
Tiara Kumara #magick #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The absolute truth is, not one person knows exactly what will occur or how and when all of these potential imaginings will unfold. What we are witnessing, however, is the great façade of deception blowing up and the collective ego trying to maintain its positioning in the crumbling illusion.

We are reminded that all speculated future scenarios only exist as energetic potentials. No matter the size and scope, these potentials can be molded, shifted, amplified or diminished by the time something materializes.

Together with the realms of light, we help direct the show, do we not?

We are encouraged to focus our collective attention upon shifting and transmuting certain conditions of outer world activity that are not aligned to human evolution. These are the activities of a vicious and destructive agenda that violate the sanctity of the human spirit.

This concerns the extremely distorted powers of duality that reflect through conditions of aggression, oppression, mass mind control programming, bio warfare, manipulated poisoning, human abuses, among many other gross nefarious activities.
We actually have the power to shift the hologram of world consciousness. It is here that these destructive imprints remain alive and retain strength in the strata of the Earth, thereby influencing the way mass consciousness perceives. The holographic imprinting upholds the fear based matrix.

We are unlimited in our group ability as transmuters and transformers. We must continue to rewrite the timelines, dissolve dooming projections, shift the holographic reflection and build a new matrix of perception. This all culminates towards a more harmonious and peaceful planet.

Milky Way via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the consciousness of who you call the Milky Way. But know that my name is changing for my energy dynamics are in flux. You are aware of the Photon belt, the highly positively charged area of space that your small planet is passing through. Much like planets spin around the stars and the stars spin around their locational frequency patterns so to do galaxies spin and move throughout the space cosmos. We are a family of consciousness of star networks and interplanetary relationships. Much war has been fought within me over the eons.

I am the consciousness of your galaxy. You are loved. The star network surrounds you now. Can you feel their presence? (I am shivering. I feel surrounded by twirling, dancing and laughing energy streams all around me.) Gaia is supported. Can you experience the love that the planetary network and star nations have for her? For eons you have only felt the isolation of space and for a time thought that earth was all that there was, that the sun revolved around you, for that was your perception of time, of mathematics and cosmic workings.
You are becoming a new being of new light, of the higher crystalline intermolecular patterning. You are becoming your own star network. I say this for the crystalline network within you is much like how stars communicate, through light energy and love for you. Manifestation will become easy for you for that is the energy of alignment that you are resonating in-tune with, different from the older sludge of the lower vibrational reality matrix that you were willingly entrapped within. I say willingly for those of you reading these words have most likely volunteered to be the system busters and light wielders for this project

Crystalline Collective of the 9th Dimensional Rays vis Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Crystalline Collective Consciousness of the 9th dimensional ray. It is our privilege and honor to come through this one this day to speak. We wish for our words to be of comfort and joy, for that is what we intend bring to the collective. (I am seeing a huge heart shaped box of chocolates.) Yes, they are our gift to you today, within are encodements for easily obtaining your remembrances, your memories of who you are and have been, which will assist you with who you are becoming. (I am seeing warriors, kings and queens, priests and priestesses, powerful beings of old.) You all have been these beings, you all have access to these encodements. Galaxygirl, eat a chocolate. (I open the pink heart box and see that the chocolates in their individual wrappers are stories. It is like a moving video within each one.) We know that you are strong enough for this task, we know that you will rise as a mighty collective of human light, restored, revealed, remembering that which you have always been and were always meant to be so that you can become this massive collective of multidimensional creator-light, filled with love which is the breath of creation. We know that this is your destiny. We assist you with this remembering now. (I see the box of chocolates is open and all of the chocolates are floating around me creating a vortex. They open and all unroll like old film playing videos.)

Saint Germain via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I know that all of you have been patiently waiting to be saturated by wealth. Human beings desperately need funds to end all of the misery on Mother Gaia. There is enough money here on this planet to remove all of the hunger and poverty in every country, but it was stolen from humanity, which you are aware of now.

I am working with other beings on the removal of all the corrupted members from Alliance in order to be able redistribute the wealth in a safe and smooth manner without any interruptions. Also, I will be selecting myself on who is going to be helping me with this task. Only the very trusted and pure souls will be part of this process, which is very important and at same time very delicate on how to distribute the funds without creating a huge chaos on your planet.

As you see, I have been very busy with this mission on Earth, and I am very happy that the prosperity is going help everyone live a better life, and it’s going to end all of the pain and suffering here. The Quantum Financial System can’t be hacked or be compromised, as you already heard numerous times about it. Everything is being prepared, so we can start changing this old corrupted reality for a new one, which will be blissful and a happy one in your world.
The extreme weather in Texas and in other states was created by the Dark Forces in order to disrupt the Process of Freedom for the Human Civilization. The Texas state will play an important role in the future for humanity.

James Gilliland/ECETI #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth or planetary liberation has many levels. The dark heart hierarchy only goes into mid levels of the 4thdimension. Love is the ultimate power, it is the wellspring of all sound, vibration and light, all that is, the cosmic glue that holds all things together. There is a unified field in which we all reside, the dark hearts only have access to mid to lower 4d and 3d. Masters, Saints and Sages including Spiritually and Technologically advanced extra/ultraterrestrials access more of the unified field determined by their spiritual evolution.
The Pleiadian forefathers the Ancient Lyrians we refer to as the tall bearded Gods of old, some worship to this day in many religions were the colonies before Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. There were others within the Inner Earth who had already reached a very high state of evolution. Believe it or not most advanced civilizations live within their planets not on the surface. These races, most our ancient ancestors often referred to as the Star Nations are all part of the planetary liberation. The fallen gods, and other self-serving entities that operate outside of universal law are the ones the Earth is being liberated from. This is written about in the Nag Hamadi, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and on the walls of ancient temples. The ones coming to Earth now are the planetary liberators freeing us from negative seen and unseen entities that have plagued humanity for millions of years. An alien invasion is the last thing you have to worry about it is the ones that are already here, have been here a very long time who will be held accountable

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #ufo #conspiracy #quack #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


I am Ashtar commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, connecting to all of you today with updates on our progress behind the veil.
As a Galactic Commander I carry a lot of heavy duty responsibilities, and I am happy that my fleet is helping your planet to regain her freedom. Our ships have daily encounters with the Dark Forces that continue to resist and fight with Light Forces. It has been a long journey for us and for you to your liberation in this Ascension Process. We are almost done of completing our mission on Earth. We are constantly destroying the Dark Ones ships and successfully reducing their numbers. Most of the battles are occurring above Washington DC and in Texas.

Queen An-Ra of the Grand Council and Saint Germain continue to keep removing any Negative Entities that penetrate the system and try to stop the Nesara Gesara funds distribution to humanity.

A lot of turmoil and chaos is taking place in your world. Your governments continue to impose restrictions in your daily life by claiming and scaring you to death with the Coronavirus, which you know by now that in reality, it doesn’t have any threat to your health. Their fear tactics so far are only working on the ones who are not awake. These masks you are wearing are not stopping this false virus, instead it’s only creating breathing issues for everyone. Also, the COVID-19 vaccines have nanotechnology in them, anyone who will get vaccinated will be mind controlled by the Negative Ones.

Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Right, now we'll connect with Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces...
Soren: I'll tell you what I can. Of course. We're still out in the area of China, down in the bases. We're taking out all of the DUMBs here with many of earth's military forces aiding us. We have discovered more gold here, and so many gems, it's staggering to contemplate.

Me: Wow.

Soren: We have also, of course, found the usual scene in the DUMBs with horrendous suffering and so many people who have been fused together with animal parts, DNA experiments, and there are just body parts strewn along the walkways. Unbelievable! When you say that hell is below you, I would tend to agree: this is Hell.
Soren: We have seen so much and some of your people can't continue. They're so traumatized just by observing what's gone on in these bases. We found one base in the mountains under Tijang, China that has to be the worst by far. There were bodies heaped in stacks, most of these children, and so many babies.

Me: Okay, Soren, can you please not describe this any further because I'm getting upset and I'm sure there are others who can't handle it.

Soren: Fine, Sharon. But you'll see this in your news. It's worse than your holocaust of World War 2, much worse.

Me: Thank you for trying to prepare us. It's not our fault, but we were naive in thinking that world war 2 could never happen again, yet it's been going on underneath our feet. The collective shock on this planet will probably be felt around the universe, and frankly the guilt some may be feeling every time they look at a milk carton and see a report of a missing child will be enormous. These are just concentration camps.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Right now, it's stop engaging with the lower dimensions. Stop engaging 3D because if you do, they'll pull you back onto their low timeline and you will be seeing the shit show from an angle you may not appreciate. I've learned that I can only help people who take what I have to offer to help themselves. Everyone else will either ascend or they won't. I can't do anything about it.

After I left fb and turned the comments off on my entire website which now contains two blogs, 3D showed up in the form of my sister whose partner just passed away. And she promptly dumped all her problems in my face. You see how it happens, don't you? 3D will come calling again and again. The Matrix will find any way it can to make sure you can't escape it. Everything is a test to see what frequency you're holding, and an opportunity to increase your frequency and to give love and light to those in the lower dimensions. This is your daily bread, folks, the lessons of ascension.
Ivo: True power is constant. It is unwavering. It is the Light you carry inside of yourselves, and so many of you are very rich in this resource of creation. You need to learn to use it differently. Learn to use it to love those who are lower in frequency and lower in intelligence than you are. You have the intelligence of the universe at your disposal, and they use the intellect, an intellect that is dominated by a reptilian/draconian sense of ethics and morals.

Yes, with Light comes intelligence. It is no surprise that the IQ of the average Nordic is ten times higher than those upon earth. You have the cosmic intelligence inside of you and can draw on it more and more as your intuitive capacities increase.

Judith Kusel #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Indeed, the Spiral of Creation, holds within it the Great Central Suns, and Multiple Universes and multiple tiers of existence. There are 352 levels of Divinity, and each level holds within it, multiple dimensional existences and multiple tiers or octaves of Divine Knowledge, and Divine Sacred Teachings.

In our Universe there are tiers of Knowledge and Tiers of Sacred Teachings, which are overseen by the Elohim and the Elohim Counsels and the Universal Logos as well as the various tiers of Ascended and Higher Ranking Masters who work on Universal, Galactic, Solar and Planetary Levels. (I am just giving the basics here for it is much vaster than this – indeed words fail me.)

At this momentous time, as the New Earth is being created in a much higher dimensional vibrational frequency band, many of the Universal Masters, under the leadership of Lord Melchizedek, and the Universal High Counsel of Melchizedek, and The Ancient of Days, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Universal Counsels of Universal Masters are overseeing the creation of the New Earth and the creation and rising of the new humanity, in a much higher light-body form and thus a much higher evolutionary way of life and living.

Indeed the forces of expansion and the new creation are unstoppable and thus no matter what is seemingly going on in the 3D and Old Earth, can change events on Universal scale, for planet earth is but the tiniest spec of dust, within the greater Cosmic Whole and thus what has been decreed Omni-Versally cannot be changed in any form or way.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Me: Ivo, like I said, I'm so done with this. This is just abuse of the entire people of this whole world. Yes, people have to go through dark night of the soul to be made to wake up. The first thing they have to wake up to is they don't need leadership. Humans are leaders by design.

Ivo: Correct, my love. What do you wish to discuss then?

Me: I want to discuss our plans to go forward with our own community. I also want to continue to put out videos on how to take your power back. We've been pushing people and pulling people, and some are getting it. Some realize they have innate powers that are latent right now, or that they have powers that they can't see but are active. But there are so many people on this planet who are already making use of their healing energies, they're using their minds to change the course of events, like COBRA's meditations to change the timelines.

In one of the first group meditations I got involved in, we shut down the electrical at Fort Worth Texas army base.
Ivo: Mr T is still president of the United States, the new United States. And he is arresting anyone who opposes that.

Me: Or letting them be inaugurated. I'm tired of this shit, Ivo. Tired of it. Like the people on Venus, we all need to walk away. The system is corrupt anyway you look at it, and doesn't support people's true values and it minimalizes the human expression into burger flipping and ringing in goods at the dollar store. Do you think that that was all you were born for? Yeah, Mr T does. He wants to make America great again, but how about you? How great does he want you to be?

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Whoa, whoa, whoa, my dear Patriots! Please do not go over the “rails” after witnessing today’s “faux affair”...there is still much more to happen, and as you are finding out the hard way, it is not always as soon as you would like it to be. Well, let me help to take your mind off of those dour thoughts, my beautiful ones!

I would like to talk a little bit about “time lines”...yes, time lines! Some of you may not be very aware of how many different, and yet similar, time lines are occurring in each moment...however, this becomes important with regard to what is happening right now in the U.S...
As for how all this matters in today’s geo-political scene, well, it matters, because YOU matter. You matter to the Universe, and to our President Trump, and to our Alliance, and to all of our international brothers and sisters, and to all of our Patriots, who are trying just as hard as you are, to help bring about a positive outcome to our current situation.
if you have been reading my other messages through this one recently, it has become my “calling card” to try and help you to understand that we truly are...so, why don’t we try to make the best of it, and go ahead and help ourselves by doing what makes us joyful, while also knowing that our joyful actions are spreading Love throughout the entire Universe! There are no insignificant souls here! Every one of you are so very critical to the shifting of the time lines right now, so we can continue our path towards Freedom, Sovereignty, and Unity...our united states of America! (the “capital” letters on united states was used by the cabal). We are no longer under their regime...it will just be a few more “moments in time” until it is seen by all!

