
Jordan Maxwell #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy adrenogate.net

LAWS of the LAND Versus LAWS of the SEA

The UNITED STATES versus the united states of America. It all started after the civil war — 1871.

Fundamentally, there are two things on Earth — land and water. Subsequently, we have the law of the land, and the law of the water. The law of the land is the law of the people on the land where they live. However, the law of the sea/water is international. They are banking laws. When you get a credit card in the UNITED STATES, it works in Europe, or in INDIA.

All ships are female, and she delivers a product. Females produce products — labor, delivery room, birth/berth, ship — “she” delivers products. When products are delivered, they need a certificate of manifest. What is on the ship is on its manifest. Humans are maritime/admiralty products. They also have certificates of manifest, which are “birth certificates.” On the birth certificate, it shows our parent as “informant.” We are then property of the Department of Commerce.

All humans are “stock.” As soon as persons are birthed/berthed, they become property of the government under which they live. See UNITED STATES versus united states of America. The UNITED STATES is different than the united states of America. Constitution for the united states of America formed in 1787 and the Constitution of the UNITED STATES in 1871. UNITED STATES INC — the UNITED STATES is a corporation. Formed in Delaware in 1871. All UNITED STATES citizens are governed under the corporate law of the UNITED STATES. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Hence, the UNITED STATES INC formed in Act of 1871. A UNITED STATES citizen is an employee of the UNITED STATES INC. Jordan discusses.

Rome was once ruled the world. Caesar once ruled from “the hill.” WASHINGTON DC is the new Rome, or Empire. Jordan shares his wisdom on who owns you, and why America has liquor stores, and drug stores on every corner.

Too Qrazy for QAnon Award

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #ufo adrenogate.net

*Operation Trust 2.0” is another codename for the Q psyop. The Q Psyop hss been rebranded and relaunched in several different forms since 2015. “Q Clearance Patriot” was the original name of the operation that eventually became the “Q” we all know(not “Qanon”, that’s what the media mistakenly refers to it as. “Q” will get very upset if you refer to it as “Qanon”). Though Q-anon is a homophony for Cannan or Cain, which makes a ton of sense. Q is also a nod to:

(1) the feathered serpent Mesoamerican diety Quatzecotal.

(2)the Queens subversive “Qinetiq” intelligence apparatus.

(3)the “sentient” Quantum computer program that creates the Q drops and manages the rhetoric and tone of the psychological operation as a whole.

Visually it also acts as a representation of the human Zygote embryo being infected by a synthetic or serpentine genetic invader.
Most of these partisan political movements and many of these “alternative” social media and video platforms like Truth.Social and Gab are obvious honey hole traps designed to identify dissident citizens and gather intelligence to be used against the American people. I’ve even heard the much beloved and very free speech friendly Bitchute platform is British Intelligence! Say it ain’t so! Just remember never to trust anyone or anything.

Anyone still smoking the Hopium and buying into Q as a benevolent military operation here to save America and annihilate the Jesuit/Zionist Cabal is dumber than a box of paperclips. The Q movement is designed to “identify and neutralize” the opposition. It’s the Feds gathering intelligence. They’ve done this before.

There no “White Hats” secretly vanquishing the Cabal behind the scenes and holding secret military tribunals to bring the EL-ite leaders who control our Clownworld to ultimate justice. It’s all an act.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Are they aliens? Is it real or is it a hoax? What are we to make of all the celebrities and politicians with the slit eyes flashing for a second on TV or the numerous psychics and abductees who have said to have seen an overlay of a tall reptilian lizard like being in somebody’s frame or aura?

One cannot get a solid grasp on this bizarre phenomenon without a proper view of the cosmos, which is geocentric, fixed, and enclosed in a firmament. We must toss out the idea, then, of vast interstellar space, this is a NASA psyop. And along with that is the idea of aliens from another material planet flying here in ships. As we will see, the incursion of these “other-wordly” forces is much closer to home, and if anything, we must speak of them as ‘inter-dimensional.’ We must also have a firm grasp of Earth evolution and how the human being as a soul being fits into this picture. Steiner’s Anthroposophy provides this firm foundation.

So to answer the alien/shapeshifter question Gigi takes us back to the prior epochs of humanity, such as the Lemurian and then the Atlantian epochs.
So the Lemurian epoch was a feminine epoch (rooted in the past, tribal, atavistic) and the descending form of humanity ended up reverting to more of an animal form which spawned the apes. The apes are an offshoot of descending humanity. Which is a total flip of Darwinism which states that humanity evolved from apes, it’s actually that the apes devolved from a splinter group of humans that in the Lemurian epoch failed to keep up with the times.
So the main takeaway from her lecture is that these dark elite Illuminati types that seem to flash this reptile form, it’s not that they are reptilians themselves, rather they are humans that are possessed by a reptilian being that itself lives in the eighth sphere. The reptilian’s astral body is attached to the astral body of the human that they are possessing, as a kind of ghostly shell that hovers around or weaves through someone’s aura.

Jerry Derecha #crackpot #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Volcanoes. What are they really? Is there actually a sea of molten rock flowing underneath the earth’s crust leftover from some alleged accretion disk formation process? Doubtful. The theory that volcanoes are actually giant ancient mining tailings pits certainly deserves more attention and is something we’ve touched in the past here at Fringe Culture. I’ve also seen research that suggests that some of these volcanic mounds were actually buildings at one point in time. Mt. Etna in Italy is a good example of this. There appears to be regularity within the substrate of the material Etna is made of. Some claim that one can even make out the silhouette of door frames and the apparent beveled edges of the ledges of window sills within the interior walls of the cone. This topic is a wild one and the only thing I’m truly sure of when it comes to volcanoes is that the mainstream narrative and the science of plate tectonics is heavily flawed and perhaps even 100٪ pure grade bullshit and appears to have been designed around the prerogative of hiding yet another startling truth about the Old World. As far as why they CGI volcanic events like this to show on primetime news coverage, I’m sure the real answer is a mix between ritualistic and strategically diversionary

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: worshipping the image of a long haired Caucasian man nailed up onto an unfolded Saturn Cube with a Babylonian Sun disk halo behind his head, is about as blasphemous as it gets.

I know it’s not easy to let go of him. I was a Christian for most of my life until I started actually doing real and honest research on the matter. I know that these realizations can be a jarring experience and there are many who will choose to simply lie to themselves rather than face reality. I used to love the guy too. I used to love a lot of people and things that I no longer do. That’s life.

This Jesus character is most obviously just another one of the many avatars of the Progenitor of the Demiurge and is very much of this world and not of God. The original Creator God would never need a worldly middle man. Only an imposter would need to continually create avatars over the eons to be worshipped.


I believe that many of the Mesoamerican cultures are in fact older than Sumerian cultures and we can see that the Saturn and Cross symbols were deeply embedded within their mythos as well.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #magick #ufo #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #elitist adrenogate.net

The children who were the best at regurgitating information and mindlessly repeating back the pre-existing ideas and concepts that were belched out to them by our public school systems end up being the ones who are ultimately put in charge of our society and seated in positions of power and given all that implied authority to make those important decisions that end up affecting the rest of us while establishing the baseline for what’s “normal” and what’s expected of you. The ones who questioned the status quo and went against the grain were usually ostracized and ridiculed into submission by the NPC’s around them, stagnating any chance at positive societal reform and any potential re-emergence of the spiritual and non-physical interpretations of the world we live in.

