
NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

(Right! Jesus loves Trump. I mean, come on, the New Testament is full of instances where Jesus hit up on married women, tried to kiss them, and grabbed them by the pussy. He also denounced that Satamic Samaritan for helping illegal aliens and terrorists out on the road. Jesus said it: "throw the first stone! it's about our security!")

The hilarious thing is that's how Jesus actually was in real life. So the Republicans are just following his example, aside from the whole murdering-everything-on-earth thing.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

What you suicidal liberals don't understand is that far-righters are like wild predators: they cannot be reasoned with and will attack you if they feel like it.

Therefore, it stands to reason that they must be hunted down before they become too dangerous.

Anti-fascism is indispensable, even though some might be over-zealous about who is a fascist, and even then I doubt this report tells the full story.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

Female on male rape is largely a MRA nonsense talking point. Literally "what about teh menz?".

Most cases of female on male rape are actually consenual sex between an adult female and a male child. Those "Thirty five year old teacher has sex with twelve year old boy!" type stories that you see on the news.

Yes there are actual cases where an adult female has violently raped a male but they are very, very, very rare.

But generally when somebody brings it up they are just trying to muddy the waters.

holocash21 #fundie fstdt.com


Promoting the idea that teenagers are adults and feminist inspired anti-sex & anti-children's rights legislation cloaked in the warped rhetoric of "paedophile hysteria", "rape hysteria" & "child protection" is leading to a holocaust of men, kids & ironically even women. Why are there so few other blogs like this? Because men are scared of being murdered by feminist political predators, that's why.

Louis Marschalko #fundie fstdt.com

So true! Marshal Petain represented the spirit of the Revolution, expressed by the concept of, "careers open to talent", in contrast to the false Marxist concept of the absolute equality of Man. They employ that falsehood to create discontent among the People, in contrast to the National Unity represented by "Work, Family, Country".
Under Marxist socialism May Day is a celebration of class warfare. In contrast,on 24 April 1941 Marshal Pétain officially inaugurated 1 May as the fête du Travail et de la Concorde sociale, the day on which work and mutual understanding were celebrated.

Kanna #fundie fstdt.com

Yeah, OK, let's assume that a woman can rape a man. The charge of rape is usually brought only if she is an adult and he is under age. But remember, if they are both adults rape is an act that, if properly completed, REQUIRES the cooperation of the man. If somebody is actually threatening your life with violence, I wouldn't think you could actually get it up while in a state of fear.

Alan Yawn #fundie fstdt.com

It is indeed very encouraging that there are some young people, albeit only a very small few of them (and one that is in fact still a ‘child’ according to feminist law), who perceive all of this mindless paedohysteria, the way everyone else should see it: as the totally stupid, unnecessary and society destroying dominant narrative that it is; but above all, are courageous enough to speak out against it

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

How the fuck could Jews be behind progressive causes? They're basically pseudo-Nazi religious fanatics who commit genocide against Palestinians while sieg heiling Benjamin Netanyahu. That's a far cry from being leftist or progressive. The whole "everything I don't like is secretly controlled by teh Juice" thing is just retarded.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

@Some fundie from RaptureReady

But what else could [Prince Charles] say at this point when he lives in Londonistan which is greater than 50% Muslim and has a Muslim mayor.

He overstates the numbers, but he's got a point. There are far too many Muslims in Britain. Ideally, there shouldn't be any of them at all.

caamib #sexist fstdt.com

[In response to a post by Kitty Kaboom, where she talked about her two disabled children]

"It doesn't matter what you look like."
"Don't let shitwits like caamib... convince you otherwise"

That's not really necessary, dear. I am a staunch anti-lookist.

"It's the content of your thoughts, words and emotions that people care about"

Absolutely, but not if you have anything like

" Depth. Compassion. Empathy. Intellect."

These things are extremely repellent to vermin like modern Western women.

Also, I hope both of your kids die, you filthy cunt.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

[On an Islamophobic homophobe who hates the victims of the Orlando shooting slightly more than the perpetrators]

No, the correct answer is hate the Muslims. They're waaaaaaaaay more degenerate than gay people, since gays don't murder and rape for fun.

caamib #fundie fstdt.com

Amazing !

Three accusations, neither of which bear any resemblance to reality.

1. You claim I contradict myself, yet nobody ever managed to provide a single example. When they tried they have just shown that they don't understand and twist my words, like when they said I oppose rape and killing of Western women by Muslims but am for Islamic rule in fact I fully support rape and killing of Western women by Muslims but dislike that libtards like you want to make this legal just for Muslims. This is a huge difference. Modern Western women deserve to be killed by Muslims, but they also deserve to be killed by whites as well. You liberals just want them killed by Muslims but don't want them even touched by non-Muslim whites.

2. And then, after this, you make a strawman about some of the most basic things I believe - guess what, I don't believe in an "organized" effort against such men. I claim it was a spontaneous process that started in the 1920s with the 19th Amendment. These things happen very slowly and spontaneously. Hell, 19th Amendment was in 1920 and it took about 40 years for America to have its first slut generation.

3. In conclusion, even your third claim manages to be batshit - I don't "self-promote" myself as anything. I don't give a shit how anybody will see me nor do I get anything out of it.

So, another delusional moron living in lalaland who thinks he/she can criticize somebody while lacking basic knowledge about their ideas.

