
Anyomous #conspiracy #sexist quora.com

Is Doctor Who pandering to SJWs?

The answer is obviously yes, unless you think it’s by chance that in the past season as the SJW’s rose, suddenly Jesus was black, all of history is whitewashed, the doctor will be becoming a woman, and the sidekick is a black lesbian. All they need is an Asian and they’ve ticked all the boxes - and you guessed it, next season will also have an Asian. And it’ll go like this - the women will be in charge, they’ll be brave, intelligent etc., and the men will be complete wimps, stammering about hardly able to put a sentence together. Apparently this is ‘progressive’, despite the fact to anybody with a brain, it’s regressive.

Given most people are indoctrinated, they probably see this as normal. Regardless, whether you like the pandering or not, the show has lost it’s magic. Tbh I wouldn’t say SJW’s ruined it, even before the pandering, after Matt Smith’s departure, the show’s just…..boring. Far too iterative, they need better writers - but finding good writers is hard when SJW’s will lynch anyone that even slightly deviates from their agenda. But, I don’t know why they can’t find good writers, could be a number of reasons.

Joshua Light #conspiracy #racist quora.com

Question: Is it possible that North Sentinel Islanders are not homo sapiens?

Joshua Light: A perfectly racist question. The essence of racism is the belief in “races” - that people-groups are somehow in different stages of evolution than others and “not quite human”. Darwin believed the Australians to be of inferior breed.

Margaret Sanger believed “negros” to be of inferior breed and wanted them “bred out” of the human race entirely. She formed what is now known as Planned Parenthood. From the grave, she has been largely successful - over 30 million black babies - black voters - have had their vote suppressed in the most permanent way - by killing them in the womb. 30 million is 5 times more blacks than the total Jews killed by Hitler.

Steve Dragon #racist #fundie #psycho quora.com

Goegre Floyd was a rotten criminal. He deserves to be killed and then burn in Hell with Staan. He should have enever even been born into this world. Criminal apes need to be aborted and their little brittle baby bodies stomped on the floor and cast down to Help where they will be raped by the Devil for eternity. Fuck Goerge Floyd! Fuck his gay retarded family! Floyd was a hideous mongrel monster that never meant to be born! His mother should have had hear motherfucking tubes tied to prevent this beast creature from ever having been born at all!

Steve Dragon #homophobia #psycho #fundie #crackpot quora.com

Homsoexual babies need to be aborted. They were enever meant to be born at all. Jesus heart breaks every a time a homo baby comes into this world. They shouldn't exist here at all. They shouldn't even be looked at or even be breathing. They should be banned form ever being born because God hates them! The aborted homo babies belong in Hell ehing raped and molested and penetrated by the devil's big red ffatass cick in hell! Fag Fetsues, PREPARE FOR SATANS COCK IN HELL!!! HES WAITING!!!!

Steven Visek #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger #wingnut quora.com

As certain governors and mayors have shown recently related to the Wuhan Virus, the local or state executive can get away with being a dictator, at least for a short time. They can seemingly ignore their legislatures and shut down the courts and prohibit protests and claim health and safety as the reason. They have even used Stasi-style tactics of using the people to inform on their neighbors.

Ultimately if the people are sheep, and most are, the governor/mayor can get away with it. How they immediately reversed these policies to permit and encourage the protests after the senseless death of George Floyd demonstrates that for some of these leaders that the health and safety reasons they gave were a canard, hollow excuses foisted on a naive public and spread by a complicit media, all in an effort to grab and exert power. They told us that peaceful protests of their restrictions, and civil disobedience in the form of businesses daring to re-open, were a grave threat, and were put down in some cases with fascist efficiency. But apparently protesting racial injustice, violating all of their safety protocols while doing so, is not only allowed but encouraged, and rioting and looting need to be “understood.” French author Francois de La Rochefoucauld was surely prescient when he wrote that “hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.”

And since this time the wannabe dictators got away with it, they will be emboldened to exert such power in the future as it suits them. The Wuhan Virus claimed over 100,000 lives and counting in this country, and you can count the Constitution of the United States of America among the dead.

Kevin Einstein #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist quora.com

How the f*ck is it possible that Assyrians and Greeks are still existing yet ancient Egyptians, Romans and the first Indianized Kingdom of modern-day Cambodia known as Nokor Phnom or what the Chinese call Funan don’t? Did they magically disappear?

