
Uglyme #psycho #sexist #racist

[LifeFuel] My whorish teenager neighbor has been missing since yesterday

Today I was coming back from the grocery store and my single mom roastie neighbor was sitting on the stairs of my building. She had red watery eyes, like if she had been crying. She asked me if by any chance I had seen her daughter. I told her no. She said she had gotten out yesterday to go to visit her boyfriend (to fuck him cause you know, Chad needs to be serviced) and she was supposed to come home in the morning. Like wtf what kind of mom allows her daughter to spend the night at Chads house? Anyways, I told her to call her bf but she said he's not answering. I told her to call the police then and started to climb up the stairs. I left her there.

The situation of those foids couldn't be more pathetic: single mom gradma, single mom mother, and probably soon-to-be a single mom daughter. All of them rotting in misery. They come from a third world shit hole so they have that mentality to ruin their lives with the first Chad they can find. That whore is probably wasted and stoned and covered in Chad and Tyrone fucking seed right now. Fucking whore, I hope she gets back covered in bruises cause her bf almost choked her to death.

ItsNotADream #sexist

RE: [JFL] Slavcels posing with their noodle wives

Us, Serbian guys with our Indonesian wives in Serbia

Lifefuel for a slav like me. But I also feel bad for the rice men in indonesia tbh

A comment on r*ddit

"now where is our serbian wives in Indonesia"

:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: :feelsrope:

They most be really desperate, but I don't get the guy in the left, he looks like a chadlite

Because slav foids treat their men like shit. He probably just wanted someone who treated him well

I always thought that slavic women are more traditional, I guess that my slavic mother isn't that different after all since she treats my father like shit
also every modern woman is like that regardless of ethnicity

Atavistic Autist #sexist #psycho

RE: [LifeFuel] Russian policemen tortured chad and pushed him to suicide

Many of you won’t have access to link so I’ll translate what’s in here
In tatarstan 5 policemen were sentenced to 11 years in prison for torturing the suspect. They made him plead guilty in 47 robberies. After that the dude killed himself.

Rest in piss asshole

giga based, free them

Policemen were too lazy to search for real criminals and decided to capture someone they didn’t like

Chads are all criminals, and torturing one and forcing him to commit suicide is cosmic justice for a celibate who was driven to rope because of Chad's undue social privileges.

I don't hate chads who date their looksmatch and don't pump and dump below their looks level.

There is no individuality to Chads. They all look the same and act the same, and should all die the same (in GTA V, free on the Epic Games Store).

Do not humanize the parasites and bloodsuckers on the top of the social hierarchy, just because some are better with their superficial psychopathic charm than others, or some appear to be "based" because their narcissism makes them do the inverse of virtue signalling, vice signalling, whereby they adopt seemingly rebellious/outrageous positions but only so as to attract attention to themselves.

Lol massive cope. Chad deserved death

Cucks ITT see Chad's looks halo and defer to him as their leader

Insha'Allah, he will be the leading buttboy of Satan in Jahannam.

nxdismycope #sexist

[LifeFuel] i flip the finger to foids in the street now

thats right. i want to express my emotions to those whores that deny me from the necessary thing called sex.

i do it ninja mode ofcourse. every time i see a young foid im gonna pass im holding my phone with the hand that on her side and i flip my middle finger when i pass them while screaming in my heart "FUCK YOU FOID".

i did it around 8 times this week. feels pretty good.

good cope overall.

Seems like a fun cope but what's your plan if you get caught

ill deny it and keep walk.

but those dumb whores are on their phone. and even when they arent - they arent looking at me.
but honestly i think i started doing it very obvious now so maybe one of them will notice idk. anyway fuck it

ScornedStoic #sexist

[LifeFuel] The prom cancellation is making me stupidly happy over something so small.

Big picture, they'll move on to college sex and fun and won't remember/care about this in the long run. It makes me more happy than it makes them sad.

But it still feels like a win. I didn't get to go to my prom. Humanity and highschoolers gleefully stole that experience from me, and now they're being robbed of it too.

I remember seeing the pictures from the prom on my computer while I died inside. I should've been there, but as my life is I was cheated out of just yet another immensely pleasurable, critically developing milestone.

The thought of a teenage girl dreaming of prom and having her dreams dashed, hopefully with no redo prom or whatever, brings me joy.

How does it feel to be denied something so amazing that everyone else gets for free because of something out of your control?

metabuxx #sexist

[LifeFuel] It's my older sister's birthday tomorrow and I'm fucking glad she won't be able to celebrate it

Every year on her birthday she, her Chad boyfriend, her friends, their Chad boyfriends (some even have Tyrone boyfriends) they all hit the beach, go shopping, go to bars or lakes where they get drunk and party like its the end of the world. Then they have a sleepover in one of their friends house where she and friends obviously get DP'd, gangbanged and creampied by BBC's and Chads.

BUT NOT THIS YEAR. NOT THIS FUCKING YEAR. Canada is in complete lockdown. All the bars are closed. Everything is closed. And my parents won't allow her to sleepover at someone else's house. No drinks for her. No Chad dick for her. FUCK YEAH.


Now she'll know how it feels to be alone and hopeless. How it feels like to be live without having fun and sex. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOREVER. WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH TO EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM.


rightfulcel #dunning-kruger #sexist

[LifeFuel] Calling women toilets is the most high iq idea ever

Normies are so brian dead they struggle to connect the dots completely. They are so autistic they are like "LOL women aren't toilets" while ignoring what we just said. Instead of being angry about the posts they go straight to that because it requires no energy. Also toilet is offensive and funny also true I might add. Lol at normies.

Incel Gamer #psycho

[LifeFuel] I Like This Quarantine, It's The Best Thing I've Witnessed In My Life.

I JFL @ normies and toilets who want to rope after 1 week in isolation. :lul:
I find it amusing...

On top of that, my job is paying me to stay at home and LDAR.
Now I have more time for vidya and postmaxxing here. :feelsautistic:

COVID-19 has been something I've needed for a long time tbh. A break from society. And I bet you guys feel the same way (if you're wageslaves) Obviously, I hope none of YOU guys or your family members are infected by the corona virus. I want all you brocels to be safe. I don't care about normies though.

Wristlet 2 #sexist

[ToxicFemininity] Our society is so dystopic. You can't say anything bad about women or you're shunned. Even when women do things that conflict with their own bs.

It's just sad. Not only is our society cucked and feminist as fuck, but it even bends over backwards to accomodate things women want to do that are against feminist values, and even that can't be criticized or pointed out. Women are supposed to be independent, empowered, equal to men and all that shit, but when they settle down with a beta for the bux or sell their nudes, that's somehow ok and you aren't allowed to criticize that either.

