
E S #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

Around 32:00 - the reason trans lesbians are "cringy" is that they are HETEROSEXUAL MALES with a fetish. They may "identify" as women, but they are MALES. Part of the trans ideology is that those males should be able to obtain legal status as "females" and thus be granted access to spaces heretofore restricted from males because they are spaces where FEMALES are vulnerable. This should creep you and everybody else out; it is cringy. The legal fiction of "males becoming females" and the reverse needs to stop.

Mark Dunham #fundie youtube.com

atheists cant be trusted to play straight in a discussion, always changing the subject - smoke and mirrors. This is why I DONT TRUST ATHEISTS as they are the most dishonest with no morals and will sink to any level. Like lawyers. You just CANT TRUST THEM

and NEVER EVER listen to an atheist on the subject of Christ or the Bible

if they cant be honest enough to admit the failure of evolution, how much LESS can the spiritually dead atheist on matters of divnity. they have no business going NEAR that subject!

dont do business with them, dont talk to them, dont try reasoning with them

and dont feed them!

another reason why we want prayer in our schools; so we dont end up like them

Skinny Bones Jones #wingnut youtube.com

Over the course of multiple comments on YouTube...

Robert Soares Jr.: Jesus: My realm is not from this world!

Muricans 21 century: God is the owner of the land of Israel!!

Skinny Bones Jones: He is the owner of Israel, the whole world is His. Problem is the Jews are not in Israel they are in American prisons and in the American South. These ppl need to READ Deuteronomy 28...… Alfonso G They're not even Christians.. The bible speaks of King David as the GODLY King, Trump is NOTHING like David. They've literally sold their souls for temporal power and they'll pay.... Watch...… Where did I nitpick a verse my friend,? Take Deut 28 in its Entirety. The BBC halter explains why the Hebrews are no longer in the land of Israel. Israel isn't in the Middle East. The Middle East was CREATED by Europe, Google it. Israel is in the land of Canaan. Canaan was a son of HAM the father of Africa. Ham. Had Mizraim aka Egypt, Kush aka Ethiopia and Put aka Libya and Canaan aka Palestine. Isreal is a nation in NE Africa. Europe gave that land to European Gentiles in 1948. It's all a shell game

Olivia Key #wingnut #racist youtube.com

[This is a parody of “Mad World”]

All around me is a Liberal sanction
Third world nation
In the making
Calling for all kinds of reparations
Subject to our exploitation

And the best of us are all deplatformed
Goodbye freedom of expression
Hide my head I need to feed my family
In this dire age of iron

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kind of sad
Cause two plus two is four, but everyone thinks I’ve gone mad
I find it hard to function, it’s the world that’s gone insane
But I will stay awake and
fight the nightmare that is
Clown world
Clown world

I won’t say I’m sorry for my people
My ancestors, my descendants
Come on teacher tell me all my evils
Teach me nothing with your lessons

Hold the line,
Do not give one inch,
Break the fever
Fight the sickness

Nothing’s normal
Time to fix it
For our future
For our children

Now or never
We’ll get through this
Stay together
Don’t give one inch

Fight the nightmare that is
Fight the nightmare that is
Clown World
Fight the nightmare that is
Clown World
Fight the nightmare that is
Clown World
Fight the nightmare that is
Clown World
Fight the nightmare that is
Clown World
Fight the nightmare that is
Clown World
Fight the nightmare that is

Nothing’s normal
We’ll get through this
Love your people
Help them see it

Quaid Johnson #moonbat youtube.com

(Submitter's note: find this in a Youtube comment section in a video on a channel I frequently watch and at first I agreed with him but once I began to think about it a bit more and find that it doesn't make much sense and honestly sounds similiar to older soviet propaganda saying anything that isn't pro-communist is fascist. But, moderators? do the quote count if its' from Youtube?)
(massive wall of text in coming!)
Quaid Johnson:
It’s the same exact thing on YouTube, Instagram, etc.

What pisses me off is how Trumptard fascist get to keep their racist, fascist, pro Hitler comments, yet comments calling out their racism and fascism get removed.

I swear these tech companies are run by literal Nazis.

Also I should mention that the education system has been doing this same exact thing for a much longer time and more aggressively than these tech companies.

Like seriously my high school in Texas once blocked A Charlie Brown Christmas and classified it as “porn”, yet actual harassment gets blown away like it’s not important.

I personally blame the fascist corrupt CIA rigged education system for the actions of these tech companies. Schools taught these people to censor like a snowflake ❄️.

I’m getting really sick and tired of our fascist education system spreading far right wing pro war propaganda to students instead of actually showing us the actual truth of what actually happened in world history.

I blame the education system for all of the brainwashed right wingers that exist.

The only reason the that the education system covers MLK is because of profit and is used as a distraction to keep alert students from exposing the propaganda that is being spread by of fascist CIA controlled education system.

The education system is the reason there are so many idiot Trumptards and right wingers in the US.

Seriously, it pisses me off how MLK’s assassination is always said with no remorse.

It’s literally said like this is US history class: “He was assassinated in Memphis by a White Supremacist... ok next guy is US history.”

That is how the US education system describes this to students.

And sadly in 2020 it seems as if the education system’s “New Years Resolution” was to get even more corrupt, biased, fascist, greedy, etc.

I go to a garbage college called Lone Star College Montgomery in North Houston TX.

This past Thursday, January 16, 2020, I got a literal 50 on an assignment in my “Intro to Computers” class all because of my preferred mode of transportation regarding the driver.

It was trusted close friend vs Lyft driver that you don’t even know.

I chose close friend over Lyft driver.

It was a “would you rather...” type of assignments.


You are a college student trying to get to class on time.

It’s raining form 8:30am to 2:00pm

I chose friend over unknown Lyft driver

Friend is stuck in heavy traffic while raining.

I still choose friend over Lyft because of obviously reason of trust.

I apparently fail the assignment simply because I did not ditch my friend for a Lyft driver.

This is how a 50 that I cannot recover from at all no matter how hard I try.

We have got to reform the education system so that student can learn the actual truth about world history and actually have a decent understanding on how to survive after high school and college.


The education system is used by the US government to create more and more fascists.

