Donald Trump

Donald Trump #fundie

[But remember, it's everyone else who's fake news.]

Donald Trump appeared to invent a terrorist attack in Sweden during a campaign-style rally in Florida.

On an evening during which he attacked the news media and the judges who ruled against his travel ban, Mr Trump used his speech to talk about migration in Europe and linked it to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris - before inexplicably adding Sweden to the list.

Mr Trump told supporters in Melbourne: "We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden.

"Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris."

One of the country's official Twitter accounts, controlled by a different citizen each week, reacted with bafflement.

Its current administrator, a school librarian, said: "Nothing has happened here in Sweden. There has not [been] any terrorist attacks here. At all."

What Mr Trump's remark referred to in unclear, but it came after Fox News aired an interview with filmmaker Ami Horowitz, whose latest documentary examines whether high crime rates in areas of the country is attributable to its previous open-door migration policy.

Jim Garlow #fundie

Last month, right-wing pastor Jim Garlow was interviewed by Megan West of the organization My Faith Votes, where he claimed that “healthcare is God’s issue” and suggested that the government should impose a tax on citizens that could be given to churches so that they could provide healthcare to the poor.

According to Garlow, any government healthcare program is “doomed to fail” because the Constitution lists the “enumerated powers of what the government is allowed to do and can do, and one of them is not healthcare.” Instead, Garlow argued, the government ought to defer to the church on this issue because God “has already designed a format” for properly providing healthcare to a nation.

The “format” for healthcare that Garlow proposed has three tiers: the “government of personal responsibility, government of the family, and government of the church,” notably excluding “the civil government,” which he said has no role in providing healthcare.

“First of all,” Garlow argued, healthcare is “my own personal responsibility: I have to make decisions for my health. If I am not exercising properly, this is a terrible confession to make, if I am not properly exercising right now like I should, then I have to get that corrected it or I will pay a high price for it.”

The next safety net should be the “family unit,” Garlow reasoned, because “I can take care of my children much better than Donald Trump can. He’s a good man, but he can’t take care of my kids.”

The final resource for those in need of healthcare, Garlow suggested, ought to be the church because Christians are already commanded to care for the poor and the widows and the orphans: “If the church were freed up from the encroachment and the severe over-regulation in our culture and the severe over-taxation of our culture, the church could resume what it did very successfully” throughout history.

Garlow insisted that “the best medical care and welfare benefits can be done by the church” and should be funded through a “once every three years, ten-percent taxation on people” that would allocate money to “the faith communities.” According to Garlow, allowing the church to provide healthcare would “get rid of the freeloaders that abuse welfare.”

In the anticipation that some might object to his unconstitutional conflation of church and state, Garlow insisted that his plan actually puts the church and state “in their proper lanes.”

Beyonslayed #conspiracy

Every time you think Democrats can’t get any more vile you remember that they’re crafting a plot to paint Russia as responsible for meddling in the elections and ultimately leading to Clinton’s loss to give a pretext for war

(You don’t think there’s anything fishy about the hacking in the election, and Putin’s lauding of Donald Trump?)

You know what I think is really fishy? How the DNC empowered Donald Trump all throughout the election painting him as the candidate to beat, singling him out as the Republican presidential candidate before one was selected, using their powerful media connections to catapult him and his vileness into national spotlight, thinking that he’d be unelectable and that Clinton’s brilliance and expertise would shine through and the American electorate would magically fall in line and vote for her while offering no substantive, radical alternative and opposition to his vile campaign, flopping horrendously and now left scratching their heads wondering how he won and looking to Russia as the culprit

Donald Trump #fundie

President Donald Trump, one of the richest men in America, wants you to believe he can empathize with federal employees who are struggling to make ends meet as the partial government shutdown heads into a third week.
The shutdown, already one of the longest in U.S. history, has left an estimated 800,000 federal workers either furloughed or, if deemed essential, working without pay.
“Mr. President, can you relate to the pain of federal workers who can’t pay their bills?” a reporter asked Trump outside the White House on Sunday.
“I can relate,” the president responded. “And I’m sure that the people that are toward the receiving end will make adjustments, they always do. And they’ll make adjustments. People understand exactly what’s going on.”
“Many of those people that won’t be receiving a paycheck, many of those people agree 100 percent with what I’m doing,” he added, without evidence.

Timboy #conspiracy

Well, this is all very sweet, and very handy, but it does not answer the question everyone is asking; Why now?

Last tally I heard said that Barack II had spent 1.6 million dollars preventing Phil Berg’s challenges from reaching open court. Why would he spend this sort of money when all he had to do was release this document. If B.H.O. II wanted to put this issue to rest the way he says, in order to deal with more important matters, the time to do it has long since passed him by.

Add to this the talk that Wayne Madsen is leaving the country because he has been targeted for death by the White House, Wayne’s upcoming release of his new book which is supposed to reveal B.H.O. I and II’s involvement as CIA operatives, and the fact that neither Indonesia nor the U.S. allows dual citizenship therefore B.H.O. II’s travel in the past on an Indonesian passport must mean that he at one point or another denounced his U.S. citizenship.

Now it is possible that his Indonesian passport was something he received as cover for a CIA operation in his past, or this B.C. could be one that the CIA made up for him very recently.

Waving a B.C. at us would have answered all the questions a long time ago, but too much has been revealed about this man through his refusal to do so up till now for this to satisfy us now.

This is stage-craft pure and simple, with Donald Trump looking like a willing participant. We have been “handled” once again!

Timmy G.


Rick Joyner #fundie

Rick Joyner: 'Donald Trump May Be One Of The Most Humble Of The Candidates'

On his "Prophetic Perspective on Current Events" program earlier this week, Rick Joyner continued to suggest that Donald Trump might be the candidate who God is raising up to save this nation because he is the only candidate who is "humble" enough.

Citing Trump's recent meeting with a group of fringe and extremist Christian leaders, Joyner declared that the GOP presidential hopeful demonstrated that he was "teachable" and "humble" and "incredibly respectful" at that participants left the meeting "amazed at his humility."

"I don't think there is anyone that we could elect to the presidency," Joyner said, "that is going to fix the mess we're in right now. They really are beyond human remedy, we need the favor of God. And God gives His grace to the humble ... I'm wondering if Donald Trump may be one of the most humble of the candidates."

The Crowd Cheered On #racist

Moving Israel’s capital to Jerusalem is a big step toward Zionist headquarters being set up at Jerusalem in fulfillment of Daniel 11:45 and 2 Thes 2:4. Unlike past presidents, Trump didn’t sign the waiver to keep the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Trump announced that the US embassy is to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Immediately after Trump made these announcements promoting Zionism for Jerusalem, Trump gave a big speech in Pensacola, Florida denouncing NAFTA, TPP, globalism, the sub-ordination of the USA under the UN, and similar MAGA verbage. And the crowds cheered on. There are video collages with clips of Trump saying the Clintons are great alongside clips of Trump saying the Clintons are terrible. Trump lies and contradicts himself more than any politician I can remember, even BS Clinton and Obama ben Lying.

