Donald Trump

Andrew Anglin #dunning-kruger

When the West talks about “Russian state media,” they mean anyone who supports, or is perceived to support, the Russian government. It’s the “Assange Test.” Julian Assange was assumed, without evidence, to be a Russian government agent because he released documents that were helpful to Donald Trump, who was in turn viewed as helpful to Russian government interests.

So, if they’re banning all Russia supporters, then the content they are demonetizing is all from Russians who don’t support Russia.

They’re being punished for their ethnicity.

micropenis29 #wingnut

the joy of incels

inceldom is one of the many blessings of capitalism

incels, like communists, provide us with examples of extreme failure

by observing this failure, we can deduce what success looks like

here are some shared attitudes of the truest truecels in the blackpill community:

-distaste for capitalism
-violent, rapey thoughts
-fear of jews
-hatred and resentment for winners
-respect and adoration for losers

embody the opposite of these beliefs and you'll be well on your way to becoming a chad!

god bless truecels, god bless america, and god bless tinder


if you want to know who the feds are, look for users who:

-are never banned
-never stray too far from the standard incel dogma
-partake in witchhunts
-frequently bash whites and/or america

Michael Flynn #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

Michael Flynn Claims COVID Invented to Steal 2020 Election

Disgraced former general Michael Flynn has falsely claimed COVID was invented by a globalist cabal in order to steal the 2020 election from Donald Trump.

The ex-adviser to former President Trump made the unfounded assertion during an interview with conspiracy theorist and Infowars host Alex Jones shared on its website on Saturday.

In a lengthy rant, Flynn claimed that Geroge Soros, Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and the United Nations among others, had somehow invented COVID in a bid to rule the world.

He said: "They see themselves as 'this is how we can rule the world, this is how we can control societies, this is how we can control humanity.'

"So, let's introduce something called COVID, and they did it, and they did it for a couple of reasons. One of the big reasons was to steal an election.

"I mean, if the Democrats, you know, work this hard on foreign policy as they work on stealing the elections maybe we would be better off."

Flynn later continued: "There are real people behind it, I mean [Klaus] Schwab is one, George Soros, you have the Arabella Group, these are real things, led by real people who have placed themselves above, you know [Bill] Gates is another one, who have placed themselves above some of these world institutions and they drive them, they really do drive them."


Flynn has also promoted the conspiracy theory the 2020 Presidential Election was somehow stolen from Trump and last year suggested a Myanmar-like military coup "should happen" in the U.S. ...

Ann Coulter #conspiracy

In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection.

With all the media blubbering about “attempts to DESTROY our democracy” and violations of “constitutional norms,” it’s remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First Amendment has received barely any attention, much less the front-page coverage it deserves, not even from the conservative press.

The banned conference, you see, was about immigration.

Wow, our elites really don’t want Americans thinking about immigration! (Remember, kids: It’s a right-wing conspiracy theory—and racist, to boot!—to think that liberals are using mass immigration to change the country.)

Jay Whig #wingnut #elitist

Attorney John Eastman, in his now famous memo advising Donald Trump about what power the president of the Senate might exercise in the counting of electoral ballots, wrote in support of his more aggressive interpretation of the constitutionally questioned Electoral Count Act, “We’re no longer playing by Queensbury Rules.”

For this turn of phrase, Eastman has received a good deal of criticism, some of it from “friends.”

The “friendly fire” is to be expected, I suppose. What’s left of the conservative movement exists primarily to confront other conservatives, rather than its nominal adversary, the Left.

Conservatism, Inc. exists to purge the Right, and does so like a ballerina at a pizza party. Alas, political battles are not won by bulimia.

Two Republicans—the only two, hand-picked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—on the Select Committee on January 6, Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), seek to vomit up (or vomit on, it is not clear which) members of their own party to have them prosecuted by the Department of Justice.

Cheney is an attorney and dynasty politician, from the House of Forever War. Kinzinger, of no legal education or pedigree at all, is just . . . well, as Mark Twain put it, “Suppose you are a member of Congress. Now suppose you are an idiot. But I repeat myself.” The former would like to restore the dynastic rule of low taxes and endless foreign interventions. The latter would like someone to explain what’s going on, preferably in crayon.

Scott Lively #homophobia

This month, June, 2017, President Donald Trump’s State and Defense Departments, reaffirmed their support for the LGBT agenda. The White House itself did not, thankfully, but thus far, President Trump has NOT reversed Obama’s Executive Order that still commands the entire executive branch to actively undermine Biblical values on sex and marriage as a international priority.

I love my country, and am deeply grieved that in the area of sexual morality we indeed seem almost to have become, as the Iranians love to chant, the “Great Satan” of the world. When I read Chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation in my Bible, I cannot help but recognize a parallel between America and “Mystery Babylon,” whether or not they are actually the one and the same. “For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality” (Rev 18:3).

Donald Trump Jr #wingnut

If we get together, they cannot cancel us all. Okay? They won’t. And this will be contrary to a lot of our beliefs because—I’d love not to have to participate in cancel culture. I’d love that it didn’t exist. But as long as it does, folks, we better be playing the same game. Okay? We’ve been playing T-ball for half a century while they’re playing hardball and cheating. Right? We’ve turned the other cheek, and I understand, sort of, the biblical reference—I understand the mentality—but it’s gotten us nothing. Okay? It’s gotten us nothing while we’ve ceded ground in every major institution in our country.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #crackpot #god-complex #pratt #wingnut

Biden, who is destroying our Nation with insane policies of open Borders, corrupt Elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures, used my name today to try to further divide America. This political theater is all just a distraction for the fact Biden has completely and totally failed. Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos, and our exit, or surrender, from Afghanistan was perhaps the most embarrassing day in the long and distinguished history of the United States—and so much more. Why is it that the Unselect Committee of totally partisan political hacks, whose judgment has long ago been made, not discussing the rigged Presidential Election of 2020? It’s because they don’t have the answers or justifications for what happened. They got away with something, and it is leading to our Country’s destruction. They want all conversation concerning the Election “Canceled.” Just look at the numbers, they speak for themselves. They are not justifiable, so the complicit media just calls it the Big Lie, when in actuality the Big Lie was the Election itself.

The Democrats want to own this day of January 6th so they can stoke fears and divide America. I say, let them have it because America sees through theirs lies and polarizations.”

Roger Kimball #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Well, nobody thinks the Chinese are bearing gifts. But the response to that minatory skyborne bladder has ranged from Laocoön-like alarm to amused indifference. The Pentagon says it doesn’t think the blimp poses a threat, but then the Pentagon is home to General Mark “White Rage” Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Stand Down” Austin. Not much joy from that Keystone-Kop quarter.
I don’t agree with Mike Pompeo’s neocon penchant for invading other countries, but he is right that Biden’s weakness “assures Chinese aggression.”

