children Biblical truths that promote character and teach them how to deal with the emotions of anger, hatred and revenge that lead to murder.

Bottom line... our problem has been one of sin and selfishness in this nation and now we are reaping the fruit of that sin. Unless we all take responsibility for repenting and doing our part to change this world for the better, tragedies will continue to increase and get worse. Many have thought the gun and violence issue was the result of poverty in the inner cities or a lack of education, so more money was poured into our education system. It is not a lack of money but a lack of God and character in our society that has produced this violence and until we come back to Christian principles in our world evil will continue to abound.

Your mature thoughts on this?

TheHulk #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

I want to encourage members to open their minds a little bit. And think about when the earth was flat and later they found out opps they are wrong.

And somebody taught big rocks fall faster then little rocks cause Aristole said so. That was taught for 2000 years and guess what its wrong.

And people think we evolved from a rock, apes, etc.. guess what its wrong.

You were design by an all wise super intelligent creator who loves you and forgive your sins and take you to heaven.

But if you want to go to hell its your business.


Creation FTW!

Mumineen #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Lets use simple logic:

Islam: No contradictions or errors

Christianity: over 100 contradictions and many scientific errors, 50 of those contraditions are unexplainable.

I'll add one to the list:

Evolution: Illogical, if humans evolved from monkeys, then why are monkeys still in existance, are you saying some failed to evolve? Where did sea animals come from, what did they evolve from?

Conclusion: the only two above that are in question today is Christianity and evolution. Islam remains credible as it is not in question in its athenticty, therefore making it consistant.

ChinUp #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

I don't understand how people who think God is somebody's name can call themselves atheist. It makes no sense @ all. Its the mentality of theists to operate under the presumption that God is somebody not an atheists.

If more people shook of this nonsense about God being somebody's name those who seek to push their opinions with the pretense that God wants it would be far less successful. If somebody said YAWH (name of Christian deity) says abortion is wrong nobody would take any notice, but because people are indoctrinated into theist belief about God people can get away with saying God says abortion is wrong. People need to realize that when a theist uses the word God they are referring to a deity, this is not the case for all people who use the word God. Atheists use the word God in an entirely different way, for an atheist to assert that God doesn't want or like something is absurd. That would be like saying love doesn't like stem cell research, absurd.

This whole issue exists as a result of atheists being willing to adopt theist belief in regards to what God is. Without said willingness to adopt theist belief about the nature of God the whole issue with laws & politicians using the word God to manipulate public opinion would not exist.

CodeforSyn #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

The bible does not contradict anything in reality. And most scholars believe the bible to be the most accurate history book ever written. It also talks about many things that took up until less then 100 years ago for science to discovery such as "the life is in the blood" which turns out that life comes from the DNA in our blood.

[And the guys signature is also hilarius]
Atheist: A person who accepts not having any worth or meaning to their life.

Evolutionist: Someone who makes a monkey out of themselves

If I cared what you thought of me, I wouldn't have made this my signature.

OperaPhantom91 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[Topic: Atheists? Are they truly happy?]

They're not miserable, they enjoy their hatred of 90% of the world's population because they're religious. That's why atheists, having nothing to defend in their "lack of beliefs" and really should care less about religion if they really lacked beliefs about God, attack the religious, because they "hate" some of the religious idiots, they "hate" our history, they "hate" our morals, they "hate" our Bible, they "hate" our ideals, they "hate" our God, they "hate" our opinions, they "hate" our conversions, they "hate" our skepticism of their ideas...

...It's not that they're unhappy, it's just that hating makes them happy - if it didn't, they wouldn't be attacking the religious so faithfully, because - why would they do it if it made them unhappy? The atheist argues against religion because he or she feels they have a righteous anger against religion and the religious. Quite simply, because they "hate".

And we're supposed to be the bigots. *puts on flame resistent armor* - anyone ready to prove my point?

evantisin #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

There are higher priorities in the universe than one's own life, don't you think?

Faith is better than medicine and far more effective. Science cannot help solve everything Faith can.

Make as many medical discoveries as you want, but why allow the world to suffer and keep from supplying those most in need from medicine? Science is getting almost hypocritical in the purpose by which it exists. Neither Faith nor religion created the atom bomb; science did, and yet, modern technology is seen as some sort of "savior" of mankind's problems. People are still suffering, and they suffer far more where most needed while in first-world countries, well, why would they even want to care? It's like scientific research and medicine is only for high-society; medicine only for the rich.

