
various commenters #interphobia #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Genuine conundrum about certain people with CAIS

( Positronic_waves )
Sorry for this person, but I want to be kind to women. That means being unkind to men, rapists and in the very rare minority and some unfortunate souls with CAIS. If you never develop correctly as a man, it doesn't mean you are a woman. We are not a faulty male. Caster [Semenya] is a guy, who lived like a male except for competitions then he is a woman. I think natal sex is important, then puberty levels. If we have to exclude some CAIS people to let women win at something, we should do it. They say it never happens until they had 11 CAIS men winning womens athletics. When the difference is -10% of performance not being born a woman actually matters.

( Wokeuplate )
I think transgender and intersex are two different issues and the genderists, as per the uze, latch onto intersex as a way to stealth themselves into legitimate discourse, much the same as they did with LGB. It’s literally part of their playbook. Transgender is based on Gender Identity, which is an idiosyncratic, subjective belief system, unhinged from material reality. Intersex/DSD is a biologically based condition and has nothing to do with gendered souls or lady brains or myfeelz. The intersection between these two issues is competitive sports, where there can be male body advantages that accrue to CAIS people which have to be addressed in order to ensure fair play.

It’s really important when talking about transgender people to keep intersex as a separate topic. The recent debate with Colin Wright was frustrating in that he let very narrow examples relating to DSD be used as a proxy for TIMs. Since 99.98% of the world is not intersex of the type which gives rise to ambiguous genitalia and phenotype presentation, it is not useful to lump gender identity trans with DSD and say that they need to be addressed and accommodated similarly.

( FlorenceBlue )
IMO, still male. What we choose socially to do with that info is up for debate.

( viscerally )
Male, yes. But a woman still. In this extremely rare case, that in no way is similar to the case of trans women, I can confidently say that a male person can also be a woman - if she has the outer body of one and was brought up as one and would have always been believed to have been one of it weren’t for genetical testing.

( FlorenceBlue )
No such thing as male women.

ProxyMusic #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: CAIS women

I have no problem considering persons with CAIS as though they were girls and women socially. Biologically, however, they are XY, SRY gene positive males with a DSD that occurs only in males. The sex development and health of females who have the same exact genetic mutations that cause CAIS in males are completely unaffected by those genetic anomalies. Because only male sex development is driven by and dependent on testosterone produced by the testes, and only males can have faulty male androgen receptors.

Also, socially doesn't mean medically. For the sake of people with CAIS's own health and wellbeing, it's crucial that their male sex, genetics and male-only DSD be acknowledged and kept front and center when it comes to matters like medical care, assessing their risks for developing certain diseases, anticipating how diseases will affect them, and treating the diseases and health conditions they develop. Their sex also needs to be taken into account when estimating their life spans for purposes of planning and budgeting for their old age and purchasing longterm care insurance.

their bodies are fully incapable of using testosterone from basically birth, meaning they have no functional male anatomy for basically their whole lives.

But persons with CAIS all develop and are born with testes that produce massive amounts of testosterone, usually in the high end of the normal male range, or exceeding the top end of the normal male range. At birth, CAIS testes also contain the gamete germ cells that in other males will later on develop into sperm. Some researchers today are predicting that with advances in assisted reproductive technologies, the time will come when persons with CAIS will be able to become biological parents.

How exactly do you figure that testes that pump out massive amounts of T and contain male gamete germ cells don't count as "functional male anatomy"?


cranberrysalad and EternaEspiral #sexist #senpai_noticed_us ovarit.com

Submitter’s note: this is yet another quote from the Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT! thread: https://fstdt.com/SW2.6WS2JB7MH
Apparently they don’t understand we call them fundie because of their rhetoric and who they associate with, i.e. Matt Walsh

Amen (irony intended, lurkers). Super liberal atheist here, much further left than my TWAM friends. They’re busy sobbing and wailing about men’s rights activism from some extremely wealthy zip codes while I’m over here like don’t let your identity politics make you forget that we’re all workers, comrade.

Yup, young, lesbian, atheist and anarchist leaning here. We're difinitely not what they imagine. Bet they won't screenshot and comment on this lol

Senpai Noticed Us!

Julie92845 #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us ovarit.com

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

I don't know if I can post directly to it, but FSTDT stands for Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It's a sad shadow of its former self, but it's a collection of posts from religious nuts and right wingers from all over the internet. And Ovarit is often quoted for our anti-trans comments.

The best part is that people can comment on our quotes, and you'll find a lot of good stuff for o/translogic there as well. I've been having fun reading through them and seeing their insane takes, like we are denying reality and substituting our own.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

(GCnewb )

The thing about enbies

If men and women who identify as non-binary truly believe that they are a third gender or even sex, that they are neither men nor women, then why do they insist on being included in women's resources?


( Jellyfishes )
Unfortunately male NBs often enter women's spaces too

( XX_Power )
Male NBs are just lazy TIMs lol

( OutHereInTheDeep )
My thought has always been that they wanted to be seen as special, but don’t want to be associated with castration/want women to know they’re still sexually “available”.

( pennygadget )
For the female enbies, its a safety thing. They KNOW they'd be sitting ducks in a men's space

For the males, its the thrill of colonizing a female space and forcing all the girls inside to center him when he's there

Also, sadly, we know women are way more likely to tolerate this bullshit than men. Thats why our spaces are now a dumping ground for mentally ill gender-specials

( ElectricBlue )
I think there's also a wider difference in perception of TIFs/female nbs than TIMs/male nbs. I think the TWAW campaign has been so successful that a lot of people now do believe that TWAW, whereas whatever woke thing they might say, they still do just believe an NB woman is a woman with some kinda fancy deal going on.

( platypus )
Because everyone knows a "non-binary female" is just a woman.

The thing is, by trans rhetoric, we're all non-binary, too.

A lot of NB women are just trying to go along and say "well okay, if 'woman' now means 'someone with a female gender identity,' and a female with no internal gender identity is 'non-binary,' then I guess I'm non-binary? No big deal I guess?"

But of course, once you say those words, the pressure is on for you to "prove it" by going on T and getting top surgery.

It's a trick designed to induct women into the cult.

( no- )

we're all non-binary

That's the thing. If you're a human being and not a walking pair of tits who identifies as a sex object, you're technically not a woman according to genderism. Not liking sexism automatically makes you nonbinary, because we all know a real woman is a brave and stunning transwimmin who cosplays as a bimbo for fun.

femlez34 , proudcatlady & actualdyke #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The only question we need to ask TRAs

( femlez34 )
Their response is that "trans women" are magically incapable of criminal activity. If you believe in the oppression olympics, it's only cis white straight Christian males who are capable of wrongdoing, everyone else is only ever a victim. It doesn't matter if you tell them that 50% of TIMs are in jail for committing sex crimes, then they'll say "well, those aren't trans women then, they must be cis men pretending to be trans women". Then you can respond, "okay, well if cis male sex predators are so good at convincing prison wardens and doctors and judges that they're 'real trans women', what's going to keep them out of women's public bathrooms and locker rooms?"

Ultimately it doesn't matter what a person's gender soul is if the result is the same. TRA's will never concede that TIMs aren't women, the best we can do is get them to concede that the result is increased violence against women and children. The TIMs themself of course don't care, any number of women raped is acceptable collateral damage for one man's fetish fulfillment, but most reasonable liberals won't agree.

( proudcatlady )
They think men are more violent to transwomen than to actual women. They will tell you that with a straight face.

( actualdyke )
the true answer that they don't wanna say out loud: they know males are dangerous, they're just willing to sacrifice women and unwilling to sacrifice TIMs.

Tortoisemouse #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Descriptors Are Super Offensive as It Turns Out | by Rachel Bridgers | Apr, 2022 | An Injustice!

So much wrong with this article I don't even know where to start.

People who voted that "cis" was offensive "are the same people who called leftist “snowflakes that get offended by everything”".

I was one of those people voting on Twitter and I am a leftist.

This article assumes TWAW. If you start from the premise that this is true, then all sorts of conclusions flow logically from this starting point. But the author fails to comprehend that many of the people objecting to "cis" do so precisely because TW are not W (and TM are not M).

Of course if I assert "chairs are tables" then I can make all kinds of logical arguments based on that premise, and reach all kinds of conclusions, and many of them would be absurd.

And this BORING BORING fucking argument: "When I say I’m a white woman, are people offended by me saying I’m white? I’m simply stating a fact. No one attributes that to being a “subset” of my gender. It’s simply a ridiculous argument."

Yeah because white women are still women you idiot. TiMs are not women. That's the whole point.

This style of reasoning/arguing drives me insane because they are completely missing the point. The whole point is how you define woman. If you redefine it to include men then that's the ridiculous argument. But they sail past this bit, assuming TWAW is a "fact" (like the fact of a white woman being a woman) without acknowledging that disputing this fact is precisely what is at issue here.

