
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In a 1994 movie, Pulp Fiction, starring Samuel Jackson (Jules) and John Travolta (Vincent), Jules makes a quote from Ezekiel 25:17 throughout the movie. The problem is that it's not what the Bible says. They've ADDED to the Bible. Here's the quote Jules repeatedly makes in the movie . . .

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

Now here's what the King James Bible says in Ezekiel 25:17 . . .

"And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

I've looked at other versions of the Bible as well and none of them say anything even remotely close to what is stated in the movie. The Bible, God's Word, sternly warns against adding or subtracting from what God has said . . .

“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”
—Deuteronomy 4:2

It is no trifle matter to corrupt the Scriptures and say things that God did not say. What right does some Hollywood movie script writer have to alter the Scriptures because it SOUNDS GOOD in a movie? They have no right. Whoever changed the Bible in Ezekiel 25:17 for the sake of making a movie is in serious trouble with God. The actors, producers and everyone involved in the making of the movie are in trouble with God.

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Let us answer the question, "How can I make a man of my boy?"

1. Dress him like a man. As soon as his hair gets a bit shaggy, have it cut! It is better that little Johnny start life being masculine than to retain those beautiful ringlets at the age of two. Cut off those ringlets and make him look like a man. From the very first time that he is old enough to wear clothes, dress him like a boy, cut his hair like a boy, and make sure he always looks like a man. Teach him to be around boys that dress like boys. Teach him it is not Scriptural for a boy or man to have long hair or effeminate tastes in clothing. Read I Corinthians 11:14.

Make him play with boys and with boys' toys and games. Let him play with guns, cars, baseballs, basketballs, and footballs. As soon as I could I taught my boy to play baseball and football. When he was about thirteen I bought him an air rifle. When he was fifteen I bought him a .22 rifle. Invariably, when someone admits to me he is a homosexual he relates that he played a lot with girls and participated in feminine activities.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The U.S. government is preparing for massive future public resistance and violence by building detention camps and passing Patriot acts I and II. Massive amounts of prisons were built during the Clinton administration (and many more are being built now). Society has been desensitized by television and a school system designed to dumb-down our children. 911 was deliberately orchestrated by our own government as a pretext for war, to justify our invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. 911 also was the necessary crisis which the global elite needed to create their police state and a New World Order. The evidence of a conspiracy is overwhelming!...

George W. Bush signed presidential directive W199-eye prohibiting the FBI or defense Department officials from investigating the terrorists. FBI Deputy Director, John O'Neill, resigned because he felt that the Bush Administration was deliberately blocking the FBI's investigation of the terrorists. John O'Neill was given a new job as Security Director at the Trade Towers in New York. He was killed on 911 when the attack happened... his first day on the job!!!

Don't forget about the third building (WTC # 7) that came down on 911... No plane ever struck it. Three buildings don't just perfectly collapse in a few seconds time. Larry Silverstein, owner of building # 7, admitted publicly in an interview that he was asked by the fire chief if they could "pull" (demolish) his building, he agreed. Those buildings on 911 were blown up! Folks, this stuff if real! I've read the facts, I've watched the videos, this is no conspiracy "theory." Fire fighters, members of congress, former FBI and CIA employees, and police officers have all testified against the government on everything from the Oklahoma City bombing to 911. Nationally known lawyer, David Schippers, is representing several FBI and CIA members who were prohibited from investigating the terrorists of 911. To date, the Justice Department refuses to talk with David Schippers on behalf of his clients. It makes perfect sense if the government's got something to hide, which they do.

There will be riots in America when the economy falters, and circumstances become so dire that the truth cannot be hid any longer by the liars in Washington D.C. The police state will be upon us in full force. National ID Cards will be mandatory. The bio-chip will be implanted into people. U.S. citizens will revolt and be put down by the now militarized police force. The days of "officer friendly" are over. Now we see militarized thugs in Darth Vader uniforms, complying with their orders. The United States will fall into UN control. This is the New World Order (i.e., the Beast system). The stage is being prepared for the Antichrist, the end of the world as we know it.

Thank God for faithful pastors, but did you know that already over 26,000 U.S. pastors have been recruited by OUR government to brainwash you us submitting to tyranny and a Police State? I'm an Independent Fundamental Baptist myself, but I could not attend most Baptist churches because of woefully ignorant, backslidden and cowardly pastors. I heard an apostate Baptist pastor of a large Baptist church, with over 10,000 people attending every Sunday, brag about being a State-licensed 501c3 business and said that his church would support the government unquestionably. That same pastor forsook the inspiration of the King James Bible and then shortly thereafter endorsed Barack Obama's wicked Communist presidency.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The truth is only hate to those who hate the truth. I am a very hated person and have been told so repeatedly, because I speak the truth, and that offends people. People get angry when I say that the Popes are burning in Hell, but it's true. I don't want Roman Catholics to follow the Popes into Hell. I make no apologies for speaking the truth. Abortion is murder! Homosexuality is a sin! Drunkenness is a sin! Feminism and divorce are sins! 9/11 was an inside job! The Federal Reserve Banksters are rotten, hideous, criminals! Evil criminals have hi-jacked the White House. The War On Terror is a fraud! The War in Iraq is evil. There is no War On Drugs. Americans are being deliberately dumbed down in a Communist public school system. The mainstream newsmedia are a bunch of overpaid professional liars.

The open borders are deliberate, forcing real wages into the gutter and bankrupting America's hospitals. Our jobs have been relocated to foreign soil, while parents are having their kids confiscated by CPS because they can't afford an apartment. Millions of Americans have had their homes stolen by the Banksters because they can't afford to pay their mortgages. And yet our leaders have allowed U.S. Corporations, who receive U.S. tax-breaks, to move their operations overseas to exploit foreign slave labor. Of course Americans cannot pay their bills anymore! We've been betrayed by treasonous acts by treasonous leaders in Washington D.C., who are in bed with Wall Street criminals. Watch The Obama Deception to learn just how much Wall Street has infiltrated the White House. Watch END GAME for the best all-around big picture of what's going on in the world today. We are living in the Last Days my friend, the End Times of humanity.

"...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." Very FEW people love the truth these days. Very FEW people are saved. The masses of society are like cattle being herded into cities, awaiting the slaughterhouse. Let us not be deceived by these LYING WONDERS in the Last Days. The Devil is alive and actively working to steal, kill and destroy. We must make sure that our own house is in order and watch for the Rapture. Surely, the Lord's return cannot be far away.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

America Must Be Destroyed

Sometimes the only way to rebuild something is to first tear it down. Such is the case with the United States. The reverse of every U.S. one-dollar bill contains numerous displays of the number 13, which represents death and total destruction.

