Donald Trump

Crustaciouse #fundie

[Serious] My political aspirations are rising

I haven't felt this way in a while, I was reading some cucks and sluts get triggered at Donald trump on Twitter and I started having my desires again.
I used to desire world domination, but I eventually realized that's a far off and pretty much impossible goal to achieve.
But now I realize, I must start small and work my way up.
I will win over the public's votes with false promises and slowly but surely make my way up.
I will employ a brand of political nuance not yet seen in our time, and at some point I will get what I want.
Even if I die in a civil war to gain power.
I realized nothing will change in this cucked bluepilled society unless an iron fisted leader takes charge and wipes out all the degeneracy, now I know that I must be that person

Floyd Mayweather Jr. #sexist

In an interview with Hollywood Unlocked this week, Floyd Mayweather Jr. spoke out on Donald Trump's infamous comments about women.

When asked about what Trump said, Mayweather told Hollywood Unlocked, via Chris Yuscavage of

"People don't like the truth... He speak like a real man spoke. Real men speak like, 'Man, she had a fat ass. You see her ass? I had to squeeze her ass. I had to grab that fat ass.' Right? So he talking locker room talk. Locker room talk. 'I'm the man, you know what I'm saying? You know who I am. Yeah, I grabbed her by the p---y. And?'"

Tim Allen #fundie

Things are tough out there for the honest, good-natured, conservative-leaning men of America. Just because they voted for Donald Trump, continue to support his bigoted and deadly policies, and feel comfortable waving away the darker implications of things like his Muslim ban or border wall doesn’t mean that they’re bad people. It just means that their political opinions happen to line up with neo-Nazis and so-called Christians who would rather kill the poor than actually spend a dime to help another living soul. There’s nothing wrong with that, and if you have the nerve to suggest that there is, then you’re the one who is the real intolerant piece of shit.

Just ask Tim Allen, the famous sitcom star who thinks that being a conservative in Hollywood is like living in Germany in the 1930s. He said that as a joke on a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, but a Washington Post story explains that it’s not much of a joke to Allen or to a “clandestine support group” of other Hollywood conservatives who are frightened of being “excommunicated from the church of tolerance.” The piece also quotes older interviews with Allen where he said people should “forget the stupid shit [Trump] says about immigrants,” because it’s “just ignorant” and should apparently be ignored if Trump can “do the stuff that really needs fixing.”

He has also knocked Trump as an amateur with “very bad comic timing” in the past, but that’s the same sort of half-hearted, disingenuous bullshit that a lot of Hollywood conservatives like Allen (and Arnold Schwarzenegger) love to say when it comes to Trump. It lets them pretend like they’re enlightened while still avoiding the actual concrete issues that people have with Trump and his racist cronies, but when they catch a whiff that someone might think less of them for supporting Trump, they get to act all high and mighty for exposing someone else’s “intolerance.”

Allen’s line about 1930s Germany may have been tongue-in-cheek, but comments like that normalize the behavior of Trump’s more extreme supporters because it makes it seem like criticizing their beliefs is somehow worse than the dangerous and hateful things they believe. Attitudes like that helped get Trump elected in the first place, and now it’s more important than ever to call people on their shit when they deserve it. Maybe Tim Allen and his conservative snowflake buddies don’t like feeling judged for being a conservative in Hollywood, but that’s just too bad.

Tea Party Nation #conspiracy

[Obama releases his official birth certificate.]

Democrats are hailing this as a huge defeat for the Republicans. It isn’t, but they are very good at messaging.

However, there is a very serious question to be asked. Since there are no bombshells here, except the possibility that Obama’s mother might have been a few days underage at the time of the conception, the question remains, why did Obama spend millions of dollars to keep this document secret?

Donald Trump, being the savvy guy that he is, is already moving to his next target. Obama’s college records. Obama has never released his college records, including those at Occidental College. Many believe Obama went to college there on a scholarship reserved for foreign students.

Obama should release his college records, as well as his attorney disciplinary records. Whether he will or not is anyone’s guess, though once Obama broke and released this document, he will have a much harder time not releasing other documents.

For the conservative movement, this is a two edged sword. Getting to see some of these documents is great. The question is what will it do to the Obama candidacy? Obama could be mortally wounded if some of the other records reveal embarrassing things, such as attending school on a scholarship reserved for foreign students. The Democrats may actually want this to happen. As gas prices rise and so does inflation, the chances of an Obama second term diminish. If something happened and the Democrats could replace Obama with someone else (Hillary Clinton?), that candidate could run against the Obama record as well as the Republicans, giving them a shot at keeping at least the White House in Democratic hands.

Various e-mailers #fundie

Over the last several weeks, Christians angry and upset with me for not supporting Donald Trump have emailed to tell me my wife has lung cancer because I am opposing God's chosen candidate. The other day I got an email from a man who wrote, "I have come to learn after listening to so many prophesies that God DOES have his hand on DJT! You, of all people, who are studying the Bible, KNOW about CYRUS, DAVID, SAUL OF TARSUS, etc. were used for God's purposes! God can even use a donkey." The all-caps were his. I agree with him that God can use even donkeys, just like Hillary Clinton.

Roy Moore #racist

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who is facing Sen. Luther Strange in the state’s Republican primary runoff tomorrow, told Religious Right radio host Sandy Rios that he would support using military force to stop undocumented immigrants from crossing the southern border of the United States.

During an interview recorded last Friday and aired this morning, Moore responded to a negative ad that accuses him of not supporting a southern border wall and standing with Hillary Clinton instead of President Donald Trump. The ad, paid for Senate Leadership Fund super PAC, run by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s former chief of staff, was described by Politifact as “mostly false.”

“Every ad they’ve run daily, every hour, on every television, on every radio, it’s negative and false accusing me of not standing for a wall,” Moore told Rios. “You know, I want to stop illegal aliens coming across the border. I don’t think we’ve got time right now to sit and wait. They haven’t done anything.”

“I’d put the military down there,” Moore declared.

Moore expanded that if he was president, “this thing would be stopped and then we’ll build a wall.”

Alex #fundie

(On an article regarding the movement to resist and impeach Donald trump.)

REV 19:He (Jesus) treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty....this is no longer speaking of his own blood, but the blood of his enemies....war is inevitable....then, peace will come....come (birds of the air), gather together for the great supper of God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small. Solomon's kingdom would never have manifested if it wasn't for the preceding wars of King David, the father.

[Another person calls Alex out for inciting violence.]

I do not advocate violence but there is such a thing as righteous judgement "with justice he wages war". To say that God is only Mercy is wrong. The Lord The Lord God. A compassionate and merciful God. SLOW to anger and abounding in loving kindness and truth; who keeps loving kindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity and transgressions and sins. YET HE WILL BY NO MEANS LET THE GUILTY GO UNPUNISHED....God himself described who he is in these verses. He is not just the LAMB, but also THE LION OF JUDAH.

[Deleted comment.]

Pretty much everything God does, good or bad, he does thru human beings. I cringe when I hear the atrocities of ISIS, but I also believe that they might be in part God's judgement on a world which has shunned him.

[A different person calls Alex on his bloodthirsty BS.]

no one is advocating violence, false accuser and devil. Your pride and arrogance gives you no right to sit on God's throne to judge me or anyone else on this thread. I notice you shoot off your big mouth without addressing the scriptures I put before you in this thread. My point is that, although incredibly long-suffering and patient, God is not Mercy only. He is a righteous king (judge). And just like there is divine Mercy, there is also divine Judgement waiting for those evil-doers who refuse to repent, be washed in the blood and sanctified in the Word. God is not beheading ANYBODY, but his hand of protection can be removed in order that judgement take place.

[Person #2 doesn't back down, demands Alex admit he's advocating violence.]

Don't forget, I called you a devil too. I also said God is not beheading ANYBODY, as the devil (that would be you) falsely accuses me of. But why argue? Let God's Word speak for itself : AND WHEN THEY FORGOT THE LORD THEIR GOD, HE (GOD) SOLD THEM INTO THE LAND OF SISERA AND INTO THE HAND OF THE PHILISTINES AND INTO THE HAND OF MOAB, AND THEY FOUGHT AGAINST THEM. God also sold Israel to Assyria and Babylon for their unrepentence. When we forget God and mock him (as the vast majority of America and the entire world is doing today), when we pile up aborted babies by the tens of millions, when those who are called priests live homosexual lifestyles and abuse children in despicable manner (those would be the priests of the Catholic religion which you follow), when we call good bad and bad good (homosexual marriage), God's hand of protection is removed and we too will be judged and given into the hands of our enemies (ISIS).

[Person #2 and a third person remind Alex that god doesn't make ISIS behead people.]

And you need to learn about repentance and that we are called to such, even as we are washed in the blood of Jesus. Otherwise, you remain a child on milk, never having matured into righteousness. Or do you not know that evil doers will not enter the Kingdom of God? Get YOUR theology straight!

Donald Trump #fundie

Donald Trump has been courting the LGBTQ vote throughout this presidential election, claiming he would be the better choice for the community than opponent Hillary Clinton and promising to protect us from terrorism in his Republican National Convention speech.

That argument gets harder to believe by the week, as he gives speeches at anti-LGBTQ events, sticks up for homophobic and transphobic legislation and surrounds himself with bigoted politicians and advisers. Now we have a new offense to add to the list.

Trump has pledged to sign the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), if passed by congress. It was first introduced in the House on June 17, 2015 and would effectively legalize anti-LGBTQ discrimination across the board, including among employers, businesses, landlords and healthcare providers, as long as they claim to be motivated by a firmly held religious beliefs.

It would act to overturn the executive order signed in 2014 by President Obama prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination among federal contractors.

The statement, added to Trump’s website on Thursday under the title “Issues Of Importance To Catholics” and the subtitle “Religious Liberty,” reads:

"Religious liberty is enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution. It is our first liberty and provides the most important protection in that it protects our right of conscience. Activist judges and executive orders issued by Presidents who have no regard for the Constitution have put these protections in jeopardy. If I am elected president and Congress passes the First Amendment Defense Act, I will sign it to protect the deeply held religious beliefs of Catholics and the beliefs of Americans of all faiths. The Little Sisters of the Poor, or any religious order for that matter, will always have their religious liberty protected on my watch and will not have to face bullying from the government because of their religious beliefs."

