
Smokety #homophobia #transphobia #psycho #pratt removeddit.com

Fuck all lgbt people. We should be able to lawfully kill them like in the past.

Its illicit and wrong we are manipulated into thinking that it's natural and biological. It's not.

Confusion of the highest order.

I am a human rights defender when people dont commit crimes. But they committed in my book one of the biggest crimes of humanity.

They should be persecuted on the spot. Kill them

[deleted] #racist #psycho removeddit.com

Alaska Renames Columbus Day 'Indigenous Peoples Day'

People in the past were violent immoral brutes. If you think the native Americans didn't murder and rape the shit out of each other, you're delusional. In fact, we know they did. They weren't some peaceful people living off the land and singing fucking songs about mother nature. And yes, the US also murdered them, and ended up winning due to their strength. But everyone back then was savage, and might was right. So either we just don't obsess over the fact that everyone in the past is by our standards evil, or we never celebrate any culture or national event more than a few centuries ago.

dickIwanttouse #psycho removeddit.com

How do you guys get rid of stray dogs without guns?[Cheap poisons that work]Miscellaneous(self.Dogfree)

I am from India and the local municipal corporation won't do anything about the ever increasing dog population in my neighborhood since they didn't bite anyone yet and no one else is complaining about them. There are people you can hire who takes care of strays illegally for a certain sum of money. Since I am a student, I don't have the money to pay them to do the job. The thing is if I try to kill or harm a dog in the open people bats an eye. They won't do anything but there are a lot of instances where dog nutters not understanding that they live in a poor country where everything isn't ideal jump on the bandwagon that killing dogs yourself is bad and they try to impose morals that might work in western countries on others. They literally start a protest for dogs and make the lives of people who kill dogs, hell.

What I want to do is kill dogs secretly. I am thinking about poisoning. I tried lacing food with human medicines that harms dogs but it didn't work(it only worked once). What are certain poisons that are cheap and will work? I read that kerosine is poisonous to dogs but if I spray kerosine on their noses will it do the job? I read that antifreeze works too. Do I need to lace it with something or will these fuckers eat it directly? Will the cheap antifreeze work?

Nikita46 #psycho #moonbat removeddit.com

Melanie the mail-order hooker can go visit her son in his cage before we deport her. She can wear that cool jacket she has.

Yo, I'm all for taking down Trump and hopefully sending him to jail or leave him penniless begging on the street... But lets chill with the stuff about Barron.

He's a 12 year old kid. It's wrong to imprison children for their parents' crimes.

And yet, Dolt 45 and his fascist cronies see nothing wrong with doing this to thousands of people seeking refuge. Its funny that its totally inappropriate to mention that happening to the fat moron racist's kid and yet his supporters think its fine to do it to refuges' kids with zero plans to even identify these kids. Those kids are now being sexually assaulted, physically assaulted and drugged....so spare me about trump's kid. I literally have zero empathy for any member of that family...they're absolutely disgusting people and I have no doubt that the younger trump will eventually follow in his brother's footsteps.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

He's a total piece of shit, but it's better to take the high road than sink to his level. Take the money we would have spent on wrongfully punishing an innocent victim of circumstance and put it towards reuniting immigrant families.

I actually don't think its wrong. I think its simply karma. And it wouldn't cost anything...the trump administration has already spent thousands building child cages. The only problem is who's in them.

WampuClawGirl #psycho removeddit.com

Yes, oh yes, oh FUCKING YES!!! I just BARELY got off a news forum, reading a story about this family that had been murdered. Guess who ALL the fucking comments were feeling sorry for? Yep. That's right. The parents weren't even fucking acknowledged; it was all, "Oh, what kind of monster could hurt a child? Poor kids!" It was as if only two people had died instead of four. FUCK ageism.

But really, the joke is on the child worshippers, because every bullshit incident like this makes me hate children even more and want to hurt them even more. The more you tell me, whether directly or not, that my life isn't as valuable as that of a pwecious chiwd's, I grow more and more psychopathic towards them. In fact, it's getting to the point where I feel GOOD when I hear about bad things happening to kids.

You ageists brought this on yourself. You can only push your dehumanization tactics so far before adults start snapping.

pbjnmilk #psycho removeddit.com

I fantasize about killing dogs /vent(self.Dogfree)

The barking reverberates in my nerves throughout my body, it literally causes muscle tension in my hands and feet. Sitting in my room studying, out of no where the thing loses its f* mind, over nothing, on a regular f* basis. I fantasize about slitting a dogs throat. Chopping it up and cooking it. (I wouldn't do that only bc we have laws against it). I am here to vent as a stranger about how much I dislike, hate, dogs. All of them. I see their purpose in services, by that I mean strictly for the handicapped, as police dogs, etc. a TOOL. Regardless, I wish they would all disappear, into a national park for them, no one should OWN them unless for special needs. Which most dog owners act like it, they "need" them in their lives.