Trump made a big move promoting Jew World Order, one world government, by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Jerusalem is touted as the “International City.” Think international as in global as in global government headquartered at Jerusalem. Immediately after Trump announced that the US embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Trump gave his anti-globalism speech in Florida denouncing NAFTA, globalism, etc. Trump’s statements on globalism are just opposite his actions on globalism.

Trump does the opposite of what he says. Trump says he will stop the migrant flood, but that must mean the migrant flood will continue, because Trump does opposite what he says. Trump said great sounding stuff at his Florida speech, but his speeches are made to hide his true plans. If Hillary Rotten had been elected matters would only be the same or worse. Donald and Hillary were both selected by Rothschild agents. Satan and his children are leading the world down the road to the great tribulation and Armageddon.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

As our political system teeters back-n-forth, term after term, and the American people think things are always going to get better, ultimately they always get worse!!! This is all by design. The old world must fail for the new world to succeed. If Mr. Trump is not the Antichrist himself (I don't think he is), he will prepare the way for the coming Antichrist.

The American people (especially Christian believers) need to understand that Luciferians control our nation. If you deny that, they have fooled you as intended. I don't expose Mr. Trump to be critical; but rather, to be truthful. Perhaps you like to be manipulated by the Devil's crowd, but I don't. We've got transgendered restrooms now all across America!!! Do you think Mr. Trump cares and is going to do something about it? Ha! Not a chance! When a U.S. President does damage to our nation, the blame leaves office with him, but the true puppet masters are never exposed, who pull all the strings from behind the scenes.

Satan's greatest advantage over humanity is convincing the world that he doesn't really exist. Rock singer (if you can call it that) Ozzy Osbourne would have us all believe that his blatant satanism is all a sales gimmick. Right! Whether Ozzy believes in Satan or not, Satan believes in Ozzy! During Barack Obama's eight year nightmare term in office, our nation was literally driven into the ground economically, morally and in every other way. Wall Street banksters stole more taxpayer money during Mr. Obama's two terms in office, than all U.S. Presidents combined before him.

It would have been too obvious to continue the downward destructive slide. So the Luciferians behind the scenes change the direction for another 4 to 8 years (Trump has already bragged that he will be U.S. President for 8 years). The nation is spiraling downward in a pattern of two-steps down and one step back up, two steps down and one step back. By maintaining this IRREGULAR but progressive PATTERN, the public is totally disoriented, deceived and pitched one against each other. AMERICA IS A HOUSE DIVIDED!!! Donald Trump appears to be a savior compared to Mr. Obama's disastrous presidency, but the damage done under President Obama won't be undone. Same-sex marriage and transgendered restrooms are here to stay!

Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in 1973 and WON'T be overturned, regardless of which judges Mr. Trump appoints to the U.S. Supreme Court! U.S. Supreme Court justices are PUPPETS!!! They always vote 5 to 4 in favor of keeping abortion legal. What a hoax!!! I for one am tired of being played by the Illuminati. I don't buy into their lies anymore! I am on to what they are doing.

Sublimecraft #fundie

Did you know that Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946?
Did you also know that on the 20th January 2017 (Presidential Inauguration Day) he will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old?

Some folks on the internet believe this is no coincidence.

Donald Trump #fundie

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until the country’s representatives can “figure out what is going on.”

The Trump campaign released a statement Monday afternoon declaring his commitment to preventing Muslim immigration. The campaign justifies this discrimination by saying that large segments of the Muslim population bear “great hatred toward Americans.”

“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump said in a statement. “Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for president, we are going to make America great again.”

Tenniel #fundie

Nevertheless, WN's who support Bob Whitaker should ALSO support Donald Trump. Why?

Because the Trump candidacy is not so much a candidacy as it is the start of a WHITE AMERICAN MOVEMENT. Donald Trump is giving "the Silent Majority" a voice. He is the voice of the Silent Majority's thoughts.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the Silent Majority will NEVER be silent again. The White Racial Movement in America is underway -- and will only grow in numbers and in strength and in loudness. The demoralization of White America is breaking down. That is what Donald Trump's candidacy represents.

Robert Bridge #conspiracy

Are the US Elites Attempting to Destroy Europe by Triggering A Flood of Immigrants and Refugees?

A side effect of the American neocon strategy of up-ending the Middle East is to flood Europe, and in particular, Germany, the continent’s dominant power, with non-Christian immigrants.

The author argues that this is deliberate, and that Merkel and Obama are neocon patsies, leading Europe to destruction, and that Russia is one of the few countries whose leadership understands what is happening, and is fighting back.

A few years ago, views like these would be considered on the fringe. Today they are going mainstream. Witness the popularity of Donald Trump.

From the United States to Europe, the Western elite are allowing a massive influx of foreigners to enter their lands, radically transforming the face of Western societies in a bid to divide, conquer and expand their military and financial rule across an unsuspecting planet.

Angela Merkel was even named Time’s “Person of the Year” for spearheading the influx which threatens to tear Europe apart.

The Last Trump #fundie

Who wants to hear from Megan Kelly!? No one.
Trump brings in the ratings. Let's just see who blinks first.
Help the Donald show these liberal loons who the boss really is.
As they are forced to react to HIS moves and not the other way around. If they know what's good for them!

Infostormer #racist

The monkey faggot Barack Obama is intentionally ordering border agents to release invading savages and are no longer requiring them to appear at deportation hearings. One of the top people at the National Border Patrol Council has stated that the United States might as well abolish our immigration laws entirely.

This has to stop. It is why Donald Trump must be made President. Even if the only thing he does is build a wall and secure the southern border, that would make him the best President we’ve had since the 19th century.

Jeffrey Lord #fundie

JOHN BERMAN (HOST): We just heard it. The sound stopped right there. Jeffrey, you heard him say "how many times can I disavow David Duke?"

JEFFREY LORD: Margaret mentioned Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan ran for governor of California, the press tried keep trying to get him to renounce the John Birch Society. And finally Reagan's answer was, "I am not endorsing them. They are endorsing me. I have nothing to do with them." He didn't play the game in other words. Donald Trump isn't playing the game, although he certainly denounced him. I mean, David Duke is a hardcore leftist. He's an anti-Semite. Yes, Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a function of the left. It was the military arm of the Democratic Party. Hello? Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. David Duke is an anti-Semite, for heaven's sakes. This is ridiculous.

MARGARET HOOVER: When William F. Buckley was starting the conservative movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the John Birch Society did the same thing. They were trying to be part of the conservative movement and what William F. Buckley said is, "no, you have to stand for something. You have to have principles." He said "you are not going to be part of this movement." Where is the moral courage on behalf of Donald Trump, who aspires to be the leader of the free world, to say on some level at some point we do not need the voice and the support of bigotry?

LORD: Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a leftist group.

HOOVER: It is a hate group, Dave. It is a hate group, Jeffrey Lord.

LORD: It is a leftist group.