It is worth remembering that during Donald Trump’s first term as president (note that I say “first term”), America and indeed the world was a more pacific place. Russia did not invade Ukraine. Iran was bottled up. The Abraham Accords brought peace to the Middle East. Amazing.
Biden has depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, shuttered the Keystone Pipeline, and put the kibosh on fracking. He has gone a long way towards transforming the United States military into a gender fluid sensitivity camp while also undermining the U.S. economy by incontinent spending and by pursuing other inflationary policies. Biden and his puppet masters tried to stymie Trump by turning his catchphrase “MAGA” into a negative epithet (and if “MAGA” is bad, how much worse is “Ultra MAGA”?). As Julie Kelly remarked, “if the balloon was an unarmed female veteran, the government would have shot it by now.”

But it didn’t work. So-called MAGA policies really did “make America great again”—richer, more secure, more confident and patriotic. <...> High on that list of commonsense pursuits was the policy of “peace through strength.” The Chinese, I feel confident in asserting, would not have been deploying spy balloons over U.S. nuclear installations were Trump president. Neither, for that matter, would Vladimir Putin have invaded Ukraine.

Peace through strength. It works better than Biden’s “Chaos Through Senility.”

Mike King #wingnut #psycho

[this quote is from January 2021]

Headline: KMJN: Trump Clears Out Pentagon Defense Policy Board — “The Trump administration has removed several members of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board in what some are calling its parting shot at some of the top leaders of the nation’s foreign policy establishment.”

A “parting shot,” eh? We shall see about who will be “parting.”

Included in Trump’s Thanksgiving Massacre were the untouchable holy icons of Globalism -- Madeleine Albright (cough cough) and — (pinch me, am I dreaming?) — Henry Frickin’ Kissinger (cough cough)! Yes, that's right — the legendary “German-born” Globalist Secretary of State that President Richard Nixon privately mistrusted but could not touch, was dumped like the sack-of-seditious shit that he is by Donald J. Trump.

Other big names “whacked” from the entrenched Kosher Commie Policy Board were former House Republican leader Eric Cantor (cough cough) and former Demonrat Rep., AIPAC agent, 50% Newsweek mag owner, and multi-millionairess Jane Harman (cough cough). It was like the baptism scene / multiple mob hit from The GodFather — but it’s just firings now, not actual killings. Although, we pray, the killings of Deep Staters will happen later.

* Headline: The Independent (UK) (November 27, 2020):
Trump Pushing Through Dozens of Last Minute Policy Changes – Including Use of Firing Squads

Let’s kill em’ all Trump. Let’s kill em’ all. Now, while you got the muscle.

Micki Witthoeft #conspiracy #pratt

The mother of Ashli Babbitt, the woman fatally shot during the Jan. 6 riot, stood on the Capitol steps Thursday and claimed her daughter was exercising a legitimate right to protest when she was killed by a US Capitol police officer one year ago.

“My daughter was an amazing, energetic, independent, powerful woman. I miss her every day,” Micki Witthoeft said through tears as members of Congress gathered inside to remember the first anniversary of the attacks.

“I’m here because Americans do have the right to protest, it’s your right as an American citizen to protest,” she continued.

Babbitt, a 36-year-old Air Force veteran, was shot by US Capitol Police officer Lt. Michael Byrd as she tried to crawl through a broken window to enter the Speaker’s Lobby on Jan. 6, 2021 as a mob of Trump supporters were storming the Capitol in an effort to disrupt the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“My daughter was a proud American patriot,” Witthoeft said. “She served this country her whole adult life. She loved God, America and loved her family.”

Witthoeft then claimed her daughter was “murdered by a careless, reckless” Capitol Police officer.

“She came to DC to hear Donald Trump speak about a stolen election, and little did we know that would be the last time she heard anybody speak,” the grieving mom said.

Vox Day #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Trump Failed"]

Donald Trump’s failure to cross the Rubicon is explained by his reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Former President Donald Trump admitted he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin was only trying to ‘negotiate’ when he sent troops to the Ukraine border and was ‘surprised’ when the Kremlin leader actually invaded the country[…]

I’ve mentioned this observation before, but Trump’s character has never been demonstrated more clearly than by this comment about Vladimir Putin. Trump’s strength is that he is a legitimately great negotiator. However, as with all successful men, his weaknesses are related to his strengths. Trump is a talker, not a doer. He is a negotiator, not a warrior[…]
Of course he thought Putin was negotiating by mobilizing the Russian Army, threatening an invasion, and issuing an ultimatum, because he thinks everything is a negotiation. Hence his failure to take action after the fraudulent election of 2020; there probably wasn’t any chance of him actually doing so even if the US military could have been relied upon to obey its Commander-in-Chief[…]
Remember, the Senate was massively surprised when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and marched on Rome, because despite his military successes on the Mediterranean and in Gaul, they knew him to be a skilled politician and negotiator. And negotiators always prefer jaw-jaw to war-war

So Trump is a negotiator and Putin is a fighter. What, one wonders, is Xi Xinping?

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn #fundie #wingnut

Disgraced former Donald Trump aide Michael Flynn has sparked outrage by saying that the US must have only one religion

Mr Flynn, who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, called for a single religion on stage at the “Reawaken America” conference in San Antonio, Texas, on Saturday night – an event featuring a flurry of Trump loyalists and anti-vaxx doctors

“If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion," he said

"One nation under God, and one religion under God”

Mr Flynn faced an instant backlash for his comments with critics saying he “hates the constitution” and warning about history repeating itself with the Holocaust
At the “Reawaken America” tour, Mr Flynn also branded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Pontius Pilate” – the Roman official who ordered Jesus’ crucifixion – and called Steve Bannon’s indictment for contempt of Congress an "abuse of freedom of speech”

“I just did a media hit with Tucker Carlson for his show this evening and we talked about this nonsense going on with what I call the insurrection crucifixion and Nancy Pelosi is the Pontius Pilate,” he said

“She’s the Pontius Pilate. This is a crucifixion of our First Amendment, freedom to speak, freedom to peacefully assemble

Mike Stone #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

Like me, you've probably never heard of Ally Carter, but you've certainly heard a lot about everything she has to say: Freemason cops, MK Ultra, underground tunnels, satanic ritual child abuse, Hollywood elites raping children, and it only goes on from there.

In this 25 minute long video, Carter, 27, tells Stew Peters about her time as a sex slave to the elite.

Of being transported via underground tunnels from Universal Studios and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to parties where she met and "serviced" Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Steven Perry, John Travolta (I thought he was gay), Beyonce, and many others.

Donald Trump? Carter says Trump is the only celebrity/political figure she never saw.
MK Ultra is real," Carter says.

Apparently, there are "millions" of more children just like her undergoing the same abuse. All those kids that go missing every year? This is where they end up. Some have their limbs chopped off to prevent them from running away. Others are murdered after being raped and then have their organs sold to hospitals. Still others have their blood drained, which Carter says is used as some sort of fountain of youth.
Carter corroborates what others have long said about child trafficking, underground tunnels and MK Ultra sex slaves. It is mind control programming. It is all about control. "It's like someone has the remote to someone's life."

Cathy O'Brien said much of the same in her book "Transformation of America", the most disturbing book I've ever read. But reading about it on the internet or in a book is quite different than hearing it straight from the mouth of someone who was actually trapped in that world.

Why didn't Carter tell the cops, you ask? She did, only in her words, "They're all complicit. They're all customers.

