
A realist #fundie fstdt.com

This is what happens when gay marriage is forcibly legalized over the will of the people. There will be backlashes. People don't like being told that they don't have a right to vote on whether to maintain or change the millenia-old definition of marriage.

I sympathize with all of the ordinary gay people who just want to live their lives quietly and peacefully. They are the real victims of the whiny activists who demanded the gay marriage issue be imposed by the courts rather than decided by the people.

unknown #fundie fstdt.com

Actually the KJV bible (inspired by the MT)has been mistranslated.


Brenton Septuagint LXX Psalms 110:1 Strong's Numbers Cross ReferencesPost My Notes on Psalms 110:1 Commentary Added Online 110:1 ¶ [[A Psalm of David.]] The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

KJV [[A Psalmº of David.]]º Yahwehº saidºº unto my Adon,º Sitºº thou at my right hand,º untilº I makeºº thine enemiesºº thy footstool.ºº

The LXX version doesn't captialize all the letters in lord except for the L. Since that Lord is never Yahweh or YWHW but LORD,the kjv version is wrong. All version should be read My Adonai said to my Adonai since that the LXX version does'nt spell it as L-O-R-D but spell both lords as L-o-r-d

unknow #fundie fstdt.com

Stop capatialzing the god of Israel name, god is not a name but a title. Yahweh was one of El Elyon sons(before the translaters mess up the ancient texts by making Yahweh El Elyon and the only god). The god that we have been worshipping is a war god.The bible has been corrupt.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

"Capitalism is the MOST compatible system with slavery."

Now that's a laugh, thanks.

One would think, I dunno, absolute monarchy is the most compatible since the monarch can basically do what he wants.

Or even communism, slave to the collective. Millions worked in death in gulags on trumped up charges with no real recourse.


"... I mean, fuck, it's called the slave TRADE for a reason. People bought and sold people like they were property. "

You know I just realized the extent to how dumb this sounds.

Let's see if I can match it:

"Men and women dating and having sex freely, to the best of their abilities, is the MOST compatible with rape. I mean, fuck, it's called rape SEX for a reason. People force sex on others when they have no respect for abstinence until marriage and their parents' choice of who they should marry."

And this is how you start to sound like an ultra-conservative religious lunatic.

You want total control over the economy almost as much as people living several centuries ago wanted total control (some still do) over interactions between members of the opposite sex. And you'll use dumb excuses to do it.

TheEndOfFappingIsNear #fundie fstdt.com

Star Wars is feminist anti-masturbation propaganda. The Jedi, the race of humans with Mary Sue magical powers, are supposed to be perfect, and part of their perfection is abstinence. This includes not masturbating, as it is emotional. I'd say that being a victim of Star Wars' pro-chastity message is worse than getting Jesus Christ spelled wrong.

#1922469 #fundie fstdt.com

(So cruelly torturing families of terrorists, even if they had nothing to do with the attacks, is how to fight a war?)


The only reason Trump feels so extreme is cause you've forgotten how to actually a fight a war. Allied military leaders in WW2 did far worse (arguably) BUT they won the war, the Nazis are out of power, Japan is pacified and in fact now thrives, the world was saved. They weren't fully clean either but they did what they had to do. A politically correct fought WW2 would have dragged on for a very very long time.

ISIS could have been defeated in a matter of months, they're not even close to the strength of the Third Reich, but you chose to fight a PC war with no American boots on the ground.

It's time to get serious.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

What is hilarious about this is that Donald Trump actually kinda has a point here. Most military servicemen are right-wing fanatics who love Trump and would follow his orders without question, even if they were blatantly illegal. I could see the majority of them gladly torturing innocents if he told them too.

And that's what makes Trump so scary.

(Later Post)

You think that they'd care? Right-wingers and Christians never really cared about the Constitution, despite how much they blabber on about it. It's a scrap of paper to be discarded when it becomes inconvenient.

Do you seriously think that a right-wing US serviceman would think twice if he got the chance to murder an innocent Hispanic or Muslim person? Of course not. He would be drooling at the chance to shoot dem libruhls and sand niggas.

