
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

@AthenasWrench #quack #transphobia gettr.com

Nude men and women are okay, but protesting the still remaining vax mandates is wrong and should be punished. There are two worlds now. The fake left - pro big corp, pro mandates, pro lockdowns, pro kink and pro transing children. Then the others. The sane and the rational. When giant mega corps are talking about inclusion and diversity they mean uniformity of thought and they won’t be doing a single thing to fix anything. Maybe a flag or two for theatre. The left has been hijacked by woke morons and self
serving corps.


Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

The Lily Wave frequency is known as the madness frequency
The Los Angeles Riots was the first open test
And Operation Mist in Rwanda was a more heightened campaign

The Lily Wave is a biphasic electric pulse
Which induces an angry and violent mass response

It stimulates neurons to resonate in certain controlled brainwave patterns
And causes the bodys electrons and water molecules to vibrate at that frequency also

Iron will migrate to the brain and induce unconsciousness
And the glucose sucrose and fructose sugar crystals will release an electric charge
Known as bioluminescence

Nicotine is a super blood sugar regulator

The manipulation of brain waves via frequencies can be accomplished
Through emanations from cell phones TV screens and computer monitors

This is like the antifreeze they sneak into the ice cream at McDonalds
In order to avoid it you have to be aware of it

What you express is what you experience
Now is the time to make sure your reality emanates from a positiveness
And that you actualize goodness and kindness into the eternal

Abide in the feeling of being complete whole and fulfilled

We are under attack by soulless men
And there is no way to satisfy a psychopath
We have a hidden enemy engaged with us in a silent war

Awaken to your true power
And go beyond the illusion!

@AthenasWrench #quack gettr.com

There is no need for any “vaccine” for an illness with an over 99% recovery rate. The average age of death is mid 80s with a few other severe underlying health issues on average. Certainly no need for any mandates (vax or masks). It’s all theatre. Do you ever hear them speaking about taking vitamins, losing weight etc? Never. No early treatment either. Why do you think that is? Stop complying. The more people comply the worse it gets for all of us.

Glenn Beck and other Conspiracy Theorists #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #quack #wingnut independent.co.uk

Conservative conspiracy theorists are apparently convinced that an upcoming emergency broadcast is going to turn everyone with a Covid-19 vaccine into zombies.

According to a few "theories" floating around on social media, the EAS system will supposedly trigger something in the Covid-19 vaccines — maybe "nanoparticles" according to one believer — to nefarious ends. Many of the posts and videos spreading fear about the call claim it will activate graphene oxide in the Covid-19 vaccine. The only problem being that graphene oxide is not in the Covid-19 vaccines.

The "what" of the conspiracy is what seems to be most in discussion. Some have theorised that it will awaken a dormant Marbug virus in the vaccinated, leaving them to suffer with Ebola like symptoms before it "sadly turn[s] some of them into zombies."

Like any good post-2020 conspiracy theory, the EAS conspiracies incorporate a bunch of other popular theories to maximize its potential adoption.

The same woman who predicted zombies were coming noted that the EAS test would be conducted using "5G," which — along with the Covid-19 vaccine — has long served as a boogeyman in conspiracy circles.

Some users have suggested wrapping their phones in tin foil — a conspiracy classic — or hiding them in microwaves or faraday cages ahead of the test. One Reddit user even claimed his landlord sent out a complex-wide message informing his tenants that he planned to shut power off to the entire building for three hours in the middle of a work day to protect against any adverse effects.

In right-wing media personality Glenn Beck's world, the call actually won't interact with the Covid-19 vaccines at all, but instead suggests that global nuclear war is imminent.

"FEMA is conducting a nationwide emergency alert system test on Wednesday. Russia is also conducting emergency tests this week to prepare for nuclear blasts," Mr Beck said. "That’s JUST a coincidence though, right? Nothing to worry about, right???"

What Mr Beck failed to mention is that federal law mandates the EAS must be tested once every three years. The last test was on 11 August, 2021, so the test seems unlikely to be a novel event that was cooked up in response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine.

Skyler “Sky Life” Cowans, Isis Indriya & cult, Melanie Kirchdorfer #magick #quack #ufo patreon.com

(Submitter’s note: re-arranged into chronological order)
Ancient Egyptian Magick, Oracle Divination & Feminine Leadership with Isis Indriya

Isis Indriya is the creator of the "Academy of the Oracle Arts," an original mystery school that honors ancient Egyptian magick practices....

The Oracle Divination Board with Isis Indriya

The Oracle Divination Board is a divination technology that came to Isis Indriya in a dream and a vision....

Ritual with Isis Indriya at the Mesa Altar

This is the extended version of our ritual at the Mesa Altar with Isis Indriya and her clan....


My Parasite Cleanse

I got sick upon returning from Mexico and had to do a parasite cleanse to get better. Here is what I did....


Messages from the Cosmic Cauldron

Here's a little message that came through while on a solo trip into Yellowstone National Park. Full video is being posted on YouTube tomorrow!

Melanie's Abduction Story

This is the extended interview with Melanie Kirchdorfer describing her alien abduction experiences....

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #quack gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Liberals literally believe that the world is on the brink of destruction, and the only way to save it is for men to have gay sex.

This belief has reached fanatical proportions, like the birth of a new religious crusade.

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race Liberals also believe that we need to flood our nations with unlimited niggers and other shitskins for some reason, otherwise we all be doomed. They are completely nuts.

( @LostinLibtardistan )
@Nature_and_Race most Libtards will now die of the vaccine and it is all covered up!

( @Shturmovik )
@Nature_and_Race Leftism is simply the destructive influences and effects of Jews cobbled together into an adoptable mental framework.

( @YellowFever666 )
@Nature_and_Race In a way, they're right. It IS on the brink of destruction. And the only way to save it is for liberals to stop breeding and polluting the gene pool.

( @mfrazer17 )
@Nature_and_Race They are scared. The most "dangerous" people to these degenerates are strong people with sound morals

( @davidsonty )
@Nature_and_Race And your Government just backed them up with this new bill (same sex marriage) that congress just passed and pedo Joe is about to sign into law. Think of that? A lawless unelected treasonous piece of shit being able to sign shit into law? Pedo/gay shit.

( @HeroicSpud )
“If only white people didn’t hate, we would have world peace. Everything is white men’s fault.”

“Also Qatar is literally Hitler for not letting fags be fags in public. Also, it’s just their culture when Muslims rape and murder minors. Also, maybe 2% of the population may run 96% of the media outlets in charge of controlling and promoting specific agendas, mainly anti-white rhetoric, but if you notice and say anything it’s literally the Holocaust again.”


Walter Gelles #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

The US/NATO War Against Russia

Depleted uranium (DU)
from the USA and EU—
Satan’s gift which keeps on giving
to poison the unborn and the living.
Like landmines left behind in Vietnam,
DU is part of the US Empire’s plan
to destroy Russia, “rebuild” Ukraine.
The puppet Zelensky dare not complain.
Long-range missiles, long-range plans—
gifts from the US warmonger clan
to the tyrant-thug who’s wrecking his nation
and leading us to nuclear annihilation.
Z. used to be a porno comedian
banging his member against a keyboard.
Now he’s a swindler begging for grift
and even Congress is getting bored.
It’s the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse
except there’s no diplomacy
and Biden’s senility is getting worse
while Kamala Harris longs for his hearse.
This absurd war is an obscene crime
planned by Washington for a long time.
End this fiasco, you Congress cowards!
The Doomsday Clock’s at the midnight hour.

The Scamdemic Is Over

No more lockdowns.
No more masks.
No more vaccines.
Don’t even ask!
No more mandates.
The People win.
The tyrants lose.
Your Covid vaccines cause massive harm.
Stick them in Gates’s or Fauci’s arm
or Albert Bourla
or Stéphane Bancel…
Pfizer, Moderna

Weather Balloon

Climate change
is mighty strange.
It used to be called global warming
but there is no man-made global warming
so they gave it a brand-new name
yet it’s still the same—
the same gigantic globalist hoax
to rob and deceive gullible folks.
If you question the fraudulent liars
they call you a “climate denier.”

The crooks who brought you the Covid scamdemic
are the same crooks behind the climate change scam.
At risk: Every child, woman, and man.
Resist the hucksters any way you can.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @Spence66 )
NO Shit!!!~


spoilerThe pandemic was fake.
The tests were fake. The
mask science was fake. The
social distancing was fake.
The vaccine science was
fake. The news was fake.
The CDC & FDA were fake.
The governments'
messaging was fake. The
elections were fake. Climate
science is fake. It's all fake.