There's no capacity or willingness to examine the statement TWAW. Instead a load of twaddle based on the premise that it's true. Fine to believe TWAW but be prepared to argue why you think this.


(edited for own stupidity)

butchplease , homosuperior & Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Quotes from transwomen

(butchplease )
What upsets me the most is that I'll never be able to hate these lowlife perverts as much as they hate us.

( homosuperior )
Don’t worry babe I can hate them enough for the pair of us!

( butchplease )
Thank you darling

( Owlchaser )
I don't see them as fully 'human', in the sense that they act more like predatory animals obsessed with sex. I think you trade something essential to being human for that level of hatred.

( butchplease )
Oof. I'm inclined to agree.

KissMyOvaries , XX_Power, jessebelleinhell & Caerulea #homophobia ovarit.com

( KissMyOvaries )
I disagree that it’s the government’s failure to act that put them in the crosshairs of a new disease.

Gay men’s inability to stop randomly fucking each other has put them in the crosshairs of a new disease. They did this to themselves. They are not “innocent victims”. They don’t care about getting monkey pox because the pull of having random sex is too great to overcome. The realities of men having sex needs to be exposed for what it is. I’m sick of women being branded as sluts when gay men have faaaaar more indiscriminate sex.

( XX_Power )
Exactly! If this was a female disease somehow wed hear 247 how disgusting and inferior us filthy sl#tty women are.

But because it's men it's like, you can't expect gay men to stop having anonymous orgies for even just one fucking month, noooo, wet penises are more important than the health of the whole fucking population.

( Caerulea )
I agree, they are not innocent victims. The promiscuous ones are right now in the active process of creating a brand new STD, while full well knowing about it. And they are not stopping.

For context, I am in Europe, and the information here is very clear. The target demographic know who they are, and they have been directly advised to avoid having sex outside a monogamous partnership, just for a little while until this blows over. They did not change their behaviour at all.

( jessebelleinhell )
That's what I was just thinking. Men call women sluts and whores, say that WE are dirty and feminism is a disease, yet..look at them. Just more projection on their part. And while I'm glad to see that they are getting vaccinated, you just now for a lot of them, it's just so they can continue to get their freak on. I hope to god this doesn't mutate and become airborne..

Several Ovarit-members #kinkshaming #ableist ovarit.com

RE: Tavistock Gender Clinic Lead Psychologist Supports Ageplay, Furries

(littleowl12 )
What pisses me off is that there's a growing number of people that think furries are just neurodiverse. And most of it is wholesome! If you're creeped out you're a neurobigot!

No, sorry, there's just too much overlap between furries and all pedophilic fetishes. I have every reason to keep you away from my kids and away from me.

( Gould2022 )
I’m still 100 percent convinced most of this bullshit, is targeted around reducing or removing age of consent. Legalise pedophilia. God knows what happens after that legalised sexual slave contracts? My mind is not deranged enough to identify other crazy shit

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes. They want all barriers to raping whoever they target removed - women, children, or animals.

( Researcher1536 )
This is a pro-predator movement through and through, and "be kind" and "don't kink shame!" are opening the door for utter depravity and harm.

( Gould2022 )
Pro-predator movement great statement

( hmimperialtortie )
Completely. They don’t want rape to be even nominally a crime.

Chronicity #transphobia ovarit.com

Dysphoria = cognitive dissonance

The title says it all. Dysphoria is the sensation that occurs when someone who is delusional about their membership in the opposite sex class is reminded that they know the truth about themselves.

It manifests as psychological pain because holding two conflicting thoughts in one’s head simultaneously causes extreme friction. Delusional belief in oneself cannot coexist comfortably with knowledge of one’s delusion.

There is an active thread in r/honesttransgender about how terrifyingly awful TERFs are. So much so, apparently, that some TIMs would rather go live in countries where the incidence of trans murder is sky high than live in a place like the UK, where women are semi-free to nonviolently express their concerns about space-invading men. Never mind the fact the UK has not seen a trans homicide in over 3 years; I guess murder isn’t a big deal anymore. TERF central is located in the UK and that’s enough to make it a less hospital than a place where transphobic violence is actually epidemic.


TERFs strike the fear in the hearts of TIP because our arguments induce cognitive dissonance in a way that true bigoted viewpoints do not. They are based in truth, logic, and common sense, and they are historically informed. The trans community knows that we are right; after all, they believe what we do. And we can be sure of that precisely because, as they admit, our opinions cause them agonizing pain. The proof is in the pain.

TRAs have to threaten us with violence to make us fearful. Their words do not cause us the pain of cognitive dissonance, so the next best thing is death and rape threats.

"A Penis is a Fucking Weapon" Award

Some classics never really fade away.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Men use their penises as literal weapons of war, but we should be fine with them in our spaces.

( femlez34 )
100%. TIMs will say, "well we're not 'men' so that doesn't apply to us", but then in the same breath will threaten feminists with rape to try and get them back in line. I don't think they even realize how much they do this, it's so ingrained in their DNA.

( pepperbeth )
We have to start waking up - sexual violence is a huge motivator for many men, maybe "not all men" but huge numbers. Some will say "oh rape is about sex" "oh rape is about power" but let's allow men some intersectional analysis - sexual power is highly arousing to men. Dominating and harming others is arousing to men. They will watch violence in porn, they will enact it in the bedroom, they will buy slave women to harm for their own orgasms, and they will rape women and children, including their own fucking brothers and sisters, and they become especially aroused and predatory when when war grants them opportunity to rape many vulnerable potential victims.

Do women get aroused by the suffering of others? Not even Aileen Wournos can rival the most average of prostitute-murdering men. The penis isn't the scary part, it's the whole goddamn man.

( Fluffy_gender )
Yes, that's why I find it ridiculous when people say "rape/sex abuse is not about sex, it's about power". Well, power is indeed very sexualized for men...

( Pointer )
Men do seem to have "rape software" pre-installed. Makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. They are actually able to maintain an erection and have an orgasm while penetrating someone who is screaming and crying in pain. It's crazy.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Men are carrying loaded weapons at all times, and we're supposed to trust them completely and give them endless chances. It's fucking insane.

Edit: this is why self defense laws are such bullshit and deliberately harmful to women. We literally cannot act in self defense the way a man can. He can kill us with his bare hands in the heat of the moment, we cannot.

Fuck man, they literally kill us with their penises during violent rapes. There is no possibility of a woman killing a man using only her vulva/vagina, it's not the same act at all.

Trust no male, especially one that REALLY wants to violate your boundaries.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Have I already lost her? Is it already too late?

( GA626 )
As a mother myself with a 5 month old, I very much dread her future and the thought of this happening.

You cannot restrict her access to the internet, but what I would do in this situation is explain to her the dangers of strangers on the internet, explain what the term 'grooming' means, and also explain to her what puberty blockers are used for and the permanent damages they cause to the body.

Show her pictures of TIF's, after 'gender affirming surgery', even if you consider them extremely graphic. Show her the damage this ideology causes. People like Chloe Cole and other detransitioners are people she should look up and read about. Libsoftiktok, Kellie Jay Keen etc.

I don't know how old she is, but children are immature and won't hit full maturity until 25. She cannot possibly know anything about her future, other than the ideas put into her head now by the trans cult and she needs to be protected from those ideas. She needs to understand exactly what happens when you are sterile.

If you want to find your daughter again, this is what needs to be done in order to make her understand the reality behind the ideology. It's designed to tear children away from parents and destroy relationships. You could also explain to her what a cult is.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It sounds like a nightmare.

( LunarMoose )
Home school her (can you?) Turn OFF the internet. I would absolutely do this (I did turn off the internet for my home at one point, not because of trans issues - daughter's behavior was really tough for a few months. This sucked for me, too (I like the internet) and daughter said I'd never survive. I sure did! And those issues disappeared :) Move. Do you have relatives you can stay with (in a conservative part of the country?) Then send her to a private school. Or home school.

If this were my daughter, I'd make every drastic step I could to interrupt this. As others have asked - how old is she?

( FlorenceBlue )
Take away any device she has that connects to the internet.

( WatcherattheGates )
I don't know how old she is, but if she is younger than 17, take a hammer and smash her phone and computer. I mean it. That is the only way. If you can, also take her on a gap year to Europe or somewhere else, immediately. I promise you that if you sever it all, you will see her come back, bit by bit.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The Russian soldiers who are raping little girls in Ukraine sure seem to know what makes us female.
I lost the link, but read on Twitter that girls under 10 are coming into the hospitals in Ukraine with rectal/vaginal tearing.

And of course older girls and women are also being raped regularly.