I can't stand the infatuation with dogs online, it's Everywhere, this isn't normal! The obsession is a sickness. Especially the people who value a dogs life above another human, that is a mental illness.

I don't understand why we can't eat dogs. What's wrong with dog meat?? Why can we eat fish, cows, etc. but dogs are somehow not ok?
When I hear the neighbors dog barking incessantly throughout the day and night, I fantasize about poisoning it. I don't date people with dogs, I have a theory dog people are emotionally stunted, they feed off that crutch, the positive feedback that Something "needs" them. I hate dogs bc they have no autonomy, no self-control. They have no reason to exist. No dog does anything good of it's own will. When I see the neighbors dog shit in the public space, I want to throw it at their home. I want to rip the ears off a dog, break its legs with a bat, and stomp on it.
Not even dogs, the ownership, I don't understand this, how can a being OWN another life? It is modern day slavery, conditioned from birth to be around you, IT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU, it doesn't need you and you don't need it. Unless you have the breeds conditioned to Need you, bc without f* up their genetics, making breathing or running difficult, they wouldn't Need you or their Rx medications. Slavery isn't the right word, I don't have it.. manipulating their existence for your vanity, yet those same people claim they love them, no you don't love them, you love yourself and you love control. I don't really care for any animals, bunnies, cats whatever, but dogs.. god, I just want to rip them to pieces, set them on fire. /endrant

you(r) = dog owners

nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

I love being a female but I admit that I rarely find other women that are like me or that I can tolerate. When I do, its wonderful but I don't understand most women because I am VERY different from most of them. Things like: 1. I don't think men are supposed to support me financially 2. I don't make emotionally based decisions...I make them based on data. How I feel is always secondary. 3. I communicate very clearly. If something is bothering me, I just mention it with as few words as possible. (I find women just talk too damn much). 4. I hate the phone and try to avoid it. I have ZERO interest in talking for hours to anyone except maybe my husband. 5. I HATE gossip. I find it nasty to not mind your own business and to delve into other people's personal lives. I certainly don't have the right to judge anyone. 6. I don't spend money on crap like manicures, pedicures, etc. I can give myself a manicure and pedicure at home...its way cheaper to buy the stuff yourself and I hate wasting money. (and no, I'm not poor...I do pretty well actually). 7. I'm always happy and almost never moody. I find moodiness annoying 8. I hate to shop. I only do it when I need something and try to make it efficient because shopping sucks. 9. I don't need to ask 50 people to fix a problem. I can figure it out myself and I usually take the most direct approach. 10. I do not have complicated relationships. I don't have relationships with people I can't trust and I don't have relationships with other women just to compete with them. I'd gladly give my happiness or my life for my friends and would never betray them in any way....especially by secretly wishing I do better than they do.
I could go on...but you get the drift. Some women are chicks..and chicks suck. I'm glad not to be one.

Nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

I'm a feminist and I don't think men need to change as much as women need to change. For instance, women's attitude about relying on men for money instead of relying on themselves. Adults should be grown-ups who are responsible financially for themselves and shouldn't be dumb enough to put themselves and their children in poverty situations in divorce, death, etc. All women should be educated, trained, have some work experience and a savings account all their own. If they're intelligent, they work at least solid part-time. I have zero respect for women who leech financially off of men...its just pathetic.

[ in another thread ]

After I found out that my girlfriend cheated on me, I leaked naked pictures of herI had found out earlier that day and I was sitting at my computer. I was just browsing /b/ and an "exposed sluts" thread came up and I angrily posted a few photos that I had of her. Even worse, two of the photos that I posted were of her with the phrase "chink slut for white cock" written on her chest.

Uh, you had a girlfriend that let you write that sick crap on her naked chest and take a picture?!? Can't say I feel sorry for her...

nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

I don't understand why people are sympathetic to Melanoma. She's a mail-order whore who sold herself for citizenship. While her racist husband is ranting about chain immigration, she just got her parents American citizenship using that law. She's also sat by and called all the women he sexually assaulted liars. She also married him despite the fact he's a serial cheater who probably molested his own daughter. She's dumb as a fucking box of rocks and she's a disgusting opportunist. She deserves zero respect and nothing but disdain. She's as disgusting as trump is. Jimmy Kimmel didn't go nearly far enough in insulting her. She deserves far, far worse.

thesquarerootof_1 #wingnut #dunning-kruger removeddit.com

There one thing i know for sure: when i am enforced to love smth i start hating it.