( @wallace4trump )
@Spence66 the racism/slavery thing is also a major bs story. The media and academia are at the heart of all these fantastic lies. Its above freezing at the north pole for 5 months. Ice free summers happened in the not so distant past when the winds are right. Al gore didnt hit the jackpot but an almost ice free summer up there would have nothing to do with the rediculous man made climate theory. The north pole gets downright warm in july and august every year too. Fake racism fake climate fake medicine open borders are all about making the world into a liberal totalitarian nightmare of lies using massive psyops and disinformation to gain power money and most of all control. The only ancestral people not celebrated are the founding fathers and leaders who fought invented and made a tamed world only to be destroyed by feminism and a progressive police state based on manipulation of history and reality

( @Qfroglover1ofmany )
@Spence66 The 2020 "election" was fake. The midterms were fake. Our entire "government" is fake af.

( @Zeero )
@Spence66 The demonic gods (Democrats) who are running America have only one intention, destroy freedom! Imho

( @1638 )
And we said so from the start. Pray for those who resisted our warnings. Make America Godly Again.

( @karmakelli )
@Spence66 ● 9/11 was fake
● Moon landing was fake (Netherlands moon rock = petrified wood)
● Wall Street is fake (artificial manipulation)
● All cryptocurrencies are fake
● Media is fake
● Holohoax is fake
● JFK assassination was fake (LBJ? CIA? Mossad? Cuba?)
● History is fake (written and crafted by jews)

I look back and sadly realize everything in my 70-year lifetime has been artifice. Narrative over Reality. That's why people are going crazy in 2022, our lizard brains know we're being lied to.

We're seeing through the Matrix.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @MorpheusMAGA )

( @aprilmay5877 )
@MorpheusMAGA Its a bio weapon & they knew/know it. Thats why they exempt themsleves from the mandates. If it was some magic cure, we wouldn't even know about. They would keep it for themselves. Kind of like ivermectin. 😒

@aprilmay5877 @MorpheusMAGA Kinda like Med Bed technology developed & available for >100yrs but purposely kept from us little, unimportant ppl by the world’s evil ultra wealthy thieves🤔

( @Volcanic84 )
@MorpheusMAGA If you listen the Schwab, his evil side kick Harari and Bill Gates you would know for a fact the vaccines were always meant to be dangerous. I would wager that not a single person of wealth, status or in public office have received the actual vaccines.

( @Anatoly_Dyatlov )
@Volcanic84 @MorpheusMAGA

I recall Bill Gates saying that the vaccines could kill up to 700,000,000 people. But he justified it by claiming covid would kill more.

Of course we now know covid has a 99.98% survival rate.

Bill Gates is a demon.

( @Volcanic84 )
@MorpheusMAGA Duke University hospital is refusing to do a life saving kidney transplant on a 14 year old girl who already had covid because she won't take the death jab. These aren't hospitals or health institutes, they are radicalized indoctrination centers with the ability to decide who lives and who dies. I would be loath to ever want my child cared for there for any reason.

( @californiasailor )

( @DanHunt )
@MorpheusMAGA The deadly clot shots are not vaccines! They are experimental biological agents!

( @Michaelarchangelis )
@DanHunt @MorpheusMAGA they’re not even experimental. They are purposed biological modification agents. It is nano technology to turn the human body into controllable software. And that’s if you survive it being put into you.

( @Gizelle_234 )
@DanHunt @MorpheusMAGA meets the "biological weapons" definition==CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
The biggest thing to come out of the Twitter Targeting Hoax is that the Presidential Election was RIGGED - And that’s as big as it can get!!!

( @RagerD )
@realdonaldtrump go push some more poisonous injections bud.. you blew it.

( @IamofIam )
@RagerD @realdonaldtrump So just ignore the proof Elon just supplied that the election was stolen, because Trump didn't stop the vaccines? So its okay to steal elections as long as you agree with who its stolen from? Clowns

( @krobinet12 )
@realdonaldtrump False. The worst thing has been the suppression of information about your death jabs of which you have boasted about. Until you admit the operation was a roaring failure when it comes to preservation of health and life, you can go to Hell.

( @Dawnfreedom )
@realdonaldtrump time to re-elect president Trump !

( @wy0ming )
@Dawnfreedom @realdonaldtrump and get what exactly? Speed limit progressivism? Endless LEGAL immigration and slightly slowed down illegal immigration? Vaccines that give you heart problems? Pardoning of black rappers and israeli spies but allowing j6 protesters and ppl like Snowden and Assange to rot in jail? At least democrats are open about wanting to destroy America, Republicans have the same goals but pretend to be our allies.

( @Dawnfreedom )
@wy0ming @realdonaldtrump well...that depends on your interpretation of "progressivism" is.....the current policies would lead us to believe that limiting our right to self determination and basic freedoms would be part of that ...or that brain washing children into being unsure of their biological reality...or taking from society wealth that was hard won and giving to other parts that have neither strived for or Intend to try...big government and centralized global governance...ect ect ect...NO we the people do NOR veiw this as "progressivism" it's actualy regressivism"

( @wy0ming )
@Dawnfreedom @realdonaldtrump progressivism is basically movements and policies that destroy the fabric of western civilization (ie BLM, cultural marxism/communism, Lgbtqxyz+, feminism, etc), which the republican party (including trump), supports much of.

Tau Tia L Douglass #crackpot #magick #quack #conspiracy thetruthbehind.tv

Independence is being Gnostic. Originally, Gnostics simply called themselves, “Knowledge seekers” as Gnosis means Knowledge, the idea being, if Truth is ONE, then all Knowledge Seekers who GENUINELY seek the truth, should eventually end up at the same view, but by their own paths.

Rh Status & Pregnancy

Blood type analyse

I am using the term God and human, to differentiate between the spiritual leaders of old who created modern humans, and humans of today.

O Rh negative – Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare.

O Rh positive – Mixed, God and human. The most common blood of modern humans.
This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix.

A Rh negative – Mixed, God and human type 1. Very rare.

A Rh positive – Human type 1. Very common.

B Rh negative – Mixed, God and human type 2. Very rare.

B Rh positive – Human type 2. Very common.

AB Rh negative – Mixed, God, Human types 1 and 2. Very rare.

AB Rh positive – Mixed, Human types 1 and 2. Very rare.

All Europeans have some of the blood of the Gods, but the traits show up most in those with Rh negative blood. And just because you have say B positive blood, it does not mean that you don’t have some of the traits, because European type 1 & 2 humans would have done very well to not be mixed with some who did carry the genes, but because the Rh negative genes are recessive more people are born positive. To have pure O Rh negative blood it would mean your ancestors are also O Rh negative, which is why it is so rare, but higher percent of pure blood still survives in certain areas, and in some of the old royal families.

Clif High #ufo #magick #racist #quack #conspiracy #crackpot clifhigh.substack.com

In previous substack articles, I have provided some of my thinking on the discovery of hidden manuals on how to operate a ‘space alien mind-to-machine’ interface that I think was employed with humans in previous ages. Specifically back in the last, descending, Satya (Gold) Yuge (Age), or the Tretya Yuga (Silver Age) that followed it. Obviously, with the Khazarian Mafia continually censoring history for over 4000 years, we have a bit of difficulty determining dates.

In these past articles, I describe the discovery that the invading space aliens (Elohim/Annunaki/Devas/Theoae et al) were employing a ‘mind-to-machine’ interface device to power their technology, and civilization.
There are many things we have yet to discover about melanin, as the references attached to this article will indicate.

Melanin, according to the ancients’ view, is to bio-photons, what blood is to oxygen, and other gasses. And, just as with blood, melanin both circulates to deposit, and uptake bio-photons to the rest of the body, including the critical part of it all, our brains.

Without going into the vast amount of details possible, suffice it to say that melanin picks up light, both photonic light from sources external to the body, as well as bio-photonic light from inside the body. Each have separate, and individuated uses. Much of the sorting, and managing of the light is done in the brain via the complex of neural fibers that connect to the pineal gland.

