
jmverville #homophobia christianforums.com

People dislike homosexuality because it is disgusting to most people. It takes a very normal and natural desire and warps it into something odd.

It's simply disgusting.

Of course, I do not have to do it, but it is still something that I certainly do not respect.

More on that, there are a lot of super femmed out homosexuals or super masculine lesbians and basically... It is bending our genders. It makes me feel like "wow, you are an annoying twit!" "You're a waste of flesh and bone, you are a waste of life's blood; you will never know any form of love that is not warped nor will you ever even contribute to society through reproduction."

OK, kind of extreme, but there you have it.

I do not even think the Bible has to come into this.

Homosexuality is just repugnant.

Tu Es Petrus #fundie christianforums.com

["I can sorta understand why people have an ick factor attatched to homosexuality, because as I homosexual I have an ick factor towards hetrosexuality......:]

What you have is a disorder. Its just a tradgedy that no doctor has the guts to tell you the truth.

Your icon says your a Christian. This means you have an "ick" factor toward Mary and Joseph, Abraham and Sarah, David and Bathsheeba, and all the other couples in the Bible, and all the geneologies in the Bible. Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it.

CreedIsChrist #fundie christianforums.com

[Regarding the plane crash that killed the family of the owner of the nation's largest abortion chain.]

I'm not saying that God struck down the plane, all I'm doing is reporting the issue. But I don't think we can simply just subtract the possibility of retribution either. We see many accounts, like when Herod was struck down, or the Exodus plagues, Sodom and Gomorrah.

So while it may be just coincidence I think we should not immediately discount other reasons either. Maybe the big time abortion CEOs and leaders will see this and wonder. Its weird cause I remember saying, I think yesterday, that It would probably take divine intervention to get rid of the abortion industry.

HisdaughterJen #fundie christianforums.com

["Species don't decend from only two individuals. Populations simply don't work that way.
Don't disagree with me, just tell me if Adam and or Eve where white, black, Asian, Polynesian, American Indian, or rainbow?"]

Obviously, within Adam is the DNA for all colors of people and bone structure. And YES, SPECIES do descend from two individuals which is why the ark was loaded in pairs.

CIAagent11 #fundie christianforums.com

["It is a concept called "liberty." You have the liberty to marry any adult of the opposite sex you desire, regardless of race, creed, religion, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, and so forth. Same sex couples are asking for the same liberty you enjoy, and while I cannot stand the behavior, they certainly should have the liberty to marry any adult of the same sex. Why exactly you are depriving them of this liberty is a mystery to me."]

I'm not depriving them of any liberty, that another group has.
Im depriving them of the liberty to force their minority opinion about this right on the majority.
Every gay male is free to marry a woman and every gay woman is free to marry a man.
There is no discrimination based on sexual preference.

HisdaughterJen #conspiracy christianforums.com

Here is the proof complete with evidence attached:


It's not a conspiracy and it's not a joke.

The men and women serving in the military have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the USA. They have "standing" in a court of Law to file this lawsuit against Obama and force him to prove his Constitutional eligibility to be the President. If they carry out Obama's orders and it's determined that he is illegally/unconstitutionally operating as the president, they could be court-martialed for obeying him because they did not protect and defend the Constitution that Obama is allegedly trampling all over as their fraudulent "Commander in Chief". Do you understand that?

The man has to prove that he is Constitutionally eligible to be the president which he REFUSES to do. He must answer to the people.

Nadiine & CreedIsChrist #fundie christianforums.com

Nadine: I think women have this chip on their shoulder that men should do housework & "help" even when they're very busy working at other
important things. It's one of my pet peeves watching women demand their husbands to help.

CreedIsChrist: I agree, that attitude is ruining alot of marriages too. Men have so much to worry about like finances, job and boss, family structure, the worry of losing their job, feeding the family and bills, etc. A woman who nags her husband when he comes home obviously has a problem with self-centeredness and disobediance. A God fearing woman would never do such a thing. A husband wants to come home to the support of his wife and his children

Elijah2 #fundie christianforums.com

Yep, all part and parcel of anti-Christ. It all began when "Bewitched" came onto TV, and the Mrs. Greer came along for rights, and then they dropped the "age of consent" from 21 to 18, and then to 16, and then to 14, and they are now trying to get it to 12. Then they gave rights to minors to make major decisions in their lives, and now they can divorce their parents. Interesting!

ryanb6 #fundie christianforums.com

Scripture interprets scripture. That's a pretty basic rule. There are things that seem contradictory but upon careful study you realize that your original interpretation was not correct. Scripture does not contradict, so if verses seem to contradict, it's up to you to find out what it really means. Have you ever studied the different interpretations of the verses you gave? Again the verses I gave are clear and cannot be interpreted any other way.