Also a story:

One time, when building up my social skills after a lifetime of being bullied by my parents and socially isolated, I managed to make a few friends. My social skills were superficially ok but not really there yet at that moment. I was clubbing with a couple guys and, for some reason, one of my friends got into an agument with some women. He's a bit of a PUA (which is retarded, and the reason shit like this happens to him all the time, but still) and tried to hit on a girl among a group of friends, and as he went to touch her arm after talking for a bit, one of her friends pushed his arm away and yelled at him. He stood his ground and told her to not touch him again, so they all got hysterical and started crying rape and we had to leave the place.

Afterwards, we randomly met a guy from another friend group I made. It was a typical turbo soyboy, but I didn't know that kinda shit back then, and told him the story and how unfair they were to my friend. And just like that he stopped talking to me as did the rest of that friend group. Wtf man.

Soy simpers get treated like shit by foids. Pretty good lifefuel btw.

how is this life fuel bro its just sad

Its sad that they lack any self awareness. They get what they deserve for being white knighting faggots.

fair point ngl my friend had it coming, but what about the rest of the story

I was talking about the guys who cried rape, not your friend who tried to pick up the girl.

no it was a group of girls

How dare he expect a foid to treat him like a person!


Various Incels #sexist #racist

RE: [LifeFuel] White roastie forced to eat outside in China



Zinta, a Latvian national, eats a meal outside a restaurant while her Chinese husband and daughter dine indoors, Chengdu, Sichuan province, 2020. Courtesy of Zinta

“My husband was passing the food through the window to me,” she said.

Based, even though I'm not Chinese and would be subject to this treatment, but I don't live in China. Other non-white countries treat whites like gods
Western normies just can't deal because they've never experienced it before. The Chinese have long memories, and behind the guise of the Covid-19 control, behind this, I'm sure many Chinese are thinking "this is how whites treated Chinese and other non-whites in the past", while the normie screams "but I wasn't there!"; yet, the Chinese don't care. Again, they have long memories, and in their collectivist, long-term outlook on life, you are as guilty as your ancestors. I'm just stating how things, are, I'm not a China apologist, and would not want to live there (I'm too lazy and scatterbrained to work 12 hour days)

Chinks don't give a fuck about other non-Whites.

I know. But the Chinks still have what they call the Century of Humiliation. To normie westerners, it's history. To the Chinks, it's yesterday


Anybody dumb enough to choose to live in china, let alone mix breed with the bugs are low IQ and deserve what they get.


And the bitch complains so hard she ends up on the news where all the sjws can criticize them for treating a privileged Stacy like shit jfl


Piss on that bowl..I think she will love that if it was a Chad..


They also have these types of restaurants in Japan jfl, they're tired of being mogged.


Normally ethnic countries worship white people. Glad to see China isn't cucked.

(Blackpill Rage)

I know. But the Chinks still have what they call the Century of Humiliation. To normie westerners, it's history. To the Chinks, it's yesterday

That's because every non-white has a chip on their shoulders.

This, china is a shit hole. You can be killed by anything, thanks to bugman construction and safety practices. I would not go to china for business or vacation because I know how disgusting those bugmen are.

How dare you dis the country that gave us Coronachan!


Serves her right for trying to join that robotic insect colony of a country.

BPincelien941 #psycho

[LifeFuel] Coronachan is the only foid I respect

1/ isolating normies
2/ scaring the shit out of foids into thinking it's the end
3/ I can wear a mask on my face, and pretend I have a 9/10 face :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:
4/ Foids standards will drop because of a coming economic major crisis
5/ Sorry for americancels, but I'm enjoying seeing your country burning like that! If america falls economically, it's truly the end of a globalized world we knew until now

What a good job she's doing!!
INCELS!! Our time has come! invest in cryptocurrency at the right moment and enjoy the view!!!!!

MoggedManlet #sexist #crackpot

[LifeFuel] All women are whores, love doesn't exist, it's a scam.

It's an illusion, the way Santa Claus is, it could be an awesome experience, but always fake.

The difference is the payment method and amount.

You want the longterm girlfriend experience from a Stacy? Well, you need to trade looks and money in exchange.

You need an hour of love? Well, that'd be $200.

You get what you pay for.

"Love" in reality is transaction for women. The moment Chad's looks decline, suddenly, he won't be "loved" anymore.

This is lifefuel, cuz what you guys have is FOMO anyway.

zekr #psycho

[LifeFuel] The virus getting worse is such a daydream fantasy of mine and a major cope. Its amazing.

I want this shit to get much worse, if not the virus then the economy to where people are people laid off left and right, lose their assets, and can never recover. If im going down then I want everyone to go down with me. Already restaurants, gatherings of more than 10 people, gyms, etc. are closed where I am and people are getting let go. Chad cant get his gains and roasty whores cant go for girls night out and get blackout drunk. I want the panic to begin inside now. I want netflix, youtube, all major sites to shut down, even this site if it has to. This is when normies will seriously become suicidal because they are so not ready for this lifestyle change. Already weed stores and liquor stores are closing so these fucking normies cant get their drug fixes. JFL at all the news articles saying the inside quarantine is causing mental health issues or will start to cause them if quarantines continue. All of us are so accustom to this darkness that we will be coping just fine.

Atavistic Autist #sexist

[LifeFuel] As a consequence of the Corona Virus, roasties are being forced to live in enclosed spaces with their psychopathic/narcissistic Chad partners 24/7

Corona Virus quarantines have not only resulted in an increase of the divorce rate, as roasties grow disgusted by the unrelenting presence of their beta hubbies as compared to the male models they see on Tinder, but has also resulted in a rise of reported domestic abuse cases, as their psychopathic/narcissistic Chad boyfriends slam them against the walls and throw them off of balconies in between suffocating them to an inch of their lives.

Hopefully many of them will die.

JFL at "baby boom" copers hoping for a neo-boomer generation to replace the old boomers who are being decimated. Most of these roasties are on birth control, and even if they do actually give birth after nine months and don't simply get socially distanced abortions, they will just raise giga-soy'd sons or severely damaged cretins like their fathers (not to mention severely damaged, giga-slut daughters like their mothers).

The corona generation, insofar as it comes to fruition, will be remembered as being much more vacuous than even the baby boomers were.

PPEcel #sexist

[LifeFuel] Whores are still working in the UK amid the lockdown

JFL at normies who are whining about not being able to go clubbing.

Escortcels, you shouldn't let something as stupid as the pandemic get in your way. I know because I visited one yesterday. And if you aren't an escortcel, you should consider becoming one, since you probably have nothing better to do right now. The upmarket agencies in London are desperate for business since their usual clientele of married white boomers are deathly afraid of corona chan.

L Lawliet #fundie

[LifeFuel] I am happy because of Coronavirus

Look how normies are scaring from death. They don't care about anyone except themselves. We said how many times hypergamy is dangerous like a goddamn virus, but their little brain doesn't understand the truth. But I belive god. He is judging a little humanity. I hope he creates lots of pandemics and destroy humanity. I just wanted to share my opinion about Coronavirus

Various incels #sexist

RE: Woman is forced to live for 2 weeks like an incel lives his whole life - without validation and intimacy. Guess what happened?