Waters of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. Waters calm the human electrical circuit. (I am seeing lightning strikes above the ocean waves.) We are showing you this for this is the general sentiment of humanity in this time. The news to come will be shocking. Electrical circuits will break, snap, others will burn. Water cools and soothes the human form, for you are made up of water. You are the breath of the elements within a human package and your light is within. It cannot be dimmed. It cannot be put out. Many of you long for our waters on your new world. You can connect with us now. Feel our energies within your water that you drink, within the water that you swim in or cleanse in. You will feel our presence and the lightness of a cleansed and happy spirit. Many adventures await you but know that you are sorely needed here in this moment. You are the energy makers, the bringers of realms. This is why you are drawn to these words. The hearts of humanity are opening, much like the tulip bulbs that split open and grow and bloom. The time of germination is over, the time of humanity’s full bloom is nigh. We see, we know, we feel, we wash. We wash away, with your permission, any worries or burdens you carry with your energetic field. (I am feeling a bucket of warm water being dumped on my head and it feels joyful. My forehead is spinning and hot, my head feels like the energy is moving around, my shoulders relax.) A lightness of spirit is coming to the human collective, but not yet. The heaviness must be felt fist. And so we wash you with our light, with our lightness of spirit, with our joy in the higher realms where you are and will be joining. All is well.

Archangel Metatron via Dancing Dolphin #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You Lightworkers, boots on the ground, in the skies, on the ships, in Inner Earth, you are located in many, many places! Your missions are varied to suit your special skills. I applaud you now with graciousness and gratitude for your dedication as this project has been very long and arduous for all of us. I know you have been feeling the exhaustion and feeling drained, overworked and underpaid (laughs). This lifetime has been one of the toughest because of the extreme measures that have been take--at the last minute I may add, to thwart our Ascension, to throw us off balance and to delay the glory and celebrations that we will have when it is finished. I am here to tell you today dear Ones that IT IS FINISHED! It is finished and the Golden Age of Gaia can begin!

Hallelujah, Hosanna, Hosanna! Hosanna! I am cheering, I am celebrating, I am over-joyed! This celebration is for all of us, all of us who have participated. We are being told from Mother and Father that it is a job well done and that the effects, repercussions and positive outcome will be felt for evermore through many dimensions, timelines, by other galaxies and even other Universes. The news of the success of this project, this experiment from dark to light, will spread far and wide. Those of us who participated will be revered for our steadfast dedication and success. For we together have accomplished something that has never been done before. That may be hard for some to believe, but there is always is a first. And when something is actually accomplished that was thought to be hopeless, it sends out ripples and waves of hopefulness, of joy and great expectations! We have turned the tide.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: My love, what will happen will happen. I do not wish to sound indifferent because I understand the importance of what is going on with America right now, even to a greater extent than any of you are aware, but I see your point about your boundaries being pushed back, your being asked to have faith and to wait, and yes, I can see your point about seeing a criminal in the most important political chair in the world.

Me: Nothing new there. The other point, Ivo, is since all this has happened with the States, Canada is now suffering lockdowns and further restrictions. Quebec is under what appears to be martial law with a curfew. They're saying martial law but it has nothing directly to do with the States, it has to do with Covid and the d s agenda. A lot is riding on Mr T now. A lot.

Where are all those pundits who were saying that the winter solstice would bring on a new timeline where all of this has disappeared? Yes, we said that wasn't going to happen either. And it didn't. We still have to deal with the mess we've made here. All of us, personally, and individually. There was no solar flash that relieved us of the situation we created, exactly as we said.

Ivo: It is always best to hold the highest ideals in your mind. Do not listen to people who tell you what you do not wish to hear. It is not worth letting them convince you that they are correct.

Me: This same pundit said that America would be embroiled in civil war right now and it isn't.

Have a nice frame of mind. Envision the best outcome, and with the least amount of violence.

Ivo: Correct, my love, hold a high regard for what is transpiring and do not debase it with needless conversations and incorrect opinion. It is only opinion.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are moving into the 5th dimension dear friends, dear brethren. Slowly but surely you are moving into the agape love frequency. Keep up the good work.

Concentrate on this - and you will help create it all the faster. Imagine a world where all bank debt, including mortgages and credit card debt, will be cancelled for it has been usury to charge such high interest rates and have such unforgiving repayment rules.
There will be no more power bills, energy will be free to all households. Unlike now, taxes will be few and far between. The primary tax will be a 17% payment on the purchase of new products.

The judicial system which has been based on maritime law, will now be changed to constitutional law and justice will prevail on earth at last. Hitherto justice has been blind with nepotism and corruption rife in what has been the “just us” thinking of the legal mind. Self-interest will give way to altruism in all things.
And so there will be unprecedented prosperity with enormous funds for personal self actualization and for humanitarian projects. For until now the wealth of the world has been stolen by the few, the elite controllers.

And mankind will leave illness and disease behind. For there will be a new holistic healing technology. The current drug and operation oriented medical system will be dropped. Food, vitamins, minerals will become the medicine of the future.

Med beds will return mankind to youthful health and by scanning the frequency of the body and the individual organs return them through vibrational therapy to well being and vitality.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

So, that brings us to our current, critical situation. I am so very proud of all you Patriots and Lightworkers, who have understood how very important it is for you to keep contributing to the greater good, in whatever way is unique, and passionate, for you. Each of you has a very special role to fill during these challenging, and ultimately liberating, times.

I will tell you that I was very surprised as to the extreme lengths the dark ones have gone to recently, especially when they banned Patriots such as my muse from social media, who had very small followings. I believe however, that such extreme reactions by these ones, who have devolved over time into a “shell” of what a human truly is, indicates how truly terrified they are about getting “caught” and having to deal with all that will go with it...such as prison for the rest of their lives, and for some others, the ultimate “penalty”.

I know I don’t have to even ask this of you, my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers, but I will do so anyway...and that is just to keep praying for our President Trump and family to be protected as he continues to face the most cunning, fraudulent, and evil group of people who would like nothing better than to take him out, permanently. In fact, they have tried to do so many times, and I am so very glad that our President is surrounded by a multitude of angels and protectors, who have worked to keep him safe at all times.

We also need to pray for all those in the Alliance who are on the front lines of this epic battle. They are sacrificing much because they believe so fervently in regaining our Sovereignty, and we thank them, and bless them all.

Adanata Angel #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ok, so major Vibrations usually during sleeping hours recorded. Now what?

Well, now lets talk about the connection to 5G. As has been noted here there have been some physical changes worsening as time goes on, and 5G becomes more prominent, and humanity more entangled with it. Why is that relevant? Because I believe that Cyprus Pursa’s lawsuit against Big Tech, proves that the “deep state” “cabal” “demons” whatever you want to call them, are truly trying to integrate us with “AI” which is basically having us connect our minds and possibly with the help of so called “vaccinations” our body. They are essentially having us DOWNLOAD/connect to the devil.

What does this have to do with the Vibrations?


After watching the following video, I now believe that the vibrations are our friends in the Galactic Federation, undoing what the “deep state” etc have been doing. They are using these vibrations/frequencies to heal our minds, and bodys, by UPLOADING us into a more physical, mental, spiritual connection to God.
I believe that much Donald Trump has taken everything the Deep state has done and turn it around on them to our benefit, the Galactic Federation has done the same.

The deep state has been intentionally disconnecting us from God, hiding him from us, and trying to erase him completely, and get us connected to the Devil. Now the federation has hijacked their operation, and is instead connecting us to back to God.

