
The(Real)AmericanCowboy #racist fstdt.com

Man, I couldn't agree with you more. This is the problem that were are facing in western nations. Multiculturalism only goes one way. We have a slew of Indians, Asians, Africans, Muslims, and Samoans moving into western nations and taking their cultural baggage along with them, but no white people are interested in moving into their nations. So, it's strictly a one way street; third world people are making a run to take over the western nations, but there's no reciprocal immigration. The problem is not a racial one; its' a cultural problem. These people do not understand our cultural standards and for the most part are not interested in conforming to western expectations. They think nothing of simply dropping their pants in the middle of a public street and defecating on the curbside. It's truly horrifying. You see them romping around in the streets wearign loin clothes and animal skins. It's like you're in some weird tribal village.

conservativevoice #fundie fstdt.com

*making a comment to "Human rights should not be put on a ballot."*


No one denied homosexuals any human right with this vote. A gay person can still love anyone they wish, live with them, have any career they want, live where ever they want, etc.

The problem with the gay rights movement is they keep expanding what has been know as both civil and human rights.....that is what is scaring off middle america. Since fundies make up a small percentage even of christians, it takes a lot of voters who are NOT fundies and NOT homophobes to vote something like this in.

What Really Is The Truth? #fundie fstdt.com

(After pointing out that there is no sin in newborn baby, as there is no sin a kitten or a puppy. I shouldn't poked that fundy)

If you look at a newborn baby you would know they are born sinners because they cry so much (there is much going on there); then, when they grow up we have never found a single human being in history that was without sin except Jesus to further prove the point. If you shut your mind down to reality of sin, you infuse more sin into your life, and that can't be a joyous life.

Children who have no moral center in life that is Christ don't grow up as happy because they have no direction except self. There is more to life than self. Living for others and not for self is better by far.

If sin didn't exist, there would be no need for jails.

God doesn't say you can save yourself by being a productive member of society, but through grace alone in Christ by accepting His perfect ransom. Your idea is entirely illogical, for you sin and even sin thinking there is no sin, so when someone kills someone else you think that is perfectly fine. How twisted! Only God can save. You can't save yourself. All sin needs to be punished one way or another. Deal with it! That's reality.

With the Holy Spirit, you can better know God's will for your life because you have accepted His only begotten Son, the perfect life, and have eternal life, an ability to know God and His will, whence before you were stumbling around in darkness.

(yeah, and children go straight to hell when they die, thank you very much. Wacko!"

Jayden's Mommy #fundie fstdt.com

I got this off someone who posted to my question. I don't know how you people think you can sit there and judge me with your stupid atheist hate back biting btch site. Christ said "do not judge" which is exactly what you do and I don't. I have 4 BEAUTIFUL children, and my hubby fights in Iraq for YOU and your kind, so shut the heck up! nobody cares what you think mister! At least I rais my kids with morals.

hah! only 4.8? PROUD fundimentalist

88\_NotC_/88 #racist fstdt.com

Go out to a major city after midnight if you want a bloody citation. Negroes have been fucking up society after bleeding ball liberals decided to remove their shackles.

Fuck Abraham Lincoln, liberal traitor.

Bigot #racist fstdt.com

Lt. Fred: This poll shows exactly how racist white Americans are. 1 in 6 Republicans desribe blacks as 'intelligent in school'.

Damn whites, whatever gave them those ideas!

Of course the fault is in white people. Whites think blacks are bad students NOT because black people ARE bad students, but because whites people are evil racists who want to hate on da black man for no apparent reason.

In a sane society blacks would wonder why they're not liked.

Black people vote for Obama because they hope that he will be able to end the endemic and institutionalised racism that has plauged them for the last two centuries.

I'm looking forward to see some grand improvements.

Will Derrickson: lol, are you trying to say that segregation was a good thing, American MinuteMan?

It wasn't good, but it was better.

PS. Political correctness is for niggers.

American MinuteMan #racist fstdt.com

I agree with Bigot. Remember, Will, I grew up during the segregation era. Life was a lot simpler for black folks, then, because they knew their place in society. Black folks would raise their families, go to church on Sunday, and spend time with their kids during the holidays. They didn't have any of these complex issues to deal with that that we've forced on them today. Our society has placed the black American in an impossible situation, and I know more than a few blacks who say that their lives were better before the civil rights movement.

88\_NotC_/88 #racist fstdt.com

^idiot, nigger is a bastardizatiin of negro which literally means black. It would be an observation by your criteria too. Dumbass liberals yourself should just kill yourselvess off before the country is flooded with spics/niggers.