HOOVER: I don't care what side they're on. They are on for hate, they are on the side of hate. They are on the side of murder. They are on the side of blood on their hands. This is not -- to blame them on the left. This is a scourge on humanity, this is a scourge on American politics. And to suggest that it is part of the Democratic Party is missing the point. And your guy would not denounce them yesterday. And that is bad for America and it is bad for the Republican Party.

BERMAN: Go ahead, Jeffrey.

LORD: Margaret, it is a racist hate group from the left. And that counts. That is important to understand. It is not conservative. It has nothing to do with conservatism. All of these Klan members who have been elected to Congress and U.S. Senate and governorships over the years, supporting Franklin Roosevelt because they like Social Security. Let's get our history straight.


This is why -- this is exactly the kind of thing why people are voting for Donald Trump. Because they think the media is making something out of nothing. Nothing. This is crazy.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

He continued: “You’ve seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening. It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. And in may cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.”

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy


Watch out europe may do some kond of election fraud
The uk is scared to death of Donald Trump!
Already they look like complete idiots after having a parliamentary debate on banning him from the UK.

But seriously watch out for them, they may even try to assassinate him!







Crush those islamic PROSTATE leaders TRUMP

YES TRUMP save the children from the islamic scum UK BABY MURDERERS TRUMP

Crush those islamic PROSTATE leaders TRUMP


Kknight #fundie

I think this is probably the best forum for this because it falls under "societal morality." If the mods disagree, feel free to move it.

I heard this on the radio this morning and have unfortunately not yet been able to find any kind of link to a related story. Our local talk radio station does a 60 second Donald Trump blurb every morning about "success in life" or some such...I've only caught it once or twice, so I'm not really sure. Anyway, this morning he quoted some article by a dating/relationship "expert" that talked about the 10 biggest warning signs that women should watch for when dating and looking for a potential husband.

Now many of them made sense...things like:

* If he's rude to the server at dinner
* If he refuses to pay for the date
* If he's significantly younger than you
* etc

But number 10 just floored me...they said that if the man you are dating refuses to have sex with you until after the wedding, get out of the relationship now because that is usually a big sign that there is something wrong with him!! I'll keep looking for a link...

madhtr #fundie

" ... Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam ... London has proved him wrong."

No. London just proved that it might have been infiltrated.

Excuse me. The Seven Dwarves did not knock down the WTC. And when your own Quran basically puts me on a hit list as an 'infidel', Your accusations of intolerance and bigotry ring a bit hollow.

In the context of current events, You need to prove to me that you are not a bigot. Not the other way around.

Michael Sebastian #fundie

Donald Trump And His Supporters Are Fighting A Rigged System

At the third debate, Donald Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election. Trump responded that he would have to look at the process to determine if everything was done fairly before he could accept it. The media went berserk claiming that Trump was undermining democracy. But is the US system really rigged? And if it is, can Trump overcome it?

Why rig the system?

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

It is human nature to want to accumulate wealth. It is also human nature to want to keep what you have. One of the ways that the wealthy do that is through influencing the political process to ensure it is favorable to them. A democratic republic is particularly easy to influence. The wealthy elite can “buy” candidates through donations to them or to their superpacs. They can make voting patterns more favorable to them by changing the country’s demographics. Or they can influence voters through the supposedly unbiased news media that they control. In the US, the wealthy elite use every one of these levers to rig the system.

For example, liberal voters often favor a progressive tax system where high earners pay greater percentages than those who earn less. It sounds like a populist policy but it is not. Progressive taxation is put in place to prevent middle class people from rising into the ranks of the truly wealthy who have already accumulated their wealth and are taxed at the much lower capital gains rate. Progressive taxation keeps the rich on top and keeps the plebs down. That’s why no matter which political party is in power, we are still stuck with progressive taxation.

Everything goes well as long as both parties don’t rock the boat. But once you get a true wildcard like Trump, the system must spring into action to stop the threat to the established order. That’s what we are seeing now. The elite are using every tool in the arsenal of the rigged system to ensure Trump does not upset their gravy train. The elite sense their time is short.

Alex Jones #fundie

After describing the Orlando massacre as a false flag attack, Alex Jones said that the LGBT community is to blame for the deadly terrorist attack at the gay nightclub.

Jones, a close ally of Donald Trump, was particularly angry that President Obama addressed the fact that the assault was directed at LGBT people, claiming that the community frequently hypes the threat of anti-LGBT violence in order to take control of the education system “so you can sexualize my children and indoctrinate them into your cult.”

LGBT leaders, he said, have backed liberal policies that led to the Orlando attack: “I charge the left and I charge Obama and I charge the LGBT community in general with endangering America and with the blood of these fifty-plus innocent men and women who did not deserve to die, who did not deserve to have bullets fired into them and all the other hundreds of thousands of other liberals and gays and others in the Middle East that have been murdered in the last five years under the Al Qaeda/ISIS onslaught that our government and CNN has pushed and said is a good thing.”

Jay T.H. Slewmen #fundie

I can’t fathom the self-loathing that this “man” has for himself, his ancestors, and his race. A political gathering of white people throws him into such a hysterical melt down that he immediately turns to the hackneyed “fascist” claim that is applied to all those to the political right of themselves.

Which obliges me to point out the hypocrisy of this rather trivial, yet extremely hyperbolic accusation of fascism by Mr. Yates. Mr. Donald J. Trump has suggested nothing extraordinary to American Politics during times of war. From the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, to Roosevelt suspending naturalization of Italians, Japanese, and Germans the day after Pearl Harbor, to Jimmy Carter invalidating Iranian Visas in 1979.

More recently though, Mr. President Barack Obama barred the processing of Iraqi refugees in 2011 after it was found that jihadist’s infiltrated United States territory through the refugee system. This will never be quoted today because it does not fit into the politically correct, “diversity is strength” narrative that is being jammed down our throats every day.

It is painfully obvious that Mr. Donald J. Trump has greatly disturbed the political-media-banking complex that has dominated American society since post-World War II, yet supposed “independent” journalists still fall for the big, scary buzzwords hook line and sinker. Rather than get actual quotes from actual people, Mr. Yates delves into the all to common conservative stereotypes used by fear mongering “liberals.”

Other than the obvious bias, your video and pictures were shit quality, the writing was remarkably uninspiring, and my tuition money pays your salary to boot. But is life in PC America.

Michael Steven Sandford #fundie

A man who tried to grab a gun at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas at the weekend said he wanted to shoot the candidate, court papers say.

Michael Steven Sandford, 19, who is believed to be British, is expected to appear in a Nevada court shortly.

According to the court papers, he went to a Trump rally on Saturday at the Treasure Island Casino.

He reportedly approached a Las Vegas police officer to say he wanted an autograph from the candidate.

He has a UK driving license and told police he had been in the US for one and a half years, the court papers say.

The detainee reportedly told police he had been planning to try and shoot Mr Trump for about a year but had decided to act now because he finally felt confident enough to do so.


He told police if he had not tried to kill Mr Trump at this rally he would have tried again at a rally in Phoenix, for which he had already booked tickets, the papers say.