Lauren Boebert #racist #ableist

"Now I do have some colleagues on the Hill who have, just like me, offered Kyle Rittenhouse an internship in their office," she told Newsmax host Sebastian Gorka, a former aide to Donald Trump, during a Tuesday interview. "And Madison Cawthorn, he said that he would arm wrestle me for this Kyle Rittenhouse internship. But Madison Cawthorn has some pretty big guns, and so I would like to challenge him to a sprint instead."

"Let's make this fair," she said of a race against Cawthorn, who uses a wheelchair.

The Rev. Steven Roland #transphobia #fundie #wingnut

Bradley Edward Manning (often incorrectly referred to as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning against the will of the Lord Jesus Christ) is a far-left kook and traitor to the United States. Manning jeopardized United States national security as a sergeant in the military, and is also likely a double agent sent from the Kremlin. Manning is now considering a run for the United States Senate in Maryland, where he will surely lose if the identity politics embracing left decides to nominate him instead of the safe liberal incumbent without the baggage of being a traitor, double agent, and mentally ill sexual deviant.
Manning was sentenced to a long prison sentence for his heinous misdeeds, where he was commuted of it by former "president" Barry Soetoro of Kenya conveniently right before successor Donald Trump took office. This was probably done because he is a so-called "transgender" individual who lives in drag outside of a stage persona, therefore in a state of denial about his God given gender and sexuality as he is indeed an effeminate sodomite who has not had proper Biblical truth exposed to him in a convincing way.

StevenR #fundie #wingnut #racist

Barry Soetoro, better known by pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is a Kenyan national who claimed to be the rightful 44th President of the United States. He is a homosexual atheist liberal sympathetic to Islam and Wicca and he hates Christianity because of the truth and clarity it provides. Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii. He is also known as Bathhouse Barry, due to his affinity for sodomite acts.
Soetoro is "married" to Michael Soetoro, a male transsexual who prefers to go by the name "Michelle." Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii, and provided a fake birth certificate to prove that he is a relentless liar, a fact documented by then-Congressman Joe Wilson.
Soetoro won the 2008 presidential election illegitimately due to his birth in Kenya, and won primarily because of the fact that he ran against milquetoast RINO and pretend war hero John McCain and apostate Mormon and RINO Willard "Mitt" Romney in 2012. Soetoro picked sexual assault perpetrator and general idiot Joe Biden as his running mate to cater to blue collar working class voters.
Soetoro's main accomplishments include the "Affordable" Care Act, which accomplished nothing except raising health insurance premiums through the roof and then throwing more people onto the weak sauce government welfare program Medicaid. Soetoro also nominated two far-left affirmative action picks to the Supreme Court, and he nominated Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State so she could make it to where effeminate sodomites and extremely butch lesbians could lie about their sex on their passports, thus causing all sorts of national security incidents where men identified as women got flagged because of their penises.
Soetoro caused racial tensions to skyrocket in the US, presided over a sluggish economy, threw order out of the window in favor of moral decadence, and his presidency was an illegitimate, illegal, nightmarish farce. His successor, Donald Trump, pledged to undo the damage Soetoro did, but has instead continued down the path to wanton destruction.

Unnamed QAnon believers #conspiracy #crackpot

Conspiracy theorist group QAnon hit a bizarre milestone on Tuesday, when its supporters gathered for what they believed would be the return of the late JFK junior – who, they postured, would be running on an imagined 2024 ticket with former President Donald Trump

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior’s plane was pulled out of the Atlantic Ocean more than 22 years ago in a crash that killed him
A bizarre theory has emerged suggesting that the accident was just a ruse to fake his death and that he will re-emerge – perhaps as early as next month – to join a reinstated President Donald Trump as his VP
And those devotees gathered on Tuesday for what they expected would be a dramatic revelation at the AT&T Discovery Plaza in Dallas – but was in fact more of a damp squib. When JFK junior unsurprisingly failed to make an appearance, people in the crowd suggested he would in fact make an appearance at a Rolling Stones concert later that day
The story goes that after faking his death, Kennedy returned two decades later to help Mr Trump drain the swamp. First he supposedly appeared as Q himself (or close to Q) with the “Q drops” of cryptic information. Then, he was to have revealed himself in 2019, to replace Mike Pence on the president’s 2020 re-election ticket, or maybe the 2021 “reinstatement” (supposedly scheduled for 13 August – although there is no mechanism for reinstating a former president), or maybe the 2024 campaign
The theory appears to have emerged from an April 2018 Q drop resurfacing a pre-Q era theory in which JFK Jr’s 1999 plane crash was orchestrated by the Clintons, supposedly to prevent him running for the New York Senate seat later won by Hillary Clinton

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

The first time I ever watched the movie ‘The Matrix’ back in 1999, it immediately struck me how much Bible was being taught through this movie created by Jesus Christ-rejecting atheists. Back in 1999, I didn’t know as much Bible as I do now, but even at that early phase of my walk with the Lord, it jumped right out at me. If you don’t think God will use unsaved people as a witness to the truth of the Bible, think again. Donald Trump comes to mind.

“That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’S.” Exodus 13:12 (KJB)

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at how the movie ‘The Matrix’ contains stunning illustrations of hardcore Bible doctrine regarding the book of Job, spiritual circumcision, and the tripartite nature of human beings as found in Colossians 2 speaking about our body, soul and spirit. Why are we talking about a 22-year old movie in a Bible study? Because many of the things that ‘The Matrix’ refers to are not fiction, and they are coming to pass as we watch. What do you think the Metaverse is, anyway? Your King James Bible is more up-to-date than you might think it is, showing you human teleportation, time travel, power over the elements of the natural world, and resurrection from the dead. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but the upcoming 4th installment is called ‘The Matrix 4: Resurrections’. We are living in unique times, biblical times, and the long-held prophecies contained in the pages of the Bible are coming to life. Here’s a fun fact, the word ‘matrix’ is unique to the King James Bible, and appears 5 times. Tune in tonight to find out what that means, it’ll blow your mind.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Much as I wanted to believe in Trump, It is a matter of public record that Donald Trump was bailed out multiple times by the Rothschilds during his business career.
My understanding is that he was offered protection from blackmail if he agreed to go along with a military move against Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.
At first he seemed to be “draining the swamp” but something happened. My understanding is that he was unable to stop the US default on international payments that took place on February 16th 2020.
After that the Rockefellers offered ASEAN, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to China in exchange for money to keep the USA Corporation afloat.
What Trump should have done is formally declare bankruptcy and negotiate a restructuring of debt. He did not do that. Now the US is a dystopian failed state controlled by Satanic gangsters.
The US military offered Trump the chance to overturn the stolen election. He failed to do that. He also strongly pushed vaccines for a disease that does not even exist.
That is why the military needs to stand behind someone like general Mike Flynn who does not have skeletons in his closet.

Helen #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

The reality of Q The Great Awakening plan became so clear to me over the past few days – its omission of that word that the world hates – SIN. Take out that word and people do not take responsibility and instead blame others for the problems of the world instead.

Sin simply means to miss the mark of God’s perfection. Almighty God is perfect and Holy in nature, and yet we have an inherited sin nature that separates us from Him.

