David J Stewart

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregationalists is a Satanic religion. How do I know? Very simply, because they embrace all religious faiths and deny Jesus' deity. Take a look at the image which I captured below.

The above website and organization are a satanic cult that embrace all religions as being valid. Biblically, there is only one way and that is through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. Notice that they list Judaism on the left column. In fact, 25% of the Unitarian Universalist Church are Jewish and followers of Judaism. Judaism adamantly denies that Jesus is the Christ, which makes them liars and antichrists according to 1st John 2:22.

According to an American Religious Identification Survey[1] there are 629,000 Unitarian Universalist members just in the United States. That's 629,000 people who are worshipping a false god. The true and living God was manifest (revealed) to the world in the flesh of the man Christ Jesus (John 1:1-3, 14). Literally, the Godhead became flesh in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9 - King James Bible). God walked this earth in Jesus! Also, please study Christ in the Old Testament.

I captured the above image to expose this false religion as a front organization for World Religion. As we draw nearer unto the End Times, increasingly we're going to see one-size-fits-all religions like Bahá'í Faith and the Unitarian Universalist religion. Such false churches embrace the homosexual movement and don't preach against sin. They have religion without truth. They have churchianity, but not Christianity.

As you see above on their website, even atheists and humanists are honored as members! You see, the New Age religion of Satan says that you can believe anything you want except Biblical Christianity (which excludes all forms of self-righteousness). Salvation is not found in ANY religion; but rather, in a Person—The Lord Jesus Christ!

Below is a quote from one of their members, explaining their denial of Jesus' deity...

We can begin by acknowledging that Jesus must have been, first and foremost, a human being like any and every other human being who has ever lived. The difference was the depth of his faith—his trust—in God, the intimacy of his relationship with the divine, and the clarity of his awareness. When he is remembered as saying, “The Father and I are one,” he was talking about a union that is more clearly described with the words, “The Father is in me, and I am in the Father.” The man we know as Jesus was so in touch with the sacred as to be as one with it, yet he was ever and always a human being.

SOURCE: JESUS AND THE MODERN SEEKER, by Erik Walker Wikstrom (January/February 2004).

Members of the Unitarian Universalist religion don't believe that Jesus is Who He professed to be... THE ALMIGHTY (Revelation 1:8). Jesus is Almighty God! Anyone who denies Jesus' deity is unsaved.

Unitarian History

The word “Christian” is highly misused and misapplied...

“Unitarian Universalism is the result of the merger of two separate denominations: Unitarianism and Universalism. Originally, all Unitarians were Christians who did not believe in the Holy Trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost).”

SOURCE: Unitarian History

It is a false claim that there are Christians who deny the Godhead (the Trinity). No Christian denies the doctrine of Christ, which includes His deity (John 1:1-3,14) and Godhead (Colossians 2:9, king James Bible). For anyone to openly deny the Godhead is sure evidence that they're unsaved.

One of the organization's stated principles is...

"Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations."

SOURCE: UUA: Our Unitarian Universalist Principles

Like the demonic Freemasonry religion, Unitarian Universalists invite members of different denominations to unite in a common cause. This religion is pure New World Order all the way! I feel sorry for children who are deceived by this satanic deception. Religion is not Christianity.

The FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH of Cincinnati has the banner to the left on their main webpage. They advertise of being a religion that fits the congregation. The Bible foretold of this type of religious denomination in 2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

Such apostates will not attend a real Church where a man of God preaches the Bible. Instead, they ordain homosexuals and gather together in a social club that is as phony as can be. They know not the God of the Bible. They are Christ-rejecters who follow ANOTHER JESUS which the Bible does not teach. They believe ANOTHER GOSPEL of anything goes! They have ANOTHER SPIRIT in their services, a familiar spirit of doctrines of demons! 2nd Corinthians 11:4, “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” Jesus commanded in John 5:39... SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The entire entertainment industry encourages premarital sex, pedophilia, lasciviousness, adultery, unforgiveness, vengeance, divorce and homosexuality. Young People: Don't Grow Up To Be Like Lewd, Shameful, Sellout, Taylor Swift. The Illuminati want to destroy the family unit, so that America will become weak, indifferent and vulnerable to takeover. This means that Christianity must also be destroyed. National sovereignty must go. Any loyalty to parents or national patriotism must be done away with. The state must become as God.

Parents will become mere incubators, as in North Korea today, producing servants of a Godless Global Communist Totalitarian Police State. Our nation has gone to Hell. While feminists, CPS and a rigged court system work relentlessly to destroy families over trifle matters, massive government crimes are completely ignored by the media, overlooked and no one is brought to justice. In fact, we have no country anymore because we have no borders anymore. The paid professional liars at Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and other mainstream media outlets are all controlled by the Illuminati. You are being lied to and deceived. Wake up!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If men came from apes, then why are there still apes? Hmmm. It doesn't take a PhD (post-hole digger) to figure that one out. Do you realize just how stupid the theories of evolution are? I mean, evolutionists literally claim that the universe started with a BIG BANG (order out of chaos). The Bible teaches the exact opposite, that an Intelligent Designer created the universe. Evolutionists claim that all life on earth began with a rock floating in space, and then it rained for millions of years (forming a soup across the face of the earth), which eventually somehow sprung forth into life. And they laugh at Christians who teach creationism? Evolutionists still cannot explain where time started? Could there have been a time when there was no time? If so, then what existed before time? Perplexing thought, huh? God is the only plausible answer. By the way, here's a good way to silence an atheist. Ask him if he believes in aliens? Many atheists will say "yes." Then ask him why couldn't God be an alien?

David J. Stewart #fundie #kinkshaming #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Perversion is everywhere. The ever-popular Late Night TV shows of David Letterman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and a host of other perverts have led America into ruin. For years Conan O'Brien mocked God, singing gleefully about going to Hell when he dies. Prime-Time television is nothing but sex, sex, sex. Sick CBS Sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory' Is Highest Rated Sex Perversion On Television. Americans are dirty-minded perverts because of the evils of television!!! Walt Disney targets teenagers with sexual immorality, fornication, new morality, the irresponsible Playboy philosophy and feminist indoctrination. Disney's NICKELODEON (Nick) openly promotes lesbianism and homosexuality, featuring effeminate boys giving flowers to other boys.

TV is waxing worse-and-worse each season. The Women's Entertainment (We) channel has produced a new sleazy show titled, “Pregnant And Dating,” featuring pregnant women who are whoring around. The sicko program uses the slogan, “Taking control.” What a joke... taking control? These are irresponsible women who couldn't keep their clothes on in the first place! They were reckless committing sexual immorality. They were reckless for unintentionally getting pregnant. Taking control? I don't think so! It's bad enough that they're pregnant by another man to whom they're not married, but now they're dating other men before even having the baby. It's a little too late to “take control” of their life after they're pregnant, the father of the child is gone and now they're already dating strangers. America is a society of whores and whoremongers!

Television and the evil people who are featured in these evil films make a total mockery of Biblical morality. They laugh and joke about dating while pregnant like it's a big joke. Ha! Ha! Ha! Well God is not amused. God is not laughing! How far will the vile television networks go to boost ratings?

Abortion is the consequence of shameless (or I should say 'shameful') adultery and fornication, which are epidemic all across America. Woe unto America!!! We are a nation of reckless adulterers, vile homosexuals, lustful sex-perverts and cold-blooded murderers!!! There was a respectable time in America when a woman who was pregnant out-of-wedlock was embarrassed and ashamed; but nowadays loose women boast on national TV that they're “Pregnant And Dating.”

AlohaDave aka David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist amazon.com

[A review of The Man From Earth: Holocene]


I absolutely loved the FIRST film and was excited to learn that a sequel existed. Unfortunately, the producers really dropped the ball with the sequel. In my humble opinion the script is all wrong, the cast isn't good at all, and the sleazy scene with the teen girl getting lewd in the school office of John Young (the caveman) to seduce him totally ruined the sequel. Also, although as a Christian myself I enjoyed the satire in the first film about Christianity, I think the sequel took it too far and was just plain offensive. They could have done so much better! I also thought they made a big mistake by not including actor Tony Todd in the sequel, who did an excellent job in the first film. As is often the case, sequels don't live up to the quality of the original film, as is certainly the case here. What a lousy sequel!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Erwin Gane further errantly states...

