
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

In the story of Planaxis we dive deeper into the terraforming process of our craters bio-sphere into the imagine of Titans and have a more detail look into the black and white projector system.thats linked with the red an blue energyfield, the Titans and Olympians
After initiating its first attack through the Saturn polar configuration , the parasite has pressurized our hearths and Earths bio-field with thousands of years of deception with war , hate , racism, isolation and many other unloving projections on humanity,

We are under pressure as powers are centralising its energy field in order to create a split in society and families using fear and ignorence of the self.

By increasing acidic levels in our evironment, humanity is facing a tough and full-hearted time of spiritual and physical pressure, will we allow the parasite to gain fully access to our torus field or are we gonna energize our own hearts to return the balance to save our world and our crater?
Following the work and research of Thunderboltsproject , the electric universe, and the Crater Earth concept by godgevlamste, i combine research into a video about the arrival of the Saturn parasite cult through an electrical charged arc, is this the arc of the covenant?
This electrical discharge event is known as the ancient polar configuration.
Are we following the serpents way into an alienated world or will we see through the deception and accept our world got infected long time ago, a new age is comming, a big reset they say, will we fight and protect our hearts torus field or will we succumb to the parasites forcefield and its New World Order? I say follow the heart, no fear and act in the name of love

Raphael via Ken Carey #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick goldenageofgaia.com

Christ is the single unified being whose consciousness all share. He is the being who sacrificed, for a time, his unified sense of identity, and cloaked himself in the matter of a planet that a species might share his life. He went to sleep to dream an evolutionary process that would leave him, upon awakening, clothed in a physical body comprised of many human cells.

Christ’s first coming was the first time since life appeared on Earth that the totality of consciousness woke up in the frame of a man. This was Jesus of Nazareth.
I am coming only now to bring life
to the Earth. The Mother has kindled it before me and approximated the outward forms of my design. But I come only now to baptize in the name of the Lord. I am coming now to animate matter in such a way as has not been done since before the beginning. I will baptize all species with my own definitions. I will inform all of their true function.

And yes, my little ones, the animals will talk.

Has it not occurred to you that in the Garden of long ago it was not I who named the animals, but Adam, the son of matter? And has it not occurred to you further that only the Creator could possess the power necessary to bless into full life?

My level of vibrational penetration was sufficient in those days to quicken the species to an elementary level of mortal life, but the intensity of my full presence was not yet. So, in the shadow of the event, I appointed Adam my representative.

yungkhann #magick #crackpot reddit.com

Semen Retention gives you the realizations you need before you are on your deathbed

When you retain, you give a chance for your semen to fully express itself. Your semen has it’s own intelligence, let it work for you

Do you mind explaining this thought?

Yes sure, when on semen retention you will connect to higher spirits. And they will give you information that you are ready to receive. Also, when you retain you give every sperm cell of yours an opportunity to express itself, instead of killing them by ejaculation. I hope i made it more clear

Tobey Wheelock/Ra #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger lawofone.info

The creation has seven levels, or densities; the eighth density forming the first density of the next octave of experience, just as the eighth note of a musical scale begins a new octave. Between seventh and eighth densities the creation re-merges in a period of timeless, formless unity with the Creator. It is Ra’s understanding that “the ways of the octave are without time; that is, there are seven densities in each creation infinitely.”
Third density is the density of self-awareness and the first density of consciousness of the spirit. It is the “axis upon which the creation turns”

Fourth density is the density of love or understanding. Those who have successfully chosen a path come together with others of like mind in what Ra calls a “social memory complex”

Fifth density is the density of light or wisdom. Lessons are often learned individually rather than as a social memory complex. Fifth-density entities are beautiful, by our standards, because they can consciously shape their physical forms.

Sixth density is the density of unity, in which love and wisdom are blended together. The two paths reunite as those on the service-to-self path, realizing that they cannot successfully master the lessons of unity without opening their hearts to others, switch their polarity to positive. Ra is sixth-density;

Seventh density is the gateway density, in which we once again become one with all.

Eighth density is also the beginning of the first density of the next Creation. It is “both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one central sun or Creator once again."

Joshua from Vega via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings friends, fellow starseeds. I am Joshua from Vega. This one has not telepathically connected with me before although I am not new to Team Ascension Gaia (he is laughing). I am ancient as you can see with my silver hair. We have been involved with Gaia since her inception. I say ‘we’ for I am surrounded by my own family of light from Vega who wish to say ‘hello’ and ‘greetings’ to our friends embodied. You are not alone. Although I am one voice I represent my family of light standing with me. You too have a massive family of light waiting in the wings and all surrounding you, for we are all one.
We are a voice from Vega, home world originally to many of you and so perhaps my words will resonate like the OM tuning fork for you. This one is enjoying her Solfeggio tuning forks that she has purchased and we recommend such vibrational alignment healing aids for the masses, for Gaia. We like this analogy for we see you, lightworkers, as these vibrational alignment devices for Gaia. You are the higher light tuning forks to bring her fields back into balance.
I am Joshua from Vega. I serve on many high councils that are a part of managing, directing, promoting light to Gaia. We have been managing the various intricacies of multidimensional mathematics and formulas, but ultimately we are leading with light, with our hearts, for we are in full service and vibrational alignment to Mother-Father and only weigh to serve humanity with the best of our abilities. We see that once the light continues to take hold as this one was shown, everything will be changed.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #crackpot #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

One of the strange things in regard to the Covid-Vaccines is that there has been little opposition from Animal Rights Groups, especially since these vaccines have been tested on animals, and such tests on vaccines have been done for a very long time.


Where the problem lies is in Judaeo-Christianity and the other Abrahamic Religions which see mankind as the centre and dominant species of the Earth - to them the world is 'Man-Centred'. To Folkish Wodenists this is the polar-opposite to what we believe, since we see God-in-Nature - God-in-the-Blood which makes all life sacred and there is no difference between man, animals and plants except the degree of consciousness that each different species has in its essence and form. Seeing the world as 'man-centred' and that 'God' is separate and 'above' (in 'heaven') has caused so much misery and death upon the Earth, and has completely cut off the majority of human-kind from Nature and the Natural Order.

Finally, rather than follow the path of some who are continually giving out false propaganda about Covid-19, which only serves to help those pushing this agenda by making them look stupid, there is a clear case for a backlash against the Covid-19 Vaccines on the basis of their being used in animal testing.

Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos via Diane Robbins #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #wingnut diannerobbins.com

Today it is calm in the Hollow Earth, as it is on all days, except for this special day of Sunday, as we wait for you to take our dictation. On these Sundays, there is a special breeze in the air, a breeze of anticipation as we connect with you again. It is as if the whole Hollow Earth stirs, knowing that it is time for us to deliver our dictation to you.
Greetings from the Library of Porthologos. Today the flowers are in mighty blooms of reds and purples, and their scents are wafting through our nostrils with the most delicious of fragrances. We pass these fragrances on to you, and hope you can capture their scents as you sit above us at your computer. We bring you good tidings and blessings of love from all the people in the Hollow Earth. More and more of us here below, are connecting with more and more of you above. It is indeed a wondrous time, in which all the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in this seventh golden age on earth. All of humanity are desiring peace, and people are waking up now by the thousands. There are now over 55 million surface humans awakening to who they are, with this critical mass achieved, we are now assured of the 10,000 years of peace. It is also this critical mass that allows the Ascended Masters to visibly and physically walk the Earth surface, to openly teach the Universal Laws. So there are great changes ahead, and the changes all point to peace.
Know that we in the Hollow Earth know everything that transpires on the surface. We know the results of your presidential elections, and we are amazed at how the American people were so easily deceived and lied to, and how little they questioned the election process.