There are millions of supporters of this Q The Great Awakening plan, or the QAnon movement, so I may risk being killed at exposing this, but it is my duty to warn others of its dark agenda. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is discernment.

The way I see it. Q The Great Awakening plan is a tool of Satan that states that God is at the forefront of its beliefs because Q – Donald Trump – uses bible scriptures, refers to God, and its followers may even be born again believers. However, this movement manifests thought filth just like the mainstream media spouts – it creates blame, hate, and divide in human beings who are blind to see that Christ told us to love one another, not hate one another. Who do the followers blame for the hysteria in the world? Ex politicians, satanists, paedophiles, celebrities, Hollywood etc. Notice that it opposes that important word in the Holy Bible – SIN.

There are dark times ahead during the tribulation period, which will entail of God’s elect, the Jews, and an unbelieving world. There will be 144,000 Jewish witnesses for Christ, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Revelation 13 speaks of the people of the world required to take a mark in either their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell. The Antichrist will break his peace covenant with the people and demand worship from them.

Please be very careful in supporting this Q The Great Awakening plan. The Holy Spirit has given some believers the gift of discernment, and this movement mentions nothing of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Mark Burns #fundie #wingnut

Mark Burns, a MAGA pastor who is running for Congress in South Carolina, is an unabashed Christian nationalist who openly declares that “any policy that is contrary to the word of God” needs to be made illegal.

Burns appeared on the Real America’s Voice program “The Water Cooler” Monday, where he proclaimed that “the gospel of Jesus Christ should be [at] the center of American politics.” When asked by host David Brody what he meant by that, Burns declared that “any law that is against the word of God” must be overturned.

“Laws that are contrary to God’s word that are actively legal or laws today need to be overturned,” Burns said. “Any law that is against the word of God, that is clearly against what God has said in his word—in a nation that is a Christian nation, a nation that has the majority of citizens who actively believe that Jesus is the Messiah, that he is coming back again with omnipotent power in his hands—if it’s against the word of God and it’s actively a law today, then it should be overturned. We should have a moral compass, and right now in America, we’re losing that moral compass. The liberal left is slowly [chipping] away.”

Burns was a proponent of the movement to keep former President Donald Trump in power. He has made numerous calls for war, including on the eve of the Capitol insurrection when he riled up Trump loyalists at a Stop the Steal rally by telling them, “We’re ready to do war!”

Tim Pool #wingnut

The President Biden Farce Is OVER, Approval Drops To THIRTY ONE PERCENT Among Independent Voters

Steve Bannon says this is it, the Biden administration is done. I completely agree. Joe Biden didn't get elected, Donald Trump was anti-elected. Enthusiasm against Trump was equally as high as enthusiasm for trump. Biden wasn't selected by the people for his leadership skills, of course not. The Atlantic said "Stay alive Joe Biden, all we need is your corporeal form." and I'm not exaggerating, it's actually an article from the Atlantic, and here we are.

I have witnessed a transformation among people I've known and trusted for a long time. Among family members, who used to be fun, smiles, barbecues, and they have become zealous, psychotic, rage-filled hate mongers. You've seen it, haven't you, all of a sudden people you knew just, insulting you, and, deriding you and calling you a maggot.

I'm like, did you see the change happen in these people? Yes, the hatred has boiled up so much in their hearts, I absolutely believe they voted for Joe Biden not because they like Biden or want him, because they hate you, and they hate Donald Trump.

And so I absolutely can believe it when I was shocked to see skateboarders who I had known, who never cared about politics, just all of a sudden spewing vile, disgusting things. Look at what they say about COVID victims, they're like "I hope they die," it's scary isn't it, when you see people saying f you, screw you, I don't care anymore the embracing of authoritarianism. Yes, yeah I can believe it. I look forward to seeing what happens with some of these audits but, the vile hatred, man.

The Presidency is over, the people are seeing through it, how can Biden recover from this. Now they're starting to realize the incompetence and failures of this man, so, yeah, absolutely. We'll see how that manifests in the recall, in the coming election in 2022.

Stephen Palmer #crackpot #wingnut

CNN Interviews Trump Supporter Who Threatens Taliban-Style Takeover to Reinstate Him: ‘There’s Millions of Guns Here’

CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan spoke to a Donald Trump supporter who warned of a Taliban-like takeover in America if the former president isn’t restored to office.


Stephen Palmer, one of the Trump supporters O’Sullivan spoke with at the Iowa State Fair in Des Monies, said “I don’t think there’s gonna be a 2024 election until we get the 2020 result.”

“There’s no way at this point to overturn the 2020 election, right?” O’Sullivan asked.

“There’s always a way,” Palmer replied — before referencing the Arizona audit.

Then, Palmer darkly insinuated that America could go the same way as Afghanistan if that’s what it takes to return Trump to power.

There’s millions of guns here. You know, it took 11 days for them to take over Afghanistan. Wonder how many days — just asking for a friend — how many days it would take the patriots to take over this country. Think about it.

“You don’t want that to happen,” O’Sullivan responded.

“I don’t want it to happen,” Palmer said, “but if our country, our government, our Congress and Biden don’t get their heads out of their butt, it’s going to happen. I assure you. It’s coming.”

Curtis Rock #wingnut

Donald Trump is truly a threat to our way of life

However, our way of life was a rapid slide into slavery

He is pulling us out by the heels, kicking and screaming

Those who see the light are helping the cause, because the optimum result requires all of us, together, to mop up the mess and rebuild

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy

[From "Aberrant Civil Leaders and Aberrant Pastors of an Aberrant Religion Reaffirm Men in Their Aberrant Affections"]

As I was saying in my most recent commentary, Supreme Masters of Sophistry, it is truly hard to find anything “new” to say about events in the anti-Incarnational world of Modernity
The forces of darkness in the world that promote perversity have become so bold in the past forty years that their annual “pride parades” have now turned the entire month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, June, into a “celebration” of sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance
Promotion of the sodomite agenda was near and dear to the heart of former President Donald John Trump
Donald John Trump considers that one can base his identity by his willful decision commit and to persist in the commission of sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, a a belief that he shares with many of the conciliar revolutionaries, including Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not a priest nor a bishop. He is a lay Jesuit revolutionary who uses Jesuitical methods whenever it suits his purposes
The counterfeit church of conciliarism is not and can never be the Catholic Church. The counterfeit church of conciliarism is Antichrist’s church of lies and sin
The evolutionary principle of a dialectical clash is a cornerstone of the Judeo-Masonic world of Modernity and its trust that “progress” is inevitable[…]Charles Darwin’s own, disproved ideology of the evolution of the species made its own contribution upon the Modernity’s march toward “progress”

Vox Day #wingnut

[From "真善美"]

Those who are mystified as to why I have a very high opinion of Xi Jinping tend to amuse me[…]As for the Boomer-tier “don’t you know they is CHICOMS” nonsense, I would merely point out that the Chinese Communist Party is presently less communist than the Democratic Party is democratic or the Republican Party is republican. Things tend to change over the course of 100 years; the CCP of Xi is not the CCP of Deng, let alone the CCP of Mao