Lovetosave #fundie

Wow. Don't you realize the democrats message is the one of doom. Every day what is the message of the left?

Racist! This country is bigoted, unjust, immoral, this country discriminates...that's the daily message of Hillary. The left punishes achievers.

Who paints a picture that life in this country is so bleak...the only hope we to rely on whatever the government can do for us? We are incapable and can't provide for our families. The government must raise our children. We are incompetent. We can't make the right decisions with our money. Not a very Rosey picture Clinton about doom and gloom.

Eight years of Obama....the left is still unhappy. They got Obamacare....they got their attack on fossil fuels....they got their education standard implemented....still unhappy.

You know why they're unhappy? They are realizing their agenda doesn't work. The democrats are so pessimistic...they do their best to make everyone the same by defining everyone downward. They demonize successful people. They create class envy. They spread lies like "hands up don't shoot"

Donald Trump didn't spread hate for anyone last night. He expressed love for all people last night. There was a desire for the American people to feel safe and protected in their own country.

When democrats start throwing around the hate and Hitler allegations....that means their ideas failed and they have nothing else to say. Trump loves the people of this country, and wants it to work.

Hate is going to a liberal website and reading Trump is Hitler. Hillary Clinton acts like this country was built by and for rich white Christians at the expense of everyone else. And it is time for her to even the score.

Innocent cops are shot dead....who is it that runs in and defends the perpetrator? The democrats. Meanwhile they are running the white house. You will see at DNC next week ... they will make cops look bad. I guarantee you that doesn't inspire confidence. It doesn't make people happy. It depresses people. Democrats are all doom and gloom. They own it. Not Trump.

Wayne Allen Root #fundie

Wayne Allyn Root, a Donald Trump admirer who often claims to be in frequent contact with the GOP candidate has led campaign rallies for him in Nevada, said yesterday that people who receive federal benefits such as Medicaid, welfare and food stamps should lose their right to vote, as should women who use “free contraception” under the Affordable Care Act.

Root’s plan would cut a large swath of Americans from the voter rolls: Roughly one in five Americans benefit from means-tested benefit programs, while 67 percent of women with private health insurance use copay-free contraception through the Affordable Care Act (which, by the way, is paid for by insurance companies, not by the federal government).

Root told Virginia radio host Rob Schilling yesterday that much of the energy behind Trump’s campaign, as he discusses in his new book “Angry White Male,” is that the country is “evenly divided between the makers and the takers,” so “the middle class is basically paying, paying, paying and the poor get everything free, and it’s a disaster.”

Root said that he had recently seen a map on the internet showing that if only “taxpayers” had been allowed to vote, the 2012 election would have been “a Republican sweep.”

“So if the people who payed the taxes were the only ones allowed to vote, we’d have landslide victories,” he said, “but you’re allowing people to vote. This explains everything! People with conflict of interest shouldn’t be allowed to vote. If you collect welfare, you have no right to vote. The day you get off welfare, you get your voting rights back. The reality is, why are you allowed to have this conflict of interest that you vote for the politician who wants to keep your welfare checks coming and your food stamps and your aid to dependent children and your free health care and your Medicaid, your Medicare and your Social Security and everything else?”

Root quickly amended his statement to say that receiving Social Security and Medicare shouldn’t disqualify someone from voting, but “in general most of the things I just rattled off should preclude you from voting.”

“Social Security should not, Medicare should not, because you paid into the system,” he said. “But all the other stuff, all the other goodies, free Obama phones, free contraception, you know what, you can get them but you shouldn’t be allowed to vote, it’s a conflict of interest. Take that away, we’d win every single election in this country.”

Larry Chin #conspiracy

“Podiumgate”: How the Clintons Rigged the First Presidential Debate

The Clintons will break all rules and laws to seize White House power. This is amply proven by the manner in which they rigged and stole the first presidential debate.

The operation appears to have been planned in advance of the September 26, 2016 event, involving the Clintons and their operatives, the debate organizers, the broadcast media (NBC and “moderator” Lester Holt), the managers of the venue, and the security detail at the facility.

The rig was carried out with near-military precision.

It began with the building of a special podium for Hillary Clinton: one that was smaller than the podium designated for Donald Trump. The smaller podium gave Hillary the illusion of being bigger in physical stature. More importantly, the podium seems to have been built or adapted with some sort of electronic console or teleprompter.

Who oversaw the building and modification of this podium? Why did the Trump people not notice this immediately?

Prior to the debate, tape footage shows how a device meant to be installed into Hillary’s podium was smuggled in by the Clintons and their operatives. Also brought in was a stack of documents; perhaps the debate questions obtained in advance from someone inside. The behavior appears highly suspicious; they are clearly up to something.

Photos also lay waste to the lie that Lester Holt was not wired during the debate. He clearly was, and a technician even removed his jacket to install it. Hillary herself might also have been wired. To what, we do not know, but they were both wired.

During the debate, footage shows Hillary Clinton’s podium lighting up with a computer screen, while Trump’s podium stays dark. Hillary’s hand appears to be pressing or toggling controls on the podium to scroll through her teleprompter screen. Her motions have been interpreted by some as involuntary tremors from Parkinson’s disease, but they appear to be far more deliberate than involuntary.

Donald Trump #fundie

'In a couple of years, I'll be dating you': What a 46-year-old Donald Trump told two 14-year-old choirgirls as they performed for him outside the Plaza

Donald Trump told a group of 14-year-old girls he would be 'dating' them in 'a couple of years' in 1992, the latest in a stream of decades-old comments to have emerged as he battles for his spot in the presidential race.

Then 46, the businessman watched the choir girls perform at The Plaza Hotel in Manhattan, New York, before reportedly making the questionable comment.

It was reported in a Chicago Tribune newspaper article at the time under the headline: 'Such a comedian'.

'Donald Trump turned up Monday for a carol sing by a youth choir outside Manhattan's Plaza Hotel.

'He asked two of the girls how old they were. After they replied they were 14, Trump said: 'Wow. Just think - in a couple of years I'll be dating you,' the report, from a December 1992 wire brief said.

It was published by The Los Angeles Times on Friday morning, hours after footage in which he agreed jokingly that he was a 'sexual predator' emerged.

In the 2006 video, he shrugged and laughed as the label was given to him by radio host Robin Quivers. Trump's 24-year-old daughter, who would have been 10 in 1992, was present.

On Thursday, other footage in which he boasted he would be dating a '10-year-old girl in 10 years' surfaced.

In the 1992 Entertainment Tonight tape, Trump, who was 46 at the time, allowed the girl on to the escalator at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York.

As she rode up it with a group of others, he was caught on microphone boasting: 'I'm going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?'.

The video, which was released by CBS News on Wednesday, is the latest in which the Republican presidential candidate has made questionable comments towards women.

At the time Trump had been divorced from his first wife, Ivanka, for a year and was dating his second wife, Marla Maples.

The footage showed Trump asking the girl: 'Are you going up the escalator?' while both are out of view.

'Yeah,' she replies, before stepping on to it.