Exactly. When people say that you have to think a certain way or else you're a bigot or transphobe or whatever the fuck, it makes me hate them. We have a saying among American conservatives "Don't Tread of Me", which was used in the 18th when the British were causing problems.

I hate SJWs. I'd rather live in a world of Nazis instead of SJWs at this point. Yes, Nazi ideology is garbage, but at least they are genuine unlike SJWs, who are virtue signalers.

Nikita46 #sexist #kinkshaming removeddit.com

[ On the question of “why feminists support abortion but not prostitution” ]

most feminists I know..myself included...would fully support safe sex workers where women are earning their own income, paying taxes, etc. Frankly legalizing this would be great for the economy.

[ On a man cheating on his asexual wife with a sex worker ]

The only thing more pathetic and gross than a dude who cheats on his wife because he's too much of a pussy to divorce her...is a dude who cheats on his wife with a filthy used-up hooker and is stupid enough to pay for it. At least stay away from your wife so she doesn't catch your disgusting STD. Stay classy.

How is his wife who doesn't have sex with him going to catch his disgusting STDs?

Good point...his wife already figured out how gross he is and won't touch him. That's why he has to pay someone to lower themselves to have sex with him. Hopefully, she divorces him and takes whatever she can.

Apion33 #racist removeddit.com

In treatment of ethnic minorities, National Socialist Germany was among the fairest of all countries at the time, especially compared to Britain and America, two countries which Hitler despised specifically for their racism. Both “black” American athletes of the 1936 Berlin Olympics and “black” American POWs during WWII have remarked that they were treated more respectfully in National Socialist Germany than back at home where they were subject to Jim Crow laws. Moreover, a major theme of wartime anti-Allied propaganda was the racist abuse of colonial natives by the British Empire and other colonial powers, from which Germany was trying to save them.

Loyal citizens of all ethnicities were considered part of the National Socialist German folk, and the Waffen SS was the most multiethnic, non-segregated army in history, in an era when ethnic segregation was the norm among Western armies. The Nuremberg Laws – which required segregation only of tribes such as Jews and Gypsies (who themselves had chosen to maintain a separate identity from Germany as a whole), not “black” people or any other ethnic minority - were anti-racist laws to prevent racism by tribes against the rest of the population. The attempt by racist Wilhelm Frick in 1935 to “expand” the Nuremberg Laws to apply to other ethnic minorities resulted in his gradual removal from positions of authority from 1936 onwards. As a matter of fact, a circular was issued in 1936 to all NSDAP Gauleiters explicitly ordering employment protection of Germans of ethnic African ancestry to ensure the Nuremberg Laws would not be abused to discriminate against innocent people.

TLDR: National Socialism is anti-racist.

Cl0uDOnSunset #homophobia #transphobia removeddit.com

I hate the LGBTQ Community

Now before i start, i am not homophobic. When i say LGBTQ Community, i dont mean the individual average homosexual person, i mean the cringy over the top twitter culture that the LGBTQ Community has become. I hate the fact that it is somehow considered wrong that I wouldn’t date a transgender, or that its considered toxic masculinity for punching a man that attempts to kiss me (knowing that I am straight). Or that its somehow homophobic to be ok with a straight pride parade? Or that its homophobic for me to get annoyed that so many already established fictional characters are being turned gay for the sake of “rEpReSeNtAtIoN”. I still wont get over the fact that Kevin Hart lost an opportunity to host the Oscars because of some jokes he made. Im not even gonna acknowledge how many years ago those jokes were made because its irrelevant to the fact that they are JUST JOKES. He said that if he could prevent his son from being gay, he would. Why is that wrong? As a straight man, I would prefer if my son were straight. If my son were gay, I would still love him regardless but it wouldn’t be the same type of bond (im not gonna get into that because this will be longer then it should be). Im sick of being called a homophobe for basic normal things i do/say/think just because The LGBTQ Community has become a group of easily offended cringe worthy narcissistic twitter stan culture enthusiasts.

Paligor #racist removeddit.com

They're fucking gypsies.

Why the f word? Because they deserve way worse things - fucking gypsies are a menace to the society and need to be effectively destroyed by forcing assimilation and taking away their children.

If they do not accept, then they should have no right to stay in the country.

what the literal hitler is this? holy fuck

Are you crazy? This has nothing to do with Hitler.

It has with common people who are regularly harrased, beaten and even killed by the gypsies though. And with the police which should protect US, law-abiding citizens and travellers, not the criminals who are parasites to the state and its institutions.

-Red_Star01 #fundie removeddit.com

If you have no problem with "tankies" (read Marxist-leninists and Maoist-Third Worldists, actual leftists that achieved something and the only group that focuses on ending imperialism rather than getting more free shit in the first world for white people) getting silenced than you're bad.