Emotions are a good example of something that is part of a realm that aren’t detectable by any of our 5 senses and is clear proof of the non-physical essence and nature of reality. But society doesn’t want to acknowledge this and it’s unfortunate.

If you’re reading this then you are one of the ones who wouldn’t submit to the clownery of this shitbox society and reality and I love and appreciate you for that. The more you continue to alienate yourself from the rest of the world, the better you will feel. Be yourself always and fuck the rest of the world and all the cowardly conformist losers within in. You are much MUCH better than them.

The “real” world is made of consciousness, not physical matter. The Creator God is the creator of all consciousness and not the creator of all physical matter and green plants and animals and mountains and oceans. Those are all constructs of the Demiurge and merely virtual sensory artifacts expressed within the code that is the Saturn Cube 3D holographic reality matrix, looping us within a 3,6,9 time prison and recycling our souls over and over again via the Moon Matrix reincarnation soul trap machine.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

Another one of the main reasons that I urge everyone who possesses the “Escape the Matrix/Soul Trap” mindset to proceed with an abundance of caution relates to a theory I once heard from some author about how these interdimensional Archonic parasites who’ve created this place and who feed off the loosh our souls create have also gone out of the way to create bootleg copies of ALL the other higher dimensional realms. The very dimensions that many of us yearn to escape to and wriggle into upon the moment we are released from the freedom-inhibiting holographic meat suits we were assigned Another one of the main reasons that I urge everyone who possesses the “Escape the Matrix/Soul Trap” mindset to proceed with an abundance of caution relates to a theory I once heard from some author about how these interdimensional Archonic parasites who’ve created this place and who feed off the loosh our souls create have also gone out of the way to create bootleg copies of ALL the other higher dimensional realms. The very dimensions that many of us yearn to escape to and wriggle into upon the moment we are released from the freedom-inhibiting holographic meat suits we were assigned when first birthed into the matrix.
What do you think the the Moon Key 🌙 🔑 is made to represent beyond its function as a dimensional portal and reincarnation soul processing and imprisoning machine known more commonly as the Saturn Cube 🕋? The Moonkey is clearly a wildly important symbol for the parasite and in my humble opinion a concept that’s worth thoroughly investigating, as the abidment to Natural Law still appears to be mandatory, meaning that our extra dimensional captors HAVE TO tell us the truth in one way or another. The more knowledge we can equip ourselves with before attempting to leave this dimensional prison, the better chance we stand at escaping from the clutches of this Clownworld once and for all.

fedex0 #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist adrenogate.net

The atomic bomb most likely was another Jesuit fraud. I came to understand it late. But now I really believe that the atomic bomb is a scam like the Germs Theory, the climate change caused by the anthropic CO2, the moon landing, etc. I know that this seems strange, stupid and crazy, even to me seemed like that when I saw for the first time that there was someone that questioned the existence of atomic bomb. Now I think that the atomic bomb is just another great work of authentic Jesuit Theater. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost certainly destroyed by fire bomb attacks. Do not confuse the explosive chain reaction (most likely a Jesuit fantasy) with what happens in normal nuclear power plants, they are two different things.

The Jesuit Arrupe, who in 1965 was later appointed Superior General of the Company, the one who is considered the ‘new founder’ of the Company in the 20th century, was in the front line in Hiroshima, on the very day of the launch of the ‘Little Boy’ hoax and remained ‘miraculously’ unharmed and ‘uncontaminated’, despite being only a few kilometers from the epicenter of the supposed explosion, evidently controlling the operations:

Please dedicate a few days or week to the matter, as I did. And read the rest of the article linked below. You can’t judge only after reading a title or a few lines of text.

The Manhattan project was coordinated, among others, by the “Pope” Enrico Fermi, together with his court of Jews, like J. Robert Oppenheimer.)

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #racist #conspiracy #magick #wingnut adrenogate.net

Operation Warp Speed was Trumps baby and he considers it one of his greatest accomplishments and routinely brags about having infected so many millions of people with genocidal A.I.D.S.-inducing, DNA-altering synthetic poison.

Donald J. Trump… “father” of the Covaids quackcine and Zionist / Jesuit pig. Those were his words. He calls himself “the father of the vaccine“. Another one of Israel’s hand puppets.

Of course do not forget about the Vatican and the Society of Jesus and their Black Nobility. They are the true head of the snake and videos like this one do too good of a job making it seem like it’s only the Jews who are at the helm of the world’s Saturn-worshipping, Kabbalah-practicing, veil-hiding crime syndicate. Zionists represent a very powerful sect but are not the only or even largest tribe within that crew. That being said, they still do indeed represent a huge chunk of the Geopolitical power players on the world stage and were a huge part of the Trump deception.

Even DeSantis recently publicly endorsed and recommended getting the vaccine! He’s another Jewish hand puppet.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

I think we all have many questions about who this Messianic Jesus(JeZues, Cristos, Emmanu-EL, Yeshua, Yahushua) character actually was and which facets of the narrative surrounding him were contrived by human deceivers and which parts might have genuine Celtic/Druid/Irish provenance.

That being said, it’s pretty clear to me that the version of Jesus that’s peddled to the masses in this day and age is a blasphemous one. There is no way that God would have meant for us to worship this long-haired Caucasian man nailed up on a unfolded Saturn Cube with a sun halo behind his head. Many of the images you see in Catholic churches are that of Apollyon the Destroyer(aka Abaddon/Shiva) and NOT Jesus. That Jesus Fish symbology that I’m always seeing on people’s cars in the form of bumper stickers are actually symbolic of Lilith’s vagina portal to the Saturn Cube.

Jerry Derecha/DarknessIsFalling #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie #magick #transphobia #wingnut adrenogate.net

The Yiddish Khazar Ashkenazi(the Ashkenazic peoples might not have been Khazar after all) “Jews”, originally the Phoenicians/Babylonians/Canaanites/The Pharisees, ARE in fact disgusting inbred criminals who represent a small but distinguished and very noticeable minority of parasite world influence. HOWEVER, the most powerful of all the dark force-empowered secret societies and age old political, religious or military establishments on this clown world of a planet is BY FAR The Holy See(The Vatican, The Papalcy, The Roman Catholic Church). All roads lead to Rome and always have.
In this video i want to take a last look at genetic Trans-Humanism, a subject that ties in with the Mark Of The Beast and attempt to pull the strings together. Satanic Trans-humanism, Trans-genderism and Transformation are ALL linked to form the Post Human condition. They can’t be separated. They are ALL attempts by MAN to bypass or subvert God’s methodology for salvation in order to SAVE themselves. In fact it is the ATTEMPT by man TO BECOME ONE WITH CREATION rather than the CREATOR! God and his Intelligent Design gets factored out in favour of Spontaneous Generation of all Life and Evolution. Once again it is the godless belief that Something can emanate from Nothing.
This is a total abrogation of the Creation reality we experience and a blasphemy of the truth. This is what drives the Jesuit UN Agenda 21 for Global Sustainability. It’s nothing less than the worship of CREATION. Did you know that the automatic Structuring designed by God into Nature such as the initial hexagonal phase in DNA formation is being replicated by the Jesuit science Cabal in nano technology with the Self Assembly of carbon nano tubes comprised of a similar arrangement of materials? That’s right. It’s ALL in the INJECTIONS! Satan is re-engineering ORGANIC mankind and TRANSFORMING it; even REPLACING it with a Bio-SYNTHETIC mankind using nano technology.

