
Annie #fundie conservapedia.com

The word Lie-beral is often used to refer to liberal activists who value deceit and lies above truth and fairness. It is a portmanteau word.

Tellingly, there is no such coinage related to conservatives --- because there is no use for one!

conservapedia main page #fundie conservapedia.com

Liberal police force ignores blasphemy; Christian sues

A Christian activist is bringing a private prosecution for outraging public decency against an art centre in Gateshead, north-east England, after the local police force in the socialist-controlled region declined to take action. Christian Emily Mapfua (40) was outraged by the decision of the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art to display an obscenely-modified statue of Jesus as so-called 'art'. But Northumbria Police declined to act on her complaint, so Emily is going it alone. Well, not quite alone, as we suspect all Christians and people with any decency at all will support her.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

In regards to atheism and evolution, a majority of the most prominent and vocal defenders of the evolutionary position which employs methodological naturalism since World War II have been atheists. Creationist scientists assert that the theory of evolution is an inadequate explanation for the variety of life forms on earth.

Creation scientists tend to win the Creation-Evolution debates and many debates have been held since the 1970's, particularly in the United States.

Darwinian evolutionary theory, at least in the mind of John Q. Public, is the number one argument for atheism.

PFoster & Brtkrbzhnv #fundie conservapedia.com

[Comment on article about Egypt "The earliest known archaeological record of human culture in Ancient Egypt dates to between 13,000 and 9,000 B.C"]

Given that the Earth is only 6000 years old, this is not possible. -PFoster-

I agree. This anti-Biblical bias should be corrected. At the very least, the materialist perspective should be complemented with the Christian view. Really, this is supposed to be Conservapedia, not Oldearthpedia. -Brtkrbzhnv-

Justintsmiths #fundie conservapedia.com

Yes, it's unreasonable to assume that atheism does not just happen. Scientific evidence and logical reasoning are not sufficient to give rise to atheism. Some event must have caused atheism such as; abusive upbringing, use of antidepressants, partial insanity, certain additives and toxins in food such at BT, ERDA, amoxicilin and other substances known to contribute to improper executive function of the human brain.
These are all neutral cases that show the causation of atheism and prove it is a consequence of mental deficiency.

Conservapedia editors #racist conservapedia.com

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (allegedly born in Honolulu,[1] August 4, 1961) is the presumptive 2008 nominee of the Democratic Party for president.[2] Obama has served as a freshman Democratic Senator from Illinois for three and a half years. In 2007, Obama was the most liberal Senator.[3] If elected, Obama would be the first Affirmative Action President.

To counter the view by many that Obama is an elitist, he began running campaign ads claiming that he "worked his way through college and Harvard Law."[4] In fact, Obama apparently did not hold any jobs during college and law school, and he would have likely benefited from special scholarships not available to most students.

Teh krayzee gheys #fundie conservapedia.com

Homosexuality Quotes:

- "We want your children. Give us your children." - Homosexual activists at the Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot

- "They are after me. It's me they want." - Terrified 9 year old boy on the way home from the Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot

Aschlafly #conspiracy conservapedia.com

[From Conservapedia's actual definition of Quote Mining:]

Quote mining is a pejorative term, not recognized by dictionaries, which expresses objection to using someone's quotes against him. While the entire fields of law and politics encourage quoting an adversary to discredit him, evolutionist do not feel their quotes should be used against them and have invented the term quote mining to criticize that practice.

[Quote Mined!]

Unknown #fundie conservapedia.com

[From a debate on whether or not "bias in Wikipedia hampers reliability."]

"I think that bias does at times impair Wikipedia's reliability. Truth be told I think that the same thing is beginning to occur on Conservapedia."

[Understatement of the Millenium!]

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Liberal politics destroyed the thriving Christian churches in Massachusetts. In other parts of the world, politically driven Islam has overtaken Christianity and virtually abolished it.

Abortion, which is mostly driven by politics, has devastated Christian families in many parts of the world, especially England and the northeastern United States. Same-sex marriage, which is also politically driven, has caused ripped apart the Anglican and other Christian churches. Addictions such as gambling and pornography, which are also politically driven, have have devastating effects on Christian churches and families.