The Truth is that its the Europeans which don’t exist.

Europe got invaded from Northern Europe by Mongols which were Hun Tribes, Turks Tribes and Han Tribe (Mongolian).

Huns killed off Western Asians (Europe), Turks killed off Middle Asians, while Hans attacked Eastern Asians.

Once they killed them off they took their identities… the phrase “When In Rome”, you become “Roman”. Huns claimed to be Celts, Romans, Greeks, etc. Turks claim to be ancient Aryans, Hebrews and Egyptians. Hans we all know weren’t the ancient Chinese and are seen as the Mongolians they are.

The Original Europeans were Brown skin form Humans… While the Mongolians are descendants Humans and Neanderthals Children. These half breed children were pale skin, hairy bodies, different color eyes & different color and type of hair… all features which Primates have, many Europeans even grow tails. Please google “The Vestigial Tail” which is a European Trait which no one wants to address.

This is because no White People are Ancient, so they couldn’t not have been Ancient Europeans!

History = His Story, and he writes it how he chooses!

Ball Earth is a Jesuit Hoax #fundie quora.com

Why isn’t Encyclopedia Dramatica shut down?
Why hasn't Israel surrendered to Palestine? Because the Lord won't have it!

ED routinely exposes the lies and fraud of NASA and the evils of American politics. That's why the Illuminati/Deep State/globalist parasites want it dead. Their diabolical agendas are slowly but surely being cast out of the woodwork and the rose coloured glasses are being lifted off the masses. They know their hour is dying. Where will NASA run off to when the Lord comes back and demolishes their system for good? They'll be crawling on all fours for a dime. ED is a Godly website for standing up against the craziness of our world in these apostate times!

Freudian Slip Award

Ball Earth is a Jesuit Hoax #fundie quora.com

A Godly America is one who teaches Puritan Christian Dominionust Values, who teaches the strongest fact of science there is, that the Earth is a flat disk topped with a firmament, like Sandy's threesome from SpingeBob. One who teaches men are a beautiful creation of the Lord they God, not a monkey's mutated period blood. One that teaches that Man's purpose in life is to Serve and Fear God all our days. I miss the puritans every day and I cry of nostalgia just thinking of the times! Good old days!

Robert Cornell #fundie quora.com

You’re no Christian if you believe the Bible has textual issues. Did you know that even Muslims believe that Jesus existed? If you follow Jesus, but disbelieve in the Bible, that makes you a Muslim, which is a stepping stone to atheism.

Anonymous #fundie #racist quora.com

Where have the oldest Caucasoid-type skulls been found?


As you can see the skull morphology of Rameses II is closest to the Negro skull morphology with Mongoloid Face structure… That makes these words a lie-

“Ramses II has zero prognathism and the nose… that is more Middle Eastern like seen in Jews and Arabs. He even looks like the Caucasoid skull in your graphic above.

His lack of intelligence scientifically is also displayed by his inability to acknowledge that all Arabs and Jews and Sub Saharan Africans belong to the same Phylogenetic tree of “E” they all share a common Male Ancestor.

What he/Alex calls Middle Eastern Features are clearly Negroid and the Mid East overbite is really Negroid Prognathism.

And the obvious cognitive dissonance makes discussion unfruitful so the graphics are provided simply to demonstrate detached from reality some people can remain even when the evidence is unassailable.

“Wow, you guys are something. Yeah, the color of the skin could be incorrect, but the facial features are not Africoid- Negroid. There are either Europid or Mongolid (like the Oase man)- There are 3 Anthropological Skull classifications


The Oase Man is Negroid- Negroid skull morphology, this means he could only be 1 of 4 Y-DNA groups that are Africa in origin/Negroid= Y-DNA A’s, B’s, D’s and E’s- therefore the SSA’s were the EEF’s/Anatolians, not only the EEf’s but also part population of the ANE’s.


because this is the real scientific debate, when did Western E1b1a’s and Eastern E1b1b’s *Eurasians= Y-DNA HAPLOGROUP E NEGROIDS split, …. not your weird rant like yours.”