Time to Turn #transphobia fstdt.com

@Anonymous asshole

So instead, you should just let popular culture (which says it's cool and normal to be trans) decide for you, right? Suddenly, you find you're not just a guy with girly interests, you're actually a girl who was born in the wrong body!

The trans-enabling is playing off of the mentally ill. There was always the gender dysphoric people, but now trans-enabling plays off of other mentally ill to convince them to drug themselves.

Most parents wouldn't agree to chop off their kid's legs because they hate that part of their body and believe they should've been born legless. And that disease is the same as transgender.

You shouldn't buy the trans propaganda, people. It's cultural manipulation of the highest order.


Trans people have nothing to with LGB people since it's a mental illness. Might as well re-add pedophilia/pedosexuality/whatever those sick fucks are calling it now and make it LGBTP.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

Hijab is a political symbol for Islam. It's alot like hooked swastikas for Nazis, or the hammer and sickle for Communists. Because Muslims are terrorists, it should be banned as a symbol for terrorism. It's not really that hard to understand.

TimeToTurn #fundie fstdt.com

Obama is a capitalist, and Obama does bad things in the name of capitalism. Doing bad things in the name of crushing capitalism is good.

Which is basically true. Aside from it's impossible to do bad things in the name of crushing capitalism because that would make them good things.


Enlightened Seer #fundie fstdt.com

I post here because you are mostly atheists and need more than anyone else to be convinced of the reality of what is happening. In meditation, with the aid of our angelic overseers, we have seen Obama and Hillary sprout horns from their heads. Classic devil's horns. They cannot be seen by the naked untrained eye... you must develop your insightful vision with the aid of angelic meditation.

The horns on Obama and Hillary's heads are glowing red. When we use analytic equipment provided by the angels, the red light when analysed gives us a frequency number which begins with 666! Sometimes in visions, they also appear to have long tails, in the same shade of red.

There is no further need to look at the origins of those two individuals. Their nature and role in the Universe is now fully apparent. They are there to usher in the New World (dis)Order and aid Satan to claim the entire living human race as his own.

I mentioned chemtrails. They contain a metallic compound which will resonate at a specific frequency when energised by a specific type of energy weapon. The purpose of the metallic substances placed in the upper atmosphere via the chemtrails is to create an energy mesh over the entire World, to prevent people's prayers from reaching God. When the mesh is activated, there can be no more salvation or communication with God. Satan, however, already has dominion over the Earth. There will be a mass turning-away from God as the activated energy mesh grows stronger. People will commit more deviant and wicked acts. There will be more crime, murder, sodomy, extramarital and premarital sex, masturbation, foul language, worshipping of idols, and mocking of Christ. Atheism will spread like flu. Once the events of Revelation have taken place, there will be no living humans worthy of Heaven.

But do not worry. Jesus will play His Trump card (pun intended). Listen to the words of Alex Jones! We are reliably informed by our angelic overseers that he is a living disciple of Christ!

Other living disciples include David J. Stewart, Mack Major, and one who comments on your site, the brave disciple known only as Jerry.

#1986470 #conspiracy fstdt.com

I must introduce myself. I am an enlightened seer. I belong to a group of enlightened seers who have been watching Obama and Hillary for some time now. I can confirm to you that they are alien souls in human bodies and their ultimate aim is satanic in nature. They wish to create a world where humanity is totally subjugated under their rule, where knowledge of God is made difficult or impossible to obtain.

For the sake of our ouls and our eternal future, Hillary must not be elected. If she is elected it is all over for the human race, on a soul level. The end days will occur as soon as she gets into power. Her endgame is deadly. Hillary and Obama already have in their possession an energy weapon capable of disrupting the links between Humanity and God. The chemtrails we see in the sky are a part of that system. We have seen that the alien demonic New World (dis)Order is creating a "chemical gauze" over Earth, which is part of the electrical system that will be used to cut our links with God. You will be aware, that in the time since these chemtrails started appearing, humanity has gradually been turning away from God and towards sin and evil. If this system is fully activated it is all over. Only God can save us, by His grace.

Thankfully there is a saviour for mankind in the form of Donald Trump, who we have discovered to be a reincarnation of King David. He is a messiah, here to lead us away from the edge of destruction and back to a functioning, pure, Christian nation.

You may not like the way he talks at times, but that is because, like Jesus, he simply tells it as it is. We have seen an ethereal light from him, and we know he is more than a mere human. He will, if we allow him, be the greatest ruler the modern World has ever known. He has already promised to cast those of false demonic religions out of America. This will be the first of many wonderful transformations to come.

Anonymous #racist fstdt.com

[Comment on a thread about a woman demoted for having made offensive remarks about Jews in Britain. In fairness, I should divulge the full extent of my connection to Israel: I went there for a week's vacation in 1993.]

@Hasan Prishtina

I am like 99.9% sure you are a paid Hasbara agent.

Fuck your apartheid state, you racist scumbag.

The fact that a far right, racist, apartheid state like Israel still is allowed to exist in 2016 is just sad and absurd. Just like the American South, Nazi Germany, South Africa, etc racist Israel is going to go down eventually. That is fact, it is just a matter of how long you rats struggle to keep it afloat. But no matter what you do, you are still already living on borrowed time. Eventually the walls *are* coming down, the Palestinians *will* be recognized as actual humans and citizens, the right of return *will* be extended to all Palestinians worldwide, and you *will* all have pay dearly for the crimes you have committed. Those are objective facts.