FADA’s text reads:

"Prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.

Defines “discriminatory action” as any federal government action to discriminate against a person with such beliefs or convictions, including a federal government action to:

alter the federal tax treatment of, cause any tax, penalty, or payment to be assessed against, or deny, delay, or revoke certain tax exemptions of any such person;

disallow a deduction of any charitable contribution made to or by such person;

withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any federal grant, contract, subcontract, cooperative agreement, loan, license, certification, accreditation, employment, or similar position or status from or to such person; or

withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any benefit under a federal benefit program.

Requires the federal government to consider to be accredited, licensed, or certified for purposes of federal law any person who would be accredited, licensed, or certified for such purposes but for a determination that the person believes or acts in accordance with such a religious belief or moral conviction.

Permits a person to assert an actual or threatened violation of this Act as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and to obtain compensatory damages or other appropriate relief against the federal government.

Authorizes the Attorney General to bring an action to enforce this Act against the Government Accountability Office or an establishment in the executive branch, other than the U.S. Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, that is not an executive department, military department, or government corporation.

Defines “person” as any person regardless of religious affiliation, including corporations and other entities regardless of for-profit or nonprofit status."

mark12A #racist

No, it's the success of the internet freedom of speech. The mainstream media is vexed that their "correct thought" is not being swallowed by the great unwashed. The people are fed up with the busy bodies pushing immigration on them.
Since the 1960's, beginning with Ted Kennedy's "Immigration Reform", the Libtards have been pushing to alter the ethnic and racial makeup of the United States. Why? Their answer: DIVERSITY!!!
Just what are the real, concrete, measurable advantages to "Diversity"?
There are no economic advantages. There is an economic drag, as businesses have to set up diversity implementation, training, monitoring, and resolve disputes as they inevitably pop up. Having Diversity doesn't increase economic performance or profits in any way.
There are no social advantages. Since we no longer insist on assimilation, we are separating into distinct social/ethnic groups now. We now have to press "1" for English. Throughout human history, such processes invariably culminate in Civil War. So, in a generation or so, the US will begin the process of breaking up as each group starts to insist on their own "homeland". Gee, thanks a lot.
What motivated Teddy and his ilk? The political advantage. Bring in foreigners, tell them they're disadvantaged ethnic underdogs, but don't worry, the awesome Democratic Party is here to save them! Basically, import voters to gain political advantage. To hell with American culture, to hell with national cohesion, to hell with social stability. Politics uber allles!
The US is big, it takes longer to accomplish the desired effect, but if you want to see more immediate effects, take a look at what Tony Blair and Labour accomplished in Britain. To counteract Tory mainstream political power, Blair & Co. purposely brought in as many immigrants as they could get away with, thus increasing the potential pool of Labour voters, and breaking down the traditional values of Britain. Britain is now faced with expanding ethnic ghettos and the destruction of their culture. All for the political advantage of one party.
The American people are fed up and are beginning to push back. They will vote for Trump, or Pink Bunny Hitler, or anybody else who will reverse the trends that are breaking apart the most successful country in all human history.
Donald Trump is a smart guy, a skilled negotiator, and will be a complete disaster as President.
I will vote for him the first chance I get. Since I'm moving to New Hampshire next month, the opportunity will be soon. I will do my part, as a long time Republican voter, to hit the goddam Republican party establishment upside the head with a baseball bat. It's time they started fighting back in the culture war. It's time they told the MSM to go screw themselves, and stop trying to be liked by the MSM and Intelligentsia, and do what their voters want them to do.

William Grimes #fundie

Charles Joseph "Joe" Scarborough (born April 9, 1963) is a liberal commentator on far-left MSNBC. Formerly a RINO, Scarborough is an independent. Scarborough is known primarily for his feud with fellow liberal Donald Trump, and his adulterous ways as he has been divorced twice and is currently "engaged" to Mika Brzezinski.

Scarborough belongs to the liberal Southern Baptist Convention, and as this is the case, he ignores the teachings in the Bible about divorce. He has decided that people need to be controlled by the government, and therefore has been in favor of banning guns for self defense.

Sandy Rios #fundie

Sandy Rios Questions Khizr Khan's Patriotism: 'We're Not Even Sure About You, Sir'

On her radio show today, Sandy Rios of the American Family Association (AFA) questioned the patriotism of Khizr Khan, the father of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who died while serving in Iraq. Khan gave a rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention yesterday, in which he criticized Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

Rios, who serves as the AFA’s director of governmental affairs, said that because of his Muslim faith, Khan may be lying to Americans about his true beliefs, arguing that “supporters of Islam and the Quran cannot embrace the Constitution” and that it’s Khan’s “responsibility” to publicly “condemn Islamists” to prove his allegiance to the country.

“From my perspective, it is the responsibility of Mr. Khan to distinguish himself from Islamists, from the Muslim Brotherhood whose treatise is to destroy us from within,” Rios said. “If he is a patriotic, loyal, American-Muslim, then we want to hear that, that’s great, and we grieve with them over the death of their son. But do not disparage Americans or Donald Trump for having concerns about Muslims in our midst.”

She continued, “And if you are so concerned, Mr. Khan, if you’re an American first, then distinguish yourself and condemn Islamists, condemn the Muslim Brotherhood, then we will listen to you, and stop waving the Constitution. As far as I can tell, Islam, truly, supporters of Islam and the Quran, cannot embrace the Constitution. Now, if you have a different view, then explain that to us and then maybe we can be persuaded, but don’t shame America for having genuine and rightful concerns about Muslims in our midst when we have no idea who they are or what they really believe, and we’re not even sure about you, sir, because we know about taqiyya, which is the practice of lying to the infidel in order to advance the Muslim cause.

“So I’m sorry, we’ll not be shamed. I’m sorry for the loss of their son and I hope he is a loyal American, but I think a loyal American Muslim would be more like Zuhdi Jasser, who is very clear about where he stands, who was very patriotic and loyal and totally distances himself from Islamism, so if that’s the case for this gentleman, then he should’ve said that on the platform rather than shaming us for having concerns about Muslim immigration.”

John Martin Roos #fundie

John Martin Roos, a 61-year-old from Oregon, has been charged with communication of a threat in interstate commerce, and additional charges are likely forthcoming. Roos first came onto the federal government’s radar after a “concerned citizen” brought Roos’ Facebook and Twitter postings to the FBI’s attention in February, according to an affidavit from Special Agent Jeffrey Gray. (Excerpts, below, from Roos’ postings contain explicit language.)

In one Jan. 31 Facebook post cited by the FBI, Roos referred to agents as “pussies” and wrote he would “snipe them with hunting rifles everywhere.” (Despite his threats to kill members of law enforcement, he also complained on Facebook earlier this month about the “liberal media ... slamming police.”) In a post in November that was also cited by the FBI, Roos spoke out against accepting refugees and threatened to kill Obama.

“Obama you goat fffing fudgepacker, the refugees are men of fighting age. Black lives matter! Sure we need someone to pick cotton and wash cars. Paris, burn diseased muslim neighborhoods to the ground and start over with human beings. Obama you are on a hit list,” he wrote in a post that appears to have been removed.

Beyond what was mentioned in the affidavit, Roos regularly posted on both Facebook and Twitter about his support for Trump and his hatred for Obama, who he called a “muslim faggot” and other derogatory terms. He indicated he wanted to kill Obama’s family and made other racist and sexist statements about Michelle Obama. He also made negative references to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, singer Beyonce, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and reporter Michelle Fields, and said he believed that the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was killed by Obama. He praised Ann Coulter and Stacey Dash, and posted several links to posts on

He regularly posted about his support for Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate. In one post mentioned in court filings, Roos stated that he believed the establishment “is trying to steal the election” from Trump. “All hail Donald Trump, the savior of America,” he wrote on Christmas Eve. “I’ll bet he was born on Dec 25 just like Jesus.”

When two FBI special agents visited him in March, Roos allegedly acknowledged making the postings on social media, calling the threats a way he “blows off steam.” He said he didn’t intend to harm anyone, but also that he would “punch Obama in the nose” if he had the chance.

After a federal judge signed off on a search warrant, FBI agents searched Roos’ home, where he lives with a roommate. According to the affidavit they found “an AK-47 like firearm,” a rifle and shotgun, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a .45 caliber Glock hidden under a couch cushion. Four pipe bombs were found in a white bucket next to Roos’ computer workstation. Another weapon was found underneath the floor mat of his truck.

Alex Jones #conspiracy

Alex Jones: 'Alien: Covenant' will reveal beliefs of the Illuminati

Kelsey Weekman,
Jan 4th 2017 4:52PM

Alex Jones has a serious conspiracy theory about the film "Alien: Covenant" -- and it's not that it's going to be a huge hit.

He says it will explain the secret mission of a global elite that is trying to enslave the human race.

Jones, who hosts "The Alex Jones Show" on the radio and owns the website has been called "the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

He's well-known for sharing his theories in radical videos, often by yelling, such as this recent one:

The 14-minute rant, he explains how his conspiracy about "Alien: Covenant" fits in with his philosophy.

According to Vocativ, his guiding theory is that "globalists" operate through a secret society called the Illuminati while trying to build a "New World Order" in which the "super race" rules over all humans.

The Illuminati is made up of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists and other influential people.

Jones explains in the video that "the globalist, the social engineers that run this planet" reject the theory of evolution in favor of direct panspermia -- the theory that organisms were planet on Earth by an extraterrestrial race.

In the video, he explains the Illuminati are inspired by that race, and thus are trying to take over human evolution.

"(They) are turning the entire planet into a petri dish where they are testing on the population... to create these new super creations," Jones says in the video.

So how does this tie into a Ridley Scott movie? After viewing the trailer for "Alien: Covenant," Jones said he thinks the director is revealing the globalists' strategy.

"Ridley Scott admitted that basically the ship was a weapon carrying bio-mechanical creatures that were used for war by advanced species," Jones says in the video.