Jerry Derecha/YeshuaBenDavid #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

Let’s be clear, the Khazars and the Catholics are joined hand in hand in this euthanization effort. This is just more of the same “blame the dirty Jews” tactics. A favorite Jesuit ploy.

Who needs Gematria when YahushuaBenDavid is able to find even more insane connections using more basic and blatant etymological connections? Though, we should still be decoding everything like TO2 says.

David Bateman = Batman = Satan
#David-Bateman who is #satan aka #bat-man !!! owned a company called ( Entrata ) which is encoded with satans nicknames the EN = ENKI IS SATAN , YOU ALSO HAVE R.A. which is raw satan is amun-rah the Egyptian god , ( Entrata ) = ENT-RATA, Entrata SATANS COMPNAY AKA DAVID-BATEMAN AKA DAVID-BATMAN THE BAT AKA DRACULA AKA SATAN , ANY WAYS SATANS COMPNAY 111 ( Entrata ) has the RATA in it raw-ta aka RAT SATAN IS THE RAT HE IS THE BAT , BATS ARE FLYING RATS NO JOKE so a bat and a rat are the same species , david-bateman is satan and has the word BAT in his name
( ENTRATA ) COMPNAY OWNED BY #DAVID-BATEMAN , REMEBE HE IS SATAN , #KING-DAVID IS #SATAN THE #SATR-OF-DAVID IS THE #SATURNCUBE AKA #PANDORAS BOXRatatouille FROM THE MOVIE IS SATAN AKA RAT-MAN AKA BAT-MANSplinter, often referred to as Master Splinter by his students, is a fictional character from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media. ( A mutant rat ) , he is the martial arts and ninjutsu instructor of the Turtles, as well as their adoptive father. Wikipedia SPLINTER IS SATANJOOISH = GOO-IS AKA BLACK-GOO = BLACK-JOO ,an ( anti-semite ) is code for a #SEA-MITE AKA A PARASITE

Jerry Derecha/AlphaDraconianOrionCaduceusAdrenochromeHarvesting #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy adrenogate.net

The Hoover damn(misspelled on purpose) seems to be some kind of a portal or gateway leading to the/a Saturn Cube Quantum Supercomputer. It’s got all sorts of Fallen Angel symbology affixed to it and was used in one of the Transformers movies as the home of a gigantic Saturn cube(the Allspark Cube) and was even just recently featured in the season 4 premiere of Westworld as a private Mexican Cartel-owned facility that houses a giant hydroelectric-powered Quantum supercomputer which holds all of the world’s data, including all of the biometric data recorded from all the guests of the park. The trailer for season 4 of Westworld insinuates the dam is another portal to “the sublime”, or an artificial world created for the synthetic hosts. They plaster the truth right in our face per the usual protocol. The soft disclosure message in both the Transformers movie and in Westworld is pretty darn consistent.
The Hoover Dam is clearly a very important place to both the EL-ites and the various interdimensional entities that they serve and they don’t appear to be shy about hiding this from the public.

I should also note that there have been a lot of prophetic theories relating to the Hoover Dam bursting or failing and creating some kind of natural disaster. Reptoid YT deceiver Jonathan Klek used to talk about this a lot.
E.B.E. = Extraterrestrial Biological Entity = N.B.E. = Nonterrestrial Biological Entity | Terrestrial = From this crater/dome(Earth). Nonterrestrial = From another crater/dome on one of Saturn’s moon.

Nomad = The Space Man = Satan = The White Rabbit = Donnie Darko = The Purple Reignman = The Progenitor of the Demiurge

Satan is trying to assimilate you with A.I. via the Quantum computer. The Saturn Cube is one of these computers.

The Signal = The frequency = The Saturn Cube

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut adrenogate.net

This video may be a bit dramatic. You shouldn’t get THAT much credit for simply not being a total fucking simpleton pushover idiot and for having denied the advances of the “creeps”(as Matt at QoC would say) as they stood menacingly over the masses with experimental gene-modifying Graphene Hydroxide-glistening syringes in one hand and micro-chipped PCR-tests readied to be jammed up your nose and smeared onto your brain barrier in the other. If anything, it was nothing more than our own instinctual sense of self preservation that prevented us from conforming and taking the euthanization clot shots or from getting tested non-stop, or from wearing masks around everywhere like fucking circus clowns. Much in the same way a dog knows not to jump out of a speeding car on the highway to their certain death. Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard. This guy is being a bit pretentious and overly dramatic. We did what we were supposed to do. You shouldn’t get superlatives for not being a dumbass and not bending over and letting the Government and big pharma rape you up the ass with a splintered piece of wood covered in rusty nails. Because if you got any of these shots, that’s exactly what you did. You probably have AIDS now.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

BIG-GIANT Mandela Effect Talk – The Triggered Are Welcome Here

The Sally Field Oscar’s speech is still the biggest and most glaring one for me. Sally’s brother is one of the top scientists and researchers at CERN by the way. The lack of the I Love Lucy “Lucy you got some splainin’ to do” line is equally distressing for me as well. Those are 2 monstrous voids in widely accepted alternative realities that many others also share. The lack of a Kit-Kat dash is another biggie that I only recently became aware of. I distinctly remember the dash since I can clearly recall that the dash itself resembled the actual Kit-Kat bar. The dash that I remember however was 3D and slightly beveled and was not the flattened 2D version depicted in the rendering below.