Floatingaxe #fundie christianforums.com

[On getting banned from another site for making socks to troll, and how God told her personally that those who disagreed with her chose Lucifer.]

I know that I am not as present here as others, but I read and take in what is said by you dear people. Believe me, it's a shot in the arm some days! You are right--in these last days we need to not so much to shun the wicked as to cling to our brethren. The wicked still need Jesus, but we must be wise, and listen to Holy Spirit.

The Lord spoke to my heart and impressed upon me that those I was dealing with have ALREADY made their choices: three have chosen to reject Him in favour of Lucifer himself. The others have chosen to follow the one who has chosen Lucifer!

Jesus Christ is Lord indeed!

Christian Soldier #fundie christianforums.com

OF COURSE [Hitler's] argument FAILS. Evolution FAILS. Evolutionists are OFTEN wrong, just like the evolutionist Hitler was WRONG.

But evolutionists like the Nazis, Communists and Fascists, never let their errors get in the way of murdering, torturing, enslaving and imprisoning MILLIONS of innocent people.

"Natural Selection" has NO intelligence, so it CANNOT "select" anything. The only way evolution by selection could POSSIBLY be true, is through THEISTIC evolution, but TE has plenty of holes in it also.

TheDag #fundie christianforums.com

Yes I understand how scientists work. You see they compete for funding so they don't actually care what the other person is doing or if it is right or wrong. They just want to discredit them so they can get that persons funding. This is different to what Richard Dawkins tries to suggest is the norm. He suggests that scientists are more than happy to be proven wrong. There may be some who are but mostly they will fight tooth and nail over it not calmly walk up to the other person and say thankyou.

Polycarp_fan #fundie christianforums.com


On the Kieth Olberman show.

The world's worst person in human history would be Obama.

I just spoke to a gathering of youth today and ran a scenario of killing puppies just before they were out of their mothers body by snapping their necks with a plyers.

They were horrified.

I then detailed how their pick for president has fought for the right of abortionists to do this to human children.

And then I told them that their president wants them to pay for those abortions.

They were stunned.

Reality and truth is a very hard concept for todays young people to deal with. They're happier with Hollywood and MTV propaganda leading them.
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KCKID #fundie christianforums.com

(in response to "will gay marriage destroy the heterosexual marriages")

Don't play simple, David. It isn't just heterosexual marriage that is under threat from homosexual marriage. You know as well as I do and as well as we all do that same gender marriage will bring about the destruction of life as we know it! I know that the subject keeps me awake at night as it should keep awake every concerned citizen of planet earth. We have to fight tooth and nail to prevent a catastrophe of the magnitude of 'gay' marriage from ever occurring on a world-wide scale. I kid you not ...such a travesty of 'marriage' will surely result in Armageddon! This will be the final battle at the end of the world between the forces of good (traditional heterosexual marriage) and bad (homosexual marriage).

For heaven's sakes, read your Bible, man!

Polcarp fan #fundie christianforums.com

Public schools have become a joke of a learning experience anyway. You go to biology class, learn the dribble about nothing to mud to monkeys to man and get on with your life learning the idiocy of evolutionary morality.

Evolution is not the big bogey man that secularism hails it as. It furthers condom sales and abortion clinics and promotes losing virginity at an ever increasingly young age, but once a child grows into an adult, they see reality as it truly is.

0 x 0 = an anti-God belief system.

Once math is applied properly, a person becomes enlightened and becomes a Bible-affirming Christian.

...You either become a mature adult or stay in a state of regrets you can't escape.

Christians are not reducing in numbers. So many people come to Christ after getting a college degree and without the stains of the education system that failed them so miserably staying with them for the rest of their lives. Go to a mega Church and see.

KCKID #fundie christianforums.com

I usually don't quote something that I can't back up so I WILL try and locate the source ASAP that says: There is more (non-biblical) evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than there is for Alexander the Great. And yet, no one has a problem believing that Alexander the Great existed.