It is one of my further conclusions that melanin will be affected by the galactic center emanations, if only because of the huge amount of suns located there. Presumably kicking up photonic activity, which produces bio-photonic activity. This provides the mechanism for the observed effects of the Yugas on humanity, and our history, and progress.
The Invaders clearly knew that our usefulness to them stemmed from our inherent psychic abilities arising from neuromelanin, and circulating melanin, as well as our pliable genetics.

Joe Salant #ableist #crackpot #fundie #quack vice.com

An evangelical pastor who briefly shot to fame in 2015 for recording a rap song in support of Sen. Ted Cruz is now selling industrial-strength bleach tablets to parents and has admitted that many of his customers are using the product to treat autism in their children.

Joe Salant, who grew up in an affluent New Jersey family, became a born-again Christian after coming out of drug rehab when he was in his early twenties, having spent six months in jail for drug possession. Recently, he has become part of the American Renewal Project, which aims to have a pastor from “every church in America” run for elected office by 2024. Salant preaches a Christian nationalist ideology that positions the church at the heart of all aspects of American society.

In his spare time he continues to release rap records with titles like “Human Sacrifices” and “Dies in Vain,” in which he raps about child trafficking.

In recent months he’s taken on a new role as the U.S representative for a company called Safrax, which markets chlorine dioxide tablets that are advertised on the company’s website as industrial products for odor removal, disinfection, and as cleaners for hot tubs and jacuzzis.

But over the phone, Salant said many people are using the treatments in an attempt to treat autism in children.

“Autism? Yeah, I mean it’s a common treatment,” Salant said, according to a recording of a phone call obtained by Ireland-based activist Fiona O’Leary and shared with VICE News. “We’re not allowed to recommend [our products] for it specifically but yeah, the protocols in the Andreas Kalcker book [which] we have on our website… it’s commonly used for that.”

A message on the Safrax website informs customers that there is a 2-4 week delay in sending out orders specifically due to overwhelming demand for the product as a result of the tablets being featured on the radio show of pseudoscience conspiracist Mike Adams. Salant claimed on the customer phone call that Safrax has no official relationship with Adams, but added that “we’re fans” of his show.

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( Lauren Witzke )
Absolute queen 👸

spoilerAnti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to
8,600 elderly patients with saltwater
instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE
from court in Germany

( @DCMiller )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Spielberg won't make a movie about this real Schindler.

( @CleftCrusty )
@LaurenWitzkeDE I just want to see the results from a cohort matched comparison with vaccinated. Someone has to make this happen.

( @Mugshotdffd )
@LaurenWitzkeDE give her a metal or 8,600 medals ! Respect

( @4tune )
@LaurenWitzkeDE good for her finally some one with the guts enough to push back she probably saved 8600 peoples lives

( @Gabion18 )
I read some of the comments on that story in the original article. Those idiots were thinking she should have been put away for serious time for "harming" people.

They should be thanking her for saving their lives.

(PS - what a great opportunity for an informal statistical comparison of after-jab mortality vs. no-jab mortality in population of old folks.)

( @USAjunak )
@LaurenWitzkeDE It was only discovered AFTER all the patients she injected did NOT die. Boy, you get in trouble for that in this Godless world.

Nstarzone #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #crackpot nstarzone.com

I've created this website to stand against these anti-Christian, anti-American gangsters, to give you a Christian survivalist based perspective on today's events.. Below is my ten point plan on what must be done to save this country, and end our enslavement to a foreign agenda.

1. Abolish the Federal Reserve immediately and permanently, then back our currency with gold and silver. All debt "owed" to the Federal Reserve would then be eliminated. The federal reserve bank is a private company. The fact is that the constitution forbids it's existence.
2. Abolish all unconstitutional gun control laws immediately and permanently. We must be free to defend ourselves without fear of an unconstitutional police state punishing us for protecting ourselves or our families. Abolish the property tax.
3. Throw the United Nations out of America, physically and politically. All U.S. funding and ties to this unconstitutional and corrupt organization would be permanently ended. This gang of communist sycophants could pass all the edicts they want to, but they will be of no effect.
5. From Pearl Harbor, to JFK, from Waco, to 9-11, expose all the coverups, lies, and outrages that have been committed by the shadow government, in the guise of the American government.
6. Build a 30 foot high concrete wall separating Mexico and the U.S. topped by electrified razor wire and lookout towers every mile.
7. Put an end to federal subsidies for housing and medical care.
9. Ban cell phones, cell towers and wi-fi. Anyone who has honestly investigated this knows that cell phones and wi-fi cause cancer. They use microwave bandwidth transmissions that pass easily through solid objects like buildings. Imagine what they do to living tissue! Also: Abolish the practice of water fluoridation in America.
10. Put an end to mandatory automobile insurance, mandatory health insurance, and all other state mandated intrusions into our privacy, and thefts of our money.

George Lujack #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #homophobia #transphobia newswithviews.com

With these words, “We will not comply,” from President Trump, every true American should be prepared for civil disobedience, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the civil rights movement. It’s time for Americans to speak out, and not be silenced with masks. It’s time for Americans to roll up their sleeves and fight, and not roll up their sleeves to get vaccinated. It’s time for civil disobedience and more, to fight the medical tyranny that the illegitimate Biden regime hopes to impose on Americans.

If and when the next round of communist-driven propaganda media blitz comes about, saying, “We can do this,” and “We’re all in this together,” it should be shouted down with “I can do what I want,” and “I’m taking care of myself.” The U.S. constitutional republic ensures the rights of the individual against the tyranny of the communist collective. There is no medical emergency exception.
Patriots, stop trying to reason with brain-dead immoral liberals, be it friends, family members, or strangers. How can you reason with people who think abortion is not murder, that homosexuality is natural, that Covid vaccines are safe and effective, that sex change operations are not mutilations, and that men can get pregnant? The Democrats impeached Trump twice for nothing and have criminally charged him with nothing. They are too far gone. Don’t waste a lot of your time doing this.
It is high time that Americans begin going on the offensive attack against the communist left in America. I, for one, have no intention of allowing my illegitimate Democrat-commie overlords to dictate to me when I can come out of my house, whether I can breathe air without a mask, and I certainly will not be allowing anyone on this planet to stick an artery-clogging vaccine shot in my veins.

Americans, it is time to follow the lead of our true, duly-elected, America-first President Donald J. Trump and his rallying call to civil disobedience, “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!”

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #quack amg-news.com

In a shocking turn of events, Europe is ablaze with EBS alerts as Romania, Germany, Italy, and now Spain implement the Emergency Broadcast System. With whispers of an impending Plandemic 2.0 and global military responses, the continent is gripped in uncertainty. This article dives deep into the reasons behind these activations, the potential for a period of darkness, and the pursuit of traitors and criminals. Buckle up, for we’re about to unravel the truth behind the EBS activations that have Europe and the world on high alert.
Could it be that Europe is bracing for an unprecedented natural disaster? The activation of EBS in multiple countries simultaneously suggests a degree of coordination that extends beyond the realm of typical weather-related alerts. While it’s essential to be prepared for such eventualities, many find it hard to believe that this is the sole reason behind the activations.

Another perspective points to potential security threats. Europe has been grappling with various challenges, including cyberattacks, terrorism, and geopolitical tensions. Some argue that the EBS activations could be a strategic move to ensure the safety of citizens in the face of an imminent threat. However, the lack of transparency and detailed information fuels skepticism.
The countdown to this unveiling is not just the climax of a conspiracy theory; it’s the climax of human history.

This is not a mere drill. It’s the dress rehearsal for a grand revelation. The cloak and dagger days are over; the time has come to be in the know, with precision and perfection. Such a monumental event requires an extensive test and review of every occurrence, activity, and implication. The complexity of revealing the truth on a national, let alone global scale, means that we must adhere to protocols and follow the guidelines to the letter.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus Chimera has been completely defeated, and is no more.
The main control network on the surface of the planet is now scalar monitoring network through cell phone 4G and 5G networks, and through wifi networks. These networks are far less reliable, as they can scan human activity with the resolution between 6 and 15 cm ( 2 to 6 inches), depending on the network used. This is the main control and surveillance tool the cabal still has in their hands.

The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with its subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental plane. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy's law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane:
Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. They were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 year ago to run the management and control of the surface population. Since the Chimera is now gone, the are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals, receiving guidance from him.
Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents are about 2000 people strong.

