
CreedIsChrist #racist christianforums.com

[In response to the post, "As others have pointed out.....end of apartheid =/= government mismanagement" on a thread questioning the moral standing of ending apartheid]

so which is better then. Bad living conditions with no racial considerations, or good living conditions with racial consideration?

This kinda reminds me of some of the slaves who didn't want to leave their positons because they had good owners, good shelter, and comfortable living conditions. Which would you chose? Comfortable conditions as a slave, or miserable conditions as a free-man. Think hard before answering..

Autumnleaf #racist christianforums.com

[In a thread questioning the ethics of ending apartheid]

Thats just it. Most of the people who were subject to the racism are worse off now than they were back when apartheid was in place. You've just arrived at the heart of the question.

Under apartheid South Africa was more of a modernized country where the trains ran on time and there was enough food for everyone. Since apartheid was abolished corruption is rampant and South Africa is starting to run like the rest of Africa, rife with corruption and lots of hungry people.

True Blue #fundie christianforums.com

Dies, before a person can REALLY understand science, God asks that we take our pride and our brain and set it on the table, then place faith in Him and the Bible. Once you have the humility to believe the Bible without condition, then God will reveal to you how TRUE SCIENCE supports the Bible all along. I've done this and found it extraordinarily fulfilling. Here is an example.

In Genesis 22:17, God promised Abraham that his descendents would be as numberless as the stars in the sky. Thousands of years ago, a Greek philosopher counted all the stars visible at the time and numbered them at 3400 or so. It wasn't until powerful successor telescopes to Galileo's telescope were invented a couple hundred years ago that we were able to determine that this 4000-year-old verse was right all along. So if you were born 500 years ago, you would not have the scientific knowledge to prove this verse accurate. The Bible is immutable, not science.

But that's not a problem today. Today, we have enough scientific knowledge to prove just about every verse in the Bible that has to do with scientific phenomena. By my reckoning, the only one that's a little iffy is Job 37:18, but even that one has some good, solid indirect evidence.

Anyways, have faith and some humility, and put your faith in the Bible. If you do so, God will show you better science, and your faith will become extremely solid.

GrannyHope #fundie christianforums.com

If this passes therr is a good chance the speaker and her board of panelists will get me killed! Its super scary! I was almost crying the other nite when I heard Ms. Palin saying that she didnt rescind her statement and by golly I still trust her.! Much more than i do Pelosi.

How it will work i think, is if there are too many seniors and due to the strain of retiring baby boomers, they will send a dozen or so off to a panel. then while at the panel they will judge our usefullness to society and if we aren't "able bodied workers", off to the lethal injection station we go!!! We must do anything we can to stop this evil legilature! Democrats will be into human cloning in a few years too, i fear! They'll create a perfect race and well we will be out of luck if we arent in cahoots with the new order!

ephraimanesti #fundie christianforums.com

(another poster writes: some people think that humans evolved from monkeys, and then ask why there are still monkeys..hahaha)

A more likely theory is that monkeys have de-volved from human beings who have chosen to deny the existence of their Creator and wandered off into the darkness of unbelief.

(same poster as before writes: "more likely" ? According to......?)

A lifetime of seeking for the Ultimate Truth, coupled with the Word of God, coupled with personal observation, coupled with common sense.

(same poster as before: Does this mean that I am going to turn into a monkey?)

Your fate is in your hands. Not knowing you, i can't call it.

drich0150 #fundie christianforums.com

(on the topic of evolution)

Science or not, if there are different viable versions of your prized theory, and a consensus can not be found by exacting evidence alone, then we leave the realm of true facts and figures, and enter into the realm of Faith and personal belief. If your theory is nothing more than a system of scientifically based personal beliefs, then how does it differ than what other believe?

You can tell yourself otherwise but know, what you learn in your temples built to academic study is little more than a properly dressed religion.. Theories and facts are not, nor do they equate to truth. So unless there is definitive proof for whatever your speaking of, then basically you are excising faith, dressed to be something more substantial. Just know it is the same faith we choose to give to God.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com


Once again, Nero persecuted the Christians for turning the world upside down --- as in 'reversing its poles.'