Here is how they do it:

Step 1: Education system introduces us to the socialism=communism lie.

Step 2: The education system brainwashes students into believing that everything the the US government says is true

Step 3: Republicans say that Democrats are socialist

Step 4: Trump says socialism=communism and says that it’s bad... which recruits more Trumpets and Right Wingers.

Step 5: Repeat the first 4 steps infinitely.

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that actually wants to truly reform the education system correctly.


The education system is who I think is at the most at fault here.

Right now, we have a fascist far right wing education system that profits off of spreading far right wing pro war propaganda to students.

They constantly lie about policies and politics to us.

I’m a current college student attending a pathetic community college called Lone Star College Montgomery.

On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, the librarian basically told us that we can’t have opposing viewpoints on anything.

We are even forced to study people like Ellen, Bezos, and Bill Gates from an elitist point of view. And we have to take pro elected tests about them too.

This logic is taking a toll on our grades. Last week I typed and submitted an essay in English class about how equality and togetherness function in Denmark, Australia, and Finland.

Well... my grade dropped from 70 to 46 in under 12 hours. Then the following morning, my English attempted to say that I never turned the essay in... then she paused and said that I did turned it in... but she won’t except it simply because it’s not 900 words long. It was 488 words long.

On that week’s Friday I was struggling to figure out where the hell to submit my “late” essay in. So I decided to look at the feedback from the previous essay.

She said that I typed a “false essay” simply because it wasn’t 900 words long.

So basically, she was using the length of the essay to hide her bias from us.

Remember that whenever your teachers and professors complain about the essay’s length. They are just using their bias to screw you over.

I did eventually figure out how to submit the 900 word essay... and got a 50 on it.

Btw one thing that me and Greta both have in common in that we both happen to have Aspergers.

As someone who has Aspergers, I can say that people with autism are smarter, more aggressive, have a strong attention to detail, etc.

One thing I have to say is that I’m sick of people thinking that they can harass people simply because they are autistic.

I’m sick and tired of people thinking that they can control people with autism because they have a superior title over us. This is why I’m against power, positions of power, money, etc.

Also, our fascist education system seems to enjoy giving smart people like me with autism the lowest grades on assignments... while the dumbass conservatives and republicans are always getting the higher grades.

We need to fix the education system.

I’m attending a pathetic community college right now called “Lone Star College Montgomery” and I can tell you that both regular school and college are both corrupt.

In college algebra, we have to use this useless thing called ALEKS that we do 100% of our work on. I had to pay $68.19 just so I could continue to do my assignments otherwise I would be dropped from the course.

The worst aspect about it though is my “English” class

For an obvious reason, my “English” professor is constantly spinning the lessons in a way so that it’s basic Republican propaganda.

She constantly spouses Anti Bernie and Anti Obama propaganda to the point that the only way you can escape it is if you drop out... which harms your future.

Here are some of the things she says:

“Free college is a waste of time”

“Happiness is embarrassing”

“Bernie Sanders and Obama bad” (over exaggerated)

“The United States and Mexico live in “harmony”... but it’s not at all the exact same harmony that Denmark has.” 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

She even said that Denmark has no interest in combating climate change 🤦🏼‍♂️🖕🏻

And the worst part is that you have to side with the far right wing pro war propaganda in order to pass the class or be successful in life.

🖕🏻Our broken education system

In September 2019 I had to write a “journal” as a quiz over a book I read called “Hygge” that I had to read in the same English class. Here it is:

The first 135 pages of the “Hygge” book basically describes how the culture of Denmark functions and what certain things are called in Danish. There wasn’t really anything in the book that I didn’t already know about Denmark. I learned a lot of information on places like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. There will occasionally be a poster, usually people involved in politics or actual politicians, that describe how Denmark and other countries like Denmark have similar priorities that differ significantly from the United States in a good way.

There are several ways that Danish culture differs from American culture. Most of the differences involve the priorities between Denmark’s social democratic government, and the capitalist system of the United States. In Denmark, the price you pay for the taxes may be more expensive than in the United States, but Denmark uses their tax money to help their citizens, unlike the United States.

Denmark’s education system ranks in the top five nations of the world, with Finland’s education system being number one, while the education system of the United States is below 35. This is because Denmark actually teaches proper nonprofit education to their students. However, in the United States has a for profit education system that focuses on teaching ‘education’ to students only for profit, which causes the system to fail in actually teaching students real education.

Turns out that me and Greta, 2 people that have Aspergers, are smarter than a college professor. 😎

I should add that we the people of this world need to unify as human beings.

(some lines later, someone asks for more evidences of his claim; although the guy who ask for it does seem like someone who could appear on this site at somepoint... He calls Greta a "twit"....)

@Quaid Johnson That was not an argument to my points, nor an answer to my questions.

And, by the way, our education system dramatically skews to the left, not the right. Most teachers are lefties and most professors are lefties. That is simply a social fact. I will offer you a reliable social science source upon request.

Quaid Johnson:
jfuite Good lord.

It amazes me how many people cannot see that the education system is fascist and leans to the far right, not the left or neutral.

It just shows how many people have been brainwashed by the system.

LibertyArchives3 #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

(Originally posted on TheLibertyChannel during the swine flu fraud of 2008 -- the following text was written during that stage)

Some observations on the current swine flu 'crisis':
- It's a global reprise of the US 1976 phony swine flu panic;
- Just as happened in 1976, the virus is not a significant threat having very low morbility and mortality rates. And, even if it mutates into something more dangerous, the most reasonable scenario to be expected is a flu pandemic like the ones in the 60s and 70s, which, although being lethal to many, were also easily controllable, and quickly faded away. As a matter of fact, flu viruses have never been the kind of monstrous threat that is now being sold to the public. The only exception to that was the 1918/1919 pandemic which, of course, had an ideal context for lethality: the trenches of WWI Western Front and the terrible sanitary and nutrition conditions of post-WWI Europe and America, particularly among soldiers, which were the main incubators for the flu;
- So, it's on the basis of a virtuality that the public is now being terrorized, and made to comply, with the orgy of hysteria being promoted by intellectually bankrupt pseudo-scientists, aka, the fake pharma and govt. "experts" who are more interested in promoting dangerous untested vaccines than in *reality*;
- Like in 1976, the pharmas are now being given legal immunity and liability for whatever harm is caused by their fast-tracked, untested vaccines;
- These vaccines should leave people very concerned, as they'll be stuffed with dangerous, if not lethal ingredients (e.g., squalene, mercury, and alum), known to cause neuro-degeneration and other auto-immune widespread illnesses;
- The vaccines may actually facilitate the spread of the pandemic and facilitate virus reassortment and/or mutation (via live viruses and nucleic acids in some of them);
- Another important part in all of this, is what has been called the militarization of medicine. The WHO has effectively set up a platform for global draconian measures, mandatory vaccinations, and martial law, via the IHR 2005 and the PIPR Guidance 2009;