13 leaves in the olive branch
13 bars and stripes in the shield
13 arrows in the right claw
13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon
13 stars in the green crest above
13 granite stones in the Pyramid. (The 13 layers represent the 13 Illuminati bloodlines)
13 letters in Annuit Coeptis

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Karl Marx's real Jewish name was Mordecai Levi, write Das Kapital, a book which began movements which resulted in the deaths of more than 150 million innocent non-Jews. David Bronstein (a Jew who lived 3 years in exile from Russia in New York City), returned to Petrograd with millions of Jewish dollars from Jewish banks to fund the Red Revolution there. Mr. Bronstein's preferred name as a revolutionary, if you do not already know, was Leon Trotsky. In fact, most Jews running communism changed their names to keep their Jewishness hidden from the non-Jewish majority.

Hollywood today has changed the names of hundreds of Jewish actors to conceal that Hollywood is owned by Jews, the rotting moral corpse of America, a total cesspool of iniquity. The elite of Hollywood are some sick-minded people, as evidenced by psychopath, Stanley Kubrick's (Jewish) perverted film, Orange Clockwork (featuring sex orgies and rape). Hollywood is much more homosexual than San Francisco.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The man is in disbelief that his wife has become so uncaring and heartless. She is bold with harsh words, accusative and degrading. Her husband doesn't recognize her anymore. Albeit, the husband realizes that his once emotionally fragile wife was always susceptible and vulnerable, highly impressionable by every influence that came her way. That's why women belong at home. I've seen marriage after marriage fall apart because the wife meets someone (whether another man or a female friend) at work. The man's wife was mentally and spiritually weak, just waiting for a serpent to come along and poison her mind. As long as the wife is being coached by feminist meddlers, under the influence of evil marriage wreckers, she won't think for herself and never come to her senses.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

The Most Amazing And Accurate History Lesson You've Ever Heard

Most people today are demanded help and answers, but without God. So they get a Communist government instead of free capitalism. I'm so sick of idiots blaming capitalism. In capitalism a man gets to keep what he earns (no welfare, no property tax, no stealing from working people to support the less fortunate). The church was intended to support the poor, not Affirmative Action laws (which are nothing less than pure Marxist-Communism).

The PROBLEM in America is not capitalism; but rather, Communism subversion which took over nation over a century ago, but the average person is to woefully ignorant to know it. T\The treasonous Federal Reserve Act of 1913 doomed our economy from the moment it was signed. The international banking cartel caused World War I, The Great Depression, World War II, and is still causing world conflicts today. They make profits during war, so of course they start them! They have multiple purposes in their plots.

The first thing that the criminal banksters did after getting their cash cow in 1913 was start World War I in 1917 to milk it bigtime. The war not only made the offshore bankers filthy rich (borrowing Americans into massive debt), but it also took everyone's mind off of the criminality behind how the Federal Reserve Act started. Anytime that the Zionists fear getting caught, they cause false flag terror attacks to make headlines. World War I produced the League Of Nations, which Congress rejected. So the banksters caused World War II and now they have their United Nations. What brute Nazism and Communist (two legs both marching toward World Conquest) couldn't achieve, stealth trade agreements and Communist subversion through the Civil Rights Movement has. One of the most educational and to the point articles which I've read on the subject of what's going on in the world behind the scenes is...

An Excellent Explanation Of How True Israel Is Victimized By Marxist Zionist Jews

Here are some more eye-opening articles...

Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Revelation 17:18 says the woman riding the beast is Jerusalem)

Only Born-Again Jews Can Biblically Claim To Be God's People (all others are cut off)

Basic Understanding Of New World Order (DISASTER ahead for Arabs, Jews & Americans)

Having learned everything I just shared with you should have caused you to realize just how INSANE the entire world is. My friend, you don't need a shrink, you need to get busy for God.

david j. stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I am all for equal human rights; but the Bible gives the husband the power of authority over his own wife. Feminism has nothing to do with equal human rights; it is a matter of women wanting equal authority in the home, the church, society and even demanding a feminine side of the Godhead. Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven for wanting to “be LIKE the most high” (Isaiah 14:14). Lucifer desired EQUALITY with God. That was his downfall. Likewise, Lucifer (the serpent) tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden by deceitfully saying that her and Adam would become “as gods” (Genesis 3:5) if they disobeyed God. Eve desired to be EQUAL with God. We see this same evil attitude in the world today in feminism. Feminists desire to be EQUAL in authority in the home, the church, society and to redefine God as being part female. God is strictly masculine.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I grew up on the Northside of Chicago, and our baseball team was the Chicago Cubs. Harry Caray (1914-1998) was a famous radio and TV broadcaster for the Chicago Cubs baseball team for many years. Mr. Caray was renowned for his exuberant saying, “Holy Cow!” Although such casual misuse of the Biblical term “holy” may not seem disrespectful to many people, it most certainly is to God. We ought never make light of the holy things of God. To curse in the Lord's name identifies one's self with the wicked world and Satan.

Such misuse of the word “holy” was also featured in the script of the 1970's Batman series, with Robin continually making such exclamations as: “Holy %$#@* Batman!” Never in the history of America have so many people misused and abused spiritual terms, and taking God's name in vain, as they do today. Any mention of the word “holy” should only be reserved for that which is Biblically holy; such as, the Holy Spirit or the Holy Bible. It is evil to call a cow “holy,” or God forbid, calling dung “holy,” which is popular in Hollywood films (i.e., “holy sh*t”). It couldn't be more obvious that such a wicked term originated with God-haters!

It is more than coincidental that even your Atheists curse in God's name, especially when they get angry. If you don't believe the Bible for the Bible's sake, then believe it for the self-incriminating nature of man. At the climax of pain, anger, joy, or pleasure... God's name is often taken in vain by the sinful world. A common expression heard today is... "Oh my God!" This is sinful when used is passive speech. The name of God is holy and we should be careful to show great respect.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

As soon as the Iranian war starts and we go into the next presidency (whether Mr. Obama under martial law or someone else), I think Americans will begin to disappear, never to be seen again as in the Soviet era under Lenin and Stalin. This is what the recent passed NDAA law is all about. I think we will see some buses blow up in America, which will be false-flag terrorist strikes blamed on Iran and Al Qaeda (Al CIA-da). If the globalists blow up even one public transportation bus in the U.S. and the mainstream newsmedia blames some boogieman terrorist group (as they always do), then the American people will lay down and submit to any measures taken by Homeland Security to protect the nation.