Below them are about 50,000 Draconians in cloned humanoid bodies which infiltrated the surface system since 1996 as politicians, businessmen, lawyers, doctors

Then there are about 400,000 members of the Illuminati network who are there willingly, and about 2 million members who were forced into it. This network is also called the brotherhood of death because someone needs to kill a human being to be initiated into it.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @ExCONservative )

( @cltholl )
@ExCONservative TRUMP was right Again and again.

( @syndicatespeaker )
@cltholl @ExCONservative The “father of the vaccine” Mr Warp speed was right… yeah, right beside his puppet masters the jews.

( @Nugget-tree )
@cltholl @ExCONservative Trump created and promotes the vaccine!

( @PizzaJohns )
@ExCONservative Covid doesn't exist. Diagnosing you with "covid" means they are trying to kill you now

( @KMFL )
@ExCONservative Nuremberg II is required!

( @Dems_Are_Thothian_Luciferians )
@ExCONservative Prosecute and hang all the covid mass murderers

( @Gizelle_234 )

( @Sheriff24 )
@ExCONservative And now that evil bitch Whitmer should face a tribunal for mass murder. I can only hope I’m around long enough to watch that cunt swing for what her and her dyke gnome skank Nessel did. Both need the platform!

Liberty #magick #quack #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

In the beginning was the WORD…

Sound is one of the purest forms of energy.

Sound inspires us, uplifts us, helps us communicate, express ourselves, and even heal on a deep level.

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that everything around you is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies?

Thanks to science, we know that the denser an object, the lower its vibration, and the lighter something, the higher its vibration.

Vibration also corresponds to emotions.

Up to - 396 Hz - turning sadness into joy and guilt into forgiveness.

Re - 417 Hz - eliminates negativity and subconscious blocks.

Mi - 528 Hz - stimulates love, restores balance.

Fa - 639 Hz - strengthens relationships, family and community unity.

Salt - 741 Hz - physically cleanses the body of all types of toxins.

La - 852 Hz - awakens intuition and helps you return to spiritual balance.

Each of the syllables describing the frequency of the solfeggio was taken from the first stanza of a medieval hymn to Saint John the Baptist.

Solfeggio frequencies have been reported to have been used in over 150 Gregorian chants and are believed to increase your vibration when listening.

Each tone of Solfeggio helps to peel away layers of negativity and energy blockage, helping you experience emotional and spiritual release!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Sound is central to creation.

Any object made of atoms vibrates, resonates and sings.

Our entire world is created from sound vibrations.
All music is only a weak, unconquered echo of the Name of the Creator.

Life is given to man in order to achieve self-knowledge and return to his Spiritual Home.

We can say that music is one of the Ways home.

All the star roads of the Universe create one Symphony.

Therefore, a wise person must carefully choose what he listens to.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @gatewaypundit )
International Blood Bank for the Unvaccinated has been Formed with Members from at Least 16 countries - Demand for "Pure Blood" Skyrockets International Blood Bank for the Unvaccinated has been Formed with Members from at Least 16 countries – Demand for “Pure Blood” Skyrockets

( @oldbmw1 )
@gatewaypundit Can I donate my pure blood and then be able to receive pure blood if I ever need it? That would be an incentive for people to donate.

( @TehMalachi )
@gatewaypundit we must donate our pure blood to save our fellow pure bloods

( @Redpool )
@gatewaypundit If you know purebloods, find out who shares your bloodtype and have them as an emergency contact if you ever need a blood transfusion. I'm not giving my blood away to help the jabbed out that's for sure. Fuck them all.

( @RaeCarver )
@gatewaypundit fuck em! They’re not getting my pure blood or my organs. Not good enough to sit in a restaurant, go to a movie, shop at a supermarket, ridiculed, mocked called a conspiracy theorist by family and friends! Fuck em!

( @Jk84 )
@RaeCarver @gatewaypundit I think it's for other pure bloods who don't want Vax blood 🤷‍♂️

( @MrMcJade713 )
@gatewaypundit If you've been duped into taking the "vax", the spike protein will be everywhere in your body-- ALL major organs, including the brain. Doesn't matter how many blood transfusions you get, your blood will always become polluted again from circulating thru them. At this point, the only question you should ask is, why are those that gave you a death sentence still allowed to be walking the earth, free?? Would you want to take them with you when you go?

Disclosure News Italia #ufo #magick #quack #mammon disclosurenews.it

The Cintamani Stones come from a meteorite that was once on a planet in the star system of Sirius, according to Cobra.

Luis Maertens of Bolivia says that Cintamani’s original main stone is an egg-shaped stone brought here many years ago by 40 different Ascended Beings from different worlds as a special tool to help the Earth through its ongoing transition.

This main egg-shaped Cintamani had been placed, some time ago, in the Gobi desert.
Shortly before 2012, the Cintamani Stone was then transferred to the primary and main female vortex on the planet.

This vortex, which is close to the Andes, is below Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.

Before the late 1950s the primary vortex was male and was in the Himalayas.

Luis indicated that this Cintamani Main stone is actually under the sacred mountain of Tehama in Bolivia.

It was officially and formally activated by the Confederacion as a receiver of cosmic rays designed to help stabilize the etheric psionic terrestrial grid in December 2012 and is now the main hub, transducer and receiver for the expansion energies of Light and the forces of the Galactic Central Sun, which is increasing the vibration of all life streams on earth.
The stones have powerful effects and the awareness can become extremely profound.

Many others who have received them are reporting similar experiences. There is no magic bullet, crystal or stone or technology that illuminates anyone or causes immediate ascension or higher states of consciousness.

However, the Cintamani Stone is a type of resonance and vibrational stabilization instrument.
You can call this technology a Zero Point Energy.

All Cintamani stones are tachyonized because they come from outer space!
For more info or to buy your Cintamani Stone please send a message 🙂

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @warrenvmyers )

Unvaccinated blood banks? Learn about the growing movement for clean transfusions

( @JohnnyDoes )
@warrenvmyers We 1000% must have this in the United States. Someone must begin doing this asap. I would overpay to have my own blood stored there!

( @Kass_K )
@warrenvmyers yeah, why not registering yourselves as antivaxx, for further use...

( @Thebizket44 )
@warrenvmyers This pure blood should be reserved for pure bloods only .

( @astrobloke )
@warrenvmyers My trust in medical services has forever been destroyed.
I would expect my blood would be sold at a premium to private interests and I would get fed the tainted shit and lied to.
This is how they roll.
Want to restore my trust? Start hanging the criminals.

( @Porchoyster )
@warrenvmyers I literally just asked Dr Malone here on Gan if the vaccine MRNA is transferable thru blood transfusion

( @Bluesky_zadok )
@Porchoyster @warrenvmyers Don't know and I don't want to take the chance

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @EmeraldRobinson )
Fox News has suddenly discovered the COVID vaccines might be bad - which is ironic since Fox News spent two years telling their audience to get vaccinated.

( @robbdaman )
@EmeraldRobinson No amnesty, hang them all.

( @Wilburton )
@EmeraldRobinson Fox News sucks. They have 2 things going for them, Tucker and Gutfield, that's it. Everything else is just scripted corporate talking points. Just controlled opposition. Haven't watched since the 2020 election, that's when I finally understood what Fox News was about.
I prefer Independent Journalists who have proven they are accurate and trustworthy.

( @RebSouth )
@EmeraldRobinson they were well paid with tax payers funds to push the clotshot

( @Tomahawk77 )
@EmeraldRobinson Ironic that the government they lie for operates a VAERS website full of evidence that they've never looked at. All they value is 💰💰💰.

( @Prepper4God )

( @pstryk )
@EmeraldRobinson Every last one of them is scared of being an accessory to genocide.