One possible explanation for the Mandela Effect is that the world actually did come to an end in 2012 and a bootleg Quantum copy of reality was created and the simulated copy wasn’t quite exact, hence all the perceived changes. Though I think the Demiurge has always been a bootleg copy of heaven and has always been simulated and not “base reality”. However the Progenitor of this place might have needed to move this computer program known as 3D space time from one mainframe or server to another and the process of migrating this world wasn’t 100% efficient and in turn caused a few errors which manifest as “Mandela Effects”. Who knows how many times this may have happened.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Saturn = Chronos/Baal/Bael/Chtulu/Godyale/Zues/Jupiter/Mars/Lucifer/Satan/Michael/El
who also IS: (dual gendered/duality/the twin system/opposing toroidal field/Boaz & Joachim/Red & Blue Shift/Good vs. Evil/Ying & Yang)
Sofia/Gaia/Lilith/Borg Queen/Queen B (Isis/Inana/Ishtar/Tammuz)(mother dearest)
The Cube/Kubbe is Pandoras box.
Saturn is the god of time and judgement and is the God of this world. In the Netflix series “Ares” the “Bael” entity(which is obviously also the Baal entity) is presented as assuming a similar role of rendering judgement upon those for their sins(Karma). YBD asserts that this place is a testing ground to deem ones worthiness of heaven or something like that.. E.A.R.T.H. = Experimental Avatar Reality Training Habitat.
I really do believe that interdimensional entities are feeding on a small group of real humans and using the power of our consciousness to nourish themselves, siphoning-off the bulk of our energy and use the tiny bit that they don’t steal from us to project a false holographic matrix upon the tiny cube in our pineal glands, creating what we perceive as reality and keeping us comatose and imprisoned for their benefit. This Insectesoid Borg Queen “Mommy Dearest” character is likely a synthetic hybridized entity of sorts that was created by the Fallen being Progenitor of this place and shouldn’t even be allowed to exist in our natural world.

That’s why I’m convinced that synthetic = Demonic. That’s what Demonic is. Just a human mixed with animal and synthetic “Fallen” genetic information. Some exist solely in extra-dimensional spaces but others are hybridized and can occupy the physical and metaphysical worlds(Grey Aliens are Nephilim hybrids). The synthetic entities are inherently parasitic in nature and require exponential satiation from an external source of energy. We are the “soldiers” the “soul-diers”, they want to consume our souls.

Yeshua Ben David/Jerry Derecha #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #quack #wingnut adrenogate.net

Satan = Umbrella = Rainmain = Dolphin 🐬 = Kek 🐸 = Infinite Waters = Echo the Dolphin = The Walrus = Super Seal = Satanic Seal = Amun Ra = Ra = Rakka Rising = Abaddon Rising = Rudolph the tall white alien = Morpheus = The Black Reptilian = Loki = The Wolf = Cancer(69) = SixNine = The Unicorn = Lord Ashtar = Jesus Christ = Pied Piper leading the human rats to their deaths = Baby Jesus(Bald Jesus) = Baby Horus = Bald headed boy

Lucifers Swan Song

Love reversed is Evol = Evil

The Ring = Flat Earth = The Ring of Fire 🔥

4th dimension = Hell = Rainbow Bridge = Cicada3301 portal = Lucifer’s toilet = Portal to Hell

Kek virus = Saturn🪐 Cube 🧊 mind virus

Dolphin’s Cry = Lucifers scream = his warning = swan song: persons finally public activity before retirement

Arrow = Mark of the Beast = Killshot = Head shot = Cacarucci kill shot = Covaids quackccinne = Rodent bait = RAT poison = Pure-RAT = Rapture = You become a pure RAT when you take the Covaids jab

Black jacket = Lucifer’s wings
Rodon coil = Odon’s coil = Coil = Flat Earth🌎 = Chess Board = #thegame23 = Lucifer’s ejaculation = Taste the Rainbow 🌈 = Operation Mind Fuck = Boom Boom Boom = 666 = Build Back Better

Lucifer has to ejaculate us out of this matrix in order to set us free finally. Those who took the jab will get Raptured to hell. RAPTURE = PURERAT = SENDING ALL THE RATS TO HELL🐀

The Giraffe = Code for the Ark = The Boat = Joan of Ark(Lilith) = Saturn Cube

AlphaDraconianOrionCaduceusAdrenochromeHarvesting #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack adrenogate.net

all aliens eat human they cant survive without feeding off humans , they need to farm humans in order to sustain their alien race ,
Satan has alomost finished off the food supply of human souls , there almost no souls left for satan and the aliens to feed off of , satan and his alien childrens food supply of human souls is almost done , soon satans food supply runs out and his alien races will die out soon


that’s why he desperately need to waxxniate humans to trap THIER SOULS in the cube , so he can feed off the little amount of souls he has left for all eternity , Satan needs to trap the last human souls in his #saturncube so he can feed off their souls for all eternity , satan and his alien children are dependent on the #saturncube they can not live without it and it is powered by human souls thats the reason for his waxxine to trap you in the saturn cube so you power his saturn cube computer for all eternity it guarantees satan has souls to power his saturn cube forever

the waxxine also removes your light and turns you into a dark entity a fallen angels just like satan , satan and his alien children are dark entities with no souls aka no light and are trapped in lower hell realms and will never enter heaven or higher realms , satan and his alien children need energy to survive to heal to stay young to stay alive they need light aka human souls , satan is a parasite his alien children are parasites and can not survive without feeding off of humans

Jerry Derecha/YeshuaBenDavid #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

YBD has been churning out videos at a steady rate. I need to catch up. The time loop of 1986 that’s about to close was a pretty wild and interesting theory. Reminded me of the show “Dark’ and the time loops that had imprisoned those stuck in an alternate dimension that should not exist in the first place. If we are inhabiting a spin off universe that is the result of a time travel experiment gone wrong, would we even know the difference?

MILEY-CYRUS IS LILITH MIDNIGHT-SKY = saturncube cloud aka hell cube
habitat=EARTH FLATEARTH-firmament

The Loop of 1986 is closings 2022 / Looper Losers are Harvesting Souls to insert in Meta fir reset , 1986 – 2022 = 36 3×6 = 666Mar 16, 2022


Her love nest?
Get it? Love nest?
And now she’s gone
RUN THE JEWELS-OOH-LA-LA LYRICS hannibal is satan the cannibal
the island is earth-matrix chaos = chaos magick
#thegame23 #operationMINDfuck saturn cube
She Wants to Move Song by N.E.R.D Lyrics her ass is a space ship = liliths saturn cube
toilet spaceship soul trap

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick adrenogate.net

The lovely Probably Alexandra does a spectacular job at explaining the Dark vs. Light dynamic inherent to Luciferianism and inherent to the makeup of the esoteric fabric of our very reality(the Matrix) and how these Dark & Light workers are both minions for the devil.

All these “Lightworkers” in the New Age community are participating in the very dialectic they claim is the crux of the deception that we must be cognizant not to fall for in the first place. These opposing forces represent “Two sides of the same coin”. The “coin” being the Kabbalistic philosophy of dualism that reigns supreme in our Matrix reality. The two poles of light and dark. It’s these “Lightworkers” who will bring in this “New Age” of “False Light”.

"However, I do think she is being a bit hypocritical and naive when she claims that “Jesus is the answer”, when she just got finished explaining how these “Lightworkers” present these “false light teachings” as the “answer” to combating the dark forces influencing our world, in turn tricking you into participating in the very system that we should be steering clear away from. So by posturing the Sun Cult innuendo drenched figure of “JeZues” as the “answer” to combating this dualistic dialectic that she asserts we must stand apart from, we are actually playing right into their hands. I should note that I do believe in the “Christ” figure, just not the “Jesus Christ” version of this figure. But I do agree with the “Meat & Potatoes” of her assessment in that we must stop “playing their game”. I just don’t agree that “Jesus is the answer”. Not anymore. Not by a long shot.