There is not the slightest hint in the New Testament that the Sabbath was changed or abolished.

WRONG! Colossians 2:14,16-17 state quite the contrary... "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross... Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." The Old Testament SABBATH was a CEREMONIAL LAW, which pictured Jesus Christ, in whom we rest for the salvation of our souls. This is evidenced by Hebrews 4:2-4, which state...

"For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works."

This passage of Scripture clearly evidences the fact that the Sabbath Day was only symbolic of a person's faith (i.e., solely resting) in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Mankind attempted to work his way to Heaven through self-righteousness, but he utterly failed (Romans 3:19; James 2:10). This is represented by man working 6-days prior to the Sabbath Day. Today, Jesus is our Sabbath, i.e., He is the fulfillment of what the Sabbath Day symbolized.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America has become a cesspool of iniquity, a giant Sodom and Gomorrah, with feminism recklessly leading the way. America's feminist women need to get back to reality, and start realizing that God created men and women very different from each other. This is not about equal rights, it's about common sense and accepting the truth.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The White House administration (Republican and Democrat) has been hijacked by criminals ? the same criminals which orchestrated the 911 attacks, the same criminals that are bankrupting America through the treasonous Federal Reserve System, the same criminals that were behind the London Bombings in July of 2005. In fact, Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was in London During the Bombings. How convenient. The London bombings were masked by bombing 'exercises,' just as were the 911 attacks. Here's a video of Cynthia McKinney grilling Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers, whether or not the 911 wargames (4 to be exact) were ever announced prior to being exercised? Did the government ever declare a National Security Special Event Day? No, they did not! Again, how convenient. The concrete evidence against these calculated killers is overwhelming and irrefutable.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

King James was no homo. But if you want to find some homos that helped translate the Bible, look no further than the translating committee of the New International Version (NIV). Can you imagine... homosexuals involved with translating the Word of God? Is it any wonder why the word "sodomite" has been completely stricken from the NIV? And go figure, the NIV is by far the most popular Bible in America today amongst pastors and Christian laymen. Sad.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Worldliness in the Churches

The Young Earth heresy has crept into most of the churches today. So also has the Zionist heresy crept into the churches over the past century. It is a popular belief that Martin Luther was a great man of God, but he taught the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration. Martin Luther is not in Heaven. Mr. Luther was a liar! I saw one guy at a Baptist church with an Old Testament strapped to the side of his head. It looked like a ring box. He said that he wanted God's Word close to his head. My friend, the Bible says to hide God's Words in your heart, not strapped to the side of your head. You need to memorize God's Word, which you very likely won't do if your church uses dozens of Bible versions. Which one should you memorize? All of them? What a bunch of bullcrap in our churches today!!!

A spoke with an associate pastor recently who said he attended a pro-homosexual AWAB meeting. He also went to hear one of his idols, Ravi Zacharias, who receives a standing ovation every time he speaks for sex-perverted Mormons at their Masonic temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm not trying to be unkind, but our churches are a disgrace today.

I know a Baptist church that teaches its youth to perform Walt Disney theme songs. Walt Disney is pro-homosexual. One of the theme songs is from “The Lion King,” a film in which the word “SEX” is written across the sky. Look on YouTube if you don't believe me. Walt Disney is extremely sex perverted. Again, search the internet and you will be totally shocked. Churches ought not promote Walt Disney to their youth. Netflix is also popular in the church. What will they have next at church... boogie-woogie night?

Most of the women, including staff, wear pants in the church. Many of the young girls wear sensual clothing, because the pastors don't preach as they ought against immodesty. I'm tired of hearing how much pastors really care and are concerned about the truth, while they blatantly reject plain evidence that the modern Bible versions are frauds, and the plan of salvation has been tampered with by the Devil. When's the last time you heard any pastor preach against the satanic Roman Catholic religion? Am I the only one? I tell you, the pope is a dope and he has no hope!!! God deliver us from chicken-crap pastors!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

My question is—If men evolved from apes, then why are there still apes? The folks at Animal Planet continually make reference to humans as "animals." We are not animals. God created animals as animals, and men as men. 1st Corinthians 15:39 declares, "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." You see, the Bible makes perfect sense. Evolution is retarded.

Interestingly, there is absolutely no record of any civilization prior to about 4000 B.C., which perfectly corresponds with the Biblical time of creation. If, as evolutionists claim, mankind has evolved over millions and billions of years, then wouldn't it make perfect sense to expect history to go back hundreds-of-thousands of years at least? But, there was no world power before the Egyptian empire mentioned in the book of Genesis. Secular history confirms this.

Do you mean to tell me that it took mankind millions of years to discover vitamins? It was just a couple centuries ago that millions of people were dying from easily preventable diseases (such as scurvy, caused by a lack of vitamin C). Do you mean to tell me that it took mankind millions of years to discover paper and ink? Do you mean to tell me that it took mankind millions of years to discover toilet paper, first sold in the U.S. in 1857? Do you mean to tell me that mankind didn't realize the dangers of NOT washing his hands for millions of years? If you accept the Biblical date of creation (which history supports), then man's educational development makes good sense (i.e., we can trace man's inventions and advancements from 4,000 BC). Please keep in mind that people in 2500 B.C. were writing on rocks.

This is clearly seen in Egyptian and Babylonian hieroglyphics. So do you mean to tell me that for MILLIONS of years, mankind wrote on stones because he was too dumb to figure it out? Don't tell me that mankind has existed for millions of years, but there's no proof of it. The Bible speaks plainly and boldly, with no stone left unturned. In sharp contrast, evolution is a nightmare of missing links, bizarre speculation, and unscientific theories.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It's going to become like the 2005 movie, THE ISLAND (starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson), where human beings are grown in a secret facility solely as replacement parts for rich people who pay $5,000,000 for a clone. Already there's talk of human cloning for spare parts. No doubt it's already being done somewhere. Outside of the United States and other first-world nations anything is legal. Only God knows what mad scientists are doing on secret islands owned by wealthy villains. Human cloning isn't as scary as it sounds if you're not the clone! As with all evil, it will eventually come to light. The truth can only be suppressed for so long. Cloning, chimeras and all manner of genetic projects are happening all around the world. Most third-world nations will sell their souls for money. I guarantee you that the Island of Dr. Moreau is a reality today. Time will tell. People will be shocked. Man's curiosity has always superseded his fear of God.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesusisprecious.org

Albeit, I was very lonely living with a wife who wouldn't cook, clean or be a wife. I bought her books on how to love a man, but she refused to read them. We definitely had romance problems. She viewed our bed with disgust. Even after brushing my teeth, she literally refused to open her mouth to kiss me, repeatedly saying, “I don't like germs!” How does a man deal with such rejection from his own wife? God knows I speak the truth. She was a lousy wife. I've only been married once, and it was one time too many! Even if you fill out a prenuptial agreement (which I never did), they don't always hold up in court. There is no protection against a crooked court system and a disloyal wife. I fully understand why men are reluctant to get married these days. The benefit-to-risk ratio isn't worth it anymore. In essence, marriage means a man trading 30 years of happiness for one month of pleasure. When I hear a man thanking his loyal wife publicly, I am compelled to leave the church auditorium, because I cannot hold back the tears. I've never known such loyalty in a wife. All I've known from a wife is irresponsible and childish behavior, betrayal, stubbornness and evil. I am reluctant to listen to Proverbs 31, because it grieves my heart that I've never found such a woman. Proverbs 31:12, “She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.”

Our youngest daughter had a bladder control problem. She used to come home with notes saying that she smelled like urine. Her mother might as well have not been there. I became depressed from living with such a messed up wife. Everyone blamed me. Her hateful mother blamed me. Thug women cops blamed me. Her loser friends blamed me. Not one “doctor” ever diagnosed her with the truth, which is, “You're lazy and you need to get right with God!”