Consider that. If people cannot afford an appropriate way to access medicine, what else do they have to look to?

Also, blood transfusions are like turning human beings in self-righteous, desperate Frankenstein monsters. Why extend life a 5, 10, 25, or even 50 years when higher priorities reap greater, everlasting benefits? Maybe medicine focuses on the short term benefits, not the long.

Science is getting at the worst in human beings' value of themselves and the world.

evantisin #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[Discussion is about blood donations: So, saving a life is immoral, yet letting someone die, isnt?]

This is the same kind of controversy as the whole matter of stem cell research and cloning, right?

Nobody is required to do any of this. You would choose for yourself whether or not you'd like to use a blood transfusion instead of bloodless surgery.

The only person you're "letting die" is yourself, and not even that's 100% certain since bloodless surgery is still an available option, if you're a Jehovah's Witness.

You might be saving a life if it works, yes, but the exchange is simply not worth it in the long run if you believe in God.

It's like when Esau traded his birthright for lentil soup. Going after bodily needs (that could have been fulfilled through other means), he would give up a critical inheritance to his future in the long term, even though he was fine right after having done so. Likewise, mixing one's blood with that of another artificially gets two different souls needlessly intertwined and both the blood doner and the one who decides to use the blood in a blood transfusion will lose their inheritance in God's Kingdom.

Blood is sacred because blood is life. If you are a Christian, you wouldn't trade it around like an asset on a market.

In fact, there are such things as body parts being sold on the black market. Is life so trivial?

ClassicGMR #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Evolution is a glorified fairy tale to teach us that there are no absolute morals. How's it feel to be an accident with no purpose? You might as well kill yourself, you are already dead. At least that's what you do when you accept such a fairy tale that is void of any absolute morality. You kill who you are as a fellow human being.

Qayin #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[You need to take a good look at what the word delusion means because it doesn't mean what you think it means.]

How on earth do you know what I think it means?

It appears the the 'definition' is purely subjective - to you, anything that isn't in front of your face is therefore unproveable and false, for me, anything that is not currently proveable is a belief until proven, and a belief is only a delusion when the belief continues in defiance of presented facts.

Unless you can present facts that this person's 'demons' do not exist, then you can quite kindly swivel on this middle extended finger of mine.

I'd thank you to not quote me and then post condescedingly, I know full well the definition of delusion, but the application of this definition is subjective.

BLVK3 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

in the early time of earth, creatures of earth can live for a long time, you can try to read the bible and it will tell you that man can live for about 1000 years(about 12 time of modern man). if that apply to all creatures, then dinosaur fossils and giant bugs(such a dragonfly fossil that scretches for a metre long), one the difference of man and bugs and reptiles is that they will keep growing in size with age. therefore if they can live much longer, they will grow much larger than what we see today, then we have a "dinosaurs"-size Lizard

OrangeWIZARD #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[Topic title: Disney channel is evil! ]

Deuteronomy 18:10-12
There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11*or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12*For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.

"That's so Raven"? remember that show? Where Raven Symone could see the future? "foretelller"

"Wizards of Waverly Place?" "One who binds others with a spell"

Disney channel is just letting the demons roll on into your house.. Raven is probably possessed and those Wizards all get their powers from Satan himself.

Discuss the evils of Disney channel, Harry potter, and spiritism in your TV.

I for one am shocked and appalled. Whenever those demonic shows come on I immediately change the channel to watch a wholesome show like "Flapjack" or "Mad Men"

sand-12 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[hm, atheistfanatic fighting for the cause of..nothing? I've yet to see an atheist extremist with some explosives strapped to his belt hijacking an airplane on the news]

Actually aethiests would be pretty vulnerable to extremism. Extremists have nothing to do with religion directly, they're mostly just people who feel that there's nothing in their lives worth living for and so they look for causes to attach themselves to. Aethiests, almost by definition, believe that nothing is worth living for (since a logical positivist viewpoint negates the idea of "worth"). Besides, I've seen a couple of aethiests who despise religion enough that they could be persuaded into commiting acts of violence.