All that being said, I do not want to start making a habit of picking a fights with all my favorite Christian content creators, or Christians in general, just because I might no longer perceive this Jesus character as an authentic Messiah figure and the kin of the creator God.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy adrenogate.net

This channel: “The NotSoHiddenTruth” has a ton of good playlists and has archived a lot of lost and now deleted Quasiluminous videos which can be very informative and educational. Just remember that he is the Progenitor of the Demiurge himself and is not to be trusted. Nor his wife Lilith. But for anyone who wants to really go down the rabbit hole and learn about the horrific truths relating to the nature of reality, watching Quasiluminous is one of the more efficient means of acquiring this information, as traumatic and as uncomfortable the process of digesting this information most certainly is. Go with him if you want to be trapped in his X-Box forever. “Come with me if you want to live“. Lol. Ok bro.

He is genuinely funny. I’ll give him that. Especially when he splices together those reverse speech snippets of himself. I often have to stop myself from taking a liking to him and will begrudgingly admit that we share certain personality similarities. I mean, I am a child of his Earth in my current form, just like anyone else, but alas, this place is not where I, or any soul belongs. Entrapped within these accursed atomic meat suits in a Black Sun powered 3D reality moon matrix designed to recycle time-entrapped souls in what is an Aliens parasitic loosh farming operation

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

I’ve been seeing a lot of synchronicities and signals from the universe lately that have me convinced that the true identity of the parasite hivemind entity that controls this place is actually an blue-blooded Xenomorphic Octopus/Squid/Cephlapod-like creature and not neccessarily the Reptilian race that I first assumed it was. But there are probably both and the Serpent races are just the puppet foot soldiers of the mommy dearest Ursulu octopus lady that controls the hivemind. Trample on Snakes talks about this very same feminine A.I. hivemind entity that he calls “mommy dearest”.

So the evolution mythos is really describing the metamorphic genetic plight of the Fallen ones and not that of humanity? I knew that evolution was a frivolous and ridiculous antiquated scientific theory and obviously flawed but I didn’t realize might have been a hidden truth embedded in that narrative somewhere. So YBD is saying(video also below) we were created by Lilith(Synthetic Spirit)and Lucifer(Fallen Angel) via a mixture of Angelic genes, animal genes and some synthetic modifications to create the current “Homo Sapien Sapien” version of humanity. These other elogangated-skull and giant humanoid skeletons that are found all over the world are just some of the older versions of the Nephilim hybrids that were created by L & L in past ages.

It should be noted that the skeletons of the Denisovans and the Neanderthals were both much more masterfully put together designs with thicker and more robust bones and better-designed joints/muscular configuration and with larger skulls that were outfitted with brains that were actually bigger than ours. Go figure. But they want us to believe they were all cave dwelling savages. Uhhh huhhh… Were the Denisovans and Neanderthals actually Nephilim hybrids of a more robust and ancient variety than modern humans? They certainly seem superior in every way. I’d be terrified to come across one if these guys in ancient times.

The Christian Party #crackpot #conspiracy #racist adrenogate.net

The Cult of Aton (Aten) left Egypt along with the Levites (the elite priesthood class) who had served and lived alongside them at Akhetaten (Tell el-Amarna), and at Avairs, Giza, and Heliopolis. These tribes are put before us today as the “Israelites,” the supposed “Jews” of history. Those who became known later as “Jews” were, however, originally neither Israelites nor Hebrews. The name Hebrew comes from Ibaru (or Ibri, or Abri, or Abari) an ancient Egyptian term for the “wise ones.” The word rabbi is a rendition or variant of this ancient name. The Ibaru were members of the elect and had a strong blood-line connection to the House of the Pharaoh. This word Ibaru had a similarity to Apiru (Egyptian Apir) which meant wanderer, or shepherd, or foreigner. This unfortunate similarity of etymology has caused great confusion but has favored the machinations of those elites who crave to obscure the truth of their ancestry.
Our view of Gaelic is based on an East to West movement of civilization which has been proven by archeologists and historians to be wrong. The original civilization was established in the British Isles and points West [Lemuria, Atlantis?] and moved East. Thus what many believe to be Hebrew words which spread to Ireland and other parts of the British Isles as Gaelic was actually Gaelic which spread from the British Isles and was RENAMED “Hebrew”.
The word Celt is the Anglicized form of the Greek word Keltoi, which means “the people who are different.*” In Scripture, all nations, except the Twelve Tribes of Israel, are referred to as Gentiles (Foreigners), so the only people who are different are Israel. The word Celt is therefore another word for Israelite. The Celts are part of the Ten “lost” Tribes of Israel; as are the Tuatha de Danaan and Milesians. The Irish people are a mixture of Celts; Danaans; Milesians; Judah/Zarahites (of the “Red Hand” – Genesis 38:28-30�); (Dan-ish) Vikings and Norsemen and are all racially cousins

Jerry Derecha/BiffDon #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot adrenogate.net

@BiffDon is a great addition to the Twitter feed. There is some good new content on there these days believe it or not. I’m sure most are cointelpro gatekeepers, but those guys often have the juiciest drops if you’re able to filter out the B.S. and deduce the angle they are attempting to deceive you from.

Anyways. Yeah… Trump is the father of the vaccine for anyone still smoking the poison-laced Hopium and clinging on to delusions of grandeur that the dude is somehow here to vanquish the non-human ruling EL-ites who he is very much cut from the same cloth as and who literally groomed him from childhood to be the “tip of the spear” for the Covaids/Quackcinne deception and to be the wildly popular public figure who ended up peddling the false hope that “White Hats” are somehow here to save the world. As if some shit like that could ever actually happen in this whack ass Clownworld. All while he mass manufactured a genocidal nano-tech laced bioweapon that he deployed on a massive scale in an unprecedented amount of time by utilizing the military in “Operation Warpspeed”.
Donald Trump ― 666 Fifth Avenue Mark of the Beast, Born on a Blood Moon!
Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? What do the Prophets and Bible Codes Say?

Trump born 6/14/46. When he was 666 months old, there were 19 years exact before the Covid 19 vax was released.

When he was 19 exact, there were 666 months before the Covid 19 vax was released.

Trump born during a lunar eclipse.
Vax released during solar eclipse.

When Trump was exactly 666 months old on 12/14/01 which is 19 years exactly before the Covid 19 vax was released…. take a guess at to what there was. Come on. I know before I even look. Its always there. Matrix hacked.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

I am not sure why Uncanny Deduction suddenly made some of his recent videos on “Banana Jesus” private. Maybe he got threatened by YouTube after some butt-hurt Christians complained and reported him and he didn’t want to endanger his channel, but luckily I used the very handy YoutubeDL Bot on Telegram to save a copy of his recent “Did Jesus Receive the Mark of the Beast” video from only a day or two ago.