They may likely blame some local patriotic group (like the Tea Party movement) as a pretext to go after patriots, constitutionalists, caring Christians and tea party groups. I don't have any special knowledge to foretell the future. I just keep up with world news and put one and one together. The truth is pretty plain to see if you're looking for it. It's so obvious that the global elite are taking over the Middle East, stealing all the oil and China is fast becoming the major world power.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Harrison Ford (i.e., Han Solo) make the statement... "Then I'll set you in Hell." It is disturbing to hear such Hollywood actors admit that they're going to Hell. Of course, Harrison Ford has cursed in God's name repeatedly in most of his movies. Taking God's name in vain is the insignia of Hollywood movies.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

If your pastor thinks the Church has no business fighting against the New World Order, then he is carnally-minded. The New World Order is rooted in evil Communism which robs men of the fruits of their labors, robs taxpayers of their money, robs homeowners of their houses, robs workers of their wages, robs businessmen of their businesses, robs citizens of their freedom. Communism is theft, plain and simple!

The problem is that the average free citizen today is woefully ignorant of the evils of Communism and its horrifying consequences on every society throughout history. People just don't care, take everything for granted, won't study the truth about history, and are going to be sorry when they finally realize what has happened. History always repeats itself. America's decadent society is nothing new, and our fall to Communism is nothing new either.

The New World Order gang are criminal thugs, thieving liars, mass-murderers, Christ-rejecters, and Luciferian worshippers; they have no remorse, no tears, no regrets, no feelings; they can't be reasoned with; they are servants of Satan; they are wicked men and women; their Hell will be hotter and their suffering more intolerable than anyone could possibly imagine for what they've done to innocent families and lives. All they care about is their next fancy dinner party.

Freemasons are behind it all. Just look at the back of every U.S. dollar and you'll see the Masonic pyramid in your face. The culprits behind the pillaging, ravishing and destruction of our nation economically, educationally and morally are all directly or indirectly linked to Freemasons. Do your research and you'll be shocked. Or just go back to sleep in la la land with your mp3 player and television.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Masonic/Zionist secret powers behind the subversion of the United States are amongst the wealthiest people on earth. They own and control the mainstream newsmedia. They own and control the entertainment industry. They own and control just about everything, which makes it next to impossible to bring them to justice. Through various sublevels of authority in their illuminati power structure, it makes it impossible to identify the names of the true perpetrators.

This is a common tactic amongst mafia criminals, that is, they recruit street gangs to do their dirty-work, thus distancing themselves from the actual crimes, protecting their identities and making it next to impossible to bring them to justice. For the love of money, the criminals higher up in the chain of command are virtually invincible. You'll never hear the names of the Illuminati (aka, the globalists) mentioned in the daily evening news or Good Morning America!

The newsmedia demonizes the Bush administration for the evils of 911, the murder of 1,455,000 innocent Iraqis, the theft of Iraq's trillions-of-dollars in natural resources (oil), the military's pedophile business in Afghanistan and through DynCorp, the treason of the Patriot Acts, the assault of the U.S. Constitution in courtrooms nationwide, et cetera. The truth is that George W. Bush and his accomplices were mere paid puppets of the Masonic puppeteers over our government. Freemasons have infiltrated everything, even our religious circles, recruiting men's souls for the love of prestige, money and worldly pleasures. Hell will be hot!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If the husband rebukes his wife, she leaves out the kitchen door and roams the neighborhood for hours until he has to go back to work. Understandably, sometimes the husband is frustrated and crabby. The man gets little sleep and is a nervous wreck, wondering what his wife will do next, or if she's coming home or not, or who she's going to drag into the marriage (and she often does). Well-meaning people often take sides and make matters worse.

His wife has no supervisor, so her husband has to reprimand her for not doing her duties at home. If the husband doesn't discipline her, then who's going to do it?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I saw a Burger King commercial recently, where all the employees were dancing, swaying their bodies to the jungle music, celebrating the Junior Whopper being on sale. That is immoral and wrong. The corporations know that Americans are materialistic and gullible, programmed to respond to sexually suggestive advertising. The old adage is true that, “sex sells!” Dancing is synonymous with impudent (a casual look of disrespect, improperly forward or bold) faces on women. That's the look of disrespect, a 'whores forehead' the Bible calls it. Jeremiah 3:3 - The Blush Of Shame Verses The Whore's Face That Refuses To Be Ashamed (MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles). Whorish women are rebels and it shows on their impudent faces.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It has been purported that Mr. Obama is a 32nd degree Prince Hall Freemason and an active member of The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). Obama has outlined his ambitious geopolitical plans in a recent essay for Foreign Affairs magazine, which is published by the CFR, a demonic organization committed to the destruction of American freedom and sovereignty. The CFR works to centralize both political power and economic power outside the checks and balances of democracy. In other words, they want to bring to fruition a Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State under their control. Obama is Illuminati aristocracy, his appearance from 'nowhere,' and subsequent rise to the front of the political arena are no coincidence. Antichrist?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If you enroll your child into a public school, you will almost assuredly regret it one day when your children grow up to become heathens. A few hours of Sunday School cannot undo 40 hours per week of fascist-style demonic brainwashing at the Devil's public school. The biggest danger to your children are the other children, who come from Godless homes and whose parent's are as wicked as can be. I've seen good children come out of bad homes simply because the children finished high school in a Christian school and had a pastor and teachers who cared about them spiritually. I've also seen children go to the Devil in decent homes because they were enrolled into a government school. That's what public schools are, that is, government schools.

The government doesn't care about your children's spiritual welfare. In fact, the government has every intention of robbing your child of faith in God through the bogus teachings of evolution, sex education and humanism. Biology is taught on the basis of evolution, not upon the fact that a loving and powerful God created the universe. Every subject ought to be taught based upon God and the Bible, which a child will NEVER get in a hellish public school system. Your child is far better off in an imperfect Christian school than they are in a reputable public school. Most of the public schools I know have awful reputations. Nationwide public schools are sewers of illegitimacy, crime, apathy and wasted lives. Your child will go to the Devil if you are foolish enough to enroll them into a public school system.

Furthermore, a private school is very unlikely to turn any parents into CPS authorities, whereas a public school won't hesitate. In fact, there's an ongoing racket in America to steal children from their parents (download MP3) and CPS and the judges are all involved. Children are being kidnapped by pedophile judges and CPS departments nationwide.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

You cannot protect people from stupidity. The best protection is a proper education, the truth. The problem in America is NOT guns. With proper teaching and training, guns are perfectly safe. The crazed murders at Sandy Hook were drug-related. So also were the theatre shootings in Colorado. Tim McVeigh's military psychiatrist was sharing a hotel room with him prior to the Oklahoma City Bombings in April of 1995. Evidence shows that McVeigh was drugged in a mind-control project, as were the mother and son shooters at Sandy Hook. In other words, these shootings were staged, planned and went beyond the primary perpetrators. These shootings were deliberately orchestrated as a pretext for gun control.