In some cases, billions of taxpayer money is used by government to erode and destroy Christian values, as in some of the curriculum taught in public schools. It is entirely up to Christian churches to identify, expose and combat these indirect attacks on Christianity. In Democratic states where the government-subsidized attacks on Christianity have been most severe, Christian churches have already lost much in support by not responding to this challenge.

Bart2461 #fundie conservapedia.com

The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. It has not been proved and it never will be. There is no need to investigate this topic using "science" when it is clearly answered in Genesis. Furthermore, science is a manifestation of the devil fabricated to undermine God and his beautiful gift to all mankind. My advice to you my Christian brother is: Love your god and your country in that order and never doubt the decisions of either.

Ed Poor #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

You'd have to be crazy to do something which you know is forbidden in the Bible, and then like the adulteress, "wipe your mouth and say you have not sinned". Denial of the sinfulness of homosexuality is part of the insanity of it all.

[Just so you know, not everyone believes in your Bible. You'd have to be crazy to believe that everyone does.
Loads of sane people sin. Sex before marriage, murder greed, etc.]

Furthermore, it is a development disorder which begins in early childhood. Attempts to consider it "normal" are politically and ideologically motivated.

Homosexuality comes from unhappiness within the family and leads to further unhappiness when embraced. It's like a facial defect (such as a cleft palate) which could be corrected with plastic surgery.

Gay rights activists complain that society's refusal to accept them as they are and to okay their sexual activities, is the only thing that stops them from being happy. But this is a foolish falsehood. Within the "gay community", the murder rate is high, The murder rate is 15 times higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals. and even in "gay enclaves" like Provincetown, Massachusetts where there is no societal disapproval at all the rates for depression, suicide, Since homosexuals have greater numbers of partners and breakups, compared with heterosexuals, and since longterm gay male relationships are rarely monagamous, it is hardly surprising if suicide attempts are proportionally greater. drug abuse, etc. are much higher than normal.

Homosexuality is not a normal way of being. It was not created or intended by God. It is a sin and a mental illness

jp #homophobia conservapedia.com

Why ask why, everything evil is bad. I am against homosexuality, I am not against the person who leads the lifestyle. I am against the promotion and education of our youth to homosexuality. This is just a fad and like all fads, glorifing homosexuality will pass. The promoters have no reason to hide in the closet anymore. They will not rest until it is a protected civil right, equal as heterosexuals. Push push push of the movement has its limits and it is starting to back fire. Front and center in the culture will be its downfall. You will be called a racist for taking a stand against homosexuality. I say, the racists are the intolerant homosexuals who can give a damn about how others feel, only themselves, only their agenda.

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Michael, you wrote, "Teachers and students should be allowed to pray together, why do you want a teacher leading the entire class in a prayer?" Answers include:

* it worked for hundreds of years
* it clears the minds and emotions for the learning to follow
* it instills respect at a time when it is needed
* it offers the opportunity to pray for a classmate in need
* the teacher and students want to do it, and it builds collegiality
* there is no legitimate reason to censor it (hatred of religion is not a legitimate reason)

Do I need to list more reasons?

[Some students may not be religious.]

So what? Often the entire class does welcome the prayer without any objection. And in the rare case there is someone who objects, surely you don't think one person can censor everyone else just by saying he doesn't like something.

Conservapedia #racist conservapedia.com

The Warren Court was prominent for engaging in judicial activism or, in a stronger version of the term, judicial supremacy. The judicial supremacy of the Warren Court claimed that segregation was not constitutional in the case Brown v. Board of Education and so therefore unilaterally destroyed an institution that was an integral part of society and widely supported in the areas where segregation was legal. The Warren Court imposed its political opinions, forcing schools to become desegregated. This action caused minorities in the United States, specifically African-Americans, to be legally equal with white Americans. This type of judicial supremacy is typical of liberal courts trying to give every person in the United States their rights and liberties guaranteed in the constitution. If the Warren Court had practiced Judicial Restraint, they would have seen that the U.S. constitution and its amendments do not specifically state any requirements regarding education, therefore, the supreme court has no official powers over the states' ability to regulate and maintain their respective educational services. African-Americans were not denied access to public education and so therefore the ruling by the Warren Court is judicial supremacy at its worst.

Andrew Schafly #fundie conservapedia.com

To me, the Gospel of John was vandalized by the liberal adulteress story, which is used today to oppose the death penalty, make light of promiscuity, downplay Hell, and undermine Christian teaching about tasking for and receiving forgiveness. The story pretends to be an eyewitness account, but was added long after all the eyewitnesses had died. No big deal: I'd do the Lord's work by "reverting" the vandalism.