Turns out everyone knows exactly what it means to be a woman/girl when they want to rape us.

( Misssarcasm )
In my eyes the raped women and girls have it worse than the killed men.

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

( omerta )
In war people expect women to be raped, it's just a a casual thing that happens as a result.

When it happens to men/boys, on the other hand, that's when it becomes an atrocity, a terrible human rights violation, etc. etc. because men are supposed to die with dignity during war while women suffer and are humiliated.

A non-passing TIM would be clocked and likely murdered, not raped, although many of them may fantasize about it. I don't think any passing TIM would be able to pass military fitness tests (would gain too much muscle) so that's not something they care much about.

( Snowy )
I have no doubt some of them actively fantasize about it.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
It's part of the perks of joining the military. It's been known for thousands upon thousands of years.

( pennygadget )

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

They'd say: "Just tell the Russian soldiers you identify as a boy and that raping you would be gay!"

BlackCirce & proudcatlady #sexist #homophobia ovarit.com

male homosexuality is a trip

I wish it weren’t glorified so much tbh. Male sexuality, for ALL men, is so depraved, dehumanizing, and just wrong. I don’t find it suddenly okay when they go after each other and are completely free to just treat each other like sex toys. It’s bad enough in hetero relationships when there’s a woman to kind of make the man sort of behave most of the time, but gay male sexual behavior really show the full ugliness of male sexuality. Blech.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: You feel disconnected from womanhood because you're not a woman.

( butchplease )
If you want to "feel solidarity" to women, how about you stop being a misogynistic perverted freak who appropriates our experiences, language, human rights, and spaces 😳

( levitation )
If they're so desperate to feel "solidarity" with real women then maybe they can listen to us instead of fetishizing and talking over us.

( bellatrixbells )
This exactly. Feeling solidarity with someone doesn't mean becoming them. It means listening to them, understanding them and being empathetic of their frustration, suffering, etc. It doesn't entail attempting to become them. If you need to find a way to literally, physically feel the same way as another person in order to feel solidarity with them... You're kind of in the fast lane to be a sociopath.

( Champagne_Lasagne )
I think it's just how men experience empathy. The only way is to make them feel the same pain/discomfort of the person they're trying to empathize with. Women don't need that, whereas how many times have you heard a man say "what if it were my daughter??" in response to female suffering. They can only relate when it affects them too on a personal level. Another hint that they're not women.

( mathlover )
We should be doing everything we can so they feel disconnected from womanhood by an unreachable chasm. Which is reality. They can never have what they want. They will never be women. They will never have a place among us.

( puppy_cat )
It really disgusts me when they pretend they're somehow similar to actual women who are infertile. Fuck off.

( jvsmine )
"realizing I will never carry a child" what do they mean realizing it? they knew all along they never could. they just developed a fuckin fetish and are getting increasingly more desperate to come so now they're moaning about how their feefees hurt "realizing" they can "never carry a child". what a bunch of pathetic losers as well as delusional freaks.

someone remind me again why we need to be nice to these men? why I'm supposed to forget how uncomfortable this makes me in favor of listening to some scrote whine about how at least I'm a "cis" woman so I should be grateful for the pain and bullshit I experience? seriously I peak more and hate them more every day.

various TERFs #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com


spoilerIf you are illustrating that misogyny is real and that hatred of females is real, I agree. If you think any of those cultures would treat a transitioned MtF TS better you are wrong. Either they would be treated as a female (stealth), or (if non passing), killed or ostracized.
But when you use the fact of sex-selective abortion as an explanation to claim trans women don't face misogyny.. it becomes inexplicable. Also, if/when brain scans and
genome scans become good enough to catch transsexuality in the womb, they'll be aborted with even greater vigor.

( oatmeal )
Well it would be impossible to find "proclivity towards mass porn use and sexual deviancy" in a brain scan on a fetus so he has nothing to worry about.

( XXathlete )
Nah, just abort all male fetuses except a chosen few for breeding. Bees know what they're doing.

( Researcher1536 )
👏 👏 👏

( Gould2022 )
Well said.

various commenters #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( crodish )
Came across this and wanted to throw a table. It is exactly this. EXACTLY THIS that happens, over and over and over again, whether it's "cis" men, or trans-identified men, or detrans men. It's always men looking to women to provide emotional labor for them, it's always men who are unwilling to put in the work, it's always men who want to take over women's hard earned spaces because they won't do it themselves. Never for themselves and never for each other. And it's still always women's fault somehow.

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men. 1) it's not specifically detrans men, it's ALL men, so don't take it personally, because we sure as hell didn't become warmer to you during your identity as a woman 2) you've proven our point over and over.

Detrans women have spaces because the women bothered to make an effort. They bothered even if they didn't feel suited for it. They stepped up.

Men need to step up for themselves if they want their own spaces. Be willing to do the work for the change that you want for yourself!

Edit: now I'm half worried that "detrans man" is going to be the new oppressed minority that "transwoman" currently is, and women become unable to say anything against them because they're already so damaged and fragile. It's the same fucking cycle repackaged in different words urgh

( carbon0va )

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men.

These are selfish men who've demonstrated they're perfectly ok with exploiting women, invading our spaces, abusing us online, etc for their own gratification. Why would we like them? These people don't change, they just change tactics.

( SCP353 )
They won't. Similar to how men complain that they have no male shelters for domestic abuse but actually don't give a shit about those men/don't actually want to form communities. They just want to blame women for getting all the attention. It's all in bad faith.

( La_Terfa )
Lol, shelters for men aren't even needed. Cases of women being genuinely violent are vanishingly rare and moids always have the financial means to escape these hypothetical scenarios and protect themselves.


sojourner_truth_ , salty-tomorrow & Carrots90 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM wonders if he should impose on a women's SA group for validation
( sojourner_truth_ )
I'm tempted to write a frothy screed about the travesty that is the entire industry of mental health care.... again... but in this case I think the TIMs hear what they want to hear. "Oh, my shrink said it would help me loads if I went in there with the women and it would give me a massive throbbing euphoria so I should do it" yeah... maybe that's what happened, but maybe that's him being a typical narcissist and twisting crumbs of what was said to suit his fetish. Motivated reasoning, I think they call it.

Some of these men do have a shred of decency inside of them, a little quiet voice of conscience, telling them that they are being a creep. The trouble is that a man's boner can scream way louder than that little quiet voice of conscience. I think that's one reason why TIP so often post these "I can tell my coworkers and random people passing me on the street think I'm a creep/liar/deluded/joke/monster" is because that's what they think of themselves deep down. When gender loons get together they talk each other out of recognizing that voice of reason and egg each other on to do more and more degenerate things, like cross dressing in a women's SA support group and fretting over if you look convincing enough in your larp.

( salty-tomorrow )
The therapist probably told him NOT to go to the women’s support group because women-only groups are important for women to heal, and since he’s trying to convince himself he’s a woman too, he’s turned it around.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Exactly what I think happened. Talking with a fetishist is like talking to a drug addict or bad alcoholic. Their reports about what others said must be taken with a grain of salt, especially when they're throwing up their hands and saying someone twisted their arm into self-gratifying behavior.

( Carrots90 )
Motivated reasoning,

Best phrase ever!

anothergclesbian & SecondSkin #transphobia ovarit.com

(anothergclesbian )
Talk of Homophobia absent on "LGB/T" networks.

Does anyone else notice how the so called "lgb/t" networks don't really talk about homophobia anymore? Everything is either LGBTQ- or "queer"phobia and everyone, even if it's more specifically LGB, lesbian, or gay men, are always called LGBTQ people. I was reading an article about the recent shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado to find not a single mention of homophobia, not even an acknowledgement of sexual orientation. They made it all about trans issues and of course had to say, "oh trans women of color the most targeted group". I don't deny that gnc gay black men aren't targeted but I hate how it's used to dismiss what we face on a whole (like it's not really a problem). People in that nightclub died because the shooter hates LGB people but no, the real hate is not wanting men in women's spaces or making it illegal for people to obtain unneccessary treatments and surgeries. Who cares if gay men still get targeted on subways and streets? If lesbians worry about being attacked or r*ped and now fear being told by men we turn down 'oh I id as a woman'? Nah, not getting your way is the real problem here. 🙄

It's almost like at some points trans-IDing straights don't want to pretend they face homophobia, just "lgbtq/queerphobia", but they also don't want homophobia to be talked about - probably because they don't want THEIR homophobia to be brought up. But now they try to dip what happened on us like it's our fault for speaking out against their bullshit. It's so messed up.

( SecondSkin )
Agree with you op.

One local secondary school has an lgbt+ policy that is all about the t.