A common psyops tactic used by the globalists is CRISIS + REACTION = SOLUTION. That is, they create the terrorist crisis, then the media propagates the desired response, and then the globalist hi-jacked government suggests their solution (which gives them more money, more control and more power). This is exactly what happened on 911 during the attacks on the Trade Tower Center in New York. The globalists planned, ordered and orchestrated the attacks. The mainstream newsmedia covered it all up, sending truth-seekers on a wild-goose-chase in wrong directions by proving misinformation, cleverly fabricated lies and false reports. Ultimately, the globalists used the 911 attacks to launch their New World Order, accomplishing more than they could have ever imagined as a result.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the most popular false gods of the world is Santa Claus. Children around the world worship Santa Claus. Do you know what the word "worship" means? It simply means: "The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object." Hence, many parents are indeed teaching their children to worship Santa.

Children's minds are consumed with this fictitious fat slob dressed in red. Children should not be led to believe in a fictitious character who can read people's minds, is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. To deliver presents to every child in one night is something ONLY an omnipotent God could do.

Don't you see what the Devil is doing to little children? As the child grows older and realizes that there is NO Santa, he is already CONDITIONED to become an atheist as well.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In order to keep our cells healthy, we need to replace the water we use by drinking pure water which has an alkaline pH balance. Many people have water containing chlorine and fluoride which are known cell killers. Random House Dictionary defines chlorine as “a greenish-yellow, incom­bustible, poisonous, gaseous element that is highly irritating to the respiratory organs.” During World War II, it was illegal for Germany or the Allies to use chlorine gas per the Geneva Convention. But we put it in our drinking water.

Webster’s Dictionary defines fluoride as, “a corrosive, poisonous, greenish-yellow gas­eous chemical element; the most reactive nonmetallic element known in forming fluorides with almost all other known elements.” Over fifty percent of the people living in the U.S. have fluoride in their drinking water.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

As witnessed in the Bible in Genesis 19:1-11, homosexuals are predatory, continually on the search for their next sexual experience. Homosexuals are characterized by morbid, unhealthy, sexual desire (which the Bible calls lasciviousness). Homosexuals are prone to multiple sex partners, because homosexuality is rooted in sex-addiction. I heard a homosexual say that “sex is sex, whether male or female.” May I say, sex with the same sex is a horrible sin, and a form of mental illness caused by spiritual rebellion against God and His holy Word. Romans 1:28 teaches that homosexuality is a form of sex addiction, whereas God gives a person over to their wicked fleshly lusts which war against men's souls (1st Peter 2:11). All of the empty homosexual closets across America are as vampires who've come from the dead to seduce the living.

The Bible says that those who live in pleasure are DEAD while their ALIVE (1st Timothy 5:6). Galatians 2:20 wonderfully teaches that Christians are ALIVE in Christ, or better said, Christ is alive in us. Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” The spirit of lust and Satan is at work in homosexuals, seeking their next victim. Many are pederasts!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

I believe that feminism has its roots in an improper child/parent relationship. Fathers spoil their daughters, so that when they grow up and get married, they expect their husbands to spoil them too. No wonder there's so much divorce and remarriage! Daughters should be trained to wait on their father, fetch his slippers, get him a drink, and brag on him. This is what wives are supposed to do, but if daughters don't see their mother respecting the husband as such, then what do you expect?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Most parents are woefully ignorant of the true Communist agenda behind the entire public school system. Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto (which was a Freemason blueprint for World Government), called for a public school system in his 10th plank. This purpose is to enable the government to INDOCTRINATE children to be loyal to the state and disloyal to their parents. Children are taught to turn in their parents for various reasons, to spy at home, to trust the government and think of the state as their friend. Children are slowly robbed away from their parents.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I wish I could say that the criminal gang who has hi-jacked The White House, the F.B.I., the U.S. Department of Liars, and other top levels of government (who control everything) are patriotic, God-fearing, caring people; but they are not. They are sold out to Satan. Greed for money and global endeavors to gain more control are their main goals. They want more power. They need more money to gain more power. It's as simple as that.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Say what you will about Muslims, I greatly admire the way their women "cover up." This is the way it should be. Sinful Americans have attempted to demonize the Islam culture, by portraying Muslim women as "victims" of a male-chauvinist society. In reality, most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith. In sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect for God-ordained masculine authority. Woe unto America!!!

Hannah Montana is everything I just described—a whorish little seductive brat, flashing her Satan sign on stage, gyrating her body in tight pants for everyone to lust upon, shaming the name of Jesus, and rebelling against God's Word. Walt Disney is of the Devil, and they are working relentlessly for the New World Order to corrupt America's youth. The Devil is trying to introduce young people to a "new-kind-of-family," and a new-kind-of-god as well. The god which Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus follow is a god without morals, without boundaries, a Hollywood god that paid for our sins so we could continue living in sin. This is NOT Biblical Christianity.

As is typical of the average spoiled materialistic American today, Miley sings... "I'm a lucky girl... I've got everything I've always wanted." Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are one and the same—spoiled brats. God hates Rock 'N' Roll music, because it promotes rebellion against authority. Is it any wonder why America's women are filing for divorce at more than TWICE the rate of men? It's because women today refuse to submit to their husband's authority. Miley, in her song "Who Said," states... "Every girl has her choice... I do it my way." Shouldn't we do it God's way Miley? In an interview you stated that you "do everything for Jesus"; Yet, in your music you state that you do things "my way." Which is it?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Notice that the rich man in Hell didn't ask for a cold beer. There will be no beer in Hell nor Heaven, I assure you of that! Neither did the rich man in Hell ask for an ice cold Coca-Cola, because there won't be any. The rich man in Hell, who lived selfishly and forgot about God and the poor, asked for a drop of water. He was denied any water as part of his punishment! Do you understand that friend? If you go to Hell, part of your punishment will be the lack of water to quench your thirst. I don't know about you, but I'd want to avoid Hell just for that reason alone. Can you imagine not having any water?

Carefully consider that the rich man had a body in Hell. Jesus taught that God the Father will destroy the soul AND BODY in Hell of all Christ-rejecters. . .

Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul AND BODY in hell.”