johnheno #fundie fstdt.com

For many people, the issue of our time is not "is it science", but rather to what extent the scientific world lives in a surreal of of its own making, far removed from reality. A surreal worldview that largely functions on unproven "blind faith" metaphysical religious assumptions, beyond the verifiable limits of science and physics. Namely, the hard-core atheism of "philosophical" naturalism and raw materialism: Based on the unproven and unverifiable "blind faith" delusion that "all reality" can, and must, be explained solely by natural processes and causes alone. There is a name for this surreal "closed mind" metaphysical religious view. It's called "Scientism", masquerading as science. This illusion is based on the the grand delusion that "finite" humanity, with limited knowledge, insight and understanding can define the ultimate nature of ultimate reality. The insane quest for the godless "theory of everything" turns out to be the theory of nothing. Science still has no "verifiable" naturalistic scientific answer for anything in existence, including the origin of the universe, life, consciousness. and all else. The utter absurdity of finite humanity actually believing they can define the infinite. None-the-less, the scientific world tells us that all these "vastly improbable" events just occurred, even though there is still no "verifiable" scientific answer" for anything in existence, including the the universe itself.
We have a name for "vastly improbable" events for which "no known scientific answer" exists. They are called "miracles". The problem is that all these 'natural' miracles of mainstream supposedly happened without self-existing self creating cause or miracle worker anywhere to be found in the universe. In which case all theists and creationists would have to concede that this is "really miraculous".http://thegodreality.org/miraclesofscience.html
The mainstream science mindset becomes even more irrational and absurd. We have "effects" that are not only far greater than the cause, but "opposite" to the cause. We have life from non-life. mind from non-mind, consciousness from non-consciousness, intelligence from non-intelligence, reason from non-reason, conscience from no conscience, and personal humans from "impersonal atoms and molecules in motion". The situation has become so bazaar that any mention of God or a creator produces an irrational mental meltdown by Science journal's such as PLOS ONE. Little wonder the future belongs to the creationist minded scientists. The vast majority of people instinctively know that an an "intelligent effect" such as universe ALWAYS demands and "intelligent cause". And that a finely tuned, precisely balanced cosmos and our life rich terrestrial planet cannot be explained by “undirected” or unguided chance events. Nor can the highly complex matrix of coordinated ecosystems and fully integrated interdependent and interconnected living and environmental systems.

#1920344 #fundie fstdt.com

Your argument makes no sense. I have no issue with Jews and I'm in fact very pro-Israel, something that can't be said of most progressives and other leftists.

But I have a problem with fifth columns.

Peaceful Muslims are essentially secular or non-practicing Muslims. That or they're playing the long game, it's really really hard to figure out who is a genuine moderate and who is just a liar because Islamic doctrine allows one to lie to non-believers for both defensive and offensive purposes. Many extremists appeared to be moderate... until they weren't including Nidal Hasan and some ex-CAIR officials (now convicted for funding terrorism). The ideology itself isn't and was never peaceful. Muslims are commanded by the Quran to conquer the world, or as much as of it possible anyway, and make everyone dhimmis.

Even if they are not terrorists, it doesn't mean they won't try to subvert the US by more stealthy means, like becoming politically active (i.e. using democracy to abolish it or at least weaken it bit by bit)

And even if they never ever succeed, (certainly not while people still have some common sense and guns, be thankful for conservatives who still value American culture) they will still cause untold damage just by trying.

No thanks. Let's stop importing un-American ideologies into the US. Freedom doesn't mean nihilistic tolerance.

Name one country on Earth that is majority Muslim and has a functional democracy with a good freedom record. Everywhere this ideology is mainstream there's oppression of women and unbelievers on an unprecedented scale, Turkey included believe it or not and the only reason it's more secular is because it was countered with a secular dictatorship 90 years ago. That influence is waning though.

#1920357 #fundie fstdt.com

"The average Muslim =/= an ISIS extremist. Why is that too hard to understand?"

Oh good argument, let me try:

"The average Nazi =/= soldier/killer of Jews. Why is that too hard to understand?"

"The average communist =/= Khmer Rouge or FARC fighter. Why is that too hard to understand?"

Won't somebody think of the "moderate" Nazis and communists?

I mean, I thought sane people judged an ideology by two things: its leaders, its doctrines, not by the masses of followers some of which may or may not be devout, may or may not be just naive useful idiots who don't realize what they're actually supporting.

Moderate Muslims are NOT in any way shape or form proof that Islam is a peaceful religion any more than moderate communists (many of which you can probably find on any college campus) or "peaceful" Nazis (not even neonazi actually goes out to kill black people, many are just superficial nazis who think it's "cool" to be one) are proof that these two ideologies are benign.

TheEndOfFappingIsNear #conspiracy #homophobia fstdt.com

Homosexuals are on the forefront of the feminist anti-masturbation movement. They enjoy anal pleasure and genital mutilation and so they support prostate milking clinics and spiked/bladed chastity devices. There is also a high correlation with pedophilia, which fits juvenile chastity cages. The homosexual agenda is a front for feminism and must also be stopped.

vaughn mower #fundie fstdt.com

Blimey, I got some compelling evidence that most men have preferences for adolescent girlz, mates.

Search statistics show that girls about 14 are the most searched for, mate.

In an internet survey in which men were shown pictures of females without being informed of their age, girls about 14 were rated sexually desirable the most often.

In one study men rated female faces about 13 years old the most attractive and other studies show similar results.

"Catch a Predator" usually use girls about 14 as bait because that's what draws the most men.

All of this is in agreement with what biology predicts about male preferences, mates.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

I like how people are so mad at this, when in reality this is quite a normal attitude among Christians. Christians are greedy and hateful by their very nature, and don't care about anyone else but themselves when the chips are down - not even their own children. Oh sure they might seem kind at first glance, but their true colors eventually come out.