#1982324 #racist fstdt.com

The mere fact that there are no "good guys" over there should tell you all you need to know about the regressive culture that you're importing. ISIS vs. slightly less crazy groups vs. a tyrant. If the refugees truly want freedom (and I don't believe they do) they can fight for it and form a viable alternative to all of the parties that I just mentioned. 70% of them are military aged men.

Their race has no relevance and anyone who tries to paint this as an issue of evil right-wingers hating brown people just because they look different is a disgusting human being.

The US government is given legitimacy by US citizens, hence it has to act in a way that doesn't harm the interests of US citizens in favor of non-citizens. Same with the EU.

Taking refugees in, especially in such large numbers is taking a huge dump on your own people and putting their lives, their health, their culture at risk.

FSTDT Supports Stalinism #racist fstdt.com

Hands off Eastern Europe. They've already dealt with 40 years of communism and don't need your cultural marxist nonsense now.

You fuckers are even trying to force them to accept unlimited hordes of rapefugees (because fuck borders and fuck the citizens right?) even though they've told you a million times, they're a security risk with all that's happening in France, Germany, Belgium etc. But yeah keep calling them racist and xenophobic even as the rapefugees wreak havoc in the west with mass sexual assaults and terror attacks.

#1982318 #racist fstdt.com

@Gearhead mk2

"Rapefugees? Just get out."

Well they disproportionately commit crime including rape (and many of these crimes can't be solved because they have no papers and nobody knows who they are) while contributing nothing to society and draining welfare systems that they never paid into.

Why should the west let them in?

#1980253 #fundie fstdt.com

I'm just wondering if the pro-gay marriage side has really any idea of the implications legal marriage has, not just in the US but in the other 200 something countries as well.

Marriage comes with various benefits that the governments provides the couple. So in order to justify gay marriage you would need to:

a. prove that the union of two men or two women provides any tangible benefit for society (I don't believe there is any, as the judge correctly pointed out, it's just entertainment between two people. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't wanna either discourage or encourage that decision.)

b. make it merely a formal recognition solely for the purposes of maybe having an easier time to notify next-of-kin in case one of them dies... or default inheritance

Why on Earth should they have housing benefits, health benefits, tax benefits or whatever else is beyond me. Stand on your own ground. What's next? Are we gonna give 2 non-romantic friends special rights as well? Just because they're friends? That's their business, but they're not entitled to other poeple's taxes.

And no two gays parenting is not equal to natural reproduction between a man a woman. It's better than being an orphan or being raised by a single person, but it's idiotic to pretend that a natural mother and father are completely interchangeable with any set of 2 (or more) strangers. There are so many extra issues involved when one or none of the parents is actually the biological parent, they're less likely to bond well for example step fathers are far more likely to abuse children than natural fathers. They rarely have the same investment as deep down they know it's not really their child. Not having a male or female role model can also pose problems for the child's identity development. Young men with no father figures are disproportionately more criminal and badly adjusted than those with one.

The most idiotic and dangerous aspect of all of this is that now one man and one woman marrying and having children is seen as no better in any way than a surrogate impregnating herself and then deliberately giving her own son away to two men, getting some money and having no further involvement in that child's life. Normally we would call that a bad deadbeat mother. It's bad to abandon your kids... unless you're giving them away to two men.

I'm not anti-gay, I don't find anal sex between two men immoral (doubt I'd have to be lying to you if I told you that it's not a super high risk behavior that can get you a lot of infections if you're not careful) but I'm also not anti-traditional family and the LGBT movement has proven that it doesn't respect it.

Churches should not have to be forced to marry them either if it goes against their theology. Bakeries should be free to refuse service if they oppose gay marriage on moral or religious or whatever grounds.

TimeToTurn #fundie #moonbat fstdt.com

Time for some takedowns:

[121: He very explicitly stated that people should not be free to practice their religion. He never mentioned removing special protection for religious practices that violate human rights.]

The people and groups and followers of them I mentioned certainly don't deserve to practice their religion. I've said it myself--the scariest people in any video of Steven Anderson's sermons isn't Pastor Steve, it's the congregation cheering and shouting "Amen!" at his statements.

[Mister Spak: Do you realize that makes you like the Wahabi?]

I'm right, and they're wrong. That's the difference. Basic philosophy--the ends justify the means. Very little can be done in the name of justice that leads to justice that is actually wrong.

[Doubting Thomas: Here's the major problem, TTT, if you legislate freedom of religion away, then the government is going to be in charge of your religious beliefs.]

Sounds good to me. Ideas like the French Cult of Reason or the Soviet concept (sadly never put in place) of God-Building sound like an ideal state religion.

[Anon-e-moose: And it's precisely because of their homophobia that DOMA was declared unconstitutional, Prop.8 was repealed, culminating in the 26th June SCOTUS decision. Thus fundies don't have a legal leg to stand on, re. LGBT people, any more.

And it's precisely because of their fundieness.

No WBC here in the UK. Section 5 of the Public Order Act may have something to do with that. And - in both 2012 London & more recently in 2016 Rio - why didn't the devout Muslim Mo Farah, after winning the 5,000 & 10,000 Metres in both Olympics, parade round the stadium with an IS flag...?]

