
various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Wait... what?

( notsofreshfeeling )
Transgenderism is just MRAs trolling SJWs. That's all it's ever been.

( Lipsy )
The erasure of Female spaces and Women's rights, the destruction of safeguarding for Women and children, the capture of formerly respectable institutions, the depredation of scientific integrity, and the metastasis of two-tier policing and jurisprudence are absolutely not "just trolling".

( notsofreshfeeling )
Sorry I was being simplistic/glib. I meant strategic trolling in all forms and on a grand scale, including all of those end goals and consequences you've listed.

( Spencer_Shayy )
The lack of self awareness from this man, who is doing exactly what he's complaining about to women, is painfully cringey.

( shewolfoffrance )
I'm willing to bet he stole the language for this garbage from something an actual woman, perhaps even a TERFy one, wrote.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I’m seriously surprised he didn’t peak himself, there. Seriously.

( Mignonette )
It's almost funny when they end up calling each other out. They can smell everyone's bs, same as us - except their own. That's left steaming in plain view and called perfume.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I love when tims get angry at the amount of other tims in a subreddit, or out at the bar. It gives me life to read those posts

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Fluffy_gender )
Kamala talking about women when it comes to abortion
I don't know if you watched the debate where Kamala basically destroyed the orange liar. One thing I noticed was the absence of TRA nonsense language. She did talk about abortion as a women's rights issue and said the word women many times. I think this is encouraging, especially after the orange idiot went on with his lies about after birth abortions again. I think it's clear that TRA language is not winning anyone over

( Arenlaef )
I can't even pay attention to this election anymore, lol. I hate the Democrats so much, but my state is too purple now to not vote. And for me, it's not even about Kamala. It's the party as a whole and their bullshit lack of values outside of "get elected."

The other day some misogynistic liberal dude was going on an absolute insane diatribe about TERFs and how he feels we shouldn't even exist. How we're just the most evil creatures in the world and jealous because we're ugly, hideous hags who are somehow also obsessed with beauty standards.

Then I saw he had Harris/ Walz 2024 in his bio and it just occurred to me...I will be going into a voting booth and voting the exact way this man wants me to. This man thinks I'm the scum of the Earth for being a lesbian who is not open to having sex with men and in a few months, I will be driving down to my polling center and waiting in an hour-long line to cast a vote for a party that caters to people like him.

I cannot explain how bad this feels.

( notsofreshfeeling )
The Democratic Party platform is chock full of gender ideology and trans nonsense. They are not giving up that agenda but are simply masking it.

I'm not saying Republicans are better for women overall. But it's a shit sandwich.

( pennygadget )
I think its weasel behavior for democrats to pretend to know what a woman is when talking to normies and then go back to "birthing people" and "trans women are women" when actually creating laws

( Women1st )
She doesn’t know what a woman is. This is the party that believes lipstick and a dress make you a woman. Politicians will say anything to win. In the end, she values male feels over women.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans TikTok star Rachel Queen Burton pleads guilty to child abuse offences | Daily Mail Online

( LizardQ )
Where they're wrong about is that it's not a mask. This is how trans people are. This is AGP in a nutshell. I guarantee you this person was crossdressing way before they "came out" as a trans woman, and while they were also abusing children. They didn't do it to escape. This is part of their perversion. I don't blame people for not knowing this, but if you look under the rock, well I don't have to tell you guys.

That poor family.

( Autumn-Aprodithe )
The TRA will call this the exception of the rule. Everything is a rare case even though men are predators by nature and delulu land won't oppress those urges.

( songoftheworms )
I can't stop thinking about how his victims must have felt knowing this man was being feted and celebrated by thousands of members of the public at large. So many of them are "transitioning" because so many local governments have made it such a straightforward way to outrun legal troubles and debts.

For those TRAs who would insist transition is so difficult as to naturally dissuade anyone who isn't trutrans, doesn't reinventing yourself as a "female" TikTok star seem a little easier than getting shivved in the ribs for being a child rapist in male prison? Throw him into the fucking sea.

( Mignonette )
Is this transitioning once caught bs connected to the often regurgitated idea that women never get punished? If so, good luck dude, reddit lied to you.

( sdgjhflll1148 )
Funnily enough, this bottom feeder was trans before being caught, long enough to have a transtok following, so TRA's can't even claim that he miiiight be someone taking advantage of ridiculous prison assignments. Ed. Or that he's a human false flag a lá the Toronto teacher

Not that it matters, because by self ID rules anyone who says they are is huns xoxoxox 🦠

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Republicans Are Trying to Erase Trans Identity From The Law | HuffPost Latest News

( TheKnitta )
Not entirely sure why someone’s imaginary identity should be enshrined in law in the first place.

Sex is a fact. Getting off to wearing frilly knickers isn’t something that belongs on your factual ID documents.

( pennygadget )
I can't believe I lived to see the Republicans become the pro-science party while the Democrats tried to enshrine some crazy, misogynistic, homophobic religion into all facets of the law

( RighteousIndignation )
Sorry but theres no place in law for anything thats self defined. and the law proves that all the time with the lack of convictions for rape because of not enough evidence or they don't believe the woman.

why the hell should the law recognize peoples identity on their say so, when they don't believe rape victims are victims.

both are a case of believe what I am saying, not look at me.

a murder suspect identifies as innocent.

( MarthaMMC )

Advocates say the conservative push to define “sex” is not only politically motivated but goes against basic biology.

How has science & medicine been so corrupted as to lie like this? And their claims that this erases tran people- it just sets boundaries. They also lie about kids, saying that they don't get surgery. But the mastectomies of young girls that Drs. ADVERTISE on their social media disproves that. They also claim that there are no incidents or proof that TIPs are a danger to women & girls when they use single sex facilities. When the rapes that occur in prisons in other countries & in the US disprove that. As well as TIMs own social media posts about flashing & leaving semen in women's restrooms. As well as exposing male genitalia to women & girls in changing rooms. The comments are TRA except for a few. There needs to be a list of such incidents to use as factual evidence. It also claims that trans ppl are in danger of being outed if their documents don't match their gender identity. TBH, most are outed by their appearance-esp TIMs.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The peasants are revolting on NYT, and it is glorious!

( Mizuna )
I'm just waiting for the preference cascade. It's coming. The trans cult operates on fear and censorship, and once the general public is able to speak freely, it's over.

( jelliknight )
We need to be prepared to capitalise on this when the moment comes.

Yes! Trans was bullshit. Yes! Women need their sports, spaces, and prisons back. AND...

We need to talk about where to direct the energy thats coming so it doesnt become"and thats why women need to get back in the kitchen so mids dont get "confused" again."

How about "AND this is why women need equal representation in politics and decision making"

"AND this all ultimately stems from porn addiction and infiltration into our culture, and we need to wind it back to a sensible level like we have done with cigarettes"

"AND the rad fems have been calling this issue out for like 5 decades now so maybe listen to them on other issues before we hit the "mutilated children" levels of that too?"

( syntaxerror )
Thank god. It will be a domino effect, emperor has no clothes type situation I believe. Most people don’t agree with at least the most extreme parts of this movement (some people will probably always believe that there are True and Honest transpeople, but baby steps), but they haven’t been able to speak up because they know it’s not worth their job and their friends.

But if someone lets them know it’s OK to disagree I believe it will all come flooding out, gradually at first but with increasing fervor as all the voices join together.

I believe it is the beginning of the end for this strange time in western social politics. Maybe I’m too optimistic but I hope so

( ApricotThoughts )
I also really REALLY hope someone on Biden's 2024 campaign team are paying attention.

( tuff_terfies )
I've said it before and I will say it again; it is not a question of whether he is a true believer, which I don't think he gives two shits about trans or kids (except the little girls he pedos out on) or anything. It is about who is paying for his campaign and the strings attached to that purse.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs claiming oppression? Is the oppression in the room with us?

( vulvapeople )
The oppression is that someone, somewhere doesn’t buy into their identities. When you look at every individual thing they complain about and call “violence”, that’s it.

Any sexuality group they desire doesn’t want them (lesbians v. AGPs, straight men v. HSTSs, straight women v. lesbian TIFs, gay men v. straight TIFs)? Women don’t want to be TIMs’ besties? A religious institution won’t let them into wrong-sex accommodations? A child expresses fear at seeing them in a wrong-sex space? A woman smirks at a TIM? Oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, because, in each instance, the rest of us are saying they aren’t what they’re pretending to be.

The genius in this is that there will never be a time to the heat death of the universe that they won’t be “oppressed”, so they get to milk their victim complexes forever.

I genuinely believe this is one reason Ellen Page transitioned. Pre-transition, she unsuccessfully tried to claim oppression for such things as most media being geared toward straights (gays and lesbians are ultimately a very small minority, they’ll never have the representation that would satisfy her), but it failed to land since most LGs recognize that reality and have moved on. So, she transed.

( emissch )
They genuinely think that others who don't validate their "gender identity" is an act of violence upon them. "Not acknowledging the existence of trans" is in their view a form of oppression. It's essentially saying, if you don't do what I say or believe what I tell you to believe, you're oppressing meeee.

It's not surprising that some of the most privileged people in world history came up with that argument. they have literally nothing else to complain about.