Robert Hubbs #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

Lincoln was one of our worst presidents. He made enemies of succeeding states instead of creating an alliance with the CSA and pitted brother against brother in a bloody war. Lincoln violated the civil liberties of Americans on both sides both before and after the war between the states. I would dare say that Abraham Lincoln was under the influence of the anti-christ.

Chris L Lesley #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

Question: Did giants exist before the deluge?

Chris: It takes no effort to dismiss anything everything, even reality.

Every animal was giant in the past.
Every plant was Giant in the past.
Every single celled organism was giant in the past.
Every human was giant in the past.

The question would be easier to answer, “What is not giant in the past?” … and that answer is “nothing but babies.” (they’re still rather small)
To dismiss giants shows people are uneducated, academia is incapable of educating beyond a point.

Pre deluge everything was larger and there are no exceptions.

If evolutionists didn’t mislabel 98% of the fossil record extinct, then ignore it they could learn what is actually in the fossil record.

Chris L Lesley #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #pratt quora.com

Question: Have creationists read Darwin's "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"? Did you finish the book and comprehend the work?

Chris: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f935a98f8eb12738589b4ea856d566e9-pjlq

Yes, and other works, but it is likely that the “Origin of Species” was not written by him”.
Should we expect a new book from the Brookwood miners? Its been 20 years ago that 13 miners lost their lives due to an explosion.

What about the former Beatle George Harrison? Is he coming out with new music this year?

The book of Mark was within 35 years of Jesus death and it gets dismissed.

The Buddha was written of 600 years after his death and it doesnt.

I think if Charles had written the Origin of Species he’d of done it in a hurry, it wasnt his first book, he never hesitated on them.

Many of the people he was in correspondence with were in a rush to get Britain to follow India’s religious belief as British Science. So there was an urgency to publish.

20 years is more than long enough for someone to write the Origin of Species, and attribute it to someone who wasnt physically or mentally capable of writing the book in that condition.

Charles Darwin didnt write the Origin of Species.

Ross Wind #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com


It is said the chimpanzee and the bonobo share 98.6% of their genes and has the same number of chromosomes but are incompatible they cannot reproduce.


An early evolutionists fake news is surprisingly still part of today’s urban legend; both have the same number of chromosomes. No, they don’t. humans have 46 and big primates 48. Few people know this, it seems that the pig is closer genetically to humans than the chimp. In other words, chimpanzees and humans are incompatible.

Philipp Cole #fundie quora.com

[wanted to share my first run in with creationism on quora]

Original question:“What will happen if I could falsify the Theory of Evolution and replace ToE?„

Answer by Thraxas:
Well you would get a Nobel prize.

But not sure o get you down but the ToE is The best researched Theorie in all of scientific history, with the most evidence for it, even more so than the Theory of friggin gravity.

So you first had to discover something that fundamentally changes our perception of biology, chemistry or physics. But good luck

Comment by Philipp Cole:

Absolute nonsense. There is absolutely no observed evidence to support evolution. Evolution is just the science fiction writings of men.

Gravity has observed evidence.

Comment by Thraxas:

Erm no just no. While there is indeed observable evidence for gravitation it isn’t letting your pen Fall that could also proof intelligent falling:

[Link to the rational wiki Site about intelligente falling, the thumbnail is the pictured of jesus holding the Universe]

It is actually a lot more easy to get evidence. I actually read some papers about it and also you should know a common actual example which is COVID 19 and it’s mutants.

I also don’t see what you nuts get out of it claiming that there is no evidence for evolution, it’s easily verifiable, like you could actual do it. Also it’s just a Natural process not even directly contradicting your favorite fairy tail unlike a heliocentric Model or the fact that the world is round.

Comment by Philipp Cole

Regardless of how many times you make the false claim, there is still absolutely no evidence to support evolution.

LOL, the Covid variants are due to reproduction and genetics NOT evolution.

FYI, it is true that Jesus holds the universe together. Jesus created it and He could easily destroy it.

David Bump #fundie quora.com

Question: Why are pigs similar to humans in some ways?

David Bump: God thoughtfully provided an animal suitable to raising as common cattle that would be helpful in studying for human medical purposes and at least one replacement part. Notice also the use of guinea pigs, rats, and mice in medical testing and research.

Frank Schlernitzaver #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger quora.com

Uh, none of the evidence of eviloution is undisputed, it is ALL disputed, and highly disputed BTW, as it is all based upon flawed and imaginative assumptions,preconceived assumptions again btw.