ChristianFriend2012 #fundie christianforums.com

...for me personally, all I see is an all-out spiritual warfare against faith today. Just so you know, 45 million Christians were murdered in the 20th century just for being Christians. And if you ask me, the "climate" as far as people's attitudes go hasn't changed much at all. The truth is it's very, very hard to get a job or get by in day to day living if you're a Christian .... around here in this environment (California, USA).

[Recession is oppressing Christians specifically?]

norak #fundie christianforums.com

Africa is already a very Christian continent, so really Africans should not be having multiple sex partners. The problem of HIV and other STDs would not be as serious if people followed Christian theology and only had sex with their wives once they were married.

(Because obviously, the AIDs epidemic is only due to promiscuity and not due to a lack of access to contraception and proper education!)

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

[Musings on wars and other injustices]

Your right its stupid and horrible for unjust killings and destruction.
Yet there good wars. The bible says people deserved destruction here and there.
The incas and other people in the new world were evil. They did evil things to other people. So, without me knowing for sure, its possible God brought on them the spainards to give just punishment.
They were not racists. there is no such thing as racism. Its just a word used to deny the moral right to see other identities in a bad light.

Zaac #fundie christianforums.com

[In response to: "Again, not everyone is a Christian, why should your religious beliefs trump your Constitution?"]

Because GOD trumps the Constitution. But folks can do whatever they want and they will. I, as a preacher of God's word, am still gonna point it out as as in while preaching the need for Jesus Christ and repentance.

stormdancer0 #fundie christianforums.com

There was a question in another thread that speculated how much time, and how hard it would be, for Noah to collect all the animals for the ark. I actually have studied this.

There are millions of species of animals, yes. But about 45% of them are insects. Another 30% or more are ocean or water dwelling. 45-50% of the rest are housecat sized or smaller. The average size, counting from mice to elephants (and yes, dinosaurs - most were cow-sized or smaller) would be that of a sheep. Plus, he wouldn't have to take two foxes, two wolves, etc. Just two canines. Same for felines and other species. The size of the ark, with three levels, was 1.5 million cubic feet. This is the equivalent of almost 530 railroad box cars. Each boxcar can carry about 240 sheep.

In order for all of creation to be saved, the ark would have to be large enough to carry (at the highest estimate) 25,000 animals. But the ark was big enough for over 80,000 sheep-sized animals. With only 30% of the ark taken up by animals, that left a lot of room for animal supplies.

My only question is, where did they get an elephant-sized pooper scooper?

Prophet_Seth #fundie christianforums.com

"They will curse The Lord God to His Face, for the punishment was so severe." I asked The Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of what God had said. A Mighty Angel took me in my spirit, above San Francisco California. The surface of the earth became transparent, and I could see the geological time bomb waiting to detonate.

The stress on the earth under that region is immense. Tremors are already beginning. There have been several in the past months. The Angel said, "I will show you the dark man." We were transported to Washingtom D.C., on Inauguration day, 2009.

I said to The Mighty Angel of God, "When the stars and moon fail to shed their light."

TheAngel replied, "The stars and moon cannot be seen, until the darkness comes. For some, the light will never come again." The Angel brought my spirit to rest in my physical body, and I slowly was released from the anointing by The Holy Spirit.

I think this is what's going to happen: When Osama Bin Ladin is being inaugurated, an earthquake will occur in San Francisco, California, in retribution for the sodomites violating Nature, and wives usurping The God Ordained Authority of their husbands over them, or remaing single, becoming an occasion for men to stumle into sin.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

It actually makes my point --- the Greeks used two different writing styles --- Koine and Classical --- to write two different lines of Scripture.

The King James follows the Koine line (God's choice), whereas the newer versions today follow the Classical line (Satan's choice).

archaeologist2 #fundie christianforums.com

non-christian arguments can sound convincing IF youlisten to them. one key is if they bring a different gospel, thatn Jesus and the apostles then yu know you do not have to listen to them.

also, if they contradict the Bible do not listen to them. i do not care which subject it is in but if it disagrees with the Bible, it isn't the Bible that is wrong. most christians do not realize how weak the non-believing arguments are. if you stick with the truth, you will fine, the secular world does not have the truth and it doesn't take much to thwart them.

just ask them for credible physical proof for their arguments and you will usually get the run around or conjecture, or theories and not once can they point to anything real, credible or even authrentic to backup their position.

they do not have any and they will point to people like wm. dever, israel finkelstein, or some other non-believing scholar, who do not have proof for their theories either and who reject large amounts of scripture to make their ideas work.