Anyhow, Xi and Putin are the two great nationalist leaders who successfully stand against Babel, the failing neoliberal world order also known as globohomo. Xi and Putin had the courage to succeed that Donald Trump lacked
And just as it’s finally beginning to be known that Putin has been methodically rebuilding the Russian Orthodox churches, Xi’s nine-year campaign to improve Chinese culture through literature and entertainment is gradually starting to bear fruit. The three Chinese ideographs above are zhen shan mei, which means True, Good, and Beautiful, and they are the conceptual centerpiece of Xi’s cultural revolution
Compare the Chinese program with the unmitigated filth and appalling celebration of the False, the Wicked, and the Ugly of the last 100 years of Western art and literature. When is the last time any Western leader dared to stand firmly against the degradation of Western culture, or to even lift a finger in an attempt to raise the cultural standards of the West? And Xi’s culture campaign is not a communist program, it is an intrinsically Chinese nationalist one, one that has its roots in the consciousness of the consequences of past decadence and was almost certainly inspired by the cultural campaign instituted by the great Lee Kuan Yew when he first came to power in Singapore in 1959
The enemy of our mutual enemy is our friend, and there is a long and positive history of Christians showing respect for the noble and virtuous pagans

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #racist #conspiracy #magick #wingnut

Operation Warp Speed was Trumps baby and he considers it one of his greatest accomplishments and routinely brags about having infected so many millions of people with genocidal A.I.D.S.-inducing, DNA-altering synthetic poison.

Donald J. Trump… “father” of the Covaids quackcine and Zionist / Jesuit pig. Those were his words. He calls himself “the father of the vaccine“. Another one of Israel’s hand puppets.

Of course do not forget about the Vatican and the Society of Jesus and their Black Nobility. They are the true head of the snake and videos like this one do too good of a job making it seem like it’s only the Jews who are at the helm of the world’s Saturn-worshipping, Kabbalah-practicing, veil-hiding crime syndicate. Zionists represent a very powerful sect but are not the only or even largest tribe within that crew. That being said, they still do indeed represent a huge chunk of the Geopolitical power players on the world stage and were a huge part of the Trump deception.

Even DeSantis recently publicly endorsed and recommended getting the vaccine! He’s another Jewish hand puppet.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy

[From "I’m Glad Those Soldiers Got Blown Up in Afghanistan"]

I’m just TROLLING you – don’t be a TRIGGERED NORMIE
Anyway, the issue of the soldiers dying

Joe Biden went on TV and said “they died for our values”
I respect the troops as much as I respect anyone who does any masculine, dangerous, physical profession. But I don’t think it’s sacred or holy that they died for gay anal rimjobs – which is what Joe Biden is talking about when he says “they died for our values”
I’m also 100% opposed to the idea that the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan are fighting for something other than grown men doing anal rimjobs on little boys and being ruled by women[…]US troops are all over the world, fighting for gay sex and feminism, and no one – no matter how genuinely patriotic they are – can give an explanation as to what else they are fighting for
Furthermore – I don’t have to tell you this, but I will – my biggest donors are military vets[…]Military vets are at least 100 times more likely to donate to this site than non military vets. So, considering that – I have zero reason to insult vets or soldiers, and I would not do so
Soldiers get paid to do a job. This is not 1970, they are not drafted, they sign up and they get paid to kill Moslems for Israel
I think Donald Trump’s tribute to these dead ZOGbots was depressing and frankly disgusting
The entire concept of “Islamic terror” is primarily a hoax. First and foremost, it is a hoax. Maybe there is some guy in Europe who wants to stab people. Okay. But in terms of organized groups of terrorists, if you look at any of these groups, you find that they were founded and funded by the US government

Donald Trump #crackpot #wingnut

Trump sues Facebook, Twitter and Google, claiming censorship

WASHINGTON, July 7 (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday filed lawsuits against Twitter Inc (TWTR.N), Facebook Inc (FB.O), and Alphabet Inc's Google (GOOGL.O), as well as their chief executives, alleging they unlawfully silence conservative viewpoints.

The lawsuits, filed in U.S. District Court in Miami, allege the California-based social media platforms violated the right to freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Trump is seeking class action status for the lawsuits, meaning he would represent the interests of other users of Twitter, Facebook, and Google's YouTube who allege they have been unfairly silenced.

He filed three lawsuits making similar allegations …

"We will achieve a historic victory for American freedom and at the same time, freedom of speech," Trump said at a news conference at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Trump lost his social media megaphone this year after the companies said he violated their policies against glorifying violence. Hundreds of his supporters launched a deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 …

The lawsuits ask a judge to invalidate Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law that has been called the backbone of the internet because it provides websites with protections from liability over content posted by users. Trump and others who have attacked Section 230 say it has given big internet companies too much legal protection and allowed them to escape responsibility for their actions.

"This complaint is hard to even make sense of," said Paul Gowder, a professor of law at Northwestern University.

Trump sought to portray the social media companies as subject to the same First Amendment requirements as government entities when it comes to censorship, but Gowder said nothing in the lawsuits "even comes close to turning social media companies into government actors."

Donald Trump #wingnut #dunning-kruger

On a visit to Europe to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the first world war, Donald Trump insisted to his then chief of staff, John Kelly: “Well, Hitler did a lot of good things”

The remark from the former US president on the 2018 trip, which reportedly “stunned” Kelly, a retired US Marine Corps general, is reported in a new book by Michael Bender of the Wall Street Journal
Bender reports that Trump made the remark during an impromptu history lesson in which Kelly “reminded the president which countries were on which side during the conflict” and “connected the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities”.
In a statement a Trump spokesperson, Liz Harrington, said: “This is totally false. President Trump never said this. It is made-up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired”

But Bender says unnamed sources reported that Kelly “told the president that he was wrong, but Trump was undeterred”, emphasizing German economic recovery under Hitler during the 1930s

“Kelly pushed back again,” Bender writes, “and argued that the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide”

Bender adds that Kelly told Trump that even if his claim about the German economy under the Nazis after 1933 were true, “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t”

Jerry Derecha/YahushuaBenDavid #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #magick

Yeah, so all you idiots who got jabs and are now magnetized because of it and this is what you have to look forward to. CERN sucking up your soul into whatever updated supercomputer matrix cube update that the ruler of the Demiurge has been working on. In reality, I think your fate is destined to be far worse than that. The waxinnated are honestly so dumb that they don’t deserve to be granted an additional existence of any kind. Even if it is stuck in a new computer game. Someone else’s game. Kind like we already are. But that’s not my call. I have a feeling though that you won’t be granted the same kind of freedoms that were afforded here. Freedoms which allowed you to make such dumb ass decisions in the first place.

