
Dusti Dena Street #fundie facebook.com

The thought came to me this morning; The NFL kneelers brought out our nations Patriotism. I thought how wonderful it would be if Believers got as outraged about our Christian rights being taken away from us. It is past time for us to stand up to hate and evil. We MUST stand up for our beliefs. Our children are being taught EVIL things in schools. Children getting in trouble for speaking God's name. No! We will fight FOR our Lord! We cannot give into evil any longer!

Be BOLD! We must stand together as the Body of Christ!

Ken Oser #sexist facebook.com

Now the Boy Scouts admit girls.
That doesn't make sense does it, don't the girls have their own thing?
It makes perfect sense to me. The male organizations are always attacked and eventually can't restrict anyone from joining.
That doesn't happen with any female organizations

Chasity Gaines #fundie facebook.com

The Christians who were to have the power of the holy spirit failed the queer community deeply. Father forgive them for not fighting this death using the holy spirit, Jesus they have dead churches and Satan doctrine. JESUS forgive the church for grieving the holy spirit to this level. Forgive them for not remembering if they didn't put demons under their authority with you they would be free to murder massive amounts of people using this sickness.

Queer COMMUNITY please forgive the church for allowing Satan to cause them to forget to call Jesus to heal your illness, forgive them they were blind to their power to end the possession of these demons. The blood of the saint's is a price they must bare and ask for forgiveness fully and deeply. The queer community wouldn't be this far in death if the church had remembered God and his real true power.

All queers in 3 years time can be fully renewed from these demons but who fights those for them? Forgive the Christian for not knowing Eph 6:12 and hating you a child of God, made in his image and in his love. In Jesus name we command demons and illness away and all queers need this doctor. Lord please forgive us!!!

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com


It's an ill picture - but catch the message in it!

Have you been sleeping with demons - and don't even know it? If you've ever joined your body in sexual covenant with someone who has demons in them, technically speaking you not only made a covenant with that other person's body: you also entered into covenant with the demons they're harboring too.

Sex is one of the main ways that spirits get transferred from one person to the next. This is one of the many reasons why the Bible warns us to avoid sex out of wedlock. God isn't trying to prevent you from having fun. He's trying to prevent you from catching other peoples demons!

What do you do if you have indeed had sex with someone who had evil spirits inside of them?

And to be clear: if you've slept with hookers, prostitutes, bisexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, strippers - or if you've been sexually promiscuous with many people throughout your adult life - you have undoubtedly been exposed to someone else's demons.

Now what do you do? What are the effects? What are the signs? Have any lasting attachments been created that will allow those demons to come and go as they please? More importantly: how do you erase the past and move forward towards a safer and brighter future?

That's the very reason why I wrote several ebooks: to provide you with the information and education you need to avoid the traps and temptations of that come with having sex outside of the safety of a biblical marriage covenant.

Jesus told us to pray 'lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. That timeless prayer is just as valid and important today as ever. Let the Lord help you to avoid temptation today.

Download all 8 of my ebooks right now. I'm running a special only for today that will allow you to get all 8 for the price of just one! That's unprecedented; something NO author ever does. But I'm doing it for you today because I want you to own and have access to this powerful information.

My material deals directly with this topic, from multiple angles; giving you a well-rounded view that will empower you in every possible way.

So get this right now: and be empowered by God to fight off temptation and avoid demonic entanglements that destroys lives and kills destinies. God bless.

Mack Major #fundie #transphobia #mammon facebook.com

It's really come down to this...

Meet Playboy's newest playmate: Ines Rau. That's "Mr" Ines Rau to you though. No it's not a typo: this 'she' is actually a 'he.'

I've been warning you endlessly on this page for the past few years, getting you prepared for what Satan had coming down the pipeline. Many of you thought I was crazy, extra, or gone off on the deep end. I'm not crazy: I've just been spending time in the wilderness alone with the Lord gaining godly insight!

And now it's here in all of its disgusting shame. This - transsexualism, which is really homosexuality - is the end result of all unbridled lust.

And if you don't get your own lust in check, you'll end up running through one of these he/she's sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Some of you reading this are already caught up.

In fact, you're already prepped for it. Why do you think porn promotes so much anal and oral sex??? Whose idea do you think that was anyway?