Autumnleaf #fundie christianforums.com

Destroying traditional morality...


Boy meets girl and they marry and have children. They both teach their children gender roles and how to live a good Godly healthy life.

Hollywood and even society seem to be attacking this model of traditional Christian life. The last movie I saw where this was the rule was Fireproof, and even there no children were involved. Is attacking this staple really good for society?

I understand the gay agenda, the gangster agenda, and the do what feels good agenda. I also understand none of those lead to children who grow to be well adjusted adults. It seems like this sort of hedonism leads to abdication of the agenda of future generations. What are the throw away children of this generation supposed to think, do, or work toward? There are many, and they are as confused about it as I am.

ILJ1917 #fundie christianforums.com

I don't know much about Mithraism, but I do know that Christianity can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Below are basic "facts" that show this. I am sure the same can't be said for Mithraism or any other religion. Hope it helps!

1 – Proving the Existence of God
A. Humans Know Right from Wrong
1. If there was a power outside of the universe, the only way that we could expect it to show itself would be inside ourselves as an influence trying to get us to behave a certain way
2. This is an inherent moral law that directs our instincts
3. The difference between the moral law in different cultures and different times is minimal, so you can recognize the same moral law directing all of them
4. If humans evolved out of single-cell organisms, then they would not have this inherent moral law, which is the case with all other animals
5. Therefore, there must be somebody or something that gave them this sense of right and wrong
B. Uncaused Cause
1. Existence and non-existence cannot both be present
2. Existence is present, therefore non-existence, or nothingness, is not present
3. It is impossible for something to arise from nothing, therefore existence has always been present
4. In existence, there is always a cause for something to occur
5. Since existence has always been present, and causes are required in existence, we can conclude that something must have always been present (uncaused)
6. Based on prevailing scientific opinion, the universe began to exist (i.e. Big Bang Theory)
7. Since the universe began to exist, something that has always been present must have caused it to exist (created it)
i. The creator of the universe must be greater than the universe itself
ii. Based on the design of created things, the creator must have been intelligent (more intelligent than humans, which are the most intelligent creatures on earth)
iii. Based on the diversity of creation, the creator must have been creative
iv. The creator must be eternal, since existence has always been present
v. These are all characteristics of the Christian God

Zealous Zeth #fundie christianforums.com

Tell him about hell... always works.

[Uhh, no.]

Yes, and it doesn't matter if he believes in salvation by works or not. If he does, he will stop sinning, and if he doesn't, he will know that his faith is as for currently dead faith as it is called in the gospel.

Of course, he needs to know Jesus before that. If he does, he will repent and if he doesn't... well then you can easily convince him of that he isn't a christian.

Speak a lot of hell and eternal punnishment. Especially when the "christian" is experiencing pain, like during a intense gymnastic lesson or when struggling with an essay.

[That's a great way to alienate your friends. :D]

If they are oversensitive, here in Sweden, most are not. (although you could very well get a club in the head for that. :D)

Catholic Wife #fundie christianforums.com

Calling it an embryo or fetus is just a way to dehumanize a baby and make it okay in women's minds to have an abortion. It allows them to say, "I'm aborting a fetus, not killing a baby." (And I know this from personal experience.) Finally, it's a woman's personal choice to have an abortion or not, but what about the baby? Doesn't it matter if that child wants to live? If the Democrats want to talk about human rights, why don't they start with the rights of unborn humans.

<img src="http://www.christianshirts.net/images/envstickers/pregnant.gif">

Zealous Zeth #fundie christianforums.com

Rape and prostitution are mostly immoral in peacetime but can actually be very useful on the battlefield as proven by cat holic generals Franco and Pinochet. (ever played heroes of might and magic v? think of the horseshoe item) As long as the women are atheists or at least not catholics or at least not traditional catholics.

Of course I will fight a civil war. Some day, the intellectual christian elite must takes power, the jewi$h financial crisis clearly proves that.

Robert Byers #fundie christianforums.com

[More tomfoolery from that great thinker Robert Byers]

Plate tectonics is one of the best things to come along for creationism.
It helps explain the breakup of one land mass and the source for the great pressure of water pushing sediment around and turning into stone instantly where it landed. It explains deeper oceans and where mts came from.
creationism uses it in its models.
it all happened in one year and was then over.
Its as it looks.
The earth splitt up and settled where it is now save for some minor rocking.