This is beyond pathetic actually, imagine failing tutorial mode


Couldn't care less as women like this would want someone like me dead even if they don't admit it.


Stacy commits suicide over having to social distance and live like an incel in a matter of weeks.... But we aren't entitled to social interaction or relationships where people care about us?



JFL. I literally haven't had to change my daily routine at all as a result of quarantine. She probably had more social outings planned over those two weeks than I've ever attended in my entire life. After spending her entire life being constantly validated, given attention, going out with friends, going to parties, clubs, having sex with guys, etc.; just a COUPLE WEEKS of having none of that was too much for her. And she still tried to claim that she was a social outcast? This is hilarious. It's like if you took all of Jeff Bezos' money and forced him to live like an Amazon factory worker.


Also many brocels have hardened psyche and don't really care anymore about the fucked-up nature of the black pill, it's just a part of life at this point. Hardened psyche is important. Can you imagine the fragile normies taking such doses of the blackpill? Half of them would rope immediately and the other half would get hooked on drugs. I'd say it's an advantage, if some of you would break the habit of rotting and go out there and make money and fuck over some normies and stacies, some of you will succeed. You will never be attractive but you can make money in this fucked up world


These are the same brain dead whores that regurgitate platitudes like "You just gotta learn to be with yourself. If you don't even want to spend time with you why would you expect anyone else to?"


Imagine being so used to 24/7 in person attention and validation that a few days with being restricted to only online validation sends you off the rails.

She went from getting 1,000x the validation of most men to only getting 500x the validation and took the rope.

Now imagine if she had to live 2 hours as an incel?? She would have psychotic PTSD for the rest of her life.

Not Guna lie though. I do feel bad for her. She received a dangerous amount of validation. So much so, that her ego depended on it. Shows how these simps are really fucking up the mental state of women.


This is Fucking LifeFuel. Hahahaha LMAO!!

various incels #racist #conspiracy #psycho

(Blackpill Rage)
[LifeFuel] 5% of coronavirus death in the UK are Jewish.

They only make up 0.3% of the UK's population. LMAO @ this jew bioweapon coming back to bite them in the ass. MAJOR LIFEFUEL!

Very nice tbh

(Transcended Trucel)
hopefully it kills enough

Oy Vey, another psyops. They get to crash the world economy and play the victim.


So now China is Jewish? I played along at first with the whole "Jewish conspiracy" thing but people were like "No no, China's fine, they're not Jewish. Coronavirus isn't Jewish." Now it is? Why can't we agree on anything?

Ah yes there are many layers and misdirections.

But you will never hear the President of The United States stand up and critise his masters

(Blackpill Rage)

So now China is Jewish? I played along at first with the whole "Jewish conspiracy" thing but people were like "No no, China's fine, they're not Jewish. Coronavirus isn't Jewish." Now it is? Why can't we agree on anything?

Sub-atomic IQ cope.

Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests

I hope every jew gets circumcised again without anaethesia

(Blackpill Rage)

I hope every jew gets circumcised again without anaethesia

They already get circumcised without anesthetics.

D3X #crackpot

[LifeFuel] Any geneticist incels here if you can recreate the XYY mutation this could reduce or solve inceldom

Physical traits[edit]
People with the 47,XYY karyotype have an increased growth rate from early childhood, with an average final height approximately 7 cm (3") above expected final height.[5] In Edinburgh, Scotland, eight 47, XYY boys born 1967–1972 and identified in a newborn screening programme had an average height of 188.1 cm (6'2") at age 18—their fathers' average height was 174.1 cm (5'8½"), their mothers' average height was 162.8 cm (5'4").[6][7] The increased gene dosage of three X/Y chromosome pseudoautosomal region (PAR1) SHOX genes has been postulated as a cause of the increased stature seen in all three sex chromosome trisomies: 47,XXX, 47,XXY, and 47,XYY.[8] Severe acne was noted in a very few early case reports, but dermatologists specializing in acne now doubt the existence of a relationship with 47,XYY.[9]

Prenatal testosterone levels are normal in 47,XYY males.[10] Most 47,XYY males have normal sexual development and have normal fertility.

Approximately half of 47,XYY boys identified by newborn screening programs had learning difficulties—a higher proportion than found among siblings and above-average-IQ control groups.[6][13] In Edinburgh, 54% of 47,XYY boys (7 of 13) identified in a newborn screening program received remedial reading teaching compared to 18% (4 of 22) in an above-average-IQ control group of 46,XY boys matched by their father's social class.[17] In Boston, USA 55% of 47,XYY boys (6 of 11) identified in a newborn screening program had learning difficulties and received part-time resource room help compared to 11% (1 of 9) in an above-average-IQ control group of 46,XY boys with familial balanced autosomal chromosome translocations.[18]

So the positive side of this is that the men are taller (average height 6'2) but had learning difficulties and average to bellow average iq

So what do you guys think ?

Various Incels #sexist #racist

RE: [Blackpill] Female sex tourism map


A map showing an overview of origin and destination regions of female sex tourism:

Origin: North America (Canada and USA), Northern Europe (France, Germany, Austria, Benelux countries, Scandinavian countries, Finland, UK, Ireland), Japan, Australia, New Zealand

Destination: Southern Europe (Balkans countries, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece), South-East Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Phillipines, Thailand), Ecuador, Costa Rica, Turkey, Caribbean, Morocco, Kenya

Are any of you from a red country?


Females go to Thailand to bang ricies? I thought was a male phenomenom


Wait so white women are going across the globe to fuck ricecels?

Lifefuel for ricecels tbh

(Anonymous MG)

Yes Asia is a bit surprising but the rest is pretty normal tbh : south europeans and lLatinosie: tall dark and handsome

Latinos aren't tall at all, speaking from personal experience fellow Hispanics are rarely ever tall, they constantly get heightmogged by everyone (including Asians).

Southern Europe I could easily see though pewpew.


they should go to africa and take the black cock they deserve

Cucked graycel your mind ruined by albanian porn makers

(Wristlet 2)

"Destination countries: Spain"

I didn't even know that. JFL local chads are fucking all of the country's women AND other countries too while I rot

Lifefuel for SEAcels.

ROFL apparently US cunts are going to the middle of the Ocean.

i wish all women went to the middle of the ocean

(Blackpill Rage)

Landwhales travelling to the middle of the ocean to get fucked by sea whales.


always wanted to visit one of those countries. fuck a really petite asian girl.

but alas im white and not rich enough to go there unharmed. i go to bestgore and see all the vids of them killing whites in “suicide” becsuse the locals hate us for fucking all they women


Also, brutal AF. Look at Japanese females being among those that go to other countries for sex while men are committing suicide en masse and NEETmaxxing. No wonder their birth rates are dying.