Jeanne Ruland and Shantidevi Felgenhauer #magick #crackpot #quack amazon.com

Ancestor Healing: Unbinding of Ancient Family Engrams

Our family forms as like no one else. But it is not just our parents and granparents who influence who we are, which values and talents we live. Our roots reach back far into the the distant past and encompass far more levels than we may believe. This practical book for Ancestor Work connects the systemic view of our ancestors with the hawai’ian tradition of Huna. It unveils correlations between grave themes of life and our ancestral line and at the same time opens our consciousness for the spiritual realms of ancestors such as those of the animal spirits, the plant beings, the minerals, the angels or Masters. Numerous exercises and meditations empowers us to let healing come to pass on the genetic and spiritual level and to use the power of the ancestors, our heritage of light, to attain our full potential. Thus, old wounds in the family can finally heal, we let go of the weight and propagate in love all that is beatific within our ancestral line. “When we realise who we are and where we come from, we can fulfil that for which we are here.”

Original GermanAhnenheilung: Auflösung von uralten Familienprägungen
Unsere Familie prägt uns wie niemand sonst. Doch nicht nur unsere Eltern und Großeltern beeinflussen, wer wir sind, welche Werte und Talente wir leben. Unsere Wurzeln reichen weit in die Vergangenheit zurück und umfassen viel mehr Ebenen, als wir vielleicht glauben. Dieses Praxisbuch zur Ahnenarbeit verbindet die systemische Sicht auf unsere Ahnen mit der hawaiianischen Tradition des Huna. Es zeigt Zusammenhänge zwischen schweren Lebensthemen und unserer Ahnenlinie auf und öffnet zugleich unser Bewusstsein für die spirituellen Ahnenreiche wie die der Tiergeister, der Pflanzenwesen, der Mineralien, der Engel oder Meister. Zahlreiche Übungen und Meditationen ermächtigen uns, auf genetischer und spiritueller Ebene Heilung geschehen zu lassen und die Ahnenkraft, unser Lichterbe, zur Entfaltung unseres gesamten Potenzials zu nutzen. So können alte Wunden in der Familie endlich heilen, wir lösen uns von Schwerem und führen alles Segensreiche, das in unserer Ahnenlinie liegt, in Liebe weiter. »Wenn wir erkennen, wer wir sind und woher wir kommen, können wir vollenden, wofür wir hier sind.«

Maggie #racist #conspiracy #magick #god-complex bewusstseinsreise.net

Germany was set to die - but the Curse of Death was erased!

I currently have just this one piece of evidence for camps, but there are certainly more - feel free to tell me in the comments. Dresden and the Rhine Meadows* are the actions that document the plans of the Cabals well, but also the migration pact with the goal of ethnic replacement.

[Two links to videos, calling Nazi Germany’s capitulation the “Day of Enslavement” and titled “SHOCKING! WHAT DOES THE DENVER AIRPORT HAVE TO DO WITH THE EXTERMINATION OF THE GERMANS?”, respectively)

But not only Germany was to destroyed, but, well, the GERMAN PEOPLE with it no matter where it resides! - and, in general, WHITE HUMANITY!


But yesterday, we managed to end this total destruction, for we discovered not only a DEATH CURSE for the GERMANS and a DEATH CURSE for the WHITE POPULATION, but were also able to completely erase the fundamental PRIMORDIAL CREATOR IMPLANT CURSES, which allowed a curse in human biosystems in the first place. Because, by the origins of humanity, it is impossible to curse us, but these invaders came up with a way long ago, which only became apparent to us when the SOURCE itself came into our 3-D world as a human and found out about it. […]

The curse upon the German people exists since ca. 120 years ago and was erased on 18.5.2021 “by the power of our divine consciousness” - a historical event! The same with the death curse upon the white population! From now on, things are going upwards!

* Translator’s note: Location of the main Western Allied PoW camps at the end of WWII.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.

Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now using those hostages in dark sacrifice rituals, then capturing their soul essence and forcing them to incarnate again in another cloned body which is captured as a hostage in a Chimera base, repeating the process. This creates an immense amount of suffering and thus generated loosh is then gathered and projected with scalar technology towards the surface population.

This is a very difficult time for the Resistance forces and for the Pleiadian fleet, and they need assistance from the surface population.

They are asking for as many lightworkers as possible, to meditate as often and whenever they feel guided, for this situation to be resolved as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Raphael #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger #fundie voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

At this point in linear time, we are very close to the middle of the cycle, soon to reach the exact mid-point between the out-breath and the in-breath of God. The universe began to reach this mid-point as unicellular organisms were emerging on the Earth, but the exact mid-point is yet to be attained. It will coincide with what has come to be called the Second Coming of Christ.

When any vibrational system reverses the momentum of its direction, as a pendulum does at the uppermost point of its swing, there is a moment of complete rest before it resumes its movement in the opposite direction. Since rest, or the total cessation of movement, constitutes the opposite of time, there is at the precise moment of its occurrence, a micro-interval of non-time, a moment of eternity. This is the same interval of non-time that occurs many times each second as the atoms of the physical world vibrate back and forth. This is an opening into the nagual, a doorway into the Presence from which all Life-energy springs.
So as you prepared to enter into the planetary relationship, you created beings to represent your original state of unified awareness. These are the angels. Their value, as well as their limitation, springs from the fact that they have no comprehension of the process you are undertaking. Their instructions were to pretty much stay out of things until near the very end of the process. Then, upon receipt of a pre-arranged signal, they were to commune with the human beings on Earth at that time and assist them in awakening to their original state of unified consciousness.

We received that signal nearly two thousand years ago.

Solar Rishi Salad Award

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

The Solar Rishi and Solar Dragon Kings are braiding themselves throughout the crystalline grids which hold the holographic celestial map of many Sun-Stars and constellations that are transmitting organic liquid plasma consciousness technology that catalyzes Solar Synthesis. This is a solar symbiosis process which blends physical matter with solar fire plasma codes throughout the Planetary Grid Network, which further energizes the Sophianic plasma shields and Solar Rainbow Dragon elemental shields which are animating crystal vapors into the fluids and waters in creation. These liquid plasma shields are designed to further re-encrypt elementals and purify the corrupted astral waters, fluids and vapors that are within the planetary crystalline matrix and the human body’s water management system. This is re-organizing the fascia crystalline matrix whereby solar codes are igniting plasma crystals in the extensive webbing of our neurological matrix, upgrading the cellular matrix in our bone, blood, skin and tissues to receive liquid plasma codes.

The increased solarization of the planetary grid network is occurring rapidly in the stellar grid areas where the Sun-Stars are being reconnected into multiple layers of crystalline grids and diamond diagonal grid networks that power up the master controller grids in the Albion. The magnetic field is shifting to the extent that the gravitational pull is lessening which causes the collapse of alien frequency fences and assorted controller machinery, which begins the transfiguration of the raw substances in physical matter and mental body matrices.

Jessica Arael Marrocco #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy acio-agency.org

<bio of the Advanced/Alien Contact Intelligence Organization website founder>
Jessica Arael Marrocco is a psychic/intuitive, medium, past-life regressionist, Akashic record reader, radio host, podcaster, and owner of the radio station called AndronETalksRadio. com.

Jessica was introduced to the ACIO and Intergalactic Council since the age of 5. She met Peter the Insider in 2015, when she began to identify her involvement with being a part the Numbers Group, as number 12. At this time, Peter the Insider informed her that the records showed she was also involved as a psychic in all of these military contractors/corporations, with the SSP (Secret Space Program), MCC (Mars Colony Corporation), Kruger, Labyrinth Group and a galactic Liaison. She communicates with the Council of 5 and reveals disclosure on her show with Peter the Insider and the 12th Division ACIO.