- That platform is being reproduced on regional/national scales by most WHO members, most notably in the West;
- It's not likely that the whole machinery is unleashed in the next few months. As the WHO documents themselves say, were talking about a 10-year minimum, slow motion, Fabian process. During that time, the pandemic, or other consequent pandemics resulting from H1N1 alterations, will be used to further militarize civil society and stuff everyone with dangerous, lethal, vaccines;
- This, of course, comes right in line with the paramilitarized, all-reaching surveillance infrastructure thats being set up everywhere, to allow for the economic looting of the West and for the slow motion into world totalitarianism, the ordered Platonic society thats been consistently advocated by the Euro-American banking establishment during the last 100-years;
- This process can't be allowed to move on. It has to be stopped right now, by exposing these criminals for what they are, and refusing to comply with their new fascist-at-the-top, sovietized-at-the-bottom, world system.

Mactrip100 & Thalanox #sexist youtube.com


A lifetime of watching colleagues and friends - many of them wimmin, hasn’t taught me anything different, never, ever, be a house husband or soy-boy.

What women say they want, and what they actually want, is very, very different. When female friends or colleagues admit to me their feelings about their husbands, and start with ‘he’s a good man, but...’ I know what’s coming next...🤦‍♂️

By the way, I read Paglia two decades ago and she’s absolutely right and that’s why she is now a pariah to feminists, and has never been invited back to speak on the BBC, after walking out of an interview calling Dimbleby a popinjay - she takes no prisoners.
I’ve something to ad to her famous quote, ‘... if women were in charge of civilisation, we’d be living in mud huts, BUT - we would be sitting on lovely decorative cushions...’ 😬


There are plenty of relationships where a man is a house husband and it works just fine

Have you heard of the phrase "The exception that proves the rule"?
How about this: If I were to say "Men are taller than women", would you tell me I was a liar because there are SOME women who are taller than SOME men? No, you wouldn't. The exceptional situations, because they are rare, prove the general rule.

yet there's plenty of relationships where the house husband wife works relationship works in fact this story would be the exception

What is the ratio of the number of house husband / wife works relationships compared to the more traditional arrangements?
There are reasons you have to be careful about understanding whether you have a representative sample to work from. I do not think you have a representative sample, because the model of relationship you're characterizing as being normal and standard isn't.

how is it not normal for a man to be a house husband it's not the 1950s women work many of these relationships work just fine with the man being a stay-at-home parent this woman's story is only the exception to the general rule that these relationships work

Women have been selected over an evolutionary time scale to be attracted to men who will dominate and protect her.

Human instincts are programmed for men having harems of women, and waging tribal warfare against other tribes to kill all of their men and take their women as prizes. It'll take a lot more time than fifty years to undo all of that programming.

Hell, even modern first world civilization is something that only a small minority of humans on the planet can function in, let alone build and maintain on their own.

Tabula Rasa (the blank slate theory of human psychology) is a lie. Stop believing it.

A man being the breadwinner and the woman being the homemaker has been the historical standard since time immemorial for a reason.

Various Commenters #sexist youtube.com

(Hugh Jones)

Feminist: “I wanted to be overwhelmed by the sheer power of his masculinity in the bedroom”. A rare admission there. See, there’s ideology... and there’s what you actually want.

(Freezing Blue)

I've been saying this for years. Women want to be dominated in and out of the bedroom. There's what they think they want and what they actually want. One they say with words, the other they say with actions.

(Edward Armstrong)

PUAs are right when they say that women don't know what they want, I knew this barista who rejected me because she had a boyfriend that she wanted to "get serious with" and I jokingly said something along the lines of "ok ok, I'll ask you out again next week when you dump him" and she giggled at that. Guess what? Next week she went out with me. As far as I know she didn't lie about having a boyfriend, meaning that their relationship went from potential marriage to shit in less than seven days.


The entirety of feminism is just one giant shit test after all and Western Civilisation and men in general have utterly failed it. Which is why women have such open contempt for men today.

Sara SunshineMT youtube.com

FYI, when Obama left office, he left 142 vacancies on the docket for Judges. President Trump has filled over 90 of those vacancies. President Trump has quietly, and VERY AGGRESSIVELY, gone after pedo & sex trafficking rings, with the largest bust happening back in 2017 with over 300 kids recovered & 2,000 adults arrested. That is almost TEN TIMES what Obama did in his 8 YEARS. So while Obama's tainted influence has led to this situation, the Good Lord's hand is definitely upon PresidentTrump while he's cleaning up the mess, and making darn sure that our courts won't be used for this evil again. Slowly, but surely, we are seeing the tide turning by His Will. God bless!

violetroseish #quack #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

The medical system uses corpse medicine, they are dark and morbid. Who went after the herbalists and natural healers? Who did the fake burning witches at the stake? What were these supposed witches guilty of? The answer is simple they were using herbs from plants to heal, the establishment didn't want it. The population is sick because it has been using medicine from snake oil salesmen. It might fix the problem fast the thing is that there is always a side effect with another disease or problem. Their medicine if faulty. People are so impatient and cannot let the body heal it's self naturally. So sad what is happening these days. Modern medicine is only useful when a person is in a major accident.