TheEndOfFappingIsNear #fundie fstdt.com

People like David J. Stewart and Anita Sarkeesian, though on completely different ends of the political spectrum, they both have the same end goal: To end male masturbation. I have gone into the secret HQ of Feminist Frequency and seen patents for torturous chastity devices, for ages 10-adult, that trap the penis, chop it off if it gets erect, electrocute it, burn it, circumcise it, and crush it like a bone. All just because boys might be attracted to women. The future of the feminist movement can be seen on Imagefap as Modern Mothers Movement. We must stop feminism before such a thing happens!

Moises Pittounikos #racist fstdt.com

This white issue is completely stupid. All races have a rabble at the bottom and a minority of very smart men and women at the top. Even Edward Gibbon wasn't a fan of pure equality and many passages in Gibbon are a brilliant summary of many positions which are today, well, unfashionable. Gibbon recognised the problem with race mixing, state mixing, barbarian mixing.. You get the picture.

Anyway, the problem here is that Tito Purdue isn't one of the elect and so he embarrasses himself with the ridiculous praise to racism. His ancestors were probably white slaves like my ancestors and your ancestors.

Now on to the civilisation issue. Jared Diamond is completely wrong when he argues that the Sudanese or the Congolese are just as clever as the Indo Europeans. All races had genius', but the very top of the pyramid, the John Von Neumam, the Einstein, the Maxwell, Newton, Bach, all those guys were European.

Please look at electricity? We see Japan and Hong Kong, awash with electricity, and it does look like there was a Japanese James Clark Maxwell and Japanese Faraday. It looks like the Japanese invented or discovered electricity, agreed? But it is an illusion. The conquest of electricity wasn't achieved in different parts of the planes, neck and neck, as it where.

So this isn't a race issue. Like I said, all races have a rabble at the bottom. Yes you have higher mathematics in India and higher mathematics in China. Yes the Chinese had factories and great technology before the Europeans. But the very very tip of genius, the Henri Poincare's, the Tesla's, are missing from those races.

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

[on the rape epidemic in India]

Yes, rape sanctioned by the cow worshiping demon possessed culture of this third world hell hole. Is this what you want in your country?

In His Love,
Apostle Doris

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

And that's why Christianity needs to be controlled and broken down for the good of humanity. I would rather have "the left" in control than an entire religion full of greedy pedophiles.

There you have it, people - a Christian basically just admitted that he doesn't care about charity. Well, at least you're honest about that fact that you don't give a shit about charity, which makes you more honest than your Christian brethren.

Do you legitimately believe that the left is entirely made up of atheists?

No, and that's rather unfortunate.