Fiers_Zeth #racist removeddit.com

I think the problem with that is there are systematic reasons for the government taking away children. During the 60s in Canada, the government would take away children from Indigenous parents for the smallest reason. And the rationale was that Indigenous parents may be more likely to abuse/neglect their children because they weren't civilized. Also, they saw this as a way to "save" the children from a "difficult" life.

I can't speak about what happened in another country, 50 years ago, but that does sound horrible. Though I have a hard time believing it would have been done on the basis that Indigenous parents are more likely to abuse their kids - but rather that the kids that were taken away were, in fact, being abused. If one demographic unlawfully abuses their kids more than another, do you feel race a good reason to not take the kids away?

While this may differ depending on the state, at least in many, if they take your kids away, there's a mandatory hearing within 24 hours. If they can't show good cause that the child is suffering from or is in imminent danger of abuse, abandonment, or neglect, that's it - kid is returned home.

How can one possibly put the weight of the potential loss of cultural identity before stopping an ongoing abusive situation for the child? Surely a lasting physical or mental harm, where the conditions that led to the harm are not resolved, should be a top priority to stop.

If the parents had their parental rights terminated, their behavior had to have been egregious and/or sustained - they're only in the rarest cases going to be borderline cases where they did something out of ignorance or by accident and the kid was mildly harmed and still lost their kid - in the vast majority of cases, there would be opportunities to get the kid back by following the case plan. Having their parental rights permanently terminated would mean the parents either did something so unacceptably awful, or didn't follow their case plan.

Nikita46 #sexist #psycho removeddit.com

Hi. My daughter told me and her mother over dinner today that she is dating someone. She then told us that he is 20 years old, in 2nd year of university. She is 16, in grade 11.

I have a 17 year old daughter and an older one. Neither was allowed to date. They aren't capable of dealing with the consequences and I pay their bills...including extremely expensive tuition. 20 year old males generally have sex. So simply ask yourself if you're ok with your 16 year old having sex with the guy regularly and potentially there being serious consequences out of that...STDs and pregnancy. If you're ok with it and think she can deal with it...then let her continue doing it. If not, set the rules since she lives in your house. That's something you and her need to discuss in detail.

MaskedSnarker #sexist removeddit.com

YTA. I’m sorry... I don’t believe my husband would cheat on me but I’m not okay with him having 1 on 1 lunch dates either. I don’t do 1 on 1 lunch dates with guys. To me, this is disrespectful, she’s told you clearly she’s uncomfortable with this friend. And yes... you’re choosing said friend over her. Who has in the past been touchy in Gf’s eyes. Who you’ve shared a bed with. Who you are way too close to.

THAT would make me insecure. You’re supposed to put your SO first... perhaps I’m looking through the lenses of a marriage and you guys aren’t so serious. To be honest though, I’m a bit traditional. I don’t believe in close opposite sex friends. Group setting? Sure. But texting and hanging one and one and being besties? Nope nope nope. I don’t even invite that into my relationship. I’m his only close female friend, and he’s my only man.

We aren’t controlling. We respect each other and our relationship above anything else. We communicate. Your behavior and telling her she’s just gotta swallow that pill is doing nothing to help her insecurity, you’re VALIDATING it. Honestly you should’ve made an excuse to cancel the lunch date OR invited your GF along, or made it a group thing. You should’ve chosen your GF, so she could feel secure that she’s number one. Distance from your female friend and see her in group settings. Yeah it’s a sacrifice. But to me your SO should be worth it.

What should GF have done? It’s eating her up. She’s communicated with you. And you’ve dismissed it as crazy.

So what kind of man would you be if you distanced from female friend? The kind that puts your girl first, and does what he can to reassure her.

You’re more worried about Friend than GF.

If that’s toxic don’t ever get married. If you told me to swallow that pill and you’re going to lunch because I’m controlling and whatnot KNOWING I already had issue with this friend? I’d tell you to go fuck yourself. Sorry. Honest truth.

You two may not be compatible.

I’ll probably be downvoted, but I don’t care. I see where GF is coming from. I feel sorry for her.

Reddit is always on the side of omg she’s jealous oh so controlling!! No one should ever tell you what to do ever. Everybody can always be friends with anybody.

To me they call that too fast. She’s not cutting all your friends off or trying to. She’s uncomfortable with this ONE friend, for good reason. You need to communicate and take her feelings seriously.

ALSO- can we rewrite this real quick?