"This is what the globalists are now admittedly currently building. The entire 'Alien' franchise is a revelation of the method."

"Alien: Covenant," which is the second prequel to the Alien series following "Prometheus," shows humans exploring a planet that seems to be paradisiacal.

Jones says it is not what it seems. He claims it's a "giant test tube merging plants and animals in bizarre new forms -- a religious experiment of the advanced Anunnaki race."

The Anunnaki, which is a group of deities from ancient Mesopotamian cultures, are not a part of the Alien franchise.

According to Vocativ, conspiracy theorists believe the Anunnaki were actually aliens who live on Nibiru, or Planet X, and engineered the human race.

Jones claims in the video that, similar to how the alien race of "Alien: Covenant" is creating new organisms through bio-engineering, globalists on earth are modifying organisms through GMOs.

"We are being sacrificed in this huge experiment," he said.

"There are thousands of studies in the last 20 years admitting that GMO crops and GMO vaccines in other systems are purposefully changing our DNA and mutating us."

A wild theory is not unusual for Jones, who says that most American tragedies, notably the September 11 attacks and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, were orchestrated by the U.S. government to take away our freedoms.

Over the course of the presidential election, Jones went from an angry conspiracist to a seriously influential political voice in favor of Donald Trump.

According to Select All, Jones has spent less time recently warning of the New World Order and more time trying to take down the mainstream media by calling it "fake news."

The president-elect appeared on his show in December 2015, and he told Jones,"Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down."

Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama mentioned Jones during campaign speeches -- notably when the president sniffed himself to prove to the audience that he is not a demon, as Jones suggested.

Jones lost radical followers after distancing himself from the Pizzagate investigation, but according to Vocativ, he's gained some back following the "Alien: Covenant" video.

TrumpFan1966 #conspiracy

Donald Trump is a Rothschild puppet.

There is simply no other conclusion to reach if you start connecting the dots.

Look who owned Resorts International (and its history) before Trump bought it. This is significant.

Look who bailed Trump out of all of his failed businesses, particularly the casinos (now look who that person worked for. Starts with an "R" ends with a "d". This person is now our Commerce Secretary).

Look who Trump has appointed throughout his cabinet.

Look who Ivanka used to date.

Look who Steve Munchkin used to work for.

Look who Jared Kushner has worked with.

Look who Trump has worked with.

Look who just staged the Syria false flag.

I mean... this stuff would be fucking comical, if it weren't so sickening.

I understand the "media hates him", but keep in mind, the elites rule through divide and conquer, and through the Right / Left Paradigm. Or have we forgotten that around here?

We now must ask, Is Trump in on it, an unknowing dupe or just an actor?

I'd venture to say carefully groomed for many years, and propped up by forces around him, to play a role. His character utterly scrutinized from A to Z through algorithms used by the elites surrounding him. They know him head to toe, how he will act, behave, respond.

Remember, Trump's politics have wildly differed over the years.

In 1999, he basically said Pat Buchanan was a racist, and slammed The Reform Party for making him the nominee.

He said Oprah would be a great president.

He issued a public plan to force rich people to pay a one-time "luxury tax" to pay off the debt.

He's contradicted himself thousands of times.

We have no idea what his principles are. We just know for the election he took on a wildly populist, pro-America, somewhat right-wing, anti-Establishment position.

Take a look at his meetings with foreign leaders now that he is president. Most of the time he does not wear the translation earpiece! Look it up on YouTube. He has no idea what they are saying, yet he sits there and nods.

Trump did not write a single word of "The Art of the Deal". This is a fact, look it up.

Trump once said if he wasn't a "businessman", he'd have gotten into the movies and gone to Hollywood.

Trump, when asked on Letterman years ago what he'd do if he "lost it all", said he'd open a marketing firm. The crowd booed, expecting him to say he'd start over in business, rather than find a way to promote himself.

Trump actually is an actor. Look at his Wiki bio or IMDB profile.

Think about all of this.

Add it up, critically.

Take your blinders off.

Stop putting your FAITH in a man.

We are so far down the line.

We got played.

He was our only choice, but it really wasn't a choice at all. Hillary or Trump? No difference.

In some sense, this is worse, because we actually think we won, when we didn't. At least with Hillary we know who the enemy is.

It was hard for me to write this, because I believed in Trump -- with a few doubts -- but this is the truth.

You cannot deny Trump's Rothschild and Soros connections. You cannot. They're all there, all intertwined.

Trump was consistently propped up despite his business failures over the years by these very people, and now they own him, and he's paid them back by dutifully appointing them to key positions in government.

Furthermore, very little has fundamentally changed.

We see what are largely "window dressing" promise-fulfillments, lacking teeth. E.O.'s, but no meaningful legislation. We see Trump issue a ban on 7 Muslim countries, but not Saudi Arabia. We see Trump lay down to the court rulings.

We see Trump entirely endorsing Ryancare and blasting the Freedom Caucus, with seemingly little interest in the details of the health care plan.

We see Trump completely go back on his promise to "lock her up" (he now calls the Clintons "good people").

Trump is not in control.

We see a man either following a script provided to him, or a man totally in the dark, and "winging" it as he goes along.

He is not leading. He is not "draining the Swamp". Little has changed.

His token gestures and reassurances are simply there to keep the "base" shored up, and from engaging in outright revolt.

We see a man who does what he is told, and trusts all the wrong people.

I don't know the full story, but what you see above IS the truth -- not all of it -- but a bit part of it.

I'll remind you this is a conspiracy site, where we should be allowed to openly QUESTION things around us.

The greatest TRICK the DEVIL ever played was convincing the world HE DID NOT EXIST.

John Ziegler #fundie

Behind the Scenes, It’s Clear Chicago Media and Police Doubt Jussie Smollett’s Story

I can’t recall a large crime story where there was a bigger gap between what the police and media are saying publicly, and what they expressing behind the scenes, than the saga involving the recent alleged hate crime against actor Jussie Smollett. Similarly, there may not be a story where you can tell more by what has not happened, in comparison to what actually has occurred.

The current public stance of the Chicago police is that earlier this month, at 2 a.m. on a very cold Chicago night, Smollett was the victim of what appears to be a heinous hate crime where he was physically attacked by two men, and humiliated due to his race, homosexuality, and possibly his opposition to President Donald Trump. The Chicago media, in official reports, has largely treated that narrative as legitimate, while chronicling the complete lack of suspects and corroborating evidence as more of a frustration than any indication that something else might be going on here.

Behind the scenes, however, based on conversations I have had with multiple people covering the story, there is a radically different take on what really did happen to Smollett. In short, there is near unanimity among police sources that Smollett’s story is very likely not true. And that even the media outlets still regurgitating the current “party line” don’t really believe it.

In my experience, most people are very bad at reading the tea leaves in these types of situations, and it often leads to very inaccurate interpretations of what is really going on. This case has several important elements which, if you know what to look for, make evaluating the actions of the police and news media really rather easy.

The first thing you need to understand about this situation is that, because of Smollett’s persona and the nature of his allegation, no one in law enforcement or the news media wants any part of publicly questioning his story. Everyone knows that if they make any sort of negative implication against a black, gay, liberal, celebrity, victim of a horrible hate crime, that they will be roundly and severely attacked, regardless of whether they turn out to be correct.

As a conservative, I look at this as his Political Correctness Force Field. Smollett’s protection here is literally about as strong as it gets, especially in Chicago, a city that has a large black population and is extremely liberal.

So, in this hyper-sensitive media environment, any sort of deviation from the accepted storyline by the police or the news media, much like if your seven-year-old kid is showing subtle signs they no longer believe in Santa Claus, must be given exponentially greater significance than it normally would. Here, both the police and news media in Chicago have provided plenty of those types of veiled indications, both publicly and privately.

Among other things, the police have made it very clear they have not yet found any proof of an attack, despite having almost all of Smollett’s movements on surveillance video. They have disclosed that Smollett would not give over his cell phone to verify his timeline of events. They even published photos of “persons of interest” that they had to know were going to be universally mocked for being obviously irrelevant.

In my view, none of those important revelations would have been made public in the way that they were, unless there was extreme suspicion within the police force that Smollett’s story was not fully accurate.

By extension, media figures would not be being told by their police sources, as I have been told is currently happening both routinely and with vigor, that the authorities are acting on the assumption that they will never find any evidence to fully substantiate Smollett’s story. This isn’t just happening via idle speculation either, the police are doing so with great specificity, even including an alternative theory for what really happened (current attempts to find the origin of the rope found around Smollett’s neck long after the event was over are believed to be the most likely game-changer, if there ever is one in this case).

As for the Chicago media, a couple of local television reporters are apparently using Twitter as a confessional for information about the case that their stations currently fear to air. Rob Elgas of the Chicago ABC affiliate, and Rafer Weigel of the Fox station (which carries Smollett’s show Empire) have continually updated the developments, or lack thereof, in a way that paints a much different picture from the one that viewers would see on an actual newscast.

It is very obvious that if one major news outlet in Chicago had the guts to be the first to openly discredit Smollett’s story, the others would soon follow the leader. But because the risk of being wrong in this situation (see Smollett’s PC Force Field), there is just no incentive to take that dive until and unless the police finally make a definitive statement.

I have written previously about my skepticism about the case, and speculated that this story would quickly disappear because there is no way it would get conclusively solved, and no one in authority will have any appetite for the perils of debunking a story from someone like Smollett. However, Weigel tweeted out some rather candid thoughts yesterday which gave me slight hope that maybe we will actually get to the truth of this matter (though, if that truth is indeed as those closest to the story suspect that it is, the news cycle created by that shocking disclosure will probably be exceedingly short).

Robert Spencer #fundie

[On the 2016 Brussels bombings:]

At least 28 are dead in Tuesday morning's jihad attacks in Brussels. Enough.

It's time for votes of no-confidence. Parliamentary systems generally allow for votes of no-confidence that trigger new elections. It's time for the governments of Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and more to fall. [...] The existing governments are responsible for policies that have turned Europe into a war zone, and that war is just beginning. The political and media elites have failed Europe and the free world, and put Europe on a course toward civil war and bloodshed unseen on the continent since the days of Hitler.

