Let's engage in fantasy for a moment like Darwinists do and pretend that the bible wasn't written by God but by a fallible human author, particularly a fiction novelist since the secular world claims that the bible is fiction.
Would you argue and fight about words in a fiction book and try to change the words in it? How much time would you spend trying to change the ending of "Little red Riding Hood" to make the "Big Bad Wolf" into a good guy?
If a fiction author said that the Flying Spaghetti Monster condemned you to hell, would you get furious and slander the author?
Of course not...unless you had some kind of mental disorder. Yet that's what the secular world tries to do with the bible that they claim is fiction. So either the secular world is so deluded that they can't tell fact from fantasy, or they know deep inside that the bible is the infallible Word of God, or both.
That's called suppression. Suppression is when someone consciously tries to deny something he knows to be true in his sub-conscience. An example of that is an alcoholic who is drunk most of his life and denies that he as a drinking problem.
I've asked this same question before to atheists and their response was;
"We're not afraid of the bible, we're afraid of Christians who believe the bible.'
My response to them is; Are you afraid of "Trekkies" (Star Trek fans)? Are you afraid of the fans of Harry Potter books? And better yet, do you curse the "Big Bad Wolf", Darth Vader or any other fiction character you consider a villain? If they tried to convince you that those books are true, would you argue with them? Or would you dismiss them as lunatics?
So sorry, but trying to change the words of a book you claim is fiction betrays your real knowledge that you know the bible was written by God and is thus, true.
So God is right, as always, in Romans 1:18, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godless men who have suppressed the truth by their wickedness." That it is.
So instead of trying to prove God wrong or think you know better than God does, you would fare much better if you listened to Him because only He can determine your ultimate fate.