( OwnLyingEyes )
They mistake overblown and ungratified sense of entitlement for oppression. Mostly they act creepy and offputting and then shriek and complain when people are creeped out and put off.

( OverTheWall )
This is the issue with a lot of people part of the “alphabet soup club”, they think dressing and acting like kind of weirdo is a “sexuality” and cry oppression /bigotry when they can’t get hired or when normal people don’t want to be around them.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

we just want to live our lives by controlling yours

( MaryDyer )
“And smokebomb lesbian conferences, call black women the same as men, punch pensioners in the face, threaten to rape with our girldicks, usurp the word woman and then reduce it to a feeling, an abstract concept, and spinny dresses, then usurp the word female while also making it meaningless, claim that sex is a spectrum, make sexual orientation about gender and not sex…”

( Wokeuplate )
And threaten to beat, maim, or kill you if you disagree with any of this.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Don't forget rape. "Trans" people love to threaten to rape you!

( RighteousIndignation )
and rigidly enforce gender roles and fashions and behavioral expectations, and hobbies and interests.

and mess up medical statistics, crime statistics, population statistics.

and appropriate other peoples rights movements, organizations and flags/symbols.

and rewrite history to centre trans and trans historical events and figures.

and appropriate medical conditions like DSD.

( neonbandit )
I would add: Letting mediocre male athletes cheat in sports. Deny women and girls language and that spaces to describe our unique sex based reality. Chemically castrate children.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Is this evidence the tide is ebbing?

( miss_frankie )
I think that “peaking” is an overwhelmingly one-way process and it would be incredibly rare to have your eyes opened to the inconsistencies of gender ideology and return back to believing in it. The only reason I can think of is someone that started detransitioning and found the reality of the irreversible changes that have occurred to their body too overwhelming to accept.

That means that every single day X number of people “peak”, which means X more people are gender critical compared to the day before. So it’s only a matter of time until the majority of the population see that it’s all a farce.

( viscerally )
The prospect of getting hate might make people pivot too. I know people who’ve been very skeptical towards the ideology to completely fall for it, putting pronouns in their bios and fawning over Dylan Mulvaney. But they are all women who would rather eat pee stained gravel than not be seen as allies in any type of social justice issue.

( overanddone )
I see hopeful signs everywhere. It may just be my fervent wish.

I think continual outrage is hard to sustain.

( Tortoisemouse )
Me too. I keep seeing hopeful signs. I think the trans movement has gained all the traction it can and the "captured" organisations are starting to break free of the TRA and those who resisted capture continue to question. Most ordinary people on the street do not believe TWAW/TMAM in any sense so the whole project is starting to stall.

( no- )
The thing that gives me hope is that genderists lost this battle before it even started. Men will never become women, women will never become men. They can push this ideology from the top down as much as they want, set women’s rights decades back, censor and ostracize lesbians, mutilate and sterilize people, groom children and separate them from their families, but ultimately, there’s nothing in store for them but hubris. I see no future for this reality denying death cult, its destruction is built-in.

Alalies #transphobia ovarit.com

I feel like a big part of the TIM mindset is recognizing their strong sexual urges and behaviors are creepy, and misapplying that feeling to being male. “If I were a woman this wouldn’t be creepy!” Instead of realizing that it’s the urges and behaviors themselves that are creepy.

Unfortunately, they come to subs filled with other TIMs who tell them they’re not creepy, they’re normal, and then that affirms their belief that it was the maleness that was wrong, and not the behavior.

Ironically, this was recently posted on one of the more based lesbian subs.

sylviasmushrooms #transphobia ovarit.com

History will judge us on gender | Shonagh Dillon | The Critic Magazine

I’ve started calling things what they are, just to watch gender people squirm.

Trans woman = Man who pretends to be a woman.

Trans man = Woman who pretends to be a man

Gender = sex stereotypes

Puberty blockers = depriving children of the right to the natural process of physical and mental maturation

Gender affirmative care = approaching confused kids with the premeditated endgame that they are trans and require treatment.

Childhood transition = modern castrati

Top surgery = elective and medically unnecessary double mastectomy

Bottom surgery = flaying a penis and stuffing it into an artificial wound, or flaying skin from a thigh or forearm and grafting it onto a clitoris

Nonbinary = self-centered and aggressively average in every way except their ability to overestimate their capacity for original thought

“Be kind” = “shut up”

“Protect trans kids” = sterilize gay and autistic children with a smile

“Living your truth” = lying about everything you’ve ever authentically been

Egg cracking = “I am upset when we are not about me??”

Passing = LYING and sort of getting away with it

Gender euphoria = arousal

Trans lesbian = straight man

Preferred pronouns = compelled speech

Queer = ???????

Intersex = outdated term for people with an actual medical condition who have nothing to do with trans.

LGB = same-sex attracted individuals who have nothing to do with trans

Cis = mean-spirited, derisive moniker to label normal people without their consent

Woman = adult human female

Man = adult human male

Child = underage person who cannot consent to tattoos, piercings, sex, or sex changes

Kim Petras = castrato with octogenarian hips and no sex drive

Jazz Jennings = castrato with depression and obesity and no sex drive

Hormone treatment = intentionally creating a hormone imbalance

Trans rights = privileges the rest of us cannot access

It’s AMAZING how uncomfortable these so-called progressives are when you point out what they’re actually supporting, without the manipulative emotional music and hazy montages about “trans joy.”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Rules for thee, but not for me.

( worried19 )
My biggest gripe is that it's not even accurate. I am not "cis" according to gender ideology. I feel no affinity with femininity or womanhood. I don't "feel like" a woman in any way, shape, or form. If I had been given a choice, I would have preferred to have been born male.

None of that makes me any less female. It doesn't make my sex less real. Women who have complicated or negative feelings about their biological sex are women, too.

( Autumn-Aprodithe )
Why do they get angry when you call a man in a woman costume a man? that's what they are. Why do they get upset when real women don't want biological males in their safe spaces? That's what I would like to know.

I'm not a cis, I am a woman. I did not give these transvestites permission to call me anything else besides a woman so I have a right to say no to that crap.

( SilentKnight )
According to gender ideology itself, radfems aren't even "cis". We'd all be nonbinary or transmasc or something because we don't identify with the sexist "gender assigned at birth". Or agender because we don't have a gender identity.

( Women1st )
It’s a label. You don’t get to appropriate my language and then label me to validate your BS delusion. Would you think it’s acceptable to label another race, ethnic group, etc?

( kuzcos_poison )
They do though. Latinx is the one example I can think of, and I'm pretty sure it's now being phased out because of the refusal and backlash from Latin American/Hispanic people.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I don't like being called "cis". Shouldn't my preferences be respected, asshole?

RuneOwl #transphobia #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: What is the ideal endgame for you concerning gender ideology?

1. Sex segregated spaces for women and girls (bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, etc.) will be universally protected, with mandatory jail time and lifetime sex offender registration for men who are caught infiltrating. Repeat offenders will be either institutionalized or imprisoned for life


3. Total and complete ban on male inclusion in organized women’s athletic competitions on every level, from high school sports to the Olympics. Violating this rule is punished as a form of cheating that warrants a lifetime ban from all future competition, even in the men’s division. Zero exceptions. This applies not just to TIMs, but intersex men with a Y chromosome (you’re not a woman just because your balls are on the inside, Caster Semenya). Women’s sports will no longer be seen as a category that failed men can be lumped in with

4. Stringent free speech laws that protect people, especially GC women, from being deplatformed or discriminated against. We have the right to press hate crime charges against trans activists who attempt to use intimidation, threats, or slander to silence feminist critics. Under no circumstances is “misgendering” or “deadnaming” a punishable offense, and it is illegal to compel anyone to use special pronouns

5. Total ban on both medical transition and any manner of “gender-affirming therapy” for minors. Children will not be allowed to socially transition, either—schools will have to protect GNC minors, and genuinely distressed kids will receive counseling that is structured to help them accept themselves as they are. Any parents that try to coerce or enable a child under the age of 18 to medically transition, whether it’s buying black market hormones online or taking them overseas to get surgeries, can expect to face felony child abuse charges

6. Regarding adult transitions, the medical community will move away from the “affirmation” model and return to stricter gatekeeping than ever before. It will not be considered an option at all for anyone with a criminal background or certain severe psychological disorders. Years of mandatory therapy should be required before even hormones are made available. Gender dysphoria will be understood as the severe mental illness that it is and not a normal thing like sexual orientation

dragonheart , sensusquaeram & Ellexoh #transphobia ovarit.com

( dragonheart )
What is the ideal endgame for you concerning gender ideology?
Obviously, all of us here are against this ideology in one way or another but I wonder what would be the ideal outcome for all of us?

Personally speaking, the biggest one for me is seeing women's same-sex spaces and sports legally protected from men/TIMs period. No exceptions.

Women should also have a right to gather for whatever reason and legally be able to exclude TIMs.

If TIMs and pickmeisha's want to create their own spaces and sport leagues, they are welcome to it and I have nothing against it.

I also don't think that anyone under 18 should be able to medically transition - it's irreversible damage that can never be undone should they regret it - so that should also be illegal. They don't allow children to get tattoos so how is it they're allowed to be irreversibly mutilated under surgery?!

Consenting adults can do what they like with their bodies, even if I don't agree with it.

( sensusquaeram )
Everything already said here about women's sex-based protections and gender abolition.