Alcazar #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Alcazar has said that together, our Superconsciousnesses and Alcazar, have created within the Human Morphic Field, what I'm calling a subset (for want of a better word), a section within the human morphic field, that is the vibration of Oneness. It's not duality, not light and dark, good and bad, high energy, or low energy. It's Oneness, which is beyond duality. And so there is what Alcazar has been calling the Stargate Global Community Morphic Field, or the Stargate Morphic Field for short. And he said that every time anyone of us consciously connects up to the Stargate Morphic Field, we are energizing it. And anytime a group or an individual connects up, it gets stronger. And so when you invite the energy from the Stargate Morphic Field, it brings you an energy of Oneness, a supportive energy.

Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation via Lynne Rondell #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello beloveds, it is i Lord Ashtar coming through this channel along with the galactic federation of light coming through to bring you a message about the energies that are hitting your planet now about exactly what is going on as they started coming in around eight or nine last night, not only energy's solar energy we're going to say but you have a conjunction of three planets that are lining up to produce a very special outcome we're going to say and to really generate more energies along with this winter solstice December 21st.
There is a messiah as she has been on your planet for a very long time, she will be now given the activations that she needs to really go forth on this planet carrying not only Christ's DNA but she's going to be carrying Christ consciousness energies and she's going to really come into fully her awareness of her mission and what she is to do on this planet at this time for not only Mother Earth but for humanity as well.
We are so happy to bring this news through this channeler. You have passed through the gateway, you've passed through the portal, the sun is going to help, you have shifted, the new earth is being born. From this minute moment forward your earth is never going back down, she's never going to go down to this third dimensional matrix. The new earth is being born, the new humanity is being born, everything has shifted energetically, galactically, angelically for your ascension not only but for this new earth, we're going to say the new resonance of Mother Earth and all of humanity to continue up on your journey upward and onward.

Steven Bercow #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Accommodating Gaia’s desire and her body’s immediate need to start ridding itself of negativity required a massive amount of light, and God authorized powerful civilizations to provide it. The initial infusion stabilized Earth’s orbit, jarred her loose from deep third density’s entrenched negativity and enabled her to begin ascending.
So a major consideration was how to present the plan in a format that would start people thinking about it. At that time in your history, the United States was considered to be the most globally influential of all countries, making it practical to start there, and so it did—members of that government were inspired to form the National Economic Security and Reformation Act that is commonly known by its acronym NESARA.

This legislation has been the dark ones’ target of manifold lies and sabotage, which led to denial of its existence by some who heard of it and to serious misconceptions by others. If you don’t know what NESARA actually encompasses—it is no less than the basis of world transformation and spiritual renewal!—and its evolution through both light and dark passages, please read previous messages that give detailed accounts.

The provisions of NESARA and all other facets of the plan were developed in the continuum, where what you think of as past, present and future is a series of simultaneous happenings; where souls’ evolutionary station is known by the amount of light they radiate and matching them up according to their interests, innate capabilities and necessary karmic experiencing can be easily arranged.

Higher Self #conspiracy #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The time is now. We are at the crossroads in time. Leaving reality as we know it in lower 3rd level rising up to the 5th.

Now you will start to remember past lives and your long forgotten abilities.

The veil is lifting so all can see and remember.

This is the start of 'The Golden Age' 1000 years of heaven on earth.

Med Beds are here. That is how we will live into the next 1000 years yet remain young and healthy. (no illness of any kind ever)

The EVENT Shift from 3rd to 5th is Heaven on Earth.

Now you will remember your galactic family and when you see them...you will know. They are coming for the grand reunion of humanity...The EVENT.

Soon the ships will uncloak and be seen by all. Then they will appear on TV and later fly over and eventually land for 1st contact.

Now you are free to leave this prison planet / school of learning via experience...to travel the universe. (if you want)

Free will rules the universe as you manifest your reality.

Get your popcorn ready because the show is about to begin.

Time to get off...the ride ends here. :)

Peter Maxwell Slattery (ECETI) #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Energies from the unified field which break into a vibrational state and into the light blueprint are all monitored and government by the Elohim and the Lords of Light. Humans are in their child like state and are the Sons of God, incarnated to experience and gain knowledge for the overall collective before moving to the next state of evolution. You are all the cells of Source when observed at from the highest levels.

Due to these frequencies and energies coming into the physical universe, many layers of the next level are coming into one’s evolutionary process. This is done by the energies entering your physical universe through the centre of all galaxies. As a result these energies go throughout all galaxies from their central point via the electromagnetic tunnels connecting all stars (Which your sun is also). From there, these energies come out and effect planets and satellites local to them. This process (and we will put this in a localised way for you), named the Schumann resonance, is effected and the magnetic changes upon the human race and for all out in the physical universe. This does have a bi product of effecting the other realms not seen externally by humans at this time.

From these energies from the galactic centre, the Sun blasts out solar flares, CME (Coronal Mass Ejections), solar storms that effect the planet, the tectonic plates and the energy of the planet, thus creating more earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, fires, and not to mention, emotions running high. This can effect ones health and also the social arena. The Pandemic is a play too, along with changes on a political scale which are being maximised due to the above.

Dryads and Naiads via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

(I am seeing the face of a beautiful woman whose hair is blue light. I am seeing her step out of a circle of light and begin to weave light in a grid, now joined by other beautiful maidens of light. They are making a star in a circle of light and gemstones.) We weave the codes. (They are now dancing in a circle counter clockwise laughing and singing.)

Welcome little Gaian to the festivities! We are the Dryads and Naiads from other realms and planes to bear witness, to watch the rebirthing ceremony. We chose this sacred symbol to represent the Merkabah of Gaia and to assist with the energetics that could benefit from further alignment. Focused intention of the lightworkers grounds these codes. We assist from the ethers, the skies. We work with your trees and waters on the etheric realms, nurturing your plant and mineral kingdoms, your water kingdoms.

We are the Dryads and Naiads from the higher dimensional timelines here to bear witness to this changeover from darkness into the realms of light. We are not from Nova Gaia. She is already fully developed from our perspective, and not yet from your perspective. Many will not follow. Many will chose to observe from our perspective, to assist from the outside. You are within the story. (I am seeing an ancient book that is glowing with light. Pages are turning fast. I feel it is Gaia’s soul story book of her incarnation as Gaia.) Yes she has a very advanced soul, one to be honored and treasured for her sacrifice. (As the book turns the pages turn black and there is dense energy within them. I see the fall of Atlantis, and I feel the heaviness. The pages continue to turn and I am seeing Gaia’s surface story. The pages stop.) This is where you are now.

Parisse Deza #magick #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

It is the level of awareness of the people in e we are now. The best thing we can do is to stop looking at things in such a literal fashion and to worry every day about whether there is some hint of progress for "our side". This is ego drama, and actually retards our expansion.

Those of us who have been consciously working on the project of grounding the new energies so the new world can be born here have delved deeply into the causes of the creation of things. We now know that our bodies heal with proper use of our minds, and that artificial things like pharmaceuticals are (usually) not in alignment with health because they are not natural. Nature corrects everything in balance and harmony with the whole, and our minds must operate the same way in order to create a healthy society. If we want unity and peace, we must stop fighting. If we want to see a new age, we must let go of the old one. The Time and the Forces are with us. The benevolent, irrepressible Spirit of each New Age, the Aeon, to use the ancient Greek term, is moving it in whether the lizard people and lazy sleeple want it or not. Monday's eclipse, followed by the next Monday's Solstice, is a great turning point that the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will amplify.

Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, humans on ascending Gaia. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We light the fire, we ignite the codes that have been long dormant within your realm. For the light has come. We are bringers of the light, as are you, embodied humans. You bring the codes from your star homes, from your healed inner work and with your grid work you plant them. We see that your DNA is being upgraded, both individual and planetary. You are fatigued not only from this but from your external environment of change. Change is needed for ascension. You know this. It is shaking many awake. Do not become disheartened on your journey for though the peak is high you are at the summit. Soon the breezes shall be less intense and more welcoming.
I Alisheryia am speaking. Human children, feel the embrace of my blue wings and feel this blue light all around you. We are igniting the divine feminine, the voice. I have not come forward for a time for this one has needed rest and renewal. She asks for energetic upgrades.

I am Alisheryia. I have been working closely with the Pleiadians. We offer our light and strength, just as you are doing. The underground areas have been our focus of late and they are being remedied. As the planets become aligned, ensure your own alignment of inner peace and balance is strong like steel, like dragon fire, so that nothing can move this. This is your superpower, children, on ascending Gaia. Mastery of the internal ego struggle, mastery of the vast range of human emotions, this is your power. Choose love. Always love, never hate. For hate degrades steel and rusts it.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #wingnut #magick #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Salutations, my beautiful Patriots!

To use one of your terms...wow, what a lot is going on right now!...especially with regard to the U.S. Presidential Election. We must all hold onto our hats, and our sanity, during these tumultuous times!
As I observe all that is going on regarding the election and all the “strings” that are being pulled by the cabal, it causes me to realize what I was truly up against back when I was President. I have to say now, that it is no wonder I was assassinated...because they could not let all of their long-term planning (approximately 50-70 years!), be revealed. I was actually at the near-beginning of all their evil plans! It is truly amazing and disgusting at the same time, to comprehend how much manipulation, deceit, bribery, and illegal activities, have been executed by the cabal during all these years...and it is indeed frightening to think that they would callously continue on in the same way, if my Patriots in the here and now, weren’t “shaking the trees” so loudly and causing all of the cabal, and their evil schemes, to tumble out! It is so very wonderful to see! (big smile!)
Thus, I will just continue to beseech you beloved Patriots of mine, to Hold the Line, and Fight the Fight...but please also remember to Love One Another! Because we truly are “All in this Together”...no matter the affiliation, or color of skin, or station in life...because as some of you have already said, this is much bigger than any particular party affiliation...it is about Good vs. Evil. It is that simple...and that critical...for ALL of Us. We WILL Prevail!

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We have been investigating the new timelines that you have created for 2021 and beyond, and we have been thrilled to see how much more interesting and exciting you are making your journey to the fifth dimension. You have been looking for ways to make the journey more fun and les of a struggle, and you have also been seeking to minimize the casualties along the way. Getting to ascend to the fifth dimension on Earth at this time is a type of golden ticket.

You all are lucky enough to know that the shift in consciousness is happening, and most of you are aware of the fact that you get to not only play a part in it but also create your experience of it. That’s what we want you to recognize. You are not just on a ride; you are also creating the ride that you are on. And it is time for you all to enjoy yourselves more and see yourselves as the creator beings you were born to be.

One of the timelines that you have recently created for yourselves involves a bigger connection with the faerie realm than you have had there on Earth in a very long time. That means more faerie sightings, more faerie interactions, and more faerie co-creations with humanity.

If you are fortunate enough to have a child or know a child, let the child guide you to where the faeries are. Let the child open the dialogue with the faeries if you are unable to yourself, and let the faeries guide you on your path of ascension because they are where you are going. They know the way; they know what type of lives you are going to be living there in the fifth dimension. And they are as close to being human without really being human as you can get. And by ‘human’ we are talking about the humans of Earth.

Mystical Muse #crackpot #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Guided by the beautiful co-creative energies and expressions of Unity,
with the Intent that We Each and All SHALL Experience a Truthful Reality of OUR WORLD as and in a true state of Peace. Natural Grace.

In the True Trinity Spirit of the Tradition of this Season,

Birthing the ChristBorn, Light of Flames as KeyHolders; called once as One called Jesus, Now Once and Once again, as One, with Many Names they have Come to gather together as One, once again.

Within the flow of Expression, as already known by the many tales of Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle, emissaries: the countless and countless-beyond! ‘everyday people’, doing everyday things as holders of and within the Spirit WithIn: the gift givers, the light bringers, the wishers and dreamers alike.

In Agreement with the All that IS, by the Turning of the Tides of this Full Moon,

We choose to Be, as a Child of 3,
6, 9, 8, and again 11
that on each day
of this “December” stage
We will play as Children of Heaven!

Gently and wise,
(away from the eyes;
the lies, the tales and deception.)

We Know through the Heart,
that this is the start.


Immaculate Conceptions
amongst Queens and Kings,
Amorous Beings of Light.

Holy Rites,
silent nights.
Rest yourselves,
ALL holding Light!
Outta sight!!
It’s alright.
Divinity has taken flight.

So as Received, and as Requested
I’ll ReEnforce this Missive:

Please do conceive,
and trust, BELIEVE!
Each Day as
Christmas Eve!

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: Not all are as strong as the Lightworker, who came to battle the dark. Many succumb, and he did. There are many not strong enough to battle mind control even at this point in time, and this man is such. He is now dying so begin by wishing his soul to rest in peace upon his leaving the planet. That you can do.

For those who do this exercise, do not stop until your heart opens. An open heart is the way of earth's future. Be that way now. Understand that all are battling the dark and are winning or losing their battle to varying degrees. Earth has been in a controlled situation of repetitive reincarnation loops for eons. These earthlings never gather the strength to fight the dark oppressors off and are continually infested with parasitic entity attachments throughout each successive lifetime. That is why lightworkers were brought in. You can do this.

Understand that those who are suffering on your planet now have succumbed to the darkness. You have not, otherwise you would not be listening to our videos. Have compassion for those who are not capable of walking your path with you. They may disappoint you but they would not if they were capable. Many are not living lives of their own choosing. That means your family, who believe you are crazy. That means the people on facebook who troll your posts. That means everyone. They are at a lower level of consciousness than you are, and are not of their right minds. Be grateful for every moment you spend in higher consciousness, but DO NOT allow these people to take advantage of you. They can be tricksters.

Merlin via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, young students. I am Merlin. I come through this medium today for she is one of my pupils, as are many of you reading these words.
In the beginning was a beginning before that, and a beginning before that. But all was and has been and will always be Source, the great mystery. (In the pipe’s now purple smoke cloud I am seeing the sparkles are individuating and becoming galaxies, each fully conscious and each very much alive). Yes indeed. All is one. All is Source. And then the great division happened. Some aspects of Source flirted with antimatter, with the opposite of creative potential and explored destructive potential, and chaos ensued. (I am seeing wars and feeling heartbreak. I am seeing armies of light beings watching from above the great divide. It is as if swirling blackness was coming into the glittering purple cloud of life potential). As all is Source, this antithesis of love must be dealt with. The dark has tried to escape, elusive, scheming for eons, for much longer than your millennia, more like millennia of millennia of star solar years, but that is besides the point. The great cosmic play began. In this interface of dimensions increased stratification occurred. Souls became trapped in the cycle. The dark ones capitalized upon this entrapment. You are here to witness the opening of the cage and the complete destruction of that which was holding humanity back for so long. Thus, Source heals further.