Just got my kids schools RSE policies sorted out that seemed fairly successfully but now the bullying policy reference to homophobia is all tq++++

Am pulling my hair out and sick of needing to waste energy on this bs. Which must feel much more frustrating for the lgb women and men.

mathlover & WholeGrain #transphobia ovarit.com

Lesbian visibility week event ..with a TiM

( mathlover )
"L With the T" as the title of the event is horrific. It is basically saying that prey (lesbians) should have no way to avoid their predators (rapey male "trans").

( WholeGrain )
All these TiMs with their "LwiththeT" hashtags and the like, meanwhile I see actual lesbians use "LetTheLOut" the most. Tells you all you need to know.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"You're denying my existence!" Yes, that is correct. I am denying that trans is a legitimate thing.
I don't believe anyone is actually trans. I don't believe in gender souls. I don't believe anyone is born in the wrong body.

So when TRAs say "you're denying the existence of trans people!" they're absolutely correct. I deny any of this is real or legitimate.

It is entitled, manipulative, misogynistic behavior grounded in solipsism and narcissism. It is abusive bullying disguised as a faux human rights campaign. It has no basis in objective fact. It is illogical, unreasonable, and impossible to defend or support. It is a flimsy excuse to destroy and hurt women. It is mental illness in a frilly dress and lipstick.

Trans identity is anything but factual or legitimate—it simply does not exist.

( realityismykink )
I peaked all over again when I realized that they were the only ones denying their existence. A man with a crossdressing fetish who insists he isn't a man with a crossdressing fetish, but actually a woman, is literally denying his own existence. We're the only ones who refuse to deny their existence, and it enrages them.

( [Deleted] )
Lol true. I never thought of it that way

( ifelifelse )
Yes! I thought the same! Isn’t it “transphobic” to claim TWAW or to say that Richard Levine is “female” (etc)? That’s actually implying that trans is bad or doesn’t exist! They go around all day pretending they’re the same as us, denying their own “existence”. We’re just saying that we won’t go along with their delusions, not that we think they don’t exist.

( bumpyjerboa )
I don't believe in a lot of things and I don't think people should get special treatment for their religious beliefs. (Even if I share those beliefs myself!) That's all trans is. It's not denying their existence the same as refusing to privilege someone's other, more traditional religious beliefs isn't denying their existence.

I also don't like to have a fake tea party with my nieces every time they ask, that doesn't mean I think my nieces don't exist.

( pennygadget )

I don't believe in a lot of things and I don't think people should get special treatment for their religious beliefs.

If an orthodox Jew can't force people around them to eat kosher, than a man shouldn't be able to force people to pretend he's a woman.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Spoiled TIM brat doesn’t think Reddit is protrans enough. It’s “terrifying”

( Committing_Tervery )

Thank you transphobes. I hate being trans so much because of you.

That’s a self-made problem. It’s easy to fix. Stop being trans.

( Carrots90 )
What happens when these people face real adversity?

Not the ‘failure to adequately grovel and simp’

( hmimperialtortie )
They never do.

( Carrots90 )
How about when he catches mom lovingly and transphobically gazing at his old baby pictures?

How she refused to aemd them to that service where baby/childhood pics can be ‘correctly gendered’. Ie history erased so your picture of you at Tball at 3 is defaced and turned into a ballet studio

( Genevieve )
Not pro-trans enough?? The western world has bent over backwards for them and their chosen identities, but the fact that they don't have complete subservience makes every single space they choose to intrude on not "pro-trans enough".

Pathetic narcissist. GOOD. I'm humored that you feel "terrified" over web pages in a browser that you can just easily click the x on so you can leave the "scary" situation. Goodness, they're babies, aren't they?

( suupersami )
Women are thrown rape and death threats when they say they don't want to have sex with males, or when they push back against abuse, or when they say they want female only spaces due to male violence, or just for merely existing... but oh no this poor man is reading stuff he doesn't like. OH THE HUMANITY.

( Itzpapalotl )
Maybe if you fetishistic Male perverts stop appropriating womanhood, people would like you more?

Wear what you like and do what you like to your body but STOP calling yourselves women, entering female only spaces, pretending you have anything to do with womanhood, demanding everyone cater to your delusions and fantasies. Stop policing language and beliefs of others... you are male, human males are called MEN. You are and will always be men. Leave us alone.

At this point “transphobia” is not validating every absurd claim they make. People are sick of “be kind” because it’s never good enough.

( Carrots90 )
Exactly. And their insistence on self ID has caused a lot of the hate.

Is it a ‘phobia’ if they are actually violent, unstable, predators? Or is it just healthy fear at this point?

actualdyke & butchplease #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

Do y'all think "the shift" was intentional?

By "the shift" I mean the unidentified turning point over the last ~half-decade where transgender activism moved from 'we just want to live' 'we just want to pee' 'we just want to work', to 'we are biological women, sleep with us or you're transphobic, if you see us flashing our hard-ons in the locker room just look away bigot'. This shift has always intrigued me because I for example, as a young teen heavily entrenched in the Internet, definitely recall the earlier trans movement as being much less hostile and much more 'normative' than it is now. You also hear stories of transsexuals in the past working alongside women, ultimately acknowledging themselves as males, etc. But on the other hand, you have all these insane trans manifestos from the 70s that clearly outline their goal of replacing real women & declaring themselves superior which are kiiind of hard to ignore lmao.

As always, whenever I puzzle over these things, I like to turn to the women of Ovarit. I'm sure all of you have different experiences with transactivism, especially the older ladies here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you think the trans movement genuinely started as a rights movement that turned sour once blue haired activists jumped on it, or do you think it was sinister from the get-go and they intentionally started out innocuous so that they could go full transycho once they successfully infiltrated everywhere in the west? (I personally lean towards the latter lol)

( butchplease )
One hundred fucking percent. This is all highly intentional. This is orchestrated. Whatever you think of men, you will have to admit that they are extremely good at using their capital to push women back under the boot in the most psychologically destructive ways imaginable. This must be THE most efficient backlash against feminism in the history of women's rights. Within just a few years, men have managed to demonise us completely, to erase our class consciousness, and to make us willing participants in our own downfall. It's absolutely astounding. And women won't wake up until it's too late.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Women who peaked, do you remember a seed being planted at any moment?

(notyourfetish )
Again, Bruce Jenner.

I learned about AGP because I heard about him wearing his daughter's underwear (so gross) and he said some unfortunate things about gay people.

That was when I realized the "movement" was just sexist, homophobic gibberish and all TIMs are rapists and perverts. All of them.

I've yet to be proven wrong.

(CeruleanPisces )
The thought of them in womens shelters. The way it can and will be abused angers me in a way that is indescribable. Men with an inability to tolerate the fact that they are men do not belong in womens shelters. I don’t care if they are LOOK exactly like women. I don’t care what age they transitioned at. I don’t fucking care. Castrated or not. I don’t care if they are raised with a lifetime of female presentation and socialization.

They are men. They can get back in their own fucking lane.

( Erhanne )

When I joined an (intersectional) feminist subreddit and its associated discord, and naively asked what was the "point" of being trans when we could abolish gender and let everybody dress as they like and do what they want. I don't remember the exact answer but it was unconvincing. Something like "sure we should abolish gender but we can't because they need our acceptance now".

I remember concluding to myself that trans were "too weak" to undertake their gender nonconformity (therefore enforcing gender roles instead of breaking them) and considering them with a mix of pity and anger.

I progressively lost contact with that group and afterwards it took 3 years for me to peak, only to discover that my partner had peaked way before me (we didn't speak about this topic).

( BlankandPitiless )
I think it was the bathroom bills in North Carolina. I remember people kept saying over and over "of course no man is going to dress up as a woman to go into a woman's bathroom!" And I just kept thinking, men do all kinds of crazy, obscene and heinous shit, why is this a bridge too far? I still felt bad for the transgenders I'd encountered, but it was obvious to me that the people against the bathroom bill were not arguing in good faith. And it was always just this little feeling in my gut that told me that none of this made sense. Men can dress as women, I genuinely don't care, but the bathrooms felt like an encroachment on women.

hmimperialtortie , sojourner_truth_ & momofreyrella #transphobia ovarit.com

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream says "words have meaning, TRAHR"

( hmimperialtortie )
No, they’re not. Nobody is trans, there’s no such thing. These “rights” are rapists’ privileges.

Also make up your alleged minds, do words have meanings or not?

( sojourner_truth_ )
So many people will have to walk these bad takes back when sanity prevails. It's crazy how many people who are dead wrong on literally every other issue (like Tucker Carlson) will be dead on the money here, and people who have a stellar track record are pushing pedophilia and the destruction of women's rights.

( momofreyrella )
Its so weird agreeing with Tucker Carlon of all people!!

