
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #magick nowtheendbegins.com

The Arch of Palmyra stood at the entrance to the temple used to worship Bel, also known as Ba’al. Mentioned more than 90 times in the Bible, most notably when Elijah defeated the priests of Ba’al, also known as Moloch, in a contest to bring down fire from heaven to burn a sacrifice, Ba’al became the archetypical form of idol worship. Pantheistic, his adherents worshipped Mother Nature while denying the existence of a creator.

After six years of laying in ruin, the Russians have begun reconstructing the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that served as a gateway to a major pagan temple to Baal. Rebuilding the arch is predicted in the Talmud as preceding the Messiah.

Just last month, Pope Francis was in Ur of the Chaldees, taking a Chrislam victory lap in the birthplace of Abraham, and today we are hearing news that Russia is helping Syria to restore the Arch of Palmyra that served the ancient world as a gateway to the Temple of Baal. This is how close we are to the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

Since the signing of the Abraham Accords, the Middle East has become a very different place, so different in fact that we are watching the entire region preparing itself to receive Antichrist. What could be more fitting than having 2 of the key players mentioned in Ezekiel 39 working on rebuilding the Arch of Palmyra, the gateway to the Temple of Baal? Very soon the man of sin will reveal himself, and you and I who are saved will fly on Flight #777.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick bennettleeross.com

Baphomet is a hermaphrodite
With the head and feet of a goat

It is the same as Mahomet
Which is Mohammed

It is Venus with her long flowing emanations
That resembled the hair of a woman
In front of the male Saturn
In the former sky
With plasma discharges and interactions

Moses was Mars
Satan was the alter ego of Saturn

Mars looked like it had died
When it ascended up into the netherworld

Mars was always expected to return
Because it ascended and descended to our plane

It was the Coming One or the Messiah.
The middle finger represents
The phallus of the Beast or Baphomet

The Axis Mundi which is the energy in the center of our universe
Was symbolized as the penis of Saturn

A fifth level spell is when you
Circle your hand around your eye

Venus was the eye in the center of Saturn
And the rings of Saturn encircled Venus

The Pyramid of the Golden Dawn
Saturn shone a brilliant yellow
Or Golden Dawn

The pedophiles of the Phoenix Order
Were thrown under a bus

The Phoenix was another celestial apparition
Of the Saturnian configuration

A green handkerchief is the color of the Dragon
The Dragon was the swirling electrical current on the Axis Mundi
It means somebody will be silenced upon execution
While the Anti-Christ returns
After being dormant for a millennia

The recent parading of mummies
Through downtown Cairo Egypt
Represented the coming of the Anti Christ

The Anti Christ will have DNA from them

A machine laugh means it is masquerading
The real person is dead
And their face is being worn

The unvaccinated will soon be looked upon as dangerous
There will be verbal intimidations
And physical assaults

When this happens the Anti Christ will appear!,

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are Free and Sovereign Beings who have the right to choose and create, and not simply to react to the creations of others.

You can visualise and create “Dream-Spells” which are powerful holographic templates for a New Earth society. As more and more of you create these dreams they begin to coalesce in the Energy Fields and so begin to manifest.

You can use words and create “Word Spells” through mantras, affirmations and decrees that imprint sonic patterns in the energy fields that have the same effect and begin to align energy into creation.

You can sing, dance, paint and create Light Language…all these are magical pursuits that have great power, and in the past were revered as Temple Arts by your ancestors.

And those of you who wish to work with Nature and with the Faerie and Elemental Beings, your time is now!

The Sun is moving towards the 5/5 Taurus Gate, when the part of the Heavens that is illuminated includes Sirius and Orion, but especially the Pleiades. The Pleiades has a long history of working with the Nature programs of Planet Earth, and they worked with the Elohim Angels to seed many of the Plant and Animal species on Earth.

The Pleaidian Council and your Pleidian Family are happy to work with you in your program of Magical Creative Manifestation.

As you transit the 5/5 Portal or Stargate, they will be available to work with you in your dreams and meditations to create the New Earth where Heaven on Earth will be a Reality of Joy and Beauty for you.

In this process you can free yourself of the density of the current Collective Consciousness and rise into the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

In this third interview on Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael Salla, Elena Danaan discusses Galactic Federation operations against repressive extraterrestrial races on Mars, the Moon and Earth. Elena describes a Galactic Federation military intervention against Draconian (Ciakar) Reptilian and Tall Gray bases on Mars that she telepathically witnessed through her primary ET contact, Thor Han. She further explains how the Galactic Federation is able to intervene against advanced technologies built by the Deep State with the help of repressive alien groups designed to control and manipulate humanity. Finally, Elena discusses some spiritual techniques people can use to protect themselves against negative alien groups and how to raise one’s frequency and consciousness.

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the 35th President of United States speaking today to everyone around the world. Right now, It’s time to say no to this global nonsense that has been imposed on everyone for over a year now.

My Dear Americans and Surrounding Nations, how long are you going to tolerate being deprived of simple joys and force to wear this cloth over your face and feel like you are not a person anymore. This Dark Agenda was created by the world controllers, who don’t think that you deserve to have any rights, they only want you to follow their orders like sheep, so far, it has been working and fooling billions of people with their lies and illusions.

Please, remove the veil from your eyes. They are not going to stop, unless you are going to stand up for yourselves as a Collective Consciousness globally and say it‘s enough of the dictatorship and tell them: ‘’We Were Born Free And No One Can’t Take That Away From Us.” If you remember nothing stopped them from assassinating me, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others, who fought for your freedom and prosperity.
My Dear Americans and All the Nations on Earth, the future of this planet is in your hands. You and others have a big responsibility on your shoulders to prevent what took place on similar planets like Mother Earth. What happened there? Life was completely wipe out and the planets are no longer there. They were blown up.

I am here today to warn you and remind you that all of you need to channel your Light within yourself and reunite with others to spread the Light and Freedom to end this global oppression. Unite together as One Voice, One Consciousness and become unstoppable Force of Light for the Freedom of Humanity!

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com










Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick adrenogate.net

This has been blowing my mind. The possibly that a toroidal reality matrix is being fabricated within our minds before becoming conscious of it and then oscillated near our eyes within our brain to create what we perceive as consciousness, is a theory that deserves more attention. This means that we are not reacting to external influences when we experience consciousness. It’s all manufactured within the human brain ahead of time. Could this be why we are able to see up to a few seconds into the future?

The symbol of the snake eating its own tail represents this matrix time loop that we apparently may be stuck within at the moment. Some believe this false reality was implemented fairly recently, back in 1999 or 2012 And may have been the result of cern accidentally destroying our original universe and then replacing it with a duplicate bootleg copy of sorts. This has been used to explain the Mandela effect.

I’m still a bit troubled as to how this relates to neither the flat or ball earth model being correct. What he is saying is that essentially there is no model in existence that could possibly be “correct” because everyone’s reality is completely subjective to their own self-fabricating oscillating interdimensional toroidal reality matrix. Personally I would love for that to be true because then I could start creating my own realities and not continue to be stuck in this increasingly crappy world that I find myself boxed into. But I still think their must be some kinds of external, independent and universally consistent properties of our physical world that can be mutually agreed upon, or it would imply that there are no other souls in this world for you to interact with besides yourself.

Kimberly Murphy #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #magick supersoldiertalk.com

Please join me tonight and tomorrow night in God- spirit -Jesus-Creator – Most High GOD prayer against Satan and his dark forces. Many horrible things are here, 50 foot anvil head archons, black rotted bad angels, and zombie demon armies. We are in the tribulation! God shows me many things in my mind. Spirit warriors, you know this is much more than a p a n demic. This was planned by the gates of hell and the black castle and satan.