My BF has this female friend from before we were together. He always talks about her like she’s he’s best friend, so close they even shared a bed but he insists there’s no attraction and never has been. I tried to be okay with it but she was always getting touchy and in his personal space which made me uncomfortable. I brought this up to him and he distanced a little and kept to group meetings. Now she’s popped back up and invited him to lunch to catch up. Knowing how I feel about this, he accepted and now I’m feeling insecure, especially when he already knows my feelings in this. I told him I don’t want him to go, it’d make me feel like he’s choosing her over my feelings but he told me I better swallow the pill because he’s going. My emotions are spinning and I’m crying and he doesn’t care— he’s more worried about making a statement about how I can’t control him. I’m not trying to, it’s just this one girl really upsets me but I don’t know what to do because when I try to talk about it he just calls me jealous and controlling. But I can’t let this go.

AITA for being uncomfortable with this?

Nikita46 #psycho #sexist #moonbat removeddit.com

Melania Trump Slammed for Tweet About ‘Positively Impacting Children’

I don't consider Melanie a "person"...she's literally an inhuman piece of shit. Anyone that would sit around and living on the American dole while trump goes around doing and saying the stuff he does isn't worthy of any type of decency. The only thing you got me on is that she's actually far worse than a whore...my vocabulary is lacking to describe the monstrosity that is trump and his whole disgusting family.

noseyredditguy #transphobia removeddit.com

Why I now identify as a transphobe instead of a gay man.

I first would like to say that I’m not actually transphobic, far from it.

Over the past few months I have been called a transphobe countless times for my attraction to cis men. despite my acceptance and understanding of transgenders and their struggles, I am still called a transphobe. So I embrace it.

I am a transphobe because I love the way men are shaped, their voices, they’re beauty. I am transphobic because I like men who were born male, in all their natural ways and characteristics. I am a transphobe because I love the way men walk, talk, and in most ways, act. I am a transphobe because I love men the way god created them. I am a terf ally because women are perfect, mothers, sisters, friends, who accepted me the way no man would have, and whose rights I will stand up for, lesbian or straight.

I am no longer a gay man, as that word has lost all its meaning. in a world where women can be gay, men can be lesbian, and a man dating a man is straight. I am no longer a gay man, who is required to like a bodily organ that I am not attracted to. in a world where a straight man is considered transphobic for not wanting to date another man, and lesbian women are threatened for not wanting to date men.

I am a transphobe because i am same-sex attracted. I am a transphobe because I like penis, vulgar I know, but in these times, such vulgarity must be said. I am a transphobe because I like the male organ, because I like men who can relate in what it is to be male, from birth until death.

I am not a gay man, that word is reserved for the trans men, who will never know what it was like to come out of the closet, of praying to god every night begging him not to send you to hell for your attractions. Who don’t know what it’s like to be harassed and in some instances, beaten, for looking at another man.

Gay is reserved for the women who chose to be gay, those people who will never understand the constant battle that one faces as a gay person. who will never understand the internalized homophobia, the strain of trying to change ones attraction to “normal”, they will never understand how going through school was like walking through hell. they will never understand the horror and yet beauty of being attracted to your own sex. They will never know what it was like to have a preacher look you in the eyes as he prayed that gay deviants were never allowed to be married. They will never know the joys of waking up to learn that if you ever find that one, you now have the opportunity of marriage, they will never know that excitement, that relief, that instant that made history.

I am not a gay man, for I am not a brave trans man, who believes it is adamant that everyone unlearns their genital fetish, whose trans sisters believe anything other than pansexual is immoral. I am not a gay man, when my gay brothers and lesbian sisters shun me for my same-sex attractions and exclusion of trans men when it comes to dating.

I am not a gay male, because gay men like women, straight men like men, and lesbian women like whatever she’s told to like. I am not gay, I am a man who likes men, a genital fetishist, and person with immoral bigoted preferences. I am not gay, because I don’t like vagina, or women. It took me years to find my true identity.

I am not gay, but a proud transphobe.

Arcanelucario #homophobia removeddit.com

/r/kiribaku fitr me

God no...don't, okay? Just don't...

KiriBaku is just so fucking dumb. If you had linked a sub for KiriMina or BakuCamie then I'd be fine with you, but you didn't. You had to go and ruin a good thing by suggesting a couple of good friends are gay.

And see? This is the problem with shipping communities. There's so many people like you, and I always get riled up and start arguing with them. Just ship something that actually makes sense, ffs

shipping two male characters is no worse than shipping two opposite gender characters. You can say a ship is dumb because it’s a gay ship

Except shipping two male characters can be worse, for example in this case. You're shipping two males for the sake of having a gay ship, not because it's an actual ship. You're taking a strong and great friendship, and throwing it out the window because you'd rather they be gay and rather act like the characters are your playthings.