Through further research, she also discovered that she was connected to the 6th Division, Cicada 3301. she assisted the MURG Group when they were recovering from the problems of Monarch and Umbrella Corporations mistreatments and was formerly used as a mother for the Monarch Milabs Refugees, where they recognized her.

Some of the unfortunate connections related to her being pulled into the Murkoff Milab, as the most important core part of Walrider hive mind, at the approximate age of 6.

Her abilities are described as a multi-dimensional seer and remote viewer. Jessica has compiled over 400 shows and many discussions regarding, the paranormal, non-ordinary space, current events, disclosure, meditations and more.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #ufo #quack #racist #dunning-kruger humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Satan Lucifer and his Illuminati NWO Nazi eugenics 5th Reich Pleiadian alien Watcher fallen angels’ Atlantis 6,000 year old Umbrella company is using 5G electromagnetic radiation to damage the human cell DNA and membrane, to allow the Asian ethnic race eugenics targeting biochemical weapon Sars-CoV13 (the coronavirus causing SARS against the ally Asian dragon families’ soldiers) and Sars-CoV-2 (the coronavirus causing COVID-19 against everyone to depopulate 99% of the earth’s population, including their own betrayed people, too) to penetrate the human cell membrane. 5G deployment maps show its correlation with COVID-19 outbreaks, such as the Wuhan 5G test and Lombardy Italy and the cruise ship. During the COVID-19 home lockdown globally, they are putting up as many 5G antennas as possible for the great massacre genocide terrorism extermination of God’s human homo-sapiens specie populace. The hybrid nephilim chimera alien incarnate avatar Elon Musk and his witch wife is sending up 42,000 satellites to create an electromagnetic field that will control the humans’ minds with their fallen angel devils fathers’ demon-possessed neurolink Skynet quantum AI network control linked to the 5G system The astronomers cannot see the stars now. They are creating an artificial electromagnetic holographic world quantum demon realm linked matrix reality of the fallen angels on the earth for the humans.

"Amber is the Color of Your Energy" Award

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

Green is the color of the Dragon
Which was the electrical current on the Universal Axis

A fifth level spell of the Illuminati
Called the Magic Circle Ritual
Is when a member moves their little finger
In a circle around their eye
This guards them from the dragon

Venus was the Eye protected from the dragon or entwining current of the axis
By the surrounding circle of Saturn

The color of the Anti Christ is blue and white

The color of Kachina dolls is blue

Both of these depict Mars
When descending towards the earth plane
In the previous age
When the sky was different

The usual color of Mars is red
So when it changed color
It was looked upon as a different entity
A threatening entity

This was the beast who suffered a wound

Mars was hit by an electrical discharge
From the tip of the Axis Mundi
Known as the Tip of the Spear

This gash is now called the Valles Marineris
Although it is not terra firma but plasma

This is also portrayed in the spearing of Jesus on the cross
As Jesus took on the attributes of the Son of God who was Mars

This exchange of a plasma discharge is also the slaying of the Dragon by St. George

And also Heracles killing the serpent who guarded the Tree of Life
After he stole a golden apple
In the Garden of Hesperides

In the presence of the Most High
Moses took off his shoes

The yellow shoe in Illuminati circles
Is the Torch of Power

Saturn was yellow

Moses was Mars

Mars had 5 deities in his court
The Whore of Babylon was slain
When she stepped on his toe

The remaining four deities became
The Four Horses of the Apocalypse

Shirra/Prageet Alcazar #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Question from Shirra: When you step into this journey or the place of tapping into new dimensions of Superconsciousness, obviously your life changes. This is the challenge that I've experienced. It has an effect on the people around me. The people I love seem to be running in the opposite direction. Why do they do this? I didn't do anything to them.

Prageet: OK, so this applies not just to the Stargate work, but to any of the modalities where people are becoming more awake, more conscious. Society programs us to fit into a kind of a semi-unconscious way of living, and that's where we've been until we've started to wake up. We've all lived in that kind of conditioned, semi-consciousness. When you start to meditate or investigate beyond the norm, and you start to discover more about yourself, your vibration changes. Your energy, your vibration is different. That makes them feel awkward, because now they don't know you anymore. You're not the person that they knew.
Usually, however, the husband, the wife, the children, the parents don't like you changing because that becomes an irritant to them. Because, when somebody starts to become more conscious, it demonstrates to those around them that they are still in this unconscious conditioned state. It's not necessarily a thought process that they go through, they just don't like it and they don't even know exactly what it is they don't like. And so, it can create a separation.

Sometimes as you continue to grow, that separation becomes permanent. Or sometimes you can find a way of explaining what's happening for you and encourage them to move on with you. But in this reality, everybody has their own choice.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon richardalanmiller.com

He’s been involved in research and projects – many at top secret level – that have formed the basis of several modern-day scientific inventions. Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). His work includes foundational papers on A Holographic Concept of Reality and Embryonic Holography and work with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. He was used as Timothy Leary’s experimental guinea pig to see what the effects of LSD were when taken by a Mensa level genius.

Dr. Miller was the real-life character that the X-Files’ Fox Mulder was based on – investigating unexplained phenomena for Navy Seal Corp and MRU, which put him in the path of many incredible life experiences, including an encounter with an alien and travel to an underground Antarctic Nazi base.

He conducted ESP experiments with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the dark side of the Moon, and he developed early protocols and trained Navy Seals in ESP and Super Soldier techniques.
His metaphysical works spring from his mother and grandmother, who were renowned psychic investigators and he himself is a high-level initiate of several traditions and lodges. His grandfather was the magician who trained Houdini.
And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg! Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a ‘whirlwind experience’ to behold.

A pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration, he is re-emerging as a preferred internet radio guest at a critical time in humanity’s, evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

The Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are sending powerful photon gamma light rays into the cells of your being through the central sun. These light rays correspond and add information to your DNA repairing and activating your helixes.

Your ancient history is stored within the scattered helixes of your DNA.

We want to communicate the importance of activating these scattered helixes of DNA within your being now as the ascension of earth is proceeding at full speed.

It is of utmost importance for you right now to integrate regular visits in nature into your daily lifestyle. Especially places that have hills or mountains or historic buildings constructed of stone.

As you visit historic sites and monuments constructed of stone these communicate with you and activate your knowledge about your ancient history on earth.

In truth, humans are much older than what you have been taught. What if we told you that you walked alongside dinosaurs…

Information is light, you need this light to rise above the frequency and the drama of the third-dimensional matrix system.
You will return to being a high evolved civilization which you were during the existence of Atlantis and Lemuria.

You will experience peace, love, freedom, and equality for all sentient life on Gaia.

Advanced technologies and thousands of cures for diseases will be given to you.

We would like to assure you that the Galactic Federation is in collaboration with the earth alliance and we are in full control over the situation on earth.

The days of the cabal’s reign and their abuse of power over humanity are numbered.

This is the victory of light.

Rejoice. Do not doubt and trust.

We love you. We are here with you.

We are family of light.

Geoffrey Grider/Lori DeMonia #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick nowtheendbegins.com

One of the reasons why we are seeing such mass acceptance of UFOs and space aliens at the highest level of world government is because the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is right now ‘on deck’ and awaiting liftoff. So many thing happened at the end of WWII, it was a true paradigm shift. Adolf Hitler, a type of Antichrist, was introduced to the world, the United Nations was formed and the Jews were regathered in fulfillment of Jeremiah 29:14 (KJB), and the first space alien UFO made headlines in Roswell.