I'd go further though -- all "trans" procedures should be abolished, with robust evidence-based medical and mental health care in place for those already "transed" as well as destransers/desistors.

Reasoning: affirmative psychological and medical procedures are not civil rights or liberties, they are dangerous experimental procedures. Challenges to the Dutch Protocol and emerging evidence reveal they do not improve mental health, physical health, or quality-of-life measures long term. (If they did reliably improve those measures long term, and if "gender dysphoria" were a discreet condition, we'd be seeing very different emerging evidence.)

It's a medical misadventure based on shaky evidence from a questionable discipline (sexology) with a fraught history and advanced by activism, not need. It's not treatment -- it's mistreatment. Medicine and psychology need to do better.

( Ellexoh )
The endgame for me personally would be getting my grandson (who thinks he's a girl) to speak with me again, to realise he lost a good thing when he prioritised an ideology over his family.

The endgame will never happen as a whole. The ideology has to be chipped away at by individuals, by parents, by sensible lawmakers, by strong women. Men can't be us.

mathlover , VestalVirgin & TheChaliceIsMightier #transphobia ovarit.com

Utah bill would require inmates to be housed based on sex, creates transfer request system for transgender people - Deseret News

( mathlover )
This would be OK if it was acknowledged that 100% of the men who say they are women will be a threat to the safety of any/all women they would be incarcerated with. I think it is a waste of time and money to go through the motions. But OK, as long as there is only one outcome - people are imprisoned with others of the same biological sex.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, any man who wants to be imprisoned with women is a danger to women, because no decent man would demand that. Obviously.

And even a man who does not want to be imprisoned with women, because he isn't a rapist, would infringe on women's privacy if he were to be put in a women's prison, so ...

There is no kind of man who should be in a women's prison.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
I think the statistic for how many female inmates have experienced sexual abuse of some kind is like 80% so yeah… none of them need the added trauma of having penises in their space.

MardyMcMare , littleowl12 & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Rip Curl makes huge damage control move after outraged Aussies tried to cancel the iconic brand for using a trans woman to promote women's surfing | Daily Mail Online

( MardyMcMare )
Do advertising companies exist in some kind of vacuum? How can Rip Curl not have heard about other disastrous instances of using TIMs to advertise to women? Do they think they’re the first people to ever think of using men pretending to be women, rather than actual real women? Do they believe women will think “Gosh, how stunning and brave these men are, wish I could be like them, what are they selling, I want it NOW”?

Good on Australian women for kicking back.

( littleowl12 )
I don't feel sorry for companies that want to pay bottom dollar instead of top dollar for the most skilled, honest, marketing strategists. They want to hire temp noobs and get what they deserve.

I'll concede, though, that they don't have a very good pool of applicants. Most university grads only learn Woke and DEI propaganda. They don't actually believe that their job is to make your company money. No, no, that's just a cover- their REAL job in life is to spread the gospel of all things Woke. They'll happily collect a check from you, but they don't think they're honor bound to deliver what you wanted, which was a sales boost.

This is the problem with Woke thinking. There are no other values than Oppression Dungeons And Dragons. Work ethic is not a real thing. They moan about the plebians not having enough money, but don't connect that boosting sales means the company makes more money, and doesn't have to lay off workers.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Fuck YES, ladies! We can make a difference. They will never silence us. They can go on and on about how hateful we are but at the end of the day, the vast majority of sane, non-hateful ppl agree that men should not be competing against women in sport.

Men cannot become women. No amount of "testosterone suppression" can make men as a class on the same physical level as women as a class.

They can cry all day long, delete 80% of pro-women comments from reddit, call us all manner of horrifying names, threaten us with physical violence and sexual assault, and all that does is peak more people


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The trans flag is homophobic

( RighteousIndignation )
As a single, straight adult white women whom is approaching middle age. to me it just screams oppression.

and yes I think the single part is relevant it already affects life when you are on your own about where you feel safe going and at what time of day, that oppressive flag symbolises even more places being unsafe to go.

( neonbandit )
For me personally this is the exclusionary flag. I am not gay, trans, queer, black or brown. This flag tells me I am not welcome or included. The rainbow flag didn't feel like that because it was about a specific thing: same sex attraction. This is the let's throw race in there just cuz it'll legitimize our insane position flag

I also find it interesting as a woman I cannot gather with other women (real women) publicly anymore without being the potential creepy TiM coming in, yet women are not represented on this flag.

( thesnorkmaiden )
This flag makes me very sad. It's impossible to ignore that every single person in the entire world is supposedly represented by this flag except straight white people. It's a flag for people to unite against their oppressor, but I don't feel like an oppressor, and my children are certainly not oppressors. But hey! Any straight white person can easily opt out of the oppressor class by just identifying as any number of flavours of "queer." It's a blatant "us vs. them" move and it is so clearly not the right way forward. Every single public building and business in my city has this flag on their front door with the message "everyone welcome." But I'm not welcome, and my kids are not welcome. This flag tells me as much. I know that the whole movement is stupid, and that people are simply not thinking about what they're really saying, so I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes I just feel so hopeless because where I live is all in on this flag and this ideology.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Misogyny, racism, and homophobia. That's what I see when I look at this ugly ass flag.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Do you have a minute to support trans kids?"

( DurableBook )
One of them once asked me, very aggressively, "So what if one of YOUR kids tells you they are trans, huh?!"

I replied that I would reassure my child that there is nothing wrong with who they are, and I would try to find out where they got the idea that they need to change themselves in order to be okay.

I was informed that I am a hateful bigot who practices conversion therapy.

( TwoXChromosomes )
There is no such thing as a "trans kid".

( befana )
This would have been my reply, too. And I am always ready to go into a discussion about why it is wiser to change society than mutilate children whose behaviour is questioning gender stereotypes.

( syntaxerror )
Human nature and human history is shockingly cyclical. You would think it wouldn’t be, what with every generation increasing our collective knowledge, especially with the internet, but it is.

Every decade, every century, there is a new snake oil or lobotomy. A medical miracle that breaks the bounds of modern science! Sure, it seems a bit unorthodox and medieval, but look at the amazing effects it has!

The problem is, with each passing century we get better technology, meaning that the damage in some cases can be far more catastrophic and far reaching. As we see here. It’s weird because I can already see the thinkpieces, documentaries, books that will be written on this time from 2015-2025, these ten years where this all spiraled out of control, and the fallout, which has yet to be fully understood. Can you imagine what they’ll think of us years from now? I suspect that a lot of dissenting voices will be lost to time but at least we can feel proud that we didn’t mindlessly agree to castrate and sterilize adolescents in name of pseudoscience

( IrishTheFrenchie )
"Do you have a minute to talk about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"

"Do you have a minute to talk about Scientology?"

"Do you have a minute to talk about the Revelation?"

Do they even hear themselves?

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? I was just thinking this. My reply would've been, "No, I'm not religious", because 1) what this handmaiden said literally sounds like a Jehovah's Witness proselytizing, and 2) the belief in "gender identity" is akin to religious beliefs.

dobby , OwnLyingEyes & glimmer #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

JKR faces legal repercussions for attacking a cis woman[sic] but not trans people? Double standards much??

( dobby )
“cis woman”?

Isn’t Khalif a biological male? They may not be a trans-identifying male, but but biologically they are male.

That seems relevant in the matter of fairness in women’s sports no matter how much people want to ignore this athlete’s biology.

Also, this twitter person sounds unhinged.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Yes, he's a biological male, however he was (probably) mistaken for female at birth, which allows them to call him a 'cis' woman since that would have been his 'assigned gender at birth.' Yet another reason to not use their stupid term. Only women are women, women are female, and so as Khalif isn't female he's not any kind of woman.

( glimmer )
And since "cis" is a completely made up term anyway. He may be "cis" but there is no doubt every cell in his body is XY male. And I think there's LITTLE doubt he identifies as a male as well in private.

This is why I'm not "cis" "trans" or anything else but a WOMAN on the basis of being biologically female.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The lies behind the ‘conversion therapy’ panic - spiked

( mathlover )
It neatly sidesteps the fact that any kid who say they are, or think they are, "trans" has already been subject to conversion - in schools, by medical/psych practitioners, in the home. Many (?most of these kids will be incipient gay boys or lesbians, or "gender nonconforming" girls). This law tries to make sure that the conversion "therapy" that brainwashed kids into the TCult won't be undone to help kids grow up to be healthy gay/lesbian or just gnc adults.

The lawsuits need to be a relentless flood that will force open public discovery of what is being done to kids.

( littleowl12 )
Transition is the ultimate conversion therapy. You got guys like Blaire White claiming his relationship with Joey was "straight." You got Adeeah on TikTok claiming that he is straight. All these HSTS losers claiming to be straight. Shortened lives and mutilated bodies.

( Spencer_Shayy )
What sucks for guys like Blaire White, Dylan Mulvaney, and Rapey J Penis is that they looked so much better before they decided to LARP as women. They would've been a lot happier (and maybe slightly less horrible people) if they just accepted how they were.

Rapey J Dennis could've just been a regular incel lol Blaire could've just been a regular gay dude, and Dylan would've just been another annoying theater kid.

But in this day and age, being yourself is boring.