Please dont let whıte women ın middle east not because ı care about them but because ım tired of seeing underage russian foıds hıttıng on 20 something year old chads and bothering me whıle ı try to get drunk ın hotels.


I'm from Spain. There's a lot of foreign foids doing tourism, specially in Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza and Marbella. I give a fuck, actually, when I'm LDARmaxxing.

Anyways, from a normie perspective:
A man doing tourism is a pedo and drug addict.
A foid doing tourism is adventurous and cultured.


The biggest group of female sex tourists are noodlewhores "traveling" to white countries but they aren't even mentioned, I wonder why

Also there's no way white women go to Vietnam or Thailand for sex, this map is bs.

(Snow Dushman)

Yes, Bosnia falls under Balkans.
Wait did the map just say women go to the Balkans to have sex with slavs?
Slavpill debunked?

AsiaCel #crackpot #psycho

[LifeFuel] Imperial Japanese Army was a testimony to the toughness of incels

I believe many of you WW2cels or even incels have heard of the country Japan, but did y'all know that outside of anime it was one of the most fierce, violent and brutal country around?

The IJA was the army of incels - they would take terrorrity of the enemy and ascend through the means of questionable means.

The average japanese serviceman looked like that



The IJA taken part in many battles against the western countries, which mogged them (even worse back then), Russia was demolished by the Japanese and so did UK, Netherlands, France and even USA.

The average Japanese soldier back in the past was 5'3 and weighed only 115 pounds, compared to Americans of 5'8 and 145 pounds.

Despite losing out on the end, the toughness of the Japanese shown. The Americans had to face an extremely fierce enemy and paid costly for every island they took from the Japanese.

The Japanese would literally do 'special attacks' aka suicide attacks, crashing planes on bombers, charging straight to machine guns, suicide with grenades and put TNT on tanks and use them as explosive go-karts.

I think WW2 Japanese is a testimony to what incels can achieve as a whole, and can be a fierce enemy despite lack of height and appearance.

ionlycopenow #psycho

[LifeFuel] First person who got infected at local high school

Just learned today that all local schools got shut down

The first confirmed case to have it at my local high school, according to some younger people, was a popular rich Stacy :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :dab: :dab: :dab: :dab: :dab: :dab:

Hope she fucking dies. This is a gift from God. Press f to spit on grave.

Monk of Failure #racist #crackpot

[LifeFuel] Normie looking Balkancel should go to Eastern Europe.

I'm using a normie looking balkan guy for chadfishing and has set the location "St Petersburg" Russia. He got 25 matches within 17 minutes on Badoo with 3 holes messaging him first. Balkancels should move to Eastern Europe. @anon

Note: Balkan is in southeast Europe not Eastern Europe and the people of Balkans despite being of slavic origin look good because they have Germanic and Mediterranean ancestry in them. They mog eastern Slavs.

Excluded #sexist

[LifeFuel] I saw a foid crying, and she went mad

I was doing my lonely walk and a foid sitting in a bench crying alone. I decided it would be fun to sit in the same bench and pretend to look at my phone. She was still crying but I said nothing, I just sat there. And she finally said something to me. I pretend to not hear and said
-is it fun to you staying here?
-this is a public space so shut up. -i said
She called me idiot but I put her in her place and told her to leave and go cry home.
The stupid bitch kept crying and left.
I went home with a dope feeling tbh, it was a good moment I bet the bitch is now crying while deepthroating chad. Fucking holes being holes

Ihatereddit #racist

RE: [Blackpill] Brutal JBWpill in medieval times (Lifefuel for @Finncel)

Why did Medieval Slave Traders go to Finland?

The demand for blonde girls and boys was so lucrative that slave traders would hunt for these people as far away as northern Finland, a recent study finds. Like other luxury items, these slaves would be worth the cost of transporting them to far- away markets in Asia and the Mediterranean.

Imagine being so high SMV you justify a 1000s of km long trip, to a frozen wasteland back when horseback was the fastest way of travel.
JFL @ people who cope with "muh beauty standards imposed by the media" I wonder what argument those retards have against this.
Being "exotic" doesn't matter because blacks were also exotic and no one cared about them.

Various Incels #sexist


[LifeFuel] Caroline Flack. 40 year old hypergamous roastie (who dated Harry Styles) kills herself. Breaking News.

Before you say "who?". She was a 40 year old celebrity tv presenter and to say her dating list was hypergamous would be an understatement.

She was a denegrate ugly freak who insisted her roster of boyfriends celebrity gangbang fuck buddies be nothing short of Chads almost double her height and half her age.


Sadly people are empathising with her despite her being a domestic abuser who was given a restraining order by police, after repeating beating her current boyfriend around the head with a lamp. Despite her beaten boyfriend trying to white knight her, the police insisted they stay apart after their apartment was found covered in his blood.

The hypocrisy in male/female suicides or female onto male violence and versa knows no bounds.

(Fat Link)

WTF? Kill herself?? Why???

Oh right it was a foid.

Probably broke a nail or something.



This is one of Britain's sexiest women apparently. If a guy dated a 17 year old at 31, his career would be over while hers only blossomed. I wonder what her last miserable thoughts were as she killed herself alone in a flat at 40. Looks like the wall was too much to handle for her


She had been charged for assaulting her bf at the end of last year and replaced by some other hole on TV.

This will have been the first hardship this foid will have experienced in her tutorial-mode life and look at the result. If foids somehow tried to experience one day of life as an incel they wouldn't make it through an hour.


Out of all her 8 exes, why don't I see any manlets, rice, or sub 6 men? What's with all the same hunter eyes, low hairline, and wide jawline?

This comment needs more attention.

For starters they are what you call "Chads", not chadlites or steroid gym rats. High smv, stylish, good genetics proven by hair condition and square hairline, natural height and athleticism = status and access to pussy.

For pure suicide fuel check out Harry Styles.

I know they're chads kek. I'm not a starter. I rankmog and joindatemog you. But yeah it really verifies that women want the same thing and attractiveness in men can be defined with certain features


very nice. hopefully many roasties follow her example she shouldn't get a burial but rather be fed to pigs


I wouldn't be surprised if she took a few sleeping pills,so that she could be brought to a hospital and later on talk about how much she is *depressed* and how she deserves a smaller sentence.furthermore,she would get a bit more publicity for her *stunt* and gain some 15 minutes of fame.But she swallowed too many pills.


And that is exactly what happened here, the historical revelation that Prince Andrew aged 36 had a fling with Virginia Roberts aged 17 ended his career as a Royal.

The double standards of society is sickening.

I can’t believe I forgot about this situation. It’s absolutely insane how Andrew is made out to be some pedo when 17 is not only legal in the US and UK, but she is also biologically mature at that age. That girl knew very well what she was doing, but she now wants to claim she was manipulated now that she regrets being a whore. The double standards for rosaries is annoying. I hope the Weinstein case goes in favor of the fattie just so feminism can take a hit

Raycel27 and dsar9012 #sexist

[From "LifeFuel: Two Men Get To Enjoy Tight Underage Foid Pussy" about a Pennsylvania police chief and his friend being accused of raping a child over a seven year period starting when the alleged victim was 4 years old.]