In June, the Pentagon is scheduled to release what many people are saying will stunning information of human contact with space aliens, but those of us who believe the bible will know the true identity of these beings, the fallen angels from Genesis 6. Jesus said the time of Jacob’s trouble would be like the days of Noah, and that time is almost here now.
And so begins the deception of explaining what has happened when millions of people are suddenly caught up in the rapture. It will be a well prepared narrative. Why? Because as we know the enemy has been preparing the reasons that will be given by distorting this event, not denying it. In fact some call the event that’s soon to occur on Earth their genuine absolute truth, and the rapture of the Bible will be the counterfeit explanation. Isn’t that interesting? They’re not denying that the rapture is an event, or that it’s in the Bible, but they are creating a distorted explanation that’s coming directly from the enemy. New Age writers that “channel” information from beings in other dimensions have been writing about this coming event for many years.

Kaia Ra #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon kaiara.com

The Stargate 1 Curriculum is an authentic Mystery School journey that walks you right into the heart of your own divinity — which innately transforms everything that you believe about your humanity.

This journey will give you the tools to move beyond painful resistances to embodying your own divinity, while teaching you how to be present with the astounding opportunity to embody your sovereignty.

As you take your next leap of faith by enrolling in the Stargate 1 Curriculum, I want to thank you for receiving this much support for your heroic human journey! You are now walking into the sun of your own success.


30+ Classes with Kaia Ra

15+ hours of Mentor Q&A Recordings

Quantum Healing with the Ascended Masters

Spiritual Tools for mentoring with the Ascended Masters

Personal Rituals and Journaling Prompts

Exclusive Online Community Forum

70+ hours of comprehensive Curriculum Materials

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Altar Building Instructions
Does my enrollment in the Stargate 1 Curriculum certify me to teach The Sophia Code® as a class, community offering, or authorize me to speak on behalf of Kaia Ra and The Sophia Dragon Tribe?
No. The names: Kaia Ra®, The Sophia Code®, The Sophia Dragon Tribe®, The Sophia Dragons® and Embody Your Sovereignty® are the intellectual property and internationally registered trademarks of Kaia Ra, LLC.

The Stargate 1 Curriculum is an introductory course of Higher Self initiations and Ascended Master mentorship that prepares you to successfully complete the Divine Feminine leadership initiations of the Stargate 2 Curriculum.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Welcome to my beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, Truth Seekers and all others! I am so very glad that you are here with me today. I would like to address a very interesting topic...the topic of the Covid-19 vaccination.
I would like to remind you that, in the past, your scientists have stated they have come to the conclusion that 97% of our DNA they now call our “junk DNA.” Now, why would they do that? Well, if most of you follow the idea that there are galactics near us, and with us, for the most part...well then, I can state categorically...that 97% is pure, 100%, galactic DNA, within you!

Now, most of this galactic DNA within you is of high quality and it is very important DNA. It is DNA that you are using in this “transition”...to the point of being able to use it ALL when your body finally becomes completely crystalline...as is happening for many of you right now.
They have implanted much dark DNA in your systems...in your bodies. There were up to 22 different races who have been genetically experimenting on humanity over the many millennia, here on Earth.

So, consider that there were several of those species...actually I would say that it was more than half, of those galactic races...who experimented on you and created a darker type of DNA in your bodies.

This is all part of the negative DNA that is in you. Now, it is not the overall 97%...it is, as I said, most likely just over half that amount that is not “benevolent” galactic DNA.

Please consider those folks who are currently providing the misinformation...such as how these vaccines are going to “alter your DNA,” and that's a bad thing. Well, if it's altering bad DNA that is within you, then that is a good thing, is it not?

Kaia Ra #crackpot #magick #ufo #moonbat #mammon kaiara.com

It was not until Sophia directly spoke to me, opening Her world of pure light for me to step into, that I finally felt at home and complete in my quest. Further, as a professional channel, I knew that I had finally met a High Council that I could partner with and never wonder if there was a higher calling for me. As soon as I met The Sophia Dragon Tribe, I gulped — I knew that I had met my co-creative match for a lifetime.

In other words, I have zero interest in offering another cosmology of God/Goddess identification that would be put above any other spiritual pathway, claiming that this is ‘the only way.’
Challenging our belief structures about what God/Source consciousness is and opening to the quantum reality of our multidimensional Multi-verse is a good thing. It’s an exercise in spiritual humbleness that keeps the innocence of our wonder for divinity fresh and vital.

In my spiritual quest, it was riveting for me that the light of Source spoke to me as a parthenogenetic Divine Mother Creatrix of All Life, flanked by pearlescent ivory-scaled dragon angels and the most epic Ascended Master best friends that I could ever ask for. It’s a complete understatement to say that ‘God’ became way more interesting to me that day.

Sophia straight up shattered the wounded remnants of patriarchal religious conditioning that I endured in my youth — and would continue to do so for years to come as I channeled The Sophia Code Curriculum to become a vibrant modern Mystery School that now serves an ever-growing international community.

Prabhupada/Mukunda Dasa #fundie #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger truth.prabhupada.org.uk

URPORT: Since the beginning of creation, the demons and the demigods, or the Vaisnavas, are always the two classes of living beings to dominate the planets of the universes. Lord Brahma is the first demigod, and Hiranyaksa is the first demon in this universe. Only under certain conditions do the planets float as weightless balls in the air, and as soon as these conditions are disturbed, the planets may fall down in the Garbhodaka Ocean, which covers half the universe. The other half is the spherical dome within which the innumerable planetary systems exist. The floating of the planets in the weightless air is due to the inner constitution of the globes, and the modernized drilling of the earth to exploit oil from within is a sort of disturbance by the modern demons and can result in a greatly harmful reaction to the floating condition of the earth.
Prabhupada: Yes, we can think like that. Just like the plane, aeroplane, is flying. There is sufficient petrol stock. Is it not? So the world has got sufficient petrol stock. If you do not know how it is being used, maybe due to this petrol, it is floating. And if you take away the petrol stock, it may drop. Everything is there. There is a purpose. There is full purpose. Not that whimsically petrol is there within the earth. There is some purpose.
Devotee: What they do, Srila Prabhupada, is take the petrol out and put salt water, because they know there can be a imbalance. And then they put salt water in the holes.
Prabhupada: But water cannot produce gas. Petrol produces gas. Maybe due to that gas, it is floating. Because we have got practical experience. When there is gas, you can float anything.
Dhananjaya: Like a balloon.
Prabhupada: Yes.

Judge Anna von Reitz #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #magick mainerepublicemailreport.com

Remember the Harry Potter movies? Remember when Harry stumbled into an attic room and found the mirror that showed him his fondest desires? Well, that’s “Project Looking Glass” in the actual world. It also shows the “Lookers” what they want to see, but not what is true.

So no wonder that nine out of ten “Lookers” saw a future in which they were exalted and in control of the whole world.

No wonder that they saw the population of the world vastly reduced. Their own ego-centricity and false beliefs mandated that.

No wonder they saw what was left of humanity (after they themselves spawned a “limited” nuclear war and hid out from the results in Deep Underground Bases (DUMBS)) subjected to their rule.

And so on.

They even coined their own special code phrases — like “future proves past”. and “rule of destiny”.

It never occurred to them that all the Looking Glass reveals is them— their evils, their prejudices, their intents, their desires, their beliefs.

That is the purpose of the Looking-Glass technology– to tell the truth about them, and reveal the inner eye of the Beholder, not to show the truth about anything else.
The Looking-Glass can only reflect back what it sees in the Looker.

So what these men have seen via Project Looking Glass is only their own ego revealed. Nothing more.

And they even missed the point of the revelation: judgment.

In ancient times this technology was used to judge the motives and guilt of individuals by revealing their true desires.

Thus a righteous person can look into the mirror and nothing but compassion and justice and kindness will be revealed, but a madman’s ego will also be revealed.