Things to pray against:

April 8 or 9 they will try to unleash bio w e a pon on red states cancelling covi passes. Pray the shipment containers are stopped and chem t r a I planes won’t work and EVIL people stopped( Denver’s airport mural death from sky) Of course they will use this as a variant lie to push the vax and covi pass in global SLAVERY in homage to Satan beast AI matrix black cube total technological possession to erase soul and mind rewriting GOD’s soul created mark.
I see civil war, covi pass states against non covi pass states, family against family saying you dirty unvaccinated bio hazard. Lies from Satan!! This is about CONTROL!
Pray against covi pass! This is FOREVER software manipulation, always to be updated. You to be updated, deleted or reprogrammed.
Pray that the evergreen shipping container shipments will be shown to media or leaked out. It’s black castle stuff, trafficking, horrible, and also weapons.
Pray the paid and non paid rioters will be stopped. I see cities burning from the race war trial results.
Pray people will know where and when to go in the earth changes and asteroid. Planetary fly by.
Pray ww3 is stopped.

Archangel Zadekiel and the Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Seraphim Collective. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord. Holy, Holy, Holy, is this hallowed time of creation. Holy, Holy, Holy, are those who would offer their energy streams in this now. Holy, Holy, Holy, is this most sacred moment of rebirth. Gaia is being reborn. Humanity is healing and in process. Holy, Holy, Holy is this most sacred of moments as the light embodied transcends the darkness and is elevated further up, up into the unknown realms of light. Unknown light will be remembered. And yet Gaia will surpass all expectations. Already this has been done. Already the lightworkers have surpassed their own vows of assistance and faith. Already the warriors have laid down their weaponry and transformed them into plowshares for rebuilding. Your acts of kindness are immeasurable for they ripple onwards for eternity. So too this ascension of the planetary, personal and collective is creating ripple effects through the cosmos touching all the hardened and enlightened hearts, touching all the adjoining universes, rippling through the totality of Source. Can you see your importance in this process? Many of you are Elohim, Angelic, masters of old and future realms returned. Feel the cosmic juice that fills you, that ripples through you into the many, touching us where we sing in the higher dimensional echalons of praise, for in our realm all is praise for all has been transcended. The dark ones are being immersed in light and are being removed. They are being recycled into yet more light and the wounds they made will be healed. The wounds they left will be filled with light, with liquid gold of Source light. (I am seeing cracks in pottery being sealed in gold.)

Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #magick inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

USA is currently at Defcon 2 - which means - it is not possible to have any changes in leadership.

The [STORM] is among us. Pray & do not lose hope.

It was part of the PLAN. BE PATIENT!

Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad.

In 2008 Dr. Antony Fauci co-authored a paper on the Spanish Flu – the most devastating epidemic in modern times. They discovered that most victims of the Spanish Flue didn’t die from the Spanish Flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia caused by wearing masks.

Osama Bin Laden was a CIA Agent in the 1980’s.

Almost every world star uses Adrenochrome. It’s terrible for me.
H. Sat. 3 April Update Child Rescue, Disclosure, Steele, Jaco, Decode:
80% of the drug running in the world came through Myanmar or Burma in Asia through China.

They are taking out the DUMBS in China right now.

They have made the arrests.

We now have the technologies and gold to heal the world.

They have cleared gold, ancient documents and precious art out of the tunnel beneath the Alps and Vatican.

President Trump didn’t step down as President of the US, he retired as president of a bankrupt US Corporation set up under the UK Crown in 1812.

O. Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:

April 21-26 to May 1 was the next Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused (SRA) clients.

Preparation for Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl holidays were celebrated by blood and sexual orgies, culminated with a human sacrifice of a female, age 1-25– the more innocent the better, followed by eating their flesh and drinking the Adrenochromed blood.

Celeste Eaton #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon celestialsonics.com

JUNE 19 - 24, 2020

We will be organically creating the Etheric Lemurian Stargate around Us and through Us so we can merge with our Lightbodies. The Pleadians will activate our "SUPERCONSCIOUS” energies in the Quantum field! This is the purpose of our gathering together, as we re-unite once again as 5 D. Lemurians with our Lemurian Masters of Telos and other wonderful Telosians in Celebration of our Becoming "SUPERCONSCIOUS!”
The Rainbow Bridge goes from the Peaks of Hawaii to Mt. Shasta. It is actually a circle that we will be completing what we don’t see, that which has been hidden until now!
The Lemurian Temple is a Quantum Temple that lives in each of our Hearts…….

You are invited to join Saint Germain and Jesus, as well as, of course, the ET’s, Big Foot family, Whales, Dolphins and Angelic Beings in the Magical, Mystical Mt. Shasta to Celebrate the Summer Solstice with them for the amazing possibilities of unlimited frequencies that will be Present for Us!
Ascension seems to BE the theme they keep sharing with me, possibilities of Personal
Empowerment during this timing of Freedom Energies~~~~
MT. SHASTA, JUNE 19TH-24TH, 2020
PRICE: $655

Saint Germain and Jesus invite you to join them on the Christ Consciousness timeline, to assist you and Hue-manity into the Ascension of 5-D Lemuria!
We will joyfully celebrate the Summer Solstice June 20th,
June 21st being the longest day of Light!

Mark Stolk and Truth TV #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo youtube.com

"Exorcism, Secret Egypt Atlantis History, Mind Powers & E.T. Control" .

To find a deeper understanding of our difficult and challenging times and the great planetary changes that are currently going on and will come to pass, all due to new galactic and universal alignments, a thorough understanding of his-story and her story (which is the story of our planet earth) are essential. Many important and interesting topics re discussed in this two-hour Age Of Truth TV interview with MARK STOLK, who will dive deep and coherently into the great hidden esoteric secrets and mysteries of our world. We travel back to the time before the Great Flood, to the Golden Age of men, and to the great disaster that followed it that disconnected the majority of the human race from its universal connections. This still influence us and our culture today.

This journey, based on a thorough understanding of natural laws and solar mechanics, will lead us into a deeper understanding of Ancient Egypt, the pyramids, the growing- and hollow earth theory, giants, the human genetic mix-up, masonic symbology, religion, exocism and so much more. It will also bring us back to our time and to the great universal shift and the new gateway of evolutionary permission that is opening up right now.

Martin Luther King Jr. via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Martin Luther King Jr., and I am happy to be able to speak to humanity from behind the veil. I would like to be here in person, unfortunately my life was cut short too early by assassination. The claim was that it was done by a single sniper, it’s not true, more people were involved behind the scenes, because I became inconvenient just like as John F. Kennedy for the corrupted souls.

The president was killed 5 years earlier than me. I hope that you understand that this was not coincidental. The same group, who eliminated John F. Kennedy, ended my life. Someone in my circle of friends betrayed me and gave the Negative Ones information about my schedule, so the sniper knew, where I was going to be and at what time. John F. Kennedy and I represented the Light and we both fought for justice, equality and for peace around the world.

As a former Pastor and a Father of four children, I want discuss one topic that is offensive to me. The Satan Shoes were made by the Negative Cult that were sold for $1018, and they had only 666 pairs available, which had one drop of human blood in the sole of the sneakers. The blood came from an innocent child, who was sacrificed by the Dark Cult.

Also, anyone who wears these shoes their mind is going to get messed up and will start worshiping Evil. The Dark Ones put a tiny chip that is invisible in the shoes, which will control your mind with a remote control from a long distance. Everything about these shoes represents Pure Evil.

The days are numbered for the ones, who torture, imply injustice, poverty and misery. As the Light is going to shine through the Darkness. You and I, Martin Luther King Jr. have the same dream of being free.

Alexander Light #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot humansarefree.com

In his book Letters from Andromeda, contactee Alex Collier details the conversations he had with telepathic extraterrestrial beings from the Andromeda galaxy. One of them was called Moraney and originated from a star system in a constellation he called Zenetae.