Clearly, God will provide some type of body that will not be consumed in the flames, yet will be able to sense and suffer pain and torment in the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:15 says that anyone whose name is not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be CAST into the Lake of Fire (Gehenna). Clearly, this tells us that God will provide some type of body that can be “cast” into Hell and withstand tens-of-thousands of degrees of heat.

The rich man in Hell was thirsty. When we get thirsty, we go get a tall glass of ice cold water, with ice cubes, and we quench our thirst. That is a gift from God. There will be no water in Hell. You will thirst for all eternity. When I awoke from my second neck surgery in April of 2010, I was extremely dehydrated and thirsty, but the nurse wouldn't allow me to drink any water until my anesthesia wore off, to prevent vomiting. I had never been so thirsty in my life. As I laid there in the recovery room, I thought about Jesus on the cross, Who said “I thirst.” My tongue felt like dried leather. My throat felt like a sandy desert. I was so thirsty.

Eventually I was allowed to sip the water from a very small sponge. It wasn't much water at all, just a few drops, but it was so refreshing. My body was dehydrated from the surgery. I had a hard neck brace on my neck. The toothache-like pain in my neck was unbearable in the hours after my surgery. I was very lonely by myself. I suffered so much, but I knew Jesus was with me (Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). Now, when I drink a tall glass of ice cold water, I appreciate it much more. I know what it's like to be very thirsty and be denied any water. I drink even more water now because I can. I love cold, fresh, non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated, pure water.

Water is a gift from God that most people take for granted. When I drink refreshing cold water, I think oftentimes about the rich man in Hell begging for water, and I hurt for him. I realize that no one goes to Hell except those who choose to go their; but I still hurt for anyone to die in their sins. 2nd Peter 3:9 tells us that God doesn't want anyone to perish in their sins. Ezekiel tells us that God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Stephen King is obviously a part of the New World Order [NWO] movement, incorporating occult and NWO symbols into his movies. This is all just my opinion as a Christian. I feel that King is a Luciferian worshipper—evidenced by his persistent attack against God, desecrating things that are holy and righteous, and combining science fiction with Biblical truth. To hear a little girl singing “Jesus Loves Me” while monsters are attacking in a horror movie is blasphemy!

In my sincere Christian opinion, King deliberately confuses horror movies with Biblical Christianity to desecrate, disrespect and discredit Christianity and the God of the Bible. It appears that King deliberately strikes sensitive areas within the public's heart. For people who have grown up in a Christian environment; having being taught goodness, morals and decency by the Bible and church; King's movies are highly offensive. I heard a professed “Christian” radio host speak of King as a mastermind, genius and legend. In Satan's world only! In God's eyes Stephen King is a wicked person, a loser and an enemy of God (James 4:4).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The CIA's involvement in public brainwashing propaganda is overwhelmingly disturbing to say the least. It's insane. The Rockefeller family engineered Feminists to destroy our American culture, and create a Communist system where parents are mere incubators for the almighty State. The average marriage can't even make it 5-years today, because society has taught women to be 100% intolerant of their husbands; and the local police have been trained to be over-reacting thugs (who once they have processed you into the system, your life will be over for years to come. All it takes is one phone call to 911 to ruin someone's life (or save it); yet that all we hear thrown in our faces on television is to make the call... 911, 911, 911. It's not coincidence that the Illuminati thugs behind the 911 Attacks chose the date of 911. It is a symbol of fear and distress, of a nation in need. The very number 911 psychologically requires an emergency response, including military action against anyone who looks to be guilty.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

At a campground where we were staying between meetings I picked up a folder advertising the horse racetrack not far down the road.

I was interested in the fact that in order to eat in the Clubhouse overlooking the racetrack you had to dress a certain way. In other words, they had dress standards.

Men had to have on a coat — or jacket and a shirt and tie. No jeans, shorts, etc. The ladies were required to wear a dress or skirt and blouse. At the bottom of the folder it stated that you would not be allowed into the Clubhouse for dining unless you were dressed properly.

I could not help but think of how sloppy many of God's people dress for the church services. I am not talking about sinners coming to church. I am talking about those who claim to be saved who show up dressed like the world.

They come poured into a pair of pants or a short skirt or a dress that they have to keep pulling down. Or a low cut dress or blouse that reveals part of their breast. We should strive to be an example to the lost world.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I have been involved since 1994 in a campaign to expose a Satanic cult which has members in hundreds of countries across the world. I have discovered over these 7 years that this cult can be traced back to the USA where it was spawned in the 1970s. In the early 1970s, the CIA were involved in mind control research on human guinea pigs, this research program was called MK-ULTRA. Congress directed the CIA in 1973 to cease it's program but instead the CIA carried on it's mind control program, using "religious Cults" as fronts and covers for their research and practice.

The CIA recruited Jim Jones (his father was a Ku Klux Klan member), the head of the Indianapolis Church, The Peoples Temple Gospel Church. The CIA involvement with Jim Jones culminated in the so-called "suicides" in Guyana in 1978 of 911 members of The People Temple!

In March of 1997, Heaven's Gate cult leader, Marshal Applewhite (1931-1997) led his followers to commit mass religious suicide in order to reach an alleged passing alien UFO. They mixed poison with applesauce. They commit suicide in shifts, not all at once. It was calm and calculated. They took the poison and then put bags over their heads to suffocate themselves. Police arrived and smelled the rotting bodies. They were all dressed alike, wearing a patch on their arms that said Heaven's Gate. Some of the men had been castrated, surgically, to eliminate sexual urges. It's hard to imagine how a large group can be influenced to such a insane point. It shows the power of influence that we have as humans upon one another. Mob mentality is dangerous, or good, depending on the leader.

This is why the American newsmedia is so deadly. The Bush administration got caught orchestrating the 911 attacks, but they got away with it because of the power of the lying newsmedia. I saw a book at a Best-Seller bookstore, and now there's a show on TV, portraying Dick Cheney as a strong leader who's less than perfect. The truth is that Dick Cheney is an accomplice to one of the largest mass-murder conspiracies in history. 2,745 innocent American citizens were murdered on September 11, 2001 in the Trade Tower attacks. The thousands of exhibits of evidence are both circumstantial and solid.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the most evil sins in America is the use of sexual suggestiveness in advertising. What prompted me to write this article was doing some research on the evils of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). I noticed that the female CCM group “Point Of Grace,” on their album cover titled “A Thousand Little Things,” are pictured suggestively. For obvious reasons I can't show you the album cover, because it's inappropriate. They're all wearing skirts above the knees. This is wickedness.