#1890055 #wingnut #fundie fstdt.com

This is becoming a habit, you know, and probably not a good one. But you had some questions, you said? Something about Kosmos, on our world known as "Tranzis," torture, and the prospect of becoming what you fight.
I had cause, recently, to do some research on the definition of insanity. One I found, and that I almost agreed with, said that "Insanity consists of doing everything the same and expecting a different result." I say "almost" because there is a corollary to that: "Insanity also consists of doing everything differently and expecting the same result."
This is perhaps the only real difference between a current day Marxist and a current day Transnational Progressive, or Tranzi. The Marxist expects a different result from doing everything important the same, as if there is any freedom that doesn't include economic freedom, as if there is any path to socialism that will not be paved with bodies, as if socialism has ever managed to create anything beyond corpses, poverty and oppression . . . oh, and lots of pieces of third-rate military equipment and a new entrenched upper class backed by a ruthless secret police and outrageous propaganda, too, of course.
The Tranzi, on the other hand, expects to maintain and expand modern, enlightened, prosperous, liberal society while opening up the borders that shelter that society to unlimited numbers of the least assimilable and most reactionary, most traditional and hidebound, least economically productive cultures on the face of the Earth. This wouldn't be so bad, or so insane, did they not at the same time insist that nothing be done to even try to assimilate the immigrants from those cultures to modern, enlightened, liberal values. (Do you suppose there were pro-Vandal, pro-Hun and pro-Goth immigration public interest groups in ancient Rome? Societies usually rot from the inside out so it does seem likely.)
The Tranzi also insists on enlightening the rest of the world, but rejects any and every means that might actually work.
This, friend, is the other kind of insanity.
Of course, that first definition is not the only interesting quote that has an amusing corollary. For example, it has been said more than once that you should choose enemies wisely, because you are going to become just or, at least, much like them. The corollary to this is that your enemies are also going to become very like you.
In human conflict this really is and always has been everywhere apparent: Hannibal adopts Roman arms and something like the manipular legion for his forces. Sparta and Rome, landpowers to begin, face Athens and Carthage, seapowers, and both Rome and Sparta build enormous and effective fleets. German tank designers adopt Russian tank design philosophies. Russians become operationally deft. British and American troops are plagued with Indian irregular tactics and techniques during the French and Indian War and so adopt light infantry and riflemen. The Soviet Union provides free meals to school children and we begin to as well. (And then there are those, all over the world, who hate the United States and express that hatred regularly and virulently. One wonders why they never contemplate what it will be like when we begin to really hate them. They should be afraid, very afraid.)
It's partly propaganda driven but partly also driven by the act and process of learning from those who have most to teach us, by harming us, our enemies.
If I could speak now to our enemies, I would say: Do you kill innocent civilians for shock value? So will we learn to do, in time. Do you torture and murder prisoners? So will we. Are you composed of religious fanatics? Well, since humanistic secularism seems ill-suited to deal with you, don't be surprised if we turn to our churches and temples to find the strength to defeat and destroy you. Do you randomly kill our loved ones to send us a message? Don't be surprised, then, when we begin to target your families, specifically, to send the message that our loved ones are not stationery.
This seems lost on the current enemy but, then, he's insane. It's very sad. Yes, it's very sad for us, too.
In any case, that, friend, is some of what I've tried to illustrate in this book. Do I like torture? No. It's a nasty technique that dirties everything it touches. No sane man who engages in it is likely to ever be quite right in his head and heart again, for he will have seen man at his lowest and joined him there. No sane man ought want to engage in it. No society that uses it to any great extent is likely to feel moral again for quite some time.
This, however, is not the same thing as saying it never works, as any number of either very stupid or very dishonest people have tried to claim.
(Do I like reprising against civilians who happen to share blood and culture with specific enemies? No. I don't particularly like reprising against, in effect, wounded in hospitals that an enemy is using for ammo dumps, either. The latter, however, is clearly necessary sometimes and, when your enemy is socially organized not as formal military units but around ties of blood, the former may well be unavoidable if the enemy is to be deterred from certain kinds of conduct. Or beaten, for that matter.)
Stupid and dishonest . . . it's sometimes hard to tell the difference, isn't it? What's one to make of a politician, one who has experienced torture personally, to all appearances a decent and brave man, who can say in one breath that (I'm probably paraphrasing, here), "People will say anything under torture," and in the next say, "Torture doesn't work"? He's either dishonestly pandering to the crowd (Am I being redundant by saying "politician" and "dishonestly pandering to the crowd"? I suppose I am.) or he's too dumb to realize that, if torture's that bad, and with a modicum of ability to spot-check for truth, the victim of torture will also tell the truth rather than risk more torture. One has to wonder about the fitness for high office of such a man. I mean, really? It's being neither cleverly dishonest nor honestly stupid. I'd prefer he say, "Even though torture works, we would prefer to be destroyed or enslaved than violate our principles and use it."
Of course, he'd get few votes that way. He sure as hell wouldn't get mine, though at least he'd have my respect. What would get my vote? Oh . . . something like, "Whatever it takes to preserve our civilization, our nation, our people, and our way of life, without hesitation or unnecessary restraint, and consulting no one who does not have our best interests at heart, that shall I do, always remembering that there's a price for everything."
Votes . . . what does it say about us or our preferred democratic system that so many of our people prefer the palatable lie to the unpleasant truth? Nothing good, surely. Thomas Carlyle had this much right, though: "A lie will not stand." Indeed, the Islamofascists are going to knock it down around our heads while at the same time removing any restraint of ours behind which they hide. Then again, as mentioned, they're insane.
"'Are going to?'" you ask. Oh, yes. This goes back to torture. Many people who would otherwise object to torture would permit it in the so-called "Ticking Bomb Scenario." This is, though few seem to realize it, an admission that, given a means of immediate feedback, torture works. But what is al Qaeda, what is the entire Islamic Fundamentalist movement, in an age of nukes and bugs and gas, except one big ticking bomb with an unknown time of detonation?
Is it the immediacy of the threat that makes torture valid in the ticking bomb scenario? Immediacy hardly seems an absolute moral principle. How about immediacy times potential harm; isn't that better? So if you can morally break out "Skevington's Daughter" (Look it up; I don't have a sample here to show you. Not my thing.) for five hundred pounds of TNT in a van somewhere now, can't you break it out also for a nuke in New York in ten years? For a dozen nukes scattered about the U.S. or Europe in twenty-five? For a world-scourging plague in fifty?
I think you can. If the threat is real, I think you—we—must.
As I said, it's very sad.
And then, too, let us not forget the real poltroons. You know the type: "We'll officially forbid torture but if you—soldier or law enforcement officer or intelligence agent—engage in it illegally with the intent of protecting me and mine and it turns out that you just might have protected us then we'll pardon you. Then we can feel clean and safe and pure and virtuous and still be properly grateful."
Despicable moral cowardice; that's what that is.

NeoMatrix #fundie fstdt.com

If you're a deist, then you're not a Christian. That makes no sense.

@Mimic Octopus
If you're fighting something as nebulously sinister and soul-crushingly evil as Christianity or Islam, you have to be forceful and vigilant. It's the only way they will ever get the message.