The Andromedan also revealed that our present is governed by lies and deceit and the general population knows little to nothing about what is really going on in our Solar System.

One of the most interesting of Moraney’s disclosures relates to the origin of mankind and involves the existence of a secret base on the Moon. He also mentioned that Earth’s satellite didn’t initially form in the solar system but was transported here millions of years years ago.

It was used as a transport ship that carried reptilians, human-reptilian hybrids and the first humans to set foot on Earth.

The Moon, as Moraney telepathically told Collier, originated in a star system located 432 light years from Earth, in the constellation Ursa Minor. Called “CHOWTA” by the Andromedans, this binary star system is enormous, holding 21 planets and four dozen moons.

The moon we now call our own once orbited the 17th planet in the Chowta system. It was called Maldek and was destroyed in an ancient war between a human alliance and tyrannic Grey aliens from the Orion Empire.

The Andromedans revealed to Collier that the Moon is 6,2 billion years old. This means it is older than our Solar System and couldn’t have possibly begun its existence here.

Transportal Report/Godgevlamste #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #dunning-kruger #magick timetransportal.com

The Crater Earth Theory

I will not try to explain all of the information of the videos because there are a lot of interwoven dot-connecting subjects in the videos. It's no wonder Godgevlamste had to make more than 30 videos to explain the subject of Crater Earth, and I hope he's still making new ones.

What is the Crater Earth theory?

Short and simple explained:

The planet Earth is much bigger. Actually: it's huge. Gigantic.
We can call it: Greater Earth.
It's not flat. It's a planet. A sphere. A ball.
This planet is surrounded with an atmosphere.
On this huge planet are craters, mountains, rivers and more.
In one of those craters is Earth located. Our Earth. Our habitat.
It's not a big crater compared to the other craters.
More insights in his videos are:

Our Crater Earth is enclosed in a force field of two counter rotating Pyramids. One pointing upwards and one pointing downwards creating a vortex type of energy flow.
Many large buildings are used to harness the power of the force field. The Ka'aba in mecca or the Vatican and St. Peter's Square for example.
Our Crater Earth has it's native original force field which could look like a torus, instead of the two Pyramids energy field.
The Pyramid force field and some ancients cultures are not native to our Crater Earth.
Crater Earth was invaded.
The invader placed their force field template over our Crater Earth's template.
Many so called facts in history are wrong or intentionally corrupted and altered.
The invaders made a change in the time line by removing approximately 450 years from our history.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light forces are also rapidly clearing quantum primary anomaly around the Earth. Quantum primary anomaly is a random quantum field which is preventing Ascended beings from manifesting into the physical realm and thus preventing them directly assisting humanity. The amount of this quantum primary anomaly around Earth was simply enormous, much bigger than expected, and it encompassed the quantum timeline potential for all negative events that might happen. Most of this general anomaly has been cleared in the last two months and most negative event potentials canceled out.
Due to the huge amount of anomaly that needed to be cleared, the Age of Aquarius meditation last December did not lead to bigger physical breakthroughs in the months following the meditation, and many people were disappointed, myself included. However, we need to understand that we are clearing millions upon millions of years of cosmic darkness and we can not expect results overnight.

Therefore I would also appreciate if people posting comments do so in a benevolent and meaningful way, as negative and meaningless comments will not be approved, there is more than enough anomaly and negativity elsewhere already. It would also be beneficial if people reread old articles from this blog as then they will be able to put fresh situation updates into a broader context.

In a week or two the Light forces will begin to clear quantum primary anomaly directly related to human implants. The only thing I can say is that the Light forces will begin to clear all akashic records stored in layers around the planetary surface to effectively clear energy imprints from all negative events from the past of humanity.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon real-vampire.com

The Illuminati call themselves the Illumed because they know the secret of vampirism. All power comes from the Sun. The Sun illuminates the Vampire. That is why the Illuminati are Sun worshipers. Light powers the Illuminati Vampire®. So you find they have islands in the sun. The Rothschilds have their estate in Corfu.
In this Service your germ cells are transformed so you can pass Real Vampire® being to your children, if you consort with another opposite sex Real Vampire®. You can day-walk and get the power to form the black hole of light that allows you to suck dry automatically all non Real Vampires® Day-walking is the secret of Real Vampires®. The pharaohs were Vampires living in sunny Egypt. The pyramids had shiny coverings on the capstones to reflect light so they shone. These acted as giant Real Vampire® accumulators, Psychotronic Generators® to increase the power of a Real Vampire® using the bulk of the pyramid to power the pharaoh. So when the pharaoh’s body died his poltergeist could stalk the Earth. That is why the Freemasons top levels are Illuminati Masters of suing Illuminated stone to make sun powered (moon powered) Psychotronic Generators® to power Illuminati Vampires®. They are more powerful than the normal Vampire as the giant sun powered Psychotronic Generators® power the Illuminati Vampire® order of magnitude higher than the normal Vampire. Tim Rifat has taken over this technology so he can offer it to you. This is because MI6 occult branch gave Tim Rifat the keys to Real Vampire® Psychotronic Generators® and he took them for himself.
Illuminati Vampire® Master: $600 with Certificate

James Rink/Teah Akrish #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #quack #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

In this video Teah shares some information about some memories she has recovered as well as a timeline to give us an idea of how they loop timelines. We also go into how her alternate reality timeline is different from own in that in parallel reality in which SSP disclosure has already taken place.

Teah Akrish is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist and co-founder with her husband of 18 years, David of their business Heaven & Earth, back in 2000. She is a Military Abductee, super soldier, Spy, pilot, used in many programs within the Secret Space Program as a Telepath/empath mostly for communicating with Aliens, including as an interrogator and negotiator.

She has been remembering her entire life these abductions through dreams, all the while being in denial as to their reality, believing they were wild imaginations. When Teah was finally able to put the puzzle pieces together regarding the true nature of her life, back in 2017, she has been engaging in a process she calls active remembering, or deliberate triggering. She courageous explores her memories through meditation, journaling, drawing, discussion and more. Thanks to Teah’s spiritual gifts of clairvoyance (seeing/visions), claircognizance (knowing), clairsentience (feeling) and clairaudience (hearing), her memories continue to open up more and more every day as she is guided along the path of truth and healing.

• High technology inter-facer
• Doll (including sex doll, spy doll, intuitive doll)
• Terra-former/exterminator
• Interrogator
• High-level bodyguard/secret service for the Space Nazi royalty
• Dealer
• and much, much more

Anubis via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Anubis, God of Life, my Queen An-Ra send me here to delivery this message. Please, don’t get confused, your history portrays me incorrectly as God of Death, which is not true.
Meantime, I am building a new Egyptian Fleet to aid the Galactic Federation in defeating the Negative Controllers, their stay has been long overdue on Mother Gaia.
I just want to clarify that I am creating a new spacecraft by using only my consciousness. Our ships are living entities, and we communicate with them telepathically. Each time new ships are created, they are more advanced then the previous ones. As you know by now, the essence of your being keeps evolving that leads to elevation of knowledge, so my civilization constructs unique and highly developed buildings, space vessels and etc.