( @canadamacs )
@EmeraldRobinson Nuremberg trials for Fox too....eventually

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

- Liberty safe commits corporate suicide by colluding with FBI against its own customers

- The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America

- BOYCOTT #LibertySafe and never buy their products again

- #RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media

- Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more

- Bioweaponized mosquitoes are being dropped on migrant camps in #Panama

- Malaria + Encephalitis (brain swelling) are current symptoms

- Treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas FUNDED the migration invasion camps in #Darien Gap

- Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States

- Human vessels / carriers for the next round of biological warfare against the American people before 2024 election

- USDA and FDA placing heavy new restrictions on food imports to worsen #famine and #starvation

- Former Malaysian PM warns of the West's global #depopulation scheme, involving coercion, invasions, revolutions

- The #dollar will collapse into hyperinflation as the Fed must print currency to buy up US #debt

- Expect food prices to nearly DOUBLE in the next 12 months

- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government

- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize

- Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets

- Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates

Medeea Greere #crackpot #quack #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

What You Need to Know About the Med Bed
The State of Affairs – September 2, 2023: As of this date, with time stamped in Japan, an incredible transition has taken place. High-end medical technology Med Beds, which were once stuff of legend, are now becoming a reality. Countries around the globe, particularly those under the GESARA agreement, are seeing an influx of these miraculous devices, with some nations having more than they can handle.
Whispers from the darkest corners suggest that the monumental battle with the DEEP STATE has finally reached its conclusion. This ushered in the era of healing, particularly using advanced space technologies to mend our warriors and save countless lives, many of which were innocent children. This lunar base, which was a hub of cosmic recovery, has now transformed into a Med Bed production facility. Yes, you heard it right. The stars are no longer the limit.

Take Japan, for instance. The land of the rising sun has always been at the forefront of technological marvels, and the Med Bed is no exception. Reports suggest that Japan has received a bountiful supply of Med Beds. My guesstimate places this number at several units per prefecture. However, these haven’t reached their final destinations. The majority are strategically placed in US military base facilities and related Japanese Self-Defense Forces locations. The implications? Astounding.
Shedding Light on Two Vital Elements

Timeless Technology: What we consider “cutting-edge” today has roots that stretch back centuries. The technology that’s about to redefine our world has been in existence, hidden in plain sight, masked by layers of deception and secrecy.
Space Alliances: The extraterrestrial entities, our allies from beyond our skies, are sharing with us what they’ve used for eons. They view our forthcoming “novelties” as “retrotechnology.” And though “retro” might evoke a sense of the past, remember that these are tools that have stood the test of interstellar time.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Ascension Class



Upon confirmation of your payment, you will receive an email (please make sure you enter your email correctly) with your purchase confirmation and links to 3 downloads:

1. COHERENCE: This planet is ascending into the higher frequencies of plasma, which greatly impact the principles of Coherence. Coherence is a necessary energetic principle to understand on the Ascension path as we progress towards personal consciousness expansion. When we dismantle the old enslavement profiles from this reptilian based Controller society, each of us must make the effort to explore new models of spiritually beneficial behavior, focusing on those humanitarian traits that support individual and collective growth to help evolve spiritual advancement.<...> Hence, this information serves the purpose to help better understand that Coherence, or lack thereof, is the result of the present bifurcation occurring in the energies of the earth, and is greatly impacting human behavior. Coherence is the main principle used to describe the synchronistic harmonizing of energetic properties that occur naturally within any living system, to support the integration of that grouping of energy. The properties of coherence are the result of Universal Laws, which apply to all systems of living things.
2. Q & A: Discussion on the history of breeding programs, extraterrestrial hybridization programs with human military support or rogue factions, and the prevalence of people on earth being taken through dream states to other dimensions to participate in genetic sampling and laboratory testing, how to ask in dream state for manipulation signature related to holographic inserts.
3. Heart Brain Unification in Empathy - In this meditation we will hold our intention to support the unification between our heart and brain functions through Empathy, in order to achieve the highest expression of coherence and unity within our body.

The Stargate Experience Academy #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon thestargateexperienceacademy.com


According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy.

Everything that exists in this universe is aligned in an energy continuum.

Energy flows constantly from these highly refined subtle realms from the causal world down through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels and finally into the material realm of existence.

Everything that exists on Earth exists within is own Energetic Continuum, our bodies being a perfect example. We also have several other layers of energetic bodies. Through all these layers of energy, an Energetic Continuum flows from the highest, most refined subtle bodies down to the material body.

The energy flowing through the Energetic Continuum comes from one source.

In India, it is called the Divine Mother. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and many modern, New Age spiritual teachings call it Cosmic Energy. Modern physics calls it Zero-Point Energy or Free Energy. It is also called the Field, The Vacuum, and the Vortex. Alcazar calls it The Quantum Field.

​Zero-Point Energy is formless. It is the source of everything. Tachyon Energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy. Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Rather, it includes all energies within itself. Its qualities are much like Zero-Point Energy, varying only in that it is a structured field.
The Tachyonization process:

is not a frequency, spin or manipulation
does not use sound, is not a radionics or SE% transfer
does not use sacred geometry to inform products
is not a photon-based technology, does not use crystals or orgon technologies
does not use magnets and is absolutely NOT operator sensitive.

Stargate Tachyon Globe Pricing

A Tachyon Stargate Globe is $250

The Globes are about 5" in diameter, include the 4" x 4" Stargate Experience stand, and come in a padded gift box.

@SandraJH_USA & @twif56 #quack #conspiracy gettr.com

( @SandraJH_USA )
New Zealand doctors warn: The list of probable deaths due to the Covid “vaccinations” are getting longer and longer; the doctors are talking about a “humanitarian crisis.”
#DeathShot #DepopulationAgenda #NWO

( @twif56 )
Dr. Wolf needs to get this blown open before more people are killed by the vaccine.

As D. wolf says - they want US land, and US resources - but not US citizens - so they are culling the herd.

( @SandraJH_USA )
Hmmm Dr Wolf? Where is that person from? But, they want ti depopulate population EVERYWHERE.

various commenters #quack rairfoundation.com

RE: New Zealand Doctors Demand Police 'Investigate Deaths Following Covid Vaccinations'

( The fall of EU! )
“New Zealand Doctors Demand Police ‘Investigate Deaths Following Covid Vaccinations’ ”


( Thomas Turk )
Sure, safe, effective and tested with a little proviso..

Austrian graphene Research Scientist/Med. Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED after he released his evidence of graphene in the 4 mRNA injections, and describing it as ”razor blades in the blood that will kill all who get it”.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. The mRNA injections HAVE AIDS!

Swedish study 2.28.22 demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Autopsies Prove Vax BioWeapon Caused Autoimmune Attacks And Death. (Based on 70 autopsies done by Germany’s top pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt).

Prof Igor Chudov Pfizer vaccine, taken once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells…DNA transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine contains mutant gp130 Cancer Cells. 28,2,22

Journal of Hepatology. Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine.. confirmed.

Brghteon. Dr. Jane Ruby Show. Incredible evidence of cancer diagnoses in the jabbed, exploding cancers in the boosted. 2.15.22.

( Recognizing Truth )
Hey docs.
We needed you to be on our side BEFORE they forced the poisons into us and our kids.
It’s pretty useless for you to be saying “oh my, let’s investigate what happened” after they’re dead from the poison.

( Margo )
People that took the vaccines deserve what is coming! The kids I fill sorry for because of idiots parents! Everyone knows this is experimental! This is not compulsory to have experimental jab if only people stick together we would not have this problem!

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @MorpheusMAGA )

spoilerI feel literally sick to my stomach
hearing Doctors pronounce with no
shame the arrival of Sudden Adult
Death Syndrome. I think we can
safely assume that Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome was no accident

( @HankWilliams )
@MorpheusMAGA Exactly! I had no problem with vaccines until covid. After 2 years of studying I’m now a proud anti-vaxxer. Vaccines are non- science and fraud from the very start.

( @BuddhistBob )
@MorpheusMAGA ten years in casino surveillance and I can tell you I had zero people under 40 just drop dead on the casino floor. ZERO. These are unhealthy drinkers and not one SADS death. So I'm supposed to believe the healthiest athletes are just dying from fucking climate change? 😂 That's why they want everyone over 40 dead. We remember reality.

( @Welby63 )
@MorpheusMAGA SADS is actually known by another name. It’s called “MURDER”

( @ElaineGib )
@MorpheusMAGA True. SIDS has been linked to vaccines of course especially the whooping cough or pertussis one. I also read an article by a physician that said the only children in America getting polio are the ones given the vaccine for it.

( @EPGreig )
@MorpheusMAGA sids/sads = vaccine deaths

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @vaccineregrets )

spoilerFor all of u who say I am a terrible
nurse for not getting the Z, I have
one thing to say. I hope when u are in
need of medical care that u would be
lucky enough to have a nurse such as
myself that will advocate for your
individual needs instead of one who
follows gov orders.