Although modest by today's immodest standards, it is immoral by God's standards. The woman in the middle is sitting suggestively, subtly invitingly. The album cover is sexually suggestive, period. They know exactly what they are doing. All men who are normal and healthy have to battle continually against sexually impure thoughts. An honest homosexual told me that all men are sex pigs. Every man is either carnally minded and doesn't care, or he's a Christian who's trying to please God by bringing every thought into captivity unto obedience to Christ (2nd Corinthians 10:5).

Immodesty is a dangerous sin. Many men who have denied this truth have lived to reap what they have sown, proving my point. It's not uncommon to hear a pastor berating a relative or church member for committing sexual sins, and then one day they are guilty them self, on the other side of the fence now bearing the reproach of their sins. If that's you, know that the blood of Jesus cleanses all sins away. You'll never understand the grace of God until you mess up and people point their hypocritical finger in condemnation against you. Then the blood of Jesus will become sweeter than you have ever known.

But my teaching still stands, that is, women ought to cover their bodies thoroughly, dressing modestly and behaving ladylike. Modern female singers have impudent (a look of casual disrespect) faces, and they speak with authority like men, and they wear blue-jeans or miniskirts, shaming themselves and dishonoring the Lord they claim to serve. Immodesty is destroying our nation. Shame on any co-called Christian woman who wears her skirt above her knee, exposing her thighs for men to lust upon. Showing any part of the thighs invites a man's mind to think about her female reproductive organ. Why is that so hard to figure out? God judge this wicked generation!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The homosexual community have deliberately placed sodomite ministers into many churches to confuse the public. I heard President Bill Clinton once say that if leading theologians can't make up their mind on abortion, then how can he since he's only a layman in a Southern Baptist church? There are false theologians, unsaved liberals, who are deliberately promoted in the eyes of the public to confuse people on moral issues. However, there is no controversy if you believe the Bible. We're not supposed to look to theologians Mr. Clinton, we're supposed to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES as Jesus commanded in John 5:39.

It's on purpose that the devil's crowd have entered the pulpit, to confuse people even more. ANYONE can apply for a 501c3 state-license (a non-profit corporation) and label their organization as “a church.” The Church of Satan is a 501c3 organization. There are ordained and state-licensed Wiccan organizations, providing witches to perform weddings and funerals legally. So you have to be very aware of this fact when you hear about all the crazy so-called “pastors” doing bizarre and nutty stuff; ANYONE can call themselves “a church.” Since most people don't know the Scriptures, they are likely to believe almost anything they are told. Ignorance is a dangerous thing, whether unintentional or deliberate.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Freemasons have been involved in everything from the founding of Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses, to the perverted Greek scholarship of heretic's Westcott and Hort (upon which all modern Bible corruptions are based). Freemasons have hijacked our banking system through the Federal Reserve Bank and have put the lies of evolution into our public schools. They've also hijacked The White House. The saddest thing is your average ignorant, arrogant and cowardly churchgoer who doesn't think it's their concern. Get right with God! You'll never be closer to God than when you worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH (John 4:24).

There is a conspiracy ladies and gentleman, and it is more hideous and evil than you could ever possibly imagine, and it's happening right under our very noses (evidenced on the back of every U.S. one dollar bill). The same naive people who scoff and laugh at such a notion, are the same unfortunate people who've just lost their jobs, their homes and are being indebted to pay for food stamps, healthcare, housing and medical for millions of illegal immigrants who have entered into our nation without restraint. Whose kidding who? The Illuminati is largely synonymous with Freemasonry.

The movers and shakers of these power-elite groups meet annually at their Bilderberg meeting, each year in a different nation. They also group together to worship Satan each July at Bohemian Grove just 65-miles north of San Francisco, worshipping a 40-foot owl and burning a mock human sacrifice in effigy to it. (See, The Owl and Luciferianism.) Yet, the average naive Christian pastor praises these demonic men, because they publicly make a few religious statements that a speech-writer wrote for them in advance. These men know not God. Case in point, President Obama has already duped many pastors by claiming to be a Christian, which he clearly is not.

The Illuminati (more correctly called “Globalists” today) are a bunch of deceivers and liars, true to the nature of the the Luciferian religion, ready to serve the Antichrist when he soon comes. 2nd Thessalonians 2:9,10, "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." Notice that the Antichrist will employ "signs and lying wonders" and "all deceivableness of unrighteousness" in the unsaved. We are already seeing this much today. Here's some images of the Skull and Bones cross used in Russian Orthodox Catholic Churches, showing that the Illuminati has infiltrated the world's religions. The Russian Orthodox Catholic Church has their headquarters in Moscow; unlike the Roman Catholic Vatican centered in Rome. Both organizations are controlled by the Illuminati at the highest levels.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Be aware that at any time, law enforcement and related workers can break into your home to seize your children based on rumors or allegations from a teacher, a neighbor or even an anonymous tipster. This means you need to be rehearsed in your mind and to have a plan ahead of time. Don't wait for it to happen, chances are it will be too late then.

Put some kind of alarm on your home's entrances that will awake and alert you and your children to intruders. Anyone who breaks into your house is a thief whether they work for the government or not. (Be forewarned, that the courts will not recognize this, they back up Police and Children's Services 100% so you will see no mercy if it ever goes into the courts). Regardless, your children deserve proper protection from abuse by the state and it is your duty to resist any potential abductor. How are you to know who these burglars are anyway? They come like a thief in the night.

There are cases all over the United States of people dressing as Police Officers or Sheriffs to subdue women and rape them on highways and back alley-ways. Many even have cars marked the same as genuine law enforcement vehicles. In many towns, actual Police Officers commit heinous crimes themselves, their uniform and badge doesn't make them clean. Only integrity can do that, but the scrupulous Police Officer is hard to find these days.

david j. stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

1. Why didn't jets intercept the airliners since they had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?
2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial, citing an unidentified "threat" in July 2001?
3. Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane?
4. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom?
5. Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the attacks?
6. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the flights all use the term boxcutters?
7. Where are the flight recorders?
8. Why were the FISA warrants discontinued?
9. How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?
10 Why was security meeting scheduled for
9/11cancelled by WTC management on 9/10?
11. How did they come up with the "culprits" so quickly?
12. How did they find the terrorist's cars at the airports so quickly?
13. Why did Shrub dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force?
14. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93?
15. Why was no plane seen at the Pentagon?
16. How extensive was the relationship between the Taliban, the ISI and the CIA?
17. What exactly was the role of Henry Kissinger at UNOCAL?
18. When was it decided to cancel building a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan?
19. When was the decision made to send the FEMA to New York?
20. Why did FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney tell Dan Rather he was in New York on Sept. 10?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

But you need to know my friend that there has been an agenda at work for a very long time to overthrow our nation's government and enslave the American people. If this sounds bizarre to you, it is only because you have not been taught the truth. A great place to start is to watch “ENDGAME,” a free 2:19 hour eye-opening video documentary by Alex Jones. Also, please read “PAWNS IN THE GAME” by William Guy Carr, an awesome book exposing the New World Order. It is not mere coincidence that there are hardly any manufacturing jobs remaining in the U.S, we've been sold out! Read, Why No Jobs? And also, The Worst Gangsters Of The 20th Century! Americans should and could all be working top-dollar jobs if it weren't for the greedy corporations that exploit foreign slave labor, the criminal banksters who steal our homes, and the fraudulent Federal Reserve System that issues Funny Money and steals American citizens blind. The Illuminati want to collapse North America.