Dissing Vaxholes is therapeutic for me I guess.
"cern is a giant electromagent AKA mag-NET , CERN IS A GIANT NET THAT SUCKS HUMANS SOULS INTO HELL , when you take the waxxine venom it contains MAGETIC NANO PARTICLES that turn your blood magnetic and your soul lives in your blood , when you become magnetic cern sucks your soul into its giant electro-mag-NET , YOU GET TRAPPED IN LUCIFERS NET AKA HELL
" donald trump is lucifer aka indra , the glowing ball is hell , it is glowing becuase of all the humans souls trapped in hell , ala the glow=be globe earth glowing with souls , huamns =hu-man hu =light"

JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #wingnut

They ran the whole election fraud from Tyler Perry Studios

Joe Biden's text to number was 30330. Zeroes don't count in numerology so the number is 333. But just for fun let's look at the zipcode 30330. It's in Fulton County Georgia and right smack in the middle of it is Barack Obama's good friend Tyler Perry. He has a 330 acre film studio with EVERYTHING in it including a White House replica. Wouldn't that be a great place to run a huge election heist out of? Odd that his immigrant wife let him a month after the election almost like something spooked her. Follow the numbers...
Tyler Perry Studios (opened in 2019) Area code 30330 = 333
State Farm Arena Fulton County where the pipe burst zipcode is 30303 = 333
The Christmas bombing of the ATT building what's it's address?
"333 Commerce Street" = 171 (English Ordinal)
What the State Farm arena's address?
"1 State Farm Drive" = 162 (English Ordinal)
Add the two gematria numbers together 171+162 = 333
"333 Commerce Street 1 State Farm Drive" = 333 (English Ordinal)
What are they stealing? "President of United States" = 333 (Reverse Ordinal)

From George Floyd death to Nashville bombing is 214 days
From State Farm Arena (pipe burst) to ATT building is 214 miles
"Christmas bomb" = 142 (English Ordinal) 14/2
"State Farm Arena" = 142 (English Ordinal)

Why do they keep using Saint Valentine when they're attacking Trump?
"The Republican Party" = 214 (English Ordinal)
"Saint Valentines Day" = 214 (English Ordinal)
Saint Valentine beheaded on 2/14/269
"II.XIV.CCLXIX" = 148 (English Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 148 (English Ordinal)

All these event were hooked together... Coronavirus, George Floyd, the election theft, the ATT Christmas bombing.

From election to 12/25 is 52 days
"Christmas bomb" = 52 (Full Reduction)
"revolution" = 52 (Full Reduction)
"Batman Building Christmas" = 239 (English Ordinal)
"purple revolution" = 239 (English Ordinal)
"The Clinton Foundation" = 239 (English Ordinal)
"one world government" = 239 (English Ordinal)

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
The Republican Party is the party of President Donald J. Trump!

@RealMarjorieGreene The guy who didn't fire Fauci? The guy who appointed Wray, Pompeo, Bolton, etc? The guy who allowed communist riots? That guy that allowed the shutdowns? The guy who funded the lethal injections?

I'd say "we need to do better." But the collapse of the US Dollar and economy are inevitable. I hope everyone's preparing for the worst.

People don't starve peacefully.

@William_Jaeger @RealMarjorieGreene What’s the rest of the world gonna do when they realize more people have been injured or died from his “beautiful vaccines” than covid? I wonder if they took some documents that prove he knew they were bad when they raided.

@RealMarjorieGreene Republican party is the PARTY of the Shabbos Goy bitch.

@RealMarjorieGreene then how come they did everything they could to make sure Biden stole the election?


@RealMarjorieGreene The GOP and the Democrats are both controlled by jew lobbies and special interest groups. MTG is being dishonest and controlled opposition for stating otherwise.

Trump predicted everything that's happening right now.

Henry Makow PhD/Larry Romanoff #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Despite two appeals which have gone unanswered, I am still banned from Twitter. This despite E. Michael Jones' return and Musk's pledge of "absolute free speech." I am suppressed because I expose the "divide & conquer" political charade. The Left (Communist, globalist) and the Right (conservative, nationalist) are both Masonic-Jewish factions. Both are controlled by the Rothschild world banking cartel. Both are Cabalist (satanic) Jewish.

The US Conservative false opposition exists to foster division and hide the shocking fact that humanity has been satanically possessed by Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Look what happened to Kanye when he drew attention to Jewish hegemony. The "vaccine" roll out took place under Communist tag team traitor Donald Trump.

Like Trump, Elon Musk is Jewish, part of the faux conservative Zionist wing. He may do some good but he cannot be trusted.

Larry Romanoff writes,

"Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon or Alon is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as "Canadian", which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon's brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk's connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history, Tesla's closet relationship with Israeli tech spanning many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu (at his private residence) on more than one occasion."

But, false opposition is preferable to none at all. So yea Elon Musk! I much prefer the Zionist roadmap to Cabalist Jewish supremacy than the insane Communist one.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Document Hoax Lawsuit, which is the “Weaponization” of the Justice Department and the FBI, is yet another Scam against me, much like Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the Mueller Report (No Collusion!), Spying on my Campaign (and getting caught!), Lying to the FISA Court, Lying to Congress, Illegally Breaking into my home in Florida in violation of the Fourth Amendment, also violating the Presidential Records Act, and so much more. This is all being done in order to hurt a political opponent, me, who is leading in all of the polls by over 50 points against Republicans, and from 5 to 10 points against the two primary Democrats, Biden and North Korea Sympathizer Kamala Harris. They have been doing this to me for six years ever since my wonderful journey down the “Golden Escalator.” The Radical Left Democrats are out-of-control, and our Country is going to Hell!

@realdonaldtrump and the do-nothing Republicans do nothing because there is not two parties there’s only one the uniparty that seeks to destroy the United States as we know it.

@realdonaldtrump When you get back in, I hope you aren't so nice to all the people determined to ruin our Country.

@MKemry @realdonaldtrump If he gets back in, he'll sell even more poison vaxx shots to MAGA Americans, like the millions he already convinced to receive it.

@realdonaldtrump TRAITOR JOE and His DemonRats Comrades-in-arms are manipulator, exploiter, and oppressor!


@MasonCutlip @realdonaldtrump

Bolsheviks to the Left of me, Zionists to the Right.
Here I am.
Stuck in the middle with jews!

Ben Garrison #wingnut


Description”Don (Trump) Quixote”, riding annoyedly atop a very angry white horse. He wears grey fatigues, a sword and riding boots with spurs while the horse wears a red caparison with golden trim. He holds a yellow shield inscribed with “FREE SPEECH” and a red buckle decorated with a yellow T in his right hand while brandishing a spear labelled “LAWSUIT” in the left. He pursues an animate windmill flying the Chinese flag. Its sails are labelled, clockwise from top-left, “🐦twitter”, “facebook”. “CENSORSHIP” amd “Google”, with a skull at the centre. The “CENSORSHIP” sail ends in a hand holding a bunch of Dollar notes, one of which has slipped away.)

These enemies of America are are not imaginary

Yes, I realize that the Don Quixote character from Cervantes’ novel attacked imaginary enemies as represented by the windmill, but Donald Trump Quixote’s enemies are not imagined.

They are all too real and dangerous.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left hates Donald Trump because, for the first time in a long time, We the People were truly represented under his administration.


The more research you do, the less this appears to be true.

It looks more like he simply put on a good performance/act of We the People representation.

If you actually check the details of his actions, you find that he installed and empowered cabal puppets throughout the 3+ years he was in the White House and made sure that all of the 'good things' he did could easily be reversed the moment he was gone.

You find an enormous list of things that he could have done as President to save America - and had a moral & Constitutional right to do - yet suspiciously chose not to.