In AD57, [what is now called] Antarctica was at the top of the world --- due North.

In AD58, [what is now called] Antarctica was at the bottom of the world --- due South.

Nero used that as an excuse to persecute the Christians.

Is there any way I can make this any simpler for you?

Critias #fundie christianforums.com

[another FSTDT CTSTDT RSTDT trifecta]

Muslin Eschatology is quite fascinating. I haven't fully grasped it yet, but from what I've read a great war (armageddon?) must happen before the 12 Imam can come, who will have Jesus Christ as his "lieutenant" and who will proclaim that the Christians had everything wrong, He isn't the Son of God.

A persecution will ensue on Christians and Jews where they will either accept this new god or be beheaded.

The Iranian President has talked a lot about his belief that he will usher in the 12 Imam and that is why he talks as he does about wiping Israel off the face of the map. He believes he must start/provoke this great war, even if it is to sacrifice his whole country, so that the 12th Imam can come to rule.

Recently, the Iranian President has spoken about the fact that he is currently speaking to the 12th Imam and the time is coming soon.

We all should remember when Big Mouth Nana said Obama would win the 2008 presidential election and that she believes he is the anti-christ. I believed as she did in 2004 and also believe that he either is or is connected to the anti-christ.

President Obama has strong Muslin ties, which he was raised as. While I am drawing quite a stretch here, it still makes me wonder, if perhaps, the Iranian President has been talking to President Obama, believing he is the 12 Imam.

I'm obviously speculating and drawing a bit of a conspiracy theory here, but it still is an interesting one, to me at least.

jlujan69 #fundie christianforums.com

I've noticed that those of us who are pro-life and call abortion "murder" don't go all the way and support decades to life imprisonment or even capital punishment for those who perform abortions, and certainly not for the ones who consent to its being done in the first place--the pregnant women themselves. Abortion equals murder and those who murder are murderers and even the Scriptures advocate the ending of the life of the murderer, yet we don't. Is our calling it "murder" more of a political statement, designed to get attention (as happens so often in politics and the media, anyway) than to accurately convey what we actually feel it is? IOW, why the seeming inconsistency between our publically labelling abortion as such, yet our silence when it comes to suggesting the most severe punishments under law? Have we re-defined murder so that a particular form of it does not merit the harshest penalties? Isn't it time we figure out exactly what we think of it as and take the appropriate action and advocate the proper punishments?

Insigni #fundie christianforums.com

the dead will be raised in Prague in the next few days - so God will glorify His church, and people are to see that Jesus is Lord

i stay anonymous for now as I am not ready to deal with publicity and never
ending questions from the world "how did you know?"

One11 #fundie christianforums.com

[One11's signature line]I'm sorry, but the words marriage belong to the Christian religions, as do the words husband (a male) and a wife (a woman), and gay marriage is an infringement of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Need more info on how the words marriage, husband and wife belong to the Christian religions, just send me an IM and I'll be happy to answer you.

I stand for freedom of speech, and tolerance is a two-way street.

Kotel #conspiracy christianforums.com

Foreign troops in South America and Mexico today is possible, especially as we get closer to the invasion date when many foreign troops from the south may invade us. I know China controls one or two sea ports in Mexico and one in San Diego that could be used to unload soldiers. Arabs have bought several sea ports on the east coast and one maybe in the south. Foreign soldiers may also come across the Canadian border. Foreign troops have been on U.S. soil for some time now with equipment, vehicles and tanks training here for the inevitable fall and take over of our country. Jer 51:14 prophesies of many soldiers overwhelming our nation after its fall.

BernieEOD #fundie christianforums.com

The word of God. "Loveless"! Another gospel of the godless left. Marriage is not about feelings. It is about commitment. If both parties are truly concerned about what they have done, they will take responsibility for thier actions, get married, and raise the child. You advocate letting the sperm doner off the hook and setting himn free to abuse other women.