( @PearlsAndAmmo )
@vaccineregrets I’d never want to receive medical care from anyone who is jabbed actually. If with all their years of so-called medical training, they possess far less discernment than me about not willingly putting poison in their bodies, then they’re simply not qualified to treat me for even a hangnail.

( @Conserevets )
@PearlsAndAmmo @vaccineregrets I pray you get a nurse like this if you need to be in the hospital. Not many Doctors like this though, Doc could call an accident victim a CONvid death, but, people suddenly dropping have the Drug Pushers baffled.

( @PearlsAndAmmo )
@Conserevets @vaccineregrets

I’m at the point I’d much rather die at home than subject myself to the risk of western medicine. Thankfully, relatively good lifestyle choices have proven to be the best medicine ever: prevention > cure.

( @Pamela011 )
@vaccineregrets same here my friend. RN for 23 years. Worked in every type of setting and NEVER saw people in such horrible health. Saw what the poisons did upon roll out. Saw the empty beds when they said the "very sick and plagued" were coming and they never did. Saw fellow coworkers laughing and enjoying and making the tic toc videos and explaining away my questions and concerns that there were NO covid patients in a YEAR (where WERE they!?!?). They said we were LUCKY. Such gullibility and naivity and stupidity. Embarrassed they were representatives of "health". We are out here my friend and we are awake. We will help the survivors of this. Take care!

( @freiherrVB )
@Pamela011 @vaccineregrets your entire profession is permanently tarnished, just like priests. People look at them now and think "fag/pervert" - they look at doctors and nurses now and think "human trash"

@motron #conspiracy #quack gettr.com

Here is an idea to explain the Wuhan virus release: China was playing ball with #WEF and #NWO. They were amazed that Pentagon, Google, EU and so on would PAY them to develop bioweapons but they thought, yeah, let the longnoses pay for their own destruction and took the money.Then , the #WEF released the virus in late 2019, in Wuhan right from the lab, catching the CCP off guard. The CCP made sure to spread it around the world via Wuhan Intl Airport while blocking land access to Wuhan. An emergency plan. They made sure the WHO would deny human to human transmissibility. Turns out that longnoses are not susceptible to the virus but Asians are (ACE2 receptor reduction in longnoses).
Since then, Xi Jinping runs zero Covid with lockdowns to prevent deaths but also to....
...to maximize control, suppress dissent in the public and in the party and cling to power.

@Biggiant9 & @Myshele #quack #conspiracy gettr.com

( @Biggiant9 )
It's getting worse next week the Congress will vote on not needing test trials for vaccines. The trials went so wrong (3200) baby deaths covered up. A lot of bad effects. Right now more die from the poison vaccines than covid China flu.

( @Myshele )
At this point they don’t even care that we know what they’re doing they’re just doing it whatever it takes to gets them closer to their goal which is
taking over all of us #NWO #Depopulationists this is what it has alway been about. The Ultimate power & control

Nicholas Veniamin and Maria Benardis #quack #magick #ufo #conspiracy amg-news.com

So, Why Are We Ill?

Maria: Let’s just set the scene about where we are going. I think everyone is familiar with the fact that we have been living in a world where it’s all been about chemicals, all about toxic food, all about fluoride, and this is why a lot of people are ill.

Where we are now moving to, and what all these cures are all about, is about turning us back to God’s medicine, the ancient ways of medicine, such as in ancient Greece that was based on energy, frequency and vibration.

That’s where we’re moving to. It’s all about mind, body and spirit.

Healing with Vibrational Frequency

Now the reason why I wanted to set that scene is because most of these new cures and technologies (a lot haven’t come out but will be coming) are based on energy. They are based on a vibrational frequency.

This is why it’s so important for people to ascend to 5D dimensional energy, or agape unconditional love, because that’s where you’re going to
reap the full rewards of what is already out there, and what is coming.

Such as the Medbeds, and all sorts of other plasma related energy devices. Everything is based on energy and plasma.
Currently being used with the Rescued Children

Maria: So I think that once that announcement is made with him there is nothing stopping these Medbeds coming out. We know they are already being used for the rescued children, and already being used for our service men and women, especially because they are experiencing a lot of trauma. These beds actually deprogram the mind, and heals all that sort of trauma.
New Healing Internet Technology

With the new Quantum Financial System it’s based on energy. It will be healing us at the same time!

Also, the 5G towers are being converted into Tesla towers so they will all be vibrating on the frequency of 432 hertz which is the energy of agape, unconditional love. So this is another technology… even our Internet technology will be healing us!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

If Nagasaki and Hiroshima were hit by atomic bombs
Packed with many pounds of radioactive particles such as Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239
That have half lives of thousands of years

Then why are those cities flourishing and prospering
With no signs or evidence of radiation poisoning

It is because it is another cover up story
One that conceals laser weaponry and its use upon the citizenry
In this case maybe a million people were killed
Dentistry today for the most part is a big joke
They zap you with radiation
They give you unnecessary root canal operations which cause the veins to the teeth to be infected with bacteria
They cut down your teeth and give you fillings full of mercury which numbs your brain
They use fluoride which is a toxic chemical that calcifies organs
They take out your very important wisdom teeth
They regrowth of teeth can be accomplished by the use of stem cells but is being kept from the public

Pure clean water is found in most places 200 – 300 feet below the ground
And can be easily pumped up
Instead we are given treated surface water that is full of added toxic chemicals

Crops can be easily grown to enormous size with no need for chemical spraying
By the use of sound vibration

Your sixth sense is your guardian angel
That opens the door to the Temple of Wisdom

Your sixth sense is your medium of contact
Between the finite mind and Infinite Intelligence

It is a flow based journey
Doubt and anxiety are indicators of the disruption of your energy flow
Make them flow enhancers by shifting your perspective

The world operates from your perspective in a benefitting way
The world changes to contribute to your visualized ideal
Think and conduct yourself according to your optimum vision

Liberty #magick #ufo #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The gland is called "the third eye" for a reason: at the stage of embryonic development it is really an "eye" with a lens, which consists of two halves and then fuses into the likeness of a cone. Descriptions of the pineal gland from philosophers and scientists of different eras agreed on the fact that it was in it that the "soul" of man was stored.

The gland is named for the fact that it is shaped like a spruce cone. It's about the size of a pea.

Its most important function is the production of hormones.

We all intuitively KNOW where the pineal gland is located.

The pineal gland, also called the epiphysis, is responsible for the connection between the mundane world and other realities.
It does this by translating the frequency of thought into a thermal bio-chemical electrical flow through your body and opening the mind. Your human brain converts the thoughts you create into thousands of bio-chemical [elements] every second. As we have explained, not every thought of the ordinary brain penetrates the Higher Mind.
The epiphysis is a finely tuned calcite crystal, piezoelectric in nature, similar to quartz.

It's a frequency screen, a kind of filter.

Depending on the frequency of the thought or emotion, the pineal gland is a guardian in the path of what enters the portal of creation of the Divine Mind. It is in a rather constructive way a defense mechanism that prevents certain negative thoughts from manifesting.
So please do NOT set yourself the goal of activating your pineal gland at all costs.

The BEST thing you can do is to live calmly in COMPLIANCE with the Universal Laws, CONTROL your thoughts and emotions, and get rid of the stereotypes of the dual world and habitual patterns of behavior.

And then everything will happen by itself, naturally and imperceptibly and exactly at the moment when you need it like air.

One of the parameters of Readiness for the transition to high dimensions is the SETUP of your ORGANISM to receive the new HIGH VIBRATION ENERGIES.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @Footdoc )
I sleep like a baby every night knowing...

I didn't inject myself with an experimental concoction.
I didn't pressure or shame anyone else into doing it.
And that every liberal in America is absolutely triggered by it, because there are millions more just like me.

( @misswillie )
@Footdoc I feel as you do too but I also realize we have a massive target on our backs that the NWO gurus want to inject. While you sleep like a baby, I lay awake at night worrying what's to come for myself and my kids and grandkids. Sometimes it is too overwhelming. And while I trust God, I find it difficult to not worry as He instructs. So pray for me because sometimes I get so down regarding all of this.

( @mistymountainz )

( @StreamsOfLife )
@Footdoc I'm reading that NZ and AUS are administering vax via aerosol droplets being sprayed in the atmosphere, blanketing everyone and everything -- pets, livestock, wildlife. Think they would do that in the US/CA??

( @Tjmerk )
@Footdoc Proudly Pureblood here as well and so fortunate to avoid the jabs.