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist jesusisprecious.org

There is No Justice for Crime Victims if There is No Hell

I don't have to educate you about all the heinous crimes that people sometimes commit against others. I've been horrified in my lifetime from reading the daily news. I could mention literally TENS OF MILLIONS of documented horrible crimes around the world. Albeit, I want to briefly mention one horrific incident in 1993 that still haunts my soul when I think about it, and makes me rejoice (in an imprecatory way) that God made a Hell to punish evildoers. I literally cried a couple years ago when I read about two teenage Caucasian girls in Texas, who on a normal night while walking home from a pool party at a friend's house, were brutally confronted and assaulted by six teenage punks in a gang (one black and five Hispanic). Those ungodly males took turns raping, sodomizing, beating, torturing and eventually murdering the two girls, choking them to death with their own shoelaces. The boys then urinated on the girls, breaking their ribs and kicking their teeth out with steel-toe work boots, and crushing their necks by stomping on them. When the police found the girl's brutalized and naked bodies in the woods four days later, they wept. I only wish those six monsters who hurt those girls could have suffered the same fate!

Every Christian should feel mixed emotions about the fate of such criminals. If you love God, there should be a part of your soul, that hopes they came to saving faith in the truth of the Gospel in Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul, before he was saved (then called Saul), murdered Christians. God Himself has no pleasure in the death of the wicked—Ezekiel 33:11a, “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live...” Yet, there should as be a part of your soul, as a child of God, that desires to see justice—an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, life for life—that those young men would burn in Hell as punishment for their atrocious crimes! I am grateful for God's plan of redemption; but I am also grateful for the fires of Hell, for those who die in their sins, those who knowingly refuse God's goodness by rejecting the gift of eternal life thought faith in Jesus Christ! So there must be an eternal place of punishment for evildoers to be punished.

Psalms 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” The preceding Bible verse would make no sense if the word “hell” merely refers to the grave, because then the righteous and wicked go to the SAME PLACE! Obviously, the Bible clearly implies eternal damnation and punishment for the wicked! We are warned that “THE WICKED SHALL BE TURNED INTO HELL,” but “THE RIGHTEOUSNESS UNTO LIFE ETERNAL.” Notice the distinct and sharp contrast in the following Bible verse between the RIGHTEOUS (saved) and the WICKED (unsaved). Matthew 25:46, “And these [the wicked] shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Matthew 25:41, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Carefully notice that the “fire” of Hell is “EVERLASTING,” and also that it was originally intended only for “THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS.” But when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, he opened the floodgate of “sin and death into the world. Romans 5:12, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”

Thus, Hell has been enlarged to accommodate fallen man, with the Devil and demons. Isaiah 5:14, “Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.” The Bible is abundantly clear that the reason why God has enlarged Hell, is to accommodate the masses of Christ-rejecting humanity, who must pay for their own sins in everlasting fire. That is what the Scripture saith! Many people find it difficult to accept the reality of Hell, because they cannot accept the idea that a loving and merciful God could create such a place. But if there is no punishment for violation of God's LAW , then God would not be a righteous (just) God. Being a just God, He will reward the righteous and punish the wicked. Hell is to punish the wicked. There must be a Hell, otherwise Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Wall Street, the thieves behind the Federal Reserve Banking System, Bill and Hillary Clinton, The Bush Family, Henry Kissinger and other monstrous evildoers got away with their crimes against God and humanity! Thank God for a burning Hell to punish the wicked; but thank God even more for the gift of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ, to those repentant sinners who will receive it by BELIEVING THE GOSPEL (i.e., the GOOD NEWS of Christ crucified on the cross, buried and bodily resurrected the third day).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The aluminum in your soaps, shampoos and deodorants are known to cause Alzheimer's disease over the decades. We live in a toxic society, really. It's wise to learn about the different toxins, chemicals and properties of the water we cook, bathe, drink and use for so many things. Baking goods and foods are often saturated with Sodium Aluminum Phosphate as a moisture absorbing agent. Here again you're putting aluminum (a toxin) into your body. There's aluminum in your soap, deodorant, baking goods, shampoo, et cetera. No wonder millions of Americans have Alzheimer's disease. Autopsies of Alzheimer's patients who died evidenced high concentrations of aluminum in the blood-brain barrier.

There's a degree at which one can become paranoid about environmental toxins, but it's not unreasonable to want to rid your life of all the aluminum toxins, fluoride and aerosol sprays that commonly cause allergic and problems due to sensitivity. Some women experience numbness and tingling in their hands and body from aerosol perfumes. Try oil-based perfumes instead to remedy the problem.

Also, consider eliminating regular toothpaste (it contains around 1,000 ppm of fluoride). They even tell you on the side of the toothpaste tube to “contact a poison control center immediately” if you swallow your toothpaste. If you do use fluoride toothpaste, only use a small amount the size of a pea, don't swallow the water and keep it out of reach of small children who may ingest it.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In order to keep our cells healthy, we need to replace the water we use by drinking pure water which has an alkaline pH balance. Many people have water containing chlorine and fluoride which are known cell killers. Random House Dictionary defines chlorine as “a greenish-yellow, incom­bustible, poisonous, gaseous element that is highly irritating to the respiratory organs.” During World War II, it was illegal for Germany or the Allies to use chlorine gas per the Geneva Convention. But we put it in our drinking water.

Webster’s Dictionary defines fluoride as, “a corrosive, poisonous, greenish-yellow gas­eous chemical element; the most reactive nonmetallic element known in forming fluorides with almost all other known elements.” Over fifty percent of the people living in the U.S. have fluoride in their drinking water.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Is the water your drinking killing you? It is if it's fluoridated! Drink Natural spring water instead. You can usually buy a gallon for under a dollar. Make sure there is no fluoride in it! Although there are concerns about chemicals leeching from plastic bottles used for drinking water, it is NO WHERE near as toxic as the tons of fluoride added to tap water. Everything from osteoporosis and tooth decay is associated with fluoride poisoning. I stopped drinking tap water many years ago.

Presently (as of 2012) I buy drinking water in gallon containers. Lord willing eventually I'd like to buy one of those units that take moisture right out of the air and provide drinking water. They're about $1,000, but I think worth it. I've used water filtration units in the past that connect to the sink, but you really have to be careful what you buy because some of the units boast that they DON'T remove fluoride. They only remove chlorine and other contaminants. When you shower, your body absorbs about a pint of water. The fluoride gets into your porous skin.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

When C.S. Lewis speaks of “faith in Christ,” he includes unsaved Catholics, Mormons, the apostate Church of England and every heathen religion. Lewis sought for “common ground” between all religions, that he could use to justify accepting everyone, regardless of their doctrinal differences. Consequently, unbelievers were given false hope, and the true Biblical Gospel that excludes all forms of self-righteousness was hidden. Lewis has much blood on his hands. Mormons love him! Catholics love him! Remember that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, and so are his ministers of unrighteousness (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Satan's primary character traits are being an accuser (Revelation 12:10), a murdering liar and thief (John 10:10), and a deceiver (Matthew 7:15).

C.S. Lewis was loved the most by Satan, because he published tons of religious literature, confusing fiction with non-fiction, further confusing an already confused world. As I've researched the writings of Lewis, I've found nothing but a bunch of eloquent religious quotes which amount to really nothing. Every hellbound Roman Catholic and Mormon believes in faith in Christ. There is nothing more dangerous spiritually to the churches than vague, obscure, wishy-washy, undefined usage of terms and teachings concerning the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Lewis attempted to present Scriptural truth under a cloak of pagan mythology in order to give it popular appeal, and in so doing confused the reader, preventing people from ever seeing the light of the Gospel.

That's why J.K. Rowling praises Lewis as her favorite writer and mentor. Miss Rowling does the same thing, confusing children's minds to discern between fact and fiction, while making sure they don't see the glorious light of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I feel nauseated every time I hear Lee Greenwood sing his song, GOD BLESS THE USA. We are so arrogant as Americans. We think we can do as we please—calling our evil good—legalized child murdering, pornography and fornication, drunkenness and public lewdness, lesbianism and same-sex marriage, casino gambling, false religion, feminism and divorce, illegal wars, witchcraft and idolatry. What right do we have to expect to be blessed? Here are some of the lyrics to Lee Greenwood's song, GOD BLESS THE USA...

And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

I'd like to offer my own amended lyrics to Mr. Greenwood's song, because my version is reality...