We assist and build nations who are ready in their stage of evolution. We built the pyramids in Egypt, and we also had a more advanced version of the pyramids, which we used to land our spaceships on top and beam down safely inside the pyramid without getting attacked. We tried to teach your scientists on how to use our technology. Sadly, we needed to leave as the humankind got influenced and started to follow the Darkness.
Many things are going on behind the scenes globally, like the Alliance is now starting to do the work, what they were supposed to do in the first place, because all of the corrupted members have been removed or arrested by the work of Grand Council Queen An-Ra. They are preparing now to officially launch the Quantum Financial System. Also, the new Republic has been operating for some time now with the support of military.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

Guardians regained access to the hibernation zone that held the overview of the AI holograms used to project Founder creator code into false timelines, false holograms that used usurped Emerald Order DNA, which was taken during the Thothian hijack that led to the Essene Massacre and Breeding Programs for alien hybridization on Nibiru. These Emerald Tablets held codices for deconstructing all the information recorded in Emerald Sun DNA.
As a result of these events, Emerald Order Universal Melchizedeks Rod and Staff structures are being returned to the control of the Christos Founders, as the rebuilt Solar Logos Avatar matrix and Solar Arc systems are being activated and have increased the support for the reconfiguring of the Gold Seraphim Body. Restoration of the Gold Body Seraphim Krystic template is restructuring the human lightbody’s RA Center and Inner Heart Solar Temple. This is a time of reclamation of Solar Kings, the retrieval of Maji Grail Kings we have lost throughout the wars and another stage in reclaiming historical timelines, the organic human history of true genetic origins.
It has become clear the Paliadorian Dragon Kings and templars are standing behind the Arthurian Grail and all Magi lines for the purposeful restoration of the Benevolent King masculine principle architecture being returned with the Christos Scepter and Maji Crown. This feels as if this level of God power had to come to the physical world in so we can withstand the resistance of those who have been utilizing the occult power of Blood Sacrifice and black magic, these energy harvesting stations are losing power.

Cobra/Sisterhood of the Rose #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #quack #ufo lavoixdelarose.com

Cobra : Yes, actually after the Age of Aquarius Activation, new energies were beginning to pour into the double Paris Versailles vortex. And those energies are beginning to give us the opportunity to clear all those things that transpired more than 200 year ago. And those memories that are coming to the surface, especially for those who were present at that time are an opportunity to heal that and to awaken to certain higher potentials that were active at that time, that need to be reactivated and reconnected back again.

Katherine: So naturally the next question is, did the French revolution cause any negative impacts on a certain timeline?

C: What happened is that the French revolution is actually was a hijacking of a timeline, which was supposed to be going in different direction, but at a certain point whatever happened was inevitable, it was a sum of all the free will actions of people involved in that great planetary drama, and at some point it could not be reversed. So we are now in precisely the same situation, whatever is happening since the start of the pandemic last year is something that became irreversible since 2019 as a result of freewill decisions of key players involved. And we’re exactly in the same lesson. It is a very old plan, which was quite active in France in the 18th century.

K: When you say irreversible, what do you mean exactly?

C: It means that there was certain point in evolution of events in the 18th century, in France, especially in Paris where it was known that the French revolution will happen, then there was no way to prevent it. And the same this pandemic, or shall I rather say an attempt of society collapse became irreversible in the summer of 2019.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick sharonandivo.weebly.com

I've got a new neighbour and he's 54, recently singled, and has me in his crosshairs.
Ivo: Understand, my love, that energy is always seeking balance. Those of higher light are sought out by those of lower light. What in effect is happening in the case of this male who keeps suggesting you two spend time together is that he is of lower light, you are of higher light. So he is attracted to you.
However, on your planet, because the lower energies are so tampered with and continually sucked dry by the demonics surrounding all of you, there is no healing process, in fact a process of the one of higher Light continually giving and the one of lower light continually taking.

Ivo: As has happened before. You are best to continue to cut cords, cut off your energy supply to him, white light your apartment and refuse to have anything to do with him.
Me: He's going to come to my apartment and do renovations on it.
Ivo: Then you must insist he continue to work and stop proposing a rendezvous for you two.
Me: It's like I keep saying, folks, if the dark ones can't get your Light down, they will send people to you that will vampire it. I'm not interested in relating to people who can't hold their Light. I'm not here to feed the vampires any more, and frankly my body is so overstressed and overwhelmed at this point in my life
The guy wears a mask and he wants me to come over to watch TV with him. As if. He wants to poison me. He also smokes cigarettes, drinks and does drugs. I suspect he's watching Televangelists – sure, The Illuminati spreading the word of Jesus. If religion works so well for him, why does he still have to escape life through booze and drugs, never mind smoking?

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon instagram.com

I drank @nicklerikos’s man seed. Why? I’ll explain:

Many Eastern cultures such as Taoism attribute the spilling of your divine protein shake to the loss of vital life energy. When you become aware of your body you’ll notice a significant decrease in physical and mental energy after you drop your nut butter.

For many months in a row, I withheld leaking my erectoplasm because of the incredible increase in energy that I felt. But something was slightly out of balance. I wondered if there was a way to have the best of both worlds. And then it hit me:

What if I drank my own love liquid?


I reached out to some people and found that @niclkerikos was also into eating his population pudding. Not only that, but Niccoli was aesthetic, healthy, and had great energy.

It was a match made in heaven. The video will be on OnlyFans. Make sure to go subscribe. Link in my bio.

Suzanne Maresca/JC Kay #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #magick #ufo goldenageofgaia.com

- Antarctica is a meeting place for world leaders to negotiate with the demonic entities that have controlled the planet. It’s not a physical location, which fits with the description of Agartha as a space and not a place.

- JC describes the beings operating out of Antarctica as demonic. She drew a picture and it literally looks like Darth Maul. They’ve used the area to control the Matrix, which both begins and ends there. It’s how they’ve used the planet as a farm. They create simulations for us in order to feed off of us, our flesh and energy both.

- They captured the divine feminine and divine masculine in order to trap us. She speaks of the transgenderism prevalent among human leaders. They want to create male and female in one being. They want to destroy our ability to create through destroying the family unit.

- She confirms that Humans are used as food, and the CCP was best at providing these creatures with all the fear, control, food and loosh they wanted. They were rewarded with one location in China where the entities could not come in to interfere or eavesdrop…and that location is the Forbidden City.
- She talks about how these beings have instructed their minions to use numerology and certain dates in order to anchor their matrix into the planet and manipulate our reality in this time frame.

- Multidimensional realities do exist. The good guys are in control, and they do have it all, meaning they have control of the matrix now. At this point they’re just waiting for the bad guys to “get the F outta here!”

Cosmic Convergence Research Group #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #magick stateofthenation.co

2020 saw the three unparalleled cataclysms devastate the planet as no other year in modern history—THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC, THE GREAT RESET, and THE GREAT STEALECTION.
Which brings us to the $64,000 question.
Who or what is the prime mover behind the free-fall collapse of nations and societies everywhere?

Clearly, this utterly demonic force is not human; clearly it is an off-planet entity that controls by remote its many minions who are totally subservient to its nakedly satanic agenda.

Evil entities have existed in the world since time immemorial. Some of them live as EBEs — Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities — in other realms or planes of existence.

One such leader of the forces of darkness was identified by the great Austrian philosopher, social reformer, esotericist, clairvoyant Rudolph Steiner. Steiner contemplated the nature of evil in the world long and hard over the course of his lifetime. Because of his exceedingly enlightened work, he often confronted the raw power and influence of a dominant evil entity he called Ahriman, also known as Lucifer.
However, Ahriman is a wicked entity that is continually blinded by intense arrogance and profound ignorance. Hence, it makes a LOT of bad decisions and then tries to clean up each and every mess by dint of force or sheer overwhelm, which it can do on demand.

Therefore, the whole world has turned into an unprecedented mess (and unadulterated disaster area) of truly epic proportions. This pivotal point in human history actually represents a very rare inflection point. Once this civilization turns the corner toward the light and rejects the descending darkness all around, the way forward will be made clear.

Humans Are Free #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #magick #racist humansarefree.com

What wonderful entertainment we have all had from the vivid imaginings of Joanna K. Rowling, that ‘single-mother made good’ who somehow against all the odds, managed to drag herself almost from the gutter singlehandedly, to become a multi-billionaire and a role-model to which we can all aspire.