Zealous Zeth #fundie christianforums.com

Since you, the state of "israel", is a demonocratic abomination and one of God's worst enemies. You are the ones behind most of the worlds suffering, and you are the ones guilty of the financial crisis. The protocols of the elders of sion clearly states that you are the inventors of capitalism, liberalism, communism and masonry. You control the world's banks and the western world's government.

Your moves are easy to predict, however. Your puppet in Georgia's war against Russia and several zionist "christian" protestant heretic's lie that Russia is the Magog and will be destroyed by "israel" clearly shows that your next move will be one against Russia.

However, in your greed, you have stolen more money than usual from your "GOYIM" puppets, perhaps a bit to much. More people are awakening and looking through your lies. The international organized Jewery is starting to become impopular, at least here in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus would soon return and lead the free peoples of the earth in a great world war against "israel" and her puppets.


True Blue #fundie christianforums.com

When we talk about "proof," we may be referring to different standards. In the courtroom, if you're talking about a civil trial, proof means a preponderance of evidence, kind of like a 50/50. If you're talking about at criminal trial, proof means beyond a reasonable doubt, which I analogize to a 95% certainty. By scientific methods, the probability of evolution is less than 1/(1*10^7000). That corresponds to 99% certainty of creation followed by thousands of 9s. I personally consider that kind of certainty "proof." The proof of creationism is absolutely manifest, and Job has lots of excellent verses besides the one quoted by the starter of this thread.

It's great to have faith, but I think informed faith is even better.

Secundulus #fundie christianforums.com

The actual cause was that Christianity was illegal before 312. Constantine made it legal in that year.

It is still legal, but in many places such as in Canada and I think in some places in Europe, preaching unadulterated Christian doctrine, contrary to the political PC, is illegal.

My observation is that we are everywhere devolving to the point that Christianity is fine as long as each individual Christian is willing to sacrifice to the PC God.

In other words, you can privately believe whatever you want as long as you publicly agree to the pagan consensus.

Earlier Christians died in refusing to do this.

Lpe04 #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

I've met a demon of homosexuality, so to say that it is of God I would beg to differ.
It resided in one of my friends, he was embarrassed but admitted it was there. That's about as far as I'll go for now.

I should probably tell you I've always had a "long-suit" in seeing these things. I can usually tell you how, if, and when they will manifest.

God bless.

marksman007 #fundie christianforums.com

Seems as thought the atheist homos have taken over this forum in the hope that they can brow beat anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda and actions into submission.

Of course this will never happen as the Bible is quite clear about sexuality which was invented by God for man's pleasure. However, he did prescribe certain parameters as he created us in the first place so we have an emotional makeup that is meant to operate in certain ways for our benefit.

The one overriding factor that is consistent throughout the scriptures is that all sex outside of marriage is contrary to God's plan for us. We ignore it at our peril as we are doing at the moment. The end result is that we are making a very good job of screwing up our emotions and relationships.

The other fact is that it teaches only one kind of relationship as ordained by God and that is between a man and a women in marriage. There are 770 verses relating to this topic and not one speaks of two men or two women getting married.

When you choose to ignore this evidence it is not surprising that you are led to believe that Satan's deception is the truth as he has a habit of blinding the eyes of those who do not want to know God's order for society, which he has every right to do as he created it in the first place.

Yuki Usagi #fundie christianforums.com

Atheists hate us because hate is all that's available to them. They hate everybody. They hate themselves most of all. They cannot love because they reject God, who is LOVE and without love...there's only hate. No one can love without God.

It's very simple.