Cetacean Nation #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger cetacean-nation.com

A new way of thinking and being is currently evolving on our planet.
We now recognize that there is another bonafide intelligent species that occupies our world besides us. They have been here for millions of years and have CONSCIOUSNESS.
A new season of higher consciousness and connected awareness is now available to anyone who would wish to recognize it. The dolphins and whales are here to assist us in this transition to a shifted understanding of our connectivity. They have had eons of time to understand and use such expanded awareness of the multidimensional realms and stand ready to encourage such development on the part of Humans who are ready for this new level of evolution.
Not only do Cetacea represent a decided shift in Human intellect by accepting another sentient race on the planet, but with this new association, may also be considered to be emotional balancing and healing agents for the troubled hearts of mankind. Add to this the understanding that dolphins and whales represent a Spiritual manifestation on the physical plane, and it moves to establish an even higher consciousness connection for all to observe and become a participant.
Open up your minds and hearts to this new sensation and way of being. Feel the joy and peace of a Fifth Dimensional Awareness — Pod Mind Mentality. It awaits your acceptance and realization. We are no longer alone in this Universe. We are awakening to who we really are: Lightbeings connected to the Source of All That Is. The Cetacea have anticipated this moment for three thousand years, inviting us to rejoin them in this joyful recognition and new understanding of this liberated state of being.

Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick sharonandivo.weebly.com

This is my plan for 2021. It's been what I've wanted to do for years, but Ivo's been telling me it has to start in 2021.
I didn't know why, a few years back, why I would have to start a community where I was moving to, but I knew I had to. I just figured it was us like-minded folks having a good time together. It's not. I now realize that I'm to start a non-compliant community that is self-sufficient and not really dependent on society in any way because, of course, we will be outcasts. (By the way, the same was done on Venus. Read Omnec Onec's account of this in her book "From Venus I Came.")

I don't know when the deep state will be ousted completely. From what I hear I believe it will take some time. Will indictments be enough? Will indictments be enough to convince the entire population to turn on their governments? When will people be aware enough to dry up the artificial timelines and move to the Lemurian timelines? How much of our society has to change in order to create a world that has no cabal influence anymore? How much has to go? When will we become GESARA compliant?
Ivo is the one who's in charge of this light city and the television station that will be on the ground, hopefully this year. I think they're waiting for timelines to split out, and apparently we're due for a big split soon. It makes sense just at an intellectual level, never mind the science of it all: There are at least 3 major groups of timelines here and one is extremely negative, and the others more positive. With these continued incoming energies anchoring their Light on earth, and that earth is a dualistic planet, it makes sense they're going to start splitting apart even more.

Humans Are Free #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick humansarefree.com

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a unique, fascinating, incredibly complex ancient structure.

Even thousands of years after it was erected, we still do not have the entire picture as to how ancient people managed to build something so massive and so precise.

In fact, the Great Pyramid of Giza is estimated to have around 2,300,000 STONE BLOCKS that range in weigh from 2 to up to 30 tons each. Some of the blocks are estimated to have around 50 tons.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was a marvel of ancient engineering and it is demonstrated that the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza covers 55,000 m2 (592,000 ft. 2) With each side greater than 20,000 m2 (218,000 ft2) in area.

However, the Great Pyramid isn’t only an architectural and engineering mystery. It is a geographical one too.

According to researchers, the Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error.

The position of the North Pole moves over time, and the pyramid was exactly aligned at one time. But the most fascinating discovery was perhaps made in 1877.

Author and theologian Dr. Joseph Seiss demonstrated in 1877 that the Great Pyramid of Giza is located at the exact intersection of the LONGEST LINE OF LATITUDE and the LONGEST LINE OF LONGITUDE— in other words, at the exact center of ALL THE LANDMASS on planet Earth.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick goldenageofgaia.com

Losha and I <JFK> would like to address a different topic today. She and I have been speaking of the event called “9/11.”
Now, at this time, back in 2001, the Alliance did not have the measure of control that they do at this time. They were unable to control the different agencies. So, they heard about this event being planned but they were unable to stop it.

There are reasons that it did go forward…and one of the reasons that it was “allowed” (by the galactics) to go forward is because it was to be a huge “wakeup call” for so many Americans and international citizens.

The event went ahead as planned…however, the Alliance did what they could to diminish the casualties. Even though they couldn’t stop the event from happening, they put out rumors beforehand indicating that the Alliance knew about the event and they were going to stop it…even though they really couldn’t.

So, they moved it up just an hour, but because they moved it up one hour…if you think about the time it actually happened…that one hour saved a lot of lives. So, that is what the Alliance did…that was all they could do at the time.
The 9/11 event was the biggest wakeup call in the history of the United States. My assassination was also a wakeup call to Americans, but it was a smaller one as compared to the 9/11 event.
We are now very, very close to finally learning the Truth…and those who are still asleep, will also be learning the Truth. It is time for us all to embrace each other no matter what “side” of this matter we are on…whether they be awakened or sleeping, we all must embrace each other when the Truth comes out.

Trish Hoehn #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon lotusbewell.com

Everything, from dense physical matter like a rock to the words on this page and the ideas behind them, is made up of energy. Every particle of every atom of every organism and substance we encounter vibrates at a specific frequency; slower vibrations correspond with dense, physical matter, faster vibrations correspond with more “nebulous” things like light, color, sound, emotions, thoughts, etc.

Many trained practitioners successfully utilize frequency-specific (aka “vibrational”) energy medicine to help people achieve greater health and wellbeing. For an energy medicine modality to be successful, however, the practitioner must know the frequency of the imbalance in the body, have access to a tool or treatment modality with the exact frequencies needed to correct that imbalance, and know the appropriate duration of treatment.
Advanced Tachyon Technologies, Inc. has developed a proprietary process to convert certain materials into Tachyon antennae. Massive amounts of tachyon are drawn to and emitted from the Tachyonized products. The results are predictable, not dependent upon operator skill or client belief, and nothing short of astounding. A patent and continuing global research have proven the efficacy of this modality.

The Tachyonized product line includes organic supplements, antennae tools, EMF / 5G protection devices, and meditation tools.

Trish Hoehn, Certified Tachyon Practitioner and BioEnergetic Specialist, utilizes professional level tools that quickly assist clients to eliminate pain, improve organ function, boost immunity, increase energy, protect from the harmful effects of EMFs, and in general, return to a higher state of health

N.D. Blackwood #crackpot #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Dear Friend,
Please allow me to introduce myself, my Vampiric name is N.D. Blackwood.

I am the modern pioneer of a violently-guarded, medieval, occult tradition of Black Magick known as Vampirism. Born and raised in central Europe, I underwent initiation as a young man in numerous underground lodges and have inherited the priceless systems of initiation and ritual within Vampirism.

My magick name, N.D. Blackwood, acts as a talisman. “N.D.” invokes my Vampiric patrons, Noctulius and Dracúl, and “Blackwood” refers to the neighboring forest wherein I hike to perform rituals of Vampirism and Necromancy.
When a mundane person hears the term “vampire,” they imagine a handsome, fanged, undead gentleman or lady who sucks the blood of human victims to survive. While partly accurate from a legendary perspective, the true sorcery of Vampirism far surpasses that romanticized concept. A true Magick Vampire aspires to tap into the unlimited power of the cosmos to experience physical immortality and to conquer death.