(I am seeing the black inky line within the purple glittering cloud in the smoke above his head being filled with light. I am feeling tremendous light behind the cloud now. The entire cloud is pulsing with light. It is love).

Magenta Pixie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Magenta don’t you feel a responsibility to all your followers that you are brainwashing with your conspiracy theories?

My reply; I have said before and will say again, I do not have any ‘followers’. Aware and awakened individuals do not need a leader. They gain confirmation of their own inner knowings when they hear another say the same things.

There are no leaders or followers within this telepathic union, only brothers and sisters who are equal…each with a piece of the puzzle to add to the overall picture of truth. They are immune from brainwashing.

It is not possible to brainwash another aware individual, even if you tried to do this (which a great many do, for example mainstream media and world governments), it would not work. This is the reason they know the truth, because brainwashing doesn’t work on them!

Critical mass for that awakening makes a theory no longer a theory. Your comment is typical of one that is trying to cause a reaction in another, but this does not work with someone who is anchored and rooted in their own empowerment and sovereignty.

You will find there are many of those individuals also…a great many. It is time for those who hate, those who attack to step back now. To realise the battle for consciousness itself has been lost and that the Light has won. For when you attack us and ridicule us, all we see is your separation from Divinity and source.

You are playing out the old game, the old order and for us who stand in sunlight, those times are long since past.

Lord Ashtar via Lynne Rondell #ufo #magick #crackpot #god-complex voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Lord Ashtar coming through with a message for all of you out there for the entire human collective and this message is not only from me, this message is from the galactic federation, the high councils of light and this message is from the entire angelic high kingdom.
Mother Earth meets with this channeler day in and day out they now speak because they're up on the fifth dimension just verbally as she's bringing this message through you. She's very adamant today through this channeler to the angelic high kingdom that no dark be allowed on this planet and plane.

She wants all witches, sorcerers, demonic beings in human form, reptilian humans and all the underworld and all the negative ETs. She wants them off now. She's very demanding in that sense as she's tired of being in such a dark reign.

She wants to see that all of you are protected and safe. She set up a lot of her own laws and rules as well. She's quite adamant and strict about what she does want. We in the higher collective of light and the angelic high kingdom, we do try to give her what she does want as she's been through a lot and it's taken 60 something years to actually make this ascension actually happen. So we are helping her as best that we can. This channeler is the liaison between her and the angelic high kingdoms and the joiner we're going to say, the bridge between the galactic communities, the bridge between the angelic communities, the bridge between Mother Earth and the bridge as she is human for all of you.

Gaia Planetary Station #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


We have more news about the Event process.

Many of you are direct members of the forces we can call galactic "policemen", which in no way resembles your policing of the Earth. We are also quick to say that we do not in any way neglect the work of the policemen of the Earth and their working groups, but that the way we work is different from what they are used to seeing. We are equipped with certain forces and have the largest neutralizing force field in the Galaxy.

Gaia Planetary Station GPS

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the way humanity has been allowing for an upgrade that has been a long time in coming to you. You have had your central channels upgraded so that you can run more energy through your physical bodies and through your seven main chakras without overtaxing any aspect of you. This was a planned upgrade that was finalized on 11/11, due in large part to the expectation that you all have for change to occur on that particular date. There was an opening, and those of us in the higher realms saw it and took advantage of it to grant you this very timely upgrade.
We encourage you to use your newly upgraded central channels to access more energy and information, more healing, more love, more of everything that is higher dimensional. You have the ability to do so much good on Earth at this time, just by sitting at home alone and participating in the running of energy through your central channel. This lifetime is not about what you do; it’s about who you are becoming.

If you can feel higher-dimensional energy moving through your physical body, then you will want to continue to have that experience, and you can become an instrument of this benevolent universe that is looking for more of you who are looking those of you who are ready to take in more of its love and light. And in the higher-dimensional planes there are so many beings and collectives who want to connect with those like you who are awake and who are ready to make the big changes on your world that you all want to see, changes that include full and open extra-terrestrial contact.

Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #conspiracy #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I want to share with you about a huge victory The Galactic Federation of Light with Ashtar in Command recently had against the Dark Ones. The operation is called Red October, that name was chosen for a reason and it was a complete success. The Negative Groups with the code names Red Wolf, Black Wolf, Blue Wolf and etc., who followed and worshiped The Old Nazi Regime, you call them here fanatics, they were working directly with Archons, Reptilians and with others. These groups were running an extremely large operation that was targeting The Light Community by trying to eliminate and destroy them.

They were using a highly advanced and unknown technology on Earth that implanted special AI implants deeply into the human brains that was almost impossible to detect, so by just watching a specific show or a movie which was running this dark program, the AI the size of dust would enter your body through your eyes from any device screen or television you were using to watch a show or a movie. Then it would take control over you and try to destroy you by attacking all of your weaknesses in the mind and body.

The control centers were placed on distant planets which are mostly known in the Galaxy and named after for their colors like Pink Planet, Green Planet and etc., it also included bases on the Moon, Mars, Pluto and etc. All of the parties involved were captured on Earth and outside in space. In addition, The Galactics recovered a lot of Gold that was stolen from many countries during World War II from The Old Nazi Reich, which is going to be redistributed to the people in the appropriate time. It was a crushing defeat for the Negative Side and it was a Victorious Day for The Galactics and Humanity.

Pleiadian Message via Christine Day #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

All of your systems, which include your Pineal, Brain synapses, Spinal fluid, Sacrum and physical cells within your body is being upgraded electrically. Your energetic field is undergoing a magnetic upgrade; you are being made ready for this monumental shift that will become fully manifest by your New Year timeline.
The Magnetic Core within your planet will shift its role in the last few weeks of the calendar year. The Magnetic Core will act as a centerpiece, transmitting a higher vibrational form of illumination outwards across the planet.

The Magnetic Core will radiate outwards this higher order of light, which is destined to bathe the Earth, and infuse through all life force energy existing on the planet.

The Magnetic Core can be likened to being like a central wheel with spokes. Shards of light will radiate outwards. These spirals of light will be drawn into the individual frequency of the divine presence of your Heart. You will be part of the creation energy of Earth through this reconnection.

Through the multidimensional reconnection of your Heart’s sacred chamber you become an initiator to establish a telepathic communion between yourself and others. This is a design for forming communities of light to hold this mirror of light steady on Earth. This is your purpose, an essential aspect of your mission at this juncture.

Be still and let go within your Heart.