BryonRichards #fundie conservapedia.com

[Didn't see this on the main page, but it looks like Senator Kennedy may have suffered a stroke. May our prayers be with him and his family.]

As much damage as he's done to this country, you'll forgive me if I don't pray too hard.

Conservapedia users #fundie conservapedia.com

[On Conservapedia's page on the Westoboro Baptist Church, they used to be described as 'liberal leftist Democrats'...]

Phelps wouldn't be that bad if he only protesting homosexuality, its his disrespect of American troops that makes me mad. - Konservativekanadian


Of course they're liberal. They hate America. They say "God Hates America". Who cares if they also say that God hates fags? Who cares if they're also doing God's work by picketing fag churches? Hatred of America is liberal, period. The admins were right to lock the page. You seem to forget that children are reading this site, and they might be confused if we give then too much conflicting information. - MissAmerica

Philip J. Rayment #fundie conservapedia.com

(when asked how Christians know that the Bible is definite truth)

What makes you think that we "assume" that the Bible is definite truth? We believe it for many good reasons, and this is not the place to detail all of those. But the Bible has been researched more than any other ancient book, and surviving manuscripts have been compared to see what, if any, changes have occurred. The Dead Sea Scrolls included copies of parts of the Old Testament considerably older than any other extant copies, and these showed that very little had changed (and nothing of significance). Further, we know that the Jews revered (what Christians call) the Old Testament so highly that they went to great lengths to ensure that new copies were identical to the documents they were copying. Not all the writers are known for certain, but we have confidence that the writings of Moses were indeed written by him, partly because Jesus (Who is God and does not make mistakes) referred to them as such.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Benefits of Abstinence

Peace of mind in your life and future relationships, and marriage.

More self-respect and more respect for each others and respected by other people.

Longer lasting relationship. Premarital sex surprisingly breaks up more dating couples than any other factor.

You don't have to put yourself under someone else's mercy not to reject you. It's still a fact, that the more "experienced" guys and girls are generally less desirable and less respected as dating or marriage partners.

Realize there is a 98 percent chance you will never marry the person you date in high school, so it is always better to keep yourself pure for the right person, that is your future wife or husband. [6]

It's a fact[5] that persons and couples who have premarital sex are more likely to have extramarital affairs as well.

unknown #fundie conservapedia.com

Liberals refuse to allow even the possibility of certain conservative views, and this reflects a liberal close-mindedness that is not shared by conservatives. Liberals categorically declare something to be impossible, such as changes in the laws of physics over time

Nathan #fundie conservapedia.com

I took my family to see Expelled last night, and I was surprised at how liberal and obscene it was. They don't mention anything about how Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and they include secular music from "The Killers" (how could you allow a band with that name to be included in a Christian movie?) and John Lennon. I thought I would not have to cover my kids eyes and ears for once in a movie theater, but I was proved wrong with this one. I guess the next time a documentary comes out exposing the evil of evolution, I will stay home with my family and watch Passion of the Christ instead. At least that movie has a strong Christian message.

MargeryCampbell #fundie conservapedia.com

Despite my best efforts to convince him, my husband has forbidden me from contributing anything at all to this project.
Not only has he made it clear to me that I'm not to add any more content to this encyclopedia he wants me to delete the sum of the edits I have made thus far.
I told him that once the edits are made I had no control or rights to have the edits rescinded. He accused me of not being willing to submit to his authority as the head of our household...after much prayer and soul searching I came to the same conclusion.
While it breaks my heart, I must ask that the entirty of I Samuel be deleted.

I sincerely pray for this wonderful project, I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to continue using this blessed venue to unceaselessly proclaim the Truth and to fight the forces of evil that subvert the righteousness that (once) made America great. It is only with God that our country can ever have a chance to reclaim the souls of our children.

Blessings upon you all and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Here is a growing list of logical contradictions in atheism:
atheists say they do not believe that any God or equivalent deity exists, but then are often hostile to Christians, as in censoring classroom prayer even when everyone wants to participate.
Atheists often feel that they are well qualified to comment on school curricula, in effect advising others how to raise their children, while refusing to admit that others are more qualified to tell atheists how to raise their own children with regards to religion.
(add more)

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

The Center for Disease Control says 25% of American teen girls has a sexually transmitted disease: [20] But 0% of those who practice abstinence are affected.*

[Then, in small type:]
*—not counting a very small number who acquire such diseases in other ways.