But you took away their freedom. Since western society has such a huge basis in "no tolerance for intolerance", as evidenced by prohibitions on hate speech, etc., it's incredible that people haven't taken it to it's logical conclusion and started intolerated the hives of it like the individuals mentioned above.

[Psycho Tits (1): That's really dumb, TTT, and I'll tell you why in simple, blunt terms: When you fuck with fundamental freedoms such as religion (or speech or assembly, both of which are so tightly allied with freedom of conscience that to attack one is to attack all three) then that fuckery of yours WILL--count on this -- find its way back to you and it will devour your freedom along with the freedoms of the people you hate.]

[Psycho Tits (2): For fuck's sake, NeoMatrix - freedom of religion shouldn't - and really can't (ask the Soviets) - be "legislated away" at all. And if there ever comes a time when religion is 'too weak to resist,' why would you hit a minority - religious believers - with punitive actions when they pose no threat?]

It worked to a pretty big degree. The Russian Church was brought to its knees. The biggest flaw was not constructing a new religion to replace it. Religion is a great brainwashing tool, but it is true that many religious people have their actions checked and modified by their beliefs. Hence a system like the Russian God-Building would encourage positive beliefs even if the majority of people never thought of it.

[Salami: The problem with removing freedom of religion is that it eliminates the protections keeping minority religious groups from being systemically oppressed. Imagine if some fundie turned the repeal on Muslims or Jews, deciding that they aren't worthy of being tolerated anymore and passing laws that keep them from having a good quality of life. Or outlawed sane Christians and only tolerated the most intolerant of views. I don't think anybody here would like that very much, but it could very well be possible if the government doesn't go out of its way to set limits on actions against religions.]

That's why you don't define the action itself as evil. If I shoot a guy trying to a rape a woman, that would be pretty good, obviously different than if I shot the woman and thanked the rapist for cornering her. Persecuting Jews (besides some Jews like the Haredi) or whatever sane Muslims are out there (I know they exist) is therefore different than persecuting religious nuts. Even if the same techniques are being used.

[SpukiKitty: Haredis, Barabbans, Wahabbis, Hindutva, Saffrons....They're ALL THE SAME....Evil authoritarian jerks who use religion as a tool of Fascist control rather than a path of spiritual growth and humanitarian love. Screw them and send them to Inferno for a long (but finite) period of Pineapple-Butt purgatorial punishment purification!

The folks who want to ban religion/spiritual faith completely (like NeoMatrix) are just as stupid. Are you willing to ban my egalitarian, pro-freedom, pro-gender-equality, pro-LGBTAQ, pro-democracy, pro-sexuality NeoPaganism, too?

Look! Spiritual faith HELPS many people cope with life. It has helped me! You may say "It's a crutch" but I say, "Some people NEED crutches. Crutches are not evil!"

I believe that life continues after death. I see that as absolute truth! The spiritual is REAL & PLAUSIBLE to ME!

I respect an Atheist's right NOT to believe! I am all for an Atheist's right to be fully welcomed and respected in society! I feel that when Religion & Government mix, BOTH become perverted into something horrible! Religion is only bad when it gets Frummy and is combined with Government. Keep it out of Government and reject the Frums and Faith is great.

Anti-Theists, while well-meaning, are misguided and they're just as irritating as the Religious nuts! They're Frums on behalf of Atheism. Should they take over the government they would be just as bad as the Religionists!]

Ugh, American progressivism. Trump only exists because they spend all their time race baiting and engaging in identity politics instead of focusing on the issues.

The idea is phase religion out sooner or later--let it rot. But there are ideas for those who need religion as a crutch--Cult of Reason, God-Building, other such ideas. I've praised the Soviet anti-religious campaign before (the Russian church had spent centuries asking for it), but Lenin's emphasis on atheism (in opposition to worship of man) was pretty stupid, and they should've taken the church infrastructure and turned it to the worship of humanity. I'm not an atheist nor an anti-theist (I can't hate something that doesn't exist)--if there was position I would be, it would be the worship of humanity's possibility. But I suppose I have a bit of crusader spirit and am willing to unleash it on the injust in the best way I can--through words.

[Hasan Prishtina: Constitution of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania 1976, Article 55 banned religious freedom, just as Time to Turn wants. Ask the Albanian people how that legislated haters away and everything was peace and light thereafter. Ask them also why they got rid of this article the moment they could and why they hate authoritarian socialists.]

Now a few generations under that, what might happen? Seems like an interesting possibility. Lots of good ol' Abrahamic religions in Albania...

caamib #fundie fstdt.com

[On being accused of lacking empathy]

Unlike the imbeciles here who say that being permanently denied relationships and sex because you are not a rapist and a murderer is a-ok and no problem, but getting a dick in a place where it is designed to go into is the biggest trauma ever lol? Women are biologically designed to love rape. That they didn't in some societies was only because men instilled the desire to mate with their husbands in certain patriarchal societies by mating them with coalphas. Aversion to rape is a result of patriarchies.

Cerebulon #fundie fstdt.com

Morality itself tends to fluctuate in time, and who is to say that generations from now, our highest ideals won't be viewed as obscene? Afterall, at one point the KKK, slavery, genocide and torture were all viewed as acceptable. They still are in parts of the world. So by what morals and during what time period would one hold an immortal being to?