And I'm sad to be an American
Where we murder our children because we're free
And I'm ashamed of what our troops are doing in Iraq
where we have killed so many in an unprovoked attack

And I gladly stand up
and pray for God to curse America
'Cause there ain't no doubt we spit in God's face
God curse the USA.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com


Photo left: This is an actual Walt Disney movie cover. This is typical of the sexual filth and sleaze that their employees put into Disney's movies and products. This ought to alarm and anger every Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ and cares about children. Disney's former CEO, Michael Eisner, said that he thinks 40% of Walt Disney's 63,000 employees are homosexuals. Their new CEO is an open homosexual!

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Beware Of Bad Role Model Taylor Swift

Numbers 25:1-5, “And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baal-peor. ”

This is what singer Taylor Swift is doing. She is a daughter of Moab and drawing millions of people (including ignorant Christians) in to worship their gods Baalpeor at her wicked concerts (or via a livestream). Case in point is her recent Eras Tour, and her wicked music video Willow where she literally summons devils.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Where are those Russian thermonuclear ICBM nukes when we need them??? Where is that weapon of indignation??? I am all for Russia nuking the United States! We deserve what we get for spitting in the face of God almighty! I do not long to see death and destruction, but I do long to see God's judgment upon a wicked baby-murdering, sodomite-sanctioning, occult-controlled, crooked as a dog's hind leg government, an exceedingly proud arrogant stiffnecked people! Our great God is a long-suffering God, but His judgment will not sleep forever.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It hurts to be ignored. When you call somebody and they don't call you back, you want to break their pencil...lol. Seriously, you wish you could get them fired or put them in jail. I hate jerks. But I always find comfort in Scriptures such as Ecclesiastes 12:14 which says God will bring EVERY WORK into judgment. In Matthew 12:36 Jesus warned that God will judge men for their very words.

Certainly it's not my place to say what God will or won't do, but I DO KNOW that God does care, and he has set the Golden Rule as the benchmark for judgment Day... Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” God is going to judge you on the basis of how you would have wanted people to treat you. Anything that you do to someone else will be judged by your own principles. A man once said to me that we all live by our own book. What that interprets to is that everyone is selfishly and sinfully doing that which is right in their own eyes. Well, I choose to live by God's Book... the holy Bible. I treat others the way I want to be treated. Your book doesn't matter. God's Word is all that matters.

I have a tender-heart and get my feelings hurt easily. I'm not embarrassed to admit that. I've had people in life advise me to grow thicker skin. I've tried but it's not in my nature. I am a kind person.

David J. Stewart #fundie google.com.au

Just think if something went wrong and our sun's rays were intensified even the slightest bit... our earth would burn up! Our forests would burn immediately! The earth's oceans would evaporate violently and the consequent storms would be fiercely abundant, merciless and totally destructive. Life would no longer be sustainable upon the earth. The sun is an astonishing distance of 93,000,000 miles away from the earth. If the sun were merely a few million miles closer, our earth's temperatures would rise drastically and could no longer sustain life. There is no way that anyone with a working brain can reasonably deny the existence of a supernatural Creator Who made the universe. We see incredible INTELLIGENCE in all of creation, and intelligence cannot come from an accidental, chaotic, cataclysmic, Big Bang! We see incredible DESIGN in all of creation, which shouts loud and clear that there is a Creator. To deny God as our Maker is just as foolish as to deny that a complex Swiss watch just happened, without any designer or maker.

The truth is that men love their sins, walking in darkness (John 1:1-12), and hate the light, who is Christ (John 8:12). The latest trend is for the wicked to claim that aliens created mankind, who they say are our gods. Certainly, by very definition God Himself is extraterrestrial (not of the earth), and is an alien, respectively. God doesn't need a spaceship, teleport technology (like on Star Trek), or all the other things which Hollywood has put in our minds concerning monstrous aliens and Martians.

*By the way, the creature designer of the popular Alien series starring Sigourney Weaver is a devout Satanist. The alien creature is patterned after Baphomet, the horned goat head, Satan. The ram, or goat's head, is a mockery of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. a Wiccan woman who lost her job and faced various reprisals from angry townspeple after fighting to remove a Christian symbol from the town’s seal]

It's encouraging to know that there are still small towns all across America where people still have faith in God—where witches, homosexuals, and other menaces to society are shunned. “Shun” means “to avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of.” Let me tell you, if you're a witch or a homosexual, I'm going to steer as far away from you as I can. I don't want you teaching me children. I DO feel threatened by you. I am very homophobic! ... and witchophobic too!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

X-mas Has Become a Favorite Holiday of the Wicked Unsaved

Tragically, nearly all of the people celebrating Christmas aren't even saved. Most of the people observing the Christmas season don't even know the Lord as their personal Saviour. It is wicked! Even the atheists celebrate Christmas by renaming it "X-MAS." How wicked!!! "Independence Day" is much longer than "Christmas," yet no one ever calls it "X-Day." "Thanksgiving" is much longer than "Christmas," yet we never call it "X-giving." Why is it that out of all the holidays in America, the ONLY place where people feel compelled to place an "X" is over our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is blatant evil. If you are reading this article and love the Lord Jesus, make sure to speak aloud to any business that displays the godless term "x-mas." No sir, it is Christmas.

When a wicked world has no problem celebrating a professed "Christian" holiday, something is VERY WRONG! If it weren't for Santa Claus, reindeers, mistletoe, sparkling ornaments, tinsel, and a bunch of meaningless silly songs...the heathen world would abandon Christmas like a hot-potato. So do you think that God Almighty is pleased with a holiday that practically EXCLUDES Jesus Christ? No way! God hates Christmas.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Dr. Nixon Downplays the Perverseness of Homosexuality

Again, Dr. Nixon states on page 21:

These are perfectly “normal” people who have been created by God for unique purposes.

SOURCE: Dr. David J. Nixon with R. G. Hamm, “BORN THAT WAY AFTER ALL,” P. 21; ©2016, BORN THAT WAY MINISTRIES, INC.; ISBN: 978-1-942559-05-4.

I've already shared with you details from Dr. Nixon's book about a young man named Sam. When Sam gets to college, he is approached soon thereafter by a homosexual classmate, who says that he and some other sodomite boys think Sam is queer too. The next thing you know, that queer student is literally sodomizing Sam. Listen to what Johnny Nixon writes about this wicked, perverse, vile, young male dog:

It would be easy for us to think that the motives of the young man who approached Sam were in some way sinister. I prefer to think that he was probably another Sam, just a bit further down the road.

SOURCE: Dr. David J. Nixon with R. G. Hamm, “BORN THAT WAY AFTER ALL,” P. 16; ©2016, BORN THAT WAY MINISTRIES, INC.; ISBN: 978-1-942559-05-4.

Folks, the Holy Bible literally calls sodomites “dogs.” Deuteronomy 23:17, “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” A dog will do the most disgusting things to other dogs, and to itself. They are dirty animals. Dogs have no regard for morality, because they are animals. When people live without morals, they are acting just like filthy dogs.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Wiccans are openly acceptant of sexual sins which are Biblically prohibited. Witchcraft is infamous for sexual rituals and ceremonial nudity. Anton LaVey, founder of the CHURCH OF SATAN, wrote a book called, The Satanic Witch, in which teaches women how to take advantage of men. The book is pure evil and promotes the sins of feminism and sexual immorality. From researching their own writings and websites, witches are well-known for lesbianism, orgies and sexual licentiousness. No wonder they have such an attraction for the Pagan god, Pan (the world's foremost sexual pervert).

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

Personally, I think it's recommended for racial groups to marry within their own group. There are many challenges and problems associated with mixed marriages. It is not sinful according to Hebrews 13:4, but I think it's repercussions are something to be considered, especially upon the children. That's not to say that there aren't successful and happy mixed marriages, but the racial tensions that exist between the two families can often cause a feeling of alienation for one, or both, spouses.

Bottom line ... Hebrews 13:4 permits interracial marriage and it doesn't matter what I think, but I do have my opinion on the matter. The unnatural promotion of interracial marriages today is sinful because of the agenda behind it, and that agenda is a one world order. There's just something beautiful about a family heritage that can be traced back within one's one ethnic group.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

The ungodly Walt Disney corporation (an Illuminati family) glorifies shacking-up and “relationships” (a key word for fornication). When a woman says she's, “not in a relationship right now,” what she really means is that she is taking a time-out from her whoring around. She is a whore! I say that kindly. She goes from one bum to the next! Any man who would have premarital sex is a bum! Ladies, you can do better than that! You find you a godly man who cares about you enough to put a ring on your finger and commit himself only to you for life, before letting him have the good stuff!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

AVATAR teaches demonic New Age philosophies, and an utterly false New Age gospel. The Bible places a curse upon James Cameron and Avatar according to Galatians 1:9, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.”