This is where it was always going to go. They just had to slowly initiate you into the lifestyle, one porn lust and masturbation stroke at a time. Now the time has come for the full-court press: so I hope you're ready!

I'm telling you: you really NEED my ebooks! Why do you think I wrote them? God showed me what's coming: and this is just the tip of it (no pun intended).

What God has shown me I've placed in my ebooks to help you be prepared and ready too. They will prepare you by inoculating you against the coming demonic virus that's about to sweep the world; that has in fact already begun.

If you're still a slave to unbridled lust, can't stop masturbating and fornicating, and can't get your thought life under control because your mind has been poisoned with so much sexual garbage - get the ebooks and start cleansing yourself while you still can. Before it's too late!

We've entered into a new phase of demonic activity that many simply won't be able to escape from in the days ahead.

If you're not already covered by the Blood of Jesus and honoring God by living a lifestyle of absolute dedication and holiness, you won't be able to withstand what Satan has coming your way. You're going to fold under pressure and be lost.

You've been warned! So don't let it happen to you!

"Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

Carl Adamczak #fundie facebook.com

We knew it was a slippery slope when they let open homosexuals in the military, it wasn’t about equal rights, it was about forcing people to accept and promote their disgusting lifestyles of engaging in lewd acts of sodomy.

Stanley Bridges #fundie facebook.com

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; Congress has made plenty of laws respecting secular humanism. They have also made laws limiting free exercise of an actual religion, Christianity. Congress is in violation of the constitution that governs them.

Asar'el Ben Israel #fundie facebook.com

You so called white people done a horrible job controlling the earth. Your not fit for rulership. When the Israelites come into to power we gone show you how it's done. And we're going to rule over your red ass with a iron fist

Holly Oldham #fundie facebook.com

Do these people even realize that the foundation of our government and legal system, including the creation of our constitution, was created by our founding fathers, most of who were Christian? They’d be mourning from their graves if they could see the chaos and escalating depravity of our society. Our culture celebrates wickedness and abhors purity. It’s sickening.

Luke Black #fundie facebook.com

(This person is talking about when the Chicago Dyke March threw people who had the Star of David flag out of their parade, saying it made people uncomfortable.)

Because religion is an aggressor to the LGBT community, if you're religious and you want to come to pride thats fine, but dont come waving the flags that represent the core roots of our problems.

Chris Wood #racist facebook.com

1210ad, jews were expelled from britain by Edward I for a)clipping coins, stealing basically, that is why we have a serated edge on our coins. b) cruxifying 12 year old christian boys on passover, they killed the son of an aristocrat, it was at that point the king stepped in and they were given until Nov 30th to leave or be executed.

TRUE HISTORY. The attack on the USS Liberty, google it. Declaring war on Germany in 1933, 6 years before the start of the second world war. google it. There are many more examples.......

?Arman Amani #conspiracy facebook.com

Saudis are the puppets of Zionists -- They are the shame of humanity -- The most barbaric regime on the surface of the world BUT -- The best ally of US and UK -- The best buyer of UK arm with the help of which Saudis massacre innocent Yemenis.

Sherry Spiller #conspiracy facebook.com

What they hate is that we are the aboriginal and indigenous people of this continent. We are the heirs to the largest ancestral estate and inheritance on the planet. North, South, Central America, Atlantis islands make up our ancestral estate and inheritance. THAT is why they are killing us. That is why they made it illegal for us to get an education. There is a reason why they have branded us as negro,black and colored. We are the direct descendants of the ancient moors. We are nobles and royalty. It is an inheritance that can not be transferred, bought or sold. The only way they could take it was to enslave the nobles separate them from their children. Then through several generations of telling children they are niggers and black then bring in some Africans from the continent and tell the children they came on boats. The purpose was to legally and mentally disconnect us from knowledge of our estate. They declared themselves trustee and continue to oppress us while they destroy the world and rob us blind.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

In an overly-sensualized culture it can be increasingly difficult to live a clean authentic Christian life.

Avoiding sexual temptation is a virtual impossibility these days, as dressing seductively has become the new norm, sex while dating is expected, and having multiple sexual partners is seen as a healthy alternative to long-term commitment in marriage: including among many Christians.

Even a trip to church on a Sunday can lead to massive amounts of repentance! What does one do when they desire to live right, but so much temptation abounds? Is there a way to break the cycle of temptation - and what is God's prescription for doing so successfully?