And there is no way to KNOW the sea floors are any younger than any place else on the earth. Answer me this where did the sea floors come from if they are younger- did they just poof appear or what; your thinking is almost comical when thought out. All the matter is same age ALL of it, none of it could be any older or younger unless it was CREATED later (lol).

Yes the materials have been sifted sorted BY the global flood of Noah’s day; we see the flood strata everywhere on earth. And the water receded back in to the earth and the Mtns rose up after the flood as Bible tells us and we see the overt/obvious evidence of their too in the inverted broken strata layers so we KNOW they rose up and water runs down hill, it always has btw, except in Grand Canyon where it had to flow up hill for millions years to form the canyon but that is the only exception (lol).

Josie #fundie #crackpot quora.com

(Part 1)

I was a bad girl that found the light after 40 years. I use to study about serial killers and criminals…being that I was raised pretty much in the streets, I grew up in pretty bad neighborhoods and was flopped around from house to house and went to the shittiest schools which I didn't show up to much. I know about all that gangster street life and other criminal behavior, most of my friends had been to prison for at least 4 years, my first husband just got out a year ago and went In when I was 20 and finally has a relationship with our son… I studied a lot of true crime, as far as religion I practiced some which craft and used Ouija boards even since I was a kid, used to make my own when I was like 13 I liked everything dark and macabre….I was raised Catholic but didn't believe in God for the most part, I blamed God for the sadness of the world, for having to see my little sister get hit by a car when she was 4 and I was 11, I blamed God again when my uncle died, and also just because we were an extremely poor family with 7 kids that were hungry wearing hand me downs and saw violence and way too many funerals at too young an age. I blamed God or decided he didn't exist for 40 years until me and my fiance started Ghost hunting, totally for fun, not believing in much, laughing about it really. Then one night we used a Ouija board in a national park at 3 am and all had gone wrong, the planchet was so fast and told us sick evil things, we jokingly had summoned something evil that played with our minds and had my partner acting not himself at all. He became violent and even his face didn't look the same anymore…the smile in photos were becoming smirks and after a couple weeks the paranormal activity going on made the movies look like a joke…even our car was acting up, the lights on and off and everything electrical was disrupted, and it kept getting worse, the television electrocuted my fiance, no not shocked, electrocuted! The washer and dryer would turn on and off, doors slamming, and eventually my fiance wouldn't get out of bed for 2 weeks, wouldn't allow me to put the light on, felt like he was burning, he went from chaotic and cruel to crying in a corner afraid, it was very real…as a skeptic I can assure you demonic oppression is real, we summoned a real demon, yes, a real demon…

Ken Edwin #fundie quora.com

No what ifs. ALL lost Unbelievers will spend Eternity in hell and the lake of fire for Eternity needlessly. We must be Truly Born Again Christian Believers In Jesus Christ Alone to go to Heaven. I have found that Only a life lived in Jesus Christ Alone daily matters. Are you ready to meet Jesus Today, find Truth, Forgiveness, Salvation, True Peace, Contentment, Joy, Love. Jesus is Tenderly, Lovingly, calling Today, Come, Come as you are, Come Now

Sound Minds Eye Found #conspiracy quora.com

Everything we have been told or taught over the last several thousand years has been Luciferian Inversion, what’s real portrayed as fantasy, fantasy given as truth, so they can avoid karmic penalty, look over here not over there, while the answer is behind you. IE 9/11 when the first 2 towers were exploding, before the planes were added, (it was the sleight Of hand that drew attention away from the 3rd tower where the uamashita gold and server for GeSARA just happened to be.) Controlled demolition in the background while CNN was reporting on it, because they think we are dumbed down sheep. Are we not, though? How long are we going to stay falling for rich mans tricks? Pentagon was a missile. Gesara related, and some other things. Funny how they find passports of the guys and the news anchor already had a suspect, Osama Bin Laden. Kind of like the Nashville Xmas bombing, which was a white hat attack on a CIA or NSA data Collection point.ahere the FBI has a suspect and his passport, untouched near the explosion. The announcement was the white hats, who are trying to preserve every life they can. Now, back to the Sasquatch.

Jen Wenny #psycho #transphobia #homophobia quora.com

(A psycho woman named Jen Wenny on Quora answering questions. Possibly a troll?)