Yes it carries the risk of self-righteousness, but that's a price I'm willing to pay if it means helping others in the long run and making a positive difference in the world.

caamib #sexist fstdt.com

benjamin2k is being naive. Western sluts want and need rape.

This is widely known by anybody who isn't a brainwashed mangina. It's known even among various disparate groups that don't quite like each other, like Red Pillers and conservative Jews/Muslims.

Modern Western women aside from few exceptions like Amish or Hasidic Jews, are disgusting braindead sluts and slugs who enjoy violent men and being raped. The idea that you can enter a relationship with them is insane. They'd kill the child of any man who'd want to take care of it. This is simply because women want to breed with men who make most kids, and such men are stupid, worthless criminals today. So you have this kind of a dissociation where a criminal will make a child and the state/beta cuck will take care of it. The same person can't be a father and take care of a child in advanced feminism.

And remember - if she stays alive a guy won't.

Xotan #fundie fstdt.com

[ on a 17 year old boy who was raped by two HIV+ men after he passed out from drinking too much ]

The questions arise:

- was this a gay bar?

- if so what was a 17 year old doing there?

- age of consent in Spain? I believe 17, if not younger.

Conclusion, it is not beyond possibility that this young man is in part responsible for what happened. Thankfully he did not contract HIV. It is no credit to his savoir faire that he got himself into this situation. Although I could never approve of the action of the older men, if the young man is old enough (and stupid enough) to drink himself into oblivion, then he is old enough to accept a fair proportion of the blame for whatever the consequences may be. If he was not capable of controlling himself and the situation he was in, he should not have been out alone.

Gee300 #fundie fstdt.com

Interesting to note ppl who have never studied the sciences contained in Genesis Chapters 1 and 2, making definitive statements.
There is no variance between the Bible and Science when we are presented with a true and proper translation of the Text, and CURRENT, UPTODATE science.
And not that pseudo science they force feed students, even today.
Having studied Genesis 1 and 2 for a year now in the original Hebrew, I had to learn maths, astronomy, nuclear physics, quantum physics, biology, and so forth.
Needless to say I had a steep learning curve.
As a sceptic, It took me by surprise to find evolution is a lie, current DNA results have been published and debunked Darwin's stolen idea, and that most ppl mean ADAPTION, not evolution.
Yes, Darwin was in court many times for intellectual property theft.
Do your research and be UPTODATE with CURRENT science before you nay Sayers go off half cocked with inadequate assumptions, that merely highlight your ignorance.
Even Hawkins States at the end of his lecture, " And remember ladies and gentlemen, it is still only a theory".
Yes. The Theory of Evolution. An idea that was around before Darwin's grandfather. What Charles Darwin tried to do was introduce the creation model into the existing theory of evolution. He tried, and failed.
Just as you who rubbish the science found in the bible have failed to impress me with any intelligent argument.
Study it for yourselves, you may be amazed at what you'll find.

His4Life #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth fstdt.com

He is like Obama. This Pope is anything but a Christian. He is pro-homosexual, pro-climate change, pro-abortion and extremely shady due to his jesuit background. I know he has not explicitly endorsed homosexual unions or abortion but he is paving the road for the Catholic church to eventually embrace these things and he knows what he is doing. My kids refer to this man as "Pope Poophole the Great" due to his love of homosexual lifestyle choices.

In His Love,
Apostle Dorie

Jerry #fundie fstdt.com

FundieVision Inc.: Sorry Jerry, I used to be a saved God fearing Christian who believed in The Rapture, Hell, and all the good stuff. I left xtianity behind at sixteen for damned good reasons. So I want no part of Jeebus the Jewish Zombie and his nutjob psychopathic manchild of a father.

Jerry: FundieVision:

Can I tell you a little secret? I think I will anyway. You were NEVER a Christian. You were NEVER Saved. How do I know that? Because there is no such thing as ex-Christian! You cannot un-believe something, and you certainly cannot un-believe Jesus. 1 John 2:19 In Christianity, we call it the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints.

You can also think of it this way: say you never seen an airplane, then you had to fly somewhere and you were on one, would you ever then claim that airplanes don't exist? Would ever say to someone that you "used to believe in airplanes, but not any more"? Just the same a Christian can NEVER become an ex-Christian.

You are depraved, sick, and filthy, and Jesus hates you. (Ps. 5:5, Rom. 1) But I have good news for you: it doesn't have to be this way! Even someone like you may be forgiven and Saved from all the filth, sickness, and depravity. All you got to do is believe in the true Jesus of the Christian Bible (not in the Catholic Jesus or the Mormon Jesus or any other false Jesus), repent of your sins, and ask Him into your heart and into your life, so that there is no sin, filth, or despair any more. Turn or burn, the choice is yours, and you alone are to blame for the consequences.

In the name of the Lord,

DJ #fundie fstdt.com

["Yes, but the result is that the feminist community, particularly online, is becoming insular and hostile without any apparent increase in the progress they're making"]

Meh. Men have been claiming feminist communities are insular and hostile since the days of fighting for the right to vote. It's nothing new and also nothing that's been empirically proven beyond the biased observations of a few.