( sojourner_truth_ )
I know, right! I actually watched him on youtube talking about the Libs of TikTok doxxing and half of my brain was melting, just in shock that I was watching him. What has the world come to?

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com


( SulphuricMirror )
Of course it felt like an immense amount of power. You, a man, were committing a sex crime endorsed by the state for which you would never be punished, what more power could any male want than that?

( marshmallowmirror )
0% of congress are serial killers. Name 10 famous living serial killers. Serial killers are 100x more likely to suffer mental health issues. Why aren’t we taking better care of serial killers?? Why aren’t we letting them into positions of power so they can represent the needs of serial killers more appropriately??!? /sarcasm 😡

( llkit )
Want receipts for the poverty claim. Noting the absolute lack of giving a shit about others in poverty. Cis* ain't a monolith, lots of variation in 98% of the population.

I reject the term. Use it here to emphasise it's bullshit.

( jvsmine )
I don't care about poor trans people, I'll say it. They create their own problems, every single one of them. I've watched it happen. They enjoy being helpless. They've weaponized it. They love it.

( SparklingFem )
Reminds me of the TIM who had a GoFundMe to pay his rent and buy food for him and his child because he wouldn’t be able to work for awhile after his “bottom surgery”. Sorry, but if you can’t afford to keep a roof over your head and food on the table as the primary parent to a young child, perhaps you ought to hold off on unnecessary surgery until a time when it is more financially feasible. That kind of decision-making certainly won’t help get someone out of poverty.

( Haljurunna )
That begging for money online for an otherwise capable adult has become normalized for this "community" is beyond enraging.

( hmimperialtortie )
At least getting butchered bits would make sure he doesn’t father anyother children.

( hmimperialtortie )
Same. I don’t give a damn about any “trans” except the children being forced into it. The adults bring it upon themselves.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Emma Hilton claps back at AC. People clapped (for real this time)

( n3847 )
Our "goals"? Making mentally ill people seek the help they need and accept who they are instead of guzzling hormones, doing unnecessary surgeries, and living lives of hypersexual and in some cases, sexual predation? Protecting women from males who lack boundaries and may seek to harm them? Defeating the patriarchy? Yes, those are our goals.

I love how they act like these women are Al-Qaeda 2.0. POTTER MAGIC LADY LIKE BIN LADEN!

( cousinanger )
Women are not allowed to set any boundaries themselves. Saying NO to anything trans activists demand is always, always, always the same as wanting transgender people to be annihilated or somehow causes totally unrelated violent people to attack them. Always our fault, isn't it?

That is the gaslighting I can't take anymore. Not having boundaries is psychologically unhealthy, but despite decades of feminists writing about women's rights to have such boundaries and to defend them, I see so many tweets and other online comments yelling at women who do calmly state their boundaries. And all the Karening! And the demands for silence. Mary Beard's book about how women have never been really allowed to speak in the public sphere for themselves is still an important one.

( femlez34 )
I mean, I think boundary crossing is the entire point for AGPs, that's what their kink is. If we don't let them cross our boundaries and make ourselves available to be abused by them then they really won't exist anymore, they'll drop the fishnets and go find some other weird sexual fixation.

The AGPs have almost total control over the trans movement and they've convinced a lot of the very young, homosexual TIPs that everyone is out to get them so that they stay engaged in trans activism (the goal of which is always conveniently to give AGPs access to their targets, it's never something practical to help TIFs or the HSTS males pushed into prostitution). They also know that young gay TIPs are a more palatable face for the movement.

( ComplicatedSpirit )

Women are not allowed to set any boundaries themselves.

Now that doesn’t make any sense, that sounds like how men behave and we’re talking about TRAs! ….wait…..

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Prenatal yoga class I was looking into uses the term “carrying persons”

( Feministunderyrbed )
I used to feel sorry for TIFs, they’re not a threat to me, victims of misogyny too, and all that. But when I think of the kind of pressure it has taken to impose these farcical speech codes on every business, government and institution serving women, I don’t feel like being in a room with TIFs any more than with TIMs. The delusions and aggression are almost equally creepy.

( femlez34 )
Honestly I think it's TIMs pushing for this as much if not more than TIFs. They know they can never be women because they can't get pregnant. They're desperate to divorce womanhood from female biology and turn it into an outfit, that's the only way they can participate.

( NoDayForADo )
More and more I find them practicing the worst kinds of misogyny. Skyler Bailer - HUGE supporter of Lia Thomas - given the voice of credibility because "he's a trans man athlete!" Think about it a little deeper and you'll see someone who hated being a woman so much she lopped her own tits off, who is now pushing for rules to hurt and humiliate other women.

( fiordisappho )
Same, plus I find their obsession with opting out of womanhood to “become men” particularly pathetic and enraging.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
What's frustrating is 90% of them don't actually want to become men. They're literally scared of men (like more so than the average woman IME) and refuse to use men's spaces because they don't like the misogyny, bro talk, male mannerisms, etc. They basically don't like anything about men, they just REALLY hate being treated like a woman.

They obsess over male characters written by women, male representations that don't actually exist. That's what they want to be.

( pennygadget )

They obsess over male characters written by women, male representations that don't actually exist. That's what they want to be.

They want to be like the yaoi boys in their Manga. Just like how the TIMs want to be giggling hentai sluts

( Feministunderyrbed )
Equal parts pitiable and infuriating, yeah.

( hmimperialtortie )
Same. My pity has largely been replaced by contempt.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIMs are "willful women"

( BlackCirce )
Wrong. A “willful woman” is a woman, an adult human female, who demands to be treated as all three, to be recognized as an adult and a human while female, who demands to be recognized as a full political subject, a full citizen who inherits the privileges and duties of a citizen, the possessor and creator of her works in art and science and philosophy whatever their intent or quality, a full authority over her children and household. That is what a willful woman is. A man who ejaculates wildly at the touch of silken drawers is simply a pervert.

( no- )
I googled Sara Ahmed fully expecting her to be a TIM because wtf, but no, this is a handmaiden 🤦‍♀️

( GraceHoward1729 )

A man who ejaculates wildly at the touch of silken drawers is simply a pervert.

lmfao. reminded me of this: “The first time I put on the black silk panties I got a hardon right away.” - Julian Beck

"Transvestism is costuming which violates gender imperatives. Transvestism is generally a sexually charged act: the visible, public violation of sex role is erotic, exciting, dangerous. It is a kind of erotic civil disobedience, and that is precisely its value. Costuming is part of the strategy and process of role destruction. We see, for instance, that as women reject the female role, they adopt “male” clothing. As sex roles dissolve, the particular erotic content of transvestism dissolves." - Dworkin

Reason number #789270842 these full-time fetishistic parodies have a vested interest maintaining women's oppression and subjugation, in upholding patriarchy and sex roles and hindering women's liberation. The eroticism goes away if our inferiority established by the oppressive 'gender' hierarchy is abolished. And ofc what's important is not women's liberation but ensuring paraphilic men have permanent hard ons. christ

( Seven )
Ugh, these fetishistic caricatures are so demanding of something i wished SO HARD i never were..

( mathlover )
That describes men. Men who play make-believe "women".

Various commenters #sexist ovarit.com

"If men without gender identities vanished from society, patriarchy would continue to be upheld by women"

( visits_radio )
"Cis" men didn't disappear from that book; they became rape-obessed monsters.

( Committing_Tervery )


rape-obsessed monsters

Meme from The Office: “They’re the same picture.”

( rowlings_army )
And they're not already?

( BlackCirce )
This is a fantasy men have had and described multiple times but it’s inconsistent with historical men’s evaluation of women. Men constantly assert that women are mentally weak, nonviolent, risk averse, not aggressive, not sexually motivated etc. Without those traits it’s difficult to see how in the absence of men, women would continue men’s organization of society dependent on those traits. Stories like YTLM and Manhunt when women suddenly become “exactly like men” in the absence of men are just cope. If most males died off, women would continue being mainly communitarian, risk averse, less aggressive etc and life would be better for everyone. Men cannot cope with the fact that their existence is why life sucks so much both for themselves and for women 💁🏾‍♀️

Also the idea that if women had power we would treat men the way they treat us acts to sanitize their brutality as self defense. “If we don’t keep them broken as slaves, they will grow strong and enslave us.”

( butchplease )
Naomi Alderman's "The Power" springs to mind.

( BlackCirce )
People act like women don’t have access to deadly weapons. We do and we do use them against men, children and other women. Just far far less than men do. Like most mammals female humans are most dangerous when our offspring are threatened. If women wanted more men dead we absolutely could accomplish that without any supernatural interventions. People need to accept that, among the many many wonderful things about women, we are also more peaceful. Its a fact 🤷🏾‍♀️

actualdyke & n3847 #transphobia ovarit.com

Transactivism: the only "rights" movement that loses support as people learn more.