Sure, out of the two options I provided only one of those ships really makes sense and is viable (that being KiriMina. I'll admit BakuCamie is reaching) but with ships like KiriBaku or MomoJirou or whatever you're erasing a well written and good friendship just to get some validation and you're pretty much saying that boys can't be really good friends with each other, or girls can't be really good friends with each other.

God damn do I just hate gay shippers sometimes

flyingdonkeydong69 #homophobia removeddit.com

Introducing an already existing character as gay is pointless and pandering

Before you go and downvote my post into oblivion, let me state a few things first:

I have no problem whatsoever with any characters in Overwatch being "on the spectrum" other than the timing at which they were announced.

I have no problem with anyone associated with the LGBTQIAA+ community. "Live and let live" is my motto, so this rant/discussion post isn't hate-fueled.

With that out of the way, lemme get to where I'm coming from:

Back on Jan. 8th of this year, Overwatch released the promotional book 'Bastet' for Ana's Bastet Challenges. Near the end of the book, it's subtly revealed that Soldier 76 was once in a gay relationship.

Yeah... okay... so?

In all honesty, when I read that part the second time and understood what it meant, I kinda just rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh. There wasn't really any evidence leading up until now that Soldier 76 was a homosexual, and it seems like it was just dropped in there to "spice up" the already spicy Overwatch universe. It's exactly like Tracer's homosexual reveal: no lead up until it's dropped on us.

Like, why is this done? Apart from there being no reason this would change these characters for the worse in-game, it doesn't change them for the better either. It's just an "oh hey, also THIS" moment, and seeing how Overwatch has next to non-existent lore, I find that this is only done as a pandering move.

If you're going to have a gay character in your game, go for it! As long as they don't have "being gay" as their sole personality trait (because, tbh, people like that just put a bad name on the community anyways), I won't give it a second thought! But for the love of God, PLEASE create them as gay from the get-go of your game's creation, because this whole "drop it on them years into the existence of the game" crap is really annoying, and it makes Blizzard look like corporate shills.

Anyways, that's my POV. Again, it's not because I "hate gay people", or I'm a "homophobe", or anything like that. I'm just expressing my own opinion in what I hope is the community where it'll be heard the most. If you made it this far, thanks for at least reading before downvoting (if you did).

We just learned Reaper had a family and is therefore straight. We also learned Torbjorn has a wife. Is that needless pandering because they didn't outright state "He like women" the first time he was on screen

No, that's not pandering. Let me explain why:

As men, its logical to assume that they were straight. Seeing how only less than 5% of the population in the USA consider themselves as "anything but straight", that's not wrong to assume.

That being said, I personally find that, while being less than 5%, the LGBTQIAA+ community happens to make the biggest stink about equal representation. A lot of people nowadays do things that show how "progressive" they are, not because they are sincere about it, but because people eat that stuff up. And that's why I and a lot of other people see releasing a chatacter's sexuality as gay years after most people would assume him to be straight looks like Blizzard is pandering.

nikita46 #sexist #kinkshaming removeddit.com

[ in response to a man confessing to cheating on his asexual wife with an escort ]

Congratulations. The only thing more pathetic and gross than a dude who cheats on his wife because he's too much of a pussy to divorce her...is a dude who cheats on his wife with a filthy used-up hooker and is stupid enough to pay for it. At least stay away from your wife so she doesn't catch your disgusting STD. Stay classy.

Good point...his wife already figured out how gross he is and won't touch him. That's why he has to pay someone to lower themselves to have sex with him. Hopefully, she divorces him and takes whatever she can.

[ In response to a man admitting to sexually abusing his underage sister ]

She needs therapy...you need therapy....not self-therapy but you actually need to go speak to someone and so does she. If you guys are in an ok place to talk, I would talk to her candidly about it and honestly ask her what she needs you to do. Whether that's to turn yourself in...or to tell the family...or whatever she needs. You need to seek redemption from her and put yourself in a position where she can tell you what she now needs you to do so she can move on. After you do that, you'll be able to move on too. But both of you need to get some professional help.

EurocentricZionist #ableist removeddit.com

Autism for instance is not a death sentence, but it could certainly be considered a fate worse than death. I wouldn't blame a parent who wants to put their autistic child to sleep. We're talking 80 years of being a helpless vegetable who bangs his head against the wall and can't speak, only moans when he wants something. Or 80 years of being a socially inept, ostracized leper who has no friends and no hope of ever being "normal." Silicon Valley notwithstanding, ForeverAlone and unloved isn't exactly a picnic. And there's not even any treatment for autism that can "fix" the person to live a normal life and be a normal person, like there is medication for bipolar disorder or depression that can "fix" the person's mood. There's always some degree of spergishness about them that can't really be suppressed.