( DurableBook )
Seriously, all the "conversion therapy bans" make me pull my hair out for the same reason:


"Gender affirmative health care" is conversion therapy, by definition. What it affirms is that the person is not okay the way they are and must change. That's it, that's the whole fucking thing, that is what it is.

Yet every single one of the "conversion therapy bans" being pushed today is being pushed specifically to protect the conversion therapy practice known as transition.

I 1000% support bans on conversion therapy, and I 1000% know they are needed, because conversion therapy is happening on the largest scale we have seen so far in history...it's called transition, or gender affirming care, or whatever new buzzword the trans lobby comes up with for their mantra that some people need to change their entire selves or else die.

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( Dusty )
Does anyone else feel like they're the only sane person in the asylum?
I was watching Khelif's latest interview, in this one he's wearing makeup and acting very demure and "feminine", unlike every other time we've seen him flexing his muscles and every other video or picture of him where he's barefaced and strutting around and posing like a "cool guy".

So now, you'd expect anyone with eyes to see that he's putting on a performance, right? No, suddenly it's "See! She was a woman all along. Look how feminine she is here!"

I mean, this a joke, surely? Are people really buying this bullshit? It's like watching the world's worst confidence man dressing up as a woman to scam idiot aristocrats in a 60s screwball comedy. To the audience, it's obvious the conman is a man dressed as a woman, and we all laugh as the dumb aristocrat fawns over them and calls them a beautiful woman. I mean, as a society, we used to understand the joke, we used to see this for what it was. What's happened?

( NoName )
They know he's a man. They're just enjoying gaslighting people.

As far as being sane, this is the only forum I can go to where this can be discussed without being shut down.

Actually, I can barely even call men out for violence against women. That gets me called a "misandrist" and people pretend just as many women beat up men as the other way around. It's nuts.

I feel sane here. Y'all are sane.

( Dwarfjade )
I feel crazy too. No one irl wants to hear me complain about two people with Y chromosomes winning women’s Olympic boxing. Oh well

( Chronicity )
Watch how people call him a “cis woman” and act like it’s ludicrous that anyone would clock him as a man. We are supposed to believe there are legions of women out there who look just like this man.

But these same people accept without question that TIMs will experience life-threatening gender dysphoria if they can’t look like women do. You know, like the complete opposite of Khelif.

( CrimsonSoleil )
That’s a great point. If women can look like this boxer, why have any surgeries at all?

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

Women come in all shapes and sizes

( RusticTroglodyte )
the pic with his obvious bulge showing totally kills me

( spacykate )
Also the pic of him sparring with a crotch guard. Come on.

( Jehane )
Male aggression, right there. No wonder the Italian boxer gave up after 40 seconds or so. Any woman in her right mind would be scared shitless if a man came at her looking like that.

( MaryDyer )
Yep. That pose and expression are 100% male. I’ve seen some angry women before but I’ve never seen one in such a male-typical rage-posture.

( DoomedSibyl )
It’s astounding that so many people are still insisting that he’s a fully normal woman. He’s frightening and so very, very male in every picture I’ve seen of him. People are so vulnerable to suggestion and what is essentially mind-controlled marketing and advertising. For years now I’ve wondered what things I believe that are completely false.

( KageThornback )
Not so astounding when supposedly trusted major media is running the narrative that he's female. I was having dinner with a few friends and one friend brought him up unprompted and she had a little rant about the injustice of it all. This was a pleasant surprise as I usually have to bite my tongue and consciously try not to talk about trans bullshit around these friends because they are 'normies' and I can tell they are getting bored of my rants. Sadly, as a much less pleasant surprise, the next time I met with this friend for a coffee a few days later she started telling me about how she was wrong about everything and owed 'her' an apology because she read a BBC article about how imane is just a really special woman after all.

( Sonnet )
Female people pointing out that many TIMs have recognizably-masculine features = SEXISMMMMMM! Against gender non-conforming women of course, this has nothing to do with male feelings.

Male people obsessing about their next breast augmentation or facial-feminization surgery = Well if I can’t be a woman who looks like a porn star I might as well be dead, you know?

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( faerieclaire )
Finally got banned from 2x for…
….saying you shouldn’t be in women’s sports if you have XY chromosomes LMAO

“2 x chromosomes” my ass, they couldn’t care less about women over there. I shared the articles from Khelif’s trainer and coach, saying he had a “chromosome/hormone problem” and that it was unfair for him to be against women etc, and even WITH the evidence, people are saying I’m lying/wrong! Yet they have no evidence of their own to share…. 🙄🙄🙄 Even that one picture with his dick clearly visible in his shorts, people are like “oh well you THINK you see a dick on her” WTF else would it be!? 💀

Hope this is the right place to post something like this, I’m just annoyed with the state of the world in general and wanted to vent for a minute

( Hex )
TwoX is males central. Creepy men who scare women in real life have a place where they can be faceless wolves in women's clothing and get all the attention and validation they want. It's always funny when you clock a TIM just from the male reek of their comments, and lo and behold, they post in TwoX or MtF subs, with a dash of weird porn subs.

( KateAmanak )
I think I just had an insight. Men are particularly drawn to the most female possible spaces specifically and profusely. So XX and lesbian subs. They end up taking over them without noticing others do exactly the same.

Sorry I know this sounds obvious but I used to think they generally took over reddit because they're just chronically online incels taking over the site generally. Now I realize there's a fetish / ego component of specifically taking that space exactly because they shouldn't. And they all equally do that by individual fetishistic reasoning without realizing that they're doing it collectively.


( RappaccinisDaughter )
It is kind of hilarious that they all think they're the only man there.

( syntaxerror )
It reminds me of that funny comic where three men are standing by themselves, naked, in a women’s locker room with horrible makeup and wigs with the caption “Well this fucking sucks.”

Or that one where a couple of wolves stand up in a flock of sheep and take off their sheep costumes once they realize that literally the whole flock of “sheep” is all wolves in sheep costumes.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, they get violation thrills. It is a feature, not a bug.

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com


( RusticTroglodyte )
Literally nobody is saying Imane is trans. We're saying he's a man...bc he is

( a_shrub )
Why would homophobia have anything to do with sending a man that you're pretending is a woman to beat the shit out actual women? Nobody's said anything about his sexual orientation.

( overanddone )
He's not trans, sir, he's just a man. Cheating for profit and fame, who likes to hit women.

He has said he's not trans. That part we believe. He's just a poser.

( BiblikliAkyeretTerf7 )
Why do so many of these freaking idiots believe Islam is transphobic??? Why are they so sure of this "fact" when it's easily proven false?! There's a reason there are more countries in the world that accept transgenderism and have legally sanctioned it compared to countries that have accepted/sanctioned homosexuality, and the reason is: ISLAMIC COUNTRIES.

So even if the man is "trans" (which is auch a nebulous, ill-defined term as to be meaningless anyway), the fact that he is from a country that was invaded, raped, and conquered by Arab muslims would not negate that about him. AT ALL. Islam is, for the most part, fine with transgenderism. Many muslims see transgenderism as an alternative solution to homosexuality (that is, an alternative to exterminating homosexuals).

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm pretty sure trans bullshit is outlawed in Algeria, but I could be wrong

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: It's so disheartening seeing pro Imane rhetoric absolutely drenching Reddit.

( Novemberinthechair )
You should see You Tube. I was told to stop bullying "that woman." If I'm not mistaken, he fathered children....or maybe it was the other fraud. And a lot of them are saying, it's illegal to fake woman in Algeria! Oh wow, did you bring this shit up when the Gays for Palestine people were shouting their heads off? It's just pure hypocrisy. The country wanted to cheat....so they did. XY means male.

( MatchaMeercat )
I got downvoted to hell over the tiniest suggestion that IF Imane had 5-ARD, then they shouldn’t be competing in the female category—but most of them over thete still think Caster Semenya is merely a woman with high testosterone. They also use “intersex” as if it were a third sex and not males or females with DSDs particular to one or the other.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Caster literally fathered children! Biological children!! How can anyone still be arguing that he is a she?

( GeneralLesbian )
After 2 decades of saying TIM athletes don't have an unfair advantage, DSD Males with CAIS and AIS and their wins defeating women totally disproves this. TIMS have fully working Testosterone binding sites.

If XY CAIS/AIS should be disqualified, then so should TIMS.

( Peppermint )
And perhaps this is the exact reason why they won't disqualify any man with a DSD. At this point its obvious. Even if he "identified" as a man but wished to compete against women they wouldn't disqualify him.

( pennygadget )
The only places where we can talk honestly about this shit are ovarit and kiwi farms. Every other place is captured by the Borg

( hellamomzilla )
This will be a modern chapter to be included in Mackay’s Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Just another in the line of crazed fits of humanity like Tulipmania and the South Sea Bubble and Young Werther copycat suicides around Europe.

( Lilith-Fair )
Fact: Imane is SUCH A TRUE and BEAUTIFUL Woman, none of those Reddit scrotes would sleep with him. Between typing they're watching porn and jerking off to XX biological women.

various commenters #interphobia #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Will Imane Khelif throw his last match?

( PatitaGris )
He will fight, if he were a decent or logical person he wouldn't be punching women in international live tv

( Arenlaef )
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Algeria boxing planned this entire thing, so I doubt it. Maybe that's conspiracy level shit, but they're not the first conservative country to pull something like this (I can't remember where it was, but an Islamic country once had a fully male "female" soccer team) so I think they're expecting that Gold.