A new Hitler is in Europe. It is not Donald Trump. It is not the "right-wing." The new Hitler is very much like the old Hitler: he hates Jews. He has contempt for the historical patrimony of Western civilization. He means to rule by an iron fist and subordinate every other power to his will. He respects only strength, and despises weakness. The new Hitler is not just one man, but millions - millions who believe in an ideology that teaches warfare against and subjugation of free people under its heel.

Historically, Europe saw the threat that the men who held to this ideology posed, and shed blood to resist their advance. Now, the sons and heirs of those who gave their lives to make sure their children and their children's children would live free have flung open the gates and invited in those who would enslave them. They have invited them into their countries in massive numbers, and vilified and ostracized anyone who dared note the lessons of history and the content of the invaders' ideology.

This morning, as a result of these policies, Brussels is engulfed in chaos and the grief of blood shed in war. There will be much, much more to come of this.

It is time to sweep them out. All of them: the multiculturalists, the cultural relativists, the internationalists, the levellers, the elites who have brought this death and destruction upon Brussels today, and Paris yesterday, and the rest of Europe tomorrow. Europe, if it is to survive as a home of free people, must turn out its entire political and media establishment. This can be done peacefully, and ust be done quickly. If Europe is to survive as a home of free people, it needs governments who recognize that the "refugees" storming into their countries now include an untold number of jihad murderers who mean to kill their people and destroy their societies, and who have the courage to stand up and stop that refugee flow, and turn it back.


This is a war. It is a war for survival. It is a war that will determine whether Europe (and North America is not far behind) will live in freedom or slavery. The present European political and media elites are inviting the slavery of their people. They must be soundly repudiated. Too much is at stake to continue to countenance their self-delusion and fantasy. Those who are struggling to survive cannot afford to be unrealistic about what they're facing. In the United States also, we need leaders who will speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the war we're in. Surely there are some people in Europe who are both able to lead and willing to tell the truth. It is time for them to be peacefully installed in power - before it's too late, as it very soon will be.

Me114 #conspiracy

Russian Hacks and the Strategy of the Elite

Message from Father God on Monday December 12, 2016

Listen, Children, yes I do have something to say about items in your news cycle. I am intimately involved in all the affairs of mankind. I care about what happens with you all. I am at the ready to help you in all your endeavors if you pray to me and ask.

The US mainstream media (MSM) is running a story that the Russians hacked your elections with an intention of helping Donald Trump to win. These claims are lies. There is no evidence. The truth is that Seth Rich leaked the simple fact that there were illegal activities happening at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and then WikiLeaks hacked the easy password of John Podesta to get all his emails. The hack was not done by Russia at all.

What is more important to understand is that your MSM is lying to you. They are actually lying more than before because of the threat to their ratings from their fiasco leading up to the election. They have been caught in their lies and collusion and now after crying about "Fake News" and releasing lists of alternative media websites, people are turning away from the MSM. People are actually going to the websites listed as fake news to see for themselves. The fake news strategy, therefore, has backfired on the Elite. As well, their hemming and hawing about PizzaGate has caused even more people to investigate the question of pedophile rings existing.

Let us look at some other reasons that they have for spreading the Russia hack meme. They want to lay a foundation in the minds of the people that says that Donald Trump did not win legitimately. They want to delegitimize his presidency, so that they can use that lie to propagate more lies between now and the inauguration. If they cannot stop Trump from being sworn in then they will dog his presidency by saying that he has no true mandate from the people.

Look here: [link to]

"David Brock told reporters on Tuesday that his super PAC, American Bridge, has established a war room that will act as an aggressor and a watchdog for the Trump transition team and his incoming administration."

You might wonder why will they not accept their defeat, move on, and accept Trump's presidency and work with him to make America great again? The other reason is that they want to foment division among the people according to Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals. The elite want chaos because they have always wanted to destroy America and bring her under the control of one world government. Hillary Clinton was supposed to do this job for them.

You must understand that your enemy has not given up. They will continue to try to complete their plans by whatever means necessary. I tell you the truth, the PizzaGate scandal will be their undoing because that is My Will. I want to save the children that they are abusing and murdering. I want them stopped. It is up to you and your outcry for justice in this matter. Continue to expose them and pray to me for assistance in this fight.

At the same time, know that your news media is lying to you and will continue to broadcast blatant and outrageous lies for it is My Will for them to continue to expose themselves so that more people wake up. I ask you to pray for those who host alternative media sites, because they need my help. The elite have passed a bill that they intend to use to censor or even shut down alternative media websites. These truth warriors need My help and protection for their sites, and their YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. Together, we can defeat this unconstitutional bill and other strategies of the elite to shut down the voices of truth.

Fear not! I am with you in the trenches. I care. This is a battle of the ages for the end is here. I want to see you go out with My Glory upon you because you stood up for the truth. I will bless your work. I will protect you and your families. Trust Me. Pray that certain ones turn back to Me and trust Me to keep their web work in line with My Will and with the Truth. Some have strayed by listening more to their contacts than to Me. Some are fearful of losing their online ministries. They will be successful if they involve Me in all they do and ask Me for protection.

This world is still under My judgment and the end is still nigh. My Son, Jesus is coming back soon as all the signs in the Bible are showing you. What matters on a day to day basis is that you seek My Will and be obedient to My Voice. I want to bless those who are lovers of the truth, and shower them with My Glory as an example to others of My faithfulness. All around the world, people are turning to Me in prayer for various reasons and their faith is pleasing Me. These more God-centered activities are increasing My Mercy and making the judgments less harsh, so far. Keep it up!

Keep Me involved in your life. I love you all very dearly and deeply. I will see you through to the very end and show you My Salvation.


avalatis #fundie

(The subject in question is Vice-President Mike Pence and his crazy Dominioninst leanings)

One man crusade against women? Next he declared Jihad and blew himself up?

He perceives abortion as equal to the Holocaust in terms of evil; as do many Americans. You are shocked that he would take steps put restrictions on it? Again you didn't actually go into his beliefs or positions; you went into policy that you disagreed with him on and made a bunch of assumptions and leverage a whole bunch of hate.

Dominionist is a made up term by ignorant people who are fearmongering. There is no such thing. No more than there is a "War on Christmas". The term was coined in the 90's by rabid atheists who wanted to generate fear Christian influence in the government. I say that as someone who is agnostic and have no stance on religion.

"As a non-American"

And there it is. As a non-American your fears are irrelevant and pointless in this discussion as it is not your society or your people. Perhaps you should worry about your own people and government which is likely shitting all over your civil liberty and you are too busy "fearing" about a politican over seas with no real political power.

"he terrifies me just as much as Donald Trump does; the only difference is that no one knows what craziness is at work in Trump's mind, but we can predict - to a point - the craziness in Mike Pence's mind."

Your ignorance and bigoted positions should terrify you. Take the time to self reflect that you can't abide people who hold different political, philosophical, and moral positions than you. That speaks volumes about you; and little about the people you are screaming at. So before you start trying to even fix your own society; take the time to reflect inward. As trying to change the world around you before even having a solid foundation within is a sure way to cause diaster and conflict.

"Oh, and by the way, SANE people don't hear voices telling them what to do."

Sane people have a moral compass. Religious people feel that their spiritual figure be it Jesus, Mohamad, or God is helping guide that moral compass. Religious people spend their lives trying to live up to what their god perceives as good and just. Decent people don't go around telling people they are crazy because they hold religious beliefs. You could easily say "I disagree with the moral teachings of your religion, or at least parts of it" and work from there using critical thinking and rational arguments.

But instead let us just spew hate and project evil onto those people while making vast generalizations about them and their intentions. Don't be controlled by your emotions. The more decisions you make based on emotions the more likely you are being manipulated; and you are clearly being manipulated by specific political interests here.

Relampago Furioso #fundie

The Media Uses A Strategy Of Reporting On False Rape Accusations To Destroy Men

When a politician isn’t behaving or going along with the elites’ master plan, a coordinated and underhanded rape attack is the first line of offense. The Marxist media, being prostitutes of the elite power structure, specialize in this type of character assassination. Posing as the Fourth Estate while really acting as “for hire” attack dogs is how they make their livings and curry favor with those in the corporate-government complex. When called upon, they collectively aim at a target and commence with “drive by” attacks in 90 second news stories.

It’s really quite easy to perform a character assassination on someone in a sexually repressed culture. Pick an emotional issue, like women being sexually assaulted in a culture that pedestalizes them, and then commence with endless attacks while ignoring Hillary’s endless scandals. That’s exactly what has happened with baseless accusations of sexual misconduct by Donald Trump, repeated and replayed ad nauseum in a last ditch effort to neutralize the threat to globalism posed by his candidacy.

The “Victims”

Suddenly, a senior citizen named Jessica Leeds, a former stewardess, pops up out of nowhere and is emotionally distraught by a groping that supposedly happened 37 years ago. Except her claim is baseless. She claims Trump “raised an armrest” on a flight she worked then proceeded to grab her, but the first class seats on that flight did not have adjustable armrests.

Not only that, an eyewitness said Leeds was throwing herself at Trump, as women tend to do around rich men but that she got rejected. The press would hear none of that because it would deflate both their agenda and ratings, and it would cast holier than thou females in an unholy light. Eyewitness Anthony Gilberthorpe told the press:

I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious.

It seems the pain of that rejection led her to make up a false story.

Why do the marionettes in the media dig up these old hags and baseless sexual harassment claims? Because it works in a culture in which women can do no wrong. The media even pulled a sexual harassment character assassination attempt back in 2008 with the old battle horse John McCain.

Here’s how they did it. The New York Times did a hit piece featuring Vicki Iseman accusing John McCain of sexual conduct. Here’s the kicker: The New York Times later settled a libel suit brought on by Iseman after the campaign had ended. This is how big media and big politics operate.

The veracity of the claims matter little to a gaggle of “journalists” who would slit someone’s throat for a scoop. Similar to the documented practice of some fireman to set fires to keep their jobs, the media create scandals to gin up ratings and dehumanize those not going by the New World Order playbook.

Predictably, once one woman gets the ball rolling, a dogpile of victims ensues in a culture that lionizes victims instead of winners.