Question: Is my 7 year old sister a pervert? She always watches me in the shower. I tell her to stop and leave my room but she never listens, what should I do:

Answer: Don’t! Invite her into the shower and have fun!

Question: I’m male, and me and my brother used to suck each other off when we were 13 and 14, is this normal?

Answer: Not with the same gender! But with boy and girl siblings, sure!

Question: How do I come up with a plot that isn’t cringe?

Answer: you don’t, and I don’t care about your pronouns; OK MAN?

Trevor Guthrie #psycho quora.com

(A meme in reference to Kyle Rittenhouse.)
It’s funny how a person can fire a gun into a crowd of liberals and instantly hit a:
Pedophile, woman beater, or a career criminal.
It’s almost as if their entire political party consists of rapists and subhumans.

Robert Cornell #conspiracy quora.com

There are a lot of similarities between Biden and FDR. Of course, there’s the political similarity. Both of them are progressive socialist. They both want to raise taxes and take the guns. FDR tried to pack the courts, and Biden has openly talked about court packing. It’s not hard to see why Biden would compare himself to FDR.

However, I have another answer. Now, this is a radical idea. I mean, this MAYBE has a 1% chance of actually being true. But I think I’m onto something, so PLEASE, consider it critically.

Biden is very old. He obviously has symptoms of dementia, including his extreme difficulty with speech. He often forgets obvious things, thinking he’s running for Senate instead of president. He also thought he was running against Reagan. Are those characteristics of a 77-year-old? Maybe, but Biden’s dementia is SEVERE. No, those are the characteristics of somebody MUCH older. 138 years old, to be exact. Somebody who was alive early enough to start a world war- and successfully shift the blame to Hitler.

In case it’s not obvious what I’m saying, I’ll spell it out for you. BIDEN IS FDR! Well, I’m not sure. Even I have to admit that this is pretty unlikely. But still, these are UNCANNY similarities. There’s even a physical resemblance. All FDR needs is a nose job and slightly different hair, and I can totally see him as Biden!

If we could prove that Biden is in fact FDR, then he would be ineligible to be president. Don’t get me wrong, there was fraud! But if there wasn’t, “Biden” STILL couldn’t be president because it would be his FIFTH TERM! The 22cd amendment says that “Biden” CANNOT be president. That means automatic victory for Trump.

I know that this PROBABLY isn’t true. But in the 1% chance that it is- I DON’T WANT TO LIVE UNDER THE FDR REGIME 2.0!

Robert Cornell #fundie quora.com

Those are NOT ridiculous. Both acts are dangerous and sinful deeds which should not go unpunished. Marijuana causes hallucinations and feelings of paranoia, which can lead to violence. It also may cause somebody to hallucinate a pagan “God” and turn Muslim or atheist. Prostitution, aside from being atheistic, sinful, and often homosexual, promotes the spread of diseases, many of which are incurable and untreatable. People definitely SHOULD be jailed for their crimes against God.

Robert Cornell #fundie quora.com

A true President Trump supporter, like me, would SUPPORT the protestors at the Capitol today. If you condemn them, you are a progressive socialist Never-Trumper MASQUERADING as a Conservative. I put people like you in the same category as AOC. I think you are secretly an atheist, too.

Robert Cornell #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy quora.com

The worst part? In order to be PC, the dems actually SUPPORT child marriages because, according to their delusional logic, it would be “Islamophobic” to speak out against it. On the other hand, they just legalized homo marriage 6 years ago, so paedo marriage would be the logical next step on the liberal agenda. Biden will surely pardon Weinstein!

Robert Cornell #fundie quora.com

As a resident of NorCal, I’ve seen how California has changed from liberal, to leftist, to radical-left. It pains me to see how my state has fallen for the propaganda of far left dems. I am devoting my time to debunking the 18 fundamental lies of leftism.

Biden won fairly
Russia interfered with the 2016 election
President Trump is racist
Justice Kavanaugh is guilty of sexual assault
Kamala is black
Abortion is not murder
Taxing the rich will grow the economy
Affirmative action works
Christianity is false
Legalizing drugs lowers drug abuse
There is no leftist indoctrination in public schools/universities
Humans are changing the climate
Gun control works
Mass immigration grows the economy
Obama was born in America
Michelle is a woman
Earth is a billion years old
We came from monkeys
Every one of these points is false. I am challenging every leftist in the world to prove ONE of these points to me. If anybody can do that, I will denounce my religion and become a Never-Trumper. However, I don’t think you can prove any of these. I don’t think ANYBODY can prove these, because they are LIES.