Still out of frame, he then boasted: 'I'm going to be dating her in 10 years, can you believe it.'

The unknown girl was 10 at the time, CBS, which owns Entertainment Tonight, claimed, and was in a group of other children.

Jim Moseley #racist

Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food as they look forward to what most people would consider a worst-case scenario.

Jim Moseley, a self-described “Christian soldier” from Greenville, South Carolina, is buying extra ammunition and canned goods to prepare for what he believes will be a second civil war, reported The (Toronto) Star.

“Once the trucks stop rolling, the grocery shelves will go empty and gasoline rationing will go into effect,” Moseley wrote in a Facebook message early this week.

The newspaper caught up with Moseley, a 59-year-old retired salesman, earlier this week to discuss Trump’s darkening campaign rhetoric.

It’s clear that, whatever words Trump is using to question the integrity of the election, Moseley and at least some other supporters are interpreting his message as the declaration of a war they’ve been itching to fight.

“Liberals will have targets on their backs, as their behaviors are pretty much evident,” Moseley posted. “Race wars will begin as well, as your skin color will be your uniform!”

Donald Trump #fundie

Trump in 2012 on female teachers accused of statutory rape: 'I don't see a lot of damage done'

Donald Trump once dismissed concerns over female teachers having sex with underage male students, saying in a clip that the boys were "going around bragging about it."

In a June 2012 interview with a reporter from the TV show "Extra", Trump is asked what he thinks about "all these teachers having sex with their students." It's unclear which specific case Trump is referencing in the clip.

"Well, I don't think the male students have been hurt by it," Trump replies. "In fact, they're going around bragging about it as I understand it."

"Wow," the reporter says.

"I don't see a lot of damage done," Trump continues, before adding, "But it's a very unusual situation. I would say her husband cannot be happy."

The Trump campaign did not reply to a request for comment.

R.F. #conspiracy

We the people demand a investigation of the democratic party for obstruction & treason .
We demand Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters Be investigated for all the false accusations against President Donald Trump. For purposes only to obstruct his agenda and overthrow his Presidential rights!! We demand they be impeached if found guilty!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

By God's grace, if you trust my opinion, I am going to share with you what I believe to be the real story behind the now developing New World Order (i.e., a one world system of world government). I like to cite as many sources as possible. Let's face it, anybody can say anything, but that doesn't make it true. I will try to prove my teachings, for your benefit. This article just may be one of the most important I've ever written, as it cuts to the heart of the New World Order. Most Christians today are woefully ignorant of the things I am going to teach you. Consequently, they are actually supporting Satan's New World Order. As believers, we ought to fight against spiritual wickedness, not promote it!

You also need to understand that President Donald Trump is not America's friend. He won't restore America's greatness. Transgendered bathrooms aren't going away. Same-sex perversion is here to stay. Abortion won't be made illegal. Hollywood is only going to wax worse and worse. No nation can truly be “great” unless it's good. When our nation was good, we had great churches. Today's churches are lukewarm, worldly, indifferent toward the purity of God's Word, confused concerning the Gospel, even denying the inspiration of the King James Bible.

We have no real culture or freedom anymore. You are a slave, whether you want to admit it or not. We are slaves to the Wall Street banks, which is why you have to pay $350,000 for a decent home and pay for it for the rest of your life. Even the highest leaders in our nation are totally helpless to stop the banks. Think about that! No one can stop the Federal Reserve. Many have tried, but failed. Lest you missed it, Mr. Trump is not keeping his promise to “drain the swamp”; but in fact, is filling the swamp with more Goldman Sachs scum, as if the 37 former Goldman Sachs employees that President Obama hired weren't enough!!! Not all Americans are dumb! Please see: Lying Conman Donald Trump Hiring Goldman Sachs Executives After Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric. While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Mr. Trump boldly talked a lot of big talk about giving control of Washington back to the American people, and ridding the White House of insider lobbyist interests.

If you go online to verify Mr. Obama hiring 37 Goldman Sachs employees, the first website that comes up on Google is “FactCheck.Org,” which was started by the Annenberg Foundation, which is owned by a Jewish family. Talk about deception! It's just more disinformation, misinformation and outright lies. America, you are under attack! You are the victim of the Zionist-controlled media, who are owned and controlled by elite Masonic Jews, and their goal is to manipulate your family, make you their whore for the rest of your life, and exploit everything you have to build their New World Order. Literally, they want to control the world, awaiting their false messiah, the Jewish Antichrist.

If you think I've lost it, please research as I have done for thousands of hours, then disagree with me. I get so sick of wicked people disagreeing with me, who have never read a single book on the subject at hand. Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking is right, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge!” Today's ungodly pastors, even after being warned about the Devil's Bible revisions, still couldn't care less. They just keep enjoying the good life, parasiting off Christianity for a salary. I am going to share some information with you in this article, which will open your eyes if you'll let it. Pray for God to help you see THE TRUTH. Our churches today have been deceived, suckered into Dispensationalism, that idolizes manmade Israel and the Jews. Dr. Cyrus I. Scofield was hired by Masonic Jews to create Dispensationalism, with the intent of tricking the churches to support the rebirth of Israel (which happened in 1948), which was put there by Masonic Jews, not God. I worship the God of Israel, not Israel.

Ungodly Masonic Jews Exert Control Over the World

First, we learn in Revelation 17:18 (one of our text verses from the King James Bible) about “THAT GREAT CITY,” which reigns over the kings of the earth. The Greek word for “reigneth” is echo, meaning, “to hold.” The Greek word for “kings” is basileus, meaning “sovereign.” Thus, it doesn't mean that the great city rules over the world's kings; but rather, it exerts control over these sovereign nations, compelling them to do what they desire. We read in Revelation 11:8 about “THE GREAT CITY,” which spiritually is called “Sodom” and “Egypt” (two of the most wicked places in history). The Bible plainly identifies “the great city” as the place “where also our Lord was crucified.” This can only mean JERUSALEM (or, effectively, Jews).

Freemasonry is synonymous with Zionism (i.e., the manmade present-day state of Israel established in 1948). Freemasonry is steeped in Lucifer worship. It's symbol is an erect male phallus (e.g., The Washington Monument, which is 666 inches wide and 666 feet tall). The erect male phallus is a symbol of occult power (that is, the hidden power working behind world governments). This is what the Bible means in Revelation 17:4-5 (our text passage). ...

All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal which is best defined as the circle of top world Banksters and industrialist run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country like the Vatican with its own ambassadors and police. These folks claim to be personally anointed by Lucifer himself and some have claimed to have personal alien or demon guides that provide protection and counsel. Thus all wars are Bankster wars and appear to be demonically inspired. Some experts have discovered a strong association with secret esoteric “super-masonic” occult groups which are Luciferian based and this Ruling Cabal.