Title says it all really. It just completely astounds me that they continue to attempt to legitimize their movement by comparing it to the fight for civil rights or the fight for women's rights or the fight for gay rights. What all those movements had in common is while they may have been met with bigotry all throughout and still to this day, the general pattern is that the more the public learned about each group and the more the public learned about their movement and their goals and their requests, the more support they got & the more they changed people's minds about them, until finally they gained those rights and that support. Transactivism seems to be the only movement going the opposite way - they suddenly captured every institution in the West and have more support than any legitimate rights movement would ever dream of getting so fast (not to mention they have all the rights they claim not to have & more), yet the more TRUTH about them that the public learns, the more that that support seems to diminish & the more people are turning against them, not towards rhem

It's funny when they try to compare themselves to Black people. Black people be like, "Being Black isn't a mental illness", lol. The same with women, being a woman is not a mental illness. Being gay is not a mental illness. It's used to be considered that but, it's not. Homosexuals don't think the OPPOSITE of reality. They're just another sexual orientation. The TRAs keep compare what they are doing to the Gay Rights Movement but they are not the same. Gay Rights Movement's goal was acceptance and assimilation - NOT domination. They didn't seek to brainwash kids into being anything. They didn't promote dangerous and unnecessary surgeries and hormones. They didn't want to invade women's spaces. They didn't seek to convince anyone they were anything, only accept THEM as they are. The more we learn about TR movement, the more I despise them.

I started out as "Transwomen are women", I'm now ready to outlaw "transition" surgeries - therapy ONLY, declare Gender/Trans ideology as a public health crisis, exclude teaching of Trans/Non-Binary anything in schools in all 50 states - LGB only, ban them from sports altogether, and go to the Supreme Court to throw them out of women's spaces in all 50 states

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

This is the level of stupidity we are dealing with 😶


( legopants )
Then what makes you trans? What could it possibly be if not based on gender stereotypes and roles? You can't know what it "feels" like to be a man or woman biologically when you're not. there's not a single trans person alive I've asked how they knew that doesn't start wih "as a kid, I liked playing with (sterotypes) instead of (sterotypes)" LMFAO

THE ENTIRE DIAGNOSIS PROCESS is a form asking which gender sterotypes you more relate too for fucks sake LOL

( OwnLyingEyes )
As though the moment a child expresses a HINT of gender nonconformity, these ghouls aren't tripping over each other to start insinuating that he/she should be placed on blockers. As though that isn't EXACTLY the criteria that Tavistock used to approve "treatment."

( TheQuantumBoson )
This is DARVO, plain and simple. They're denying that they think a little boy who wants to wear a dress needs to be transed (which they do think), they go on to attack Rowling as "representing hate and ignorance", and then blame her for doing exactly what they're doing.

( RumHam )
I really just can't with the gaslighting. Lol We don't say that! No trans person thinks this way! Go look at literally any of their subs. They're obsessed with stereotypes and clothing, and anyone who's the slightest bit gnc gets called an egg.

( Riothamus )
Anyone who's willing to lie about something as blatantly obvious as their sex will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING whenever it suits their purposes. We cannot expect any honesty or consistency from these people.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“Hate crimes reach record high as offences against transgender people double”. Fake news?

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
Hate crimes = misgendering online for these people.

So yeah, I can believe they doubled, because lots of people are just sick and tired of playing pretend and are calling a spade a spade way more than just 2/3 years ago.

( no- )
The article says 41% of the attacks are violent in nature. Who committed those attacks? Most likely men. Who is gonna get blamed? Feminists.

( LilianH )
I looked up the stats and don't see how they got 41% violent from those. The stats were,

36% Public order offenses

9% violent with injury

14% violent with no injury

33% Stalking and harassment

3% Criminal damage / Arson

5% Other

By my calculation that is 23% violent at best.

I should also note that only 3% of "hate crimes" against trans resulted in a charge or summons (compared to 8% for race, 9% for sexual orientation, 9% for religion, and 2% for disability) which speaks to their lack of severity.

( ProxyMusic )
But "violent" as the gender identity crowd define the term means anything that precious TIPs say makes them feel "invalidated," slightly uncomfortable and not centered.

( SecondSkin )
And violent to them means being told no.

Lesbians saying they don’t do dick= hate crime to trans people.

( DollarstoDonuts )
I mean what constitutes violence in this context. They're calling police on social media comments one would say that's a disproportionate response to something not even a crime, but they probably note the comment down as "violent".

( WatcherattheGates )
So not actual crimes, then, just feelings hurt. I just wish women's feelings counted for something.

( hmimperialtortie )
Being offended = offences to these fuckers.

( llkit )
They don't seem to analyse the offender statistics, good to finally see a breakdown. I see they're not using a breakdown for trans, just a broader breakdown.

I can an increase happening and not just online. I've seen a lot of trans out and about nowadays. The Tim's do stick out like a sore thumb. Also they do tend to look for offence so will find it. But yep I can see more stuff being said at them, by idiot blokes.

Pity we can't report such things a women. The whole thing is ridiculous that it excludes women. Not that I'm a fan of it all overall.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Opinion: I'm a transgender player in a women's hockey league. That's exactly where I belong - CNN

( ProxyMusic )

Throughout my transition, I remained active in my sport. I tried playing adult men's "beer league" hockey at first, but I didn't feel safe physically, since I was playing against large bodies as my own body was rapidly changing and losing muscle mass.

And playing in that league only added to my anxiety, since I didn't feel comfortable expressing my true identity in front of my [male] teammates. I was certain that my male teammates wouldn't accept my transition.

So he didn't even give the other blokes a chance to demonstrate their fealty to "diversity and inclusion" by allowing them to know and accept him. He sold them short from the get-go by deciding in his own head right off the bat that they'd never accept him, thus he never bothered being honest and open with them. In one act of mental gymnastics, he pre-judged them to be intolerant arseholes and conveniently let himself off the hook. So much for "authenticity" and "living your truth."

I felt like a complete outsider, as if I had something to hide every time I stepped in the locker room -- whether I was covering up the physical changes I was experiencing because of transitioning, or lying about my life off the ice.

News flash: hiding who you are and lying about yourself leads to social awkwardness and unease. It's impossible to feel at home with others when you are not at home with yourself.

( RisingUp )

I felt like a complete outsider, as if I had something to hide every time I stepped in the locker room -- whether I was covering up the physical changes I was experiencing because of transitioning, or lying about my life off the ice.

But in the ladies locker room he’s totally happy letting it all swing free! How charming.

( hmimperialtortie )
You belong in a locked ward, male.

( mittimithai )
This has to be the best line.

"The first couple of years during my transition were tough: During one particularly rough three-month period, I posed as a man at work while living my true identity outside it."

OwnLyingEyes & KissMyOvaries #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How calling a vagina a front hole DOES affect me

( OwnLyingEyes )
It's harmful to all women because it's taking away clear words that are necessary for understanding how our bodies function and replacing them with newspeak words that were created for the sole purpose of allowing some delusional women to sink deeper into those delusions. And FFS, doctor's visits take time out of my day and I pay a premium for accessing a small amount of their time; can we please not waste it playing inconsistent pronoun-and-gibberish games (especially when said delusional women you're sacrificing and expecting me to sacrifice so much to appease aren't even in the room)?

And it costs confidence in them as professionals, people I'm supposed to trust with my health, with my life, who can't or won't even speak clearly about what's happening to me because they're too afraid of offending insane people by acknowledging reality.

( KissMyOvaries )
This is why I don’t give a flying fck if TIFs end up with long term body damage. If you’re so stupid as to believe that you can become a man, then maybe you deserve what comes to you. Almost immediately after peaking I could see just how much damage TIFs do to other women. I’m not going to waste any energy on caring about them, because they ACTIVELY try to destroy other women.

I do want to say that I have ZERO problems with detrans women who have also dropped their narcissistic bullshit. There are a few prominent detrans women who are still all stuck up on themselves and no, I don’t support them as I don’t support narcissistic people.

Various commenters #kinkshaming ovarit.com



( miss_frankie )
“We’re into breath play”. Nope your boyfriend just gets a boner from choking you.

( demonista )
From strangling her/you. Even choking is a euphemism.

( Committing_Tervery )
The word “play” makes it sound so innocent, and instantly evokes images of children, so ew @ that word being constantly used too. Pedophiles...

( pennygadget )
Agreed. Its pedo language designed to appeal to young people (and desensitize young girls)

( notafeminist )
All the while beating drums about how they are "safe, sane and consensual." No sane person gets off to labeling gruesome acts in such a childlike way.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Woman gets called a transphobe for not wanting to share a bed with a TIM

(mathlover )
Why is this surprising? It was an opportunity for a "trans" man to coercively rape a woman. Or at least get off sexually. Is there any doubt that he would have been masturbating next to her in bed if she was able to rebuff outright rape? Or that he probably did masturbate, while sniffing the sheets, after she left the bed.