Best to obey Gods command: Stay away from sexual immorality!

You want to tell people to spit in Gods face, abort the unwanted baby, or go on welfare. You rway does not work. I only hope my daughters will not get into that position. They know that if they do, they will get married so they also know to be careful about who they date much less who they get "Physical with".

Kotel #conspiracy christianforums.com

Iran does not have a fleet airplanes or troop carrying ships to transport a huge army required to invade this land, but they don't need a miracle, converted container ships containing troops could dock at ports without being noticed.

Verv #fundie christianforums.com

Morality is absolute; however, it changed with the advent of Christ.

So you could say morality is relative... It changed once in history.

Prior to Christ, the world operated on a different basis.

After Christ, of course, morality is still absolute.

The world was not ready for Christian morality until the 1st century AD.

Both the creations of the Greek and Roman Empires made it possible as we can look at Rome and see that there were even Jews like Paul who were Roman citizens; the concept of the state embracing more than one sort of ethnic group was revolutionary and helped create a situation where we would be more likely to live in more stable and sustainable peace with one another.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

"E=MC² is a stawman argument now?"

Of course, the energy/light relationship in this state is a red herring, when one tries to apply it to another universe state altogether. The fabric that weaves together this state, is a temporal physical only state thread. No one questions that in changing the universe, God made sure that we had laws to govern the temporary state! Of course. Relativity is relative. Relativity is relative to the present state. That is also why I suspect that it is slightly less than all lined up in a row when it comes to the quantum level. If the quantum level involved things, or particles, etc passing through time, as many theorize, that means it is NOT ONLT THIS STATE UNIVERSE THAT AFFECTS IT!! Einstein, stand corrected. I mean that.

LittleNipper #fundie christianforums.com

Same sex marriage boths me because it is just as foolish as a man wanting to marry his dog because they like sleeping together and both enjoy hunting... Same sex marriage bothers me because there are enough problems surrounding traditional marriage. Same sex marrige bothers me because I firmly believe GOD will punish the nations and the people who seek to mock that which GOD HIMSELF established. I firmly believe that satan himself is involved in this conspiracy to reframe, defame, and redefine marriage.

Hisdaughterjen #conspiracy christianforums.com

They are doing it through vaccines. Contaminated Small Pox vaccines in Africa led to Aids (1st woman in box), contaminated Tentanus vaccines affected reproduction in South America (2nd woman in box), and now we've got the swine flu vaccinations that could become mandatory. Canada and the UK are already warning the public that it will be mandatory.

kotel #conspiracy christianforums.com

The Denver airport will be used as a transfer center for Christians and those who oppose the New World Order in the time of the end. It has a huge underground prison for detainees on their way to internment camps located through out America.

Dad #fundie christianforums.com

[On trying to explain dinosaurs]

I am not sure. My current understanding, subject to change as evidence warrants, is this. I think that dinos evolved from birds, and maybe reptiles, or whatever as well. I doubt they were created as such. After all, as the world changed they ceased to exist. If they were a kind, they would be on the ark! That means they would have been here after the flood, 4500 years ago. Don't think so, at least not most of them.

Also subject to evidence is the time of the flood in the strata record, which I put somewhere near the KT boundary time. (as I say, subject to evidence, but so far, it seems to be a reasonable choice)

Why would giants or dinos die out before the flood? Not sure, maybe man and creatures spreading out from Eden took over the food supply, etc. Or, maybe the dinos were killed in the flood? If they were no kinds, that would be OK biblically.

If water came down from space, and up from deep below the earth, one would expect Iridium!

PS...intelligent man would likely tend to avoid them! I would. Unless I wanted a big omlette or something.

Ebia #fundie christianforums.com

One tentative suggestion I've read is that we tend to become like that which we worship. Those who continue in idolatory in any form and refuse to turn ultimately to God become more and more like that which they idolise, and less and less like God, until they are no longer in any sense "in the image of God". At that point they are, quite literally, no longer human.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

[The whole point of this thread seems to be that your wife cut you off, and you think that is what "turned you gay". If I'm mistaken about that, then feel free to correct me.]