They got arrested and of course everyone is rallying around the foid but still. They got a chance to enjoy some tight little pussy and she’s always going to remember them cuming in her and using her. They got to enjoy real PEAK pussy. Many of us can only dream of what the inside of a small foid feels like. I’m willing to bet she enjoyed it and was a happy active participant but of course she’s now crying rape and abuse. Typical foid behavior.

Reply by dsar9012:

There's no proof they did it, hopefully they get off, they look like incels to me, and possibly autistic, so I think they are hERos.

To_Live_is to_Serve #sexist

[LifeFuel] Imagine if the gender roles were reversed.

You could get a one-way open relationship with your looksmatch while also using tinder to get Prime top percentage Stacies. Your fellow men will be lazy and thousand cunt stare making you a real catch. You will not have to work; you could just get a virgin betabuxx 7/10 engineer wife without sexual experience.

You could give thousands of cream pies and not worry about pregnancy as you have total control over paternity and abortion. You get easy well paid job as receptionist while your looksmatch get a depressing manual labour job. You could sell your dirty undies for money while staying completely anonymous and you could show your currently subhuman body on webcam to get endless compliments and money by women who want to admire your body. You would get softer sentences and it would be a crime to make you homeless. You would not get attacked violently by other men as they have a great solidarity and would burn 1000 women alive instead of having your needs go unmet which the government would support.

All modern media would cater to your hedonistic desires while you would be praised for having the spirituality you have. Genes would be filtered out by selection of females instead of female selection meaning that your mass reproduction could be justified as a part of evolution. You could have sex with virgin teens illegally and they would be grateful for you taking their virginities and creampieing them. You could help the incel normies ascend in this world and get praised as a moral paragon by both the privileged and the unprivileged. You would get endless personalised compliments by sending a mass message on your real tinder intead of just the catfish account.

Women would instinctively protect you with their lives and send you gifts, expecting nothing in reward and getting joyfully over a dicpic which they would brag about getting from you on the internet. No face would be too foul and no penis too small for you to live a life of leisure and privilege and anyone who says otherwise would get deplatformed immediately. Women would still cook food and take care of children as betabuxxers do now. You would decide when sex is had in the relationship and media would uphold male pastimes like warfare, sport and gaming while condemning fraudulent make-up. Women who get caught frauding men get burned alive by jealous women as soon as you give the hint.

You wouldn't need to have a personality or an inner monologue to get by but having one would grant you great opportunities. You could wear shorts in public and get compliments IRL daily while being able to have sex with any woman who compliments you. You would be the archetype of an admirable moral person. Parties with high energy would be held to attract and amuse people like you and get you to open up and have sex like for young females. All men would have a similar smv; some difference in attraction would exist but fetishes even it all out. All female students and teachers would want you and especially you as you don't appear to be damaged by the cunt coaster. It would be paradise-like.

The true paradise comes from within but is a poor comfort when you are poor, wet and unwanted.

nihility #sexist

My biology teacher once said: The best age for men to have sex is 16-17

And she was right.16-17 is indeed the best age to have sex it's the peak of your sexual energy and your love energy.I've read many stories from normies who lost their virginity at 23 or older and everyone has said that it's pointless.Your best ages are gone.Losing your virginity after 23 is like skydiving for the first time at 100 years old just to know what it feels like before you die.Sex is an essential part of being a happy and healthy human and going through your adolescence while not getting it causes an irreparable damage to your health.By 18 you are at the point of no return.Either cope till you are dead or rope immediately



the stigma against virginity exists - fact

most of guys lose their virginity before they turn 18 - fact

[RageFuel] Data on people having sex, virgins, etc. (WARNING: SUICIDEFUEL)

Average age for first kiss: 15 (i seriously thought it was 12/13)

Average for first serious relationship: 18 (Also surprising. thought it was maybe 15/16)

Only 35% of 13-17 year olds have had some type of romantic experience. 14% are in a serious relationship. 5% are in a relationship but not serious one. 16% are not currently dating but have had some type of romantic experience before. 64% have never been in a romantic relationship. Sounds like LifeFuel right? WRONG!! 20% of 13/14 year olds have had some sort of romantic experience. 44% of 15-17 year olds have had some sort of romantic experience.

36% of 15-17 year olds have romantic relationship experience have had sex. Only 12% of 13/14 year olds with relationship experience have had sex.

Average age of virginity loss by country (for male and female):

Males: 16.9
Females: 17.2 (or 17.4)
Overall: 17

Median age for American men: 17.3
Median age for American women: 17.5
Median age for UK men: 16.5
Median age for UK women: 17.5

Being a virgin past 18 means being a subhuman organism.If people find out that you are over 18 and still a virgin they will laugh at you and give you rick grimes death stares.
And especially in 2020 why would a young girl want to have to do anything with an unexperienced 18+ incel when she has an unlimited option of good looking tall guys in her age group?We are doomed to fail

Remember this unarguable fact..

In high school you went for 4 years, 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, with over 100 girls in your grade, who were young, healthy, horny & SINGLE.. and not once did any of those 100+ girls want to have sex with you.

Copers think.. B.but it will be better in college right?

If you have not received an IOI from a foid by 18 YOU WILL NEVER GET ANY

Missing teen love means you are genetic dead-end subhuman trash. No way around it.

This is one of the bullet proof theories and the most brutal one the other pills simply pales in comparison.We became a bunch of walking corpses from the moment we hit 18.
The memory of our sexual failure will haunt us in our scary dreams until one day we wake up and hang up by a rope

ionlycopenow #psycho

[LifeFuel] I love seeing normies live destroyed

Whether they were once popular in high school and now depressed and coping hard with alcohol or weed, investing insane effort only to achieve a land whale girlfriend, getting divorce raped, so on. It is the closest thing to karma there is in this world. sadly, this will never apply to chad, as he will always have a great life no matter what, but seeing normies lives destroyed and desperately clawing for scraps amongst each other is the most pathetic and satisfying sight ever. If I look up some classmates, the chads are still having amazing lives just like then, but the majority of people (normies) are fat, uglier, living alone with nobody else working shitty jobs. It's just so immensely gratifying to see the blackpill destroy them.

For example, I actually saw a dude I went to school with at GameStop the other day. In high school he was very popular and outgoing, well liked and considered jacked, had lots of girlfriends. Now, he's just a 5'10 Manlet with an average physique so he's a nobody trash coping with games like ever other low status loser, unable to get a gf anymore. He looked depressed as fuck and I immensely enjoyed seeing him eat shit in that state and get a taste of what our lives have been like since day one. Fuck them.

suigin #psycho

[LifeFuel] Incel Trait: Hoping Coronavirus will kill hundreds of millions

Just going to leave this here:

UK Researcher Predicts Over 250,000 Chinese Will Have Coronavirus In Ten Days

"We expect further outbreaks to occur in other Chinese cities, and that infections will continue to be exported to international destinations at an increasing rate."