If only all was as it seems…

Joanna Rowling is actually a mind controlled Monarch slave, selected to be the author of the stories because she is a single parent and as part of the Tavistock Institute/ Frankfurt School controlled agenda to subvert society by promoting its extreme (homo)sexualisation, feminism and the ‘positives’ of single parent status. She is a member of the Fabian Society and the Church of Scientology.
Emily Gyde is the real author of Harry Potter. She is a mind-controlled MI6 slave and has undergone several NDE experiences and as a result is an ‘Ace Remote Viewer.’ The imagination and clarity she brings to her writing make a compelling case for her being the real author of Harry Potter but with J K Rowling named as author, MI6 ensured that Emily receives no royalties.

Gyde said that Rowling was chosen to front this series of books because she was so malleable:

“She wanted fame and fortune without cost. Her Ashkenazim parents had bought her out of British Illuminati slavery and had also bought her what is known in the trade as a ‘Pen and Ink Stand,’ a ghost-writer who works as an unpaid slave – one of British Intelligence’s operatives."

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick #crackpot finalwakeupcall.info

When these Nefilim, the collective name for exterrestrials, first wanted to come to Earth about 600,000 years ago, the Earth was in the middle of the first ice age. The first warm period, the interglacial period, was about 550,000 years ago. The second ice age lasted from 480,000 to 430,000 years ago. When the Nefilim first landed on Earth about 450,000 years ago, one third of the Earth’s surface was still covered with ice and glaciers.
These humanoid aliens are Satanists, originating from planet Saturn. They are abusing Earth’s human beings as their slaves to mine the gold that they use for reasons of long levity. As they did also in the more recent past with the Great Flood, when only Noach with his Arc and animals, became survivor thanks to the for knowledge and warning given to Noach by Enki, who had genetically transformed Earth’s standing beings into today’s humans, named homo sapiens.
A major timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the Negative Alien Agenda was established to create a super-race of genetic elites for the ruling on planet Earth, as an extension for the Anunnaki rulers, with the help of Luciferian Knights Templars. This process evolved into the Jesuits, Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and other secret societies that still continues today. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and are ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanity’s true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the stream of falsehoods, ignorance and organised religion, in particular the Church of Rome and Islam.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I believe the Matrix works the same way. They want compliance but they fear our anger and retaliation. They know that manipulating our consciousness is the only way they can survive, so they fear any sign that we won't accept what they're doing to us. So they teach us to repress our anger.
I got angry over the person who went to a pundit with Ivo's message about clones. Why are clones not triable in the American courts? Because the Constitution is based on God's law and only God's people are subject to these laws, clearly, as if you haven't figured that out yet... The DS don't consider themselves to be bound by constitutional law. They have their own system and they're above ours. Why? Because they think they're gods and the people they clone are their servants, not God's servants. We are God's servants because we're on the soul matrix. The people who create clones are the ones who seek to usurp God's power in the Universe. By trying a clone in an American court, you would be acknowledging their supposed godliness. They are not gods and try as they may, the dark ones cannot create real life. They can only mimic it. Clones are only triable in galactic court as the abomination of God's law that they are.
We're told by those in charge to “Trust the Plan,” while people are dying. That doesn't sound like such a great plan to me. I know. I discuss this with my ETs and they say that there will be problems although they try to find the path of least harm for us.

Why not? Yes, I'm angry. It needs to be stopped. Those of us who are way ahead of the game on all of this, are tapping our feet impatiently waiting for others to wake up so we can stop this as a collective.

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #racist #magick forbiddenknowledgetv.net

“Thousands of years ago, under the thrall of archonic influence, the Brotherhood of the Snake and the Sons of Belial, wrong action and wickedness emerged as a rudimentary source code to the current seeding of humankind.

“As Baal worship and human sacrifice prospers, we see the genesis of Canaanite ritualism leading through the strains of Osiris and Nimrod to the pharoahs of Egypt and the kings of Babylon.

“Talmudism gave rise to Judeans and the Synagogue of Satan. As the tryst of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar seeded in their own empire, a marriage between Amun-Ra and the Cult of Saturn.

“The weaponization of Christianity through the Council of Nicea takes place in 325 AD, wholesale slaughter of the noble Cathars give rise to the Roman Catholic Church. The true cross is upturned and the message of Yeshua is inverted to create the most formidable template to planetary cult programming that the world has ever conceived in the history of humankind…
“This Molochite Sabbatean Cabal is answerable not to the God of Men but to their own dark lord, to whom penance, tribute and tithe must be constantly on the altar of life through blood sacrament, sex magick and the inversion of kundalini and life force – ultimately, through the systemic stealth sacrifice of innocents.
“The Adamites, the Sons and Daughters of God, the spells and bonds of witchery and mind control, to trick humanity into surrendering conscience, reason and thereby, the very fabric of our soul. This is the Great Reckoning. The Mark of the Beast has arrived, ushered into the daylight by Davos and the Sons of Lucifer.

Michael Jackson via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Michael Jackson and I am very pleased to be channeled by this channel. I am here to tell my side of the story, the real truth and not the truth all of you know. My life was very controversial as many of you know.
I build Neverland for children and myself too as a part of me longed to play as a child. The accusations about me abusing children were not true. I wanted to help children and have a place for them to be happy. The media created that negative image of me. I just wanted to bring joy with my music to the world and keep creating great songs.

The Dark Ones who are in charge of the entertainment industry love to enslave you and control you. The media only looks for how to put you down anyway they can. They make sure to paint your image in a negative way like you are a monster not a real person. When you are on a spotlight all of the time, it’s not unusual to change your appearance.
If you think being a celebrity is a lot of fun, it’s not, it’s a harsh reality and it’s easy to loose who you are. People stop seeing you as a person. Everyone wants a piece of you for themselves, especially the control factor by the Dark Entities, who are everywhere in the entertainment industry. They don’t want any Light enter their territory especially, if you have your own vision to write or create your own music.
I am very happy that the Darkness is fading away from Earth and a new beginning is coming for this planet. I am sad that I can’t be here in person to see the upcoming transformation. Many good things are coming in the near future for the world and humanity is on the verge of becoming a free nation. The enslavement, which lasted here for thousands of years is ending.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or are the most naive human being on earth, you should know by now that the details surrounding Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash that supposedly killed him and his 13 year old daughter are about as sketchy as it gets. Everything about this case from top to bottom SCREAM Occult ritual. The incident is saturated with numerological markers and it doesn’t take too much digging to see the connections. They really wanted to make it clear to fellow Occultists that this was a ritualistic act and the signal of the start of something very important. A harbinger of doom of sorts and a part of their dark esoteric agenda that the public is not privy to.

This was a really good breakdown of the evidence, so I had to revisit this.
Sacrifice = 73 / 206 *Bryant = 26 *NTSB = 26
89, 24th prime *Kobe Bryant, #24
73, 21st prime *Lakers = 21 (’21)

And for the record, today is 54 days after Pope Francis’ birthday, in light of the fact that Kobe was traveling from Catholic Mass. And let us not forget he died one week before Super Bowl 54.
LeBron James passed Kobe Bryant in points scored January 25, 2020, the 46th game of the season, the day before Kobe’s crash
LeBron James became 4-6 in the NBA Finals this year by winning over the Miami Heat. That’s a lot like 46. And don’t forget Kobe was traveling from ‘Catholic’ Mass. *Catholic = 46 *Sacrifice = 46

1+2+3+4 = 10 (It was LeBron’s 10th NBA Finals, and he got his 4th ring)

…11 is the 5th prime

…when LeBron is 37, he can go to his 12th NBA Finals.

*37, 12th prime *Los Angeles = 37 *Lakers = 66 (6-6?)

Anonymous #racist #crackpot #magick 16chan.xyz

There are what's called "Living Souls". These are souls which are "dreaming" this experience for spiritual growth. This world is an outward projection of our consciousness. It is a Game, a Grand Game, and the point of this game is to experience consciousness on a 3D level. The endgame is the merging of the Spiritual and the Physical. What has been talked about over and over again "Resurrection", "Ascension", "Rapture" etc etc. We live in a simulated duality realm. Night and Day. Dark and Light. 101010101. It is binary consciousness personified.