( @SallyA )
@Footdoc I’m thankful every day to my youngest son who said Don’t get it , it’s untested , we don’t know what’s in it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerHow many people watched Died
I watched it.
I'd like to talk to embalmers.

( @King_Krankor )
@RealMarjorieGreene I watched it... I have a 30 yr old cousin that got her 4th shot and now has to use a walker. She was a fit healthy runner, doctors day she may recover but it may be permanent. This is criminal. I'm 100% unvaccinated because I did my own research into mRna technology.

( @BasedAsianUSA )
@King_Krankor @RealMarjorieGreene Not the first time evil Jews mass murdered goy http://bitchute.com/video/9AFnC0IUrvm1. Their forced clot shots alone slaughtered hundreds of millions of goy across the globe.

( @Swbjamz )
@King_Krankor @RealMarjorieGreene I never got the clotshot nor did my sons but my liberal wife and her family got jabs. We all caught rona this summer while staying with her family. We ALL got it but me and my unvaxxed sins recovered faster. The jabbed family members were sick for 4 days but I was only sick for 2 days.

( @burnbright )
This is over a year old news. We've known about this for almost 2 years now.

This vaccine should have been halted and criminal charges made a year ago.

( @BasedAsianUSA )
@burnbright @RealMarjorieGreene WW2 ended September 1945. Nuremberg trials started 2 months later, November 20, 1945 – October 1, 1946. When will the mass murderers evil Jews be on trial for the crimes against humanity, slaughtering hundreds of millions of goy across the globe with their forced clot shots?

( @SGJ406 )
People are now saying that Covid-19 is and always has been a cardiovascular disease.
Get a Jab
Eat the bugs
Support Ukraine
Go Green
And suck a women's dick
These are the campaign slogans for the Uniparty of 2024


Poor woman dies 7 minutes after her booster… while still in the drugstore.

Article states that the Coroner concluded that she died of natural causes.

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo #quack #mammon acoustichealth.com

Downloadable Video & Audio – 2.5 Hours

Experience a guided Meditation of the Quantum Access technique in this program!

Enjoy this video Online Healing Retreat encore with Meg Benedicte who shares graphic visuals that illustrate the following topics she discusses:

1. Stargates – how they work, how to access inner stargate of Merkaba
2. Shifting Timelines – assessing current linear sequence timeline activity and how to shift to ascension
3. Laser Intentioned Focus – how to penetrate the quantum field with ‘superradiance’
4. Vertical flow of light in Ascension Column – develop self-sustaining continuum of life force
All of life in the dynamic Universe emerges from a single pulse of light, from the multi-dimensional scalar standing wave pattern. Within the vacuum state of the Quantum Vortex beats the standing scalar wave of Singularity…the continual pulse of creation. There is growing astrophysical evidence that the vacuum structure found within the galactic zero point field also exists at the atomic scale level in our cells. As ancestors before us, we are discovering knowledge of the ancient mystery of Apotheosis. By tapping into the phi spin of Metatron’s Cube, we are able to integrate Soul energy inwards and release incongruent energy outwards. Humanity is returning to the natural counter-clockwise rhythm of the sun and stars. This extraordinary discovery was the inspiration for developing Meg Benedicte’s proprietary healing process, Quantum Access™.
The method of altering physical reality is the sacred tradition of Alchemy that was taught in the ancient Mystery Schools. The pre-dynastic Egyptians were initiated in Alchemy and could access the untapped power of Zero Point energy, the source of Creation (genesis) in our Universe. Through a series of initiations, the Egyptians learned how to gradually master the universal technology required to shift gravitational fields and particulate matter.


Dan Winter/USA Med Bed Store #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick #mammon usamedbed.com

The Theraphi Plasma Machine is a plasma energy device available to the general public. This device uses centripetal spirals (pine cones kissing noses) coming from each plasma tube to create Phase Conjugation. This process also creates a “mindful” and “intelligent” energy field as this recursive process of delivering the plasma energy ties into the same frequency DNA runs at.

What is the Theraphi Plasma Energy System?

Theraphi™ is powerful centripetal broad spectra phase conjugate field (both plasma/optical and ELF) Plasma Healing Field Technology, based on the famous PRIORE device- the net effect was a highly stimulating and healing and rejuvenating to most cellular life.

Theraphi™ Creator, Dan Winter – predicted precisely all the frequencies and phase relationships used in the Theraphi™ to rediscover amazing technology with great application. Theraphi™ technology expert Paul Harris implemented this is in very specialized amplifier design, world’s first custom vortex pyrex high voltage plasma tube, unique noble gas plasma mix for conjugate optics, and very specialized custom multi circuit high voltage Tesla coil for phase discipline.
Negentropy is the reverse of entropy and is considered “the life organizing principle”. It is the tendency to increase order leading to a steady predictable state. Life is considered to be negentropic because it consumes energy like food and transmutes it into the more ordered requirements for cellular function, like cells in the body, tissues, and organs. Negentropy affects our view of time, because time in science is defined as the direction of entropy. Negentropy is referred to as reverse entropy, hence “reverse time”, a process where the cell can remember what it was originally like before disorder set in (a definition of healing). Negentropy is a process of “reverse time” which takes something back to its earlier state.


various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @123RHGreen )
Free Thinkers and Sheep are just different.

spoilerThe difference between us?
You took the shot & wished I would
I watched you take the shot & prayed
you wouldn't.

( @TylerDurden3141 )
@123RHGreen I don't pray for stupid people to live. I pray they stop breathing my air and fuck off because what they have is contagious to children who don't know any better.

( @Goodozzie )

Very well put and true.

I can’t remember any other time in my history where I was considered a murderer for choosing not to get an injection.

And was very concerned about everyone that did and got treated like dirt for caring.

We live in an inverted world where wrong is right and caring is seen as a danger.

( @realDarylS )
@123RHGreen That, and also prayed that if they did get the jab that they got the saline or were somehow protected from harm.

( @Vonzander )
@123RHGreen At this point...

I watch people take the genocide shot and hope it kills them...


I don't pity the wicked or those that want me dead...

( @JedDew_Gas_Master_9000 )
To the jabbed:
I watch you cucks take death in your arm. Voluntarily.
And shook My head.
THEN, you cucks talked shit, and died.
THEN. the surviva-cucks said it was MY fault.
Now , I laugh when you faggots talk shit, then die.
You're cucks, and I could give NO FUCKS.
That's you all said in the beginning.
Now. NO QUARTER will be given.

( @lidely929 )
@JedDew_Gas_Master_9000 @123RHGreen There is no point in trying to wake up the ones who are happily asleep. Dark forces will prevail in a sinful world. We have to understand that and adjust accordingly. Resistance is futile...

( @Joyce1 )
@123RHGreen sure how I feel. even as a rural doctor who was labeled anti-vaxer & other names, I still wanted my patients and all others to benefit and not be harmed. Now after all the information from research and personal testimonies have been revealed, I pray harder that individuals will be spared of medical injury.

( @Gyrorex )
@123RHGreen But I have now changed my mind!! If you take the Jab, you WILL get the coroner's Slab!! Bwwaahahahaha!!

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @BeachMilk )
Looks like an admission that COVID-19 is just a regular man-made seasonal flu after-all.

( @jofortruth )
@BeachMilk And remember they said the flu went away during covid. ANOTHER TIP!

( @LudwigvonSowell )
It’s not called the Plandemic for nothing.

@BeachMilk virus dont exist
Poisoned cells, exozomes, cellular debris is what they present as a virus
Our bodies process to get rid of toxins is what is called a cold or flu it is natural
Rockafeller medicine is dead

( @keywest1980 )
That is right dumb FUCKS covid is the flu

( @johnarthur1 )
@BeachMilk don't touch this crap the tests are toxic and pass through the nose brain barrier.

( @Tigerider )
If you remember - I have the clip someplace - there was a vid out in 2021 of two doctors in California whose company obtained 1500 of the phony pcr tests that had been used to tell PEOPLE they were sick. After re-testing ALL 1500, all they found was Influenza A and Influenza B.

This is just the other shoe dropping.

It's ALWAYS only been the flu...purposely spread but only the flu. The REAL bio-weapon is and always has been the deadly, experimental gene-alteration and dna-deleting poison...made based on a computer model provided to - as the ceo of moderna admitted in the european parliament - pHARMa companies BY the communist party in china.