You never read the thread then. I am Christian, and not gay in any way, nor, by the grace of God ever will be. The thread is not about me, it is about women being selfish, and withholding. No can do. Women have no power over their own bodies. That is one major step needed in the absolute decay of a society, apparently. That happened back in the middle of the last century in a big way. It is a deception of the enemy. It led to hundreds of millions of real babies being killed. It also led to a narrowing of the sex pool, a crime against humanity. Also, where women also work because many feel they must have a career, millions of kids suffer the lack of a parent at home. Etc. Women are to blame for sodomy, at least as much as men. Really. And their sins are at least as bad.

Don't try to minimize the issue, and pretend it is about me.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Not sure who that is addressed to. But I was not talking about special men, just men. Whether believers 'desire' their husbands or not is secondary anyhow. If a woman denies a man, she breaks the contract, and if he finds another woman it is anything but adultery. For her, however, it would be, unless she was celebrate the rest of her life!

dad #fundie christianforums.com

[the women are not responsible. if a man cant control himself to match his wives sex drive, then he is solely responsible for that.]

Nonsense! Since she is not to withhold, her drive is not the big issue. Her submission in that area is. If parents don't feel like feeding their kid, tough! It is something that must be done, a need.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Speaking of not taking the blame, you ought to use a mirror on that one. Realizing that the selfishness of women is a root cause of sodomy, is not hating women. I would think ignoring it, and blaming only men is actually hating men. Work on that. I am so tired or a religious cover for pure selfishness, and worldliness, it isn't funny.

Yardstick #fundie christianforums.com

I see hell as completely necessary, but not out of some desire to see those I disagree with suffer for eternity. No, hell is necessary for the existence of free will. What kind of god would force a soul that wanted nothing to do with him to exist in his presence for all eternity? That would most certainly be wrong.

Nadiine #fundie christianforums.com

As I said, if God put women to work in the trenches & put
Adam in the home with a pink apron on, they'de of been
whining and moaning that they didn't have the cushy
house job and take that over instead.

Either side wouldn't be ok for us and that's becuz it's
put into our nature that we want what the man has.

peace4ever #fundie christianforums.com

They will say that the bible is not the infallible word of God, or that some of it is, or that there are errors in the bible or that scientists know more than God does, etc. None of those beliefs can be backed up by scripture so they are false teachings.

peace4ever #fundie christianforums.com

Women are in the unique and privileged role to be able to love. As Jesus tells us, it's easy to love those who love us, even sinners to that. Real love is the ability to love one's enemies or love people who do not treat us well.

And that's the role that women were assigned. Men have to literally toil in the work place, protect themselves from those who want to devour them. So instead of envying the role of men and competing with them, we are in the wonderful position of loving them at home so they can fulfill their roles and have some comfort at home.

But there is no self-glory in love because love is self-less. So sadly, many women are opting out of wanting to love their husbands to compete with them instead. This has led to:

1) Women wearing men's clothes
2) Women cutting their hair short like a man
3) Gender identity confusion
4) Divorce
5) Career battles between men and women
6) Affairs in the work place
7) Children being raised by day-care workers
8) A divided family instead of a cohesive family where the mother binds everyone together
9) Promiscuity
10) Middle-aged women spending thousands of dollars wanting to look like their teen-age daughters to entice younger men
11) Adultery
12) Not knowing the difference between a husband and wife
13) Not knowing the difference between a mother and fathers' role (when fathers stay at home so the mother can work)
14) Alienation between mothers and children when mothers work
15) Increase in income in 2 income families so they can "keep up with the Jones's" and make it hard for one-income families to stay afloat.
16) Desire not to have children if it interferes with the mother's career
17) Lack of support in neighborhoods of stay-at-home moms
18) Fast food meals that have actually increased obesity in the world rather than decreased it
19) Woman "body-builders" who want to look more like men than women
20) Killing their unborn child if it interferes with a woman's career

And on and on and on. Those are the repercussions for women "opting" not to stay at home and love their husbands rather than compete with them. And all for what? Because "I get to do what I want" just like a 6 year old child says in a tantrum. in fact, "I get to do what I want" is the role model we are teaching our children. But it fits with the popular song of the 70's: "What's Love Got To Do With It? Absolutely Nothin'."