Another argument against holding God to human morals is that It isn't human. We don't hold animals to human ethical standards. If we did, we would have to arrest them for murder, public indecency, rape, incest and a whole gamut of other immmoral crimes. Since God isn't a human being, holding him to our standards is likewise pointless.

So I suppose in retrospect, if God ordered me to commit genocide, I probably would. I would have to be reasonably assured that is was actually God. But if so convinced, I would have no moral problem with it. Like my Mother says :\"Son, I brought you into this world, don't think I won't take you out.\"

caamib #fundie fstdt.com

Modern Western women hate respect. They hate consent. They love bloody beatings. They love death. That you delusional idiots don't see that is why most of you are just the way you imagine these incels to be - complete virgins. You are the ones who don't see what's wrong.

caamib #fundie fstdt.com

So all men ever want is sex, paid or not? They never want relationships/marriage, or unpaid sex? See how insane you are? You're in no position to give anybody any advice. You're completely insane.

And, yes, these communities ban proposing therapy because it's not an actual proposition. It's your religion. Notice how this one lunatic says that even if therapy doesn't work it's merely your fault. How is that different from religion? It isn't, not at all. So banning such proposals is merely about removing crazy zealots like you. There is simply no way to explain to you why therapy could never work, even when using basic concepts like that women like evil and therapy can't make you evil. It is impossible. Hence it is not allowed, just like some Christian nutcases aren't allowed to preach at just about any location.

And, no, lol, you libtards don't care about actual "rape". You care about white straight men never getting anything, and you don't mind your sacred classes like minorities doing whatever they want. Criticizing them would be like criticizing Jesus Christ to liberals, because, at the end, you're just religious nutcases. Any act by the sacred class, any rape, murder, anything, is a Holy act to liberals.

TimeToTurn #fundie fstdt.com

Yes we can and should legislate freedom of religion away, because freedom of religion protects people like David J. Stewart, Steven Anderson, the Haredi, and all the Islamist imams in the West who somehow avoid being arrested for terrorism.

And all the people being "but, we'll make moderate Muslims turn Wahhabi!", don't make me laugh, if you turn Wahhabi because you won't fit into Western society, that means you never belonged there.

Skidie #fundie fstdt.com

[Transhumanist fundie!]

What in the holy hell are you trying to convey, as if we would have to continue this existences for generations yet attached to the bags of fat and muscles and bones. synthetic bodies does not get infections. Titanium does not even oxidize. The very idea of the race is idiotic, it is loaded from the bottom up. instead of always being just one step ahead of oblivion, change the form, change the materials used and the very paradigm itself. I devoted my life to bioinformatics just for this purpose. The flesh is weak, it needs to be replaced.

#1960038 #fundie fstdt.com

A lot of what drives views like LiveWithIt's view is the changing landscape of HIV that a lot of people are completely ignorant about: HIV isn't a death sentence anymore. Just take your drugs, and it'll never even START to bother the vast majority of people who get it.

Look at yourselves, wishing death on a guy because he's creating a very small harm.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

[On a Poe quote about how intellectual disabilities are sinful]

Even if this is satire, most Christians actually think this way and would be totally on board with euthanizing the mentally ill to "eliminate welfare bums", which makes it scary and disgusting regardless.

#1953970 (Calypsis4) #fundie fstdt.com

I don't care if 'Penn and Teller' are laughing.

I just wish just once I could have a group of atheists with us when we are asked to step in and help another terrorized family being attacked by poltergeist (demonic!) spirits. It would be interesting to see how long such mockers last when they are confronted with the real deal for the first time. My best photos would be seeing them running out the front door as fast as their sinful legs would carry them. Calypsis4

Zachski #fundie fstdt.com

I'm so glad you people are fighting for the freedom of speech of 12 dead racists who depict girls kidnapped into sexual slavery as welfare queens. I'm so glad you're making their efforts seem noble and heroic. Because you're revealing that you're pretty damn reactionary, falling into the same damn sort of trappings that Bill Donohue here falls into.

Someone said that Charlie Hebdo has harmed nobody. That is a falsehood. Charlie Hebdo has been encouraging and perpetuating bigotry and racism in France. Their propaganda (let's not honor it by calling it "satire") is no different from the same kind of bullshit produced by the KKK.

It is this same mindset that has led to freedom of expression being revoked in France when the right to wear whatever you want was revoked just to antagonize the Muslims.
It is this same mindset that has led to Muslims being assaulted, having their houses burned or grenaded, by the people of France.
It is this same mindset that has led to the persecution of Jews in France.

Oh. But 12 white racists were murdered. And that's WAY more important than the rights of marginalized brown people.

Note that if you're gonna tell me I'm wrong, make sure that it involves counter-arguments that actually prove me wrong. Trying to defend what is happening is actually proving me right.

And believe me. Bill Donohue can go fuck himself. So can most of you, likewise.

#1949424 #racist fstdt.com

Trump promotes what most Americans want. Deport all illegals. Stop dirty Mooslims/terrorists, in other words all Mooslims, from entering the country. Improve the job market. And he appears to be honest, speaking plainly and honestly, instead of reading prewritten speeches.

Hitlery offers nothing at all.

IllegalsSuck #racist fstdt.com

Israel is a tiny strip of land (even for a population that small) and in constant threat of war and yet they're way better developed and less corrupt. And that's just one country off the top of my head.