A Conservative and Proud #fundie fstdt.com

You all know it's true. Liberals are whackjobs. Liberalism is amenatl disorder. There's something wrong with you if your liberal. And now your sending us all to Hell in a handbasket by electing Obama*coughmuslimcough*. A part me hopes he does win just so I can tell all you iditot assholes I told you so.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie fstdt.com

You are the one mentaly ill. You are just jeolus because I am Gods child. If you die and if your name isnt in the Book Of Life. You well go to Hell. My names in the Book Of Life. Is yours?

Will Derrickson #racist fstdt.com

[On the actual quote itself at the top of the page]

I dont mind Obama being president as long as the white house remains the white house.. not a "crib".
And the white house reamins a WHITE house, not a black house. As long as their isn't a KFC on every corner like McDonald's. As long as their isn't School uniforms that consist of gold chains, and Fubu jeans down to your knees.

Hmm.. Maybe this is what he means by "Change". Yea, I change my vote. I'd rather a pro war President. Atleast you know he's predictable.

LOL, this would be an awesome plot for the comic book my friends and I are writing. It's called Patriot Wars and its about a guy whose dad loses his job to a mexican illegal immigrant. He secretly becomes a superhero named The Patriot and he's kind of like Batman - he invents gadgets and stuff and swears to get revenge on the illegal immigrants who are taking away american jobs. My favorite gadgetso far is the exploding burrito. Its a burrito that lures mexicans in with its tasty aroma and then KABOOM. The Patriot also has red white and blue camoflauge that lets him sneak past Mexicans undertected. EVentually he finds himself in a complicated plot involving government corruption, communists, and Yiddish bankers.

JellyJuice #fundie fstdt.com


So a few priests fall from the way. The vast majority successfully remain celibate. The reason there are so many scandals is because pedophiles who realize they were born with unclean urges and that it is not right to act on them try to be priests so they have to suppress the urges. For most of them it works, just like anybody can choose to be celibate but a small number succumb to temptation. It's just that that's more scandalous and newsworthy than a priest who breaks his vow of celibacy with an adult.

Of course one of the big reasons for the fall is of course afterall, it is just Christianity. It's not as pure as Judaism. If only they required rabbis to be celibate. But they worship the same God and it's still a great way to promote celibacy for those of my kids that do choose the Catholic path of my husband. But those of my kids that choose to emulate me and choose the right religion, Judaism then I'm sure they are influenced by me and will believe in celibacy until marriage and that marriage is a union between man and woman. Since all Christian religions are a distortion, making it difficult but not impossible for them to go to heaven I will encourage any child of mine who decides to be a Christian to enter the priesthood, since they are strict when it comes to sin. That will give them the best chance of entering heaven even while worshipping the Jesus idol.

JellyJuice #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

This is absolutely sick. Being homosexual is not a sin.

Only actions can be sins.

If I did a genetic test and my baby was homosexual I'd tell him about it from the beginning and tell him that he's going to face unclean urges and that he must not act on them and must be celibate. I'd try to get him into the priesthood to make it more likely that he'd choose a celibate life.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

So how many people do atheists have to mock and slander before they think they can make God's Word go away? How many years have you and other atheists been doing this in the last 2,000 years? And where has it gotten you? Nowhere except to increase your anger. If anyone had proven that God doesn't exist, then forums like these wouldn't exist because there would be no point in them.

So let's say your anger turns to murder. How many people would you have to murder to think you can make God's Word go away? Everybody who believes in God? Then what? Then where would you turn your hatred of God? Would you start shooting the air? Or possibly using explosions? Then what? So how can your anger change whether or not God exists? If it can't, what purpose does it serve except to make you more angry and possibly turn you into murderers?Or is your only joy in life expressing hatred? If so, when will it be satisfied?

XenoNinja #fundie fstdt.com

Lol, anyone who things some animals are gay are just downright stupid.
(Good guy quote from post)
"But it is natural for a certain portion of our species (and many others). As far as I can tell, gays don't have any problem getting around the anatomy problem you think is some sort of hindrance.'
canniblism is also natural for some species of animal also, so should we allow it just because a bunch of dumb stupid animals do it??...didn't think so, you fail.

XenoNinja #fundie fstdt.com

[Submitted for the Shiny Mirror award.]

An earlier statement, from the same thread:
"I don't worship a book, I worship God!.. oh, and Satan did all the killing in the bible, not God. all God does is remove the protection, and then Satan moves in for the kill."