( TheKnitta )
If he loses it won’t be because it was a fair fight. I’ve fought many men, and guys my height with any form of training would flatten me easily, no matter how much training I did. There’s just no comparison. At this level, with the amount of training and weight classes, no woman can beat a man unless the man is either injured, sick, or not trying. No, it’s not fair, yes, it’s frustrating and annoying as hell to be a woman in that situation, but physical reality exists. It’s pointless to pretend otherwise.

It remains to be seen as to whether he’ll do a Liar Thomas and not try in the final, just so TRAs apparently ‘win’ the ideological argument.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Think if he didn't throw his second one after the outcry around the first 46 second bout, there's no way he'll forfeit gold while it's in reach. The IOC made Carini apologize to him and have been working overtime to cover for him (and cover their own asses in the process), the media's been overwhelmingly painting him as the victim with few exceptions, I just don't see why he would at this point. Maybe in the aftermath there will be enough controversy to reinstate sex tests, but right now doubling down is a clear path to victory, just one more woman to beat up in his way.

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

This picture is proof. Not that picture!

( Iggyana )
I mean, if that's a woman she's the envy of TIF's everywhere.


( FeminismIs4Women )
It's not about looks. Females in the Olympics, naturally, are almost all muscular women wearing sports gear. It's the fact that he was banned from women's boxing specifically, and the evidence so far suggests the reason was because he is a man with a DSD. That wouldn't change if he had a different appearance. If he was a woman he would address the issue and have a simple non-invasive sex test. But he won't do that because he is a biological male and he knows it. There is literally a picture where you can see he penis through his shorts.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm so confused why his parents would dress him like a girl if he was born with a penis. And I definitely saw that bulge

( FeminismIs4Women )
Kids with DSDs do actually sometimes get labeled as the opposite sex at birth if they have ambiguous parts. The concept was co-opted by TRAs and applied to TIP without DSDs to suit their agenda.


( iCONIC )
The support he's receiving from members of Ovarit is absurd

( TheSimbul )
What is wrong with you? This is the Olympics, not high school.

THE MAN IS A MAN, AND HE IS A CHEAT. No one should be supporting him.

sanitycheck , Edelgard & IrishTheFrenchie #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( sanitycheck )
Do you think the tide is still turning?
I expected there to be public outrage after Imane Khelif. But business as usual. No one woke up after watch that man hit that woman. I really dont get it. Even if a woman dies in a boxing match. I still dont think men or people paid by men to push the TRA narrative will care at all. And I dont think we're ever going to get to some of these normies either. Its really dispiriting hearing people say Carini was a cry baby and a bad loser and weaponising her femininity and all sorts of other nonsense. People clearly just hate women.

Maybe im in a particularly upsetting place with my mood. What do the women here think? do you have more reason to think we might ever make it out of this madness? do you think the world will peak at some point?

( Edelgard )
Whether the tide is turning or not, I have no idea.

But the wave of support for Khelif is directed at what people believe is a woman with a DSD. That they're wrong doesn't matter, what matters here is that you can't use that as a way to gauge their support of trans ideology. For a particularly obvious and extreme example, all the Algerian tweets I've read on the topic - and I've read a lot - said something like: "Imane is a woman, we don't support degenerate LGBT shit here".

Obviously this controversy is weaponized by TRAs to claim that TIMs are the same as women with DSDs, that "transphobia" hurts real women too, but I don't think anyone changed their mind over this.

Anyone who wasn't peaked by Lia Thomas, an unambiguous male competing in women's swimming because competing with men would hurt his fee-fees, wasn't going to be peaked by a boxer who may or may not have XY chromosomes according to a federation that people don't trust - again, whether people are right to distrust the IBA is another matter entirely.

( IrishTheFrenchie )

But the wave of support for Khelif is directed at what people believe is a woman with a DSD.

I'm sorry, but they SAY they believe Khelif is a woman with a DSD, but we all know if they actually thought that, they wouldn't give a single fuck. They defend him BECAUSE they know he's a man.

Bml7864 , glimmer & LunarWolf #interphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: Khelif & Lin could easily prove they're female - if they were.

( Bml7864 )
Today I was out a overheard a group of middle aged (50s) people discussing Khelif. The man said it was a similar genetic condition as Michael Phelps, which gives people long arms and now they are saying it's an "advantage." Then he tried to say it was misogyny that they were giving a hard time to khelif because she's female but Phelps didn't get a hard time.

I don't claim to understand everything about this situation or DSDs in general, but it's crazy how wrong these people are. There was no mention of XY, dude literally thought this was about Khelif being tall or having "long arms."

These people vote.

The funniest part was their mom (late 70s) was like "oh well she shouldn't compete. I didn't know Phelps had a condition that gave him an advantage. I wouldn't have rooted for him if I'd known."

( glimmer )
The confusion is no accident. The narrative is being distorted on purpose. This person is a "cis" female athlete who was "born and raised" a girl, therefore if you oppose them in the sport you are just being transphobic??? It makes no sense.

Anyone with eyes knows that Khelif is male. Standing next to a woman it is obvious. I'm sorry he was born in a country that thinks no dick = female, but a female body is much more than just an absence of a dongle.

( LunarWolf )

Anyone with eyes knows that Khelif is male.

This is exceedingly relevant. Part of the tactic and possibly goal of this movement is to convince us we cannot trust our own senses, instincts, knowing and perception of the world. If you can’t trust your own senses and perceptions, where do you look for truth? Always and only outside yourself.

This tactic, in many forms, is how cults gain mind control of their victims. It sets the stage for a population to accept authoritarian control as inevitable and maybe even a relief.

notsofreshfeeling , Dusty & DoomedSibyl #interphobia ovarit.com

International Olympic Committee Was Warned About Male Boxers, World Boxing Organization Vice President Says - Reduxx

( notsofreshfeeling )
Does anyone know of any clips showing Khelif or the Yu-Ting speaking and gesticulating? I feel like speaking voice and mannerisms are generally pretty solid evidence. For example Caster Semenya behaves and speaks just like a man.

Edit: Evidence enough for me, I mean.

( Dusty )
Isn't it funny how that works? Even in Semenya's case I'll admit I was leaning towards his being male but was still unsure when I initially saw him compete, but once I watched one of his interviews it was the most obvious thing in the world. I mean his voice, his facial expressions, his aggression etc. There are probably a laundry list of other factors that we don't even know we notice, but the recognition of their male biology becomes pretty immediate as soon as you hear them speak and see them interact with people.

Like, even people who claim to be male or female, and those who do a good job of passing from a distance, generally give themselves away within seconds when they do an interview or you see them in person. There's always something, even people who pass as convincingly as Caroline Cossey give the game away within seconds because their presentation is far too flamboyant.

( DoomedSibyl )
So much for being socialized female. /s

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

So what happened to "HER" penis?

Barbie: “But Ken, that Algerian boxer was born with a vagina.”
Ken: “So now that determines gender again?”

( Committing_Tervery )
There’s zero proof he was born with a vagina, and he even has a bulge in at least one picture.

( LasagnaRossa )
Even if he developed a vagina, he has no uterus and no ovaries because his karyotype is XY.

To my beloved lurkers: TERFs have always said that necessary condition to be catalogued female is to have the whole package (vulva, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries) not just one aspect, especially not the most superficial one. And yes, a woman is still a woman even if she removed her uterus. You must have something first to lose it.

( TheSoupDragon )
Even if this person were born with external female-appearing genitalia and internal testes I don't see what difference it makes when they've clearly been through male puberty.

Also, addressing the meme, I saw "actually, trans women have higher levels of estrogen than cis women so they're literally more female" on twitter. They'll say whatever's convenient in the moment, even if it's something they've vehemently denied minutes earlier.

( CruddyMuddy )
No, Barbie, he wasn’t. The most he had was a shallow cavity to nowhere.

( Daphne )
People call me cruel for pointing this out, but what can I do if it's the truth? What a male with a DSD has is not a vagina. A vagina is an organ, not just a "hole".

( LasagnaRossa )
Apparently trans activists have turned tables again because somewhat we are saying that real womanhood is made by low testosterone, not the female genitals. That's their opinion.

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

Because women adjust their junk after a match 🙄

( DoomedSibyl )
He even stands like a man. Look at the differences in width of shoulders and feet width apart and angle of the pelvis. Even though Carini is a tall, strong woman the differences are there.

This entire thing is a travesty.

( Redmage )
That wasn't just adjusting a wedgie, that was adjusting a boner

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Figures. I knew the "He has no penis because of a DSD" line was bullshit.

( StopThisMadness )
Right? Like which is it? Seems to me like penis wielder behavior above.

( Sebastes )
Regardless of if he was directly adjusting his junk or not, it's sus that he spent so much time looking down at his shorts and adjusting them. If it's something uncomfortable, why does he start doing that in front of the cameras rather than in the corner earlier? If I had a wedgie, I'd definitely want to fix it before standing in front of everyone watching me grab at my crotch. It's almost like he became concerned something could be visible.

( Riothamus )

That's the "I'm adjusting my boner to hide it in tight underwear" grab. He's getting off on this!