Further evidence of a Biblical curse is found in 1st Corinthians 16:22, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Anathema means “cursed” and Maranatha means “the Lord is coming.” Hollywood is cursed. James Cameron is cursed. The Avatar film and actors are cursed.

The movie is saturated with religious blasphemies against God and false teachings. As typical with most Hollywood movies, AVATAR is saturated with profanities against God and the Bible; such as “holy sh_t” and exclaiming “Jesus” as a curse word.

At the beginning of the movie, the commander in charge tells his troops: “If there is a Hell, you might want to go there for some R & R, after a tour on Pandora.” Pandora is the fictitious planet upon which the movie is based. James Cameron is the writer of the film, who clearly plants seeds of doubt in the viewer's mind as to whether or not there is a Hell. If you don't know whether or not there's a Hell, then you don't believe the Bible (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9).

I have no doubt that Avatar, just like the Harry Potter films, will be used to indoctrinate Public School children with doctrines of devils. Public School teachers across the nation are showing Harry Potter, and garbage like Avatar to the students during class. The Bible and prayer were banned BY COURT ORDER in 1962 and 1963; but teachers can introduce demonic movies, Satanic religions and the blatant lie of Evolution during class without opposition. It is evil.

This is exactly why Karl Marx in the 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto (a basic reprint of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati blueprint from 1787) called for a Public School System, to brainwash kids. Literally, Public Schools were created to rob children of their faith in God, turn them against their parents, turn them against their own country, indoctrinate them to trust the government, and to worship Satan through witchcraft and New Age doctrine.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most people have no idea just how ethical God is, and how much He does care, and the extent to which He thinks about other's well-being. I love listening to the Bible on DVD. When I bought the Bible on DVD, read aloud by Alexander Scourby, I began to hear and learn things that I had never noticed by reading the King James Bible. There's just something special about HEARING the Bible being read aloud. Does not Romans 10:17 say that faith cometh by HEARING!!! Yes, indeed it does! If you don't already have the King James Bible on DVD, please get it and listen to the Bible being read regularly. You will be blessed so much as I have.

A Christian woman who cares about morality will wear modest clothing. Women who dress like prostitutes in mini-skirts, halter-tops, open-blouses and tight clothing... don't care about causing lust, ruining families, displeasing God, nor being judged in eternity for their wickedness. They don't have any faith in God. They don't fear God, just as Romans 3:18 says most people don't. They don't care because they don't believe. If we have faith that there's a real God in Heaven, Who is keeping track of every decision that we make, and we'll have to give account one day for those decisions, then we're going to care about the things which we say and do (Romans 14:10-12).

It is so important that you care because everything else depends on it... how you treat yourself, your family, your neighbors, et cetera. A woman dresses modestly because she CARES. A mother doesn't abort her baby because she CARES. No caring woman kills her own flesh and blood. CARING is everything in life. A small handful of Washington D.C. politicians actually do the honest thing because they CARES (Dr. Ron Paul is one of them). Ron Paul CARES!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I was curious when I saw a show called “American Dad” in the list of the worst shows on TV. FOX TV runs episodes of this program regularly. This particular episode is titled, “Toy Whorey.” In this episode a brother and sister are shown in bed together. The sister is sticking a thermometer in her brother's rear-end. When the father decides to take away his son's toys, the son pulls a gun on his father and shoots him. The father is mugged in the boy's room and then the father crawls out all fours, whimpering like a dog. Next, the father tells the son that he's taking him to a whore-house in Mexico for sex. After leaving three unsatisfactory brothels, the father expresses his frustration by saying that he really wanted to watch his son have sex with a prostitute. Then they meet a Mexican drug-cartel and relish in smelling each other flatulence. The show even mocks fathers by saying, “American dad cares!” The jerks behind the program series know that American dads in fact, DON'T CARE, and that's the big problem in America!

I was socked. I didn't realize how sicko, immoral and bad television has become. I've never really been a TV buff, but in just the few years that I haven't watched any TV it has changed 10,000%!!! I don't recognize one show on TV today. I'm happy about that. You can have the television, I don't need it. I'll spend my spare time learning, making music and working hard to build my ministry for the Lord. FOX features programs about serial killers, sex-perversion, you name it. No wonder America is getting worse and worse!

In another episode of American Dad called “Finger Lenting Good,” there's too much perversion to mention. A decrepit old man has a necklace of cut-off fingers around his neck. The old creepy man say he went on a sex-tour to Vietnam two years ago. While there he started cutting-off and collecting people's fingers. The old man says that he has installed cameras around the home, but didn't put any in the tampons. The saddest part of all is how many Americans flock to watch this sick-minded garbage. Tens-of-millions of viewers watch this garbage!!!

Show creator Seth MacFarlane is a professed, arrogant, defiant, atheist. Bill Maher recently invited Seth MacFarlane onto his show and they both rejoiced as atheists against God and the Bible. MacFarlane is also a staunch supporter of gay-rights. In recognition of “his active, passionate commitment to Humanist values, and his fearless support of equal marriage rights and other social justice issues,” MacFarlane was named the “Harvard Humanist Of The Year” in 2011. MacFarlane is also the biggest loser in God's view. It's important for my web visitors to realize that atheism and every form of wickedness go hand-in-hand. You won't find God in the booze-infested taverns. You won't find God in the adulterous nightclubs. You won't find the God of the Bible in the life of a homosexual.

When I first saw an episode of American Dad!, I knew that MacFarlane was far from God, and I was correct. MacFarlane denies God's existence altogether, which explains why he can produce such evil works like “American Dad!” The show mocks God and makes fun of Christianity regularly, as to be expected. It shouldn't come as a surprise that an atheist would be an active supporter of homosexuality.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The sad reality is that Americans believe fiction, while denying reality. It's insane! Scientists are trying to make fictitious rubbish like Star Wars and Star Trek a reality, talking about how it can all be made real in the future. Yet, sickeningly, Americans refuse to believe the truth even when it's in plain sight. The Illuminati pyramid on the reverse of every U.S. one-dollar bill mocks every American. The truth of the New World Order is in every one of our pockets and wallets, yet most people laugh, chuckle and wag their head in disbelief when you try to educate them about the reality of the New World Order!

President Bush refused to meet with Cindy Sheehan, but he met with the homosexual leader of Saudi Arabia, and photos of the two queer-birds holding hands were all in the news. Mr. Bush (Sr. and Jr.) are sick-minded individuals. People have a hard time believing that their beloved Republican icon, President Ronald Reagan, was a flaming homosexual in southern California known as “Rainbow Ronnie.” Truth is stranger than fiction! Homosexuality is the common denominator in the occult, Hollywood and the lowest point of humanity spiritually (the farthest you can get from God in your mind). President Obama recently lifted the ban against bestiality in the military? Why would he do that? Will chimeras (part human/part animal with no rights) be used to service future soldiers?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Most men cannot fathom living a life without sex. But blessed are those few men, who perceive the worthwhile sacrifice of forfeiting marriage for the kingdom of God (such as the apostle Paul). A man who forgoes marriage can serve God day and night, without hindrance, as a faithful servant sold out to His precious Savior!

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger jesus-is-savior.com

I was recently thinking about the cow, as I ate a delicious homemade burger. Here's a great recipe for Hellmann's burgers. They're so good, I don't even use ketchup or mustard. As I ate my burger, I thought about how God made cows to feed a lot of people. This animal has short legs and a big meaty body, to feed a lot of hungry people. Evolution couldn't do that! God is so good!

David J. Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Are You Hateful Enough?

By David J. Stewart

Psalm 97:10a, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.”

[RIGHT]image[/RIGHT] The unsaved world discourages hatred in all forms, but the Bible teaches that there is a good form of hatred—hatred against evil. In fact, God commands it in Psalm 97:10, "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil." Sadly, most professed Christians today don't hate evil like they should. Hatred is a strong word and every Christian should have a strong feeling of dislike against evil that makes us want to do something about it.


