Right, because racial covenents and redlining targeted white people. No wait… That’s everyone else.
Right, because any and all bureaucracy has a history of stalling or abruptly closing cases involving white people. No wait… That’s everyone else.
Right, because banks notoriously deny loans and refuse to outline why if they don’t call security the second white people walk in the door. No wait… that’s everyone else.
Right, because the prejudice against white people is so severe and pervasive that AI algorithms analyzing how banking trends and white people in particular are treated have also picked up the habit of discriminating against them… No… Wait… That’s everyone else… Huh.
It’s damned near impossible in today’s economy for anyone with a double-income - let alone a single income - short of already being born to the 1% to own their own home unless they inherited it. That’s a problem everyone has right now. That’s a problem a lot of the above deliberately created for nonwhites to keep them socially and financially underfoot to cement an advantage for whites and reinforce the delusion that we have some inherent superiority that means it’s only natural for us to view anyone else as a parasite who doesn’t belong in our ecosystem but now the leg up we’ve enjoyed isn’t quite so strong (still quite noticably there though) and the normalization of underhanded practices has spread from racially motivated goals and social engineering to purely financial ones. See this is why I don’t abide systemic discrimination. If it’s easy to normalize abuses against one group the abuses eventually seem normal enough to apply to everyone the instant it seems the same lack of consequences for the marginalized group can be expected in any other case.
This isn’t some Jewish invention, this financial repression, hell Jews were among the first victims of it when back in the middle ages they were legally barred from competing with Christians and one of the few explicit exceptions was moneylending which was expected at the time to reduce Jewish families to begging and starvation. Their success was not expected but it sure as hell was exploited to keep Christian businesses growing, with the odd pogrom once too many people felt like their financiers didn’t deserve a cut of “their” pie any more. It’s been white supremacy’s standard operating procedure from day one. But now it’s used in a war of financial class instead of theology or race. And the people with the advantage are looking to widen it as much as possible. Which you’d be okay with if you still felt you had the advantage but as is inevitable in a system built on inequality your own people decided they deserve a bit more and if you can’t keep up that’s because you can’t live without their handouts and belong with the inferiors.
The names you just dropped? BlackRock and Laurence Fink in particular? BlackRock doesn’t have a Jewish owner strictly speaking it doesn’t have an owner at all. It’s run by it’s vast number of shareholders, the largest of them being Vanguard Group and State Street and despite being CEO and one of the 8 original founders Larry Fink only personally holds 0.27% of the publicly traded shares. Not exactly a controlling interest.
BlackRock, Vanguard Group, and State Street - or more accurately an *actually significant* number of their major shareholders - are all donors to the overtly racist election deniers of MAGA who would be pleased as anything to institute a theocratic ethnostate you’d be proud to call home. BlackRock is also a major investor in the companies that keep America the most gun-accesible country in the world so taken along with all that other Jewish conspiracy nonsense about disarming and feminizing men (because only men matter in white society and women will destroy us all or something) reconcile that shit with your conspiracy of shadowy Jewish overlords unilaterally controlling all finance to neuter your “white masculine urges” that make men like me be embarassed to have anything so shallow as a gender or skin colour in common with you. The people speaking your language are also the ones selling you out. They aren’t doing it to break down the family or collapse Christianity or eliminate the white race, they’re all on the same page as you in that regard. They’re doing it because it profits them and you don’t. Well, you shifting the blame and parroting their rhetoric does. But you as one of the peasants they benefit from keeping financially precarious? Nah.
And family? Your only concern with “family” is to establish a unit of uncontested control. They’re products and weapons to you, not people and certainly not deserving of their own rights. Basically as much as “faith” means to you.