["How do we know nobody in a position of power is biased against men/white people?"]

How do I explain how few fucks I give?

["The movements for equality aren't going to make much progress if their terminology and principles are being hijacked to promote hatred and bigotry."]

Name one movement for equality who *hasn't* had their terminology and principles hijacked to promote hatred and bigotry.

["Besides, nobody is saying that you have to spend time advocating against every claim of prejudice against men/white people, only the ones that actually happen."]

This is exactly the kind of stupid shit I was talking about. It's not the job of feminists/racial equality activists to spend time advocating against claims of prejudice against men/white people *even* if they're true. You wouldn't expect cancer researchers to devote time and manpower to researching heart attacks. You wouldn't expect cat rescues to spend resources on handling dogs. Placing that kind of expectation on the shoulders of women/racial minorities who, by definition, have less resources than men/white people is just a backhanded way of reinforcing the status quo. Men/white people can handle their own shit with their own vastly greater resources.

Jerry #fundie fstdt.com

Indeed, Jesus prohibited sisters of Eve to speak when in church or to have any authority over any man. And the Christian Bible (King Jesus Version) is very clear about the homofags (Romans 1).

But Jesus does want us to go to "liberal" and sinful places. It is our positive Christian duty to go there and to preach them the Truth. It is our obligation to tell them that Jesus hates them, but that it doesn't have to be this way.

In the name of the Lord,
Jerry, a fundamentalist!

Jerry #fundie fstdt.com

(in response to Anon-e-moose telling Jerry to prove God exists)

To Anon:

We don't have anything to prove to you. Nothing. Nada. Not a thing. We're to tell you the Truth. If you're of the Elect, you'll hear. If not, you'll burn.

You are evil and depraved, the worst of the worst. When you satanists look at yourselves in the mirror, you ought to see yourselves for what you really are--absolute lowest scum, utter trash, worthless and despicable. Jesus hates you (Ps. 5:5), workers of iniquity! (Rom 1:18-32)

But it doesn't have to be this way. There is a way for all of you to cleanse your minds, bodies, and souls of the filth and TOTAL DEPRAVITY of sin. Accept Jesus, and know truth, peace, and normal clean and happy life. Or burn in filth and in Hell. The choice is yours.

In the name of the Lord,

caamib #fundie fstdt.com

(in response to the Indian government ordering Internet service providers to block access to 857 pornography websites that had been singled out by an anti-pornography activist)

I congratulate the Indian government on this move. There is nothing worse for men than porn and masturbation. If I could, I'd break the fingers of any decent men I see caught masturbating.

Why? Because your penis is a weapon. It must ejaculate in a woman. Jacking off is much more harmful than most drugs, as it destroys penile sensitivity and is aiming to make a zombie out of you.

No wonder the libtards here are so angry at this - they want zombiefied man masturbating while thugs with brains of orangutans and no inhibitions go around raping women. This libtards have no problem with. They have problem with decent men fulfilling their natural urges.

His4Life #racist fstdt.com

(Original quote claims Jews would get around mandatory vaccination)

My guess is they will say it is not "kosher," so it violates their "religion."

In His Love,
Apostle Dorie

I Resist Temptation And Fight It. #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

Homosexuality is a sin. Homosexual people suck on a large throbbing penis like a sausage and acting like wild animals hungering for the right to suck and suck and release semen into the tongue and the mouth. Their eyes turn wild and they suck and suck as well as forcing the penis down the anus and listening to it throbbing and shifting and hearing it run out of semen they cheer in their wild lust for the penis and semen for the sin of Homosexuality is a mark of Satan who tempts straight men to go wild and start acting gay. As the penis grows bigger and bigger they release it all in a burst of madness.

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

(in response to Anon-e-moose saying his best friend is a long-time Church of England Christian)

Church of England? Are you kidding me? That "church" is a liberal cesspool. As far as I'm concerned, Church of England congregations, with their openly homosexual pastors, are just giant cruise ships floating happily along on their way to the lake of fire. I hope your friend enjoys taking it up the party hole from Satan when Jesus casts him out for his refusal to stand on principle and defend the gospel.

In His Love,

sweetride #fundie fstdt.com

You guys are bi-polar. One minute you complain about God for not doing anything about the evil in the world. And when he does do something about the evil in the world. He get call out for it. Make up your minds you big babies.

Annyomous #racist fstdt.com

[About the Trevon Martin trial, on a quote about how the results of the shooting where divinely ordained according to Zimmerman]

Shows how objective this website is. Under the guise of combating "religious fundies" it's simply a propaganda site for the left.

He was deemed not guilty beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law, but not it seems by the left in US politics and their anti-gun, race-baiting agenda. People seem to have forgotten the injuries this man had, it's a very real possibility that he had to defend himself and now one minor comment about "God" suddenly makes him an extremist something on par with Fred Phelps or Anjem Choudary?