Baby Benjamin #homophobia youtube.com

Toon Trooper: what does Christianity represent to you? Really what does it mean to be Christian? To have love in your heart? To be accepting of those who may seem strange or different? It certainly isn't either of those

Baby Benjamin: It means to be someone who believes Jesus is the Messiah, the only way to be saved. Someone who calls upon His name and believes that He is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. A person who truly believes this will over time become more and more like Him.They will demonstrate love (sacrifice), joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, long suffering, and self control. They will manifest this on a regular basis. They will fail occasionally from being in the flesh at times. It overall will have consistency in these things thanks to the Holy Spirit (God) living inside of them.

Toon Trooper: so why do you believe being gay is a sin if you're preaching about love, kindness, and peace? What, in your mind, is wrong with loving someone of the same sex?

Baby Benjamin: Hey, thanks for asking that question in such a genuine way. I can tell your truly wondering.The answer is only given in the same context as all sin. The truth is this. All humans have chosen darkness (they have all lied, stolen things, fantasize about lust, had horrible thoughts of hatred, murder, dishonored our parents, and used Gods name as a curse word.) You and I and everyone has done this. Not because we are human but because we wanted to, we all literally chosen darkness and have a fake illusion of righteousness (we think we are good, but we are not) again we all have told countless lies etc. etc. So everyone hates God once given the choice. God is so Holy that if anyone full of sin approaches Him they will die.
God therefore having a great love for humans, became one Himself (Jesus) and He took the death penalty off of us by dieing on the cross. He had no sins of His own so the grave could not hold Him. He rose from the dead and promises all who believe in Him they too will rise from the dead and live forever and through Him can approach the throne of God. So even if homosexuality was not a sin all will still perish and die and be lost forever.So homosexuality is just another manifestation of hatred for God and His ways. Try to wrap around that, if all people who engage in sex with the same sex suddenly woke up to a world where the bible did not call it a sin, it still wouldn't address the lies, theft, blasphemy, hatred, etc. People hate God in the natural state (once given the choice to obey Him)
This is a heart issue. God said if you just come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you for hating His ways and His righteousness, He will forgive you or anyone and instantly send the Holy Spirit to be inside of that person. The Holy Spirit will then teach you about God and keep you from having a heart that hates Him. You may be tempted and do things you regret but over the rest of your life, you will be a new creature and will be saved. So the question of homosexuality being a sin is irrelevant, however it's the same as all sin. People in their natural state want to decide what is good and bad and reject God for telling them otherwise, again points back to the heart.
At the heart you want to dedicate and right your own book of morality, perfectly tailored to your own desires just like the rest of us. Humble yourself and eternal life is yours.

Toon Trooper: how is it a form of hate? Because God told people not to do it? Why? What is wrong with it? We all know why murder, stealing, lying, etc. is wrong. Those things hurt people or can lead to people being hurt. Homosexuality hurts no one.

Baby Benjamin: The answer as to exactly why is not known by me. I can only speculate and that's not guaranteed to be true if I give you my speculated answer. Remeber the issue is the same as all sin. Some societies think murder is ok (Nazi, Stalin, Gangus Khan) some think raoe is ok (Many nations including the U.S. [During slavery]) the point is the same. You are crafting your own form of right and wrong and cling to it tightly. The same is true for all of us. Your claim all know "cyz" is wrong is not true obviously by history. Right and wrong is subjective unless a supreme (ultimate) God says it is. And this truth makes all of us in our natural state hate God. We just cant stand He gets to decide what is right and wrong. So much so we demand answers. We feel in our natural state entitled to know why so we can judge the rule, because again we feel we are our own right and wrong moderators. This is the crux and the great dilemma and why we are all doomed without Jesus. The truth is God is good and know one else, and that statement infuriates the natural mind. And since He alone is good only he can set our paths straight.

Baby Benjiman #homophobia youtube.com

(=Talking about a gay man Mr. Fred Rogers was friends with=)

Baby Benjamin: Because what people do in private should have nothing to do with how you treat them. Mr Roger's and all true Christians believe homosexual behavior is a sin against God as well as all sex outside of marriage. The point is they have to answer to God after death seizes us all and we are brought to judgement. The job of a Christian is to treat everyone with love, respect, and to tell the truth even when it hurts and others will hurt you for it.

Ayla Sabatini: For everyone arguing in this thread, Mr. Rodgers has stated to a gay friend that he found both men and women attractive. Do with this info as you will while I look up the article I read that from and link it.

Baby Benjamin: Sabatini be "attracted" to anyone is not the sin. It's engaging in homosexual behavior. If I gave you a beautiful painting as a gift and you used it as a door stop, is that offensive? Same is true for male on male and female on female. God gave an awesome gift of sex and some say eh I'll use it the way I want. And it's a sin. Take it up with God on judgement day.

Ayla Sabatini: Those are not the same, me disrespecting a painting you gave me is not the same as me having sex with someone who is the same gender as me. If you're offended by what someone does in private, them you have some serious issues. Here's the article: https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/03/07/fred-rogers-celebrated-as-bisexual-icon-after-his-comments-on-sexual-attraction-resurface/Whether this is true or not, Mr. Rogers is still Mr. Rogers and we should love him just the way he was.

Baby Benjamin: God is offended. It's not personal to any particular believer it's me telling what the bible says "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful , and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."Romans 1:26‭-‬271

Richard Lopez #conspiracy youtube.com

Tartarian Empire - Covered Up By People & Mud #Mudflood

The Tartarian Empire was the biggest Empire in the history of Empires. What happen to Tartaria and why haven't we been told about this history? Is this a massive cover up by the world governments? The question is why would they go through such lengths to keep this information from us? Who were the Tarters? Is there evidence of their existence? Special thanks to everyone researching mud floods & the hidden history of Tartaria. (Thumbs Up )

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Martin Liedtke- FLAT EARTH BRITISH, A Real Game Changer! 'Starforts' The Devils In The Details. https://youtu.be/w9x6rilpmig

CONSPIRACY-R-US - Mud Flood Evidence https://youtu.be/ud7BQ-EC6Ks

Jon Levi - North Pole Erased on Maps:

Philipp Druzhinin - The Unknown civilization https://youtu.be/z9QcDJgSduc

newearth- The Unknown pre-Roman Civilisations (trailer), results of the 2016 Italy Expedition https://youtu.be/LxE5-gDXPzs

WISE UP- ALL so called impact sites are sink holes https://youtu.be/CGMoFdpC6Yw

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various commenters on a Sargon of Akkad video #racist youtube.com

Autism Akbar: "...low IQ Farrakhanite..." That's pretty redundant. There aren't any high IQ Farrakhanites.