European countries got fucked in the ass twice just within the last century. Japan was nuked twice less than that. And they have an earthquake problem.

Losing some territories well over a century ago (almost 2) is not why Mexico is doing so poorly today. It's just an excuse. Nobody's buying it though.

And in any case not a basis for tolerating illegal immigration. It's US territory now, deal with it. US rules apply.

You want to dispute that and essentially restart that war on behalf of Mexico?


Yeah didn't think so.

On a side note, Mexico doesn't tolerate illegal immigration.

IllegalsSuck #racist fstdt.com

[On undocumented immigrants]

They're more than welcome to go back to Mexico (or whatever other country they illegally came from) and ask their government to give them welfare. Or work in Mexico. Or whatever.

Not America's problem and not America's fault Mexico is a corrupt mafia state that keeps people down. They're not citizens and they didn't even come legally.

Want to come in? Do it legally. Don't qualify legally? Tough luck.

Transpig From Pluto #fundie fstdt.com

The absurdity of what trans activists want is incredible.

If we (the normal men and women that is) shouldn't care who comes into the restroom because "it's just a room to pee in", then the same can be said of trans people who are asked to go the restroom that corresponds with their actual biological features. "It's just a room to pee in, trans folks" LOL. Why are you "triggered" if you're asked to go either the men's room or the women's room?

Your position is self-refuting.

Never mind that it's essentially a non-issue if you look the part. If you're a biological man but can credibly pass off as a woman, we won't notice anyway. In fact in that situation where you've fully transitioned, we'll probably be creeped out if you go to the men's room. Why then are you so worried?

So the issue is much more insane. You want biological men, who still look male, and biological women, who still look women, to go where they please merely by stating "I identify as..." Technically even a "cis" (i.e. normal) troll could do it. I could come in with my male voice and maley beard and male body that hasn't seen a day of hormone treatment and stuff and not get thrown out merely by utterly the magic words "I identify as a female".

And I could probably legally expose myself in the locker room too to women who maybe don't wanna see that shit. In any other sane circumstance I'd be arrested.

The bonkers left is at it again. So progressive it's now actually anti-feminist LOL, doesn't care about women at all now when it has a new group to exploit.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

(In reaction to an innocent Muslim child's death)

Well, just look on the bright side. The kid's happy now and having all the food he wants for free at Aloha Snackbar, and he won't have to suffer under ISIL now. And besides, now he won't grow up to get brainwashed by Islam and blow someone else up, which is great for everyone.

Well, of course I'm gonna laugh at it. That's my reaction whenever I read horrific stories like this one. It helps keep me sane. And children die every day, dude. It's not like it's a new thing. It's pretty hard not to be completely apathetic when Muslims do this shit daily.

The thing is, these people brought the horrors of ISIL on themselves because they thought Islam was so great, so pardon me if I don't have a ton of sympathy for them. Now they're seeing what Islam and Islamic rule TRULY looks like. I'm hoping that this crime convinces some of these people (such as the boy's parents) to give up Islam entirely, renounce their god, and see their error.


I wouldn't see it that way. It's a painful lesson that they're learning, but one that needs to be taught - Islam is evil. It's terrible and tragic that this crap has to happen and children have to be brutally murdered before Muslims get the memo that their religion is bullshit.

Feminst Lesbian #sexist fstdt.com

A penis is a rape device; as domestic violence statistics reveal, men are the evil virus problem. Given sperm may be created without use of a man, and women have well proven themselves even more capable then men, castration is something to be enforced eventually for all men. A peaceful and productive future depends on real vision and executing a plan that cuts to the core issue here. Castration is the cure. Stop the Rape!”
“Girls, it’s easy—just feed him female hormones. Small doses at first. Once you see his boobs develop just gradually increase the hormones. My husband can’t get it up and my girlfriends with their strap-on vibrators give me orgasms that no man can equal.”

true2God #fundie fstdt.com

Josh Duggar is being discriminated against because he's a conservative Christian, because he's a non-feminist, because he opposed the queer agenda but most of all, because he's a MALE who inappropriately touched FEMALES. And he's in pro-feminist USA, a country that discriminates against MALES.
The oldest Duggar daughter Jana is 25 now. What if instead of 14 year old Josh it was 14 year old JANA who inappropriately touched her 4 single-digit aged BROTHERS and a MALE babysitter?
There would be a lot LESS people calling for her head and calling it rape and molestation. A lot MORE people showing their support for her and calling it fondling and inappropriate touching. People would be A LOT nicer and sympathetic and understanding. You'd be hearing A LOT more of "She was just a girl who was curious about boys." and "She was a naughty girl who should have been grounded but that's it."
You'd even hear people say that she did nothing wrong! And if two of her brothers who were her victims went on TV to show their support for Jana you'd hear a lot LESS of "Their parents forced them." and a lot MORE of "You see? What happened was no big deal!"
19 Kids and Counting would most likely continue and WITH Jana! And all this would be true even if she were the executive director of Family Research Council Action!
And you think the diffence between the reaction towards Josh and reaction towards Jana are extreme? What if it were a 14 year old LENA DUNHAM? Lena is a liberal, feminist supporter of the queer agenda. What if it were HER who fondled her younger MALE cousins and a MALE babysitter? The difference between the reaction towards Josh and the reaction towards Lena would be even MORE extreme!