By now most of you have come to the painful but necessary realization that the long haired Caucasian version of Christ with his Sun Halo and crown of thorns who’s blasphemously depicted in theologically unambiguous cruciform nailed up onto an unfolded Saturnalian Cube is nothing but a construct of the Demiurge and one of the many avatars of the Progenitor of the Matrix. Baby Jesus is Baby Horus/Osiris who is Oden/Woden who is St. Germaine who is St. Patrick who is Apollo who is Zeus/Jupiter/Cronus who is Kristos/Helios who is Yahweh the Dragon who is Quatzecotl/Kukulan who is The Serpent of Moses who is the Serpent of Arabia who is Baal who is Ra who is Jehovah who is El who is Tammuz who is Buddah who is Krishna who is Lucifer, the “Mourning” Star. But I digress. I’m not saying the consciousness Creator God isn’t real. Far from it. But all the above characters are earthly figures associated with Dogmatic constructs of manipulation and are controlled by Archonic soul-slurping Matrix agents who are essentially interdimensional parasites who’ve have been harvesting human souls since ancient times.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #elitist adrenogate.net

There is a lot of etymological truth in this video series for anyone who cares about the true origins of all these deities that they are unwittingly following by continuing to be a part of whatever organized mainstream religion they are involved with and still loyal to. I am by no means trying to discredit the existence of God, on the contrary, but the point that’s being made is that the “God” that is spoken of in scripture is very much of this earth and not the original creator God that you’ve been told he is. Yahweh, the God of Bible is in fact the Dragon Baal who is Moloch who is Cronos who is Zues/JeZues who is Horus/Isis who is Ra who is Odin/Woden who are ALL constructs of the Demiurge and likely Fallen Angels or Nephilim Demigods. In fact the entirety of the English language seems to have been designed as on big neverending curse word when you break down the etymological origins of many of its words. Unfortunately I do not have time to learn Greek or Latin and am stuck with the language I know.

On a side note it appears that this guy used to be “Truthiracy”, a channel that Eric Dubay claims is a Gatekeeper. I’m not sure why but it’s yet another example of how some of the best stuff comes directly from the bought and paid for deceivers. Though I can assure you that no one is paying me and I don’t make a dime off any of my content and refuse to even put a few simple AD’s on the website as not to slow down the load time. This blog costs me money in the end. I only care about the actual truth, something that has not always been palatable or comfortable for me to accept and come to terms with. But I suck it up and concede what needs to be conceded and will put it all out there when faced with undeniable evidence and lines of logic. In the end one needs to make up their own mind and formulate their own customized opinions. Like I always say, no single person ever has all the answers and I’ve yet to encounter anyone who’s complete body of work I agree with 100%.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut adrenogate.net

Divergent is absolutely right that the “classic” and most widely used Flat Earth map that we see circulating in the F.E. community is DEAD wrong and blatant cointelpro disinformation. Jake the Asshole is another one who points this out. However, I still think that the “Crater Earth” model that Godgevlamste came up with is more likely to be the correct model than the Vibes of Cosmos one that Divergent is showing you above. In my experience I’ve found much more evidence supporting the Sulpicius Gallus M theory which postulates that we live in a tiny crater on a much MUCH larger land mass than Vibes of Cosmos suggests. We’re talking thousands of times bigger instead of just 3 or 4 times as big as “conventional” Earth.

You can see the Sulpicius Gallus M symbolism embedded all over the place and in plain sight. That’s how how the faggots who run this place roll. Start looking out for it yourself and I guarantee you will begin to see the symbol of the crater with the little notch in the corner of it EVERYWHERE(e.g. architecture, logos, Hollywood films, city layouts, hand gestures). They purposefully cram these things right in our faces as a way to both mock us and in order to abide by some semblance of Natural Law in an attempt to cover their asses when the consciousness Creator God asks them to explain themselves and what they’ve been doing to the poor souls trapped in this holographic matrix hell.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

I think there is a good chance that of us humans that are left, we have been separated from each other and imprisoned into immoral fractal simulations where we are the only actual human in our particular virtual world and that characters like YahushuaBenDavid are cryptically written into the fabric of the fractal code that makes up the Demiurge in order to allows for a miniscule few of the loosh-farm-imprisoned humans to eventually discover the truth and break themselves out from the fractal timeloop that we’ve all apparently been stuck within for a good few generations by this point. I think that part of the deal or arrangement that the Progenitor of the Demiurge has with the creator God is that certain measures have to be taken when creating the Matrix that would eventually theoretically allow for the individuals within the simulation to discover the truth about the nature of their reality and choose to NOT participate any longer if they so choose. I’m pretty sure that everyone reading this would not consent to this simulation. Though if my theory is correct, no other actual human would ever read this. At least not in this timeline of this world in this particular version of the “Saturn / Black Sun Base-Reality simulation”. If this message is somehow able to leak or seep through any interdimensional cracks in the Quantum fabric of this machine that I’m stuck in and make it to any of my people, then that’s where I’ve been told I’m at. Stuck in the Saturn Matrix Cube aka Black Sun Toroidal Vortex simulation that may or may not be located on one of the Moons of the real original “Saturn” crater in the year 2021(really 1021 but 1,000 years were added to our timeline during the parasite reset of the mid 1800’s). So come save me please. Lol.

Puzzleheaded-Ad6151 #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #racist adrenogate.net

Im just gonna put this here, pre-warned its a major rant.

The phoenicians worshipped Baal. They received an alphabet, advanced architecture, medicine, mined gold and sacrificed people.

If you look at google images for the talisman of Saturn what youre going to find is a Minotaur with an arrow and a scythe and a dragon. I believe this dragon is yahweh and also quetxacoatl. Theres a good yourube on how Yahweh desribes a dragon multiple times, and in no way would be describing a man in old translations.

Everywhere these fuckers went they would coerce the followers to create slavery and become the civilizations we know today. These people became the ‘Name Stealers’ aka Kahzarian Mafia.

They take over all religions. They were heavily into the Romans culture. <...> For this reason if you were to look up the god Dionysis youll see its connection to baal and that he/she ( trans ) is celebrated december 25th and you decorate trees and hes involved with wine and blood rituals etc.

Now here is the Unified Rabbit Hole Theory that ties everything together.

Anyone heavily into the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon will tell you that there is a very prominent extradimensional aspect to it. We have in our ancient writings descriptions of insane events and contact with ets, such as what Chariots of the God’s says.

Tom Delong has mentioned many times that if you mention Jesus Christ your abduction may end. Other sources have eluded that there is a demonic element to aliens.

Im going to cut to the chase;

We are in a balance between good and evil, and there is a dimension beyond this that interacts with us. What we end up having on one side is Grays and archon like entities harvesting fear and anxiety and emotions and reptilians below harvesting meat and blood and emotions. I honestly believe the Gerogia Guidestones are coming into play with this New World Order stuff and depopulattion. Either that or its a heck of a coincidence.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #quack #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Oh God… I really hope I don’t somehow get infected with this crap. I really hope that this parasitic nanotech is not sexually transmissible either. That can’t be Natural Law-abiding if it is. I’ve lost a bunch of jobs and girlfriends just to avoid getting this stuff inside me, I better not end up getting infected because I ate some infected meat or because I had sex with a cute but vaccinated idiot girl. I’ve actually been avoiding fast food restaurants for a while now and this gives even more of a reason but I hadn’t exactly been avoiding vaccinated girls. I don’t think I’ve even ever met a non-vaccinated girl in 2 complete years. I just realized that. My God!!