Living Souls can only incarnate in White People. They cannot incarnate in any other bodies. As due to the nature of this game, most Living Souls are asleep and unaware to the true nature of what is going on.

The rest of this Matrix are full of NPC's. Non White's are NPC's. They do not have souls. They do not have the same consciousness as Living Souls. They are also called "Organic Portals", and "Hylics". They are a projection of consciousness. A Reflection of unwanted traits. This whole world is technically a projection of unwanted traits, with the exception of White civilization that is unmanipulated.

When this reality ends the NPC's will end with it. They only exist here on this physical realm. Living Souls continue on. We have opponents playing against us in this Game. They seek to keep us in the Matrix, keep us asleep, and keep us unaware and passive to their manipulations. A LIVING SOUL CAN ONLY INCARNATE IN A WHITE PERSON'S BODY. After years of research I believe this to be the truth. I dont know where to post this, but I guess I'll just post it here.

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 5dearthproject.com




James Rink #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick supersoldiertalk.com

Since then, they replicated the program and there are males now similar to an Adam and Eve type couple. Their genome code is based on stolen DNA from Atlantean bloodlines who can live up to 150,000 years. Humanity surface dwellers once had 12 strand DNA; but it was unplugged and remains dormant awaiting to be awakened. Surface dwellers were an experiment. Our first people ancestors were naïve and tricked into having their DNA damaged. There is a method to reverse this damage; but there are consequences of releasing immortality technology to a brain-dead public. Most of our spirituality, technology, and cultural belief systems are based on lies.

This base seems to be making some type of upgraded Ultra Soldiers. Remember, Ultra Soldiers are created from an off shoot of paperclip Nazis. These creations tend to be very unstable and not as powerful as the Licthsoldaten which was created by Nazis in the parallel reality in which they won World War II. This Nordic base was given to the Nazis to design an Upgraded Ultra Soldier with Licthsoldaten abilities including reading minds, mind games, and psionic targeting. They can also create huge wormholes and teleport.
Black Shield is now under the control of Nacht Waffen; but they often subcontract with Umbrella Corporation and sometimes joint ventures with planetary corporations such as ARC Corp in Saturn’s Moons, Scorpion Corporation at Montauk, Kruger on Mars, Skyline which makes cyborgs on Mars; as well as Monarch and Mobius, who gave them time portal technology which allows the base to teleport into a pocket reality and move through time, space shifting, as well as bending time and space into loops.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

There is no missing link because Mankind did not evolve spontaneously on this earth. Mankind was created. We have been taught to think that we are the only beings that exists on this earth and, in fact, the only beings that exist in the universe. We are all that there is and all that there will be. In fact we have millions of galactic brethren. And it is our galactic brethren that created us.
Various extra terrestrials, throughout the ages, came to earth and taking the primates that were here, they mixed them with their own DNA and so created human beings, created us.

We have within our physical bodies, Draco Reptilian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and other extra terrestrial DNA. Over eons of time in test tubes, the best of these species characteristics were used to create our physical bodies, to create the template that houses our Soul.

And we are only one of the species that dwell here on earth. The difficulty is that we all look the same, we all look human, so we assume that we are all human. We are not.

There is also a race of draco reptilians. They are the true terrorists, they are the wicked ones, the violent, the evil beings who live off our fear.

While we are inherently kind, loving and peaceful, they worship torture, disaster, pain and foremost of all they love our fear. We are fed by love and energized by joy. They are fed by our fear and energized by hatred and death. They literally drink our blood. They treat us and our children as lab rats, as cattle, that they kill and maim and eat at will.

And this is as it was meant to be by Divinity itself. We talk of the devil, of evil. What is evil? In our world, here on planet earth today. It is these draco reptilians that are evil.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick finalwakeupcall.info

Nowadays, at the top of the pyramidal hierarchy sit the Swiss Octogon Templars, followed by the 2nd layer consisting of Soros and the Nazis. Actually, the Nazis are an integrated part of the Octogon, and somewhat belong to the top too.

Octogon is the name of a highly secretive Nazi organisation, which by the end of WW2 acquired all of its fortune from looted Nazi Gold and goods deposited into Switzerland, in order to use it for future wars and illegal actions.

A well-known German scandal from the 90’s concerning black funds used for political election campaigns of Helmut Kohl and the CDU were financed with Nazi Gold, laundered in Switzerland and organised by the Octogon secret Nazi organisation under the secret code word ‘Templars of Switzerland’.

The ones at the top of the pyramid are known as the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon established in Switzerland, which appears to be the core of the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of “our” society. These are the Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic minions that forms the ruling Oligarchy around the world.

These Ruling Pharaohs, originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, that came out of Babylon and Egypt, nowadays identified as the Global Elite or Global Mafia. Who see us people as their slaves and property, to do with us as they please. For this reason, they have created energy fields, Vibrational frequency’s through 5G, which connect the consciousness of the participants to the Negative Alien Agenda. It is the Archon groups on planet Saturn who manipulate the Consciousness energies that transmits Satanic belief networks to spread.

Pleiadian Network via GalaxyGirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Pleiadian Network. We represent our own home worlds within the Pleiades star system network. We number around 100 of your comprehension but we are aware of our multidimensionality so in actuality our numbers are far greater. For this we are not unique within our perspective but unique within yours. But not for much longer for those of you who are ascending within the spiral Merkabah matrices will realize that as with every point of the Merkabah tetrahedral complex there are multiple points of variables that could of course represent a fractalized and different version of reality.
We are the Pleiadian Network. We cannot take full responsibility for your past or your future but we can assist when lovingly requested. You are strong enough for this task. It is imperative that you hold on tightly to this inner knowing for much shaking and confusion will occur. Those who wish to not continue on their ascension path will not. You are creator gods. Your realities shift and spin with each thought, which is why predicting times and dates is unwise. Harness your creator ability with great love and intention. Plant intentions of healing all over your realm. (I am seeing Pleiadians planting neat green rows of small plants on Gaia it the beginning.) Yes, these represent our intentions for purity and growth, for expansion and creativity. Do this now for your own world. (I am seeing that these roots on the small green plants become crystals as they grow deep within creating the crystalline network globally that is now fully turned on. I am seeing these crystals human and spin and glow. Gaia is singing.)

Tom Minderle/Montalk.net #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger patrickherbert.org

Positive forces are intervening but only in proportion to the violation.

Because we could equally ask, why didn’t STS forces (negative aliens) just show up with shock troops and mind control implants ready to go centuries ago when we didn’t have advanced weapons and take over the world then?

Why this slow process of infiltration, deception, programming the masses, etc. Well it’s because there are rules in place, just like a sports game. There are referees. Just because one side is getting beat in the game doesn’t mean the referees step in. They only step in when the rules are violated.

So the STO (positive) forces use proportional countermeasures. Therefore if the threat so far has been done via infiltration, deception, and programming and working through people in power to implement certain things by force, they have to use tactics like truth, awakening, proof, majority backlash, and anyone in power that aligns with that.
You may have individual personal protection that gets you through it, but what happens to the majority collectively tends to be what it is. History shows how bad things can get sometimes. Miracles occur more on the individual level than the collective level. Why does one person seem to have divine protection, while another dies in an accident or gets sacrificed as a baby? There are complicated factors involved like being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or soul contracts and agreements, or self-imposed karmic patterns, and so on.

But sure, the more the negative forces ramp up their control, the greater the intervention will be. Positive only do what they need to do, no more. Any more and they interfere with our learning process.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick goldenageofgaia.com

Message from John F. Kennedy

My beloved Patriots…we are almost there! I ask you to hold the line for just a bit longer!