Everything these men do is easily interpreted and understood once you realize that everything they do is motivated by getting off and violating women to do so.

( Bolero )

The last, transmisogyny, is a combination of sexism and transphobia applied to trans women. Generally it involves seeing us as more dangerous than other women

Reality is a TERF, yet again

( no- )
Right? Why would they be more safe than other men? They're the same picture. And they know men are more dangerous than women because that's the excuse they use to demand access to female spaces.

( hmimperialtortie )
Imo they are more dangerous than other men.

( ErikaMart )
I'd share a bed with a normal strange man before a TIM I'm not joking

( butchplease )
If I have to choose between the man who's pushing himself into my spaces and the man who isn't, guess which one I'm taking.

( no- )
That's the thing about TIMs, they have a way of making other men look decent in comparison.

( XX_Power )
Statistically they're even more dangerous than other men! The crossdressers especially love rape and pedophilia if we go by incarceration data.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Our Sisters in Afghanistan

( AngelFoodCake )
If trans issues aren't just a first world problem, where are all the Afghan TIMs demanding that these rules must apply to them as well so that they can feel valid?

( Committing_Tervery )
Along a similar but different note, I never see TIMs complaining that seeing Muslim women oppressed gives them “dysphoria,” either. Weird how they want to experience abortions, stillbirths, and other solely female experiences, but never wearing a burka and needing to have a man escort them out in public.

( comradeconradical )
Sadly I have seen more than a few TIMs fetishize the idea of being forced to wear a hijab and forced to be a houseslave...

It can be part of their feminization/sissification/misogyny/humiliation kink, with the added bonus of racism.

Just when you think they couldn't possibly be more depraved, they go there.

( Committing_Tervery )
I’ve definitely seen a few fetishize it, but none of them say that seeing women in burkas etc gives them “dysphoria,” ya know?

Indeed racist/culturally insensitive.

I cannot get the burning image of one TIM out of my head who was wearing a full body covering (but not a face covering). He had the most ridiculous fake boobs (probably stuffed a pillow under there, that’s what it looked like).

Gah, I hate these creeps!!!

( radicalacceptance )
So confusing how this is happening when no one can define a woman? Has anyone tried just explaining to the Taliban that biological sex is actually a spectrum?????

( chocolatefondant21 )
Can Afghan women identify as men and be exempt from all these rules? Why not??

( IronicWolf )
Weird how unsophisticated people like the Taliban know who a woman is without either chromosome testing or genital inspection while PhDs in Queer Theory and ironic glasses struggle with the concept of sexual dimorphism in humans. Even cats, dogs, birds etc know how to recognise the male and female of their species but very educated middle class progressives can’t.

I await TW desperate to travel to Kabul to get the validation of being flogged for not wearing a burka while ‘being women’. They could organise ‘high adrenaline gender euphoria holiday packages’.

VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Parent asks TIP for help as TIM child on blockers can’t have penile inversion (2017)

Yeah, women have nothing to gain from puberty blockers - as far as medical problems go, those you get from mastectomies are very probably much less severe than those you get from puberty blockers. (Not counting the risk of surgery, but it is pretty safe nowadays, and brittle bones are likely to necessitate surgery, so ...)

But. I don't think it is stupid that TRAs want to die on the puberty blocker hill.

Not if you assume that their end goal, their real goal, is to ensure male access to ALL female spaces, and that they don't care shit about how many children they harm in the process.

The adult male AGPs who never intend to ever part with their penis profit from sickly small boys who actually look like girls thanks to puberty blockers being the public face of transness.

And I think that's the plan. Those children are used for publicity, so that adult male rapists, with penis and all, can get into womens' spaces and the general public thinking of them as frail, sickly boys with feminine faces.

Every-Man-His-Own-Football #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Video game fans peaked by TRAs messing with their favourite video game

When TIMs complain about transphobia, in the vast majority of cases, it is narc rage caused by an interference with their erotic obsession. That's also why they are so excessively focused on "TERFs" (and so ready to use threats of rape) rather than on the men who are actually violent towards TIMs. When Serano invented "transmisogyny" the first example he gave was jokes about men in dresses. What made the transvestites in GTA 5 so much more offensive to TIMs than misogyny is that they are clearly portrayed as male. Supposedly in trans logic any of the female characters in the game could be trans.

no- #transphobia ovarit.com


Trans rights wants:

* External validation at all costs.
* The institutional and systemic erasure of the bodily reality of women and girls.
* No freedom of assembly for women.
* No safe intimate spaces for women.
* Free cosmetic surgery.
* Priest class status. No accountability for their sexual crimes and access to vulnerable victims.
* To freely practice exhibitionism and voyeurism.
* Indoctrinating children.
* Sterilizing children, LGB youth, and neurodivergent people.
* No free speech, especially for women.
* Suppressing female class consciousness.
* Deplatforming and harassing feminists.
* Replacing feminism with rape culture and postmodern identity politics.
* Inhumane medical experimentation (uterus transplants on men).
* Letting men with breastfeeding fetishes feed their questionable nipple discharge to infants.
* To force society at large to participate in men’s cross dressing and feminization fetishes.
* To allow women to be raped and impregnated by male inmates in prison.

Various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

I saw this on twitter a comment about using puberty blockers so that it is easier for their child to "pass". This concept of passing is so upsetting. Basically parents are condoning that their child will have to live a lie for the rest of their lives.

What a terrible way to live.

( Beru )
I honestly think that many of these parents are terrified at the prospect of having a visibly gender-nonconforming child. That's why they push for 'passing' at all costs.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Even if they pass, so what? They'll be sterile, mentally ill, and still their birth sex. So who cares if they can fool more people than a person who transed themselves later in life?

( princess_toots )
And "passing" requires keeping everyone at a distance. You can't let anyone close enough to you to realize the truth. What a sad way to live your life... close relationships make life meaningful.

( Stealthygal )
This bothers me too. Why not push for greater acceptance of a wider kind of presentation instead of medicalizing it? (Oh wait it's capitalism.)

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Fetishistic transvestites' main regret is not transitioning sooner. For them passing is an erotic obsession, which they project onto "trans kids". In addition, TIMs tend to have a "sissification" fetish (forced feminization of boys), and some are simply pedophiles. But victims of childhood (prepubescent) transition will typically not develop sexual attraction at all; never mind a paraphilia.

I also think this is a trial run for transhumanist elites to biologically engineer their children.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Ugh, your comment just made me realize that piece about how some of this might be adult TIMs living out their forced-fem fetishes on children; I hadn't connected those dots, but it fits. One of the cockiest 'egg-crackers' I'm aware of is also saturated in all of that shit and won't stop hornyposting on Twitter about it.

Sprig_of_mint , shewolfoffrance & Bolero #transphobia ovarit.com

Genderwoo = the Satanic Panic?

One of my deepest areas of fascination is the 1980s Satanic Panic, which began by parents becoming convinced that their children's daycare was being secretly run by a cabal of Satanic pedophiles. This belief catapulted itself into mainstream American thought. Doctors, law enforcement, social workers, psychologists, and other authorities believed the lies that America was full of Satanic ritual abuse underground societies. They used slogans like "Believe the children" and "children don't lie" while using junk science and manipulative interviewing techniques to convince children and parents of Satanic abuse that literally never happened. There's a lot more to it, and I recommend those unfamiliar take a look. The general attitude from those my age who were only young children when this was going on is "what was everyone thinking? How could they have been so deluded?" Do you all think in a few decades everyone will the same way about transing kids? Here's what really gets me--for different reasons, but both the Satanic-panic-influenced Bible belters of my childhood and TRAs of today hate JK Rowling!

( shewolfoffrance )
One contrast I find interesting is that right now, it's the people who are raising the alarm about abuse who are accused of stoking a moral panic. I'm fairly sure that within 10-15 years massive lawsuits, journalistic exposés, and personal memoirs about detransition will force the issue into the sunlight.

And while the accusations of Satanic ritual abuse in the 80s were never substantiated, and never even plausible in the first place; the evidence of medical, sexual, and emotional abuse in gender activism is all right there. Many TRAs will even brag about it publicly. Off the top of my head I can think of Dr. Yeet the Teats, rapist Eli Erlick, and the promotion of suicide-baiting as a tactic to force family members to support transition.

( Bolero )
My favorite thing about the current era is that Michael "Jesse Singal is literally murdering trans people" Hobbes did a whole thing about Satanic Panic on his You're Wrong About podcast. I think it's actually where I first learned about Satanic Panic (before I listened to a couple of episodes where I'd had prior knowledge about the subject, and started mistrusting his reporting).


Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( PointySpoon )
Just a thought for the day, I’m gonna call MRAs re-skinned TRAs now. Since we always call TRAs re-skinned MRAs hahaha

( vvvqvvv )
I genuinely do not understand the cognitive dissonance TRAs have. They think they are being “progressive” by using sexist stereotypes to discern gender?

What is progressive about pushing a young girl with “stereotypically masculine interests” into surgery and hormones? They are SO close to getting it right but also somehow miss it by miles. Why can’t “masculine” girls simply just be masculine girls? Why MUST they become boys?

Gender ideology is riddled with such overt hypocrisy that I can’t help but assume TRAs are lacking serious cognitive abilities. How are they so blind?

( queen_beastmode )
Oh yea, TRA's and MRA's are definitely part of the same internet mano-sphere culture. If you put a TRA and an MRA together they might disagree on certain identity issues and key talking points, one might be more likely to vote republican and the other democrat, but if you dig deeper they share very similar core values and a semi-fascist rhetorical style that is hard to miss.

( yikesforever )
I don't think men want women to cut off their boobs though, that part doesn't match a world that men would want.

But otherwise the outcome of their actions certainly is a place where men have easier access to assault women and girls and take things that belong to women. Though I don't think it's intentional for a lot of them. The ones who have been swayed by emotion seem to really believe "trans" people are a set of people that are more marginalized and in pain than any other set of people.

( Peppermint )
I think the men who want women and girls to cut off the boobs are the men who are jealous of women and girls. Everyone should be horrified that non-trans people are being given drugs and surgeries even TIMs but we don't hear a thing.

( Evee_Era )
This is a good pt too. A lot of envious transwomen really hate us.

( Evee_Era )
Good point. FtM adds another stepping stone in their destruction of woman so they can redefine and include themselves. The goal is to confuse kids so they can inject their TRA beliefs enough for transwomen to slip in and gain access.

RawSienna , notsofreshfeeling & drdeeisback #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What does it mean to be ‘treated as' a woman?

( RawSienna )
What TIMs mean when they say this is “you better pretend I’m a woman when it suits me, so I can go slumming in misogyny when I feel like it because it gives me hate-boners”.

For women, it means being mistreated to varying degrees in culturally-specific ways depending geographic location.

( notsofreshfeeling )
TiMs never experience misogyny; they can't go slumming in it. It takes about 10 seconds max to clock the most passable TiM on earth.

( RawSienna )
I phrased it badly. No, of course they dont experience misogyny…they’re misogynists. What I was trying to say is that misogyny excites them sexually.

( drdeeisback )
Excellent. And yeah, 'treated like a woman' makes zero sense--it seems, when asked, the only nonsexual and nonsexist answers are 'people saying she about me and being able to use spaces for women'. Aside from the fact that this is, in fact, a sexual answer, it's not as if men don't have the word 'he' and spaces for men.

Researcher1536 , crodish & emissch #transphobia ovarit.com

( Researcher1536 )
Long post coming in--

I opened up to a friend this week. She said she has a hard time treating TIMs as women when she comes face to face with them. We had a TIM cashier in a cheap AF wig and a TIM server at a restaurant. I said, you don't have to treat them as women, because they're not. Biological sex cannot be changed. Wear a dress, who cares. But you can't change your sex. I explained as much as I could in a crowded space with families around-- sports, bathrooms, children (briefly), women's support groups being invaded, why language matters. I told her there were dozens of other topics and I could talk for hours. At the end of it, she goes, "and you're entitled to your opinion." I replied, biological sex is NOT an opinion; it's fact. People KNOW this shit is ridiculous. She admitted she can't process it when she comes face to face with TIMs. Even the brains of TRA-lites override their feelings in that split second. This same friend said a year ago she thought her 6 year old son, who is on the spectrum, was trans because he liked to wear dresses of his older sister. Fast forward to today, the boy hasn't worn a dress in months. This insidious cult is harming so many kids who want to be kids and play with clothes and have fun with different roles. If my friend had medicalized the boy, he'd be another Jazz right now.

( crodish )

At the end of it, she goes, "and you're entitled to your opinion." I replied, biological sex is NOT an opinion; it's fact.

throws table She JUST told you how she couldn't see TIMs as women and you were telling her she doesn't have to! Why is she so desperate to brainwash herself?? So glad she didn't trans her son urgh

( emissch )
I really do feel like TRAs who get semi-peaked thoughts as they get close to the edge are in a really fragile mental state in that moment. So I think if you start dishing out hard truths it can be too much for them so they start to step back off the ledge and go to their safe place. I was never a TRA so haven't experienced personally, but based on prior accounts I've read on here and elsewhere it just seems like there is an intense emotional cycle going on.

furyosa , BlueToyotaTacoma & Vasilisa #transphobia ovarit.com

To the handmaidens of the 'Be Kind' brigade
She said 'Be kind' to the children protesting displays of their male teacher's fetish

She said 'Be kind' to the female athlete protesting the male athelete winning her race

She said 'Be kind' to the woman protesting a man's presence in her communal showers

She said 'Be kind' to the hospitalized woman protesting a man's presence in her ward

She said 'Be kind' to the raped woman protesting a man's presence in her shelter

She said 'Be kind' to the imprisoned woman protesting a male rapist sharing her cell

She said 'Be kind' but the kindness she's demanding only goes one way

She said 'Be kind' as she lay prostrate before her male masters

We said 'No' as we will not join you in your prostration

We said 'No' as we stand for women's sex based rights

( BlueToyotaTacoma )
It's why I have decided to stop feeling guilty all the time. My dad tried to make me feel like shit because he has a way of making his victims feel like they're the perpetrators. He is a narcissist and these men are the same. I don't owe anything to narcissistic men and neither do any of you. I don't care if he calls me a "little shit," a "manipulator," or anything else. Similarly, I don't care if they call me a "transphobe" or "bigot" or whatever. These men are just as bad as my dad. They are exactly the same kind of toxic person.

I'm sick of being made to feel small by men. When it comes to narcissists I'd rather be an "asshole" than a handmaiden.

(Vasilisa )
I felt so moved reading this. I think it encapsulates, in a very concise form, what it means to be a woman. I’m thinking here of the fact that I too was in the “be kind” brigade. We are conditioned to be so and much as I regret this, it was hard to unlearn - if it’s even possible to unlearn completely.

I see the “we” in the last verses as being a union of the “she”’s in the first verses. It’s finding a collective that gives strength, conviction and “class consciousness” to (some) women (like me. Others may not need it, and brava to them!).

I will save it to reread, (yes) thank you, furyosa.

GraceHoward1729 #transphobia ovarit.com

What does it mean to be ‘treated as' a woman?


Men: oh btw for some of us it's not enough to jack off to your pain, we actually want to be treated like you!! like women just like you hahah! and we'll pretend to be you, and you have to pretend too!! haha oh even though we have male bodies so we're not actually oppressed lol we just want to be treated less than and we want to perform 'femininity' like you're forced to and we want to be treated like the subordinate sex class and thus redefine you in law and society as actually being the subordinate 'gender' created by patriarchy! we have pink gender souls and so do you haha and female brains lol we'll call the porn 'sissification' and our existences 'feminisation'.

yeah yeah we know cross-dressing is the most common paraphilia of convicted sex offenders but shhhh shhhh let us in the spaces you fought hard for girlies we'll wear your oppression like a costume and get breast implants and jack off to you being degraded lol it's ‘gender affirming’ it’s our right!!! this is the men's sexual rights movem- oop i mean "trans rights movement" hahahah oh btw call us women, because we are women, 'women' is just a male fetish now. lol all that shit how we treat you cos you have a female body, all that shit you’ve been fighting against for centuries, we want that enshrined in law that you have to be treated that way, we’ll erase centuries of feminism just because we sickos want that misogynistic treatment lol. ha and if you object you’re ‘transmisogynists’. oh btw there's no such thing as female. so we’ll erase you too. and btw what kind of hormones does your ‘female’ body naturally produce? we're going to start injecting that. fuck yeah. omg is that 'milk' coming out of my moobs? let me force-feed this disgusting synthetic shit to a child. im a mother! but there’s no such thing as mother. ha this isn’t child abuse!! oh women btw while we redefine you in law and society to mean that you are how misogynists treat you, you’re going to have to call us ‘she’ and shut the fuck up about it. lol

2nd wave feminists: NO-

men: fuck you stfu cissexist transphobic terf swerf disgusting transmisogynist cissies stop oppressing me I will rape you with my girldick

2nd wave feminists:

2nd wave feminists: general public, are you hearing this? hello?!