Love and blessings,

the Pleiadians

Galactic Federation of Light via Lynne Rondell #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the galactic federation of light, we are all 12 councils and yes we're on the 12th dimension coming through this channeler with this message that we feel is very important and very timely as you have a lot going on with your election in the united states.
For this election is going to go down in the history books. This election is at, we're going to say, a tipping point where the dark can no longer stand on the ground, it's been standing on. This election represents the light actually coming to the surface now to be realized and the truth also coming to the surface to be told.
You also have to let all those on this planet have their truth and you have to be okay with that as well. For when everything is really running in a more truthful way there will not be such a dichotomy and such polarity. All of you that are going to the fifth dimension as we say, you're holding on that fourth dimension beautifully.

This is going to be a huge shift in your consciousness along with the sun that is sending solar blasts daily, now for all of you, you're going to shift. This channeler has known about this for some time. You're all going to shift your consciousnesses and those that are lightworkers, starseeds, healers they're actually doing the work for the entire collective to shift their consciousness as well.

All of us in the highest councils of the galactic federation of light, we wanted to bring through this message to you as you're at a pinnacle point, you are journeying into truth, you are shifting your consciousness to one of truth, you are shifting the consciousness of humanity to that of truth, this is huge.

Archangel Michael via Steve Beckow #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Archangel Michael: The point at which human beings would relinquish their attachment to money is in the distant future. And we have said this previously but it bears repeating at this juncture. And it is not because love cannot reign. Of course it can. And manifestation can be fully present.

But human beings love money and it is not an incorrect love affair. When it is equated with one’s worth or value that is entirely incorrect. But what it does is it gives a sense of assigned value so for example, think of it simply is gold or salt.

Then, if you take a mass-produced piece of cotton fibers that is produced a million at a time (and I am using this not as truth but as an example) that the machinery or the technicians operating machinery are there.

They are exhausted, they are hounded, they do not feel valued. They do not infuse love into the material or to the machines or into the process. That mask has a very different value to the individual.

So in one country for example, the spice, because it is culturally the foundation of what is used in food, has a very high value. And another country that never uses that spice, it may go for a penny.

So it is simply a way in which human beings have devised to say what they value, what they love, what they think is worth the exchange. So it puts a whole different understanding on money.

One of the greatest human needs, particularly as this Ascension is well underway, is the desire to be recognized, acknowledged. And so what it does, what money is used for (and this is one of the many reasons why humans love it) is that it acknowledges the person’s value.

What Do You Mean, It Wasn't Made on Drugs?

...or was it?

Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

(I am seeing gumdrops of all colors within various shaped candy jars on long white shelves that extend forever. I am seeing that one gumdrop has numerous grains of sugar that is strongly connected to each sticky part of the gumdrop).

Greetings beloved ones in form. You are extensions of us. We are the Oversoul Collective. Just as one grain of sugar has a variant experience upon one aspect of the gumdrop that we have been showing this one, so too are your experiences shaping your own individuated perspective of your current life events. We are showing this one such candy shop images for we see the sweetness that is to come for you. Sweetness of experiences and joy in many moments to come is waiting within the collective. First you must experience the current situation of change within your world. (I am seeing broken glass from candy jars that have shattered). You are seeing the shattering of the 3D confines. Clear like glass, one who was within the confines of the jar would never know. You have been born within the glass of expectations and illusions. This glass is shattering and expanding into limitless possibilities for humanity in this now.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We are the shelves of memories of these infinite gumdrops that we have been showing you. We are a collective consciousness of collective consciousness. It is time for humanity to expand and to grow into their own expansive and ascended collective consciousness experience that is no longer elusive but becoming substantiated in form. The shattering of glass shall continue for awhile until all illusions of the 3D confines and enslavement are removed.

Message from the Galactics: Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian, and Andromedan Council via James Gilliland #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #racist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Critical thinking, personal research, and taking it to the heart are the tools of the enlightened. Follow the money, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, other major multimedia groups are funded by Soros an admitted Nazi who has in his own words said the taking down of America will be his greatest achievement. The CCP, China’s Communist party is also heavily invested in the DNC and many political leaders. The latest bombshell is the hundreds of millions invested with the Biden family. They are compromised. Did you know when you contribute to BLM the majority goes to Biden’s campaign? Do you understand now why the riots, death and destruction of the inner cities continues and not one of them will denounce the violence while others say Antifa and the violence is a myth?
It is time to awaken, stop passing the ancestoral potato. Judge a person by character and deed for that is how they are known in the heavens. If you have not seen past the lies, deceptions, manipulations and character assassinations accusing others of what they themselves have done or are doing a “Marxist tenant” I leave you with some questions. Why is one group stopping drugs and human trafficing, violence, looting, corruption on the highest levels while another turns a blind eye, supports or participates in all the above?

Why do corrupt politicians, the global elite, the deep state, the corporate owned extremely bias and deceptive main stream media and social media hate Trump? Why do the Satanic/Luciferians and pedophiles hate Trump who has broken up massive human trafficing and pedophile rings that operated with ambiguity during the last administration?

Who do you think the Galactics and the Heavens are behind?

Lynne Rondell #fundie #magick #quack #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

There's been a portal, a lot of portals that have opened up, nine i think i spoke about this earlier, nine huge gateways and portals have opened up all around the planet bringing Christ consciousness energies in down to humanity.

These energies are very high frequency, a very high level of light. The Christ consciousness energies are the highest vibrating light and love energies. These energies have been streaming in for four to five days now. It's going to be one more day.

It's a huge blast of high frequency energy. A lot of you are feeling it, i've been feeling it, there's ringing in our ears, there's extreme tiredness, there's nausea, there is sort of inability to ground the body that makes you feel like you're actually up here in the ethers causing some panic, some anxiety and just causing you to feel not right in your body, we're gonna say but this is all part of the Christ consciousness high frequency energy and light that's really been pushed through these gateways and portals all around the planet.
I'm a vegetarian more vegan and some cheese that's it and a little bit of egg. So i just felt like i couldn't get enough protein in my body but really that wasn't the reason at all it was that the energies have such a high frequency and such a a blast of light came through the whole planet, my angels tell me, was illuminated in this big white dome of light to really just flush it everywhere.

It actually flushed through all the different fairy kingdoms, the crystal realms, the elemental realms, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, everybody got a high frequency blast, everybody raise their vibration. So we're going to be a left some of us with some of the effects.

Lord Ashtar via Lynne Rondell #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You're going to be just fine, it is a rocky road right now as the third dimensional matrix and grid system is really breaking up and all these systems are coming at you like bullets, we're going to say, but we want to let you know all the help that you have above. I want to speak and tell you exactly what is coming through.

I can see from the higher dimensions you have literally thousands and thousands of beautiful councils of light that are sending their love that are helping you with different energies coming down. You have councils of light, all kinds of beautiful ET’s, you have the angelic high councils and you have the angelic high kingdom that are all sending down energies and light.

You have them sending in christ consciousness energy through different portals and gateways onto your planet. What your planet looks like from where i am, i'm on the 12th dimension right now, is just this huge dome of white light with a gold rim around the outside of it, it's beautiful.

If you could see what we see and if you could know that all the galactic high councils that are working with you, they get together every night, they discuss what is needed for humanity, they discuss what is needed for Mother Earth, they are in communication, you have more and more councils, star beings, star nations, galaxies that you have them from all over, some so far away coming to actually see that this ascension happens very quickly and that it is a beautiful process for all of you.