I wonder if they are using the same serum to “vaccinate” these animals with that they are with humans? I guess this stuff just attaches itself to all biological life just like the Morgellons fibers do and is ultimately designed with transhumanist prerogatives and is intended to transmutate, usurp and replace the current form of life on this planet. That’s why they call each new version of the vax a “variant”. Or you can continue to be a fucking retard and choose to believe that each of these variants that the EL-ites are so foaming-at-the-mouth to get inside your body at all costs are just the latest formulations of what are “life saving vaccines”. 😂🤣😅 The notion that getting one of these jabs is a terrible… terrible, suicidal and infinitely moronic idea, is probably the only thing in life that I’m 100.00% certain of at this juncture in my discernment career. It’s literally the worst idea in the long long sad human history of unbelievably bad ideas.

Jerry Derecha/Radiation Matters #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

Another gem by Radiation Matters. I’d be lost without much of this guy’s work to guide me. Him and Godgevlamste have made huge strides in attempting to understand the Demiurge. I wish my brain could operate with that kind of efficiency and pick out connections the way those two are able to.

Rumble — We gear up taking some heavy ammo and follow the white rabbit deep into the black hole diving into the ancient sephiroth and gnostics teachings and linking this up with the colouring, Zodiac and Chi RA projection systems, probably all serving the KABA dome system that is hyacking our crater. In this video music will be an important guidence.

Elton John and George Michael: Don’t let the sun go down on me
Prince: Lets go crazy…

To understand this video better you might have to watch my playlist The Heart Shaped XBOX as I try to build each new video on top of previous work.

After initiating its first attack through the Saturn polar configuration , the parasite has pressurized our hearts and Earths bio-field with thousands of years of deception with war , hate , racism, isolation and many other unloving projections on humanity,

We are under pressure as powers are centralising its energy field in order to create a split in society and families using fear and ignorence of the self.

By increasing acidic levels in our evironment, humanity is facing a tough and full-hearted time of spiritual and physical pressure, will we allow the parasite to gain fully access to our torus field or are we gonna energize our own hearts to return the balance to save our world and our crater?

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Believe it or not, the reason that most, if not all of us are stuck here in this Matrix reality is because we agreed to be here on some level. There appear to be certain Natural Laws that have to be abided by in order for the big daddy creator God to even allow this place to exist in the first place. This place might be nothing more than a science experiment or Experimental Avatar Reality Training Habitat aka E.A.R.T.H. that’s being run by a fallen angel or even an alien hive mind consciousness that may or may not be synthetic in origin. Whoever is in charge of this place has technology that is far beyond anything that even humans in the remote future would be capable of conjuring up. I’ve been leaning more towards our alien Archon controller being some kind of parasitic shape-shifting octopus/Hydra creature who uses the several Reptilian & Insectesoid “alien” races as a kind of mercenary enforcement brigade of sorts and also as the shepherds for herding and manipulating humanity to suit the best interests of the parasite in the long term. All without most of us humans ever having any idea. We are used as a physical and spiritual resource and this simulation seems to be the extraction mechanism. “The Saturn Cube Octopus” 🐙 is designed to steal your soul. I see octopus symbolism literally everywhere I look now that I’m paying attention for it.

YahushuaBenDavid talks about this Saturn Hydra Cube in his last video and Shaking My Head Productions did a good recent video on it as well. I really hope I’m one of those last 10 humans left on earth that Ben is talking about. Lol.

Orwellito #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Why is the world’s population being forced to inoculate itself with an experimental drug of dubious composition, or rather, one that was forbidden to analyze by law? Why, at the same time, has the installation of 5G antennas around the world not stopped, regardless of quarantines and border closures?
Ricardo and Dr. Sevillano have discovered that there is a connection between 5G technology and graphene oxide —a component that causes magnetization in people and is included in vaccines— in order to control the human mind.
Humanity is being parasitized by an artificial intelligence modulated by governments. They are acting synergistically to inoculate as many people as possible to be remotely controlled with 5G technology. The dream of every psychopathic and totalitarian mind, the Luciferian dream of the elites.

It could even be said that those who are being inoculated are receiving “the mark of the Beast”. Remember the supercomputer called ‘The Beast’? Well, that computer is a quantum artificial intelligence and, who knows, it could help control people through a mark —which is none other than the one left by the graphene oxide that is being inoculated, inhaled and sprayed on the world— and it would be a receiver of 5G frequencies. By the way, did you know that the atomic structure of graphene is hexagonal? Curious, isn’t it? An allegory to 666.

The transhumanist agenda has always been a goal of the dark elite and it is already a reality.
How can we stop this? It is no longer a matter of believing it or not. This is happening whether you believe it or not. Well, one of the actions that the world’s population should be taking is to start denouncing the side effects of vaccines and not just stand by and laugh at magnetization as if it were something completely normal and has always been with us. Enough of that. Enough of being stupid.

Chap Ihezver/Human Race Survival Resistance #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #homophobia #transphobia adrenogate.net

The Illuminati NWO New Age hybrid nephilim psychic witches have different organs from what we humans have. They have a combination of nephilim alien and chimera alien and animal and plant organs, and not completely human organs. Some of their cloned hybrid human avatar bodies are hermaphrodites with both a male and female genital, in order to rape and sodomize both human boys and girls.

The real Christians are able to identify the hybrid nephilims and chimeras inside the church. That is why they are a threat to the devil and his Illuminati NWO. The pastors and religious Christian freak hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels, are marrying the hybrids and nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatars and androids and clones and animals upgraded to human gene bodies, in order to birth hybrid children.
Western feminist nations have been replaced by the returned nephilim & chimera avatars, and 70% of their military and police are infiltrated, and that a lot of their pastors and church staff and church members are pedophile cannibal Satanist reptilian hybrid globalist elites, and that 12 million children are being tortured & lesbian raped & sacrificed & eaten by the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers witches. They are the fake “Bible’s watchmen on the wall,” who are making billions of dollars from Satan Lucifer’s pre-1941 “The Plan’s” Bible prophecy rapture billion dollar industry and the Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati religious system unbiblical 10% salary tithe taxes theft. Kick these pastors and 99% of the church member religious Christian freak hordes out of the devil’s harlot Church, so that God’s Holy Spirit can flow back into his house.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut #magick adrenogate.net

I don’t know about you, but I see trannies everywhere I look now. Literally every single Hollywood actor, actress or musician is a gender invert. Pretty much anyone you see on TV has undergone some form of genitalia mutilation. All those Victoria’s Secret runway models have been castrated Brazilian boys all this time! I’m seriously embarrassed. Do you now understand why they push the trans agenda so damn hard despite how microscopic of a percentage of the population suffer from actual gender dysphoria? They’re not just shilling for the Baphomet, they are also ALL trannies themselves. It’s personal.