( LogicalDocSpock )
Disgusting. He has no feminine traits whatsoever. Masculine shoulders, hips, stance, facial structure and we are supposed to believe this is a woman?? Nope

( somegenerichandle )
It's a still from Reduxx's post: https://x.com/ReduxxMag/status/1819023215609455052

( Randomwalk )
Wow, literally swinging his dick around after a victory! Can't get anymore male than that. I wonder if it was intentional, or if he's just an idiot for drawing attention to the suspiciously penis-shaped object under his baggy shorts. Unless he's a TIF with a packer lmfao /s

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

Isn’t it funny, though, how they suddenly remember what the word female means?

( pennygadget )
There are actual female athletes who lost their Olympic spot for using medicated lip balm, smoking weed, or wearing swim caps designed for afros. But this whole ass man gets to compete in women's boxing despite having a dick and a lifetime of male puberty

( FeminismIs4Women )
They pulled the same stunt with Caster Semenya, the man with a DSD.

I think it's been established that TRAs in general either do not understand what the words female and intersex mean or they pretend to be ignorant and try to muddy the water on purpose.

( TeRadF )
is there actually any substance to what the TIMs are saying? Like is he actually intersex? I can't find more info on him. Regardless it doesnt matter because he has XY chromosomes. ;

( IrishTheFrenchie )
There is no account of him, or anyone representing him, ever saying he has a DSD. He's also never said he is trans.

Therefore, IMO, he is a regular dude with a forged document.

( Researcher1536 )
"But her passport says female, BIGOT!!!!"

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: Swyer Syndrome

( Radical )
Just because they initially thought they were female before puberty doesn't mean it's fair for them to compete with women. The fact that they're biologically male should take priority in sports, for both safety reasons and dignity.

Although I will say demanding to compete with women, after finding out that you're overwhelmingly likely to severely injure or kill them, is extremely male-coded. A very typical example of male entitlement. You can't really get much more male than that.

( DonnaFemina )
Semenya has 5-alpha reductase deficiency, in which males (XY chromosomes) are born with apparently female genitals but at puberty their balls drop and they grow a dick. It's extremely rare, with a few clusters worldwide. The one in the Dominican Republic calls it guevedoces (dick/balls at 12).

Swyer Syndrome is a completely different DSD. It makes genetic males develop into, essentially, sterile females. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/swyer-syndrome

Khelif does NOT have Swyer Syndrome. If he did, he would have looked female from birth and he'd look indistinguishable from a woman right now.

( Lilith-Fair )
Semenya fathered to kids. No woman in the world can inseminate another woman.

( DonnaFemina )
"Semenya fathered to kids. No woman in the world can inseminate another woman."

You will get no argument from me that Semenya is male. XY 5-ARD is a male DSD.

( CompassionateGoddess )
If there is a Y chromosome, that person is a male no matter what. It doesn’t matter what he looks like, it doesn’t matter how he was raised, it doesn’t matter if his feelings are hurt. He is a male. He is not one of us. He will never be female. He should stay out of female spaces and sports. He shouldn’t steal opportunities and resources from females. He is a male who has a difference/disorder of sexual development.

( TheTortureCouch )
People with Swyer Syndrome are female. They don't produce gametes (what primarily determines sex) but their reproductive structure is female.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Only males can have Swyer’s. These people are male (and by the way, the cheating boxer clearly does not have Swyer’s). Biologically, those with this syndrome are male regardless of their phenotype.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Calling out gender ideology in a conservative country is so hard without promoting homophobia as well

( OneStarWolf )
T has nothing to do with LGB. In fact I’d say it’s counterproductive to all of LGBs goals in other countries because conservative countries actually tolerate and even embrace T much more readily. It’s the perfect way to trans away all those pesky homosexuals while also applauding and reinforcing sex stereotypes.

Transgenderism is acceptable to the Pope and backed by the supreme leaders of Iran! So of course very conservative 3rd world countries would love Trans ideology way more than LGB because it’s entirely built on a deeply misogynistic and male supremacist ideology! Fits in perfect into that patriarchy intersection branch. Even the most regressive conservatives get to pat themselves on the back and gain western kudos for their bravery and “progressiveness”.

The big question is when will the rest of the LGB wake up and realize how they’re being hijacked by the T and it’s harming more than helping ✂️✂️

( Pointer )
I think the best argument for gay rights to give to conservatives is that gay rights are good for straight people, because gay people don't have to hide in straight marriages anymore. They can be with other gays and leave the straights alone.

Feminism and gay rights are linked, and transgender ideology threatens and opposes both. It's no surprise then that trans is more accepted in conservative countries than homosexuality is. Just trans the gay away!

( ItsCalculated )
As a lesbian, having watched the trans and gender movement pull an "invasion of the body snatchers" on the gay community and LGB movement, I am very weary about linking movements to each other.

I work in the abortion movement, and let me tell you the linking of the trans movement to the abortion movement is fucking chaos. My peers would have me calling the women I help get abortions, "people," and "womb havers," when it's women that get abortions.

For this reason I refuse to link feminism, and gay rights without the epitome of linking arguments. I say this as a radical feminist, and lesbian.

( FluffyFuzz )
I'd also like to point out that not all conservatives are anti gay rights, but a LOT of us are against this trans movement.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I love it when TRAs are in the witness box.

( WasItSomethingISaid )

NC - so your evidence is that an SU might want to see a woman-identified person but not care about seeing a woman by sex category

KM - yes

They are discussing women who have just been raped and who seek reassurance that they will not be examined by males. Of course they don't want a woman or any man who says he's a woman. They only want to deal with women for obvious reasons. As for the driver's license and birth certificate, these documents should reflect sex and even if he has had it changed, this doesn't change his sex. If there's any place where sex matters, it's in a goddamned rape shelter.

The brainwashing shown here is truly disturbing. These women have been trained to gaslight rape victims under the leadership of a man who should not be allowed to even enter the facility, let alone run it.

( jvsmine )
they always say "I'm legally a woman!! hahaha! in your face! it says it!" and I always say "well it used to be legal to beat and rape your wife because she was property. didn't make it right or morally just. but okay."

I have literally NEVER received a response from a trans.

( sylviasmushrooms )
Lots of atrocities have been legal throughout history in various places. Anyone who thinks that legality denotes some kind of unimpeachable truth or moral standard has no business putting “ACAB” next to their pronouns because, hey, if the man with the badge says so, then by their logic he must be correct as though decreed by some higher power.

( jvsmine )
ACAB til a woman misgenders them online, then they loooooooooove their trans-flag flyin brothers in blue.

( notsofreshfeeling )
As a rape victim, I'd rather be forced to see a normal man than a cross-dressing man who could only ever be in rape crisis work because he gets off on women's suffering.

( Hollyhock )
This is so true. Cross-dressing men tell you with their behavior what they think of women. Your chances of finding a safe and compassionate male service worker are far better if you pick the man who dresses like he respects social norms.

( Carrots90 )
Especially dangerous is the man who wants to work at a rape center knowing at least some women will have an issue

Nimona666, sylviasmushrooms & VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Bigfoot is more likely to be real than transgenderism.

( Nimona666 )
I'm willing to believe that fairy sightings might be real sometimes. I'm willing to believe weird shit can happen, maybe, sometimes.

Transgenderism, though is a perversion of truth designed to harm women. It's not something that expands our world or makes our planet more magical. Trangenderism is a rape ideology cleverly masked. A narcissist operation designed to invade, copy and steal. They reveal their hatred of women when they call us "radical feminists" - like they need to pathologize our love for our sovereign bodies and for womankind. If a mom battles a tiger to protect her daughter, will you call that "radical mothering" and then send her death threats?

Perverts, liars, thieves, monsters.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I have heard some VERY compelling Bigfoot stories. I’m inclined to agree with everything you said, not because I’m a Bigfoot believer, but because, stripped down to facts and evidence, Bigfoot at least has crumbs and shreds of credibility based on the types of creatures we already know exist in this world. Trans ideology has NONE, and is in fact directly refutable when you take away all the metaphysical and religious language and thought processes.

( VestalVirgin )

So if I had to bet money on which is real, gender souls or Bigfoot, I'm going with Bigfoot.

Me, too.

Especially since me wrongly believing in Bigfoot (or Nessie, or ghosts) would not negatively affect anyone's life at all. Worst that might happen is that I have an accident while looking for the creature, but that sort of thing could just as well happen to people who explore the territory for fun, so ...

I'd choose Bigfoot every time.

(Heck, even with wrong beliefs that cause actual damage ... anti-vaxxers might be wrong, their refusal to get vaccinated against Covid 19 might cause actual damage to others, but their fears, irrational though they might be, make a 100 times more sense than genderism. And yet, the same people who condemn anti-vaxxers because of "science!" applaud the notion that men can turn into women by the mere act of saying they feel like it, happily condemning thousands of female prisoners to be raped and taking away the privacy and dignity of the whole female population of their countries as if it is nothing.)

Spencer_Shayy , CupOfAbominations & Ava #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIFs always think they're more analytical and logical than other women

( Spencer_Shayy )

"I'm not sure about that- TIFs are so highly distressed and emotional that they destroy their bodies to kinda sorta somewhat look like men."

Exactly. "Transmen" literally believe in strict, regressive gender roles. They literally believe they're not like other girls and therefore are not really female.