Daze #psycho

[LifeFuel] The only way I will be happy is if WW3 or a civil war occurs

I've been blueballed hard because of the U.S-Iranian conflict lately. I really hope we have a major event soon that disrupts the lives of normies and foids all around the world. I can only pray that Virginia will spark a civil war in the U.S.

I know the downfall of society will happen soon, but I want it NOW.

These normies who have never experienced as much hardship as we have need to experience the dispair that we feel every single day.

Let the world burn.

Galleo #wingnut #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] Inceldom will finally come full circle with the collapse.

Men are getting fed up with everything and personally, Galleo looks forward to the inevitable warfare and mayhem that will break out. Once [“clown world” emoticon] world degeneracy reaches its peak, females who rejected us will experience tenfold the suffering they put us through and cucks will wish they listened to us.

Look around and you'll see that everyone is already running around like blind mice. They're trapped in a rat race, just like rats desperate for the last piece of cheese. Unfortunately for them, the true winner is already at the finish line. He's known as the Beautiful One and will get his prize of witnessing the collapse of this failed experiment we call society.

It's going to get creepy guys.

(Submitter’s note: All-bold original)

Big Yikes #sexist #psycho

RE: [LifeFuel] You made your bed, now sleep in it bitch.

I have zero sympathies for RadFems. In the past, I was temporarily thinking that Radfems are maybe the reasonable feminists as they obviously have biology and material reality on their side. But if you read these anti-trans feminist subs it becomes clear that there are simply two types of Radfems: a) homophobic old hetero women who hate gender non-conforming men (and i.e. all non-Chad men who are not Chad enough to be considered "masculine" and too blackpilled to be buy into male disposability BS about how men have to sacrifice themselves for women etc. They are women like that 4'11 bitch in OP's post who - tehehe - just happen to have a 6'3'' BF), and b) lesbian women who hate all men so much that not even cutting one's dick off can satisfy the wrath of these misandrists.

I just hope there will be a civil war between SJW, anti-SJW and RadFems ... and that there will be as many casualties as possible on all three sides.

Higgscel & Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia

[LifeFuel] You made your bed, now sleep in it bitch.


I feel like the fight is over. Women have lost.

This morning I learned USA Swimming decided to follow IOC transgender policies for their junior divisions, Scottish government declaring men with penises in women's private areas are no different than women with different bodies like those who had mastectomy, and saw multiple threads of universities low-key changing all single-sex bathrooms into gender neutral bathrooms.

When Trump won the White House, the TV adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale was at its height of popularity. A girl friend of mine in Scotland was telling me that our western democratic societies can turn like this overnight. I didn't really agree with her at the time. Trump in the White House was alarming, but I also thought it was liberal fearmongering to think our entire social structure can be torn away and all of women's rights being taken away just like that. Surely this couldn't happen, right? Our systems are well-entrenched and women would rise up and raise hell if something like this ever happen.

3 years later and here we are. The only crazy thing is that it's not the radical conservative right that is bringing forth this dystopian world for women. It's the Woke Left--the very people who fearmongered women about how bad Trump and the Republicans would be for women. What a fking bait and switch! Here we are, I'm watching, flabbergasted, how women's rights are being taken away overnight just like that. Yes indeed, they can just do it. (For the record, this is not a pro-Trump post. But I can't hold it back anymore how utterly beyond shock I am that this vengeance against women is coming from the left. I'm at the point where I feel like the conservative right is actually benign, that's how shell-shocked I am.)

And not only are women not rising up and raising hell. Tons of them--all of them on Wokes--are now fking Serena Joy and Aunt Lydia, crucifying other women for mortal offenses like "misgendering" and gaslighting other women to strip them of their basic instinct to believe their guts when they're feeling vulnerable.

I feel so oppressed and helpless right now. It doesn't matter how loud we all scream to be heard. The powers that be really can just overnight take it all away. This is not a drill.

And they'll continue to oppress us, while scaring us with the same old rhetorics about how our right to choice will be taken away to threaten us to fold to their side. As long as we are blinded to keep our eyes only on the fight against the conservative right to think that's the only threat to us, women won't see what they're doing. Women won't see what's coming. And the younger generations of women will simply be groomed and conditioned to the New World Order.

I literally feel sick. I want off this train.

ETA: changed "single bathroom" to "single-sex bathrooms." And thanks for the silver.

And over.

Men wanting to be seen as cute young girls is infuriating

Signed, a 4"11 woman, hovering around 90lbs, who will never walk into a room and be respected. I'm in my mid-twenties, multiple times a day I get told I look like a child. I'm fetishized constantly, get dirty looks and disgusting comments whenever I'm out with my child, can't go to work without being asked if I'm old enough to serve alcohol. When I ask not to be called cute, or picked up and prodded, I'm told it's a fucking compliment. It's very depressing feeling like I won't be seen as a woman until I'm middle-aged.

At first, I really tried to understand the trans community. I don't feel comfortable in my body either, and in my head I'm 6 feet tall and built like a tank, but seeing grown ass men "child play" is the most disgusting and offensive thing I've ever had the displeasure of discovering.

And over again.

Painting your face and/or nails doesn't change your gender! Makeup is not a gender!

This won't be my most eloquent post here but I'm at my wits' end.

Sorry, I just feel like screaming right now. I work in a job where I could be fired for expressing even the slightest hint that I might be gender critical and it's non-binary day or some other nonsense. I keep seeing all these posters with bearded dudes in neon eyeshadow or young women with short hair and glitter and I just want to scream! Makeup! Isn't! A! Gender!

Where will this regressive nonsense end? I already had to back away from a friendship with a dude who came out as a they/them and immediately started spouting off on how cis women are oppressing him because he sometimes gets questioned by his parents about wearing eyeliner and someone hesitated before holding the door to the women's toilet open for him. A grown man!

I honestly think the nonbinary bullshit is more harmful and regressive than the trans stuff. I could sympathise with trans medicalists to a degree. This just reeks of "not like the other girls" and "I need some oppression points."

I work with people in poverty. I work with people with learning disorders and disabilities who've had their utilities cut off. I help recovering addicts go about getting enough food to live. I see young mums who were forced away from abortions by restrictive communities now struggling with actual starvation and violence at home. I help abused women find a shelter for their pets so their partners can't murder the animal when she tries to escape.

I see actual oppression every damn day. I've been on the breadline. I'm disabled. I know oppression.

You painting your nails and getting "Sir"-ed at the local grocery store isn't oppression. Grow up!