Mindy McGilliavray came out and told the press Trump “nudged” her. She told the fellow travelers in the media:

All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned. This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab. It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.

Hey, kino works that way, especially for billionaires. That’s assuming it’s true. It’s funny that instead of confronting The Donald immediately she waited 13 years to bring it up.

Kristen Anderson claimed Trump grabbed her vagina.

Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos claims Trump harassed her, even though she kept in contact with him and even sought out Donald’s help with her business. If she was emotionally scarred by Trump, why would she continue to associate herself with him?

A race is on to see who can turn being the worst “victim” into being the biggest winner of notoriety and 15 minutes of fame.

Paul Kersey #fundie

(In response to Hillary Clinton's comment stating that half of Donald Trump's supporters are a "baset of deplorables".)

#BasketOfDeplorables Thanks Hillary. We know the elite want us dead, but I'd rather be in a basket of deplorables than believe in equality

Ryan Edmonds #conspiracy

[In response to Pope Francis questioning whether Donald Trump is a Christian over his stance on immigration.]

I thought the pope was "supposed" to be sinless...isn't he making judgment on Trump? He's prob a Muslim in disguise like Obama.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie

What Donald Trump’s Victory Means For Men

The celebrations have ended and we’ve all come to absorb the fact that Donald Trump is our next President, an outcome that many of us have aggressively worked for in the past several months. Now that we’ve gotten what we wanted, it’s time to describe exactly how a Trump presidency will improve our standing.

If the President can say it then you can say it

The biggest effect we’ll see is the death of political correctness. We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as “fat pigs,” and whose private macho talk, which all masculine men have done, was relentlessly attacked by the press but not punished in the voter booth. This means that when you talk like Trump, the first thought your listener will have is, “He sounds like the President of the United States.”

What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech if one man was able to gain the highest office in the land because of it? Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.

I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude. We may have to institute a new feature called “Would Trump bang?” to signify the importance of feminine beauty ideals that cultivate effort and class above sloth and vulgarity. Simply look at his wife and the beautiful women he has surrounded himself with to remind yourself of what men everywhere prefer, and not the “beauty at every size” sewage that has been pushed down our throats by gender studies professors and corporations trying to market their product to feminist fatsoes. The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.

Liberals will be forced to tolerate us in a way they didn’t have to before

There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before. What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? The way the establishment has been able to marginalize us is to corner men individually and apply intense pressure, but now we have natural allies in all men who back Trump, even if they don’t subscribe to our particular interpretation of masculinity.

Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly. It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid. I know that if I see a Trump supporter in trouble, I will help him, regardless of his race or station. Liberals will be forced to share space with those whom they hate, instead of trying to exile them like in the past.

Brittney SharFyah Stinger #fundie

There was a total lunar eclipse on the day Donald Trump was born (June 14, 1946). A total lunar eclipse is known as a "blood moon."
The Bible prophesies that the moon will turn to blood before "the great and terrible day of the LORD."
The day Trump was born (June 14, 1946) the Baruch (<<<--- Sound Familiar?) Plan was unveiled. The U.S. representative to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission, Bernard Baruch, proposed U.N. control of all nuclear weapons.
Baruch opened his remarks by saying, "We are here to make a choice between the quick and the dead."
One historian later offered the opinion that "the Baruch Plan was the nearest approach to a world government proposal ever offered by the United States."
The Bible calls the Antichrist a "little horn" and of course a trumpet is a horn, with the diminutive -et suffix meaning "little."
The Hebrew prophets of the Bible predicted that a Trump of Doom would sound in the last days.
Trump is being supported by the KKK, skinheads and white supremacists; when asked if he would disavow and speak out against supporters like David Duke, Trump declined, saying he "doesn't know" about them.
But everyone knows what the KKK is, and what it stands for, so Trump is obviously lying. Why would he not speak out against the KKK? Well, his father Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally.
And Donald Trump certainly knows who David Duke is, as Trump called him a "bigot," a "racist" and a "klansman," citing him as one of his main reasons for leaving the Reform Party multiple times in February, 2000.
Trump later claimed that he had a "bad earpiece" when Jake Tapper asked him about David Duke and the KKK, but that is another lie because Trump repeated his name aloud, saying he knew nothing about David Duke.
Trump knew who David Duke was as early as 1991, when Duke ran for governor of Louisiana.
"President Donald Trump" = 1488 in English Gematria. And of course 14/88 is a motto for neo-Nazis.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, which is 6-6-6 plus 8 days. Seven is the number of perfection. Eight is the number of the Son of Man and the Resurrection (the symbol for Infinity is the number 8).
Boys are circumcised on the eighth day. Eight is the number of Jesus, whose name in Greek equates to 888. Jesus was given his name on the eighth day after his birth, when he was circumcised.
The Antichrist is prophesied to attempt a "counterfeit" messiah-ship. So a birthdate that is the number of the Son of Man plus 666 is not surprising.
Trump has been playing "Sympathy for the Devil" at his election events. The opening lines are spoken by a sophisticated urbanite like The Donald: "“Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm a man of wealth and taste."
"Sympathy for the Devil" is the official anthem of the Church of Satan. It was written when the Rolling Stones were heavily into acid, Satanism and the occult.

Craige McMillan #fundie

Before we start, let’s clarify something. Those who live and work in Washington, D.C., aren’t in America. D.C. is not a state. Residents can’t vote. The rest of us are required to pay taxes to meet your needs, which have become, shall we say, excessive. You don’t live in America. You live somewhere else.


America knows. They know the Establishment Party’s embrace of militant Islam to cripple Christianity is national suicide in the making. America knows and is ready for a candidate to deal with it.

The reason America knows is that the GOP half of the Establishment Party is at war with the most popular candidate it has put forth since Ronald Reagan. Rather than support the candidacy of Donald Trump, they would see a Democrat president and Congress elected, so great is their fear of anything that originates outside the beltway, where common and sense are at times still seen walking down the street together.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

Check out this video, exposing Trump's Freemason elite connections (notice his daughter's obsession with flashing occult hand signs). Trump appears to be a member of the Illuminati elite. I don't trust him. I don't trust any man who flip flops on abortion. I don't trust any man who brags about his greed and love for money. I don't trust any man who has a vulgar mouth, shirks away from a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, and vows to overturn abortion. Trump WILL NOT END ABORTION!!! Roe V. Wade is not in jeopardy! Don't be so naive Christians! The hope for America is not in Donald Trump or any politician. The only hope for America is in Bible-believing Christians who are into soul-winning, preaching the Gospel! The government's going to do NOTHING! Our nation's hope is not in a wicked man or woman. Mr. Trump is not what he appears to be. DONALD TRUMP: THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW! (1:44 hour documentary - Here's a backup video - NOTE: If the link goes dead, search for the titled and “History Channel”).

The Scary TRUTH About Donald Trump

President Trump PBS Frontline Documentary

If you didn't watch them yet, the following videos are shocking, revealing “orgy island” that the Clintons frequented, and their involvement in pedophilia and satanism. What Is The Illuminati? - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8. It's hard to imagine that anyone would vote for a scumbag like Hillary or Bill, but wicked people support wicked people, regardless of how evil they may be. Proverbs 28:4, “They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.” Hillary's supporters were mostly kooks, quacks and queers! God pity the evil woman that supports an evil person like Hillary Clinton. I wish I could say that I'm glad Mr. Trump won, but I don't think it will make a hill of beans difference from Hillary. The New World Order is not in jeopardy.

A Dire Warning to Christians About Donald Trump

Alex Jones' show has become so lame, getting deep into political mud slinging, but the truth is not being promoted as Alex once preached. Alex is becoming just another shill like the rest of the mainstream media. By fully supporting Trump, Alex is helping to promote the New World Order.

Andrew Anglin #racist

Let’s look at a few of the obvious conflicts which are sure to arise presently.

Blacks v. Mexicans

This is already a major conflict. Both groups hate each other entirely. Donald Trump actually might get a very significant percent of the Black vote, simply because he is anti-Mexican.

Mexicans have been pushing Blacks out of their areas and also pushing in on their drug territory. Mexicans believe Blacks to be an inferior and dirty race, and seek to destroy them.

Blacks v. Gays

Black culture is extremely anti-gay. Except in prison, where “it’s not gay if you’re the man.”

Gays for their part tend to be cultured, and don’t really think much of primitive Blacks. Gays have also long been known to move into Black neighborhoods, buy up property and push out the locals. They don’t have kids to protect, and feel comfortable around guns, so they’ve no issue with an element of danger.

Gays v. Moslems

Obviously, Moslems hate gays (unless it’s a young non-Moslem boy, of course) and are planning to shut them down completely. Gays maybe haven’t figured that out quite yet, but they will soon enough.

Moslems v. Feminists

Moslems have an even more hardcore view of women than I have. I don’t personally believe they should be forced to wear bags, or that they should be punished by rape if they refuse to wear a bag. Moslems actually believe that.

Feminists, like gays, have yet to grasp exactly what the Moslems have in store for them.

And if the White and Jew feminists think the Moslem females will pick sex over race, they’ve got another thing coming. They will soon find that out as well.

Feminists v. Blacks

Blacks have an extremely “misogynistic” culture, similar to Moslems. They view women mainly as rape targets, and are constantly carrying out their agenda of “muh dik” against them.

White women love Black men, generally, in the same way they love small dogs. However, the serious man-hating element of the feminist is soon to find out about Black rape statistics.

Taratova #racist

(In regards to Donald Trump's false claim that "thousands" of Muslims were dancing in the streets of New Jersey after the 9-11 attacks.)

I lived in NJ.. there are many musliims living near the site of the twin towers.. they do NOT ASSIMILATE.. They build their mosques and believe in Sharia.. they probably knew it was going to happen.. the first time when Bill Clinton was in office they tried to take the buildings down by placing a bomb . When that failed they were so happy when the twin towers finally fell.

It was also reported on radio how they were dancing in the streets and Americans were very angry. They were on roof tops dancing.. and I am sure in their homes they were dancing as well.