No "transman", or "transwoman" for that matter, is logical or rational. There's nothing logical or rational about "identifying" as another "gender". Artemis, you decision to "transition" (aka LARP as a poor imitation of a man) stems from your self-hated. Self-hate is irrational and illogical.

It's always the dumbest among us who claim they're smarter than us all.

( CupOfAbominations )
TIFs are NLOGs on steroids (literally!) so I'm not terribly surprised.

( Ava )

"Artemis admits that none of her experiences in and of themselves mean she's a man. So why is she citing them? Is she saying that all of them put together make her a man?"

I see them do this a lot. They don't want to seem like they're enforcing stereotypes, so for any individual activity they'll clarify that both men and women can enjoy it. But deep down they do still put things into boxes. You're allowed to deviate from stereotypes, but if you deviate too much, now you're trans.

And even if she could prove that she does have more "male-typical" behaviors than the average woman, all that would make her is a woman with "masculine" behaviors. The fact that her "male brain" can exist in a female body is proof that the traits she calls "male" aren't actually male.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Pointer )
Resisted pronouns in first day of therapy day program today
"And what are your pronouns?"

"I think gender ideology is sexist, and I can't endorse it."

"That's perfectly fine."

And we moved on. Like it was perfectly fine.

( lilybriscoe )
wow that’s really badass.

i would say “no thanks on the pronouns” and that was usually fine too. it made one of the NBs mad and they stopped showing up

( cranberrysalad )
Did she/he say anything? Have you ever had someone push back verbally over it?

( c_incognito )
I've told people things like "I don't care what you call me" and "it's obvious what I am" and most people don't care.

BUT, I have made a trans mad and he kept calling me "He" trying to upset me, obviously to prove a point. He just wound up getting mad that I wasn't mad though.

I know what I am and it's clear you do too. I'm not the one with the insatiable need for external validation.

notsofreshfeeling & Killer_Danish #transphobia ovarit.com

Will Ferrell Embraces the Transgender Community in Sundance Documentary

( notsofreshfeeling )
How kind of Will Ferrell to invite men into our locker rooms, changing rooms, and public toilets.

How kind of him to ask female victims of rape to make space for men in their group therapy sessions.

How kind of him to make it impossible for women or girls to request and be guaranteed a female clinician or home health aid.

How kind of him to invite mentally ill men to share rooms in the psych wards with mentally ill women.

How kind of him to invite male rapists to bunk with women in prison cells.

How kind of him to include men in the word "mother."

How kind of him to make it impossible for women and girls to have ANY words that exclude men and boys.

How kind of him to promote an ideology that uses words like "front hole" for female anatomy.

How kind of him to erase lesbians by allowing men and boys to call themselves "lesbian."

How kind of him to promote an ideology that sterilizes kids who would grow up to be gay.

How kind of him to let a child consent to irreversible bodily harm.

How kind of him to promote double mastectomies for anxiety-ridden teen girls.

Such a sweet dude. How could you not love him?

( Killer_Danish )
Suck a trans-gurl cock then, Will, to prove you’re not just spouting bullshit for woke points (you won’t!)

dobby & CryingInYourInbox #transphobia ovarit.com


( dobby )
These TIMs brag about becoming “weaker” (or faking being weak) and fetishize the terrifying feeling of helplessness that biological women feel when we’re reminded of our physical limitations. They treat it like a joke.

I hate them so much. I hate all males.

( CryingInYourInbox )
This is why males taking HRT should be illegal. You shouldn't be allowed to make yourself weaker on purpose

( dobby )
Honestly I don’t really care if males are taking HRT, especially if it makes them weaker or sterilizes them. I’m not okay with tax-payers footing the bill for their fetish or the strain that these cosmetic procedures put on the healthcare system, or with these males thinking that taking HRT allows them into women’s spaces.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

conversion therapy is ok when we do it

( pennygadget )
So its "bigoted" if a parent doesn't want to castrate their 5 year old for acting a little "too gay"? Its bigoted if they want their 12 year old to wait until they're an adult before making permanent changes to their body? It's bigoted if a parent tells their teenage daughter, "Its okay to be a butch lesbian. You don't need to take drugs and cut up your body"?

The "trans community" is a fucking cult. They're WORSE than the old Christian conversion therapists because at least those assholes didn't castrate they gay & lesbian people who fell into their clutches

( Carrots90 )

perverts invading women’s single sex spaces and the daylight theft of our hard won rights

( Ava )
I don't think trans-ID'd people are evilly rubbing their hands together and laughing about how they're gonna convince gay kids to transition. But their ideology is rooted in sex stereotypes, and it does make GNC kids vulnerable to believing they're "trans." A preference for activities associated with the opposite sex is literally a symptom of "gender dysphoria."

There are detransitioners who've spoken about how internalized homophobia motivated them to transition. It may not have been the trans movement's intention to harm these people, but they were harmed nonetheless.

Trans-ID'd people aren't just "existing" when they're pushing the message that a desire to be the opposite sex means you're "trans," without even encouraging you to reflect on where that desire could have come from.

( Persimmon64 )
Yeah, the whole ideology is built in homophobia. "Trans" kids came about because homophobic parents took their GNC little boys to clinics to be "assessed" or examined because they were feminine and claimed to be a girl.

A loving parent would realize, yeah, he's probably going to be gay and he's a kid so he doesn't understand sex and sexuality yet, just the fact that all the girls he sees behave and look a certain way and the boys he sees do the opposite, so he's coming to the conclusion that he must be a girl too because kids are extremely superficial yet and have large imaginations.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

For a group that claims that the existence of infertile women means that female can’t be defined, they sure spend a lot of time complaining about how they can’t get pregnant

( RusticTroglodyte )
It actually delights me that they so desperately want something they can't have. It makes me so happy to know they're suffering bc of it. Die mad, scrotes

( Wsbfom01 )
Their desire to be pregnant comes from a fetish, not a sense of nurture or care for children. They’re disgusting.

( StopThisMadness )
Doesn't want kids but wants to "carry a child" -- fetish.

( SuddenlyRamen )
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Trauma appropriating wankers.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
Babe wake up a new sticker idea just dropped

TWAW - trans women are wankers

( MaryDyer )
Why do you feel like less of a woman, boys? You’ve made it pretty clear that “woman” is meaningless and is merely a nebulous feeling. Why be so butthurt over not being able to get pregnant, when it’s apparently “bioessentialist” to include reproductive capacity in any form in a definition of woman? Hell, even in a definition of female? That’s right - you people have done your damndest to erase any mention of sex from the definition of female.

Yet here you are blowing snot because you can’t get pregnant. Why would you do such a thing? You’ve ensured that reproductive anatomy and biology have been uncoupled from woman, to the point that infertile females are likened to full on, reproductively-healthy males.

Now you seem to be…backtracking? Why? Is it because you know, despite what rhetoric you spread, that infertile women of a certain age are an anomaly, and you want to be a typical woman? Oh how sad for you. 😢

( mathlover )
I feel infinite relief that, once they "trans" most of the larping men will never have children.

( Understanderson )
Oh my god, this is just soooooo creepy. I hate that we're not allowed to notice how creepy it is!

samsdat #transphobia ovarit.com

"Gender-affirming care" is self-harm

It seems blatantly obvious, doesn’t it? I understand how people who haven’t given an ounce of thought to it can go along with the idea that “gender affirming care” is good for “trans kids” and that “trans kids” are even real, but as soon as you start thinking it through, the whole concept falls apart and it becomes clear that the trans-identified teenage girls are the biggest victims in this movement. And the mental health industry, particularly the APA, but also the counseling and therapy professions, are glibly helping destroy these young women (and no, I know it’s not everyone, but if the majority are against it, they aren’t speaking out).

And ordinary people are also helping it along, particularly the most outspoken “allies” out there, the ones who actually have no personal skin in the game, no “trans” kids, no transing themselves, just an “I know better than everyone else and I’m going to make the world a better place, because I am Good and Kind, and damn the torpedos (and the truth and the well being of children and anything else that stands in my way)” self-righteous attitude. If it weren’t for the vehement allies being such enthusiastic flying monkeys for the whole trans movement, this whole damn movement would have fallen apart due to mockery and honest debate a while back.

various commenters #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay men angry with Rad Fems for not doing enough about TIFs in their spaces

( Spencer_Shayy )
Gay men, the men who stayed quiet at best when their brothers-in-wigs began invading our spaces and threatening to rape and murder us, or who smugly cheered it on at worst, now what us to give a shit when straight little fujoshi women do it to them?

Gay men, who gave me and so many other women shit for focusing on women's rights in addition to gay rights? Who called me TRASH for doing so?

Gay men, who have constantly treat lesbians like shit throughout history even though we were the ones who helped you during the AIDs crisis when everyone thought touching you would infect them?

I hate these creepy homophobic TIFs almost as much as I hate TIMs, but this is karma.

"Transgender" is a men's movement. You're damn right I'm going to blame men. Gay men are just as misogynistic as straight men, hell, gay men makeup some of the "trans" population. You're all to blame - every single one of you, no matter your race or sexuality.

To any gay men who may be lurking here - FUCK YOU! Reap what you sow.

( mathlover )
Gay men were the reason the T was added to the alphabet soup. When this occurred the vast majority of "trans" were gay men, with the het men mostly avoiding the gay spaces where they felt unwelcome (they did not want to be thought of as gay men). Adding the T to LGB was done largely by stealth so the gay men could get their gay male buddies into LGB community centers and other services.