I know the wait seems interminably long, however those of you who have studied the long and sordid history of our United States (and the world), know “why” it is taking this long…there is so very much to sort out!

I am so very proud of all you Patriots, Light Workers, Truth Seekers, and all others, who have almost literally “sacrificed” your families and friends in order to follow the Truth.

As I seem to do in most of my messages through this muse, I would also like to spend a moment to gently remind each one of you, as to how very important your individual contributions are, and your very life! is, toward helping President Trump (yes, he is still President!) and his stalwart colleagues to strategize the last few “take downs” of Evil, that are still running rampant.

Please continue to live your lives with passion…passion for our Freedom, our Sovereignty, and our Love for Life! Every thought you think, and every action you take, is contributing in a positive or negative way, toward “creating” that very real, Freedom, for all of us. So, please continue to pray for our President Trump and all who are helping us fight for our Right!…our Right to Be Free!

President Trump had to be prepared to sacrifice his very own “right to life” as he took on this immense and solemn effort, along with his own family’s right to live, also…in order to allow all of us to be Free, once again! All Love and Honor to our President!

Beth Eckert #crackpot #fundie #magick theothersideofdarkness.com

Astral travel or astral projection is when a part of your soul leaves the body to travel through the astral plane. The astral plane is compromised of a series of electromagnetic ley lines that interconnect throughout the universe to create a magnetic field of travel. Because our bodies use electricity to run the body, it is easy for our souls to use these electromagnetic ley lines to travel on.

Electromagnetic fields are everywhere, including cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, power lines, and electrical wiring, making the places a person can astral travel almost limitless. This means a person can astral travel through cell phone text messages or internet usage or even phone calls. Human spirits can use any device that runs on electricity to travel into any type of building or vehicle, etc.

While God created the ability for a human soul to leave the body as a form of protection, Satan has twisted it in order to use it to further his Antichrist agenda. He starts at a young age using trauma to teach people how to leave the body to avoid harm, and then while they are out of the body, he funnels in other human spirits, demonic spirits, and other high ranking entities from the Kingdom of Darkness.
I knew very little about astral travel until I became a Christian, even though I had been astral traveling all of my life. I was taught from a very young age to leave my body as a defense mechanism to protect myself, but I had no idea what I was doing. It is very possible to astral project out of your body and not even know you are doing it, but because it is not openly talked about it, Satan continues to use astral travel to his advantage.
There is no shame in finding out you are astral traveling, or doing Satanic rituals, or doing witchcraft because the bottom line is: it’s not your fault. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. He came to save you from sin and hell, not condemn you to it.

Tiara Kumara #magick #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The absolute truth is, not one person knows exactly what will occur or how and when all of these potential imaginings will unfold. What we are witnessing, however, is the great façade of deception blowing up and the collective ego trying to maintain its positioning in the crumbling illusion.

We are reminded that all speculated future scenarios only exist as energetic potentials. No matter the size and scope, these potentials can be molded, shifted, amplified or diminished by the time something materializes.

Together with the realms of light, we help direct the show, do we not?

We are encouraged to focus our collective attention upon shifting and transmuting certain conditions of outer world activity that are not aligned to human evolution. These are the activities of a vicious and destructive agenda that violate the sanctity of the human spirit.

This concerns the extremely distorted powers of duality that reflect through conditions of aggression, oppression, mass mind control programming, bio warfare, manipulated poisoning, human abuses, among many other gross nefarious activities.
We actually have the power to shift the hologram of world consciousness. It is here that these destructive imprints remain alive and retain strength in the strata of the Earth, thereby influencing the way mass consciousness perceives. The holographic imprinting upholds the fear based matrix.

We are unlimited in our group ability as transmuters and transformers. We must continue to rewrite the timelines, dissolve dooming projections, shift the holographic reflection and build a new matrix of perception. This all culminates towards a more harmonious and peaceful planet.

Cosmic ૐ Oneness #crackpot #quack #magick #dunning-kruger psychedelicadventure.net

When it comes to Urine Therapy, there are many people on this planet who have known this and have been practicing it regularly for many years while reversing all forms of ailments and disorders. In India its known as Shivambu Shastra, respected for thousands of years as the "Mother of Ayurvedic Medicine" and commonly known as "Self-Urine Therapy".

Shivambu means literally "Water of Shiva", referring to the auspiciousness of the practice.
There is something esoteric about urine. It is considered to be a supernatural, living food because it is a by-product of the blood and contains "life force" or prana. Using urine as a therapeutic tool mirrors to us the "healer within" who works on a mechanistic level as well as on an energetic level.
Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to heal can lead to a considerably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can increase your appreciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual being. Instead of regarding excretions (really just a part of yourself) as enemies, you regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might well have a powerful healing effect on your body.

Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete 'healer within' which works both on a mechanistic and on an energetic level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being, from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul.

The Final Wakeup Call #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick #wingnut finalwakeupcall.info

The Galactic Federation collaborated with these groups in order to achieve world domination. They were also behind the mind control propaganda presenting the Anunnaki as the ‘Gods of planet Earth‘ and the ‘Solar System’, touting themselves as the divine angels who returned to help humanity expand their minds, thus seducing the world’s population into oppression with the aim of introducing their New World Order slavery agenda 2030.

Satanism, Freemasonry and all forms of paganism are anti-human and anti-natural. Centred on manipulation of energy and consciousness through Mind Control and deception, which is brought about through ritual-based ideology. These rituals create energy fields, vibrational frequencies, which connect the consciousness of the participants to the ‘Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda‘, of the Archon Reptile Kingdoms, and transform them into 4-Dimensional Parasites. The Archons with their base on Saturn send out AI containing Satanic belief systems to transmit these distortions to planet Earth.

The Anunnaki are arrogant, narrow-minded, cruel, incestuous and hateful beings. Any negative adjective that can be imagined, applies to them. There is evidence that they made their slaves work very hard and had little compassion for the plight of these people.

The Anunnaki transformed on Earth into a group of rulers known today as the Deep State. To ensure their control over the population, Kingdoms were established with Pharaohs and Kings as head descendants from their Archon bloodline. They built their hierarchy using mind-controlled puppets that work very effectively to support and implement their rules in preparation for the eventual establishment of the New World Order.

Steve Nobel #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon eventbrite.co.uk

About this Event

You are a Starseed. Anyone interested in my work is a Starseed. Everyone else would think I was too far out there or crazy! Starseeds are here with a mission. That mission begins with an awakening. There is a journey out of the 3D Matrix into a new reality. Starseeds are natural alchemists and magicians. As an alchemist they learn to transform toxic energies. As a magician they learn to create their reality, shifting it from a lower vibrational experience to a higher range of experiences. Once this has been mastered, then comes the work of service or assisting in co-creating a New Earth.
The Energies on and Within the Earth are Changing. The energy grid in the earth is shifting as is the intensity of light impacting the planet. This is creating certain volatile scenarios that are designed to wake humanity up and change its chainsaw mentality of using the earth as a treasure trove of infinite resources. In recent years, we have seen shifts in the weather and earth activity. We are in the midst of a global pandemic which is affecting every corner of the Globe. This is all part of the process of the planet waking up. The work of some Starseeds is within the different Kingdoms of Gaia as healers and protectors.

What to Expect. This webinar will assist you in waking up to your true Starseed nature and brilliance as well as learn to align with the new energies on the planet. When you are aligned with your Higher Self and Gaia you can begin to channel those energies in meaningful ways that uplift your life and your reality. The webinar will include an attunement, certain guided processes and a guided transmission/meditation.