I mean really, would anyone want that kind of a curse for their kids? A life where, depending on how the coin is flipped, you're either Hulk 24/7 aka I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, or you're Sheldon Cooper and everyone hates you, and you know they do but you're so inept you don't get why (and therefore can't

Beneficial-Title5869 #psycho removeddit.com

I reported a family to cps for smoking weed and they got there kids taken away.(self.confession)

They were my neighbors and they were stereotypical annoying potheads, they hardly ever actually watch there kids(there’s 3 of them). They also walk around smelling like pot in front of there kids it was disgusting and I couldn’t take it anymore so I reported them to cps. I did it for the welfare of the children, no grown adults should be smoking pot and they damn sure shouldn’t have it around a child.

I'm cool with parents smoking pot but not while the kids are awake and not in front of them, negligence is also inexcusable. I'm glad you did it OP.

P.S. look up the usage of They're/there/their :)

They didn’t smoke it in front of them, they would do it outside I just do this because I hate stoners.

SilverFoxCrosby #racist removeddit.com

As a server, I tense up every time I get a black table.

Look, drown me in downvotes if you’d like. I know it’s not sensitive to everyone’s cultures and I know I’m going to come off pretty racist here. I want it to be known: I have no problem with black people or and people of color in my day to day life.

But when I get to work, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I get a table of mostly black people. As a white man I can’t imagine what POC go through every day in this world. But they are the absolute worst customers to serve, almost all the time. I feel like I have to be overly hospitable or they will think I’m giving them worse service. I have had POC ask me ‘so what, we don’t get waters?’ because I was busy and did not get a chance to drop waters yet. Black people normally have outrageous requests for every minuscule detail they can think of. Many people of color, I feel, test just how much they can get out of me before I have to say something, then making me look like a racist to anyone else around. Most POC are very rude, and while I understand you have to adapt and survive any way you can, it’s very disrespect to talk to me out of line simply because I am supposed to be serving you and have to be kind to keep my job. And, historically, black people are worse tippers overall, tips I rely on to pay my bills and feed my family.

I treat every customer with the same respect. But I too often have lines crossed and my patience tested by tables with people of color.

Nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

After I found out that my girlfriend cheated on me, I leaked naked pictures of her.
I had found out earlier that day and I was sitting at my computer. I was just browsing /b/ and an "exposed sluts" thread came up and I angrily posted a few photos that I had of her. Even worse, two of the photos that I posted were of her with the phrase "chink slut for white cock" written on her chest. So if it gets linked back to her then they'll think that I'm a racist and that she's self-hating (neither of which is true obviously, it's just that she was into race-play). Imagine if her family saw that. Fucking hell.

I am such an idiot. I regretted it like 5 minutes after I posted them but at that point it was too late. I'm just hoping that no one saved them and that they've now drifted into /dev/null.

Uh, you had a girlfriend that let you write that sick crap on her naked chest and take a picture?!? Can't say I feel sorry for her...

[ in another thread ] I'm a feminist and I don't think men need to change as much as women need to change. For instance, women's attitude about relying on men for money instead of relying on themselves. Adults should be grown-ups who are responsible financially for themselves and shouldn't be dumb enough to put themselves and their children in poverty situations in divorce, death, etc. All women should be educated, trained, have some work experience and a savings account all their own. If they're intelligent, they work at least solid part-time. I have zero respect for women who leech financially off of men...its just pathetic.

In yet another thread

I don't make friends with the "stay at home mom" crowd...at least the ones with no work prospects. (I do have very educated, skilled friends who have taken leaves from work to get through the baby years and have gone back to work). I have zero interest in women who put themselves and their children in danger by having zero income and no education and are solely relying on a man like a toddler. The ones that drive me the most nuts are the ones who's husbands leave them for better women and then they want lifetime alimony for being lazy.[/ I also just find that women like that have very little to contribute to an adult conversation and, even though I have kids, I have zero in common with them. I have no respect for anyone that leeches from someone else and that's what I consider this lifestyle

I rarely find other women that are like me or that I can tolerate

maps1234567890 #wingnut #psycho #racist removeddit.com

CMV: what happened to George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks was an appropriate consequence of disobeying police authority(self.changemyview)

They were criminals. They made poor choices. It’s not fair to these police officers as they did EXACTLY what they were trained to do in these moments. I hate that a life was lost, but if our generation would learn to have the SMALLEST amount of respect for authority, they would simply be facing charges right now....not funerals.

I also think that it’s crap that these officers have been charged before an investigation was even closed... they did their job accurately and it’s unfortunate that it has to become a race thing. Why can’t it just be a convicted felon broke the law AGAIN and found himself dead because of it....