I recently read a website by a Baptist evangelist (I won't mention his name out of kindness), who criticizes the onslaught of negativity about America. He said that he's tired of people pointing out the fluoride poisoning in our water, the toxic chemicals in our food, the pollutions in our lakes and rivers, the danger of mercury-laced vaccines, the corrupting in our government, the threat of cellphone radiation, the lying newsmedia, White House fraud, the Illuminati influencing youth through movies and music, open borders, Communist public schools, illegal wars, the criminal Federal Reserve System, et cetera. He listed a bunch of other stuff too. He prefers to live on the sunnyside of the street and ignore these issues. I couldn't disagree with my Christian brother anymore. If we don't harp on these evil things (present dangers) and do what we can to stop them, then we get what we deserve and damn our children to a dark future. The United States has become a giant stinking cesspool (the place where sewers meet) of iniquity. Woe unto America!!!

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

I called the United States Internal Revenue Service [IRS] a few months ago and a Mexican woman answered the phone, speaking complete Spanish. I couldn't understand a word she was saying and only after saying 3-times, “Lady, I speak English,” did she stop talking Spanish. Truly, America has gone to hell when the IRS employs illegal immigrants to answer the phone. This is how OUR government treats American CITIZENS nowadays. Shame on them!


David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I thank God for the Bill of Rights. I thank God for the wisdom of our founding fathers. I thank God for the the First Amendment which gives us the legal right to freedom of speech, press, religion, and the right to peaceably assemble and protest. I am exercising my God-given freedom, by publishing this desperately needed article about the Godless and heathen public school system. There is no evil today like the Communist, humanistic, sexually immoral public school system. I detest the public school system! It is destructive to the faith of children!

Perhaps you are asking, "What is so wrong with the public school system? In a word, EVERYTHING! Perhaps a better question is: What is right about the public school system? The truth is intolerant my friend. 1 + 1 = 2. Now you can ignorantly claim that 1 + 1 = 3; but you'd be wrong (and probably a product of the public school system). Children are robbed of faith in God in public schools. Instead, children are taught that they evolved from "stardust" which somehow formed into a planet, and then life just happened. Children are taught that humans are animals. If this is true, then bestiality is acceptable, right? This is what the evolutionists teach is it not?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I honestly don't know how anyone can tolerate the cackling women on THE VIEW for more than 5 minutes. I heard Whoopi Goldberg scold President Bush for going into Iraq instead of Afghanistan to get the criminals behind the 911 attacks. Truthfully, our military should have arrested the entire Bush family and Bush Administration for 911. THE VIEW is bought and paid for by the criminal global elite, whose purpose is to dish out disinformation and false propaganda to confuse people even more than they're already confused. THE VIEW ought to be renamed THE LIE. It's a 3-ring circus! Apart from reading books (and watching videos) by authors like Texe Marrs and Mark Dice; and listening to genuine alternative news sources like Alex Jones, you'll never know the truth about what's going on in America.

Glenn Beck is a demonic Mormon, bought and paid for by the criminal global elite as controlled opposition. Don't follow him because he'll lead you astray. The Illuminati puts guys like him out there to appear to care like Alex Jones, but they will lead you away from the truth about the criminal Federal Reserve Banksters and the Bush Administration's involvement in the 911 attacks (real issues). The truth about 911 will eventually be irrefutably deniable (and it already is to those who take time and care enough to examine the concrete evidence); but by then decades from now (if the Lord tarries His return), it will be too late. It is common knowledge today that the White House had advance knowledge of what was going to happen at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. They needed a pretext to involve America into World War 2 and ultimately bomb Japan with nukes.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Allopathic Treatment is Frightening

Biblically, there is nothing wrong with treating the whole person. In fact, it is the proper way to treat an illness. So often medical doctors are nothing less than legalized drug-dealers, prescribing drugs and more drugs (many of which are dangerous). There have been umpteen news articles and books published revealing the dangers of modern prescription drugs.

Then there's the medical doctors themselves. Shockingly, doctors were responsible for 250,000 deaths in 2000. This is allopathic medicine, it treats your symptoms and NOT the underlying causes of your disease or ailment. Please don't misunderstand me... I thank God for doctors, but the pharmaceutical industry (controlled by the Rockefellers, et cetera) is out of control. If you want to survive as a medical doctor in today's world, then you have to play the game... DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS!!!

It's an injustice that so many people are being denied treatments to these diseases (like cancer) because of the greed of the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Read the frightening TRUTH. Natural remedies are perfectly Scriptural and a gift from God. Shockingly, the American public has had all sort of natural remedies deliberately hidden from then for decades. Read about how the FDA deliberately suppresses books on natural healing.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Missionaries are taught not to meet all the needs of the people they’re trying to evangelize and mentor in the Lord. The worst thing you can do as a missionary is to meet all someone’s needs, because when you’re gone they’ll fall by the wayside, never having learned to trust God. We all need to learn to trust God. Deuteronomy 8:3 tells us that God deliberately allowed the Jews in the Wilderness to go hungry before feeding them with manna from Heaven. They were so hungry that they wanted to go back to Egypt, and they complained to Moses like whining little spoiled brats. The Bible says that God didn’t feed them at first BECAUSE He wanted them to learn that “man shall not live by bread alone (earthly provisions), but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (the Bible). See also Matthew 4:4 where Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 to the Devil. Nothing has changed in 3,500 years. God still wants us to learn the same truths today.