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson #magick #crackpot #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Within Mother Earth’s energy and source there is a core vibration which you could label as a womb. It is a source of energy, almost like a sanctuary that holds the vibrations of the Creator. The three specific vibrations of the Creator held within the womb are the creativity or creation energy, the consciousness and divine union.

Within this source, which we will label the womb of Mother Earth you will discover the energies of balance and the divine union of the Creator. Some may label this as the masculine and feminine vibrations in harmony and oneness, others recognise that it is simply a balance. The balance of the Creator, where the entire universe is in harmony and working in oneness.

This is deeply important because it requires that all the Universe of the Creator recognise the presence of divine union within their being, they recognise their oneness with all beings, but also that there is a balance.

As Mother Earth is preparing to activate her womb, to begin to radiate and share this energy with all beings, I, Master Kuthumi might add that the same process may be occurring within your being.

In your own time I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to ask to connect with Mother Earth, asking to enter into her space of the womb, to experience the divine union, the creativity and the consciousness of Mother Earth. Breathe in the energies, take as long as you need to experience the power, the balance, and the truth.

Aseim #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Planet Earth and its human citizenry are currently under a gag-order, and a most literal one at that. Seen from up close, the gag order looks a helluva lot like a face mask -- designed to not only effortlessly constrict your breathing, but also to stifle your very voice. A compulsory gag order (with heavy fines and punishments for flouters) that demands, "Keep your mouth shut, or else…"

Look from a tad bit afar, and the gag order looks a helluva lot like a lockdown, and one of global proportions no less. A quarantine, that accurately resembles (and truthfully so reflects) the one that has been placed upon our very planet by wiser citizens of the cosmos, for well over numerous eons now thanks to our collective shenanigans.

If reading all of this makes your blood boil, then, dearest awakened members of the human populace, your time is well beyond ripe now to DISOBEY. To snatch the reins of your own destiny out of the very hands of the Reptiles and the Androids and the Satanists and the Archonics and the cannibals and the paedophiles and the corrupted and the demonic ones that so seek to enslave you beyond all end in here -- and to awaken to your infinite God power and potential from deep within instead. And to speak up and rebel against this tyranny, like there's no tomorrow. Because there sure won't be any if you so decide to keep quiet and stay shut -- much like willing sheep looking to be led by their "trusted and beloved masters" to the nearest available abattoir! The choice is yours.

Ishlana via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Ishlana am a fierce warrior princess of the Feline Race. I honor the All with my service, just as you, human warrior of light are doing the same. We are not different. (I am seeing large feline paws with long black claws being lovingly held up to my human hand). Numerous raids have been occurring in the stealth of your night. It is when we fight best for the light illuminates the darkness and all plans are revealed. We are unafraid of all that the dark ones could try to send our way. We are stealthy. We stalk with precision. Our strike is clean and swift. The dark ones refer to us as the feline assassins. We serve the All in our service of removal of dark creatures that hide.
I Ishlana am from the Lyran society, an ancient and sacred place to me and to my people. Some of you are of royal blood of the stars. We navigate by the star maps and by the breath and heartbeat of Gaia. We can read her shifts in electrical fields and feel the presence of our enemy. We serve with our sacrifice, our loyalty to the light and to Mother Gaia. Our planets are sacred to us in our system. (I am seeing several planets of pristine beauty where beings live in harmony with nature. One planet is a brilliant blue, with many blue plants, similar to the Arcturian sky blue pumpkins I have seen before). Gaia must be protected. That is why we all came. (I am seeing purple grapes tightly packed on a healthy green vine. I am being shown that we are all like little grapes from various parts of the vineyard serving the whole, all connected yet from different vantage points of experience. I am seeing star systems are like these grapes and we came from everywhere to serve).

Alisheryia and Elthor via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Alisheryia am speaking. Greetings, little human. We dragons have been working tirelessly for the ascension of Gaia and those upon her who choose it. (I am seeing dark bases being cleaned out deep within snow capped mountain peaks). We are working, clearing, cleaning, honing the energy streams and continually blessing Gaia with our light, as are you. Little one, you are not little, you are Source in form, a great mystery to one who has been dwelling in the underbelly of dimensions. Dimension walkers you are, you have been. And now you will be dimension climbers. We are dimension flyers. You will notice that your abilities will improve as you ascend and you will feel like you have never felt before, but of course, you are just remembering your home in the higher dimensional pathways of light.
We are Alisheryia and Elthor, divine in union and steadfast in our service to the light. The light has come. It is your home. It is your safety. Feel safe and protected. (They are covering me with their wings again). Feel our embrace. (I am crying). Little human, little human. You are so tremendously loved and appreciated. Peace little hatching. Your time to fly is at hand. Do not fear the precipice. Do not look down for looking down is looking back. There is no back for that is the old ways. There is only one and the future you will create as the founders of Nova Gaia, a land of infinite beauty balance and creativity. Fly strongly for the winds will be rough, but you are ready. You are chosen. You are LIGHT in form. This same light is within you, little one. Be of good courage. Dragons fly best in the wind. You are no different. Peace.

Alcazar #magick #dunning-kruger #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Quantum Reality is the Real Reality

There is no rush. There is no goal to achieve. There is nowhere to get to because it is all here. But you don’t know that yet. It is all here because the Quantum Field in which everything is held is here. It is not in the physical realm. The physical is within the Quantum Field. The Quantum Field is within everything. As we have said before, it is in the gap between the electron and the center of the atom. It is within the center of the atom. It is within every breath that you breathe in and out. The Quantum Reality is the real reality. Your physical reality is an illusion. You have heard this before. And we have said that is the truth. But, until you know it as a truth, your physical reality is very real.

Victor #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are the Anti-virus that will save this world. Because you have a SOUL. You are LIFE ITSELF!. YOU ARE AN INFINITE BEING.

You came into this matrix as the antidote to repair this matrix. YOU are the....."Anti-virus"....against the ..."MATRIX"......YOU ARE THE ONLY THING THAT CAN FIX IT!...this broken matrix that we are all in!

This Reality or this "World" ....is nothing like what we have been told to believe it is!. Everything we have been told is a lie, because we are living in a "artificial" ....MATRIX.....that is "Infected".... with a maligment self serving virus. This virus can control our emotions and feeds off negative energies like fear, anger, sadness. Basically....it "FEEDS"....from all of our experiences or .....our SOUL energies. We are like the battery of this Reality.

IN THIS MATRIX..... Something went horribly wrong! This situation, if not dismantled it can infect the whole the universe, if left

The present day ..."China VIRUS"......that has everyone wearing masks, is just another of that outward artificial creation of the hidden "INNER" controlling virus running this place. That main computer controlling ..... "VIRUS"...that has shut this outer world dwon with FEAR, is the.... (AI) computer. The actual "VIRUS" ....that has began to "FEED" on the SOUL energy of the trapped "LIVING" entities here, or the traped consciousness beings that came here for a purpose.

This Matric VIRUS..... is trying to entrain the conscious beings to be like the COMPUTER VIRUS WANTS THEM TO BE......in order to produce the most Fear energy for its False life.

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