Every born-again believer ought to hate evil in every form; such as the evil of abortion (i.e., murdering little living and growing babies). Abortion is brutal and demonic. When one stops to realize that America silently passed the 50,000,000 abortion mark in January of 2008, it's hard to fathom that 25% of our U.S. population has been holocausted. The official U.S. population for 1970 was 203,211,926.1 Since 1970, Americans have killed one-fourth of their own children. Tearfully consider that in 2004, there were 74 abortions for every 100 births in New York City. Can you imagine?

We ought not hate the people getting abortions, nor the people performing abortions; but we must hate the evil of abortion itself. To deliberately kill a child is evil. When you think of the blessings in your life, you should praise God that your parents didn't believe in abortion. Sadly, a mother's womb is the most dangerous place to be in the world today. This is a sad fact. There's not enough hatred today against abortion. God tells us to hate abortion, because abortion is very evil. If you don't hate the sin of abortion, then you DON'T love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hateful Heathens

Ironically, it appears that some of the strongest hatred today is against Bible-believing, Christ-honoring, Christians who do hate evil as the Bible teaches. Flaming homosexual, Ellen DeGeneres, criticizes Bible-believers who “use the Bible to justify their hate.” Uh, Ellen, Psalm 97:10 does teach believers to hate, to hate evil. Hatred for sin and evil can be justified with the Bible. Ellen calls such faithful Christians, “idiotic” ...

"I don't see full-page ads saying `Stop the Hate, Stop the Violence." said DeGeneres. "These same evil, idiotic, so-called God-loving people who use the Bible to justify their hate, I'm sure still feel deep down that blacks aren't equal to whites because the Bible was also used to justify slavery."

SOURCE: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3827/is_199810/ai_n8815714

It seems that Ellen DeGeneres has quite a bit of hatred herself toward Christians who hate evil, which brings a Bible verse to mind... Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” An “abomination” is hatred coupled with disgust. To the righteous man, he not only views “Sin City” Las Vegas as evil, but as repulsive and disgusting. I think Hollywood (or Hollyweird) is an abomination. It's not just saturated with sin and evil, it's a disgusting place of sick-minded perverts and demented God-haters. Walt Disney employs some of the most sick-minded, perverted, immoral, sin-loving, Bible-hating, Christ-hating, blasphemous, people in the world. That's why their shows and movies are so abominable. Most of the movies and programs Walt Disney produces nowadays are utterly offensive to any decent person. There's no garbage pail that wreaks with the stench of rot and maggots anymore than Walt Disney, Hollywood and all the other heathen movies producers of this sinful generation. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Pay Day is Coming!

Before the Apostle Paul became a Christian, he hated the Church and persecuted and tried to destroy it (Galatians 1:13). The Word of God brings out the best and the worst in people. You either love God or you are his enemy. People either love the Bible or hate it. Jesus said that the same world that hated Him, and crucified Him, would hate us and treat us the same horrible way. Increasingly, American society and nations abroad are becoming hostile towards Christianity. People who live contrary to the Word of God know it, and therefore hate the Bible intensely. Romans 1:18, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." The Bible says that the wicked "hold the truth in unrighteousness." In other words, they are sinning in full knowledge of what they are doing. Ellen DeGeneres KNOWS lesbianism is a sin, and is against nature, and is abnormal and will eventually bring the judgment of God. I do not hate anyone, please know that. I only hate sin. I love sinners, because they are people whom Jesus Christ died for to pay for their sins. God loves humanity, which includes sinners too. God hates sin and evil, but he is waiting for men and women to repent (2nd Peter 3:9).

Immodesty and and Lewd Behavior

Our love for Jesus Christ is easily measured by the intensity of our hatred for sin and evil. Most people take sin lightly nowadays. It means nothing for a professed Christian woman these days to put on a miniskirt or wear a low-cut blouse. These are the sinful clothing styles of the world. 1st Timothy 2:9 and other Scriptures teach that a Christian lady ought to dress modestly as an expression of her chastity and virtuous behavior.

Hollywood female celebrities dress like sleazy-trash, whores and bimbos. I'm not trying to be unkind, I'm being moral. It is a shameful disgrace the sinful way in which American women dress immodestly nowadays, wearing tight blouses, exposing their thighs, causing men to lust in adulterous thoughts, which is adultery (Matthew 5:28). To such whorish women, it's game, a thrill a tease. They will answer to God. God tells women to dress in "modest apparel." Christian ladies ought to hate immodest clothing. Dressing seductively in public is sinful. Women and girls ought to dress in modest clothing. This is what God says in the Bible. It's rare nowadays to find women who adhere to strict Christian dress codes. Ladies ought to wear dresses. We live in a sicko society that is trying to turn teenage girls into whores. Walt Disney makes teenage girls look like whores by moral standards 50-years ago. America has lost it's respect for God, morality, the marriage, decency and Christianity. Now we've got a Muslim U.S. President who despises Christianity and won't even salute the U.S. flag during the national anthem. Sad.

What Do You Hate?

Everybody hates something. A lot of people hate the Bible. A lot of people hate Christianity. A lot of people hate a righteous person. What we ought to hate is evil. Hatred against sin is good. The unsaved world will always demonize Bible-believing Christians who hate sin. The Devil has successfully built a false religion today, that encompasses many denominations who have been taught that any form of hatred is bad. This is simply not true. God commands us as His children to HATE EVIL. That means we should hate drunkenness, fornication, whorish clothing, homosexuality, government theft and violations of the U.S. Constitution. We ought to hate lying and false advertising and cruelty to animals. We ought to hate the heathen public school system, CPS who thinks they own our children and the evil sin of divorce. We ought to hate indifference and false religion. We ought to hate movies that curse in God's name, songs and books that diminish, attack and belittle the Bible. It's seems that every movie made today has to have someone cursing in God's name. Someone told me that they like the Sylvester Stallone movie, First Blood; yet God's name is taken in vain no less than 10 times throughout the movie. The movie is evil, of the Devil and dishonors God. I hate any movie that takes God's name in vain. God created us, feeds us, gives us the health and life we enjoy, and then people go around making movies that insult God, curse in his name in anger and show utter disrespect for the Lord. No wonder America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. We ought to hate when anyone takes God's precious and holy name in vain.

The Jews have some crazy little thing they do, spelling God as G_d, claiming that is their way of respecting God. Yet, in total hypocrisy, they opening reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They are effectively atheists, because they reject Jesus as God in the flesh (John 1:1-3.14; John 10:33; I Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8; John 14:1-6). We should hate the false religion of Judaism, which denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and teaches in their Talmud that it's ok for priests to molest 3-year old girls. Why doesn't Jack Chick ever expose the Jew's false religion instead of attacking the Muslims for everything. The Muslims weren't the masterminds behind 911. We ought to hate the New World Order, which aims to destroy Christianity, eliminate true American freedom (i.e., out Bill of Rights) and bring to fruition a Communist Police State to smash resistance from Christians, patriots and those who defend the U.S. Constitution. It's frightening how insane many people get when you hand them a badge, a gun and give them authority over the common man. Then stuff like this happens. There's a million punks running around America nowadays, called police, including she-men women who belong at home baking cookies, who don't care about your Bill of Rights. They just want to smash you, take your kids and force you to comply with the New World Order's Communist agendas. You're now guilty until proven innocent. You don't have to be proven guilty to go to prison nowadays, the jury simply needs to "think" you're guilty and you're a goner. And they call that justice.


I could write a book on all the evils and sins which born-again Christians should hate, but that is not necessary. You have a Bible and I hope you read it. Most Christians neglect their Bible and don't read it enough (if at all). Hearing the Bible increases our faith (Romans 10:17). In discouraging times, we need to read the Bible to boost our faith. In times of loss, when our friends hurt us, family betrays us and the Devil comes after us to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10), we ought to spend more time in the Scriptures and rest upon the promises of God. God will keep His Word, His name is at stake. You can rest assure on the promises of God.