For more than 15 years, Initiatic Vampirism has been the only occult path to which I have devoted myself. I managed to synthesize the magick from every Vampiric Path together, in order to create the most complete and effective grimoire that was ever written on Magick Vampirism. This synthesis, I present it to you in my new book: Draugadróttinn. If your thirst for sustaining your spirit and conquering death is as great as mine, I invite you to embark with me in this quest for immortality as we explore this energetic phenomena from practices such as Chinese medicine, to powerful rituals transmitted for generations in some of the darkest lodges of Europe.
<$170.00 but sold out>

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #magick adrenogate.net

This image immediately reminded me of the shadow-being filmed dining with all those world leaders at some kind of summit during the Trump administration. If I had to guess, I would say that both these beings are manifestations of Apolloyon(Abbadon). Lucifer is a made-up Latin name that does not appear anywhere in the Hebrew language so I don’t think it’s him. Though it’s a good bet that this thing is in fact one of the Fallen Angels OR the disembodied spirit(Demon) of one of their Nephilim hybrid offspring. It looks like it has a dress on, so maybe it’s Lilith? It could easily be some kind of robe though. I’m still searching for the original video that this screenshot was taken from. Not that any of this is even remotely surprising. The fact that there are malevolent shadow-beings lurking around politicians in the Capitol Building is about the least shocking thing that I’ve posted about in years. Birds of a feather….

The Veil is lifting. We will be seeing a lot more of these kinds of paranormal manifestations as the Veil is slowly lifted within this Saturn Cube reality matrix that we’ve been stuck inside of and is on the verge of being purged and flushed clean of all the souls trapped within it.

Cetacean Nation via Diane Robbins #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo diannerobbins.com

We thank you for being our liaison on land. This is a crucial time for people on Earth to hear our messages. We applaud your bravery to be here.

You have a black-out of News and don't even know what the dark forces have planned. This is the LAST STAND of the dark. It is the END GAME.

We have decided to leave the Earth and return to our home in the Sirius Star System. All the lessons we have come to teach you, at our expense, have either been learned by now or never will be. We have sacrificed our lives over and over again, and now we wish to leave. We have had enough, so to speak. Without the Whales your Earth will flounder, for it is us who keep everything in order and balance.
So, we here in the Oceans watch and wait, and plan our egress from this planet that has housed us so well, were it not for the human race who played dictator and destroyer to each other and to other species. You just didn't stop did you? You not only destroy your own kind, but all others as well, because you lost all regard for life.
Your governments are purposely promoting your demise, knowing that all these things are destroying you, so that the Earth's population will slowly shrink to a manageable size that they can easily control. And you all buy it — hook, line and sinker — and never question the blackout of news from the media.

We love you all, and gave you all, but you rejected us and our love, and all we gave to you. So our time is at end — as we must now continue on our way. We stopped long enough to help, and now it's up to you. Our admonition to you is: WAKE UP NOW OR PERISH.

~ We are the Whales out at sea

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #racist #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

It seems clear from recent events such as 'Black Lives Matter' (which I believe here in England has morphed into 'Black Liberation Movement') that the street-active Marxists have been allowed to get on with their subversive work whilst thousands of freedom-loving ordinary people have been subjected to police harassment whilst protesting against the 'lockdowns' and 'vaccine-passports'. It is usual to regard 'Antifa' as an anarchist group, but this arose first in Germany around 1936 from within the German Communist Party, so there is very little difference, both being subversive movements against the Folk-Nation, and both pushing a globalist agenda, just like the Global Bankers and Global Corporations, who fund them of course.

I thought that I'd start with this, but the main point of this post is that, as those with the eyes to see can see, in virtually every advert now the White Man has been replaced, and everywhere there are attacks upon the White Male. This is nothing new, but from what I can see this has (like everything else) accelerated to a huge degree. So, at this point I would like to go over the Sajaha Prophecies again, and also remind of what I have said before on this subject.


Don Miguel Serrano foretold that the Last Avatar will arise at the height of the catastrophe, and there is a certainty that the Gods will intervene in such a disaster, sending one of their own (Wid-Ar or the White Krist) to lead the Armies of Light in the destruction of the Dark Forces. This figure is the Third Sargon as prophesied by Sajaha. But it is not our role to sit and wait, nor to 'have faith', it is our role to take up this Eternal Struggle, as did Don Miguel Serrano and others who have dedicated their lives, and even given their lives, to the defeat of the Dark Powers.

What is clear from these ancient texts is that we are now at the point of the vicious attack upon the White Race, where other peoples are turned against us by the Forces of Evil and Darkness.

Alisheryia and the Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We offer peace this day. When hatchlings are agitated we draw them close, just as we put our large wings around you. It is never cold in the nook of a wing for love beats in that space of darkness and paternal / maternal warmth is felt as well. (I am seeing dragons in battle protecting their young or someone else who is within their circle of protection. I am seeing numerous colorful dragons in a circle with large wings outstretched looking like a beautiful colorful flower from above. I see children with this circle of protection. I ask them why human children and hatchlings are within their circle of protection.) We have also been rescuing human children from various places of your galaxy. We say ‘your’ for we are not contained by time space. We easily fly in between the galaxies and traverse the universes for we serve all sectors. Many children, many human colonies that you are not aware of have been decimated. This war is not just on our land but on many lands, which is why it is a complex chess board. We are assisting with the rescue of humans. We are taking them for rehabilitation. Human children are with our children because they are friends. Humans and dragons have a long friendship history and so it will continue.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We lend our support. We lend our healing. We share our gifts. The time is now to soar. You are welcome here, you of crystalline intention. Those on the path will vibrationally find this place of healing if they desire. (I see them blowing a fire stream from their home to our home, a fire rope path for us to follow in our meditations.) Life is grander than you have seen, little human.

James Rink #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick supersoldiertalk.com

With help from a seer, I do some regression work to remote view the beginnings of my surrogation with my current family.

Around 1980, embryo no. 320 was brought to term by my surrogated cyborg mother. My mother was part of the negative Mantis genetic projects. The Draco and reptilians shared their databases and used a quantum computer to find the best candidate mother which could control me for all their programs they had planned for me. My surrogated mother was chosen due to her being connected to the white magic lodges in Roman times. She wasn’t a bad person but she was in a cyborg body which had cords and wires controlled by a negative Mantis. The mantis would overtake her cybernetics and she would act in a cruel manner towards others creating negativity which the mantis would feed off of like a food source.
When moms baby boy was about the age of three, one night the Draco opened a portal of light and took away my brother and put me in his place. They copied everything he was dressed in too. When mom woke up, she picked me up and immediately knew I was not the same child as our energy field is different. My energy field was huge, high vibrational, and blue but my brother’s energy field was much lower as 42% of his energy was gone as a result of it being drained by that mantis.
In my civilian life, as a child, the mantis would continue overshadowing my mother and would abuse me to drain me of my energy. The Draco would also abduct me and inject me with a yellow goo into my body which would grow into a spider web net connected to my neurons to try to short circuit my own intuition. Instead of getting normal messages from my higher self it would be messages the Draco wanted me to hear.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon supernaturalspirit.com


Having the ability to alchemically one substance to another has always been the dream of alchemists throughout the centuries. Thanks to the super genius of Tim Tony Stark Rifat and The Great Lord Beast this dream has become practical reality. Through the use of C-Space and H-Space technology, Tim charges up this service with appropriate magical energies required to transmute any animate or inanimate object into anything desired by the user. This allows the user to delete any unwanted biophysical characteristics of the object in H-space and add the desired characteristics via visualization.
Since food and drugs aren't the only toxicity human are exposed to these days, the alchemy service can be used to change the heavy metals found in chemtrails, such a barium, strontium and aluminum into non-harmful substances like water vapor or even beneficial ones. You can even change the biophysical makeup of the clothes you wear or the furniture you site on into gold, meaning that you attract wealth and fortune into your life, simply wearing the altered clothes and being the altered furniture.

This technology far exceeds the dreams of any alchemist from centuries gone by, since you get to enjoy the physical benefits of any objects you interact with within real space, while profiting from modified complex number state.

Become a modern-day alchemist and make reality your bitch! ONLY $600!

Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Fri. 7 May: John F. Kennedy as US VP and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy as Second Lady confirmed?

Biden would be out, Trump in and a new Financial System and NESARA activated.

In the first three days the Quantum Starlink’s Project Odin would take down the Cabal’s Mass Media Satellites to blackout the media worldwide – all Mass Media owed by Mossad, UK Royals, 5 Eyes and CIA would be removed as we switched over to the Quantum Systems and activate the Military Emergency Broadcast. The only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.

There would be possible occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system. There could be a Stock Market crash, planes and trains grounded, with the Internet going down to be replaced by the Quantum Internet. The Internet would be rebooted with everything wiped clean and no more Operation Mockingbird or Microsoft – the same with TV, Newspapers etc.

The “Rods of God” would destroy 34 Cabal buildings (including the White House, Buckingham Palace and Vatican?), plus the CCP’s Three Gorges Dam that hides Bitcoin and their International Adrenochrome and Child Trafficking operations.

J. Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:

April 21-26 to May 1 was the next Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused (SRA) clients.

Preparation for Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl holidays were celebrated by blood and sexual orgies, culminated with a human sacrifice of a female, age 1-25– the more innocent the better, followed by eating their flesh and drinking the Adrenochromed blood.

GenSix Productions #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack #wingnut #mammon gensix.com


EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS – The destruction of the human race has kicked into high gear, with the Globalists plotting the deaths of 90% of the Earth’s population. We are currently facing an unimaginable list of haunting challenges: Forced Vaccinations, Alien Disclosure, Geological Upheaval, AI Terminator Robots, Solar Storms, Volcanoes & Earthquakes, Loss of Freedoms & 2nd Amendment Rights, the End of Paper Money, and the Explosion of Crypto Currencies and Precious Metals.

EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS will feature presentations from Steve Quayle, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gary Heavin, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Egon von Greyerz, Mike Adams, Lisa Haven, Paul Begley, Dave Hodges, Daniel Holdings, and more. This panel of expert speakers will encourage, equip and warn you for the days of darkness ahead. Tribulations are unfolding, minute by minute, and time is running out. We must all be prayerful and prepare to overcome the most perilous time in Earth’s history.

SPECIAL BONUS: When you purchase your EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS Video On Demand package, you will also receive FREE instant access to Steve Quayle’s Cascadia: The Big One Documentary! (Available in your Membership area)

Order Lifetime Access to Streaming/VOD today for the Extinction Protocols Conference.

Heart the Healer #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #quack heartthehealer.com

This information is very valuable… ❤

As with any other virus, COVID-19 has a low vibration (about 5.5 Hz-14.5 Hz). At 25.5 Hz and higher the virus dies.

For a person living in high vibrations, i.e. in connection with the soul, it is not more dangerous than an acute respiratory infection, because the body of a healthy person “vibrates” higher. Only occasionally does it slip into lower vibrations for various reasons.

The reasons for this can be several disturbances in the energy balance… (tiredness, emotional exhaustion, hypothermia, chronic diseases, nervous tension, etc.).

The virus is not resistant in nature, outside the body…

The average total frequency of the earth today is 27.4 Hz and would therefore be destructive for the virus, but there are places where this frequency is reduced, i.e. natural or artificially created geopathic areas (hospitals, prisons, electric lines, underground and public electric vehicles, shopping centres, offices, bars, etc.) where the vibrations fall below 20 Hz.
For thousands of years the frequency of our planet has been 7.6 Hz. Physicists call it Schumann-MRI and it is due to the beat created by the rays in the space between the Earth and the ionosphere, which acts as a wave guide and resonator.

Man felt comfortable under these conditions because the vibration frequency of his energy field had the same parameters, 7.6-7.8 Hz.
2020 we have reached 170 hz.

Even if we look at the situation scientifically, it is clear that a person who does not increase his vibrations will soon leave the planet in one way or another, and neither the high social spheres nor the accumulated capital will help…

So we should not be afraid!

Council of Light via Jenny Schlitz #crackpot #ufo #magick goldenageofgaia.com

The intensity of things have really sped up. The sun is very active and sending in lots of plasma to assist us with these deep changes. The Schumann Resonance, the heartbeat of the Earth, is speeding up as well.

I shared with my Aura Cleanse members that I was told and shown that Earth has been moved back on track. It seems we were going off in left field. They showed me an image of a lasso pulling the Earth back into alignment with the universe and this is exciting good news! Even though the process of uncovering and working through all that was not in alignment in our inner and outer worlds is a challenge. It is still good news.

I was recently in a meeting with the Council of Light. It was the largest meeting I have ever attended. It was as if all the smaller councils had gathered and there were many, many spectators.

In this meeting it was explained that the earth is getting ready to go through tremendous change. It was likened to a pregnant woman that moved from contractions like Braxton Hicks to full active labor.
Here is what was said:

“With this labor is a mass exodus of energies that no longer will be able to sustain themselves in the increasing frequency. With each contraction the vibration on Earth and within humans will rise.

Each person at a soul level is being given the option to leave or continue forward. There are those that have reached their goal of moving from one vibrational frequency to the next or who have anchored in what was needed and this is enough."
"The braiding of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine within the DNA will shift each person and could cause many symptoms as mentioned before particularly in the realm of mental health.”

Jen McCarty #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #mammon intothelight.news


The 5.5 transmission will take place on the 5th of May at 8.08 p.m. UK time.

In this transmission, we will work with the dismantling of the 5G grid, which the nefarious powers that were, are seeking to implement. We will be working with the collective consciousness and indeed all of the ascended beings to transform these 5G grids into 432 hertz Tesla towers. Indeed, this is a momentum that has already kick-started, but we are being called in as the ground crew to deeply empower and solidify this timeline actualization.

In the transmission, we will also be working with the golden dolphins to clean and transmute the energy of the oceans. This is connected to the patriarchal energies, and it's very much connected to many divine masculines and the pollution within their emotional body.

So therefore in this transmission, we will be working on deeply cleansing all the oceans of the world and deeply cleansing our emotional psyche and emotional worlds in order to align with the higher dimensional codes and frequencies that are our true birthright.

I will no longer be hosting the meditations on YouTube. From now on, I will be creating a much more exclusive event on Zoom. Please see below for full details on how to book onto the transmission.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Me: So here we go, folks. I got the heave-ho from my sister. I hadn't spoken to her in a while, because really, there's nothing to talk about. I'm all about the Ascension and the Storm, and she absolutely refuses to hear anything about it. She won't hear it.

I have tried to understand what's going on with her that she won't open her mind to the changes going down now on earth, and I really think that it's got something to do with being squeezed into a mind controlled cage so small that it doesn't allow for anything new to come in.

My sister is 65, folks, and she's retirement age, being paid two thousand a month by the government, which is probably the most she's earned in at least the last ten years, has just lost her partner. So I think she's in a phase of her life, the retirement phase, where change is very unwelcome for many.

I believe that's because I have an alien mind. My sister is an earthling, and has been conditioned to living in the Matrix many lifetimes over already.
Ivo: Correct, my love. Some are not capable of further evolution. Not yet. They have lived within a devolved system of materialism for eons and have adjusted their frequency to it. They cannot simply jump up to embrace ideas of spirituality to the extent that you can. That is why the starseeds were asked to come to earth – because they can raise the Light on the planet to a more spiritual level because they hold those frequencies already. Many earthlings do not. Someone such as your father, who, as you suspect, is a Vegan starseed who became trapped in the earth frequencies for eons, is more capable of embracing the new spiritual paradigm. Your earthling sister is not as evolved so she cannot do this.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick energeticsynthesis.com

For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and Negative Aliens who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of Consent and it's critical importance.
Through the exploitation of these Laws the NAA and the False Father Gods have manipulated humanity to be in consent and authority with their forces, as intermediary, through shaping the Predator Mind in the human culture, through the many Mind Control programs that humans are given as a false history and false reality. Based on these many lies and deceptions, humanity holds belief systems of the Predator Mind thought-forms, thus, naturally becomes in the consent and authority of that same Predator Mind in the NAA groups. This makes the NAA False gods an intermediary source field (Imposter Spirit) for many unsuspecting humans who cannot discern the difference between lies and deception, and the truth.