blue night #fundie fstdt.com

My last reason for not believing that Mary was a little 12-13 year old girl is that it is not physically safe for a girl that young to have children. If no one else was watching out for Mary's safety you can count on the fact that God was! My loving, kind heavenly Father would not impregnate a girl that young and physically immature. He just wouldn't do it. He is not that kind of God. That kind of behavior is found in gods in other religions, but not in God Almighty, the Faithful and True. Of Him it is said, He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. Isaiah 40:11 If there is no other reason to know that Mary was not that young it is this. The God we know and trust simply wouldn't do that to one of His daughters. (Yes, men might do this; men who professed to fear God might do this; but remember that in this case God was the one calling the shots, fulfilling the prophecy, and ordering every event. He was fully in charge in a way we don't always see when He's dealing with sinful men.)....

Bill #conspiracy fstdt.com

You climb into a giant craft that complete strangers operate, and maybe you try to verify that they're going the right way or maybe you just sleep through it, but if you do you either do it by watching stars in the manner taught to you or you do it using a compass, you use mathematics that were taught to you by people who's main concern is how to stretch their paychecks across the month.

You rely on the same reputation-focused and survival-focused society that allows religion to exist in the first place, maybe you're an atheist or maybe you just believe that people twist the intent of your god or gods sometimes, but either way you're getting the vast majority of your knowledge from official stories, heresay, and whatever individuals happen to have adopted or birthed you, and you have the audacity to think that, this time, unlike all those other times in the past, this time you've got it right.

You're an optimist, and that's about the biggest insult that has been exchanged this entire conversation.

[Next post]

"But I guess that’s a no to the question about reverse picture search—"

Reverse image search is like most modern technology, they demo it by picking an image that they've already pre-selected, them when they release it everyone's desperate to prove that they're smart enough to use it correctly that they'll spend days scrolling through crap after inputting their image or just lie about it.

Of course nobody admits that it's a giant fraud, not even themselves, especially since the actual fraudsters are long-dead heroes.

#1933741 #fundie fstdt.com

"One of the common claims is that Mary was probably only a little girl of 12-14 years old. The reason given for this is that it was "common custom" in those days to marry girls off that young. It is also suggested by some that Joseph must have been much older than she was because he appears to have died early. There is no mention of him after Jesus was 12 years old. This is an assumption and not necessarily based on the custom of the time.]

I don't think we can determine Joseph's age, but I think it is not likely that Mary was as young as some people represent her.

First of all, while I realize that Joseph and Mary were already espoused - but not officially married - I find it interesting that her parents don't even get an honorable mention here. We're not introduced to her as "Mary the daughter of _________". Added to that, Mary gets a lot more "press" than even Joseph does, especially in this passage. If Mary was just a little 12 to 14 year old girl betrothed to marry an older man, that seems a little bit odd. In such a case her parents would have still held a large place in her life because Joseph hadn't taken her yet, Matthew 1:18-20.

Some people might like to use this to show that a girl/woman belongs to her husband-to-be immediately upon betrothal/espousal, but that doesn't exactly make sense. When a young lady is promised in marriage, but not yet taken, and is still in her father's home, she must be in a situation of being answerable to both men for a time of transition. Assuming Mary was only 12-13 years old, she would surely have been living with parents or guardians still. One would expect that either Joseph or Mary's father would have been the main character being dealt with by God, and yet neither one is. That is a very interesting point and makes it hard for me to believe that she was that young. The fact that God deals directly with her and there is no mention of her father makes it seem likely that she was a good bit older than that, especially since in v. 39 she apparently travels by herself to see her cousin, Elisabeth.

Another reason I don't believe Mary was such a young girl is because in Mark chapter 5 we meet Jairus who came to Jesus pleading with Him to heal his daughter. In Mark 5:23 we read, And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. Jesus went to the house and raised the girl from the dead, and in vs. 41-42 the scripture says, And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment. First, it is just my observation that a man who expected to marry his daughter off in a year or less just might not be calling her his "little daughter" at age 12. I realize that emotions could be blamed for his use of this expression, but somehow it just doesn't ring true. But, more than that, the word "Talitha" is thought to be a diminutive word meaning "little girl", as opposed to a young woman. We might infer from that that Jesus also did not consider her a young woman of marriageable age.

Which leads to another point which I think is even more important. Just because something is the "common custom" of a given era, it does not follow that all those who love God and follow His word will be doing that thing. Imagine if this earth went on another 2000 years and much of our present history was lost along the way. Some "scholar" who was supposedly "in the know" might portray us all as having tattoos because "it was the common custom" of that day. And, yet, would that be true? No! Certainly not. Some of us don't have tattoos for Biblical reasons, in fact. Mary and Joseph both were obviously people who loved the Lord and followed His commandments. It is more likely that Mary was raised by parents who loved God than otherwise. They would not follow the customs of the day just because that is what everyone else was doing - even if the "good, godly" folks at the synagogue thought it was fine. There were a lot of things the "good, godly" people of their day were doing that Jesus later rebuked!