It’s unfortunate, but if black men are so afraid of white cops in today’s time than maybe they should try showing respect for once and see where that gets them. Cause clearly beating, stealing weapons, and running from them isn’t working. 🤷🏼‍♀️

reddituser39682 #sexist #psycho removeddit.com

Why are men literally so obsessed with their rape worms?

Imagine how much better society would be if males had their sperm harvested at one time, stored, and then they were all castrated.

Waiting for some butthurt lurker to screenshot this comment acting like it's unreasonable when it's fucking not lmao.

Draconiss #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming removeddit.com

As a lesbian, I fucking HATE the gay community.

Even when I was growing up and coming out as a baby gay, ive always despised people who just HAD to make their sexuality the single facet of their personality. What happened to just loving people differently and moving on with your life? I used to be heavily involved in my schools gay community, and all we did was discuss shit in a safe place. How to come out, our worries, our anxieties, our issues.

Instead we get the mess that is pride. Instead of helping our community and continuing the tradition of activism, all we get is an excuse to party and shoving genitals BDSM and other fucked up fetishes down the throats of kids! There are still real issues facing us. Higher rates of drug addictions, homelessness and obesity. But no, all we want to do is fucking drink and go clubbing. I was talking to my coworker the other day and he said all he wanted was a Pride that he could bring his dad and kids too to show what were about. I had to point out that some people still do bring their kids! To have them see furry and leather suits that show wildly swinging peens. Disgusting.

God forbid you criticize anyone. You get labelled a self hating gay, and “unworthy” to wear the label. Well guess what? Im a lesbian loving pussy even if im not “woke”. Its like the SJWs on tumblr infiltrated the real world. Giant rainbow flags, dildo tents, and nudity, so much nudity. The straights are right, youre being fucking obnoxious. And when people are less approving of us, this is why. Its shit like this that makes people hate us. What weve become in this day and age isnt something to be celebrated.

Dont even get me started on how ive gotten banned from the largest lgbtq sub just for stating that as a lesbian, I dont like dick. A literal clown world where I have to not only state, but get banned for stating the obvious? What kind of twilight zone shit am I living in?

There was a time where being a part of the community meant something. Now its all abide by my political beliefs or get out. Where was the queer community that welcomed everyone regardless of what they believed in regardless of their belief, instead of this militant mess we have today? If you honestly believe someone deserves to be treated like shit because they have a different opinion than you, YOURE the one being intolerant, and perpetuating the very thing you claim to fight. But hurrdurr its different cause were oppressed. No, youre acting like a fucking asshole, fullstop. And playing the victim card to justify your hate is fucking revolting. This community is being divided, where the more sensible of us just want to fuck off and live our lives in peace while the vocal minority just keeps dragging our image through the gutter.

ToumaYukiri #psycho removeddit.com

[ in response a person breaking up.with someone for constantly accusing them of cheating, sending death threats to all their friends and demanding them to cut ties with their friends ]

It sounds you don't know to deal with her. Example: Instead of spending your time with your friends, spend the time with her, let her enjoy being with you no matter what the consequences are. Soon after, invite her with you and other friends and have fun, there is a chance of creating a trust with your friends and therefore she would trust you being with them, but that doesn't mean you have to stop. An honestly, it's kinda your fault. You know she isn't normal, that's why you should've given more effort with being with her. Take me for example, I have a shy obsessed girl (kinda yandere) who didn't talk to anyone expect me. Soon after I helped her being normal, invited some friends and soon after, she had friends. With a Yandere, you main goal is to end up in a relationship, but not a normal one, with much more efforts than normal.

Yeah, I did. I blew off my friends when they wanted to hang out, told her how much she meant to me, did whatever I thought I could to ease her paranoia, short of actually cutting those friends out of my life. But still, she got mad if I ever took time to hang out with friends. Or hell, she’d ramble on about how much she hated them even when I did blow them off for her. Obviously I knew I couldn’t handle this like I would any other person, and that’s kinda why I decided to go ahead with it anyway, but that still didn’t work. I mean, I probably could’ve handled it better, I know that, but somehow I still don’t think I could’ve made it work

Don't say "I still don't think I could've made it work". If she is Yandere, than you play the yandere. Yep, you and her would have the same goal, try to bring yourself being a Yandere. I am not saying be mega crazy, I only say do the same thing so she would be happy. In other words, be the yandere. She would know how much she means to you, and how you means to her, making it a happy ending. There are also many ideas, but these ideals need a lot of effort. If you think you did your best, than you are wrong, give it more, go above your limits for her. Through hard work you get the best results. I for example had to give up my free time in October (Almost 5 hours daily) for her, just be happy and make her better for society. Try to learn from your lesson for the future.