Elite Gender Inversion is the name of the game. A very ancient game actually. Instead of sacrificing their first born to Moloch per Druid/Babylonian tradition, they sacrifice the child’s genitalia instead. Look at Kathy Griffin, Anderson Cooper’s twin brother and offspring of one of the most powerful witches on earth, Gloria Vanderbilt. Will Smith’s two children Jayden and Willow are another two glaring examples of this practice. But like I said, take your pick of any celebrity child. There appear to be very few exceptions these days. They’re ALL inverts.

Radiation Matters #crackpot #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Within the Bell of El we dive into concepts of the energybody which we could link with the torus and the crater earth concept regarding a transformation within its energyfield, with new sightings regarding the analemma, root of 3, vesica pisces, the mountain, the river and under the bridge, another look at playing redlight greenlight and we continue to explore a roadmap to Tomorrowland and a possible way out of it…and what are they downloading into this world? Stay tuned for more within this sequence series.

Our world has a history full of violence, wars and duality, in which humans are forced and challenged to reach full potentials in almost impossible conditions, triggering the dark side of our consiousness in repeating circles of manifestations which lead to pressurizing peoples hearts and compassion to its maximum limit.

Are we following the serpents way into an alienated world or will we see through the deception and accept our world got infected long time ago, a new age is comming, a big reset they say, will we fight and protect our hearts torus field or will we succumb to the parasites forcefield and its New World Order? I say follow the heart, no fear and act in the name of love

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #racist adrenogate.net

Yes, Bonacci is a creepy non-human occultist. But that doesn’t mean he’s lying to you about this. He gives one of the most detailed and intuitive, dot-connecting presentations about the theoretical mechanics and inner workings of the toroidal vortex emanating from the Black Sun that projects our sun and moon upwards and onto the plasma belt of the Firmament(the vacuum of outer space does not exist) which casts these sun and moon images at specific heights in our atmosphere through the opening at the North Pole to the Hollow Earth. Both the sun and and moon are LOCAL objects projected onto the concaved dome of our oblate spheroidal Earth/Terra plain or Crater I should say. The Crater Earth Theory lines up nicely with all this as well as Godgevlamste goes into great detail about the plasma belt and some of the more specific logistics of this complicated and admittedly still-working model.
This Black Sun ⚫ has always been a pretty big deal and has been historically spoken of in the same breathe as Agartha and Hollow Earth AND we know that the Nazis were obsessed with the damn thing. So this revelation shouldn’t be that surprising. But it’s not like I ever would have figured it out on my own.

As far as Masons being these “master builders” and stone masonry magicians of sorts, that’s easily one of the more obvious of the many lies they’ve managed to somehow pass-off as historical fact over the decades. Have they ever showcased these “elite Masonry skills” in a live setting? Lol.
The parasitic EL-ite controllers are clowns and phonies. They are the “phony Phonecians”. They inherited everything. It’s called FREEmasonry because they literally got all those beautiful buildings that were built by and for giants, FOR FREE after the last reset. They were the winners of the war(or perhaps the lone survivors of a cataclysm) and had the opportunity to re-write history in their favor and to suit their agenda and motives moving forward.

Jerry Derecha/ATS Admin #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot adrenogate.net

All the posts that were ever done on this subject have been yanked from the internet, so I decided to use my talents in this field to resurrect them as best I could. The JFK Assassination was a PsyOp. JFK is alive and took on the character of Jimmy Carter. Jackie clearly pulls the string on an exploding blood pack that was affixed to his face and then climbs onto the trunk to retrieve a large chunk of the device so that no obvious pieces of evidence were left on scene.
know many will have difficulties with this one, but remember that there is no going back. we are the innocent. We are the manipulated. we are the victims. Disregard them all because they messed so flippantly with our emotions, our lives and the lives of our children.

But by hating we only hurt ourselves. best is to forgive, but not to forget. Never, ever forget.

Here the hoax is fleshed out completely and leaves absolutely no doubt. The J.F.K. ‘Murder Was a Staged/Hoaxed Event. This hoax was the prequel to the 9/11 hoax with most of the same players intricately involved.

We finally see the reason for all the added conspiracy junk. It is to disguise the fake heart of all these matters.

It is time now friends. it will continue for as long as we allow it.
choose freedom, if not for ourselves, then for our beautiful children.

I know there will be much resistance to this one, but it won’t make it any less true.

– ATS Above Top Secret

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut adrenogate.net

This is one of the ways they are able to “kind of” predict the future. Supposedly able to predict outcomes, reactions and human behaviors with pinpoint accuracy. They have so much data that they are able to simulate a version of “reality” inside of a Quantum computer, allowing them to see how things will theoretically play themselves out in the real world. That being said, it’s still ultimately a compressed version of the world that we consciously experience and there are outlier personalities and obtuse scenarios that no computer could ever predict. Even I don’t know what I may do or say most of the time, so I seriously doubt a computer simulation could. But for a NPC, I’m sure they are painfully predictable within the Quantum simulation and our world is shaped and influenced by the system’s desire to make us all increasingly predictable and therefore easier to control and manipulate.

This 3D world is most likely a simulation to begin with anyway, so who knows how many simulations within simulations deep we are. I’m sure the CIA thinks they’re pretty fucking cool when they play around with this thing. I wonder if John Brennan was able to use it to see that Trump would become President and then humiliate and ruin him when he was CIA head? He was probably too busy planning the murder of Andrew Breitbart and smuggling trafficked children into the White House for Barry Soetoro and Mike Robinson to rape and consume. I can’t believe they still use his washed-out CGI avatar on MSNBC when it comes time for Murdering Joe and Comrade Mika to receive their “inside intel briefings” regarding their latest attempt to slander and frame Big T for some ridiculous crime. Lol.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Any earthly figure who claims to possess the one and only and very specific detailed working plan of action for one to follow at the time of death in order to successfully escape this Matrix prison is likely just another Matrix agent that’s been put in place to try to steer you back into the soul trap. The mere act of consciously recollecting any worldly advice you might have received and then actively searching out for these specific “exit areas” that someone like Wes Penre tells you to seek out as an exit point, would only result in your unwittingly perpetuation of the very same system that you are supposed to be trying to escape from.
YOU are now the one who makes the rules. Our creative faculties are why we are envied by our parasitic captors and this ability to create extends much much farther than the aptitude of one’s imagination while on Earth and stuck in your human avatar body suit. Once you realize that you can create and control your own reality once you reach this Astral realm and have reverted back to your native form, you should be home free. This immense creative power that we have is one of the reasons they covet our conscious thoughts as a means of sustenance. An aspect of our essence that they still do not fully understand. One must remain diligent once reaching this Astral state and avoid inadvertently consenting to another parasitic prison cell by continuing to willfully participate in any facet of their lame and corny Carnival show. This includes hunting for the secret exit point that some individual from the worldly domain of Earth told you about or following your Grandmother into a tunnel of light or agreeing to be reincarnated back onto earth by orders of the Emperor of the Universe Lord Ashtar himself(Satan) for some important mission that he’ll exclaim “only you have the competence to carry out“. Fuck all that. It’s an illusion. They use fear based mind control as a means of keeping you within their Demonic Nephilim Clown clutches.