RetroSpriteResources #fundie

Seriously, just stop it already. Anything is possible and everything is real. There's no such thing as not real, there is only things we currently understand and things we have yet to understand. I know most of you who say anime isn't real are a bunch of dumb little kids who don't know how to use science, but science says that there are an infinite amount of universes, each with their own laws of physics. This means that anything and everything exists somewhere and all my waifus are real, so you're just really dumb since all the smartest scientists agree with me and not you, LOL!

This is why I'm going to become a scientist for studying dimensions, whatever those are called, so I can go to any anime universe I want to and ask my waifus to have sex with me because I'm really handsome and people say I'm ugly because they're so jealous of how handsome I am.

People who don't believe in what they can't see are people who worship the Devil because not worshiping God is worshiping the Devil because the Devil is for people without faith in anything beyond their eyes and what a bunch of dumb scientists tell them. This is why you will burn in Hell for hating God and saying anime isn't real, LOL!

Also, once I get rich and famous for how smart and talented I am which WILL happen, I'm gonna tell Donald Trump to deport anyone who thinks anime isn't real to Mexico and change this to our new country flag while giving you the middle finger:

We're also gonna start making anime in the United States too because Japan is homophobic and doesn't have gun rights and they don't deserve it!

Peace! Make America great again!

Horacio Villegas #fundie

A MYSTIC who says he foresaw Donald Trump's presidency has now predicted the EXACT date World War 3 will start.

The self-proclaimed "messenger of God", Horacio Villegas, thinks nuclear warfare will erupt later this year - on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima.

He also labelled the US President the "Illuminati king" who would "bring the world into WW3".

Chillingly, one of his prophecies - that Trump would attack Syria - has already come true.

The billionaire businessman launched a huge air strike on an airbase in Homs earlier this year.

The clairvoyant said that this move would bring Russia, North Korea and China into the conflict.

His latest vision came to him in the form of a dream, in April, in which Horacio says he "saw balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth".

The mystic claims to have predicted Donald Trump's presidency in 2015

“People everywhere were running around trying to hide from this destruction,” he added.

Horacio claims D-Day will fall on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima, the Virgin Mary, which started on May 13, 1917.

It was on that day, according to Catholic belief, Jesus' mother visited a village in Portugal and warned that if they did not convert Russia to the faith, God would wreak havoc on the world.

Her sixth and final visit was said to be on October 13, 1917 - and the 100th anniversary of this date is approaching in just two months time.

Horacio told the Daily Star: “The main message that people need to know in order be prepared is that between May 13 and October 13 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death.”

The warning comes after Trump reportedly launched supersonic B-1B bombers from Guam airbase and warned America would respond to threats with “fire and fury” as North Korea warned of plans to attack the US naval outpost.

Mark Figley: Sexualization of American culture - The Lima News #conspiracy #homophobia

Despite the American Left’s endless obsession with removing Donald Trump from office, one of its greatest on-going desires is to intensify the sexualization of American culture. This effort continues today through a variety of means and shows no signs of ceasing any time soon. The examples are replete.

PBS has long promoted a far left agenda. Take “Arthur,” the longest-running cartoon series on television for 22 seasons. The May 13, 2019, season premiere episode, “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone,” showed aardvark Arthur’s third-grade teacher Mr. Ratburn marrying another man. After Arthur and his friends discover that their teacher is getting married, they assume he is marrying a female rat named Patty. They ultimately learn that Patty is his sister and his actual partner is named Patrick.

The show which is primarily aimed at children ages 4-8, regularly explores many challenging themes. Yet although the cartoon children take the news in motion, most real life pre-school children are naturally shocked and confused. This is increasingly par for the course, as PBS has sought to sexualize kids on everything from “Sesame Street” to the Muppets; compliments of U.S. taxpaying parents who never signed up to see marriage re-defined for their own children.

Then, there’s the case of the California Board of Education, which also in May of 2019, implemented Health Education Framework curriculum in its public schools, requiring K-12 students to actually question their parents on topics of sex. Known as the California Healthy Youth Act, the concept was created by the California legislature in 2016 to educate students in the fight against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases; developing “healthy attitudes” towards sexual orientation, gender and relationships; and to “promote understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development.”

And though parents may exclude their children from sex education, they are prohibited from opting them out of discussions pertaining to gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. California law also prohibits abstinence-only education or any discussion of religion. Beginning in seventh grade, students are then required to be educated on “all FDA-approved methods preventing pregnancy and HIV/STD transmission.” Many parents have been outraged with schools using curriculum containing explicit photos and drawings of sexual activity, while a video surfaced depicting an ACLU attorney instructing teachers how to assist students obtain abortions without parental knowledge or consent.

Northern Virginia schools are also sexualizing students; with groups of high schoolers openly holding hands and acting like common couples in the halls. Other students actually view themselves as animals or “furries.” While such behavior once qualified as seriously problematic, it is now celebrated by educators and even the American Psychological Association. Any natural reactions of alarm are classified as hateful.

Lastly, LGBTQ organizations continue to systematically change societal norms; drastically impacting children’s innocence. Transgender athletes compete against females; unfairly denying them the ability to win. Biological boys and girls use each others’ bathrooms and locker rooms. Some states now allow parents to choose gender “X” for their newborns. In Vermont, the government proposes that taxpayers cover up to 16 different transgender sex reassignment surgeries for minors; even if parents deny consent. Mental health treatment to deal with such issues is increasingly prohibited. Meanwhile, libraries sponsor Drag Queen Story Time with cross-dressers reading stories to preschool children on gender transitioning and sexual orientation.

The Left used to hide such blatant intent to radically re-organize society. Now, with each passing day, they defy people to stop their never-ending mission to indoctrinate America’s children. The Judeo-Christian values that once defined our norms continue to be eliminated, while parents are either unaware of what is truly going on in the classroom or told to butt out if they disagree. Resistance often seems futile.

One thing is certain. LGBTQ activists don’t seek to simply live on a level plain with the rest of society. Their ultimate goal is part of an overall plan espoused by many on the Left. As Michelle Obama once aptly explained, “We’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

And so it goes. Indoctrination has replaced education in not just California, but in states far and wide. The daunting task of protecting America’s children is long overdue; although it can be achieved if parents join together in common purpose. This includes closely policing what their children watch and turning away from the destructive agenda of public schools by investigating private and home schooling options. The future prospects for the success of our kids in an increasingly chaotic world depend on it.

Mark Figley is a political activist and guest columnist from Elida. His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News. Reach him a

Anonymous Coward #fundie

Trump is the reincarnation of Enki! There, i said it. What say you? Donald literally means 'ruler of the world'. He's known as 'The Donald' = The Ruler of the World. Enki/Enlil are 'titles' rather than literal names. These titles mean Lord/Ruler/God/Father. Trump has success WAY BEYOND the capablility of a normal human entity. Think on that.

Have you noticed he never looks at his speeches when he delivers a long speech? Obama/Hitlery would constantly be checking their written papers and fumbling with their worlds. Trump is a MASTER of talking to the WORLD! He is intimidated by NO-ONE.He has withstood hatred and venom energetically by the world and he doesn't look ill like others who get entangled in worldwide scandals. Who is Enki eh?

I'll leave that up to you to find out.... ;-)

Erik Hanger #conspiracy

Alright man this is what's going on the Trump Administration is a coup it's going into the government and its aim is to destroy the corruption and all the pedophiles in the government Alex Jones stated at a lot of this a lot of people don't like Alex Jones but about 80% of what Alex Jones says does come true and he has and does talk to Donald Trump. the Donald Trump Administration is going in and arresting a lot of the pedophilia that's going on in America today just look how much pedophilia crimes have been going on and been arrested since he's been in power over 2000 Weinstein is being arrested and being blackmailed to cough up names of other pedophiles in Hollywood. Like you said they don't just have sex with children they sexually abused them torture them and a lot of times murder them they make snuff films out of them they make actors and actresses participate and wash in order to Blackmail them for times like this where they can use the power of the word of an actor to protest against Trump or anyone that goes against them it's happening right now but since Weinstein has been arrested look all of a sudden how many actors and actresses speak up all of a sudden. watch mark my words it will be other sexual abuse allegations that they arrest these people for and then it will turn to pedophilia they're just buttering people up for what's going on soon pedophiles in Hollywood will be rambling and actors and actresses won't be able to be silenced and a lot of actors and actresses will also say the truth they really want to tell the truth but they are also so we're really going to see some real s*** in this day and age!?

Bruce #conspiracy

The evidence that Justice Scalia was assassinated is becoming more and more obvious. Even Donald Trump is expressing his suspicions. Given that he was once a member of the Illuminati, this should be taken as Gospel. Trump knows the score. He also knows that the order needs him despite his defection. The mainstream media is making too much money off of the ratings he brings.

Let's now consider that no autopsy is being done despite it being a clear violation of Texas law. On top of that, Trump knew that Scalia died under mysterious circumstances with a pillow "on top of his head" and in an unusual position. There's more. A judge was too quick to rule that Scalia died from "natural causes". How can one tell so quickly? The answer is that one cannot.

Scalia's death was likely another classic celebrity overdose situation where an Illuminati agent injected the justice with something to cause a massive heart attack, heart failure, or paralysis. That's the order's standard operating procedure.

And no, we don't think Leonard Nimoy did it, but his involvement is still being considered.

Nikolas Cruz #racist

(CNN)In a private Instagram group chat, confessed school shooter Nikolas Cruz repeatedly espoused racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views and displayed an obsession with violence and guns.
Wednesday, 19-year-old Cruz opened fire at the school that expelled him, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Authorities say he killed 17 with his legally purchased AR-15.
CNN, investigating comments the shooter may have left on a now-deleted YouTube channel, was added to the private Instagram group by one of the active members in it. The responding group members, who appear to be younger than 18, have refused to confirm their identities to CNN on or off the record.