Let us hate evil and expose it wherever it is found. You don't have to be unkind to people, but you don't have to go along with the evil either. Professed Christians all across America go to Walt Disney, Las Vegas casinos, Jack Daniel's brewery, Elvis Presley's mansion, et cetera. There are all shameful places. The need of this hour is for Christians to act like Christians and get angry over sin, because the Devil's crowd doesn't care.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #kinkshaming jesusisprecious.org

I read today in the news[1] that singer Taylor Swift spent $13,000 to rent a bunch of sadomasochistic gear and clothing from a sex shop to make her “Bad Blood” video. That is so evil! The Scriptures teach that the Word of God makes sin EXCEEDINGLY SINFUL. That's why Luciferians (aka, Illuminati) have removed the Holy Bible from the public school system since 1963, that is, because they want children to grow up amoral, confused and ungodly. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 7:13b, “that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” This is why the most important thing every child needs is constant preaching and teaching from the inspired Word of God.

Notice in our text verse above that God warns us about worldly thinking, which steers us away from Jesus Christ. Young people, Taylor Swift's ungodly music and music videos are not of Jesus Christ, they are preparing the world for the Anti-Christ!!! Miss Swift has openly shown her support for the reprobate homosexual community. Swift's song “Welcome To New York” has been adopted by the gays as their theme song. James 4:4, “ Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?” Homosexuality is a sin, an abnormal deathstyle, and a form of child abuse when adopted youth are involved.

The sexually suggestive videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus (aka, Hannah Montana), Adriana Grande, Madonna, Ke$ha, Katy Perry and hundreds of other sleazy entertainers are of the Devil. They have all signed Illuminati contracts with Satan! They've all sold their souls to do evil in the sight of the Lord. 1st Kings 21:20, “thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.” The reason why so many parents and youth tolerate the wicked filth of singers like Taylor Swift is because Americans no longer abide in the Word of God. Most people are not even born-again Christians. And so the spirit of the Devil works in them (Ephesians 2:2).

The Bible Warns About The Sin Of Lasciviousness!

As a grateful born-again Christian, although I admit I am far from perfect, I abide in the comforting promises of God's Word (Romans 15:4), and I see the wickedness of Taylor Swift's raunchy music videos (Colossians 3:4-5). The Bible uses a powerful word to describe Taylor Swift's sensual videos. It is the word “LASCIVIOUS,” which means “Driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.” The following passage of Scripture practically gives us Taylor Swift's address...

Ephesians 4:17-20, “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But ye have not so learned Christ.”

If Taylor Swift has any guilt or conscience at all about her ungodly music videos, it's not enough to compel her to stop doing it. The Bible warns us about such wicked people, who are PAST FEELING, who have GIVEN THEMSELVES OVER UNTO LASCIVIOUSNESS, TO WORK ALL UNCLEANLINESS WITH GREED! Miss Swift's net worth as of 2016 is an astounding $280,000,000! Just as the Word of God warns us, Miss Swift has greedily given herself over to LASCIVIOUSNESS, TO WORK ALL UNCLEANLINESS!!! Throughout history, people have sinfully sold themselves to do evil for money! They are evil to the core!!! It is the love of money that fuels Hollywood and the sexually suggestive music industry. The love of money is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL (1st Timothy 6:10).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hell is no joking matter friend. The highway to Hell is real. Please don't choose Hell instead of Heaven. Why would you do such a foolish thing? Whether you believe that a literal burning Hell exists where unrepentant sinners will spend eternity is irrelevant from the fact that it truly does exist. You may not believe in electricity, but drop a radio into your bathtub without a ground fault circuit interrupt (GFCI) outlet and see what happens. Goodbye Charlie! Many people have been electrocuted over the past half century by electrical appliances falling into their bath water. ZZZHHHH!!!!

Even after ten trillion years, it won't even be the beginning of your eternal damnation, torment, misery, loneliness, regret and agony in the Lake of Fire. Perhaps you think that a God of love wouldn't put any of His creatures into Hell to be tormented. Look around you at all the suffering, torment, starvation and utter misery and pain in this sin-cursed world. If God allows suffering on earth, what makes you think that He won't cause suffering in eternity for those who caused most of the suffering on earth? Do you really want to be separated from God, your Maker, for all eternity, abandoned and forgotten about?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It was a wonderful nation back when there were no telephones, no radios, no TV's, no cellphones, no trucks nor automobiles, no computers. Can we even imagine life without a computer? I would love to live in an Amish community where there's no electricity. I'll give them credit for recognizing the evils that electronics brings through radio, internet and television.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The Communist Agenda of Gay Rights and Evolution

I did some research on singer Taylor Swift, and of the 350,000,000 souls in America, I am the ONLY person who exposes this rotten satanic filth. Am I the only one who notices and get angry over this demonic attack against our youth? It would seem so. Kindly, Taylor Swift has sold her soul for fame and fortune, but her day of reckoning before God almighty is coming!!! Life is short and she cannot take one penny of her $280,000,000 with her into eternity. Truly, Miss Swift is one of the poorest of the damned rich who know not God in history.

To no surprise, when I uploaded my article exposing Taylor Swift's satanism, which is the truth, a false rumor was started (no doubt by her handlers) that she was a high priestess in Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. The reason obviously is to hide the truth of my article. This Church of Satan rumor about Miss Swift has never been verified, so it ought not be taken as credible. However, the music video screenshot in this article I wrote speaks 1,000 words and is satanic to the core, showing that Taylor Swift is clearly fulfilling the agenda of the Luciferian elite to corrupt our youth. Why you say? It is to destroy the Old World Order (family values, faith in God, national patriotism, individuality and morality) and build a New World Order (i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist, the man of sin). Only an ungodly, immoral, senseless people will embrace the man of sin when he comes (which I believe to be quite soon). Any honest observer, who has been around long enough to witness the changes, knows that the whole world is gradually moving toward apostasy (a turning away from Biblical Christianity). Instead, a pagan religion of feel good, love everyone (it is a superficial fake love), sin all you want just so long as you don't hurt anybody (sin always hurt the innocent),

Homosexuality is confusion. Sexual immorality is a sin. God says it is confusion. Young people are being deliberately confused. If parents truly understood the sinister satanic agenda behind Walt Disney, they'd burn the place to the ground. The smut picture industry is a major business today. God hates dirty images. It is a sin to look upon the nakedness of the opposite sex, to whom you are not married. Our baby-murdering, arrogant, neighbor-destroying, God-cursing, ungodly society, scoffs at such high Biblical moral standards. Please don't misunderstand me. We ought not be unkind to those living in sin. However, we must never excuse, pardon or condone such wickedness! Homosexuality is a sin! God hates it! It is confusion. God created human beings male and female. Anything else is total confusion. As long as things are confused, Satan is happy and God is grieved. Anything outside of God's plan is confusion. We are are messed up in America. Europe is messed up! Australia is messed up! Africa is messed up! The world is messed up!

God is a God of order, not disorder! Evolutionists are having a hard time with the discovery of DNA. Why you say? It is because all DNA shows incredible order, and intelligent design, behind creation. Science cannot explain such a great mystery without an omnisapient (all-wise) and omnipotent (all-powerful) God. Ironically, the heathen world has been making many movies to suggest that human life began with aliens. Well, what do you think God is? God is extraterrestrial (not of this earth). I don't believe God is a little green man who travels around in a flying saucer, but by very definition, God is an alien. Could not God be an alien? Ask this question to the next professed atheist who believes in the possibility of alien life. The truth is that they just don't want to believe in a righteous God, because then they are accountable for the sins they commit against Him (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

The perverted gender identity fraud plaguing America today is intended by Satan to confuse everyone, especially young people. But there is no controversy if you believe the Holy Bible. God created all humans either male or female (Genesis 1:27). It's that simple.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Katy Perry has been featured (dressed like a whore) on Sesame Street, singing with Elmo. Clearly, Katy Perry's smut and evil is being targeted even at the youngest age girls. It is tragic that 8 and 9 year old girls want to grow up to be whores like Katy Perry, wearing no clothes, acting bizarre, and blaspheming God. In one photo of Perry, she is holding a razor-point knife up to her right eye. Katy Perry is representative of the sicko California culture that worships sin, mental insanity, and rebellion against God.