If gay men get rid of the T completely, the larping women will go as well. The balls are in their (gay mens) court.

( Ceibo )
Have gay men helped lesbians and women in general keep their personal spaces TIM-free? Have they given us their support? No? then they need to STFU and GTFO. TIFs are far less dangerous than TIMs anyway.

Men are the fucking worst, gay, bi or straight.

( Megasaurus )
Gay men can just tell TIFs to fuck off and 90% of them will just run away and cry. Lesbians who tell TIMs to fuck off have to worry about getting hurt by narcissistic, enraged Buffalo Bills. Because of that, gay men have been able to defend their spaces much more effectively.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Utah House passes bill calling for bathroom use according to gender on birth certificate

( BlackCirce )

If someone fully transitions to the opposite gender — and changes their birth certificate to reflect that change — they also could use the bathroom that corresponds to their new gender.

What does “fully transition” mean?

( BondiBlue )
Governments need to stop letting these institution-destroying radicals normalize and facilitate mass public records fraud. Changing one's name is no big deal (as long as the previous name is not obliterated; there is no such thing as a "dead name"). Changing one's birth certificate however, is the definition of a lie. What's to stop people from changing their birth year if they can alter their sex (not "gender") on official documentation? I am in my late thirties, but I don't identify with (stereotypes of) millennials or (stereotypical) "millennial culture"; do I have the right to change my birth year to the generation I identify as? If that's the case, then from now on, my pronouns are ok/boomer.

( Moonflower )
100% this. Retroactively editing birth certificates to make them say the literal opposite of reality should not ever have been on the table.

( Persimmon64 )
And how does one transition "gender"? I thought they already were their "gender" so they were trying to change their body to "match it." But if they already are their "gender" why do they need to transition to the opposite?

And how would they know what bathroom corresponds with their gender when bathrooms are separated by sex.

If they're separated by gender then I have no idea where to go because I don't have a "gender"

( cranberrysalad )
Someone made a great point recently in a comment on Ovarit that really stuck with me. I wish I remembered who and what thread. Anyway she said that altering the birth record alters the reality of others. The mother who gave birth to a son that is now changed to a daughter—how is it okay to alter her lived experience? It’s not just the TiM/TiP that is impacted.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM works at the coffee shop I frequent and now the whole vibe is ruined

( Pickles )
There is a TIM that works at a sandwich shop I used to frequent and had to quit going because his attempt at mimicking a woman's voice was so incredibly unnerving to me and he always worked the cash register. The voice and impression he put on was actually frightening to me. Minor inconvenience for sure, but I don't hear other demographics of people who need to quit going to establishments because they have employees who openly put on offensive impressions of them. It really is bullshit we have to put up with it.

( CupOfAbominations )
Oh yeah that'd put me over the edge; the fake voice they put on is even worse, esp when they do things like exaggerating vocal fry. "Thankfully" this guy doesn't even try to affect a female voice, but he's so loud and he's always talking I just can't take it anymore...

( overanddone )
I hear you. There is a TIM clerk in a store I frequent, and I try to avoid him.

BUT! His mere presence means I have to consider him whenever I am there. I can’t relax, have to watch where I am looking and control my face, so the experience of shopping there has become slightly tense and no longer comfortable.

Is there a suggestion box at your coffee shop? Can you prepare and slip in a comment that loud political talk is ruining the once-pleasant vibe?

( Radishe )
Just having a TIM working in a coffee shop (there seem to be a lot of them, I had one today) puts me on my guard because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing. I am always polite, I don't "sir" them, I don't look at them much, just place my order, but it still makes it less comfortable in there. It would be worse if he started going on about politics like that.

I bet his coworkers can't stand him either but have to suffer in silence.

( Spencer_Shayy )

"because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing."

Literally why I hate working with "transwomen" and hate going to businesses staffed with "transwomen". They're ticking time bombs waiting for any excuse to fly into a violent rage. I actually feel safer around men who aren't "transwomen".

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I’m going to be sick. Wtf did I just read?

( WitchPlease )
I highly doubt that any woman would allow her porn sick brother to feed toxic discharge to her kids. This is a disgusting fantasy.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
I highly doubt most women would even know what "Hormones" in what dosage to get to help with lactation. These TiMs don't get it, what is a natural process for women is a chemically induced freak thing to a male body, and when something similar is done to animals, it would be considered animal abuse.

( Uber )
No fucking way did this EVER happen. I can never imagine any situation where a woman would allow anyone else to breastfeed her child, certainly not a man. And I'm sorry, I thought we were calling it chestfeeding now? Or is that only reserved for the sex that naturally grows breasts?

There's no way in hell that even if this DID happen (which it did not), there would be any nutrients to speak of, unless we're considering unnatural synthetic chemicals nutrients, now? I can't keep up.

( CupOfAbominations )
I'm relieved that this is probably 99.9% fanfiction, but this is so gross to read. No sane mother would put her newborn's health at risk to validate her weirdo TIM brother's delusions. It's all about him, all about his "biology dysphoria" without any concern over what would be best for the baby! Surely a naturally lactating mother's milk would be the most nutritious thing for the baby than whatever gross milky discharge is coming from his nipples!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Maine pushes to become 'transgender safe haven' where minors can receive sex-change surgery and can't be returned to their parents - as outraged community leaders try to slow efforts | Daily Mail Online

( ProfTerfMom )
Rep. Katrina Smith (R-Palermo) said: 'The state should never place itself above a loving parent and irreparably destroy the reproductive health of a minor child.'

Why isn't this common sense???

It terrifies me that any adult believes it is ok to give minors drugs and surgery based on what is essentially a self-diagnosis. The implications (and complications) will affect these kids for the rest of their shortened lives.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? Many of these detransitioner stories are them deciding to be "trans" as kids or teenagers and regretting it in their 20s. These kids didn't even get to reach adulthood normally. They'll be mentally and physically fucked for life. "Gender affirming care" is so evil.

( RusticTroglodyte )

The 'Act to Safeguard Gender Affirming Health Care' would enable certain out-of-state teens to access hormone blockers or surgery without their parents' consent regardless of their own state's laws

Do they fucking hear themselves???

Aside from the permanent medical damage these kids will endure, the foster care system and orphanage (group home) system is rife with abuse. This is brilliant: take vulnerable children with low self esteem, remove them from their support systems and primary caregivers, and put them in the system hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. I'm sure none of these sexually confused children will be preyed upon

( OxyToxin )
So you want to trade a reputation for delicious blueberries and lobster for the title of pedophile Mecca? Jealous of California getting so much attention?

These people are deranged.

BlackCirce & westhead #transphobia ovarit.com

( BlackCirce )
The stereotypical heterosexual relationship is the AGP working a high powered and/or male dominated job while practicing his perversion in private for many years while his wife raises their children. Then he comes out dramatically as a woman and there is a photoshoot where he towers over his beleaguered wife in his size 15 high heels and clothes he stole out of her closet while she tries unsuccessfully to hide the 1000 yard stare she’s developed while trying to satisfy his gonzo porn inspired sexual desires and keep the secret of his disreputable behavior from family and friends.

Is that what he means?

( westhead )
10/10 perfect description of the AGP lifecycle. Only thing missing is the TIM gets appointed head of some DEI or Women in Tech task force due to being stunning and brave.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Critical v Terf

( VestalVirgin )
Eh, well, "terf" has always been a slur. I cannot begrudge it anyone if they don't want to use that as self-description.

(I don't use it, either, except jokingly. I consider myself a plain old feminist. If I need to clarify, I might add a "radical", but that's it.)

( CruelEnnui )
This so much. People seem to forget that not only is "terf" a slur used to silence women, it is also incorrect in the sense that radical feminists don't exclude trans people - only trans males.

( Unicorn )
Yes. Men are not part of radical feminism because it is a female movement. (They can be allies to radical feminism but not actually radical feminists.)

Transgender-identifying men ("transwomen") are not excluded because they are transgender-identifying, they are excluded because they are male. Radical feminism rejects the upholding of gender, which transgender ideology requires, especially in order to consider a "transwoman" a woman.

( syntaxerror )
Yep. TERFs are fine with accepting “trans men” into feminism, since they are, you know, women. It’s the TIMs they don’t want.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't call myself a feminist. It's become so androcentric that I'm embarrassed to be affiliated with it. I prefer "women's libber".

But I like her statement about the three groups because she's right, even if we call them something different. Too many GCers are trying to compromise with trans activists. Placating men is literally why feminism is in such a sorry state.

These people hate you for being female. Their whole ideology ("transgender") is the result of misogyny. They constantly wish us all raped and killed for not validating, supporting, or agreeing with them.

Why do you think making concessions and being diplomatic will change this? Has that EVER changed mens behavior towards women?

( syntaxerror )
I guess technically the TRAs would refer to me as a TERF but that term has long been watered down from its original meaning. They call right wing men TERFs now.

I am not a radical feminist. I am a feminist for sure, but as I’ve said here before I disagree with a few views that can be classified as “radfem” so I would refer to myself as GC if I was required to identify that type of political thinking. But idk I qualify as a TERF with the way the word has shifted so who knows at this point.

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