Hero Vercingetrix #sexist #ableist quora.com

(answering a question if autistic men can be attractive to women)

Well, think about it this way:

Women are generally attracted to men who display leadership qualities. Take into consideration that in most of human history women would favor men who held power, station, and authority. The attractive man would be the man that all others would look up to, and respect.

Given women's propensity to follow, lack of moral compass, lack of self-direction, and tendency to submit herself to power, the moderately autistic guy would not be mentally fit to stand amongst his peers as a leader, much less as an equal. When life becomes more about survival, and bringing home the bacon, people would very likely not have any patience for his weird quirks and tendencies. His inability to read the room, and recognize danger, would likely result in him being killed. His deficiencies would most likely preyed upon by male competitors. A woman in this sort of world would be seeking a mate who could provide security, wealth, and the power and ability to make provision for her welfare.

Dianne Paulsen #fundie quora.com

Soon, God the Father will Demonstrate HOW He can imprison 7.9 Disobedient, SELF-Leading God-created Souls, in hell for Eternity.

You just wait.

or you could . . .

RUN to GOD, and beg God the Father to teach ‘you’ to live His Unselfish Ways, so that ‘you’ will become selfless, like Jesus, our Example, so ‘you’ are working WITH GOD, instead of with satan, AGAINST GOD.

TIP: ‘Good Intentions’ lead to hell.

Eid Badr #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt quora.com

Question: Can mutations create new traits?

Eid Badr: The problem with your question is the definition of trait.

If you consider the ability to digest something that your stomach never digested before a new trait then yes mutations create new traits.

If you are asking about something like an animal that does not hair at all and does not produce hair at all to go through mutations and then produce hair then no, this is not possible.

Or for example if you are asking abotu something like an animal that does not have wings at all to go through mutations and then graudually have wings then not this is not possible and mutations cannot do that.

On Quora questions like this ask about brand new generally beneficial traits. Traits that are not only beneficial under certain conditions. For example E.Coli is able to activate a silent Citrate digestion gene using mutations but only if it is put in a citrate medium. And this is only beneficial when E.coli is put in a citrate medium, if this medium has no citrate then this mutation is not beneficial. So it is not generally beneficial for E.Coli to activate the Citrate digestion gene.

Another example would be becoming lactose tolerant or lactose intolerant. Either would be beneficial only under certain conditions, and that depends on your diet.

Mutations are not random.

Mutations cannot create brand new generally beneficial traits.

Mutations help species adapt to their diet and their environments and conditions.

Mutations cannot get a species or an individual out of its genome type to which it belong.

Mutations cannot transform a genome type to another genome type.

Humans had only human ancestors.

Moneys had only monkey ancestors.

E.Coli is still E.coli

Lizards are still lizards.

Finches are still finches.

Evolution is a myth.

Linds Anthony #fundie quora.com

Ah, you’re comparing God with a human. You’re saying “well, I forgive people if they commit a crime! I don’t wreak revenge on them! That’s because I’m good and God’s bad.”

But you’re a human. You’re flawed yourself, so you may cut your kids a lot of slack. (“I know I told him not to do that…but hey, I was worse when I was his age!”) Or you’re aware your rules may not be fair (“I said I’d ground her if she was out after 10…but maybe I was being a bit too strict…maybe I’ll let her off…or check what other parents are doing…”)

Whereas God isnt flawed. He doesnt have to doubt His judgements (and He spells everything out VERY clearly upfront. Eve knew PRECISELY what would happen if she ate the fruit.) So people going against Him shows theyre pitting themselves against God. And while God showed huge mercy in the OT (have you READ the story of the Israelites in wilderness, endlessly disobeying, squabbling, making idols…) He wasnt going to be mocked. Because God isnt like your soppy old Dad (where kids smirk “oh, he SAYS all this stuff but I can wind him round my little finger!”) but is the Almighty. And would we WANT a soppy old God who said one thing but…it never happened? You wouldnt know where you were. There wouldnt BE any Law (“I know it SAYS not to steal but God’ll shrug and look the other way if I smile at Him”)

God is there to be treated with reverence and love. We HAVE to follow His word. It’s not a matter for debate. You deciding that “I don’t approve of God so I’m ignoring His EVERY WORD” isnt like deciding youre not voting for a politician or shopping in a certain business. God wil prevail. Makes more sense to work with Him than try to fight, when it’s all set in stone…

Brian Pope #fundie quora.com


Terigi Ciccone #conspiracy #dunning-kruger quora.com

Question: What’s a dead giveaway that someone doesn’t know anything about climatology?