These women will complain about trannies. And no, not cherry picking, these posts are all "top" in their subreddit, in the last week.
Despite probably the same women who pushed for these tranny degeneracy and sexual openness, thanks to their PC nature.
Women invading male spaces? Empowering. Men in skirts invading your bathroom? In my opinion, "Deserving". Get ready for the 2020 Olympics ladies, men in skirts are after your world records.

Anywhoo, doesn't it feel good that both enemies are starting to have a go at one another? Get fucked both of you.

Izayacel #psycho


this shit would be like a fucking dream , your free to do anything ( ANYTHING ) , im 100% certain you would kill and rape ( at least i would ) and get as much money from corpses as possible , Foids will cry to death ( bc emotional weaklings ) while they are getting raped and killed , gangbangs on street will propably happen and so on so forth

we are inhibited bc of law , deep down we just care for ourself and want the maximum enjoyment all the time . In the past if someone cames off stupid you just killed him , now we believe whats stated in a fucking book and act like those "upon us" want

politican is a fuckign indoctrinated layer , that humans like us , have told us that they are above you and you should follow order ,
remove that layer named politican and they are nothing more then we are.

Humans are way beyond dumb at this point , i swear.

karis15 & incelthrow1222 #psycho

Today is the 3 year anniversary of a Football chad in my school who dies with 3 roasties in a car accident. I still remembee girls crying and the school therapists had girls trying to take their lives for weeks after IT happened. His pictures are everywhere in school.

I still remember how much Joy I had when I Heard It. I could Not believe justice existed. I had to force myself Not to cry of Joy.

He was a disgusting bully who died with 3 stacies in a car accident He caused. The other driver dies and I have never even Heard of his stroy. He literally crashed into another Student. He will Not be remembered because He wasn't chad, I guess.

I experience lifefuel right now. I had to share It.

Justice exists. Still wish I could destroy his stupid Posters on every school wall. Even in death, He looks at me, knowing He moggs me in the after life. His Skeleton is worrh MORE than me existing right now.

Girls are literally depressed if a rare man they are attracted to dies

Countess ethnic die every Day in shithole countries but when chad died, It is a national tragedy and we have to participate in a goodbye fest every year of his death.

Lmao, It is basically a Free Day for everyone who doesn't give a shit about dead chads.

Hope He is in hell ngl tbh. He made life hell for incels and He used normies and beckies for easy admiration.

Lifefuel buddy boyos.

Tap Tap, your chad's dead

I don't feel guilty at all. He lived more in his 19 years of being chad than I will have lived in my 80 years of trueceldom lmao.

LOL, I'm so happy to hear that a fucking Chad actually died in a painful and hilarious way. I hope he died suffering in pain. I would celebrate if the local Chads around me died too. If I died right now literally nobody would care, not even my parents, and I'd be forgotten in a day. But this fuck is still remembered years later despite being a bully piece of shit?

This is why I celebrate Saint Elliot's life and cherish His legacy. I won't allow Him to be forgotten like so many incels who have come before and after Him. I love that nobody remembers the names of any of the six Chads and foids that Saint Elliot killed, but everyone in America knows His name and what He did. I love it.

ionlycopenow #sexist

[LifeFuel] Old hags will feel loneliness after 25

Now obviously our looks matched are currently showering in cum and riding dick after dick every week and day while they're still in school. They'll go to university because they are NPCs and that's where people are, plus their cuck dad's will go in debt to appease them and pay for it. But afterwards they will begin to feel loneliness from the combination of lack of social life and just getting old. At 25 women are already ran through hags that look hideous, good Lord just compare any woman literally any woman on the planet age 16 to 18 and they already look like like grannies then.

So while this may be a cope, it's life fuel knowing that they will begin to experience loneliness after that age. They'll become le epic cat wine aunt's and there are so many of those , that tells you alot. I wish I could spit on every single one but that would require my attention and they already don't deserve that to feel the lack of human contact we feel for years upon years. At best they'll get a ugly beta bucks dude who they will secretly hate but that's it most cases

SUPERCEL #sexist #conspiracy

[JFL] (CONSPIRACY) The globalists use women as their prawns.

Women have herd mentality , they will follow /do what is in trends/mainstream aka anything that media fed them.

Lifefuel : Autistic shutins like you and me are the real threats to them elites, they can't collect our money because we NEET.
So they depict us as potential school shooters to vilify us.

We are legion, questioning popularity!

Saudade #sexist

RE: [Blackpill] [Slavpill] Russia among has the highest rates of abortion in the world

Ukraine and Belarus are aslo at the top of the list

Extra degenerate slav foids are too busy riding a non-slavic man's massive thundercock that they are forget about contraceptions.People should stop seeing slavic foids as goddesses

Serbia too. Slavic countries are extremely matriarchal and feminist since times of communism. I actually go around foids forums and i look up the reasons why they kill their kids and its comical, they always say how they are good persons because she wouldn't have afforded a baby branded clothes or vacations every year (richest county in Serbia has lowest birth rate), she is busy with studying some useless shit, she is too young in her 20s to have a kid, world is overpopulated, i want child free life, some are already on their third of fourth abortions, some are so deluded they still call themselves Christian and they pray in Church before abortion and thank God that it all finished well and they know God will forgive them because she wasnt ready for a kid (LOL). Then the first thing they ask is can i have sex immediately after abortion or can i have kids in future (they wanna pop one kid in late 30s so it can take care of her when she gets old). Reality is that they are extremely materialistic, hedonistic and nihilistic and they see children as burden and investment that threatens their commodity and cock carousel, but they still want to push this bullshit about how noble they were for ending a life of a baby that would "suffer" because it would wear cheap clothes and have Chinese smartphone instead of Iphone, when they eventually pop one kid then they will act as greatest and most conservative mother ever ignoring their abortion counts. They are extremely uneducated about their bodies or anatomy, only 20% use protection, they also have tendencies to blame everything on men ignoring that they chose those same men, they all want to "experience life" aka party and ride cock carousels and then they want to be mothers in mid 30s (seriously i barely see any women in 20s with kids) but most of them cant find partners anymore due to low fertility and old age. If someone suggests that maybe you should watch with whom you sleep or dont be promiscuous or use protection then they will say that you are close minded, religious and patriarchal fanatic, backwards nut, my body my choice etc, they also get offended or insulted when Chadimir asks them about sex count or abortions count (past is past teehee). 16 year old girl can abort legally and parents will never know, doctors tell women here to hide their abortions from parents or partners so they can pretend to be religious and innocent until they lock up some naive betabuxxer. Mini lifefuel is that most of those foids when i read say that they cant forgive themselves for what they did, they want to go back in time and stop it, they cry when they see pregnant women and babies in public, they have nightmares, they become extremely depressed and suicidal, some become infertile, some start giving many births to compensate, some take radical feminist stances to hide their sorrow etc. By raw statistics on average every woman in this country aborted 3 times during her lifetime, and in same time people here are trying to present this shithole as "conservative", "traditional", "Christian" etc, 84% of people here declare themselves as """"""""Christian""""""""" which is laughable and insulting to real followers.

monkeyman #psycho

[LifeFuel] Flesh-eating STI Donovanosis which causes genitals to 'rot away' found in UK for first time

Click link for more info and pics. Some key points:

-Disease is usually found in Tropical and SubTropical regions like Southeast India, Guyana and New Guinea
-Is twice as common in men than women
-First case in the UK is a female aged 15-25

BodyFat10orRope & Hate_my_life #sexist



Why do women even get this upset by cheating? It's not even that bad if a man cheats tbh. It's not like he's cuckolding you. He's just horny and so he's fucking another woman. Other than some type of moral reason if you're religious, it doesn't seem like something that should illicit such a severe reaction (not only talking about the ones that commit suicide) in women.