Article by Aschlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheistic denial is the tendency of atheists to deny obvious truths, such as:
1. the existence of love beyond chemical reactions in the brain
2. the far greater achievements of Christian scientists compared to atheistic scientists
3. how atheism is the ideology of public schools
4. how many atheists ultimately go insane or commit suicide
5. how materialism fails to explain basic phenomena, such as bird migration

jp #homophobia conservapedia.com

If you told me that liberal teaching promotes homosexuality, I would have to say hell yes it does. Not only does it promote but encourage such thoughts. Animals do it? WTF? So it is ok for humans? Boy, America is so messed up.*** Thousands upon thousands of years, homosexuals were looked at as deranged individuals. Now, our generation is so smart, smirk. Eventually, the homosexual movement will die out without reproduction. But at the same time, we must not let our youth be indoctrinated to this evil.

BornAgainBrit #fundie conservapedia.com

Religion? No, lets make this quite clear: Not all religions are equal. Christianity should play a large role in modern society, as God intended, for it is the Truth. But the abomination of Islam should be wiped out, destroyed by force if nessicessary - both for its constantly earthly attrocities and oppressions, and for leading people from Christ and thus damning them eternally. To speak of 'religion' lumps all religions together. Christianity is good, everything else is bad, and any christian who doesn't realise this just hasn't yet realised that by the fundamental tennants of Christianity they are allowing people to literially go to hell in the name of freedom.

ChrisWa #fundie conservapedia.com

First and foremost, the Holy Bible clearly states that "man shall not lie with man as he lies with woman" and declares that Homosexual offenders should be put to death. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and His commands must be kept. However, I do not think that todays government would be able to keep them all as it would be impractical. I do think that the government should and is capable of passing at least some legislation to protect us from the negative effects of the homosexual agenda and lifestyle, and I think that at the very least that reparative therapy should be mandatory.

Conservateur #racist conservapedia.com

[Refering to colonization of the Americas]

Yes, it was definitely good for the natives. Look at how they lived before Europeans came to America. They lived in tepees and were practically naked all the time. Wouldn't you want help if you were in that situation? Thanks to our colonial ancestors, native people now have a much higher quality of life due to casinos, yet are still able to maintain some of their old ways on their reservations. It is the duty of civilized peoples to raise their inferiors up from savagery. Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden" comes to mind:

Conservapedia (main page) #fundie conservapedia.com

(Note the automatic assumption, despite the admitted lack of evidence.)

Think atheistic, elite professors should have more power? A tenured Ivy League professor just admitted that he killed his wife, and then falsely made it look like a burglary. The article did not disclose his religious views, but did say he will receive a light prison sentence "of no more than seven years" for his crime.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Wikipedia has a lengthy entry on "Jesus H. Christ," a term that is an idiotic mockery of the Christian faith. Wikipedia calls the term "often humorous," "joking" and "comedic", and relishes in repeating disrespectful uses of the term, without admitting that the phrase is an anti-Christian mockery. Meanwhile, Wikipedia does not describe mockery of any other religion as "humorous".

Conservapedia statistics #wingnut #homophobia conservapedia.com

Most viewed pages on Conservapedia

1. Main Page? [1,915,214]
2. Homosexuality? [1,585,600]
3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis? [517,492]
4. Homosexuality and Promiscuity? [421,262]
5. Gay Bowel Syndrome? [395,496]
6. Homosexuality and Parasites? [388,657]
7. Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence? [373,320]
8. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea? [331,726]
9. Homosexuality and Mental Health? [292,803]
10. Homosexual Agenda? [270,889]

Unknown #fundie conservapedia.com

For example, if we have survival of the fittest, then there would only be one specie left. This would have to be a plant, because all animals eat plants, and so to have an animal left would mean at plant would have to be left, and that means two species. Furthermore, it would not only have to be one specie of plant left, but if it's truly survival of the species, only one individual plant.