Chris Bingley: "Are Jews white?"

They're Shroedingers ethnicity. White when they do bad things, and racial minorities when they do good things. (using a leftist definition of good and bad)

Gaz 00: The fellow white people thing is real. Really opened my eyes when I looked into it properly.

Lion Pride #racist #conspiracy youtube.com

In response to a Sargon of Akkad video about an alleged wave of black people attacking Jews in New York...

We knew immediately it wasn't a white individual because the MSM did not mention race or religion, it's a dead giveaway.

Alex Jones #conspiracy youtube.com

(sad music, badly acts being shaken and tearful)
…I was told by a genetic engineer…
…about a project they were on in England once, I never told the story because it’s so fantastical…
…*melodramatic sigh* Oh God… *sob* They had tanks, people with gills, they were little babies, they were just gulping and clawing at the side, you see a turtle (?) in the zoo that tries to get out and you feel for it… (gets really weepy) they got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff…

The bearded guy #sexist youtube.com

Question for feminists: How does it feel to be a part of the movement that will ultimately destroy society and civilisation? How does it feel to destroy the childhoods of your children while chasing your dream of being men? How does it feel to force society to abandon logic, truth and science to support your “feelings”? How does it feel to attain “equality” and then realise it ain’t all that? Real women know their place just as real men know theirs, both are a rare breed in this era of idiocracy. Noticed I asked how it makes you feel? Because many feminists are not capable of the reasonability of logic they Reeeeeeeeee and trigger tantrum to get their way, and dye their hair to distract from the transparency of their self loathing.

waba gc #racist youtube.com

5 years ago if I wanted some work doing - building work or windows fitted for example, or the car needed a service, or I needed a plumber or electrician, I wouldn't have hesitated (much) before employing one of the dozens of different races/ethnicities/ nationalities residing in our country.
Now...I wouldn't dream of giving work to any of them. Not because I think they couldn't do the work or have the necessary competence to do so, but simply because if I had cause to complain about their work or service I have no confidence that my complaint would be dealt with. There would be a high probability that I would be accused of racism. That is what the left have done. They have made it harder for their "minority" friends to make a living.

ZGuy0fSci #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

"Human Rights" are just simply Human Rights, ya know like the things Red China are in grevious continuous violations of against? ^_>

There are no such things as "Gay Rights" or "Trans Rights" or other "Etc Rights" Etc, or so there should not be or need there be needs be there for nor of, rather that simply "People are People" just as Love is not Sex and Sex is not Love but rather simply "Love is Love" such without the issue of Sex til after or as a separated matter;

So no. "Shitty People" are not or aren't exclusively those who take issue with the LGBT-1000 going off about offshoot "rights" seeking to segregate people and humans into categories of varying kinds with each being less than equal and having or lacking their own sets of "rights."

But hey. I'm just some "Cyst"Gendered Straight White Guy of varied decents who greatly values Genuine Equality & Meritocratic Fairness over and in opposition against wrongful segregations based upon artificial bullshits.

/)' GLHF's to all and Good Gaming

Will the Person #wingnut youtube.com

[Just for reference, this is posted on a YouTube channel that describes itself as reactionary/monarchist]

Fundamentally one of the greatest failures in my opinion about the baby boomers of the right. Is that they (in the American Context) can't really tell that they're country has changed in it's stances on how it's played a role in shaping global affairs.

The typical boomer age Conservative will often say of how "Great" we (Being America) are in the modern world (while failing to mention what atrocities and failures we've created Soviet Union,ISIS, Liberalism, NATO, EU and other forms of Internationalist bodies. In America's case we aren't the country that's for Multi polarity or in the fights against internationalism, WE ARE THE INTERNATIONALISTS. But they fundamentally harbor resentment for those who we were at "odds" with. Now when it comes to countries like China and Russia, we funded and supported their communist state creations. But after all the oppression especially in Russia. These nations are now booming Powerhouses (economically, religiously, ethnically, militarily) and fundamentally they are the real good guys in today's world. America and the West create problems, Russia and China stop them.

Fundamentally the boomers can't tell when their own Empires have fallen and which empires are rising in their place. Those who actually look to the world, will tell who's rising and who's falling.

And it's people like that who will live, and those who don't won't live on.

catwithoutthe hat #conspiracy youtube.com

he is a traveller, not a driver he doesnt have a cdl, you dont drive a vehicle you drive an automobile, there is a difference. The INDIVIDUAL rights this lands forefathers fought for. Travelling unmolested, all that garbage everybody is willing to give up, before long protecting yourself wont be legal either slippery slope and all. They are coming for guns. You cant protect yourself from police without becoming a criminal..... Not much further down the slope to slavery.

Adonis Black #fundie youtube.com

The disregard and evil that oozes out of the cancerous skin of you demons changes nothing but the history in your dimented minds. But actual history is catching up with you, your numbers are dwindling, and you will answer for your forefathers treachery the same way we feel the pain they gave our ancestors. Nothing you write in your fictitious "history" books can save you.

d p #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot #god-complex youtube.com

[Keep in mind that this was on a YouTube video of the song “The Sound of Silence.”]