You also find that he appears to be the one who signed off on launching the scamdemic in the U.S. back in February 2020.

And, of course, he went on to be a disgusting promoter of the death jabs.

The liberal cult hates Trump for one reason only: his loyalty to America. Liberals hate Trump supporters for the same reason.

There is no common ground anymore between a liberal and an American patriot: we are separate cultures, separate religions, and separate nations, occupying the same land.

The liberal is dedicated to the fall of the Republic and the rise of a communist dictatorship in its place; this defines him as a traitor, and a traitor is a natural enemy of the patriot.


LOL!!! HOW SO???? He continued the BLANK check to IsraHELL! He went along with the fake virus PLANNEDEMIC! He allowed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL lockdowns! He pushed the jews MURDER jab!

WTF are you talking about you delusional jew shill CLOWN???

You know, soon EVERY ONE of the goyim will know and you wicked jew shill baby raping puppets satanists for the jew world order will have NO WHERE to run or hide!

The "left" hates trumpstein for the same reason the right loves IsraHELL, because the JEWS tell them to!

( @LawFag )
@DrPaulGosar By "We the People" you mean jews and blacks right? Where's my platinum plan

Spirit of America - Rising LLC #wingnut #conspiracy

<from cards handed out on 2021 Texas CPAC meeting floor>

So, let’s all Play the Trump Card and start laughing Nancy Pelosi out of the Speakership. She’ll open her mail and melt away, in America’s West Coast city, San Francisco, like the Wicked Witch of the West, in the ‘Wizard of Oz’. When she opens her mail, she’ll find new evidence of skeletons, long buried by the Radical Left, that will have her on the floor. And get ready to be TIRED OF WINNING, again!

1. Reveal ACHILLES' HEEL: Pull back the curtain on the horror show that is today's "Democrat Party". Watch Pelosi melt, like the Wicked Witch of the West. See the Black Caucus and other key groups flip, unexpectedly, and watch the tables turn.
2. Witness a trusted Conservative elected as Speaker of the House and, FINALLY, reveal suppressed results of existing investigations into election racketeering.
3. Correct the official record. Reveal that Trump legitimately won the 2020 Election.
4. The Speaker of the House drafts Articles of Impeachment for Biden-Harris.
5. Citizen Donald J. Trump is placed into the line of Presidential succession, behind the Vice President, by electing him Speaker of the House.
6. Speaker of the House Donald J. Trump then calls for a vote to impeach, charge, and remove impostors, Biden and Harris.
7. Duly impeach, charge and remove Biden and Harris, whereby rendering all acts of said impostors, while in office, null and void and of no effect! Then, duly elected Donald J. Trump resumes his rightful place as U.S. President.

Keiko Fujimori & Other Wingnuts #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut

Peru: Fujimori cries electoral fraud – and unleashes torrent of racism

Claims of rightwing candidate, trailing Pedro Castillo in the polls, emboldens far right, who have vowed not to accept result

The prospect of the son of illiterate Andean peasants becoming president as his rival cries fraud has shaken Peru’s entrenched class system and its fragile democracy, letting loose a torrent of racism in the bicentennial year of the country’s independence.

“The tension has reached a breaking point,” said José Ragas “The Lima elite is not just trying to keep power, they are trying to cancel the rural vote.”

In one ugly but not unusual case, the news site Sudaca published text messages between middle-class white men in Lima who discussed how people from the highlands should “die of hunger” and called for the return of Alberto Fujimori’s alleged forced sterilisations which mostly targeted indigenous women.

Other memes characterised Castillo as a donkey or said Andeans were too ignorant to be allowed to vote.

As officials at Peru’s electoral board work overtime to reinspect the disputed ballots, social media and partisan news broadcasters have helped spread fake news stirring up the spectre of totalitarian rule, violence and even mass expropriations if Castillo is declared the winner amid rumblings of coup plots among the far-right.

Apparently inspired by Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat at the US elections, Fujimori has led a string of marches against “fraud” telling supporters at one rally: “The election will be flipped, dear friends.”

Peru’s interim president Francisco Sagasti slammed as “unacceptable” a letter signed by nearly a hundred retired military officers urging the armed forces not to recognise Castillo.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged “attorney-client” material, and also “executive” privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!



@jld61972 @realdonaldtrump There are no Biden supporters - only Trump haters.

@realdonaldtrump I have long said the FBI and CIA and IRS should be abolished.

@realdonaldtrump I cannot begin to express my contempt to all who have desecrated you in any way. The last few years have been torture watching them desperately try to bring you down. We, the true American people know the truth and there are millions of us, ready




President Trump,
Please gut the FBI, and all WEAPONIZED AGENCIES of gov't. Shut them down permanently. They are political, self-serving Uniparty thugs, who no longer serve any function for America. They are domestic enemies of our Constitutional Republic. Stop their...

C orruption
O verreach
P oliticization

T reasonous
H aters
U nhinged
G ov't
S wamp

@realdonaldtrump Time for the military to retrieve them.

@Desire_Peace3 @realdonaldtrump of course the military supports them so we must defend the military

Donald Trump et al.; Jim Hoft #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

President Trump joined David Brody on Real America’s News on Monday. During the interview, Trump said he never conceded in the rigged 2020 election.

President Trump is not backing down and it ruins the Democrats and globalists.
Hopefully, the truth will be revealed soon.

President Trump also discussed his upcoming visit to the US Border with Texas Governor Abbot.

Via Real America’s Voice:

Washington, DC / June 21, 2021 — In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with David Brody on Real America’s Voice, the rapidly growing digital and linear news network, President Donald J. Trump said that he never admitted defeat in the 2020 election and has not conceded the election.

The comments came after Brody asked about President Trump’s recent interview with Sean Hannity. “I want to start with something you told Sean Hannity last week,” said Brody. “The headlines were about how you admitted defeat in the 2020 election when you said ‘we didn’t win’ … Did you admit defeat? I just want to understand that.” Brody asked.

“No, I never admitted defeat,” responded Trump. “I never used the word concede, I have not conceded,” he continued.

Brody and President Trump then went on to discuss the mounting evidence of election illegalities and fraud being uncovered in Arizona, Georgia, and elsewhere. “There is a tremendous percentage [of the American people] that thinks the election was rigged and stolen,” said Trump.

The 45th President also noted that claims of election fraud are not new, referring to Hillary Clinton’s comments about his win following the 2016 election and Stacey Abram’s claims following the Democrats’ loss in Georgia. But, the President noted, “in this case there’s [actually] massive evidence.”

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, “planting.” Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out? Obama and Clinton were never “raided,” despite big disputes!

@realdonaldtrump is great, but have you ever considered not voting for Jews and Zogbots?

Good morning to everyone except to the LOSERS who just want to sit back and wait for 2024. YOU Sheep are part of the problem! Thanks a lot. 😡
#Fix2020First #IStandWithTrump #Ignore2024


@realdonaldtrump the same reason they didn’t want anyone to witness anything that was going at at the polls on November 3, 4, 2020…

@realdonaldtrump no doubt about that they probably planted items. So for the record criminals running this banana republic, free Americans will not support any claims against President Trump because it’s obvious that they are purposely trying to destroy him ! Any evidence or any claims they bring up on media or social media will be only met with distrust and dismissal. Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste taxpayers time we’re sick of this shit!