Thus, your married child needs to learn to trust God. If you help your child financially, offer to pay half. It’s ok to help them, but not to the point where they expect it and you are hindering their faith in God. Each situation is different and nothing is set in stone except what God has commanded. Parents are prohibited from meddling in the marriage problems of their children. If you want to give advice, then it should be in love, and from the standpoint that you’re NOT taking sides. A wife should never be allowed to move back home with mama. If you allow it, you’re ruining a marriage.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is not a more hateful murderous gang of thugs than the Bush and Clinton Administrations, and those who support and work with them. From the Oklahoma City Bombings to the 911 attacks, the factual evidence is overwhelming. Popular Mechanics magazine published an article called "9/11 LIES: Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To The Hard Facts. What they don't tell you is that Benjamin Chertoff, the "senior researcher" at Popular Mechanics who is behind the article is none other than a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Tragically, the average American citizen is woefully ignorant of the crimes being committed against them.

We have a right to know what happened on 911; but the 911 Commission, the Bush Administration and all parties involved have done their utmost to keep the American public in the dark. Fortunately, there are people that do care, and we are not going to be quiet. Here's the complete text of the New York Court's decision to deny the public's right to access the complete oral histories/interviews taken from firefighters, and of other workers, concerning the 9/11 attacks. This also bars the public from information regarding phone calls made to the 911 emergency center that day. Before the records of the oral histories are released to the press, all mention of the opinions and recommendations of the firefighters interviewed must be deleted first, so the press will only get the interviewees' "personal expressions of feelings."

In other words, if a firefighter who was interviewed said, "I heard what sounded like explosions and I think it was bombs that took down those towers, it was all so horrible," the press will merely get the portion that says: "it was all so horrible." Additionally, transcripts of tapes of phone calls people made to 911 on the day of the attacks will not be released at all, because the Court said they would invade the privacy of the surviving families (even though surviving family members indicated to the Court that they waived such rights to privacy). It is monstrous what our leaders have done to us. The Bible says that the wicked shall be turned into Hell (Psalm 9:17).

John R. Rice #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In the eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians we find a remarkable teaching which ought to stir the heart of every woman. The Lord says, "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels." The word power here means authority. A woman ought to have a symbol of her husband's authority or her father's authority on her head. That is, a woman should wear long hair to indicate that she is submissive to the authority God has put over her. And this special reason mentioned here for a woman having long hair is that angels look on, and for their sakes a woman needs to have long hair.

jack hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

book has been written by Patricia Sexton called The Feminized Male. Half of America’s guns are owned by women. Long Island has a firegirl in their fire department. The military academy is now co-educational. There are now girls in the Boy Scouts. On the board of the Y.M.C.A. there are four women. One social expert has said, “By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”

Along with this trend is the trend of naming boys and girls the same names. Now I don’t mean to be unkind, but if you are going to name a girl “Jack,” put an “i-e” on it and make it “Jackie” or add an “a-l-y-n” and make it “Jacalyn.”

When a little boy is born, we let him grow long hair and look like a girl, (now I’m going to make someone mad here) we name him Francis, (and one of the best friends I have in this world is named Francis) we curl his hair and put him in what we call a diaper shirt, (which is no more than a dress) and then we wonder why he turns out to be a sissy! Brother, when a boy gets home from the hospital, put him in blue jeans and cut his hair! If you don’t, he’s going to grow up and look like some of you Samsons sitting here in this room tonight!

jack hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the great signs of the end time is the fact that the unisex movement is sweeping this country. Dr. Joyce Brothers said, “The melting together of the sexes is upon us.” Dr. Ralph Greenson, of the Gender Identity Clinics, called it the “sexual thinness.” Vance Packard calls it a “sexual wilderness in our country.” Herbert Marcuse calls it “sexual desublimation.” In the Barton County Community College in Kansas, enrollment cards were filled out. The question was asked on the enrollment card, “Are you male or female?” Two percent wrote “undecided.” Last year at Northeastern University, a 140-pound football player was named the “Winter Carnival Queen.” Judith Anderson is playing Hamlet. Mia Farrow plays Peter Fonda’s brother in “Some Like It Hot.” Olivia Hussey has played Romeo. (A lot of other hussies have been playing those parts, too!) There’s a TV show called, “My Brother, the Bride.” If you haven’t got enough decency to turn that thing off, sell your television set! Better still, break it in pieces! Some of you watch that kind of garbage! Some of you even let your children watch it! You turn homosexuality and pagan unisex programs on in your living room or den and say to your children, “Watch it!” You’re asking for heartbreak as sure as I’m behind this pulpit!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Pat Robertson is an evil man, part of the Illuminati. Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) promotes New Age psychologists for Christian leaders who need help. Literally, Robertson is controlled opposition for the NWO. As hard as it is to believe, these people are sincere, but Satanic. CBN sends gullible Christian leaders to be taught New Age chants and meditation instead of Biblical preaching. You'd be better off jumping off a bridge than going to the people they recommend. I'm leery of the whole mess. I expose them all for the trash they are. I don't mean to be unkind, but when CBN sends hurting marriages and struggling believers to New Age gurus for spiritual help, someone needs to get mad and take a stand for God!!! I am doing that by God's grace!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Illuminati, science & religion are all converging together to form a dystopian (dreary and decadent; the opposite of a utopian) society, where men will advance into Transhumanism (technologically improved humans). Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will become a reality & frightening robots (like AMEE from the movie, “Red Planet”) will be used in military applications. The technological advances in flying drone technology has been nothing less than breathtaking. One drone, the “Argus” can now spend 3-months in the air and monitor (film) 36-square-miles (all of New York). It can zoom in to read and photograph a candy-bar wrapper.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

20 citizens of Colombia and 15 citizens from the Philippines died in the World Trade Center attacks. The death toll for Israelis citizens would be expected to be much higher than that. New York is the center of international Jewish financial power, and the World Trade Center is at its epicenter. The international Jewish involvement in banking and finance is legendary. Two of the largest and richest firms in New York are Goldman-Sachs and Solomon Brothers. Both firms have offices in several floors in the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Many executives in those firms regularly commute to and from Israel conducting international banking and business. One would expect the Israeli death toll to be catastrophic. In fact, Israel first announced that 4,000 Israelis citizens were suspected to have been killed in the WTC attacks. That number was based upon the number of Israelis who worked at the WTC or had business in or adjacent to the WTC towers. Surprisingly, Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general confirmed that only three Israelis were killed in the 9-11-01 WTC attacks. Two Israelis were killed in the two planes which crashed into the towers, and one Israeli, who had been visiting one of the World Trade Center towers on business, was killed. That is it?! Only three of potentially thousands of Israelis working in the WTC were killed on 9-11?! How is that possible? 9-11-01 was not at Jewish holiday; so where were the Israelis who ordinarily would have been working in the World Trade Center?

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