I got this version on my Spotify liked list, I just noticed today that somehow I got the original version which is too slow for me, but this version it's gives you that GODLY-LIKE strength and energy , then I tried searching for this particular version on Spotify it just gives you that stupid version of disturbed and that other slow version which has no heart to it in it, man that's already prove and evidence enough to see the government is controlling everything, like separating us the PEOPLE from the REAL GOD, brainwashing and manipulating us with that fantasy story about Jesus Christ the son of God, GOD exists just not their version, GOD ain't a being that's up in the sky watching you and judging you, GOD is every where, in us, outside of us, were just drowning in ENERGY Here planet Earth, it's just waiting for some one to come and claim GOD, you see GOD ain't GOD, UNLESS there's a pilot to take control and drive it, YOU are considered a GOD when you manipulate the ENERGY and make things go your WAY, no I'm not talking about that X MEN AVENGERS SUPER HERO BS ! im talking about when everything All of a sudden goes your way , for example if someone tried to kill you just a regular pathetic human beings as ourselves,. They wouldn't even see the next day, you can heal your own body, you don't need to depend on no DRs, and this power is for anyone, no such thing as no human could get that much power cause they'll use it for evil and take advantage of the people, fuck no that ain't true and to even have that power you would have to go through so much shit, I'm talking about being isolated from the world literally, no sex, no friends no going out trying to get at girls, no partying, just you and your SHADOW ( SOUL) AND TRUST me it's a very very DARK WORLD, you will unleash the other side of you, but that's if you don't end up commiting suicide,. Due to the pain and suffering that you have to go through to become a GOD, naturally were supposed to evolve into it. but the evil organization of the world don't And won't allow us, that's y theres Manipulation of the weather, religious organizations , jobs, make you work like a slave,. Clubs sex, drugs, MONEY ! so much fucking attractions and entertainments in this fucking that I can't relate to a single soul here on Earth, it feels so lonely and depressing that I do drugs to escape this reality I'm going through, all my friends which I have only 3, got addicted to it and lost it within 2 years just doing meth, here I am going on 11 years of doing meth and I still haven't lost my mind, I know what I talk about, I know my experience I went through way before I started doing meth, my bad y'all just needed to vent, I hold so much in me, that I almost want to die not kill myself lol cause I don't have the balls to get a gun and blow my brains out, I'm just taking hit after another, that's why if I ever do for some miracle unleash myself, im going all out and taking all my anger and rage on a particular organization.

Richard B. #wingnut youtube.com

(Context: He’s talking about the alt-right People’s Party of Canada losing all their seats after getting 1.5% of the vote in Canada’s election.)

Send the word out. The fascistic left needs to be stopped. They're dangerous Collectivists who censured all other alternatives. Pull your money out of the banks in protest. The majority wants freedom of speech and voted against Trudeau. Words no longer work. We have our rights taken away. Pull your money out of the banks. Spread the word.

TheActs2021 #homophobia youtube.com

(In response to two gay men making a marriage proposal in fron of Brie Larson at a comic con)

Sinful and disgusting.
Look... I'm a big fan of Captain Marvel and thought Brie Larson did a great job portraying her - Carol Danvers... but this No, no, no. Just not right. I am not a fan of how she handles her personal life - especially being a SJW. Brie needs a savior in Jesus Christ... to see the Light and repent. This is sad but there's always hope.

Nuance Bro #transphobia youtube.com

The issue that I wanted to focus on is this narrative that trans people are dying. So I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but there's this big issue in the trans community or the LGBT community at large about transgenders being murdered. So when they talk about trans people are dying, do something, they are saying that trans people are being murdered in the streets and that this is a huge problem and that politicians need to do something. Now this issue always perplexed me because I always heard people talking about transgender murders but I never heard anybody use the stats. So, what are the stats behind transgender murders? Now, a great resource that I found is from the leftist publication Mic.... if we scroll down, we can see the number of documented trans homicides per year. So how many is it? We can see it. In the year 2010, there was a total of 9 homicides. Now I don't know about you, but 9 homicides in a year in a country of 330 million people, I don't know if I would consider that an epidemic. But the argument being made is that it is rising. As you can see here, we go from 9 homicides in 2010 to a peak of 24 homicides in 2015, and the most recent number they have is 2016 of 23 homicides. Now to be fair, 23 homicides might seem low, but we have to look at things per capita...….

(Nuance Bro goes on to claim that statistics show that there is no epidemic of trans people murdered specifically for being trans)

th9joker #transphobia youtube.com

I'm certain one thing after watching this, between the crazy men that think they are women, and the pervs that think they can pass for women, and the walruses that actually are women, these people are all ugly women.

Mark TheZealot #moonbat #racist youtube.com

[In response to Selena Gomez (who recently produced a Netflix series about the lives of undocumented migrants) being spotted outside the house of her ex-boyfriend Niall Horan]

Can’t make a documentary about the plight of indigenous people when you bring those responsible for it into your bedroom. It’s just hypocritical.

If you don’t see a problem with this then you probably wouldn’t have seen a problem with sleeping with them as they ransacked our villages and slaughtered us either. Ugh. There has ALWAYS been “the exception”, “the good one”, but y’know what? 400+ years later we are fighting to keep our families together and begging for rights in a land that should be ours. God told us that if we married each other then our children would inherit the land (Tobit 4:12), but we didn’t so now it’s taken by strangers. Stop being selfish!

Steve Frei #crackpot youtube.com

[On a video of a natural phenomenon known as a “green flash.”]

You idiots, all thrilled by a green flash? It means the sun is white hot now, instead of yellow. Have you no understanding at all of the color spectrum? Global warming has a cause, and it's not C02! It is the white hot sun. Open your eyes.

FTN Iceberg #racist #fundie youtube.com

[In response to a Jewish person talking about the time a teacher tried to make her rewrite the story so that the protagonist was no longer Jewish, in the context of Jewish erasure in general.]

So as a child you were as brainwashed and retarded by your parents forcing identity politics on you that a fairy tail, a made up story about nothing, just had to have YOUR religion shoehorned into it. And it's other people's fault you can't enjoy anything without identity politics and you attacking others but claiming to be a victim. Pretty pathetic!

Delinda Kay Graves #fundie youtube.com

(=Description of "Because I Said I Do", a Gospel Stage Play written by Delinda Kay Graves=)

******Please Note that all NEGATIVE COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED!!!/The work of the LORD is of the KINGDOM and not of the WORLD****************  

April is on a journey to marry the man of her dreams until suddenly her love train is derailed. Will she marry Eric Anthony Penick)? Her best friends Sandra (Cynthia Yancey Yancey) and Morgan (Danielle N Dommo Short) has obstacles of their own to face, but they are determined to get April down the aisle. Come see if April will say I do. In the hit stage play. "Because I Said I Do" Written, Produced and Directed by Delinda Kay-Graves God's Plan Drama Ministries

Judgement day, Endtime messages, the rapture, the world coming to an end, Jesus is coming back, Son of God, God, Jesus, the end of time, the great white throne shocking ending warning. Full length Free Movie! If you like this play please share this link on all social media spread Gods Word. Also to contact the Writer, Producer, and Director of this play call 434-471-0053 (Delinda Kay-Graves.facebook) (Gods Plan Drama Ministries.facebook) Thank You For Watching!!!(All plays Written by Delinda Kay-Graves is Copyrighted by law)
#freemovie #stageplays #delindakaygraves

NoQlue #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

I like how this video 'omits' the reason Japan BANNED the MMR vaccine in 1993 - "The triple jab was banned in Japan in 1993 after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions. An analysis of vaccinations over a three-month period showed one in every 900 children was experiencing problems. This was over 2,000 times higher than the expected rate of one child in every 100,000 to 200,000."