@realdonaldtrump I believe Biden for once when he says he knew nothing about the illegal raid on President Trump's home on MAL.

Why do I believe Biden?

Because Obama gave the order.

Under Obama the FBI became more corrupt and lawless than any criminal or criminal organization the FBI ever investigated or pursued. The FBI has become the Gestapo, the KGB, the enemy of the American people.

OratorBlog Information Warrior #wingnut #conspiracy

Ladies and gentlemen, it pains me to say this, but the evangelical base was swindled by Donald Trump and the globalists.

We all know that the term, “drain the swamp,” had an impact on the election. The words galvanized voters. They stirred up an emotional response. Why? Because the words offer hope that corruption would be destroyed in Washington, DC. However, for Donald Trump, “draining the swamp,” was never a part of his plan.

As you watch the video, you will see that this is true. Trump did not invent the term. The slogan was developed in 2014, one year before Trump decided to run for president.

The slogan was the result of Cambridge Analytica’s data mining weapons lab which discovered that the slogan got a strong response from voters.
This EXPLOSIVE video visits the hidden mystery of Trump Tower and looks into Trump’s involvement in the dark arts. It will also visit Trump’s interest with mysticism and mythical gods.

If you have wondered if Donald J. Trump is involved in secret orders, the evidence presented in this disclosure, will answer those questions.

It will also explain the origins of Baal worship and freemasonry symbolism
President Trump did Not Drain the Swamp, he let it Overflow and walked away to let it infect the entire Nation.

And don’t you dare call Me a Cabal Shill. I have fought for Truth and the Defense of America full time for 7 years without making a penny.

The ones who Are Cabal Shills are 90% of our Leaders. They never call out our True Enemies, nor exactly what we they are Really Doing. They Never Tell us What to do to Take Down our Enemies.

And that includes President Trump…

Don’t you Think It Is Damn Well Suspicious that President Trump Never Warned us about the Coming Great Reset NWO Dictatorship? Nor by One Damn Member of His Administration?

Now can you Guess Why DJT Likes 5G and AI So Much? Why He Likes the Transhuman mRNA Vax So Much?

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Donald J Trump)

@realdonaldtrump Remove the Jew

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

@R2002hh the bolsheviks killed 70 million christians. Hitler was right. Shove it

@R2002hh Are Barrack Obama, Maxine Waters, Eric Adams, Mazie Hirono, AOC, etc. Jews?

In the absence of Jews, would those non-Jewish communists not continue to rob us blind through the same government and central bank institutions doing it now?

People crying about Jews are controlled opposition, seeking to make the communists' enemies look like assholes, and social retards.

Don't be controlled opposition or a social retard. It doesn't help.

@Justice_4_Germans @R2002hh Government and central banks are how communists enslave. Those are the enemies.

How does labeling them all Jews help?

You're not serious. No wonder they're winning.

@William_Jaeger @R2002hh (((their))) golems are always well compensated with wealth, power and all the toddlers they'd ever want to rape. #HunterBiden is a golem.

@realdonaldtrump You're gonna have to stop the jews first, Donnie boy.

@realdonaldtrump the Jews are communists…

@realdonaldtrump your support of jews is countrr productive

Call out the kikes and the blacks and I’ll start listening again

Maybe you should’ve had this talk with your kids before they married jews


Michelle Malkin #conspiracy

So, what exactly is the "more complex story" that the once-venerable AP wire service believes is so important for the public to know? Babbitt was involved in a complicated personal love triangle, had "bad blood" with her husband's ex-wife, faced "numerous misdemeanors" related to a traffic encounter with the ex, and then was—wait for it, it's buried deep down in the article—acquitted by a judge of all the criminal charges.

That's it.

The rest of Biesecker's steaming pile of vile is padded with disgruntled attacks against Babbitt by the still-seething ex-wife, plus extended point-and-sputter condemnations by the "investigative reporter" against Babbitt's ideological stands and internet posts, topped off by resentful references to the fact that President Donald Trump and countless American citizens remain stalwart in their defense of Babbitt's memory.

Donald J Trump & various commenter #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Everyone is talking about the big hurricane barreling into Florida, as they should be, but perhaps a far more important event in the longer term was the announcement that the Nord Stream I & II Pipelines out of Russia (which I brought to the World’s attention as President when I explained how crippling reliance on it could be for Germany and other parts of Europe. Everybody laughed at the time, but they are not laughing anymore!) has been SABOTAGED. This could lead to major escalation, or War!

@realdonaldtrump And it was probably Biden that ordered it to be blown up. Allowing the Biden coup to stand for so long is having a far more destructive effect than many people expected. Do you think the coward Republicans expected this kind of thing when they voted to confirm an election they all knew was fake?


-*Biden, " ...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it...we will be able to do that."
-January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

@ThomasJWasney @realdonaldtrump they always tell their intentions ahead of time

@realdonaldtrump I'm sick of this idiot who was too weak to stop an election steal on his watch.

@IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump He's assuming every one of us on Gab is going to vote for him again in 2024. He's very wrong.

@TrumpaBumpa @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump. Of President Trump wins the primary then I will be forced to vote for him.

@Saltillo @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump There's no way in hell I'll be voting for someone directly responsible for convincing millions to get a poison vaxx, and that includes Trump.

@realdonaldtrump Who cares about Germany! They asked for it! #FloridaMatters DeSantis has his priorities straight!

@ILoveDragons @realdonaldtrump germany is an occupied country, occupied by the americans. the russians left europe in peace, taking care of their own business at home - the american occupancy stayed and broke every international law in the book inciting war and illegal attacks.


Penarddun #dunning-kruger

""James Shawlin told KUSA that he stopped by the Floor and Decor store on Friday to exchange defective materials he had purchased to build a stone fireplace.

Shawlin said that a store manager spotted him going through boxes to check the stones and “was not too happy.”

“I was a little firm with him, and I just told him, ‘Hey, you know, my husband and I spend a lot of money here. We’ve been using you guys for ten years. We have $3,000 worth of stone.’” Shawlin recalled telling manager. “And [the manager] goes, ‘oh, that explains it now. The faggot that voted for Hillary.’”

Another customer expressed support for Donald Trump after overhearing the conversation, Shawlin said.""

Maybe he should have considered discussing it with the store manager before rummaging through property that did not belong to him. These faggots act like entitled idiots and then get mad when somebody calls them out for it.

It’s no secret that same sex parenting is extremely damaging to a child’s mental health, and to pretend otherwise is a joke. Full grown adults who were raised in homosexual households have confirmed just how perverted their upbringing was. Being exposed to pornography, having parents that openly promote a promiscuous lifestyle, not being allowed to discuss natural confusion over two boys liking each other, and also being expected to hate people who are anti-gay.

It’s also no secret that there’s a major link between pedophilia and homosexuality.

(((Researches))) love to push that homosexual parents are better than straight parents, but their only evidence is that the four year olds in that environment appear to be very happy.

I’m sure any four year old is happy when they’re allowed to wear whatever they like and act retarded.

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