Screw you, FSTDT. We're on to your political agenda.

Sweetride #fundie fstdt.com

Stop calling God cruel for handling evil people. No one was innocent even the children. Now for the children that does mean that they are judge after life. If He let the children live then who going to take care of them? They definitely don't won't someone who killed their parents to raise them, so it is better for them to be dead. What if the children was the enemy of the Hebrews? It is stupid to let them live. Some of them will grow up, and get revenge, on those who rightfully kill their evil parents. It better for the children to be put to death so they don't have to deal the Hebrew people. YHWH has every right to do so. Don't like too bad then. YHWH doesn't care what you don't like or like what he does, or weather you disagree or agree on how He handle things.

True2God #fundie #homophobia #psycho fstdt.com

I'm not a gay-hating, homophobic bigot (I've shared the Gospel with some homosexuals) and I don't agree with everything Pastor Steven Anderson says but I can't help but feel the world would be a better, happier place if all the homosexuals who reject Christ would just do what Joshua Alcorn did. Kill themselves.

There would be less unsaved people in this world, plus homosexuality is a disease. A disease that spreads. A disease that on average shortens your life, and increases the depression and suicide rate. Also, there would be no Christ-rejecting homosexuals who bully others (especially Christians) and there would be no more people like Dan Savage.

Think about it. If all the Christ-rejecting homosexuals died wouldn't the world be a better, happier place for EVERYONE? Again, I'm not a gay-hating, homophobic bigot.

And for people reading this I suggest going to this website: "Victims of Gay Bullying: Who are the real bullies?"

Theantihumanist.com #fundie fstdt.com

If you look at history, women in the past got pregnant at age 17. That`s why men have evolved to prefer girls under 17.
Reproductive value, baby! David Buss ftw!

Just 100 years ago, primates—both men and girlz —still had the common sense to not shoot themselves in the head over sexual trade union issues.

True2God #fundie fstdt.com

As a Christian baker, when a gay couple comes in to my bakery wanting a wedding cake, I use it as an opportunity to evangelize to them using Ray Comfort's method.

I ask them questions like: "Have you ever looked at each other with lust?", "Have you ever lied?", "Have you ever stolen anything?", "Have you ever used God's name in vain?" & they always say yes to at least the first two. I then warn them that they've sinned against God & I warn them about hell & Judgement Day. I then present the Gospel telling them about Jesus Christ, how He died for their sins & how they can go to heaven by repenting & trusting in Jesus.

Some of them end up converting to Christianity as a result & some of them say something like: "I don't believe the Bible is the Word of God." To the latter I tell them there's overwhelming evidence for Christianity. I tell them to examine the evidence for & against Christianity. I tell them: "If you can prove to me & convince me that Christianity is false, if you can make me an atheist, I'll give you $10,000 & I'll bake you the wedding cake. But if you can't then I don't have to bake your wedding cake."

To this day every gay couple I make this offer to has accepted my challenge. To this day none of them have been able to convince me that Christianity is false. To this day I have never had to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, I've never gotten sued, I've never gone to prison & I've never gotten into trouble with the law.

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

[...] I am skeptical of mainstream theories about dinosaurs. In large part I believe the dinosaur craze is a cultural thing started by Europeans. In black households, dinosaur figurines, movies, etc., are not as common, and my children certainly did not grow up with dinosaurs in the household.

Dinosaur "science" is largely a European trend. Outside of Europe, dinosaurs were unheard of until Europeans spread the theory to others. Africa is the birthplace of the world's oldest civilizations, yet we have no records of Africans ever encountering or speculating about dinosaurs. Why is this?

I do believe there were other large creatures in history though - just not the giant lizards we have been taught to believe in. The large lizards are from European mythology and are based on dragons. The Bible has a different explanation:

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

- Genesis 6:4

These horrific abominations were produced when angels mated with humans and they are the reason God sent the flood to destroy them and their offspring. I believe the large bones turning up all around the world are evidence of this event.

papercut100 #fundie fstdt.com

[a person quoted on this site comes here to defend what they said]

hahahah - you guys really bring shame on yourselves. Not a single one of you has been able to say why I'm wrong. The one's amongst you who are even capable of thought, (instead of death-threats) have come out with the line 'a child can't consent' - well, ask a child if she wants to eat sprouts, or go skiing, or learn the violin - she'll either give or withhold consent. In short children can and do 'consent' all the time - as to the 'informed' part - what is the 'information' they need? I mean it: the word 'informed' implies information. And if they do not have that necessary information with which to make a decision, what is the best way of them acquiring it?