Terigi Ciccone: Two signs; first they ask questions that assume that global warming is real and humans can do something about it. The second signal is they accuse people who don’t buy the story of being climate change deniers.

Victor Ahaiwe #conspiracy quora.com

Question: How long were the British in Palestine?

Answer: British presence in Palestine resulted to the present day havoc in Middle East crisis. They purposefully invaded Palestine to corrupt Christianity to justify their reasons for rewriting the Bible “ The King James Version “.

They are still occupying Palestine but indirectly as they use the people that they choose to be identified as being Jewish in the fake name “Israelites “.

who are Israelites? The continent Africa and the people Africans fits every description. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. British lies using Christianity is over its maintenance is becoming too expensive and dangerous to the world.

lies and luxury are expensive to maintain but truth and simplicity are self maintained. It’s becoming too expensive to continuously occupy Palestine lately as killings surges both side and continuously over 75 years.

The people occupying Palestine use bombs and technology to protect themselves but the so called Africans are asked to call on the God of Isreal for protection.

Who gave us that name “ Africa”. Our original name is Israelites, we are 10 of the 12 tribes. Why did Europeans lied that we were lost .

Theo Tsourdalakis #fundie #pratt quora.com

Question: Why did humans evolve with a protruding nose?

Answer: The answer is simple.
They did NOT EVOLVE with a protruding nose because evolution (macro) is nothing but a popular MTYH. It is Santa Claus or the tooth fairy.
It has zero credible scientific evidence supporting it.

Your question falsely infers that evolution (macro) is true and real - it is neither.
Macro evolution is a popular myth, a fairy tale, devoid of credible scientific evidence. Recent discoveries in genetics shows that it is NOT possible.
(See book Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer.)

The evolution battle is often MISrepresented as science against religion – this is baloney!
The real battle is between good science and Darwinism.
When Darwinian/Macro evolution is scrutinised using the scientific method, it crumbles.
The scientific method demands: observation, measurement, repeatability. Darwinian/Macro evolution has none of these, all it has is circumstantial evidence which is open to interpretation. Ask yourself: What evidence is there that our great …. Great grandfather was a bacterium?

Dr John Sanford (Geneticist and inventor of the Gene Gun) said :
“The bottom line
is that the primary axiom [of Darwinian/Macro evolution]
is categorically false,
you can't create information with misspellings,
not even if you use natural selection.”
There is significant dissent from Darwinism. For proof of the dissent to go http://www.dissentfromdarwin.org/ and download the list of brave scientists who are willing to publicly declare their dissent from Darwinian/Macro evolution. Micro Evolution is observable science, Darwinian/Macro evolution is a fairy-tale supported only by propaganda.

Stephen Thomas Blume #fundie #pratt quora.com

Question: Did Australopithecus Africanus have a face like a bonobo?

Answer: A. africanus is nothing but an old ape skull. It’s no different than any ape skull, but it’s made into a hominid by modelers that give it human characteristics.


A. africanus and bonobos both have (1) laid back foreheads like any ape, (2) large brow ridges like any ape (3) small craniums like any ape (4) 45 degree protruding jaws like any ape. They both have “U” shaped dental arches, again like any ape. Humans have “V” shaped dental arches. They are both apes. Modelers and artists from the Smithsonian and Nat Geo and the like “evolve” old ape skulls into “hominids”. A. africanus is just an old ape skull.


Here is the model made by the Smithsonian. Notice that model forehead is much more vertical and human-like than the skull, the cranium is much larger on the model, the model’s brow ridges are much smaller. The model is given human hair, human skin, human eyes with 50% sclera showing, human-like expression. A. africanus is nothing but an old ape skull, but the folks at the Smithsonian want you to think you are looking at your ancestor.