Please watch the video documentary, MASONIC LODGE OVER JERUSALEM (by Dr. Texe Marrs - HERE'S A BACKUP LINK FOR THE VIDEO IF IT GOES DEAD, as they often do, for telling THE TRUTH). We are going to soon see apocalyptic events foretold in the Holy Bible in the Middle East. An elite group of men in secret societies have grabbed control over the finance, political rulership and religious groups. These men are the Illuminati. They are Jewish. Jerusalem is Biblically called “Sodom” and “Egypt” (two of the most wicked places in history). They have been using the United States as their proxy (to do their dirty work). This is why the Bible says these men have fornicated with the kings of the earth. They are power whores! A “whore” sells herself. The churches today are selling themselves in spiritual whoredom to ecumenism.

Is Freemasonry Jewish? It is controlled by high level Jewish interests. There is irrefutable evidence that Freemasonry is steeped in Lucifer worship. A New York Masonic lodge publication of the B'nai Brith called Woman's Voice (published in 1953) boasted that “Freemasonry is Jewry!” FREEMASONRY IS JEWISH!!! This is important for everyone to understand. Once you've worked your way up to the 16th level in Freemasonry, you're given the title, “PRINCE OF JERUSALEM”!


WHO CONTROLS THE ECONOMY? Nearly all Jewish Freemasons! Today the nation of Israel, and the higher level Jewish positions in banking, finance, media, the corporate world, and the higher level positions... ARE ALL HELD BY FREEMASONS!!! The Masonic lodge and Jewry are deeply connected!!!

Milo Yiannopolous #conspiracy

“A few people in the audience thought I’d get through this introduction without talking about spirit cooking. But come on!” announced MILO. “The right wing of America is caught up in another Satanic panic. The difference is, this time it’s real! We’ve seen the emails!”

“Spirit cooking is some kind of occult practice involving blood, semen, spit, and a variety of other bodily substances. I had no clue it could be a ritual, I call that date night! Maybe I’ve been using them in the wrong order” he continued. “I know a thing or two about black magic, you know. The ancient spirits of Africa flow through me. Regularly.”

“I’ve believed for months that Hillary Clinton sold her soul to Saudi Arabia. I had no idea she sold her soul to the devil” Milo joked. “We shouldn’t be surprised. Lesbians and witchcraft go together like Donald Trump and winning!”

Milo continued with his Satanic references, adding “How many electoral votes does Hell get? I thought I understood the electoral college, is there a loophole I don’t know? I assume she has Saul Alinsky down there organizing the community to vote for her. After all in states without Voter ID, when Ashtaroth and Beelzebub the Lord of Flies show up to vote, what election official is going to tell them no?”

“If you want a great example of media bias, imagine if the Trump campaign was participating in satanic rituals involving blood and semen” he concluded. “The closest thing Donald Trump has to an occult ritual is eating fried chicken with a knife and fork.”

Unnamed teacher #racist

A Los Angeles area substitute teacher has been fired after a student recorded him taunting Latino sixth graders about the election of Donald Trump, telling them their parents were going to be deported, reports NBC4.

According to Jennifer Reynaga, she expected Latino students to be harassed after the election of Trump who made bashing immigrants,and Mexicans in particular, a cornerstone of his campaign.

“I would think the kids would do it, but I never thought a teacher would do it,” said Reynaga said in an interview.

The Reynaga family turned over the recording, captured with another student’s cellphone, to the school district where the unidentified substitute physical education teacher can be heard speaking to students at Bret Harte Middle School in South Los Angeles.

“If you were born here, then your parents got to go. Then they will leave you behind, and you will be in foster care,” the teacher can be heard telling Reynaga’s 11-year-old daughter.

When the sixth grader asked how Trump would find them, the teacher replied, “I have your phone numbers, your address, your mama’s address, your daddy’s address. It’s all in the system, sweetie.”

After being confronted with the audio tape, school officials fired the teacher, with LAUSD officials saying they had no further comment due to pending personnel matters.

WanderingDilettante #fundie

really cant stop it. we're on a collision course. & its not just the white dudes either. so many of us, colored incels like me, are boned.

the donald trump reprieve is temporary. we have maybe 4 years left, 8 yrs if we're really lucky (unless the usa splits btw red & blue states)

either feminist send us to the world of mad max with super hypergamy run amock or the muslims take over and "soumission" by hollbecq becomes the default world (modern theocracy, lots of harems for the bravest warlords - think islamic republic of iran). either way, lots of ppl die and lots of incels will suffer even worse.

the luckiest of the whites will run to siberia and form the white ethnostate spencer et al has been wet dreaming about for ages. i'm not saying they're wrong - whites should have their own land to themselves - but they dont do jack shit beyond mere band aids.

truly, the sexbot revolution will bring relief. but our cohort age group will be dead before we can taste satisfaction.

When I was younger, I asked how anyone can think like the joker when albert says "some men just want to see the world burn."

i've been immersed in this rotten feminist culture for so long that only thing i can think of is wishing for this place to burn in flames.

i understand how the joker thinks now (esp after reading the killing joke comic). there is no point, there is no salvation. let the world burn itself to the ground. i wont help it burn but i will not help it either.

Alexander Mapping #racist

[Description of the community level "Trumpic Wars"]

After Donald J. Trump came on head of United States of America, He jailed his old opponent Hillary Clinton. Lot of citizens disliked this move. Rebellion Started! Black Nationalists created "New African Frontier"; Mexicans - "Hispanic Movement" & Pro-Democrats - "Liberal Powers". They will co-operate against you. To defeat Rebels US divided it's Army to 3 peaces. At start you will own Eastern one.
Good luck and hope you'll "Make America Great Again"! :P

David J. Stewart #fundie

Christians need to be leery of Mr. Trump, he is not what he appears to be. There Is Much Evidence That World War II Nazism Was Funded By Zionist Jews. Beware of Donald Trump, a known Illuminati Jew! Please read, Lying Conman Donald Trump Hiring Goldman Sachs Executives After Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric. I am not trying to be mean, unkind nor belligerent; I don't like being lied to or deceived by anyone. Nearly everything that Americans have been indoctrinated to think nowadays is FALSE!!! It is a joke to hear people calling Mr. Trump a “Christian,” who allegedly converted while running for office of U.S. President; yet Trump himself publicly says he doesn't consider himself a sinner. America's evangelical churches are so gullible, naive and foolish!!!

Mongoose #conspiracy

Oroville Dam is False Flag Extortion by State of California with Malice Aforethought

The evidence is in. The Oroville Dam “failure” is contrived. There is video evidence of an explosion displacing some of the otherwise perfect concrete that was once part of the emergency spillway, and there is visible evidence that the emergency spillway was tampered with.

There is also documentation of many warning to the California state authorities that were deliberately ignored and even maligned. It is only now, with Donald Trump as President, that the State of California officials have decided to extort money ($100 billion) from the federal government and challenge Donald Trump with a contrived false flag disaster. This disaster was a man-made event that should be investigated by the FBI.