Perry's latest album, TEENAGE DREAM, comes with a cotton-candy scent mixed into the print varnish, producing a cotton-candy sweet smell when the CD is opened. It ought to smell like sewage and have maggots crawling out of it instead, because that is the condition of Katy Hudson's (Perry's) heart spiritually. This is the new morality in America, which is NO morality at all. YouTube features umpteen videos of Katy Perry immodestly clothed and behaving like a whore. In one concert video her fans are stroking their fingers on her private places. The same YouTube videos all have religious ads leading people to websites that teach the heresy of Lordship Salvation (another California plague). This is the sick-minded world that we live in today.

It's all part of the Communist subversion of America. Don't laugh, the UN is serious about stealing your kids. The evil powers behind the moral decay of America are doing so to destroy families. The future Communist Police State wants parents to be mere incubators, not a real family. The State wants to brainwash children, and a strong family hinders that from happening. Don't believe me, listen to the first head of the World Health Organization, George Brock Chisholm. There are hidden powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), which hide behind puppet politicians in Washington D.C., whose goal is to totally destroy America, no matter what the cost to Americans. It is all so evil.

With a cellphone, you can destroy a family, or your own family in seconds, just dial 911. Local police have been militarily trained to be thugs, shoot the family pet, be intolerant, humiliate your family, abuse you, and most of all... GET YOU INTO THE SYSTEM. Once you're in the system, your family is toast. Read about this poor mother. Why do you think cellphones are being shoved down everyone's throats? We're becoming a spy society! Turn your neighbor in! Think I'm kidding? Homeland Security Telescreens to Encourage Wal-Mart Shoppers to Spy On Each Other! America is becoming worse than Nazi Germany. We are now being oppressed by a private-corporate world government!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

An IMPUDENT FACE is the whore's countenance, the casual look of bold disrespect that slutty women use to sexually seduce men. This IMPUDENT look is commonplace in American society. Proverbs 9:13, “A foolish woman is clamourous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” Proverbs 7:11, “She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house.” It is evil for a woman to look at any man with an impudent look other than her husband when alone together. The Bible plainly teaches that Christian ladies ought to be shamefaced in public (1st Timothy 2:9), meek and of a quiet spirit (1st Peter 3:4), not a boisterous loudmouth fool like Joan Rivers, Lyanla Vanzant, Oprah Winfrey or Hillary Clinton. Thank God for feminine, Christian, ladies like Phyllis Schlafly.

David J. Stewart #fundie google.com.au

Now I'm going to baffle your brain (and this should horrify you if you are not saved in Christ Jesus). Do you know the numeric value of the number... “novemnonagintillion.” It is a 1 with 300 zeroes behind it!!! Here's what it looks like numerically . . .


That is scary!!! It is scary to realize that even after that many years in the Lake of Fire, it still won't even be the beginning, because there is no time in Hell. Please don't go to Hell forever. The choice is solely yours to make. The Bible teaches in Matthew 7:13-14 that few people ever find the narrow gate unto life, which is by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot get to Heaven by your own good works or religious devotion, contrary to what the world has been misled by Satan to believe. The Devil's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born-again. Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to this insane world. Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord wants to open our eyes. YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The government has recruited 26,000 clergy so far to be part of their “Clergy Response Team,” with letters advising pastors to use Romans 13 to brainwash their congregations to obey government authorities. These letters came from Homeland Security.

Clergy Response Teams are evil. It's just more government tyranny and control. How stupid can Americans be? You need to read this article called The Faith of Our Founding Fathers. Most pastors today have been brainwashed with Zionism, which is all by design. Truth is stranger than fiction.

America has been headed for a New World Order for centuries, as you just learned if you read about our founding fathers. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. America has become the land of the cowards and the home of the slaves. Ask your pastor if he is a member of the Clergy Response Team program, and leave the church immediately if he says “yes,” or refuses to speak about the matter. This is Nazi, fascist, policing at it's worst . . .

I am not anti-government, God forbid. I am anti-evil and anti-corruption. Freedom is not a privilege, it is something that we must fight to keep or we'll lose it. The government is now forcing Americans to go through Naked Body Scanners. This is a strip search. American and British government officials have stated that the genitals must be clear in order for the scan to be effective. What will we tolerate next?

All of the victims of the holocaust were stripped naked before they were murdered. Is this where we're headed? It would appear so. Someone recently discovered 500,000 plastic coffins in Georgia, purchased by FEMA. Connect the dots.

Any pastor or Christian leader that uses Romans 13 to teach that citizens should obey oppressive government authority is a liar. The U.S. National Guard kicked down people's front doors after hurricane Katrina, forcefully stripping them of their guns. Marshall Law is coming . . .

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

A Christian parent of a gay son or daughter needs to make clear that their love for that child is unconditional; but at the same time it must be firmly stated that homosexuality will not be tolerated in your presence, nor in your home, nor are you in any way supportive of such wickedness. It is sinful for any parent to support gay rights.

Homosexuality is immoral. It is sin in God's eyes. The Bible makes clear that we are to LOVE GOD more than our mother, father, son, daughter, wife, husband, or other loved ones. That means obeying God above all else.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #quack jesus-is-savior.com

G. Edward Griffin narrates his movie World Without Cancer. In it, Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.


The Hoax Of The "Proven" Cancer Cures The effects of surgery and radiation in the treatment of cancer; a comparison showing that those who receive no treatment at all live just as long, if not longer, than those who are treated.

Laetrile and Cyanide Read about the life saving substance called cyanide.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuality ought not be allowed to exist in our country. It should be banned and punished by law, as it used to be a century ago. In many countries it is still a capital offense, as it was in Old Testament Israel. Lesbians and gays ought not be permitted to marry, let alone pastor churches. I am so glad that God's Word and every Bible-preaching Christian will be vindicated in eternity. The days of gay-rights are numbered. Job 20:4-5, “Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth, That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” If I were a king, I'd ban homosexuality! I'd ban abortion! I'd ban gossip! I'd ban booze! I'd ban immodest dress! I'd eradicate television and the internet from existence!

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

I grew up in Chicago (Logan Square) in the heart of the big city. I used to hunt Super Rats (as big as a cat) in the alley with my Daisy BB gun rifle, and I thought that was fun. In Heaven I want to go bear hunting! That sounds so cool! In July of 2016 an armed 38-year-old career law enforcement officer was knocked off his bicycle and mauled to death by a hungry grizzly bear in Montana! Neo-evangelical preachers go deer hunting, but fundamentalists go bear hunting! Amen! I'm just kidding about that last statement. I love a Baptist preacher who hunts bears! That's my kind of man's man preacher! I remember seeing the 1976 movie “Grizzly” as a kid, and I've had a healthy fear of bears ever since! That reminds me of a joke that I heard years ago. On the way home from church, two teenage boys see a big roaring grizzly bear and one boy starts changing footwear to put on his running shoes. The other boy says, “Do you really think you can outrun that bear?” His friend replies, “I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you!” Amen! So always wear good running shoes if you're in bear country!

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

Years ago I had attempted to move from Guam to Hilo, Hawaii. It was very important that I find a doctor in Hilo who could and would prescribe my needed pain medications. I found and called a chiropractor in Hilo to inquire. The receptionist on the phone assured me that the doctor could prescribe my needed drugs, and that he was licensed as a chiropractor to administer pain medications. I was so delighted. Well, she lied to me! When I arrived in Hilo, the chiropractor not only said that he couldn't prescribe drugs, but didn't even know where to send me!

I kindly explained to the woman, and a female co-worker in the office, what pain and grief she had caused me. I explained that I forgave her because I am a Christian, but she should be careful in the future about giving out false information. It hurt more than I can express in words, when she and her co-worker laughed behind my back as I walked away, making a joke. I wanted to turn back and yell at them. I thought about going back during the night and slamming a big brick through their clinic window. But I realized that I would likely end up in jail, and it would just add insult to my injury.

So, I gave that crime (and it was a crime in God's eyes) committed by those two females to God for judgment. If the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, then according to Matthew 12:36 those women are in big trouble with God. They have no idea the wasted money, time, grief and suffering that she caused me, by giving wrong information. And then she laughs at me, like it's all a big joke! I pray for God to avenge me thoroughly! Matthew 18:6, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” I long for the day to see that cruel woman again in eternity, and God judges her for not caring, for her attitude of indifference, for taking my calamity that she caused as if it were a laughing matter! Oh how the tears will flow! Oh how the wicked will shudder in horror, as their sins (even their hurtful words) are held against them in God's court.

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