Roopilots6 #fundie conservapedia.com

Today is: 17 Av 5767
That is 5,767 years since the first man, Adam, first walked the earth. Not everyone holds the non-theistic religious belief of the earth being millions of years old. With modern scientific evidence increasingly supporting the factuality of a young earth, Gods Word is becoming more relevant in todays world. Every year something is found that scientifically proves the validity and accuracy of His word. Archeology continues to find evidence that backs up events written about in the Bible. Yet the world has rejected God as well as those He has chosen to be His people. It isn't dificult to see how tenaciously the world clings to a failed belief system that requires its adherents to believe in the evolutionary time table of millions of years. Simple reverse psychology applies perfectly here. If Genesis had described evolution then we would all be learning the young earth theory in every public schools and colleges. The unatural hatred towards Israel and Christian America proves how the natural man has gone in every direction except towards his own Creator God.

Boru & Steven45 #fundie conservapedia.com

Boru: "This is typical of Liberal Deceit. JK Rowling, a supporter of the international homosexual conspiracy aims to indoctrinate young people into believing being gay is ok. Its a disgrace and I for one will boycott any shop selling the Harry Potter series."

Steven45: "That (boycotting) is what you should have been doing all along. Those books dabble heavily in witchcraft and pagan idolatry and should not be read by children or by adults who intend to uphold the sanctity of the 10 Commandments and serve our Lord."

Steven45 #fundie conservapedia.com

It's not that we don't deny global warming. We just don't feel that man is contributing significantly to global warming. Ultimately God is the one who controls just how warm it's going to get. If God in his infinite wisdom has justification for global warming than man should not attempt to alter his almighty plan. God has created every man, animal and flower on this planet and if (like the dinosaurs from 8000 B.C.) he sees a reason to remove them, we should not question his divine authority.

RightWolf2 #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

["The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 326 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean God doesn't love heterosexuals--He just thinks they need more supervision"]

I'm sorry, but you are flat wrong. There are over 30 admonishments against homosexuality in the Bible. God specifically states he hates homosexuals and has given them up as servants of the devil. There are 132 passages in the bible where specifcally states he HATES either a person or group of people. God does not love everyone, and he says as much in his word. I know you have heard this soul destroying lie from many people claiming to teach God's word. It simply is not true. RightWolf2 12:58, 19 March 2007 (EDT)

RightWolf2 #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

Teaching God's word that homosexuals are sinful and militant is not hate speech, but free speech. God's teachings of homosexuality indicate that throughout history, homosexuals have continuously been savage aggressors -- with an agenda. The story of Sodom is particularly informative. It described the homosexual agenda of the ancient city of sodom in 1898 B.C. as forcible homosexual assault and enslavement by the homosexual inhabitants of the city to any men who visited the city. If you believe the bible is hate, then you can head over to Wikipedia and read the alternate viewpoint there. RightWolf2 02:32, 19 March 2007 (EDT)

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

It is sometimes asserted that if human bones aren’t found with dinosaur bones, then dinosaurs and man didn’t live together. Creation scientists point out that this is a false assumption; if human bones aren’t found buried with dinosaur bones, it simply means they weren't buried together.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

[On Pokemon]

Arguments made against the game by some conservative Christians included that it used the word "evolution", that some creatures in the game could be considered to look like un-Christian creatures (snakes, dragons), that any fictional creatures not within the scope God's real-world creation must have been created by the Devil, that supernatural abilities used by creatures in the game amount to witchcraft, and that the game's Japanese origins preclude a strong Christian influence. After an episode of the Pokemon cartoon where bright flashing colours caused epileptic seizures in a number of viewers, some fundamentalist Christians blamed the seizures on evil spirits (Luke 13:11).

conservapedia #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

Penn and Teller are a team of popular magicians who, in addition to having a successful Las Vegas show, produce and star in a television program, whose name is too vulgar to be ethically reproduced here, dedicated to subtly propagating the homosexual agenda. Penn and Teller are themselves obvious homosexuals, and their message is invariably immoral and anti-American, emphasizing sexual perversion and liberal propaganda.

Unknown editor #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheism and Immoral Views

The Barna Group also found that atheists/agnostics in America were more likely, than theists in America, to look upon the following behaviors as morally acceptable: illegal drug use; excessive drinking; sexual relationships outside of marriage; abortion; cohabitating with someone of opposite sex outside of marriage; obscene language; gambling; pornography and obscene sexual behavior; engaging in homosexuality/bisexuality.

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