Great Journalism!

Ray Comfort #fundie youtube.com

Have you ever thought about the fact that oranges, like bananas, have been made with a non-slip surface, just the right size and shape to fit the human hand? How each one is packaged [unintelligible] take anywhere, orange drink filled with natural sugars, vitamins≤ minerals, and enzymes?

Of course you haven’t. Not if you’re atheist. You probably don’t even know there’s a right way to open it, so you can pick up the mouth-sized, mouth-shaped pieces — all coming to you courtesy of the Maker.

Michael McCracken #transphobia #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

ContraPoints-DUDE as even though your penis was mutilated or what ever it is you freaks do your still a MAN! You have the same X & Y chromosomes tha Yahweh-God created you with HENCE YOUR A MAN! Albeit a mentally ill man your still a man. so get the medical help you need to get your head right.

Prince of Queens #sexist #conspiracy youtube.com

Females already have a dramatic amount more rights, privileges, advantages, and social care put towards their happiness, comfort, and well-being than males do. It's not even a question, if you bother actually looking into it (instead of flagging videos that inform people of facts).
More so, feminists HATE gay men... at least the small percentage of feminists who actually read and understand + side with feminist theory. You've seriously never picked up on that? Have you watched any of my videos about that? You should watch my videos, instead of flagging them. My channel was designed for people like you initially, though to be honest, I did end of veering towards an already critical audience when I realized just how little many non-leftists/feminists really understand the left and feminism.

flying sandcat #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

Vaccine trials have usually excluded "vulnerable" individuals -- only extremely healthy individuals with no allergies are recruited. It's a "selection bias," say Soriano and Shoenfeld, and has likely resulted in serious adverse events being "considerably underestimated" in "real life where vaccines are mandated to all individuals regardless of their susceptibility." The true incidence of allergic reactions to vaccines, normally estimated at between one in 50,000 to one in a million doses, is probably much higher and particularly where gelatin or egg proteins are on the ingredients list, they say.
There's a long list of vaccine ingredients that are potential allergens: besides the infectious agents themselves, there are those from hen's egg, horse serum, baker's yeast, numerous antibiotics, formaldehyde and lactose, as well "inadvertent" ingredients such as latex. People's allergic histories have to be taken before vaccination say the researchers. But some signs of reaction don't show up until after the shot, and a great number of people don't even know whether they're allergic or not.

Babies are vaccinated before leaving the hospital, and receive multiple vaccinations within their first 6 months of life. "Don't feed them honey, strawberries, peanuts, ECT., But stick this in their bloodstream, they'll be fine(trust us, we make billions selling this stuff, why would we lie.) At this point their doctors should be convicted of malpractice.
The public health nurse or GP might tell patients that a long-lasting swelling around the injection site after a vaccine is a normal reaction, for example. But that is not what the immunologists say. "Aluminum sensitization manifests as nodules [hard lumps] at the injection site that often regress after weeks or months, but may persist for years." In such cases, they say, a patch test can be done to confirm sensitivity and to avoid vaccination.
According to a growing body of research, though, allergy may be only the beginning of many dangerous aluminum-induced phenomena.
A number of studies claim vaccines are safe for the "overwhelming majority of patients with established autoimmune diseases," the study allows, but they only looked at rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and not at severe and active cases so "the potential benefit of vaccination should be weighed against its potential risk."

Idk about you, but our doctors hand us a paper that tells us vaccines are perfectly harmless and then tries to guilt us in to getting a shot. WE have to bring up genetics, allergies, and other potential risk factors. Luckily, we finally found a gp who listens. I have family members who aren't so lucky.

Chad Ripperger #fundie youtube.com

[Video transcript]

I actually had a case where Osiris was the possessor. He’s a brutal demon, he’s one of the most vicious and the most cruel demons of all. Part of the reason he’s cruel is that part of his sin was he fell because he refused to accept mercy that Christ wanted to give to them. The point is that these hand-motions in reiki is something that is a form of invocation to Osiris to possess.

William Rockwell #transphobia youtube.com

Contrapoints You can feel and think you're female. You can't help how you feel and think. But you can help whether or not you engage the delusion. A schizophrenic can engage his psychopathy by living a life reflecting it or he can seek helped through medication and counseling. By dressing as a woman you embrace the lie, and even worse, you teach others to embrace the lie. You are responsible for maintaining the sickness. Make a video about this issue, without the makeup and dress, and educate your viewers on how hard of a life this mental illness produces. Talk about removing it from the next generation using gene editing. Then we can talk about the redpill. You can be a force of good or bad in the world. Cheers.

Chad Ripperger #fundie youtube.com

[Video transcript]

Any time you make ill use of a physical thing, you basically are using the thing in such a way that you place it under the order of the demonic. Now, not every time that happens do they take possession of the thing or have control of it, but in the case of air, if people say blasphemous words by means of – because they have to use the air to do that – the demons can actually take possession of the air. And there’s actually, I’ve mentioned this before, there’s a blessing for driving them out in storms, which I’ve seen effectively used, because they can take possession of the air – it becomes accumulative.