[If someone comes to assault, rape and murder you, and your mother says "well, I'll just get out of the way, then", even though she has the power (we'll say she's armed) and the legal right to defend you, is she still a good person? I'm saying this assuming you consider your mother a good person in the first place.]

"if my mother allowed that, then she is nothing but a cold-blooded murderer, and should be put to death."

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

Amen. Lennon's musical success sure took him far - right into the jaws of hell. I'd imagine Lennon's in the darkest part of hell, because the Communist regime that he founded led millions of people into secular atheism.

XenoNinja #fundie fstdt.com

Gen. 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
the fire & brimstone killed, not God.
Ex. 12:29 And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.
Pharohs soilders killed, not God.
Lev. 26:25 And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.
the pestilence killed, not God.
Num. 16:35 And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
the fire killed, not God.
Deut. 32:39 I kill.
that was Satan.


christian1 #fundie fstdt.com

Including the manmade error of atheism. People don't become atheists until they have had a chance to be thoroughly disenfrachised about God, by things said/ written by stupid "evil" adults.

XenoNinja #fundie fstdt.com

I don't worship a book, I worship God!.. oh, and Satan did all the killing in the bible, not God. all God does is remove the protection, and then Satan moves in for the kill.

(O rly? Then you must have a different bible than everyone else does.)

Nope! I have the true bible, everyone elses bibles are fake.

American MinuteMan #racist fstdt.com

I agree with you, Will. I wish our current administration had the wisdom you display. Unfortunately, I think the situation will only get worse, and both John McCain and Barak Obama support the illegal Mexican army that is invading our country. Our only hope is libertarian candidate Bob Barr.

Here is a poem that I wrote about what I see happening to our country:

We built a nation of sterling white,
Of gleaming towers and radiant light,
Cities flourished and prosperity reigned,
Will we let Mexico take away all that we gained?

We fought for peace and freedom rang true,
We had plenty of beer and tobacco to chew,
Children had respect and did what was right,
Are we now prepared to give up the fight?

I stand ready to defend my homeland,
And here at the border I make my stand,
No Mexicans will get by me,
I stand for freedom and security.

MessianicServant (SpecterSparten) #fundie fstdt.com

Specter's quote: "He's (Ghandi) a lying, murdering, thieving, adulterer who denies God. If you consider that a good person, your standards are low."

[By God's standards Mother Teresa is a horrible bitch who deserves to burn in hell too, and babies, and well everyone except himself. Yet he exhibits all sorts of bad traits but you Christians pretend that it magically doesn't count when God acts like a jealous, petty, megomaniacal, murderous madman.

I would consider Ghandi or actually, any of the people on this board to be better than your vicious, vile deity. My standards aren't low pal, yours are.]

afacelessatheist, it's not my place to judge Mother Theresa. However, I have my doubts about anyone professing Roman Catholicism as authentic Christianity. I sincerely hope that Mother Theresa (who DID model a Christ-like life and attempt to bring glory to God, unlike Gandhi) had an authentic and living faith in Christ as her savior, and was not looking to the pope, the sacraments, or the Roman Catholic church for her salvation. If she decided to live a Christ-like life in the hopes that her behavior would pardon her sins and get her into heaven, then I'm afraid God will not be impressed. What God is looking for is faith in Christ, not good works. The only question God will ask ANYONE at the judgment seat is not "did you try your best?," but rather "how did you respond to my Son?" I hope that when God asks Mother Theresa why she should be allowed into Heaven, that she will (or, I should say, has) respond(ed) "because Jesus died for my sins," not "because I was a good Roman Catholic."

LoneWolf1984 #fundie fstdt.com

(The following quote also used to be LW's signature on his DA page)

The rain drops are God's tears crying for your souls.
If you are picking on me cause I'm a christian. You are actully helpping me getting richer in Heaven. Every time you call me dumb or anything like that. You are really create a crown for me in Heaven.

GinnaRM #racist fstdt.com

[Originally posted by Distind
I can assure you this wouldn't be the first time I was refered to as such, just not a terribly clear post.]

If you don't want to be mocked for something, don't do it on the internet.
The Internet is the only free media we have. Jews control the Main Stream Media. But mark my word... they will try to control it by calling it "hate speech" or pretend to protect Christian children from porn as if the movies they make and TV are not cess pools.

If you people are truly that unaware of the predatory nature of the Jews don't call me ignorant.