When asked for comment or whether they knew about the private chat group, the FBI directed CNN to the Broward County Sheriff's Office.
Most of the conversation in the group since Cruz joined around August 2017 is between six people -- including Cruz.
"I hate jews, ni**ers, immigrants"
Racism was a constant theme in the chat group, which was called "Murica (American flag emoji) (eagle emoji) great" -- a name it was given by Cruz.
The hatred he and others in the group espoused met little resistance from its active members. In one part of the group chat, Cruz wrote that he hated, "jews, ni**ers, immigrants."
He talked about killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks.
There are hundreds of racist messages, racist memes and racist Instagram videos posted in the group.
One member even joked about Cruz's particular venomousness, saying that although he hated black people, too, he didn't "to a point I wanna kill the (sic) like nick."
Cruz said he hated black people simply because they were black; Cruz hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world.
After one member expressed hatred for gay people, Cruz agreed, saying, "Shoot them in the back of head."
White women drew Cruz's hatred as well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to repeatedly as traitors.

There are no indications in the group chat that any member, including Cruz, is or was part of a white nationalist or white supremacist group.

Cruz used paycheck for body armor
Cruz purchased an AR-15 rifle in Florida approximately a year ago, legally. A law enforcement source told CNN's Evan Perez that Cruz purchased at least five guns in the past year.
In a public post on his Instagram page, Cruz showed what he called an "arsenal" on a bed -- seven guns and body armor. Another post on the page is a view down the barrel of a gun with a holographic sight out a window onto the street.
His AR-15 and other guns were a frequent topic of conversation in the group chat.
They even critiqued Cruz's rifle grip. He posted a short video of himself shooting a rifle outside a window at night. The video cuts out shortly after the round is fired.
They discussed which guns they liked better: M16s or AKs.
At one point, one member told Cruz, "Nick get this for your AR." He directed Nick to a website offering an after-market accessory that would turn his AR-15 into a fully automatic weapon.
A law enforcement source speaking to CNN's Evan Perez said that the gun used in the school shooting was not automatic, and there's no indication he bought the accessory, or a similar type of accessory.
When it was payday, Cruz let the group know where the money was going to be spent.
"Guys I got paid 330. I am buying body armor," he wrote.
Cruz did purchase the body armor, according to receipts he posted in the chat -- with a $30 discount and free shipping.
Then he asked the group whether it was legal to wear body armor to school.
"School shooters," he replied, when someone asked why he wanted to know.
"I think I am going to kill people"
The bio on one of his Instagram accounts read, "annihilator."
At one point in the chat, he wrote, "I think I am going to kill people." After a member told him not to say things like that, he said he was just playing.
During one of the anti-Semitic rants in the chat, Cruz spoke of his birth mother, saying, "My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her."
Roger and Lynda Cruz adopted Cruz when he was a child. Roger died in 2004, and Lynda died last fall after an illness.
In his first message to the chat group, Cruz bragged about writing a letter to President Donald Trump -- and receiving a response. CNN reached out to the White House for comment about any correspondence to and from Cruz but has not heard back.
Jim Gard, his former math teacher, told CNN's Brian Todd that although he never had problems with Cruz, he did receive an email from a school administrator around November 2016 asking to be notified if Cruz came on campus with a backpack.
In two instances, Cruz also discussed killing small animals.
He posted a photo on his Instagram account of a disemboweled frog, saying he had killed it because one had killed his dog. In the Instagram chat, he describes killing a number of birds with his gun.
Some members of the chat were worried he might have killed endangered animals.
"He seemed nice but also had some mental issues," one member told CNN. "All (I know) is that he likes guns and really hates liberals."

All The Children of light #fundie

Donald Trump (70) was born in 1946 on June 14 = 7 + 7 = 14 is the number of the Righteousness/Right. Being a multiple of 7, 14 partakes of its importance and, being double that number, implies a double measure of spiritual perfection. The number two with which it is combined (2×7) may, however, bring its own significance into its meaning, as it does in Matthew 1, where the genealogy of Jesus Christ is divided up and given in sets of 14 (2×7) generations, two being associated with incarnation. There are three sets of 14 generations between (and including) Abraham to Joseph (husband of Mary).

His running mate Mike Pence (57) was born in 1959 on the June 7. The number 7 represents the End time Sword and God’s completion/Rest. By combining both candidates birthdays you get the corresponding year on the Hebrew Calendar on the date 7 Cheshvan 5777/November 8th 2016 election day. The code of 5777 appears on both Trump’s and Pence’s birth dates and again with both candidates ages. Trump will also be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days on his first day of office (777). The years are always abbreviated as the 0 and 5 dropped so this makes it the year 777 starting at Jewish New Year/Rosh Hashanah on the 17 October 2016 . The number 17 means Victory/ Triumph 2017/777 therefore 777 is to be the antithesis of 666/Anti-Christ

The number seven is thought to be God’s number. It represents both completion and perfection. It appears hundreds of times in the Bible. In reference to Jesus, the number 777 stands for the seven days of creation; the seven, or completion

Michael Savage #fundie

Yesterday on “The Savage Nation,” right-wing radio host Michael Savage was outraged about a school program in the Italian city of Trieste called the “Game of Respect,” which is meant to break down gender stereotypes.

Somehow, Savage managed to link the program to ISIS.

“The perverts have taken over every aspect of every Western culture, which, by the way, is why ISIS is rising around the world,” Savage said. “Make no mistake about it, ISIS is a counterpoint to these psychotics. You don’t understand that, I do. I have a global perspective, I have a mystical perspective, I have a godly perspective and I am telling you there is a reason ISIS is making gains, it’s because of the vermin who have penetrated our culture and destroyed it from within.”

Michael Savage: Western 'Perverts' To Blame For ISIS; 'Obama Is The Devil'
SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman on Thursday, 6/18/2015 3:40 pm
Yesterday on “The Savage Nation,” right-wing radio host Michael Savage was outraged about a school program in the Italian city of Trieste called the “Game of Respect,” which is meant to break down gender stereotypes.

Somehow, Savage managed to link the program to ISIS.

“The perverts have taken over every aspect of every Western culture, which, by the way, is why ISIS is rising around the world,” Savage said. “Make no mistake about it, ISIS is a counterpoint to these psychotics. You don’t understand that, I do. I have a global perspective, I have a mystical perspective, I have a godly perspective and I am telling you there is a reason ISIS is making gains, it’s because of the vermin who have penetrated our culture and destroyed it from within.”

Savage claimed that the “cultural and societal degradation” is also the fault of President Obama, whom he said is “dumping so many Muslims in all-white Christian communities” in order to “bust up the Christian communities.”

“The man is the Devil,” Savage continued. “Obama and his minions are the Devil themselves. They are not out to remake America but to destroy America. I stand by those words, I will not back down and someone on the Republican ticket has to stand up and show a pair of you-know-what and say something about this cultural degradation.”

The only Republican politician taking such a brave stance, he added, is Donald Trump.

Ivan Throne #fundie

The writhing Leviathan may have a golden spear through its belly, but the clawing limbs of that rough and slouching beast still bear the dripping poison of the pen and encourage the work of crime and treason in the dark places of our government.

The Deep State will not be dead before the 2020 elections.

You know this to be true, as all of us do.

So does President Donald Trump.

Support the man who serves us as the strong and present father of an America made great again!

Keep faith, as he has faith in us, that the momentum and trajectory of our beloved country is at last headed where it belongs.

It is not a question of whether our gorgeous banner of purity, valor and vigilant justice yet waves, but whether the land and the People it flutters over is a virtuous and united one.

Pull the oars, brothers! Unfurl the sails into the coming storm!

2020 comes, and we are no longer miserable orphans gazing at the strewn wreckage of a once glorious nation. There is a Patriarch at the helm, and his stern visage looks ahead.

Greatness grows, and you are part of it.

Do it, for our entire beloved family.

Without hesitation, do it:


Paula White #fundie

Trump spiritual adviser: Jesus wouldn't have been Messiah if he broke immigration law

A spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump said that Jesus would have been "sinful" and not "our Messiah" if he had broken immigration law when fleeing persecution as a baby with his family.

Televangelist Paula White made the comments to the Christian Broadcasting Network when asked about what biblical scriptures came to mind as she visited a migrant detention center in Bristow, Virginia.

"I think so many people have taken biblical scriptures out of context on this, to say stuff like, 'Well, Jesus was a refugee,'" White told the news outlet in an interview published Monday. "And yes, he did live in Egypt for three and a half years. But it was not illegal. If he had broke the law, then he would have been sinful and he would not have been our Messiah."

White also praised the care for the children at the center, saying they received "three square meals" as well as medical and psychiatric care, among other amenities.

AmericanBelle1 #fundie

The left-wing sycophants of the Democrat party are wading in that cesspool of crime, murder, drugs and gang activity along with their mentors. Also throw in racism, bigotry, intolerance, hypocrisy, and pure and simple out and out lying! The Civil War was to end slavery (Democrats claim it was economic reasons, but that's a nice way of saying slavery). What Democrats and their sycophants like Madcow here totally ignore is that the South was run by the southern Dixiecrats...a party that faded away into the Democrat Party!!! That it was the rich, Dixiecrat plantation owners who fought to keep slaves. And that it was also the Democrats who came up with the bright idea of forming the KKK!!!

Every single thing the Democrats have ruined in history, they twist it to blame the conservatives/GOP. They take no ownership of their history because their history is no different than their present: they are racists, bigots, intolerant and hateful human beings who lie and manipulate facts in order to keep their minions (the poor, the illegals, the black misfits) enslaved in their socialist policies. They are a despicable group. Donald Trump recognizes their despicability and doesn't turn away from it...he tackles it...and it's scaring the hell out of them!

YOUCITY #conspiracy



TPTB let EL CHAPO escape from prison on 7/11

*WTC complex contained 7 TOWERS which were all destroyed on 9/11

Immediately after his escape from prison a PUBLIC FEUD between the BILLIONAIRE drug trafficker & BILLIONAIRE DONALD TRUMP begins






DONALD TRUMP happens to OWN many world famous HOTELS which are all named TRUMP TOWERS

less than a week after EL CHAPO escapes from prison JADE HELM begins

9/11 was a RITUAL and so is this , EL CHAPO & TRUMP are part of the 9/11 RITUAL and everything you see now is part of it

The day before TPTB let EL CHAPO escape prison there was another big part of the RITUAL taking place when a HOTEL HEIRESS "HILTON" married a ROTHSCHILD


[All bolding from original text]

Mike King #sexist

For the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class), the neo-con propaganda outlet FOX News has, for the past 20 years or so, served the important purpose of keeping conservatives on a leash long enough to allow to them vent off their frustration, yet just short enough to keep them from wandering off into the land of total truth. The sole saving grace of the network was that, in allowing just enough cosmetic "conservatism" to air before millions of viewers, a percentage of the more astute elements of the massive audience would eventually wander off the plantation completely and join the ranks of the full truth "conspiracy theorists" TM. Indeed, during the late 1990's, your now fully enlightened Editor here passed through the FAUX News / Rush Limbaugh halfway-house before growing out of the "Left-Right" control cage altogether.