Exposing Illuminati #conspiracy fstdt.com

I don't think that you realize that EVERY person who has signed a major label deal in the modern era has been forced to join a secret society such as the Freemason's or the Boule. I am erudite in these matters and I am not an internet scholar. I have thoroughly researched this topic for over 20 years. Even DMX when they first signed him agreed to join these cults that are based upon Occult principles.Dark Man X was the vessel that evil men used to introduce demonic themes into hip hop similar to Snoop and Murder was the Case. Listen to Damien from It's Dark and Hell Is Hot. Go listen to the Omen from Flesh of My Flesh Blood of My Blood. What about in the song "LET ME FLY" on FLESH OF MY FLESH when he stated again just in case you missed it on Belly son "I SOLD MY SOUL TO THE DEVIL AND THE PRICE WAS CHEAP AYE YO ITS COLD ON THIS LEVEL AND ITS TWICE AS DEEP" is he talking about the Lord son? No my friend he was talking about how he had to sell his soul in order to join the music industry. In the early years DMX was involved heavily with crack cocaine. He did as his drug enablers instructed him to do. He went along with their program. He is against the so-called "illuminati" now but when he was building his brand he became the principal individual who became famous in rap. Rap after the death of Pac and Big became dark, sinister, and satanic. If you would have taken the time to read what I wrote you would have noticed that i said they initiated the current state of rap after the death of 2 pac and Biggie. Quite frankly 2 Pac had a meeting with the imprisoned revolutionary Mutulu Shakur back in 1991 where it was decided that instead of joining a social activist group thatr Pac would become a Gangster Rap Artist in order to reach more people. This choice led to Pac entering music instead of becoming a social activist. So 2 Pac the rap persona was a creation my friend. Lesanne Parish Crooks who eventually became 2 Pac Amaru Shakur was a very artistic person. I do not think anyone is an angel friend. All men fall short of the glory of the True Living God. My point is in regards to the entertainment industry is that when a CELEBRITY thanks God or mentions GOD they are referring to their GOD...so anytime a celebrity thanks God they are thanking Satan who they have chosen as God. DMX is against this now. Good for him. ?

LovingJesus #fundie fstdt.com

It's kind of funny how all of you are making fun of God right now, but you'll see. Remember September 2011? Obama was called the Antichrist by a heckler. Everyone just BOOED at the heckler, having NO LOVE for Jesus when he was yelling PRAISE JESUS THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH!

Obama's reaction? "I-I-I believe in t-the L-L-Lord- Hey, did he forget his jacket?

See how he stuttered in FEAR when he said that? he's the ANTICHRIST!

Skeletoooor! #announcement #fundie fstdt.com

Found an old classic of fundamentalism that ought to spawn nostalgia in anyone around my age Turmoil in the Toy Box. This thing is why a fair number of people weren't allowed to watch perfectly good cartoons as kids. Produced for christian parents and so very remarkably convinced that He-Man is the fore runner of the occult pop culture, it makes for a great thing to listen to if you can spare some snickering.

I have never been this nostalgic for shows I barely even remember. But it's really funny watching christian conservatives attempt to figure out children's toys. This should help set the standard for stupid in anyone who's new to the topic of fundamentalists.

Oh, and if anyone else has other good ones, let me know, I will post the hell out of this kind of thing.

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

[re: Nicholas Cage in new Left Behind movie]

Also, Cage is not a Christian actor by any stretch. He is a disgusting occultist who wants to be buried in a pyramid. Ghost Rider was one of the most satanic films in recent history and he starred in both of them, portraying a demonic creature collecting unsaved souls to send to hell.

Aman777 #fundie fstdt.com

[Someone pointed to the fundie that he has been quoted here, so he decides to come and explain himself.]

Dear Readers, What this shows is that the Theory of Evolution is an incomplete, untrue, false assumption. Humans were made on the first Earth, which was totally destroyed in the Flood. Adam was the first living being made for he was formed of the dust of the ground on the 3rd Day, in another world, which was totally destroyed in the Flood.

The False ToE is limited to this incomplete view of men who study only our world. They know nothing of Adam's world, and that throws their calculations off in every direction. When you tell them, they call you names and imply that you are Nuts.

The entire story of this argument is told in ll Peter 3:3-7 The Scoffers (Evols) will be "willingly ignorant" that the first Earth was totally destroyed in the Flood, and that our world will be burned.

The argument will be in the latter days, before the destruction of our world.

In Love,

NicholasMarks #fundie fstdt.com

When dealing with those who don't really bother with accurate Christianity we often find that they will jump to their own conclusions and ignore the help offered.

In exploring the impact of nervous waste it becomes clear that people are easily tricked out of this life supporting property...and the body can't regenerate it as quickly as it is wasted. So, a pattern of deterioration is already embarked upon. If there is no nervous strength to feed the various organs at the various times they need it there is a slow deterioration in genetic health too. Now...believe it or believe it not...our brain is an organ that requires huge amounts of this nourishment and screaming and shouting at pop concerts, football matches, television programs, our own vanity, and other exercises of nervous waste leads to inefficiencies and frustrations .

I shouldn't need to tell you this because the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ lifts us out of this wastage and sets us up on a path of spiritual repair and then we quickly realise that the wastage of our most vital life support energy is being stolen from us by dubious means and only Jesus Christ can save us from it.

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