The Law of Consent is important in order to protect your right to Self-Determination and to reclaim all contents and operations in your body consciousness, as responding only to your personal authority through Informed Consent. Whether there are inorganic or organic components, (such as implants) if they are connected to your body; physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, they belong to you. Everything in your body and consciousness belongs to you.

Applying this action first in your 12D Shield, will allow for an easier extraction process to identify and locate Alien Implants, entities and spiritual oppressions, that need to be removed from your consciousness bodies.

Kimberly L./James Rink #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo supersoldiertalk.com

Today’s topics include mostly a channeled update by Kimberly from Jeanie at Black Shield about Taratria and the suppressed emergence of our 5D civilization. We also have Tartaria Scholar and Researcher, Eric Dadmehr joining us later on as a special guest to help us probe this topic as well. Topics include Tartaria and their outposts, Arcadia, Victorian Free Energy development, as well as ancient antediluvian civilizations.

More channeled info… “San Francisco was originally settled by escapes from Atlantis.. 1585 European people went there to settle, specifically scientists, teachers, philosophy majors all male and female people of higher education. Invited by the Atlantians to the king of England. Do not forget they had a map of America before her so-called discovery.

The king was given a lot of golf from the Americas to allow the people to go with ships.They wanted America to be discovered on the EAST coast by Columbus who was the queen’s SON but they also wanted the brightest and best to eventually merged into the new arrivals and make England rich.

Los Angeles was the farming area who fed San Francisco’s population. Hence the old building’s as the Atlantians built around the water canals like they had in Atlantis. There they were above ground in America it was underground. The ant people left the tunnels, told the Atlantians to use them for the energy creating devices.”

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #dunning-kruger bennettleeross.com

Hollywood is named after the holly tree
The wood of the holly tree has been used as a magic wand

Hollywood is showing you what the reptilian elite
Are doing or plan on doing

Celebrities are typically reptilians
In human costumes

Elitist masquerade balls
Symbolize wearing human flesh as garments

Bill Cosby broke the Illuminati oath
He deviated beyond reconciliation
His body is now being used as a vehicle for a reptilian entity

Once an aspiring and talented music artist agrees to terms
It is common practice to get rid of the original artist
Harvesting their talents and consciousness
Then transferring the energies into a reptilian possessed clone

The rapper DMX
Originally called Darkman X
Reportedly had died
But then recently came out with a new album called Reincarnation

Celebrities will cross their arms in an X pattern
To signify the change that has taken place

The Backstreet Boys are all genetic clones
Their new release is called DNA

Flashing skull masks at concerts
Are used to invoke death on fans

Dr. Fauci and Jeffrey Epstein
Are both reptilians

Reptilians stare and have unusual tongue movements
Their eyes are that of a serpent

TV screens and computer monitors
Syphon human battery power
From our cells into
The Archon matrix grid

Different celebrities can be one reptilian
Acting out several personas
This is symbolized by broken glass

Artists and actors know what
They can and cannot say
But sometimes a micro handset is put in the ear
So that someone will know exactly what to say

If they cannot control you
They will erase the old you
So that the duplication will enforce their message

This is what happened to the rapper Guici Mane
Who is now a clone!

Nick Redfern #magick #crackpot #ufo mysteriousuniverse.org

Strange Creatures In Our Midst: Supernatural Rather Than Natural

Last week I wrote two articles here at Mysterious Universe on Bigfoot – and on other unidentified apes, too. As the articles showed, the creatures seem to be far more paranormal in nature, than flesh-and-blood (as we know it, at least). I demonstrated that the creatures appear to have psychic powers, can turn themselves invisible, and sometimes have a UFO connection. […]
Now, let’s turn our attention to Loch Ness, Scotland. It too is saturated with paranormal phenomena. The creatures of the loch appear to have the abilities to change their shapes from giant eels to what appear to be plesiosaurs, from huge salamanders to massive frogs, and from – in centuries gone – supernatural horses to beautiful (but deadly) women known as Kelpies. Aleister Crowley – the legendary occultist – had a home at Loch Ness: Boleskine House. It was filled with an atmosphere of supernatural menace. Secret cults have performed rites and rituals at the loch. Men in Black have been seen roaming around. UFOs have soared across the skies of Loch Ness. All of this in one location suggests a supernatural connection between the loch and the the varied “things” seen there. Now, onto the Dogman phenomenon – a bizarre creature that resembles nothing less than a real-life werewolf. In other words, the creatures are said to be huge wolves that have the ability to walk on both four-limbs and two. They are clearly not regular animals.
What all of this tells us is that just like Bigfoot, there are some very strange aspects to the world’s so-called cryptids. Beware if you should encounter one or more. They may not be what they appear to be.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

can’t help but to assume that all these nanoparticles we’re being showered with on daily basis via the chemtrail aircraft in our skies are playing a role in keeping us confided in this unnatural and restrictive false reality matrix. A matrix that requires the energy generated from the toroidal field of an actual human soul to sustain itself. With much of the surplus energy being consumed by the this malignant synthetic intelligence. A practice that’s nothing new and seems to be the primary agenda of these non human parasitic invaders.

If we were to boil away the bullshit, I’d think we’d find that the true identity of our non human overlords is one of a formless entity that can only survive via a parasitic relationship with a host and that all the physical representations of Reptilian and Alien Grey creatures were nothing but an artificial construct within their ongoing simulation. That’s not to say that there isn’t a separate Reptoid species that also resides on this realm alongside humans, equipped with an authentic soul and all, living in the shadows hidden from humanity. That seems to be who’s in charge at the Vatican.

That’s usually the trademark of a good deception. Using partial truths to create confusing mammoth lies. Creating a fake species of giant Reptilian ruling overlords that are inspired from the real, but much smaller and less powerful Reptoid inhabitants that reside on earth alongside humans, despite most humans having no idea they exist at all.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Welcome, welcome, welcome to all my beloved Patriots! This is JFK here, or Jack as many like to call me...and I am here to provide you a new message through my muse, Losha.
The biggest untruth is that Jesus died on the cross...this is not true. Even though the media can come up with all these “tv specials” that say there is a shroud of Turin and they found the cross that Jesus died on...it is not true.

Jesus went on to live a full life but he did provide the “Beatitudes” that people talk about from the Bible...that is true...and that is what I would like people to focus on. The Beatitudes are examples of Love...and as what I have learned, Love is the biggest commonality for all religions. Everything comes back to Love...so, all those things that Jesus did where he was loving others...loving those who were “misfits”...loving those who were “unfit”...others who “didn’t deserve to be loved”...Jesus loved every one of them. That is what I would like everyone to remember about Jesus.

The rest...Jesus dying on the cross is a complete fabrication...and I would just like to state that none of you need to be forgiven of any “sin”...that is completely false. No one on Earth...no soul, anywhere, is a sinner.
Jesus did not need to die for your sins...this was all made up by the cabal to cause your to feel “unworthy”...and it worked...in my opinion, it has worked for many, many years. Unworthiness, has been the single biggest emotional issue for every soul on Earth...every emotion that you feel, or every button that gets triggered within you when you react irrationally about something...it all comes back to the basic tenet of not feeling worthy of receiving Love.

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