For that reason, in spite of our disdain for Rupert Murdoch's FAUX, we are nonetheless troubled by the recent and much-publicized rise of his de-balled sons (Lachlin & James) and their stupid and controlling communist wives (Sarah & Kathyrn). The scuttlebutt is that the contemptible, yet immensely popular, Bill O'Reilly was forced out by these beautiful women. O'Reilly's coveted 8 PM slot will be filled by Tucker Carlson, whose first guest as the new 8-PMer under the reign of the Bolshevik Bitches will be a man that O'Reilly once mocked -- the freakish trannie, Bruce Jenner (now referred to as "Caitlyn").

1. Kathryn made no effort to hide her love for Hillary and red-hot hatred for Trump & Bannon (She likes Ivanka though!)

2. Kathryn's "kinder, gentler" FOX will feature the degenerate freak Bruce Jenner.

Expect some of O'Reilly's elderly following to have heart attacks when Jenner appears with Carlson this coming Monday (April 24th)! But don't blame Carlson (who is actually not that bad) for having such a vile Satanic creature on his program. You can be sure that the Murdoch women, Kathryn in particular, are behind this obscenity. The Sisters-in-Law Murdoch had already previously amended the company's benefits package to include "expanded coverage for our transgender colleagues.”

Both Kathryn and Sarah are known to be "progressives." Of the two, Katryn (much like another silly little rich girl, Ivanka Trump) wields more power in her own right. She is a real fanatic when it comes to Trump-bashing, homosexuality, trannies and the Global Warming TM / Climate Change TM hoax. Since the Murdochs swallowed up National Geographic in 2015, that psuedo-scientific rag has continued to aggressively push the hoax while not allowing any real scientists to rebut the "settled science." The "philanthropist" Kathryn also worked for both the Clinton Climate Initiative and the Environmental Defense Fund. (here)

Old man Rupert once dismissed the Global Warming TM / Climate Change TM hoax as "alarmist nonsense." We expect this attitude at FOX News to "evolve" and eventually align with the views of the young Murdochs' National Geographic and Kathryn's beloved Environmental Defense Fund.

Now if you thought those National Geographic covers were bad, get a load of the EVIL boy-trannie child-abuse abomination that the next generation of the House of Murdoch recently put out. It's enough to almost make us want to plead with wretched old man Rupert Murdoch and that arrogant ass-clown Bill O'Reilly -- "Please, stay!"

Childhood psycho-sexual abuse --- coming soon to FOX's conservative audience.

The modern trend of men allowing their deranged women to rule over them is yet another symptom of the decay and decline of Western Civilization. Another high profile example of this alarming phenomenon is baby girl's Ivanka Trump-Kushner's uncontrolled White House antics -- such as her uninformed public support for the Global Warming TM / Climate Change TM hoax, "women's workplace issues," and her meeting with the baby butchers and baby body-part dealers of Planned Parenthood. Neither "The Donald" nor Ivanka's typically P-whipped Jewish husband, Jared Kushner, could reign in this spoiled little brat even if they wanted to.

And speaking of P-whipped, does it get any more pathetic than Pro Football Super Star and Trumpstein supporter, Tom Brady, failing to show up at the White House ceremony to honor the New England Patriots Super Bowl victory? You see, boys and girls, Brady's super-model wife, Giselle Bundchen, is an outspoken pro-abortionist, an anti-Trump tweeter, and a "Climate Change" TM libtard who is evidently embarrassed and fed-up with her husband's support for Trumpstein. We'll bet you dimes to doughnuts that the lovely Giselle put her high-heeled foot down and threatened to close down the candy store until pretty Tommy put an end to his public support for Trumpstein.

Your old-school Editor here at The Anti-New York Times has the utmost gentlemanly respect for the ladies. That respect does not extend to any "man" who allows a woman, no matter how blonde and beautiful, to de-ball and dictate to him. Unless and until men rediscover their balls and tell the Ivanka Trumps, the Giselle Bundchens, the Kathryn Murdochs and the Sarah Murdochs of our diseased and decaying society: "Shut up and sit down, you silly woman!" -- there will be no hope for the recovery of our collective sanity. Then again, in fairness to such men and in consideration of what our Marxist courts allow these wayward women to inflict upon husbands and fathers, many bullied men have no choice but to meekly accept the mischief of their wives -- or face alienation from their children.

Sick upside-down world!

Proverbs 21:19: Better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times that the Murdoch sons and their wives are much more liberal than the old man.

Boobus Americanus 2: It would be nice if they overhaul FOX News and make it more objective. As it stands now, I can't stomach it.

Sugar: Hey Boobusss! Ya think your panssie-ass could stomach a ssubscription to the Anti-New York Times?

Editor: If Boobus can't even handle the watered-down half-truths of FAUX News, then he'd surely puke his guts up over the true stuff we put out.

NeoMatrix #fundie

I'm just pointing out that your assertion is factually incorrect. The definition of atheism is not recognizing the existence of a god or gods. The alt right worships Donald Trump as a god and prays to him. Therefore they're not atheists by definition.

Michael Bresciani #fundie

We are witnessing something far more sinister than the ancient pagan world's excursion into the offering of children to be burned in the fires of the idol known as Molech.

Today's version of the "fires of Molech" is more sadistic and wicked than the ancients could have imagined, because it is now done under the cover of "law." One man out of a band of nine cast the deciding vote for Roe v. Wade in 1973 and since then the waves of unborn children have met their doom to the grand figure of 55 million and counting. This is the "law"? If Molech were actually a real and living deity - he would be delighted.

The rest of the world's nations mandate abortions out of fear (overpopulation) but they are no slouches in honoring the idol of Molech. In China, it is reported that upwards of 336 million abortions have been performed since 1971. The latest twist from the Orient is reportedly eating the remains of aborted babies in a soul which is thought to rejuvenate youthfulness in those who practice this kind of cannibalism.


In the East it is abortion and sterilization to avoid overpopulation. Is the West's answer homosexual marriage, how many children come out of that perverted arrangement?


Hidden under the mounds of dirt called "politically correct speech" and "cultural diversity" can be found fossils of human wisdom and better judgment. Let's dig there - because political correctness, compromise and election rhetoric are lousy substitutes for a real conscience.

No one, including Donald Trump, who is not willing to make a full frontal attack against all abortion and perverted same sex marriage, is any more than a paper tiger vying for our votes based on a better deal than Barack Obama. America needs more than a substitute for Obama; we need a first class statesman with a full blown conscience.

Sean Hannity #fundie

I have an offer for the president. I will charter a plane for you and your family. I will make sure it's as big a plane as Air Force One, what you have grownaccustom to, in other words. Taxpayer-funded plane. I don’t know where I’m going to get it. Maybe I'll ask Trump if I can charter his plane for Obama. I will charter Donald Trump's plane if he'll let me, and I will charter it to the country of your choice. You want to go to Canada? I'll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I'll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I'll put the finest food, caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation, you can't come back.

Anonymous IHOP customer #racist

In a video posted to Facebook, an elderly white woman went on a racist and oddly ahistorical tirade about the Nazis and the Russians after hearing another woman speaking in Spanish at an IHOP.

In the video, posted by Carlos Steven Baez, the woman can be seen criticizing Baez’s mother for speaking Spanish, saying “We speak English here,” before telling her “Go back to Spain.”

After Baez’s mother passionately explains that she speaks English too, saying “I speak English, maybe not good,” Baez jumps in telling the woman “You can’t be doing that, that’s racist.”

The woman then launches into a tirade, linking bilingualism to the Nazis and the Russians.

“You want the Russians over here telling you what to do? You want the Nazis telling you what to do?” she excitedly asks, as Baez tells her, “That’s what you’re doing to my mom. You’re telling her what to do. She speaks English. She’s not perfect, but she speaks English.”

“We want English in the United States,” the woman replies. “We have freedom of speech, you’re the proof of it. We want that freedom.”

Following Baez once again telling her she can’t tell his mother what to do, the woman replies, “Yes. We want English. We don’t want the Nazis back. We don’t want fascists back. We don’t want Castro back.”

Baez then tells her, “I m not telling you what to do. I’m not telling you to learn Spanish,” to which the woman replies, “I don’t want Spanish. I’ve been to Spain, I bet you haven’t been to Spain and I have.”

After telling her he has been to Spain, Baez then baits the woman saying, “No for Donald Trump.”

While most commenters on Baez’s Facebook page were supportive of him and his mother, Glenn Price wrote (verbatim), “This is America. I have to go attempt to find translators for many differnent language speakers. I your going to live here, you should either have an interpretor know English. This customer was not treated wrong.”

Donald Trump #fundie

[But remember, it's everyone else who's fake news.]

Donald Trump appeared to invent a terrorist attack in Sweden during a campaign-style rally in Florida.

On an evening during which he attacked the news media and the judges who ruled against his travel ban, Mr Trump used his speech to talk about migration in Europe and linked it to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris - before inexplicably adding Sweden to the list.

Mr Trump told supporters in Melbourne: "We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden.

"Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris."

One of the country's official Twitter accounts, controlled by a different citizen each week, reacted with bafflement.

Its current administrator, a school librarian, said: "Nothing has happened here in Sweden. There has not [been] any terrorist attacks here. At all."

What Mr Trump's remark referred to in unclear, but it came after Fox News aired an interview with filmmaker Ami Horowitz, whose latest documentary examines whether high crime rates in areas of the country is attributable to its previous open-door migration policy.

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