James Rink #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo supersoldiertalk.com

The Hulk program was based on Black Shield’s Licthsoldaten (Light Soldiers) super soldier program. With some remote viewing help from Oksana, Veronica, and Kimberly we discover this Nazi facility located in a fractal bubble reality in Antarctica. It’s under the ice sheet and under the water at the bottom of the sea. This facility has millions of genetic experiments stored in cryogenics chambers within the ice caves. Most of these ice caves are very dark but some have windows which let light in. The laboratory entrance area is very dark and lit by a green light. When you enter inside the lab there are tanks filled with blue and green goo’s used for healing bodies.

Inside one of these tanks is another one of my clone bodies who goes by the alter name of Blue Angel 💙. His tube is labeled 7S Special Ops Black Ops. There are many tanks with bodies here, they are doing the same experiments to other people.
The Blue Angel was made under Project Blue Ranger by fusing the DNA of swimming spiders, sharks, grey aliens, with human DNA to make a crossbreed that could swim and live underwater or on the surface. He can also communicate with the dolphins. If he took his mask off his face it would look human, but he shapeshifts to make it look that way. He wears the masks because he has spider like eyes which glow and multiple sets of mouths and teeth which would frighten people. His hands and feet also become webbed and tentacle like underwater. He was designed to be a predator, sink boats, and find treasures in doorways and caves. He was tricked into this program and he wants a human body. The SSP can transfer him into a human body but they don’t want to do it because they want to keep him a slave.

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #elitist #dunning-kruger michaeltsarion.com

In The Irish Origins of Civilization I expose the true origins and agendas of the world’s most powerful secret societies. I also expose the origins and agendas of the religions that secret society elites have given birth to. Essentially our work informs the reader of certain vital occult facts that are for the most part unknown to members of secret societies. For generations the true origins and agendas of the Masonic Order, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Illuminati have been carefully guarded secrets:
Naturally, the power-elites and their minions (who apparently believe the world to be their personal play-pen), have a great deal to lose should the underclasses learn about the psychic and social control that operates all around them, hidden in plain sight. However, the task of revealers is made considerably more difficult due to "consensus trance" and knee-jerk fear that inhibits a colonized mind. Servants of Truth know from experience how few friends are won when and if they endeavor to expose the dirty big secrets of religion’s upper echelon.

Nevertheless, a Servant of Truth is not permanently daunted by controversy or resistance. He is aware that one is much more likely to cut themselves with a blunt knife than a sharp one. He is aware that the cost of ignorance is ultimately far greater than the price paid for knowledge. He knows that freedom is never free and that silence is most definitely consent. He comes to realize that on the great board game of life, if he fatally chooses not to occupy the white squares of knowledge, he will be manipulated by those who will.

Milky Way via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the consciousness of who you call the Milky Way. But know that my name is changing for my energy dynamics are in flux. You are aware of the Photon belt, the highly positively charged area of space that your small planet is passing through. Much like planets spin around the stars and the stars spin around their locational frequency patterns so to do galaxies spin and move throughout the space cosmos. We are a family of consciousness of star networks and interplanetary relationships. Much war has been fought within me over the eons.

I am the consciousness of your galaxy. You are loved. The star network surrounds you now. Can you feel their presence? (I am shivering. I feel surrounded by twirling, dancing and laughing energy streams all around me.) Gaia is supported. Can you experience the love that the planetary network and star nations have for her? For eons you have only felt the isolation of space and for a time thought that earth was all that there was, that the sun revolved around you, for that was your perception of time, of mathematics and cosmic workings.
You are becoming a new being of new light, of the higher crystalline intermolecular patterning. You are becoming your own star network. I say this for the crystalline network within you is much like how stars communicate, through light energy and love for you. Manifestation will become easy for you for that is the energy of alignment that you are resonating in-tune with, different from the older sludge of the lower vibrational reality matrix that you were willingly entrapped within. I say willingly for those of you reading these words have most likely volunteered to be the system busters and light wielders for this project

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

Your blood type is determined by your genes

The combination of one allele from each parent
Determines your blood type

Alleles are a pair of genes located on the chromosomes

85% of all humans have RH positive blood

The ruling elite have RH negative blood

But many Caucasian people are recessive carriers of RH negative

RH negative is a new recently introduced blood type

The genes that cause RH negative
Have only been recently added to the human genome

The white race has been very recently genetically modified
It is a cross bred hybrid species

And their human embryo will have a tail

RH negative blood is from Reptilian genes

An RH negative mother will reject
A baby from a RH positive father

The blood will build up antibodies
And attack the alien substance

People who are RH negative will exhibit reptilian traits
Such as hypersensitivity to light
And the lack of empathy

They are obstinate carnivores
Who not only eat animals
But humans as well

That is why the elite
Also drink human blood
And show no emotions when humans
Are chopped up and sacrificed

The reason why pedophiles are rampant in Hollywood
Is because the elite Roosevelt family own 80% of Hollywood
And many actors and actresses are related to them

And it is also why pedophiles are common in ruling establishments

A naked boy was recently filmed trying to escape Buckingham Palace
By climbing down a bedsheet through a window

Adrenochrome which is the oxidation of adrenaline
Is popular among RH negative people
It is forcibly taken out of live traumatized kids

It makes one feel euphoric
And it enhances longevity and appearance

But it is more addictive than Meth or Crack

Adrenochrome supplies though are now being cut off
And users are aging at a very fast rate

Psycho #magick #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious Racial Discrimination in dating, does it happen to Whites as well?

yes , in Iran there is some states that are populated mostly by Turkmans, Turkmans look like Asians(Japanese, Chinese). Turkman girls are so attracted to non-Turkmans and our race (you can consider white), yet many of them rejected me, imagine how subhuman i am.

one of them actually liked me so i asked her out but then she said no and told me that i can't date non-turkmans and i can't even date, my father promised someone to give me to his kid. so i have a fiancée and plus i'm not allowed to have phone because i have a FUCKING MUSLIM TARD dad.(last part was added by me). i told her i will buy you a phone and telling her we don't need to tell anyone, and she kept running away from me and i followed her and talked to her and i kept standing in her way and she would change direction.

suddenly she stopped and told me no, i can't please leave me my dad will kill, if anyone see you talking to me my dad would kill me. and i was shocked, not about the things she said, i was shocked because i've been rejected by another girl at the same exact spot i was standing.

i didn't even listen to her anymore i just sit there on the ground and i was talking to myself out loud " what the fuck is wrong with me? at the same exact spot?! i'm probably talismed , yeah i'm talismed its unrealistic" (i was into talism shit back then, i thought someone spelled me, and that it's not possible to get rejected more than 100 times in a row. and she thought i'm crazy or sth and she left me.

and again FUCKING MUSLIM TARDS taking away one of my biggest chances with their stupid culture. I'm the king of rejection , my estimated record is 150-160 in real life and probably more than 500 over internet and apps like tinder.

Crystalline Collective of the 9th Dimensional Rays vis Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Crystalline Collective Consciousness of the 9th dimensional ray. It is our privilege and honor to come through this one this day to speak. We wish for our words to be of comfort and joy, for that is what we intend bring to the collective. (I am seeing a huge heart shaped box of chocolates.) Yes, they are our gift to you today, within are encodements for easily obtaining your remembrances, your memories of who you are and have been, which will assist you with who you are becoming. (I am seeing warriors, kings and queens, priests and priestesses, powerful beings of old.) You all have been these beings, you all have access to these encodements. Galaxygirl, eat a chocolate. (I open the pink heart box and see that the chocolates in their individual wrappers are stories. It is like a moving video within each one.) We know that you are strong enough for this task, we know that you will rise as a mighty collective of human light, restored, revealed, remembering that which you have always been and were always meant to be so that you can become this massive collective of multidimensional creator-light, filled with love which is the breath of creation. We know that this is your destiny. We assist you with this remembering now. (I see the box of chocolates is open and all of the chocolates are floating around me creating a vortex. They open and all unroll like old film playing videos.)

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