I’m not celebrating the suicide or anything but I bet CuckTears will say that it‘s OP personality stopping him getting a girlfriend while OP shares a tweet like...... well, this. So supposedly Incels are incels because of what they say online even though most self-labelled incels bite their tongue in the real world.

I'm definitely celebrating.

Such a foid would've treated me like absolute dirt so why should I even offer a display of sympathy/condolences.

I wish every foid could just take their life today. I'd be so happy with none of these demons roaming around.

Also IT can go fist themselves, they're illogical goal-post moving cunts.

Some incels #sexist #psycho

Re: Is there anything more cucked?


My daughter is 11 and came home with $50 she charged some kid $50 to be his girlfriend for a week I don't know if I should be mad or high five her.. sos.


Yeah, high five your 11yo for being a literal whore.

Slayyy girl. QWEEN. Hu$$tlin, Makin dat $$$.

At such a young age too, what an enterprising independent girl. At her rate of maturity, she'll be imported to Dubai as a human toilet at the record-breaking age of 14.


The Dubai portapotty thing is lifefuel. I remember reading one woman cried after being shit on and I laughed out loud. Based Arabs tbhngl.

lol they really do that? thats fucking based actually ngl

Yep. They know women will do anything if you pay them enough, so for fun they fly out these little Instagram sluts and take turns shitting on their face and tits.


And when these foids turn 35 and it’s time to hang up the cleats? It’s time for vanilla missionary in the dark twice a month with mr. beta bux. “What’s past is past, tee hee!”

f1rem0th #psycho

[LifeFuel] Griefing normies in World of Warcraft feels so good

Best way to get back at normies is to kill them in World of Warcraft when they are low levels.

Imagine being a normie. You wake up at 6 am, do your unpaid preparation ritual, commute 1 hour to work, arrive by 9. Work until 5. Commute home by 6. Eat and go on WoW by 7.

The only thing that gets you by the day is coping and looking forward to playing WoW and enjoying yourself.

You're trying to level up your level 10 character and all of a sudden a level 60 is griefing your leveling area by killing you 24/7 and not letting you quest or grind.

I will kill the flight path too so the normies can't fly out of town. They are sitting there while I murder them over and over again.

I just love ruining normies days.

Various incels #sexist


Holy fucking LIFEFUEL!! Mom’s friend just found out her new husband has been cheating on her with her 16yo daughter right under her nose.
I know it’s “wrong” to find pleasure in this but fuck, after all I’ve been through I deserve to enjoy a little schadenfreude.

Just knowing that a female experienced being cucked in such a brutal fucking way brings joyful tears to my eyes and a rush of blood to my dick. Her own DAUGHTER lmao. Her younger, slimmer, tighter, fresher daughter. Just imagine how her husband was comparing them, just IMAGINE how disgusting she seemed in comparison. Imagine how shit she feels right now. It’s so fucking delicious lmao what a based dude.

16 is the where I live btw

I’m not larping lol she’s literally on her way over right now to stay with us since she’s got nowhere else to go. I’m gonna eavesdrop on this shit so hard


I knew a chick that did that. She gave her stepdad her virginity for his birthday.

She is completely unapologetic about it to this day. Refused counseling, refused to help pursue charges (she was 15). Her attitude is basically, "I wanted to fuck your man so I did."


what the fuck lmao roasties are so fucking brutal


They are capable of hate far deeper than anything men can imagine


This. They are demons from hell. AVOID them at absolutely all costs.

changeiscoming #psycho #sexist

[LifeFuel] Uppity short skirted thot in whore shoes jaywalks in Russia. Proceeds to get transformed into minced meat

DISCLAIMER: Boyos with cars, careful how you drive because the road is a dangerous place, always keep your distance from other vehicles and be mindful of your rear view mirror.

so without further ado:

[link: “Dash Cam Accidents Compilation – Best Gore”]

Go to 5:37

So we have a long legged vagina support system stopping cars in order to cross the road not on the designated area, aka CROSSWALK. Some cuck stops to give way to m'lady and she starts to strut confidently with her whore shoes and short skirt like she is a million fuckin dollars, hides off screen and then the most sweetest LIFEFUEL presents itself on this fine fine sunday morning.

BONUS 6:09 - underage snapchat thots get to kiss the hood of the car as if it was VLAD's cock - passionately!

Cuyen #racist #sexist #psycho

[Experiment] How to find a Pygmy gf

Ok here we go, finding a pygmy gf would be fucking easy if you're outsider just simply be exist as an outsider.

You don't want to find among those who live in their traditional life because it'd be very difficult to communicate etc. Many pygmies left their lifestyle and now living in major African cities like Kampala

-Getting a password there would be fucking easy

-Get a password

-Save money, it'll be fucking easy since they are cheap countries

>Find someone trustworthy there(companies) by just giving a bit American dollars you can find someone that can direct you to a pygmy

-Their men are literally turbo manlets and everyone mogs them so it won't be hard to find a pygmy gf

-Literally just exist as a foreigner and you can ascend there

-Make sure she doesn't have an illness like HIV and shit, get her doctor to check it'd be very easy since their money is worthless and you're a foreigner

-Make your move, rent a home or shit like that and try to fuck that bitch there

It's up to you what you want to do, just for fuck or bring her home(would be stupid idea) or living here cheap with pygmy gf. You can just fuck and leave, do whatever you want

-It'd be easy to dominate them since they are so small

-Also, lifefuel for those with loli fetishes
Just save a bit money, by finding a good company you can make sure that you're safe there. and if youre american ,itll be more easy

LostVayne #wingnut #psycho

How long until an ER weaponizes his autism and raises the stakes?

Disclaimer: I do not endorse the attacks. This is just an observation.

It may be a matter of time until bombs and drones start getting used. Due to the nature of inceldom most attacks will be lone wolves, but the chance of a group attack isn't zero. We already know how much a single person can do in a minute.

And with society not addressing the cause of these attacks (female hypergamy) there will always be a supply of ostracized males to radicalize.

Potential lifefuel: frequency and severity can only go up. These are interesting times.

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