EDIT: Actually now that I think about it that's a bit generalised. Most aethiests do have faith in quite a lot of things, even if they're not prepared to admit it. Still, most religious people aren't prepared to kill so I suppose it balances out.

hereforhd #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Cherrypicking is not allowed in Islam. A person who cherrypicks is considered a hypocrite and their fate is worse than non-believers.

"Moderate Muslims" are either ignorant Muslims who don't know much about Islam (these are usually the same people who are pro-secularism and anti-Shari'ah) or those who truly are hypocrites (and these are also pro-secularism and anti-Shari'ah but they deny core beliefs of Islam as well, because this allows them to cherrypick).

Christians can choose to not follow the laws of the Old Testament or basically any law because their religion is a faith alone religion. Islam is not a faith alone religion, but also a religion of deeds.

And if you sincerely want to know about Islam, you would avoid bagodix and his exaggerations. Go to a Muslim website or even a Muslim forum and ask all the questions you want. You can even ask things that you believe are controversial but you won't be getting much done here because bagodix will use his trusty JihadWatch to support his viewpoint. He still hasn't shown why he is right and anti-Semites are wrong.

AGENTLEMAN #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[Really, I'm starting to think that I'm all alone here! I believe in a higher power, but that doesnt mean I have to pray to them every day. Humanism: Be the Best You Can Be. It works people. And it's the best religion/philosphy ever. Working towards goals, natural rights and all, its wonderful.]

Your point of view would be CORRECT only if God wasn't our creator.


slayer911 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

The essence of the matter is this: There are a large number of very different ape species that once lived in the past and are now extinct. The skull or skeletal structures of some of these show similarities to those of man. Yet those similarities do not mean that these creatures have any relationship to man. Evolutionists line up the skulls from these extinct species in a manner required by their theory and try to come up with "a ladder from ape to man." Yet the deeper research into the subject goes, the more it is realized that there is no such ladder, simply different species of ape lived at different times in the past.

ashole1976 #racist forums.gametrailers.com

Obama is offensive to me. Any 1st gen immigrant son of a kenyan muslim middle named hussein pushed thru topgrade education not because of his merit but because of affirmative action, pushed to the top of DNC ticket not because of his experience but because of his skin color(s), is offensive to me.

Being a patriot isnt immigrating to the US, being the recipient of tons of Govt handouts, and then criticizing americans for their love of guns and religion.
(Dumbass this country was freed by the Kentucky long rifle and the belief that we were CREATED EQUAL UNDER GOD)


nyckid #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Marriage is between a man and a woman, its in the bible! And where im from, if we find out that somebody is gay, we Either A: Stay as far away as possible from them, or B: Make their life a living hell...Thats just the way it is where im from, and not only that, its just downright disgusting man.

I feel very sorry for the kids who have gay parents, because they have to witness something that disgusting. I am on the Bible's side, and that means gay=bad...

There is only 1 gay person (that I know of) that goes to our school, and he openly admitted that he was gay, and im telling you, every guy stays away from him, and beats him up like everyday, and makes fun of him I hate homosexuals with all my heart and nothing/nobody can change my view of them...No offense....

Red07 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

Us disregarding, hating, rejecting an infinite God is an infinite crime.

Who the crime is against matters. If you reject a slug, it doesn't matter. If you reject the president, it matters. If you reject the God who created you, the king of the universe, the infinately powerful, loving God, then it really matters.

2Thessalonians1 #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[Well, the Universe is 13.7 billion years old or older, and the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, so that's one wrong agreed upon. Anything else? Oh, and the Bible I have beside me is the KJV. Been using it for 10 years, same Bible.]

In your belief it is because you accept evolutionary teaching. I do not and I have no reason to. I hold that it is only a belief, not a fact.
It's good you have the KJV. It's translated from the Majority Text. It's reliable so it can be trusted. Evidence shows the N.T to be the most historically reliable ancient text.

Just to point you in the right direction you can visit the Theological Studies website. Theological Studies

[Later in the same thread]

Well prove me wrong. Evidence strongly supports the trust worthiness of the Holy Bible.

skulleton #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[topic: What are some places you've seen the Saviors face?]

So far I found him in my cereal, the ashes in my fireplace and several of deifications. I think this pretty much proves his divine power, as he manifests his image in everyday places. Where have you seen Jesus today? Please no comments from ignorant, close-minded atheist scumbags.