Bruce #conspiracy

Rigging a national election doesn't require the collusion of all 50 states but rather those that are battlegrounds like Florida and Ohio. Getting these two states to swing a certain way is all it takes to rig an election. Forget what the pundits at CNN (Crooks News Network) say. Rigging an election can be done. Now, let's look at this even closer. Within these battleground states, the Illuminati doesn't need to focus on the entire state but rather the most closely contested counties. In Florida, that's the I-4 corridor (Tampa, Orlando, and Daytona Beach). The rest of the state leans either solid Republican or solid Democrat. The corridor, however, can shift and determines the state. The same principle applies to Ohio and other swing states. The cheating doesn't need to be done statewide, just in the closest counties.

Next, comes the rigging itself, and it's not complicated at all. Illuminati agents dispatched to these areas are issued dozens of fake IDs and addresses based on those of the deceased. During early voting and election day, these agents visit dozens of precincts and cast ballots. They carry a list matching each ID to its corresponding precinct and cast their votes. This is mostly done during non-peak voting hours from 9:00am to 4:00pm when lines are short or non-existent. By the time the polls close, each individual has cast between 20 and 30 votes. If the Illuminati sent 3,000 agents from across the country, that could mean a difference of 90,000 votes. How do you think Barack Obama won Florida in 2012 by just 75,000 votes?

It's a simple method and one that's been done for over a century. It propelled Lyndon Johnson to the Senate in 1948 and gave George W. Bush the White House in 2000. The old saying from the days of Tammany Hall still ring true, "vote early and vote often". Like their counterparts from the past, today's agents receive substantial cash bonuses. The more votes they cast, the more money they receive. What we know is that the price for casting the first 20 ballots is $20,000 or $1,000 a vote. The 21st through 30th votes cost $1,500, and for those that can get to 31, the price rises to $2,000. That's a lot of money that can be made in one day.

Remember what Donald Trump said about the election being rigged against him. It can be done, and it doesn't take much effort nor does it have to occur on a national level. A few thousand cheaters spread out among a few metro areas can make the difference. Let's not forget the corrupted elections officials as well. Does Philadelphia ring a bell? The Illuminati media is determined to tell you that it can't be done, but even they admit that there are over 4 million deceased voters still on the rolls. The real number is probably much higher. Of course those "people" vote, their numbers are factored into the turnout afterall. And all it takes is a stack of fake IDs, some cash, and a little MK Ultra brainwashing to make it happen.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

Donald Trump casually suggested an increase on anti-Semitic threats and violence could have been faked to "make people look bad", it was reported today.

He made the comments to a meeting of state attorneys general, according to one of the officials present.

There have been more than 30 bomb threats to Jewish centres across the US so far this week.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro told a Buzzfeed reporter : "He just said, 'Sometimes it's the reverse, to make people - or make others - look bad.' and he used the word 'reverse' I would say two or three times in his comments".

Shapiro noted the President had also said the threats were "reprehensible" and said he was not sure of the purpose of his comments.

But it's not the first time the President has hinted a "false flag" operation might be underway to discredit his supporters, without offering any evidence.

In a jaw-dropping press conference earlier this month, he suggested his opponents were posing as Trump supporters and making anti-Semitic comments..

He said: "Some of that anger is caused by the other side. They'll do signs, they'll do drawings that are inappropriate. It won't be my people, it'll be people on the other side to anger people like you."

Donald Trump #conspiracy

Donald Trump has claimed Barack Obama ordered for his offices in New York to be 'wire tapped'.

The allegation - made without showing any evidence - included calling Mr Obama a "bad, or sick, guy".

"Terrible!" the President said. "Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

Soon after he added: "Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A new low!

"I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Mr Trump also suggested that Mr Obama was "sick".

The President said: "How low has President Obama gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

However, despite the severity of the claim, Mr Trump did not immediately provide evidence that Mr Obama was responsible for surveillance on his property.

Democratic commentators were quick to defend the former President.

Ben Rhodes, a foreign policy adviser to Mr Obama, tweeted: "No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

And Representative Eric Swalwell, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News: "I think this is just the president up early doing his routine tweeting.

"Presidents don't wiretap anyone. These are pursued by the Department of Justice in accordance with the FBI and signed off by a judge."

Congressman Ted Lieu added: "Mr. President: If there was a wiretap at Trump Tower, that means a fed judge found probable cause of crime which means you are in deep s***."

The President has a long history of making unfounded and sometimes bizarre claims and it is not the first time he has used them to attack his predecessor.

Bruce #conspiracy

"Dead at 61," that's what the CNN headline said when it first broke the story of the death of Bill Paxton. According to the story, the actor passed away from complications following surgery. Does any of this smell fishy? Just about all of it reeks of third-party meddling. Here are some basic facts. Bill Paxton was an A-list celbrity, meaning that he had a solid net worth, which translates to access to the best doctors on the planet. Second, he was healthy and fit. The man was at a perfectly normal weight for his height and age, and the reports have not indicated any chronic illness such as cancer. Third, he would not be the first celebrity taken out this way, remember Joan Rivers who also died from complications following a routine procedure?

The next questions involves motive. Why did the Illuminati dispatch its star whackers to take out Paxton? This is a tricky one, and we hope to provide more updates as the story unfolds. We're thinking it may have something to do with a sacrifice prior to the Oscars or that the actor had never fully committed himself to the order. Another possibility is that he and his family knew something about the Kennedy assassination. Afterall, he was there in Dallas the day that it happened and was even in a famous photograph. The third explanation is probably the most likely. Now that Donald Trump is president and shaking up the establishment, other Illuminati members may also be willing to go rogue. Paxton might have known something about Kennedy that the order wanted to remain secret and looked to go public with it. The fact that he went on to have a successful acting career may have been the Illuminati's way of keeping him silent. Fame and fortune in exchange for collaboration, who would turn down such a sweet deal.

Paxton may not have even wanted to go public at all. The Illuminati could be cleaning house of anyone who could harm them after Trump went rogue. The order cannot afford another celebrity defector, and dead men can't talk.

Medical malpractice is appearing to become the Illuminati's prime choice for disposing of nuisance celebrities. It's used to be plane crashes, but people began asking too many questions. Michael Jackson, Joan Rivers, and Bill Paxton are all people who died following physicians' administrations. Who could be next? 2016 was a bad year for celebrities, and 2017 looks to be right on par with it. Is it any coincidence that celebrities began dropping like flies as soon as Trump's campaign started gaining momentum? Definitely not, the Illuminati is cleaning house, and no one is safe.

IamHis #fundie

I'm fearful. If Donald Trump becomes President, and continues to buck
the Establishment and rights the injustices that our government has
done as far as breaking Constitutional laws right and left, that someone
will assassinate him. The New World Order and the powers that be are
pushing their Agendas harder and faster than ever these days. OR,
will something 'happen' to make Obummer declare a national emergency
and suspend the election in November indefinitely so that Trump
cannot come into power? Very disturbing scenarios.