Then people wonder why our children are committing mass murder today.

timlamb #fundie christianforums.com

This is the problem with this kind of discussion. Those that want to justify the liberated woman and "equal rights" point out the relatively few that are abused. They take the exception and want to rebuild the system to repair it.

We who say the system is good, look at it from the perspective of the "perfect world". In the perfect world the biblical family works perfectly. In an abusive home or one parent household the system falls short. The system does not fail, it was just meant for the "God Fearing".

Equal rights in the work place should not be an issue. Women should be home nurturing and men providing. But the world is not perfect and my wife must work and I cannot keep a job. The excuse of working moms in order to provide "more" for the kids is bogus. The kids need mom, not the latest sneaker.

peace4ever #fundie christianforums.com

Let's engage in fantasy for a moment like Darwinists do and pretend that the bible wasn't written by God but by a fallible human author, particularly a fiction novelist since the secular world claims that the bible is fiction.

Would you argue and fight about words in a fiction book and try to change the words in it? How much time would you spend trying to change the ending of "Little red Riding Hood" to make the "Big Bad Wolf" into a good guy?

If a fiction author said that the Flying Spaghetti Monster condemned you to hell, would you get furious and slander the author?

Of course not...unless you had some kind of mental disorder. Yet that's what the secular world tries to do with the bible that they claim is fiction. So either the secular world is so deluded that they can't tell fact from fantasy, or they know deep inside that the bible is the infallible Word of God, or both.

That's called suppression. Suppression is when someone consciously tries to deny something he knows to be true in his sub-conscience. An example of that is an alcoholic who is drunk most of his life and denies that he as a drinking problem.

I've asked this same question before to atheists and their response was;

"We're not afraid of the bible, we're afraid of Christians who believe the bible.'

My response to them is; Are you afraid of "Trekkies" (Star Trek fans)? Are you afraid of the fans of Harry Potter books? And better yet, do you curse the "Big Bad Wolf", Darth Vader or any other fiction character you consider a villain? If they tried to convince you that those books are true, would you argue with them? Or would you dismiss them as lunatics?

So sorry, but trying to change the words of a book you claim is fiction betrays your real knowledge that you know the bible was written by God and is thus, true.

So God is right, as always, in Romans 1:18, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godless men who have suppressed the truth by their wickedness." That it is.

So instead of trying to prove God wrong or think you know better than God does, you would fare much better if you listened to Him because only He can determine your ultimate fate.

Nadiine #fundie christianforums.com

I always wondered why women PUSHED for women to get to
work in a career then come home & have to care for a family!
HELLO, women HAD it made - talk about the Big Lie lol

They all but demonized women at home. Truly sad - I always speculate
that this is when the family started to come unglued as more women
left the home & less care & supervision was given to the kids??

It's typical tho, they can't ever get that pendulum balanced.
In trying to get equality, they pushed women right out their
back doors into being strapped to 8+ hrs of work outside (with all its
stresses & pressure) PLUS inside the home.

peace4ever #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

We aren't bashing homosexuals, we want them to go to heaven unlike the secular world who is leading them straight on the path to hell. So the only hate of homosexuals is from the secular world.

So what laws are being initiated to stop Christian bashing? Zero. The government wants to control what we believe, force us to accept homosexuality, and it won't be long when they'll try to force ministers to marry homosexuals! So your post is again false every way around.

peace4ever #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

1) They create families where no one in the family is related to each other and don't know their ancestors

2) Children of homosexual marriages have no clue what a husband and wife are and what each represents because it's arbitrary between each homosexual couple

3) Children of a homosexual marriage have only one gender role model so they have no clue how a man and a woman are to treat each other in an intimate relationship

4) Children of a homosexual marriage are programmed to believe that sex between people of the same sex is what they're supposed to do as adults since children look up to their parents.