So, to answer your question, yes, A. africanus has a face like an ape since it is nothing but an ape.

Simon Elliot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist quora.com

Absolutely not because if that were the case then Islam would be reduced to 0.1% in China, it would have banned Uighurs from rights, put a symbol on Uighurs and Muslim restaurants would be closed.
Those you see in prison or who have been detained are guilty of supporting Islamic extremism or separatism, the Chinese government does not react without reason.
For those who say "Uyghurs terrorists are a myth" then it is blind or ignorant on these matters who would do better to shut up if he does not want to make a bad figure.

See this links:

Daniel Quatro #fundie #homophobia quora.com

Question: Do you believe that animals could be gay?

Daniel Quatro: Sure, why not?

People like to point out how homosexuality occurs in nature, so therefore, it's natural for people to be homosexual as well.

But there are things that occur in nature that we shouldn't emulate as humans. For example, some animals eat their young.[1]

Does anyone justify infanticide or cannibalism using that logic?

Now, I've probably offended some of you with that statement, so let me clarify. I'm not comparing homosexuality with infanticide or cannibalism or saying they are even remotely the same thing.

I'm merely pointing out that trying to justify a behavior, because it occurs in nature, can get you into trouble.

Nature is a wonderful thing, but it can also be pretty messed up. Humans are the same way. We have tendencies, desires, and feelings that aren't always good.

Just because it feels or seems "natural" doesn't mean it's right.

Ronald Small #fundie #crackpot #pratt quora.com

Question: When I was a child, I was taught that dinosaurs were reptiles, but now it seems that they are treated like ancestors of birds. Does this mean that dinosaurs were in between the evolution of reptiles and birds?

Ronald Small: There is no such thing as evolution. That is why no one can show me an example of evolution. NOT ONE. Evolution requires new, novel genetic information to form out of thin air. Show me a single case of it. It doesn’t exist. Dinosaurs did not evolve into birds. For goodness sake, REPENT YOU HEATHEN! Buy a Bible!

Edward Smith #fundie #pratt quora.com

Question: How can abiogenesis to explain the origins of life?

Edward Smith:

It can’t. It is proven to be impossible for inert chemicals in the ground to form anything by themselves, save a few crystals. Scientists have long known it to be a non-starter, even evolutionary scientists recognise this and outline the problems in their books and articles.

The issue is not with the science, it is with evolutionists who refuse to accept the scientific evidence and insist it happened anyway, purely because life exists. More reasonable people, including many other evolutionary scientists, accept the need for creation, but then say evolution took over. Conveniently side-stepping the obvious.

Buck Master, former Business & Estate Management at Pro Se Litigation #fundie quora.com

(In answer to: “What if Superman met Jesus Christ?”)

Jesus is real and conquered death, unlike those that would like to believe in concocted characters from Krypton who could not even overcome Kryptonite. I am sad for those who believe in fairy tales and superheroes who have no basis in historical fact because you will be judged by the king of kings, who is not amused.

Thomas Munos #fundie quora.com

“How do creationists explain why whales still have leftovers of their hind limbs? It serves no function.”

Creationists believe we are seeing evidence of ID in the left over hind limbs of whales, which shows robust design. Rather than evolution, we see many designs packaged into the genome to enable different designs to manifest as the environmental conditions changed. These changes aren’t mutations and natural selection, for this is way too inefficient, but it is programmed to switch based on environmental factors.

According to Creationists, the oceans were very shallow before the flood so the hind legs served a purpose of helping whales become dislodged should they find themselves in very shallow waters. Also, some scientists say it helped with mating so that too may be an additional function that it performed.

God in designing life, has intelligently designed life with a multitude of designs in the genome which can be switched on or off by environmental factors. After the flood, the need for the hind legs became unnecessary because of the deep oceans so the hind legs shrunk away allowing the flow of resources to flow to other critical organs. Rather than evidence for evolution, this is evidence of ID. A prediction of ID is that over time we will see that mutations are not the cause of this change but biological triggers are switched on or off by environmental factors enabling different designs to manifest themselves for different environments. Just like some creatures loose their sight when they start living in dark caves, so the whale lost it’s hind legs when they were no longer needed. Again, this is evidence for design and not evolution.

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