My ebook "Diva Goddess Queen: Breaking the Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons" will answer those questions for you...and more. This ebook is for men and women, and covers deep topics for the mature Christian audience such as:

* What are soul ties? How are they formed? And more importantly: how can they be broken?

* How your family ties and upbringing may have programmed you for promiscuity and relationship failure.

* The demonic portal that gets opened when we have sex outside of wedlock - and how to close that portal.

* How secular music, love songs, the 'quiet storm' and other sounds of today's culture are the soundtrack to sin that keep us bound to sexual sins and dysfunction in our relationships...and how to break that connection for good.

* How attending the wrong church can lead you deeper into sin instead of empowering you to overcome it.

* How masturbation can lead to serious spiritual problems; what those problems are and how to fix those problems immediately
...plus so much more.

God doesn't want us to be slaves to our sensual passions. He wants us to reign over our bodies, which glorifies Him as we serve Him. Download this powerful ebook right now! https://www.edendecoded.com/books/dgq1

Z ro #sexist facebook.com


Jennife Tempest #fundie facebook.com

Those players don't look like they're being forced into anything. If there were more prayer in schools there would be more unity and possibly less bullying.

Screw the atheists. Public or not, schools need to promote prayer. Prayer, not politics is why we kneel...pro-sports could learn a thing or two from this.

Jim McRae #fundie facebook.com

As far as I know, Atheism is a recognized religion in the U.S. So one religion doesn't like the idea another religion gets people together and exercise their constitution rights to gather together and pray.

A definition of Atheism says they don't acknowledge the existence of a God. They know it exists but don't want to acknowledge it exists. Sounds like they have a God in their beliefs that they live by.

Annette Margaret Blanco #fundie facebook.com

I'm seeing that Atheism is becoming a religion and that the horoscope magazines are teaching that the Bible was written to "make people submit" philosophy...

Thus, they are taking prayer to new heights of criticism and judgement: taking people to court!

so as Christians we need to bind this activity of atheism in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. And beware of them.

Elaine Black Marshall #fundie facebook.com

[The incident with Dylan Roof] was a sad day no matter what color. This wasn't an act of the confederacy and we shouldn't be blamed. Blame yourselves BLM, Dylann Roof snapped due to your rioting and bullying after Scott shooting. You are to blame BLM, the pastor/senator had just spoken at the BLM rally. Rioting isn't the answer, it's wrong in your behavior and you know it. It's all vengence and you should be ashamed of yourselves, you're causing a divided and distrust and that shouldn't be, we should care for all American no matter what color. God bless Dixie and America, you both are under attack

Pat Mantilla #fundie facebook.com

What are they going to investigate, that the coach tries to unite players in something that’s good for them players morally and spiritually ??

These Atheist group I just showing their rebellion against God by trying to keep people from acknowledging God in public, it just gnaws at their rebellion to the point they can’t stand it.

They can try to silence Christians but they can’t stop God’s plan.

Mosiah Rahari #conspiracy facebook.com

there is actually archeological and genetic proof of east african and west African remains that were here far before Natives or Europeans. You can't honestly believe 2-4000 Europeans and 16 ships brought 10 million Africans... Don't believe everything you've been taught in your white history book. Research history and genealogy yourself.

Stuart Wragg #fundie facebook.com

The agenda of the atheist group is what? Of course supporters and so called atheist will quote the state versus Church issue but seriously? Is this so serious as to disrupt what is good?....of course it is not....and we all know that...even the atheists know that.....they simply want to disrupt God....why? Because their master tells them to do so....sad to be so nasty and even sadder to justify nastiness with by calling it righteousness....

Rick Levatino #fundie facebook.com

This should warrant an investigation into the atheist trying to take the freedom of religion from the Christians. Why should the atheist care what others believe because they claim to not believe in anything. Could it be the atheist deep inside know God exist?

Robert Norbert Timpko Jr #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Funny thing is that some people think this is actually unconstitutional. I don't think they have ever read the Constitution. It isn't. Coaches have been doing this for years and still do all across the nation. But I guess when you tell a lie enough, people will start to believe it. Do you really think our founders would have put into the Constitution a law against what the vast majority of people were doing at the time?