Also, because they are controlled by demons and serve Satan. God is the only protection against such. And of course the demons in them hate us because we tell the truth. The demons are doomed to hell for eternity and know it. They have no excuse because they were in Heaven before and had all that Heaven affords... and they rejected it. Now they want back in and they don't have that choice... they made theirs. And they want to drag as many of God's creation there with them as they can get. They lie so Atheists lie. They can not tell the truth. The demons hate so they hate.

jwp #fundie christianforums.com

Athesists hate Christianity because it exposes their error. The consequences of that exposure is that they will continue to live but it won't be in heaven. They pride themselves on a 'superior' knowledge and even call themselves the 'free thinkers'. When in reality they are only fooling themselves. Christianity doesn't start with mental gymnastics, it starts with simple faith. So simple in fact a child can get it. Atheists can't claim the same. Their religion requires a lot of mental gymnastics.

thelordislord #fundie christianforums.com

i was talking to a co-worker at the office about 3 months ago, and we got to discussing faith. i told him im a Christian, he said he was an atheist. now, normally i would have said something, because as we all know, atheists are all going to hell. but, i like my job, so i kept the truth to my self. he however, didnt have the good grace to do the same. i got an earfull to say the least. so i just kept my mouth shut, even though i wanted to scream. later i brought it up with my boss. long story short, the atheist has now been fired (in a related note, his wife and kids left him, and he has since become a alcoholic vagrant). but this incident got me thinking... why do atheists hate us so much? iv been attending church all my life, and iv never heard of a Christian pushing their faith on others, or putting down others because of their faith. in my experience, Christians are the most accepting of differences in others. why cant they treat us with the same respect?

wonderwaleye #fundie christianforums.com

(In response to a woman who confessed that she had premaritial sex)

When you had sex with him you became ONE with him. You are as married as you can get in GOD'S EYES. Is there a chance you could or would marry this man by man's law?

Zealous Zeth #fundie christianforums.com

[As I see it, Luther was campaigning against clear-cut corruption (the sale of indulgences.)]

That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences. Luther was a heretic who believed in salvation by faith alone.

[Thanks to ecumenism, Catholics and Lutherans have now talked out almost all of their differences--only one or two remain. Maybe someday soon they will be reunited.]

And then we will unite with the Buddhists. And the Muslims. And the Atheists. And the potato-worshippers. (and the Jew$ will rule the "church")

However, I trust in God that your plan will never come true. You might rule the society, and you might corrupt the parishes, but you will never put a heretic on the throne of Saint Peter. The gates of Hell will not prevail!

[But what was Lefebvre protesting against?]

The heresy of modernism, the corruption of the society and the liberal maffia.

[Ecumenism is necessary.]

Ecumenism is a heresy like arianism and the SSPX are the new saint Athanasius and the Axis powers should have won WWII and made a short story out of these liberals!

yeshuasavedme #fundie christianforums.com

No one has ever proved the existence of "gravity". It is only a theory. Surely you know that fact?

There are some basic experiments which show the "force" called "gravity", neutralized; some done by Boyd Bushman, a retired Senior Research Scientist who formerly worked for Lockheed Martin. He is not a believer in Jesus Christ, and IMHO he is therefore in danger of worshipping the "force" -in absense of God, but which force is itself just a servant of YHWH the Creator.
Nevertheless, his experiments are reproducible by anyone who takes the time and money to do their own -or watch and listen to his. Of course there are the armchair skeptics who scoff at everything they have not been part of, as if all knowledge begins and ends with what they experience, and they truly believe that there is nothing in existence if they do not know it.
-but if you watch and listen to Boyd Bushman then please do not come back and try to mock and scorn. I just direct you to someone who has proven what is called gravity is not what it is thought to be. But if you thnk that you can prove gravity truly exists, then go ahead -but no one has; and evidence is against it, even in the ancient writings of the pre-Hindus, who wrote of building space ships and traveling in them without any effects of what is today called "gravity", and how they did it and how they piloted them and so on and so forth. You can find links to all these ancient texts @ http://www.s8int.com/
Enoch said all these secrets were taught Adamkind by the fallen sons of God, who took daughters of Adam as wives. The "secrets" were all used to promote rebellion against God, and for only evil purposes. The ancient pre-Hindu peoples who wrote of these things spoke of the civilizations destroyed by all the weapons the "gods" taught the use of, to the sons of men, [and the destruction of whole civilizations in those wars resulted in the survivors inventing and preaching the pre-Buddhism religion]. Those weapons included atomic bombs, laser light beams, a force for destruction that is indescribable, and all the un-conventional weapons of warfare which now re-invented and those which are only on drawing boards still, today.

CreedIsChrist #fundie christianforums.com

i know homosexuals would love minority status so they could abuse it to their advantage. But sorry, a minority is decided by physical racial factors, not sexual.

Anyone with homosexual urges can get married to a wife they love if they truly sought it and made an effort to. Marriage was never barred off from you. The only problem is you won't make that sacrifice and effort

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