5) Children of a homosexual marriage who have any inclinations toward homosexuality are thus given a license to experiment as adults when they wouldn't do so if society didn't embrace homosexuality. So homosexuality will keep increasing with each generation

6) Children of a homosexual marriage have zero ideas about what boundaries are between people since sex is the main reason that their parents want to be together in the first place. If the homosexual parents simply wanted to live together as room-mates, then there's no need for them to "marry" each other in the first place.

7)Children of homosexual marriages will thus grow up, not knowing how to relate to people of their own gender since they think it's okay to be sexually intimate with anyone.

8) Children of a homosexual marriage have no clue what a mother and father are or what each represents since the "mother" and "father are arbitrary between each couple. So who they call their mother and who they call their father becomes so confusing to them that it alienates them in society and causes irrevocable confusion about what parents are supposed to do and be.

For starters. Thus, homosexual marriage cause irreversible damage and confusion to the children in those families which creates even more confused people for the next generation. And all that damage just so two people can act on their lust. There can hardly be few things more selfish.

AV1611Vet #fundie christianforums.com

Skaloop is partly right.

I don't know if Darwin himself was a racist, but I think Darwin was used of Satan to produce the breakthrough technology (Natural Selection) that allowed this philosophical invention called "evolution" to continue, and culminated in someone else using it to [attempt to] carry out Satan's master plan.

I can't prove it, but I believe the Antichrist will be a scientist (specifically a geobiologist - if there is such a designation) - to further Satan's plan.

Autumnleaf #fundie christianforums.com

Do gays pushing for gay marriage realize what they are asking Christians to accept?

They are asking not only for sodomy to be recognized as normal, but on top of that they are asking that the traditional relationship between man and woman where children are created is to be legally synonymous with two sodomites engaging in what God's word calls a grave sin.

I've heard it said that white people don't have culture. That is a lie. White people have a Christian culture that is being torn apart at the seams by special interest groups such as this. You don't hear about Jewish or Muslim people pushing for gay marriage recognition in Israel or Iran. But for some reason it is being pushed in America and Europe.

clirus #fundie christianforums.com

Christian Conservative Politicians

I want Christian Conservative Politicians to run for office that state they will represent good people and rebuke/execute evil people.

I want a Christian Conservative Politician that will represent the Christian side in the Cultural War.

There is a cultural war in America between Christians and Atheists. This war is being fought on the battlefield of politics. The battles are in the voting booth. The prize in the cultural war is the hearts, minds and souls of the children. The Atheistic liberal news media greatly influences both domestic and foreign policy by constantly reporting only bad news about Christians, Conservatives and Republicans and only good news about atheists, liberals and democrats. The agenda of the Atheistic liberal news media is to promote evolution, extreme environmentalism, socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion, adultery, homosexuality and the Atheistic Lifestyle by having democrats in control of government.


The government should rebuke evil as in the Stop Smoking campaign where people are told, "Is there anything dumber than smoking". There needs to be a similar program for adultery, homosexuality, obesity, etc.

The Church needs to rebuke sin/evil in obedience to God and the government needs to rebuke evil because of health and safety reasons.

Joachim #fundie christianforums.com

If they are under 18, that baby is going up for adoption. If it was a son and the girl he got pregnant refused to, then I would take it court and make it very clear that, it is our intent that this baby is put up for adoption and if she refuses and decides to keep it, we waive all responsibility for that child.

If it was a daughter, that baby would be carried to term (as I believe abortion is wrong) and then would be immediately put up for adoption irrespective of her wishes.