Furthermore, we know that the early Christians in the Roman Empire did not typically practice early marriage for their young girls. In his book, The Book that Made Your World, Vishal Mangalwadi writes (p. 284), "Christians also expressed their respect for women by raising the age of marriage. Roman law established twelve as the minimum age at which girls could marry. But the law was nothing more than a recommendation...and was routinely ignored. The best available studies show that in the Roman Empire the pagans' daughters were three time more likely than Christians to marry before they were thirteen. By age eleven, 10 percent were wed. Nearly half (44 percent) of the pagan girls were married off by the time they were fourteen, compared to 20 percent of the Christians. In contrast, nearly half (48 percent) of the Christian females did not marry before they were eighteen."

My point is that the people Mary was associated with - Zacharias, Elisabeth and Joseph - were all godly people who loved the Lord. Mary herself was obviously a godly woman. It is possible that Joseph and Mary had been betrothed at an early age, but he had not taken her yet, and based on some of the other things I've already mentioned, it seems more than likely that she was older than the legendary 12-13 years at the time this account opens.

My last reason for not believing that Mary was a little 12-13 year old girl is that it is not physically safe for a girl that young to have children. If no one else was watching out for Mary's safety you can count on the fact that God was! My loving, kind heavenly Father would not impregnate a girl that young and physically immature. He just wouldn't do it. He is not that kind of God. That kind of behavior is found in gods in other religions, but not in God Almighty, the Faithful and True. Of Him it is said, He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. Isaiah 40:11 If there is no other reason to know that Mary was not that young it is this. The God we know and trust simply wouldn't do that to one of His daughters. (Yes, men might do this; men who professed to fear God might do this; but remember that in this case God was the one calling the shots, fulfilling the prophecy, and ordering every event. He was fully in charge in a way we don't always see when He's dealing with sinful men.)....

Please stop calling mary a little girl. She was not a little girl. STOP ACCUSING GOD!

TimeToTurn #conspiracy fstdt.com

But I'm not talking about Ottoman imperialism or other non-European imperialism (books have been written on those), since it isn't Serbs and Greeks you hate coming to Western Europe. Actually, Syria, Iraq, etc. were better off under Turkish imperialism then they ever have been since. That's hypocritical to divert the discussion when you chastise us for bringing up Christianity or Judaism when Islam is the topic. Yes, the refugee situation is by and large a creation of 150 years of European imperialism, to deny it is to deny historical fact.

So what countries do we hate? Any Arab country, Eritrea, Somalia. Who screwed over those countries, let's do a legit historical analysis? It isn't like the US has been playing chess with Arab countries since World War II. It isn't like the US backed utter tools (Egypt) instead of any remotely competent secularist dictators. It isn't like the US was backing spreaders of destabilising ideology like Saudi Arabia. And it isn't like Britain and France haven't been helping all the way. And when Arab Spring started, the Western leaders decided to pour gasoline on the fire leading to where we are now regarding Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq (already fucked up thanks to Bush). Also funny how you bring up the Turks, since the Western powers tried to colonise Turkey right after World War I.

Eritrea, let's see, same shit. Well, I guess we can blame the Soviets for that, since they backed Mengistu, the guy who made sure Eritrea turned into a shithole. Speaking of Eritrea, it's funny how North Korean defectors are treated so well in the media compared to Eritreans, when their country is basically the North Korea of Africa, plus Eritreans are majority Christians, too.

Somalia, US all the way. Westerners destroyed the Islamic Courts Union which created Al Shabaab. Plus they backed other nice people like Siad Barre. So westerners fucked the place up.

But why am I arguing with you when you can't even read the fucking sentence after the one you quoted from me (well, neither can the submitter of this quote, of course) about European/western culture vs other culture.

anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

[ on someone supporting torturing the family members of alleged terrorists in order to get information ]

We wouldn't even be talking about this shit if leftists and phony rightists weren't so damn weak on Islam.

I don't blame TimeToTurn, I blame the left. The longer the west does nothing, the harder it will be to fight Islamic supremacism without compromising your own humanity. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to solve the problem of Islamization of the west humanely. We will either be stuck with a growing problem of terrorism, become a police state or it will be a bloody civil war when people have had enough of Islamic supremacists defiling our otherwise free and tolerant societies, forming no-go zones, calling for Sharia law, forming Sharia vigilante groups and doing terrorism etc.

When people peacefully criticized Islam - the left said that was "hateful" and "Islam is a religion of peace".

When people argued for restrictions on Muslim immigration - the left said that was "racist", even though Islam isn't a race and immigration isn't a right but a privilege.

When people argued that Muslim immigrants should integrate into western society or leave - the left said "no we have to be multicultural and all cultures are equal". A sensible immigration policy could have solved most of these problems, but the left opposed any discussions on it, ignored all the connections between Islamic doctrine (such as the perpetual warfare doctrine in Surahs 9:5 and 9:29) and Islamic terrorism so now Europe has a significant 5th column on their soil that they can't even identify easily let alone deport (because many of them are 2nd generation migrants with citizenship, action can only be taken after the terrorist attack has already been committed). And the left wants more. More Muslim immigrants and Muslim refugees, including with mandatory quotas so they want this imposed on Eastern Europe as well, which is barely recovering from half a century of communism. It's almost as if they're intentionally setting up conditions for a civil war in the west. Neither malice nor stupidity should be tolerated of our politicians.

TimeToTurn #fundie fstdt.com

This depends here--do we know if torturing a terrorist's family will either certainly or almost certainly stop a bombing? If that's the case, then it would be morally wrong not to torture said family members to save many more people.

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