Prayer was in schools, in government, basically every where. Even our rights are designated as being given by God, not man. So that no man has the right to take them away. The only reason the ACLU even wins these fights is because schools don't have the money to fight them in court. But thankfully our Justice Department is starting to take a stand for our bill of rights and starting to support it as government should! If there ever was an example of the wealthy elite taking advantage of the poor, it's the ACLU and it's bogus battle against our public school systems.

Asar'el Ben Israel #conspiracy facebook.com

Don't be surprised when you see more and more of these so Called terrorist attacks happen that the elites are behind in Order to bring in their new world Order. People don't really know how diabolical the white man is. Like revelation 12:12 say, the devil has come down upon you having great wrath cause he know he has but a short time.

Ken Shreve #fundie facebook.com

Folks this is the very reason we have the problems that we have, because they always want to distance us from what this true America is. It is and always will be a Christian Nation.

Christianity was the foundation for a lot of ground work that made this country great and now we have to fight tooth and nail to get it back. Thank God we now have a leader that realizes this.

UK Korean Friendship Association #fundie facebook.com

So the pathetic Chinese authorities are crawling to the Americans and have decided to close down DPRK businesses in China ! Shame on them ! However , they will fail. The DPRK does not need joint -ventures ! Long live Juche ! Long live self-development first ! Long live self-reliance !

Matt Weiler #conspiracy facebook.com

he also may have been setup.. powers that be are pushing for a civil war. An ex cia guy predicted a mass shooting over the next few weeks two days ago on a radio show i listen too.. there may be another mass shooting in the next month framed as a right winger.

Some sources close to the investigation said there was antifa literature in the hotel room. MSM won't touch it.. CIA does operations like this in countries all over the world. Look up operation Gladio in Italy.. all declassified

Melinda Horn Robinson #fundie facebook.com

So , how is acceptable ? The atheist want all crosses and Christian symbols take down , yet they are allowed to errecct one ? Not sure how this is supposed to be right ? Then agan , we are in a major spiritual warfare .... Keep praying fellow Christiaanss !

Patti Leutschaft #fundie facebook.com

Soooo... Let me get this straight. Christians have been forced to remove crosses, statues, and stone monuments from the public eye. Because it's offensive to others who are nonbelievers, but, this dude can erect signs promoting Satan. And attacking children with it to boot. God will have His way, one way or the other. That dude can put up all the signs he wants, but in the end God has already won.

Alan Brown #fundie facebook.com

(Just one of many comments from this guy comparing progressive Christians to Nazi's; see full thread in link).

Vulgur Robert Hood Pace your rather excessive scepticism, I do think as a rule of thumb if you see something it doesn't exist ??

I have no doubt that "progressive christians" convince themselves and eachother that they "model their politics on the teachings of Jesus". The question is whether in fact this is what they really do. And two immediate reasons to think this is not what they do.

Firstly, Jesus did not announce a specific political programme; rather he announced the Kingdom of God. It's been a long time since Albert Schweitzer showed the utter futility of attempts to present Jesus as the founder of a political movement. I know you're bald, but you're not so old that you don't belong in the nineteenth century.

Secondly, the political views of "progressive christians" are manifestly derivative of the views of secular progressive ideology. Whether it's abortion, Obamacare, gun control or attitudes to the LGBT, "progressive Christians" simply reinterpret Christianity to fit the parameters of secular progressivism, as represented by mainstream Hollywood media, rather than try to pin your beliefs on Jesus, your position would be more plausible if you claimed to derive your religion from Morgan Freeman.

And it is with regard to this second aspect of your "progressive Christianity" possesses a decisive affinity to the German Christians of the 1930's. Each of you committed in principality to a political ideology, and each of you reinterprates the Christian religion to fit that optical ideology. Of course there are differences between with respect to your policies (the Nazi's happily killed Jews, today's progressives happily kill babies, etc); but these attitudes don't affect the fact that the fundamental attitude is one of reinterpreting Christianity to fit the parameters of a political ideology. THAT is where your position is isomorphic to that of the German Christians. And THAT is the point at which, for all your vulgarity and prevarication, you have no counterargument.

Alan Brown #fundie facebook.com

(A comment on the Nashville Statment of LGBT exclusion).

The Nashville Statment is almost perfectly balanced. A fine intervention on the current situation. It's such a joy to see evangelicals speaking the truth in love and shows maybe there is still a real possibility of a real eucmenism of truth in the dialogue of lies which we find so often in the WCC.

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