Yeusha Reigns & Tobi Dean #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Yeshua Reigns: Amen!!!!! Me too. I came out to my elder sis in 2016 and let me tell you, the moment i blurted out that " i am gay" with tears rushing down my cheeks i knew what i was saying was not from God. It was as if, the enemy was isolating me with this wrong mindset for 25 years of my life and that's when i understood that his strategy is this! He isolates people and makes them believe that nobody would understand them and that they're born this way and they can't help it; when the truth is that the bible testifies that NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR THE LORD. My sis began praying for me since that day on and she did not rebuke me. A lot of Christians out there need to know that homosexuality will not go away when you rebuke the gay away, stand in the gap and pray for them. I have come a long way since then and i too wanna testify that yes! There's a lot of isolation in the lgbt community or for that matter in any kind of sexual immorality. Don't hide it, discuss it and have someone to pray with you for this. Homosexuality is not from God and even if science says that you're born with it...know that the same God who created you can create a clean heart in you that pursues His heart above and more than everything else.

Tobi Dean: I too was gay and wish I could be gay and happy but Jesus continued to make himself known...I would wake up crying knowing very well what I was living in was sin...I knew God's word and even though I changed I knew God's word never changes...I couldn't sleep I would continue to tell my girlfriend we were going down for this....The moment I realized what I was saying it terrified me to think I was settling for damnation ....did that stop me....no I chose flesh over Jesus....that was up until 5 years ago. I have returned to my true love...my first love Jesus I am out of the gay and in with The way of Jesus. I take it one day at a time we are not promised tomorrow. I have no interest in women or the gay scene....that is one less hurdle and drama self inflicted drama I don't need...I hear you sister and you are not alone....much love and prayers Brisbane,Australia

The Last Reformation #homophobia youtube.com

(=Video Title: Lesbian couple wanted to get married but then God intervened!=)

Kathy and Valerie had been living in a same-sex Lesbian relationship since 2008. A few months ago they wanted to get married but then God spoke to them clearly. This is an amazing story of how the Holy Spirit is working in people’s lives today and that if we seek the Lord He is there. The gospel is the power of salvation!

Chad Ripperger #fundie youtube.com

[Video transcript]

One of the things that the drug cartel in Mexico has started doing is doing the same thing that Satanists taught to people in the pornography industry – which by the way, that mechanism has worked its way into Hollywood now, it’s also worked its way into the music industry by cursing the master copies, but what they would do is curse the drugs coming into this country to boost the addictive effects of them.

Chad Ripperger #fundie #quack youtube.com

[Transcript of a video about demonic possession]

Mortal sin, that’s the principal way that most people become possessed. Another category is people who have undergone some kind of extreme evil of some sort. So about half the women who show up on my doorstep have either been raped or molested sexually or psychologically abused. And people say ‘wait a minute, this isn’t fair’. Well, it’s not a matter of fairness, it’s a matter of the fact that when a person acts upon the other person, they’re using that person in a gravely dismoral way, and as a result of that the person is placed under the domain of Satan on a physical level, and that’s how he gets his foot in the door.

Chad Ripperger #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

[Video transcript]

John Lennon, before they were famous, made a pact with the Devil. And the Devil signed an agreement that it would be twenty years, that was it. And he took it. Almost twenty years to the day – it was within the week – he was shot. So the point is that they actually do, sometimes they can produce what they say. This is becoming a bigger problem especially in Hollywood, in the music industry, where people are openly talking about their pacts with the Devil now. You can just go on YouTube and watch it, you don’t have to take my word for it.

Chad Ripperger #fundie youtube.com

[Video transcript]

I know an exorcist who, during one of the exorcisms, the demon said ‘if you just leave me alone, I’ll give you a truckload of Mountain Dew to be delivered to your house’ because he had a big fondness for Mountain Dew. And they’ll do that. The next thing, out of the blue, somebody shows up and says ‘yeah, somebody paid for this, you’ve got a truckload of Mountain Dew’. They try to appeal to your weaknesses.

Chad Ripperger #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

[Video transcript]

Another area that we’re seeing is pornography. It’s off the charts. One of the things a lot of people don’t know is that the Satanists taught the people in the pornography industry, because they can curse the master copy, sometimes called the locked copy of the pornography. All the copies made from that bear the curse, so the people who view it become subject to the curse. And the principal aim of them becoming subject to the curse is to boost the addictive effect of the pornography. I know an exorcist who has dealt with a guy who become possessed through pornography.

Chad Ripperger #fundie #quack youtube.com

[Video transcript]

Beelzebub always manifests the same way, and when he manifests, it’s almost instantaneous, and that is the jaw extends out about two inches on each side, the head narrows, the eyes come together, they turn bloodshot, and the complexion turns almost blue instantly. And so, this is something that you’re not going to see happening unless the person is actually possessed, this isn’t something that a human being can cause. Another case of morphing which is pretty pronounced is an exorcist who’s a friend of mine had a case where Isis, the demon Isis, was the possessor and when he would put the stool on the back of the possessed person’s head instantaneously his face would elongate about three inches and turn into the face of a wolf. […] Sometimes they can even change shape – the whole body changes into something else. So in one possession case I actually saw a woman change completely into a man in the process of the manifestation.

Chad Ripperger #fundie youtube.com

[Video transcript]

This witchcraft is finding itself not just among girls in Catholic high schools, it’s finding itself in video games. If you pay close attention to it, the guys making the video games today are doing their research. They are digging up these ancient gods, which are just another name for demons as we can read in the Old Testament and New Testament and from my personal experience too, all the gods of gentiles are demons, and I can testify that. I’ve seen Baal, which is mentioned in scripture, Asmodeus, Isis, Osiris, the guy named Loki who’s out there today, by the way, who interestingly, Loki – if this gives you any indication of the stronghold he gets – he’s the demon who goes around seeking people who have religious and priestly vocations to neglect entering those.

It’s even in the video games, and even in some of the other games, they’re actually happening where you have to actually cast real spells, these guys are digging up real spells and casting them in the process of this, this even goes – and I’ll just answer now, because someone’s going to ask the question ‘what about Harry Potter?’ Okay, It was expunged from the Internet, as soon as I saw it I ran to the Internet and grabbed it, and I made a copy of it somewhere in my files. Basically J. K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter, she did the entire Harry Potter series by auto-writing, and auto-writing is a form of diabolic channeling. I’m not accusing her of thinking this is done, that she’s using diabolic channeling. She went to witch school. Real witches will testify that the actual spells in Harry Potter are real spells, unlike Tolkien, who uses it as a literary device.

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