JEWKILR88 #racist fstdt.com

Need anyone say more? Clearly as whites we must act pre emptively and there is no better time. Congress must make a plan for jew containment and removal before our next president takes office. Honestly I don't care if Obama wins I just want the country to start on a clean slate.

linda #fundie fstdt.com

Thread title "Greg Laurie's son killed":

I understand how sad this must be for his family, but Christopher at this very moment is talking to our SAVIOR! How awesome it must be to be in HIS presence.

JEWKILR88 #racist fstdt.com

You cunts think you're really fucking clever for some reason. At least acknowledge the deal of damage judiasm has done to the world and realize something must be done. While Hitler was in a few ways a nutjob, he at least had a vision for a better world. You are all completely fucked in the brain.

JEWKILR88 #racist fstdt.com

Someone had to step up to the plate and help accomplish the goal of removing the jews from my planet. Hitler unfortunately did not see past Europe as one of you pussies said, which is why I said he should have focused on the more important goal.

Don't you tree huggers realize that erasing judaism and islam would mean world peace?

JEWKILR88 #racist fstdt.com

This should have been done long ago so the jews would not bother the human race in such petty ways. If Hitler had dropped his plan to take over Europe and focused on his REAL goal, the American jews would undoubtedly be gone.

Darth Vader #racist fstdt.com

Adam, are you referring to me? I'm not a racist, but I don't mind saying that there are certain groups of people I'd rather not have in the United States. You will notice that I didn't say I don't want Arabs or Iranians, etc., in this country - I said I'd prefer not to see Muslims here, of whatever race. I don't like Islam and what it represents. I don't appreciate going to the county fair and seeing a guy with his wife covered over with a black sheet on a hot summer day. I don't give a rip what these people think about drawing cartoons of their pedophile prophet or about how I treat their sacred book. If I want to draw a cartoon of Muhammad (piss be upon him) with his pants down and kick his writings across the floor, that's my own business. I'm not a Muslim and I am under no obligation to obey or respect Muslim social norms.

Am I bigot? Frankly, I don't care. Islam sucks, and I'm not ashamed to say so.

Spectersparten #fundie fstdt.com

[Spectersparten brings up the Constantine story and gets it wrong, and asks where in the bible that it says to burn witches, kill idolaters, and steel (assuming he means steal) land. When it is posted on FSTDT, he tries to respond to their comments, it went something like this:]

I apologize for not being clear here, I go from the New Testament because those are the teachings I follow. After the death of Jesus on the cross, we are given leniency. Just like how God is against polygamy but Solomon and David both committed it. Now as for the Bible not being around before Constantine, true indeed, but where did the teachings of the Bible come from? the people who followed the teachings of Jesus so they did follow the teachings of the Bible, and those are teachings of love. Now remember, New Testament. God bless.

OlHenry #fundie fstdt.com

[Discussing women taking drugs to avoid the pain of childbirth.]

Don't worry. The pain you avoid here will be administered to you in hell, unless you repent and come to Christ as personal savior.

the Dirty Faggots troll, no doubt #fundie fstdt.com



(one post later...)


MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

[Fundy fight! CuttingEdge claims the Washington Monument is a phallic symbol, but MS believes it's actually a symbol that indicates that America is secretly a theocracy....]

This is absolute hogwash, CuttingEdge. How dare you affront out Christian heritage and suggest that America has Satanic foundations. The Washington Monument is not a pagan obelisk, but a symbol of Christ's reign over humanity. It points upward, towards Heaven, as a reminder that while the President may be the final authority on earth, God is the final authority over all creation and the authority to which even the government is answerable.

Jesusissavior #fundie fstdt.com

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Babies are born guilty, however, God understands this. It's called the age of accountability. Even though those babies were killed, it was the most merciful thing that could have been done, for they would have no doubt grown up to become the very same guilty adults that their fathers were. Instead, even though they died, we (Christians) will see them in heaven.

LoneWolf1984 #588531 #fundie fstdt.com

If you so smart. Then how did we get here?
When you see a building dids is come from a explosion? How can you believe all the beutiful things of the UNIVERSE. Like mountians and stars and trees and animals being made from a explosion? There has'd to be a Creator to all this.
Let me ask you a few quetions?
Say I wrong and there is no God. When I died I loose nothing RIGHT?
But say what YOUR are wrong? When you die you loose EVERYTHING.
Think about THAT.

Nequam_Lacuna #fundie fstdt.com

Most of the self-proclaimed intellectuals online are merely participating in intellectual masturbatory escapades...kind of like what goes on here [at FSTDT.com] ...well, minus the intellectual part.

I know lots of you are coming over to my site...yet the backslapping and high fives are only going on here...

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