(emphasis mine)

Olive Bowtie #conspiracy

Bernie Sanders disappointed a lot of people. He promised to take his fight all the way to the convention, but he cut loose, told everyone to vote for Hillary, and left all of his supporters hanging. Many people who don't even bother with the political process anymore listened to Bernie's words, became hopeful, donated their nickels and dimes, volunteered much of their time at different events, and then got screwed. My husband and I will be voting for Donald Trump. We will gnaw our feet off before we ever cast a vote for Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders has no idea how much he has discouraged people. And then he expects us to cheer Hillary Clinton on after he jumps ship? I don't think so. And the same can be said for the Democratic party. The people wanted Bernie, not Hillary, but because of the corrupt super delegate system, the will of the people was squashed. This is not what democracy is supposed to look like. If only a handful of people are going to decide who gets votes in the end, why bother having a primary election? My husband and I are registered Republicans, but we believed in Bernie Sanders' message. We contributed to his campaign financially again and again. We wanted him to win because we are convinced that the establishment politicians have completely lost touch with what the American people are living with and dealing with and facing day in and day out. Now that Bernie is out, we will be casting our vote for Donald Trump.

Johan Oldenkamp #conspiracy

The 2017 3/22 Celebration took place in London

The number 322 is on the Skull & Bones logo. The central column of the Georgia Guidestones was erected on 3/22 in 1980. And last year, in 2016, the 3/22 False Flag attack occurred in the Belgian capital of Brussels, as explained in the video embedded below.

This year, in 2017, the 3/22 celebration took place in London, the capital of the United Kingdom (UK). This is the story released by the mainstream media of what happened this afternoon: “An attacker drove a sports utility vehicle (SUV) into pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge, killing a woman and wounding at least 20 several others. He then crashed into a fence near the UK Parliament. Next, he attacked police officers with a knife, who then killed him. In total, four people lost their lives in the attack, including a police officer and the assailant.”

Immediately afterward, these very premature conclusions were drawn:

1. This was attack on the UK Parliament.
2. It was a terrorist attack.
3. There must also be bombs placed somewhere in the neighborhood.
4. The UK Parliament must be shut down and put on lockdown.
5. USA President Donald Trump must be informed straight away.

How soon can we definitely conclude that also this was an occult False Flag celebration of 322?

Anonymous Chicago Residents #racist

FOX 32 NEWS - Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people!"

Chicago police were made aware of the video Tuesday afternoon. A young African American woman streamed the video live on Facebook showing at least four people holding the young white man hostage.

"The video is reprehensible," said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

"It's sickening. You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that," Police Supt. Eddie Johnson added.

Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut.

At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet.

The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.

Detectives think the victim, who lives in the suburbs and appeared to be in his late teens or early 20s, met some acquaintances in northwest suburban Streamwood and they drove him to Chicago in a stolen vehicle, Guglielmi said.

The victim is then believed to have been held hostage and tortured in an apartment in the 3400 block of West Lexington on the West Side, Guglielmi said.

Mary Colbert #fundie

It’s not that Donald Trump is all that perfect of a guy. We all know he’s not. And we know that he’s not necessarily perfect in every way that we would like. That’s not how God works. He works through the ones he chooses. We don’t choose them. All we have to do is recognize them and when you recognize a chosen one and you have the discernment to know that they’ve been chosen and know that that’s the will of God, then your life will be blessed. And if you come against the chosen one of God, you are bringing upon you and your children and your children’s children curses like you have never seen. It puts a holy fear in me.

Mack Major #conspiracy

Until you understand this you'll never understand why you really hate Donald Trump. Its not for anything he's actually done: the media aka 'fake news' simply manipulated your mind. It's what the media does best.

Most of you cannot point to anything specifically he's done that proves he's a racist, xenophobe, homophobe or a nazi. All you can do is repeat what you heard or read someone else say about him on an antagonistic website or news channel that was negative. Or some stupid meme on social media.

And because it sounded believable to you - you ran with it without seeing if it was even true. That's not what smart people do.

Break your mind free from its prison. Turn off the TV for a while, change your car radio station and stop getting your news solely from social media personalities. Social media equals social conditioning.

Many of you right now are being conditioned against God and against Christ - and it happens every single time you flip through those different pages where they dishonor the things of God and promote sin and foolishness. And then you come here arguing against those of us who actually take God seriously!

Get well versed on political topics and you'll gain back your mind's freedom. Christ came to make us free - not to make us slaves to God-hating media outlets that broadcast the doctrines of demons 24/7.

Bruce #conspiracy

Composed of 12 banks and one governing board (13 entities all together, yes, that is 13!), the Fed controls the American monetary supply as well as much of the world's. Established in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson, the Illuminati created the Fed to begin globalizing the economy. It is also another reason the order sank the Titanic. Several influential Fed opponents such as John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim stood to block the institution. What better way to eliminate the opposition than to sink their ship in freezing waters. With the Fed in place, the Illuminati began to control the national economy through issuing currency and manipulating interest rates. Following World War II, the Fed's influence became global with the implementation of the Marshall Plan, which forced all of Western Europe to adopt the American economic system. Needless to say 1913 was a bad year. It was the beginning of the Illuminati's maneuvers to a global economy that were brought to near completion after two world wars. Today, we live under the phrase of "globaliztion." The Clintons and Bushes were big proponents of that concept. The election of Donald Trump has placed a halt on it, or so it appears.

If Donald Trump really is our knight in shining armor, he will begin to dismantle the Fed. Andrew Jackson had the courage to eliminate its predecessor, the Bank of the United States. Now we wait to find out if Trump has the same courage. If he doesn't, then it's unlikely he made a full break with the order or is too fearful of the repercussions. But let's face it, America can never be great again in a global economy where we parcel out our hard earned wealth and resources to other nations. By eliminating the Fed, we can take control of our economy and prevent the giant megalomaniacal federal government from interfering in every last facet of our lives.

Trump is the man to do it. He is the only politician to stick it to the establishment and finally respond to the people. He is removing illegal immigrants who are taking our jobs and consuming our tax dollars. Can he go a step further and restore our economic greatness? Dismantling the Fed is the key to shattering the Illuminati's one world economy. As president, he is in a position to do it. Will he act? We hope so but are not optimistic.

Kayla Moore #racist

Midland City, Alabama - Roy Moore's wife, Kayla, argued that her husband is no bigot at a Monday night campaign rally, saying that "one of our attorneys is a Jew."

"Fake news would tell you that we don't care for Jews. And I tell you all this because I've seen it and I just want to set the record straight while they're here," she said. "One of our attorneys is a Jew. We have very close friends that are Jewish, and rabbis, and we also fellowship with them."

Her comments came a week after Roy Moore attacked George Soros, the Jewish liberal mega-donor, saying Soros "is going to the same place that people who don't recognize God and morality and accept his salvation are going. And that's not a good place."

Kayla Moore also listed other examples of her husband supporting groups he's faced criticism for targeting in previous comments and writings.

"Fake news would also have you think that my husband doesn't support the black community," she said. "Yet my husband appointed the very first black marshal to the Alabama Supreme Court, Mr. Willie James. When he first took office as the chief justice many years ago he brought with him three people from Etowah County. Two were black, and one of them is here tonight."

Moore is running to fill the US Senate seat vacated by fellow Republican Jeff Sessions, who was confirmed as attorney general following US President Donald Trump's victory.

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