It doesn't exist...which is also why there is still a 1 million ewwro prize for anyone that comes up with an isolated sample of the 'virus' named "Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification 2019" - no isolated sample, no attenuated virus with which to make even a traditional dangerous vaccine, thus: purposely designed, manufactured and released by an enemy - bio-weapon.

( @DBD37 )
@BeachMilk The flu is not man made. It is about 2000 years old. But you are right they are calling the flu covid. so they can keep the mail in box voting. And the mask on kids.

( @PizzaJohns )
@BeachMilk the covid vaccine was being marketed as the universal flu vaccine in 2019

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @himselfshreds )

spoiler'SafeBlood' Hardliners Want to
Set Up Unvaccinated Blood

( @Huskydog )
@himselfshreds I've always thought about this problem...And I would NEVER trust medical staff to tell me if the blood supplied is unvaccinated...I have my fingers crossed that I will never require an emergency blood transfusion.

( @radkowski )
@himselfshreds How much is my blood worth: UnVaxed O+

( @Had_to_chime_in )
@radkowski @himselfshreds unvaxxed O- here. We gon be rich

( @EuroCoder )
@Had_to_chime_in @radkowski @himselfshreds This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, you idiot.
This is a matter of survival.

Pray that you NEVER require a blood transfusion, cause chances are they'll give you whatever blood they got that is compatible with your own, and they don't give shit if it is vaxxed or unvaxxed blood.
If you aks for UNVAXXED blood specifically, they'll just tell you is was unvaxxed, no matter if it is.

( @BagODonuts )
@himselfshreds well duh. If the vaxxed want to Vax, let them Vax away. We pure bloods deserve a blood bank that has the same thought processes as our own. You know, common sense.

( @Snowyegret222 )
@himselfshreds my unvaccinated blood is only free to other unvaccinated people. The rest of you morons can pay through the nose for it just like I had to.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #dunning-kruger disclosurenews.it

Although ancient “Rishis” (“Sages”) knew about the movements of our planet Earth and its inner and outer stirrings, in modern times, it was studied by Dr. Weinfried Otto Schumann, and his findings were published in 1952 which were named the “Schnumann Resonance”—abbreviated “SR”.

The “SR” is the vibrational frequency of energy and amplitude of our planet and is also called its “heartbeat”.

The word “vibration” is defined as “tone”, “quality”, oscillation”, or “movement”.

The word “frequency” refers to the “rate at which something vibrates”—slow, medium, or quickly.

According to how Earth is being activated, there is a turning on “Her” axis at a particular rate per second.

The word “amplitude” indicates “strength” and “depth” of something as it is activated upon by an outside force.

In the case of Earth, it is acted upon at certain rates at particular times by particular cosmic forces.

What are these forces? They are the electromagnetic energies of solar flares, coronal mass ejections or plasma particles, and the solar winds which drive these happenings to enter Earth’s own electromagnetic inner and outer fields, thus intermingling with the cosmic events that arrive.
Humans also have magnetite particles, most of which are in the brain.

Thus, when Earth is being acted upon, so is mankind.

In this “Now”, our planet Earth is receiving massive doses of LIGHT in various ways from many cosmic energetic domains.

These are “Bio-Photons” or “Life Light” which carries information from cell to cell creating an inter-cellular network, and molecules now have a higher rate of “spin”.

This causes lots of turbulence on our planet because old programming is being dissolved and new programming is coming on-line.

One of the main principles of the subject of Physics is that there is chaos before balance.

Collective human consciousness governs the “SR” in many ways. Low levels of human consciousness requires lots of cleansing and clearing and then lots of illumination.

Adamus Saint Germain via Da Pah Kwan Yin San #magick #quack #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Well I am going to broaden the scope again and I am not just going to talk about the injections. I am also going to talk about all the medicine that children are given when they are supposedly ‘ADHD’ or ‘autistic’ or whatever. Actually, I am going to talk about all medicine, which is a big topic, but still.
So, what is happening with these children? Right the moment they come into planet Earth, they are injected.

Student: They have no choice.

Adamus Saint Germain: I know. I know they have no choice because that is what society wants. They do have a choice. You have the choice not to do it, but then you have to be very careful because they are going to try to take your children away from you then because you are supposedly not nurturing them well enough, not being a mother or a father or a parent to them.
You want to let your children gain their sovereignty, especially those that come into planet Earth in the last few years and are still coming into Earth right now. Their field of divinity is much more strong, and that is also why some are showing up with ADHD, etc. because the vibration is so very high and it is going so quickly. Then pills are injected and injections are put in the child so that it will start vibrating lower. But what they don’t know is that they’re damaging the system, not just the biological system, but also the connection to the akeneic energy is damaged. Because what happens when you get these types of injections is that it starts to break down the akeneic cells and it tries to make from the akeneic cells just dualistic cells, which would mean that if that process happened, you could even potentially – because this has never happened on this Earth yet – but it could lead to the full loss of the connection to that which is called ‘the Akene’. And to restore such a loss – the last time that this actually happened was Atlantis – and to restore such a loss, a lot of work is necessary and a lot of intent is necessary.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

- Update on Karen Kingston, safe houses, extractions and special forces operators
- Powerful message of truth from German MEP Christine Anderson (STOP complying with #tyranny)
- Tyrannical government getting SLOPPY with its #falseflag operations, like #Lahaina on #Maui
- Maui emergency director RESIGNS after deliberately refusing to activate warning sirens during fire
- “Fire and Fury” book on #climatechange published DURING the fires, proving it was all pre-planned
- IRS agent shoots and kills another IRS agent… why do they have GUNS, again?
- China’s Evergrande property developer files for bankruptcy protection in the USA
- Huge fallout from Evergrande is now a ticking time bomb in the US banking industry / #debt markets
- How Evergrande may affect #Tether stablecoins, which could also clobber #Bitcoin and #cryptocurrency
- Protect Veritas implodes after booting James O’Keefe, proving that PV is nothing without him
- How #ivermectin prevented 74% of COVID deaths in Peru (new study)
- Full interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has been persecuted and targeted for telling the TRUTH about health.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @Shazlandia )
The only politician I sort of trust….

spoilerThe FDA that banned the transport of raw milk, a wholesome
food that's been consumed by human beings for thousands of
is the same FDA that authorized myocarditis inducing mRNA
injections with no long term data and zero liability for the
Follow the money.

( @phntm )

( @funbobby51 )
@Shazlandia I feel like they had a hand in the baby formula shortage created by the government as well.

( @celticoddtree )
@Shazlandia the FDA "authorized" the shots & only because of the "emergency" that was only an emergency because there were NO other treatments like hcq, vit d, zinc or ivermectin AND the shots, to my knowledge have NEVER been officially "approved".

( @PizzaJohns )
@celticoddtree @Shazlandia the thing that really blows my mind is that folks don't know that emergency use drugs have nothing to do with whether you think there is some disease you want to prevent or not. Emergency use authorization is only for drugs that are to be used on someone who is already in the hospital, dying, and there are no drugs left to try that have been approved of as safe, even for off label use. There is no situation whatsoever under the law when you can give an emergency use drug to a healthy person, as that is not a medical emergency. Vaccines never ever qualify as an emergency use drug, under any circumstances, as you should never give a vaccine to a sick person. Any one who fell for this does not even know what an emergency use drug is in the first place. It is absurd that people really are this stupid

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @DrSimoneGold )
In the last press briefing of his federal career, Dr. Anthony Fauci attacked those who refused the COVID-19 injections, calling them a “real danger.”

The “real danger” is you, Dr. Fauci, not the unvaccinated.

Good riddance.

( @Deplorod )

( @HaleMart7 )
@Deplorod @DrSimoneGold The VACCINATED, are filling the hospitals!!

( @Hesworthy )

spoilerThe UNJABBED are
They threw every lie
they could think of at
us and we didn't flinch

( @WilliamBurn )

( @USAFE4 )
@WilliamBurn @DrSimoneGold rope

( @TheRealLighWarrior )



( @SCDJ )
@TheRealLighWarrior @DrSimoneGold I think the best statement is made by ‘blowing from a gun’ for major convictions and a good ‘tar and feathering’ for lesser but still serious crimes.

Also keep in mind that new two-air-craft-carrier-wide canal we’re gonna build in Nicaragua is gonna need literally millions of ditch diggers!

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