If the child was 18-22, I'd encourage them to seriously consider adoption to the point where if they refused I would at least temporarily write them out of my will, but once they are of adult age you can't make them do something directly, all you can use are financial and social consequences that you can bring down to try to indirectly influence them.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

I've said this before, and I'll say it again:

You have absolutely no "research verified facts" on the Creation --- none whatsoever.

You don't even know where to start, or what to look for.

So you can preach to me all day about how ignorant I am when it comes to the Creation --- I happen to understand it, because the Bible says I will if I'll accept it by faith.

Show me one thing your instrumentation can show me that disproves the Creation week.

In fact, until you can build a machine that can do this:

Originally Posted by 2 Kings 6:17:

And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

... I'll consider you guys just as ignorant.

SadieOC #fundie christianforums.com

Who says we're entitled to the pursuit of happiness? Man's law? Nothing in God's law says we have the right to be happy. Humans are here to make God happy, not themselves happy. Homosexuality does not make God happy.

Fundie in a Nutshell

Englands Rose #fundie christianforums.com

id find it disrespectful if someone called me jewish so i cant imagine how insulted jesus and moses would feel if they were called jewish. i just dont think we should insult them like that when im sure they would rather be called christians. i just dont think it is right to call them jewish when they seem more like christians to me. someone once said you can tell who a christian is by their fruits. its probably blasfamous to call them jewish it is just rude. everyone thinks of them as christians no one ever thinks of jesus as jewish do they?

JamesSager3 #fundie christianforums.com

The militant atheist is out to try to tear down Christianity. And while this is an obvious threat, they're headstrong attack is so forward that they're laying all the cards on the table. For instance, they're in such a forward attack mode that they try and present all their arguments so it is easy for a Christian to find their arguments, read them thoughtfully and come up with responses. Another great thing about butting heads with the militant atheist is that it is a great time to witness for Jesus. It can be tough to bring up the topic of Jesus in conversation with your average individual, but the militant atheist begs to bring up the discussion of God.

So, one thing that I've noticed a weak point in the atheist's arguments is that they need to explain everything everywhere in every time in order to even begin to argue that God does not exist. For if you can't explain everything everywhere in every time, God may have been the one doing it. The obvious examples to this are the origin of life and the origin of the universe. There is no explanation in science about the origin of life or the origin of the universe therefore as far as science knows, it could be in the realm of God. The Christian says to the atheist,"I know God created the universe. How do you think it was made?" The atheist says,"I do not know how the universe was made, but do you know how God is made? " The Christian says,"I do not need to know how God was made to have faith in him. You however need to be able to explain everything everywhere in every time before you can argue that God cannot exist."

It is like a corollary to the god of gaps theory. Wikipedia likes to play the god of gaps as a weakness of Christian faith when it is really a weakness in atheism.

God's crusader #fundie christianforums.com

All men are born equal but atheists are only half men. Man consists of mind, soul and spirit. Atheists do not have a spirit (this makes them worth 2/3 of a normal hum man) and they hardly have a soul either as they can feel little more then hatred, geek and pathetic depressions. (no Christian can ever be depressed since we are Holy Children of God, depressed people are laughable) No atheist can never be in love, or ever feel true love. (their love is only lust and/or sadism) This makes them about 1/3 man. Also we all know that it's gay to be atheist and gays are not men, their are assheads who should terminated as well as other threats to the society. (like commies, feminists, masons and immigrants)

To sum it up, my dear amerikkkan fat asstheist neard with cola: You are a failure!

Brother Christman #fundie christianforums.com

[God doesn't belong in the government, simple as that.]

Okay... if you're sure you feel that way, you'd better write off your weekends: It's gonna' take a while for you to go through every county, city, state, and federal law book omitting all laws based upon the 10 Commandments. You'll want to start with those opposing murder, rape, and theft, for starters.

Brother Christman #fundie christianforums.com

It makes excellent sense to be against homosexuality, not just for Christian reasons, but for the good of society. A majority of child molestors prefer victims of their same sex (it's been documented in studies conducted by non religious universities). More importantly however, it's against the Law of the God who made you.

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